
bonixavierLubuntu requires only 60. that's lightweight00:00
charlie-tcaThen perhaps you prefer lubuntu?00:00
charlie-tcaWe are in a competition to be lighter than it is00:00
charlie-tcasorry, worded that wrong00:01
bonixavierI do, but I like XFCE better. I want to understand how I can make it less resource intensive00:01
charlie-tcaWe are _NOT_ in a competition to be lighter than it is00:01
charlie-tcacompare it to Lubuntu, and remove all the things Lubuntu doesn't have?00:01
bonixavierI disabled all the gnome services in start up, but I'd like to know how to disable services that start before X. how do I do that?00:01
charlie-tcaDid you install Xubuntu from cd?00:01
charlie-tcaXubuntu requires those services, normally00:02
bonixavierfor example, I disabled gnome-keyring. will something break?00:03
charlie-tcayou will be asked for passwords more often when doing things00:03
charlie-tcagnome-keyring stores ssl and gpg passwords00:04
bonixavierI don't mind that.00:04
bonixavierI always set sudo timestamp to 000:04
bonixavierbut, after disabling all those gnome services and restarting my X session, I only got something like 20Mb extra ram00:05
charlie-tcaI don't think you will get Xubuntu as light as Lubuntu.00:06
charlie-tcaBut you can experiment with things like you are.00:06
bonixavierI installed Slackware before. I didn't like it so much because it's too complicated, but their XFCE only required 80Mb00:06
bonixavierI don't care about LXDE much00:06
bonixaviermy primary pc is ubuntu. it has 2 gb ram00:06
bonixavierbut I have an old pc that i wanted to relive00:06
bonixavieronly 256mb ram00:06
bonixavierhow can slackware require 120mb less than xubuntu? If they had apt-get, I'd stay there. How can I trim xubuntu?00:08
bonixaviergdm is something they don't have and I like gdm00:08
bonixavierwhat else?00:08
charlie-tcaI don't know. I don't run slackware and have not bothered with a file by file comparison00:09
bonixavierI don't want to run it either00:09
bonixavierbut I don't like LXDE00:10
bonixavierdo you think Debian is lighter?00:10
charlie-tcaI wouldn't know that either00:10
bonixavierok. I understand that not many people still run such slow pcs nowadays.00:11
bonixavierso people don't design stuff for them00:11
bonixavierbut would you know how one can disable cups, for example? I don't have a printer00:12
bonixaviernevermind. I'll install lubuntu. thanks for your help00:13
shareim back01:50
sharestill cant shutdown01:55
sharei remember i could shutdown once02:09
sharebut i had to kill a process02:09
sharecant remember whic02:09
=== Guest46627 is now known as Visigoth
nirazioI never store any files on the Desktop, so "Create folder", "Open terminal here" menu items are useless for me to have on the Desktop, instead I'd like "Applications" menu to open when I right-click on the Desktop.From using ArchLinux I can remember that there was a special package to install to address this issue. Is there such a package (or another solution) available for Xubuntu?05:50
Sysidesktop settings → icons, and change the first dropdown menu05:51
nirazioSysi: how to do that??06:42
Sysiright click → desktop settings07:14
* ubUXUbu canoes into the tranquil binary lowlands of...Xubuntu!07:30
brothi ubUXUbu08:25
MorphixNWbrot: hi08:48
MorphixNWI am trying to make a secure key that is required to logon/decrypt, I have found pamusb however, this seems no longer in existent, does anyone know of an alternative?09:06
MorphixNWscrap that I have found it on sourceforge, thank you anyway :)09:09
MorphixNWI am looking for an application that will allow me to turn CD Audio into MP3, is there such an app in the repos?10:30
Sysirip / just transform?10:31
MorphixNWthank you guys11:17
MorphixNWone more, is there a way that I can dump the results of "ls" to a txt file?11:18
knomeMorphixNW, ls >file.txt11:19
MorphixNWKnome: your awesome ever always, that worked thank you11:19
MorphixNWknome: your up early or late? :P11:20
knomewell it's 1pm, so pretty normal. but yes, i've woken up today, not stayed up all night11:21
MorphixNW1pm? where are you?11:21
MorphixNWthought you was behind not infront :)11:21
Sysitimezones ♥11:21
knomeTZ's are okay, but DST breaks my heart11:23
MorphixNWwhere does this command not work? scp media-centre@ 2/list.txt /11:24
MorphixNWwhere = why*11:24
knomeyou have three parameters, should have two11:25
