
skynet1248Hi I have question about kernel dynamic modules01:07
skynet1248if I execute modinfo parport_serial | grep 983501:08
skynet1248I get somethink like this:01:08
skynet1248alias:          pci:v00009710d00009835sv*sd*bc*sc*i*01:08
skynet1248is any option to add my own alias to parport_serial module?01:08
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micahgScottK: pacakgekit is baffling, same build on maverick builds fine, it seems like the mozilla plugin isn't being built for some reason on natty05:11
micahgScottK: packagekit solved (bug 692854 if you want to sponsor)05:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692854 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "packagekit FTBFS on natty" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69285405:47
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dholbachgood morning!07:17
micahgRiddell: I fixed the packagekit FTBFS if you want to sponsor it (bug 692854)07:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692854 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "packagekit FTBFS on natty" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69285407:31
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janimoin case binary new requests are to be brought up here: lightspark{,-common,-dbg} and browser-plugin-lightspark on armel were just recently introduced. thanks08:36
dholbach@pilot in08:44
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: dholbach
janimoLaney: hello, have you had the chance to look at the new way ghc6 fails on armel?09:02
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AnAntHello, is this http://launchpadlibrarian.net/61007900/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.git-buildpackage_0.5.12_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz , actually a problem of pychecker with python2.7 ?10:37
AnAntdoko__: ^10:39
dholbachjames_w, why can't I reject https://code.launchpad.net/~stefan-bader-canonical/ubuntu/natty/e2fsprogs/branch/+merge/43541?10:46
dholbachthere's just "WIP", "Merged" and "Needs Review"10:46
doko__AnAnt: likely pychecker, we had issues getting it updated to 2.6 too ...10:51
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* Keybuk must stop winding Lennart up on lkml12:05
Keybukbut it's such fun!12:06
dholbachPublic service announcement: we're down to 20 items on http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ - YES!12:10
Keybukdholbach: I'm looking forwards to having to get all my uploads sponsored ;-)12:10
dholbachKeybuk, because you'll lose your upload privileges? why?12:11
macoyou're de-core-dev-ing like crimsun did?12:11
Keybukbecause of a Launchpad bug12:11
KeybukI can't transfer my GPG key to my new LP account12:11
dholbachKeybuk, seems like LP is not set up for schizophrenic personas :-P12:12
KeybukI'm going to nag them about that once they've fixed the gaping hole in LP's brain where all my bzr branches used to be12:12
Keybukbut you know how it is, Ticket in RT, Out of Mind12:13
dholbachDaviey, do you know if bug 687971 is still blocked on bug 688522?12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 687971 in eucalyptus-commons-ext (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] package 'eucalyptus-commons-ext' (0.5.0-0ubuntu2) failed to build on natty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68797112:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 688522 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] Eucalyptus doesn't build on maverick, with -security pocket enabled " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68852212:19
* dholbach attempts a test build12:19
Laneyjanimo: a bit, not so much though12:21
Davieydholbach, I don't know if the openjdk fix has landed in natty yet..12:27
* Daviey checks12:27
Davieydholbach, looks like it's still blocked in natty awaiting the openjdk fix (either dropping of two patches, or a proper fix from upstream)12:27
dholbachDaviey, shall we get the bug out of the queue for now then?12:28
Davieydholbach, Hmm.. can do; i'd like to hear doko's thoughts on porting the fix to openjdk from maverick to natty for the interim to get things moving12:29
dholbachhum, to me it looks like it's building alright in natty?12:29
Davieythat would unblock and allow us to close those bugs.12:29
Davieydholbach, Interesting.... openjdk hasn't been touched since the 26th Nov... so it *should* fail.12:30
dholbachDaviey, ^12:30
Davieydholbach, lemme rebuild here12:32
dholbachDaviey, that was with James' branch12:32
* Daviey regrets reinstalling natty... loosing his devel env.12:36
dholbachDaviey, the old version still builds too12:39
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dholbach(but with the wrong paths, I guess)12:39
Davieydholbach, trying to re-digest https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus-commons-ext/+bug/687971/comments/812:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 687971 in eucalyptus-commons-ext (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] package 'eucalyptus-commons-ext' (0.5.0-0ubuntu2) failed to build on natty" [High,In progress]12:40
