
dpmgood morning all!08:17
duanedesignoops be right back08:25
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
duanedesignugh, thats twice in as many months the fan vent on my laptop has gotten blocked.08:36
duanedesignthis time the cpu got to 94 C :\ That has to be close to force shutdown08:37
dakergood morning everyone ツ10:09
nigelbMorning daker :)10:40
nigelbgah, resolution to get off IRC is always short lived10:40
duanedesignnigelb: who would make such a crazy resolution ;)11:27
nigelbduanedesign: lol11:35
* nigelb hugs popey randomly :p12:51
dpmheya czajkowski, hey duanedesign, nigelb13:47
dpmand everyone else :)13:47
czajkowskihows folks13:50
nigelbhello dpm :)14:01
doctormoHey czajkowski and dpm14:03
doctormoOnly 4 more doors to my advent calendar.14:04
nigelbjcastro: I got distrowar'd over the weekend about Unit14:10
nigelbThere was this unconference happening14:10
nigelband everyone was trying to troll Ubuntu and Unity14:10
nigelbI got backed up by a Debian Developer of all the people :)14:10
nigelbWe finally managed to prove that we're trying to do something different and as long as its foss what do you care14:11
nisshhnigelb, oh, nice :|14:11
nisshhnigelb, wouldnt that be distrotrolled?14:11
nigelbNot really trolled.  It was not fueled by anger14:11
nigelbIt was a fun discussion14:12
nisshhoh ok, didnt sound like it from your description14:12
nigelbAnd the discussion was not a 'for the heck of it' discussion14:12
nigelbThere was a debian BoF, Ubuntu BoF, and fedora BoF :)14:12
nigelbBirds of a Feather14:13
nisshhthat still doesnt make sense to me :)14:13
nigelbnisshh: remember your english?14:14
nigelb'birds of a feather flock together' ?14:14
nisshhnigelb, no, remember im 19 and havent gone to uni and i also nearly failed english in high school, so best not to assume i know stuff like that :)14:15
nigelbnisshh: oops, sorry :)14:16
doctormonisshh: Don't worry, I'm english and I hate that phrase.14:16
nisshhnigelb, lol, no worries :)14:16
nisshhdoctormo, hehe14:16
doctormoIt means: "Those from the same class should only work with and marry those in the same class"14:16
nisshhoh ok\14:16
nisshhthat makes complete sense</sarcasm> :)14:17
doctormoMore tea time!14:17
doctormonisshh: What did you think of my genetic wallpapers package, have you tried it?14:18
nisshhdoctormo, no?14:18
nisshhdoctormo, whats the package name, ill try it now (maverick?)14:19
doctormoI'm trying to get more people to test it: http://doctormo.org/2010/12/18/genetic-wallpapers-now-available-to-test/14:19
doctormoThanks nisshh :-)14:19
nisshhdoctormo, np, interesting project :)14:20
nigelbnisshh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds_of_a_Feather_(computing)14:20
nigelbFinally I found the wiki for it *gasp*14:21
doctormoI'm waiting for the first person to spot the christmas tree I put in for dec 25th14:21
nisshhnigelb, hehe14:22
nisshhdoctormo, so is this a bit like the electricsheep screensavers, except its for wallpapers?14:24
doctormoYes, It was Mark's idea.14:24
duanedesigndoctormo: i really like your blog posts and stuff you did with the wallpapers14:24
nisshhi see14:24
doctormoduanedesign: Fancy making a wallpaper? :-)14:24
duanedesignahhh, perfeect timing you were just discussing it14:25
nigelbI hate it that doctormo's website blocks me access14:25
nigelbProbably vish hates it too14:25
nigelbdoctormo: We, the Indian loco community, humbly request you to change providers14:25
doctormonigelb: It's not my website that blocks you, it's India's ISP policy.14:26
nigelbI doubt14:26
nigelbbecaue I can see everyother website14:26
duanedesigndoctormo: one of the first projects i ever worked on was 'weather wallpaper' not quite as neat as this concept but similar14:26
nisshhthis just in: India ISP's dont like doctormo!14:26
duanedesigndoctormo: yes i was just brainstorming some ideas14:26
doctormoNo it's not about India not liking me, it's about India not liking residential IP addresses.14:27
nigelbprobably that too ;)14:27
doctormoduanedesign: I was thinking if we could get a nice simple landscape and make the clouds randomly position themselves.14:27
