
Cheri703dmcglone: did you ever wander back after wii'ing?00:38
Unit193Cheri703: Switching from using Win + FF + thunderbird + OO.o & MSO and some other progys00:53
Cheri703why would it be different in windows with that software if you're using the same software in linux?00:54
* Cheri703 might be missing the problem here00:54
Unit193This person has 12000+ emails in the inbox alone00:55
Cheri703if using thunderbird, I'd think a simple export/import would work?00:56
Unit193Stuff like this:http://kb.mozillazine.org/Moving_from_Windows_to_Linux00:58
Unit193And alt apps to use00:58
Cheri703osalt .com/.org/something is good00:58
Unit193I have seen/used that... was mostly looking for guides people have used (but I can find them)01:00
Cheri703I use gmail, so I don't mess with any of that stuff01:31
Unit193I also use gmail (with IMAP)01:31
* Cheri703 is watching a lame 80's sci fi movie on hulu01:32
Unit193What one? (might watch SG* soon)01:33
Cheri703"steel dawn"01:33
Cheri703hulu is a smorgasbord of horrible movies01:33
canthus13I thought that was a crappy game.01:40
canthus13Wait. Patrick swayze was in that one as well as Red Dawn? Heh.01:41
Cheri703super incredibly lame thus far01:41
canthus13Water rights seemed to be a rather popular theme for a while. (Solar babies, Tank Girl...)01:42
Cheri703saw solar babies, also on hulu...01:42
canthus13Although this sounds more like a rip-off of the mad max plot.01:42
canthus13I rather liked Solar Babies...01:43
Cheri703it was...ok01:43
canthus13Several of the cast went on to do The Lost Boys.01:43
Cheri703I have a soft spot for post-apocalyptic movies01:46
Cheri703even the horrible ones01:46
Unit193Soft spot for the end of the world....01:47
canthus13Unit193: Nah. THey went past the end and there was apparently more to go. :)01:58
* Cheri703 gave notice at her job this evening, boss' husband just tried to call twice at 8:49pm. didn't answer02:00
Unit193Good for you? how did she take it?02:01
Cheri703dunno, emailed it :)02:01
Cheri703I'm assuming they're freaking out and pissed02:02
Cheri703boss' husband is often manipulative, sometimes a bullying jerk, so not answering at night. also told them I would only discuss over email, so really not talking about it02:03
Unit193Did you find other job options? (that sounds like a good idea)02:03
Cheri703I have a few peripheral options, nothing solid atm02:04
Cheri703so yep02:09
Unit193Did you ever end up looking at the hospital?02:09
Cheri703not yet, I meant to, been super busy with tons of stuff :/02:10
Unit193I don't think any are up anymore02:10
Cheri703there is always a lot of crawling around in dirt in these movies02:20
Unit193Do you have any use for 800FSB(?) CPUs?02:22
Cheri703maybe? if you don't want it/them, I can take them off your hands ;)02:22
Unit193They are not that good 2.802:23
Cheri703eh, I'm sure I'll find a use for them eventually. I'd like to (as I acquire parts) put together computers to donate to people/organizations02:23
Cheri703one of my dogs isn't eating much lately, and I'm trying to get him to eat, so I'm sticking food bits under his lip until he'll chew it up. he's half asleep and just laying there giving me weird looks as I do it...I'm WAY too amused by this02:30
Unit193P4 2.80/1M/800/04A02:31
Unit1934 of those and 1 1.8/256/400/1.75V02:32
Cheri703dang, where did you get so many?02:33
Unit193Junk/recycle pile02:34
Unit193I will want to keep 2 (2.8) at most02:35
Unit193Any other comp parts that I should take out?02:36
Unit193(can't HD)02:36
Cheri703mobos are good, really any of it. how many pc's did you snag?02:36
Unit193Just parts02:37
Cheri703ah, ok02:37
Cheri703well, anything that works can be useful02:37
Unit193Anything (easy to get to) on a laptop?02:42
Cheri703if there are any in it02:42
Cheri703uhm, the rest of it is pretty well integrated02:43
canthus13Ram, HDD, PCI-e cards...02:43
Cheri703cd drives02:43
Cheri703cd drives are very handy to have02:43
Cheri703screens are beyond my replacement abilities atm :)02:43
canthus13Screens are quite sellable on ebay.02:43
