
SpamapSLowValueTarget: to answer your earlier question, you can in fact use an ssh bouncer as a key logger.00:42
SpamapSLowValueTarget: however, it would probably require modifying openssh, unless they've added the "spy on users" option recently.00:44
LowValueTargetfound this.... http://www.balabit.com/network-security/scb00:45
LowValueTargetthat may be what we need00:45
LowValueTargetthis is for PCI ....00:45
SpamapSLowValueTarget: My last PCI work was years ago.. but then, it just required access logging.. you didn't have to keep a log of every session.00:47
keesLowValueTarget: you can also use netcat to avoid the key logging. in /etc/.ssh/config:00:48
keesHost *%*00:48
kees    ProxyCommand ssh $(echo %h | cut -d% -f1) nc -q0 $(echo %h | cut -d% -f2) %p00:48
keesthen you can ssh server2%server100:48
SpamapSRight, unless you have the cooperation of sshd itself, its not going to catch everything.00:48
LowValueTargetSpamapS: And it goes on.... http://bit.ly/hFY90p00:52
twbOh wow00:57
twbkees: btw, current ssh versions don't need nc on the far end, ssh -W00:58
twbI had to use -d%% to make it work with 5.5p101:02
twbDoesn't work so well if you try to use @'s in there01:06
twbOh, and of course you can use pattern substitution01:08
twbARGH, ssh adds "exec" to the string01:10
twbNot exactly an improvement:   ProxyCommand sh -c 'h="%h"; exec ssh "${h%%,*}" -W "${h#*,}":%p'01:10
twbProxyCommand >/dev/stdout; h="%h"; exec ssh "${h%%,*}" -W "${h#*,}":%p01:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #682831 in plymouth (main) "lost console output early in boot" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68283101:12
MTecknologyGrrr... I with there was a channel for PlanetPlanet. The software is amazing but just a little help would be great.01:21
AkakuMattAnyone in here use ODBC Connection to connect to their Mysql server??01:57
AkakuMattIm using Ubuntu 10.10 Server trying to get an access frontend to dump to mysql backend01:58
twbAkakuMatt: why don't you just use mysql(1) ?02:21
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twbI have unencrypted ldap working (ldap://  I've told slapd to use ldaps:///, too, but when I try to ldapsearch -xHldaps://, I get "ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)"02:41
twbThis is not useful for debugging.  How do I get more debugging output from ldapsearch about the SSL failure?02:41
twbOK, -d3 yields TLS: peer cert untrusted or revoked (0x42)02:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #692838 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69283803:42
EspadaV8_Whello, i'm trying to find the correct way to set the console res in ubuntu server 10.0404:12
EspadaV8_Wbut i don't seem to be able to find anything relevant04:12
EspadaV8_Wam i just being blind or is there something out there?04:12
dragoon123Hi, I am having problems setting my fan speed atm I have tried echoing different values to both the PWM and acpi fan files but the fan is still stuck @ 100%05:26
dragoon123Is there a way to manually set the values myself (control fanspeed)?05:27
twbEspadaV8_W: if the framebuffer driver you're using is compiled in, pass video=foofb:1024x768-16, where foofb is the driver05:29
twbEspadaV8_W: if it isn't compiled in, "foofb 1024x768-16" in /etc/modules *I think*(05:29
twbEspadaV8_W: you can also change the *font size* by issuing "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"05:30
EspadaV8_Whow do i find out what driver it is? (i'm installing inside vmware fusion, without the vmware drivers installed atm)05:31
twbI don't provide support for vmware, but I would guess vesafb or vga16fb05:31
twbfbcon is the in-kernel terminal emulator that's built on top of the framebuffer.05:31
EspadaV8_Wah, i have vga16fb in lsmod05:31
EspadaV8_Wah, ok, thanks05:33
EspadaV8_Wi'll try doing that05:33
EspadaV8_Wdoes that look ok?05:34
twbI don't know05:36
twbIf lsmod lists it, then there's no point telling the KERNEL to load it, because it's not compiled in05:36
twbI guess you have to fight all the plymouth-related voodoo that's in ubuntu ramdisk and init nowadays05:37
EspadaV8_Wit is in lsmod, so i passed what you mentioned in that GRUB2 line05:38
EspadaV8_Wi've got around having a low res by ssh-ing from my host, but it's annoying05:39
EspadaV8_Wthe docs for Ubuntu seem to be very lacking05:39
dragoon123I am trying to set a value in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/pwm1 , to lower my fan speed but when I save the file i get a E667: sync error in vim05:40
twbdragoon123: uh, don't use an editor to manipulate /sys and /proc05:42
dragoon123twb: How do I go about adjusting the speed manually?05:45
twbecho datum >/sys/foo/bar/baz05:47
twbprintf, if you want to be anal05:47
dragoon123Hmm, the value does not change after I run the command05:49