dholbachDaviey, to me it looks like geronimo-jacc-1.1-spec should be uploaded, so eucalyptus-commons-ext can build again, then something done with openjdk, so libhibernate3-java can build12:41
DavieyThat is my understanding. :)12:41
dholbachDaviey, if that's the case, I'd upload the geronimo-jacc-1.1-spec change now12:41
dholbachDaviey, go? :)12:42
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Davieydholbach, It sounds sensible, and i'm not too concerned if it has fall out TBH... :)12:45
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dholbachI'm sure James will be in touch with me if it fails :)12:46
Davieydholbach, No. i really think it will be ok12:47
Davieyand James probably won't be around until NEXT YEAR :)12:47
Davieyso you have a year to run, and hide. :)12:47
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Davieydholbach, Can you give me a ping when it's uploaded please? :)12:49
dholbach ____ ___ _   _  ____ _12:50
dholbach|  _ \_ _| \ | |/ ___| |12:50
dholbach| |_) | ||  \| | |  _| |12:50
dholbach|  __/| || |\  | |_| |_|12:50
dholbach|_|  |___|_| \_|\____(_)12:50
dholbach                        12:50
dholbach@pilot out12:50
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
Davieydholbach, thanks! :)12:54
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bdrungdholbach: your ping was very small. it could easily overlooked. :P12:59
bdrungdholbach: and thanks for getting the main queue down to 1512:59
dholbach15? I thought 1913:00
bdrungdholbach: _main_13:00
dholbachaha, yes :)13:00
dholbachnext step: get the 2000+ bugs with patches fixed :-P13:00
bdrungdholbach: you were involved in edit-patch, weren't you?13:01
dholbachbdrung, mvo was13:01
dholbachI was part of the discussion when the idea was born - but that's as much credit as I'd be willing to take :)13:01
bdrungdholbach: this tool needs some love and needs an non-interactive mode for making sponsor-patch a useful tool for the 2000+ bugs with patches13:02
dholbachbdrung, I agree13:02
bdrungdholbach: why are you listed as author in edit-patch?13:03
* bdrung tries to make you more responsible. :P13:03
dholbachbdrung, I don't know13:03
dholbachI started writing it in python and mvo took it from there and rewrote it in much better shell13:04
bdrungdholbach: having it in python would be nice - then sponsor-patch could use it without running a command13:04
dholbachthe idea was to get it into devscripts at some stage13:05
bdrungdholbach: ok, valid point13:05
dholbachalrightie... I'll take the dog for a walk in the snow now - see you in a bit :)13:05
bdrungbut devscripts doesn't seem to be well maintained13:05
bdrungdholbach: and i will build an iglu :)13:06
dholbachha, excellent :)13:06
dholbachenjoy! :)13:06
ScottKmicahg: Thank you.  I'll take it if no one else has.13:08
KeybukUsing distribution natty13:10
Keybukbzr: ERROR: Unknown target distribution: natty13:10
mvobdrung: yeah, I saw that there are a few open bugs on it, should be straightforward to add a non-interactive mode13:14
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bdrungmvo: it would be nice if you could add it.13:14
mvobdrung: ok, I have a look next13:16
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cdbsKeybuk: That is fixed in latest upload to maverick13:32
cdbsKeybuk: and I am waiting for someone to test an SRU upload. Its already in maverick-proposed13:33
Keybukcdbs: yeah, it's just annoying that it checks at all13:34
Keybuksince it doesn't actually put it anywhere13:34
cdbsKeybuk: I guess you are using bzr bd or something related to its plugins?13:38
Keybukbzr merge-upstream in this case13:38
Keybukhmm, and now pbuilder isn't co-operating13:41
ScottKIf it's not finding your pbuilderrc it's because sudo changed it's handling of the environment in Natty and it's looking in /root.13:42
cdbsKeybuk: Would be awesome if you tested that SRU upload13:42
Keybukno, it seems to be not installing one of the Build-Dependeices13:42
Keybukso failing the build because the dep isn't satisfied13:42
cdbsupload of package bzr-builddeb13:42
Keybukdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libselinux1-dev13:42
Keybukdpkg-buildpackage: warning: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.13:42
ScottKThat's on odd one then.13:42
Keybukit looks like it's not parsing the libselinux1-dev [linux-any] properly13:43
Keybukjhunt: did we get a useful bash-completion file in the end?13:47
jhuntKeybuk: yes - in your inbox now.13:50
Keybukwho should be listed as the author?13:51
jhuntKeybuk: me13:51
jhuntKeybuk: thx.13:52
jhuntKeybuk: it closes bug 672067.13:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 672067 in upstart (Ubuntu) "There is no bash-completion for the commands in upstart" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67206713:54
Keybukok, committed and pushed13:55
Keybukyou'll need to do some packaging changes - but we can do those on thursday together if london works out13:55
macoKeybuk: s/works out/defrosts/ ?13:56
Keybukjhunt: if you wanted to have a go beforehand, you'd need to bzr merge -c 1258 lp:upstart to cherry pick the add, and then modify debian/upstart.install13:56
