
dutchieczajkowski: moving yet?00:26
Pendulumczajkowski: remind me never to be on a flight or train with you :P00:54
czajkowskiPendulum: :(00:55
czajkowskistill here00:55
czajkowskino driver00:56
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
* Pendulum hugs czajkowski 00:59
daftykinsczajkowski: are you stuck on a non-moving train?01:07
daftykinsi wish you will with that01:08
czajkowskiwhooo we're off01:15
czajkowskimeans less wait I guess at wolve01:20
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] Crazy few days - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/12/21/crazy-few-days/02:18
AlanBellczajkowski: enjoying the train #2 now?07:16
JohnRobertanyone here know if rdiff-backup understands file renames and duplicate files when transferring?07:40
JohnRobertalso, does anyone know if it hard links files on the backup side to save space?07:41
Apacheukmorning everyone07:41
JohnRobertit's evening here07:41
AlanBellparty tonight folks08:16
AlanBellJohnRobert: I don't think it does understand renames and duplicates, it just does diffs at file level. Don't think it does any hard link specialness either08:19
daubersAlanBell: Indeedy, just need to hope the trains are running this evening08:24
AlanBellsouth west trains have shut some branch lines, but the service doesn't look too bad really08:26
dauberssome delays on great western08:28
daubersand some cancellations, but not too bad....08:28
dauberswill have to remember to startup latitude when I leave work08:35
bigcalmMorning :)08:39
bigcalmLively morning08:46
* bigcalm feels like napping08:51
* bigcalm doesn't feel like writing emails all morning08:51
_Hmy clock skips 2 seconds every 309:00
dwatkins_H: your computer clock goes out that badly?09:02
_H34 from 3209:02
dwatkinsSounds like you need to replace your motherboard, unless it's not something that shows-up under other operating systems.09:02
dwatkinsSo after 6 minutes of correcting the clock, it's 2 minutes fast?09:03
dwatkinsI mean 6 minues after correcting the clock, it's 2 minutes fast?09:03
PhineasI have returned09:04
_Hdwatkins: it may have been ruined by the power surges09:04
dwatkins_H: may have? are you suggesting this problem started after a power surge?09:05
dwatkinshiya Phineas09:05
=== Phineas is now known as Phineas_
diplo_H, could see what the hardware clock says ? sudo hwclock09:06
_Hdwatkins: had the fuse board replaeced new cicet breaker09:06
dwatkinsdiplo has a very good point09:06
_HTue 21 Dec 2010 09:06:33 AM GMT  -0.048183 seconds09:06
dwatkinsWhen did you last correct the clock, _H?09:07
_Hits the correct time09:07
dwatkinsSo it's the OS?09:07
_Hit just goes 1 2 3 6 7 8 9.....09:07
dwatkinsWhat does?09:08
bigcalmIt has a fear of four09:08
_Hthe seconds on the clock09:08
bigcalmOh and five09:08
* popey has just realised _H is switchgirl09:09
dwatkinsSo, the hardware clock is always right, but the software clock doesn't like 4s and 5s? Sounds like a software problem to me.09:10
dwatkinsDid you check it in another OS, _H?09:10
Phineas_my cork is always right09:10
Phineas_clock sorry09:11
dwatkinsPhineas_: I was wondering where you were going with that.09:11
Phineas_yeah that was my phones fult. tryes to correct what I say. it could have been worse09:13
popeyNot sure there are any phones that would autocorrect to cock?09:17
Phineas_mine Conew up with crock clock and cock09:18
bigcalmYou have a dirty mind, popey. Nobody else was thinking about that word :)09:18
Phineas_once again epic fail09:18
popeydid I tell you about the time sophie said that word?09:18
popeyi was sat on the sofa and heard her coming down the stairs.09:19
popeyah, i did09:19
bigcalmNo, I was just guessing09:19
popeyoh :)09:19
bigcalmYour kids are too sweet and innocent for anything else09:20
AlanBellpopey: I still remember my eldest announcing at the dinner table with guests that she would like a fork like everyone else and not just a spoon09:20
AlanBellonly she didn't say fork09:20
Phineas_I had a time where I kept on misshereing the word clock09:21
popeykids say the darndest things09:21
rickogdenI think I might have just joined the channel at the most inappropriate time...09:21
rickogden(hi btw)09:21
AlanBellhi rickogden09:22
bigcalmAlanBell: awww09:22
bigcalmczajkowski is on a boat!09:24
bigcalmWonder where she'll end up09:25
Phineas_I got told of at school for yelling the word bucket09:25
bigcalmWhy did you yell bucket?09:25
Phineas_well I said it loudly09:26
Phineas_and got in trouble for swareing.09:27
bigcalmI like saying "oh fishsticks". Not swearing and also tasty09:30
Phineas_I tend to say.  oh biscuits or oh crap09:31
bigcalmAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany way09:31
Phineas_thats what I say when I want to move on the subject09:32
bigcalmThat's very astute of you09:33
Phineas_auto caps activated09:39
popeymmmmm fishsticks09:41
Phineas_*drool* fishsticks09:42
Phineas_I keep thinking popey is pronounced poppy.09:44
bigcalmWhat makes you think that?09:45
Phineas_my brain09:45
MooDooPhineas_: next you'll be thinking it's poopy09:45
exobuzznice ubuntu discussion going on as usual on the channel ;-)09:46
Phineas_that is also what I call him when I am in a mood09:46
Phineas_but that only happened once09:48
Phineas_how it is actually pronounced09:54
MooDoopoh-pee as phonestics would sound09:59
Phineas_of corse Alan Pope = popey10:02
Phineas_I get it. I think my brain is half asleep today10:04
davmor2Morning all10:04
MooDoodavmor2: how are you mate10:05
davmor2MooDoo: Nakered Moving house and trying to get it in some sort of shape for Xmas is no fun10:05
MooDoodavmor2: ouch, i've even given up prodding czajkowski as it sounds like she's not having a good time of it10:06
davmor2MooDoo: On a plus side I got away without a visit from czajkowski at 4 am so every cloud has a silver lining :D10:06
Phineas_love x mas, love. live perks here you screen now10:07
MooDoodavmor2: lol, i'm sure she would of loved to come visit as it's got to be better than the floor where she slept the other night10:07
Phineas_cerse you predictive text. EPIC FAIL10:08
MooDooi hate the term xmas, it's christmas :D10:10
dwatkinsMooDoo: a happy merry non-denominational festive season to you10:11
MooDoodwatkins: at to you kind person :D10:11
Phineas_its xmas soon10:11
daubershttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/12/20/assange_lawyers_angry_over_leaked_police_files/ <- Irony at it's greatest10:11
MooDooxmas is coz your too lazy to type christmas :D10:11
davmor2MooDoo: Christmax?10:12
MooDoobah humbug :)10:12
davmor2MooDoo: Why you barring Hamburg what did it do, it was sat in the corner being all quiet and you go and bah it :)10:13
diploMooDoo, been around since 1551 apparently so it's not going away10:13
MooDoodavmor2: i'm a pig and need to vent, so i vented at the poor hamburg in the corner10:14
davmor2MooDoo: And where's czajkowski when you need to let off steam nowhere to be found, that or on a train crawling through Welsh Wales10:15
MooDoodavmor2: i'm cutting her some slack until she gets to ireland, then i'm giving it to her with both barrels10:15
daubersdavmor2: Waiting for a boat I believe10:15
daubersdavmor2: She's like a TCP packet, still hopping around routing around the damage10:16
MooDooczajkowski: needs to get there and quick, this abuse can't wait forever10:16
davmor2daubers: Hahahahaha!10:17
exobuzzdaubers, although it isnt quite the same.10:17
daubersexobuzz: No, but close enough :)10:18
exobuzzdaubers, an individual is the same as an elected government ?10:18
exobuzzbut anyway.. interesting read.10:18
daubersexobuzz: If they're a dictator who rigs the votes every year....10:18
Phineas_who farted10:19
exobuzzim thinking about this thing in london tonight10:19
daubersexobuzz: All the cool kids are there10:20
exobuzzbut also thinking about he chances of them cancelling my train home.10:20
daubersexobuzz: Which station you coming back too10:20
exobuzztis 45 mins to paddington10:20
daubersYou come through my neck of the woods on your way10:21
* exobuzz will have a nap and consider it :)10:21
