
=== bombshell[a] is now known as bombshell
j_ayen_greenOn 10.4 after I've installed LAMP, and do an apt-get install sendmail, what else do I need to do so that a php script can send e-mail?00:00
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a11j_ayen_green: I assume that you'll need to setup sendmail00:02
cats4goldIs anyone available to help me install the Sun JVM?00:02
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.00:02
iPittytheFoocatsforgold, lol00:03
j_ayen_greena11, ok, i'll look that up. Is there any other piece I need?00:03
a11not that I'm aware of, last time I was doing something lke that I just gave up and made it go thru gmail :P @ j_ayen_green00:03
a11wasn't on ubuntu however, not sure what they presetup00:04
chris_percolhey ubottu, can you help me install Sun JVM as well?00:04
j_ayen_greena11: well, the users mail -will- be using gmail, via the dns mx record, but this is just the outgoing site mail00:04
a11I see00:05
pyriteAnyone have any idea why a USB network adapter would be randomly turning on and off, or pausing activity for 30sec or so..  on Ubuntu, when it acts normally on other OS's?00:05
Daraelj_ayen_green: Installing the php-mail package will probably make things easier, but not sure where to go from there.00:05
j_ayen_greenDarael, ha! that's a great idea (slaps forehead) thx00:06
sam-_-pyrite do you know the name of the kernel module?00:06
pyritesam-_-: Nope, stand by a min.00:06
craigbass1976chris_percol, gah...00:08
pyriteHmm how do I go about finding the name of the module?00:08
IrreducibilisThe volume control has disappeared from the GNOME bar at the top...00:08
Irreducibilisand it's not in the add applet menu either00:08
vachohow do I wipe out everything in a log file? its gotten to big00:09
IrreducibilisI'd just delete it. It should be recreated when needed.00:10
sam-_-pyrite post a lsmod to pastebin.com00:10
vachoi just want to wipe it00:10
Flare183vacho: Depends on what the log file is used for and where its at00:11
parolangIs there anyway I can reset my GNOME session from the console?00:11
sam-_-Irreducibilis it's part of indicator applet00:11
Irreducibilissam-_-, Thanks, that worked :)00:11
IrreducibilisNow one more question... how do I remove entries from GRUB that I no longer need?00:12
pyritesam-_-: Here ya go.  http://pastebin.com/pwFwiiJD00:12
sam-_-Irreducibilis like old kernels?00:12
IrreducibilisEvery time theres a kernel update, it adds two more entries, and it pushes windows further down00:12
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Jordan_UIrreducibilis: Just remove the old kernel packages.00:12
chris_percolcraigbass: ?00:12
Guest87924I need to select a previous bootloader in ubuntu how to do so00:13
IrreducibilisJordan_U, how?00:13
IrreducibilisAnd is that safe?00:13
DaraelGuest87924: A previous bootloader or a previous entry from the bootloader?00:13
cats4gold >Instead, you will need to add "multiverse" to the existing main line in /etc/apt/sources.list00:13
vachoguys im asking a simple question00:14
Guest87924Darael: not a entry but a previous bootloader00:14
vachohow do I clear the data in a log file????????????????????????00:14
jorhey guys i need some help with my ubuntu00:14
Jordan_UIrreducibilis: Have you used System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manger before?00:14
sam-_-pyrite, several things to try: get a new firmware if there is one. it's called rt2870.bin00:14
cats4goldIt looks like this is done, but I get no response from sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin00:14
jorsomeone can helpme?00:14
IrreducibilisJordan_U, Yeah... I didn't expect something like the "kernel" to be there though...00:14
chris_percoljor: ask question00:14
sam-_-pyrite, the module rt2800usb has an option to turn off hardware encryption. it might help00:15
vachohow do I clear the data in a log file (dont tell me to delete it..I just want to clear it..empty it)00:15
jorsome help here?00:15
DaraelGuest87924: You upgraded the grub package?  In that case, "sudo apt-get install <package>=version" will downgrade to a given version.  If you're changing to a different bootloader, it should be sufficient to install its package.00:15
bittinjor: with?00:15
parolangjor: Ask your question.  If someone knows, someone may help.  If no one knows, they can't help.00:15
jor_how can i get it back?00:15
vacho a00:15
vachowake up00:15
FloodBot1vacho: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:15
Daraelvacho: "echo ''>/path/to/file" - you'll probably need to do that from sudo -i or from sudo sh -c.00:15
ben_qHello, why is Kate overwriting the file-group on save? How can I stop that from happening?00:15
vachoDarael: thank yo00:15
Darael!patience | vacho00:15
ubottuvacho: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:15
Jordan_Uvacho: Annoying people won't get you an answer faster.00:16
IrreducibilisOkay, I found it.00:16
IrreducibilisThanks, Jordan_U00:16
Jordan_UIrreducibilis: You're welcome.00:16
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sam-_-pyrite, then try running sudo iwpriv. it might reveal sth. interesting00:16
Guest87924Darael : thanks it d/l now backports wireless drivers00:17
sam-_-pyrite, there is hope but my guess is that you have to wait for a fix from upstream00:17
kosaidpohello guys00:17
DaraelGuest87924: I'm sorry?  I don't quite understand what you're asking/saying.  If you don't need anything from backports, just disable the repo.00:17
kosaidpoim still struglin and idk how i can make it i wanna call a scipt from anywhere00:17
kosaidpoanyone can help me00:18
shadaloohi guys00:18
shadalooI'm trying to figure out if a drive is a data disk00:18
shadaloocan anyone recommend an in-windows data drive exploring app?00:18
Guest87924Darael: i wanted to have 2.6.35-24 to be default00:18
Daraelkosaidpo: I don't quite understand what you mean.  If you want to be able to call your script whatever your working directory is, you'll probably need to add your scripts folder (you do have one, right?) to your $PATH00:18
DaraelGuest87924: Ah, so a different kernel as default.  In that case, take a look at this:00:19
Darael!grub2 | Guest8792400:19
ubottuGuest87924: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:19
kosaidpoDarael: well its only one file and idk how to add to my $PATH can you please show me00:19
insanoDoes anybody know a good tutorial for installing zimbra on a ubuntu 10.04?00:19
hakimsheriffare you allowed to make and publich advertisments on Ubuntu00:20
Jordan_UIrreducibilis: It's best to keep at least one previous kernel around as a backup.00:20
pyritesam-_-: Thanks :)  suppose I need to get back on the web and00:20
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Guest87924darael: right"! i diff kernel i want tks alot for that help!!00:20
Daraelkosaidpo: The following assumes that the script is in a folder without anything else that isn't a script in it:  run "echo 'export PATH=/folder/containing/script:$PATH'>>~/.bashrc".00:21
Jordan_Uhakimsheriff: You are not allowed to make any advertisements in this channel. If you're asking about how you can use the Ubuntu brand see: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy00:21
kosaidpoDarael: okies00:21
insanoDoes anybody know a good tutorial for installing zimbra on a ubuntu 10.04?00:22
bencahillsam-_-: hey there, I'm back again :)00:22
sam-_-bencahill, y. me too :-)00:22
Daraelhakimsheriff: If, on the other hand, you are asking whether you are allowed to use Ubuntu to make advertisements for something else, the answer is yes, of course you are.00:22
bencahillsam-_-: :-P00:22
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kosaidpoDarael: it gives me this thingy ti type in sumthin00:23
pluhngzHello fellow internet addicts, are we all looking forward to another glorious night of internet addiction, gaming, pizza, coke cans, watching irc text scroll up, googling random information, and getting lazy in our "cozy internet area", sinking deep into the chair, as we watch our monitors?00:23
bencahillsam-_-: anyway, I got this error upon booting the new install: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546045/00:23
Jordan_U!ot | pluhngz00:23
ubottupluhngz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:23
kosaidpocan you please cooect me the cmmd is it all attached ?00:23
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Daraelkosaidpo: Run it without the double quotes and with the inner ones.  And make sure you've replaced /folder/containing/script with the appropriate folder path!00:24
shadaloowhat is the quickest way to scan drive from data from within windows00:24
kosaidpowxh inner quotes i dont see any Darael00:25
bencahillshadaloo: what format type?00:25
shadalooit's not showing up in the "my computer" list, and a linux recovery program is unable to find anything00:25
justin_Hey guys I'm new to the Ubuntu community and I just Installed the 10.10 version on my Inspiron zino HD but I have a problem. My sound will not work at all. I have made sure the speakers are plugged in and the system volume is up as well as the speakers themselves. Still the sound does not work. Is there anything I can do in the command line?00:25
sam-_-bencahill, either a wrong setting in /etc/fstab or in grub00:25
mysticodeI recently ran apt-get upgrade and after a reboot I have noticed that ps and top no longer display the username but instead just the UID.  Logging in works fine, pwck didn't report any problems and ls still correctly displays the username for the owner of files.  Any ideas?00:25
shadaloobencahill: I don't even think it's format, just making sure I wasn't using it as a data drive00:25
shadaloo(I have two of this perticular drive)00:25
Jordan_Ushadaloo: For windows questions try ##windows.00:25
bencahillshadaloo: if it's not formatted, it obviously doesn't have any data on it!00:26
sam-_-bencahill, you can find out the correct uuid with tune2fs00:26
bencahillsam-_-: I got it with blkid00:26
shadaloobencahill okay that's what I imagined but I but format is data drive then?00:26
sam-_-bencahill, that works as well. sure00:27
kosaidpoDarael: this is how i typed it export PATH=~/bin/connect.sh:$PATH'>>~/.bashrc but it gives me hand to type sumthin after you kno those >00:27
bencahillsam-_-: fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546041/00:27
bencahillsam-_-: ^^ on usb, grub (on hdd): http://paste.ubuntu.com/546049/00:27
Daraelkosaidpo: Ah.  You need to change "export " to "echo 'export " (note the spaces and the single quote)00:27
cats4goldI've enabled the multiverse repository, but running sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin still yeilds the following:00:28
bencahillshadaloo: what? I didn't understand that :-/00:28
Daraelkosaidpo: Press ctl+c to cancel the input line you have at the moment, first.00:28
cats4goldcats4gold@Awelaptop:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin00:28
cats4goldReading package lists... Done00:28
cats4goldBuilding dependency tree00:28
cats4goldReading state information... Done00:28
cats4goldE: Unable to locate package sun-java6-bin00:28
FloodBot1cats4gold: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:28
kosaidpoDarael: yeh idid now without any quotes i eplace export with echo ?00:28
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier00:28
bencahillis there a ubottu about filesystem types, anyone?00:29
Daraelkosaidpo: Hang on.  The next thing I say (after your name, a : and a space) will be the exact command you need.00:29
cats4goldor uh00:29
Daraelkosaidpo: Scratch that.00:29
craigbass1976Can I install ubuntu with a software RAID configuration with the regular lucid livecd, or do I need to get something different?00:29
Daraelkosaidpo: What's it doing in /bin?00:29
bencahillDarael: lol00:29
kosaidpouhm a dopbox script00:29
Daraelkosaidpo: If it's in /bin, just close your terminal and reopen it and it should be available from anywhere.00:29
Jordan_Ucraigbass1976: You need the alternate install CD.00:30
bencahillcraigbass1976: hmmm00:30
Jordan_U!alternate | craigbass197600:30
ubottucraigbass1976: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal00:30
kosaidpono its not i already tried Darael00:30
hevowho #ubuntu00:30
Daraelkosaidpo: run "echo $PATH" and see what you get?00:30
bencahillhevo: what?00:30
craigbass1976Jordan_U, Bah, I'm out of blank discs...00:30
sam-_-bencahill, maybe grub doesn't load usb.mod00:30
kosaidpoDarael: i dont have my /home/name in it00:30
bencahillsam-_-: ah, that sounds like a problem :)00:31
hevonothing bencahill00:31
drupalnewbiehi guys00:31
kosaidpoand to get it evytim i open the terminal i shud un source .profile Darael00:31
bencahillhevo: :)00:31
Daraelkosaidpo: Sorry, my bad.  Misread what you said.00:31
drupalnewbiehave a question00:31
parolangman dpkg-reconfigure00:31
multi_iocraigbass1976: maybe it's possible to set up the RAID volumes from the live system, then start the installer, which will pick them up and allow you to install into them00:31
parolangerr, sorry00:31
hevobencahill: :)00:31
sam-_-bencahill, go to the grub commandline. you should be able to list all the modules loaded00:31
bencahilldrupalnewbie: hi there :) , what's the question?00:31
Jordan_Usam-_-: bencahill: grub's usb.mod is only needed if your BIOS doesn't support booting from USB.00:31
drupalnewbiei just bought a new laptop and i installed ubuntu but the wireless would not work..00:31
bencahillJordan_U: that is a true condition in this case :)00:32
shadaloofigured it out00:32
sam-_-Jordan_U, interesting i didn't know that00:32
drupalnewbienot sure how i can configure it..00:32
bencahillsam-_-: ok, one moment00:32
Daraelkosaidpo: edit ~/.bashrc and add the line "export PATH=~/bin:$PATH" (no quotes) at the end.  Then reload your terminal.00:32
multi_iowhen would you choose eCryptfs over LUKS?00:32
pluhngzsomeone just msg'd me are emm dash are eff to fix my apt-get update issue00:32
pluhngzwhat is are emm dash are eff?00:32
bencahilldrupalnewbie: what wireless card? (lshw -C network)00:32
kosaidpook Darael ill let you onk00:33
drupalnewbiehmm lemme check00:33
Daraelkosaidpo: Of course, if you've changed your shell (you'll know if you have) then use the appropriate config file.00:33
Jordan_Ubencahill: Where is grub booting from currently? You'll need to install grub itself to a media that your BIOS can boot from, even if the rest of Ubuntu is on USB.00:33
drupalnewbiebut when i try the live cd it works tho00:33
kosaidpoDarael: i didint get this last msg00:33
kosaidpoi didnt chage my shel at all Darael00:33
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Daraelkosaidpo: Then that's fine and my previous instruction holds.00:34
bencahillJordan_U: grub is on the hdd00:34
kosaidpoDarael: this one export PATH=~/bin:$PATH00:34
sam-_-Jordan_U, why would that be?00:34
kosaidpoDarael: thanks it works :D00:34
bencahillJordan_U: ...from an hdd install, which I am transferring to a USB install...hdd is fine to have there, I just don't want it to be the main drive so I can spin it down for quietness :)00:34
Daraelkosaidpo: Glad to hear it.00:34
Jordan_Usam-_-: Because if the BIOS supported booting from USB it would already be presenting the drive to GRUB via the BIOS interfaces.00:35
parolangDoes anyone know how to reset my login sessions from xmonad back to GNOME from the command line?00:35
bencahillsam-_-: ok, I am at the grub cl, what should I type?00:35
lacrymologyexcuse me, syntax highlighting in gedit isn't working for me, and trying to install a plugin gave me this:00:35
lacrymology** (gedit:2957): WARNING **: symbolbrowser: libgnomeprintui-2-2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:35
Jordan_Ubencahill: Easiest thing to do in that case is setup a separate /boot partition which will be kept on the internal drive.00:35
Jordan_Ubencahill: Then you don't need to do anything fancy with usb.mod.00:36
sam-_-bencahill, i don't no. but you should see all the commands by typing help00:36
bencahillJordan_U: I know, but if I could get it working with this, I would rather that, then I can leave the hdd install intact if I want to boot to it later00:36
bencahillsam-_-: ok, I'll figure it out :) thanks for the info :)00:36
shcherbakparolang: kill xmoand and eventually xservet (than you can go xinit -- :1 vt8), startx (if this take you back to xmonad try gdm)00:37
flaketwhat command do you type to search for applications in terminal?00:37
IdleOneflaket: apt-cache search searchterm00:37
drupalnewbiebencahill: i have 2 and one is broadcom and the other is atheros com..00:37
bencahilldrupalnewbie: both aren't working?00:38
Jordan_Ubencahill: Just know that to accomplish this using grub's native USB driver's you'll have to do a lot of figuring things out on your own (I would help but I need to leave soon).00:38
drupalnewbiewell am trying to use the wireless00:38
drupalnewbieand i dont have an option to scan for network00:38
histodrupalnewbie: what kind of wireless card?00:39
histodrupalnewbie: well the broadcom card will need firmware00:39
Daraelflaket: apt-cache search, aptitude search, or axi-cache search, depending what you have installed and exactly how you want to search.00:39
drupalnewbiehisto: I did (lshw -C network and i can c broadcom and the other is atheros00:39
root___guys are u all using weakerthan200:39
parolangshcherbak: Hahah, I'm an idiot.  Thanks :)00:39
glitchdi keep getting this message at boot up "failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled error on boot"00:39
glitchddoes anyone know fix for it?00:40
* stilia-johny hi.. can help me with samba configuration?00:40
Goliathwhat dictionary do we have in ubuntu?00:40
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shcherbakGoliath: you mean aspell or stardict?00:40
* stilia-johny any can help me with samba config?00:41
histodrupalnewbie: you ahve two wireless cards in the box?  or wired and wireless00:41
Goliathshcherbak: dont we use qstardict?00:41
Goliathshcherbak: or is stardict better?00:41
histodrupalnewbie: system > admin > hardware drivers will show you the broadcom sta you can instlal00:41
drupalnewbiewired and wireless00:41
drupalnewbieok let me check histo00:41
sam-_-lacrymology, ubuntuversion?00:41
* stilia-johny any can help me with samba config?00:42
BryanMtdtHi, how can I put all files on a folder to run as a program permision?00:42
bencahilldrupalnewbie: there's not an option to scan, it does it automagically, just click on the wireless icon on the top right, and you'll see the available networks00:42
drupalnewbiehisto: no hardware drivers in admin00:42
RhynarianWhat is the command line for viewing your graphics card info?00:42
shcherbakGoliath: same, just different interface, there is a lot of online srript to do translations00:42
cats4goldhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1649876&highlight=cats4gold ?00:42
drupalnewbiebencahill: no option for wireless00:42
drupalnewbieseems like it was installed00:42
DaraelGoliath: qstardict is almost certainly a QT interface for stardict (ie it's exactly the same)00:42
=== pluhngz is now known as ccvp
bencahilldrupalnewbie: oh :(00:43
drupalnewbiebut can i install off of the cd00:43
drupalnewbielike windows or no00:43
* stilia-johny ANY CAN HELP ME WITH SAMBA???00:43
IdleOne!ask | stilia-johny00:44
ubottustilia-johny: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:44
parolangRhynarian: You can try lshw for starters.  There are other ls-commands for different interfaces.00:44
Savory_Snax_can I install a .deb of Wine for Ubuntu 8.10 on 10.10?00:44
Goliathshcherbak: someone told me stardict has more features00:44
Goliathshcherbak: like making translations appear on screen00:44
alphablastercan i put the ubuntu .iso on a external Harddrive00:44
stilia-johnyi neeh help to config samba .. i want to see my ubuntu pc from windows and my windows pc from ubuntu...00:44
sam-_-Savory_Snax_ why?00:44
Savory_Snax_sam- some recent updates broke Spore00:45
* stilia-johny i neeh help to config samba .. i want to see my ubuntu pc from windows and my windows pc from ubuntu... if you have any link-forum-tutor00:45
bencahillstilia-johny: right click on a folder and click sharing options?00:45
shcherbakGoliath: yes, there is moby for stardict, very nice, i heard of oxford one too00:46
sam-_-Savory_Snax_ have you tried wine from here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa00:46
w00dystilia-johny: you mean actual screen?00:46
alphablastercan you put the ubuntu .iso on an external hdd or do you have to put it on a usb drive00:46
ZeldaWill someone help me with a broadcom wireless driver issue on 10.10?00:46
bencahillstilia-johny: are you trying to do something special? samba is very easy to configure00:46
sam-_-Savory_Snax_ it has more than one version00:46
stilia-johnyi just install samba and gadmin tools but i don do nothing more00:46
parolangRhynarian: Mine lists as PCI, so try lspci.00:47
shcherbakalphablaster: as long hdd has booting abilities...00:47
Savory_Snax_sam- what is wine1.3-gecko? it shows 1.1.0 maverick...that might work00:47
drupalnewbieany other thing to try for my wireless problem guys00:47
drupalnewbiehow can i get to hardware drivers00:47
* stilia-johny ANY IDEA?00:47
alphablastershcherbak,  how can I tell if the external hdd has booting capabilites?00:48
shcherbakdrupalnewbie: jockey-text00:48
ICMDoes the issue still occur with poor performance of large-capacity Western Digital hard drives with newer versions of UBuntu? (Something to do with 4 KB sectors or something, I think?)00:48
nooniandrupalnewbie, system->administration->hardware drivers00:48
drupalnewbiei dont have that option00:48
drupalnewbiei tried that00:48
drupalnewbieis it just me00:48
drupalnewbieand this is ubuntu 10.1000:48
shcherbakalphablaster: install grub on it and try to boot (carefull with data, best to have few partitions)00:49
bencahill!pm | stilia-johny00:49
ubottustilia-johny: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:49
drupalnewbieok i think am just going to reinstall00:50
sam-_-Savory_Snax_ i think it's just gecko. the rendering engine of firefox00:50
alphablastershcherbak, is it better to install using a cd or a usb?00:50
Rhynarianparolang, its some onboard intel chip, how can I tell if the driver is installed?00:50
drupalnewbiethats y i like linuxmint better00:50
drupalnewbieall drivers come with it00:50
