
=== gp[8]_ is now known as gp[8]
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1208223 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (Transaction.cpp Transaction.h) svn add. This has broken the build for quite a while without me noticing it...04:18
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sourcemakeris there a known packaging problem related to kde 4.6 BETA2? kmail has been removed (4:4.4.8-0ubuntu2~maverick1~ppa3 <> 4:4.4.8-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa2) ?10:19
yofelshadeslayer: there?10:25
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yofelshadeslayer: anyway, can you backport kdepim to beta ppa too? (with ~ppa4 so it's higher than in updates)10:56
Riddellyofel: why does kdepim need to go into beta again?11:01
Riddelloh I see, version number is smaller than updates PPA so people upgrading have problems11:02
Mamarokcould somebody with more bugtracker foo remove Amarok from this entry? It links to Amarok 1.4 which is not shipped anymore and unmaintained11:24
RiddellMamarok: which?11:30
Mamarokoops, forgot that one :) -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/6284211:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 62842 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox & daap with itunes 7, 8, 9, 10 doesn't work correctly" [Low,Triaged]11:34
Riddellit's a shame daap doesn't work, it was good fun to be able to browse other people's collections at conferences when it did briefly work11:43
Riddelljust another evil point to apple11:44
droidslayerBug 692651 ...  any ideas?12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692651 in kdeutils (Ubuntu) "Ark : when creating a zip file Ark doesn't encode accents properly (i.e. "é" "è" etc.)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69265112:15
MamarokRiddell: Daap does work in Amarok, it just depends on the version12:16
Mamarokof Daap I mean12:17
macoRiddell: it works fine to view the daap shares of other free software users12:23
macoRiddell: its *only* apple itunes shares that don't work, because they're encrypted12:23
macoyou can still get the diddly dee music off my lappy at UDSes :)12:25
macoor could, assuming i go to more udses....12:25
droidslayerSo Skype says that apachelogger_ is a female....  hmmmm12:42
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jussi01droidslayer: he is! :D12:50
* apachelogger_ thought that the nice skype test call lady might became a man if the caller is female12:56
apachelogger_it did not12:56
apachelogger_which I find sad12:56
apachelogger_markey: why did you call me at 6?12:56
apachelogger_in the morning :D12:56
apachelogger_that is the odd thing about it ^^12:56
markeyapachelogger_: the idea was to get you out of bed, and overall just annoy you12:57
markeyapachelogger_: it wasn't really me12:57
markeyapachelogger_: was a cron job12:57
apachelogger_ah, I see12:57
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markeylike that guy who called me the other day: "Yes, hello?" "Hahahahaha!"12:57
markeythat is fun12:58
apachelogger_BTW: I really like the ECMA scripting for configuration management of desktops.12:58
apachelogger_Keep up the good work.12:58
apachelogger_now see12:58
apachelogger_that is one reason I would not want to work in the linux mint team12:59
droidslayerjussi01_: haha12:59
apachelogger_I do love jimbo :D13:02
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: so, what to do about quickaccessy?13:03
apachelogger_can we boot it?13:03
* apachelogger_ probably asks the 5th time or so13:03
JontheEchidnaI guess. I'm not really maintaining it anymore13:04
* Riddell grabs the new akonadi for packaging13:04
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: lets do it away then13:05
apachelogger_on that note13:05
apachelogger_did we not want to add something else?13:05
apachelogger_trash applet?13:05
* apachelogger_ seems to remember a bug report about that13:05
ScottKAnyone have any ideas about why kdevelop-php would FTBFS only on armel and powerpc?13:13
apachelogger_it doesnt like them13:13
ScottKI can replicate the failure on our arm boxes.13:13
apachelogger_/usr/bin/kdev-pg-qt falls over13:14
apachelogger_maybe a datatype thing?13:14
apachelogger_seems a bit random TBH13:14
apachelogger_ScottK: can you paste kdevelop-php-1.1.80/parser/php.g line 109513:15
apachelogger_or maybe 1090 to 200013:15
ScottKapachelogger_: That's the end of the file.13:15
apachelogger_what do lines 1090 to 1095 look like?13:16
