
nnnajifagan: thanks! been waiting for unity --replace !00:02
fagannnnaji: well unity without switches works the same00:03
faganso its only cosmetic00:03
faganyeah that was the idea00:03
faganplus its no harm having00:03
nnnajiexactly :D00:05
nnnajiconsistency doesn't always require major changes00:06
faganwell its all didrock's being awesome I just added a line to it :)00:09
coz_hey all00:33
SteveC_Hey there.  I am totally new at Ubuntu, and after a few days of using 10.10 with Unity, I realized I am missing my main system menu.  When I right click on the menu bar at the top, nothing happens.  However right clicking works most other places.  Is there a fix for this bug?06:14
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evaluateumm, the indicator menu doesn't support text with underscores? You must be kidding me!10:04
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ronochyperair, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/69288711:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 692887 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Banshee does not register volume level correctly in the Sound preferences > 'Applications' tab" [Low,New]11:12
* ronoc turns his attention to banshee integration bugs this week11:12
vishronoc: neat..! :)12:36
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evaluateany indicator dev here?12:46
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ronocevaluate, yup13:51
evaluatehey ronoc13:53
evaluateI noticed that underscores don't appear in indicator menu items, is this behavior intended?13:54
ronocevaluate, I had noticed this before, do you mean the dbusmenuitem label string value ?13:55
evaluateronoc, sorry, I'm not familiar with the terms you guys use13:56
ronocevaluate, how have you noticed this ?13:56
evaluateronoc, well, I'm working on a clipboard manager13:57
evaluateI use the menu to also show a history of the most recent copied items. If I copy items that contain underscores, the underscores don't appear in the menu13:57
evaluatefor example if I copy 'g_gint64_format', in the menu I see: '13:57
evaluateif you want, I could paste you the exact steps I use to create the menu items...13:58
ronocevaluate, ah so you are using the application indicator api ?13:58
evaluateronoc, yeah13:58
ronocevaluate, i have noticed this before but it could be true for some reason, the best thing to do would be to file a bug against application indicator13:59
ronocevaluate, i work with the indicator stack but I'm not the owner14:00
ronocevaluate, ted is on holiday's14:00
evaluateronoc, yeah, I heard this name a lot of times recently. Who is he exactly? :-)14:00
ronocevaluate, https://launchpad.net/~ted dx team - foundations14:01
evaluatebtw, there are also problems with the formatting of menu items, which I have explained here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana-dev/msg00052.html14:01
evaluateI could eventually send a reply to this to also explain the underscore bug...14:01
ronockvalo -> https://code.launchpad.net/~cjcurran/indicator-sound/playlist-integration/+merge/4435115:00
ronocor are you on holidays ?15:00
kvaloronoc: not yet :) on it15:07
ronockvalo, thx15:07
kvaloronoc: why did you remove the vapi file? it shouldn't be in bzr?15:14
joaopintowhich package should I use to file a bug for the global menu ?15:15
ronockvalo,  not using it any more15:15
kvaloronoc: ok. approved15:16
* kvalo logs off now. happy holidays everyone15:16
spikebyou too kvalo15:16
ronockvalo, thanks man, have a nice holiday15:17
kenvandinejoaopinto, indicator-appmenu16:20
joaopintokenvandine, bug 693046, should I add task for indicator-appmenu ?16:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 693046 in AppMenu GTK+ "Menu does not respond in the "failed installed" session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69304616:22
joaopintoit was reported at appmenu-gtk16:22
kenvandinethat is probably fine16:23
AmaranthDBO: Remember those small API/ABI changes I was talking about for compiz?16:33
AmaranthDBO: I think it's better to think of it more as "I'm ripping the opengl plugin API to shreds and putting something back in"16:33
DBOAmaranth, please dont break it16:34
AmaranthDBO: The current API is basically not usable with OpenGL ES unless I build my own OpenGL state machine inside the gles plugin16:35
AmaranthWell, it's probably not _that_ bad16:36
DBOyeah its probably not16:36
DBOeither way16:36
DBOdont break shit16:36
AmaranthBut, for example, GLFragment is exposed to the public API in almost every single function call16:36
AmaranthGLES doesn't have fragment programs :)16:36
DBOare you sure about that16:37
DBOAmaranth, I am looking at the OpenGL ES spec right now16:37
DBOit can run fragment shaders16:37
Amaranthshaders are different16:38
DBOright, so here is what I am saying to you16:38
