icarus_ | Cool where is that at? | 00:00 |
pleia2 | Hilton hotel at/near LAX | 00:00 |
icarus_ | ah never heard of that convention | 00:01 |
pleia2 | it's one of the biggest linux confernces on the west coast, I have never been but the team has had a booth there for the past few years | 00:01 |
icarus_ | What do you do at the booth? Just hand out flyers and stuff? | 00:02 |
pleia2 | flyers, CDs, and give demos with laptops and things we bring along | 00:03 |
pleia2 | our page from last year has a list of all the stuff the team had https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale8x | 00:04 |
pleia2 | it's a linux conference so people know what Ubuntu is :) but it's a nice opportunity to meet people and give them updates about the project and stuff | 00:04 |
icarus_ | Sounds interesting | 00:05 |
icarus_ | It's just that ever convention I have been to has been trying to sell somthing | 00:06 |
pleia2 | this isn't a vendor conference, it's all about learning | 00:07 |
pleia2 | so the tracks are for beginners, sysadmins, other linux enthisiasts, there may be some vendor booths but there are also booths for our team, and for some linux-y non-profits | 00:08 |
icarus_ | Ah | 00:10 |
icarus_ | sounds very geeky I am in. | 00:11 |
pleia2 | great :) | 00:12 |
pleia2 | have you signed up for our mailing list? | 00:13 |
pleia2 | in addition to our bi-weekly meetings here, we'll send updates to the mailing list too about our progress in planning | 00:13 |
icarus_ | oh ok | 00:14 |
icarus_ | I am not on it yet I just wanted to chat in the IRC a bit | 00:14 |
icarus_ | to see what it was about | 00:14 |
pleia2 | ok cool :) | 00:15 |
icarus_ | So whats your Linux background? | 00:17 |
pleia2 | I've been using it since early 2002, work as a debian sysadmin these days | 00:18 |
pleia2 | you? | 00:18 |
icarus_ | I am about the same. I was bored in a windows networking class and a teacher gave Linux to keep me busy | 00:20 |
pleia2 | my boyfriend introduced me too it, gave me a redhat system with enlightenment and left me alone (no icons! no start menu! but I did ok :)) | 00:22 |
icarus_ | I am kinda the Linux guy in my department at work. We have these nodes that run of slax PXE I basicly just admin them | 00:22 |
pleia2 | s/too/to | 00:22 |
icarus_ | lol | 00:22 |
icarus_ | Madrake was the first one I used | 00:22 |
pleia2 | I switched to debian pretty quickly, tried gentoo for about 6 months, now all ubuntu and debian for me | 00:23 |
icarus_ | for some reason gentoo would never install on my laptop | 00:23 |
akk | Gentoo is tricky to install. | 00:23 |
pleia2 | I've had trouble with gentoo on older hardware, but I really haven't touched it at all since 2004ish | 00:23 |
icarus_ | It was somthing with the Ati drivers | 00:23 |
icarus_ | I was on slackware for like 2 years | 00:24 |
icarus_ | But then I tried ubuntu and apt-get was like a god send to me. | 00:27 |
icarus_ | You mean I don't have to compile everything from source. | 00:28 |
icarus_ | or hunt for a compatiable tgz | 00:28 |
pleia2 | yeah | 00:28 |
pleia2 | as much as I enjoy hacking away at things, it is nice when things work so I can work on more interesting things than keeping my computer running properly | 00:29 |
icarus_ | exactly | 00:31 |
icarus_ | But using slackware gave great troubleshooting skills. | 00:33 |
icarus_ | Well it was nice meeting you, thank you for the info I have added myself to the mailing list. I have to get going now. | 00:37 |
icarus_ | bye | 00:37 |
pleia2 | meeting in 10 minutes :) | 02:50 |
* dragon will be in a little late | 02:56 | |
grantbow | pleia2: is that your clone speaking or is it really you :-) | 02:58 |
pleia2 | me! | 02:59 |
pleia2 | hrm, we want to go see tron-l tonight but now it's raining like crazy | 02:59 |
grantbow | afk a sec, ordering a salad | 02:59 |
eps | Oh look, our next meeting is two weeks ago (according to the topic). | 02:59 |
pleia2 | umbrellas++ | 02:59 |
pleia2 | eps: you could just say it needs to be updated :) | 02:59 |