ScottK} // end of namespace Php13:17
ScottK-- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; tab-width 4; replace-tabs on; auto-insert-doxygen on; mode KDevelop-PG[-Qt]13:17
ScottKWhith a couple of blank lines thrown in that quassel helpfully omitted13:17
apachelogger_is that kdevelop-pg-qt the latest version?13:17
ScottKIt is.13:17
ScottKI also tried to build against git head and it failed there too on arm13:17
ScottKSame error.13:18
apachelogger_maybe talk to people in #kdevelop13:18
apachelogger_surely they will have some idea what could be going wrong13:18
ScottKI need to be offline most of today.13:18
ScottKIs there someone who you might suggest for this while I'm away?13:19
apachelogger_uh swweet, synaptiks actually manages to turn off my touchpad when typing13:19
apachelogger_ScottK: shadeslayer ;)13:19
apachelogger_otherwise I could try harass someone later on13:20
droidslayerSorry cant do a lot of stuff...  trying to be of some use by handling bug reports but other than that ill be available after 1st Jan13:32
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerRiddell: what do we do for the xmas party?13:32
apacheloggerNightrose: did your upgrade problem resolve yet?13:33
droidslayerapachelogger: can we haz ponies for Xmas13:33
droidslayerOr unicorns13:33
Riddellapachelogger: game of Doom?13:34
apacheloggerwe can, if you tell me how to implement13:34
apacheloggerRiddell: what is that?13:34
droidslayerThe game13:34
Riddellyou know, the pre-Quake game from ID13:34
droidslayerRiddell: s/doom/call of duty13:35
Riddellthat sounds new and fangled13:35
droidslayerIt is...13:35
droidslayerI wish we had steam for Linux13:36
Riddellgame of kpat then?13:36
apacheloggerkpat is not networkable is it ^^13:37
ScottKapachelogger: Sounds like a decent GSoC project for someone.13:38
apacheloggerScottK: kpat for network?13:38
droidslayerapachelogger: old13:38
apacheloggeralso someone could make systemsettings not suck13:38
* ScottK notices the new digikam and wonders who's on it.13:38
* apachelogger thinks we should start collecting ideas for GSoC13:39
droidslayerHmmm...  I plan on participating in gsoc 201113:39
apacheloggerScottK: that makes me wonder where lure got lost to13:39
droidslayerapachelogger: yeah13:39
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  I've wondered the same.13:39
ScottKOn a similar note I emailed awen to let him know his 4.4.5 packages were finally in lucid-proposed.  Got a nice reply.  He's currently very busy with having an actual job, but does expect to return.13:40
apacheloggerdroidslayer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/GSoC2011Ideas13:42
droidslayerapachelogger: onice13:42
droidslayerWell...  me and aakshay will work on language selector after exams13:43
ScottKdroidslayer: In what century does "after exams" arrive?13:44
droidslayerScottK: 1 Jan 201113:44
droidslayerI got my exams postponed to attend uds and after that all I've had are exams13:45
Riddelldroidslayer: oh?  what do you expect to do on language selector?13:45
droidslayerRiddell: un python it13:45
droidslayerEffectively make it not break....13:46
Riddelldo talk to jlayt about it too, he's doing work upstream on the language bits13:46
droidslayerUI update as well13:46
droidslayerRiddell: ok13:46
Riddellideally it would all be upstream, it would use packagekit or the like to install language packs13:47
RiddellI don't know how cross-distro the im-selector stuff is though, that needs investigation13:47
droidslayerHmm ....  like use a dbus call to install stuff?13:47
ScottKRiddell: Would you have time to email lure and inquire about his well being and let him know we miss him?13:48
Riddellpackagekit is dbus yes13:48
apacheloggerRiddell: the thing is that every distro has their tools anyway, and a lot of the stuff actually depends on how the specific distro actually does l10n13:48
Riddellapachelogger: which is a bug :)13:48
apacheloggere.g. suse would be difficult to adress at all13:49
Riddelldistro tools are a bug :)13:49
apacheloggeryes they are13:49
Riddellsuse is a large bug in that respect!13:49
* apachelogger would love yast if it had any sort of good structure13:49
ScottKGenerically I agree, but until the cross-distro tools support all the use cases of the distro tools, switching is problemative.13:49
Riddelldroidslayer: anyway, the setting the system language stuff is currently done by language-selector and it would be best to have that in the KDE language UI and jlayt may have plans for that13:50