bencahillstilia-johny: you can't expect the software to do it for you :) have you gone to Sharing Options in the right-click menu of the folder you want to share?00:50
Zeldauh, nevermind. apparently they want to work today00:51
bencahilldrupalnewbie: don't give up yet! - Re-installing ubuntu will do no good if this was a fresh install...00:51
Savory_Snax_sam: will installing one from 8.10 work? I want to try to go back to Wine 1.1.4200:51
stilia-johnybencahill: yes i make a folder and i right click and share it..00:51
shcherbakalphablaster: in theory usb is faster (also with some effort you can keep mirrior of setting so in case of trouble you have ready rescue system on usb)00:51
stilia-johnybut i cant view it from windows00:52
sam-_-Savory_Snax_ installing will work if you force it but i doubt it will run00:52
farmer|mirI'm having a problem with ubuntu on an EEE PC 1005PE. The screen brightness goes up and down with the hotkeys as expected, but decreases to very low whenever control, shift, or meta is pressed. Is there a way to remedy this?00:52
bencahillstilia-johny: how are you trying to view it from windows?00:52
fixnummy question is not related to ubuntu, but i don't know of any other community ask00:52
ccvpfarmer, what does "mir" stand for?00:52
stilia-johnybencahill: in network folder00:52
bencahillstilia-johny: in win, go to Start - Run, and then type in //SERVERNAME/SHARE00:52
farmer|mirccvp: It's the hostname of the computer I'm on, my IRC client is set up so I can keep track00:53
aeon-ltdfixnum: if you use ubuntu, ask anyway00:53
bencahillstilia-johny: ^^ excuse me, //IPADDRESS/SHARE00:53
stilia-johnybencahill: im trying..00:53
bencahillstilia-johny: ...unless you have WINS enabled00:53
jOZe!dupe Ditone00:53
bencahilljOZe: Ditone?00:53
fixnumsuddenly, one of my gmail contacts has "Invited" add next to it. I'm confused, does it mean that person blocked/removed me?00:54
glitchdi keep getting this message at boot up "failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled error on boot"00:54
glitchddoes anyone know fix for it?00:54
Zisiis there a fake / placeholder smtp server package in ubuntu?  I'm doing my own custom thing for mail, but I need packages that depend on having one.  I dont want to install postfix etc00:55
alphablastershould my linux swap be double my ram?00:55
djznanyone knows a program to record a .avi video from desktop usage00:55
nikreHow can i control fan speed? I use ubuntu 10.10 64bit. fans are always at full speed00:55
stilia-johnybencahill: how can i see my pc in network folder of windows?00:55
noonianalphablaster, its not really necesary if you have at least 2 gigs ram i would just have 2g swap00:56
bencahillstilia-johny: why?00:56
bencahillstilia-johny: you mean Network Places?00:56
alphablasternoonian, i have a really old laptop that has like 500mb ram00:56
noonianoh, then yeah 1 gig swap00:56
bencahillstilia-johny: ...I always hated that thing :)00:57
alphablasternoonian, thanks00:57
glitchdi keep getting this message at boot up "failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled error on boot"00:57
noonianalphablaster, welcome00:57
IdleOnealphablaster: 1.5GB swap if you can afford the space00:57
Ashattack22running dual OS and grub is messed up...think it has to do with a recent reboot where I opted to update grub00:57
Ashattack22any idea?00:57
bencahillstilia-johny: map a drive to it, Tools > Map Network Drive in My Computer00:57
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glitchdi keep getting this message at boot up "failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled" error on boot. does anyone know a fix or work around for it??00:57
alphablasterAshattack22, Super Grub Disk will be your best friend00:58
bencahillstilia-johny: or make a link to //IPADDRESS00:58
bencahillstilia-johny: ...that will show a list of shares (or should)00:58
stilia-johnybencahill: is it problem because i have an apache server?00:58
stilia-johnyin linux00:58
bencahillstilia-johny: no00:58
Ashattack22Roger that Alpha, thanks00:58
sam-_-glitchd, me too. why does it bother you?00:58
glitchdsam-_-, i cant enable desktop effects00:59
djznanyone knows a program to record a .avi video from desktop usage??? (like recording a chat conversation)00:59
sam-_-glitchd, oh wait. mine doesn't say graphics turbo disabled. sry00:59
insanoDoes zimbra need license?00:59
bencahillstilia-johny: I honestly have never seen the point of Network Places...if you really want it in there, I'm sure there's a way, just a minute...00:59
stilia-johnybencahill: i cant view my ubuntu in workgoup folder of windows?????00:59
glitchdsam-_-, i got my laptop with 8 gigs of ram just so i could enjoy them00:59
ICMdjhash like a screen recorder?00:59
glitchdsam-_-, ughhh00:59
ICMdjzn **00:59
bencahillstilia-johny: xp?00:59
sam-_-glitchd, what does that have to do with 8 gig ram?00:59
djznICM, what01:00
stilia-johnybencahill: vista01:00
stilia-johnyand xp but give me for xp01:00
glitchdsam-_-, i got the 8 gigs so i could really turn up the desktop effects without sacrificing performance01:00
bencahillstilia-johny: ok, but let's go over to #ubuntu-offtopic, as this has nothing to do with ubuntu :)01:00
alphablasterim installing ubuntu right now what mount point do I want for my ext4 partition?01:01
bencahillalphablaster: /01:01
sam-_-glitchd, afaik you don't need more than ~2gb01:01
itaylor57glitchd: it more related to the grapics/cpu combo than ram01:01
ICMdjzn, are you looking for a screen capture program?01:01
alphablasterbencahill, any reason why?01:01
bencahillalphablaster: wait, what are you using the ext4 for, the main?01:01
sam-_-glitchd, even that seems pretty high01:01
breadcrumbglitchd, ive got desktop effects enabled on my 1GB RAM netbook :P01:01
bencahillalphablaster: ???01:01
djznICM: yes...01:01
RhynarianMy graphics card is some on-board Intel chip, how can I tell if the driver is installed?01:01
alphablasterbencahill, I am using a ext4 for the boot loader01:02
iPittytheFooive got it on 320mb01:02
coz_Rhynarian,   is compiz running?01:02
djznICM: usually to prove something, you just print a chat... but a better proof is when actually you can record a chat01:02
ICMdjzn: I'm not familiar with any really, but perhaps this will help: http://linuxappfinder.com/graphics/screencapture01:02
bencahillalphablaster: just for grub? or /boot?01:02
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coz_Rhynarian,   open  system/preferences/appearacne   the Visual effects tab01:02
aeon-ltdglitchd: heh, compiz isn't really dependent on ram at all01:02
ICMdjzn Haha, sounds like you're up to something interesting01:02
alphablasterbencahill, I am installing ubuntu01:02
coz_Rhynarian,   tell which is ticked01:02
nit-witalphablaster, wht are you putting the bootloader in other then the mbr01:02
djznICM: crap going on the university...01:02
itaylor57aeon-ltd: my point exactly01:02
glitchdaeon-ltd, no its not directly01:03
ruii need help installing ubuntu studio 140.04 on a already installed version of ubuntu01:03
djznICM: and there's a lot of talk-talk but no one put their money where their mouths are...01:03
Rhynariancoz_, yes, it is. Does that mean the driver is functioning?01:03
bencahillalphablaster: just use the guided partitioning, it's easy01:03
alphablasternit-wit, where should i put the boot loader01:03
aeon-ltdglitchd: so why invest in ram?01:03
mark_Hey, how do i change the menu buttons back to the other side, simpliest way01:03
ICMdjzn Oh fun -.-01:03
glitchdaeon-ltd, but u need a good amount if u dont want ur system to stutter all over the place01:03
coz_Rhynarian,  if anything but  "none"  is ticked then yes it is installed and working01:03
nit-witalphablaster, in the HD=mbr if the HD id sda put it in sda01:03
aeon-ltdglitchd: again not true, this isn't windows01:03
djznICM: recording the chat, I can actually PROOVE some son of a rich SAID something...01:03
coz_Rhynarian,  you can   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager   and play with the settings in there01:03
alphablasterbencahill, I only have to options 1 erase and use entire disk or 2 specify partions01:04
Rhynariancoz_, ok, thanks01:04
aeon-ltdglitchd: how much ram are you using now (out of 8gb)01:04
mark_Hey, how do i change the menu buttons back to the other side, simpliest way please01:04
glitchdaeon-ltd, 7.701:04
ruican someone help me01:04
coz_Rhynarian,  to open that either   alt+F  and type  ccsm or go to system/preferences/compizconfig settings manger01:04
ICMdjzn, gotcha. http://linuxappfinder.com/graphics/screencapture << This is the best I can do, I haven't used any of them though :/01:04
ruiin a private chat?01:04
aeon-ltdglitchd: what the hell are you running?01:04
alphablasternit-wit, so could i use /dev/sda501:04
glitchdaeon-ltd, well im usually running a webserver and a site from my laptop01:05
sam-_-glitchd, you can also try another kernel from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/01:05
glitchdaeon-ltd, and watching movies/downloading torrents01:05
itaylor57glitchd: I havew 4GB ram 64bit 10.10 and I haven't even cracked half usage in mem yet01:05
ICMI would try this, djzn, http://linuxappfinder.com/package/xvidcap01:05
glitchditaylor57, well thats u my friend01:05
bencahillalphablaster: do you not want to use the entire disk?01:05
aeon-ltdglitchd: thats it?01:05
djznICM: sounds like just WHAT i need01:05
nit-witalphablaster, I don't think we are on the same page. when you install Ubuntu iot has it's own grub installed the grub bootloader goes in the mbr01:05
ICMdjzn  :)01:05
djznICM: thanks01:06
glitchdaeon-ltd, whats it?01:06
alphablasterbencahill, I am dual booting xp01:06
ICMdjzn: no problem! good luck with the uni01:06
aeon-ltdglitchd: just movies taking up ram?01:06
djznICM: bullying you know01:06
bencahillalphablaster: oh, do you have free un-partitioned space on the drive?01:06
glitchdaeon-ltd, no my ram is never fully taken up, which is what i wanted01:06
ICMdjzn ugh -.-01:06
sam-_-glitchd, fyi i have 2gb ram. no swap and /tmp lives in ram. never ran out of ram01:06
glitchdaeon-ltd, i wanted to have ram left over01:06
alphablasterbencahill, I made two partitions 1 for the ext4 and 2 for the swap01:07
sam-_-glitchd, what do you do to use this much ram?01:07
glitchdsam-_-, ok, thats great01:07
aeon-ltdglitchd: btw unused ram in linux is essentially wasted ram01:07
sam-_-glitchd, i don't use effects though01:07
glitchdsam-_-, nothing in particular01:07
alphablasternit-wit, what do you suggest01:07
aeon-ltdglitchd: you'd only ever need about 300mb reserve in case of flash and java applications01:07
glitchdmy system specs are not important, nor are they what i came here to discuss01:08
glitchdaeon-ltd, my system specs are not important, nor are they what i came here to discuss01:08
sam-_-glitchd, lol. ok01:08
nit-witalphablaster, without really knowing what your set up is, and your goals I'm not sure. I just noticed the grub to a partition I was curious why01:08
glitchdaeon-ltd, im trying to fix an error msg that i get at boot01:08
bencahillalphablaster: you have already made them, alongside the windoze partition? or are you in the ubuntu install process?01:08
glitchdsam-_-,  im trying to fix an error msg that i get at boot01:08
sam-_-glitchd, were just jealous01:08
glitchdsam-_-, lol i bow in respect friends01:09
aeon-ltdglitchd: ok, just saying is all; that in linux ram management is different to windows, and btw its way more fun trying to minimise ram requirements whilst maximising function01:09
glitchdsam-_-, this is the first good laptop ive had01:09
redwingshey all. I'm trying to compile a driver for my wifi card, but I need to get my kernel headers first. Of course, I can't download them onto that machine because there's no wifi driver. Could somebody do a "sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.20-16-2be-k7_2.6.20-16_i386.deb" and then file transfer the output to me?01:09
skynet1248Hi I have question about kernel dynamic modules01:09
YixterAnyone here got xbox live?01:09
alphablasterbencahill, i have made the 2 partitions using windows, and now i am in the ubuntu install process01:09
glitchdaeon-ltd, true indeed01:09
sam-_-glitchd, try a kernel from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/01:09
itaylor57sam-_-: and i thought my 4GB was lean :>)01:09
aeon-ltdglitchd: anyway could you pastebin the error?01:09
aeon-ltd!ot | Yixter01:09
ubottuYixter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:09
glitchdaeon-ltd, its at boot so i dont get a chance to copy it01:10
skynet1248is any option to add my own alias to parport_serial module?01:10
aeon-ltdglitchd: can you remember parts?01:10
sam-_-itaylor57, i would get more if i ever needed more. not yet though01:10
bencahillalphablaster: ok, so you have 3 partitions, or 4?01:10
alphablasterbencahill, 301:10
glitchdaeon-ltd, but it says this basically, "failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled"01:10
sam-_-glitchd, you may want one from drm-intel-next01:11
glitchdaeon-ltd, thats exactly what it says01:11
aeon-ltdglitchd: and the problems after boot are?01:11
glitchdsam-_-, one what?01:11
bencahillalphablaster: ok, so one for xp, one for ubuntu (ext4), and one for swap (swap), right?01:11
alphablasterbencahill, correct01:11
glitchdaeon-ltd, well im not sure if they are related or not but, i cant enable desktop effects01:11
sam-_-glitchd, go to http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ then to drm-intel-next folder01:12
aeon-ltdglitchd: are you running i3/i5/i7 intel?01:12
bencahillalphablaster: ok, just making sure, so what was your original question? :)01:12
sam-_-aeon-ltd i5 or i701:12
sam-_-aeon-ltd i3s don't have turbo01:12
glitchdaeon-ltd, i501:12
alphablasterbencahill, is it correct for me to choose ext4 for bootloader installation01:13
redwingshey, I need to compile some wifi drivers but I can't download them on my ubuntu machine because there are no wifi drivers. lol. Can anyone send me the Maverick kernel headers? The file should be -i linux-headers-2.6.20-16-2be-k7_2.6.20-16_i386.deb01:13
aeon-ltdglitchd: yeah... i'd go with sam-_- 's idea01:13
glitchdsam-_-, what did u send me there for? really i dont know..01:13
botdogis it the biggest IRC regarding ubuntu01:13
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aeon-ltdglitchd: kernek withh different modules for intel cards01:13
sam-_-glitchd, you can download a newer kernel from there01:13
bencahillalphablaster: i'm not sure what it means by "bootloader", because the mbr is the mbr :-/01:13
nit-witglitched pm01:13
bittinbotdog: this is the offical ubuntu channel so01:13
glitchdaeon-ltd, sam-_- how do i know which one i need or which one to download?01:14
bartholomewjoin #xubuntu01:14
glitchdsam-_-, cant i upgrade or change my kernel from synaptic?01:14
sam-_-glitchd, 32-bit or 64-bit?01:14
glitchdsam-_-,  3201:14
alphablasterbencahill, at the bottom of the ubuntu installation page it reads: Boot Loader, Device for boot loader installation: then i choose /dev/sda5 (which is the ext4)01:15
nit-witglitchd, see the dialogue window01:15
sam-_-glitchd, try this one: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.36-maverick/linux-image-2.6.36-020636-generic_2.6.36-020636.201010210905_i386.deb01:15
sam-_-glitchd, it has no dependencies afaik01:15
grkbloodif i do an ls and it lists file.text for do i make it just output file01:15
bencahillalphablaster: wait, I thought you only had 3 partitions?01:16
alphablasterbencahill, I have 3 partitions01:16
sam-_-glitchd, btw. if you use 32-bit you won't be able to use 8gb. only about 4gb01:16
sam-_-glitchd, or 2^32 byte01:16
SuperPaco69I have ubunut server 10.04 how can I restart the syslog server???01:16
bencahillalphablaster: not on /dev/sda, it has at least 501:17
alphablasterbencahill, my second partition is : /dev/sda501:17
itaylor57sam-_-: 3.8GB01:17
popeysam-_-: / glitchd you can use 8GB on 32-bit Ubuntu01:17
bencahillalphablaster: no, that's the fifth partition (what the "5") means :)01:17
mark_Hey, how do i change the menu buttons back to the other side, simpliest way please01:17
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info01:17
sam-_-popey, oh right with pae?01:17
popeysam-_-: yes01:17
sam-_-popey, y. i forgot01:17
alphablasterbencahill, my first partition is sda1 my second is sda5 and my third is sda601:18
ICMDoes anyone have a Western Digital EARS drive? I'm considering switching from Windows to Linux as my primary OS, and I don't want hard drive compatibility to be an issue. Anyone familiar?01:18
bencahillalphablaster: so what are sda2,3,4? phantom partitions?01:18
popeybencahill: they dont have to exist01:18
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popeybencahill: perfectly normal to have sda1, sda5, sda6, nothing to worry about01:19
alphablasterbencahill, should i delete the sda5 and 6 and make 2 new partitions?01:19
bencahillpopey: so why the number skip?01:19
bencahillalphablaster: no wait...01:19
alphablasterpopey, thank you01:19
popeybencahill / alphablaster my first disk has sda1, 2, 3, 5, 6 :)01:19
bencahillpopey: why?01:19
popeybencahill: because primary partitions are numbered 1-4, and you can only have 401:20
popeybencahill: the rest are 'extended partitions'01:20
popeybencahill: its mostly for old legacy uninteresting reasons01:20
bencahillpopey: is it fine if ubuntu is in an extended partition?01:20
popeybencahill: sure01:20
sam-_-bencahill, 4 primary partition are allowed. so the first logical is always number 501:20
popeybencahill: mine is here01:20
SuperPaco69any way to restart a syslog server01:20
sam-_-bencahill, no matter how many primary part. you have01:21
popeybencahill: I have only one primary partition here, and it's got windows in it, the rest are extended01:21
bencahillpopey: just for terminology, there is one "extended" partition, which can have multiple logical (sda5,6) in it, iirc01:21
bencahillsam-_-: thanks, got it :)01:21
popeybencahill: can do, yes01:22
popeybencahill: or you can have multiple extended partitions01:22
popeybencahill: either way works01:22
sam-_-SuperPaco69, in 10.10 sudo restart rsyslog01:22
bencahillpopey: true, but I don't believe an extended partition can be formatted, it always has to have at least one logical partition for it to be useful :)01:23
redwingsanyone - I need a .deb but my ubuntu computer's wifi isn't working quite yet (that's why I need the .deb). Could one of you download it for me and then send it my way?01:23
bencahillredwings: lol?01:24
popeybencahill: I'm not arguing with you :)01:24
sam-_-redwings, huh?01:24
redwingsyeah lol01:24
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redwingsit's as good as any name i guess01:24
bencahillpopey: :)01:24
alphablasterredwings, do you have anything else that could download it? eg a laptop,  a psp, an ipod01:24
redwingsI've got a PSP, but I haven't seen it in the ubuntu package repo01:25
redwingsit's linux-headers-2.6.20-16-2be-k7_2.6.20-16_i386.deb and it's available with dpkg01:25
alphablasterredwings, download the .deb to your psp common and transfer the file using a usb cable01:25
bencahillredwings: you're on the internet, how is an email easier/different than downloading it? :-/01:25
redwingsI've done that with a few other packages already, but I can't find it01:25
glitchdsam-_-, yes actually u can use all of the ram, u just have to install a pae type kernel01:25
redwingsI can check again, but it doesn't seem to be there01:25
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bencahillredwings: phantom files?01:26
sam-_-glitchd, yes. someone already told me.01:26
alphablasterredwings: how are you online now?01:26
bencahillalphablaster: :) - what I was thinking :)01:26
redwingsI've got a dinosaur in this little 10x10 foot room in the basement ha01:26
glitchdsam-_-, okie dokie then01:26
SuperPaco69any way to restart a syslog server01:27
bencahillredwings: dinosaur = computer? If you have a usb stick, you can put it on there...01:27
sam-_-SuperPaco69, in 10.10 sudo restart rsyslog01:27
alphablasterbencahill: i think he was joking...01:28
redwingsactually, nothing useful comes up when I search for "linux headers" at the ubuntu package site. I know how to use USB sticks and all that - it's downloading the package that's the problem01:28
redwingsI also seached the exact file name01:28
SuperPaco69sam-_-,  and ubuntu 10.04??01:28
redwingsand yeah, dinosaur=ancient pc lol01:28
sam-_-SuperPaco69, the same i think, just try it01:29
alphablasterredwings: okay so you cant dowload a file because your wifi isnt working however you can use chat?01:29
bencahillalphablaster: LOLOLOL!01:29
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redwingsI'm on the old dinosaur, and I need the package to compile a wifi driver for the ubuntu pc. I would use the ubuntu pc, but there is no wifi driver01:29
redwingsthere's no chance of plugging it into ethernet01:29
redwingsthe ubuntu pc, that is01:29
bencahillalphablaster: see, I was right :)01:29
SuperPaco69sam-_-, no I triedn and nothing01:30
alphablasterredwings: get an ethernet cord (crossover) and plug both devices together01:30
redwingsAnyway, this dinosaur is such a dinosaur that it would be impossible for me to start up the live cd on it01:30
sam-_-then it might still be in /etc/init.d/01:30
bencahillredwings: why is there no chance of plugging ethernet into it? you also have to remember dependencies...01:30
sam-_-SuperPaco69 then it might still be in /etc/init.d/01:30
redwingsNegative - they're on different floors01:31
redwingsit's no fun, I know01:31
GinTonichello buddies !01:31
alphablasterredwings: you did mention that you have a psp... correct?01:31
bencahillalphablaster: wouldn't solve the internet problem, unless dinosaur has two network cards...01:31
alphablasterredwings: open the psp browser01:31
bencahillredwings: you can't move it temporarily?01:31
bencahillredwings: I move computers around all the time!01:31
redwingsI would if I could ;)01:32
redwingsI'm not in the greatest situation, i know01:32
GinTonicI can't get in desktop environment when i upgrade to testing, the system is debian !01:32
redwingspsp browser's open01:32
redwingsby the way, I also have a browser on the dinosaur!01:32
bencahillredwings: how about a windows laptop with a crossover cat5 cable, with wifi and ics?01:32
xanguaGinTonic: this is #ubuntu......try #debian01:33
alphablasterredwings: dowload .deb01:33
