
udienz@schedule now02:09
ubottuSorry, the @schedule function has been disabled. To see the schedule for meetings see http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar. To see the current time in another time zone, use @now02:09
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: December 21 2010, 02:09:5602:09
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
* ejat pokes elky09:59
* ejat pokes udienz10:00
ejathi lifeless10:00
* nobuto (one of candidates) is ready10:00
udienzhello lifeless ejat10:00
* udienz preparing some coffee10:00
ejatsorry for away/absence from previous2 meeting .. hopefully i can give attention back :) bz with work + personal things ..10:02
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: December 21 2010, 10:03:0510:03
udienzAsia/Oceania Membership board meeting now?10:03
ejathi elky10:05
udienzhello elky10:05
udienzelky, lifeless, ejat: Asia/Oceania Membership board meeting now?10:08
elkyi've literally only just walked in the door10:09
udienz+11 minutes10:11
elkyi'm aware,  but nobody else is even responding10:11
elkymany who are on the board are likely travelling or busy due to the holiday season10:12
lifelessudienz: we're here, as you can see when ejat pinged10:13
lifelessejat udienz lifeless elky : 4 folk10:14
freeflyingelky: yes10:14
elkyok we have 5, can someone chair, i need dinner and to pack for flying to visit family tomorrow morning10:14
elkyi'll participate, but i can't lead10:15
maqtanimhi I m here for the meeting, I am an applicant!10:15
elkylifeless, wait, udienz isn't part of quorum10:16
elkyhe's an applicant10:16
udienzelky: yup, i'm apllicant10:16
elkyogitux is first up, and not here. shani is first in queue.10:16
lifeless<- tired10:17
elkyshani, are you there?10:17
elkylifeless, ya, likewise. ground stopped moving yet? :P10:17
* freeflying is in another meeting 10:17
elkyshani, isn't responding. maqtanim please paste your pre-prepared introduction to us10:18
maqtanimHi everyone. I am Adnan Quiaum. I am a Bangladeshi. Currently I am conducting my MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I am not a IT professional or a software developer, but the enthusiasm for Ubuntu brought me in to the Ubuntu community. And here is my wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/maqtanim10:19
maqtanimBTW my nick name is maqtanim10:19
=== ogiwork is now known as ogitux
udienzbtw, elky you forget to start metting10:21
MootBotMeeting started at 04:21. The chair is elky.10:21
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]10:21
elkythat's part of me not actually being in an ideal position to lead the meeting10:22
maqtanimShall I paste that again?10:22
* elky glares at MootBot10:22
elkyyou were capturing those all by yourself the other day!10:22
elky[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/maqtanim10:23
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/maqtanim10:23
elkylifeless: freeflying, ejat, got any questions for maqtanim10:24
ejatmaqtanim: anything else u want to share as enthuasiasm with us beside on the wiki?10:24
ejatmaqtanim: r u there ?10:26
elkymaqtanim, we're pressed for time as always, we need you to be attentive10:27
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
elky[action] putting discussion of maqtanim on hold until he returns10:28
MootBotACTION received:  putting discussion of maqtanim on hold until he returns10:28
elkyogitux, i noticed you returned?10:28
ogituxyes elky10:28
elkyogitux, can you please introduce yourself and why you are applying for membership10:29
ejatouch .. sorry ..10:29
lifeless_sorry, net disconnect10:29
lifeless_elky: I've lost 8 minutes10:29
ejatlifeless_: me too .. client crash :(10:29
elkylifeless, you didn't lose any content10:29
ejatdone with maqtanim vote ?10:29
lifeless_23:22 < maqtanim> Shall I paste that again?10:29
elkyejat, no, he's not responding, i postponed it10:29
macono, maqtanim went mia10:29
lifeless_23:22 < elky> no10:29
lifeless_23:29 -!- lifeless_ [~robertc@122-63-10-108.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting10:29
ejatelky: owh ok ..10:30
Mohan_chmlejat: hes not responding10:30
elkyejat, we're never going to get through it otherwise10:30
elkyan hour per applicant is giving us an awful backlog10:30
ejatelky: agreed10:30
Ekusheymaqtanim is not here?10:30
EkusheyI'm here to support him10:30
Mohan_chmlEkushey: He is not responding10:31
elkymaqtanim, he isn't responding, we'll finish when he returns10:31
ejatogitux: as elky say .. can u please intro yaself n why r u applying for membership10:31
elkyEkushey, leave your testimony and we'll consider it if you have to leave10:31
ogituxMy name Adnan Kashogi , I am Live in Indonesia , and I want join member ubuntu because i want study about operating system opensource10:31
EkusheyI think something is wrong with his connection10:31
ovroniilsorry I was disconnected10:31
=== ovroniil is now known as maqtannim
elkyEkushey, that's fine, but time isn't waiting for it.10:31
maqtannimsorry I was disconnected10:32
elkythere he is10:32
elky[action] resuming maqtanim's application10:32
MootBotACTION received:  resuming maqtanim's application10:32