doctormonigelb: Can you see leftyfb's blog (Mike Rushton) on the planet?14:28
nigelbI can see you on the plat14:28
nigelbjust not directly14:29
doctormonigelb: No I mean if you click on his blog, what does it do?14:31
nigelbdoctormo: err, linky?14:32
doctormo*sigh* I was pointing you to where the link was.14:32
nigelbdoctormo: similar14:34
nisshhdoctormo, the wallpaper is working well so far :)14:34
nigelbdoctormo: had to proxy in to see your website.  #AgeekCannotBeStopped14:37
nigelbwe had a guy at the unconference with the sudo make me a sandwch T-shirt14:40
nigelbI wanted to go with the 'stand back, I know regular expressions' one ;)14:41
doctormoScience, it works bitches!14:44
duanedesigndoctormo: so if i create a wallpaper with the proper id= blob1-7 it should plug in fairly easy15:09
duanedesignsorry that was a question. not sure why i have such an aversion to question marks :P15:11
doctormoduanedesign: So long as the parent group has the right id then all the children can be called anything15:11
jcastronigelb: I never get distro trolled15:14
nigelbjcastro: BUt you get worse :(15:16
jcastroyeah but I can flame worse too15:17
* jcastro shakes fist at CoC15:17
jcastroI asked for an exception to allow me to kill people at my discretion15:17
jcastrobut no one liked that idea. :(15:17
nigelbjcastro: I'd +1 any day :p15:18
nigelbjcastro: I don't have flaming skills.  I had to reason it out.  Harder.15:21
popeyjcastro: do what one guy did, he unsigned the CoC, flamed, then re-signed it15:21
nigelbpopey: If *cough* tabloid *cough* heard of this it would go "CC member say flaming is okay if you unsign the CoC and sign it later" :P15:23
jcastropopey: really? no way15:23
popeynah nigelb I know where he lives15:23
popey"CC member threatens community with violence to shut them up"15:23
jcastroI don't get how/when people get in situations inside ubuntu where they need to flame15:25
nigelbInside, I've hardly found trolling.15:25
jcastrolike, I can understand when dealing with other people outside the community15:25
popeyjcastro: thats because you suck15:25
jcastrobut like I've never felt the need to like, yell at popey15:25
popeynot until after you hang up?15:26
popeything is though we have roughly equal moral / philosophical compases15:26
popeyin that they generally point the same way15:26
popeywhereas there are some in the community who are vheremently for/against issues and can't see how anyone could have an opposing view15:27
nigelbAlso people who don't troll tend to see both sides.15:28
nigelbi.e. the for/against and agree to accept reasoned arguments15:28
nigelbIf someone isn't willing to respect reasoned arguments, well, then its time to stop talking.15:28
popeythere's also the fact that many of us have a healthy respect for the freedom of others to hold different opinions15:28
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
nigelbThat's true too.15:29
paultagAnyone have an idea for Myth Busted #7 ?15:35
jcastropaultag is awesome?15:36
jcastrohahaha, couldn't help it15:36
paultagjcastro: how's life in that swamp called michigan ?15:37
macomichigan's a swamp too?15:37
paultagmaco: duh ;)15:38
nigelblol http://twitter.com/#!/dibiconf/statuses/1681924540491366415:42
paultaghahahaha, it's drunk as hell ;)15:43
nigelbis it just me or has gmail been letting in too much spam lately15:45
jcastromine is just slow15:45
paultagnigelb: I've always got a bit, but 90% of my spam comes from mailing lists15:46
paultagnigelb: so watch for that15:46
nigelbhrm, I found at least 4 spam, all of them the pharmaceutical type and not from mailing lists15:46
PendulumI've had a couple bits of spam recently, but not a huge number15:46
paultagnigelb: just do what I do, have a series of email addresses. my @ubuntu and @gmail marks * as read coming in. I have another address that puts it in the inbox unread15:47
Pendulum(that's not counting the amount of junk I get for people who have given out the wrong e-mail address to things like their ISP)15:47
paultagand it's a sekrit15:47
