
coz_hey all00:33
* kwwii sings "It's beginning to look at lot like christmas"10:09
* thorwil puts on some gabber10:15
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=== group is now known as evilvish
kwwiithorwil: I would never have pegged you for a hard-core techno fan :P10:54
evilvishkwwii: hey!10:54
kwwiihehe, took me a second to figure out who evil vish was :P10:55
kwwiiI read elvish at first10:55
evilvishyea.. seems a netsplit turned me bad ;p10:55
kwwiilol, I would pay to see you dressed up like elvis ;D10:55
=== evilvish is now known as whois
=== whois is now known as vish
kwwiiwhois whois10:57
vishwhile getting to register the evil nick , i must have spammed a lot of channels ;p10:57
thorwilkwwii: what, did you think i would prefer roy black?10:58
kwwiithorwil: I figured you are a big fan of volksmusic!11:01
thorwilkwwii: yeah, because it's honesty and sophistication can't be matched!11:03
kwwiithorwil: hehe, yeah...erm, that is what I meant :P11:18
kwwiitime for lunch...bbl11:22
iainfarrellhey thorwil and vish11:31
iainfarrellare you guys around in about 20 mins?11:31
thorwiliainfarrell: just about to leave for between 20 and 30 minutes :)  bbl11:34
vishiainfarrell: hey.. yup.. i'll be there for another hr..11:34
iainfarrellhey vish11:57
iainfarrellin thorwil's absence - unless he's still about11:57
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iainfarrelllast time I get distracted by other work12:05
iainfarrellneed to catch you guys re: the wallpaper contest12:05
iainfarrellIvanka asked me to chat to you both about the illustrations part12:05
iainfarrellwe'll run the Flickr contest again12:05
iainfarrellvish: have you been talking to Vanks about wallpapers in Natty at all?12:08
thorwiliainfarrell: i think we would like to see illu-walls collected at art.ubuntu-owl.org12:09
thorwildoctormo is the man to talk to about that12:09
thorwiliainfarrell: we suggested as much to ivanka and she seemed to be ok with it12:10
iainfarrellI will try and track him down12:11
coz_is this a replacement for using flickr? ^^12:12
thorwiliainfarrell: afaics it was decided that these shall have nothing to do with the f.c. showcase12:12
iainfarrellalthough from an "iain worrying about it getting on the CD" it's all the same to me ;)12:13
iainfarrellI'll need to kick them both off as soon as I can12:13
thorwiliainfarrell: i suggest to ask for 2560 x 1600 px format. maybe point to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Backgrounds , especially the templates at the end12:17
iainfarrellahh good thinking12:17
* vish was afk.. catches up with scrollback12:25
vishiainfarrell: doctormo was also cool with using art.ubuntu-owl.org for illustrations, we were waiting for you :)12:26
vishiainfarrell: we could use it for the photos too if the image size restriction or the large pool size is a problem in flickr12:27
iainfarrellhey Vish, I think we make the illustrations a test for the new system12:28
iainfarrellthe reason for using Flickr is that it has great photographers already there12:28
iainfarrellbut illustrations is new12:28
iainfarrellso we can go anywhere12:28
coz_what are you defining as "illustrations" ?12:38
darkmatterillustrations is a fairly broad and generic term12:41
coz_not really12:41
iainfarrellcoz_ I suppose the definition here would be drawn or abstract12:41
coz_darkmatter,  illustration by definition...is an image  depicting text12:41
iainfarrelllet me look for examples12:41
coz_an illustration relys on text  or story12:41
coz_there are no other definitions for illustration12:42
iainfarrellso perhaps drawn or rendered would be a better term then12:42
coz_a kids story book has illustrations clarifying or  imaging  text12:42
darkmattercoz_: definition and popular usage are different fish. I can show you many an (officially labelled and categorized) Illustrator that doesn't Illustrate by the definition of the word, as in ever ;)12:43
coz_darkmatter,  like who ...there are very few great illustrators that can stand alone as fine art12:44
coz_NC wyeth  comes to mind12:44
darkmattercoz_ Sir John Howe by example.12:45
coz_let me check that out12:45
iainfarrellI have to head to lunch but will catch you guys after and get this ball rolling! :)12:45
coz_darkmatter,  but even he is relying on a stroy line12:46
