=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
Zdra | hello, is it possible to fallback to normal desktop on natty? | 07:55 |
Zdra | ah, starting metacity, gnome-panel and kill unity seems to work | 07:59 |
Zdra | is there a setting to do that? | 08:00 |
fta | Zdra, you have a small menu at the center of the bottom panel in gdm; select Classic | 08:02 |
fta | there's also a pref (System / Admin / Login Screen) | 08:03 |
Zdra | fta, cool let me test that :) | 08:03 |
Zdra | hm, on natty there is a tab missing in the appearance dialog, how can I tell to not use compiz but use metacity instead? | 08:56 |
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=== Zdra is now known as xclaesse | ||
TeTeT | hi, anyone has a pointer for me why my natty desktop does not work after login any longer? I get asked for my keyring passphrase and then it's waiting forever. X is fine so far, I can start a separate X server and it works | 12:23 |
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geser | TeTeT: Classic Desktop or Unity one? | 12:31 |
TeTeT | geser: Unity | 12:33 |
xclaesse | is it known that nm-applet is segfaulting at startup in natty? | 12:41 |
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cyphermox | xclaesse, depends. I don't see it segfault here. are you fully up to date? | 13:00 |
cyphermox | xclaesse, don't hesitate to open a bug, if you have the number I'll take a look | 13:00 |
xclaesse | cyphermox, I installed yesterday from daily | 13:02 |
xclaesse | and I'm up to date now, yes | 13:02 |
xclaesse | #0 0x000000000042dd4e in ?? () | 13:03 |
xclaesse | #1 0x000000000041bc83 in status_icon_activate_cb () | 13:03 |
cyphermox | heh. | 13:03 |
xclaesse | how, I see that coming, ubuntu badly patched it for indicator that I'm not using | 13:03 |
cyphermox | xclaesse, can you report a bug? it should mostly do it by itself when apport gets triggers when nm-applet crashes? | 13:04 |
xclaesse | hm, no, even with indicator applet, still crash | 13:04 |
xclaesse | cyphermox, apport does not start it seems | 13:04 |
cyphermox | xclaesse, check if you have files in /var/crash | 13:05 |
xclaesse | that dir does not even exist :/ | 13:05 |
cyphermox | it systematically crashes every time you start it? | 13:07 |
cyphermox | or maybe send me the core file if it crashes when started from the command line and you get one? | 13:08 |
xclaesse | cyphermox, ok got one | 13:10 |
cyphermox | great | 13:10 |
cyphermox | can you send this to me by email? how big is it? | 13:10 |
xclaesse | cyphermox, http://people.collabora.co.uk/~xclaesse/core | 13:12 |
xclaesse | could someone upload libfolks 0.3.3 to natty? it is in debian exp :) | 13:14 |
sense | I was wondering: 'metacity --replace' replaces Compiz (if that is the active wm), and 'compiz --replace' replaces Metacity if that is the active wm). But what about 'gnome-panel --replace', now Compiz-plugin Unity provides a panel? (And vice-versa.) Shouldn't the --replace things do something there, or do they already do something? | 13:25 |
cyphermox | xclaesse, still there? | 14:38 |
nessita | mvo: ping | 14:40 |
mvo | hey nessita | 14:41 |
nessita | mvo: hi there! can I ask you an aptdaemon question? | 14:42 |
mvo | nessita: sure | 14:43 |
nessita | mvo: how can I "programatically" check if a package is installed? | 14:44 |
nessita | I've seen from the doc that I can install a package using aptdaemon.client.AptClient().install_packages, but even if the package is installed I get the gksudo gtk screen, and I need to raise that window only if a package is not installed | 14:45 |
mvo | nessita: the best way to do this is "cache=apt.Cache(); if pkg in cache and cache[pkg].is_installed: do_something()" | 14:47 |
mvo | nessita: the aptdaemon is (unlikey e.g. packagekit) only concerned with stuff that needs superuser | 14:47 |
nessita | mvo: awesome, thanks! | 14:47 |
mvo | nessita: just querying state (or even simulating install/removal etc) can all done in the cache | 14:47 |
nessita | mvo: what do you mean with simulating install/removal? | 14:48 |
mvo | nessita: pydoc apt ; pydoc apt.Cache" should have some useful info, if you need anything specific, I will be happy to help | 14:48 |
mvo | nessita: just call cache[pkg].mark_install() | 14:48 |
mvo | nessita: and then cache.get_changes() | 14:48 |
nessita | ah, I understand | 14:48 |
mvo | nessita: that will give you a list of apt.Package objects that changed, you can then query the state with "pkg.marked_install", pkg.marked_delete | 14:49 |
mvo | marked_upgrade | 14:49 |
mvo | etc | 14:49 |
nessita | right, and in that case call aptdaemon? | 14:49 |
mvo | yes, if "is_installed" is all you need to know then that is enough, no need to run mark_install() | 14:50 |
mvo | if you are interessted in the changes that it would trigger, then the later is the better option | 14:50 |
hallyn | is xscreensaver expected to lock up in unity right now? | 14:52 |
Amaranth | expected? no, probably not | 14:55 |
Amaranth | I doubt anyone has even tried it | 14:56 |
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nessita | mvo: hey, are you available for another aptdaemon question? | 16:19 |
xclaesse | cyphermox, pong | 16:26 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
mvo | nessita: aptdaemon questions, please ask! sorry for the delay, I was in a conf call | 16:59 |
nessita | mvo: hey! I was having lunch, I hope you're still around. Not sure what step I'm missing since I'm getting: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/545995/ | 17:25 |
nessita | mvo: in that paste, client is a aptdaemon.client.AptClient() | 17:25 |
devildante | nessita: it sounds like the aptdaemon dbus service file is not present on your system | 17:38 |
nessita | devildante: yeah, which is very odd | 17:39 |
devildante | nessita: did you check if it's present? | 17:39 |
nessita | devildante: using d-feet I've got no services running on :1.112 | 17:40 |
nessita | only :1.11 and :1.114 | 17:40 |
devildante | nessita: isn't the whole point of dbus to start services only when it's needed? | 17:40 |
nessita | yes, as far as I know | 17:41 |
mvo | nessita: hm, odd, I just tested this http://paste.ubuntu.com/546023/ on maverick and natty and its fine for me | 17:41 |
nessita | mvo: I'll re test | 17:41 |
nessita | mvo: it worked now... | 17:41 |
nessita | no idea what happened before. Thanks! | 17:42 |
nessita | devildante: thanks to you too | 17:42 |
devildante | nessita: np ;) | 17:42 |
devildante | mvo: hello btw :) | 17:42 |
mvo | hey devildante | 17:43 |
mvo | nessita: hm, maybe it crashed? anyhting in /var/crash ? | 17:43 |
* nessita looks | 17:44 | |
nessita | /var/crash is empty | 17:44 |
* mvo scratches head | 17:44 | |
nessita | mvo: when I tested this I didn't run any mainloop | 17:47 |
nessita | maybe that was the cause? | 17:47 |
mvo | nessita: indeed, that sounds plausible | 17:47 |
mvo | nessita: sorry for not mentioning this, there are gtk widget available btw if you need to show progress etc | 17:47 |
nessita | mvo: yes, I've seen it in the rythmobox u1 plugin :-) | 17:48 |
nessita | thanks! | 17:48 |
mvo | cheers! | 17:49 |
Shred00 | if i have a bzr checkout of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/evolution/ubuntu/ i assume i won't see any changes that were made for a maverick-proposed evolution until it's accepted into maverick-updates, is that correct? | 18:26 |
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