Phineas_I didn't sleep much last night . watch kept ticking10:22
Phineas_and keeping me awake10:23
exobuzzdaubers, which is your neck of the woods ?10:24
davmor2MooDoo: I think it's a proper pain in the arse for people when stuff don't go right round Christmas.  So I'm wishing czajkowski a safe journey and I'll rag her rotten when her gets back and has a sore head from all the alcohol (Because I'm EVIL!!!)#10:24
MooDoodavmor2: yes, thoughts are with her, yes that's you czajkowski10:24
Phineas_my coffee ran out10:27
exobuzzdaubers, which is your neck of the woods ? not sure if you saw that. split ?10:28
daubers_exobuzz: Reading10:31
=== ubuntuuk-planet1 is now known as ubuntuuk-planet
=== daubers_ is now known as daubers
daubersThats better10:34
=== Phineas_ is now known as Phineas
Phineasthats better10:36
popeyAlanBell: what train you going on?10:39
Phineaswhats the linux that goes woof woof10:44
Phineason startup?10:46
TheOpenSourcererSurely you mean yap yap (Puppy Linux of course)/10:46
bigcalmI was thinking of Yellow Dog10:47
bigcalmDoubt it's still going though10:47
Phineasof corse puppy linux10:48
bigcalmydl.net how wrong can I be?10:48
Phineaswhat does http stand for10:48
macohypertext transfer protocol10:49
Phineaswhats hypertext10:49
MooDooPhineas: html10:49
macowebpagey data10:50
macohtml = hypertext markup language10:50
bigcalmPhineas: are we doing your homework for you?10:50
Phineasbigcalm, no its not home work.10:51
Phineaswhats a protocol10:52
MooDooPhineas: go look it up on google10:52
AlanBellpopey: probably 15:59 from Farnham10:52
bigcalmGood greif10:52
* daubers makes a list of people he owes drinks/cake too10:52
bigcalmPhineas: you need to spend some time on Wikipedia10:53
macoPhineas: type "dict protocol" in your terminal10:53
PhineasI am not on a computer right now10:54
macowalk to the library and get a dictionary?10:54
Phineasin not at the library10:54
PhineasI am10:55
PhineasI am in bed wondering what to do. I only have a French dictionary10:56
bigcalmPhineas: how are you using irc?10:57
Phineasmy new mobile phone10:57
bigcalmDoes your new mobile phone have a web browser?10:57
dwatkinsPhineas: it means 'procedure'10:57
Phineasyes it does have a web browser and irc and msn and Facebook chat10:59
bigcalmPhineas: then you can use the web browser to reach wikipedia.org11:00
PhineasI could do11:00
dwatkinsor google translate11:00
bigcalmdwatkins: heh11:00
exobuzzdaubers, aah nice.. go to reading quite often!11:02
PhineasI might just use the web bowser in a sec11:02
exobuzzdaubers, not only for the pound shops and cheap pubs :)11:03
Phineasthe 99 cent shops are good. got myself a new mug for my morning coffee11:04
=== ormiret_ is now known as ormiret
MooDooPhineas: you in the US?11:06
Phineaserr nope11:06
MooDooPhineas: then it's 99p :) lol11:07
MooDooi'm teasing :D11:07
daubersexobuzz: heh11:08
PhineasI love my 99 cent mug with Garfield on it11:10
bigcalmMy VNC has a santa hat on it. How silly11:10
MooDoowhat's a 99cent mug?11:10
Phineasa mug that cost 99 cents11:10
MooDooPhineas: ah you got that from the US then?11:11
bigcalmMooDoo: or 0.99 eur11:11
MooDoobigcalm: just wondering as in this country we use pence :D11:11
exobuzzi use groats11:12
bigcalmMooDoo: I know we do. But the US is not the only country to use cents11:12
MooDoobigcalm: aye there is that.11:12
exobuzzbigcalm, presents arrived! ;-)11:12
MooDooexobuzz: i use drognas11:12
bigcalmexobuzz: hazar!11:13
exobuzzMooDoo, what currency is that from ? :)11:13
daubersIf you had between £50 and £100 to spend on some podcasting kit... what would you buy?11:13
MooDooexobuzz: lol an 80's tv show called the adventure game11:13
exobuzzMooDoo, aah!!! i rememebr it11:14
* bigcalm scratches his head11:14
bigcalmWhich channel was that on?11:14
MooDooexobuzz: doog yrev11:15
exobuzzi looked up the screenshots and i saw the triangle grid thing. damn. i had forgotten all about that show11:15
MooDoobigcalm: bigcalm bbc i think11:15
MooDooexobuzz: the aspidistra plant and i think you're referring to the vortex :D11:15
exobuzzthe vortex!!11:16
* exobuzz gets all nostalgic11:16
exobuzzmust download11:16
bigcalmOh, that show11:16
exobuzzdownloading s01e01 now :)11:17
MooDoolol :)11:17
* exobuzz thanks thebox.bz11:18
Phineasnope I got the mug in the town which I love near11:19
ubuntuuk-planet[Stuart Langridge] Playing system sounds from Python programs on Ubuntu - http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2010/12/21/playing-system-sounds-from-python-programs-on-ubuntu11:19
exobuzzPhineas, near ?11:19
MooDooPhineas: so they sell stuff using cents?11:20
Phineasyeah cents and dollars thats the currency here11:21
MooDooPhineas: so where are you then?  just curious as i'm getting more confused by the minute lol11:21
* exobuzz also downloads starcade (american tv series) - had these before but lost em. just like watching people playing arcade games really badly!11:21
MooDooexobuzz: you also need starfleet and terrahawks :D11:22
exobuzzMooDoo, got starfleet. and the cover by brian may ;-)11:22
PhineasDanville (not the place in the us)11:22
exobuzzneed terrahawks.. loved that too11:22
exobuzzgoddam the 1980s were great.11:22
MooDooPhineas: never heard of it :D11:23
popeyvery HHGTTG11:23
MooDooexobuzz: have you seen this? http://www.tvcream.co.uk/11:23
exobuzzMooDoo, not sure. will check thanks!11:24
popeyawww I loved star fleet11:25
dutchieJohnRobert: if you want backup hardlinking, check out rsnapshot11:25
dutchiedaubers: is there a dauberscast in the pipeline? :)11:29
exobuzzhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Star-Fleet-Complete-DVD/dp/B00171EE9E .. tempted..11:29
exobuzzi got low quality vhs rips11:29
exobuzzit wasnt available on dvd for ages.11:29
exobuzzoh no terrahawk on dvd and dungeons and dragons.. im going to be skint.11:30
exobuzzhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Dungeons-Dragons-Complete-Animated-DVD/dp/B000198AKC/ref=pd_cp_d_h__2 £7.99!11:30
Phineasanyone know where to get old game consoles at low prices11:31
exobuzzcar boot sales11:31
Phineasto cold11:32
exobuzzonline auctions and classifieds11:32
daubersdutchie: Unlikely, helping a friend out11:32
daubersdutchie: Also very un-Ubuntu related11:35
* exobuzz uses rdiff-backup for backups (push backup with compressed diffs)11:35
Phineaswhat sites11:35
exobuzzPhineas, ask google :)11:35
exobuzzif you are in usa, then perhaps craigslist ? and then ebay. and so on11:36
=== Darael-sphatika is now known as Darael
daubersdutchie: Looked at something like http://www.amazon.co.uk/BEHRINGER-PODCASTSTUDIO-USB-COMPLETE-P/dp/B000PARIZU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1292931381&sr=8-1 but think it's the wrong kind of mic for a group of people really11:36
exobuzzMooDoo, http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/ubuntu-uk/Brian%20May%20and%20Friends%20-%20Star%20Fleet.mpg11:36
exobuzzMooDoo, not great quality, but its very hard to find this music video :)11:37
exobuzzi have audio only at better quality if you wanted it11:39
MooDooexobuzz: i'm sure i could find it, but thanks any way :D11:40
dutchieAlanBell: nice email about christmas party :)11:43
dutchieshame i'm just a bit too far11:44
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
popeyawww that Star Fleet brings back memories11:51
kvarleyGreat start to the morning - Music and Coffee in my Ubuntu mug. :)11:54
gorda musical ubuntu mug sounds like a wonderful product11:55
* MooDoo is wearing his maverick t-shirt11:56
* davmor2 is wearing his warm t-shirt12:02
* exobuzz is naked12:16
exobuzzsat alone, fiddling with my joggler12:16
* BigRedS bemoans the problems of googling for something *after* having posted to a mailing list about it12:19
* popey notes directhex_ has gone from blarg to blarg to blaaarg12:20
MartijnVdSpopey: it's the snow & cold12:21
bigcalmexobuzz: is that what you call it now?12:29
davmor2man you forget what a catch tune centerfold is12:35
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
