
IdleOneany stats available on the number of views/clicks in #u topic?03:55
Tm_Tgood morning04:49
elkyI especially like how it goes "blah blah, <goo.gl link> blah blah <goo.gl link> blah blah <goo.gl link> don't be a victim of spam, <goo.gl link>"04:56
elkyreminds my of my akismet queue :P04:56
Jordan_USigh, r00t4rd3d things I am out to get him.05:24
nhandlerIdleOne: You can view stats by adding /info/ before the characters at the end. ie. http://goo.gl/info/cEF1w for the first one (with 56 clicks since creation)05:24
IdleOnenhandler: thank you.05:28
IdleOneJordan_U: what ever happened with the whole inappropriate nick thing with him?05:33
Jordan_UIdleOne: I was waiting for other ops to chime in on whether it's enough for a ban. He refuses to change it.05:35
IdleOneI see.05:36
IdleOneis he helpful and does he follow the channel guidelines?05:36
Jordan_UIdleOne: Yes.05:36
elkyJordan_U, have you approached him since i asked the other day?05:37
IdleOneI get your point about his nick but there are far worse nicks he could be using. I would say you need to make a judgement call on this but also stick to your guns.05:38
IdleOneif you really feel this is something worth standing up for, stand up :)05:38
elkyhis attitude and behaviour since been asked nicely to change it is less than acceptable if he's harrassing jordan over it05:39
IdleOneI did notice that in the scroll back from earlier05:39
IdleOneThat first ban on a not so clear cut issue is tough05:42
elkyit is clear cut. he's harrassing people because they requested something of him.05:43
Jordan_UIf he does get banned at this point it will "confirm" his suspicion that I was just trying to bait him to get him banned.05:44
elkyso? if he doesn't get banned it lets him know he can bully people to get his way05:44
elkyand that's not going to stay isolated to you05:45
elkythe way he's obsessing on it is a sociopathic trait05:45
IdleOneI agree with elky05:46
IdleOneWe have to stand firm.05:46
IdleOnebtw being an op means you will end up with a fan club05:46
Jordan_UOk, so I am going to ban foreward him. What should I use for the remove message?05:52
IdleOnewhatever you like.05:52
IdleOnedon't even need one really. he will be here faster then a greased pig anyway05:53
rwwWho are we larting?05:53
IdleOnebefore you do05:53
IdleOneWe don't want to gang up on him when he comes here05:53
* rww is staying out of it05:54
* IdleOne volunteers elky05:54
elkyyou ideally wait until the next time he gives you cheek05:56
IdleOnethat makes sense05:57
Jordan_UThat will play perfectly into his conspiracy theory about me, but I agree it's still the best way to go.05:58
elkyyou mean moreso than doing it "out of the blue"? nah.05:59
Jordan_UHe thinks I'm trying to egg him into responding in a way that will justify me banning him.06:01
elkyhe's going to say that no matter what06:03
rww!language =~ s/\.\././06:08
ubottuI'll remember that rww06:08
MyrttiI'd keep my eyes peeled07:04
Jordan_UWhy didn't floodbot stop anon33_ in #ubuntu?07:05
Tm_The was too slow/quick?07:05
Myrttioh good Gaia and all the deities07:17
Myrttithis JUlinux looks even worse than ultimate, if possible07:17
Myrttiperhaps even worse than that Hannah Montana Linux07:17
Jordan_UMyrtti: They even managed to make not one, but two websites uglier than Ultimate's.07:23
MyrttiTm_T: googling it will give you a horror show galore07:23
Tm_Taah, thanks (:07:23
MyrttiJordan_U: I wonder did they specifically need to TRY to make the website uglier, or was it just an accident07:24
IdleOneyou folks heard of weakerthan2 ?07:24
IdleOneanother scary distro07:24
Jordan_UIdleOne: Any relation to lessthanthree?07:25
IdleOnedon't know07:25
IdleOnebut the screenshots alone made me cringe. has built in phishing website creator07:26
elkyJUlinux? Do i even want to google it?07:29
IdleOneprobably not07:29
Myrttifor ultimate facepalming experience, yes07:29
Myrttifor other uses, no07:29
elkyis it the first hit?07:29
Jordan_Uelky: JU stands for Just Use in case that's what you were worried about.07:30
Myrttielky: any hit will serve its purpose07:30
