
kapouiksomeone can say me if there is a plan to add openid authentification in launchpad ?01:14
spivkapouik: yes.01:18
spivThere's a bug about it somewhere.01:18
kapouikbecause I have my OpenID allready and I don't want to create a new useraccount on launchpad01:20
wgrantkapouik: It's not quite there yet. Launchpad is already an OpenID consumer, but it's currently locked to a single provider. There's a bit more work to be done before we can allow any provider to be used.01:22
kapouikbecause creating a new account to get the source code from a free software where some code of me is in ... it's frustrating01:25
spivYou don't need an account to get source code hosted on launchpad.01:26
kapouikbzr say me I need01:26
kapouikis there an option to enable or disable anonymous acces ?01:27
exarkunJust don't use a bzr+ssh URI to check out the code.01:27
wgrantkapouik: bzr will suggest that you log in.01:28
wgrantBut you don't have to.01:28
wgrantIt should still work.01:28
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bercoHi! Is there a LOSA online?12:55
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mthaddonberco: hi13:24
bercomthaddon: hi, I discussed yesterday with Chex about our (TI) private PPA issue but seems he's on x-mas vacation now, so would like some help13:31
mthaddonberco: ok - the issue was that you wanted to make a private PPA public?13:32
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bercobut it's not possible13:32
mthaddonso what can I help with?13:33
bercoso I wanted to know if it's possible to rename our private one, make a new public one with current name and finally if we will be able to copy our packages from one to the other13:33
bercoproblem is we wanted to keep the name13:33
mthaddonwe're not able to rename PPAs13:34
bercomthaddon: would you be able to create a new public PPA for us?13:35
mthaddonberco: you should be able to do that yourself, no?13:35
bercomthaddon: well, my boss is but pb is that he's on vacation too :(13:36
mthaddonberco: I just have no way of verifying you are who you say you are on IRC - can you file a question on LP and point me to it - if I can confirm you're a member of the right team, I guess that would be okay13:37
bercomthaddon: makes sense, I'll try this. thanks13:38
mthaddoncool, I'll be here for a while yet, so just let me know when you've done that13:38
bercomthaddon: where can I file a question, I couldn't find a place where to do that for LP?13:57
mthaddonberco: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion13:58
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bercomthaddon: I filed this question: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/13860514:12
bercomthaddon: I hope you can help us14:12
mthaddonberco: sure, what display name do you want to use?14:15
mthaddon(for the PPA)14:15
bercomthaddon: let's try with "TI omap-trunk PPA"14:16
mthaddonberco: https://launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev/+archive/omap-trunk14:18
bercomthaddon: super! many thanks14:25
mthaddonsure, no problem14:25
bercomthaddon: you confirm it's for ARM?14:26
mthaddonberco: I can confirm builds for ARM are enabled14:27
bercomthaddon: thank you14:27
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will_hi everybody... i'm a launchpad user : i translate several open source projects into French.. But recently I have a big problem with Launchpad... I can't access to my account anymore. I've tried the forgot password function but I don't receive the email with the instructions to reset my password15:15
will_However, I'm using Gmail on my own domain name...15:16
will_Can anyone help me ?15:16
deryckwill_: did gmail swallow the email in your spam label?15:41
will_no I've checked throught the webmail : no filter...15:41
=== EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: EdwinGrubbs | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
will_I don't understand, I've ask another launchpad user (through the fr translator list): but it works well with gmail...15:44
psusithe launchpad project page for mesa has a broken home page link, and very out of date release series information and download15:46
cornwallHi, I've got a bzr branch with a fix that I'm trying to get pushed into lucid-proposed. I've followed the guidelines for an SRU and I'm ready to "upload to the release-proposed with the patch". Should I be proposing a merge into the the lp:projectname-proposed?15:52
psusicornwall: I don't think so but that's probably better asked in #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-devel15:56
cornwallI see15:56
cornwallpsusi: Thanks very much15:56
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will_hi everybody... i'm a launchpad user : i translate several open source projects into French.. But recently I have a big problem with Launchpad... I can't access to my account anymore. I've tried the forgot password function but I don't receive the email with the instructions to reset my password... However, I'm using Gmail on my own domain name... I've checked throught the webmail, Gmail isn't considering the email as a spam16:09