X3NWhat's the difference between the gpl dependant version of roundcube and not?13:06
DaraelX3N: As the description says.  The GPL (dep) packages won't run without installing some other things, but contain only GPL sources.13:19
X3Nseems odd13:26
Phineasi have returned on my laptop13:39
=== Phineas is now known as Phineas_
MooDooPhineas_: search on google ;)13:41
Phineas_MooDoo,  for what13:41
MooDooPhineas_: nothing i was joking matey :D13:41
Phineas_oh i see13:41
Phineas_MooDoo,  you always joke13:45
=== Phineas_ is now known as Phineas
MooDooPhineas: i'm a jokey person13:45
Phineasthe final edit of my song sounds good13:46
Phineaswhich is good13:46
PhineasMooDoo,  i have notaced13:47
bigcalmpopey: that 4 port hub just arrived13:50
bigcalmNot sure what to do with it now though13:50
popeybigcalm: what was it for?13:54
TheOpenSourcererVery funny digital story of the nativity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkHNNPM7pJA13:57
bigcalmWish there was a way to unfollow somebody's tweets for a while14:03
bigcalmWithout removing them14:03
popeywrite a twitter client that does it?14:03
bigcalmI use the web interface14:03
* popey wonders where czajkowski is 14:04
popeyhalf way down a bottle of JD hopefully14:04
bigcalmDublin ;)14:04
* popey checks latitude14:04
bigcalmJust tweeted14:04
popeyhaha, latitude has her in the sea14:04
* Phineas makes everyone hot cocoa14:10
* AlanBell installs rhythmbox on the OLPC14:10
Phineashow do i make my own  os?14:11
AlanBellif you have to ask, you don't need to know14:12
DaraelPhineas: Slowly and with difficulty.14:12
MooDooPhineas: don't even go there :) lol14:12
Phineasi feel like making one14:12
bigcalmPhineas: good luck with that14:12
MooDooPhineas: errr ok :D14:13
DaraelPhineas: Why not do LFS first?14:13
DaraelLinux From Scratch.14:13
MooDooPhineas: do your own ubuntu spin like !# did14:13
MooDooPhineas: google it14:13
Phineasdon't sigh its depressing14:14
Phineasgoogle what?14:14
MooDooPhineas: sorry, but you do really need to go work things out for yourself :D14:14
lubotu3LFS is linux from scratch www.linuxfromscratch.org; not to be confused with  LTS which is the long term support version of ubuntu (6.06 and 8.04)14:15
DaraelHmm, that factoid needs an update.14:15
bigcalmJust add an "eg:", will make it less out of date14:16
MooDooPhineas: as an example - http://fixunix.com/linux/546152-reconstructor-create-your-personal-ubuntu-spin-off.html14:16
popeyI spy a cat14:16
MooDooPhineas: forget that, it contains dead links14:17
bigcalmpopey: yours?14:17
bigcalmSomebody shot it!14:17
MooDoopopey: nice snow man, lasted longer than ours14:17
kvarleypopey: How often does that page update?14:17
popeyyeah, its been there a while14:17
popeyas and when the picture changes14:17
daubersAh, dinner time14:17
kvarleypopey: What software are you running to do that? (I'm hooked)14:18
dutchie!lfs is <reply>LFS is Linux From Scratch (www.linuxfromscratch.org) - not to be confused with LTS, which is the long term support release of Ubuntu (currently 6.06, 8.04 and 10.04)14:18
MooDookvarley: check the planet, he did a post about it14:18
kvarleyMooDoo: The planet?14:18
bigcalmdutchie: whoops?14:18
kvarleyMooDoo: Thanks14:18
popeykvarley: http://popey.com/blog/2010/12/20/my-ubuntu-webcam-setup/14:18
dutchiebigcalm: no, just updating it14:18
bigcalmIgnore me14:19
kvarleypopey: Thanks14:19
MooDooyeah what popey said :D14:19
dutchieprobably would have been better to do in /query really14:19
Phineasis there an easy way?14:19
popeyPhineas: easy way to do what?14:19
Phineascreate an os14:20
popeydont do it14:20
MooDooPhineas: do you know how to program?14:20
popeylook at LFS14:20
PhineasMooDoo,  nope14:20
dutchiewell, there is uck, but that's not really creating your own os14:20
lubotu3UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/14:20
directhex_bok bok bok14:20
MooDooPhineas: i think there is a lot for you to learn before you think about creating an os14:20
DaraelPhineas: If you're even considering writing an OS, it's a very very good idea to do LFS enough to get proficient first.  Or some other OS equivalent.14:21
dutchiedefinitely listen to everyone else14:21
PendulumPhineas: also, it'll help if you learn to program :)14:21
* dutchie must get round to doing LFS at some point14:21
daubersLFS is lovely and horrid at the same time14:21
* Phineas wonders if he can make his own web browser14:21
MooDooPhineas: you can't even code, so how do you think you're going to do all this?14:22
Phineasthats what i'm asking you guys14:22
directhex_i can do a web browser in a couple of dozen lines of code. it may involve just embedding a webkit instance14:22
MooDooPhineas: take a step back mate14:22
kvarleyPhineas: Learn learn some code14:22
MooDoopick a language14:23
bigcalmPhineas: learn C and Python. 2 languages which will help you a lot in Linux systems14:23
* bigcalm kippers directhex_14:23
popeydirecthex_: did you know you're directhex_ and not directhex14:23
* Phineas wonders how to create a psp theme14:23
* directhex_ herrings bigcalm 14:23
directhex_popey: hard to care - i need to blat the box this irc bouncer runs on on thursday14:24
* Darael throws a haddock in for good measure.14:24
MooDooPhineas: whay don't you look at pystart14:24
* Phineas trouts directhex_14:24
kvarleyPhineas: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/06/20/how-to-make-your-own-psp-themes/14:24
MooDoohmmmm does that exist any more?14:24
MooDooah that's the one lol14:24
Phineaswindow required14:24
bigcalmThis is not the plaice for a fish fight14:25
MooDoobigcalm: stop calping on will you14:25
daubersAi up, MooDoo's haddocknough14:25
MooDooyeah can't ling-er around here all day14:26
MooDooOM cod, will someone answer :D14:26
Phineasa what14:27
popeyPhineas needs to get back to schoal.14:27
MooDooPhineas: take a look at this - http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide14:27
bigcalmFnar fnar14:27
bigcalmpopey: do you track clicks on your url shortner?14:28
Darael*phew*.  Thought someone was going to get crabby about all those fishy puns.  Oh, ye $DEITY, I started again.14:28
popeyits possible, yeah14:29
Phineasits christmas break i don't school14:29
bigcalmpopey: what method do you use for the slugs?14:29
bigcalmThe dL5JaJ is a slug14:30
PhineasDarael,  i'm just piking about14:31
popeybigcalm: i still dont understand your question14:31
popeyI use bit.ly pro if that's what you mean?14:31
popeyI point popey.me at them and they do it all14:32
* Phineas reboots bigcalm14:32
bigcalmRight, ok14:32
bigcalmAww, I was hoping that you would have written your own code like linkpot14:32
exobuzzi feel like a beer14:33
Phineasme too14:33
popeythats funny, you don't look like one14:33
bigcalmexobuzz: have a Spitfire14:33
bigcalmPhineas: you're not old enough14:33
exobuzzgot up at 11:30pm last night, so it feels like a long day. my sleep pattern is useless14:33
Phineasbigcalm,  your right14:33
exobuzzbigcalm, was thinking about bishops finger and maybe an  old peculiar14:33
exobuzznot sure i had spitfire. will check14:34
MooDooi'll have an abbott ale please14:34
exobuzzold peculiar is just.. amazing14:34
bigcalmI had some ales on my amazon wish list14:34
bigcalmPleasing to see that they are no longer in the list ;)14:34
exobuzzbigcalm, cheaper than your camera lens ? :)14:34
exobuzzbeer on amazon wish list. good idea!14:35
exobuzzive decided not to go to the ubuntu thing, due to being tired and worried about being stuck in london, but ill come to the next thing when the weather isn't so.. polish.. nice to know there are such events organised though14:36
bigcalmStill no news about oggcamp?14:36
popeystill no news about oggcamp14:36
MooDooexobuzz: there is a rugby meet in the summer that czajkowski is dealing with14:37
exobuzzrugby ? rough sport. oh the place14:37
bigcalmNo, I think she means the sport14:37
bigcalmcz<tab> likes em rough14:37
MooDooweyes i'm on about rugby as it's england vs ireland in the summer14:38
MooDooyes i meant14:39
bigcalmJust sshed to the joggler14:39
bigcalm1 package can be updated.14:39