phpjimI recently installed ubuntu 10.10 64bit on a machine.. when it boots... grub loads but doesn't seem to do anything.. it's stuck at a blinking cursor screen... I can hold shift to get into the grub options.. using the live cd works fine...  do i have some video driver problem?01:33
redwingsThe reason I'm asking for help here is that the .deb isn't anywhere01:33
alphablasterredwings: put it in the common folder on your memory stick01:33
redwingsnot on packages.ubuntu.com and when I google it all I get is instructions on how to compile drivers01:33
xanguaredwings: what deb¿01:33
PudabudigadaHello, I'm trying to run an executable from a CD image, but it does not have executing permissions, and the properties window only gives a message saying that the permissions cannot be determined01:33
redwingsit would be really cool if you could dpkg it and then file transfer it to me01:33
GinTonici know this is ubuntu chatroom ,sorry !01:33
redwingspuda - sudo chmod +x [executable]01:34
Flare183GinTonic: Its a Ubuntu Support Channel01:34
alphablasterredwings: did you dowload the .deb01:34
PudabudigadaHow can I give it permission to run?01:34
redwingsno, I did not01:34
redwingsI cna't01:34
alphablasterredwings: why?01:34
s5swhat's going on with Ubuntu fglrx driver? I'm getting 60FPS? With the same driver I used to get 1500 FPS on Debian!!!01:34
bencahillredwings: right here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/linux-headers01:34
redwingsBecause it's not on packages.ubuntu.com. When I google the deb, all I get is instructions on how to use it01:34
bencahillredwings: right above you :)01:35
redwingsok, I clicked it01:35
GinTonicwhy ?debian is the same like ubuntu01:35
bencahillredwings: go to the one for your kernel, and click on "all"01:35
M4d3Lhi, is it possible to switch close windows and minimizer to the right like in windows?01:35
redwingsthat's incredible, considering that I googled it five pages back and that I searched the exact file name on the packages site01:35
sam-_-s5s, maybe vsync is enabled?01:35
s5ssam-_-: How do I check and disable it?01:35
sam-_-s5s, depends on the application01:36
bencahillredwings: sometimes things are simpler than you think :)01:36
xanguaGinTonic: no, stop01:36
xanguaredwings: what exactly are you trying to do¿¿01:36
s5ssam-_-: I'm using glxgears to check for FPS. I suppose vsync is not enabled then01:36
redwingsthanks for the help man01:36
GinToniccome on , buddy,help me !thank you01:36
sam-_-s5s, or maybe in the catalyst control center01:36
xangua!windowcontrols | M4d3L01:36
bencahillxangua: long story :)01:36
s5ssam-_-: I'm using the open source driver01:36
xanguaagg can't remember it01:36
sam-_-s5s use a real benchmark or a game01:36
KM0201GinTonic: they are not the same, debian help is in #debian01:37
alphablasterlong story lol!!!01:37
sam-_-s5s huh? u said fglrx?01:37
s5ssam-_-: Yes, with 60FPS I can surely run a game01:37
ubnoobHello everyone, i love ubuntu far better than windoz but i cant install my epson workforce 520 printer, any suggestions?01:37
bencahillKM0201: wait, not the same? dangit!01:37
s5ssam-_-: sorry I made a mistake. I'm using radeon.01:37
alphablasterubnoob, have you tried wine01:37
KM0201bencahill: GinTonic seems to think so..lol01:37
Flare183!controls | M4d3L01:37
ubottuM4d3L: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side01:37
bencahillKM0201: lol :)01:37
sam-_-s5s glxinfo|grep -i direct01:37
s5sit's on01:38
ubnoobno, but i was going to ask- will it work?01:38
redwingsubnoob - a lot of printers are actually rebranded from other smaller companies. My Dell AI0 photo printer was actually a lexmark printer01:38
GinTonicok ,thank you very much ! I'll be back !01:38
xanguaalphablaster: wine to instal a printer¿¿.........01:38
sam-_-s5s then you are good. did you use radeon on debian too or fglrx01:38
redwingslast time I checked wine didn't support printer drivers, but that was a few months ago01:38
xanguaubnoob: is it supported¿01:38
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:38
redwingsbye guys, thanks for the help01:38
bencahillxangua: what's with the ¿ ?01:38
alphablasterxagua, i thougt he was talking about a .exe01:38
ubnoobredwings: thats nice to know01:38
s5ssam-_-: radeon of course. I wouldn't be complaining otherwise.01:39
ubnoobno suport for linux01:39
alphablasterubnoob, check http://appdb.winehq.org/01:39
s5ssam-_-: on debian it was even buggier but once I got it working I got 1500FPS01:39
PudabudigadaSo, does anyone know how I can execute a .exe with WINE from an iso image with the permissions set to 'do not allow', as I cannot find how to change them.01:39
s5ssam-_-: I used to get 200FPS in Ubuntu which was "acceptable". With fglrx I get about 550 FPS.01:40
sam-_-s5s, as said. glxgears is not a reliable benchmark. also the radeon drivers are under heavy development depending on your card01:40
s5ssam-_-: My card is 4 years old. It probably gets very little developmnet01:40
sam-_-s5s hd3xxx?01:41
s5ssam-_-: X140001:41
sam-_-s5s oh. they aren't even supported by fglrx anymore :-)01:41
bencahillsam-_-: I have an hd3450, didn't think it was that old! :)01:41
M4d3LFlare183: the command did nothing01:41
ubnoob<alphablaster: thanks for the suggestion, i will check out wine since you think it will work. this may take a while because i need to download the driver.01:41
sam-_-bencahill, y. might be newer01:42
s5ssam-_-: I know :) That's why I'm using the open source driver. In debian it was a nightmare at the start because to get it working I had to blacklist it.01:42
Flare183M4d3L: its in gconf-editor01:42
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bencahillsam-_-: well, it was a few years ago :)01:42
M4d3LFlare183: what is that. Iam a little new to ubuntu01:42
s5ssam-_-: Only then it would load properly. As to why it loaded at all after I had it blacklisted is as much of a mystery as it is to you.01:43
fuzzybunny69yHey everyone I am trying to setup sftp so that a certain user(test) can only access and sftp into /var/www/. But for some reason when I try to login it just says /bin/bash: No such file or directory01:43
fuzzybunny69yConnection to localhost closed.01:43
phpjimI recently installed ubuntu 10.10 64bit on a machine.. when it boots... grub loads but doesn't seem to do anything.. it's stuck at a blinking cursor screen... I can hold shift to get into the grub options.. using the live cd works fine...  do i have some video driver problem?01:43
sam-_-s5s maybe one of the driver options will help you. like disable kms.01:43
Flare183M4d3L: I'm looking hold on01:43
sam-_-s5s modinfo radeon to investigate :-)01:43
s5ssam-_-: how do you do that01:43
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s5ssam-_-: Oh, ok01:43
Flare183M4d3L: Here is a screenshot of what you need to change that entry to: http://flare183.net/screenshots/Screenshot-31.png01:44
bencahillFlare183: png for a screenshot?01:45
Flare183of course01:45
s5ssam-_-: Hmmm I wish it just worked. I thought that's the point in Ubuntu. Take away that and you're left with very little.01:45
Flare183Print Screen ftw01:45
sam-_-s5s y. ubuntu can be a bitch :-) hugely depends on the hardware01:46
lucasis there any difference between mount ntfs and mount ntfs-3g?01:46
KM0201bencahill: i have often wondered that myself... doesn't make much sense to me.01:46
M4d3LFlare183: I see that button_layout but how to put it to right?01:46
sam-_-s5s graphics drivers are one area off linuxs weaknesses01:46
glitchdanyone ever get this error msg? --"failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled"01:47
M4d3LFlare183: nvm I think I have understand01:47
Flare183M4d3L: What I have there, is the correct way to put it01:47
M4d3Lnice! its instant :)01:47
M4d3Lon windows you may have to reboot :P01:47
itaylor57glitchd: no answer in the forums so probably not01:47
Flare183M4d3L: Lol winblows for ya xD01:48
bencahillKM0201: ah yes, I see now that png is the default for ubuntu, never tried it before :) it does seem overboard, I guess it depends what you're taking a screenshot of01:48
bencahillKM0201: I would much prefer bmp01:48
Flare183bmp doesn't open directly in most web browsers01:48
KM0201bencahill: that or JPG...01:48
Flare183Plus its a native winblows format01:48
sam-_-lucas, yes. afaik ntfs uses the internal driver of the kernel and ntfs-3g is a userspace driver via fuse01:48
cooper|laptophi, i installed ubuntu on an sata port and later moved it to an sata 3 port, and now when i try to boot it takes me to initramfs shell and says that the disk does not exist. what can i do?01:48
bencahillKM0201, Flare183: jk! :-P01:48
s5ssam-_-: yes. I know, unfortunately. It's gonna get better. I remember living through hell with my wifi which was ridiculous. Anyway thanks for the help. I'll go and do some C++ now. Take care01:48
M4d3LFlare183: I have try Win7 theme for ubuntu but it is bugged because of my nvidia :(01:48
sam-_-lucas, use ntfs-3g if you want write access01:48
sam-_-s5s cu01:49
glitchditaylor57, i know i cant be the only one ever that has gotten this msg01:49
lucassam-_- thanks for your reply. Was just using both of them with no apparent problems so far. Just wanted to know01:49
itaylor57glitchd: and the answer hasn't been found01:50
cooper|laptophi, i installed ubuntu on an sata port and later moved it to an sata 3 port, and now when i try to boot it takes me to initramfs shell and says that the disk does not exist. what can i do?01:50
sam-_-glitchd, did you try a new kernel yet?01:50
glitchditaylor57, so what, your telling me to stop looking?01:50
glitchdsam-_-, i believe so, but im not entirely sure01:50
itaylor57glitchd: patience01:51
glitchdsam-_-, im not even sure how to go abotu updating the kernel01:51
sam-_-glitchd, download the kernel from the link i sent you.01:51
glitchditaylor57, i am being patient, just searching for the answer01:51
M4d3Lhey. any tool to read Blueray DVD on ubuntu?01:51
sam-_-glitchd, then install via gdebi01:51
sam-_-glitchd, you will then see it in your grub bootmenu01:52
glitchdsam-_-, i dont use grub directly01:52
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glitchdsam-_-, and i dont see the link u sent me anymore01:52
sam-_-glitchd, try this one: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.36-maverick/linux-image-2.6.36-020636-generic_2.6.36-020636.201010210905_i386.deb01:52
cooper|laptophi, i installed ubuntu on an sata port and later moved it to an sata 3 port, and now when i try to boot it takes me to initramfs shell and says that the disk does not exist. what can i do?01:52
lucasanyone knows some nice christmas themes for ubuntu?01:53
sam-_-glitchd, what do you mean by not directly?01:53
Flare183!repeat | cooper|laptop01:53
ubottucooper|laptop: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:53
glitchdsam-_-, i have grub, but i have burg ontop of that01:53
xangua!themes | lucas01:53
ubottulucas: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:53
glitchdsam-_-, well i guess i do use it directly01:53
glitchdsam-_-, burg is jus a face lift for the gui of grub01:53
pokerteamusahello world01:54
glitchdsam-_-, and will upgrading/updating the kernel break anything on my current system?01:54
sam-_-glitchd, then it will in your burg bootmenu01:54
sam-_-glitchd, no it will not break anything.01:54
glitchdsam-_-, ok01:54
sam-_-glitchd, but don't blame me if it does :-)01:54
sam-_-glitchd, you can also select your old kernel still01:55
almoxarifedon't use burg on a wubi install, unless you want to repair the MBR in windows01:55
botdoghow to see where has been installed some program using apt-get and what exact files have been written on harddisk?01:55
glitchdsam-_-, ok i hope it works because i dont think ill be able to select a different kernel if it doesnt work01:55
M4d3LYou password require one upper-case and one number! damn! my password have 12 char and some special char but no upper-case this is stupid rule on ubuntu-one :(01:55
glitchdsam-_-, how do i find out which kernel im currently running?01:56
sam-_-glitchd, uname -a01:56
glitchdsam-_-, ok thx01:56
purpCurious... How stable is the 64bit desktop... noticed not getting all my mem with 32bit01:57
alphablasterhow to fix ,"No required driver detected for unity" error01:57
glitchdsam-_-, what all happens when i update the kernel?01:57
purpinstall vmware tools01:57
lucaspurp you can use the kernel with pae01:57
itaylor57purp: good for me01:57
glitchdsam-_-, do i need to exit all my programs?01:57
sam-_-glitchd, no01:57
glitchdsam-_-, jus click n install nd everything will be applied?01:58
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.01:58
ohirbotdog: apt-get install dpkg01:58
sam-_-glitchd, it copies all the files. runs depmod and update-grub. that should be it01:58
purpitaylor - cool01:58
glitchdsam-_-, ok well im gonna do it now, hope all goes well01:58
sam-_-glitchd, rly. all you should need to do is click install.01:58
ohirbotdog: dpkg -l will show you descriptions, dpkg -L package wil show you all files in package01:58
glitchdsam-_-, well im gonna try right now01:59
glitchdsam-_-, thx again01:59
ohirbotdog: man dpkg will teach you more01:59
glitchdsam-_-, much appreciation01:59
botdogohir, tnx, i'll try01:59
sam-_-lucas, you may like this background. not christmas but still nice: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/teams/art.gnome.org/backgrounds/ABSTRACT-CrunchyBranch_scalable.svg01:59
lucaspurp:kernel with Physical Adress Extensions. You can see more than 4 GB of RAM.01:59
glitchdsam-_-, do u know if this is a pae compatible kernel that im switching to?02:00
purplucas - gotcha... working it up now....02:00
lucassam-_- thanks! Looks beautyful02:01
KM0201lucas: so how do you install that kernel? just curious02:01
bruenig hmm02:01
sam-_-glitchd, no i don't. but i will find out for you02:01
glitchdsam-_-, thankyou very much=)02:01
durandoi am running grub 2 to select between my 2 seperate ubuntu installs but i dont want a text menu unless i hit esc and just want grub to remain blank until plymouth can take over02:02
durandocan someone help me acomplish this goal02:02
sam-_-lucas, just found it today and yes i thought so too02:02
glitchddurando, look into something called burg.02:03
glitchddurando, u might like it02:03
lucasKM0201: Normally with a clean install of 32 bit ubuntu it gets installed automatically in a fresh install (If you are connected on the Internet). Just look for it on synaptic. If I am not wrong pae is enabled in the server kernel02:04
purplucas - no need to reboot right? I don't see the 8gigs I am supposed to have still registering 2.702:04
KM0201lucas: so if you're connected to the internet, and during the system examination it sees more than 4gigs, it installs the PAE kernel?02:04
rcmhi there02:04
purpnm...gotta reboot...brb02:05
ring0durando, open /etc/default/grub with your favorite editor, remove the # in line 5 and 6. afterwards run update-grub and reboot :)02:05
lucasKM0201: it did so on my laptop with 4GB RAM02:05
KM0201lucas: hmm.02:05
M4d3LI have try some theme and now I want to come back to default theme. but some glitch stay here and there. how I can fully restaure default theme?02:05
durandoring0 lemme give that a try02:05
KM0201lucas: i was really just curious.. i have 3gigs of ram02:05
rcmI bought a dedicated server, and I've been setting it up as I wish. But now I got a problem. THe server has 2 hard drives. And only 1 of them is mounted. How can I mount the another in order to get access to it?02:05
ring0durando, it enables hidden timeout, which sounds like what you're looking for02:06
rcmI'm talking about an ubuntu 10.10 server02:06
Hilikusif i'm doing a system upgrade and i'm asked which configuration file to change and i choose to install the newly distributed file, is my old file saved somewhere or it is lost?02:06
Hilikuswhich configuration file to *use* ...02:06
lucasKM0201: at first (after upgrading from 2GB to 4GB RAM) my old install registered only 3GB. After I reinstalled there was the pae kernel and all of the RAM available02:07
durandoring0: i may be missing it in my grub2 cfg02:07
UnholyTerrordurando, http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html02:07
rcmif someone can help me, please, say something :S02:07
phpjimI recently installed ubuntu 10.10 64bit on a machine.. when it boots... grub loads but doesn't seem to do anything.. it's stuck at a blinking cursor screen... I can hold shift to get into the grub options.. using the live cd works fine...  do i have some video driver problem?02:07
glitchdsam-_-, any clues yet?02:07
Guest51249If I'm trying to install xubuntu onto an old computer, should I burn it to a CD or DVD?02:08
lucaspurp: Though it is possible to update a kernel without rebooting, it is better to do a reboot after installing thw new kernel02:08
Guest51249I currently have it burned onto a DVD, and I keep on getting errno 5 errors02:08
sam-_-does anyone know if CONFIG_X86_PAT is the new CONFIG_X86_PAE ??02:08
Random832Guest51249: what speed did you burn it at?02:09
botdogguys how to see the list of a packages you'v installed?02:09
Random832Guest51249: what speed is the blank disk you burned rated for?02:09
glitchdbotdog, look in software center02:09
glitchdbotdog, i believe02:09
Guest51249I used the windows burn utility02:09
Guest51249I think I'll burn it again to a CD this time, hopefully it will work02:10
hylianbotdog, at /var/apt/cache/archives/ is where all the packages installed literally reside, i don't know if this is what you where looking for, but...02:10
tjscorcm, you need to add your second hard drive to fstab, see here: http://www.smorgasbord.net/how-to-install-second-hard-drive-in-ubuntu-linux/02:10
Guest51249Also, how would I change my name?02:10
rcmthank you for answering, I'll check it02:10
sam-_-glitchd, i think you are in luck but i'm not entirely sure02:10
tjscorcm, not a problem02:11
glitchdsam-_-, do tell..02:11
nihilist666Hi i have never used linux in my life, but I am very excited to start. I  am running into a problem though. Everytime I install it, there are all  these updates that it wants me to install. Once they have all  downloaded, and they start to install at some point it just shuts off,  and when I turn it back on it says Kernel Panic not synching. Some other  stuff VFS: something (0,0)02:11
DidjiI've lost my root password for my ubuntu desktop.  Is reinstalation my only option?02:11
sam-_-well there is no CONFIG_X86_PAE config in the kernel. it might have been renamed to CONFIG_X86_PAT02:11
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sam-_-glitchd well there is no CONFIG_X86_PAE config in the kernel. it might have been renamed to CONFIG_X86_PAT02:12
sam-_-glitched CONFIG_X86_PAT is set to yes.02:12
kk9822hi good morning02:12
sam-_-glitched so i'm not sure02:12
glitchdsam-_-, dam.02:12
prymalDidji: did you set one?02:12
DidjiPretty sure anyway.02:12
nihilist666so how do I fix that exactly?02:12
sam-_-glitchd, just try it and you will know.02:12
DidjiI'm prompted for one when using sudo.02:12
the_fileIm looking for an addon for firefox that will use the websites ip address over dns, however I would have to start ip browsing, the addon would not do a dns lookup, just rewrite the urls to the ip per site02:13
sam-_-glitchd, i'm 99% sure it won't hurt02:13
glitchdsam-_-, well i dont want to break or make my system crappier02:13
the_fileany1 knows?.02:13
kk9822hi i want to know some window based prog like forex4you when launched gives a error saying mfc42.dll error02:13
glitchdsam-_-, ill jus do it nd see what happens02:13
sam-_-glitchd, you can always go back by uninstalling the new kernel02:13
kk9822can any one help me how to fix this02:13
prymalDidji: root and sudo are different, are you after your root password, or have you forgotten your sudo password?02:13
sacarlsonnihilist666: I see vfs so does that mean you installed with wubi  from your windows operating system?02:14
Didjiprymal: then I've forgotten my sudo password.02:14
hyliannihilist666, hmm, i've never heard of that error. i have had errors before with hardware, but never that serious, ill take a look and see what i can see02:14
kk9822when i asked the customer care they say change the platform to windows02:14
nihilist666Yeah I had vista02:14
kk9822this is irritating02:14
lucaskk9822: have you tried to set mfc42.dll on native on wine?02:14
kk9822on wine02:15
Guest51249Burning xubuntu to cd now02:15
Didjiprymal: ah, should this work? http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/reset-your-forgotten-ubuntu-password-in-2-minutes-or-less/02:15
sacarlsonnihilist666: so installed wubi from vista,  does you vista have enuf space on the hard disk?  doesn't sound like the error I would expect for it but.02:15
glitchdsam-_-, wish me luck02:15
cooper|laptophi, i installed ubuntu on an sata port and later moved it to an sata 3 port, and now when i try to boot it takes me to initramfs shell and says that the disk does not exist. the drive's uuid is not correct. what can i do?02:16
sam-_-glitchd, i don't think you need it :-)02:16
UnholyTerrornihilist666, yeah, how big is the virtual HD you created?02:16
xanguaGuest51249: burn it as image02:16
glitchdsam-_-, either way tho02:16
tjscoDidji, check this out http://www.debuntu.org/recover-root-password-single-user-mode-and-grub02:16
lucaskk9822: just go to http://appdb.winehq.org/ to see if your windows app is compatible enough to run on wine02:16
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venilsuryaCan I run bitdefender on a .vdi file to check my virtual OS for viruses? Or do I have to install an antivirus inside the virtual OS?02:16
kk9822_ok i will do it thanks02:16
nihilist666Yeah I wiped everything it isnt even a seperate partition. It is Ubuntu 10.04 came with a Linux Format magazine. 250GB hard drive02:16
magn3tsHow is there not a better screencast utility for linux?02:17
Didjiokay tjsco, thanks.02:17
sam-_-glitchd, ok i found out now. it's not a pae-enabled kernel02:17
Cosmo`lo ... has anyone got a link to how to fix the nvidia driver after a kernel upgrade?02:17
glitchdsam-_-, so i should uninstall it now, huh?02:17
sam-_-glitchd, but 4gb of ram should be enough on a desktop02:17
Cosmo`X just says that module "nvidia" is invalid and won't start02:17
magn3tsGTK-RecordMyDesktop is impossible to select anything in a 100x200px version of my desktop that's over 10x that size... Istanbul is unmainted for nearly four years and xvidcap for nearly 5.02:17
