
coz_hey all00:33
histoughh can't htink of a domain name01:58
Andre_GondimI lost the right click on firefox behaivor, is it normal?01:59
magn3tsupdate manager doesn't use app indicator ?07:05
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ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/12:07
wzssyqanatty supports ps3 now?12:43
bazhangwzssyqa, supports in what way12:45
wzssyqabazhang: no idea, but there are  alternative iso in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/12:46
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bazhangwzssyqa, I guess for those who have not updated firmware to eliminate "other OS" then12:47
wzssyqabazhang: maybe,12:47
wzssyqanow days ,with cuda ,opencl etc, the ps3 has not be so amaizing12:48
bazhangwzssyqa, not sure there, sorry, first I've seen/heard of it12:49
gnomefreaki would think by the time of release it should support ps3 but i got rid of my ps3 so not 100% sure12:53
gnomefreakpreffered applications needs to be fixed still :(12:55
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dnivrahow much space would be needed to install natty? would 11GB suffice?13:05
yofelcertainly, the base system only needs ~2GB13:06
dnivrayofel, thanks! i plan to install some apps and try to find/fix bugs if possible.13:07
gnomefreakfinding bugs will be easy13:11
Piciiirc the ps3 builds were stopped. I thought I saw an email about that.13:11
Piciwzssyqa, gnomefreak: You may want to take a look at this for ps3 related information; https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-December/000797.html13:13
dnivraj #ubuntu-offtopic13:13
dnivragnomefreak, sorry router got reset.13:14
dnivrai hope to fix some as well; not just find :)13:14
gnomefreaki cant usemy browser ye, updates keep causing it to stop loading pages13:17
gnomefreakthats what i get for not turning on pc in weeks/month13:17
gnomefreakbe back in about an hour while updates finish13:19
gnomefreaki lost my terminal menus :/14:59
gnomefreakoh i see14:59
gnomefreakthats kid of an odd place to put them15:00
Picignomefreak: global menu confusion?15:03
gnomefreakwhy does the top panel only hold 1 app at a time. i have to use ctrl+alt+tab to change apps15:05
* Pici shrugs, hasn't upgraded yet15:05
zniavre_can you work on few apps in the same time ?15:06
gnomefreakyou  can but top panel only holds one app at a time. it isnt an easy point and click to change app views15:06
gnomefreakexample i have terminal and browser open. terminal is on top panel atm. the browser doesnt show until i use ctrl+alt+tab15:08
gnomefreakand my weather applet is gone15:09
gnomefreakseems i cant add it either15:09
gnomefreaklooks great just not practical for end user15:11
gnomefreakok so how do i turn off compiz. change background menu doesnt have it and i dont have any menu items (applications,admin,system)15:14
charlie-tcaTry using "classic desktop" session at login? I don't think that has to have compiz enabled15:15
gnomefreakstill doesnt fix the problems with menu i dont think but be back in a few ill try it15:16
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gnomefreakok clasic looks normal, however in the apperance dialog still doesnt give me a tab for visual(compiz menu)15:24
* gnomefreak smoke,think15:29
sagaciah bugger, another month and a half until 11.04 alpha 215:33
joaopintotried Unity yesterday, I am somehow disappointed15:34
joaopintoI just played for a few minutes, but apart from the sidebar launcher which is not novell what does it bring ?15:35
sagaciglobal context menu bar15:36
gnomefreaksagaci: define that please. other than the side bar there is no system,appl,places menus ect..15:39
gnomefreak1 app in task bar at a time as well15:40
* gnomefreak in classic atm15:40
gnomefreakdont feel bad i cant even use the 2.6.37-10 kernel15:43
gnomefreakis nvidia-current-modaliases needed?15:45
bjsniderthat package has been deprecated15:45
gnomefreakbjsnider: thanks15:45
gnomefreakmaybe the kernel will get past plymouth now15:46
* gnomefreak back to looking for a menu16:14
gnomefreakit seems unity is only partially implemented from what http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1#Ubuntu%20Desktop%20Edition says16:32
Spirits-Sightanyone having issue with the main menu button bring up a folder with the links to apps / other stuff?17:23
Spirits-Sightalso issue with telepathy chat window not allowing more then one line of information and not showing user list? on right of chat window?17:24