nigelbPendulum: 4 spam in gmail is big, especially since they make videos about their excellent spam filter15:48
Pendulumnigelb: yeah, I'm talking about maybe 2 bits in the past 4 months. all long lost relatives I didn't know I had who have apparently died leaving me an inheritance ;)15:48
nigelbPendulum: heh15:49
doctormoTalking of arguments, I find that reasoning out issues is hard work and it can really only be done by two opposing factions which are willing to admit they're both wrong.16:10
doctormoBut there is a lot of people who just don't want to put the work in, so they avoid conflict.16:11
doctormoAnd it festers instead.16:11
paultaghowdy there doctormo16:14
doctormohey paultag, you need ideas for your myth busting?16:15
paultagdoctormo: yeah16:15
nigelbpaultag: About QA perhaps?16:18
nigelbor the 6-month cadence16:19
paultagthere's not much there to debate16:19
nigelbpeople say we don't do enough QA and 6 months is impossible?16:20
paultagI mean, we've shown it's not impossible, and we don't do enough QA. It's not absurd to say that Ubuntu picks new features over stability16:20
paultagour boot splash broke every intel video card for 6 months16:21
paultagI mean, really.16:21
jcastromine didn't16:22
nigelb*cough* mine did *cough*16:22
paultagjcastro: there's a race condition for the initrd + bootsplash for intel chipsets16:22
paultagjcastro: for lucid16:22
paultagnigelb: mine did too, man16:23
paultagI just switched that box to Debian16:23
nigelbpaultag: heh, I switched to Debian too at that point16:23
Pendulumwhat's worse about that is that it was Lucid so it was the LTS :-/16:23
paultag+100 there Pendulum16:23
jcastroall my splashes worked in lucid on intel16:24
paultagwe had *so* many changes16:24
paultagit should have just been 9.04 + patches16:24
macopaultag: does that explain why one of my computers sometimes shows plymouth and then just stops?16:24
PendulumI'm getting nervous about the accessibility testing for Unity16:24
paultagmaco: does it hang or complete boot?16:24
Pendulumnone of the accessibility-related things got done for Alpha 116:25
macopaultag: it hangs after plymouth. most reports said stuff hung *before* plymouth16:25
nigelbPendulum: oh dear.16:25
paultagmaco: it sounds like the issue16:25
paultagmaco: is 10.10 free?16:25
macopaultag: havent upgraded. no bandwidth.16:25
maco(and no optical drive that works)16:26
paultagmaco: It sounds like it to me16:26
paultagmaco: but I don't know all the ins and outs16:27
paultagjcastro: dunno, man. It's finkiy16:27
paultagjcastro: I spend most of that cycle telling people to downgrade when they came in with issues16:27
jcastroI don't disagree that we need more testing and QA, I'm just surprised to hear about intel video on lucid16:27
macojcastro: is it bad that i think devel releases work better than stable releases?16:27
paultagjcastro: dude, the kernel team has tons of reports on it16:27
paultagjcastro: it hit my netbook and almost knocked me out a cycle16:28
macojcastro: any report that mentions the GLib warning? that was probably it16:28
macobecause the GLib warning was *not* causing any problems. however, it was *only* visible when boot failed16:28
maco(otherwise plymouth then gdm covers it)16:28
paultagmaco: lame16:30
paultagmaco: have you filed a bug on it?16:30
macopaultag: the GLib warning is gone now. was fixed a few weeks back16:30
macothe reports then got people complaining that the boot still fails even though they claim its fixed...and the answer is "the glib warning IS fixed! now how about you report your actual issue"16:31
paultaghaha, aye. That's usually the case with kernel stuff16:31
jcastroI blame jfo16:34
nigelbdammit he's not here for a retort16:35
macoi think if i phone him and said "jcastro blames you" he'd say "blames me? aw now what? what i do?"16:35
jcastrothen he'll be like "wanna watch some NASCAR?"16:36
jcastromaco: did you start watching Modern Family yet?16:36
macojcastro: no, i still have neither a tv nor a streaming-capable network connection16:37
doctormoMy computer broke for lucid and maverick, lucid stopped being able to suspend... fixed after 3 months. Maverick failed to boot at all, couldn't see the motherboard pci, had to use lucid kernel. ongoing issue.16:37