Keybuk(man dh_install is the appropriate manpage)13:56
Keybukwalters: howdy13:58
waltershi Keybuk13:59
Keybukhow goes it?13:59
waltersgood!  just getting back from doing some volunteer math tutoring at the local high school, it's fun actually =)13:59
waltershow's sf treating you?14:00
KeybukSF isn't yet treating me14:00
KeybukI'm still in the USCIS queue14:00
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waltersah hah, i had to look that up14:01
macohow many years is that expected to take?14:01
waltersthough i should know it since my girlfriend just became an American 2 months ago =)14:01
KeybukI'm supposed to find out sometime between Dec 24 and Dec 2814:01
Keybukdepending how you interpret their "days"14:01
Keybukand whether or not they miss the promised date and just do it later14:01
waltersour days are 24.1 feet14:01
james_wdholbach, can you upload the package?14:02
macodid they just give some number of days and then youre supposed to subtract out weekends and holidays?14:02
dholbachjames_w, I'm core-dev, so I'd expect so, yes14:02
james_wdholbach, yeah14:02
james_wdholbach, it's bug filing time I think14:03
dholbachjames_w, is it lp.net/launchpad already?14:03
james_wyeah, I think so14:03
Keybukmaco: that's the depending on their intepretation bit ;-)14:04
dholbachjames_w, bug 69299814:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692998 in Launchpad itself "Can't set status of merge proposal to anything other than "merged", "WIP" and "needs review"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69299814:05
dholbachde rien14:05
macoKeybuk: remember, we dont have boxing day14:06
jhuntKeybuk: thx!14:08
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joaopintocjwatson, hi, regarding my installer crash yesterday, could you please look at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/546280/ ?15:01
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joaopintoI will file a bug it if it's unknown or unlikely to be fixed on a newer daily15:01
Keybukkees: AYT?15:02
cjwatsonjoaopinto: please file a bug with the full logs attached15:02
cjwatsonI don't debug from partial logs15:02
cjwatsonI assume you've already verified it on the current daily build15:03
joaopintoshouldn't the installer crash handler allow me to open the report bug directly  and upload the required files ?15:03
cjwatson(if that had been a full log I wouldn't have needed to ask)15:03
joaopintonot yet, I will need to refresh the iso15:03
cjwatsonyou should get an apport crash thingy if the installer crashes15:04
cjwatsonif you don't, use 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity'15:04
joaopintorunning ubuntu-bug ubiquity from my current installed system failed :P15:05
joaopintoI assume it's expected to be run from a livecd session15:05
cjwatsonof course!15:05
joaopintoI will do the manual link bug reporting and attach the logs, otherwise I would need to reinstall & fail again15:05
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joaopintodone, bug 69302715:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 693027 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Failed to install using Ubuntu desktop 11.04 i386 daily image from 18th Dec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69302715:10
joaopintowhich package should be used for the bug about the global menu not responding after the failure dialog ?15:11
joaopintoabout refreshing to a newer daily, can I just dd the usb partition into an iso, update it and just dump it into the usb partition ?15:17
cjwatsonI doubt it15:18
joaopintook, so I will only be able to test it after retunring from holidays :(15:19
cjwatsonev is looking at it now15:21
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joaopintothe booting ubuntu logo looks bad, that is something being worked right ?15:30
joaopinto"bad" as in, the letters are not round, look "corrupted" on the edges15:31
cjwatsonknown, I'll work on it in the new year if nobody's dealt with it before then15:33
pitticjwatson: unfortunately adding python2.7 to "minimal" didn't work :-/15:56
pittiI rebuilt alternates, still there (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20101221.1/natty-alternate-i386.list)15:57
cjwatsonalternates are a bad example15:59
cjwatsonyou need to ask me for those :)15:59
cjwatsonhow long ago did you add it?15:59
pitticjwatson: oh, I do? what changed?15:59
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cjwatsonwait, maybe I'm misdiagnosing this16:00
pitticjwatson: ubuntu-meta published 3 hours ago16:00
cjwatsonit does have the right priority set16:00
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pitticjwatson: and I rebuilt the alternates about a hour ago16:00
cjwatsongive me a minute to investigate, then.16:00
pitticjwatson: it's not that urgent, no need to drop your brain state16:01
cjwatsontoo late16:01
pittiargh, sorry about that16:01
dokokenvandine: could you have a look at the libgda4 build failure? more gir transition stuff16:04
pitticjwatson, doko: OTOH it's just 16 packages to rebuild for getting everything to python2.7 | python2.6; I can do just that, ok for you?16:05