darkmatteror nearly every artist that does boo covers. a vast number of them are fine artists by any hard definition of the word, but all are classified as Illustrators (even by themselves)12:46
coz_darkmatter,  I am sure they do ...however  an illustrator is "rarely"  a fine artist12:47
darkmattercoz_: even I rely on story. doesn't make me an illustrator :P12:47
coz_darkmatter,  the images i am looking at by this john howe  are not fine art12:47
coz_they are absolutely illustrations12:48
coz_which rely on  text12:48
coz_darkmatter,  fine art  relys on itself for explanation,,,, illustration needs text to define it12:48
coz_there are no other definitions12:49
coz_regardless of what "they"  may call themselves12:49
=== daker_ is now known as daker
coz_darkmatter,  one of the few illustrators that nearly bridged the gap between fine art and illustration is  NC wyet  giving birth of course to  Andrew Wyeth and subsequently  Jamie Wyeth    google images for  NC wyeth12:52
darkmattercoz_: dun google then. a google for John Howe will show his popular work (which is the Illustrations he does on commision for the Tolkien society and such). google defeats everything. because google is evil like that12:52
coz_darkmatter,  I googled him  I dont see that as fine art  that stands alone12:53
coz_they are most definitly illustrations12:53
coz_not fine art12:53
thorwilit's true that illustration is not the right term for the wallpapers12:54
coz_compositions  would be more appropriate  but probably less understood12:55
coz_although it does raise the "bar"  for what may be submitted12:55
thorwilhow do you call everything except photos? where heavily edited photos and collages might be in, again12:55
coz_thorwil,  those would also be  "compositions"12:55
darkmattercoz_: never google.  artbooks n stuff :P12:56
coz_darkmatter,  you should take a quick look at NC wyeth,,, he is as I said ,,,one of the few illustrators  to nearly bridge that gap12:56
coz_"compositions"  are not specific to a particular "media"   it is does however concern itself with quality12:57
coz_NC's son Andrew Wyeth  took his father's knowledge of illustration and most definitly bridged that gap  as did andrew's son  Jamie13:00
coz_I didnt mean to stop the conversation  short :(13:25
kwwiicoz_: indeed, but modern photography kinda took their place :(13:39
coz_kwwii,   what do you mean?  took the place of illustrators?14:00
coz_kwwii,  yes to a large extent I agree14:00
kwwiicoz_: yepp, that is what I meant14:03
kwwiiunfortunately :(14:03
coz_Illustrators  are a particular breed of artist...  photography..etching ..painting...all are valid for illustrating..but the mind set is different from fine art.. unfortunately "corportate"  advertising has somewhat basterdized  the  concept of illustration14:03
coz_kwwii,  and I absolutely agree with you14:03
coz_"corporate"  rather14:04
coz_I personally always rejected  illustration as  a path I wanted to take because i felt that "composition" itself was the end  and showed greater skill  than an illustrator  but that is my personal opinion14:05
kwwiipersonally, I love illustration (although it can be quite boring at times) and photography14:07
coz_kwwii,  oh yes... there are some  really great fine photographers out there  dead  and alive...that rival any skilled painting or sculpture14:08
kwwiibut I really dislike it when people only use photoshop to make shitty photos look nice...it is an "art" all to itself and is killing all the good photographers14:08
kwwiibut then again, I am old-skool14:08
coz_kwwii,  not old school at all... the tools  arent the problem as much as the hand manipulating them14:09
coz_and of course the mind behind the hand14:09
kwwiihehe, indeed14:09
coz_I had one arguement with a young fellow that felt one of his favorite artists  was absolutely great,, and that anyone using terms like "fine art"  were old and out of date,,,yet this  great artist of his painted  less accurately than a chimp14:10
coz_there is skill necessary for any  project dealing with " graphics"  its just that people "reject"  the idea that there are rules to composing  , be it line..or color...or  shape,,, or light... all are composed "purposely"  withing any composition...too often these are ignored even with something as simple as a desktop wallpaper14:12
