
hajourok i reported the bug about to chromium01:01
hajourPendulum I would like to have teamspeak for  accessibility in the chat rooms here on ubuntu .it should make it more accessible for people with some handicaps03:46
Pendulumhajour: teamspeak?03:53
hajouro yes03:53
PendulumI don't know what that is03:53
hajoura program that make possible to speak instead of typing03:54
hajourin games they use it to03:55
hajourleoquant by example have problems with his hands03:55
Pendulumwell, IRC is something that people use all sorts of methods to access03:55
hajourit should make it more accessible for him03:56
Pendulumit's also proprietary, not open source03:56
Pendulumand not everyone can hear03:56
hajouryes but we have tryed to install a sort of teamspeak in the speechcontrol chat03:57
hajourothers can type03:57
Pendulumright, but don't they need to be able to hear what he's saying?03:57
hajourits just when he neead to say something ore ask03:57
hajourits no problem every pc have sound03:58
Pendulumright, but if they can't hear (like are deaf or are in a place where they can't have sound or headphones)03:58
hajourits not that you need a exspensive soundcard of something03:58
PendulumI understand that. I'm saying we have people who work on our project who are deaf03:58
hajoursomeone can say it if it is emportant type03:59
Pendulumanyway, to get it into ubuntu channels, someone would need to approach the IRC council03:59
Pendulumand I'm not sure they'd agree with it03:59
hajouri dont mean everybody needs to speak true it03:59
hajouronly the one with a handicap who need it03:59
Pendulumbtw, I don't know leoquant, but has he tried dasher?04:00
Pendulumit's an alternate keyboard input04:00
hajourmm i shall ask it04:00
Pendulum(all mouse, no typing)04:00
hajourwe tryed teamspeak and mumble04:00
PendulumI have hand issues and it's the best thing I've found that worked with linux (it's not voice recognition software, though)04:01
hajouri just try to find a solution for him04:01
Pendulumwhat does he do for things that aren't IRC?04:01
hajourhehe Pendulum  thats where we working on04:01
hajourhe is working on a beginners team /classroom for the dutch loco 04:04
hajourit is called mwanzo04:04
Pendulumhajour: right, but how does he use his computer for non-IRC things? 04:05
hajourone key at a time, only can use one finger04:05
Pendulumhe should really try dasher04:05
hajourwhat would be really nice if there was some sort of conference app with text, sound and video, as easy as irc, cheese04:08
hajourok i shall ask him ore he tryed that04:08
hajourhe is in our team for translation04:09
hajourhe have done a lot of work for translation 04:09
hajouryes and he have al kind of contacts true the translation team in ubuntu-nl (dutch)04:11
hajouri just want he have a good chance to be active in the speechcontrol to04:12
hajourand we building a accessibility project04:13
hajourso it should be weird if there was no accessibility in our team04:14
PendulumI would really suggest he look at dasher at least as a short-term solution04:14
PendulumI <3 dasher and am happy to help with some of the non-obvious bits04:14
hajourwe gonna try that,if it not works i come back here :P04:14
Pendulumwell, I will not have the time or energy to take it to the IRC council, but that's how it would have to proceed to get teamspeak in an Ubuntu channel04:15
hajourPendulum, we need buttons on programs and that sort of things for applications with contrasting colors for people who are colorblind04:16
hajouri have asked in design but i for advice but i had not get respons04:18
hajoursorry for my lines04:18
Pendulumwell, some of that is not something Ubuntu can control. Some of that is individual programs04:18
hajourlittle tired04:19
Pendulumotherwise, there are options in compiz to change contrast04:19
PendulumAlanBell I think has played around with that more than I have04:19
hajouryes but i could not help mhall119  true that04:19
Pendulumcharlie-tca probably has as well04:19
hajourAlanBell, and charlie-tca  dit also not now a solution for the thing from mhall119 04:20
Pendulum(I don't disagree that it should be easier)04:20
PendulumI don't know if the design team will have any better ideas. and unless we're already talking about on Unity, I'm a little reluctant to look at how the regular gnome desktop looks when Unity is about to be the default for everyone04:21
