
detrateanyone here familiar with audio interference caused by the ethernet cable?18:34
detrateafter a system crash, I rebooted to find I have noise interference when I browse the internet...18:35
detrate_really_ annoying18:35
detrateI'm using a Audio 2 DJ external USB sound card... so it's a little difficult to separate them from each other18:35
detratewhat gets me, is I didn't have this problem prior. I'm on ubuntu 10.10 with ALSA for sound18:35
holsteinive heard wierd things when moving a mouse before18:36
holsteinusually with just internal cards18:36
holsteincould it be that the USB card and the network adapter share IRQ18:37
detrateyeah, I'd expect internal more18:37
holsteincat /proc/interrupts18:37
detratecan I explicitly define which IRQ they use?18:37
holsteini think you can hack that somehow18:38
holsteini usually look in the bios18:38
holsteinand if the settings arent there, i get really bored of trying to fix it ;)18:38
holsteinits never been something i needed to worry with on a production box18:38
holsteindetrate: you dont have the noise when the network is disabled?18:39
detrateI don't really know what I'm looking at here: http://pastebin.ca/202371418:39
detrateif I unplug the ethernet18:39
detrateit's clear as day18:39
holsteinthis is with JACK running?18:39
detrateno, alsa18:40
holsteinlooks to me like18:40
holstein 44:     181517     181453     180936     181545   PCI-MSI-edge      eth018:40
holsteinyour network is off by itself18:40
holsteindetrate: i would say, try JACK18:40
holsteinthats the pro level tool we have18:40
holsteinmaybe just in the spirit of trouble-shooting18:41
detratehow is that going to effect my other applications?18:41
detrateI use this machine for many thing18:41
holsteinwell, it wont do anything to try it18:41
holsteinJACK is there18:41
holsteinyou just run it when you want to use it18:41
holsteinand stop it when you dont18:41
detratedo I need to restart or just logout to get it functional after install?18:41
holsteinnot really a 'this is how to use JACK' type of thing18:42
holsteindepends on the hardware18:42
holsteinand config18:42
holsteindetrate: why did the system crash?18:42
detratebecause maintainence replaced my refridgerator and apparently left the power off for over 10 minutes because my UPS can last about 10 minutes18:43
holsteinwell, i would think that is un-related then18:43
holsteini would probably get a 10.04 live CD18:43
holsteinand see if you can hear it then18:44
holsteintry and get the installed OS out o the equation18:44
holsteinmake sure its not hardware related18:44
holsteinand try the JACK thing18:44
holsteinand go from there18:44
detrateI can try the card on another computer, I know it's not the headphones / speakers18:44
holsteinyeah, that would be a good call too18:45
detrateI already testd them on the internal audio18:45
detrateand the ethernet is what's causing the interference18:45
detrateso weird and annoying..18:45
detrateI just want to listen to nice clean music :(18:45
holsteinno interference with the internal card?18:45
detratenot at all18:45
holsteinyeah, i would do that first then18:45
holsteintest the USB on another box18:45
detratetry the card on another computer?18:45
detratemakes sense18:46
holsteinmaybe it didnt like being shut down?18:46
detrateif the card is wrecked, the building manager is getting a piece of my mind18:46
holsteindetrate: no dought18:46
holsteina piece of mind, and a bill ;)18:46
detrateyeah, it's clean on the other computer19:12
detrateso soundcard isn't ruined, that's good19:12
detratedoesn't help me understand the "software" issue though19:13
detrateand fwiw, I run the ethernet cable through a surge protector too19:13
detrate(I tested it direct and still same issue)19:13
holsteindetrate: how about the USB on the computer?19:21
holsteinif you boot a live CD and test it19:21
detratetried every slot19:21
detrateno I haven't done the livecd test yet19:21
detrateI have to burn one first19:21
holsteinyou could take the operating system out of the loop19:21
detratenot sure I have one handy19:22
holsteinits a stretch anyways19:22
detrateyeah, I feel like it's either config or bios at this point19:22
detratemaybe I should check the bios first19:22
detratethough, I feel like my clock would be reset if something in there changed19:22
holsteinand i cant imagine what setting would caust that noise19:22
holsteinfrom the bios settings19:23
detratedefinitely feels like the USB power isn't "clean"19:23
detrateomg gross, I restarted and it's ALL static now19:28
holsteini have a laptop like that though19:28
holsteinthe USB is borked bad19:28
holsteini have a little USB maudio transit19:28
detrateI have a usb hub I can try but I don't think that will help anything19:29
holsteinand i screwed around with it for about 20 minutes before i went to another box19:29
holsteinthe machine came to me like that19:29
holsteinSO i have no idea what caused it19:29
holsteinits got other little issues here and there too19:29
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