bigcalmDo I upgrade here or via the jolicloud UI I wonder14:39
exobuzzwhich package ?14:39
bigcalmGood question14:39
bigcalmHow do I check?14:39
bigcalm(without installing)14:39
exobuzzapt-get -s upgrade14:40
exobuzzaah ok. well.. you can do it from there14:41
exobuzznote it will remove the calibration from the topbar14:41
bigcalmHaven't needed it yet...14:41
exobuzzyou can still run the calibration script manually anyway /usr/local/bin/calibrate_screen or something14:42
exobuzzit will also reset panel height if you changed that for example14:42
=== balor_ is now known as balor
bigcalmI've left everything as the default14:42
exobuzzwell it will be ok then. they keyboard will still show as its an app icon..14:43
bigcalmI still need to find out who to contact about getting my alarm clock into the list of available apps14:43
exobuzzsystray icon. whatever.. forget the lingo14:43
bigcalmHeh, cool14:43
exobuzzi dont think you can. you can only add it to local apps14:43
exobuzznot until they give the option of doing this on their web interface for example14:43
exobuzzbest way to contact them is through that q/a site thing14:44
bigcalmSure, but there must be a master list somewhere that somebody governs14:44
bigcalmAh, ta14:44
bigcalmGood to look into, but I think it needs some more work before I push it14:45
popeybigcalm: we talked about oggcamp a bit in the show last night14:45
bigcalmpopey: hurry up with the edit and upload then ;)14:45
popeyfact is we have no plans whatsoever other than a plan to talk about it in the new year14:45
popeywell, you could have listened live last night14:45
popeycolon thorn14:45
exobuzzbigcalm, how does yours compare functionaliy to others btw ? i saw a few similar things before, but perhas they work differently14:46
popeystupid keyboard14:46
macopopey: sounds painful14:46
bigcalmI could have, except I was over the road delivering birthday presents14:46
bigcalmexobuzz: they do work differently14:46
popeyyou have 3g!14:46
bigcalmMine is very much for the joggler - simple and uncluttered14:46
bigcalmAlso without adverts14:46
popeyI listen to Linux Outlaws live over 3g when driving to ubuntu podcast :)14:46
bigcalmpopey: bit rude to be listening to a pod cast while chatting with the chap whoes birthday it was14:47
exobuzzyeh. true about the adverts14:47
bigcalmpopey: 3g be damned. I have access to their wifi :D14:48
exobuzzpopey, another podcast out before xmas ?14:48
bigcalmAnd also access to my wifi if I stand by the window14:48
popeyWe recorded something "special"14:48
exobuzzlive snowball fight ?14:49
MooDoopopey: a special mr tumble episode?14:49
popeyA panto :)14:49
exobuzzmrrrr tuuumbbble..14:49
MooDoolol my son loves it14:49
exobuzzheh. yeh he goes down well at mine too14:50
MooDoomr tumble, the wiggles at the moment14:50
bigcalmAn audio only panto?14:50
exobuzzalso in the night garden14:50
MooDoomy son has just gone off that, wiggles and barney14:51
MooDoohe's into those now14:51
exobuzzpopey, whats the story ?14:51
popeywait and see14:51
exobuzzi cant14:51
exobuzzim too excited now.14:51
MooDooexobuzz: balamory?14:51
exobuzzMooDoo, haha14:51
popeyok, become a mirror and you'll get the files early :D14:51
exobuzzpopey, http or ftp and how much bandwidth ? :)14:52
exobuzzand disk space14:52
popeyjust under 7GB for 62 episodes so far14:52
mattipopey: ;]14:53
exobuzzpopey, all simple cept no apache so id need to do that manually but ill take a look :)14:56
popeydo you use a different webserver?14:57
popey(I don't use apache either, I use lighttpd)14:57
exobuzzon the machine with lots of bandwidth yeh. nginx14:57
exobuzzyeh i saw that the other day. somewhere.. maybe on your blog or something.14:58
popeyshouldn't be a problem14:58
bigcalmWhat does Apache do that lighthttpd doesn't?14:58
exobuzznginx/lighttpd are useful for those that dont think a 128mb php application should be given the same priority as a 4kb png14:59
exobuzzor for example. want to serve maybe few connections for static content without giving 300 conenctions to the same 128mb php app :)14:59
exobuzzfew hundred i meant.14:59
AlanBellchoo choo15:02
exobuzzstill. i like apache config and use it on all other dev / non production machines.15:02
exobuzzAlanBell, sorry. there is snow. no train service.15:02
* AlanBell has evidence to the contrary15:03
AlanBellon time too, had to run the last bit15:04
daubersAlanBell: I have to get home first! Then catch a bus, then a train, then a tube. All I need is a boat and a plane and I'll have the whole set15:04
AlanBellgood luck with the plane!15:04
exobuzzAlanBell, im impressed! :)15:04
AlanBellcurrently on the OLPC tethered to my phone doing fedora updates15:06
* exobuzz rsyncs podcasts15:08
Phineasbye all15:09
exobuzzpopey, what sort of transfer do the mirrors do a month ?15:09
kazadedaubers, I can one-up you there. My parents live on the Isle of Wight - normally we get Tube -> Train -> Boat -> Bus ;)15:10
danfishAlanBell: don't let popey near that OLPC, or if last year was anything to go by, you'll spend the first 1/4 of 2011 putting it can together ;)15:13
popeyexobuzz: depends, we can limit the amount of traffic sent to each mirror15:13
popeybut we dont limit on bytes, but its proportional15:14
exobuzzok.. well.. so long as it's not 1tb or something :)15:16
exobuzz(a month)15:16
exobuzzi emailed dave15:16
popeygreat, thanks15:16
exobuzzthanks for the show.15:19
dauberskazade: heh :)15:19
exobuzzhope the mirror lasts.. this server has had bad luck.. i blame apple. Mac Mini Core Solo 1.5ghz Mac Mini Core Duo 1.6ghz (RIP 2010), Mac Mini 1333MHz G4 (RIP 2009)15:20
popeyis it at home?15:20
exobuzzdies each year15:20
exobuzzit's in london (docklands area) http://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/File:Macmini-rack.jpg15:20
exobuzzsame place i host my joggler stuff15:21
popeyhow many Us is that?15:21
czajkowskiwhooooo dublin15:21
exobuzzaccording to mythic-beasts you can get 8 in 3U15:21
kvarley czajkowski: :)15:21
popeywhat are they running?15:22
exobuzzor something.15:22
Pendulumczajkowski: yay!15:22
exobuzzonly one is mine. mine runs debian15:22
popeyisn't it a bit of a pain, no serial port?15:22
danfishczajkowski: relief :D15:22
exobuzznetbook recovery..15:22
AlanBello/ czajkowski15:22
* davmor2 gives czajkowski a big Christmas hug and is glad she got to Ireland in the end15:23
exobuzzcan be a pain if it crashes badly, since the power mode is reset each time or so, so every boot it has to be told on power cycle/reboot not to go into standby15:23
exobuzzmore info about machine @ http://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/ExoticA:Hosting15:24
popeyRIGHT! Shut the doors, don't let czajkowski back in!15:24
exobuzzczajkowski, how long did it take to get there ?15:24
AlanBelldeportation was a success in the end :)15:24
davmor2popey: Harsh,  I was thing more like fence in Ireland so she can't escape.....15:25
popeywe got rid of her in the end!15:25
popeynice exobuzz15:28
daubersRight, leaving the office in 15 minutes -> Tilehurst (by car) -> Reading (Bus) -> Paddington (train) -> Kings Cross (tube) -> Angel (tube)-> PARTY \o/ (by foot)15:47
popeyAlanBell: anything i need ot bring?15:51
dutchieprobably warm clothes would be a good idea too15:53
AlanBellpaper plates15:53
AlanBellplastic glasses15:53
dutchieAlanBell: OLPC? :)15:53
AlanBelldutchie: what do you think I am typing on :)15:54
AlanBellI was going to pop to the shop over the road from the place to get plates and glasses, unless anyone else wants to gring them15:55
AlanBellthe OLPC needs dismantling anyhow to tighten the hinge15:56
andylockranMooDoo: you still aroound?15:58
daubersWill pop into the shop for booze on the way15:59
* AlanBell has a bottle of sherry16:00
TheOpenSourcererThe Ubuntu Font released for web on Google Font Directory today.16:00
daubersbeer or whiskey?16:01
popeykeep up TheOpenSourcerer :)16:01
* AlanBell raised the bug that got the font there :)16:01
TheOpenSourcererpopey: Just got a copy of the press release by email.16:01