hajourorca dit crashed UndiFineD  his pc because it couched a log out spontaneously.also after the running04:21
hajourmany times04:22
hajourwe have report the bug04:22
Pendulum*nods* I saw that you filed a bug about that04:23
hajouralso the sound from orca cant be used on all pc s audio it seems like it anyway04:23
PendulumI don't know enough about orca and how it works to know if that's an Ubuntu-specific bug or an upstream bug04:23
hajouri dont no aether i only report :)04:25
Pendulumwhat's the bug number?04:25
hajoursec i going to look brb04:25
hajourUndiFineD,  is going to look because i cant find it.but he just is logged out again .stil the results of orca04:33
hajourso he have to start his pc again04:33
hajourok this is him https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63762104:34
ubot2Gnome bug 637621 in speech "Orca crashes, logs me out" [Major,Needinfo]04:34
Pendulumoh, it looks like joanie is looking at stuff! that's useful :)04:35
hajouryes to solve it hopefully04:38
Pendulumjoanie's someone I really like and respect04:38
Pendulumso hopefully she'll figure it out04:38
hajourbecause its no fun for him to restart his pc at least 10 times on 1 evening04:39
hajourPendulum, its 5.45 in morning here.i going to sleep now.if you know something ore need me just ping me ore pm.:)04:42
PendulumI'm heading to bed shortly myself. good night!04:43
hajouro and thanks Pendulum 04:44
hajourgood night :)04:44
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
IdleOneanybody here ever use Sphinx4, it is a voice recognition program16:58
IdleOnegot a user in #ubuntu who is having some issues with it.16:59
AlanBellIdleOne: yes17:00
IdleOneAlanBell: you think you can take a stab at it if you got the time?17:00
IdleOneuser is sherbieny17:00
IdleOnehe is getting the follwing error when running from terminal17:01
IdleOne gnome-sound-recorder:12900): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_implements_interface_cast: assertion `gst_element_implements_interface (GST_ELEMENT (from), iface_type)' failed17:01
AlanBellsherbieny: hi17:03
sherbienyhow r u17:03
AlanBell#ubuntu makes my head spin, much quieter here!17:03
AlanBellI have to do some real life stuff feeding kids in a sec, will have more time later17:03
sherbienyyes its like a reading competition there17:03
IdleOnesherbieny: good luck with sphinx, hopefully you and AlanBell can get it sorted.17:03
AlanBellhow did you install sphinx?17:04
AlanBelland what version of ubuntu etc?17:04
AlanBellI found the accuracy pretty low17:04
sherbienyIdleOne: thanks for helping I'll come back to you if I didn't sort my mic issue out17:05
sherbienyAlanBell: Well I installed sphinx4 by downloading the bin and src and extracting them together into sphinx4-1.0beta517:07
sherbienyAlanBell: My specs is:17:07
sherbienyAlanBell: Ubuntu10.10 with windows 7 on Hp Pavillion dv600017:08
sherbienyAlanBell: when I enter: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec17:11
sherbienyCodec: Realtek ALC268 Codec: Motorola Si3054 17:11
sherbienyAlanBell: now My mic is working but not very well first when I run it using the terminal I get this:17:13
sherbieny(gnome-sound-recorder:13954): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_implements_interface_cast: assertion `gst_element_implements_interface (GST_ELEMENT (from), iface_type)' failed17:14
sherbienyAlanBell: I don't know the problem I seems to have two internal mics 17:16
sherbienystill there?17:17
UndiFineDsherbieny, that is a bug to report17:18
sherbienyhow to report it17:18
UndiFineDhowever i get the feeling some of these sound bugs are smp related (more than one cpu)17:18
UndiFineDit is a gstreamer bug17:18
sherbienyI'm trying to understand but I don't 17:19
sherbienyThe gnoem-sound-recorder is recording17:20
sherbienybut when I push record button it doesn't start the timer17:21
sherbienyAlanBell: A question about sphinx417:22
AlanBellback now17:26
sherbienyAlanBell: How to start a tester or something with WSJ models so that sphinx give me sentences, I read it and sphinx takes what I said and sends me a error percentage report17:27
AlanBellhmm, I only have sphinx2 installed at the moment17:27
sherbienyAlanBell: and sphinx2 can do what  just told you17:27
sherbienyAlanBell: and sphinx2 can do what I just told you17:27
AlanBellI got one of the WSJ models working with pocketsphinx I think17:31
