
bdrungtumbleweed: r894: you need to adjust backportpackage00:00
udienzmicahg: ok, he ask me to wait at bug 69208700:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692087 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Sync nginx 0.8.53-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69208700:01
micahgudienz: I think that has 2 of the patches00:02
tumbleweedbdrung: thanks, pushed. BTW please use --author when landing branches00:03
tumbleweedoh, I suppose that was debcommit00:03
bdrungtumbleweed: yes (debcommit)00:04
bdrungtumbleweed: "debcommit --author"?00:04
tumbleweedno, it doesn't support that, although I remember requesting it at soem point :)00:05
micahgudienz: he suggests waiting for 0.8.54-1 which should have all the patches00:05
micahgudienz: also, why are you adding the regression-proposed tag?  That means that package in -proposed regressed functionality00:05
udienzmicahg: hm.. i think it can be used if we proposed SRU.. okay tahs i'll remove it00:06
micahgudienz: an SRU is proposed by clicking Nominate for Release (if you still can), adding a debdiff and subscribing -sponsors, or proposing a merge into an lp:ubuntu/ branch and being clear about which release it targets00:08
udienzmicahg: ok thanks00:11
bdrungtumbleweed: merged00:18
tumbleweedbdrung: thanks. Just noticed I forgot to remove the requestsync import. fixed.00:20
bdrungtumbleweed: now you can work on all packages integrating config.py ;)00:21
tumbleweedyeah, hopefully not too many hurdles on the way... (and I don't run out of steam)00:22
bdrungtumbleweed: i have these things on the todo list:00:23
bdrungimprove debian/copyright00:23
bdrungbackportpackage{,.1}: sort command line args alphabetical00:23
bdrungsponsor-patch: support config.py and add UPDATE_BUILDER and LPINSTANCE support00:23
bdrungsyncpackage: use ubu_email()00:23
ebroderbdrung: The sorting order on backportpackage's arguments was very deliberate00:24
tumbleweedyeah, I tend to go for logical orderings, too.00:24
ebroderAnd BACKPORTPACKAGE_UPLOAD is difficult because I still dont' think that setting it should result in always automatically uploading - I think uploading should be an opt-in operation00:25
tumbleweedcopyright improvements probably needs tweaks in many files headers00:25
ebroder(I will grant that using optparse's option groups in backportpackage could help)00:25
bdrungebroder: yeah, group them to make the logical order obvious00:25
MTecknologyudienz: hm?00:27
* tumbleweed heads to bed00:27
bdrungtumbleweed: copyright improvements means that d/copyright needs to be more detailed00:27
tumbleweedbdrung: in that case, it should be automatically generated (to have any hope of maintainability), which means we need to help licencecheck00:28
bdrungtumbleweed: this screams for writing a helping tool placed in ubuntu-dev-tools ;)00:29
MTecknologyudienz: oh- nvm00:29
bdrungtumbleweed: there are probably scripts floating around00:29
bdrungtumbleweed: the problem of the current d/copyright: according to it i have a copyright on ubuntutools/test/*00:30
tumbleweedyeah, I've seen some around. I wrote one (that generated most of the current file), but accidently lost it in the bzr mess you witnessed :)00:31
tumbleweedbdrung: I don't really have a problem with that. it's more descriptive than it was. When I package things I tend to have the copyright as "The $name authors", except for the files they obviously got from outside the project00:32
tumbleweedotherwise debian/copyright becomes a disaster zone00:32
bdrungtumbleweed: interesting point00:33
tumbleweedanyway, I'm still here, /me goes00:34
bdrungtumbleweed: we should extent wrap-and-sort to support dep5 d/copyright files00:36
bdrungtumbleweed: bug #69280900:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692809 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[wrap-and-sort] support debian/copyright in DEP-5 format" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69280900:40
udienzMTecknology: hi, sorry for delay reply01:08
dnivrahello. i am trying to package a new upstream version and would like to know should the entire upstream change log be included in debian/changelog ?06:02
ebroderdnivra: No, the upstream changelog is for upstream changes. debian/changelog is just for changes within the packaging06:02
dnivraebroder, okay. well the upstream fixes a bug in ubuntu. so i just can mention it as a sub-point?06:03
ebroderdnivra: Yeah, that's basically the exception to not putting upstream changes in debian/changelog :)06:04
ebroderI was just about to get to that06:04
dnivraebroder, does this look okay http://paste.ubuntu.com/546175/ ?06:04
dnivrathat's just what I am adding. i have copied the changelog from the previous version and adding it to that.06:05
ebroderdnivra: Doesn't seem particularly problematic. Although I would mention that Ubuntu doesn't use priority in the changelog06:05