sam-_-glitchd, you can still use it02:17
sam-_-glitchd, but you won't have 8gb of ram02:17
glitchdsam-_-, i want all my ram used.02:17
cooper|laptophi, i installed ubuntu on an sata port and later moved it to an sata 3 port, and now when i try to boot it takes me to initramfs shell and says that the disk does not exist. the drive's uuid is not correct. what can i do?02:17
xanguamagn3ts: go to omg!ubuntu! blog and look fore some fany tools02:18
venilsuryaCan I run bitdefender on a .vdi file to check my virtual OS for viruses? Or do I have to install an antivirus inside the virtual OS?02:18
hyliannihilist666, i looked up this error, and it usually has something to do with grub or lilo pointing towards the wrong partition.. anyone else ever hear of this?02:18
UnholyTerrornihilist666, you could try doing the updates in smaller batches...02:18
xangua!repeat | cooper|laptop02:18
ubottucooper|laptop: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:18
sam-_-glitchd, well then compile the kernel yourself or switch to 64bit or switch to natty02:18
sam-_-glitchd, i would recommend neither :-)02:18
glitchdsam-_-, natty isnt out yet02:18
magn3tsxangua, good call, I'll have to update the wiki page.02:18
sam-_-glitchd, the alpha or beta is02:18
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botdoghylian, where in the file system are the another packages, which have been installed by default, or at least where is the file where the list of all packages is ?02:19
glitchdsam-_-, besides i wait a lil while till after it comes out so more bugs can get ironed out02:19
lucasCosmo`: What kernel did you use? One on the repository, or did you compile it yourself?02:19
sam-_-glitchd, very advisable02:19
Cosmo`just the latest in the 10.10 repo02:19
saintlyIm having issues with Flash on Xubuntu 10.10, ive installed both adobe and gnash, and neither is allieviating the issue.02:19
Cosmo`i can't recall the exact version02:19
hylianbotdog, as for a list, i don't know of one. my "list" is the contents of /var/apt/cache/archives/.02:20
xanguasaintly: having installed 2 or more flash plugin makes all unusable02:20
cats4goldWhat was the ubuntu pastebin link again?02:20
* sam-_- needs a beer02:20
* ICM grabs sam-_- a yuengling 02:20
saintlyXangua: so i should uninstall which one? im assuming Gnash?02:20
xanguacats4gold: use any pastebon ypu want02:20
cats4goldxangua: good call V:02:20
glitchdsam-_-, so after i reboot, if i dont like the new kernel, how do i remove it?02:20
xanguasaintly: if you want All flash content to play, yes02:20
hylianbotdog, i goofed up, it's /var/cache/apt/archive02:20
lucasCosmo`: well, I had some similar issue. I think I solved it by reinstalling the NVIDIA driver, because at first the nvidia modules didn't compile against the new kernel02:20
cooper|laptophi, i installed ubuntu on an sata port and later moved it to an sata 3 port, and now when i try to boot it takes me to initramfs shell and says that the disk does not exist. the drive's uuid is not correct. what can i do?02:21
ICMDoes Ubuntu have native A2DP support?02:21
sacarlsonsaintly: and what is the issue?  I had slow screens in flash video (like youtube) until I started using the propriatary nvidia drivers on my system.02:21
Cosmo`right, that makes sense, can you tell me which main metapackage i need to reinstall lucas?02:21
saintlyxangua: thank you, alot more support here than in the Xubuntu irc02:21
Cosmo`(i didn't install it manually, i just let the driver updater do its thing)02:21
nihilist666Batches? Virtual HD? I dont think that I made a virtual HD. Umm would anyone be willing to hit me up with a private message so I can keep up. I have never done IRC before this is totally crazy. As long as the updates arent installed everything is fine.02:21
HP_pavilionare there a lot of known new issues with the broadcom b43 on the lucid release?02:21
HP_pavilionhaving flakey connections over wifi now after kernel updates the other day...02:22
nihilist666Ubuntu is the only thing on my comp now. There is no other partition.02:22
cats4goldSo, I try to set Sun Java 6 as the default jvm with "sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun", but I get this result: http://pastebin.com/hhpRqPpw Any advice?02:22
glitchdsam-_-, ?02:22
saintlysacarlson: im using opera right now, and it works, i dont know if its glithy yet, ill have to try a few different things.02:22
hylianbotdog, if your trying to see if a specific package is installed, or what a specific package is called, you can sudo apt-cache search 'name of package', i.e. sudo apt-cache search firefox02:22
Mountian_Manis there a place where i can find a list of rooms?02:22
HP_paviliontype /list02:23
lucasCosmo`: I think it is better to look for everything related to nvidia on synaptic and uninstall it. After that it depends on how old your nvidia card is. I use the nvidia-latest metapackage02:23
sam-_-glitchd, sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.6.36*02:23
Mountian_Manthank you HP02:23
Cosmo`alright, thanks lucas, it should be fine, it's a 9600M GT in a macbook02:23
Christiannnhi iam getting this error when iam trying to perl a file Can't locate HTTP/Request.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at escan.txt line 12.02:23
ChristiannnBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at escan.txt line 12.02:23
Cosmo`i'll give it a go, thanks02:23
=== Lint01 is now known as fffu
sam-_-glitchd, had to fetch a beer. patience brother :-)02:23
cooper|laptophi, i installed ubuntu on an sata port and later moved it to an sata 3 port, and now when i try to boot it takes me to initramfs shell and says that the disk does not exist. the drive's uuid is not correct. what can i do?02:23
fffulol how to print file after 1st line?02:24
DidjiSo the document I'm following tells me to press esc "as soon as I see the grub loading screen" but I see no such screen.  What should it look like?02:24
lucasCosmo`: don't forget after installation to do a "sudo nvidia-xconfig".02:24
Cosmo`yep, will do02:24
Cosmo`thanks :)02:24
botdoghylian, tnx for the answer02:24
glitchdsam-_-, will that automatically reinstall or activate my previous kernel?02:24
taranmcooper|laptop, backing up your data and reinstalling would probably be your best bet i reckon02:24
hylianbotdog, did that help?02:24
rcmit says it is mounted02:25
cooper|laptoptaranm: for some reason, the installer doesn't recognize my drive when it is in the sata3 port02:25
DidjiHow can I tell when I'm looking at the GRUB loading screen/02:25
hylianChristiannn, are you trying to install curses or ncurses?02:25
sam-_-glitchd your previous kernel never gets deactivate. you can always select it from the boot menu even if the new kernel is installed02:25
cooper|laptoptaranm: which is why i used the sata ii port in the first place, hoping that i could switch it later and expect it to work02:25
cats4goldSo, I try to set Sun Java 6 as the default jvm with "sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun", but I get this result: http://pastebin.com/hhpRqPpw Any advice?02:26
glitchdsam-_-, ok02:26
nihilist666 I read something about it possibly being some sort of driver issue?02:26
glitchdsam-_-, well im gonna reboot to see how it is02:26
sacarlsoncooper|laptop: you should be able to modify the /etc/fstab file to fix it.  I'm not sure why it can't find the uuid.  maybe you custom modified you fstab file?02:26
kk9822hi it never gives a clear pic02:26
taranmcooper|laptop, that's odd, as there is no physical difference between the sata variants02:27
ring0durando, did it work out?02:27
lucascats4gold: did you try "sudo update-alternatives --config java"?02:27
sam-_-cats4gold, did you install sun java in the first place?02:27
cooper|laptopsacarlson: no, i didn't02:27
cooper|laptopsacarlson: i didn't do anything at all but install ubuntu and move to the sata302:27
cats4goldsam-_-, update-java-alternatives -l says I have02:27
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cats4goldlucas: no, I'll try it02:28
sacarlsoncooper|laptop: try live cd boot and see what the disks uuid is and verify that it matches the fstab file.  if it does just try replace it with /dev/sdaX  X being modifed to match what it really is02:28
cooper|laptopsacarlson: i am confused because in initrramfs shell that it is taking me to, the drive is not showing up at all in /dev02:28
cats4goldokay, it apparently was default anyway, despite the errors.02:29
sacarlsoncooper|laptop: that makes more sence the sata port you pluged into isn't active02:29
phpjimI have a fresh install of ubuntu 10.10 64bit..  After the install goes fine (and everything in the install CD looks/works fine, the 'try ubuntu!' from the cd feature works great)....  reboot to a blinking cursor after grub starts.  I can hold SHIFT during boot and have the grub menu come up fine, but when I select a configuration I go to the blinking cursor screen.Any suggestions?02:29
fffuhow to print text file after 1st line?02:29
cooper|laptopsacarlson: so i should try using livecd and fix it?02:30
taranmhi guys; i've been working on an active/passive cluster using pacemaker/heartbeat with drbd syncing data for virtual machines between two servers. it is causing me infinite amounts of grief. i'm at a point where the pacemaker crm is returning 'unknown exec error', but nothing in syslog or crm_verify. is there an alternative to pacemaker or something? :\02:30
sam-_-fffu like omit the first line?02:30
sacarlsoncooper|laptop: sounds like hardware you need to fix that first I think02:30
hylianphpjim, do you have more than one hard drive?02:30
phpjimhylian, yes02:30
ICMI'm about to order computer parts for a new build- is there any way to check if Linux (specifically Ubuntu 10.10) will run fine on the hardware before I order it?02:30
sacarlsoncooper|laptop: move it to an active sata port or maybe there is a bios setting that needs to be changed02:31
phpjimICM, system76 looks to sell decently priced hardware02:31
chaos2358does anyone in here use amsn?02:31
phpjimICM, specializing in linux machines02:31
cooper|laptopsacarlson: i have it set as a raid array, and the bios is recognizing it02:31
durandoring0: working on it02:31
cooper|laptopit is enabled02:31
ICMphpjim No, ordering from NewEgg02:31
sacarlsoncooper|laptop: oh that adds more complication,  I'm not sure about that then02:31
sam-_-fffu, there is tail but i don't think that is quite what your looking for?02:31
lucascooper|laptop: have you anything attached on the ATA port?02:31
hylianphpjim, i have a mix of drives, a sata and an ata (ide). ubuntu likes to install to one drive, and put the grub or lilo boot loader on the other. if i dont force ubuntu to install to the boot drive, i have a similar problem.02:32
chaos2358does anyone in here use amsn?02:32
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hylianim gonna switch to my other pc, be back in 5.02:33
KM0201chaos2358: negative... no luck w/ gyachi i assume?02:33
t-b0n3does anyone here have a working knowledge of pacemaker cluster configuration?02:33
chaos2358KM0201,  nope i even tried compiling it from source02:34
fffurofl it really is "tail -q -n +2", how nonintuitive :(02:34
KM0201chaos2358: ugh... are you wanting to test it?... cuz i'll install it if thats the case, but i don't have a camera/mic02:34
sacarlsoncooper|laptop: so if it was setup as an array in bios seems you would be very limited in being able to move a single drive.  you would have to move things as a pair or whatever number your raid is using.   your problem is probly in the raid settings and there limitations02:34
phpjimhylian; so I need to get involved with  the grub configuration when I install?02:34
lucassacarlson: have you anything attached on the ATA port?02:35
chaos2358KM0201,  no i tried it on two different laptops. video chat works fine no voice chat02:35
hylianokm im back02:35
KM0201chaos2358: is that for gyachi or for amsn? (or both)02:35
sacarlsonlucas: you must have been wanting to chat with cooper|laptop?02:35
Zeldawell enjoy people.02:38
kendrickLeiterIs there some form of zork in the repos?02:38
dwarderwhat is zork02:38
chaos2358KM0201,  thats just gyachi02:38
dwardera bad guy from element 5?02:38
chaos2358KM0201,  i cant even log into amsn02:38
t-b0n3no one knows anything about pacemaker, (or perhaps any other high availability programs?)02:38
chaos2358KM0201, amsn gives me a cannot connect to server error02:39
KM0201chaos2358: hmm, why can't you log in to amsn?  as for gyachi... have you considered getting a "plug in" mic...  i could never get skype to work w/ my internal mic, but i took a mic from some game my nephew had, and plugged it into my laptop, and it worked flawlessly02:39
chaos2358KM0201,  with gyachi i tried my internal mic, a bluetooth headset, and a a plug in mic. went and bought a plug in mic just for it02:40
magn3tsIs there a channel for the wiki?02:40
r00t4rd3dt-b0n3, pacemaker is beyond the scope of this channel.02:40
chaos2358KM0201,  i dont know whats up with amsn it says error connecting to server02:40
r00t4rd3dand ubuntu really isnt designed for that type of stuff02:41
KM0201chaos2358: when you tried the plug in mic, did you change your sound setting sto "line in"02:41
shadaloohi guys02:41
KM0201for the input02:41
chaos2358KM0201, yep02:41
shadalooI have an external hard drive that is not responding02:41
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shadaloocan someone help get it back02:41
fffuis there a console command to lock file so noone could write or remove it while I am at him?02:41
shadalooyes Blueshift02:41
Blueshifthirens boot cd02:42
lucaschaos2358: maybe ports to amsn are closed by the firewall02:42
r00t4rd3dyou need a boot cd for an external hard drive ?02:42
Blueshiftif the drive spins up you can even make a raw data backup02:42
fffuexcept my process and its children?02:42
shadalooBlueshift: thank you my friend02:42
chaos2358lucas how would i test that? nothing else on my pc has trouble connecting02:42
shadalooBlueshift: never happened before, very stressed02:42
hyliant-b0n3, this might help, but this is all a little above my head... https://wiki.edubuntu.org/ClusterStack02:42
cooper|laptopso for my sata 3 drives do i want to configure as ide, raid, or ahci02:43
magn3tsWho must one contact to edit an immutable ubuntu wiki page?02:43
KM0201chaos2358: it just connected fine for me... what version of amsn are you using?02:43
Blueshifti suggest you make the usb bootable disk which requires a fat32 format util and then you need to install grub boot loader02:43
spivwaqhi all, is there a shortcut for running files within the current directory in terminal?  ex: instead of typing" ~/Documents/a.out"   to just type"a.out" ?02:43
lucaschaos2358: I use gufw. There you can configure all the rules from a GUI02:43
chaos2358KM0201,  i dunno im assuming its the latest i installed from synaptics02:43
fffuspivwaq, ./a.out ?02:43
hylianchaos2358, did you first refresh synaptic?02:43
r00t4rd3dshadaloo, is the external hd usb ?02:43
KM0201chaos2358: using 10.10?02:43
sam-_-fffu maybe lockfile-create02:44
craigbass1976I'm trying to copy a few small files, and keep getting a  Resource temporarily unavailable.  Any ideas as to why?  And which log to look in on either end?  auth.log shows nothing02:44
spivwaqoh ok let me try that02:44
chaos2358yes to both02:44
chaos2358and i always refresh synap before any install02:44
shadaloor00t4rd3d: yes usb02:44
botdoghylian, but it shows me the whole list of packages which can be installed or already have been installed in which the 'name' meets02:44
crohakonHow do I install flash via command line02:44
craigbass1976spivwaq, although often times once you hit the tab key to finish the file name for you it sticks in the whole path02:44
crohakonand the ability to listen to mp3 files02:44
craigbass1976crohakon, listen to mp3 via command line?02:45
KM0201chaos2358: well that sucks....02:45
shadaloor00t4rd3d: I just clicked safely remove, how do I start it back up?02:45
r00t4rd3dunplug it , plug it back in ?02:45
sam-_-!flash > crohakon02:45
ubottucrohakon, please see my private message02:45
chaos2358KM0201, tell me about it. the odds are stacked against me02:45
r00t4rd3dYou do NOT need Hirens02:45
hylianbotdog, that's true, i wasn't sure if you wanted every package installed, or where just searching for one. i know all the packages installed are at var/apt/cache/archives/, but maybe you where looking for a printable list?02:45
KM0201chaos2358: well... i know this might sound crazy, any chance of Running Windows in Vbox, just for that?02:46
shadalooBlueshift: is there anything in ubuntu you recommend?02:46
KM0201you could install it, turn off auto updates, and just that software program... and you would probably be less than 5-6gigs of space02:46
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:46
shadalooBlueshift: for raw data backup02:46
r00t4rd3dshadaloo, did it pop back up on the desktop ?02:46
chaos2358KM0201,  i dont think my machine can handle vbox. i have dual boot though. i just rarelly use windows so i was trying to setup through ubuntu02:46
hylianbotdog, this article shows how to create the list in a file, and then you could print it or whatever you wish... :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26136602:46
shadaloor00t4rd3d: it's choking :(02:47
shadaloor00t4rd3d: I just saw the file list though02:47
KM0201chaos2358: whats the specs on your machine?02:47
shadaloor00t4rd3d: right before it removed02:47
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craigbass1976sacarlson, for what?02:47
Blueshiftyou could perhaps use dd02:47
botdoghylian, tnx02:47
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: to install flash and listen to mp302:47
hylianbotdog, i hope that helps you.02:47
shadaloodd is good02:47
chaos2358KM0201,  lol i dunno the exacts. its a 6 yr old dell inspiron E1505 with 2 gigs of ram02:47
shadalooI hope it can read it :x02:47
craigbass1976sacarlson, oh, I was talking to crohakon .  Thanks though02:48
t-b0n3so i need a high availability solution for deployment tomorrow, anyone have a good idea? :)02:48
Blueshifti suggest you do that before you do anything major with hirens02:48
lucasanyone knows how to use dd created hard disk files on virtualbox?02:48
industry__t-b0n3 try Linux-HA02:48
Blueshiftbut hirens is great02:48
KM0201chaos2358: .. it probably would just fine to be truthful... my PC is about the same... runs both just fine( i ony use XP to sync a zune)02:48
industry__I never had much luck with it myself but apparently it's pretty good high-avaiability02:48
shadalooBlueshift: can you help me with usage?02:48
Blueshiftit has saved me majorly02:48
r00t4rd3dBlueshift, he is working with an external usb drive02:49
shadalooBlueshift: thanks mate, a bit rusty02:49
Blueshiftcan we drop to pvt please02:49
chaos2358what exactlly is a vbox?02:49
t-b0n3industry__, thanks, on it right now :)02:49
shadaloookay dudes02:49
shadalooIt says 261.4 GB used, 204.4 free02:49
industry__vbox = virtual box02:49
Blueshiftadhd and too many conversations02:49
lucasanyone knows how to use dd created hard disk files on virtualbox?02:49
hylianchaos2358, virtual box, it's a virtual machine, and that system probably could handle something like windows 2000 or slitaz no problem.02:50
KM0201chaos2358: basically you run two OS's at the same time.. you can set it up, for the "Host" OS to run 1gig of Ram, and the Guest OS to run 1gig.. and you'll probably notice no issues02:50
shadalooBlueshift: np02:50
fffulucas, hard disks? you cannot02:50
sam-_-Blueshift what is hirens?02:50
chaos2358how does it work i mean how do i switch between the os?02:50
hylianchaos2358, that wasn't a very good explanation, it allows you to run another operating system virtually. pretty usefull for quite a few things. i do it all the time02:50
sacarlsonlucas: fffu: I would guess you could, it's just a file02:51
lucasfffu: seems that qemu can... Just wondering why vbox doesn't support them. I have them as *.disk files02:51
r00t4rd3dso hirens is useful for a external usb drive thats used for storage ?02:51
fffusacarlson, vbox do not support raw hd images02:51
benjamin_anyone know any good AIM clients?02:51
sam-_-lucas, it's possible that you can convert them via qemu-img02:51
chaos2358ok but still im not understanding the concept of running them virtually? whaat is it like having a windows os mounted and clicking the icon to run windows?02:51
fffuonly floppies and CDs02:52
KM0201chaos2358: more or less, yes02:52
hylianchaos2358, you don't switch. the operating system you have installed still runs, the other os runs inside that one, through virtualization, imagine copying someting from firefox in ubuntu, and then going to a window woth windows in it and pasting...02:52
sacarlsonfffu: well ubuntu has virtual methods of mounting file system also like samba.  you don't need virtualbox support for that02:52
craigbass1976I'm trying to copy a few small files, and keep getting a  Resource temporarily unavailable.  Any ideas as to why?  And which log to look in on either end?  auth.log shows nothing02:52
chaos2358ok im going to read a little more into this before i decide02:52
fffucraigbass1976, whence? whither?02:53
r00t4rd3dcraigbass1976, command your using ?02:53
craigbass1976scp blahblah .02:53
lucassam-_- I am trying to use them on windows too. There I managed to mount them. Just trying to find a virtual image type that is mostly supported02:53
craigbass1976sorry...  scp server:/path/blahblah .  fffu r00t4rd3d02:54
sacarlsonlucas: fffu: so it would be somekind of virtual in a virtual mount but what tool would you use for dd file structure?02:54
hylianchaos2358, it turns an os into an application of sorts, imagine having a windows icon on your desktop, and you click it, and it boots in another smaller window... like this: http://mib.pianetalinux.org/mib/images/stories/v/virtualbox-2.png02:54
bezaoi'm trying to run something using wine, but it says "wine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables" i've installed, monodevelop,mono-devel, mono-gac, and it still doesnt working! what do i need to install?02:54
botdog"dpkg --get-selections > installed-software" is really what i 'v been looking, tnx!02:54
sam-_-bezao, what are you trying to run?02:56
