
nuvolarigood morning05:21
superflymorning nuvolari05:26
superflyanyone got any preferred ADSL ISP? One with uncapped, preferably07:05
superflyhiya sakhi07:16
* sakhi is back from Ethiopia07:16
superflysakhi: what were you doing in Ethiopia ?07:27
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sakhisuperfly: I was training Sys.Admins on mail systems (Posftix, Dovecot, Squirrel and mail scanning)07:39
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linuxboysuperfly: mweb08:23
linuxboysuperfly: no fuss08:23
superflylinuxboy: do they do a package thing where you get your ADSL through them as well?08:25
linuxboysuperfly: ja08:25
linuxboysuperfly: but I dont' do that08:25
superflyany particular reason?08:26
linuxboythen I can cancel it without transferring the adsl line08:30
drubinsuperfly: axxess has been good to me mostly. afrihost is cheap.08:50
linuxboysuperfly: you finally got access in your area?11:27
superflyapparently... I want to see if that is for real11:27
drubinLOL they imply that the rest of their site isn't secure11:32
superflylinuxboy: they first need to install a phone line ;-)11:43
linuxboyyeah :/11:49
Tonberrydrubin is irc.sun.ac.za down?14:28
drubinTonberry: yes14:52
Tonberrywonder what they broke this time...14:53
nlsthznclocking in for the night shift, hi all :)15:45
superflyhi nlsthzn16:01
nlsthznsuperfly: Hi sir :)16:01
highvoltagehi nlsthzn 16:02
nlsthznhighvoltage: hey... SA has come to life :)16:02
highvoltageif you say so :)16:03
nlsthznjust an observation about the increase in activity in the channel... 3 people at once... wow :p16:03
cocooncrashWhy is that so amazing?16:04
nlsthznbecause 5 minutes ago it felt like it was only me T_T 16:07
nlsthznhi Tonberry, cocooncrash16:07
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Morganvdevening all18:34
superflyhi Morganvd18:34
Morganvdhey superfly 18:36
Morganvdubuntu 10.10 netbook is driving me nuts18:37
superflywhy, what's up?18:37
Morganvdim trying to add a custom launcher to the global menu18:38
Morganvdi maid the launcher18:38
Morganvdin the menu option18:38
Morganvdbut i cannot seem to launch it18:39
superflyMorganvd: I'm afraid I'm a KDE junkie, so I don't really know how to do that in Gnome (or Unity)18:43
drubinMorganvd: what command are yo using?18:43
Morganvdi created a custom launcher in the menu to run weechat-curses18:44
drubinMorganvd: Ah that wont work. :)18:45
Morganvdbut i cannot find the launcher in the list of applications 18:45
drubinMorganvd: that is like executing vim from launcher it needs terminal to run in :)18:45
Morganvdi did tell it to run in terminal18:45
drubinMorganvd: how?18:45
Morganvdwhen you create a custom launcher18:45
Morganvdthere is two options in the drop down box18:46
drubinoo that is a nice feature18:46
Morganvdapplication and run in terminal18:46
Morganvddrubin: what ubuntu you running18:46
Morganvdi created it on 10.0418:47
drubinMorganvd: 10.10 but I don't use normal GUI18:47
drubinMorganvd: btw have you tried changing the comamnd to gnome-terminal -e "weechat-curses"18:47
Morganvdwhat gui you using18:47
drubinand setting it to not run in a terminal?18:47
drubinMorganvd: Xmonad18:47
Morganvdill check it out18:47
Morganvdk gnome application menu18:48
Morganvdif you right click18:48
Morganvdedit menu18:48
Morganvdyou can add launcher18:48
Morganvdi had a nice one for weechat on 10.0418:48
drubinMorganvd: Ye i don't have that issue because I never ever close weechat :)18:49
drubinssh screen -rd  :)18:49
drubinMorganvd: can you not see the launcher or doesn't it work?18:50
Morganvdcant c it18:51
Morganvdi created it 18:51
Morganvdits there18:51
Morganvdjust wont add it to the menu in the netbook addiotion18:51
marcogdrubin: you mean, ssh -t screen -rd18:58
drubinmarcog: well actually I meant ssh and then screen -rd19:19
marcogdrubin: you can do it in one cmd though19:19
drubinbut I don't like to19:20
drubinmarcog: I can also chat via fifo socket instead of weechat 19:21
Morganvdand how does this help me19:21
Tonberryrestart whatever interface it uses?19:21
Tonberry@ launcher not showing19:21
Morganvdtried that already but the global menu seems to be burried into the interface with no config19:22
Tonberryand they want unity as the next ubuntu interface?19:22
drubinsounds like unity tried to take over more then it can chew19:22
Tonberryi still wonder how badly replacing Xorg is going to go19:23
drubinpeople have mixed feelings I for one welcome any thing that makes graphics on Linux better19:23
Morganvdim slightly bothered about the new approach19:23
drubin(if it does)19:23
marcogdrubin: why wouldn't you like to?19:23
Tonberrywell x is old 19:23
marcogdrubin: it's much snappier doing it in one cmd19:23
drubinmarcog: JUST to annoy froztbyte I like to see what packages need upgrading via the MOTD19:24
drubinmarcog: what happens if I have things in my screen -rd I don't want people to see??? hey!! ;)19:24
Morganvdunity is nice but it needs major work19:24
marcogdrubin: so you're being silly about it, right... :P19:25
marcogMorganvd: loads of major work, it's far too slow atm19:26
drubinmarcog: actually my first point stands 2nd point was silly19:28
marcogdrubin: ok, well idc what packages tumbleweed needs to update on clam :)19:28
Tonberry<drubin> but I don't like to   counts as a point?19:29
marcogtumbleweed: ignore :)19:29
drubinmarcog: You deff don't want motd installed by default on a shell server like clam19:32
marcoganyone here want a diaspora invite?19:48
superflymarcog: I'll take one, thanks19:51
marcogsuperfly: pm me your addy and i'll send19:52
Morganvdwhat is it19:52
marcogopen, distributed alternative to facebook19:53
marcogstill pre-alpha19:53
marcogbut quite promising at the early stage19:53
drubinmarcog: needs more pictures19:54
marcogdrubin: early stage19:54
marcogbut yes19:54
* drubin knows19:54
drubinpretty impressed so far19:54
* marcog got my first other-site contact today19:56
marcogi.e. contact from another diaspora instance19:56
drubinAh ye19:56
superflywould be great if I could actually read the text20:00
drubinsuperfly: context?20:00
superflydrubin: diasp.org - light grey text on a white background20:01
superflythey've set the background colour but neglected to set the font colour... or vice versa20:02
superflyand with my dark colour scheme, my colours are opposite20:02
marcogsuperfly: do you mean the text like "X minutes ago"?20:06
marcogcause the names and statuses are fine here20:06
superflymarcog: no, the selects and inputs where I have to select my date of birth and type in my name, for instance20:07
marcogoh that was fine for me, iirc20:07
ghostknifeanyone seen nuvolari today?20:12
drubinhttp://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/2392757965 << unity progress report20:53

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