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layn | hi | 10:47 |
nobuto | Hi, I want to get Bug #664514 SRUed. I wrote a statement and a test case, attached debdiff, and subscribed ubuntu-sru and ubuntu-sponsors. | 12:00 |
nobuto | But I couldn't find "Nominate for release" button described here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure | 12:00 |
nobuto | Could someone who have that rights nominate for Maverick? | 12:00 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 664514 in python-apt (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Unattended upgrade fails with segmentation fault in Ubuntu Server 10.10 (affects: 21) (heat: 122)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/664514 | 12:00 |
nobuto | And I think importance of this bug is High, because it has "a severe impact on a small portion of Ubuntu users"(unattended-upgrade is unusable). Could someone triage it? Thanks in advance. | 12:09 |
vish | nobuto: "Nominate for release" button is below the python-apt(debian) yellow line | 12:10 |
vish | it's a link rather, not a button.. | 12:10 |
vish | s/debian/ubuntu | 12:11 |
nobuto | hmm.. I only see "Also affects project" and "Also affects distribution" link. | 12:12 |
vish | nobuto: next to that, dont you see a third link? | 12:12 |
nobuto | vish: I see only 2 link. | 12:12 |
vish | what is wrong with lp and dates!! nobuto attached the debdiff on comment 10 on 2010-12-18 and how can the bug descriptionbe updated the next day! 2010-12-17 | 12:13 |
vish | nobuto: hmm, must be one of the privileges thing.. | 12:13 |
vish | nobuto: and i just set the importance to low because, it has a workaround.. | 12:21 |
nobuto | vish: workaround means just upgrading system manually? | 12:22 |
vish | nobuto: yea.. | 12:22 |
nobuto | vish: OK. I understand. thank you. | 12:23 |
vish | nobuto: you're welcome.. | 12:23 |
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bdmurray | mvo: I've seen a few dpkgterminal logs with lzma Encoder error messages in them. What do those indicate? | 16:11 |
ElPasmo | Hi all, I want to participate in the 5 a day idea... but I think I'm doing something wrong because I'm never shown in the statistics. | 16:42 |
nisshh | ElPasmo, i think you need to be on a team or something | 16:43 |
micahg | ElPasmo: you need a public e-mail address on launchpad | 16:43 |
ElPasmo | I'm in the team | 16:43 |
ElPasmo | and I think I set it to public :) | 16:43 |
ElPasmo | www.launchpad.net/~elpasmo | 16:43 |
nisshh | ElPasmo, you might have to wait a while before the list is updated | 16:44 |
nisshh | especially if you just made your email public a minute ago | 16:44 |
ElPasmo | I did it yesterday :) | 16:44 |
ElPasmo | But ok, I'll wait... thanks a lot micahg and nisshh :) | 16:45 |
nisshh | ElPasmo, thats just what i think, i may be wrong :) | 16:46 |
ElPasmo | Yes, but seems reasonable... :) | 16:47 |
nisshh | yeah | 16:47 |
ElPasmo | I think bug 692189 should be set to triaged with a Low importance. May someone do it for me? | 16:52 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 692189 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "rhythmbox is not given focus when re-opened from sound applet menu (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/692189 | 16:52 |
hggdh | ElPasmo: done, thank you | 16:56 |
ElPasmo | Thanks hggdh | 16:57 |
mvo | bdmurray: hello! I don't know (yet), do you have a example report? | 16:59 |
bdmurray | mvo: bug 691985 | 16:59 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 691985 in udev (Ubuntu) "package udev 162-2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/691985 | 17:00 |
ElPasmo | I think bug 687684 should be set to triaged with a Low importance. May someone do it for me? I have a doubt, should this bug go to one hundred paper cuts? | 17:03 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 687684 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Authentication dialog does not receive focus when clicking the install button (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687684 | 17:03 |
mvo | bdmurray: thanks, my gut feeling is fs corruption, but I'm not really sure without further digging into the code | 17:06 |
mvo | it seems to be consistent (the error number) at least | 17:07 |
bdmurray | mvo: did you look at dmesg.txt? WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.35/ubuntu/aufs/plink.c:332 au_plink_append+0x274/0x2e0 [aufs]() | 17:09 |
mvo | oh | 17:12 |
mvo | I didn't, that is a good clue | 17:12 |
bdmurray | mvo: I've also seen a lot of package upgrade bugs with empty DpkgTerminalLogs | 17:17 |
bdmurray | mvo: generally on live media | 17:17 |
ElPasmo | I think bug 692589 is a question but I'm pretty new and I'm not sure. May anyone confirm I'm right or not? | 17:35 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 692589 in openssl (Ubuntu) "Bug in libssl-dev package, pem.h (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/692589 | 17:35 |
micahg | ElPasmo: I think that's a valid bug | 17:39 |
ElPasmo | Ok micahg, can you explain me why? or will it take too long? :P | 17:40 |
ElPasmo | I want to learn, only that :) | 17:40 |
micahg | ElPasmo: it's saying that there's an issue with the development headers provided, well I should clarify, upstream may or may not think it's valid, but it's a bug vs question | 17:41 |
ElPasmo | Ok I see, thanks a lot micahg :) | 17:41 |
dnivra | hello. i am trying to report an issue with resume on hibernate/suspend. maco suggested i come here and ask how to proceed. the problem is that when i suspend/hibernate, my system does suspend/hibernate i think cos the behaviour is right-blinking light on power switch. but instead of resuming, my system restarts. | 17:44 |