kazadeoops, just created quite a massive forest fire on Minecraft... not entirely intentionally :)16:01
AlanBellooh waterloo o/16:01
TheOpenSourcererBeen out to collect kid from school.16:01
popeyyou have a "tablet" don't you? :)16:02
popeynvm, humour16:03
popeyi might bring my natty narwhal16:04
davmor2popey: have you not animated that yet16:06
daubersTo Sainsbury! And then onwards16:06
exobuzzi was just leaving the house to go and buy some ales, and a deliveryman arrived with a box.. of ales! from yorkshire.16:07
exobuzzi think i i have my suspicions who sent it (not me when i was last drunk i think).. how lovely though16:08
dwatkinsawesome, exobuzz - from AlesByMail?16:12
dwatkinsThey do really good Discworld sausages, I hear16:12
exobuzzfrom erm. "copper dragon brewery" skipton16:12
dwatkinsit's self-perpetuating, this ale drinking16:12
exobuzzits too nice.. they taste too good16:16
exobuzzcant stop16:16
bigcalmI went to deploy the changes to my alarm clock to the joggler. That was at 15:2516:17
* bigcalm yawns and streches16:17
bigcalmLets hope that nap makes me do more work16:17
exobuzzi must have a proper go on your clock.16:18
exobuzzon the joggler.16:18
bigcalmIt's probabbly more useable now16:19
bigcalmThe snooze function works (10 min repeatable)16:19
bigcalmAnd Craczy Words - Crazy Tune (uupc music) is an alarm option16:19
exobuzzlooks good on the browser here.ill give it a test downstairs16:23
* BigRedS should be at the christmas meetup tonight, but hasn't got any paraphenalia16:23
popey17:20 train from Farnborough to London looks good to me16:27
andylockranpopey: all still running ok?16:27
popeyno idea16:27
popeysoon find out :D16:28
BigRedSah, I've a 17:30ish Dorset to London car16:28
popeygoogle maps thinks it would take me 11 hours 51 mins to walk to the party16:34
davmor2popey: How far?16:34
shaunodoes gmaps allow 'ski' as an option?16:38
jacobwwhat does usermode +i mean?16:44
shaunoinvisible .. which isn't as epic as it sounds :)16:45
shaunoI believe it stops you showing up in /who for non-opers16:46
jacobwi've only noticed because i've gone through the trouble to be +Z w/ SSL/SASL16:54
PhineasI have returned on my mobile17:14
bastubisHiya - I've just put instructions on how to get here via Freenode's webchat on our website - I've illustrated it with a screenshot of the web interface - does anyone mind their nick being visible? If so, I'll white them out17:16
PhineasI don't mind my nick being visable17:17
bastubisdidn't think anyone would, but thought I'd check :)17:17
bastubisi's here: http://www.fossbox.org.uk/?q=node/2217:18
Phineasits up to you17:18
bastubiswell, it saves me the bother of whiting out everyone's nick if people don't mind ;)17:18
Phineasdon't bother then17:19
bastubisWorks for me :)17:19
Phineasactually white my nick out17:23
dutchiebastubis: you know you can prepopulate the channel and nick fields using query strings on the url?17:24
bastubisdone :)17:27
Steven_srsubuntu 10.04, 64bit, just installed on HP pavilion, install went ok, now i am in ubuntu, he detected network, according to pc i am connected to network, but no internet acces is possible17:27
kvarleySteven_srs: Have you tried connecting to the internet from another computer or phone to see whether the internet is still working?17:31
bastubisopen a terminal, ping google or something?17:32
bastubisthen ifconfig and see what it says17:32
Steven_srs@kvarley, i am now on 2nd laptop, using net to talk to you, sou internet is ok, @bastubis: newbe: how to ping?17:33
bastubisdo you know how to open a terminal?17:33
Steven_srs@bastubis: did ifconfig17:33
Steven_srs3 "chapters"17:33
Steven_srseth0, lo and wlan017:33
bastubisok paste ifconfig17:33
bastubisthen ping google.co.uk17:34
Steven_srscan't paste, ubuntu is on laptop on my side17:34
bastubisah ok17:34
bastubisdo you have an ip assigned to the PC?17:34
Steven_srsi can't use internet on ubuntu, that's why chatting on 2nd laptop17:34
Steven_srswhat's that ip assigned to pc?17:34
Steven_srsi could use internet on windows on same pc before, if that answers your question17:35
bastubistop two lines of ifconfig on the PC should look something like this:17:35
bastubiseth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:90:f5:69:63:2217:35
bastubis          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
bastubisthe inet addr number shows that the router knows you're there and has given you a number17:35
Steven_srsinet addr (at wlan0): inet addr:
bastubisok that looks kinda sensible17:36
bastubisok now type this at the prompt on the PC:17:36
bastubisping google.co.uk17:36
bastubissee what it says17:36
Steven_srsand at lo i have: inet addr:
bastubisok that's just hte local loop17:36
bastubisit's the eth0 we're interested in17:36
Steven_srsat eth0 i have no inet addr17:37
Steven_srsand answer to ping: unknown host google.co.uk17:37
bastubisok, type this:17:37
bastubisthen check that your network cable is securely connected to the PC and to the router17:38
Steven_srs@bastubis: i have no cable, only connection possible at my location is wireless17:39
bastubisAny chance you could find a cable? sounds like your wifi card hasn't installed properly17:39
bastubisrecent versions of Ubuntu like to be cabled to the internet during installation17:39
Steven_srsbut it is recognizing the correct connection, though, according to ubuntu i am connected to the network17:39
bastubisyou mean it's showing you a connection icon on the top panel?17:40
Steven_srscan not access cable, i live in a hotel in brazil, and have no access to main router17:40
Steven_srsand to answer your ping PING ( 56 (84) bytes of data17:41
bastubisis that all it said?17:41
jacobwyou don't need an internet connection to install Ubuntu17:41
davmor2Steven_srs: Is it a passworded system?  Sometimes you'll find you can connect but you can only get the login page for the routers wireless system17:41
Steven_srsi entered the password for the connection17:41
jacobwit is entirely optional in the install process to use an internet connection to download updates and non-free packages17:42
Phineaswake me up17:42
bastubisyes, but if you don't, it often doesn't install wifi cards17:42
bastubistrust me ;)17:42
bastubisOK so you've got a wireless icon in the top panel and you can access the login page in your browser?17:43
Steven_srslogin page? wireless icon , check (45%)17:43
bduncanbastubis: fwiw, i also didn't get any pongs from
Steven_srsand wireless "light" on laptop is blue as well17:44
bastubisso how do you log into the wireless? Do you enter a 'key' in a box when you click on the SSID?17:44
bastubis@boduncan - sorry, I'll get an IP that works ;)17:45
Steven_srslog into wireless? it is automatic, i presume17:45
bastubistry pinging my ISPs DNS server: ping
bduncanbastubis: better :)17:46
bastubisOK don't all do it lol17:46
Steven_srsi can't seem to find my network properties anymore, where to find the options for my current networ?17:46
jacobwright click nm-applet, connection information17:47
Steven_srsthen i get only info, if i rightclick wireless icon, but before i had an option to add info and changes things, but i can't find it anymore17:48
* Phineas feels ignored17:48
bastubisping Phineas17:49
Phineasoh ive been gughlighted17:50
jacobwtry edit connections instead of connection information if you want change network settings17:50
Steven_srsi tried, but i can not edit my current connection17:51
bastubisright-click your connection icon and choose 'edit connections'17:51
bastubisthen click the 'wireless' tab17:51
bastubischoose your wireless SSID from the list17:51
jacobwif you're connected to a wireless network though you shouldn't need to change any more settings17:51
bastubisI'm not sure he is connected tho17:52
jacobwyou may have a DNS issue, set you DNS nameservers as and in network manager17:52
Steven_srsthe only connection there is "auto luxor hotel", but the auto is not part of the original name, and the only option i have is to add a wireless network, but not to edit it17:52
jacobwyou have highlighted the entry right?17:53