elkyi'm just checking it's the site that was made back in, oh, 1992.07:30
elkythat was when people stopped inventing awards for themslves, yeah?07:31
Tm_Tphone support? http://www.flickr.com/photos/julinux/4661030576/lightbox/07:32
IdleOneThe HD site is an experience07:34
IdleOneit blew up my modem07:34
Tm_Tgladly I cannot see it07:34
Tm_Thttp://www.flickr.com/photos/julinux/4288382799/ <- uh, and that's KDE 3 apparently07:35
elkyi bet it even has exim installed, for modem blowing email management07:39
Myrttithere's a troll from #freenode on #ubuntu now07:46
elkytrollvasion in -women07:46
Myrttineed help?07:46
elkylinuxchix is being hit too07:47
Picilunar eclipse bringing out all the crazies probably.07:48
PiciHrm. wasn't switch in here earlier? idling?07:50
Myrttithis is almost a staff issue now07:50
FlannelPici: I imagine no more than a regular full moon.  The real crazy ones are off doing total-eclipse-plus-solstace stuff07:50
rwwFlannel: I expected you to be outside.07:51
ubottuvalorie called the ops in #ubuntu-women ()07:51
PiciFlannel: Ah... lycanthropes07:51
Flannelrww: It's cloudy :(07:51
Flannelrww: The moon in eclipsed alright, by the clouds and the rain.07:51
* rww looks at active ops, decides to leave things in the hands of them07:52
rwwFlannel: ah, yeah. The radio says your weather is bad :(07:52
Flannelrww: Also, I just got home from work!07:52
Myrttirww: I wouldn't mind if everyone would keep their eyes peeled though07:52
Flannelrww: And, earlier today JPL told me it was alright if I watched it on webcam and stuff!07:52
rwwI miss irssi :(07:53
Myrttirww: why on earth don't you use it then07:53
Jordan_Urww: irssi misses you to.07:54
rwwMyrtti: It's 'rww uses Windows/xchat to remind himself why they are bad' week.07:55
mneptokmoney is the root of all evil. give me directions to your home, and i can help with that problem, too.07:56
Jordan_Urww: I do that every once and a while with Solaris.07:56
* rww teleports to -ot07:57
mneptokusing that this week, too? ;)07:57
Myrttiit's a sign of decline in troll quality that they don't even bother to rejoin after being removed08:00
mneptokthat's why i'd like to only allow unionized trolls. but no one listens to me.08:01
Myrtti[10:01] < ptime> why is everyone kicking me from their channels08:02
Myrtti"because you are a boring troll"08:02
Tm_Tmneptok: but they demand higher payments and more benefits08:02
mneptokTm_T: we don't tell them their subsidized housing is actually post-simian bacteriological and virological study.08:03
mneptokDear Google, Chrome over remote X is so bad as to have been intentional. Please explain your logic in this regard. Love, me08:05
Tm_Tmneptok: "Love me" <308:05
mneptokTm_T: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1GUSMrkZ1008:11
Tm_Tglad I cannot see it08:13
MyrttiI wonder do I dare to go for a shower now08:23
Jordan_UThere seems to be a pattern of spammers joining, saying hello, then posting links to spam.09:57
Myrttilooks like one person to me10:04
Jordan_UOr one bot. The fact that they don't even mention Ubuntu suggests it's the latter.10:05
Jordan_UThough I guess they need to be registered or get past the check in #ubuntu-unregged, so maybe not.10:07
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:30
ubottufoo is elicious11:31
Jordan_U!no foo is delicious11:31
ubottuI'll remember that Jordan_U11:31
* gnomefreak wonders what foo tastes like :)11:32
Jordan_UI'm definitely too tired, I only just now got the joke.11:32
Jordan_U!no foo is elicious11:33
ubottuI'll remember that Jordan_U11:33
topylijungli on -ot11:34
gnomefreakunban *!*@
lhavelundtopyli: known troll?11:40
lhavelundI'll take that as a yes.11:40
gnomefreakmub is failing too :( smoke than work on it11:40
topylilhavelund: indeed11:40
lhavelundtopyli: fwiw, "lund" means "penis" in Hindi, just to avoid any nasty surprises that way 'round :p11:40
lhavelundwell, that was bad timing.11:42
gnomefreakok what am i doing wrong?11:48
gnomefreakit seems /unban *!*@ and /mub *!*@ fail11:49
gnomefreaki tried without the *!*11:49
bazhanggnomefreak, with a script?11:49
gnomefreakunban is from irssi/conf and mub is from the autobleh IIRC11:50