malvhow do you get ubuntu to not lose the internet connection on logout?02:56
lucassacarlson: The initial idea was to create a virtual image file that could be mounted on windows, ubuntu, and all kinds of virtualisation software. RAW dd images seem to meet that criteria. Only Virtual Box doesn't play well...02:56
malvit seems like NIS stops working after logout and I get these RPC bind errors02:56
fffubezao, did you install *windows mono exes*?02:56
sacarlsonlucas: like mount -o loop -t iso9660 foo.iso /mountpoint  but the -t ?02:56
bezaofffu i dont know, how can i check/install ?02:56
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fffubezao, run some .net app in windows02:57
sam-_-bezao maybe via strip02:57
bezaosam-_- something i've write on .net02:57
sacarlsonlucas: can virtualbox mount an iso file?02:57
industry__bezao, I think what you need to do is download mono .net for windows and run it under wine, instead of installing it through your package manager02:57
chills518I'm trying to get passwordsafe to open the safe file from my windows machine.  found site which said to create a mount point and add this to the fstab file "//fileserver/myshare /media/myshare cifs uid=1000,username=myuser,password=mypass 0 0"  ... I can't get this to work.  if someone can help explain this a little it would be helpful...02:58
sacarlsonlucas: maybe convert dd to iso?  seems there must be an easier way but.02:58
sam-_-bezao forget what i said.02:58
bezaowine is a 'framework' ? doesnt it emulate something.exe on linux?02:58
lucassacarlson: in ubuntu I did mount -o loop <diskname>.disk /mountpoint without any problem. But I can't find a way to use the file in VBox02:58
sam-_-bezao why do you want to use wine then?02:58
bezaoi need do compile on win then send to linux?02:58
sam-_-bezao use mono directly?02:59
bezaosam-_- cuz i wanna test somethig (:02:59
hylianbezao, wine stands wine is not an emulator.02:59
tylercwHey, I'm having a problem with my Ubuntu live USB.02:59
tylercwwondering if anyone could help02:59
bezaoi cant understand what i need to do, there any tutorial that you guys can give? any www site02:59
hylianbezao, oops, i meant wine stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator.. my bad.02:59
fuzzybunny69yHey everyone for some reason my new user(test) I created cannot ssh into my machine(localhost) it prompts me for my password and then I put it in and it just says "connection closed". I can however SSH into my machine with the regular user account. Does anyone know what would be causing this?03:00
shishirdwivedi20hey i need help03:00
sacarlsonlucas: in Vbox what's the difference vboxed ubuntu can mount virtual disks with the above command?03:00
jk_lucas, Vbox can mount an iso file directly, but you have to add the file to the virtual media manager first.03:00
fffuhylian, it was 'WINdows Emulator" in 2001, don't misinform people03:00
sam-_-bezao, http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page03:00
bezaoi'm confused, what i need to do for run something.exe i've wrote on .net on ubuntu?03:00
r00t4rd3da windows enviroment03:01
tylercwI try to boot from Live USB and i can hear the Ubuntu boot sound, but i cannot see an image on the screen. I am assuming it is a video driver issue03:01
fffubezao, install mono for windows in wine03:01
Pickle`Hello...  I just installed Ubuntu NE on a relatively new Acer AspireOne netbook...  1.6ghz, 1024 mb...  No problems during install, but goes to a blank screen (cursor) immediately after the bios post screen... Does anyone have any idea how I'd even begin to try to figure out what's going on here??03:01
sam-_-bezao, it should be mono something.exe03:01
shishirdwivedi20i re installed my os  but before doing that i saved all packages from /var/cache/apt/archives  and now i want to  use it03:01
TotalHavichello room03:01
sam-_-bezao, not sure though never rly messed with mono03:01
sync3timesTotalHavic, hi03:01
=== Pickle` is now known as dacian
PyjamaSpankI have 2 users, when I get to the login screen it has a very loud volume that doesn't seem to be controlled by either of my users. Is there a setting to control the volume pre-login?03:02
r00t4rd3dtylercw, i think you need to use a boot option for video resolution03:02
sam-_-bezao, did you try "mono something.exe"03:03
r00t4rd3dnot totally sure though03:03
tylercwAhh, thank you r00t4rd3d03:03
bezaono, wait03:03
tylercwI'll try it right now, i have my laptop right here03:03
r00t4rd3dwhen it starts i think you get a option to press a key for boot options ?03:03
hylianfffu, you are correct, i stand informed. wine is not an emulator in that it does not emulate every instruction, but i can see an argument for it still being considered an emulator.03:04
tylercwI have 10.10 and the one boot option is Advanced option but there is no options in the submenu03:04
bezaosam-_- well mono something.exe gave me an .net error, better then wine!03:04
bezaolet me check03:04
sam-_-bezao, what error?03:04
r00t4rd3dwhats in advanced ?03:04
bezaosam-_- .net error03:05
sam-_-bezao, tell me more03:05
tylercwWell,m the only option in Advanced is "Back. ."03:05
SuperPaco69any good tutorial about logrotate?03:05
r00t4rd3dhmm , what kinda of laptop ?03:05
bezaosam-_- Unhandled Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.03:05
SuperPaco69the man are not friendly at all03:05
tylercwHP Envy 1403:05
sam-_-bezao, so it does work. there is an error in your code03:05
tylercwAlthough It isn't running on my older HP Pavilion dv7 either03:06
sam-_-bezao, you should catch that exeception03:06
bezaoi dnt think so sam-_- it works on visualstudio (:03:06
bezaomaybe some dll is missing i'll check03:06
sam-_-bezao, that's because your database is available there03:06
shishirdwivedi20i re installed my ubuntu   but before doing that i saved all packages from /var/cache/apt/archives  and now i want to  use it03:07
sam-_-bezao, but you really should handle that exception in your code :-)03:07
bezaosam-_- i can connect over the network03:07
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bezaolan connection sam-_- heh relax, i'm just testing :D03:07
sheroguys first day with ubuntu cant even run a jar file..03:07
sam-_-!patience |sam-_-03:07
ubottusam-_-, please see my private message03:07
ICMshero, Minecraft? ;)03:07
^NeptuneI'm trying to run a shoutcast server but apparently something is using port 8888 and I haven't got any idea what it is. Is there a a command that can free up the port?03:07
multi_iois there a real reason for using LVM and separate /, /boot, /home, /usr volumes on a laptop?03:08
fffumulti_io, no03:08
ICMshero do you have a java runtime?03:08
shishirdwivedi20sam   i re installed my os  but before doing that i saved all packages from /var/cache/apt/archives  and now i want to  use it03:08
multi_io(rather than just / on a physical volyume like sdx)03:08
shishirdwivedi20sam how can i do03:08
ICMshero try right clicking, "Open With", (try OpenJDK 6 Runtime if it's there)03:08
multi_iofffu: ok03:09
sheroICM:I tried downloading it from the jave site but i failed..so i installed OpenJDK 6 runtime and webstart03:09
ICMshero or Sun JAva 6 RUntime03:09
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20 i guess just place them in this folder again03:09
fffushero, what java --help gives?03:09
ICMcan you right click on the .jar then, shero ? Is there an "Open With 'OpenJDK 6 Runtime'")03:09
shishirdwivedi20sam its not happeninig i am trying to copy all the files but when i reach to that folder paste option is disabled03:10
sheroICM: Java*-- ya I can it gives me the option. however I think I have to permit it as an executable because I get a block message03:10
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, you need to be root or have the rights to write to the folder03:10
shishirdwivedi20sam how can i become root ?03:11
r00t4rd3dfn + f303:11
shishirdwivedi20sam i am beginner thats why i know little03:11
tylercwI'm relatively new to using boot option in Ubuntu, on all the older versions it has "just worked" for me. Mind explaining how i would do that?03:11
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, easy solution: gksu nautilus03:11
ICMshero That sounds like a good idea to me :)03:11
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, then use only these nautilus windows03:11
r00t4rd3dtylercw, from the internet The Envy 14 boots with screen brightness turned down to 0 for some reason. Just hit Fn + F3 a lot of times (or just F3 depending on your settings). I'm in ubuntu 10.10 and it works nicely.03:11
sheroICM: I get lucky XD.. can you tell me how to do that?03:12
fffuwhat's wrong on my system? all of my partitions do not get mounted to /media03:12
tylercwWould you mind explaining how i would do that? Ubuntu has always "just worked" for me03:12
shishirdwivedi20sam gksu nautilius not working03:12
User51who knows if Fable 3 is also for linux/ubuntu ? i cant seem to find it anywhere03:12
Braber01msn NickServ identfiy A0273131803:12
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, btw. some packages might be a new version hence will get downloaded again03:12
tylercwAHH! Yes! Thank you!03:12
fffuBraber01, lol03:12
shishirdwivedi20sam no window came up , while installing ubuntu i skipped some packages may be thats why03:12
jackdi0hahahaa, omg.03:13
tylercwIt worked! Wow, that's a different one than i have ever experienced!03:13
Braber01fffu how do i change my password?03:13
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, are you in a terminal?03:13
r00t4rd3dtylercw, lol stupid huh ?03:13
ICMshero gimme a moment03:13
shishirdwivedi20sam yes i typed comand in terminal03:13
sheroICM: np03:13
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, gksu nautilus. type it in a terminal with just one i03:13
shishirdwivedi20sam *command03:13
dacianCan anyone explain why Ubuntu Netbook Edition would load properly when I use the installation CD I burned, but after installing, it just goes to a blank screen immediately after the netbook's bios post screen?03:13
tylercwYeah. Hmm, i wonder why it does that. Anyhow, thanks a bunch!03:13
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, check the spelling03:13
fffuBraber01, /nickserv setpass03:13
glitchdsam-_-, so that kernel u suggested, wouldnt let me activate wireless drives..03:13
shishirdwivedi20sam ok let me do that03:14
jackdi0Braber01: change your password. :D03:14
sam-_-glitchd, don't you have an intel wifi?03:14
shishirdwivedi20sam yes opened03:14
bhilesHaving a problem with suspend. It only works if I've hibernated first. If it is the first thing I've done, it just hangs with black screen and no HD activity on wake up. Any clues?03:14
r00t4rd3dtylercw, np. Have fun now that you can see.03:14
ICMshero Right click 'Minecraft.jar', click 'Properties' click the 'Permissions' tab, and check 'Allow executing file as program.'03:14
shishirdwivedi20sam what to do now03:14
tylercwThanks, and i sure will!03:14
Spreadsheet__How would I download using wget or curl a URL which has a ? in it?03:14
glitchdsam-_-, no i have broadcom i believe03:14
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, with this nautilus window it should work03:14
^NeptuneIs there any way to free up a port that's in use? I have no idea what is using the port03:14
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, just copy like before03:15
Spreadsheet__My shell tries to match the ? with a character03:15
fffuSpreadsheet__, try ""s or ''s03:15
shishirdwivedi20sam ok03:15
sam-_-glitchd, oh that's bad news.03:15
XiaolinDraconisHello Universe03:15
Spreadsheet__like http://site.com/foo.ext"?"blah03:15
glitchdsam-_-, BCM4313 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)03:15
glitchdsam-_-, and it only would see 2.3 gigs of ram03:15
* hylian waves hello to XiaolinDraconis 03:15
r00t4rd3dbroadcom is easy03:16
fffuor "http://...blah"03:16
KM0201r00t4rd3d: some are03:16
Spreadsheet__fffu: ok03:16
* XiaolinDraconis is blown away by the waves03:16
shishirdwivedi20sam thanx sam its done03:16
r00t4rd3dglitchd, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:16
sheroICM: thank you it opened. I actually went to that exact same area and I messed around with the read-only stuff. My eye didnt catch the bottom of the properties :). Thanks alot. I feel like i'm getting better!(..not really)03:16
Spreadsheet__It's working, thanks03:16
KM0201r00t4rd3d: supposedly, 4313 uses the STA driver, so it should be fine03:17
ICMno problem shero, enjoy being unproductive for days :D03:17
ICM<3 Minecraft03:17
r00t4rd3dyou need the bcmwl-kernel-source installed03:17
* XiaolinDraconis wishes he could use the awesome GDM themes he downloaded03:17
r00t4rd3dbefore you can activate it03:17
KM0201r00t4rd3d: i thought when you activated the STA driver, it did that?03:17
sam-_-glitchd, what about the graphics issues are they gone?03:17
lallzanyone here got a kindle?03:18
sam-_-lallz, i will get one for christmas i hope03:18
bhilesI've got a kindle.03:18
bhilesLove it03:18
sherohaha. I will do that on my good computer. but for now I am going to try and get minecraft to WORK. not run haha. Im currently using a really old computer.03:18
r00t4rd3dglitchd, do you have wired net access on ubuntu ?03:18
lallzim consedering one sam-_-03:19
sheroICM: Ok minecraft run. Now the challenge::can it work on a horrible computer? heres my error message.03:19
sam-_-lallz, i don't have one yet so i can't tell you anything03:19
Braber01I don't have aliases defined in my irc client, whenever you give them to me please give me the FULL command THANNKS03:19
glitchdi have wireless but i can plug into the router if needbe03:19
ICMshero good luck, beyond the basics i can't help too much :/03:20
r00t4rd3dglitch , pm03:20
r00t4rd3dwe can do it either way03:20
KM0201r00t4rd3d: do it here, i wanna see..lol03:20
sheroICM: here it is anyways XD. ANYONE WILLING TO TAKE THE CHALLENGE!!        Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.0_01 OS: Linux (i386) version 2.6.35-23-generic Java: 1.6.0_20, Sun Microsystems Inc. VM: OpenJDK Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Sun Microsystems Inc. LWJGL: 2.4.2 [failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]  java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only one LWJGL context may be instantiated at any one time. at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(03:20
r00t4rd3dglitchd, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx Follow the instructions for installing STA with no internet03:21
XiaolinDraconisthis new login screen is horrible03:21
XiaolinDraconisgreat that i can easily change the wallpaper on it03:21
ICMshero that cutt off at at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create( << might have better luck on a Minecraft forum though03:21
r00t4rd3dSTA - No Internet access03:21
XiaolinDraconisbut am i really stuck with the tan user box03:22
sheroICM: o sweet thanks03:22
glitchdr00t4rd3d, but dont worry about it03:22
glitchdr00t4rd3d, it would only let me use 2.3 of 8 gigs of ram. so im not interested in using it03:22
glitchdok so heres a completely different question for u room03:22
sam-_-shero, seems like a bug but it might work with sun java03:22
glitchdif i have my hd split with windows on one partition and linux on another, is there a way that i can boot my windows partition inside of the linux one? via virtual box or something similar?03:23
hylianglitchd, ever think of using the 64 bit version? (or is this a bios thing, cause my bios only let's me use 3.2.)03:23
XiaolinDraconisvmware player03:23
XiaolinDraconisi believe it has option to boot hard drive03:23
bhilesAny ideas for when suspend doesn't work until the computer has at least been hibernated first? I'm stuck on it.03:23
sam-_-hylian, y. 2.3gb sound rly. strange03:24
hylianXiaolinDraconis, i have gotten virtual box to boot my other hd. it just warns you to be carefull, which is always a good idea. :)03:24
XiaolinDraconisdid u get that glitch03:24
sync3timesglitchd, I have heard that windows will demand you re-authenticate the license,  that it detects the machine change03:24
hyliansam-_-, i agree.03:24
gsrI've made some changes to GDM, and recompiled it.  Is there a way to tell ubuntu to recompile GDM everytime it updates it, and does a merge-changes sort of thing (like with gentoo conf files after updating a port)?03:24
XiaolinDraconissync is right as well03:25
sam-_-bhiles, sounds like some modules don't get loaded/unloaded properly03:25
XiaolinDraconisunless u use that pirated no serial windows03:25
bhilesWhere should I start looking?03:25
hylianglitchd, yeah, if it's a windows install, i wouldnt do it.03:25
diecastartsHailz to all ,, basic questions about filesharing on ubuntu .. using gnome03:26
sam-_-bhiles in the logs /var/log/*03:26
KM0201diecastarts: it's pretty easy...03:26
KM0201!samba | diecastarts03:26
ubottudiecastarts: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:26
diecastartsi have my second computer hardwired to main computer with cross can get internet fine03:26
bhilessam-_-, thanks.03:27
diecastartsi did a step i found on the net but wondering because it set to auto dhcp and stuff maybe why i cannot mount03:27
hylianKM0201, that won't work if windows and ubuntu are on the same machine though, wasn't he asking about vm'ing?03:27
diecastartsI see the folder on my second computer but go to mount even with username in PYnouberhood03:27
KM0201hylian: sure it will.. I use samba to share between Ubuntu and a virtual machine XP03:27
mythologyI have a ? regarding my wireless??03:28
hylianKM0201, ohh, i see. nvm, i goofed up.03:28
diecastartsi did this before easy with ubuntiu to xp or window in general03:28
* sam-_- is tired03:28
KM0201mythology: by all means, share it w/ the class03:28
sam-_-goodnight guys03:28
diecastartsbut frist time ubuntu to ubuntu for me03:28
XiaolinDraconiswish i could get empathy to stop auto scrolling03:28
mythologyOk my wireless card is working but wont connect!03:29
KM0201XiaolinDraconis: use a quality IRC client, rather than a client designed for instant messaging.03:29
hyliandiecastarts, are you using virtualbox? because if you are and you have guest additions installed, it's rather easy to set up networking beetween linux and windows (virtual windows)03:29
bonjoyeebencahill: hi there!!03:29
diecastartsi did the setups03:29
XiaolinDraconisKM: so true03:29
* hylian has to go check the woodstove, be back in 503:29
XiaolinDraconisim on an almost fresh install03:29
diecastartsi can see the folder on the second machine even but mount no go03:29
XiaolinDraconissetting up themes and what not still03:30
XiaolinDraconisnever used empathy thought i would give it a try03:30
diecastartsusing pyneurborhood <-- sorry spelling03:30
r00t4rd3dempathy is one of them programs that shouldnt be installed by default :D03:30
KM0201r00t4rd3d: i so agree03:30
XiaolinDraconisis anyone gonna suggest something other than Pidgin03:31
diecastartsyeah go pidgin for msg and xchat or something that main only a irc clinet03:31
XiaolinDraconisi kinda liked pidg03:31
KM0201XiaolinDraconis: i still like pidgin, i hat eempathy03:31
diecastartspidgin is great of all msg03:31
r00t4rd3dempaty is like one of the first programs i remove03:31
bhilessam-_-, am I looking for differences between the suspend and powersave logs? am I looking for errors?03:31
XiaolinDraconisi see why03:31
KM0201on a new install, firs tthing that goes is Empathy.03:31
diecastartseven can use 3rd plugins.. facebook ecgtect03:31
XiaolinDraconisi just checked prefs03:31
XiaolinDraconisliterally no options03:31
diecastarts3rd party plugins i meant there sorry03:32
KM0201XiaolinDraconis: why dont you just install xchat?03:32
KM0201it's a fantastic irc client03:32
diecastartsit is03:32
mythologyAnybody have a clue as too why my wireless wonk connect?03:32
XiaolinDraconisi will give it a go03:32
KM0201XiaolinDraconis: even xchat-gnome is better than Empathy03:32
r00t4rd3dxchat is like old school linux irc chat03:32
diecastartsits in the softward rep_03:32
=== t is now known as Guest82004
KM0201r00t4rd3d: i like xchat... easy to set up03:32
diecastartsso all to buzzed to be typing tonight lol03:32
skorvstupid question... can a ubuntu server behave likea windows server (domain authentification etc) ?03:32
struhevolwhen i boot up my computer i have to type fixvesa and then startx how can i stop that and just have a login screen03:33
skorvnot talking about active directory03:33
cjdevlin!wireless | mythology03:33
ubottumythology: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:33
diecastartswell i know window work them .. lamost all the world server are linux based servers03:33
XiaolinDraconisold school irc to me is irc inside firefox add-on03:33
diecastartsor unix techally sorry not linux03:33
User51shero are you minecraft problems fixed?03:34
diecastartsi like the paste bin plug on that but google has it to03:34
diecastartsand i use that the most love it03:34
shcherbakdiecastarts: how it is related to domain authentification?03:34
cjdevlinskorv: what specifically are you talking about? active directory?03:34
sherouser51:I just realized that minecraft only runs on sunjava03:34
diecastartsoh sorry it not  ...but yeah I did steps i found on the net .. video even03:34
sherouser51:not JDK03:35
User51it DOES run on JDK because i am playing it now03:35
sherouser51:I have no idea how to install sun java let alone anything on ubuntu03:35
diecastartsand i see the network and see the shared folder i setup but it just doesn't what to mount03:35
XiaolinDraconisoff-beat random thought... remastersys rox!03:35
sherosam-_-: walkthrough of sun java install?03:36
diecastartsshould i be setting up the ip manually ? because it just a cross over cable03:36
r00t4rd3dinstall bitchx , now thats old school irc03:36
User51did you download the minecraft.jar file?03:36
diecastartsinternet shares no problem .. but file sharing is a let down03:36
XiaolinDraconisspeaking of remastersys.. i wanna pop my livecd in and install a second ubuntu lucid. that wont screw with my current grub2 setup will it03:37
mythologyno 10.10 information in there!03:37
skorvi wish there was an "active directory "-like for linux.... i'm talking about "domain login"... user authentification from the server03:37
sherouser51:ya it opens but I get an error that has been said in forums to be related to the JDK and SunJava only support03:37