danilosEdwinGrubbs, hi, can you please try to help will_ perhaps?16:20
will_Bonjour à tous... J'ai actuellement des problèmes de connexion avec Launchpad. La fonction Forgot your password ne fonctionne pas chez moi: je ne reçois pas le mail d'instructions pour redéfinir mon mot de passe. J'utilise Gmail lié à mon nom de domaine, Gmail ne considère pourtant pas les mails comme SPAM. Si quelqu'in pouvait m'aider (je viens du support de canonical pas de réponse ni sur son irc)16:21
will_sorry for my previous message in french... i was wrong channel... I've join the ubuntu channel : they send me back to you xD16:26
will_danilos : I've join the ubuntu channel : they sent me back to this channel xD16:29
daniloswill_, you are on the right channel, but I am busy right now and need to leave soon, so you'll be better off waiting for EdwinGrubbs who's listed as the "help contact" in the channel topic16:30
EdwinGrubbswill_: hi, what is your launchpad username?16:31
will_muy launchpad username is William GATHOYE16:33
bdrungis it possible to configure the bug tracker of a project to use the bug tracker of the corresponding ubuntu package?16:47
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Guest39815After installing, the following source dependencies are still unsatisfied:17:02
Guest39815libqt4-dev(inst 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5.1 ! <= wanted 4.4)|libqt4-opengl-dev(missing)17:02
Guest39815the problem is libqt4-opengl-dev or libqt4-dev?17:03
Guest39815I don't see the problem17:06
Guest39815ah it ask for a version <4.4, hmm17:07
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EdwinGrubbsbdrung: not really. If you link the ubuntu package to the project, when you go to the project's bug tab, it will mention the package, but the "Report a bug" link won't be active on the project.17:51
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ari-tczewwhy can't I resubmit merge bzr proposal? (Error ID: OOPS-1816A1677)18:32
ari-tczewoh, thanks ubot518:33
ari-tczewhmm, no access to read18:33
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* maxb sighs at code import requests with Launchpad's own loggerhead instance as the URL21:20
maxbAnyone have any thoughts on whether imported packaging branches from svn.debian.org ought to include the debian/ dir within the branch, or not?21:26
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sorenmaxb: I can totally relate to import requests pointed at Launchpad. Not loggerhead, though.21:38
ior_Hey im having some trouble with the error No int found. Try passing int=bootarg on busybox v1.13.3 for jolicloud and im a noobie will anyone be willing to try and help me please?21:39
sorenmaxb: We used to keep our packaging for Nova (part of Openstack) in lp:nova/ubuntu. We since moved it to a more proper home at lp:~openstack-ubuntu-packagers/ubuntu/natty/nova/ubuntu. Being able to keep the lp:nova/ubuntu shortcut would have been really awesome, but I can't point the nova project's ubuntu series' dev branch at something in the lp:ubuntu/blah namespace.21:40
sorenmaxb: My attempts to work around that involved setting up a code import into the nova namespace from lp:~openstack-ubuntu-packagers/ubuntu/natty/nova/ubuntu. It was rejected.21:41
radixDoes anyone have a link to that stuff that lifeless wrote about keeping a layer between application logic and storage logic?21:41
radixI remember reading a pretty abstract specification of it, but I'm wondering if he's gone into more technical detail yet21:41
maxbior_: You're in the wrong place for help with that. This is a channel for help with the launchpad.net website21:42
ior_Thank you for somereason someone directed me here, anyone know where i may go for help with such an issue?21:43
maxbIt seems like you need to find a jolicloud-specific forum of some sort.21:44
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Yaron-HebHey guys! I can't enter Banshee's translation through here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/banshee22:35
Yaron-HebI get an error22:35
Yaron-Hebthis is the error ID I got: (Error ID: OOPS-1816N1955)22:36
micahgYaron-Heb: banshee isn't in main yet, so it's not translatable yet22:36
Yaron-Hebohhhhh I see! thank you very much, when will it be?22:37
micahgat least through Ubuntu in launchpad :-/.22:37
micahgYaron-Heb: bug 60729122:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 607291 in banshee (Ubuntu) "[MIR] banshee" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60729122:37
Yaron-Hebwe are expecting banshee as default in natty aren't we?22:37
micahgYaron-Heb: yes, it's in progress, probably some time in January22:38
Yaron-HebI see... will it be that difficult to convert to Vala instead of Mono?22:38
micahgYaron-Heb: don't quote me on that22:39
Yaron-HebLOL, you got it ☺22:39
micahgYaron-Heb: I don't know of any plans to convert from mono22:39
Yaron-Hebdamn... that's gonna be ugly isn't it?22:39
micahgYaron-Heb: no, but this is getting off-topic here22:39
Yaron-Hebyeah... sure thing...22:40
Yaron-Hebanyways thank you for your help!22:40
Yaron-Hebthank you all!22:40
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