Steven_srsyes, entry is highlighted, but the option "edtit" does not become available17:53
bastubisright-click on the connection icon and choose 'connection information'17:53
Steven_srsnor the delete option17:53
davmor2Steven_srs: The Auto bit is to just say that it automatically connects to that named connection17:54
Steven_srs@davmor2, ok17:54
Steven_srswhat info do you need from the connection information, bastubis?17:54
bastubisDriver, IP etc17:55
Steven_srsdriver: ath9k, speed: 24mb/s, security: wep, ip add:, broadcast addr:
bastubisif he can't even ping a DNS IP then he's not connected17:56
Steven_srsdefoult router= primary dns:
bastubisOK, that all looks kind of OK17:56
bastubistry pinging the router17:56
bastubisdid you enter a wep key when you logged on?17:57
jacobwhow is the second laptop connected to the internet?17:58
davmor2Steven_srs: Can you check the details on the second and ensure they match those on the first17:59
davmor2Steven_srs: or at least are similar17:59
Steven_srsand the ping thing is doing something really strange now: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.69ms  ... but the thing is, the icmp_seq is not stopping to count, it still is going: 120 and counting17:59
bastubishold down control key and 'c'18:00
bastubisOK it's a DNS problem18:00
bastubispossibly the router is incompatible with linux18:00
Steven_srsok DNS18:01
davmor2Steven_srs: When you open the browser what happens?18:01
jacobwNOT POSSIBLE18:01
bastubisvery possible, I can list you a couple of SOHO routers that don't work with Linux18:01
Daraelbastubis: The router /cannot/ be incompatible with linux, although it can refuse to allow configuration from Linux.  There's a difference.18:02
Steven_srs@davmor: i type in the webpage, and it saysthe normal page that comes when no internet (server not found) (check address,...)18:02
Steven_srsok, about DNS18:02
bastubisOK Danawar2 lol - I know of a couple of routers that can't handle DNS properly18:02
Steven_srsat my windows PC, i had to do something really strange, that i didn't do to other wireless connections before, never: it is about the ipv418:02
bastubisUbuntu should drop down to IPv4 if the router can't handle IPv618:03
Daraelbastubis: Assuming you meant me, I'll grant that.18:03
bastubisooops, sorr Darael18:03
DaraelNot a problem.18:03
Steven_srsin windows 7 i had to manually type 2 dns server addresses18:03
Steven_srsbe4 being able to connect18:04
bastubisfantastic - if it's that simple18:04
jacobws/can\'t handle/aren\'t configured18:04
bastubisif you can't change it in the nm-applet18:04
* Phineas feels ignored again18:04
bastubisyou can do it on the commandline18:04
jacobwif you can ping but not google.com then it is a DNS problem18:04
Daraelbastubis: DNS is configurable from nm-applet, but it's good to point that out.18:05
bastubishe already said he can't edit it through the nm-applet18:06
jacobwwould the nm-applet issues be explained by the user not being a sudoer?18:06
DaraelHave you tried setting it to DHCP (addresses only).18:06
bastubisnm-applet is a world of weird these days18:06
DaraelNormally you need to do that before it'll let you change the DNS servers defined.18:06
Steven_srsi am restarting ubuntu PC right now, just a sec be4 explaining18:07
jacobwDarael: he says that he can't click the edit button after highlighting the network entry in the network connections dialogue18:07
Steven_srsok people18:08
Steven_srsstart fighting :p18:08
Daraeljacobw: Ah.  Don't know then.18:08
Steven_srsrestarted the pc, and now i can edit YES18:08
jacobwDarael: which is puzzling me because i can't quite understand why that would happen18:08
Steven_srsbe4 i could not, now it is possible18:08
Daraeljacobw: I, also.  However, that appears to no longer be the case, so let us not worry.18:08
bastubisperfect Steven_srs - you just need to change the DNS servers18:08
Steven_srsnow i clicked the connection, and now the edit and delet option are possible18:09
Steven_srssince that changed whithout me doing something, i'll try internet first18:09
jacobwSteven_srs: Edit, IPv4 settings, Method: Automatic (DHCP) addresses only, DNS servers:, Apply18:10
Daraeljacobw: OpenDNS is it?  ...now why do I know that?18:10
Steven_srsok, still no internet18:10
jacobwDarael: ja, i've had it burnt in to my brain for a while18:10
jacobwDarael: their secondary server is :p18:11
bastubisor ask the hotel for their dns servers :)18:11
Steven_srs@jacob: i have the option IPV4, and it is automatic (dhcp) but i can not enter the DNS servers, the only field where i can enter something is dhcp client, the others (dns server and search domains) are "blacked out"18:11
Steven_srs@bas: i have the numbers at hand18:12
bastubisah OK :)18:12
jacobwSteven_srs: next one down in the list18:12
jacobwAutomatic (DHCP) addresses only18:12
bastubisselect automatic DHCP address onl;yu18:12
bastubisand the bits you need will drop down18:13
bastubisoops, sorry jacobw - was distracted and didn't see you already said this18:13
Steven_srssorry, didn't pay attention about the addr only part18:13
Steven_srsonly the dns numbers or other things as well?18:14
jacobwjust the DNS address18:14
jacobwyou shouldn't need a search domain18:14
Steven_srsok, i applied it, but it is taking to slow, i think it is not that18:15
Steven_srs@bas i'll take it black, no sugar18:15
bastubislaters :)18:15
bastubiswell, I'm off to loll about, was going to the party but - brrrrrr!18:15
Steven_srsgod, i crave a real english tea18:16
jacobwi shouldn't take too long18:16
Steven_srsbut with 35°C here, it is only ice tea that i drink18:16
* bastubis would poor some through the interwebs but for the technical difficulties lol18:16
=== colin_ is now known as deimos
jacobweek, 35C18:17
=== deimos is now known as null-deimos
* jacobw doesn't operate about ~28C18:17
PhineasI like tea18:17
Steven_srsanyways.... still no internet @ubuntu :(18:18
null-deimosAre there any kvm / ubuntu / network experts in the house?18:18
jacobwi'm making a lot of typos today :(18:18
DaraelSteven_srs: If it's slow as well, you may want to try disabling IPv6 - sometimes that makes a difference.  Shame, really, we're going to need to move to v6 within a year.18:18
jacobwhmm, open a terminal and type `cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver`18:18
Steven_srs@darael: ipv6 is "ignore"18:18
jacobwwithout the `'s18:18
DaraelSteven_srs: Hmm, not sure then.  Also, sorry, should really have read the backlog.18:19
Steven_srs@jacob: which "s"? reSolv or nameServer?18:19
jacobwSteven_srs: `18:20
jacobwSteven_srs: without the ` characters18:20
jacobwSteven_srs: sorry, i was a bit unclear18:20
jacobwSteven_srs: cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver18:20
Steven_srsand between conf and | and grep: space or no spaces?18:21
DaraelSteven_srs: Doesn't really matter.18:21
Steven_srswithout spaces: this is answer: bash: cat/etc/resolv.conf: no such file or directory18:21
jacobwspace after cat18:21
DaraelSteven_srs: You need the sapace after cat and grep, but others are optional.18:22
Steven_srsnameserver (in red)
danfishnull-deimos: until we know the question.....:)18:23
jacobwnow do `echo "sudo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf`18:23
jacobw`sudo echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf`18:23
jacobwit will ask you for your user password18:24
Daraeljacobw: Won't work, the sudo doesn't carry past the >18:24
Steven_srspermission denied18:24
jacobwoh :s18:24
null-deimosdanfish, I'm trying to use kvm, via libvirt, virt-install, etc, but I need to set up a bridged network first. I need to do it in a way that the extra MACs are hidden from the switches, or the traffic will be blocked.18:24
jacobwsudo su -18:24
Daraeljacobw: Needs to be `sudo sh -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf'`18:24
Daraeljacobw: That works too.18:25
DaraelAs, indeed, does sudo -i18:25
Steven_srsi did sudo -i, entered password, and now i am in root?18:25
DaraelSteven_srs: That's right.18:25
Steven_srsok, so next?18:26
jacobwok, now do `echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf`18:26