lifeless_I think freenode may have lost a server or something10:32
elkylifeless, yeah, rather uncleanly10:32
Mohan_chmlogitux: please wait for a second10:32
ogituxnow I am study system information faculty on indonesia budiluhur university10:32
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
elkyand there's the clean bit10:32
lifeless_ahha there it goes10:32
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
ogituxMohan_chml: ok10:32
maqtannimsorry for that10:33
ejatmaqtannim: is there anything else u wanna share with us beside at the wiki ?10:33
Mohan_chmlelky: now ogitux is talking. I told him to wait10:33
maqtannimI am a hobbyist10:33
maqtannimgraphic designer10:33
elkyMohan_chml, i saw, thanks.10:33
maqtannimand designed some banners and poster10:33
maqtannimfor ubuntu BAngladesh10:33
maqtannimthat's all I think10:34
EkusheyI vouch for maqtannim also as the founder of the ubuntu-bd loco and being a ubuntu member myself -- he has made a lot of contribution with bengali documentation, marketing, and taking care of all our graphics related work -- he's been doing this for a long time and he deserves to get a reward :)10:35
Ekushey*ommit also10:35
ejatmaqtannim: r u involve virtually or gather in lug or loco meetup :)10:35
maqtannimejat yes10:35
elkyyes to which?10:36
maqtannimat #bangladesh10:36
ejatphysically ?10:36
maqtannimnot actually10:36
maqtannimbecause for my study10:37
maqtannimI am abroad right now10:37
maqtannimbut within 3/4 months10:37
maqtannimi'll be back to my home again10:37
maqtannimafter that I can join the monthly10:37
maqtannimmeeting of Ubuntu Bangladesh10:37
elkylifeless: freeflying, any further questions?10:38
lifelessnot I10:38
ejatas a founder of ubuntu-bd .. havent u think should have mini meetup or release party or small gathering should be good ? i mean before u go abroad .. :)10:38
maqtannimwell I am not the founder actually10:39
maqtannimthe founder is ekushey10:39
maqtannim* Ekushey10:40
maqtannimI am a member10:40
maqtannimcurrent founder10:40
maqtannimand team leader10:40
maqtannimof Ubuntu Bangladesh10:40
ejatelky: should we vote ?10:40
maqtannimis in Bangladesh right now10:40
ejatlifeless: ?10:40
ejatfreeflying: ?10:40
elkyejat, if freeflying is around still...10:40
Ekusheyejat sorry if I wasn't very clear, just woke up from sleep10:40
ejatEkushey: :)10:41
ejatelky , lifeless .. only 3 of us ?10:42
* elky headdesks10:42
elkyejat, we seem to have lost freeflying, yes10:42
ejatouch ...10:42
EkusheyI strongly recommend maqtannim, as well as another guy in our team who'll apply for membership very soon -- being involved ubuntu-bd since 2006 this is the first time I'm vouching for someone from my country :)10:42
* ejat scratching head ..... 10:42
freeflyingelky: sorry, stuck at another business meeting10:43
ejatowh .. finally ..10:43
ejatfreeflying: anything to ask ?10:43
elkyfreeflying, if we vote, do you think you can give decision?10:43
* ejat how about u elky ? winks10:44
elkyejat, eh? i'm leading, of course i can10:44
ejat:) oppss my bad ..10:44
ejatshall we vote ? lifeless , elky , freeflying?10:45
elky[vote] maqtannim for membership10:45
MootBotPlease vote on:  maqtannim for membership.10:45
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot10:45
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting10:45
udienzejat? lifeless? freeflying?10:47
lifelessudienz: yes?10:47
elkylifeless, can you vote on maqtannim?10:47
MootBot+1 received from lifeless. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 110:49
lifelesselky: can you ?10:49
MootBot+1 received from ejat. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 210:49
elkylifeless, yea, but i have to close the vote, i'll do it then10:49
ejatkinda hard to decide ... :)10:50
ejatfreeflying:  ?10:51
lifelessI have to go, ~midnight and I can't do justice to a candidate in 10 minutes.10:51
elkylifeless, i'd doubt we'd get through a candidate in that time.10:51
ejatlifeless: same goes with me ...10:51
=== evilvish is now known as group
ejatelky ... freeflying ?10:53
=== group is now known as evilvish
Mohan_chmlhes waiting for freeflying10:54
=== evilvish is now known as whois
elkyvish, please stop that.10:56
=== whois is now known as vish
maqtannimsorry I was disconnected again :(10:57
elkymaqtannim, that's ok, we're waiting for freeflying to vote still10:58
vishelky: oops! netsplit and i mess'd up with a lot of commands :/11:00
elkyvish, at least you didn't try identify11:01
vishheh, i hadnt grouped the evilvish nick hence my confusion..11:02
e-jatIll on mobile...11:05
Mohan_chmlOkies. I am leaving. bye o/11:06
freeflyingejat: I can;t vote, because I'm busy with other meeting sorry about it11:07
elkypopey, are you around? Someone from another RMB?11:07
macoim around11:08
ejatmaco ?11:08
* maco reads scrollback11:08
MootBot+1 received from maco. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 311:09
MootBot+1 received from elky. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 411:09
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 411:09
elkyyaaaaaaaaay maqtannim11:09
maqtannimThanks a lot guys :)11:09
maqtannimThanks A lot11:09
udienzcongrats mustaqim11:09
maqtannimthanks udienz11:09
