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kdasdoes anyone know what classifies an item as "technical item"05:52
micahgkdas: well, here's the wiki page on Software center: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter, it might be on there05:55
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kdasanyone else?07:15
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Keybuk^ cjwatson: do you think my point here is too subtle? :-)08:42
ebroderKeybuk: I'm not seeing much subtlety in that post :-P08:46
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kennethamhi does anyone knows how to set socks proxy in ubuntu terminal? network proxy set for web browsers but terminal does not seem to take effect.09:58
kennethami have tried most channels especially #ubuntu but nobody seems to be responding.09:58
kennethamplease advise09:58
tumbleweedkennetham: there is no standard environment variable for socks proxies like http_proxy. You can use something like tsocks.10:01
xnoxmicahg, the new "GREMaxVer" and "GREMinVer" in xulrunner-2.0-dev pacakge are broken. There is a "stray" "-e" which prevents queriying GREMinVer11:14
xnoxthat's in libxul-embedding.pc11:14
sivanghi all, is there a channelf for jokosher development?11:52
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apwhas anyone reported that avahi hostname resolution is not working at all (in or out) for natty machines12:12
sherbienycan anyone tell me why I'm banned from ubuntu12:20
sherbienyI didn't do anything12:21
cjwatsonthis is not an escalation channel for problems in #ubuntu12:21
cjwatsontry (I think) #ubuntu-ops12:21
Keybuknow if only people not doing anything was a valid excuse to ban them from ubuntu-devel ;-)12:24
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mdeslaurcyphermox: heh, I was going to upload a -proposed evolution to maverick to fix this: bug 61198313:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611983 in evolution (Ubuntu Maverick) "Evolution [Open Link In Browser] not working for new eBay email hyperlinks" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61198313:01
mdeslaurcyphermox: but, I was too late apparently :)13:01
mdeslaurcyphermox: are you preparing something for lucid also?13:02
cyphermoxmdeslaur, I don't remember uploading a fix for that?13:09
mdeslaurcyphermox: no, you didn't...I just meant you know have an update in -proposed, so I can't upload it :)13:12
mdeslaurcyphermox: I would like to upload that fix to lucid though, and want to know if you are working on evo packages for lucid13:13
cyphermoxmdeslaur, nope, you can go ahead13:13
mdeslaurcyphermox: cool, thanks13:13
mdeslaurhmm...now I need to figure out the procedure with the package that's already in lucid-proposed :P13:14
cyphermoxoops ;)13:15
mdeslaurslangasek: so, there's an evolution package in lucid-proposed that doesn't fix an issue. I put a NACK in the -proposed bug (229187). I now have an unrelated fix I would like to upload to -proposed. What is the procedure? Can I just upload over it, or do I need the sru team's blessing, or what?13:17
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KeybukHow did I not know about dprintf() ?14:12
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joaopintois there a known problem with the installer from the 18th daily ?15:16
hyperairwhat's dprintf?15:17
* sladen suspects an application-specific debug-print-formatted15:19
Keybukhyperair: printf to a file descriptor15:19
Keybukie. fprintf but to an int15:19
hyperairKeybuk: ooh. that is awesome.15:19
hyperairKeybuk: not fdprintf?15:19
hyperairKeybuk: i know of fdopen though (which can then be used with fprintf)15:19
Keybukwell, kinda15:21
Keybukfdopen creates a FILE * for a socket/file descriptor15:21
Keybukwhich means that it's buffered15:21
Keybukso fprintf may not be written or completely writtten15:21
hyperairah i see.15:23
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hallynsoren: I had thought that 'bzr co lp:vmbuilder' gave me trunk, but i see it does not.  Is it safe to assume that all changes in lp:vmbuilder should be made to trunk (also, or probably first)?16:04
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loolcjwatson: Hey; for flash-kernel I made sure we could still backport it to older Ubuntu releases which use uboot-mkimage instead of u-boot, but do we care about backports of debian-installer?  (uboot-mkimage is a build-dep)  I would think not16:23
loolSorry, I should probably ask on #ubuntu-installer16:24
cjwatsonjoaopinto: would you care to be specific?16:25
cjwatsonlool: I don't care16:25
loolcjwatson: Thanks; pushed to bzr then16:28