dragoon123still stuck @ 255 pwm05:49
dragoon123any ideas?05:51
RoyK 08:49:11 up 12 days, 21:53,  2 users,  load average: 55.18, 29.65, 12.6807:49
SpamapSRoyK: call me when it gets to 400.. ;)07:51
RoyKSpamapS: old c2d machine running 5 VMs with only a mirror of drives ... i/o sucks quite hard on that one compared to what it should have been07:52
SpamapSBest load average story I ever had was when a woody box running on an old AMD 5x86-133 w/ 512MB of RAM and a single crappy disk hit 400+ because of a spam flood. The most awesome part was, I let it churn.. and 36 hours later.. it returned to a load under 1.0007:53
RoyKdecent memory load, I guess, then07:54
RoyKlinux usually can't (or at least couldn't back then) handle very rough memory loads07:55
SpamapSIt was swapping like crazy07:55
SpamapSthis was before spamd07:55
SpamapSspamassassin was just forking once for every mail07:55
SpamapSso there were hundreds of spamassassin's running, swapping in and out07:56
RoyKthen it's a wonder it didn't crash :P07:56
SpamapSI actually think crashing would be preferrable to being tied up for 36 hours07:57
RoyK'cept such a crash would make the server hang :P07:59
RoyKso no cigar08:00
SpamapSWhich is why I tend to suggest people have remote power control. :)08:01
SpamapSthink about it08:01
SpamapS36 hours of non usability08:01
SpamapSthat is never acceptible08:02
twbDebian bug #549168 affects lucid08:18
uvirtbotDebian bug 549168 in rsyslog "high memory usage when using TLS netstream driver" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/54916808:18
twb(At least, the version predates the fix (which is in natty); I'm about to test it08:18
sgo11hi, new to ubuntu. with ubuntu-server 10.10, why the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic does not exist? by reading the ubuntu-server serverguide, I supposed to edit this file. this serverguide doesn't ask users to create the file, instead, it uses the word 'edit'. thanks.09:20
gobbesgo11: it means that automatic updates are not enabled09:23
gobbesgo11: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/automatic-updates.html09:24
sgo11gobbe, thanks. then how to enable it? I followed the serverguide. install unattended-upgrades and then /etc/init.d/unattended-upgrades restart even if the serverguide doesn't ask me to start the service.09:24
gobbesgo11: read my link09:24
gobbesgo11: about in halfway, there's line starting with "To enable automatic updates"09:25
sgo11gobbe, it writes "To enable automatic updates, edit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic". but I don't have that file. that was my question.09:26
gobbeyes, then you create it09:26
sgo11I am wondering if I supposed to create the file by myself or the file should be created by the system.09:26
gobbeand add lines that are listed there09:26
gobbeno, you need to create it with editing :)09:26
sgo11gobbe, it writes "To enable automatic updates, edit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic". but I don't have that file. that was my question.09:27
sgo11gobbe, sorry. something wrong with my xchat.09:27
gobbeso just open the file in editor, if you want you can cerate empty file before that ofcourse with touch09:28
sgo11gobbe, ok. thanks. that is the answer to my question. some guy should modify the serverguide, use the word 'create' instead of 'edit'. :) sure. I can create a new file. thanks for the help.09:28
nei354hi, im spanish, i need help on webmin and virtualhost, 3 domains, but only open 1...09:29
sgo11gobbe, btw, how can I check if unattended-upgrade service is running or not? I tried /etc/init.d/unattended-upgrades status. it doesn't support the option status.09:29
gobbesgo11: well, you can edit the file even when it's not there, so basicly documentation is ok ;)09:29
gobbesgo11: just restart it if you are not sure, it's jsut a python script09:31
sgo11gobbe, oh. it's a python script... let me read it. I am wondering who is reading the file 10periodic.09:32
MTecknologywhere's jdub.. :(10:21
MTecknologyI need that rascal10:21
MTecknologyAnyone else in here know anything about PlanetPlanet? I'm not figuring out why the div's aren't closing correctly - http://cache.gyazo.com/e01b784fff1158c42d93aadbf39fbd8f.png - my template: http://dpaste.com/288955/10:22
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mauserHello, I have an HP server with 4 xeons and 26 gigs of memory. I want to run virtualization server on it and I am not sure what kind of RAID scenario and FS to use. It is gonna be a general purpose virtualizations server. I guess I need a FS that can be expanded later, what can you recommend?10:57
ivoksalias vim='sudo apt-get install vim ; vim'11:01
ivoksmauser: don't use FS at all11:02
ivoksmauser: use LVM and give your VMs logical volume11:02
kim0Hey guys, what's the best way to get kvm-0.13 on maverick ?!11:18