kwwiilol, I think people have lost the feeling for what fine art really is14:12
coz_kwwii,   that's for sure :)14:13
kwwiiI bet people these days would say an iphone is art ;-)14:13
coz_kwwii,   as opposed to industrial design :)14:13
kwwiidesign and art co-mingle in peoples heads for some reason14:14
coz_kwwii,   because they are poorly educated ...14:14
coz_kwwii,  this is a freind of mine    http://www.westpennart.com/images/index.htm  here in pittsburgh... I am no keen on all of his work but he understands the differenc.. he used to paint with peter max  whom he says is near  crap  :)14:16
kwwiiwow, nice stuff (except the web page itself)14:20
coz_lol  yeah he still uses webtv14:20
coz_kwwii,  he teaches in Luca italy every summer14:21
coz_kwwii,  i was going to go there with him but I just cant afford  italy every year14:21
kwwiinice, I wish I could paint14:21
kwwiihehe, I can hardly afford to stay in Germany :p14:21
coz_kwwii,  well painting doesnt have to be  realistic works14:21
coz_kwwii,   I keep telling people  you can compose with shapes and torn paper14:21
kwwiitrue, and I do paint and charcoal abstracts from time to time but part of me really wants to paint a realistic person14:22
coz_kwwii,   oh cool... then study  a nude  :)14:22
kwwiifunny, I can do illustrations which are totally realistic but with a brush I seem to fail at it...14:23
coz_kwwii,  different approaches14:23
kwwiiyeah, I've thought about taking a course at the local college14:23
coz_kwwii,  dont hesitate  to take the course14:23
coz_kwwii, ` if nothing else it advances your skills  and knowledge14:23
kwwiifunny thing is, I used to paint with my computer and wacom and that came easy, then learning vecotrs to do illustrations was hard....on and on14:23
kwwiicoz_: indeed14:24
darkmatterrealism and technical skill does not an artist make ;) (late reply to (08:21:35 AM) coz_: kwwii,  well painting doesnt have to be  realistic works) :P14:24
coz_kwwii,  here are a few  of my older pieces    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/my%20work/e.jpg   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/my%20work/h.png    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/my%20work/f.png     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/my%20work/gram.png     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/my%20work/Self.jpg14:25
coz_darkmatter,  absolutely correct... no need to draw or paint anything naturalistically to be fine art14:26
kwwiicoz_: wow, impressive14:27
coz_in fact i still like jackson pollock  which my friend here believes is total crap :)14:27
coz_kwwii,   oh  old pieces  and thanks14:27
kwwiiyour welcome14:28
coz_but the same skills should be applied to even a desktop image... subtlety...clarity.. good design... unobtrusive  etc14:28
darkmattercoz_: art is funny that way I've seen godlike technical skill/realism/blah blah with absolutely no life or passion or <insert whatever term here>, just not art. then I've seen marmalade stains on canvas that have utterly floored me ;)14:29
coz_darkmatter,  boy  I cant agree more14:29
coz_darkmatter,   I have seen some wonderful pieces with very little on the canvas..aka workspace14:30
coz_darkmatter,  and 'that" is where knowledge of composition comes in14:30
coz_learns the rules and try to break them14:30
coz_not too many have actually broken those rules though :)14:31
darkmattercoz_: yeah. plus we all have our preferences. like me. I was drawing/painting photo-realistically as soon as I was old enough to be trusted not to eat the tools :P14:33
coz_darkmatter,  yep I understand14:33
coz_darkmatter,  I often envy  abstract painters  for the clarity of  composition14:33
darkmattercoz_: but thats not my thing, my imagination is to screwed up for that. surrealisn and abstraction is my schtick14:33
darkmatter"you should do portraits". bah, I could make a killing at that, but where's the fun? ;)14:35
coz_personally i am excited by good to great figure paintings..of too often...as  you said ,, I have seen great draftmenship in dipicitng the human form but it has no substance or was clearly copied from a photograph,,,which is both   offensive from a painters' point of view and basterdizes  the art of photography at the same time14:35
darkmatterI mean. I have done portraits for people (among other stuff), but my heart just isn't in it14:36