maqtannimso what will be my next step?11:10
udienzmustaqim: we waiting for elky now. but i thinks times is up11:11
ejatcongrate maqtannim11:11
maqtannimthanks ejat :)11:11
* ejat thanks to maco too :) 11:11
macomaqtannim: next you will get an email saying you were added to the ubuntumembers team on launchpad, and in a little while an email alias will be activated for you11:12
ejatelky: so u would like to postpone the meeting or continue ?11:12
maqtannimthanks maco11:12
ejatmaqtannim: hope u can continue ya afford contributing :)11:13
macotechnically i think the meeting time is up...its been an hour11:13
ejatmaco: yeah .11:13
maqtannimejat : sure ...11:13
maqtannimyou can count on me :)11:13
macowow elky, you werent joking with <elky> an hour per applicant is giving us an awful backlog11:13
ejatmaco: it base on experience .. thats y she can say like that .. it happened..11:14
elkythe fun part is when people rip in to those of us who show up, because others didnt.11:14
macohow many of you are still active?11:15
elkyenough, for quorum and then some, but not everyone is available every week11:15
elkyfor instance, vantrax is at a family function this week, i was travelling two meetings ago, lifeless often passes out before 11pm11:16
elkyand then there's the case that several of our members are not in first world infrastructures and often lose internets11:17
nobutoIs the meeting closed?11:17
elkymaco, we had at least two RMB applicants floating around who could have participated, but can't because the restaffing is held up11:17
ejatelky: end/close meeting ..11:17
udienznobutp: not yet11:17
elkynobuto, yes sorry11:18
MootBotMeeting finished at 05:18.11:18
ejat:) ..11:18
macois that in the CC's hands?11:18
elkynobuto, sorry, we have quite a backlog and we're understaffed11:18
elkymaco, yes11:18
* maco holds tongue11:18
nobutoI hope I will be Ubuntu member in next meeting. 4th January?11:19
elkynobuto, that's when it'd be due, i can't guarantee everyone will be available though11:20
maconobuto: what tz are you in?11:20
udienznobuto: japanese?11:20
elkyogitux, sorry, we'll get to you next time. if you can keep your irc nick up to date on the wiki page we won't miss you next time11:20
nobutoudienz: Yes.11:20
* maco tries math11:21
ogituxelky: ok no problem11:22
maco14 hours difference from here...oh so...11:22
udienzelky: i send emails to LoCo council about ubuntu-id11:22
nobutomaco: I'm in 20:21 now.11:22
udienzah.. i'm forget to say hello to maco11:22
udienzhello maco11:22
ogituxelky: I am wait next meeting11:22
maconobuto: the americas rmb meets in the late morning in your tz i think11:22
elkyogitux, alternatively you can try EMEA or the americas board11:23
maconobuto: we dont have a backlog if you'd like to come to our meeting11:23
macothis month's has happened already but... 21 Jan is the next11:23
udienzelky: heh? EMEA? is that possible?11:23
elkyudienz, sure, you don't ahve to be european or african to apply to it11:24
ogituxelky: I live indonesia region asia11:24
macoogitux: the regional thing are more about timezone compatibility and possibility of translation11:24
udienzelky: ok thanks i will read fridge again11:24
maco(americas board had a meeting where we all pulled out our rusty high school spanish skills)11:24
nobutomaco: thanks. I will try it if i miss next AsiaOceania RMB.11:25
ogituxmaco: owh ok thank for information11:25
udienzogitux, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar11:25
maconobuto: i think its juu ji gozen11:27
* maco needs to setup ibus on here11:27
nobutomaco: thaks and you have nice Japanese skills :)11:27
macoarigatou gazaimasu. demo, chotto nihongo wo hanasemasu ;)11:28
macoi need practice11:29
maqtannimwell I don't know how the board is formed11:30
maqtannimbut I think there should be11:30
maqtannimsome extra seat in the board11:30
maqtannimspecially board like asia ocenia11:30
maqtannimwhere there is different TZ11:31
maqtannimlike the football team :)11:31
maqtannimso that there is always a strong chance of fulfilling the quoram11:32
macothere are two open spots on the board, as elky mentioned11:33
macothere are two people for the spots but their approval is still pending11:33
elkymaqtannim, some terms ended and the cc hasn't sorted out the restaffing yet. other boards are in a similar predicament, but i suspect with fewer timezones to trip over.11:34
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
=== maqtannim is now known as maqtanim
macowe're one short but only have 4 timezones to care about usually11:37
maqtanimI guess asia-ocenia region is the largest one11:39
maqtanimso more frequent meeting should be scheduled11:40
maqtanimfor this region11:40
maqtanimI mean for this board11:40
udienzmaqtanim: agreed11:41
elkymaqtanim, it's not the frequency that's the problem. we can't get enough board staff twice a month, i don't think we'd get them for four times a month11:45
maqtanimelky, I did not think it that way :P11:46
maqtanimmy bad :P11:46
elky(also, i like having some weeknights for me :P)11:49
maco日本語 <-- i got ibus working!11:49
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SpamapSzul: are you here? Otherwise I get the honors.16:07