doctormoWe have serious quality control issues16:37
macofeisty and hardy are my fave releases16:37
czajkowskiKarmic was mine16:37
macosorry, make that feisty-two-weeks-after-release16:38
macobecause it released with a regression but a fix was quickly SRUd16:38
paultag9.10 ftw16:38
paultagthe white logo on black was HOT16:38
macough no16:38
macothat was the first time i thought ubuntu's brown was *bad*16:39
paultagoh man, how could you!16:39
* czajkowski pokes paultag 16:39
macothe gdm theme? ugh16:39
paultagczajkowski: howdy!16:39
paultagmaco: much better then 8* or 7*16:39
macoit was a pretty crappy gradient too... like ripples instead of smooth16:39
nisshhim going to start a new trend in this channel!16:39
macooh no no 8.04 was *beautiful*16:40
paultag9* was perfect16:40
macowell 8.04a5 was more beautiful than final, but...16:40
nisshhsince everyone is saying howdy all the time, im going to say "gday mate!" all the time :)16:40
paultagnisshh: do it! :)16:40
nisshhwe need an australian touch in here16:40
paultagnisshh: are you an Oz?16:40
macowhoever subdued the colours in hardy's wallpaper makes me unhappy16:41
AlanBellG'day nisshh16:41
nisshhstreuth! you didnt know that!?16:41
macotroy's version was very nice16:41
nisshhAlanBell, :)16:41
paultagnisshh: never noticed. I love the beached whale thing from Oz, "I'm beached bru!"16:41
nisshhpaultag, yeah lol16:41
paultaggood on ya16:41
paultagyo jcastro, since I switched to tumblr, I have got over 500 followers on tumblr16:42
nisshhpaultag, notice i said "streuth!" before, thats also australian :)16:42
jcastroI don't get following on tumblr16:42
paultagjcastro: it lets people use it as a feed reader for cool blogs16:42
paultagjcastro: so you hit +follow, and they come up on your home page16:42
jcastroyeah, that's dumb16:43
jcastroI hate that16:43
paultagjcastro: why, u jelly ?16:43
jcastrobecause if I decline someone they think "oh what a jerk, he doesn't follow me", but I don't want things cluttering up my admin interface thing where I post posts16:43
paultagjcastro: dude, it's not an insult16:44
paultagjcastro: you don't have to follow anyone16:44
paultagthe point really is just "500 people love my stuff"16:47
paultagand me bragging16:47
jcastrothat's nice16:47
jcastrothat's 499 than most ohioans16:47
paultagjcastro: I'm in Boston right now. It feels right again.16:48
Pendulumpaultag: enjoying the escape from Ohio then? ;-)16:50
paultagPendulum: yuppers!16:50
paultagPendulum: It's nice, actually. Good to be back home for a while16:50
paultagI miss my friends lots, but it's OK.16:50
Pendulumpaultag: do you have snow up there?16:50
paultagPendulum: Ohio? Heck yeah. Boston? Nopersd16:51
paultagnopers *16:51
Pendulumpaultag: I meant Boston. None here either. It's kinda depressing :(16:51
paultagwe have 5 days :)16:51
paultagshoot I need to get something for my sister16:52
paultagwhat should I get for her?16:52
nisshhPendulum, your depressed about no snow? we *never* get snow in australia! never! :)16:53
Pendulumpaultag: jewelry?16:54
nisshhive never even seen it with my own eyes!16:54
Pendulumnisshh: we normally have snow here by Christmas. The lack thereof makes it not feel christmassy16:54
nisshhPendulum, true :)16:54
nisshhits currently 24 C here16:54
nisshhnice and warm for 1am :)16:55
nigelbhah, aussies celebrate christmas in summer ;p16:55
paultagPendulum: hummm. Her hair-dryer just broke. Is that socially acceptable?16:58
nisshhnigelb, it means i get to swim in my pool on christmas day :)16:58
* paultag shakes fist at nisshh 16:59
paultagkidding, I love the snow16:59
Pendulumpaultag: sure16:59
paultaghumm. Might do that, then16:59
nisshhpaultag, hehe17:00
paultagBBL, I need to shop somewhere17:01
paultagone love17:02
jonohey all17:06
nisshhjono, gday! :)17:08
macopaultag: i asked my dad's gf for a printer cartridge for xmas...17:13
dpmhave a great day everyone, see you all tomorrow!17:13
jonoheya nisshh :-)17:19
jonohows tings?17:19
nisshhjono, really excellent at the moment :)17:20