droidslayerSo webkit versioning mess might coming our way with a qt 4.8 release13:50
apacheloggermy kmail i the broken :(13:50
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droidslayerRiddell: wait...  your talking about language selector qt right?13:51
apacheloggeranyhow, to do language magic upstream one would first need to find out what exactly distros need to do, how they do it right now and how to transition to a new global approach13:51
droidslayerOr the whole language selector?13:51
apacheloggerthat is 2 years of work, approx 5 million EUR13:52
apacheloggerso I would go and look for some governmental funding13:52
ScottKWell we'd also need distros to stop doing silly things like stripping out per language language packs to make their own per language language packs.13:52
apacheloggerI hear the european union loves giving money to projects ;) ;) ;)13:52
ScottKAs long as we're using Rosetta, the discussion of upstreaming stuff is pointless.13:52
Riddelldroidslayer: what's the difference?13:52
droidslayerRiddell: language selector qt is just one 70 line python file13:53
Riddellapachelogger: that's all stuff jlayt is looking into13:53
droidslayerLanguage selector....  is....  a whole project13:54
RiddellScottK: Lure hasn't done much for some time, but I can indeed send him a christmas e-mail13:54
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.  13:54
apacheloggerRiddell: I do not envy him then13:54
ScottKI spot three Kubuntu packages in http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi - If someone wants to do fixes, I'll gladly sponsor them later today or tomorrow.13:55
droidslayerSo like ill start on 3 projects in Jan13:56
Riddelldoes gtk-oxygen make emacs die for other people?13:57
droidslayerRiddell: use vim..  http://xkcd.com/378/13:58
droidslayerWait no13:58
droidslayerEmacs >>> vim13:59
apacheloggerthats better13:59
macodoes the "configure sharing" in folder properties in dolphin do squat diddly for anyone else?14:00
droidslayermaco: its broken14:00
macooh good not just me14:00
apacheloggerrbelem is fixing it14:00
apacheloggeror fixed it14:00
apacheloggerWIP or something14:00
* droidslayer waves fist at apachelogger 14:01
macojust as long as it isnt a sign of disk corruption :)14:01
apacheloggerdroidslayer: want another ride? :P14:01
droidslayerapachelogger: heh :-P14:01
apacheloggeroh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh14:01
apacheloggerI am using windows14:01
apacheloggerand Dell has this very nice help center thingy14:02
apacheloggerand that thingy incorporates a system check thingy14:02
apacheloggerwhich is super nice14:02
apacheloggerchecks disk smart stuff and cpu extension working and whatnot14:02
droidslayerapachelogger: the one that tests graphics etc?14:02
apacheloggerdunno, I aborted it while CPU testing14:02
apacheloggersupposedly it does graphics to14:02
droidslayerIt does...14:03
apacheloggeranyhow, having such a thing for Linux would be super awesom14:03
droidslayerAnd i agree its super awesome14:03
droidslayerThere is14:03
apacheloggerquite the large project14:03
apacheloggerbut generally14:03
droidslayerPhronix test suite14:03
droidslayerPhronix test suite14:03
apacheloggerphronix test suite is made so that silly people can make silly benchmarks14:03
droidslayerI think it does the same thing14:03
apacheloggereat your hardware14:04
apacheloggerbut the use is different14:04
apacheloggeralso that test suite is not accessible for the user14:04
apacheloggerplus it does siilly things IIRC14:04
droidslayerNever tried it14:04
apacheloggerso what I would want is an integrated solution that ensures relability of the system14:04
apacheloggerintegration is key there14:04
ScottKRiddell: If you have time for binary New in the course of your archive-admin duties, there's a backports New in maverick that needs attending to (since it's my upload technically, I feel I shoulnd't do it).14:04
droidslayerAnyways... Gtg and study... :-(14:05
RiddellScottK: yes I'll do that today14:05
Riddellsteveire: what's the purpose of this file usr/lib/qt4/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite3.so in akonadi?14:06
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.14:06
apacheloggerwell, my kmail cannot send mails14:06
apacheloggersteveire: ping14:06
apacheloggerRiddell: sqlite support14:06
apacheloggerRiddell: needs to be split14:06
apacheloggersqlite for mobile, mysql for desktop14:06