Spirits-Sightand as type window gets bigger instead of the input feild getting bigger?17:25
joaopintoisn't the main menu expect to bring the apps folder ? isn't that a design decision :P ?17:26
Spirits-Sightjoaopinto I don't think so17:30
Spirits-Sightits suppose to be a nice dark user interface with a search feild at the top17:31
IdleOneSpirits-Sight: nope that is in UNE17:32
IdleOnein Unity Desktop it brings up the applications folder17:32
IdleOneI prefer the UNE way. sleeker.17:33
Spirits-Sightbut UDE and UNE are going to become one I read somewhere17:34
joaopintoafter a few minutes testing the only thing  I like from unity is the global menu17:34
Spirits-Sightgloba menu is the one button right?17:35
joaopintothe global menu makes it easier for my parents to locate things :D17:35
joaopintois the menu on the top bar17:36
joaopintofor all apps17:36
joaopintoinstead of the menu over the window17:36
Spirits-Sightso this is not in UDE yet ? becaue it brings up the folder instead17:37
Spirits-SightI like UDE  I like having the bar on the left side, I wish it had when bring mouse over / click show the windows open for that app17:38
joaopintoSpirits-Sight, I am talking about the menu you see on every application, not about the "Applications" menu17:38
joaopintothe menu is now shown on the top bar17:39
Spirits-Sightoo yes sorry got it now :-) mind slow : -) did not know that was the name of that,  I like that alot :-)17:39
joaopintoof the display, not of the window17:39
Spirits-SightI wish that was already across the board but I know its being developed :-)17:40
Spirits-Sightare u having any issue with the chat client (default)17:40
joaopintoI don't use empathy17:40
joaopintoand I am not yet using natty, the installer is falling on me :\17:41
Spirits-Sightoo sorry to hear that :(17:41
Spirits-Sightwhat u use for chat client?17:41
Spirits-Sightdoes it interface into the system like empathy?17:42
Spirits-Sightbrb restart system :-) hopefully some things are fixed17:44
Spirits-Sightok I am back, did u see my question?17:53
Spirits-Sightanyone having issue with empathy window (chat) getting bigger as you type instead of the field getting taller17:54
Spirits-Sightalso I get the issue of: No system tray detected on this system. Unable to start, exiting. ???17:55
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SamruaiAlbaHello.  How can I get the Broadcom 94318MPG wireles card working under Natty?18:32
SamruaiAlbaAdys, know Nysile?18:33
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histoughh natty command line virtualbox guest boots to black screen trying to trouble shoot20:01
charlie-tcais it working again in natty?20:03
charlie-tcahisto: might be bug 69155520:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 691555 in linux (Ubuntu) "VirtualBox not compatible with CONFIG_DEBUG_SET_MODULE_RONX [STAGING]" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69155520:14
histocharlie-tca: yeap20:32
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* charlie-tca waves21:17
BUGabundodon't you love when you set the CPU to powersave and it auto sets to ondemand?21:18
BUGabundoat least it's a little better then setting performance on boot and no throttling back21:18
BUGabundo# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0p1 ibs=100M21:23
AmaranthBUGabundo: Why would you use powersave? It doesn't do what the name implies21:24
BUGabundoAmaranth: I know very well21:25
BUGabundoI've been reading on cpu gobernors for years21:25
BUGabundoI know who it works21:25
AmaranthPersonally I think they should just have ondemand and performance, not sure why they keep the others around21:25
BUGabundobut this laptop BURNs a bit, and has little battery, and I'm bare naked legs21:26
AmaranthAh, you're using it as thermal management21:26
BUGabundoI do miss Interactive... I have that on android21:26
AmaranthI wish we had a separate knob for that21:26
BUGabundoand you can notice the difference to ondemand21:26
AmaranthMy palm pre has screenstate, useful in that specific device21:26
AmaranthI'm guessing interactive is similar21:27
BUGabundoAmaranth: interactive ramps up away faster, dropping right after that21:28
BUGabundoawesome for user interaction21:28
Amaranthah, screenstate just ramps from min to max speed depending on if the screen is on21:28
AmaranthUnless you've got it plugged in, then it runs low speed because charging plus overclocking = overheating21:29