cjwatsonwait please, this might be a genuine germinate bug and I'd like the opportunity to diagnose it16:05
cjwatsonit should definitely be using python2.7 already in minimal rather than pulling another package into standard16:07
dokoonly python2.7-minimal is in minimal, not python2.716:10
cjwatsonno, python2.7 is in minimal now as a workaround by pitti16:11
cjwatsonthat should have worked16:11
cjwatsonpitti: (still working on it, germinate slows down really dramatically under pdb :-/)16:29
cjwatsonpitti: the short-term solution is going to be to rebuild those packages anyway, though - I'm not going to be able to get a new germinate deployed on archive and cdimage before I finish for the year16:36
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pitticjwatson: fine with me, I should be able to get this done today16:36
pitticjwatson: is there a way how you can reproduce this situation with all packages fixed?16:37
cjwatsonI can probably fake something up16:37
cjwatsonhopefully I can fix it before the archive changes though :)16:37
pitticjwatson: also, I'm only going to rebuild the packages which are on the CD for now16:37
pittithere are a few more in main16:37
pittiwhich we could then temporarily seed for testing16:38
cjwatsonI can always just keep this debug directory - due to another bug, it won't refresh its local copies of the Packages/Sources files16:38
cjwatsonso it should be fine16:38
pittiah, good16:38
cjwatsonah, maybe it's not a germinate bug after all16:40
cjwatsonPackage: python-apt16:40
cjwatsonDepends: python2.6 | python2.7, python (>= 2.6.5-11~), libapt-inst1.2, libapt-pkg4.10, libc6 (>= 2.4), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libstdc++6 (>= 4.4.0), python-apt-common16:40
cjwatsonRecommends: lsb-release, iso-codes, python2.616:40
cjwatsonwhy that Recommends?16:40
pittimvo: ^ could have been a temporary workaround for something?16:40
cjwatsonfix that and python2.6 drops off the alternate CD16:42
pitticool, will coordinate with mvo and do that16:42
pittithank you!16:42
mvopitti: uh, no idea, let me fix and upload16:42
mvothanks cjwatson16:42
cjwatsonaccording to germinate anyway16:42
pittimvo: ah, you want to? ok, great16:42
mvoand bzr blame to figure out what is going on16:42
mvopitti: yes, thats fine, I will merge the latest debian stuff along the way16:43
pittimvo: danke16:44
pittiit's the only reverse-recommends in main, anyway16:46
pittiand in all other components, too16:46
dokokees, mterry: MIR ping (689766 and 692955), just to resolve component mismatches16:54
mterrydoko, hiyo16:54
mterrydoko, I can take the first, libasyncns16:55
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dokomterry: the second too, please. I did submit these, can't review16:56
mterrydoko, OK16:56
loolcjwatson: Hey, would you be able to ack and/or promote python-fixtures as per LP #692955?17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692955 in python-fixtures (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-fixtures, needed as a b-d for python-testtools" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69295517:00
lool(I need a fix in a package which is dep-wait on python-fixtures)17:00
cjwatsonI can't ack it, I'm not in ubuntu-mir17:01
cjwatsonmy understanding is that I only get to promote source packages that are either (a) trivially obvious (split-out, renamed, etc.) or (b) set to Fix Committed by an ubuntu-mir member17:02
mterrylool, I'm about to look at that MIR17:05
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loolmterry: thanks17:11
loolcjwatson, james_w: Yeah, I thought you guys were historical ~ubuntu-mir members17:12
tgardnerhow does one find out _why_ a package has been rejected?17:12
cjwatsonlool: nope, never me17:13
cjwatsontgardner: the archive admin who rejects iti is supposed to mail you17:13
cjwatsonif they didn't then they need a slap :)17:13
tgardnercjwatson, huh. and how do I find out who rejected it?17:13
tgardnerthe email says 'Rejected by archive administrator.'17:14
cjwatsonunfortunately there isn't an easy way.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/3175017:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 31750 in Launchpad itself "rejects should allow (and require) reasons" [Low,Triaged]17:14
cjwatsontgardner: what package name?17:14
tgardnercjwatson, linux-meta_2.
tgardnerI lookedin both of the bugs mentioned in the changelog, but there were no comments17:15
cjwatsonirritatingly I can't find a record even on the archive master17:17
cjwatsonstable processing is usually pitti, but I see he's left IRC17:17
cjwatsonit may have been an accident17:17
tgardnercjwatson, well, this isn't an ABI bumper so it can wait.17:17
cjwatsonI can resurrect it17:18
tgardnercjwatson, that would be fine with me.17:18
dokomarjo: do you have any update on the upgrade failures?17:19
mvodoko: it looks like its not python releated, it appears there is a problem with the intel driver on the i945 chipset17:21
mterrylool, python-fixtures FTBFS due to test case issues.  If you're an interested party, maybe you can look at it?17:21