knomewell, cp $from $to ?11:25
MorphixNWi get "file not found"11:25
knome2/list.txt is not valid11:26
knomewell, probably not11:26
MorphixNWhow can I tell it there is a space in the filder?11:26
Sysimovies\ 2/list and propably not to root11:26
Sysiknome: are we getting something fancy to natty? xfce 4.8 ♥11:27
Sysithough i like bluebird very much11:27
knomeochosi is working on a less-blue variant of bluebird + some improvements to it11:28
Sysinew xfce has different options for panel background11:28
knomemm-hmm, so maybe fiddling with that as well then11:29
Sysitheme decides / solid color / image11:29
MorphixNWcan I connect to another ubuntu machines hard drive via my network and tranfers files easily?11:34
Sysisshfs i maybe the handiest, if you have intranet11:35
MorphixNWcan I not just mount the drive like I do with a network share on my windows 2k3 server?11:36
Sysiyou need to have share to mount it11:37
Sysihavin ssh-server is easy and has many options11:38
MorphixNWhmmm, I cant seem to see how I share a folder, I tried right click but no sharing options that I can see11:38
Sysisshfs works basically like regular mounting11:38
MorphixNWhmmm ok sounds like thats what I need then :)11:38
Sysiinstall openssh-server and sshfs to client11:38
LinkerHello guys. I am trying to install Xubuntu using alternative installer via flash drive to my netbook. I just stuck at the point of mounting the point - it just doesn't accept anything I am trying to feed it with11:40
Linker*of mounting the CD, of course11:40
MorphixNWsysi: ok all installed11:41
Sysii think alternate disks aren't ment to be used from usb, therefure not sure if there's fix11:42
LinkerWhy it just doesn't accept /cdrom if I've mounted the flash drive there or /dev/sdb1 (my flash) ?11:43
LinkerShouldn't it?11:43
MorphixNWsysi: your a genius, that has worked flawlessly with some fiddling to find the correct command :)11:47
MorphixNWthank you11:47
Sysi(ever tried to use network share in win7? Nightmare)11:49
MorphixNWgladly I havent used 7 very much :P11:49
Sysiit' better than xp but still horrible11:51
MorphixNWI liked XP11:51
MorphixNWnot as much as I like Ubuntu tho11:51
MorphixNWalbeit a pain to get stuff working sometimes, it runs so much better and cheaper ;)11:51
MorphixNWbut with that said, the basics are very simple and just work11:52
MorphixNWif I wasnt so much a fiddler and simply used the internet it would be extremely simple and easy11:52
MorphixNWis there a way that I can use a USB stick as a security token that is required at logon? (maybe incorrect terminology)12:40
LinkerHaving troubles with desktop xubuntu installation on netbook from flash drive. Bootable flash created under windows with usb-creator.exe found in the .iso image. Flash boots, says can not find linux, okay, I am passing there /casper/vmlinuz initrd=/casper/initrd.lz, it loads and then says there's no init, but with the shell I see that it IS there. Any ideas?12:53
LinkerXubuntu 10.1012:54
GeoZoohey @all12:57
GeoZoois someone out there, who some knowleg about wlan debugging? :)12:58
MorphixNWcan anyone tell me the apt-get name for sound juicer?13:01
GeoZooi'm not quite sure if this is helping but: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29569813:05
knomeMorphixNW, what about sound-juicer? :P13:15
knomeMorphixNW, apt-cache search yourterms13:15
MorphixNWknome: thank you13:16
BlackScorphi all13:29
BlackScorpis here someone who can help me with xubuntu?13:29
nicofsBlackScorp, i can try...13:29
BlackScorpi just installed it on my Virtual Box13:29
BlackScorpafter installing some Guest Additions13:30
BlackScorpi was able to resize the screen13:30
BlackScorpthen i saw some updates, i installed that updates and suddenly it dont work anymore13:30
nicofsBlackScorp, so you can't change the resolution?13:30
BlackScorpi can change resoloution13:30
BlackScorpthere is no one in the lsit with 1280x80013:31
BlackScorpon Virtual Box i was able to press Host+L and ive got automatic resoulution13:31
BlackScorpnow its fixed13:31
BlackScorpthis update13:32
BlackScorpit was linux-headers13:32
BlackScorpi saw on wiki that i need to have linux-headers without version number and not generic on my virtual box13:33
BlackScorpi neeed to have linux-headers-virtual13:33
nicofsBlackScorp, i can't help much with virtual box, but as for resolution, try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:33