DBOthere is a functionality that is provided by GLFragment16:38
DBOthat is to say its used to make some rather simple transforms16:38
DBO(in compiz)16:38
DBOrather than try to port GLFragment16:38
DBOyou are merely trying to port how it is used in compiz16:38
Amaranthyeah, perhaps I'll have better luck tossing the current code and just trying to implement the interface from scratch16:41
DBOAmaranth, in cases like that yes16:41
DBOAmaranth, my recollection is GLFragment in plugins is only used for a couple of things16:41
DBOI would suggest attemption to write a fragment shader that can do the same things16:42
AmaranthDBO: brightness, opacity, saturation16:42
DBOand exporting a new, similar struct16:42
DBOso its not a hard problem to solve16:42
Amaranthblur is screwed though :)16:42
DBOfuck blur16:42
DBOdont worry about blur right now16:42
DBOworry about basic plugins16:43
DBOthink "Ubuntu default plugin list"16:43
AmaranthRight now I'm just worried about the opengl plugin16:44
jcastroDBO: is bug #692444 bitesizeable?17:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 692444 in Unity "clicking trash multiple times opens multiple instances of it." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69244417:20
jcastroit feels bitesizeable17:20
DBOits a medium to hard bitesize17:21
DBObut its in the range17:21
jcastroDBO: the top panel is how many pixels up and down, 22px?17:39
vishakshatj: hi, did you figure out how to file the bug in debian?18:04
seiflotfywhere do i find some docu for19:30
kenvandineshould be in the libindicator-doc pacakge19:31
seiflotfynothing there19:31
seiflotfyoh shit19:31
seiflotfythere is only libappindicator docs in trunk19:32
seiflotfykenvandine, i can detect indicators that are being removed from the panel19:49
seiflotfyhow can i identify them19:50
seiflotfyis there any identifier for an indicator19:50
AmaranthDBO: So even trying my best there are going to be some API changes19:54
AmaranthDBO: They'll be additions but you'll have to use them19:54
AmaranthGLShader, GLShaderManager, GLVertexBatch I have so far19:54
AmaranthSo instead of glVertex3f and such you'll setup a GLVertexBatch, possibly setup a custom shader, and call batch->draw(shader)19:55
Amaranthhmm, exposing the shader in the draw method would make us depend on GL 2.0 on desktops too, might want to rethink that part...19:56
AmaranthI have no idea how nux and it's shaders are going to interact with this yet19:56
Amarantherr, its19:56
AmaranthDBO: Basically changes required to make up for there being no fixed function pipeline anymore19:57
DBOokay lets take it from the other approach here19:57
DBOlets ignore shaders for a moment and look at only those plugins that modify the transform of windows19:58
DBO(aka 90% of them)19:58
DBOwith me?19:58
AmaranthDBO: The simple ones just push matrices around, they likely won't need any change19:58
AmaranthIf you do any extra drawing or special transformations though...19:59
seiflotfykenvandine, where do i find stuff about IndicatorsModel19:59
DBOAmaranth, so for things like special transforms you need a vertex shader19:59
DBOwhich means you need a way to either:19:59
DBOA) define a shader which can be "programmed" by some struct you can pass around20:00
AmaranthI'm going to need a way to allow plugins to add functions that the main shader will somehow know to call20:00
kenvandineseiflotfy, dunno, is that from libindicator?20:00
kenvandineor libappindicator?20:00
DBOB) Allow plugins to define their own additional shaders20:00
seiflotfykenvandine, i am having an issue20:00
seiflotfykenvandine, i can connect to entries rmeoved20:01
DBOAmaranth, A) certainly can cover a large number of cases, but not all20:01
AmaranthDBO: defining their own shaders entirely wouldn't work as we need to combine them all20:01
seiflotfyhowever i can not identify the entry properly20:01
kenvandineseiflotfy, appindicators?20:01
AmaranthI'm going to have a few stock shaders though20:01
seiflotfyall indicators20:01
seiflotfyi am working on some panel stuff20:01
DBOAmaranth, you cant run shaders sequentially?20:01
kenvandineso using libindicator?20:01
AmaranthDBO: You can only have one main()20:01
kenvandineseiflotfy, i can't even see where IndicatorsModel come from20:02
DBOAmaranth, wtf are you talking about20:02
AmaranthDBO: And no, I don't think you can run them sequentially20:02
DBOAmaranth, hold on20:02
seiflotfymodel = IndicatorsModel.get_default ();20:02
seiflotfy        var indicators_list = model.get_indicators ();20:02
seiflotfythis is vala code20:02
seiflotfy to get all indicators20:02
seiflotfyhowever none of them have a real identifier20:02
AmaranthDBO: Shaders are C-like, they have a main function20:02
seiflotfynot even an internal one20:02
kenvandineseiflotfy, but what library provides IndicatorsModel?20:02