mvodoko: I added code to the release-upgrader to autopatch pycomile now17:21
cjwatsontgardner: resurrected and accepted.  if whoever it was didn't want me to reverse their decision then they should have mailed you a reason. :-)17:22
dokomvo: \o/  is this release-upgrader in maverick-updates too?17:22
tgardnercjwatson, :) thanks for your help17:22
mvodoko: everybody upgrading will get it, regardless of -update or not (its the default upgrade app, its always fetched from the distro that you upgrade to)17:24
mvodoko: diff -ed ftw ;)17:24
mvocjwatson: new python-apt uploaded, took a bit longer as I fixed another debfile releated bug along the way17:25
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apwmarjo, sure17:31
marjoapw: here17:31
apwmarjo, can we get the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file for the 'black boot' on the bug please17:31
marjofyi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/69309317:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 693093 in linux (Ubuntu) "Blank screen with latest natty on intel atom GPU" [Undecided,New]17:32
marjoapw: done17:36
dokocdbs: about your liboauth upload. if your change is the only Ubuntu change, please don't make such changes. it increases the delta for no extra worth17:37
apwmarjo, and you are unable to switch to VT1 ?  or you can now?17:39
apwmarjo, can you login to the machine and do the following17:42
apwDISPLAY=:0.0 xwd -root >OUT17:43
apwand put the result somewhere i can look at it17:43
apwmarjo, also can you confirm whether the backlight is on (a dark place can herlp here)17:43
marjoapw: still unable to switch to VT117:45
apwmarjo, actualy you may need to login to do the xwd thing, so when you hear the drums i think you need to hit return, then password, and see if you get the login sound17:47
apwthen try it17:47
cdbsdoko: okay, it was actually recommended by the upstream author. Moreover, I am the debian maintainer of liboauth, so I can manage delta effectively17:49
cdbsand I will drop the patch in Debian once gcc-4.5 becomes default there for wheezy17:49
marjoapw: didn't work17:50
dokocdbs: it is unlikely that debian will make --as-needed the default17:50
marjoapw: any other way to try?17:50
cdbsdoko: hmm, will see then. will sync when I get the next upstream version uploaded17:51
marjoapw: no login sound heard17:51
marjoapw: backlight is on17:52
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looldoko: Is it intentional that the python2.7 testsuite got disabled in 2.7.1-1ubuntu1?18:10
dokolool: yes, quick upload, no changes, will enable it again with the next upload18:11
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ari-tczew@pilot in20:22
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: ari-tczew
ari-tczewcyphermox: have you got tested your patch for cnetworkmanager?20:31
cyphermoxari-tczew, it was, though I didn't re-test it recently since uploading a new NM20:34
ari-tczewcyphermox: could you do it again?20:34
cyphermoxof course20:34
cyphermoxsorry for harassing you about it, it's just pretty much the only way to use NM on the command-line, although I frankly don't touch it much20:35
ebroderari-tczew: Hey, I noticed you've had the pinot merge assigned to you for a while now. Are you still working on it?20:36
ari-tczewebroder: yes, I'll do it after sponsorship for cyphermox20:36
ari-tczewebroder: I'm doing cnetworkmanager 1st as cyphermox is waiting since 8th Dec :)20:36
ebroderari-tczew: Ok, just making sure you hadn't forgotten about it. I was going to look at it last night, but didn't want to yoink it from you20:36
ari-tczewebroder: I'm pretty sure that you won't be out of work for Ubuntu :)20:37
cyphermoxari-tczew, still looks good to me.20:39
ScottKari-tczew: Did you see clementine is out of binary New in maverick-backports?20:46
ScottKShould be all set now.20:46
ari-tczewScottK: I see that clementine is still New :>20:47
ScottKari-tczew: Sorry.  My mistake.20:48
* ScottK was looking at a different package and didn't realize it.20:48
ari-tczewcyphermox: what do you think about forwarding your patch to debian/upstream?20:52
cyphermoxyes, upstream20:54
cyphermoxI should send it again, actually20:54
ari-tczewcyphermox: ok, uploading20:56
* ari-tczew loves review patches by Bazaar, but hates sponsorship it! (very hard)21:04
tumbleweedari-tczew: sponsor-patch :)21:05
Laneybzr bd -S ?21:05
ari-tczewtumbleweed: does it support Bazaar?21:05
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes21:05
ari-tczewLaney: there are not only build source. now I have to set tags, set merge and 100 other commands...21:06
tumbleweedari-tczew: bzr mark-uploaded && bzr push :parent (or sponsor-patch :P)21:06
ari-tczewtumbleweed: could you drive through sponsor-patch way?21:07
tumbleweedari-tczew: sponsor-patch -u $bugnumber21:07
tumbleweederr -s21:07
bdrungari-tczew: you could read the man page of sponsor-patch. it explains it very good.21:08
ari-tczewtumbleweed: okay, I have test built done, it's ready to upload. does sponsor-patch sets all tags and other data necessary for bzr sponsorship policy? (I'm just making sure)21:10
tumbleweedyes it does21:10