eps | It _just now_ started raining heavily where I am. :-( | 03:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Webpage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, Dec 19th, 7:00pm PST | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic | ||
pleia2 | ok, meeting time! | 03:00 |
eps | Much mo' bettah. | 03:00 |
pleia2 | jdeslip and DarkwingDuck couldn't make it because they ended up having other obligations tonight | 03:00 |
pleia2 | so who all is here for the meeting? | 03:01 |
* eps raises his hand cautiously | 03:01 | |
pleia2 | ok, our agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10December19 | 03:01 |
jyo | o/ | 03:02 |
jtatum | i/ | 03:02 |
pleia2 | first up, any announcements? | 03:02 |
pleia2 | http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california shows that we have a lindependence hour coming up on the 29th | 03:02 |
pleia2 | erichammond has done a good job getting things rolling for SCaLE in Feburary, we now have a wiki page and a discount code: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale9x | 03:03 |
pleia2 | we'll probably firm up SCaLE plans in the next few weeks | 03:03 |
akk | o/ | 03:04 |
pleia2 | ok, on to the agenda | 03:04 |
pleia2 | [topic] Website Updates | 03:05 |
pleia2 | I made some changes this week and I think we're ready to launch the basic site :) | 03:05 |
pleia2 | to view the demo site, edit your /etc/hosts file and put this at the end: | 03:05 |
pleia2 | ubuntu-california.org | 03:06 |
pleia2 | we pretty much took the text from the wiki and fleshed out a very basic home page, and in the top we link to all our current resources | 03:06 |
pleia2 | once we get a photo gallery, planet, etc, we'll add the links, but I think we're ready with the basics | 03:06 |
grantbow | \o/ | 03:07 |
pleia2 | regarding the planet (blog aggregation), I spoke with dragon and we're going to be just going with some basic Venus software on the linode so jtatum and I will look into that in the coming weeks | 03:07 |
akk | Looks nice! | 03:07 |
pleia2 | no update for photos, we don't have a google apps option for that so our options right now seem like: gallery2, picasaweb, flickr | 03:08 |
pleia2 | maybe we should bring this discussion to the list? | 03:08 |
pleia2 | this discussion == photo options | 03:08 |
grantbow | sounds good | 03:08 |
akk | +1 for discussing on ML | 03:08 |
pleia2 | ok, I'll send an email out (if not tonight, tomorrow) | 03:09 |
akk | Unless anyone has any strong opinions right now, anyway. | 03:09 |
pleia2 | well, that's it for website updates :) | 03:10 |
pleia2 | I think I'll nudge erichammond tomorrow to update DNS so we can go live | 03:10 |
jtatum | excellent | 03:10 |
jtatum | thanks for keeping up the momentum pleia2! | 03:11 |
pleia2 | currently grantbow, jtatum and myself have access to wordpress, if others are interested in participating please let me know | 03:11 |
pleia2 | sure thing :) | 03:11 |
pleia2 | [topic] More t-shirts? | 03:11 |
grantbow | I'll talk to you about wordpress later | 03:11 |
pleia2 | grantbow: ok | 03:11 |
pleia2 | so, we are almost out of team t-shirts, we have some 2XLs and a few women's sizes left, but we need to order more, we're out of the sizes people actually want | 03:12 |
pleia2 | grantbow contacted our previous supplier but he's quite busy, so not an option this time around | 03:12 |
pleia2 | Jono recommended steadfastprinting.com in Oakland | 03:12 |
pleia2 | today on the mailing list Christian said he knows the owner of greenerpromotions.net in San Francisco and offered to get us a quote | 03:13 |
pleia2 | anyone have other contacts? | 03:13 |
pleia2 | I'm thinking we get a few quotes and then go from there (I'm probably bankrolling this, and will accept donations to help, so let me know if you want to pitch in) | 03:15 |
pleia2 | that's all we've got agenda-wise tonight | 03:16 |
eps | Are there any print-on-demand services worth considering? | 03:16 |
grantbow | eps: suggestions? | 03:16 |
eps | CafePress et al. | 03:17 |
pleia2 | I've never bought from zazzle or cafepress, so I don't have any suggestions | 03:17 |
pleia2 | they are considerably more expensive (at least 3 times more than buying in bulk of 50-100 shirts) | 03:17 |