mauserivoks, LVM does stripe only, right? do I need to use some sort of underlying redundancy tehnique, like RAID1?11:21
ivoksmauser: i wasn't talking about storage configuration, but VM configuration11:24
ivoksmauser: as for storage, you know what you have, now many disks you have and what raid would fit you best11:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #692940 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.16.0.0', which is also in package mysql-cluster-client-5.1 0:7.0.9-1ubuntu7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69294011:27
jitshi .. we have a ubuntu server machine which has dhcp running on it.. we want to ssh into one of the systems gettings its dhcp from outside the network .. .how can we do this ?12:29
joschijits: just run sshd on that machine and connect with a ssh client to it (e. g. using its hostname or its IP address). ssh and dhcp really do not have much in common...12:38
timojits: do you mean that your server machine acts as a dhcp server? or that it get its own IP address via DHCP and you need to find out what its external IP is?12:38
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jitstimo: server machine acts as dhcp server..12:48
Patrickdkhe wants to ssh into basically a desktop machine behind the server machine12:48
Patrickdkso he needs to read the dhcp logs, or use nmap or something12:48
jitsPatrickdk: yeah .. thats12:48
jitsPatrickdk: i need to allow incoming ssh connection on the network gateway .. to all systems.. how do i do that ?12:49
jitsPatrickdk: assuming that i know the target ip ..12:50
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twister004hii guys.. is it possible to mount a network drive on a ubuntu server over the WAN?13:06
twister004please let me know13:06
jits_how do i allow ssh from outside thru my network gateway ?13:09
xampartjits_: securely? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=831372 worked for me13:16
twister004guys... anyway I can do this?13:22
twister004Im trying to mount it as nfs, cifs.. but it doesn't work13:22
twister004it says " wrong fs type, bad option, ......."13:23
patdk-wkfirst, what is a network drive? :)13:24
twister004i mean.. a drive connected and which has an IP on the subnet13:24
patdk-wksftp? ftp? smb? nfs?13:24
twister004it's an NTFS drive13:24
patdk-wkyou can't access ntfs over a network13:24
twister004I have mounted it on local subnet machines as nfs13:24
patdk-wkwell, use a vpn13:25
twister004hi guys.. after making a change to the crontab... do i need to restart the cron service?13:57
pmatulistwister004: no13:58
twister004ok thanks pmatulis!!!13:58
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patdk-wkno, as long as you used crontab to make the change :)14:03
twister004guys... what if I put a script under /etc/cron.d... do I have to restart the service...14:04
twister004im asking coz this is not working ... i have not restarted the service yet14:05
ivokscheck syslog14:06
ivoksyou probably have made a mistake14:06
patdk-wkoh, using the /etc/cron.* you don't have to touch cron at all :)14:07
twister004i have put in a script under /etc/cron.d/14:07
twister004How can i be sure if cron is checking for files under /etc/cron.d/?14:08
patdk-wkI wouldn't bother with that so much14:09
patdk-wk Iwould bother checking your cron logfile14:09
twister004why so?14:09
patdk-wkto see what it says14:09
ivoksyou can see by noticing a line RELOAD in syslog :)14:09
twister004patdk-wk... where is this log??14:09
patdk-wkdepends on your syslog program14:10
patdk-wknormally /var/log/cron14:10
twister004there's no such file on my system14:11
patdk-wklooks to be logged in /var/log/syslog I guess, by default14:13
twister004guys.. i get  Error: bad username;14:13
patdk-wkwell, fix it :)14:13
twister004what could it be?14:14
patdk-wk*bad username*14:14
patdk-wkpretty self explanitory there14:14
twister004the permissions are right... Im just pinging an IP in the script14:15
patdk-wkI bet you attempted to make a normal crontab file, instead of a cron.d type file14:15
patdk-wkso you screwed it up14:15
patdk-wkand forgot to put the username in it14:15
twister004why can't ai create a normal script there?.. like in crontab?... please let me know... im new to this14:24
pmatulistwister004: pastebin your cron file for more assistance14:24
pmatulistwister004: (like pastebin.ca)14:24
twister004ok... http://pastebin.com/5RUkiqpJ... here it is14:25
c0nv1cttwister004, like patdk-wk said, you forgot the username14:25
twister004where do i put the username?14:25
c0nv1ctit is the field before the command14:26
c0nv1ctyou should have other files in cron.d/ to use as a reference14:26
PiciI personally prefer putting stuff into my user's crontab, easier to manage that way.14:26