bdrungari-tczew: you can run it with "-v" to see which commands are called21:11
tumbleweedonly issue I can think of is that you can't push back when uploading SRUs because there is no $release-proposed branch yet, but that's not really sponsor-patch's problem.21:11
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I'm doing for natty.21:12
ari-tczewwhich package includes 'bd' command?21:17
bdrungari-tczew: bzr-builddeb21:17
bdrungari-tczew: does sponsor-patch fail?21:18
tumbleweedbdrung: that should probably go in reccomends21:18
ari-tczewbdrung: yes21:18
bdrungari-tczew: show me the crash log21:19
* bdrung nods to tumbleweed.21:19
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ari-tczewbdrung: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546400/21:29
bdrungtumbleweed: does this work: "login(self, service=service)"?21:33
tumbleweedbdrung: that service comes from the default value in ubuntutools.lp21:34
ari-tczewbdrung, tumbleweed: failed :/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/546403/21:38
bdrungtumbleweed: shouldn't you mention which env variables are still supported, but deprecated21:38
bdrungari-tczew: i'll fix it. which u-d-t version do you use?21:39
tumbleweedbdrung: ok21:41
ari-tczewbdrung: Zainstalowana: 0.10721:41
ari-tczewups, I have to update :/21:41
tumbleweedbdrung: there's also the option of warning about deprecated configuration21:43
bdrungtumbleweed: ok, i prefer that.21:43
bdrungtumbleweed: then we don't need to document them21:43
tumbleweedoh, even better, yes :)21:43
ari-tczewcyphermox: sorry for my late, I'm testing sponsor-patch on your case :)21:44
ari-tczewbut don't worry, it will be uploaded soon21:44
bdrungari-tczew: your bug is still in trunk21:44
ari-tczewbdrung: could you qualify the time of fix? I have to know whether wait for fix or play with sponsorship another way.21:45
bdrungari-tczew: gimme 5 mins.21:45
ari-tczewmterry: you merged bluez with Debian! wow you're my lord!21:48
mterryari-tczew, :)  we hadn't done that in a long time21:48
ari-tczewmterry: I tried to do this 3 times but always I failed :P21:48
mterryari-tczew, I only did half of it.  Rob Ancell started it, I just finished it.   Maybe that was the missing piece -- only do a small chunk.  :)21:49
ari-tczewmterry: mhm. I'm working with Robert on some merges. Your sentence makes me sure that it will be a success :)21:50
bdrungari-tczew: pushed fix to trunk21:50
cyphermoxari-tczew, ah, no worries, I'm fighting a unity bug ;)21:50
bdrungari-tczew: you can build it with "bzr bd"21:50
ari-tczews/a/an unity bug - english typo ;)21:52
ari-tczewcyphermox: ^^21:52
cyphermoxindeed. thanks ;)21:52
ari-tczewYou're welcome.21:52
bdrungtumbleweed: should i call ubu_email() in sponsor-patch?21:54
cjwatsonari-tczew: actually, "a unity bug" is correct - it's the initial sound that matters, not the initial letter, and "unity" starts with a /y/ sound21:55
ari-tczewcjwatson: in Poland teach to write 'an' before vowels :>21:57
bdrungari-tczew: "teach"?21:57
RAOFIt's not a *bad* herustic :)21:57
cjwatsonthat's a reasonable rule of thumb but it fails in cases where the initial sound is consonantal anyway, like this21:57
ari-tczewbdrung: teachers say to write...21:57
bdrungRAOF: heuristic?21:58
RAOFbdrung: Fancy rule of thumb!21:58
micahgRAOF: I think he was referring to the fact that you said herustic21:59
bdrungRAOF: my heuristic translates your "herustic" to "heuristic"21:59
RAOFSpelling, as always, is for the week.21:59
tumbleweedbdrung: I doubt it, unles s you use the uploader's email address to locate a gpg key22:00
bdrungmy brain to finger interface is broken too22:00
bdrungtumbleweed: but syncpackage should do it, right?22:01
bdrung"sponsor-patch 1" crashed. what does this tell us?22:02
ari-tczewbdrung: how can I use sponsor-patch from trunk? can I copy files manually or rather branch locally and run ??22:03
tumbleweedbdrung: same issue, you aren't editing a changelog.22:03
tumbleweedari-tczew: check out trunk; ./sponsor-patch22:03
bdrungari-tczew: or build the package with "bzr bd" and install it22:03
ari-tczewbdrung: I don't understand, bzr bd on cnetworkmanager?22:04
kklimondaari-tczew: teachers don't really do that - your may, but it's not really fair to generalize like that.22:04
bdrungari-tczew: in trunk22:04
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tumbleweedbdrung: pushed up some deprecation stuff in config-681693 r91322:15
ari-tczewbdrung: okay fixed, thanks22:16
ari-tczewnow I have a problem22:16
ari-tczewwhere are the files?22:16
ari-tczewI have to got .changes file to upload22:16
tumbleweedari-tczew: in /tmp/sponsor-patch-SOMEHTING22:16
bdrungari-tczew: what command did you call?22:16
ari-tczew$ ~/bin/sponsor-patch 677589 -u -v -kari-tczew@ubuntu.com22:17
ari-tczewbdrung: I branched u-d-t trunk and linked sponsor-patch into ~/bin22:17
bdrungari-tczew: -u requires an upload target22:18
ari-tczewbdrung: hm?22:18
bdrungari-tczew: for sponsoring -s should be used (which is "-u ubuntu -b")22:18
ari-tczewcould you give an example?22:18
bdrungari-tczew: example in man page :)22:18
ari-tczewbdrung: please, I'm not lying on the time...22:19