coz_darkmatter,   I tried the portrait  train once... but when they get the bill  they dont come back :)14:36
coz_I was once asked to do 18 postumous portraits of the great music composers  and when I told the guy that this would be a minimim of $5000  each he rejected the idea and though he should only pay  $50014:37
coz_$500 for all 18  that is14:37
darkmatterI have a mini portrait I did of the missus in my wallet. I should scan it one day. it's not a portrait. it started as one, but then got "Dalified" xD14:37
kwwiitry explaining to a developer why making an icon a) takes time and b) costs money14:38
coz_darkmatter,  ooo miniatures14:38
kwwiithe typical response is "it's only a tiny little picture!"14:38
coz_kwwii,   there is no language on this planet to explain to a developer the complextities  of even an icon :)14:38
coz_kwwii,  they refuse to understand that any graphics is as complex as coding14:39
coz_kwwii,  the main difference is  media14:39
darkmatterin many ways moreso14:39
coz_kwwii,  even developrs are bound by "rules"  of code14:39
coz_too often developers think graphics are the "fun part"14:40
coz_now they changed my one icon in ccsm that I am going to have to kick ass to get the one I did back in14:40
coz_darkmatter,  and yes I also believe that in many ways  graphics are far more complex ..depending on who is doing the graphics  but I guess that also applies to code14:43
coz_david ravemen  and compiz as opposed to the developer of  "gnome-xchat " ")14:44
coz_it is far easier to teach an artist to code  than to teach a developer art14:45
darkmatterhttp://www.hrgiger.com/images/Ibanez_new.jpg <--- me wants14:47
coz_darkmatter,   great detail... did you show this as an example of advertising art?14:47
coz_that's another area that can have stand alone pieces14:48
coz_advertising....although today  not so much14:48
darkmattercoz_: nope. showed it as an example of awesome art adapted to advertising :P14:49
coz_darkmatter,  ok you can look at it that way also :)14:49
coz_darkmatter,  yes it is composed well and stands as a final composition14:49
coz_it still comes down to the  "mind" behind the tools14:50
coz_is there a vision?14:50
coz_and do they have the skills to  carry it through14:50
darkmattercoz_: Ibanez did a line of guitars featuring some of  Gigers paintings adapted to work on there guitars. it's advertising as far as marketing Giger I guess14:51
coz_darkmatter,  but it doesn stand alone14:51
coz_darkmatter,  and that makes go well beyond  advertising or illustration14:51
darkmattercoz_: considering its Giger it better stand alone :P14:53
coz_now the only thing I see is that this doesnt have the emotive content  a fine painting or sculpture would have  except for admirers of guitars ,,Ibanez  or Gigers14:54
coz_but the design is very well done14:54
coz_and ceratinly a stand alone piece14:54
coz_great poster....another  art form14:55
coz_posters  seem a good combination of advertising...fine art...and illustration ... I suppose that's why it is distinct  as a valid path14:57
darkmattercozthe lack of emotive context is, as I said earlier "painting adapted to a guitar". I can't remember _which_ painting it is, or else I'd link to the original. but for a work of fusion (an actually painting adapted to "work" on a guitar) it is quite impressive14:57
coz_darkmatter,  absolutely  and even without that knowlege  it still stands  as a good design14:57
coz_I find "text" in any design is one of the more crucial  things to get right14:59
coz_not only placement  but choice of font...size..14:59
darkmatterbosch, fucks, dali, giger... lions and tigers and bears... OH MY!15:00
darkmatterfuchs* evcen. bloody fingers15:01
coz_damn fingers ... I have the same disorder :)15:01
darkmatterguess today is a "don't touch tools" day :P15:01
coz_well guys I have to get to the bank  which is about an hour away :(15:02
coz_I will be back a bit later15:02
kwwiiI'm off to band practice...be back much later15:19
* vish wonders if people really read the specs :s18:15
vishwell, i guess some design activity is better than none ;p18:16
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thorwilvish: do you mean the additions to the xubuntu pool?18:42
vishthorwil: nah, the SC one … i guess he followed some re-tweet..18:43