twister004im refering to them.. after the time parameters, I see "root"?14:27
c0nv1ctPici, that does make more sense in this case14:27
c0nv1cttwister004, yep, those are run as root14:27
c0nv1cttwister004, so why arent you using `crontab -e` like normal?14:27
twister004i thought of segregating14:27
twister004crontab works fine14:27
c0nv1ctbut that is segregated...14:28
twister004i think I should go with crontab..14:28
twister004I'll take your advice!14:28
twister004thanks guys!!!14:28
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uvirtbotNew bug: #693002 in bind9 (main) "apparmor rights bug with bind9 and resovconf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69300214:34
pmatulistwister004: no offense, but next time -> http://tinyurl.com/25x9ave14:34
patdk-wkthat reminds me, I need to reinstall rsync onto my phone14:35
jitshi .. i have a set of dhcp servers in range 10.1.0.x, and they dish out ips in 10.1.xx.yy range.. i want to ssh from one server's dhcp range to another server's dhcp range.. how do i do that ?14:39
jitsi am able to ssh from the servers to each other's ip ranges, but not able to connect from dhcp ranges of each other ..14:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #693020 in qemu-kvm (main) "Closing KVM window requires clicking the X twice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69302015:07
i0nichas anyone sucessfully got duplicity working?15:26
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rigvedi0nic: ask your question (about whatever problem that you are having) and if someone knows the answer they'll reply.15:37
pmatulisis it possible to ensure a network-required upstart job (upon shutdown) will always have the network resources available?15:53
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ttxDaviey: no meeting today ?16:02
Davieyttx, i assumed there was going to be tbh16:05
Davieyanyone else here for the server meeting?16:05
genii-aroundpmatulis: Might want to enquire in #upstart channel16:08
pmatulisgenii-around: thanks for the tip16:09
cap_00anyone know where i put the slaves configuration for a bond when i'm setting up bridged networking?16:11
cap_00i set the bond to manual but do i leave the slaves there?16:11
patdk-wkcap_00 same place you would always put them?16:13
cap_00i guess just didn't want to screw it up16:14
cap_00the example i'm following takes the eth0 and changes it to br016:14
cap_00i have eth0 and eth1 in bond0 which i want to change to br016:15
cap_00so are my bridge ports bond0? or eth0 and eth1?16:15
patdk-wkI dunno what you mean by *changes it*16:17
patdk-wkthink of it as containers16:17
patdk-wkyou don't change anything :)16:17
patdk-wkbond0 contains eth0 and eth116:17
cap_00hmmm ok16:17
patdk-wkbond1 contains eth2 and eth316:17
patdk-wkbr0 contains bond0 and bond116:17
cap_00so br0 will contain bond0?16:17
patdk-wkatleast, if that is how you want it :)16:17
patdk-wkif you want to bridge the bond of eth0 and eth1, yes16:18
patdk-wkafter you contain an interface, you shouldn't use it directly16:18
cap_00so i should comment out auto bond0?16:19
patdk-wkno, you need it, in order to bridge it16:19
patdk-wkcan't bridge bond0, if bond0 doesn't exist16:19
genii-aroundYou might want to put a pre-up directive for br0 that checks bond0 is up16:20
cap_00oh ok good, i was just noticing that i had to comment out auto eth0 and eth1, but those are hardware devices which i guess will always exist16:21
twister004hii guys.. can I mount the same location(nfs mount) on many ubuntu servers?16:21
cap_00in /etc/network/interfaces?16:21
patdk-wktwister004, as many as you have ip's16:24
twister004patdk-wk... it doesn't work!!16:24
patdk-wklies :)16:24
twister004when I try mounting the same folder as an nfs mount on the 2nd machine, it hangs16:24
patdk-wkI have nfs mount connected to >130 servers :)16:24
patdk-wkthat isn't an issue with mounting on multible machines16:25
patdk-wkbut probably that machine isn't setup correctly16:25
patdk-wkI would be willing to bet, if you turned off the first one, that works, and tried the second one, it would still hang16:25
cap_00i have iface bond0 inet manual, should i add mtu 1454 to the end of that line?16:26
patdk-wkwhy would you use a small mtu on that?16:26
patdk-wkbond doesn't have any overhead16:26
cap_00i have no idea, i just found  that on google for a pre up on eth016:26
patdk-wkmust be someone bond'ing ipsec or something16:27
twister004patdk-wk.. when I umount it from the 1st, I can mount it on the second!!16:27
cap_00i'm guessing here, is it just as simple as pre-up ifconfig $IFACE ?16:27
cap_00before the auto br0?16:28
patdk-wktwister004, you have nat between them or something?16:28
twister004now it worked!!16:30
RoyKperlverts of the world: Unite!16:34
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andres_hi every body16:57