bdrungari-tczew: and i don't want to type everything twice22:19
bdrungsponsor-patch 677589 -s -v -kari-tczew@ubuntu.com22:20
ari-tczewtumbleweed: dpkg-source: ostrzeżenie: błąd weryfikowania sygnatury w /tmp/sponsor-patch-PsgDvt/cnetworkmanager_0.21.1-1.1ubuntu1.dsc22:20
tumbleweedari-tczew: you may want to configure your gpg with a default key to save you lots of -k typing. bdrung: Maybe we should guess -k parameters from ubu_emial in many places.22:21
ari-tczewtumbleweed: bash: cd: /tmp/sponsor-patch-PsgDvt: No such file or directory22:21
* micahg just made a bash alias for key sponsoring22:21
tumbleweedit deletes it when it has finished running22:21
ari-tczewtumbleweed: are you kidding me? how can I get these files if this script is deleting at the end?22:22
tumbleweedari-tczew: very recent change (a couple of revisions ago). You can tell it to work in a specific place, then it won't delete.22:22
bdrungtumbleweed: good idea22:22
ebroderari-tczew: If you would just use -s like bdrung suggests, it will upload for you, but it will always ask you first22:22
bdrungari-tczew: in most cases you want to do an upload22:22
ari-tczewtumbleweed: would be nice if sponsor-patch will create files in direcotry where I am ($ pwd)22:24
bdrungari-tczew: sponsor-patch -w .22:24
ebroderOr set UBUNTUTOOLS_WORKDIR=. and it will always do that, right?22:24
tumbleweedbdrung: only danger of it is that people who've rotated keys will have multiple keys with the same email address.22:24
bdrungebroder: yes22:25
tumbleweedari-tczew: that's what it did previously, now you have to tell it to do that.22:25
ari-tczewtumbleweed: how can I set my gpg to use always my e-mail address?22:25
bdrungtumbleweed: i found a grave bug: if you use -u and set it to something else than "ubuntu" it wont upload it.22:25
tumbleweedari-tczew: default-key in gpg.conf22:25
tumbleweedbdrung: oh yeah I forgot about that22:26
bdrungari-tczew: i set DEBSIGN_KEYID is ~/.devscripts22:26
bdrungtumbleweed: that's why "sponsor-patch 677589 -u -v" didn't fail. it should fail with "can't upload to '-v'"22:28
tumbleweedari-tczew: thanks for your bugfinding :)22:29
ari-tczewbdrung: can I specify e-mail address in DEBSIGN_KEYID?22:29
bdrungari-tczew: i specified the key id22:30
tumbleweedI would assume so. gpg can generally take email addresses or ids22:30
bdrungwhich should lead to the same result22:30
ari-tczewbdrung, tumbleweed: if I'm stopping sponsor-patch by ctrl + c, then I'm getting an traceback. it should show only 'Aborted.' or something22:33
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tumbleweedagreed (and that's an issue you'll see in many less-complex python scripts)22:33
ebroderari-tczew: I don't agree with that22:34
tumbleweedebroder: you want to know where it failed?22:34
bdrungebroder: why?22:34
ebroderI see Ctrl-c as a more external failure than something like "dch failed". As soon as the program starts trying to be clever about those sorts of external failures, it becomes a lot harder to debug them when they occur22:34
ebroderLike, a program returning non-0 is an "expected" failure in some ways22:35
ebroderWhereas KeyboardInterrupt isn't22:35
tumbleweedon a slow connection, sponsoring a big package, keyboardinterrupt isn't that unexpected (but you don't know where to catch it, so you need to wrap main in try..except.22:36
ebroderI guess I might be OK with a KeyboardInterrupt handler, but I definitely don't want to see something like a try..except that catches all exceptions, or even all Exception subclasses22:36
tumbleweedebroder: yeah, with you on that. (And personally I'd rather see th traceback most of the time, but it's probably scary for some)22:37
bdrungebroder: would catching KeyboardInterrupt have any bad side effect?22:37
bdrungtumbleweed: is it possible to print "User abort in $command."?22:38
ebroderAt the top-level? No, you'd just want to be sure to still exit non-022:38
ebroderYou just do if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write('User aborted\n'); sys.exit(1)22:38
ebroderDetecting where the abort happened is quite a bit more difficult22:39
tumbleweedbdrung: yes you can dig into the traceback in the handler22:39
ebroderEww :)22:39
ari-tczewbdrung: your suggested command (sponsor-patch 677589 -s -v) wanted to build in pbuilder!22:39
tumbleweedari-tczew: that's the default test-builder22:40
ebroderari-tczew: Yes, read the manpage22:40
bdrungari-tczew: then specify a other builder22:40
ari-tczewI don't want to build :22:40
ebroderDude, all this stuff is well-documented in the manpage22:40
bdrungari-tczew: reading the man page would really help22:40
* ari-tczew hopes that will sponsor one patch today yet22:40
bdrungari-tczew: you sponsor without building it before?22:41
ari-tczewbdrung: wrrrr... I wrote at the start, that I've reviewed and built this one!22:41
ari-tczewlet me scroll up to copy log22:41
ebroderari-tczew: So far you've asked us lots of workflow questions about sponsor-patch that are all documented in the manpage, and at this point you've taken more of our time for answering your questions than it would take you to read the manpage and figure out how to do what you're trying to do.22:43
