
kosaidpohello guys00:16
kosaidpoim still struglin and idk how i can make it i wanna call a scipt from anywhere00:17
=== tenach1 is now known as tenach
tman_im trying to install a rhythumbox.gz package on lubuntu but when i run make it returns make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop. what im i missing?02:23
avelldirolltman_: is there a reason why you don't want to install rhythmbox from the repositories ?02:25
tman_well thats the problem. that version doesnt detect my ipod shuffle no matter what i do.02:26
avelldirolli guess that rhythmbox is strongly interfaced with the gnome desktop and need nautilus/gvfs to "mount" the ipod02:29
tman_even in ubuntu 10.04 it doesnt work. its frustrating.02:32
tman_i can mount it ok but it doesnt load it into the program.02:32
avelldirollipod ... proprietary/bloated interface ... nothing new here02:33
tman_ah ok.02:33
tman_but for now all i can get it to work in is crunchbang 9.0402:34
tman_and the rhythumbox version from that distro is what im trying to install.02:34
YorvykMy System Tray hath disappeared from the panel although it is listed in Panel Applets.11:11
mark76Verily that is most perplexing11:11
mark76Did it mentioneth anything about another systray running sirrah?11:12
mark76Have you tried adding it to the panel again?11:13
mark76Refreshed the panel?11:13
mark76Turned the power off and then on again after a few seconds?11:13
mark76No... wiat...11:14
mark76That's something else11:14
YorvykTried that anyway - didn’t work :D11:14
mark76Do you have any other docks or panels running?11:14
YorvykJust the one11:14
mark76What was running in it?11:15
YorvykI just opened Panels settings for the upteenth time and it has reappeared11:16
YorvykIt must have known it was been talked about :D11:17
mark76I'm going to check up on the new features in BitlBee11:17
YorvykI was fiddling with this all evening yesterday11:17
mark76The systray plugin?11:22
phillwYorvyk: that is well wierd.....11:23
YorvykWhat is even weirder is the fact that it has disappeared again while I wasn’t looking :/11:25
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Yorvyk\o/ after muttering the requisite number of curses and oaths it would appear some thing in alarm-clock-applet may be to blame for the magic system tray vanishing trick.14:21
bioterrordoes it wake you up?14:21
bioterror4am your computer plays sweet and soft music14:22
YorvykThankfully not - the System tray just disappears and reappears at random.14:23
bioterrorlike sepultura :D14:23
bioterroris that alarm software a lxde or xfce4?14:23
pip_Odd question: anyone had a problem doing a natty install on machines with gigabyte motherboards?18:13
pip_Live CD that is, not mini.iso18:14
kosaidpohello guys19:29
kosaidpoim pcmanfm i tried to make thumbnail appeas so iwent to edit->pefeence and rised that value to make em but icant see all of the files thumbnailed only few any idea how ican make this work ?19:30
bioterrorwhat files you dont see19:31
kosaidpoim tlkin abt the pdf files i only get some thumbnailed but not others19:31
bioterrorI get pictures19:32
bioterrornothing else19:32
kosaidpobioterror: what abt pdf files ?19:32
bioterroronly a pdf logo19:32
kosaidpobioterror: ohh i see19:33
kosaidpobut i guess that wht u want i mean u satified tho19:33
kosaidpoany workaround guys uhn ?? i wud be thankfull19:40
Yorvykkosaidpo, PDF’s don’t show as thumbnails, I think it would take too much CPU power.19:44
kosaidpoYorvyk: ohh okies i see cus i already get some to be shown but not all and its jst  nother png file tho why takin much cpu ?19:45
Yorvykkosaidpo, you may have adjust the max size in pcmanfm preferences19:52
kosaidpoYorvyk: i did rised it  but it seems theres a limit19:52
carojust installed lubuntu ok20:05
Yorvykkosaidpo, I’ve had a try with various picture files and the only one I had trouble with was an animated GIF.20:05
kosaidpocaro CONRAT20:05
caroIm new to linux aswell20:06
=== szczur_ is now known as szczur
carois there a main documentation site somewhere ?20:06
carofor lubuntu ?20:06
kosaidpoYorvyk: uhm yeh but im interested only in pdf type tho20:06
kosaidpolubuntu.net caro20:06
kosaidpocaro:  here u ll find a nice bucn of guys will always try to help u20:07
kosaidpoi experienced that many time : D20:07
carook fine thanks a lot20:08
Yorvykkosaidpo, I misunderstood as you mentioned png.  There is no mechanism in pcmanfm to display PDF’s as thumbnails.20:08
kosaidpocaro: yw20:09
kosaidpoYorvyk: ohh wel i did get some pdf file thumbnailed20:09
kosaidpoYorvyk: i meant those thumb are a png file or images in general20:09
Yorvykkosaidpo,  not sure how you got a PDF to show as a thumb nail20:11
kosaidpohang on ill screenshot okies i jst went to edit-preference then in display onglet i rised that size and ticked those last checkbox20:12
kosaidpoguys how can i remove myslef from a group ??20:32
Yorvykkosaidpo,  Preferences > Users and Groups20:33
kosaidpoi did it but some files i still see in em through property that they belong to that group and im the owner20:34
kosaidposo i guess i need to change the files not me i tied chown but it didnt work aparently20:34
kosaidpoYorvyk: btw iwud like to kno it in cmmd line20:35
Yorvykkosaidpo, you can change ownership through properties.  I avoid doing it through CLI as it’s rather easy to mess up.20:40
=== zehrique_ is now known as zehrique
bioterrorstill no bugfix for the lxappearance21:43
bioterrorI've got no problems with i686 but this AMD64 is really buggy22:37

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