mythologyit is acking like a driver is blocked03:37
User51shero right click on it then go to the tab rights03:37
sherouser51: mostly ubuntu forums so im thinking its not hardware03:37
mkeathdoes anyone know how to set x and gnome not to start up when the computer boots?03:38
sherotab rights?03:38
sherouser51:wait right click what?03:38
User51i dont know what it is in english :P03:38
bonjoyeemkeath: check /etc/inittab03:38
User51its the second tab03:38
XiaolinDraconismkeath: i think u can do that with grub commands03:38
cjdevlinmythology: why do you say that?03:38
mkeathok thanks guys i will try boht03:38
User51right click minecraft.jar then properties03:39
User51then second tab03:39
Mountian_Manis there some where i can talk with flash programmers?03:39
User51no i mean third tab sorry03:39
mythologyIm running meerkat and the link is there but wont connect only thing it says is vpn connections03:39
XiaolinDraconismountain_man: theres a channel for everything03:39
Emehveegood evening03:39
XiaolinDraconistry the rooms list03:39
User51shero yes thats it03:40
diecastartsoh will this not work the file sharing if the second computer is not sharing a folder? .. i wouldn't think so .. but doesn't hurt to ask right??03:40
XiaolinDraconisevening eve03:40
sherouser51:ya I have allow executing file as a program checked03:40
Emehveedoes anyone know an iso burning program that wont tell me there isnt enough space on a blank cdrw03:40
User51shero good now open it with JDK03:40
sherouser51:minecraft runs it just gives me an error03:40
User51weird ...03:40
skorvbut if there was an "active directory"-like for linux....03:40
diecastartslook for one that over burn capable03:40
skorvoh what a dream~03:40
User51try it with wine?03:41
cjdevlinskorv: google for openldap03:41
Mountian_Manno one we in the rooms i found i thought might be close no one talks03:41
mythologywine 1.303:41
diecastartsunless you have small cd there different sizes03:41
sherouser51:the windows version then wine03:41
skorvty cjdevlin~03:41
User51no java versiob03:41
XiaolinDraconisanyone know how to get rid of this new login screen so we can go back to using themes?03:42
User51or try to give permissions to everybody (in the that tab)03:42
User51in permissions tab03:42
User51ok and my battery dies in 3 minutes so i have to go xD03:43
sherouser51:thanks anyways03:43
User51or try to redownload mc03:43
mythologyI love meerkat and hate the idea of  having to return the win7 for wifi use03:44
FloodBot1Cairo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:44
CairoIk about the ubuneu pastebin03:44
dacianI don't think grub is working on my netbook after a new Ubuntu Network Edition install...  It goes to a blank flashing cursor after the bios screen03:44
mkeathok so i can't find inittab in /etc03:45
bonjoyeemkeath: what version of ubuntu?03:46
mkeath10.10 server03:46
malvhow do you keep ubuntu from polluting the grub list with new kernels03:47
fffushero, just visit oracle.com03:47
swtxchat not bad reminds me of pidgin03:48
WordWarriorCan I make the Virtual Box to start up the first Machine on bootup ?03:48
* swt is XiaolinDraconis03:48
mkeathbonjoyee: i am running 10.10 server03:48
dsnydersLooking for bash help.  I have foo='/home/dsnyders/music\ files' in ./bash_aliases.  When I type in cd $foo I get an error, no such file or directory.03:49
XiaolinDraconiswordwarrior: open terminal and type virtualbox -h should give u commands03:49
WordWarriorok thanks03:49
XiaolinDraconismake a launcher and put in autorun03:49
mythologyI really need wifi help here!!!03:49
sherofffu: Ive tried that already. This is my first day with ubuntu and I want to play minecraft...bad03:49
dsnydersI've tried with and without the quotes, with and without the backslash.  How do I embed a space in the alias?03:50
bonjoyeemkeath: sorry about that..seems ubuntu has done away with inittab..lemme check03:50
mkeathbonjoyee: i think they use update-rc.d instead03:50
sacarlsonmalv: I think you have to delete the old kernels or purge them from synaptic.03:50
fffudon't tell me there's no java binaries for linux03:50
sherofffu: I've tried openJDK but it doesnt work. most ubuntu and minecraft forums say it only works with sunjava03:50
sacarlsonmalv: then update-grub03:50
* swt is checking diff between xchat & xchat-gnome03:51
fffushero, sun java can be downloaded from oracle site03:51
IdleOne!java | fffu03:51
ubottufffu: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:51
mkeathbut when i do sudo update-rc.d x11-common disable it will remove and then add a link for x11-common03:51
fffuxchat-gnome is s*t, while xchat isn't03:51
mkeathbonjoyee: but when i do sudo update-rc.d x11-common disable it will remove and then add a link for x11-common03:51
mythologyCan anyone help me please!03:51
bonjoyeemkeath: update-rc.d has been in older releases as well...but inittab has been removed in favour of upstart03:52
Some_PersonWhat the hell is going on here: http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/1337/screenshotrk.png03:52
sheroya the thing is i have no idea how to install anything. SunJava wasnt on the software center so..03:52
macomkeath: update-rc.d is more for maintainer scripts than humans... and ubuntu doesnt use sysv init anymore anyway03:52
* swt thinks this is a support channel03:52
tjscomythology, what's wrong with your wifi?03:52
bonjoyeemkeath: no not x11-common..u have to disable gdm!03:52
mkeathbonjoyee: ok i will do a man on upstart'03:52
macomkeath: look at the top stanza in /etc/init/gdm.conf03:53
cjdevlinmkeath: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164960103:53
insanoI want to run zimbra in mail.domain address and a web site in domain address? How can I do it?03:53
sherofffu:ya the thing is i have no idea how to install anything. SunJava wasnt on the software center so..03:53
dsnydersLooking for bash help.  I have foo='/home/dsnyders/music\ files' in ./bash_aliases.  When I type in cd $foo I get an error, no such file or directory. I've tried with and without the quotes, with and without the backslash.  How do I embed a space in the alias?03:53
bonjoyeemkeath: do u have gdm.conf in /etc/init?03:53
mythologyi dont know i installed meerkat (10.10) in card is working but it wont connect juct says vpn connections03:53
macomkeath: i imagine if you comment out the "start on" section it wouldnt start03:53
cjdevlindsnyders: try it w/o $03:54
tjscomythology, did you upgrade to 10.10 or start with a fresh install?03:54
mkeathbonjoyee: yep sure do03:54
mythologyfresh install03:54
mkeathmaco: thank you i will try that03:54
fffuwhixh gnome command can open URL from 'Run' box?03:55
dsnyderscjdevlin, That won't work.  That will try to change to a directory named foo instead of the variable foo.03:55
bonjoyeemkeath: first make a backup of it...and then comment out the "start on "lines or replace the words after "start on" to "never"03:56
fffutry http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp03:56
swtso im taking it xchat-gnome is better than plain xchat due to plugins03:56
mkeathok done03:56
mkeathi am restarting to test this out03:57
sacarlsonmythology: why don't you pastebin your hardware info so we can have a clue as to what we are working with,  try lspci  and lsusb and pastebin that03:57
mythologyim on another pc03:57
sherosacarlson: im next in line XD03:57
cjdevlindsnyders: what does your alias do? usually to embed a space you use underscore "_" and the $ is for system wide variables03:58
r00t4rd3dmythology, what wireless adapter are you using ?03:58
sacarlsonshero: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:58
WordWarriorXiaolinDraconis: I found many commands in the list of help.. but how can i do that when the machine boots up ?03:58
r1zahi all03:59
r1zaтут русские есть??03:59
mkeathhey guys just popping in to say that it worked!03:59
mkeaththanks for your help everyone03:59
dsnyderscjdevlin, It's just an alias for the folder.  I have several others that work, but they don't have spaces.03:59
XiaolinDraconiswordwarrior: somewhere in those commands it tells you the commands for opening a virtual drive03:59
rOOt4rd3dim a wireless adapter install master :D04:00
XiaolinDraconisdo you know how to make a launcher04:00
jbn-oWhat's the appropriate way to suggest software to be packaged for Ubuntu?04:00
cjdevlindsnyders: then the underscore should work. also i'm pretty sure  you have to log out and back in for aliases to work04:00
WordWarriorXiaolinDraconis: yes VirtualBox startvm name of my m/c but this how can i do on boot up04:00
dsnyderscjdevlin, For example, I type in cd $bewitched and it takes me to /storage/videos/bewitched04:00
sacarlsonjbn-o: you can package it yourself and distribute it in ppa04:01
XiaolinDraconisin the administration menu is the start up programs04:01
XiaolinDraconisadd the launcher and/or command to that list04:01
WordWarriorhmm pl04:01
dsnyderscjdevlin, the command: source .bashrc forces a re-read of the files.04:01
AegNuddelOk, somehow I ended up with Natty Narwhal.  Must be since I was helping with some development stuff on other projects, and had the ppa/repo/whatever installed, so when I said update, it did.  However, I read that Natty is supposed to use the Unity desktop.  I still have the GNOME desktop...are there any advantages to Unity over Gnome?04:02
XiaolinDraconissuggest adding a sleep 10 at the end of command04:02
cjdevlindsnyders: good info. thnx.04:02
r00t4rd3dNow this is how lots of old school linux users use to chat : http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5291/screenshotxbz.png04:02
r00t4rd3dterminal irc :D04:03
tristan3199usi have a problem copying a large file onto a usb drive.. i get this error "There was an error copying the file into /media/271B-72B7.04:03
tristan3199usError splicing file: File too large" what does this mean..04:03
bonjoyeeXiaolinDraconis: at the end? or before?04:03
XiaolinDraconisur doing same thing?04:03
tristan3199usit copies around 60 percent and than stops with that error..04:03
rumpe1tristan3199us, how big is the file? fat32 on media?04:03
XiaolinDraconisr00t: could u use a larger screenshot next time lol04:03
tristan3199usntsf.. and 4.4 gb04:04
XiaolinDraconis@r00t BEAST MODE aka terminally ill04:04
sacarlsontristan3199us: it might mean the file is too big for that filesystem  fat32 would be about 4gig04:04
rumpe1tristan3199us, are you sure, its ntfs?04:04
tristan3199usi tried reformatting it many times to many formats.. beleve ntfs has no max so stuck with that in the end04:05
r1zaHello dear programmers!04:05
r1zaI have established your remarkable product Ubuntu 10.0404:05
r1zaBut I can not adjust PCMCIA modem UM-30004:05
r1zaThe driver only under Windows, Has established Wine integration has passed successfully except chosen appendix Acsess Meneger! It is impossible to connect the Internet connection04:05
r1zaПожалуста help! Write to personal messages!04:05
FloodBot1r1za: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:05
WordWarriorXiaolinDraconis: thanks :)04:06
XiaolinDraconisyou are adding an autostart app as well?04:06
XiaolinDraconisnp Warrior04:06
XiaolinDraconisglad a noob could help04:06
[thor]!ru | riza04:06
ubotturiza: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:06
tristan3199uscould this mean my iso's.. all of them are currupted from downloading..04:06
bonjoyeeXiaolinDraconis: no...just wondered if the sleep comes before or at the end and why?04:06
XiaolinDraconisso a memory intense app doesnt suck up system resources before the system could get started04:07
[thor]   /j #ubuntu-ru04:07
sacarlsontristan3199us: you can see what format your usb flash and other partitions are with sudo fdisk -l04:07
r00t4rd3dr1za, you cant use wine to load wifi drivers04:07
[thor]riza with /04:07
dsnydersr1za, try /join #ubuntu-ru04:08
XiaolinDraconisand why am i still in empathy04:08
bonjoyeeXiaolinDraconis: yes...but doesn't that mean the sleep has to be before the actual command?04:08
XiaolinDraconisyou know that is kinda starting to make sense to04:09
sherosacarlson: ugh..not to offensively question your genious but..what exactly are the extras?04:09
tristan3199usguess i left it fat32 last... i used it again since then..04:09
sacarlsonshero: look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:10
tristan3199usbut still had the problem in ntsf.. how do i reformat in the terminal04:10
XiaolinDraconisif i were putting it at the beginning wouldnt it need to be a bash script so as not to confuse the terminal?04:10
bonjoyeeXiaolinDraconis: its like giving the system 10-20 seconds to settle "before" starting Virtualbox?04:10
crohakonJust install ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop... a gateway. I cannot get the wireless to work. Any ideas on where to start? I am not sure on the wireless card details.04:10
sherosacarlson: im at a user agreement and I do not know how to accept it04:10
sherosacarlson: its in terminal04:10
clu3hi all, i wanna run my ubuntu as a remote desktop SERVER and login from another ubuntu. Which package should i use? Thanks04:10
sacarlsonshero: I think the answer would be yes04:10
crohakonshero, tab04:11
XiaolinDraconisso it shopuld be at the beginning i spose04:11
XiaolinDraconisbut i would imagine thats only if its a script04:11
sherosacarlson: ahh thank you04:11
XiaolinDraconisi really dont know what im doing i just read a lot04:11
XiaolinDraconisand about a year ago i was using puppy linux04:12
bonjoyeeXiaolinDraconis: :)04:12
XiaolinDraconishad to make a lot of my own scripts04:12
cjdevlin!vnc | clu304:12
ubottuclu3: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:12
XiaolinDraconiswow i thought i was going to the major leagues back then04:13
XiaolinDraconisstarted using advanced stuff like adding gui's04:13
joeconyersDoes anyone have a recommendation on which AMI I should use for a pretty basic web setup?04:13
joeconyerslamp + some goodies04:14
gilosis there a channel to ask about ubuntu and photo processing?  I'm trying to learn more about working with RAW .cr2 files.04:14
sherosacarlson:when do I know when it is finished? is it going to reboot?04:14
sacarlsonshero: you should see your $ return04:14
sacarlsonshero: no it's not going to reboot04:14
sherosacarlson: ya I see it. what should i do04:15
insanoI want to run zimbra in mail.domain address and a web site in domain address? How can I do it?04:15
XiaolinDraconisim gonna put in my ubuntu cd and was hoping it wont screw up my current grub2 settings04:15
TheyainI changed my  hostname (for stupid reasons, but none the less, its been changed) through editing /etc/init.d/hostname and now it seems that pulse won't start04:15
sacarlsonshero: whatever it was you couldn't do before04:16
Theyainanyone got any clue as to why pulse would be dependent on the hostname?04:16
fandangojoeconyers: assuming you mean Amazon EC2, you can find the official Cononical AMIs from here and install a LAMP stack manually... http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/release/04:16
ZykoticK9!hostname | Theyain Not sure if this applies04:16
ubottuTheyain Not sure if this applies: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.04:16
bonjoyeeTheyain: make the changes in /etc/hosts accordingly04:17
dsnyderscjdevlin, Odd.  cd "$foo" works.04:17
doomfrogdarn no sound04:17
fffudsnyders, it's not odd04:17
doomfrogI wonder what's wrong04:17
bonjoyeeTheyain: also to change hostname...edit the /etc/hostname file04:17
fffudsnyders, envv  vars can contain s[paces04:17
bonjoyeebonjoyee: the hostname in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts has to match..else a lot of things break!04:18
bonjoyeeTheyain: the hostname in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts has to match..else a lot of things break!04:19
sherosacarlson: not so sure. I need to get sunJava but i have no idea how04:19
Theyainis bonjoyee a bot?  cause I don't want to respond to a bot :o04:19
XiaolinDraconisno he isnt04:19
bonjoyeecertainly not!04:19
Theyaingood ^_^04:19
XiaolinDraconishe/she who knows maybe it is a bot04:19
ZykoticK9Theyain, ubottu is the only bot04:19
gluonman_I'm trying to install extra fonts for English in Ubuntu 10.10.  The option for extra fonts is greyed out in Language Support --> Install/Remove Languages...  Does this mean that extra fonts are unavailable?04:19
dsnydersfffu, I am trying to set $foo to /home/dsnyders/music files.  I can echo $foo and it seems right, but when I cd $foo I get an error - No such file or directory /home/dsnyders/music04:19
sacarlsonshero: the operation you just did should have installed java04:19
XiaolinDraconisno its not04:19
ZykoticK9!bot | XiaolinDraconis04:20
XiaolinDraconisdont forget the floodbot... ;)04:20
ubottuXiaolinDraconis: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:20
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, floodbot that's ture ;)04:20
Theyainhosts doesn't match with hostname04:20
Theyainso thats probably it04:20
Theyainsudo works though04:20
XiaolinDraconisraw im a raving lunatic bot04:20
sherosacarlson: ok well how do I run a jar with java runtime because it doesnt appear in a list of programs I can run the program with04:21
fffudsnyders, foo variable contain space04:21
XiaolinDraconisfloodbot gets lonely sometimes04:21
RichiieHello does anyone know about any equialent for Gameranger to Linux?04:21
Theyainlets hope that fixes it04:21
dsnydersfffu, yes04:21
XiaolinDraconisso i do things like this04:21
RichiieGameranger does only work for Mac & win, looking for something that looks like it.04:21
FloodBot1XiaolinDraconis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
sacarlsonshero: try whereis java04:21
fffudsnyders, you need to quote it to pass as single element04:21
=== The_rogue_smiler is now known as lap_dragon
Juzzyanyone know what the fix is in ubuntu 10.04 with the usb keyboard (USA) mapping problems?04:22
sherook I have the location. how do i integrate it with the jar04:22
crohakonI have a Broadcom BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller... How do I get it to work in Ubuntu 10.10?04:22
crohakonshero, are you trying to run minecraft?04:22
sherosacarlson:ok I have the location. how do i integrate it with the jar04:22
XiaolinDraconiscan i skip grub installing when installing ubuntu04:23
sherocrohakon: ya04:23
crohakonneed to install openjdk-604:23
crohakonsearch for it in the Ubuntu software center04:23
dsnydersfffu, I tried using quotes around it.  eg: foo='/home/dsnyders/music files'.  It didn't work.04:23
sherocrohakon: ya I did but it still doesnt work04:23
era878_can somebody help me with extending a partition?04:23
crohakonright click on the .jar file and open with openjdk04:23
sherocrohakon: [failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]04:23
sacarlsonshero: look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54105504:24
fffudsnyders, not there, everywhere where you expand it.04:24
15SAA9XH9that had to of been it04:24
XiaolinDraconisera878: what ya need04:24
15SAA9XH9cause now I have sound again04:24
15SAA9XH9but hey04:24
FloodBot115SAA9XH9: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
15SAA9XH9my name is like crazy04:24
crohakonshero right click on the file, go to properties, and than permissions. Make sure it is set to be allowed to execute.04:24
dsnydersfffu, so I've got to go cd '$foo'?04:24
=== 15SAA9XH9 is now known as Theyain
TheyainThere we go04:24
crohakonshero than try to right click and open with openjdk04:24
sherocrohakon: minecraft runs but I get a java error when I log in04:24
TheyainSo high typing speeds = flooding?04:24
sacarlsonshero: do as crohakon says.  I didn't know you wanted to run jar files but I thought runtime would work also04:25
crohakonshero try it anyway.04:25
crohakonI have a Broadcom BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller... How do I get it to work in Ubuntu 10.10?04:25
era878_XiaolinDraconis: pm?04:25
XiaolinDraconissent one04:25
fffudsnyders, or FOO="'blah'" (' 's inside " "s)04:26
RichiieAnyone knows about any Equialent for Gameranger?04:26
sherosacarlson: I can run Minecraft successfully but after I log in it gives me a java error04:26
fffushero, use latest version from Oracle04:26
sheroCrohakon: Even if I run it in the browser it doesnt load and gives a blank screen04:26
r00t4rd3dshero have you installed java ?04:26
crohakonshero, are you sure you have the current release of openjdk?04:27
sheror00t4rd3d: OpenJDK 6 runtime and apparantly sun04:27
r00t4rd3dthats not it04:27
r00t4rd3dyou need the jre04:27
sherocrohakon: I just got it today from the software center for ubuntu04:27
r00t4rd3dhold i get you tut04:28
bonjoyeeTheyain: ain't i a smart bot?;)04:28
sherofffu: I just downloaded the restricted extras-- shoudnt it be in there?04:28
dsnydersfffu, now when I type cd $foo I get cd '/home/dsnyders/music: no such file or directory.04:28
Theyainyes you are.  I dare say you can have a better conversation then IBM's new 'Grand Challenge' bot04:28
hacknperlanyone know of any web based control panels for ubuntu similar to webmin but not quite as feature packed.  I want a simple control panel just to add virtual hosts to apache basically for my domain names and maybe setup ftp accounts for the different domain names.  I dont need all the other stuff webmin comes with04:29
fffudsnyders, oops... back to quotes on expansion, then04:30
sacarlsonshero: you can test you java instalation by going to this site http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml04:30
fffuOH FFS LOL does grep supports unicode??04:30
dsnydersfffu, quotes on expansion?  Is that a setting somewhere?04:31
fffudsnyders, no, just put ' 's around strings with $foo in it04:31
sherosacarlson: I have java but it says there is an update available04:31
dsnydersfffu, in other words I have to type in cd '$foo'04:32
fffuGNU people think people shouldn't use spaces in filenames04:32
fffudsnyders, yes04:32
Satisfiedahh.. was about to ask if anybody could figure out why my box was running like total shit....  just realized there is 0 bytes free of hard drive space04:33
r00t4rd3dshero, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/10/sun-java-runtime-jre-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-partner-repository/04:34
