
Newkhi, how come that i cannot type into 'quick search' in synaptic ?04:24
stlsaintNewk: i too have wondered about this with the new releases of synaptic (default setting)04:25
Newkubuntu 10.0404:26
JoeMaverickSettNewk: i think you have to install apt-xapina-dev04:26
Newki go try :p04:26
JoeMaverickSettNewk: if it doesn't try installing either of these; libept1 or libept-dev04:27
Newkok, thanks!04:28
stlsaintbrb folks04:29
NewkJoeMaverickSett: there is no apt-xapian-dev but an apt-xapian-index.... and there is libept0 not libept1 ...those and libept-dev didn't do the trick04:41
JoeMaverickSettNewk: strange though, it got it last time, with those. :|04:43
Newkoh wait..04:43
Newkthere is "rebuilding search index" written above the type field now04:44
Newkso i guess it might work in a bit04:44
JoeMaverickSettNewk: close the synaptic and open again.04:44
Newkstill rebuilding.. i guess it's slow because the computer is compiling aswell04:46
Newkah its there! thank you very much Joe!04:48
JoeMaverickSettNewk: no problem. :)04:48
frankcox777howdy mikilivil05:36
panoramartsWhen I boot linux I want to directly go to Lubuntu by avoiding login screen11:45
panoramartsIs there a way to do that in Lubuntu?11:46
bioterroryou mean you dont want to see that grub count down?11:46
panoramartsnot the grub passed grub11:46
panoramartsLXDE login screen11:46
bioterroryou want AUTO LOGIN11:47
bioterrortry that one11:47
panoramartsIs there a way to disable keyring request, it pops up anytime systems connects to wireless11:54
bioterroravailable to all users11:54
panoramartsI have disabled entities in desktop session, it still pops11:54
bioterroredit the connection from the wlan settings11:55
bioterrorand add a tap for the available to all users11:55
panoramartsother than getting help via IRC, is there any official forum, or documentation for Lubuntu?11:57
bioterrorlubuntu mailing list11:59
bioterroryou can join it from launchpad11:59
panoramartsIf supposedly I am installing Lubuntu do I have control over what applications it installs. I am asking because I remove certain application that are from default. Or is there any minimal system with no games just enough to have woress connection to install programds12:05
panoramartswireless ^12:05
Yorvykpanoramarts, have a look round https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ it documents a variety of install options12:14
panoramartswith Minimal Ubuntu install does it have wireless support?12:28
bioterrorcant really remember12:31
bioterrorif there's a iwconfig12:31
panoramartsA couple of notes on the minimal installation:  You need an ethernet connection .... so its wired connection12:38
bioterrorkinda stupid12:39
bioterroras arch linux comes with iwconfig if I remember right12:39
bioterroror atleast, Ican choose it from the installation cd12:39
panoramartsbioterror I haven't tried arch, in ur experience how would you compare lubuntu and arch in terms of speed12:41
panoramartsI am currently typing on Lubuntu12:41
bioterrorI dont see no difference12:42
bioterrorbut arch doesnt have stupid builtins like plymouth and pulseaudio12:42
avelldirollHi there, i am using lubuntu 10.10, and i would like to have a transparent urxvt without running compiz. I have a solution using xcompmgr+transset-df but that also make the titlebar and window decorations transparent ... i would really like to see a support for urxvt ARGB background settings under lxde/openbox. Does anybody have any chance with that ?13:29
bioterrorI'm using urxvt but I like my background black as I dont any background pictures to annoy me by making text look not-that-good13:40
avelldirollbioterror: i do like being able to see if there is some activity on a "tail -f" in the background while coding with vim on the foreground (i have no desktop background)13:42
YorvykHi NativeAngels14:57
NativeAngelsdo you know anything about setting pcmcia cards up14:58
YorvykNativeAngels, not really but I can try to help15:00
craigbass1976I can't figure out how to add desktops to the desktop pager, nor can I figure out how to get firefox (instead of epiphany I guess) to have an icon on the "task bar".15:00
craigbass1976This seems dumb, but I'm stuck...15:00
avelldirollNativeAngels: that depends on the model and type of the card ...15:00
NativeAngelsi did try a belkin f50701015:01
NativeAngelsi did try a belkin f5D701015:01
NativeAngelsbut no luck15:01
szczurcraigbass1976, run LXDE menu -> Preferences -> Openbox Configuration Manager15:02
avelldirollNativeAngels: i quick search indicate that you might need ndiswrapper to use these cards15:02
NativeAngelsi have15:03
szczurcraigbass1976, on the Desktops tab you can set the number of the desktops and assign different names if you want15:03
NativeAngelsand i have tried different drivers15:03