MootBotMeeting started at 10:08. The chair is SpamapS.16:08
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:08
SpamapS[TOPIC] motion to adjourn meeting and carry all items forward to next meeting16:08
MootBotNew Topic:  motion to adjourn meeting and carry all items forward to next meeting16:08
hallyn@vote 116:09
hallyn#vote 116:09
hallynor somesuch16:09
SpamapSalright, seconded. All opposed, nay, all in favor aye.16:09
hallyn#vote +116:09
SpamapSvery well, the aye's have it.16:10
SpamapS[TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time16:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time16:10
SpamapSTuesday, Jan 4 2011, 16:00 UTC16:12
hallynttx is being all silent-like :)16:12
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:12.16:12
SpamapSthanks everybody!16:13
ttxyou're too fast for me16:13
hggdhtoo late16:13
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
faganwendar: we have a meeting here in 15 right?17:45
* fagan *waves*17:59
faganoh damn was it yesterday18:00
wendarhi fagan18:00
faganwendar: is it today or did I get it mixed up18:00
wendarit's today, and now18:00
wendarwill ping the others18:01
faganoh ok I got confused there for a sec since you sent your email on monday in ireland and said tomorrow18:01
faganstatik: hey18:02
wendarfagan: yes, I used "tomorrow" because the meetings are on Tuesday for most of us but Wednesday down-under18:02
faganyeah I just got that18:02
* wendar double-checking to see if 3 out of 6 counts as a quorum18:05
stgraberhey everyone18:05
faganstgraber: hey18:05
stgraberI'm at around 50% here (multi-tasking) :)18:05
wendarand, 3 or more votes is enough, and now we've got 418:06
MootBotMeeting started at 12:06. The chair is wendar.18:06
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:06
wendar[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Agenda18:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Agenda18:06
wendar[TOPIC] Action review18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Action review18:07
wendarI had an action item from the last meeting to start the wiki pages.18:07
wendarI've got two up now, one main landing page (just a start), and an agenda page for our meetings18:08
wendarI need to start on the submissions info page18:08
statikthanks for working on those wendar18:08
wendar(I figure we'll all end up contributing to it)18:08
faganwell im pretty good at documenting stuff so ill make sure to help out there18:09
wendarthe other action items we carried away were helping the developers through the proposal process18:10
wendarHow is that going for everyone?18:10
statikI had an action to work with the pytask developer, and have massively failed to make progress18:10
statikI will make progress this week18:10
faganive been a little busy with christmas tests for college but ill take on one of the packages this week18:11
wendarI managed to help the SIR developer through to a final solution, but didn't feel like I spent enough time on it. I would like to be more responsive.18:12
wendarfagan: did you take one from the last meeting? or would you be available to take the new submission we got last week?18:12
faganwendar: nope didnt take one18:12
faganill take the new one18:12
wendarfagan: okay great18:13
faganchristmas break I have time to burn :)18:13
wendarchristmas holidays are great for that :)18:13
wendarare there other actions to review, before we move on to the specific proposals?18:13
faganive got nothign18:14
wendar[TOPIC] Proposal Review - Suspended Sentence18:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Proposal Review - Suspended Sentence18:14
wendar[LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/67503318:14
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/67503318:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 675033 in Ubuntu Application Review Board "Application Review Request: Suspended Sentence 1.0.1" [Undecided,New]18:15
wendarstgraber: you were following up on this one, what's the current status of the application?18:15
stgraberI did the review yesterday, packaging looks good, left a comment in the bug but nothing major18:16
stgraberas far as I'm concerned, the package is fine18:16
wendarare we ready to vote on it?18:17
* fagan has a quick look over for a sec18:17
statiki'm ready18:17
wendar[VOTE] To approve Suspended Sentence18:18
MootBotPlease vote on:  To approve Suspended Sentence.18:18
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot18:18
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting18:18
MootBot+1 received from wendar. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 118:18
MootBot+1 received from fagan. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 218:18
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 318:18
MootBot+1 received from statik. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 418:18
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 418:19
faganyep good18:19
wendarstgraber: you'll be following up with the developer?18:19
wendar[TOPIC] Proposal Review - PyTask18:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Proposal Review - PyTask18:19
wendar[LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/68434118:19