cr215anyone know how to get my laptops internal mic working on skype, google talk, icall, and whatnot?  ive tried everything i can think of..  ran system tests which were successful, tested the mic in sound recorder successfully, played around with alsamixer, sound settings...  i dont know what to do. buti and anyine ie talked to are stumped04:34
cr215please help04:34
dsnydersfffu, Well, pudu! I guess I'm going to have to break out Thunar and rename all my directories.04:34
intr0x80How do I tell what ubuntu package to install to get /usr/bin/time?04:35
fffuwhat is the fastest way to change one character to another?04:35
sheror00t4ard3d: I was just looking at this when you mssgd me http://timashley.me/node/59604:35
fffuintr0x80, go to packages.ubuntu.com and use searhc form04:35
sacarlsonfffu: backspace and type another?04:35
r00t4rd3dshero that would work also04:36
r00t4rd3dyou need the jre04:36
intr0x80fffu: Nifty. Thanks.  What do you mean by change one character to another? in some language?04:36
fffusacarlson, while filtering some output04:36
XiaolinDraconisi want to install ubuntu a second time04:36
bonjoyeeintr0x80: type time and press enter...04:36
sacarlsonfffu: maybe some kind of sed thing in bash?04:36
XiaolinDraconisso i can remaster a perfect live cd04:36
XiaolinDraconisbut i dont want the install process screwing with my grub04:37
fffused's too bulky for such trivial job04:37
bonjoyeeintr0x80: if its not installed..ubuntu will tell what package u need04:37
intr0x80bonjoyee: That's the bash builtin, which isn't redirectable.04:37
dsnydersfffu, there's a command called sed.  It stands for stream editor.  Not sure how to use it but it's basically cat infile|sed>outfile04:37
RichiieDoes anybody know where i can get Doom3 Native Linux Client, and does anyone know if there is any equilalent application / program to (Gameranger / Runs only on M$ and Mac) :(04:37
etzerdsHello all04:37
intr0x80bonjoyee: I see what you mean, though it's still a bash builtin04:37
pconwellanyone a ushare guru?04:38
dsnydersfffu, there's also a transform command somewhere along the line.04:38
etzerdsWhen the new version will be out?04:38
sacarlsonfffu: bulky as in large size?  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 55364 2009-12-22 05:43 sed04:38
bonjoyeeintr0x80: you're right..04:38
sheror00t4rd3d: installing04:38
pain-btanyone know any support for backtrack?04:40
r00t4rd3dshero , in the synaptic package manager search for jre plugin and install that also04:41
bonjoyeeintr0x80: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/33404:41
rs0832pain-bt: #backtrack-linux04:41
r00t4rd3dsun-java6-plugin is that package name04:41
sherowhat is the synaptic package manager04:41
r00t4rd3dSystem , Admin , synaptic package manager04:42
rs0832pain-bt: :)04:42
r00t4rd3da way to install packages with out the terminal basically04:42
sherowhere is that located04:42
r00t4rd3dSystem , Admin , synaptic package manager04:42
r00t4rd3dfrom the top task bar04:42
fffubash syntax is major pain in the *s04:43
sacarlsonfffu: example  sed 's/Paech/Peach/' fruit_prices.txt   to change all words paach to peach http://freebooks.by.ru/view/ShellProgIn24h/31480107.htm04:43
sacarlsonfffu: to change a single letter A to a   sed 's/A/a/' thisfile.txt04:45
sheror00t4rd3d: ok installed both components that all?04:45
r00t4rd3dtry your minecraft now04:45
fffui discovered tr :)04:45
sheroshould i run it with JDK?04:46
Richiiethere does not seem to be any equialent to Gameranger =(04:46
sheror00t4rd3d: should i run it with JDK or Sun. I think sun04:46
celthunderlunar eclipsetonight04:46
gambit_2I need to know how not where to go....how do i up grade to 10.10 on laptop with 10.9 when my disk will not boot04:47
r00t4rd3dshero you can verify everything works here http://www.w3.org/People/mimasa/test/object/java/jar-nest204:47
celthunderoops wrong channel sorry04:47
=== user__ is now known as SantaCauze
r00t4rd3dthe jre and firefox plugin04:47
SantaCauzehey guys04:47
idea4goodhi all i am trying to resize my ntfs partition it gives me this warning04:47
idea4goodactually they were 32 MB unallocated space before my primary partition04:48
sheror00t4rd3d: wait both? the link you sent me there is a gray screen. im guessing that means FAIL04:48
r00t4rd3dhave you restarted firefox ?04:48
SantaCauzecan anyone recommend conky scripts04:48
r00t4rd3dsince doing the plugin install ?04:49
sherono but what if i want to run it in the jar download04:49
r00t4rd3dyou must restart ff for the changes to take effect04:49
sheror00t4rd3d: even for the jar to run?04:49
=== cr215 is now known as twaughthammer
=== twaughthammer is now known as cr215
r00t4rd3djust entertain me and restart ff and try that link04:50
sherocan i still keep freenode open?04:50
SantaCauzeshero yeah04:50
r00t4rd3dwell how you connected to freenode ?04:51
sheroO SHIT04:51
randy_does ubuntu support touch monitor04:51
IdleOne!language | shero04:51
ubottushero: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..04:51
maco!language | shero04:51
r00t4rd3dso it works i take it04:51
idea4goodcan anybody look at my paste http://imgur.com/6qD0604:52
sheror00t4rd3d: i kept the link open and told firefox to save it after restart and the first tab it opens up i almost fall back04:52
XiaolinDraconiscan someone tell me about install ubuntu twice04:52
bonjoyeeidea4good: u have a windows dual boot?04:52
idea4goodbonjoyee : yeah cleaning everything and making fresh partitions using gparted and trying to install XP and then ubuntu04:53
idea4goodSo from prev install had XP04:53
r00t4rd3dshero do you see the game ?04:53
r00t4rd3ddoes it work ?04:53
sheror00t4rd3d: ya but will it work with the jar?04:54
folkloredon't get why debian users get so upset when someone mentions ubuntu04:54
XiaolinDraconisyes twice04:54
folkloremust be jealousy04:54
bonjoyeeidea4good: so what that 40gb sda1 for? windows xp?04:54
r00t4rd3didea4good, looks like you have errors in your windows04:54
XiaolinDraconisim gonna use remastersys to make my ideal livecd04:54
r00t4rd3dyou need to run chkdsk /f from windows04:54
r00t4rd3dshero yeah04:54
idea4goodbefore XP home partition there was 32 mb firware partition which i deleted and merged into sda104:54
sacarlsonXiaolinDraconis: I have it install 6 times in virtualbox04:55
idea4goodbut now i am trying to resize sda1 to 20gb it doesnt allow me saying warning04:55
bonjoyeeidea4good: do you still have a working windows install?04:55
sheror00t4rd3d: what shall i open it with? Sun java?04:55
idea4goodI want clean off XP partition and install a fresh copy04:55
idea4goodI do have XP install cd04:55
idea4goodI just want proper organization of my space04:55
XiaolinDraconisyeah i have done that with vmware04:55
idea4gooddeleted 2 firmware patitions04:55
XiaolinDraconisbut not more than once on one virtual drive04:55
r00t4rd3dshero im not familar with that game or how to run it , but you have all the proper linux java stuff installed now.04:56
bonjoyeeidea4good: then delete all partitions and start afresh...if theres nothing on the disk?04:56
r00t4rd3dwhere did you get this minecraft game ?04:56
sheror00t4rd3d: thats fine. Thanks!04:56
sacarlsonXiaolinDraconis: and virtualbox would be the perfect place to test your new iso file without ever even having to burn a disk04:56
XiaolinDraconisyep i already did that04:56
idea4goodYou mean delete all the partitions and start from fresh you are saying04:56
XiaolinDraconisbut its a bit bulky04:56
hasibullahhi every body04:56
XiaolinDraconisi wanna start with a clean install make some tweaks and then run it again04:57
idea4goodobviuosly there is dataa which i took backup04:57
hasibullahhow to update my vlc media player because it can't play wmv formate files04:57
gambit_2can someone answer my question....how do you upgrade ubuntu when it doesn't let your disk drive boot first04:57
bonjoyeeidea4good: yes!,..but u know better than me about your pc..if theres something u care about dont do it!04:57
sacarlsonXiaolinDraconis: well then prepare some free partitions to install your secound or Xth ubuntu on and put it there04:57
XiaolinDraconiswill installing a new one mess with my current grub04:58
XiaolinDraconisother than adding an entry04:58
idea4goodbonjoyye : so if i delete all partitions and start over will it format entire disk04:58
bonjoyeeidea4good: yes04:58
sacarlsonXiaolinDraconis: yes I imagin it would but you can keep the same defaults if you want04:58
XiaolinDraconismy awesome looking theme as well?04:59
r00t4rd3dshero http://minecraft.net/play.jsp04:59
hasibullahhow to update my vlc player04:59
XiaolinDraconisthats the only part im worried about is the themes disappearing04:59
r00t4rd3dworks for me in firefox04:59
XiaolinDraconisgrub2 is pwnage btw04:59
bonjoyeeidea4good: i'd recommend 20gb for xp(ntfs,primary) , 20 for ubuntu(ext4,primary), rest shared between the two(ntfs,primary)05:00
=== bombshell is now known as bombshell[a]
idea4goodbonjoyee: i deleted all partitions05:02
bonjoyeeidea4good: ok.. now?05:02
nightcrowJordan_U: i fixed it buddy05:02
bonjoyeeidea4good: i'd recommend 20gb for xp(ntfs,primary) , 20 for ubuntu(ext4,primary), rest shared between the two(ntfs,primary)05:02
=== bencahill_ is now known as bencahill
Jordan_Unightcrow: What did the problem end up being?05:03
nightcrowJordan_U: not the best solution, but it works although, now i dont even see the grub menu - which doesnt really matter because I dont have a second OS05:03
idea4goodnow how i do create my partitions order sa follows : 20 (ntfs,primary) 70 gb extended shared between both and finally 20 gb ubuntu (ext4, primary)05:03
idea4goodbonjoyee: see my prev msg05:03
bonjoyeeidea4good: depends how much u use xp..if u need games..probably increase accordingly05:03
gambit_2well i see i can get no where with jerks with thier thumbs up thier bits05:04
nightcrowJordan_U: im not even sure why it happened (must be something to do with deploying a linux image with ubuntu)05:04
nightcrowJordan_U: the solution was pretty simple though:05:04
nightcrowif [ \${recordfail} = 1 ]; then   set timeout=-1 else   set timeout=${GRUB_TIMEOUT} fi05:04
idea4goodi am tryin to understand where should the shared space be created between 2 primray partitions05:04
nightcrowi change the '-1' to 3 and then ran grup-update05:04
bonjoyeeidea4good: how big is the hdd?05:04
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nightcrowJordan_U: i dont see the grub menu, but the timeout works05:05
idea4good120 gb05:05
nightcrowJordan_U: that function is in: /etc/grub.d/00_header05:05
felonhow come firefoxes bin always wants to run when i close it and suck system resources05:05
feloni always have to kill the process05:05
Jordan_Unightcrow: That suggests that the problem is with recordfail not being cleared. Can you confirm that /boot/grub/grubenv still contains all '#'s?05:05
sahniwhat is this05:06
bonjoyeeidea4good: why extended..make all 3 primary..05:06
sahniPlease can sombody tell me05:06
anon33_has usb-creator been deprecated? is there another way to install ubuntu from a usb drive?05:06
Jordan_Ubonjoyee: Why not extended? It allows for more flexability in the future.05:06
idea4goodbonjoyee: and if I want to make some changes  So i want one partition to be like my storage05:07
Leman_RussAnyone using a wireless mouse with Ubuntu?  Any problems, or does it work straight out of the box?05:07
bonjoyeeJordan_U: the disk is just 120gb..also theres space for more partition after the 3 primary05:07
mschulzeSahni, what is your problem?05:07
bonjoyeeJordan_U: as 4 is the limit for primary05:07
infidon the server, a samba shared file is owned by dev:dev, which shows up on the client as 'infid:48' (48 is the uid of 'dev' on the server). infid is a member of the 'dev' group and the file is group writable. yet when i try to write to the file on the client it says permission denied. Any idea why?05:08
bonjoyeeidea4good: do as you need them..i was just suggesting!05:08
idea4goodbonjoyee:  so help me with this can i make logical partitions of primary 3 which shared between 205:09
hasibullahmy vlc can't play wmv file formate how to install a plugin for it05:09
t-b0n3hasibullah, i think the plugin is called 'plugin your windows hard drive' ;)05:09
fffuhow to use xmodmap to create new AltGr+X combination?05:10
mschulzeInfid; I'm not great with streets, but I have heard that the client machine can require the proper permissions, not just the user05:10
bonjoyeeidea4good: u can have a max of 4 primary parts on a disk..so even if you make all 3 primary...later u can delete anyone..and replace it with an extended part05:10
Jordan_Ubonjoyee: But you can only create new logical partitions within an existing extended partition. Keeping as much as possible in possible in logical partitions means you can add new partitions in between existing ones, something that you can't do if you only have one free primary partition to create logical partitions in.05:10
fffuhasibullah, it's usually builtin, are you sure file is ok?05:10
bonjoyeeJordan_U: you're right..please explain to idea4good05:11
hasibullahfffu: yes those files can be played in windows media player in windows but can't in vlc05:11
r00t4rd3dhasibullah, have you tried mplayer ?05:12
infidmschulze: what do you mean05:12
idea4goodSo can i share exteneded partition between 2 primaries, if so should it be between 2 primary i means parition arragements say : P1 (ntfs ,20) , Extended 70 gb , P2 (primary ext4)05:13
Jordan_Uidea4good: While windows has some problems with booting from logical partitions, linux has no issues whatsoever with them. I suggest you make whatever primary partitions windows needs and create an extended partition in the remaining free space, then create logical partitins within that.05:13
hasibullahr88t4rd3d: no05:13
idea4goodfor linux you dont need a primary partitions ?05:13
fffuidea4good, you can create small primary partition to insall windows loader to, and install widows itself into extended partition05:14
mschulzeInfid: You can grant permissions to the user AND the user machine.05:14
idea4goodno advance config please spent 2 days trying to get simple stuff working05:14
hasibullahr88t4rd3d: you mean media player which is installed by default05:14
Jordan_Uidea4good: Nope, grub(2) can boot from logical partitions just fine.05:14
mschulzeInfid: be sure both sets give write access05:14
infidmschulze: how do you grant permissions to a machine05:15
r00t4rd3dhasibullah, i just installed vlc and it plays wmv file fine05:15
bonjoyeeidea4good: so the general consensus is 1 primary part for windows, 1 primary/logical for ubuntu, the third for data..now you decide which one goes where05:16
zaahirhi all05:16
bonjoyeeidea4good: and then ask if u need further help..05:16
mschulzeInfid: Technically you shouldn't have to. The server settings should allow for the users permissions to override the machines permissions. But I don't know actually how to do it05:16
idea4goodjust a clarification can i make like Partition 1 20 gb ntfs primary, exteneded partitions with logical partitions D E F and linux Partition which should be ext 4 so will both XP and linux share them05:18
r00t4rd3dhasibullah, check pm05:18
idea4goodso i am saying keeping linux at end follow by swap05:18
fffuwhere are keyoard layouts are stored?05:19
fffuext4 cannot be shared05:19
zaahirin the terminal. what is the command? to edit a file. command opens a window. parallel to the tree structure05:19
fffuuse ext2 or ntfs05:19
Jordan_Uzaahir: "nano /path/to/file.txt" is one option.05:19
hasibullahr88t4rd3d: what is pm05:19
bonjoyeeidea4good: doesn't matter where u place the extended parts..or the ubuntu..if its ntfs u can share it with ubuntu05:20
Tophfffu,,, ext4 cannot be shared even through samba shares?05:20
Jordan_U!pm | r00t4rd3d05:20
ubottur00t4rd3d: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:20
zaahirJordan_U i schearch another05:20
fffuhe means used together by windws and linux05:20
r00t4rd3dhasibullah, test this. Open VLC , click Media at the top , Advanced open file , network , paste this link in the box , play. http://www.archive.org/download/WorkToFishtestwmv/test_wmv.wmv05:21
r00t4rd3dJordan_U, i wasnt asking a question I was answering a redundant one.05:21
r00t4rd3dand there is no rules against pm someone on irc05:22
Jordan_Ur00t4rd3d: While not directly covered in that ubottu factoid, we prefer that helpers keep the conversation in-channel when reasonable so that we can be sure people aren't being given bad advice, among other reasons.05:22
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r00t4rd3di know you got it out for me but aleast get something good.05:23
XiaolinDraconispshh i give people bad advice in pm's all the time05:23
idea4goodbonjoyee: can i make logical partitions in exteneded space which ubuntu can access without mounting them?05:24
hasibullahr88t4rd3d: yes that works05:24
zaahirالسلام عليكم حسبلله05:24
hasibullahzaahir: ws05:24
bonjoyeeidea4good: yes..format them as ntfs05:24
XiaolinDraconisOMG i think i heard a ticking sound05:24
r00t4rd3dhasibullah, cool, so the file you were originally opening must be borked.05:25
bonjoyeeidea4good: but still u have to mount them,,,using fstab or the mount command05:25
XiaolinDraconisis that an unattended deb package! RUN05:25
bencahillzaahir, lol, had to use google translate :)05:25
XiaolinDraconiswow ur fast05:25
zaahirJordan_U do you speak french ?05:26
hasibullahr88t4rd3d: while playing the video  my vlc says that:05:26
hasibullahNo suitable decoder module:05:26
hasibullahVLC does not support the audio or video format "wmas". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.05:26
hasibullahNo suitable decoder module:05:26
hasibullahVLC does not support the audio or video format "MSS2". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.05:26
FloodBot1hasibullah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:26
bencahillgreat, another floodbot!05:26
zaahirbencahill no i am a little arabic student05:26
bencahillzaahir, :)05:26
XiaolinDraconistold u floodbots get lonely sometimes feel left out05:27
Jordan_U!fr | zaahir05:27
ubottuzaahir: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.05:27
zaahirubottu mais à cette heure-ci il n'y a pas grand monde sur le canal français alors je viens ici05:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:28
ICMubottu can you be a sexy bot? ;)05:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:28
t-b0n3ubottu, do you know anything about pacemaker?05:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:29
ICMGetting money to build a new computer for christmas05:29
ICMI think I'm gonna put UBuntu 10.10 on it :)05:29
bencahillICM, where u buying from?05:30
Jordan_U!topic | ICM05:30
ubottuICM: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:30
Jordan_U!language | ICM05:30
ubottuICM: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..05:30
bencahillICM, good stuff, just built one myself from there :)05:30
anon33_is the 64 bit version only compatible with amd processors?05:31
bonjoyeebencahill: r u the same bencahill? usb install? digital photoframe?05:31
Jordan_Uanon33_: No, it works with intel CPUs as well.05:31
bencahillbonjoyee, yep, registered nick, not going anywhere (the nick) :)05:31
anon33_Jordan_U: thanks. it should probably have it's name altered05:31
zaahiralone in the dark05:31
nirazioI want to share folder for two users what i did is made group>>add users to group>>set chmod>>set chown>>set setgid 2775>>reboot  made echo test > /Common/testfile going to see right - group common read&write  made file with nautilus going to see right - group common readonly  copy file with nautilus going to see right - group common readonly 0_o  made file with gedit going to see right - group common read&write  Why? Its a bug?05:31
bonjoyeebencahill: ok..just wondering..u got it to work?05:32
ICManon33_ It's due to the standards, that's the only reason why it's called AMD64, Intel processors implement the same stuff. Not a very intelligent name for those unfamiliar, yeah :/05:32
zaahirin the terminal. what is the command? to edit a file. command opens a window. parallel to the tree structure05:32
r00t4rd3danon33_, if you download the i386 iso and put it in the same folder as wubi it will use that iso.05:32
bencahillbonjoyee, I'm lazy, gonna work on it right now! :)05:32
bonjoyeebencahill: i checked ur grub.cfg..and its kernel lines have a wrong uuid..05:33
anon33_ICM: the only reason i was worried of the 64bit install is that i thought it wouldn't be compatible with my computer05:33
bencahillbonjoyee, yeah, kind of weird seeing as it was auto-generated...05:33
MR_Bear"" i_need_help has created the channel ineedhelp as he has been muted.  If anyone wants to help him.  Whether you're a guru or are just smart enough to tell him to not disable the windows logon process in startup or more.  He will appreciate any help you can give.  Thank you."" someone said.05:34
AutonomiserWhat CPU do you have in your puter anon33_?05:34
bencahill!pm | zaahir05:34
ubottuzaahir: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:34
bencahillzaahir, you can use nano, like this: sudo nano /path/to/file05:34
bonjoyeebencahill: it still uses the kernel from the hdd install, and the / is the one from the usb05:34
bencahillbonjoyee, well but it has the --set command, so I'm assuming that overrides the other? I don't know, but that's not my problem right now, because I learned that if the bios doesn't support booting to usb, then for grub to boot to usb, it needs to load a usb module...working on that now :)05:35
bonjoyeebencahill: but the kernel line will always try to get the one thats mentioned on it05:36
zaahirbencahill but it's for delete some files05:37
bencahillbonjoyee, yes, if I get the usb figured out, then I'll fix that (somehow, I'd like to do it the proper way and not edit grub.cfg), if not, I'll have to go with putting /boot on the hdd, although I'd rather not (so I can still have the hdd install to fall back too) :)05:38
bencahillzaahir, what?05:38
zaahirdelete a file in my system05:38
bencahillzaahir, rm05:39
zaahiri am news in the buissiness05:39
bonjoyeebencahill: just add the correct menu entry to /etc/grub.d/40_custom and do sudo update-grub05:39
bencahillzaahir, check out this, it'll help you :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#File%20&%20Directory%20Commands05:39
bencahillbonjoyee, ok thx05:40
idea4goodbonjoyee : imgur.com/7ofTo.png05:41
idea4goodbonjoyee : http://imgur.com/7ofTo.png05:41