ebroderOh wait - is that supposed to be a Debian BTS bug closer or a Launchpad bug closer?06:06
micahgebroder: also, it should be LP: #XXXXXX to close a bug in launchpad, Closes: #XXXXX is for Debian06:06
micahgdnivra: ^^06:06
dnivralaunchpad closer.06:06
dnivrathanks for that! did that.06:07
dnivrawell dch -i gave me a standard template with the urgency and so edited it :). will revert to the default.06:07
dnivraone more question there wouldn't be any problems if i just copy debian/control from old version to new version right?06:09
micahgdnivra: you should generally just copy the whole debian dir or just use uscan and uupdate if there's a watch file06:10
dnivraand i am packaging subversion so that is a single binary right?06:11
dnivramicahg, okay. copied the entire debian directory.06:13
micahgdnivra: you don't need to close that bug for natty since it was already fix in natty with 1.6.12dfsg-206:13
dnivramicahg, the bug wasn't opened for natty at all i think.06:14
micahgdnivra: the Fix Released task is for the development release (natty in this case)06:14
dnivramicahg, so should i retain 1.6.12 as version number since natty hasn't incremented the version number?06:14
micahgdnivra: no, the version should reflect the upstream version, but the upstream tarball needs to be cleaned06:15
dnivramicahg, cleaned? in the sense?06:15
micahgdnivra: made dfsg compliant or at least ufsg compliant06:15
micahgdnivra: are you packaging 1.6.15?06:16
dnivramicahg, no i am packaging 1.6.13 now. i thought i'll start making a patch to the security issue.06:17
micahgdnivra: well, 1.6.15 is out according to Debian's watch file, the security debdiffs are probably more important than a new upstream version right now in any case06:18
micahgdnivra: also, the version in natty already has the security patch for 1.6.1206:18
dnivramicahg, yeah i did check the upstream version. i did comment on the launchpad bug page too. thought i shouldn't waste time if it is a security bug.06:19
dnivramicahg, so you think maybe i should just backport it from 1.6.12 in natty?06:19
micahgdnivra: that's the only way :)06:19
dnivramicahg, only way? sorry didn't get you? why not package the latest source?06:19
micahgdnivra: we generally don't take new versions in stable releases unless it's in -backports06:20
dnivramicahg, ubuntu policy eh :). not very familiar with that. i know a bit about development release cycle; that's about it.06:20
micahg!sru | dnivra06:21
ubottudnivra: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates06:21
micahgdnivra: although, you're actually looking for this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation06:21
dnivramicahg, yeah i went through the above link.06:22
dnivramicahg, guess i didn't notice the "make only minimal changes" part :).06:23
dnivraisn't it enough to download the orig.tar.gz, diff.gz and .dsc file from lauchpad. or should i download the latest bzr branch?06:25
micahgdnivra: up to you which tools  you work better with06:25
udienzdnivra: i user grab-merge from ubuntu-dev-tools06:26
udienzdnivra: and i don't need to latest branch06:26
micahgdnivra: take a look at pull-lp-source in ubuntu-dev-tools, you can get the natty and maverick builds06:27
dnivraudienz, grab-merge will automatically download the natty packages?06:27
dnivramicahg, will do. thanks!06:27
micahgdnivra: no, grab-merge is for merging from Debian06:27
dnivraoh okay. don't think debian is patching this one. let me check once more.06:28
micahgdnivra: Debian patched it already, that's why it's fixed in natty :)06:28
udienzdnivra: ow.. sorry if you want to packaging SRU06:28
dnivramicahg, oh okay! i don't remember clearly :). was all sleepy when i checked on this today morning at about 5:30 :)06:29
dnivraudienz, knowledge never hurt. i never knew you could do that. thanks!06:30
dnivraone question does grab-merge download the latest development version? or latest stable version?06:30
micahgdnivra: grab-merge grabs from devel release and debian unstable06:31
udienzdnivra: grab-merge downloaded latest debian and latest ubuntu06:31
evaluateany tip on how I could solve a "could not read symbols" error in natty? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/60988724/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.clipit_1.3.9-1ppa1natty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz06:31
dnivraudienz, micahg okay. thanks a lot!06:31
evaluateis it the order in which I pass the flags? I can't really explain this... :-\06:35
udienzevaluate: what's package?06:35
evaluateudienz, ^^06:35
evaluateno, it's a PPA I have un launchpad, I pasted the link to the buildlog in my previous reply06:36
micahgevaluate: PPA packaging help is in #ubuntu-packaging unless you're staging for the archive06:37
evaluatemicahg, ok :-)06:37