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/68434118:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 684341 in Ubuntu Application Review Board "Application Review Request: Pytask 10.12.3" [Undecided,In progress]18:19
statikThere has been no progress on this and its entirely my fault18:20
faganI had a good look over the code and its all good on the front18:20
wendarthere was a Quickly bug blocking release last time, but that shouldn't necessarily block us from approving the app18:21
statikI haven't managed to carefully review the packaging on this one yet as I had promised to do last time18:21
faganwell id be happy to vote on it now since its just the quickly bug18:21
fagancan we have a quick look over it and see if anything sticks out?18:22
fagannothing is jumping out at me18:24
faganother than the /opt thing18:24
wendardoes it install in /opt now?18:24
faganwendar: well thats a quickly bug that didrocks is working on18:25
faganim not sure if its fixed yet18:25
wendarrickspencer3 says it's fixed, but may not have gone through SRU yet18:25
wendarchecking with mterry now18:26
statikthere's also some small things like invalid email address in changelog18:26
faganah thats it then18:26
statikwhat did we decide about manpages, required or not required?18:26
wendarthat's the quickly bug, I mean, not the /opt install18:26
wendarmanpages are not required18:27
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
faganthen I cant really see anything stopping voting18:27
wendarsome form of user help is desirable, but in App is fine18:27
faganwe can get the developer to fix the email thing18:27
wendar[LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quickly-widgets/+bug/63814918:28
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quickly-widgets/+bug/63814918:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 638149 in quickly-widgets (Ubuntu Maverick) "IntegerFilterBox crashes Python quite thoroughly" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:28
wendarThat's the quickly bug18:28
wendarHow about voting now, and say release is pending the SRU of the Quickly fix, and verification that the package installs in /opt?18:28
faganoh is that going to be a SRU?18:28
faganwendar: yeah that seems o k18:29
wendaryes, and until the SRU goes through, Pytask will crash18:29
faganwe can vote for it and hold until the SRU18:29
statikI think it's going to be tough to do conditional votes18:30
statikMy vote would be -1 as long as the version in the PPA has problems18:30
wendaras in, it's better to make the vote a final approval, and the app instantly goes into the repo after that?18:30
statikthats my preference, yes18:31
wendarthat does give us a sane review point to make sure the conditions were met18:31
statikbecause if a new version is uploaded it needs at least a trivial re-review18:31
statikand from what I understand we are voting on a specific version18:31
wendarothers thoughts?18:31
statikI feel bad I didn't manage to get in touch last week with the developer, the remaining issues seem easily solved but do need a new upload18:31
wendar(to a certain extent we're deciding on our process here, this is something to add to the information page)18:32
faganwell I suppose we should wait for the quickly-widgets SRU18:32
faganrather than have to do a rereview later18:32
wendarstgraber: thoughts on making voting a "final say"?18:33
statikand I need to ask the developer to do a new upload fixing things so they install in /opt, fixing the copyright file, and fixing the email address in changelog (and possibly other things, i've only done a superficial review to so far)18:33
statiki will be sure to get in touch with the developer today or tomorrow to offer encouragement and get these things fixed18:34
faganwell id presume that rick and mterry would be helping with this one18:34
wendarstatik: sounds good18:34
faganso he'll have a good bit of help18:34
wendaron to the next one?18:35
wendar[TOPIC] Proposal Review - SIR18:35
fagansure we have loads of time18:35
MootBotNew Topic:  Proposal Review - SIR18:35
wendar[LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/64406618:35
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/64406618:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 644066 in Ubuntu Application Review Board "Application Review Request: SIR 2.1" [Undecided,In progress]18:35
wendarthis one is on my plate18:36
wendarIt's in a similar state, it needs a new PPA upload18:36
wendarI have resolved all the packaging issues in a patch, but only got the developer the final patch yesterday, so he hasn't had time to process and reupload.18:37
faganwell that seems ok18:37
wendarsticking with "voting as the final say", we're not ready to vote on it yet18:37
wendarbut, by next meeting it should be fine to go through18:38
statikcool. wendar, would you be willing to forward me the patch so I could learn from what you did?18:38
wendarstatik: it's linked in the ticket18:39
* statik should learn to read18:39
wendarpretty small changes, mostly just packaging fixes and a quilt patch to modify the install locations in the source18:39