apacheloggerso ultimately we would have both in packages that go like akonadi-dbdriver-$db or somthing like that14:06
steveireRiddell: I think the qt sqlite driver was not good enough, so that's one that works. I don't know the details14:08
Riddellhow does akonadi chose which database to use?14:08
ScottKsanta_ on #debian-qt-kde was discussing improving Akonadi packaging yesterday (they are prepping 4.6 packages for an unofficial repository) and so whoever takes this one might want to coordinat on naming if nothing else.14:09
steveireThere's a cmake switch for the default, and I think a configu file to change it14:12
RiddellI think I'll leave that file unpackaged for now and there should be a todo item to investigate getting kubuntu mobile to use akonadi with sqlite14:13
apacheloggersteveire: grantlee on windows is the broken14:13
apacheloggerbuilding I mean14:13
steveireReally? 0.1.7?14:14
apacheloggerwith Qt SDK14:14
apacheloggeralso I know why :P14:14
* Riddell wonders why apachelogger is building grantlee on windows14:14
apacheloggeralso I know how to fix it :P14:14
steveireHow's that?14:15
apacheloggersteveire: http://gitorious.org/grantlee/grantlee/blobs/master/CMakeLists.txt#line2914:15
apacheloggerthis line messes things up14:15
apacheloggeras pointed out by the comment above plugin loading will fail if plugins were built with nodbg but Qt with and vice versa14:16
apacheloggernow since you cannot know whether Qt was built with or without you cannot use that line14:16
steveireAnd that fails at build time?14:16
apacheloggerit just fails to load the plugins14:16
apacheloggerthat is the horrible thing about it14:16
steveireOh. You said building above14:16
* apachelogger spent a whole afternoon hunting this down14:16
apacheloggeroh, yeah, my bad :)14:17
steveireWell, presumably the plugins are built at the same time as the rest, so you do know.14:17
apacheloggerwhat you should be doing is use add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS})14:17
apacheloggersteveire: yeah, but the current defintion does not take the knowing into account14:17
apacheloggerif you use QT_DEFINTIONS (which comes from FindQt4) you are always in line with Qt14:18
apacheloggerso I would remove the whole if MINGW part and instead add the Qt definitions below14:19
apacheloggerRiddell: I am now using a working operating system :P14:20
steveireOk, I'll try that out later14:20
apacheloggersteveire: yeah, just get the Qt SDK with unpatched 0.1.7 it will fail to load plugins :)14:22
* apachelogger needs to wipe his akonadi/kdepim setup since it is hopelessly broken :(14:22
steveireYou shouldn't need the add_definitions either if QT_USE_FILE is used (which it is)14:23
skamsterhello all14:25
Riddellhi skamster 14:26
skamsteri've got a plasmoid which is written in python.. my problem is, that i've got some plugins in subfolders, when i create the plasmoid out of it, the path isn't alright anymore (as it seems), so it didn't find any plugins14:27
skamsterhow is the structure of subfolders in plasmoids to access them as well?14:27
Riddellyou can use locate() to find where things are installed to in KDE14:28
Riddellskamster: http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdecore/html/classKStandardDirs.html14:29
apacheloggerskamster: you mean plugins inside your plasmoid folder?14:29
ScottKCurrently I'm (as a test) tethered to my Droid and accessing the Internet that way.14:30
ScottKThe amazingly complex procedure to make this work on Kubuntu Maverick was:14:30
ScottK1.  Connect the phone to the computer via USB.14:30
ScottK2.  Enable tethering in the Droid's system settings.14:30
ScottK3.  There is no 3.  The rest just happened automagically.14:30
highvoltageScottK: nice :)14:30
skamsterapachelog: yes, not default-plugins (if they exists) but written in own code, in the projects in subfolders :)14:31
apacheloggerSput: when do we get mobile quassel?14:31
skamsteri've also a standaloneversion, which works :)14:31
apacheloggerskamster: you should be able to access them thru plasma14:31
ScottKNow I just realized (after I switched) I need to print something, which means I need to be on my network ....14:31
apacheloggerat least in the ecma engine you can14:31
skamstermh, isn't there just a path-change possible? 14:32
skamsteror is it also zippet when installed?14:32
Riddellskamster: line 232 might be something like what you want http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeutils/printer-applet/printer-applet.py?revision=1178278&view=markup14:33