dholbachgood morning!07:17
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geserdholbach: is it a bug on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers that MOTUs don't have any voting rights?09:12
dholbachgeser, yes09:13
dholbachgeser, I think we should simplify this document a lot - there's too much repetition in there - instead it could talk about "this is what ~ubuntu-dev people are" and then just explain differences09:13
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udienzdholbach: thanks for review my merge branch and merge packages. both merge already submit again13:48
dholbachudienz, you could try to ask for another review in #ubuntu-desktop - I was merely stating the obvious, they know much better to review gtkrc changes :)13:49
dholbachthanks a lot for your hard work - I noticed you've been doing a lot of stuff in the last time13:49
udienzdholbach: :) right. i spend more time this week. okay i'll ask ubuntu-desktop13:51
dholbachexcellent, thanks a lot13:52
highvoltagegood morning13:53
udienzmorning highvoltage13:53
akoskmRAOF, I managed to build it with pbuilder, thank you for your suggestions14:45
udienzbrung: around?15:16
udienzbdrung: around?15:19
geserudienz: use tab-completion15:20
geserif your irc client supports it15:20
udienzgeser: hehe, i use pidgin15:20
geserpidgin doesn't support it for irc?15:22
udienzgeser: supported, but wow i don't know this feature. new knowledge15:23
udienzgeser: i write a changelog at here http://paste.ubuntu.com/546289/, it's coreect?15:24
udienzrr correct?15:25
geserI don't know the current delta, but it looks ok so far15:26
BlackZudienz: is it worth merging bash? currently most of the changes in the latest package in Debian unstable are already applied in our last Ubuntu version..15:30
udienzBlackZ: not all, sudo hint not apllied at Debian15:31
tumbleweedgeser: [u-d-t] lpapicache's metaclass approach makes it tricky to use staging, as it needs the lp server name at import time. I'm doing this hack: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/config-681693/revision/904 (requestsync:78)15:32
BlackZudienz: I mean: is it worth merging a new version from Debian unstable? currently our last version of the package in Ubuntu already has most of the changes applied to the last version of the package in Debian15:32
udienzBlackZ: hm.. i think it is capable, but its better when it sync15:34
BlackZudienz: it doesn't mean we have to drop _all_ of our currently Ubuntu delta15:36
BlackZudienz: I'd wait for a new upstream release and/or a new Debian package revision containing importat change(s)15:38
udienzBlackZ: hm.... whats the mean "important?"15:40
udienzBlackZ: sorry, if i ask about "important" but i'm really not understant with "important" criteria15:41
BlackZudienz: yes, a bug fixed is an example15:41
TeTeThow can I tell a package to use the debian/patches before building? In karmic and beyond it works automagically, but hardy's package has had no such directory15:42
geserv3 src package?16:03
gesertumbleweed: set ubuntutools.lp.service='staging' before you import the lpapicache module (http://paste.ubuntu.com/546304/)16:18
tumbleweedgeser: that's what I'm doing16:18
tumbleweedit gets messy, but I can't think of a better fix16:18
bdrungudienz: now16:19
geserthe other option would be to remove the resource_type checking and trust the dev to pass the right object but IMHO that's worse16:19
udienzbdrung: yup16:19
tumbleweedgeser: or normalize the URLS / query where we are connected to before comparing resource_type16:20
gesertumbleweed: right, one could use 'resource_type_link' from the Launchpad object to deduce the service-root and use this and build the resource type during runtime16:24
gesertumbleweed: should I prepare a commit with this change so you can merge it into your branch?16:25
tumbleweedI can land the requestsync changes in trunk anytime, although bdrung will probably want to look at them first16:26
gesertumbleweed: what do you think of using the launchpadlib.Launchpad() class directly in lpapicache and let it set-up the token if necessary?16:29
geserthat would also have the benefit that all tokens are stored in the same location (currently manage-credentials stores them in a different location)16:30
tumbleweedgeser: did you see the bugs about the launchpadlib 1.8.0 api breakage? login api changes are afoot16:30
gesertumbleweed: no, where?16:31
tumbleweedbug 686690. Sorry must run. chat later.16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 686690 in launchpadlib "1.8.0 breaks login_with() API compat with existing credentials files, and forces keyrings" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68669016:35
bdrungtumbleweed: you can push things directly to trunk if you won't introduce regression (trunk should be always usable/releasable). big changes or new features should use merge requests.16:38