AlanBellso you want it to score your pronounciation or something?17:31
AlanBellhttp://www.keithv.com/software/sphinx/ this kind of stuff17:33
sherbienyAlanBell: brb17:35
AlanBellPendulum: http://www.keithv.com/software/speechdasher/17:37
sherbienyI'm back17:39
AlanBellsherbieny: I will try and set up sphinx4 later to reproduce the error you were getting17:40
AlanBellthere is also a #sphinx channel on freenode17:41
sherbienyAlanBell: yes I want some score or some data and also I want to repeat the experiment but changing frequency or something17:41
sherbienyAlanBell: no no no no no17:41
AlanBellI am quite interested in what you are trying to do17:41
sherbienyAlanBell: sphinx4 has no problem at all 17:42
AlanBellok, sorry17:42
sherbienyAlanBell: I installed it and integrated it with eclipse17:42
sherbienyAlanBell: the problem is I can't figure out how to use it17:43
sherbienyAlanBell: I can only use the demos like HelloWorld17:43
sherbienyAlanBell: but to test the speech engine's accuracy that is the issue17:44
AlanBellpretty low!17:45
AlanBellbut yes, an objective measure would be good17:45
sherbienyAlanBell: ofcourse it would very lovely17:45
AlanBellI think that is what the NIST tools do, I have seen several references to them17:47
sherbienyAlanBell: I need to get over sphinx to find the next speech engine and test it so that I can start documenting my experiments 17:47
AlanBellthere are some evaluation tools here http://www.itl.nist.gov/iad/mig//tools/17:47
sherbienyAlanBell: NIST? is it inside sphinx2 or 4 or is it something else17:47
AlanBellI have no idea how to use them though17:48
AlanBellit is mentioned in http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/sphinx/tutorial.html under word alignment17:48
AlanBellwe have been looking into speech in general over the past week or so17:49
AlanBellit is not yet as awesome as we would like it to be!17:49
AlanBellone of the most promising looking things is the simon-listens application which uses the Julius speech recognition engine17:50
sherbienyno free software is awesome17:50
AlanBellall free software is awesome17:50
sherbienyI mean in speech-recognition17:51
AlanBellbut some need additional awesomeness17:51
sherbienyall the softwares I found is so complicated and has no GUIs17:51
AlanBellsimon-listens is a gui17:51
sherbienyand its out!!17:52
AlanBellbut yes, the recognition engines are toolkits rather than finished goods17:52
AlanBellsimon-listens is more of a command recognition tool rather than continuous speech recognition17:53
AlanBellwhich is much more practical at the moment17:53
sherbienyand thats the issue no speech recognition tool is complete except the commercial products17:53
sherbienylike dragon17:53
AlanBellfrom what I have seen free text dictation seems to be a number of years away17:53
AlanBellso what are you looking to do with it in the end?17:56
sherbienythats a good question17:56
UndiFineDI have seen comparison of dns / sphinx / julius / others, dns is marginally better17:56
AlanBelldidn't dragon get discontinued years ago?17:56
UndiFineDwell it is still there and sold17:57
sherbienyIt started as an easy topic for my thesis project 17:57
UndiFineDdo not know of their development17:57
PendulumAlanBell: Dragon is still around. I assume you're thinking of ViaVoice which used to work on Linux17:57
AlanBellPendulum: probably17:58
sherbienyI have to make a comparison between speech recognition engines17:58
AlanBellsherbieny: ok, great where are you doing your degree?17:58
AlanBellto do a fair comparison I would play each one the same sound file and do some stats on the results17:59
UndiFineDhajour, is curious an on her way :)17:59
hajourhai all17:59
AlanBellprobably using something like the news or a radio play as the sound file17:59
AlanBellhi hajour 18:00
hajourreading back:)18:00
sherbienyAlanBell: I'm doing it in german university in egypt18:00
AlanBellsherbieny: hajour has been looking into speech and pulling together interested people18:00
AlanBellsherbieny: wow, interesting!18:00
sherbienyIts my graduation project and I'm running out of time18:01
AlanBellsherbieny: simon-listens is a german led project, as is openMary18:01
sherbienyi can't get anyone of them to work so I can start get the data I need for my documentation18:02
AlanBellother universities with strong research groups in the area are Edinburgh where they develop festival (text to speech) and Carnegie Mellon where Sphinx comes from18:02