faganthere is a lot of code to review there anyway18:39
wendarstatik: (the second patch, rather than the first patch, because it uses quilt)18:39
wendarfagan: yes18:40
wendar[TOPIC] Proposal Review - simple-stopwatch18:41
MootBotNew Topic:  Proposal Review - simple-stopwatch18:41
wendar[LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/66554318:41
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/66554318:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 665543 in Ubuntu Application Review Board "Application Review Request: simple-stopwatch 0.1.2" [Undecided,New]18:41
wendarajmitch took this one, and isn't at the meeting today18:42
faganwhere is the code for this one?18:42
wendarI don't see any progress on it in the ticket18:42
wendar[LINK] https://launchpad.net/~stefano-palazzo/+archive/stefano-testing18:42
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/~stefano-palazzo/+archive/stefano-testing18:42
faganwell the package is there but where is the code repo?18:43
faganit doesnt seem to be on launchpad18:43
statikis having a code repo a requirement?18:43
faganwell id like to have a look at the code to see what its doing18:43
stgraberfagan: can't you take the .orig.tar.gz ?18:44
faganah forgot about doing that18:44
faganits just a pain18:44
statikoh yes, i totally agree we should look at the code18:44
fagancould we add that to the wiki?18:45
stgraberwell, I don't think we can make having a bzr branch on LP a requirement. Though we can probably say that the .orig.tar.gz should come from somewhere (either an upstream tarball or a branch)18:45
wendarfagan: add a requirement for having some way to look at the code? yes18:46
faganwell it doesnt have to be on launchpad18:46
stgraberwell, with how PPA work, you always have a way to look at the code as it's impossible to do binary uploads18:46
faganlike I wouldnt mind if it was a hosted git repo or a google code svn repo or something18:46
stgraberit'd just be great to ask that the .orig.tar.gz comes from some upstream website or from a branch hosted somewhere (LP, github, ...)18:47
wendarmaybe discuss that on the mailing list?18:48
wendarsince it's an added requirement?18:48
faganyeah thats a good idea18:48
faganwendar: would it be something that would need TB approval?18:48
faganor is process stuff our domain?18:49
wendarfagan: no, we're free to add extra requirements, it's just relaxing their requirements we need approval for18:49
stgraberadding a criteria probably doesn't need TB approval, removing one does though (at least it's my understanding)18:49
stgraberwell, whatever wendar said ;)18:49
wendaryah, same thing18:49
faganok thats cool then18:50
faganjust thought I should ask18:50
statikI don't think we should impose requirements on an app that they publish a branch, although it's fine to suggest it as a good practice. the requirement should just be that it's open source, i.e. no binary blobs (like PDFs) in the orig.tar.gz18:50
stgraberI've got to rush to another meeting (sorry for that). Just before that, I'm currently looking at Suspended Sentence and was wondering if we had any criteria for the version number to use in the extras repo ?18:51
faganstatik: well we could add a note or something to the end of the wiki saying adding the code to a repo would be good18:51
stgrabercurrent version number is 1.0.1-0extras1~ppa318:51
wendarthe open source requirement is already there, so it may be a matter of explaining what that means18:51
wendarstgraber why "0extras1"?18:51
statikfagan: yep, no objection to making recommendations but I would be troubled if we rejected an app where the developer chose not to publish a branch18:51
wendarshouldn't that be "0ubuntu1"?18:51
wendarwe don't do "0universe1"18:51
stgraberwendar: I don't know, that's what Stefano used :)18:52
wendarand I would think drop the ~ppa before release18:52
faganstatik: oh no I wouldnt really support rejecting anything for not adding their repo to the bug report18:52
wendarstgraber: yes, SIR used "0maverick1"18:52
wendarbut, I do think we should stick to standard naming there18:52
stgraberI'm find with whatever we use as long as it's consistent18:53
stgraberand so far, I couldn't find any consistency :)18:53
faganyeah im with stgraber here18:53
statikme too18:53
stgraberdaily-journal (currently in extras) uses <version>+newapps718:53
stgraberwhich I found quite weird18:54
faganyeah that is a little strange18:54
statikstgraber: is that a commercial app?18:54
wendaragreed, that's just strange18:54
stgraberstatik: don't know, that's the only thing currently in extras.ubuntu.com (which we didn't approve, AFAIK)18:55
wendarseems sensible to stick with the REVU standards there, until we have some compelling reason to change it18:55
statikhow curious18:55
faganwasnt that a test upload?18:55
stgraberwell, if it was a test upload I'd think it should have been removed before being publicly accessible :)18:56
faganill look into it and see what it is18:56
wendarwill note that as an action item for next meeting18:56
wendarfinal proposal18:57
stgraberas we don't allow extras packages that are in the distro, it doesn't make sense to use the -0ubuntu1 version number (where 0 is debian version and 1 is ubuntu version)18:57