jononisshh, :-)17:20
nisshhjono, how about you?17:20
jononisshh, doing great thanks :)17:21
* nisshh is watching The Social Network <- excellent movie, everyone should watch this17:49
nhandlernisshh: Keep an eye on the computers. You'll see KDE a few times17:50
nisshhnhandler, yeah, and he was talking about wget, perl, etc :)18:03
nisshhpretty sweet to have such a geeky movie :)18:03
nhandlernisshh: Yep. I caught those references ;)18:03
nisshhnhandler, it looks like kde 3.x too :)18:03
nisshhblue plasticky theme18:04
nisshhfrom the part i have watched so far its very well made18:04
jcastroheya vish18:16
jcastrowhat's it take to do a bugbot like that?18:17
vish we already have a similar bugbot running for all new bugs , we would need a specific one and one the the bot masters might know..18:18
vishbot wranglers rather, as they prefer ;p18:18
vishjcastro: i think hggdh runs that bot on  #ubuntu-bugs-announce18:19
vishwe could ask him for a Unity specific one …18:19
vishjcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hggdh/EeeBotu18:20
jcastrooh nice, I'll ask him about it18:21
nhandlerAs long as there is a page to scrape or a feed to parse, such a bot is rather trivial to make18:21
nhandlerHosting is the hardest part18:21
jcastrowell if he has one already maybe I can just pile on18:22
* hggdh has noticed his name was used18:25
hggdhjcastro: ask away, sir18:25
jcastrohggdh: oh didn't see you in here, asked you on -bugs18:25
jcastrobut you can answer here!18:26
hggdhjcastro: OK. The bot was written by Mike Rooney some years ago (replacing seveas', when he turned his bots down)18:27
hggdhit is a generic bot, and just feeds off the RRS for all bugs18:27
jcastrook so how can we add it?18:27
hggdhwe could change it easily to feed off specific RSSs18:27
hggdhlike what you want18:28
hggdhjcastro: which channel would use it?18:28
jcastrohggdh: I was thinking creating #ayatana-bugs?18:29
hggdhBTW it was our intention, at the time, to make it a more generic bot and forward different b ugs to different channels. But we never got there...18:29
hggdhjcastro: cool18:29
jcastronhandler: you know how to handle all that channel registration stuff right?18:30
nhandlerjcastro: I should hope so ;)18:30
hggdhjcastro: I will add it in to #ayatana-bugs -- give me a bit to code it in & test a bit18:30
hggdhjcastro: then you can either run it yourself, or I can add it in my server18:30
jcastrohggdh: awesome, no rush either, just an idea vish pointed it out18:30
nhandlerjcastro: Did you want me to register the channel?18:31
jcastrohggdh: I am cloud now, no servers at all in my care, so if you could host it I would <3 beer you18:31
jcastronhandler: yes please18:31
vishlol! "would <3 beer you" !!18:31
hggdhjcastro: deal!18:32
* hggdh sells out easily for a good beer18:32
jcastrothere's nothing in this world that can't be accomplished when you promise either beer, wine, coffee, or tobacco.18:32
jcastroI feel like an imperialist!18:33
greg-gjcastro: you are18:34
vishhggdh: do you happen to have a mail server running by any chance? same deal ツ18:34
hggdhvish: no, no mail server, Verizon gets unhappy with it :-(18:35
vishaw.. :(18:35
hggdhjcastro: unity/compiz/ayatana upstream, UBuntu, or both?18:38
jcastroupstream please18:39
paultagmaco: dude, printer cartrage? That's like a dimond ring!18:47
paultagmaco: I hope they've been dating for at least two years before you ask for that sort of high-end stuff18:47
macopaultag: haha theyve been together a decade. last year she got me a Coach purse18:48
macowhat thehell am i gonna do with a Coach purse?18:48
paultagmaco: I say the same sort of stuff every year. I don't think people get I don't really care for "stuff"18:48
macoit couldnt even hold my phone and wallet simultaneously! let alone a camera and ogg player too. And nevermind my laptop...18:48
paultagmaco: dang, I know.18:49
paultagczajkowski: how dare you!18:49
paultagIt just started snowing, and I LOVE it18:49
paultagOh yeah, Pendulum, it's snowing!18:49
macopaultag: youre gonna make her jealous18:50
jcastrojono: 10 minutes?18:50