apacheloggerskamster: http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/plasma/html/classPlasma_1_1Package.html#aa59691ae2afda105112147eb9779f25914:36
Riddellsteveire: these tickboxes to turn on and off addressbooks and calendars in kontact 4.6 are tricksy, they're off by default and it just seems like the apps aren't working14:36
apacheloggernot sure if that is what you want to do ^^14:36
steveireRiddell: I also have problems with that. Tokoe is willing to listen to better solutions14:37
skamsterthanks to all, Riddel: the second one could be a nice thing, i have to try.. this is my pluginmanager, maybe then it's easier to see the problem.. :) http://pastebin.com/c5weaY5214:39
Riddellsteveire: well turn them on by default surely?14:40
* maco agrees with Riddell14:41
Riddellsteveire: otherwise kontact 4.6 seems to be working well here, congratulations :)14:43
Riddellsteveire: do you know if akonadi 1.4.90 is sensible to use with kontact 4.4?14:43
alapachelogger, there are n900 quassel builds iirc ;)14:43
apacheloggerI find the interface barely suiteable for desktop use :P14:44
apachelogger... imagine what would happen if I started quassel on a phone14:44
Riddellakonadi 1.4.90 seems to crash kaddressbook 4.4.815:17
jjesseok updated my vm to natty today16:07
Riddellgosh another new digikam release out16:08
jjesseonly issue is i need to recompile my virtualbox tools16:09
ScottKRiddell: I asked about Akonadi 1.4.90 and PIM 4.4.8/9 on the packager's list.  No response yet that I've seen.16:49
Riddellwe already had 1.4.80 which had the same crash so I uploaded to natty16:52
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apacheloggerjson is so much better than xml -.-17:04
Riddellwhy's that?17:08
apacheloggerxml is so incredibly fat17:09
apacheloggeralso json takes less headtwisting to de/serialize17:10
* apachelogger can crash kwin by alt-tabbing17:10
apacheloggeralso after crash I get groupped windows all over the place17:10
apacheloggerrather silly17:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping17:10
Mamarokapachelogger: I jut checked the various launchpad bugs all related to the failure to play audio CD and I wonder if those are not all related:17:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 606709 in KDE Multimedia "can't play audio CD" [Unknown,Confirmed]17:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 464656 in phonon-backends (Ubuntu) "amarok crashed with SIGSEGV in xine_get_autoplay_mrls() while playing audiocd" [Low,Triaged]17:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 597933 in taglib-sharp (Ubuntu) "Audio discs not played " [Undecided,New]17:24
apacheloggerMamarok: bug 464656 is not related to the first one17:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 464656 in phonon-backends (Ubuntu) "amarok crashed with SIGSEGV in xine_get_autoplay_mrls() while playing audiocd" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46465617:27
apacheloggerthough it should be closed because we have it in kde too17:27
apacheloggerMamarok: the first and the last could indeed be related17:27
apacheloggerthough probably not17:27
apacheloggerIIRC amarok gets the track listing from the audiocd kio slave17:28
apacheloggertaglib most likely does not17:28
apacheloggerMamarok: can you please send me all the above in a mail?17:29
* apachelogger is currently walking through phonon bugs and has a broken kmail ^^17:29
Mamarokapachelogger: OK, will do :)17:29
QuintasanScottK: I've posted positive feedback on SRU bug on -proposed17:38
ScottKQuintasan: Thanks.17:39
apacheloggerMamarok: thx17:40
danttiapachelogger: is this your miracle script? bzr branch lp:~apachelogger/+junk/release-script-refactor17:42
ScottKWould someone who has the powah please add libasyncns to kubuntu-bugs?17:42
ScottKRiddell: Bug 689766 <-- Please promote libasyncns (if someone didn't get to it already).17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 689766 in libasyncns (Ubuntu Natty) "[MIR] libasyncns needed as b-d of loudmoyth" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68976617:43
apacheloggerdantti: yes17:49
ScottKkvkbd failed to build in lucas' most recent rebuild test.  I have it fixed locally and will upload later today (need to run out again).17:53
danttiapachelogger: I saw that there is a kpackagekit there already does it know about git ?18:15
apacheloggernot sure if the version there does, probably not18:15
