
=== tenach1 is now known as tenach
reaper_having trouble getting a .bin file to work02:44
udienzreaper_: what a troble?02:49
udienzcan copy error message at here?02:49
reaper_says I dont have permission02:50
reaper_now says cannot execute binary file02:52
paultagdang, someone could just tell reaper to chmod +x03:08
udienzdag.. and he's gone when i want to answering03:12
reaper_anyone awake in here06:43
firewall_03whats up?06:46
reaper_how do you mount cd/dvd drive06:46
firewall_03man mnt06:46
bioterrorsudo mnt /dev/sr0 /mnt06:46
bioterrorsudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt06:46
bioterrorsudo umount /mnt unmounts06:46
firewall_03so my toolbar at the top vanished in my xubuntu session any ideas?06:47
bioterrorstart xfce4-panel06:48
bioterroralt+f2 and type that into it06:48
firewall_03bioterror, k thanks06:48
reaper_mount didnt work still cant get disk to show up in drive to continue installation06:49
bioterrorit should be seen in /mnt ;)06:49
firewall_03bioterror, rob@rob-laptop:~/Desktop$ start xfce4-panel06:50
firewall_03start: Unknown job: xfce4-panel06:50
bioterrorfirewall_03, hahaha, drop that start from the beginning06:50
bioterrorsorry for misleading06:50
firewall_03bioterror, lol no prob06:50
firewall_03bioterror, and its back06:51
bioterrorI'm trying to do my work at the same time06:51
firewall_03what work is that?06:51
bioterrorlocal it-support, atm. installing three computers for users06:51
reaper_sounds like fun06:52
bioterrorno its not :D06:53
bioterrorbut beats shoveling in that -8C degress06:53
firewall_03bioterror, whats your location?06:56
bioterrorsoviet finland06:56
firewall_03bioterror, I spent a week in Krygyzstan that was an experience06:57
bioterrorthere was that riot about a year ago?06:57
firewall_03I was at Manas air base06:58
firewall_03I think I left right before or arrived right after06:58
PCChrisanybody know why my flash drive might always auto-mount with perms set to being writable only by root, and sudo chmod as well as sudo chown failing?07:04
firewall_03bioterror, so hows the work comin along07:09
bioterrorPCChris, you should format that flash drive and take the ownership of the device07:16
PCChrisbioterror, yeah about to try that now07:16
PCChrisbioterror, just strange because I know it was writable before07:17
yofelchmod/own should only fail if it's FAT or NTFS, but then it should mount it as owned by you by default07:19
PCChrisyofel, bioterror hmm....reformatting seems to have fixed the issue for now...and it's fat3207:20
PCChrisyofel, bioterror thanks07:21
firewall_03so the conky channels dea07:23
firewall_03dead rather07:23
bioterrorfirewall_03, problems with conky you have?07:30
bioterrorTue09:30 <+bioterror> firewall_03, problems with conky you have?07:49
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firewall_03just having a heck of time getting the weather to work right08:13
bioterrorit sucks08:14
bioterrorI cant understand why someone havent made a script to fetch weather information from google08:14
firewall_03bioterror, did not know google did weather08:15
bioterrormy irc client uses google weather information08:15
firewall_03what client you use?08:16
firewall_03never heard of it08:17
bioterrorweechat - Fast, light and extensible chat client08:18
bioterrorcan be found from ubuntu repositories08:18
firewall_03ill have to install it08:19
firewall_03give it a whirl08:19
bioterrorit's a text based08:19
firewall_03lol sounds archaic08:20
bioterrorinstall weeget script and you can install scripts from the client itself08:20
hobgoblinit is archaic ;)08:27
hobgoblinbut useful in some circumstances08:28
firewall_03bioterror,  my isp sucks *shakes head08:44
bioterrorwell, mine aint that better tbqh08:45
firewall_03I want to blame my router or my modem but don't want to upgrade08:45
JoeMaverickSettfirewall_03: blame the isp or better the modem. :D08:46
firewall_03haha its a pos modem they mailed me08:46
JoeMaverickSettthen it's the modem to blame. XD08:47
bioterrorI've got 2 totally crap DOCSIS 3.0 cable modems :D08:47
bioterrormy ISP likes to send those08:47
firewall_03they give me westells08:50
bioterrorthose are bewan iBox or something like that08:51
bioterrorI changed my first bewan to Cisco EPC3000 and my internet got better08:52
firewall_03cisco is awesome08:52
bioterrorfirewall, you could consider putting your modem/router into a bridged mode and then get yourself an another router09:02
bioterrorhahaha, too slow I am09:02
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: too very slow. :D09:03
firewall_03bioterror, so I downloaded weechat how to I get it to run now :p09:03
bioterrorfirewall_03, with command weechat09:04
JoeMaverickSettfirewall_03: terminal of course. :D09:04
firewall_03tried that09:04
firewall_03no dice09:04
firewall_03rob@rob-laptop:~$ weechat09:05
firewall_03weechat: command not found09:05
firewall_03rob@rob-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install weechat09:05
firewall_03Reading package lists... Done09:05
firewall_03Building dependency tree09:05
firewall_03Reading state information... Done09:05
firewall_03weechat is already the newest version.09:05
firewall_030 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:05
JoeMaverickSett!pastebin | firewall_0309:05
ubot2firewall_03: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:05
bioterrorJoeMaverickSett <309:05
firewall_03I will be sure to pastebin next time09:05
bioterrorremember, you can complete words with tab -key09:05
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: did i get it right this time?09:05
hobgoblinoh good ;)09:05
bioterrorJoeMaverickSett, yes you did09:05
JoeMaverickSett'ello! hobgoblin :)09:06
hobgoblinhi JoeMaverickSett09:06
firewall_03bioterror,  ya lol not diggin weechat, I will stick with xchat for now09:06
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: do i have to install weechat or weechat-curses?09:06