gnomefreaksorry mub is from irssi/conf as well11:50
bazhangah, what a manual one then11:50
Jordan_Ugnomefreak: /mode -b *!*@
bazhang /mode -b hehe11:50
Jordan_UYou're welcome.11:52
gnomefreaki get the feeling i shouldnt have done that but we will find out11:52
bazhangScript that printed spam about Windows XP uptime12:28
bazhangfruitwerks, from the ban notation12:28
fruitwerks_webreally.. that is interesting12:28
bazhangdisable it?12:29
fruitwerks_webI do have moo installed, but I have never seen it trigger itself12:30
fruitwerksWindowsXP Uptime: 6days 17hrs 10mins 46secs Best: 3wks 2days 17hrs 35mins 25secs12:30
bazhangfruitwerks_web, got it disabled now?12:34
fruitwerksstill looking to see where it is12:34
bazhangfruitwerks, in future dont ban evade (ie using the gateway to get around a ban) please12:35
fruitwerksI won't - I didn't know of this channel12:36
bazhangno worries, now you do, and once you get that disabled, wont have to think about it again :)12:37
fruitwerksWindowsXP Uptime: 6days 17hrs 20mins 42secs Best: 3wks 2days 17hrs 35mins 25secs12:40
fruitwerkstry now12:40
gnomefreakbot is on winxp?12:40
bazhangI just did12:40
fruitwerksI just disabled it12:40
fruitwerks- uninstalled it actually12:40
bazhangfruitwerks, try to /join #ubuntu now12:41
fruitwerksthanks :)12:42
ubottumorfeu called the ops in #ubuntu ()12:47
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
Piciloculinux sounds familiar... /me checks13:03
PiciAh, there was a join -> explitive event.13:04
Picibanned for a week, then removed about a  week ago.13:04
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
IdleOneoh man, induz is trying to do 4 things at the same time and not understanding any of it.16:33
PiciI'm wasting my time trying to get him to understand.16:33
IdleOneit's never a waste of time but it does seem futile16:34
IdleOnehe needs to fix his sources first16:34
ikoniaI wonder if induz is indus16:35
ikoniasame network/indian hostmask16:35
PiciI don't think so. indus is smarter than this.16:35
ikoniaare you sure.........16:36
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
ubottumattybats called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:10
* Pici sees the future19:11
PiciI'm going to unmute c0mrade_-, then ban him in a few minutes.19:12
macodoes it include a flounce?19:12
IdleOneI hate xmas break19:44
IdleOneDo they really think Santa doesn't watch IRC to see if your naughty or nice19:45
ikoniasome_person has had a lot of "false" problems in the past, this mouse not working one looks curious20:29
ikoniaop lage20:33
ikoniaI hate it when people just blindly tell someone they want linux, it's "best" for them20:40
ikoniait's the ultimate insult for some guy to just say "trust me, you want linux" without any understanding of what the user actually wants and needs20:41
ikoniawhere did that come from ?20:52
Myrtti[22:51] ~~~tissinaama [~timo@YGKMCXCI.gprs.sl-laajakaista.fi] has  joined #ubuntu20:52
ikoniamaybe speak to him about it ?20:55
Myrttihe quit immediately20:59
Myrttiotherwise a good idea20:59
* Pici gives ikonia a cookie21:10
ikoniasorry, but people are being very foolish today21:13
ikoniaor not capable of reading the text on the screen21:13
knomeisn't that essentially the same?21:28
Myrttiyet another satisfied customer21:41
Myrttimy work here is done21:41
bazhang!coc > robinetd23:05
topylibah. mobile opping is hard: /23:18
topylii'll ban him later23:18
bazhang<robinetd> thanks for the factoid that had nothing to do with anything. <323:20
Jordan_Utopyli: If you have an android phone and can make your main machine accessible irssi connectbot is nice.23:20
bazhangcelebrating the death of others has to be against the code of conduct23:20
bazhangofftopic ops: he gets away with that commentary?23:30
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
tonyyarussobazhang: only because a) it was half an hour ago, b) I'm leaving, and c) topyli seems to have it covered.23:34
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
bazhangtonyyarusso, thanks23:37

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