bdrungtumbleweed: i will review the changes in both cases16:38
bdrungtumbleweed: for every bug that is reported, we should create a testcase if possible16:54
bdrungtumbleweed: can we add a basic test for every script that runs "script --help" or similar to check there are grave bugs in the option parsing16:55
geserbdrung: how would a possible test-case for bug 693060 look like?16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 693060 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "lpapicache metaclasses make using staging messy" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69306016:56
bdrunggeser: we need two types of testcases: one that is run on the build and one that needs to be run manually with online access16:58
bdrunggeser: we could use staging for doing the second type of tests16:58
geserbdrung: what's the minimum supported python version for u-d-t?17:19
bdrunggeser: >= 2.517:19
geserok, so no usage of str.format()17:20
geserbdrung: when do you except that we can bump it to >= 2.6?17:26
bdrunggeser: once 2.6 is the default in unstable17:26
geserso after the next Debian release?17:27
bdrunggeser: probably17:31
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tumbleweedgeser: thanks19:16
tumbleweedsorry, I got caught with some nasty packet loss on my DSL line 15 minutes before I had to go out to dinner.19:16
bdrungtumbleweed: you broke sponsor-patch. now i have to migrate it to use config.py19:17
tumbleweedbdrung: yay :/19:18
tumbleweedbdrung: broken in trunk?19:19
bdrungtumbleweed: yes19:19
bdrungsponsor-patch: Error: Unsupported builder specified: None. Only pbuilder, pbuilder-dist and sbuild are supported.19:20
tumbleweedoh, I saw it was passing an option, I didn't check if that option could be None19:20
bdrungtumbleweed: don't worry. i will fix it.19:21
bdrungtumbleweed: shouldn't --lpinstance have an short option, too?19:22
tumbleweedI removed th eshort option, because it's really not some thing people are going to use much19:22
bdrungtumbleweed: except for testcases19:22
tumbleweed(but I'm overjoyed to have it, testing was a pain in the past)19:22
tumbleweedebroder: your script, any opinion?19:23
bdrungtumbleweed: it had -l19:24
tumbleweedbdrung: ack-sync has a -l that means something else19:25
bdrungtumbleweed: ack-sync doesn't count, because it's not installed by default (should become part of sponsor-patch)19:26
tumbleweedis that lvm root directory option not something we are going to want elsewhere?19:27
bdrungtumbleweed: alternative -i19:28
tumbleweedbdrung: sure. I can do that19:31
bdrungtumbleweed: but i would prefer -l19:32
bdrungtumbleweed: looking at the --lvm option, i am not sure if we really want that option (can't we determine that directly?)19:33
tumbleweedok, I've made my case and I'm happy to restore it. re --lvm, yeah one would assume so19:33
ebroderbdrung: Sorry, what's going on? This is -l vs. just --lpinstance?19:35
tumbleweedebroder: I renamed --launchpad to --lpinstance to match the variables we are using19:36
ebrodertumbleweed: Ok, I guess. Is that consistent with other scripts that have that sort of option?19:36
bdrungebroder: --lpinstance is a better name than --launchpad, because requestsync uses --lp whit a different meaning19:37
ebroderbdrung: Ok, sure19:37
tumbleweedI also dropped -l, but bdrung wants it back.19:38
tumbleweedgrr, my DSL modem is handling this summer heat worse than I am19:39
bdrungtumbleweed: and i tried to build an igloo today :)19:39
ebroderYeah, I've got no strong opinions on that one. I'm honestly not entirely sure that having a --lpinstance option for backportpackage makes sense. Can you even make interesting soyuz changes on staging?19:39
tumbleweedgood point19:40
ebroderI probably added it because the last script I wrote was backport-helper for u-archive-tools, which makes malone queries. So it was useful to use staging for testing19:41
bdrungtumbleweed: pushed my fix. please review it20:46
tumbleweedbdrung: nice. missed a comma in SEE ALSO in the manpage :)20:56
tumbleweedbtw, done ack-sync and grab-attachments in my branch20:57
bdrungtumbleweed: pushed comma20:59
hakermaniaHey,,,,, anybody willing to review: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch ? Thx :))20:59
bdrungtumbleweed: now i know who stole my comma ^. :D20:59
bdrungtumbleweed: ack-sync isn't work getting config support (it should be merged into sponsor-patch)21:01
tumbleweedbdrung: I know, which is why I didn't spend much time on it.21:02
bdrungtumbleweed: can't you create one branch per updated script?21:02
bdrungtumbleweed: that makes reviewing easier21:03
tumbleweedbdrung: I can, I was just being lazy.21:03
bdrungtumbleweed: is your branch ready for the merge?21:04
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