craigbass1976szczur, thanks.  Now how do I add and remove app launchers to the task bar, or is that not possible?15:03
szczuras for quickstart menu, rightclick on the bar and you can edit preferrences15:04
szczurdon know how it is called since i don't use lxpanel right now15:04
szczurgimme 5 sec15:04
craigbass1976szczur, Aha!  I think I found it...15:06
szczurRightclick on that bar and you will have application launchbar settings on the top of the menu15:06
craigbass1976szczur, got it.  I was missing a step when reading on the ubuntu forums15:07
craigbass1976szczur, wow, using lxde and this box is still sluggish15:09
szczurheh, on what PC you're trying to run Lubuntu?15:10
szczuri successfully ran it on Celeron 333 MHz/256 MB SD-RAM/4GB HDD15:10
craigbass1976szczur, oh, it runs, but the GUI is slow.  Tbird and firefox are both as slow running as when I was using GNOME.  I'm also running it as a dev box (LAMP) but don't know as that would be slowing it down too much if nobody is accessing it15:13
szczurcraigbass1976, you can use midori as web browser15:14
szczurmuch lighter15:14
YorvykNativeAngels, Have youu identified the chipset on that card15:15
craigbass1976szczur, is there a built in ftp client? makes it easier to work having fireftp15:15
szczurcraigbass1976, i think pcmanfm is capable of connecting to FTP servers15:17
YorvykNativeAngels, what is it15:17
NativeAngelshmm i have its a realtek15:18
GaryDhey all...15:19
szczurcraigbass1976, yest it is possible to connect to ftp with PCManFM15:20
NativeAngelsok i have driver present,and hardware present now15:20
szczurjust type in address bar ftp://username@server15:21
NativeAngelsbut when i do iwconfig i get no wireless extensions15:21
GaryDi just converted an avi movie fie to iso with devede. the iso has a loud beep in it about every second or so. this never happened before on ubuntu...but on lubuntu...also, brasero will not work and i don't want xfce415:21
GaryDbrasero gives me segmentation faults.15:23
szczurGaryD, you can have xfburn without need of having the whole XFCE4.15:23
GaryDxfburn has all those xfce4 dependencies.15:23
szczurat least i know it doesn't happen only for me :)15:23
GaryDhowever...the problem isn't with brasro really because i can burn the disk with a command. i need to be able to create the iso without it beeping.15:25
YorvykNativeAngels, is it listed when you run lspci | less15:28
NativeAngelsit says eithernet controller: Realtek15:29
NativeAngelsif that means anything to you Yorvyk15:31
GaryDis there a way to convert an avi file to iso in the terminal?15:31
YorvykNativeAngels,  Yes thats the wired connection.15:34
YorvykNativeAngels,  Sorry I have to pop out for a while.15:35
YorvykNativeAngels, Have a look here and see if you can ID your card https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBelkin#PCMCIA15:36
bioterrorive had few pcmcia wlans15:43
bioterrorthey all sucked on linux15:43
NativeAngelsdid you get any to work bioterror15:57
mark76Hey nothingspecial18:03
mark76Got snow?18:04
mark76So who's got snow?18:33
mark76Whoops wrong one18:34
stlsaintnot texas18:34
mark76Lemme confirm that18:34
stlsaintor at least not killeen18:35
craigbass1976am I better off with xbindkeys or editing my .config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml file to assign shortcuts?19:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stlsaintcraigbass1976: you looking for longterm settings?19:24
craigbass1976stlsaint, yes19:24
craigbass1976really the only one I don't have is a terminal.  The dekstop switching is the same as with other desktops, so those don't matter19:24
stlsaintmeh, not sure if it "truly" make a big difference but i would go with the keys over the config file19:25
craigbass1976I'm going to try the config file.  I gues I have to log out to see if it worked...19:27
stlsaintphillw: i got a bone to pick with you20:20
stlsaintjust had my first issue with lubuntu20:26
stlsaintmy lower panel just up and disappeared on me and i had to hard kill my system, i am not a very happy camper right now :|20:27
GaryDis there a good video converter for lubuntu? one that converts any video format to a burnable iso.21:29
GaryDno one has a thought on this?21:32
GaryDso quiet21:42
mark76I don't really do any video converting21:45
mark76Have you tried the Synaptic?21:46
GaryDlooked...but not sure what to use on lubuntu21:47
mark76Anything you like21:48
mark76There is no official Lubuntu video convertor21:48
GaryDdevede doesn't work right. it adds a loud beep every second or so to the iso.21:48
amanda__10.10 is the latest version, but I'm reading the lubuntu website and it says 10.04 isn't LTS like ubuntu.  Does that mean it doesn't matter whether or not I get 10.10 or 10.4?22:43

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