BUGabundoI OC my android HTC Desire HD 50%21:30
BUGabundofrom 1GHz to 1.521:30
BUGabundostable with no temp change :D21:30
maurer_In classic desktop mode, alt-tab will occasionally crash compiz. Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround?21:36
BUGabundolucky you21:36
BUGabundoI can't even get compiz to start21:36
maurer_(the workaround I've been using is to switch to a VT and restart it with DISPLAY=:0 compiz, but this is super awkward.21:36
BUGabundoand Amaranth went underground now :P21:36
BUGabundoIan_Corne: http://android-pt.com/android-gingerbread-231-on-desirehd21:37
Ian_Corneyeh yeh, I'm stuck with my milestone21:38
Ian_Cornehad to reset it today, I wasn't getting any msgs for about a month now21:38
Ian_Corneand email stopped working too21:38
BUGabundowhat rom?21:39
patdk-wkpeople run stock?21:40
BUGabundoput CM on that baby21:40
nperryPeople use stock?21:42
BUGabundosome do21:44
BUGabundodon't know why21:44
BUGabundobut hey, they are free to do so21:44
charlie-tcahm, If I can't get xubuntu to install from the daily images, how am I going to break it?21:44
BUGabundoone of the admins of our android site, has a Nexus One, unrooted and stock21:44
Ian_CorneBUGabundo: milestone is different :(21:47
BUGabundoso what?21:48
BUGabundowant a link? or you know google?21:48
BUGabundoeven milestone is rootable21:48
BUGabundohas been for months21:48
Ian_CorneRootable doesn't mean it's flashable21:48
patdk-wkmy droid2 is rootable and flashable21:48
patdk-wkas soon as a rootkit came out for it, mine was done21:48
patdk-wkso much better battery life now21:49
BUGabundohttp://android.doshaska.net/cm6 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=78475021:49
Ian_Cornedroid is different then milestone21:49
BUGabundogood bye Ian_Corne. see you tomorrow  :p21:49
Ian_CorneI'm not doing that now :p21:50
BUGabundoDO IT21:50
BUGabundo[12 dec 2010]CyanogenMod 6.1 for Milestone (2.2.1)21:50
Ian_CorneI'll do it friday21:52
patdk-wkthat way you can't talk to family for christmas?21:52
BUGabundoenouth offtopic :P21:52
BUGabundoeveryone move to #android-root or #cyanogenmod21:52
patdk-wkwhere is my natty-rom?21:53
patdk-wkI don't thnk it would boot on my phone :)21:54
Ian_CorneProbably not :p21:54
BUGabundoI have yet to put ubuntu on one of my androids21:55
BUGabundotoooo lazy for it21:55
Ian_Corneand too useles? :p21:55
patdk-wkman, why is my computer going 100mbit again :(21:55
Ian_Corneaha, I've had reports of that too21:56
Ian_CorneAnd I've had it myself too21:56
maurer_Out of curiosity, do people know whether ubuntu is considering "Classic" mode a critical feature for natty's release? Given how long so much has been broken, I'm wondering how much they intend on fixing this portion.21:57
BUGabundowhen does one know DD has come to an end of the device?21:58
BUGabundodmesg shows nothing21:58
maurer_dd stops when it hits the end of the device.21:59
BUGabundono it doesn't21:59
BUGabundono on emmc21:59
maurer_I could have sworn I'd done dd if=/dev/foo of=backuplocation and had it terminate22:00
patdk-wkfixed, going gigabit again22:01
patdk-wkstupid ups network surge protector, limited it to 100mbit22:01
Ian_Corneah :p22:02
Ian_Cornemaurer_: what is broken?22:02
patdk-wk:( getting 24MB now, instead of 7.8MB22:02
BUGabundowhat were you saying?22:06
BUGabundolaptop froze once I pluged power cord22:06
BUGabundomaurer_: I _was_ running # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0p1 ibs=100M22:06
BUGabundopatdk-wk: you do know that spends more energy, right?22:06
patdk-wkspends more energy?22:07
patdk-wkwhat spends?22:07
patdk-wkdon't care22:08
patdk-wkthe brownouts spend more energy22:08
* patdk-wk wonders what costs more, me watching this take 30min to transfer, or me watching this take 90min to transfer22:09
maurer_Ian_Corne: Alt-tab is the biggest thing (crashes compiz)22:15
maurer_Ian_Corne: Next on the list is that right clicking on widgets in gnome-panel no longer gives the secondary menu (i.e. I can't turn off NetworkManager via the gui anymore)22:16
maurer_Ian_Corne: Finally, there's a bunch of generalized degradation in rendering of stuff related to gnome (gradients not ending on menu item boundaries, animated panel icons not working)22:16
Ian_Cornemaurer_: 2 is because nm-applet is now an indicator22:29
Ian_Corneand you should be able to turn of network via left click22:29
Ian_CorneI can22:29
Ian_Corneand I don't use compiz on classic22:29

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