* apachelogger supposedly created it for a kubuntu svn snapshot18:16
apacheloggerdantti: is kpk still in playground?18:16
danttiapachelogger: but it is in git now18:17
danttiapachelogger: so does the path matter?18:18
danttisince projects.kde.org paths are just virtual..18:18
apacheloggertranslations are not in git :P18:19
apacheloggerdantti: https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/sysadmin18:19
danttiah yes18:19
apacheloggerI do not even find kpk18:19
danttiapachelogger: yes, it's there as apper already18:19
* apachelogger did not know it is called apper now :P18:19
danttiapachelogger: i'm releasing the last kpk version now...18:20
* apachelogger blinks18:20
apacheloggerdantti: is the translation still running as kpackageki?18:20
danttiapachelogger: well I think yes18:21
danttibecause I didn't change the sources to apper yet18:21
* apachelogger calls this a mess :P18:21
danttiyes renaming is a mess18:22
danttiat least fedora now has a decent version..18:22
apacheloggerPushed up to revision 115.                                                                                                                                   18:24
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=115&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 115 | Coolo: updated kghostview to 0.418:24
apacheloggerdantti: I'll move everything to apper for r11618:26
apacheloggerso you'll only be able to use r115 for the last kpk release ;)18:26
danttiapachelogger: k, that's ok for me :D18:26
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
danttiapachelogger: to use I run ./kpackagekit?18:27
apacheloggerfirst use --help18:27
apachelogger--git-branch master  -b trunk -v 1000000 -p ssh -u sitter18:28
apacheloggersomething like that18:28
apacheloggerjsut with your login and proper version ;)18:28
ubottuSearch for a package or a file: !find <term/file>18:31
apachelogger!find bzr-fast-export.py18:31
ubottuPackage/file bzr-fast-export.py does not exist in maverick18:31
trichardHey, i'm trying to create a deb package of some library/plugin i made. However, when i call dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot i get this error in cmake: "Qt compiled without support for -fvisibility=hidden." from the FindKDE4Internal macro18:47
danttiapachelogger: ./lib/l10nstat.rb:139:in `sort': comparison of Array with Array failed (ArgumentError)18:54
danttibug for u :P18:54
apacheloggerinstall msgfmt18:54
apachelogger!find msgfmt18:55
ubottuFound: liblocale-msgfmt-perl18:55
* apachelogger kicks the bot18:55
apacheloggerdantti: that is in gettext it would seem18:55
apachelogger--no-stat should also work around it18:56
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trichardinstall(FILES dolphin-box-plugin.desktop DESTINATION ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR}) <-- this also seems to give an error. It wants to install the desktop file in my local /usr19:09
Nightroseapachelogger: didn't check again - sorry - and now at him until new year19:11
tricharddamn, why is it so hard to package something? I now get this error: missing files (usr/include/*), aborting19:34
apacheloggerNightrose: still around?19:37
Nightroseapachelogger: yes19:37
apacheloggertrichard: what sort of package is that?19:37
* apachelogger thinks that it is overengineered ^^19:38
apacheloggerNightrose: recommendations for release script name19:38
apacheloggersho is not too happy with calling it release-script19:38
apacheloggersince it is just one of many19:38
apacheloggerso we should give it some unique name of its own19:38
trichardapachelogger: it's a package that contains a lib and a desktop file19:38
apacheloggerthat indeed makes things more complicated19:39
apacheloggerthen again that IMHO makes things more complicated in every aspect, not just packaging19:39
apacheloggertrichard: does it actually install foo to usr/include/*19:39
Nightroseapachelogger: hmmm no idea sorry19:39
trichardapachelogger: no19:39
apacheloggerNightrose: apachelogger certified release script - acrs19:39
Nightrosei'll think about it some mroe19:40
trichardapachelogger: in my rules file i just call include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/1/debian-qt-kde.mk, to build i call dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot19:40
trichard(fyi i have no packaging experience :))19:40
apacheloggertrichard: so are you using cdbs for a reason? ^^19:41