eps | Don't get me wrong - I'm a huge fan of traditional printing - but I'm concerned we aren't going to be able to put together an order large enough to get a good price. | 03:17 |
grantbow | cafe press was fairly expensive | 03:18 |
grantbow | haven | 03:18 |
pleia2 | I think zazzle is something like $20/shirt | 03:18 |
akk | I've always heard bad things about cafepress's quality. | 03:18 |
akk | That they're okay if you really need a one-off but not something you'd use for a bulk run where you have a choice. | 03:18 |
pleia2 | I figure we'll put in an order of 50 shirts, and at local shops we can get that for about $8/shirt | 03:18 |
pleia2 | but we should get quotes to be more precise :) | 03:18 |
eps | My experience with t-shirts -- granted, this was a *long* time ago -- was that you generally needed to order at least 8 dozen to make it worthwhile. | 03:19 |
pleia2 | jono said he ordered 50 for severed fifth for about $400 | 03:19 |
pleia2 | so maybe we get some estimates, and then compare them to the on-demand printing services? | 03:20 |
eps | Set-up charges dominate on small runs. | 03:20 |
pleia2 | ok, any other meeting things to talk about? | 03:22 |
eps | With screen printing, you need to decide if you want something that will survive multiple washings and exposure to sunlight. | 03:23 |
pleia2 | jono seemed pretty happy with steadfast, and we can ask christian about the quality of greenrpromotions | 03:23 |
eps | (i.e. are you dyeing the fabric vs. having something sitting on top that will flake off) | 03:24 |
pleia2 | seems like the current ones have something sitting on top, but I haven't noticed any flaking yet | 03:25 |
pleia2 | ok, if no one has anything else I think we wrap this up :) | 03:28 |
pleia2 | thanks for coming | 03:29 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Webpage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, Jan 2nd, 7:00pm PST | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic | ||
grantbow-a | Andchat with sasl, whee | 03:35 |
grantbow-a | Sorry, lost power and Internet here | 03:35 |
grantbow-a | I will read the log later, ttyl | 03:36 |
dragon | a 30-minute meeting? | 03:43 |
pleia2 | yep | 03:43 |
dragon | I was hoping to attend a tiny bit of it, but still yay for short meetings! | 03:43 |
pleia2 | I think a lot of people are doing holiday-stuffs, but it was good to have it to keep some stuff rolling | 03:43 |
dragon | I agree! | 03:44 |
akk | Great to hear the update on the website, if nothing else! | 03:48 |
akk | Thanks for doing that. | 03:48 |
Eureka | wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/MeetingChecklist edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11January16 edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/Current edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Menu edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings edited | 03:50 |
Eureka | wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings edited | 04:06 |
pleia2 | ok, off to movies :) | 04:09 |
akk | Have fun! | 04:13 |
Eureka | wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10December19 edited | 04:22 |
wjimenez5271 | Hello | 06:36 |
erichammond | DNS has been configured: http://ubuntu-california.org | 07:37 |
kdub_ | wat up all | 07:52 |
pleia2 | erichammond: woohoo, thank you! | 08:02 |
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=== rbarot__ is now known as rbarot_ | ||
=== iheartubuntu_ is now known as iheartubuntu | ||
iheartubuntu | pleia2 - does zareason have any other stores or buildings in other states? | 20:49 |
pleia2 | iheartubuntu: not yet, but they have plans | 20:49 |
iheartubuntu | im considering a new laptop soon and its them or sys76, which is out of state. | 20:49 |
iheartubuntu | id like to avoid taxes :) | 20:49 |
iheartubuntu | but zr has a shop i could walk into and check their computers? | 20:50 |
pleia2 | if a company has any presence in a state you pay taxes, so even if zareason had a texas office and you ordered from there since they have a location in cali you'd pay taxes | 20:50 |
pleia2 | you'd have to schedule an appointment with them so someone is there to show you around, but yes you can visit :) | 20:51 |
