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aquariusnisshh, ping12:37
aquariuswhen I run "make" on the manual, it throws a weird error about ! Package xkeyval Error: `autostyle' undefined in families `csq'.12:38
aquariuswhat's that all about?12:38
nisshhaquarius, hey12:45
nisshhaquarius, the manual being the desktop or dev manual?12:45
nisshhaquarius, have you pulled the latest changes?12:46
nisshhok, one sec, im trying too12:46
aquariusrevno 4212:46
nisshhaquarius, does it stop at that error or finish compiling?12:47
aquariusstops at that error, with a prompt of "?"12:47
nisshhi see12:47
nisshhworks fine for me12:47
nisshhmust be specific to your machine12:47
aquariusand then I have to ^Z and kill %1 to get rid of it :)12:48
aquariusit used to work; I have built the manual before12:48
aquariusbut I have no idea how to even go about fixing this. Who wrote all the tex stuff? was that you?12:48
nisshhaquarius, no that was godbyk12:48
nisshhon that note12:48
nisshhgodbyk, ping12:48
godbykHey, nisshh. What's up?12:49
nisshhgodbyk, see the error aquarius is getting?12:49
nisshhany ideas?12:49
nisshhto me it looks like a font error or something12:49
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godbykaquarius: First, when you get an error message, you can type 'X' and press 'Enter' to exit the LaTeX processor and return to a command prompt.12:50
godbyk(No need for killing.) :-)12:50
aquariusthis is useful info :)12:50
godbykaquarius: Are you running the latest upstream TeX Live?12:50
aquariusI'm running whatever's in maverick12:50
godbykThat'll be the problem then.12:51
godbykYou'll want to install the upstream version (which is 2010 now).12:51
aquariusyou're joking. It's not possible to build the Ubuntu developer's manual in Ubuntu?12:51
aquariusis this a good idea?12:51
nisshhaquarius, it is possible, just not with the set of packages in the repos12:51
godbykThe problem is that the packages in Ubuntu are out-dated.12:51
nisshhgodbyk, be worth finding out if the default natty packages can be used12:52
godbykThe specific error you're getting is because we've passing an option to the csquotes package that isn't available in the version of csquotes that you have installed.12:52
nisshhheh, i never would have figured that out :)12:53
godbyknisshh: I haven't tried anything with Natty yet.  Have the texlive packages been updated?12:53
nisshhgodbyk, not sure, but if the default packages in natty work fine for compiling the manual, that will be good for everyone :)12:53
aquariusok. Can I build the manual without that option to csquotes? Obviously that won't be the final build, but it would be very very much more convenient to be able to build a (slightly wrong but still displayable) version of the manual on the Ubuntu systems that people have :)12:53
godbyknisshh: No doubt. The error is really cryptic.  (It's basically a lower-level parsing error, so you have to know how the csquotes and xkeyval packages work internally.)12:53
nisshhi see12:54
godbykaquarius: At the moment, you probably can, yes.  (Since we're not using csquotes just yet.)12:54
godbykaquarius: Modify the ubuntu-manual.cls file.  Find the \RequirePackage[blahblah]{csquotes} line.12:54
nisshhaquarius, why is it important that the manual be compilable on a default Ubuntu install?12:54
godbykaquarius: And remove the autostyle=true bits.12:54
nisshhby default i mean default + tex live12:54
aquariusnisshh, because most of the authors will *have* a default Ubuntu install. :)12:55
godbykaquarius: But make sure that you don't commit those changes.12:55
nisshhaquarius, but its very simple to install upstream tex live, there is no need to compile anything12:55
aquariusgodbyk, sure thing -- is it possible to change that file to say "if csquotes.version >= 2010: use new options; else: use old options"?12:55
godbykIn general, though, I'd strongly recommend installing upstream TeX Live.  You'll get much more frequent updates, and we can't maintain backwards-compatibility for very long.12:55
aquariusI, personally, am massively averse to installing things that aren't Ubuntu packages...12:56
godbykaquarius: Nope. I can say 'require this new version of csquotes and throw an error if it's not there', but that's about it.12:56
nisshhi see12:56
aquariusgodbyk, oh, OK, that's a shame, but that's not your fault :)12:56
godbykaquarius: Yeah. We tried building Ubuntu packages for the new TeX Live, but the Debian folks have put that on hold as they're going to completely reorganize those packages soon.12:56
godbykEveryone complains about it; you're not alone.12:57
nisshhgodbyk, jenkins told me the debian folks would have it done by christmas too :|12:57
aquariusgodbyk, ok, have changed csquotes line to \RequirePackage{csquotes}% for language-specific quotation marks12:57
aquariusnow get a new error on make: (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.cfg))kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Libertine O', contains ' '12:57
godbykFor compiling the English version of the manual, we can do away with most of the packages. But as soon as we start translating to umpteen different languages, we need the latest and greatest packages (because they have the features and bug fixes we need).12:58
nisshhaquarius, apt-get install ttf-linux-libertine12:58
aquariusheh. :)12:58
godbykaquarius: Check the install-packages.sh script. Look for the REQUIRED_UBUNTU_PACKAGES line. Install all those packages.12:59
nisshhoh wait12:59
nisshhif aquarius modifies the .cls files and whatnot13:00
nisshhthey will end up committed to trunk13:00
aquariusgodbyk, aha, I did that before, but it's changed and has had new packages added :)13:00
nisshhis that what we want for everyone?13:00
aquariusnisshh, I'm not going to commit the changes.13:00
godbyknisshh: That's why I told him specifically to make sure he *doesn't* commit them.  (We'll see if that admonition worked.)13:00
nisshhoh ok13:00
aquariusyay, manual builds!13:01
* nisshh missed that part13:01
aquariusgodbyk, thanks. :)13:01
nisshhspeaking of which, i should do some more work on my chapter13:01
godbykaquarius: no problem. let me know if you run into any other issues or have any latex-related questions.13:01
Atlantic777Hi! Is there a quick start guide for compiling of tex files?22:31

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