
fgleichhey protonchris :)06:12
fgleichhey genfool06:15
fgleichwhat's goin on old friend ?06:15
genfoolfgleich,  how are you?06:15
fgleichgood here06:15
fgleichI was just wonderin why codeblocks won't start06:16
fgleichI get his error;  codeblocks: symbol _Z23wxHandleFatalExceptionsb, version WXU_2.8 not defined in file libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0 with link time reference06:16
genfoolwhat was the cnc distro you installed yesterday?06:16
fgleichI googled it, and it's a bug06:17
fgleichuh.......a version of ubuntu06:17
fgleichit's got the real time modules compiled in the kernel06:17
genfooldo you have a bug report?   a link to it?06:17
fgleichhold on06:17
fgleichacross a number of distros06:18
genfoolI see that, still looking for a debian bug   :)06:19
fgleichrelated to that ?06:19
genfoolproblem is, everything is 2008 and older  o_006:20
fgleichI know dammit06:20
genfoolwhat kernel do you have?06:21
fgleichprobably an slightly older versin of codeblocks would run06:21
fgleichlet me see06:21
genfoolusually when a bug stops being a bug....no one complains anymore06:22
fgleichwx 2.8 is pretty mature now06:22
fgleichso it's gotta be codeblocks the problem06:22
fgleichthe error, WXU_2.8 not defined in the lib, is probably a method that isn't complete in the codeblocks code base or something like that06:23
fgleichlink time reference06:24
genfoolfgleich,  is this on the ubuntu cnc or the pclos?06:24
fgleichthat's ok, I posted the code to write the rpm spec file for another IDE on kats site, remember ?06:24
fgleichI'll just use it06:24
fgleichthis is pclos06:25
fgleichI'll just swipe and copy the code for the spec file, dl the src package and compile and install into the system06:25
fgleichpretty easy to do06:26
genfoolAhh, that is rpm I think...06:26
genfoolI never figured out rpm06:26
fgleichI'm pretty adept at writing rpm spec files06:26
fgleichnothin to it06:26
genfoolportage FTW!06:27
fgleichI never learned to do deb packages, but just used the alien software06:27
fgleichmaybe if I get interested again I'll delve into portage06:28
fgleichyou guys get out to eat much anymore ?06:28
genfoolis a pia to setup the first time, then quite good.  :)06:29
genfoolNot often, we got out last night....wife turned 50....thought she deserved a dinner out.06:30
fgleichgood for you06:30
fgleichI'm kinda sick right now06:31
fgleichI'm going out with my brother tomorrow to the sandoval county courthouse to check on something, might do lunch at this kick ass vietnamese place06:31
genfoolthat sucks fgleich  you know I was kinda sick....took two weeks to actually get sick and over it06:32
fgleichyeah got some sinus thing and having trouble breathing06:33
genfoolI hate this time of year cause I always get sick   :(06:34
fgleichI try to be careful06:35
genfoolsooo, how can we find a newer bug report on your code blocks issue?06:36
fgleichoops they left06:36
fgleichI dunno06:36
fgleichthe codeblocks site ?06:36
genfoolmneptok left and says new kernel.....he probably has a .3206:37
fgleichthey never said anything to us06:37
genfoolfgleich,  I do not think so, no issues since 200806:38
fgleichok who are the bots ?06:38
fgleichthat's it ?06:38
fgleich.32 goes back to 2008 ?06:39
genfoolWith gentoo I can run some test and look for missing libs and dep's   is there a way to do that with pclos?06:39
fgleichok I got the wxhatch software and copied  the spec file off kat's site06:39
fgleichI think only if the spec file is written correctly06:40
fgleichmaybe with ldconfig or .....06:42
fgleichhold on06:42
* genfool thinks that fgleich would curse loudly while installing gentoo, at a error like this, he would relax at how easy he could fix it.06:42
fgleichwhat error ?06:42
genfoolcodeblocks   is an old issue and not reported since 200806:43
genfoolmaybe rpm has some tools like portage does...I can not advise on how to use them.06:44
genfoolsoo use portage  :)06:45
* genfool waits for it......06:46
fgleichI didn't look at the date stamp on that06:47
fgleichwell, I did an ldconfig, but that didn't help06:48
genfoolwhat version of codeblocks do you have?   10.05 here and not installed06:50
genfoolI am installing now,06:50
fgleichI'll look06:51
genfoolnot bad, only 3 packages here06:53
fgleichwx is broken up into unicode and non unicode, and if the guy who wrote the packaging file made a mistake that could cause this problem06:54
fgleichI'll post the error so you can see it06:54
fgleichcodeblocks: relocation error: codeblocks: symbol _Z23wxHandleFatalExceptionsb, version WXU_2.8 not defined in file libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0 with link time reference06:55
genfoolfgleich,  can you pastebin the whole error?06:56
fgleichthe guy who used to do pclinuxos's packaging has moved on, I've noticed the quality has gone down06:56
fgleichthat's the entire error06:56
fgleichI can look at pclos wiki and see if something has been said about this06:57
genfoolI am still waiting for it to compile, will start it soon, see what it says06:59
genfoolis on 3/307:00
genfoolmrs genfool went  to a Christmas party tonight   genfool kick up the heels   :)07:01
fgleichalso, it could have been compiled against a diff version of wxgtk, which could cause that07:01
fgleichoh too bad you didn't go07:01
genfoolnot bad at all  How do you normally want to start code blocks?07:03
fgleichwell, been starting in a console, cuz of errors07:04
fgleichnormally by the menu07:04
genfoolcodeblocks in a user terminal started something here....I do not know what to do with it07:04
fgleichpop open a dialog ?07:04
genfooltwo of em :)07:05
fgleichok then it works ok for you07:05
fgleichI'd have to recompile here too I guess07:05
genfoolready to roll here07:05
fgleichI can do my other IDE too07:06
genfoolyes, click on ok and opens to full screen, waits for me to code....will be wating a long time, I closed it07:07
genfooljust saying, works fine here, your link showed a 2008 as last complaint, I would look at your system.07:09
genfooluh oh...wife is home from her Christmas party....Time to go07:18
fgleichyes I know, not many do devel, so it's not come up yet. see ya another time, thanks for the help07:20

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