iheartubuntu | i might just have a relative in another state order it for me, then ship it to me. | 20:51 |
sn9 | you can still do that | 20:51 |
iheartubuntu | to avoid the taxes | 20:52 |
akk | Is double shipping that much cheaper than taxes? Guess it depends on how expensive the 'puter is. | 20:52 |
iheartubuntu | if ZR isnt in AZ id be OK | 20:53 |
sn9 | it's not in AZ | 20:53 |
iheartubuntu | $1000 comp puts me at $100 in taxes already. | 20:53 |
iheartubuntu | getting hit good with rain here in SoCal! | 20:54 |
iheartubuntu | Im worried about my crops | 20:54 |
iheartubuntu | Ive never had this much rain | 20:54 |
pleia2 | it's been rainy here too | 20:54 |
iheartubuntu | my lettuce and salad greens seem to be OK still. worried about strawberries and garlic. i dont want the garlic to get mushy and useless | 20:55 |
iheartubuntu | pleia2 is a Belle fan??? | 20:56 |
pleia2 | disney in general | 20:56 |
iheartubuntu | did you see Tangled? | 20:56 |
pleia2 | yep :) | 20:56 |
iheartubuntu | great movie. i think best since beauty and the beast! | 20:56 |
pleia2 | I don't know about that, but I did quite enjoy it | 20:56 |
iheartubuntu | i'd even say they are equal | 20:56 |
iheartubuntu | the singing in the bar was great | 20:57 |
pleia2 | haha, yeah | 20:57 |
iheartubuntu | like an ubuntu get together | 20:57 |
iheartubuntu | does anyone know of vmdk or vdi of the new google chrome os? | 20:58 |
pleia2 | I'll probably pick up the soundtrack, have to snag tron legacy soundtrack too | 20:58 |
* pleia2 has piiiiles of disney soundtracks | 20:58 | |
iheartubuntu | was tron any good? | 20:58 |
akk | Oh, how was tron, pleia2? | 20:59 |
pleia2 | I thought so, but I loved the original too | 20:59 |
pleia2 | I can't offer a critical review, I am too full of dorky glee :) | 20:59 |
akk | :D | 21:00 |
iheartubuntu | i dont even remember the original :| | 21:00 |
pleia2 | I watched it on saturday before seeing the movie on sunday | 21:06 |
pleia2 | unfortunately I also learned that day that you can't buy the original right now (unless you spend $100+ on ebay) | 21:06 |
pleia2 | so if anyone wants to see it, tron party at pleia2's! | 21:07 |
iheartubuntu | you cant buy it? what a scam! | 21:08 |
pleia2 | it's back in the disney vault | 21:08 |
iheartubuntu | i have the beauty and the beast dvd, and then that went out of circulation for a # of years too | 21:08 |
akk | There's probably some torrent where you can illegally download it. | 21:09 |
pleia2 | yeah, that's how disney does their releases, they release for a couple of years then put it back in the "vault" and release it a few years later | 21:09 |
iheartubuntu | so chromeOS does not use ubuntu anymore? | 21:12 |
pleia2 | did it ever? | 21:12 |
pleia2 | it's linux and canonical blogged about helping, but I don't know that it was ever ubuntu | 21:13 |
iheartubuntu | well, i guess its linux at least | 21:13 |
iheartubuntu | i had read early on it began as ubuntu | 21:13 |
akk | If it doesn't have any local apps, distro doesn't exactly matter. | 21:14 |
akk | Start up, run chrome (the binary release), you're done. | 21:14 |
akk | You need some way of updating (but probably google's repositories, not Debian's or Ubuntu's, even if it uses apt). | 21:15 |
pleia2 | it's probably like a cellphone though, over the wire updates that are pushed down | 21:15 |
iheartubuntu | its interesting that if you want to dev for chromeOS you need to have ubuntu | 21:15 |
iheartubuntu | http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/developer-guide | 21:16 |
iheartubuntu | You need to have Linux to develop for Chromium OS. Specifically, the supported environment is: Ubuntu Linux (version 10.04 - Lucid) - Most developers working on Chromium OS are using Lucid (the LTS version of Ubuntu) and will not be updating to 10.10. It is possible that things will work if you're running a different Linux distribution, but you will probably find life easier if you're on Lucid. Please note that Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) is known | 21:16 |
pleia2 | that /is/ interesting | 21:16 |
akk | That's awesome. | 21:17 |