BlackScorpyeah but i cannot setup the resolution 1280x800 i dont have the option for it13:34
nicofsBlackScorp, as I said, i don't know about virtual box - but normally, you can set resolution via console... you need to add a new mode...13:36
BlackScorpi just tryed13:36
BlackScorpxrandr: cannot find output "S-video"13:36
nicofsBlackScorp, is S-video correct?13:37
GeoZoogood luck with your virtual box ;-)13:37
BlackScorpi dont know13:37
BlackScorpiam new at linux13:37
BlackScorpon your link it says13:37
BlackScorpah lol13:37
BlackScorpnext line, if mode not exists you need to create one13:38
nicofsBlackScorp, s-video is just an example... you need to find out, how your output is called...13:38
BlackScorphm.. does xubuntu have a GUI for xorg config like on KDE?13:39
BlackScorpon kubuntu i mean13:39
nicofsBlackScorp, yes, it's called "Arandr" - but if your mode isn't there, this won't help13:39
BlackScorpthe problem is, it was before13:39
BlackScorpbefore that last update i could change my resolution13:39
BlackScorpand after that update it didnt worked anymore13:40
nicofsBlackScorp, hang on, lieutenant is yelling...13:40
nicofsBlackScorp, ok. resolutions disappear... i haven't completely solved that mystery yet... but we can try to get yours back...13:42
BlackScorp1hm.. nico13:47
BlackScorp1i try to explain13:47
BlackScorp1first i downloaded xubuntu from the official site13:47
BlackScorp1then i just installed it over the gui in virtual box13:48
BlackScorp1i saw everythink worked fine13:48
BlackScorp1after it i installed Guest Additions13:48
BlackScorp1after restart i was able to change the window of virtual box and xubuntu13:49
BlackScorp1just with drag and drop13:49
BlackScorp1the resolution changed automaticly13:49
BlackScorp1then i saw there are some updates whcih need to be installed13:49
BlackScorp1i did it and now iam not able to change it anymore13:50
Sysidid you reboot after updates?13:50
nicofsBlackScorp1, 2 options: install again, don't update - or live without "drag and drop" and set some standard resolutions...13:50
charlie-tcaum, reinstall guest additions?13:50
nicofsBlackScorp1, or listen to people more qualified than me^^13:51
BlackScorp1i found the problem13:51
BlackScorp1i need to reinstall linux-headers-generic13:51
BlackScorp1i will try this first:D13:52
BlackScorp1and why there is a "1" after my nick13:52
MorphixNWhmmmm weird can anyone suggest why suddenly my external hard drive isnt being mounted?14:22
=== j-wire_ is now known as j-wire
MorphixNWhmmmm weird can anyone suggest why suddenly my external hard drive isnt being mounted?14:52
MorphixNWlsusb shows the device14:53
TheSheepMorphixNW: anything in dmesg?14:57
MorphixNWTheSheep: as weirdly as it stopped working, its now started again14:58
MorphixNWpossibly the drive is on its way out14:58
klaus_как установить куб рабочего стола15:11
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:12
klaus_как настраивать эфекты сгорание окна и вязкае окна в xubuntu?15:13
arthurjohnsonMorphixNW: I have an external USB drive that acts up as well.  I find that turning it off and back on helps.15:24
arthurjohnsonMorphixNW: Sometimes I reboot the machine too.  not always a good policy, but in a bind.15:25
MorphixNWarthurjohnson: thank you just seems rather strange15:56
MorphixNWI just been out and bought a 1TG drive :D16:00
MorphixNWawesome, I have installed, formatted and mounted my new 1tb HDD :)17:12
MorphixNWfstab is config'd and the drive is auto mounting17:12
MorphixNWwith gparted its easier then it is with Bindows17:13
Sysiexept the 32G SSD17:15
MorphixNWuntil today my media-centre machine was running 2*160gb PATA + 250gb SATA17:15
MorphixNWnow it has 2*160GB PATA and 1*1TB SATA17:15
MorphixNWSysi: how do you rate the SSD?17:16
Sysicheap, still got this nice snappy17:16
* likemindead has a 500GB 7200 RPM 2.5" SATA hdd waiting for him under the Xmas tree. :D17:17
Sysiwindows was almost slower, even if i tweaked it17:17
MorphixNWSysi: how cheap? my 1tb just cost me 42GBP17:17
Sysinowdays i'd get 60G fast disk on that price17:18
MorphixNWfast disk?17:20
MorphixNWcant be faster then the SATA 3Gb17:20
Sysii think it nearly hits sata2 limit17:21
MorphixNWguess GBP prices aint so great lol17:21
Sysissd ♥17:22
MorphixNWSSD havent gotten very big yet though17:22