andres_i have a lexmark x1290 printer16:58
andres_i try to print, but it does not do nathing16:58
andres_i instaled the ppd file16:58
andres_but nathing16:58
andres_what can i do?16:58
RoyKandres_: eh... trying to print from a server or a desktop?17:06
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andres_from a desktop17:06
RoyKwrong channel, then :P17:09
hggdhapw: updated bug 69019017:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 690190 in linux "HP Mini 10, i915, ftrace faulted on writing [<ffffffffa000014c>] video_output_register+0x1c/0x12c [output]" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69019017:15
hggdhapw: sorry, bug 68430417:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 684304 in linux "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68430417:16
apwhggdh, ok so other than the ftrace trace it booted ok ... so the next upstream update will fix that machine then, good17:17
apwhggdh, you are only getting the ftrace trace cause i am delivering 'old' kernels deliberatly to reduce the delta for testing17:17
apwhggdh, thanks17:18
hggdhapw: ah, OK. And with the hpsa module included in the d-i, we then should be good to go on a new ISO :-)17:18
apwhggdh, i think so yep17:18
apwhggdh, what is the deadline on the work there17:19
hggdhapw: this is a blocker for the UEC -- we cannot test any right now17:19
hggdhapw: so right now we are pretty much two milestones delayed17:20
hggdh(alpha1 and alpha2)17:20
apwhggdh, and will you be doing more testing before xmas?  as basically whatever i upload takes a day and then you wait for the next iso, so you'd not have it before the 23td i guess even if i start now17:20
Ralchevhow to stop application which is running in the background? XD newbie question17:20
hggdhapw: I will at least load the machines -- if we find an issue, better sooner than later. So yes, I am expecting to work some next week17:21
apwRalchev, if you mean from a foo & in a shell you can kill %N where N is the number it gave you when you started it17:21
apwhggdh, ok, i am expecting -rc7 shortly and would prefer to upload after that, but if its urgent i can do one before17:22
Ralchevapw, I haven't seen any number when I started it17:22
apwRalchev, otherwise i would suggest #ubuntu as a good place for further questions not about server-y things17:22
apwRalchev, jobs lists the ones you are running from 'this shell' and ps -ef will show you everything17:22
wizardslovakhello people17:23
hggdhapw: if shortly means we have the new ISO during next week, no probs, we can wait17:23
wizardslovakwill ubuntu-server play nice with phenom 2 x4 920?17:23
apwhggdh, i'll have a look and make sure we have something in as soon as it makes sense17:23
apwcirtiainy before xmas so you have it in the gap17:24
hggdhapw: cool, thank you17:24
apwhggdh, if it occurs earlier i will let you know, i may do something today and damn the cost17:24
hggdhpin me whenever, apw. Thank you very much, and sorry for the extra work17:24
apwhggdh, you arround for a bit if i make one last test kernel on the current base, may as well make sure it works before i push it17:25
hggdhapw: yes, I will be here, not even midday now (US Texas)17:25
Ralchevapw, PID is the number you're talking about?17:26
apwRalchev, the number apw@dm$ sleep 10 &17:27
apw[1] 785117:27
apwapw@dm$ jobs17:27
apw[1]+  Running                 sleep 10 &17:27
apwRalchev, so the number i meant was the [1], that would be referred to as %117:27
* genii-around ponders fg and ^C17:27
apwthe PID in ps would be used without a %17:27
Ralchevapw, thank you, rly good explanation17:30
axisyshttp://pastebin.com/3sFVcbHE  I got stuck here after linux image upgrade followed by reboot17:52
axisysany idea how to fix it?17:52
axisysmain issue17:52
axisysALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/08febc85-9ce2-40ac-a354-e006f709a586 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!17:52
axisysright now I am in busybox initramfs17:52
bogeyd6_What is a faster way of deleting 75k+ files that doesnt involve formatting the file system?17:56
bogeyd6_rm -rf is very slow and has been running for 2 hours and not even 10-15% of the way through17:56
pittstainsI'm running Lucid on a Dell PowerEdge 2650 and I'm having hard time getting USB drives recognized... any suggestions?17:59
patdk-wkbogeyd6, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=10018:09
patdk-wkbut then you will have to make a new fs on that anyways18:09
patdk-wkonly other thing you can really do is mount it ext2 mode, do it, then remount it back like normal18:09
vraaafter running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" how do i know if i have to restart or not18:22
patdk-wkI always took it as, apt-get upgrade, no restart, apt-get dist-upgrade = restart18:24