canthus13Cheri703: Screens are easy.02:43
Unit193HDDs are killed02:43
canthus13Especially if you replace the whole lid unit.02:43
canthus13Just unscrew the hinges, pop loose the cable(s), install new lid.02:44
Unit193Unless it has the wifi in it02:44
Cheri703Unit193: wireless cards are easily removed as well02:44
Cheri703keyboards even02:44
Cheri703but less useful02:44
Cheri703*to me02:44
Unit193wifi in the screen/lid02:45
canthus13good keyboards are handy. people are always spilling crap on laptop keyboards.02:45
canthus13Unit193: The wifi card? Nah. it should be on the mobo. the antennae may round up into the lid, though.02:45
Unit193That's what I was aiming at02:46
canthus13Antennae are usually installed on other laptops and rarely go bad.02:46
Unit193Cheri703: do you really have any use for the 1.8 CPU?02:46
Cheri703antennae are easy to disconnect from the card02:46
* canthus13 is running a server on an athlon 1700+ and another one on a 2000+. was running one on a 1.2ghz thunderbird.02:46
Unit193I could use a complete comp02:47
canthus13Unit193: Oh.  yeah. the antennae just snap loose from the card, like the little metal clothing snaps.02:47
Cheri703Unit193: what do you mean?02:47
Cheri703and for someone who just does email and typing stuff, 1.8 is PLENTY. especially if you can get them running ubuntu02:47
* canthus13 found timerider. :)02:48
Unit193Not just 6 CPUs, RAM, HDDs, and a comp batt02:48
Cheri703ah, gotcha. I have 2 cases with OLD mobos in them. if you find a decent mobo, I have a case you can throw it in. I have a few ide cd drives laying around as well02:49
Unit193I can get a CD/DVD drive... will the P4s work in that?02:49
Cheri703maybe. it had a 900mhz processor in it before, I'd have to look it up.02:50
Cheri703ahh patrick swayze looking like a dirty hippie02:50
canthus13900? There were no P4s that slow... It's prolly a P3 mobo.02:53
Unit193Finding a P3 CPU may be harder... but I may be able02:53
* Cheri703 doesn't remember02:53
Unit193Pentium M?02:56
Cheri703I'll take a look at some point this week02:56
Cheri703you already have like 17 computers...am I missing why you need another? :)02:56
Cheri703I dunno, several02:56
Unit193Wired, mostly fast ubuntu server (in a way)02:57
Unit193AMD Athlon 2.4G - P4 2.8G - 500MHz - Mac G3 350MHz (can't firgure out how to get ubuntu on)02:59
Unit193The comps02:59
Unit193This may be the CPU: http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=2718803:05
canthus13Unit193: The G3 should be able to handle Debian. Might go for a CLI/Framebuffer-only install.03:28
canthus13Unit193: Oh.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72809303:30
canthus13there's a whole discussion on Debian Vs Ubuntu for a 350mhz G3.03:30
canthus13...and a howto for Debian on a G3.  http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=2048103:32
deejoeI've had much more luck with the Debian CDs for 5.0 than for 4.0 on G3s03:33
deejoeas in, getting them to boot and run the installer all the way through03:33
deejoehad trouble with both Debian and Ubuntu a couple of years ago03:34
Unit193deejoe: Did you ever get Ubuntu to work?04:00
deejoeUnit193: I didn't really want to try to run Ubuntu on hardware that old, to be honest.04:02
deejoealso, Ubuntu dropped powerpc from the normal stuff--it's community supported only.  Which, after all, is what Debian is, too.04:03
dmcglone1Hiya all04:14
Cheri703hey dmcglone104:17
dmcglone1what ya doing?04:17
Cheri703watching a crappy movie04:18
Unit193hello dmcglone104:19
dmcglone1sitting here watching forensic files04:20
dmcglone1hi Unit19304:21
dmcglone1I bought a hockey game for the Wii and got so frustrated with trying to figure out how to set it up for 2 players, I just gave up04:22
Unit193Can I come over and play? ;)04:22
dmcglone1nothing is worth the hassle anymore04:22
Unit193the Wii that is04:23
dmcglone1You sure can04:23
dmcglone1am I still here?04:23
dmcglone1I just seen myself leave04:23
Unit193dmcglone left your dmcglone104:23
dmcglone1Ah I bet my other computer lost internet connection04:24
dmcglone1Unit193 you live in columbus?04:25