Sysi5GB is enough for root, rest isn't so critical17:23
MorphixNWI am only using a 80GB PATA on this particular machine17:23
MorphixNWbut it does its job so :)17:23
MorphixNWmy media-centre is the one that eats up drive space like there no tomorrow17:24
MorphixNWwhich brings me too a question, is there anyway I can compress an AVI file without screwing up the video?17:24
MorphixNWI use K3B to rip my DVDs into the media-centre, however, it use 4gb+ per DVD :(17:25
charlie-tcaPlease ask your question all in one line. All of us are volunteers and will attempt to answer if we know.18:07
laparasomebody i need to install mp3 codec18:07
laparasomeone help me please18:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:08
mark76gstreamer bad or ugly? xubuntu-restricted?18:08
laparaxubuntu restricted18:08
laparai dont know im only a newbie18:09
laparai only want to play mp3s18:09
mark76Do you know what the Synaptic Package Manager is?18:10
laparayes but i get this error18:11
mark76Which is?18:11
laparasorry for the wait18:13
laparaE: Tipo '“deb' desconocido en la línea 59 de lista de fuentes /etc/apt/sources.list18:14
laparaE: No se pudo leer la lista de fuentes.18:14
laparaVaya al diálogo del repositorio para corregir el problema.18:14
laparaE: _cache->open() failed, please report.18:14
laparathas it18:14
mark76That looks like Spanish18:14
MorphixNWsounds like you have  bad line in the sources.list18:14
laparawhat it is?18:14
MorphixNWline 5918:15
mark76Oh, thank God someone can read Spanish18:15
nicofsmark76, it advises you to check your repositories...18:15
laparahow i do that18:15
MorphixNWtry using the # (hash key) to comment out line 5918:15
mark76He/She needs to know how to edit the sources.list first18:16
nicofssorry, post was meant for lapara18:16
MorphixNWmy bad, sorry for that18:16
laparai dont even know how to do that18:16
MorphixNWfrom terminal "sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list"18:16
charlie-tca!info pico18:17
ubottuPackage pico does not exist in maverick18:18
charlie-tcaMorphixNW: pico is replaced by nano now18:18
mark76sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list18:18
MorphixNWthanks charlie, sorry again18:18
MorphixNWill just shutup18:18
charlie-tcano problem18:18
charlie-tcawe are all learning18:18
mark76sudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list should work as well18:18
laparaError opening terminal: unknown.18:18
nicofswould be better dor beginners... use "sudo mousepad ..."18:19
mark76Who the heck installed your system?18:19
MorphixNW"Applications > Accessories > Terminal"18:19
Sysiyou should install updates18:19
nicofswhere can i change the language of my system?18:20
laparaok now i get a new windows that says sources list18:20
nicofsfound it...18:21
laparaplease what i have to do know18:21
MorphixNWlapara: can you see the line that it is complaining about?18:21
laparalets me see18:22
MorphixNWits probably just a bad character at the start of line 59 maybe18:22
laparano i cant find it18:23
MorphixNWcant find line 59?18:23
mark76Do you have line numbers?18:23
mark76It's easier with line numbers18:23
charlie-tcalapara: Do you see Options?18:25
charlie-tcaClick options, click line numbers18:25
mark76What's he editing it in?18:26
nicofsHow can i change the language of my system... I found System -> Language Support, but that didn't change anything... (connection problems. sorry if this is a re-post)18:36
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..18:38
mark76Oh. Wrong one18:38
charlie-tcaI think you have to change locales, but am not sure of how18:39
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf18:39
charlie-tcaI might be wrong / usually am wrong18:39
nicofshmm... was just an idea... it came to me that in situations like those with lapara just now it would be handy to just switch to spanish and give the spanish menu entries...18:42
charlie-tcaExcept all IRC support is english18:42
charlie-tcaThere is a spanish help channel, but if they ask here, we try to help them18:43
nicofscharlie-tca, i'm not asking you to do that.. but i think i'd enjoy having a spanish ubuntu... just to see how all the things are called in spanish...18:44
charlie-tcaheh, Yeah, I can see where that would help sometimes18:44
=== nicofs is now known as nicofs_sleeping
MorphixNWguys, my system just updated, but now it wont boot up, it says its running in low graphics mode :(19:01