jacobwright, time for dinner :) bbiab18:26
Steven_srstyped it, but did do nothing visible18:27
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
Steven_srsit just went to an empty "root@pcname"-line18:27
DaraelSteven_srs: It's not meant to, don't worry.  Try browsing again - but first, press ctl+d to leave the root shell.18:27
null-deimos@Steven_srs, it should have updated the /etc/resolv.conf file.18:28
Steven_srsi'm out18:28
Steven_srsand i am in18:28
Steven_srsthank you18:28
Steven_srshave no idea what i did18:28
Steven_srsbut i am ubuntu-connected now18:28
Steven_srsit is still slow as hell, but at least it is the first step to jug out windows :)18:29
davmor2jacobw: Hmm opendns by the look of it :D18:29
danfishnull-deimos: i *think* the easiest way to do that is 'cheat' and use the GUI tool virt-manager - from memory that has that option18:30
Steven_srswell you guys, fancy an invitation to my swimming pool here?18:30
davmor2Steven_srs: you paying?18:30
Steven_srswhat you think? xmass with palmtrees, hot babes and cheap licor?18:30
Steven_srsi'll pay for the booze ;)18:30
null-deimosI need to connect to an existing bridge, as I need to control the bridges configuration, I can't use the ones that libvirt magically creates.18:31
Daraeldavmor2: I already did that!18:31
null-deimosBecause by hosting environment kills traffic from MACs it doesn't recognise.18:31
Phineasfire alarm18:32
Phineasbig tine18:32
Steven_srsbut thanks for the help everybody18:32
null-deimosIdeally I'd do this: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/KvmQemuEasyRoutedNetwork, but routed is harder, so I'm trying to make a bridge behing a dummy devicce.18:32
davmor2Phineas: You have a big fork in your fire alarm18:32
DaraelPhineas: big tine?  Like, an oversized fork-prong?  OK, OK, I'll be sensible.18:32
Daraeldavmor2: Your point.18:33
Phineasbig time sorry18:33
Steven_srsother question now18:33
DaraelPhineas: We know, but we wouldn't miss the chance for a bad pun.  Well, I wouldn't.18:34
Steven_srswanted to install wine, but it says tat it is not compatible with "amd64"... any alternatives?18:34
kvarleySteven_srs: Where are you installing wine from?18:35
null-deimosInstall a 32-bit Linux,18:35
DaraelSteven_srs: Wine should run fine on amd64 - I've got it installed on this laptop and am running amd64, so I know.18:35
davmor2Steven_srs: you can install wine I have it install on 64bit18:35
Steven_srsdon't want to go back to 32... i am using the ubuntu software center18:35
null-deimosListen to the other guys.18:35
kvarleySteven_srs: It should work, if not use wine's PPA.18:36
kvarleySteven_srs: Personal Packaging Archive18:36
kvarleySteven_srs: It's essentially a repository18:36
kvarleySteven_srs: Open terminal and type "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/paa" hit enter, then run "sudo apt-get update" hit enter, then run "sudo apt-get install wine1.318:37
Steven_srshave no idea what is that, but should i try using the ubuntu software center and go for it, or go to the wine site and grab it from there?18:37
davmor2Steven_srs: Wine is currently installing on my main 64bit system18:37
Steven_srswine 3.1? the software center is talking about 1.2 :s18:37
DaraelSteven_srs: Do what kvarley says - it's the command line version of doing it from the software centre.  Well, with an extra step.18:37
Steven_srssorry, 1.3, not 3.118:38
DaraelSteven_srs: Yeah, wine's been updated since we froze the version in Ubuntu.  That's what the PPA is for.  Don't worry about it.18:38
Daraelexcept, change kvarley's "ppa:ubuntu-wine/paa" to "ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa".18:39
Steven_srswas about to ask that now :)18:39
kvarleyDarael: Oooppps my bad18:39
Daraelkvarley: We all make typos occasionally.18:40
kvarleyDarael: :)18:40
Steven_srs"E: could not get lock /var/lib/............"18:41
null-deimosIs there an IRC channel for people who know networking? I think that's where I need help first...18:41
DaraelSteven_srs: Wait for any updates or installs that are running to complete first.18:42
Daraelnull-deimos: Suggest trying #ubuntu as it's more active in the support department.  Also ##linux.18:42
null-deimosTa. Will do.18:42
Daraelnull-deimos: Also #networking and, indeed, ##networking.18:43
Daraelnull-deimos: For future reference, I did "/msg alis list *networking*" to get those last two.  You may find that useful.18:44
Steven_srsok, i redid the "sudo apt-add-rep ....." and it says: error reading https://launchpad ............................"18:44
DaraelSteven_srs: You said IPv6 was set to ignore - did you mean in nm-applet?  Because if so, it can still cause problems.  I suggest trying "sudo modprobe -r ipv6" to see if it makes your network any more responsive.  It may help with the other, as well.18:46
Steven_srsmodprobe-r: command not found18:47
DaraelSteven_srs: You need the space before the "-r"18:48
Steven_srsfatal: module ipv6 not found18:48
Darael...of course, my mistake, one moment.18:49
null-deimosdareal, thanks.18:49
DaraelSteven_srs: I'm not going to try, a reboot would be needed and it would cause you problems within the year.  We'll stick to the other issue.  Does it give you any more info about the error?18:50
Steven_srsi think i will try to download the recomended upgrades and patches be4 i will look into adding programs18:52
Steven_srsmaybe that way, many problems will resolve themselves18:52
Steven_srsbecause i just installed 10.04 lts just today, and the disc was made a few months ago18:52
bigcalmpopey: ping18:53
Steven_srsdon't you think this way i will be avoiding many glitches and bugs?18:53
Steven_srsand besides, a much more urgent problem appeared: there's a beehive being constructed by some very eager bees right at my window... by the way, how do you call a group of bees in english?18:58
ali1234i wouldn't bother with the wine ppa, i hear nothing but bad things about it18:58
ali1234there's a reason why they make two versions18:58
DaraelSteven_srs: A swarm, usually.18:58
ali1234(it's because one of them is known to break all the time)18:59
ali1234you should use 10.10 though if you are going to use wine18:59
Steven_srswell, my luck is that it is a sort of bee that is rather harmless, but hey, harmless or not, i do not feel comfy knowing that a swarm of bees is moving in the neighbourhood19:01
Steven_srsthanks you all for the great help19:02
Steven_srsi'll be hanging around because i really would like to try to get rid of windows19:03
Steven_srsand i'll be needing your help a lot in the future!!!19:03
MartijnVdS\o/ my Kraftwerk LPs arrived19:16
davmor2MartijnVdS: It's been a while since I saw someone get excited about an LP arriving :)19:17
MartijnVdSdavmor2: I'm always excited when packages arrive :)19:18
MartijnVdSdavmor2: also, I've only had my record player for a week ;)19:18
davmor2Oh dear19:18
nperryI've got an email from play apologising for delay in posting my order19:37
nperryI got it two days after i ordered it :/19:37
* MartijnVdS is still waiting for 2 packages from the uk19:38
MartijnVdSbut I guess they're coming though Heathrow or something19:38
nperryBad times19:39
MartijnVdSIn Dutch we call it a "luxeprobleem"19:39
MartijnVdS("luxury problem"?)19:40
tunist_greetings! anyone know why an intel quadcore would bring the 10.10 ubuntu installer to a halt at the point the install displays the core numbers? i have use 32 and 64bit versions.. from a usb key19:42
MartijnVdStunist_: at what point of the install does it display the core numbers?19:42
* MartijnVdS doesn't know of such a point19:42
tunist_its during a period where there is a black screen and white text19:42
Azelphurcore numbers?19:42
tunist_it usually moves by pretty quickly19:43
tunist_but it stops at that certain point19:43
tunist_when it hangs19:43
ali1234sounds like that old overheating bug maybe19:43
MartijnVdSacpi issue?19:43
ali1234but that was fixed ages ago19:43
tunist_could be acpi..19:43
tunist_not overheating19:43
MartijnVdSali1234: overheating in the first seconds of the boot run?19:43