JoeMaverickSettfirewall_03: try irssi. :P09:07
hobgoblinfirewall_03: good decision :)09:07
bioterrorJoeMaverickSett, weechat is the package, weechat-curses is the binary09:07
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: ah, okie. i'll still stick with irssi. XD09:07
bioterrorJoeMaverickSett, why?-)09:07
bioterrorJoeMaverickSett, try something new ;)09:08
JoeMaverickSettfirewall_03: good decision. :-) stay with whatever fits ya.09:08
hobgoblinJoeMaverickSett: try paper and pen - better than either irrsi or weechat :D09:08
firewall_03JoeMaverickSett, yep still a noob been fiddling with nix for a while so much to learn09:08
JoeMaverickSetthobgoblin: definitely. XD09:08
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: trying something new makes me hop on newer/newest things. :D09:09
hobgoblinI do use weechat from time time - but all the mucking about with windows and channels drives me nut09:09
hobgoblinanyway - back later09:09
JoeMaverickSettfirewall_03: good luck! come by here if you need help. :)09:12
firewall_03JoeMaverickSett, Im not leavin just yet09:12
firewall_03I have been trolling around a little while09:13
bioterrorJoeMaverickSett, keys to be cool ircer is urxvt and weechat ;)09:14
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: i'm not listening. :P09:15
firewall_03alright later for now, gotta get some rest big interview tomorrow with a local cell phone provider09:15
bioterroryou get cells that phones to you09:21
Aceubuntu is boring10:16
udienzAce: why?10:17
AceThere is nothing interesting to do with it other than browsing and listening to music and watching music10:17
Puck`hi everyone10:18
Puck`is anyone up for some bash scripting? (:10:18
Puck`oh you guys are all asleep (:10:21
udienzPuck`: i love basg script10:23
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firewall_03whats up15:56
* nlsthzn lurks16:01
firewall_03hey bodhizazen hows it goin?16:16
spyderHi, I am new to Ubuntu, and my experience lends more to Win.  I had a hd running winxp, installed a 2nd hd with ubuntu, no prob, both booted, started going through ubuntu, installing first set of updates, then it popped up with a grub update, with the option to check both disks. In Help, it said if you are unsure which to check it is better to select all.  So I did.  It needed to reboot. then, after the reboot, when it tries 16:47
spyderand numbers), then the next line is the prompt "grub rescue>"16:48
spyderI cannot get past this, I cannot get to windows, safe mode, or ubuntu. Can someone give me some pointers please?16:48
rahul27spyder, you there?16:53
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spyderplease tell me you can help?16:54
rahul27this link may help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:54
rahul27do you have a live cd?16:55
spyderok, even though windows was the first os?16:55
spyderi did it through webu or whatever that was16:55
spyderi made a cd, but it kept giving me an error16:56
rahul27its Wubi16:56
rahul27anyway did you download the iso?16:57
spyderi couldn't get either hd to work, had to put in another one to be able to get on here and research16:57
spyderthe iso i downloaded is on one of the hd's that i cannot access right now16:57
spyderbut I can download again16:57
rahul27oh ok16:57
rahul27great then16:57
rahul27do you have a flash drive?16:58
spyderyes, only a 4g.... is that enough?16:58
rahul27download the iso16:58
rahul27load it to the pendrive using this: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/16:58
rahul27im assuming you are on windows16:59
rahul27are you?16:59
spyderyes, winxp17:00
rahul27once you have your ubuntu live cd on your pendrive17:00
rahul27boot from the pendrive and follow the instructions on the 1st link that I sent you17:01
spyderok. I appreciate your help. Just so I know for future reference, what did I do wrong?17:02
rahul27spyder, think you got your grub update wrong17:03
spyderwill this make me lose data on my winxp hd?17:04
rahul27it will just restore your grub17:06
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firewall_03hows it going?19:17
bioterrorfirewall_03, for the offtopic chats #ubuntu-beginners-team if available19:21
bioterroris available19:21
wolfpackhow to save the channels in pidgin?19:51
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hobgoblinnlsthzn: hi there21:03
nlsthznhobgoblin: hey *waves*21:04
hobgoblinassuming no two people whuld be crazy enough to have the same nick your forum account got disabled21:05
nlsthzn:) I asked for it to be disabled... read an interesting article about online security and not using the same passwords and also not the same usernames online... however, I was still able to log in with my account so I then asked for it not to be disabled... so now I am not sure if it is workign or not? brb21:07
hobgoblinbapoumba came back and redid it I think21:07
nlsthznlol, yup, I am locked out T_T21:08
hobgoblinyou want me to ask someone if they can let you back in ?21:09
nlsthznand I changed my password and was online the whole day yesterday...21:09
hobgoblinha ha ha ha21:09
hobgoblinI can ask someone if you want :)21:09
nlsthznhobgoblin: nah... its ok.. now I can have a new unique user name for the forum21:09
hobgoblinokey doke21:09
nlsthznif it will let me re-use the same email addy... hmmm... but thanks for the heads up!21:10
hobgoblinif it doesn't let me know21:10
nlsthznhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10261405#post10261405 classic :D21:11
hobgoblinyea I know - I saw the nah don't bother post earlier - trouble with not everyone in the wordl with the one mother tongue :)21:14
nlsthznhobgoblin: I guess... :) all good... now I can attempt to spend less time in the OT and more time in the technical threads :)21:20
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reaper_has anyone tried to get the usb xbox 360 controller to work because I am having no luck23:49

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