charlie-tcaDid you install hardware drivers for video before?19:02
MorphixNWis there a way I can remove the update that busted it?19:02
MorphixNWnope, it did it all itself19:02
charlie-tcaWhen my nvidia machine does that, I remove and reinstall video driver through System -> Hardware Drivers19:04
MorphixNWsystem does not contain "hardware drivers" on my system19:04
charlie-tcaAdditional drivers?19:04
charlie-tcasame thing19:05
MorphixNWit states no drivers installed19:06
MorphixNWcan I simply remove the update that broke it?19:08
charlie-tcaIf you know which packages it was, and what the last version was, you can force the downgrade of those packages19:09
MorphixNWhmmm not impressed, updates are meant to improve things, not bust up my working system19:10
MorphixNWI have a feeling that many more users will expereince this issue19:10
charlie-tcaI agree. Did you try restarting again?19:11
MorphixNWyes, I get the low graphic mode msg19:11
MorphixNWbut none of the options seem to work19:12
MorphixNWhow can I manually specify my settings?19:12
charlie-tcacreate an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file19:12
Sysiwhat graphics card?19:13
MorphixNWI dont know19:13
MorphixNWits onboard19:13
MorphixNWVIA Chipset19:13
MorphixNWon a Mini-ATX19:14
MorphixNWOk this thing just isnt working :(19:43
MorphixNWI have created /etc/X11/xorg.conf "filled with a space" to no avail19:44
MorphixNWdoes anyone know how to solve this issue? it would appear to be a bug in the update, but I just cant resolve it19:45
MorphixNWnetworking is also now not working :(19:46
mark76Local networking?19:46
MorphixNWnone of it19:46
MorphixNWI cant ping anything, "ifconfig" is only showing local loopback19:46
mark76Is networking different to internetting?19:47
MorphixNWsomeone jhad the issue in here earlier and they resolve it somhow19:47
mark76Are you saying you have no connection to the internet or just to a particular site?19:47
MorphixNWno internet19:47
mark76And yet...19:48
mark76Different machine?19:48
MorphixNWdist-upgrade broke it all19:48
mark76Aha :D19:48
MorphixNW;) failsafe19:48
mark76What were you upgrading to?19:49
MorphixNWI wasnt19:50
MorphixNWit was a major update19:50
MorphixNWlinux-headers broke it I think19:50
MorphixNWI dont know the version numbers19:51
MorphixNWplus I dont think I can do very much without the internet19:51
wxysvnnc'è qualche esperto online?19:52
MorphixNWI think I need to install linux-headers that match my kernel version19:55
MorphixNWthis command would fix it if I had internet "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(name -r)19:56
charlie-tcaMorphixNW: restart, and pick an earlier kernel from the grub menu20:00
charlie-tcaIf you don't get the menu, hold right-shift after the bios check to get it20:01
MorphixNWcharlie-tca: that doesnt work :(20:27
charlie-tcaNo old kernels or right-shift?20:48
MorphixNWlots but they dont work either20:51
LinkerHave anybody installing xubuntu to netbook here?21:22
LinkerI am third time for today here and nobody have an idea what is my problem about.21:23
charlie-tcaHm, Maybe you could start by telling by what the problem is you are experiencing or asking a full question?21:25
charlie-tcaIf the question is whether or not anyone ever installed Xubuntu on a netbook, the answer is yes.21:25
LinkerI am trying to install the system from flash drive. The drive was created using usb-creator.exe tool under Windows. When I'm booting from it using my laptop it says it can not find linux. Okay, I feed it with /casper/vmlinuz initrd=/casper/initrd.lz, then it loads. However at the end it says there's no init found, but I see with ls that it IS there21:27
charlie-tcaThat can be a difficult question for us. Many of us do not have hardware that boots from USB, and so have never tried to do that.21:28
LinkerSo everyone used cdrom for that?21:29
charlie-tcaPerhaps you would find more help with that issue in #ubuntu21:29
charlie-tcaMostly, yes, we use cdrom21:29
LinkerMay I should try to install it through tftp?21:29
charlie-tcaThe best information I have on installing from USB is http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/11/07/ubuntu-from-your-flash-drive-easier-than-ever-before/21:31
LinkerThank you, Charlie. Will check out that information.21:32
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