tunist_at least not 'really'19:43
ali1234does it say anything about thermal zone?19:43
tunist_i'm using windows ok19:43
ali1234MartijnVdS: yeah there was a bug, it wasn't *really* overheating, but it throttled the cpu anyway, endlessly19:43
ali1234it also filled /var with logs in about a day after install on a typical disk size19:44
tunist_do i need to disable acpi?19:44
ali1234need to see the exact lines to be sure19:45
tunist_i'm not sure which other similar options are in the bios19:45
tunist_ok, i'll write them down and look at acpi.. thanks for the pointer19:45
tunistregarding the install issue on the intel quadcore.. i have a screenshot of the black bg and white text.. (the point where the cores are initialized)..20:01
tunistits at http://www.growforall.co.uk/images/IMG_0360.JPG if anyone will look?20:02
directhex_disabling acpi means disabling your cores.20:02
directhex_acpi is needed for multi-cpu20:02
nperryLife with only one core...20:05
tunistright, i'll do that again.. i was lg20:06
tunistlogged out of irc20:06
tunistgot a different app now20:06
tunistso yes.. here is a screenshot of the install text from the quadcore: http://www.growforall.co.uk/images/IMG_0360.JPG20:06
tunistdid i miss any replies?20:07
directhex_20:02 <directhex_> disabling acpi means disabling your cores.20:07
directhex_20:02 <directhex_> acpi is needed for multi-cpu20:07
tunistthere was no option in the bios to disable it anyway20:07
ali1234i don't see any serious problems in that screenshot20:11
ali1234wait, does it get stuck at #2?20:12
tunistyeah, it stops there20:13
tunistsometimes on one20:13
tunistor 320:13
tunistmost often 220:13
ali1234something weird is going on there20:13
tunisti have an abit ip35 motherboard.. and bios updates haven't been available for a while now since abit stopped trading20:14
tunisthowever... win 7 is ok20:14
ali1234unfortunately this is beyond my expertise20:16
tunistok, thanks for looking anyway20:16
tunisti have put a post in the ubuntu forum, so maybe someone there will know20:16
Azelphurjust got a £50 amazon gift card for £37 :D20:20
DaraelGood going, Azelphur.20:21
Daraeltunist: It may be worth trying in #ubuntu - there's a /lot/ more people in there and they may be able to help.20:22
nperryAzelphur did you rape that poor person in #Cyanogenmod ?20:29
Azelphurnperry: quite possibly, if only for £13 xD20:30
nperryShould of offered £38 :/20:30
jacobwtunist: try askubuntu.com as well20:31
Azelphurnperry: haha20:31
AlanBellhi all o/20:38
YorvykHow’s the party?20:41
nperryEvening AlanBell20:43
DaraelDoes anyone know why my nm-applet is repeatedly being killed on my Maverick box?21:07
kvarley Darael: I have that issue too, well it's connecting to auto eth0 but I dont see the applet on the panel21:15
Daraelkvarley: I've reported a bug and am asking in #ubuntu, I'll let you know if I get an answer.21:30
Daraelbug 69283521:30
lubotu3Launchpad bug 692835 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "nm-applet vanishes (killed?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69283521:30
kvarleykvarley: Thanks21:30
kvarleyI mean Darael: Thanks lol21:30
DaraelI gathered.21:30
* kvarley loves Unigine22:35
kvarleyLooks very promising for commercial linux games22:36
Daraelkvarley: Looks very promising indeed.  Interesting that the third platform is PS3 and not Mac, but since I own the former and not the latter, I'm hardly going to object!22:44
kvarleyDarael: Mac has steam support22:45
kvarleyDarael: Loving the fact they don't support xbox360 :)22:45
kvarleyDarael: As soon as somebody makes a multiplayer fps with the unigine engine I'm buying it.22:45
Daraelkvarley: Absolutely.  Although we're supposed to be getting steam support too.22:48
kvarleyDarael: Yes, but do we want it? ;)22:48
kvarleyI see your point tho22:48
DaraelI have to say I probably won't be buying any FPSen anytime soon.  If someone decides to build a spiritual successor to Black & White, though, I'll definitely buy that.  Shame Lionhead dropped the series, but probably something to do with their getting bought by Microsoft.22:50
kvarleyDarael: I mainly play fps and it's the one thing which keeps windows on my hard drive. Installing the new alien arena now, looks tasty22:53
Daraelkvarley: I recommend Tremulous if you like FPSen.  Good for multiplayer, and has sufficient strategy to keep me interested without putting pure fps lovers off.22:54
Daraelkvarley: ...especially since it's built off the same base as Alien Arena and OpenArena.22:55
kvarleyDarael: I will look at it - Thanks for the recommendation :)22:57
jacobwhi hamitron23:06
hamitronhi jacobw :)23:06
hamitronhow things?23:06
jacobwgood thanks :) i'm watching "beautiful equations" on the iplayer23:07
jacobwergh. this christmas thing should be over already23:07
hamitrongood here thanks, looking forward to xmas23:07
hamitronbut there is good food to be had...23:07
jacobwtrue, if i wasn't ill i would be enjoying it23:08
jacobwi think i've hurt some stomach muscles somehow23:09
hamitronI've eaten a tin of cadbury heroes already :/23:09
hamitronover 4 days ;/23:09
jacobwah ok23:09
hamitronnot pigged out in 1 day23:09
jacobwi thought like, in two hours or something23:09
hamitronoh no, I am not as hardcore as I once was23:10
jacobwi prefer pigging out on meat23:10
jacobwits no wonder i failed in my vegetarian effort23:10
hamitronyou tried? :-o23:11
jpdsjacobw: Have a cucumberburger.23:11
jacobwmanaged it for a month23:11
* Darael never failed in their his effort. Possibly because he was never not veggie.23:11
jacobwhehe, not such a bad idea23:11
hamitronthe only meal I can think of I would eat with no meat, is cheese and tomato pizza23:11
jacobwpasta with cheese sauce?23:12
hamitronbut it is so much better with ham on23:12
hamitronI don't eat pasta23:12
hamitronor rice23:12
jacobwi actually enjoyed the vegetarian food, i just craved meat AS WELL23:12
jpdsjacobw: 'tis good to have a balanced diet.23:13
jacobwyeah, i've been reading about the paleo diet23:13
hamitronI like sprouts... but a dish full of them is bad23:13
jacobwi.e. caveman diet23:13
jacobwlots of fruit and veg and a small amount of meat23:13
jpdshamitron: Have a sproutburger.23:13
hamitronI am a good hunter... so can I have more meat? ;)23:14
* Darael flee the very notion of a sproutburger23:14
Daraelhamitron: Tell you what, you can have my meat if I can have some extra fruit.23:14
DaraelBarter system?23:14
hamitronI just like more :/23:14
jpdshttps://twitpic.com/3i6gfy - that is all.23:15
hamitronwtf is that?23:16
DaraelThe worst mince pie ever, allegedly.23:16
jacobwa hair net?23:16
jpdshamitron: A question that plagued some of the Xmas party.23:16
hamitronsurely pophey can enlighten us?23:17
DaraelIt's a duck!23:17
DaraelCan't you see the duck?23:17
hamitronI see a penguin23:18
jpdsI'm sure it's not marmite.23:18
hamitrondon't think I can face another pie from the store now23:20
jacobwglorius pie23:21
jpdsjacobw: π ?23:22
jacobwit looks like a pie..23:22
hamitronkinky tux in a latex suit, jumping out of a mince pie for xmas23:23
jacobwand how long did it take to work out how to type that? :P23:23
DaraelI wish there was a compose key combination for π - it's not like compose-p-i is used.23:24
* jacobw didn't know about the compose key before23:27
* Darael doesn't like caps lock, so he remapped it to compose.23:28
DaraelResulted in considerably less cursing from me.23:29
Darael...and it was easy using the keymap options in Ubuntu.  Was pretty happy.23:30
hamitronI never get around to tweaking things23:33
DaraelI do, because while I spend far too long doing it, I then don't touch things again while I have that computer.23:33
hamitronah :)23:33
hamitronI just leave my linux machines and let them work... saves me enough time to fix the windows machines23:34
hamitronbut I am lazy23:35
hamitronwhen I look at the problems I cause for myself, wanting to play games...23:36
* jacobw retires for the evening23:44
eli_seems ok to me23:47

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