sherbienyWell they are out of my reach now, I hope to find a way to just use sphinx, I don't want to write programs or scripts 18:03
sherbienyI just want to start something read a sentence and get an error report18:03
sherbienyand repeat with changing some variables like frequency, amplitude18:04
AlanBelllook at the Speech Recognition Scoring Toolkit18:06
sherbienyand I hope I can do this on other softwares, write reports, finish my thesis and graduate :)18:06
AlanBellyay \o/18:06
UndiFineDsherbieny, we have wayward... he produced sonic and announced it on the debian accessibility mailinglist18:06
UndiFineDsonic can speed and slow voices and alter pitch18:07
UndiFineDhis real name is Bill Cox18:07
hajourand bedahr from simons listen 18:07
hajourRainCT from julius18:08
hajourin our team18:08
UndiFineDand we still like to hear from TheMuso :P18:09
hajourso if you ever chance your mind18:09
sherbienyUndiFineD, what is wayward18:09
hajourAlanBell, have you let him see the launchpad from speechcontrol team?18:09
UndiFineDsherbieny, his nick ,his real name is Bill Cox18:10
hajourhis nick is waywardgeek18:10
sherbienyyou lost me guys :D18:11
UndiFineDno your still here :)18:11
AlanBellhajour: no, I was answering the questions!18:11
UndiFineDits ok AlanBell :)18:12
sherbienyohh I thought you'r telling me all these info18:12
AlanBellsherbieny: hajour has been leading a focus group looking into the state of the art in Free Software speech recognition and text to speech18:12
sherbienyhajour, my maaaaan please help18:12
hajourlol i am a she18:12
sherbienyohh, hajour , my womaaaaaan please help18:13
AlanBellsherbieny: I think I will have a play with some of those scoring toolkit things later18:13
hajourhehe corection UndiFineD his women hehe18:13
UndiFineDsherbieny, about sonic, which could help you: http://lists.debian.org/debian-accessibility/2010/12/msg00030.html18:14
AlanBellright now I don't know how to get a percentage score or anything out of a speech recognition system18:14
hajouri now it is a lot info18:14
sherbienyso who's the woman18:14
sherbienyAlanBell, thanks for the effort and see you soon18:15
hajourits to much for him :P18:15
AlanBellsherbieny: http://www.keithv.com/pub/baselinewsj/baseline_wsj_recipes.pdf18:15
hajourhope your problem shall be solved soon18:15
AlanBellsherbieny: really interested to hear how you get on with it18:16
sherbienyhajour, do you know how to use sphinx418:16
hajourmm again a problem with a voice program18:16
sherbienyAlanBell, thanks18:16
hajourwe shall look on it sherbieny 18:16
UndiFineDAlanBell, had it working, i have not got vedics to work yet18:16
hajourAlanBell, pm?18:17
AlanBellsure hajour 18:17
UndiFineDvedics makes use of sphinx418:17
sherbienyUndiFineD, no AlanBell got sphinx2 working and not the error reports18:17
UndiFineDoh yes :)18:18
UndiFineDI have it installed, but needs config18:18
UndiFineDwhich i have not yet looked into18:18
sherbienyI have it installed to and integrated with eclipse but no use18:18
sherbienyall i can do is some demo applications18:19
sherbienyand the manual is impossible18:20
UndiFineDmy at-spi is broken, which i need to fix18:20
AlanBellsherbieny: http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/tests/live/README.html18:21
sherbienyis this an error log from sphinx4 installation18:22
hajoursherbieny, sorry but i have to make diner now.else i get angry kids.i think you are in good hands with AlanBell  and UndiFineD .:)18:22
hajournp :)18:23
sherbienyAlanBell, thanks this is the farthest point I reached in my search and I couldn't work it with WSJ18:25
AlanBellI downloaded the -bin zip file so I don't have that, I will grab the -src version18:25
sherbienythe src version contains them but when you change the path in config files it get angry and start shouting errors18:27
AlanBellyeah, Java doesn't do small friendly errors18:28
PendulumUndiFineD: is your facebook profile pic you, hajour, and the kids?20:39
Pendulumcool :)20:40
UndiFineDfound you :)20:41
PendulumI could tell20:41
hajoura ok20:46
hajourits a pic. from 2 years back on his side :P20:46
hajourbut its the only one we all are on20:47
hajourmy oldest daughter is here on ubuntu also now20:50
hajourbut more on ubuntu nl.she find english for now a bit to difficult20:52

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