pleia2czajkowski: sorry to hear you're still stuck :(18:52
paultagyeah, much love there czajkowski18:54
jonojcastro, yup18:55
czajkowskifeck the cider bring on the JD18:58
jcastrojono: 2 ticks, gotta reboot that machine19:00
jonojcastro, np19:00
paultagDoes anyone here know the X11 server spec well?19:01
jcastrojono: all set!19:02
jcastro\m/ >_< \m/19:02
jonojcastro, ok one sec19:03
TechnovikingHi all19:10
nhandlerHey Technoviking19:10
jcastro<-- caffeine refill, bbi 10 min20:39
jcastropopey: around?20:56
jcastroso what do we about sites like this, is this a trademarks thing we send to the email address or CC?20:59
jcastro(this is the first time I've run into a site like this)20:59
AlanBelljcastro: don't think it is :)21:13
AlanBellhowever it is a trademarks thing which is held by Canonical, not the CC. There is a form to use to report it which I am assured does not go to /dev/null, but don't expect much more than if it did21:15
jcastrojono: my report ended up cooler this week than I anticipated21:46
jcastrojono: mind if I run it early? (aka now)21:46
jonojcastro, let's roll! :-)21:47
jonoI will promote it21:47
jcastroyep I just need one bug reference21:47
jcastrojono: I also added some "other unity news" bits with some screenshots and whatnot21:47
jonojcastro, sweet! :-)21:47
jcastrocan anyone see the line that says "Here’s the interesting ones for the week. Feel free to grab any of these bugs and start hacking."21:58
jcastroit should be above the list o links21:58
jcastrojono: I would be doomed if I moved back to wordpress. Either a) tumblr would get fixed. or b) I would run into the one time wordpress.com went down22:07
jcastroit's like the blogging internet thing is aligned against me22:07
jonojcastro, LOL, probably22:07
jonojcastro, it's because you hate identi.ca22:08
jcastrothough tbh, the best experience I had was on typepad.com a few years ago, that site was solid22:08
jcastrowell, I was ok with wordpress, then I found out it was also free software, so I had to move off22:08
jcastrodoctormo: that was a joke!22:08
hggdhjcastro: please look at #ayatana-bugs-test22:30
hggdhjcastro: is this what you would like?22:31
jcastrothat looks awesome22:34
jcastroI'll stand by for the flood22:34
hggdhjcastro: seems I am repeating the bugs, will have to dig in again22:35
hggdhah well. Killing the bot, and finding out where I messed up :-(22:36
nhandlerhggdh: #ayatana-bugs is empty/new. You can test there22:37
hggdhnhandler: oh, OK, thanks, I did not want to spam the users I thought would be there...22:38
nhandlerhggdh: I just registered it today. And I don't really mind spam22:38
hggdhnhandler: I had to do a major surgery on the bot; as soon as I feel confident the bot is not going to go postal, I will move it to my prod server, and replace the currently-running eeebotu22:49
* AlanBell hands czajkowski a copy of http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093748/22:53
czajkowskijono: you will never guess where I've to stay for 6 hours tonight!22:54
jonoczajkowski, aitport?22:54
czajkowskiAlanBell: I am convienced my life is an epsode of faulty towers22:54
AlanBelljono: worse :)22:54
czajkowskijono: one better! WOLVERHAMPTON!22:54
Pendulumczajkowski: I'm sorry22:54
jonoczajkowski, nice!22:54
jonowhere are you staying? the novatel?22:54
czajkowskitrain station22:54
czajkowskiget there at 2am22:54
czajkowskileave again at 6am22:55
czajkowskibut I did laugh when I found out it was via wolverhampton I had to go through and thought of you and Aq22:55
AlanBellis there somewhere warm to stay in the station?22:58
Pendulumespecially is there somewhere warm to stay in the station that will be open at 2AM?22:58
czajkowskino idea yet22:59
czajkowskistill in Euston on free wifi22:59
hggdhjcastro: it should be easy now to add other projects to monitor bugs for, and channels to display them22:59
czajkowskiAnyone else think that Jonathan Lange  looks like Michael McIntyre  http://www.chortle.co.uk/images/photos/small/mmcintrye.jpg23:22
czajkowskiboo no Jfo23:25
doctormojcastro: lol23:48

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