jussihrm, is there a way to just add rights for a user to install and remove packages, but nothing else from sudo?18:27
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pittstainsjussi: try sudo visudo.  you may want to man visudo first18:29
pittstainsthe syntax escapes me at the moment18:29
pittstainsHOWEVER, i'm pretty sure that if your user is smart enough they can become root by installing packages18:30
jussipittstains: hrm18:30
pittstainsso don't do it if you don't trust them!18:30
jussipittstains: yeah, I ve a server which I give out a few shells on, and I rather not give full access, but I dont want to install packages for them all the time.18:31
axisysunder(initramfs) ls /dev/md* does not show md0 (swap) or md1(root) device18:47
genii-aroundaxisys: Ah, i think I see now your problem. The raid device has not yet an UUID to mount because initramfs was not updated with raid module built in18:51
axisysgenii-around: so what do I do?18:51
axisysi cannot catch that grub menu.. too fast18:52
axisystimeout 018:52
axisyshot esc couple times18:52
axisysthen i could switch to the previous kernel18:52
genii-aroundaxisys: Is the md1 root device a raid1 or some other raid?18:52
axisysmd1 is raid1, md0 is raid1 (swap) and md10 data (raid10)18:53
axisys2 disks for the md1 and md0 and the other 6 disks for data raid1018:53
axisys(initramfs) ls /dev/md*18:54
genii-aroundaxisys: Unfortunately to rebuild initramfs usually requires you to be already booted, etc. But you may be able to edit temporarily one of the boot raid1 to mount it''s own UUID, boot to that, then edit the i/etc/initramfs-tools/modules file for raid1 and then update-initramfs after18:57
genii-aroundaxisys: Then it will either boot next time off the disk you already altered the UUID to be itself, or in best case the proper raid118:58
bluethundris there a fast, efficient way to screen shot using the command line in ubuntu?18:58
axisys(initramfs) ls /dev/disk/by-uuid18:58
axisyshow do I find out which disk's uuid is that ?18:58
axisysthat is the only uuid i see18:59
axisysfound it18:59
axisysthat is md1018:59
axisys(initramfs) ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/9b3de848-b6e7-4c6b-9659-89875da3540318:59
axisyslrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0              10 /dev/disk/by-uuid/9b3de848-b6e7-4c6b-9659-89875da35403 -> ../../md1018:59
axisysso how do I create the uuid for sda1 ?18:59
axisysgenii-around: ^18:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:02
genii-aroundaxisys: does: blkid                       work under your initram-fs ?19:04
genii-around*busybox* rather19:05
axisysinitramfs) blkid /dev/sda119:07
axisys/dev/sda1: UUID="ad5e933e-d6bf-0df0-dac9-edcf54bcf06d" TYPE="linux_raid_member"19:07
axisysgenii-around: looks like it did19:07
axisysbut the TYPE is not ext419:07
axisysshould I be able to boot from it ?19:07
genii-aroundaxisys: If you specify fs type explicitly in the old /etc/fstab, doesn't matter the partition type19:08
axisysgenii-around: so how do I boot from this disk while at busybox19:08
RoyKbluethundr: http://bisqwit.iki.fi/source/snapscreenshot.html19:09
genii-aroundaxisys: busybox has some builtin commands. I think ed is one of them. So you can use ed (editor) directly on the old fstab file, put in the new UUID (or possibly uncomment it, if still there) , save, then reboot19:10
axisysgenii-around: how to I access /etc/fstab ?19:10
axisysed: not found19:12
axisysi were able to mount /dev/sda2 to /a19:12
axisyscd /a/etc19:12
genii-aroundaxisys: mount /dev/sda1 (or whatever subcomponent drive of the old md1) /mnt19:12
axisysed fstab did not work19:12
* SpamapS watches his MySQL 5.5 packages build with gleeee19:13
axisyscat /a/etc/fstab and I see the fstab19:14
axisysit has sed .. that will be tough to replace UUID19:14
RoyKsed -i ?19:15
genii-aroundaxisys: Alternately, you can try chroot into /a19:16
genii-aroundaxisys: (where you should be able to run the system binaries there, like your favourite editor)19:16
RoyKprobably a better idea, granted19:17
SpamapSwow.. 5.5 builds a lot faster than 5.119:17
SpamapSalready into tests19:17
axisyschroot /a is taking a while to get my prompt back19:18
axisyswow.. still waiting for the chroot /a to complete.. can't get out of it.. look like need to reboot19:27
RoyKSpamapS: considered trying postgresql?19:27
Ferhatanyone in the mood for helping me with an nfs problem?19:29
FerhatI'm able to mount an nfs filesystem after booting19:30
Ferhatbut not via /etc/fstab for some reason19:30
axisysgenii-around: i were able to change the root device to sda2's uuid and still getting device not found error19:33
axisysgenii-around: http://pastebin.com/BDcMQpDq19:33
axisysALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/08febc85-9ce2-40ac-a354-e006f709a586 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!19:34