ari-tczewebroder: I'm a person on who manpages doesn't work. (not technically, just I can't get manpages on my mind)22:43
ebroderDid you try?22:44
bdrungtumbleweed: "Deprecated configuration variable", but which variable should be used?22:46
ari-tczewebroder: when I'm reading a manpage, I got a feelling like wearing long johns22:46
bdrungtumbleweed: "print >> stderr" - should we use Logger instead?22:46
tumbleweedbdrung: yeah, that was my first impulse, but unless logger is configured (which is not ubuntutools.config's problem), its output isn't very pretty22:47
tumbleweedI suppose it could gain some logger-configuring features22:48
tumbleweedari-tczew: seriously, you need to be able to read manpages. People get tired of helping people who don't help themselves.22:48
bdrungtumbleweed: really? logger only needs the verbose mode set correctly, but this doesn't matter for warnings22:49
bdrungtumbleweed: we should convert all python scripts to PEP8 (after merging your branch)22:55
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tumbleweedyes, setting a basicConfig should be enough. and it only applies the first time it's called, so scripts can still do what they want.22:57
ari-tczewbdrung: look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/546416/22:58
ari-tczewI know that I used option -w wrong but whether is it a bug?22:58
bdrungari-tczew: lemme investigate22:59
bdrungari-tczew: the error is that you set your working dir to: ='~/zainstalowane/paczki/ubuntu/cnetworkmanager'23:01
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bdrungari-tczew: correct would be sponsor-patch 677589 -s -v -b -w '~/zainstalowane/paczki/ubuntu/cnetworkmanager'23:01
tumbleweedbdrung: workdir might need to take package name substitutions23:03
bdrungtumbleweed: package name substitutions?23:03
tumbleweed~/zainstalowane/paczki/ubuntu/cnetworkmanager -> ~/zainstalowane/paczki/ubuntu/%(source)s23:04
bdrungtumbleweed: you can implement and document it if you want that feature23:05
* tumbleweed files a bug for now23:06
ari-tczewbdrung, tumbleweed, ebroder: I've readed 'man sponsor-patch' and I still don't know how can I drop building.23:07
ari-tczewIt's like communist requirement.23:08
tumbleweeddon't specify -b?23:08
bdrungari-tczew: "-s" is equivalent to "-u ubuntu -b" and -b means building. so you can use "-u ubuntu" to upload, but not build it23:08
ari-tczewbdrung: well, can't I buld *.changes file without building and without uploading?23:09
bdrungari-tczew: then drop any "-s" "-u" "-b"23:09
bdrungjust specify a workdir23:09
bdrungtumbleweed: two things before merging: 1) what speaks against using Logging.warning instead of printf? 2) does the deprecation warning list all possible variables? "Use TEST_foo or UBUNTUTOOLS_foo instead."23:14
bdrungtumbleweed: 3) i prefer "import sys" over "from sys import argv, stderr" to make it clear where the function come from23:15
tumbleweedbdrung: 1. I'm busy doing something about logging 2. OK 3. Yes that was necessary for the test-suite hackery.23:16
ari-tczewbdrung: will sponsor-patch do all things related to bzr without -s option?23:16
tumbleweedari-tczew: it only pushes back the branch if you've uploaded to Ubuntu.23:17
ari-tczewtumbleweed: ok, now I;m going to upload *.changes file and it won't deal with sponsor-patch. what next with bzr branch?23:19
tumbleweedari-tczew: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/UploadingAPackage23:20
bdrungari-tczew: why don't you use "sponsor-patch -u ubuntu" if you upload the changes file anyway?23:20
ari-tczewbdrung: I had to test set default key in gnupg.23:20
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I just want to workaround these steps ;))23:21
ari-tczewI guessed that it's available with sponsor-patch.23:21
bdrungari-tczew: you can see the commands in "sponsor_patch/main.py" ;)23:22
ari-tczewbdrung: lines 473-488 includes what I mean!23:24
ari-tczewbdrung: again failed... http://paste.ubuntu.com/546426/23:34
ari-tczewI won't finish it today.23:34
kklimondathen just do it by hand23:37
bdrungari-tczew: i am currently fixing that23:38
bdrungari-tczew: gimme 5 mins23:39
ari-tczewhow do you share script which is broken?23:39
bdrungari-tczew: it's not broken for my use cases. some code paths are not tested properly, because u-d-t lacks a test infrastructure23:40
ari-tczewbdrung: wait wait... now gimme 5 minutes23:50
bdrungari-tczew: last test before push (i don't want you to complain again)23:50
ari-tczewdoes anybody know how can I force my bzr to remember my password?23:52
bdrungari-tczew: pushed23:53
bdrungari-tczew: bzr ask you for a password?23:53
ari-tczewbdrung: yes. always!23:53
bdrungari-tczew: i was newer asked. what is the exact message?23:53
ari-tczewbdrung: Enter passphrase for key '/home/ari/.ssh/id_rsa':23:54
bdrungari-tczew: it's your ssh config23:55
ari-tczewbdrung: It's started after switch to kde :/23:55
bdrungari-tczew: kde probably doesn't use gnome-keyring23:56
* ari-tczew is killed23:56

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