
jthanLooks like we might engage in war tomorrow....00:51
andrewwe as in #ubuntu-us-pa ? USA?00:59
andrew[citation needed]01:00
jthanI'm just guessing.01:00
PennBotTitle: South Korea says exercises to start Monday - CNN.com (at www.cnn.com)01:00
PennBot[Citation Needed]01:00
jthanoh he still has that01:00
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ChinnoDoghi BeckySanderlin`x03:24
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JonathanDmorning PA12:09
andrewMorning Bridgeport13:53
andrew& Morning PA13:54
andrew& Morning CA13:54
andrewAnyone else?13:54
andrewMorning LA13:59
ChinnoDogIt won't be morning in Vietnam for several more hours.17:56
BeckySanderlin`xIT IS A GLORIOUS MORNING17:57
JonathanDoh hey17:57
JonathanDno one told me it was lunch time!17:57
JonathanDeheh :)17:58
BeckySanderlin`xNO OTHER EVENING [ .. ]17:59
BeckySanderlin`xim ...17:59
BeckySanderlin`xi cant express how i feel17:59
* BeckySanderlin`x does a dance17:59
JonathanDI'm sorry to hear that :(17:59
BeckySanderlin`xits  a happy non expression tho18:00
ChinnoDogSo is anyone buying their relatives / kids / pets a netbook with Ubuntu they won't know what to do with this year?18:09
JonathanDwell, I got my dog one18:09
JonathanDbut he's been using ubuntu for almost a year.18:09
andrewWe'll see, perhaps I'll be helping get my brother one in January18:09
andrewBut my issue with the current batches of netbooks is the lack of SSD options18:10
pleia2that's ashame18:14
JonathanDandrew: thats cause a SSD large enough to happily run windows costs too much.18:15
BeckySanderlin`xwhats diff btwn HDD & SSD18:16
ChinnoDoglatency on SSD is next to nothing18:19
ChinnoDogthroughput on modern SSDs is near that of HDD but even if it is a little less the latency difference will make up for it in most performance tests18:19
ChinnoDogPlus, it uses less power and is less likely to fail because no moving parts18:19
pleia2and it can take a beating better - dropping your laptop and ruining your harddrive is far less likely18:20
pleia2so it's nice for netbooks that you toss in bags and things for travel18:20
pleia240G drives have come down in price, and that's plenty for windows18:20
pleia2I think people make direct comparisons though, they see 160G SATA drives for a fraction of the price of SSD and want those instead :(18:21
JonathanD$300 netbook with 32GB SDD, $300 netbook with 160GB HDD.18:24
JonathanDMost people see the "160 vs 32" and it ends there.18:24
ChinnoDogWhat is the least expensive netbook on the market now?18:25
BeckySanderlin`xThese Apps Are Rampantly Stealing Your Info Without Permission  http://gizmodo.com/5715169/18:26
PennBotTitle: These Apps Are Rampantly Stealing Your Info Without Permission (at gizmodo.com)18:26
PennBotBeckySanderlin`x took my job.18:28
BeckySanderlin`xim just amazed at twiiter18:28
PennBotBut... you read the title before I had a chance to...18:28
BeckySanderlin`xno, i copied the title for the other channels/servers im in18:29
pleia2ChinnoDog: oh dear, what did they do to the wendy's fries?18:35
pleia2google tells me they have more calories and more salt, boo18:36
JonathanDpleia2: they are weird now and have sea salt.18:36
JonathanDstill taste ok dipped in BBQ18:36
andrewAnd this is why I pay off my card in full every month (well, every month that I use it) http://www.billshrink.com/blog/10520/minimum-balance-nightmare-why-it-pays-to-overpay/18:41
PennBotTitle: Minimum Balance Nightmare: Why It Pays to Overpay | Shrinkage Is Good (at www.billshrink.com)18:41
ChinnoDogpleia2: They delicified them18:53
ChinnoDogThe old ones were a little on the bland side18:53
ChinnoDognot sure why they would have more calories. Maybe because they are skinny?18:53
ChinnoDogor maybe because they use russets now18:54
pleia2looks like only 10 more calories in a small, but the sodium spike is significant18:54
pleia2and I don't love salt :\18:54
ChinnoDogso ask for them unsalted18:54
ChinnoDogThat is the status quo for getting fries with less salt, right?18:55
pleia2have you ever tried to ask for fries w/o salt at a fast food restaurant?18:55
pleia2it doesn't really work :)18:55
pleia2they either say "no" or they say "sure!" and then they are just as salty anyway18:56
pleia2I have been tending to skip fries lately, calorie-wise they are the same as that sandwich you're eating, except with very little actual nutritional value, it's almost better to just get two sandwiches18:57
ChinnoDogI don't usually get fries, but I wanted to try new Wendys fries19:01
ChinnoDogAnyone running Ubuntu on an ARM based netbook?19:24
PennBotTitle: 10 Last-Minute Gift Ideas For Linux Geeks - PCWorld Business Center (at www.pcworld.com)20:10
pleia2yay, compeng barbie makes the list again :)20:26
pleia2(she's been popping up on some other linux xmas gift lists this year)20:27
BeckySanderlin`xyah i noticed that around the net20:27
jedijfChinnoDog: post arm question to ml -kejava has/had one20:32

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