Unit193Around there04:26
dmcglone1well guess it's about a 3 hour drive to come over and play the Wii04:27
dmcglone1I'll see you in the morning04:27
Unit193Good night!04:28
dmcglone1lol I didn't mean it that way04:29
dmcglone1I meant that it would take you until morning to get here04:29
Cheri703tomorrow I have to go to holmes county04:29
dmcglone1business Cheri703?04:29
Cheri703one of my final installs04:29
dmcglone1you excited? LOL04:30
Unit193dmcglone1: It would take longer if I walked :D04:32
dmcglone1I assumed you would be walking... LOL04:32
Unit193There are really cool things... they are called Cars!04:33
Cheri703dmcglone1: yes and no. not excited to deal with the crazy bosses :/04:34
dmcglone1never heard of one. I ride a scooter. I just push my way everywhere04:34
dmcglone1but from what I hear about the price of gas, I'm glad I have a scooter04:35
* Cheri703 wants a velomobile04:35
dmcglone1whats that?04:35
dmcglone1sounds like something from batman04:36
canthus13covered in velour.04:36
Cheri703google it04:37
Cheri703basically pedal powered car :D04:37
Cheri703recumbent trike + shell04:37
dmcglone1oh I see04:38
dmcglone1that would take forever to get anywhere04:39
dmcglone1plus no heat or air conditioning04:39
Cheri703not really, depending on how far you're going. you can pretty easily break 20mph04:39
* Cheri703 wants one04:39
Cheri703no insurance04:39
Cheri703no license04:39
Cheri703no gas cost04:39
Cheri703very low maintenance costs04:40
Cheri703inexpensive commuting04:40
dmcglone1good luck going to holmes county in one of those04:42
dmcglone1when you get there you'll have snot frozen to your face04:43
Cheri703some of them are completely enclosed04:43
dmcglone1but still cold04:43
Cheri703and this would be once I had a "go there and stay there" job. not driving all over the freaking place to clients04:43
Cheri703nah, your body heats it up pretty darn well04:43
dmcglone1hope it has a defogger then04:44
Cheri703some of them. some have windshield wipers too04:44
dmcglone1now thats cool04:44
dmcglone1well, I'm gonna get me some sleep04:46
dmcglone1I'll talk to you all later04:46
dmcglone1night :-)04:46
Unit193Cheri703: Next U-h still the 30th?05:07
Unit193Mom is working 2nd that day, my other sis may or may not take me05:27
Cheri703I'm off to bed. have a good night05:29
thafreakGood Morning Ohio!14:39
thafreakSo, I'm finally done with school...14:39
thafreakwell...for a while...don't think I'll ever be "done"14:39
thafreakseems as though I can't actually take the LPIC ubuntu cert exam anywhere16:57
thafreakstupide pearson vuew16:57
thafreakstupide pearson vue16:57
thafreakstupid pearson vue16:57
_bbb_except olf17:02
paultagWoo! OLF!17:03
* canthus13 has plenty of time to study for LPI.17:08
_bbb_olfu even17:09
BiosElementGreat, just great.20:56
BiosElementWe now have 'net neutrality' that's designed to not be neutral20:56
BiosElementIsn't that great20:56
BiosElementSo remind me, what's the point of the FCC? And would someone please send them a dictionary?20:57
Unit193Did you see Ubuntu is going away from X for Wayland?20:58
BiosElementYes, so is Fedora and half a dozen other distro's.20:58
BiosElementBut heaven forbid it's the end of the world if ubuntu does it. ;)20:58
Unit193I don't use the other ones :)20:59
BiosElementThere's tons of FUD around it20:59
BiosElementIronically Fedora actually was already leading the charge, but it's more fun to bitch up a storm about ubuntu breaking things before they've even seen them or something >.>20:59
Unit193Ubuntu is a more visable target21:01
BiosElementMainstream media, yes. But fedora's a solid second for linux distro's21:01
Unit193Do you know how well wayland does remotely?21:04
BiosElementIt doesn't, that's beyond scope.21:04
BiosElementHowever there already exists remote clients to make it about as effective as x11 remotely.21:05
Unit193That is one thing I really like about X21:05
BiosElementMeh, it's an extra feature that doesn't belong in the stack for 99% of users.21:09

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