efactusaHey everyone I just want to thank you all for the wonderful OS on behalf of me and the people of france and the crew at http://www.myefact.com we wouldnt have been able to do half of what we do if it wasn't for Ubuntu so THANKS UBUNTU DEVS!!19:42
trichardapachelogger: because i thought that was supposed to be easy19:42
apacheloggerthat is a lie19:43
apacheloggerthought up by the mad people behind cdbs ;)19:43
apacheloggertrichard: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546371/19:43
trichardapachelogger: that's good to know, thanks :)19:44
trichardapachelogger: that seems to do exactly the same btw19:44
apacheloggernot exactly, no19:44
apacheloggerdh is more flexible19:45
apacheloggertrichard: so can you paste a build log?19:45
apacheloggerNightrose:  buttonit19:46
trichardapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546373/19:46
apachelogger-- Install configuration: "Debian"19:47
apachelogger-- Installing: /home/thomas/Programming/Packaging/dolphin-box-plugin/dolphin-box-plugin-0.1/debian/tmp/usr/share/kde4/services/dolphin-box-plugin.desktop19:47
apachelogger-- Installing: /home/thomas/Programming/Packaging/dolphin-box-plugin/dolphin-box-plugin-0.1/debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/dolphin-box-plugin.so19:47
apacheloggertrichard: it doesnt actually install anything to /usr/include19:47
apacheloggerso one of your .install files is bogus19:47
trichardapachelogger: is it required to install anything to /usr/include?19:47
apacheloggertrichard: but one of your debian/*install files lists the pattern usr/include/*19:48
apacheloggerand so dh_install is trying to add those files to the package19:48
apacheloggerand falls over because there is no file that matches the pattern19:48
trichardapachelogger: ok, i didn't change anything in those. I'll take a look. Thanks19:50
_Groo_yofel: ping19:53
_Groo_hi/2 all19:53
trichardapachelogger: ok now i see. I need to alter that file myself too :)19:53
apacheloggerhold on19:53
apacheloggertrichard: you are making things more complicate than necessary19:54
apacheloggeryou only need one package19:54
apacheloggerand loose the install file completely19:54
_Groo_yofel: are you there?19:54
apacheloggerthat way it will just install all files to that one package19:54
apacheloggerwhich is what you want to do19:54
apacheloggerbecause your libary is not a regular library but a plugin19:54
apacheloggerand as such you would just package the desktop file and the so file in one package19:54
apacheloggersince one only works with the other anyway19:54
trichardapachelogger: that makes sense. So i actually made the mistake when typing l when doing dh_make? 19:55
apacheloggerit asks you what type of package, and if you say single it will make things a lot easier19:56
trichardapachelogger: That worked. Thanks again, i'm finally starting to get it :)20:00
apacheloggerdantti: around?20:08
danttiapachelogger: almost leaving for home but yup :P20:08
danttiapachelogger: btw thanks for your script :D20:08
apacheloggerdantti: looking for a name for the script20:09
apacheloggerany suggestions?20:09
danttireleaser :P20:09
danttilike apper20:09
apacheloggernot sure if the sysadmins like that20:09
danttigarbage-releaser lol20:10
apacheloggeruhh, bunny-releaser sounds nice :D :D :D20:11
danttiapachelogger: ok release done going home.. hope I don't get much trafic jam :/20:13
apacheloggerdantti: you should use a helicopter20:13
apacheloggerdantti, Nightrose: sho had an awesome idea "release-me"20:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping20:18
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong20:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ^ looking for a name for the release script20:18
apacheloggerany ideas?20:18
apacheloggerhow do you like "release-me"20:18
JontheEchidnasounds good20:19
JontheEchidnaI don't have anything better :)20:19
apacheloggerk :)20:19
ScottKCall it elvis (Didn't he do a version of Please Release Me?)20:20
apacheloggertom jones too20:21
ScottKEngleburt Humperdink.20:21
ScottKLess chance of namespace collision I think with humperdink.20:21
claydohMamarok: ping20:36
claydohMamarok: I'll just email you, I may be away soon20:41
amorphous1apachelogger, do you still have somewhere that ppa for ubuntuone-kde?23:02
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
apacheloggeramorphous1: probably still where it used to be, but is not to be used anymore23:48
amorphous1apachelogger, :(    are there any plans to be used?23:51

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