
wrsthey mac941602:39
mac9416Howdy, wrst, how's it going?02:40
* cyberanger cleans his glasses02:44
* cyberanger still doesn't believe his eyes, it's mac941602:44
cyberangermac9416: how's it going02:44
mac9416I'm alright, cyberanger, how are you?02:45
cyberangerpretty good, working on a few projects02:45
mac9416Sorry I missed the last meeting, btw. Had something going on.02:45
cyberangerone of which is similar to keryx, talking to excid3|mbp to figure out how keryx could use it02:46
wrstgoing well mac941602:46
mac9416wrst, cool.02:47
cyberangerthe main difference is in keryx focusing on one machine, whearas this focuses on a network (either offline or very poor connection like satellite)02:47
cyberangercould help remote villages from alaska to africa to australia02:48
cyberangerexcid3|mbp: has helped a good bit in that process too02:55
cyberanger(that's the tip of the metaphorical iceburg too ;-))02:59
cyberangerhe left, shame03:48
chibihogoshinoanyone going to watch the eclipse tomorrow night ?08:08
cyberangerI'd be up anyhow probally08:15
chibihogoshinoit should start around 1:40 and last till 5ish08:43
chibihogoshinonice red moon around 3:3008:44
cyberangerall AM08:48
cyberangeror PM08:48
chibihogoshinotomorrow night from 1:30 to 4:3008:49
chibihogoshinoyou can see it if you run stellarium08:50
cyberanger(I assumed AM, but didn't hear which kind of eclipse, just figured if your on at 03:50 now, and said it, you meant it for am tommorow too)08:51
chibihogoshinothe sun isnt out at night tho.. :-)08:52
chibihogoshinoman.. i was watching a documentary about pompeii... fell asleep and had a dream that it happened here ..08:58
cyberangerwell, with an eclipse, the sun might not be out in the day09:00
chibihogoshinoheh. yeah09:05
chibihogoshinowow.. batteries are cheep ..09:12
chibihogoshinoyou can get replacement cells for around 8 bucks09:13
chibihogoshinojust need to find a way to put extra cells onto it..09:16
chibihogoshinoguess i could make a big batch of jb weld ..09:17
chibihogoshinoshouldnt look that bad after it dries and i sand it down and paint it09:17
chibihogoshinoi could make a 12 cell battery for around 100 ..09:19
cyberangerwhat are you doing this for?09:49
chibihogoshinolenovo t6110:14
chibihogoshinoi made one for my old palm tx and that lasted 10 hours one of charge10:14
chibihogoshinostill does too..10:14
chibihogoshinoadded a internal mic to it too10:14
cyberangerI had a Palm T|X, screen fail unfortunately10:15
cyberangernice hack10:16
chibihogoshinoim suprised it still works with how many times iv dropped it and how old it is10:17
chibihogoshinoi could use it for evp work ..10:29
chibihogoshinoevery time i copy a file over the network it removes the end and zeros the size10:38
chibihogoshinosamba is odd10:38
cyberangerand that is the understatement of the year10:41
wrstgood morning everyone12:51
chibihogoshinomorning wrst13:06
wrstmorning chibihogoshino what are you up to?13:06
chibihogoshinolooking at hacking a battery for this laptop and about to get some tea and toast13:07
wrstahh hacking the battery?13:07
chibihogoshinogetting new cells and adding more than was it has now13:08
wrstchibihogoshino: hmm that sounds interesting13:08
chibihogoshinocheep too13:08
wrstgot a guide somewhere my battery needs this13:09
wrstthanks chibihogoshino13:09
chibihogoshinokinda.. they are all different but its basically the same thing13:09
chibihogoshinofor the cells ..13:10
chibihogoshinoahh.. n/p wrst13:10
wrstcool chibihogoshino i might give that a try, i think i could handle that procedure13:11
chibihogoshinoodd.. i couldnt get my laptop to wake up from a screen blank13:28
wrstubuntu 10.10?13:28
wrsti've had that issue in both no real pattern to it13:29
wrstits annoying13:29
wrsthard reboot for you?13:29
chibihogoshinoi cant stop it from blanking ether13:29
chibihogoshinoxset s 0 seams to do nothing13:30
wrstwhat video card do you have chibihogoshino ?13:31
chibihogoshinointel somethings13:31
wrsti have ati thought maybe that had something to do with something i guess not13:32
chibihogoshinoi dont want it to blank at all tho13:32
wrstdoes it blank when you close the lid?13:35
chibihogoshinoi think13:38
chibihogoshinobut i open it up and it unblanks13:39
wrstoh so when the screen saver comes on?13:39
chibihogoshinoim not shur13:39
chibihogoshinoi went to get some tea and when i came back it was blanked and i couldnt get it to snap out of it13:40
wrstif in gnome there is a setting in the screen saver for that13:40
chibihogoshinoim using xfce tho13:40
chibihogoshinomaybe cuz i had the power manager disabled ..13:43
wrstthat could be chibihogoshino14:06
wrstmorning Xpistos14:06
chibihogoshinoi hope.. its kinda annoying14:07
chibihogoshinomorning Xpistos14:07
wrstyes Xpistos i'm liking it a lot14:07
XpistosI feel not sick today and that is great14:07
wrstthat is a good thing as martha stewart says14:10
wrstmorning electricus !15:11
XpistosHey electricus15:19
pace_t_zuluanyone familiar with software licenses here?18:12
pace_t_zulugpl lgpl bsd apache ... etc18:12
wrstsorry pace_t_zulu  i'm totally ignorant18:14
pace_t_zuluoh well18:14
pace_t_zuluhow's natty treating you?18:14
wrstwell i nuked my laptop need to reinstall today actually :)18:15
pace_t_zulu wrst  on that note... http://www.tomshardware.com/news/cr-48-notebook-laptop-chrome-os,11828.html18:21
wrston my way, pace_t_zulu i have been having issues with ubuntu 10.10 and virtualbox, very slow18:26
pace_t_zuluit's a video of destroying the Cr-48 (Google's Chrome OS reference hardware) ... demonstrating that because your data is in the cloud - it is safe if the hardware is destroyed18:28
wrstyes i'm watching it now pretty good18:28
wrstwhile i don't think i'm totally ready to have my head completely in the clouds18:28
wrstnice vid pace_t_zulu18:32
XpistosOh man, I had a customer that was complaining that his email server was having problems and they were gonig to switch to a different company bla blah blah,20:21
wrstdo they not realize everything messes up sometimes?20:22
XpistosWell finally a week later I get all the facts and the super linux guru that was on the ground floor with all the super advanced tech blah blah blah20:22
XpistosDoS attack20:22
Xpistosand why, cause he keep messing with the security settings20:22
XpistosI was like, that is not our configuration there guy!20:23
wrstha ha20:27
wrsthello palanthas21:09
palanthashowdy wrst!21:09
wrsthow are things going?21:09
palanthasgoing quite well. Just got home from work and just killing time until my wife, friends and I head to see Tron Legacy21:10
wrstjust finishing up the work day or attempting to21:46
wrsthey hey mac941621:55
mac9416Hi again, wrst.  :-)21:55
wrstmac9416: twice in two days... wow :)21:57
mac9416I'll have a bit of time on my hands this weak.21:58
mac9416Hah. There's a JulianAssange in the #wikileaks channel.21:59
wrstha ha there is a wikileaks channel, i fear if i go there i will have the cia on my rear22:01
mac9416Quite possibly.  :-P22:03
mac9416They're talking about Quake over there. Interesting.22:49

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