vishthis is awesome!!!!!! http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/21/bbc-comedians-ridicule-tech-naming-schemes-make-us-laugh-along/18:46
thorwilthere have been times in my life, where i really wanted to boot my system19:00
thorwilbut wouldn't have liked to see it crash19:00
efactusaHey everyone I just want to thank you all for the wonderful OS on behalf of me and the people of france and the crew at http://www.myefact.com we wouldnt have been able to do half of what we do if it wasn't for Ubuntu so THANKS UBUNTU DEVS!!19:43
vishefactusa: it would be great if you could repeat those kind words on #ubuntu-devel :)20:05
vishefactusa: most of the developers hang out in that channel20:09
thorwilvish: i suspect it's a bot and all about that url in the message20:18
vishthorwil: yea, seems so.. :/20:19
efactusaohhh ok :)20:33
efactusai think of devel as more like the officers though i think the real workers are like the translators20:33
efactusaand the artists20:34
efactusathe developers themselves are kind of jerks20:34
vishefactusa: nope.. they are not ;)20:37
efactusahave you followed the blacklisting/removal of the alsa-oss compatibility driver from the kernel???20:39
efactusaanyone who has followed that story knows they are jerks... they basically deliberately broke tons of apps (fine, if they really want to push new APIs) by breaking OSS compatibility... but the bad part is they also went out of their way to make it as difficult as possible for anyone who actually needs OSS to be able to use it20:40
efactusaand all of that would be all well and good if there was some "master plan" that would result in a much better/awesome audio infrastructure20:41
efactusabut there isn't, the only master plan is Pulseaudio, which is a horribly flawed solution, bloated, buggy, laggy, inappropriate for any kind of professional audio work, and not even the best sound server type solution (even assuming you do need to make everyone use a sound server, there is another one that is actually tight, low latency, well designed, etc-- JACK )20:42
efactusaso many times basic desktop users I have told to try Ubuntu tell me it is too laggy20:44
efactusaand when I check top/ps aux, 70% of their cpu is being used by Pulseaudio20:44
efactusaand all they are doing is like, playing a youtube video20:45
efactusabut the devs want to blame flash plugin for the problems.  Guess what, even if flash plugin is buggy, 99% of basic users DO care about actually using flash...20:46
efactusaand like 1% of users care about being able to switch between multiple sound cards at once or have per-application mixing or any of the other stupid features pulseaudio delivers20:46
kwwiiefactusa: I suggest you take this conversation elsewhere20:46
kwwiior I will have to remove you from the conversation20:46
efactusaokay, sorry, i'll shut up, my point was just that ubuntu devs are dickwads.20:47
kwwiiefactusa: not true, and you cannot use that language here please20:48
efactusael programidors del ubuntu son cabrones y chupacabras20:48
vishheh, that was an interesting turn of events ;p20:50
vishkwwii: you give us these magical powers but they are only temporary until we logout .. ;)20:52
kwwiivish: yeah, gotta figure out the bits to make it permanent20:53
vishhmm, i think i have it in my logs somewhere..20:54
vishkwwii:  /msg chanserv flags #ubuntu-artwork NICK +votiA20:55
kwwiivish: done for yourself and thorwil20:56
vishkwwii: it worked! awesome! thanks ;)20:57
vishnow , i can kick thorwil whenever i like \o/20:57
vishthorwil: you feel for it ;)20:59
visherr,! fell*21:00
kwwiiI can has feel?21:00
kwwiiouch, I wrote that and then thought about what it meant21:00
kwwiiusually best to do things in the other order21:00
vishcop a feel , or however you spell it.. ;p21:01
thorwili had classmates who tended to do it in that order21:01
kwwiivish: your english is way too good21:01
kwwiiI checked an old email account today, I have 4991 new message :P21:02
vishkwwii: DELETE is your friend..21:03
vishkwwii: just check if i had sent any mails though ;p21:03
thorwilif any of that is mailing list traffic ...21:05
vishah ha!21:06
thorwiltime to kick myself outa here. good night!21:08
* vish sleeps too..21:08
coz_but it s only 4pm :)21:10
kwwiicoz_: it always 4pm somewhere :-)21:16

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