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joaopintocjwatson, the installer fails with an "unexpected installer problem"16:45
cjwatsonjoaopinto: logs?16:46
cjwatsonalso, which CD?16:46
joaopintojcastro was able to reproduce it using testdrive16:46
joaopinto18th Dec16:46
cjwatson"daily" is insufficient, we produce quite a few CDs daily!16:46
cjwatsondesktop, alternate, server, ...?  Ubuntu, Kubuntu, ...?  i386, amd64, ...?16:46
joaopintoI have looked into /var/log/installer, couldn't find anything useful16:46
joaopintodesktop i38616:46
cjwatsoncouldn't find anything you understood, you mean? :-)16:47
cjwatsonsurely syslog at least is there16:47
joaopinto nothing "abnormal"16:47
cjwatsonI can only investigate if you let me look at the logs directly16:47
joaopintoI just checked the installer logs, not the regular logs, since it was the installer reporting the error16:47
cjwatsonactually, on the desktop CD /var/log/syslog is the main useful one16:47
joaopintook, I am traverling now, later I will reinstall and tar /var/log16:48
cjwatsonsince we aren't close to a milestone right now, though, it's not too surprising for a daily build to be busted, TBH16:48
cjwatsonbut I'll rsync and see if I can reproduce it here16:49
joaopintook, thanks16:49
* highvoltage installed the edubuntu desktop daily image this morning and it was just fine though16:49
cjwatsonjoaopinto: BTW, Ubuntu desktop i386, or something else?  you just said "desktop i386"16:49
joaopintoubuntu desktop16:49
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cjwatsoncould've been a temporary problem16:49
cjwatsonI didn't do any test installations on Saturday16:49
joaopintoI have retried 2 times16:49
cjwatsontemporary here means "specific to that build" not "if you try again it will go away"16:50
joaopintoright, i'll see if I can, recreate the iso from the usb, update, and refresh the usb16:51
joaopintois just that i feel that will be just as random as assuming it was a temporary failure :P16:51
slangasekmdeslaur: just upload over it16:55
mdeslaurslangasek: thanks16:56
cjwatson*now* he says it was an installation from USB16:56
cjwatsonI DO wish people would give detail up-front16:57
jcastro2010-12-20 amd64 desktop works in testdrive16:57
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joaopintoI forgot my usb pen, I will not be able to retest the installer crash today :(17:43
cjwatsonjcastro said "2010-12-20 amd64 desktop works in testdrive"17:43
mvoI did a install today desktop amd64 and that worked, I used grub loop to boot into it from the hdd directly though, so its probably not very representative17:45
joaopintoah ok, I will need to update the image17:45
cjwatsoncould of course be USB-specific17:47
joaopintothere was another issue, the installer launched a new unity session to allow to diagnose the problem17:50
joaopintobut the menu does not work on that new session17:50
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cjwatsonplease file these as bugs rather than mentioning them on IRC - I don't know about anyone else but I have one work day left for the year and have a hard time fitting in the stuff I already know about :-)17:54
joaopintook, will do17:56
ScottKmicahg: Would you mind looking at the packagekit FTBFS.  It fails on some mozilla related file being missing and I was wondering if you understood what was up with that.18:16
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micahgScottK: I'd be happy to take a look later tongith18:56
ScottKmicahg: Thanks.18:56
highvoltagecjwatson: hey there, I need to add the edubuntu-text theme to the plymouth package18:57
highvoltagecjwatson: is the right way to do it by getting the bzr branch, adding the theme to the (quite big) quilt diff and then proposing the merge again in launchpad?18:57
cjwatsonuse the various quilt commands and then quilt refresh at the end18:58
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thebishopanyone know why autocomplete doesn't work with Make?19:32
thebishopbash tab-completion i mean19:32
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Vardanpeople how can I download/checkout ubuntu-installer and build own root CD?21:36
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SpamapSVardan: you could try live-builder22:10
SpamapSI don't know how to find that though.. hmm22:11
SpamapSVardan: I mean, live-helper22:11
geserat little OT for here: but does someone know if it's on purpose that the wiki looks different if one is logged in or not?23:21
ebrodergeser: You can change it by going into your preferences23:21
ebroderThey created a new theme and made it the default theme, but that didn't change the theme for any users already in the database23:21

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