wendar[TOPIC] Proposal Review - 4dtris18:57
MootBotNew Topic:  Proposal Review - 4dtris18:57
wendar[LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/69134718:57
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-review-board/+bug/69134718:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 691347 in Ubuntu Application Review Board "Application Review Request: 4dtris 0.3.2 " [Undecided,New]18:57
wendarbrand new, so no action now18:57
stgraberanyway, got ro run, sorry guys18:57
wendarbut fagan has agreed to adopt it18:57
wendarstgraber: me too in 5 mins18:57
wendarstgraber: thanks!18:57
faganthis one is the new one?18:57
wendaryes, it just came in on the 16th18:58
faganyeah ill take that18:58
faganill start on it tomorrow18:58
wendar[TOPIC] Rotating meeting chair18:59
MootBotNew Topic:  Rotating meeting chair18:59
faganyeah id say rotating chair is good18:59
wendarI added this item to the agenda, it's something the TechBoard does, rotating who chairs the meeting18:59
statikI'm in favor of rotating chair19:00
faganwe could talk about this on the mailing list since we dont have everyone19:00
wendarso far the responsibility seems to include: reminding people about the meeting, pinging them when the meeting is set to start, and entering the mootbot items for the meeting19:00
statikprobably building the agenda page too19:00
wendarfagan: yes, good idea, since not everyone is here yet19:00
wendaruh, change "yet" to "this week"19:01
wendarthat's all I have, any further comments, questions, etc?19:01
fagannope good meeting19:01
statikthanks for organizing this wendar19:02
faganyeah thanks wendar19:02
wendarthat's a wrap, thanks all!19:02
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:02.19:02
statiki'm excited to see how it goes with getting suspended sentence published19:02
faganyeah glad to see it getting started19:02
wendaryes, nice to get one moving out the door19:02
faganbye all :)19:03
* fagan goes back to buffy the vampire slayer :P19:03
tumbleweedstatik: heh, yeah, thanks guys. Nice to have the first approval :P19:13
tumbleweed(although I'm not the target market)19:14
statiktumbleweed: thanks for priming the pump :)19:14
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ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:29
* UndiFineD paints the room orange21:03
leoquantczajkowski, do we have a meeting?21:04
nhandlerczajkowski has been traveling and is idle almost 6 hours. It doesn't look like she is around21:05
senseczajkowski: http://twitter.com/#!/czajkowski/status/1732430741583462421:05
senseleoquant: http://twitter.com/#!/czajkowski/status/1732430741583462421:05
leoquantthx sense21:05
paultagSorry I'm late21:07
nhandlerpaultag: You haven't missed anything21:07
paultaggreat :)21:07
paultagthanks for the ping nhandler21:07
paultagIs anyone chairing?21:08
senseleogg, itnet7, popey: ping21:08
paultagShucks. I'm just going to start it, and move the vote to the mailing list.21:09
leoggI'm over here! o/21:09
MootBotMeeting started at 15:09. The chair is paultag.21:09
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:09
paultagleogg: :)21:09
paultag[TOPIC] DutchTeam Re-Approval21:10
MootBotNew Topic:  DutchTeam Re-Approval21:10
paultagFantastic, who's here :)21:10
* sense is the LoCo Contact here.21:10
* UndiFineD paints the room orange21:10
paultag[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DutchTeamApprovalApplication21:10
* Gotiniens adds some red white blue to the room21:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DutchTeamApprovalApplication21:10
paultag[LINK] http://ubuntu-nl.org/21:11
MootBotLINK received:  http://ubuntu-nl.org/21:11
paultag[LINK] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nl21:11
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nl21:11
paultagGreat! :)21:11
paultagsense: So, let's hear a bit about your team21:11
sensepaultag: alright21:11
senseUbuntu Nederland is a LoCo with history. We started in 2004 as a small community of Dutch meeting on the internet, and soon in 'real life'.21:12
senseWe've grown to a large community that manifests itself mostly on the internet, with a forum of 22000 members, and organise a few activities every year.21:13
senseThe largest group is the forum, which is the support and chat forum for all Dutch speaking Ubuntu users.21:13
senseWe offer support on IRC, and on a mailing list as well.21:13
paultagsense: I see you do Translation work, can you talk a bit about that?21:13
senseDue to the fact that Dutch is not bound to one country, and due to historical reasons, the translation team is a part of the Dutch Ubuntu community, but not as much a structural part of the LoCo. However, there are no separate communities.21:15
senseThe translators are working together with Debian and GNOME translators.21:15
senseThey organise real life or digital sprints for every release.21:15
senseSince the Dutch translations in Compiz were orphaned they are working on that as well.21:15
paultagsense: do you know offhand what percent is translated?21:15
sensepaultag: I can look that up real quick on Launchpad.21:16
sensebut we're doing pretty well21:16