akk | btw, it cut off at "Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) is know" | 21:18 |
iheartubuntu | Please note that Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) is known not to work. | 21:19 |
akk | Wow, I wonder why? | 21:20 |
* akk is with google as far as staying on Lucid, but still curious | 21:20 | |
iheartubuntu | sounds like it will take hours to build the OS on a multicore system. | 21:20 |
iheartubuntu | id liek to do it, but... easier to find a vdi of it! | 21:21 |
iheartubuntu | (talk about lazy) | 21:21 |
akk | Also funny they don't mention whether meerkat has been tested or not. | 21:21 |
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond | ||
jtatum | chromeos is pretty slick | 21:59 |
pleia2 | download it or did you get one of their laptops? | 22:20 |
iheartubuntu | ive tried some early alpha versions... they kinda sucked actually. | 22:22 |
iheartubuntu | im trying hexxehs version right now. | 22:22 |
iheartubuntu | some 17 yo built it himself | 22:22 |
iheartubuntu | http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/ | 22:22 |
iheartubuntu | download the vmdk image and convert it to vdi to use in virtualbox. instructions here: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2009/03/22/how-to-convert-vmware-image-vmdk-to-virtualbox-image-vdi/ | 22:23 |
iheartubuntu | did anyone here apply for a laptop? | 22:25 |
iheartubuntu | I think the Google president has set up an "Ubuntu User Left Behind" program. :) | 22:26 |
pleia2 | I just applied over the weekend (would have applied earlier but I had to read the fine print to make sure I was eligible) | 22:26 |
pleia2 | I know a bunch of people who have them though | 22:26 |
iheartubuntu | how would you not be eligible? | 22:28 |
pleia2 | my boyfriend (who I live with) works for google | 22:28 |
iheartubuntu | ahhh | 22:29 |
iheartubuntu | speaking of OS :) did star wars ever have any images of their computers? i dont remember | 22:30 |
pleia2 | hm? | 22:31 |
iheartubuntu | i dont even remember star wars people using computers in any mvies | 22:31 |
iheartubuntu | movies | 22:31 |
iheartubuntu | star trek... yah. | 22:32 |
iheartubuntu | star wars, i dont recall. | 22:32 |
pleia2 | they had big logistical command centers, but I'd have to watch again to see if they had what we'd traditionally consider computers | 22:32 |
iheartubuntu | Im sure the Ewoks didnt. | 22:35 |
pleia2 | hehe | 22:37 |
akk | The Jawas had some kind of handheld thing for checking over robots. | 22:38 |
akk | I think they might also have used it for inventory or payment ... vaguely remember something like that in the scene where they're selling robots to Uncle Owen. | 22:39 |
pleia2 | I think I will have to do research on this topic | 22:40 |
akk | :) | 22:40 |
akk | I was surprised, earlier this year, how watchable the first one (i.e. "episode IV") still is. | 22:41 |
akk | But then I always loved that movie. | 22:43 |
iheartubuntu | was the first one edited at all? remastered or anything? | 22:44 |
pleia2 | annoyingly yes | 22:45 |
pleia2 | they added a whole scene with jabba and added random critters | 22:45 |
akk | Yeah, awful. | 22:46 |
pleia2 | I think they may have released the earliest versions on DVD again, but I'm going to have to start counting on my 2nd hand the number of times I've bought the trilogy soon so I stopped keeping track | 22:46 |
pleia2 | best to avoid temptation and stop paying attention to all the releases :) | 22:47 |
akk | The rumor (did I hear it here?) is that George Lucas has some kind of deal with his ex-wife where she gets royalties from the original, or something, and as long as he keeps changing it she doesn't get anything. | 22:47 |
pleia2 | I heard that he just didn't like the old versions and the remasters were his true vision, so he didn't want the originals around anymore | 22:47 |
akk | Not sure I believe that, though; the recent movies proved that Lucas has no taste or self-control whatsoever, and could actually *like* these random scenes he keeps adding. | 22:47 |
iheartubuntu | isnt the trilogy going to be re-released starting 2011 in 3D? | 22:52 |