RoyKhi all. I want to build this semi-secure setup of mine. I have a server at an ISP running Lucid, and I have a various number of computers around. I want to connect these to this server using (insertname)VPN and then let the traffic go unencrypted from the server. Which VPN solution would you recommend? It is important that this is supported for guests on win/mac/lin19:34
axisysi don't even have that UUID in my fstab19:34
axisysgenii-around: ^19:34
RoyKaxisys: replace the UUD with the device name - that works :)19:34
axisysthat worked.. i am back in the OS now19:39
pittstainsok, so I think I narrowed down the cause of my server not recognizing USB devices... lsmod shows that i'm missing the usbhid, hid, and usb_storage kernel modules19:39
axisysRoyK, genii-around : thank you both.. i still have lot of thinks need to be fixed..19:40
pittstainshow do i add these in such a way that they are loaded at each boot?19:40
axisysfirst thing is the grub menu..19:40
patdk-wkpittstains, it should load them, when you plug in a usb keyboard/mount/drive19:41
patdk-wkvia udev19:41
patdk-wkyou can always dump them into /etc/modules though19:41
pittstainspatdk-wk: it doesn't seem to be doing so...19:42
pittstainsshould i edit my grub menu and add them in there?  is that preferable to dumping stuff in /etc/modules19:42
* patdk-wk wonders what grub menu has to do with kernel modules19:43
patdk-wkyou mean add them into initrd? that is if you need them, in order to boot your computer19:43
patdk-wkstill nothing to do with grub19:43
pittstainsyes, i think that's what i meant19:44
patdk-wkyour server won't boot without usbhid and usbstorage?19:44
pittstainsyes it will; i didn't know that initrd was for stuff required in order to boot19:45
pittstainsi thought it was for stuff you want loaded when you boot19:45
patdk-wkit's for stuff you need, mainly, to load your root drive ( / )19:45
patdk-wklike raid drivers, iscsi drivers, ...19:46
axisysany idea why /etc/fstab is empty now ?19:46
axisysis there a way to regenarate it ?19:46
patdk-wkjust restore it from your backup19:52
* RoyK waits for the "what backup?"19:53
patdk-wkhehe, I have learned due to other admins, basically keep /etc in some kind of revision tracking system19:54
* RoyK is moving all he can over to zfs19:55
pittstainsarg, so I did:19:55
pittstains$ sudo modprobe hid19:55
pittstains$ sudo modprobe usbhid19:55
pittstains$ sudo modprobe usb_storage19:55
pittstains$ lsusb19:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:55
pittstainsand all i get is a bunch of these: Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub19:55
patdk-wkyou have any usb things plugged in?19:56
pittstainsdifferent bus IDs of course, just didn't want RoyK to yell at me again!19:56
pittstainsyes i have a Maxtor external drive19:57
pittstainswhich automounts on my Linux laptop19:57
pittstainsbut doesn't show up at all on my server19:57
patdk-wkyou have a dual power cord plugged into it?19:57
patdk-wkmost likely the server isn't giving it a good 1amp of power19:57
pittstainsgood thinking19:57
pittstainsi'll try that19:57
patdk-wkI wish they would make a usb hub, that give 1a or even 2a per port :(19:58
pittstainspatdk-wk: still no love20:00
pittstainswhat's the best place to look for useful debugging?  dmesg?20:00
pittstainsalso, I am dumb; device has its own power supply :-)20:01
axisysi have huge issue .. md10 raid10 looks broken http://pastebin.com/ZjTuk2wj .. i am suppose to have a 6 disk raid10 .. i see four disks with md10 and a new raid md_d10 inactive with one of the two missing disks .. not sure where md_d10 came from .. i dont see sdc120:02
takamarouHi all.  I'm trying to set up some error catching pages on my apache server.  I've got it working for 404 errors, but I can't seem to make 500 errors work.  I completely copy and pasted the code from the ErrorDocument 404 line to the 500 line, but it still doesn't work.  Ideas?20:02
axisysin dmesg I see a message about sdc1 ..20:02
axisysmd: export_rdev(sdc1)20:02
genii-aroundaxisys: Apologies on lag, I am at work and it got busy. chroot managed but your fstab there was empty? That is very odd.20:03
axisyschroot did not work.. i used sed20:03
axisysbut fstab is empty.. but i got a backup fstab.. not a problem..20:04
axisysbig problem is md10 (raid10) data disk seems broken bad20:04
axisyshttp://pastebin.com/dhx7BZhi this dmesg says raid10: not enough operational mirrors for md1020:05
* RoyK hums zfszfszfszfszfszfszfszfszfszfszfszfszfszfszfs20:06
SpamapSRoyK: I've used postgresql for a number of things20:06
SpamapSRoyK: mysql and postgres have their strengths and weaknesses. Like sledge hammers and claw hammers.. neither is perfect for every job20:06
pittstainspatdk-wk: here are the last few lines from dmesg20:07