leoggsense: how about meetings? do you have regular meetings on IRC or IRL?21:16
paultagsense: it's OK, no need to look it up :)21:16
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/community/Vertaalteam/Status21:16
senseNB: Vertaal is Dutch for translate21:16
paultagthanks UndiFineD :)21:16
senseUbuntu Nederland is currently undergoing a process of reorganisation. Our governance is very unstructured. We do, however, have monthly IRC meetings that are open to everyone.21:17
senseThere is no formalised decision-making process active, but we're working on that.21:17
senseThe new governance structure should be adopted in January 2011.21:17
senseTo discuss this we have a real-life meeting at 16 January.21:18
leoggsense: nice!21:18
paultagsense: How are your team reports?21:18
paultagI really like the "ledenkaart" -- Is that code Open Sourced?21:19
sensepaultag: We have slowly been starting with using team reports, in Dutch. The report of this month (currently being written) is located at <http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/community/Meetings/Meeting20101210/VoortgangTeams>.21:20
Ronniethe 'ledenkaart' has an old version on launchpad, im working on a new one tough: http://www.allesoverlinux.nl/ubuntu/kaart/ (which is open source)21:21
paultagsense: you might want to consider copying them to the ubuntu wiki in the team reporting framework to make sure you get included in the snapshots :)21:21
paultagRonnie: looks great!21:21
leoggsense: I don't see any events in 2010?21:21
senseleogg: There certainly were events in 2010. Where are they missing?21:22
sensepaultag: Ronnie is doing a lot of work on making Ubuntu NL's website available on Launchpad.21:22
senseamongst other things21:22
leoggsense: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DutchTeamApprovalApplication21:22
JanCleogg: there is the release party in Ede21:23
senseleogg: It must have gone missing. :S I'm sure there used to be a part about the large 10.04 release party in May this year there.21:23
senseThat was organised in cooperation with HCC!.21:23
Gotinienssearch for HCC! on that page and you will find it21:23
nhandler/5/window balance21:23
senseThere are events in the Loco Directory, and on releaseparty.eu21:23
JanCas well as 2 other release parties listed21:23
sensehttp://releaseparty.eu is the shared website to list releaseparties of Ubuntu BE and Ubuntu NL.21:24
MootBotLINK received:  http://releaseparty.eu is the shared website to list releaseparties of Ubuntu BE and Ubuntu NL.21:24
paultagAh, I see it21:24
paultagthanks sense :)21:24
MootBotLINK received:  http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-nl21:24
leoggJanC, sense yep, I can see it now, but they're a bit difficult to find in the application21:24
senseAh, we should have made them more visible.21:24
paultag[LINK] http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-nl/events/history21:24
MootBotLINK received:  http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-nl/events/history21:24
paultagsense: good to see you're working with the LD :)21:25
sensepaultag: Most of the work there is being done by community members who are involved in the events now, I can't do much because my changed Launchpad username broke things in the LD.21:25
senseI don't get the right permissions.21:25
paultagOK. Well, I have no more questions. Anyone else?21:26
leoggIt seems to me that you're a pretty solid team, but you need to work more on meetings and reports21:26
hajournew dutch python teacher https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChrisDruif21:27
senseleogg: That is our weakness indeed.21:27
paultagGoing once!21:27
leoggsense: :)21:27
senseleogg: : http://sensehofstede.nl/organisatievoorstel-voor-ubuntu-nederland-versie-0-2 aims to solve those things, amongst otherproblems.21:27
paultagAlrighty. We'll move the vote to the Mailing List sense, I just filed a bug that you're subscribed to21:27
sensepaultag: OK, thanks.21:28
paultagsense: thank you!21:28
sensepaultag: The vote will happen on the mailing list?21:28
paultagsense: yes, but it will be logged on the bug, you'll see it :)21:28
senseok, great21:28
paultagsense: we'll be sure to CC you with stuff you can forward21:28
RawChidCan we also subscribe to that bug?21:29
paultagGreat, any other items for the LoCo Council?21:29
hajournew dutch beginners team mwanzo21:29
paultagRawChid: it's private, for now. We'll subscribe any other administrators, and we'll release it as public after it's complete :)21:29
sensepaultag: The agenda is outdated, it still says the next meeting is in november. :)21:29
paultagAlright, well, I'll shut down this meeting. We can re-open it if someone comes in panic'd :)21:30
paultagThanks, all!21:30
MootBotMeeting finished at 15:30.21:30
leoggsense: that's *our* weakness... not updating agendas :)21:30
paultagthanks, sense, and Ubuntu-NL!21:30
senseThanks everyone for attending and listening.21:30
leoggthank you guys!21:30
senseyou're welcome21:31
Ronniehuray for the loco counsil \o/21:31
hajourhai all21:33
senseI'm going offline now, good bye everyone.21:34
=== s1aden is now known as sladen

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