iheartubuntu | is there an easy way to install vmware in ubuntu? | 22:53 |
pleia2 | akk: such a tease with the android feed-reading app! will you release it? | 23:00 |
akk | Of course! | 23:02 |
pleia2 | yay:) | 23:03 |
akk | I'm not actually sure of the right way to release Android apps ... I guess I can just tar up the eclipse workspace dir | 23:03 |
akk | though that might get a lot of extra stuff too. | 23:03 |
akk | (release the source, I mean) | 23:03 |
pleia2 | jdeslip does a lot of formal android app releasing, he's probably the one to ask | 23:04 |
pleia2 | I'm sure he knows all the informal ins and outs of it too :) | 23:04 |
akk | And there are almost no open-source apps for Android to teach me good habits. :( | 23:04 |
pleia2 | a lot of open source apps for android put their stuff on code.google.com | 23:04 |
akk | Googling for "android open-source [apptype]" usually only gets hits where people are talking about how Android itself is open-source. :( | 23:05 |
pleia2 | ah | 23:05 |
akk | I found a couple of threads of people asking "Are there any good open source apps for Android?" and people listing, like, 8 of them total | 23:06 |
pleia2 | wow | 23:06 |
akk | It's really very sad. | 23:06 |
pleia2 | I really thought it was common for them to be open source | 23:06 |
pleia2 | crazy | 23:07 |
akk | Not only can you not get the source, you typically can't even get the apk. | 23:07 |
akk | If you don't have the android marketplace (which you don't, if you have a tablet, unless you're fairly geeky and don't mind installing unsupported hacks) | 23:07 |
akk | then you're out of luck for 95% of all android apps. | 23:08 |
akk | Even trivial stuff like "just show me what percentage my battery is at" is out of reach. | 23:08 |
jtatum | if anyone sees MarkDude, tell him not to really get a tattoo | 23:35 |
pleia2 | lol | 23:40 |
jledbetter | jtatum, Why not? | 23:42 |
pleia2 | thanks for sending out the email jtatum :) | 23:42 |
jtatum | np | 23:43 |
RampageAI | Great new website! Can I suggest that the freenode chat link opens in a new tab? | 23:44 |
pleia2 | I am not a huge fan of forcing such things upon users | 23:45 |
pleia2 | is opening it in a new tab yourself difficult? | 23:45 |
akk | yay pleia2 | 23:46 |
RampageAI | Not a problem just a personal prefernce since it goes off-site anyway. | 23:46 |
pleia2 | bah, maybe it doesn't matter, I added _blank | 23:46 |
pleia2 | most of the links go off-site | 23:46 |
jtatum | for the freenode link, that might be best | 23:46 |
pleia2 | you're probably right about chat though | 23:47 |
pleia2 | so, done :) | 23:47 |
RampageAI | Thanks for your work on a new website. It's great. | 23:47 |
* akk blocks that anyway ... for those of us who want to make our own choices we pretty much have to do that since so many websites try to make that choice for us. | 23:47 | |
jtatum | the other links, i like them same window. since we want the site to feel kinda seamless even though it goes all over the place | 23:47 |
pleia2 | I am kinda worried the seamless feel will get people lost, but honestly there isn't a whole lot we can do | 23:47 |
pleia2 | the site itself is really just a portal, and it's easy enough to get back to if you need :) | 23:48 |
jdeslip | akk: I have three open source apps for Android. I host all the code on Launchpad. | 23:57 |
jdeslip | akk: see, https://launchpad.net/emusicdownloader | 23:57 |
akk | jdeslip: What's a good way of sharing Android code? Do you write a script to choose which files to tar up, or just tar the whole Eclipse workspace? | 23:58 |
akk | And how do you find opensource Android apps? | 23:58 |
jdeslip | A lot of other open-source Android apps use google-code to host the code. There are actually a lot of opensource android apps. Most just don't advertise that they are opensource ;) | 23:58 |
jdeslip | akk: With launchpad, you basically use bzr (similar to subversoin) to commit your source and push it to your launchpad project page. | 23:59 |
akk | I've seen quite a few that claimed to be opensource but didn't have source. :( | 23:59 |
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