pittstainsi'm not really sure how to read this, or what the numbers in brackets mean20:07
RoyKSpamapS: imho postgresql overgoes mysql in most ways, perhaps except for a miniature setup of wordpress or something20:08
patdk-wkpittstains, that doesn't show any usb things at all20:09
patdk-wkso no debug messages to help20:09
patdk-wkbut something with youe firewire is going nuts, you sure you didn't use firewire to connect that drive?20:10
apwhggdh, ok the last test kernel is up20:10
hggdhapw: uectst4?20:11
apwhggdh, indeed20:11
hggdhapw: downloading it now, thanks20:11
SpamapSRoyK: the replication story on postgres is awful20:12
SpamapSRoyK: for ad hoc queries, its by far the best though20:12
SpamapSRoyK: also, at about 1000 concurrent clients postgres starts to have context switching problems that mysql sidesteps with threading. That is a rare case though.20:13
pittstainspatdk-wk: i tried firewire with another drive last week and failed20:14
SpamapSRoyK: and your dismissal of mysql as "just for little sites" may suggest that you haven't tried it on a big site yet. ;)20:14
SpamapSRoyK: I've never seen postgres fail to deliver on everything it promises. Mysql just promises more, and occasionally fails. ;)20:15
hggdhapw: boots without a hitch. I am uploading dmesg and lspci -vvvnn now20:30
apwhggdh, thanks20:30
axisysi got stuck back in the same place20:36
axisysmy fstab looks just same20:37
axisysbut I still get ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/08febc85-9ce2-40ac-a354-e006f709a586 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!20:38
axisys(initramfs) cat /proc/cmdline20:39
axisysBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-27-generic root=UUID=08febc85-9ce2-40ac-a354-e006f709a586 ro console=ttyS0,9600n820:39
axisysso how do I change this root ?20:39
axisyswhy is it trying to pick /dev/md1's UUID when fstab says /dev/sda220:39
SpamapSaxisys: did you update-initramfs?20:45
axisysSpamapS: ^20:45
axisysSpamapS: after making the change to fstab ?20:45
axisysSpamapS: all i did is upgraded linux kernel from 2.6.32-26-generic to 2.6.32-27-generic .. and that broke it20:46
axisysso it could not find the md1 .. so I picked one of the mirror disk sda2 and were able to boot once..20:47
axisysto make sure fstab works i tried to reboot again and now it does not want to boot again20:47
axisysfrom busybox ls /dev/md* shows only the data disk md10 .. not md1 (root) or md0 (swap)20:48
=== Aison is now known as EU-suxx
osmosishow do I view the new changelog before installing an update?21:33
sorenosmosis: apt-listchanges does some of that21:36
hggdhmathiaz: can you add jibel as a dev on the ubuntu-server-iso-tests?21:47
axisysi see initrd.img and initrd.img.old21:47
axisysshould I swap them? will that fix my issue ?21:47
axisyssame thing with vmlinuz21:47
axisyson /dev/sda2 root device21:48
axisyshmm busybox does not have unlink.. oh well21:48
mathiazhggdh: I made you an administrator of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-iso-testing-dev21:49
hggdhmathiaz: oooohhhh21:51
hggdhmathiaz: thank you21:51
mathiazhggdh: you're welcome!21:51
RoyKhow can I rename a VM?21:55
RoyKdoesn't look like it's possible from virt-manager21:55
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
SpamapSzul: tests still running..  UGH22:06
SpamapSCompleted: Failed 1/1633 tests, 99.94% were successful.22:08
SpamapSSpent 7586.540 of 10284 seconds executing testcases22:08
* SpamapS thinks 3 nines is all mysql is used for anyway22:08
mathiazkees: hi!22:28
mathiazkees: what's the default shadow encrypting scheme in lucid?22:28
mathiazkees: sha* something?22:28
leniosit's $6, so sha*22:29
mathiazlenios: yop - thanks!22:31
patdk-wkshadow encrypting scheme, that is a new one22:39
=== EU-suxx is now known as Aison
patdk-wkdefault password hash :)22:39
patdk-wksha512 with 8byte salt :)22:40
patdk-wkI have one thing that won't do 16byte salts, I should check to see if it does now, and upgrade all the hashs again22:40
=== WinstonSmith_ is now known as WinstonSmith
kieppiehi guys. I'm having difficulty with file locks & I'm not entirely sure how to debug the issue.23:07
kieppieI have a number of users working with files remotely on an Ubuntu server over samba.  occasionally there's a "glitch" on the network (bit like a brown-out, but I'm unsure how to investigate), and the users with open files get locked out & they are unable to commit their changes, writes or saves to the open files, as the server reports that the file is locked open by another user, but in fact it's their interrupted session.23:07
kieppieWhat's wrong, what is the right way to address this & where should I look for more information. Also, how can I ascertain the case of the glitches?23:07
=== jmoss42 is now known as phate408

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