dnivra | i would like to know which package to report against and where can i find more info to understand if it is actually a bug? | 17:44 |
devildante | dnivra: report against linux | 17:45 |
devildante | dnivra: and run "ubuntu-bug linux" to get system info for your bug ;) | 17:45 |
dnivra | devildante, well that just gets the system info right? any logs/messages etc that could shine more light? | 17:46 |
dnivra | devildante, and how to reproduce the bug of course. i just can say "hibernate/suspend and resume it restarts" can I :D? | 17:46 |
devildante | dnivra: for certain special packages, ubuntu-bug retrieves more info | 17:46 |
dnivra | devildante, oh! okay then. i'll give it a shot. anything else you'd recommend be done for this issue? | 17:47 |
devildante | dnivra: does it happen every time? and how do you resume from suspend? by opening the lid or pressing the power button...? | 17:47 |
devildante | (include it in the bug ;)) | 17:48 |
devildante | dnivra: also the name of the machine would be useful info in the bug title | 17:48 |
dnivra | devildante, every time; i can reproduce it surely. and yes i open the lid and press the power button. sure will include it. let me ensure it does happen one last time. | 17:48 |
devildante | dnivra: kay :) | 17:48 |
dnivra | sure company and model name. thanks a lot! | 17:49 |
dnivra | devildante, http://paste.ubuntu.com/546038/ is the error i got when i was hibernating. ever seen it before? | 18:13 |
devildante | dnivra: no, I'm not expert on kernel bugs... but it looks like your computer will explode :p | 18:14 |
devildante | dnivra: just let the kernel experts handle it | 18:15 |
devildante | dnivra: by filing a bug ;) | 18:15 |
dnivra | devildante, oh it is a kernel bug eh? okay. i'm no expert on bugs :). sure will do; thought i shouldn't report a duplicate if it is one :) | 18:15 |
devildante | dnivra: no, report it even if it's a duplicate | 18:16 |
dnivra | oh! okay. sure! | 18:16 |
devildante | dnivra: you may think it's a duplicate, but maybe a little change in hardware could invalidate the bug | 18:16 |
devildante | dnivra: that's the policy of the kernel team | 18:16 |
dnivra | oh! okay. guess it's worth the while then. | 18:17 |
devildante | :) | 18:17 |
dnivra | devildante, there are two options - hibernate/resume and suspend/resume. file a separate bug for each? | 18:17 |
devildante | dnivra: hmm, no, just resume from suspend | 18:17 |
dnivra | devildante, the error i just pasted was resume from hibernate. to that then? | 18:18 |
devildante | dnivra: you said the bug occurs for both suspend and hibernate | 18:19 |
devildante | dnivra: so it's not relevant which option you choose ;) | 18:19 |
dnivra | devildante, suspend doesn't show any errors-it shows nothing in fact. straight off and very quick. :) | 18:19 |
devildante | dnivra: hmm | 18:19 |
dnivra | devildante, alright then. will do it against hibernate. | 18:19 |
devildante | dnivra: please specify though in the description that the hibernate error doesn't occur on suspend ;) | 18:20 |
dnivra | devildante, will do :). | 18:20 |
jcastro | hey hggdh | 18:21 |
dnivra | that's the first time apport has asked for the password :) | 18:21 |
jcastro | hggdh: I would like a bug bot for unity/compiz/ayatana, how can I get one? | 18:21 |
devildante | dnivra: yeah, it's because it retrieves info from places only accessible by root | 18:22 |
dnivra | devildante, this is what you meant by apport collects different information for different packages :). | 18:23 |
devildante | dnivra: yes ;) | 18:23 |
dnivra | devildante, good to know :). thanks! | 18:24 |
devildante | dnivra: np ;) | 18:24 |
devildante | dnivra: btw, if you need more info about the bug reporting process, this wiki page should help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | 18:25 |
dnivra | thanks a lot devildante i'm half way through. will check out if there's anything special for kernel bugs. | 18:25 |
devildante | dnivra: np ;) | 18:25 |
ElPasmo | Hi people, can you take a look of bug 692559 and tell me if setting it to Invalid is the right thing to do? | 18:28 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 692559 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "package nscd 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.6 failed to install/upgrade: underprocess installerade post-installation-skript gav felkod 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/692559 | 18:28 |
charlie-tca | Yes, you can mark that invalid based on the reporters comments | 18:30 |
ElPasmo | thanks charlie-tca :) | 18:30 |
charlie-tca | thanks for helping | 18:31 |
dnivra | LP #692683 | 18:38 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 692683 in linux (Ubuntu) "System restarts after hibernate/suspend instead of resume (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/692683 | 18:38 |
dnivra | that's the bug devildante . thought I'd just let you know :) | 18:38 |
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bdmurray | whoa what happened to my right click menu in firefox? | 19:41 |
bdmurray | well no I can't recreate it | 19:43 |
bdmurray | s/no/now | 19:43 |
chrisccoulson | bdmurray, about your right click menu in firefox - it probably pops up behind the desktop | 20:23 |
chrisccoulson | (bug 692265) | 20:23 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 692265 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Indicator menus appear behind applications (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/692265 | 20:23 |
chrisccoulson | a few people have mentioned that recently | 20:23 |
bdmurray | chrisccoulson: mine was like a page or two long | 20:36 |
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