DBOAmaranth, yes I know, but you can run multiple shaders20:03
DBOAmaranth, I know this because we do it in nux all the time20:03
AmaranthDBO: I'll have to look at how that is done20:03
AmaranthDBO: afaik you can have one vertex and one fragment shader per glDraw* call20:03
seiflotfykenvandine, let me ask20:03
DBOAmaranth, you have to use an intermediate draw to do20:04
DBOwhich I suppose is a bit of a problem20:04
AmaranthDBO: Yeah, that sounds more complicated20:04
seiflotfykenvandine, ok nm that20:04
AmaranthAnd would use more memory20:04
kenvandineseiflotfy, oh, that is libunity20:04
seiflotfykenvandine, so i have a list of indicators20:04
seiflotfykenvandine, how do i identify them uniqeuly20:05
ionI wonder if it was noticed that bug #686698 isn’t in fact fixed yet? I’m unable to change the status.20:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 686698 in nux (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::IOpenGLSurface::UnlockRect()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68669820:05
DBOAmaranth, the approach I would take would be to attempt to define a shader that can be parameterized in such a way to replicate existing functionality20:05
seiflotfylets say i want to create a hashtable with <id, indicator>20:05
AmaranthDBO: Yeah, as much as possible20:05
AmaranthDBO: I imagine I can get most of the way there with that20:06
DBOAmaranth, yes20:07
DBOI am trying to raise jaytaoko20:07
DBOsee if I cant get you a better solution20:07
AmaranthDBO: but afaik there is a limit to the amount of parameters you can pass to a shader20:07
DBOthere are20:07
AmaranthUnless I want to load data in as a fake texture :)20:07
AmaranthThats how GPGPU stuff works, I agree it's pretty ugly20:07
DBOwell I mean what plugins are we talking about here...20:07
AmaranthDBO: I dunno, I haven't looked yet, that's why I'm focusing on stock shaders for now20:08
AmaranthDBO: Or at least I was until you got me in to thinking about the rest of it :)20:08
kenvandineseiflotfy, why do you need to identify them?20:08
DBOwell I dont want you to have to go back and redo this20:08
Amaranththe limit is something terribly low though, iirc it's 8 uniforms20:09
kenvandineget_indicators returns an ArrayList20:09
kenvandineshould be good enough20:09
kenvandinethen iterate over the indicators to do things with them20:09
AmaranthDBO: I've already tossed out 3 or 4 half ports of the opengl plugin to get to this point, one more won't hurt20:09
AmaranthDBO: Ideally I could sit down in a room with onestone and smspillaz and hash this out in an hour or so but...20:10
seiflotfykenvandine, thanks20:10
DBOAmaranth, you can compile multiple shader objects into a shader program20:10
kenvandineseiflotfy, if you really need an id, there is a get_indicator_name in IndicatorsModel20:10
kenvandineyou can always use that to get the name and store that20:10
kenvandinebut i would just use the list if you can20:10
AmaranthDBO: Yeah, I know the compiler will just concatenate them but I didn't think it would actually work correctly if each one defines a main function20:11
DBOdont have them define a main, they would need to implement a well known name20:12
DBOso each plugin defines a shader function name (if any) and then on load compiz makes its shader main call the functions in the right order, if the plugin requests its shader be enabled20:12
AmaranthDBO: Right, that's what I said a few minutes ago :)20:13
DBOAmaranth, sorry I must have missed that20:13
AmaranthDBO: Each plugin provides a function and core somehow figures out what functions to call and modifies the main function20:13
DBObut still, try to limit the number of plugins requiring that20:13
Amaranthabsolutely, mesa can apparently get a bit weird with that20:13
DBOI would suggest a bit-field to enable/disable functions20:14
Amaranththere is a code size limit for the compiler, I think20:14
DBOso you dont have to recompile the shader20:14
DBOis the code size limit for the compiler or for the shader objects?20:14
htorquehello everyone! to which package does the battery indicator belong?20:14
AmaranthDBO: I don't remember, will have to check20:15
AmaranthDBO: I don't think it matter anymore anyway, mesa got a new shader compiler20:15
DBOhtorque, I believe its part of gnome-power-manager20:15
DBOAmaranth, thats true!20:16
htorqueDBO, thanks20:16
AmaranthAlthough I'm mostly going to be focusing on specific SoCs20:16
Amaranthhmm, I think I'm going to apply these changes to the current compiz to verify I've got the right idea before I start porting things to egl/gles20:31
=== DanRabbit|afk is now known as DanRabbit
AmaranthDBO: So, hey, when do we get window previews? You can't say compiz doesn't provide a way for you to get them anymore :)21:16
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