bonjoyeeidea4good: looks good..05:42
idea4goodso linux swap should be as linux swap file type but actual linux home should be ext4?05:42
luxurymodeIs it normal for Ubuntu to take a long time to change my user password?05:42
bencahillidea4good, swap in linux is a partition, not a file, as in windows05:43
zaahirbencahill Jordan_U I found my order. Shaolin was murder. gksudo nautilus05:43
luxurymodedavid2: was to "no" to me?05:44
bonjoyeeidea4good: u can mark last part as swap during install as well..dont bother about it now05:44
david2david2: yes05:44
zaahirthe mysteries of Beijing05:44
halfiehi, is there a graphical disk usage analyzer for ubuntu in the repos?05:44
luxurymodedavid2: im just seeing the spinny thing, showing that its processing05:44
idea4goodbonjoyye : but the linux home should be defined as file system type ext405:45
david2luxurymode: what are you doing?05:45
bonjoyeeidea4good: yes..but even that can be done at the time of ubuntu install05:45
luxurymodedavid2: i went to system > admin > users and groups and clicked to change my password. entered current password and chose to set new password by hand. entered new password and clicked ok. now its just processing...05:46
david2luxurymode: hmmmm05:47
bonjoyeeidea4good: go ahead ..do it05:47
david2luxurymode: let me try. Usually I did it with command line05:47
luxurymodedavid2: afraid to just try to close the window and do it again05:47
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luxurymodedavid2: and now im being denied permission on stuff in command line05:47
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david2luxurymode: do you have the root privilege?05:49
luxurymodeshould i sudo in command line?05:49
david2luxurymode: maybe. if you got permission denied05:49
luxurymodedavd2: is it just sudo and my username?05:50
luxurymodedavid2: cuz i tried that and didnt work...lol05:50
pipAnyone knows how to add a parmeter to Exec line of xchat.desktop file ?05:50
david2luxurymode: google it05:50
bencahillJordan_U, can you help me get my usb going? :-P I'm at the grub2 cli (just to test things out), and I typed insmod usb and then search -u {UUID}, and it said error: no such device...hmm...05:50
pipFor example: I want xchat to take LANG for en:ru both05:51
Jordan_Ubencahill: You need to insmod ohci, uhci, and usbms as well.05:51
bencahill!sudo | luxurymode05:52
ubottuluxurymode: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:52
luxurymodebencahill: thanks. noob here. did "passwd" and asked me to enter unix password. seemed to work05:53
bencahillJordan_U, hmm, still says no such device..05:53
bencahillluxurymode, glad you got it!05:53
CodyHello all05:53
Jordan_Ubencahill: What version of grub are you using? The USB code is fairly new, so the newer the better.05:53
luxurymodebencahill: still getting permission denied when i cd to etc/fstab05:53
XiaolinDraconiswe need 3 more users05:54
XiaolinDraconishi Cody05:54
bencahillluxurymode, cd is for dirs (Change Directory), /etc/fstab is a file :)05:54
luxurymodeomg, i am a retard05:54
bencahillluxurymode, if you're wanting to edit it, you could do something like sudo nano /etc/fstab05:55
luxurymodebencahill: knew that too bc i wanted to "describe"05:55
bencahillluxurymode, :) np05:55
bencahillJordan_U, don't know, came with 10.10, how can I check?05:55
CodyAnyone know how to use cwirc here?05:55
bencahillJordan_U, this is a cfg for it, if it helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546049/05:55
GinTonichow to mount and umount CDROM device under condition that do not shutdown computer?05:56
Jordan_Ubencahill: 10.10's grub is fairly new, I don't think much work has been done on the USB side since the snapshot it uses.05:56
nirazioI'm wondering if it's possible to set up dual screen using VESA as a driver?05:56
luxurymodebencahill: thanks a lot05:56
GinToniccan you help me ?05:56
bencahillJordan_U, ok, so is there anything else I can try, or am I pretty much screwed? :)05:56
GinTonichow to mount and umount CDROM device under condition that do not shutdown computer?05:56
bencahillluxurymode, np05:56
apctrhi all, I got a strange prob.....one program is executing properly on my laptop but after a while it is giving error" permission denied05:56
Jordan_Ubencahill: Could you file a bug report about your USB hardware not working with grub's USB drivers?05:57
bencahillapctr, what program?05:57
apctrbencahill: I'm working on ns-205:57
bencahillJordan_U, sure, the light never flashed, it's a pny attache 2gb, not sure about a serial or anything...where do I do it?05:58
luxurymodebencahill: so im actually trying to resolve a problem. had a hell of a time installing ubuntu on my system already running windows. problems were apparently bc of raided drives. so i got a brand new HD, slapped that in there and ubuntu install worked. but now, i cant get into windows, even though it shows up in the boot menu and i can access all the files through ubuntu05:58
bencahillluxurymode, what happens when you select it in the boot menu?05:58
apctrbencahill: tcl script was running perfectly but today it is showing the error05:58
luxurymodebencahill: not sure if this might be relevant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546174/05:59
bencahillapctr, ah, I don't know :)05:59
luxurymodebencahill: i get an error "no such drive" "no such dir"05:59
luxurymodeor "no such disk"05:59
luxurymodebencahill: something like that05:59
bencahillluxurymode, could you do it now and put the exact error in a paste? That paste was the fstab from ubuntu, doesn't affect windows06:00
Jordan_Ubencahill: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=grub06:00
luxurymodebencahill: i'll have to remember it bc i cant copy in the boot up...06:00
CodyAny help with cwirc?06:01
bencahillluxurymode, right, but as long as you've just seen it, you can remember it or type it in...06:01
bencahillJordan_U, thx06:01
luxurymodebencahill: ok, i'll snap a pic too06:01
bencahillluxurymode, k cya :)06:01
Codyanyone here know anything about the cwirc package?06:01
Jordan_Ubencahill: You're welcome. Thank you for taking the time to file a bug (and hopefully follow up on it), the USB drivers don't get much testing and they really need it.06:02
cjlacayoHi everyone06:04
cjlacayoJust installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my Hp Mini 110 :-)06:04
Cody.... ..06:05
cjlacayoAnyone in Miami?06:05
glitchdcould someone help me to enable a pae kernel so i can use my 8 gigs of ram? i just cant seem to get it to work.06:05
bencahillJordan_U, I like to help out when I can :)06:05
red3kiccjlacayo:  Nice. And as for Miami thing, that's irrelevant. ;)06:05
rwwcjlacayo: some people in #ubuntu-us-fl probably are :)06:06
bonjoyee!patience | cody06:06
ubottucody: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:06
apctrwht is the meanikng of a lock symbol on a folder06:06
red3kicapctr:  You probably don't have permissions to write that folder -- I guess.06:06
r00t4rd3dglitchd, back for more lol06:06
Cody.... . .-.. .-.. ...06:06
glitchdr00t4rd3d, lol yes06:07
rwwCody: don't use cwirc in here, please.06:07
cjlacayored: it is relevant; for LoCo participation.06:07
glitchdr00t4rd3d, i just reinstalled 10.0406:07
apctrred3kic: I provide 777 permission but it is also showing that symbol;06:07
glitchdr00t4rd3d, said fuck it ill go back to what work without problems06:07
red3kicapctr:  What directory?06:07
Jordan_U!language | glitchd06:07
ubottuglitchd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..06:07
r00t4rd3dglitchd, why not use the latest 10.10 ?06:07
glitchdr00t4rd3d, but i forgot to look at what packages were installed to handle the pae and let me use my 8 gigs of ram06:07
glitchdubottu, sry..06:08
glitchdr00t4rd3d, it was just giving me problems06:08
glitchdr00t4rd3d, and i already reinstalled it twice, and still just had massive problems06:08
glitchdr00t4rd3d, so i just said forget it ill go back to 10.0406:08
apctrred3kic: ns2 simulator directory06:09
apctrred3kic: how to give 777 command on a directory06:09
red3kicapctr:  Any chance you're looking at emblem? "chmod -R 777 Directory"06:10
bencahillJordan_U, how would I check the v of grub? (it's on the bug request page)06:10
red3kicapctr:  You can right-click on a folder -- and change permissions in Property, I believe06:10
rashadKMhow to load javascript file using libcurl in ubuntu06:10
Jordan_Ubencahill: grub-install --version06:11
bencahillJordan_U, thx, is there a way to do it in the grub cli, since I'm already there? :)06:11
glitchdr00t4rd3d, so u got any clues how to enable the pae kernel?06:11
luxurymodebencahill: here are the pics. first one is strange error i get after messing with CMOS to finally get ubuntu install to work. http://imgur.com/5sqJa then boot menu: http://imgur.com/TWtLq then error: http://imgur.com/TJ1mS06:12
Jordan_Ubencahill: It should be listed at the top of the screen.06:12
r00t4rd3dglitchd, not real sure on that one06:12
bencahillJordan_U, oh right, d'oh!06:12
glitchdr00t4rd3d, darnit06:12
glitchddoes anyone know how to enable pae in 10.04????06:13
Jordan_U!pae | glitchd06:13
ubottuglitchd: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info06:13
bencahillluxurymode, lol, same error right now as I'm getting :)06:13
bonjoyeebencahill: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/how-to-boot-from-an-usb-stick-without-bios-support-using-grub2-776192/06:13
luxurymodebencahill: haha really?06:13
r00t4rd3dglitchd, are you running 32bit ?06:13
luxurymodebencahill: not a very informative one06:13
glitchdr00t4rd3d, yes06:13
bencahillluxurymode, something's funny with that grub config, as that's not a uuid, they're much longer06:13
luxurymodebencahill: uuid?06:14
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:14
`AbhijitHello everyone. Should i prefer the openjdk package over sunjdk even if i don't use it to make commercial programs? ... Thanks06:14
bencahill!uuid | luxurymode06:14
ubottuluxurymode: please see above06:14
r00t4rd3dglitchd, have you tried the 64bit install ?06:15
glitchdr00t4rd3d, yes06:15
glitchdr00t4rd3d, i didnt like it06:15
r00t4rd3dbut that may fix your problem06:15
r00t4rd3dis it only seeing 3.2gig of mem ?06:15
glitchdi dont need to install 64 bit to solve my problem06:15
glitchdi know it works in 32 bit06:15
bonjoyeebencahill: check post #6 in the link i sent you..06:16
Jordan_Ubencahill: luxurymode: That looks like a normal UUID for an ntfs filesystem.06:16
luxurymodebencahill: oh i see. its basically an id for the drive?06:16
bencahillJordan_U, heh, shows how much I know :)06:17
bencahillluxurymode, yep, and grub isn't seeing it...06:17
luxurymodebencahill: Jordan_U: weird thing is that i can only even bring up the boot menu with ubuntu, windows, etc if i go into cmos and, under raid config, disable all the SATA ports06:17
glitchdr00t4rd3d, i figured it out06:18
r00t4rd3dwhat you do ?06:18
glitchdr00t4rd3d, i needed to enable those listings in grub..lol06:18
glitchdr00t4rd3d, now i jus need to reboot to boot into it06:18
glitchdr00t4rd3d, brb06:18
bencahillbonjoyee, yeah, that won't help for me though, as grub doesn't recognize the usb drive! :) I may try plop though...06:19
Jordan_Uluxurymode: That sounds like your BIOS has fakeRAID that you're not using. (which is a good thing, FakeRAID has no advantage over linux software RAID and many downsides).06:19
bonjoyeebencahill :check carefully theres a workaround for that as well06:19
luxurymodeJordan_U: right06:19
luxurymodeJordan_U: bencahill: weird thing is sudo update-grub gives me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/546176/06:20
Jordan_Uluxurymode: So just keep RAID disabled in the BIOS and everything should be fine.06:20
luxurymodejust disable raid completely?06:20
Jordan_Uluxurymode: Ahh, that means your windows install *is* using fakeRAID.06:20
luxurymodeJordan_U: ah crap06:20
Jordan_Uluxurymode: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid"?06:22
drhe1skthello all06:22
glitchdr00t4rd3d, immmmmmmmmm baackk06:22
glitchdr00t4rd3d, lol06:22
bencahillbonjoyee, in that post? I didn't see it :-/06:22
glitchdr00t4rd3d, yea its flyin now06:22
r00t4rd3dwith all your 8gigs06:22
drhe1sktis there a player on ubuntu that plays upnp media from my server?06:22
luxurymodeJordan_U: but the ubuntu install was onto the fresh new drive. it wasnt (i dont think...) an install of ubuntu onto a fakedraid drive with an existing installation of an OS06:22
glitchdr00t4rd3d, 7.706:22
luxurymodeJordan_U: sure. sec.06:22
bonjoyeebencahill:  post #6..check the part that says booting into the recovery mode!06:23
glitchdr00t4rd3d, for whatever reason i can never get it to enable all 8 gigs06:23
luxurymodeJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546178/06:23
glitchdr00t4rd3d, idk why06:23
Jordan_Uluxurymode: If that's the case, and if you want to keep the fakeRAID for windows, you'll need to enable fakeRAID for just the drives containing windows.06:23
luxurymodeJordan_U: uh, oh man. no idea how to do that.06:24
AprilHarehello. i am having transient problems with network connectivity under ubuntu 10.10; it often occurs after wakeup from sleep but sometimes after boot. the only redress is rebooting and i have no idea how to trace the problem much less fix it myself. any suggestions?06:24
luxurymodeJordan_U: basically i had two drives in there, which appeared to be linked as 1. they were port 0 and 1. then i installed the new drive and it was port 306:24
luxurymodeJordan_U: also, if i go to raid config and disable all but port 3, i cant get to the boot menu with the OS options06:25
Jordan_Uluxurymode: In that menu you talked about where you said you "under raid config, disable all the SATA ports". But only disable the one containing Ubuntu, most likely the third as the drive is listed as sdc.06:25
luxurymodeJordan_U: right, but that configuration wont work. cant get into ANYTHING that way06:26
Jordan_Uluxurymode: Are you sure you don't just need to change the boot order in the BIOS so that port 3 is first to boot?06:26
luxurymodeJordan_U: oh, interesting. yeah dont know how to do that. i just saw boot order options of "hard drive", "optical", "diskette", etc. and i tried every conceivable order. though not sure i tried them all with only port 3 enabled. also, sometimes i noticed CMOS would auto-revert back to previous configs and enable/disabe ports by itself. though i cant swear by that. id have to look more closely.06:27
luxurymodeJordan_U: wait, you're  saying DISABLE the ubuntu one and enable all the rest?06:29
Jordan_Uluxurymode: Yes. Because the Ubuntu install is not using fakeRAID.06:29
luxurymodeJordan_U: so just try that? otherwise how can you set priority to ports for boot order?06:30
Jordan_Uluxurymode: You should be able to.06:30
luxurymodeJordan_U: will the different ports just be options in boot order menu? or do i need to make HD first priority and set that to port 3 somewhere else?06:31
Jordan_Uluxurymode: I would expect it to be the former, but every BIOS has a different interface.06:32
luxurymodeJordan_U: right. lemme first just try enabling all except port 306:32
luxurymodeJordan_U: brb06:32
bencahillJordan_U, oh I forgot, the USB stick is in a PC Card or cardbus slot, would that make a difference? :-P06:33
Jordan_Ubencahill: That's a good question, I don't actually know :)06:33
=== ubuntu is now known as tehbaut_
samantha2what command is used to switch gnome to lxde?06:39
samantha2to default?06:39
mandepsamantha2: lxde is installed with gnome or installed seprately?06:40
kandinskiwhat's the desktop equivalent of phpmyadmin?06:40
tehbaut_I'm having some issues with copying/rsync that I can't explain, and Google hasn't been much help either. I have a 2TB external hard drive, NTFS formatted, and I have an internal NTFS drive, and I'm trying to copy files back and forth, but it keeps giving me an error "No space left on device" ...but that's so not true, as there's clearly 1.5TB left on the device!!06:40
kandinskior the gui equivalent of mysqladmin, if you want?06:40
samantha2I remember using a command to set a desktop manager06:41
tehbaut_I've tried copying via Nautilus UI, and terminal via cp and rsync... same errors06:41
mandepi mean insatlled while instling ubuntu or its downlded06:41
PCChriswhy can I not seem to change the perms on my flash drive from rwxr--r-- ?06:41
tehbaut_I just don't get it...06:41
kandinskitehbaut_: do you have those NTFS files also mounted on windows?06:41
bullgardHow can I accomplish that Update Manager will not update in the futue my current kernel (version)? (Because I have compiled in a special module which would go lost.)06:41
kandinskitehbaut_: I mean, do you dualboot?06:41
samantha2I want to be able to start my computer and lxde login prompt so show.06:41
samantha2* to06:41
tehbaut_kandinski: yes, but they shouldn't be mounted... I was able to copy files before06:41
kandinskitehbaut_: windows and ubuntu have different places for their trash/recycle bins06:42
samantha2I currently have gnome06:42
samantha2i already installed lxde06:42
kandinskitehbaut_: I advise you to boot windows, empty trashcans, then boot ubuntu, empty recicle bins, then try again06:42
samantha2and I can selected at login06:42
mandephow can i see d list of permissions given to any file frm terminal?06:42
tehbaut_kandinski: but I don't see how that would matter... the drive is brand new, and never had anything deleted from it06:43
kandinskimandep: ls -la file06:43
kandinskitehbaut_: in that case, no, it makes no sense06:43
kandinskiwhere is the file mounted?06:43
PCChriscorrection:  rwxr-xr-x06:43
kandinskiI mean the filesystem?06:43
bullgardmandep: Use the command 'ls -al <filename>'06:43
samantha2need help on making lxde default06:44
samantha2any takers?06:44
samantha2I remember using a command on the terminal06:44
tehbaut_kandinski: whatever is the default... they mounted when I ran the livecd06:44
samantha2to choose which to boot with06:44
mandephow can i list all programs that started when pc starts sortingly????06:45
bullgardmandep: What do you mean by "sortingly"?06:46
r00t4rd3dsamantha you can log out and at the bottom there is options for picking what you want to use06:47
tyroneMorning everyone (at least where I am ) anyone know whyt I would get this msg when I try to mount a partition on one of my HDD?06:48
tyroneError mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:06:48
tyronemount: only root can mount /dev/sda1 on /media/sda106:48
tehbaut_kandinski: give up? :P06:48
mandepsorted acc. to the time which started earlier should listed earlier06:48
PCChrisanybody know why my flash drive might always auto-mount with perms set to being writable only by root, and sudo chmod as well as sudo chown failing?06:49
mekwallmandep: check boot chart :)06:49
bullgardtyrone: Probably because you did not have enough permission rights. Try sudo as a prefix.06:49
laptopbuttonshi there. I can't for the life of me figure out where to disable my laptop's auxiliary volume buttons (next to the keyboard). can anyone help?06:49
mandepjoin #qt06:49
mekwallsudo apt-get install bootchart06:49
mrcomichey guys i have a partition used only for my music libary wich file format should i use?06:49
kandinskitehbaut_: I am trying to get work done too, but I am still thinking about your ntfs in the background of my mind06:49
laptopbuttonsmrcomic: flac.06:49
mekwallmandep: http://www.bootchart.org/06:49
tehbaut_kandinski: cool, thanks much :)06:50
mrcomicno i mean the disk format06:50
tyronebullgard: thanks, any idea why only one of the partitions would be like that? how do I make it like the rest?06:50
kandinskitehbaut_: where are those ntfs filesystems mounted?06:50
=== aknm is now known as monk
kandinskiwhat does df -h tell you on the console?06:50
nightcrowJordan_U: yes, /boot/grub/grubenv only contains ##'s06:51
laptopbuttonsmrcomic: uh. does it matter? pick something that will work with every OS you need it to06:51
tehbaut_kandinski: they're mounted wherever the default mount point is when the livecd loaded06:51
bullgardtyrone: '~$ cat /etc/fstab' will probably tell you. Probably you gave special access permission to this particular partition.06:51
tehbaut_kandinski: /dev/sdc1   1.9T   265G   1.6T   15%   /media/Flux Capacitor06:51
tyronebullgard: thanks I will see what that gives06:52
anon33_i have a drive that's formatted as hfsplus yet has journaling disabled. for some reason, i still can't write to the disk drive. mount replies (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)06:52
mrcomici only have linux and i want to be ... as fast as possible in relation to the files i got there06:52
anon33_a similar hfsplus drive that does allow me to write to it just says (rw)06:52
anon33_what can i do to allow writing to the first drive?06:52
kandinskitehbaut_: tough nut to crack06:52
bullgardHow can I accomplish that Update Manager will not update in the futue my current kernel (version)? (Because I have compiled in a special module which would go lost.)06:53
tehbaut_kandinski: Google results suggested it might be an inode problem, but I show plenty of inodes available too, when running df -i: /dev/sdc1  1677282040  906416  1676375624  1%  /media/Flux Capacitor06:53
tyronebullgard: all I get is bash: /etc/fstab: permission denied06:53
kandinskitehbaut_: I am totally stumped06:53
mrcomictyrone use sudo gedit /etc/fstab06:54
mrcomicand see what it says06:54
quiescenstehbaut_: what filesystem is /dev/sdc1 ?06:55
tehbaut_quiescens: NTFS06:55
luxurymodebencahill: you there?06:55
Jordan_Uanon33_: What error do you get when you try to write to it?06:55
bullgardtyrone: '~$ cat /etc/fstab' works for me. Pleas tell me what do you obtain when you do '~$ ls -al /etc/fstab'.06:55
tyronemrcomic: thanks works. can I pastebinit for you to have a look at?06:56
anon33_Jordan_U: Permission denied.06:56
mrcomicyup :)06:56
mrcomic@tyrone :) sure06:56
Jordan_Uanon33_: What are the permissions of the file/directory you're trying to write to?06:56
tyronebullgard: I was able to open with gksu gedit  /etc/fstab06:56
quiescensi wonder what it would display as an inode count for an ntfs filesystem06:56
PCChrisanybody know why my flash drive might always auto-mount with perms set to being writable only by root, and sudo chmod as well as sudo chown failing?06:56
anon33_well, in mount it says (rw, nosuid, nodev, uhelper-udisks)06:56
tyronemrcomic: http://pastebin.com/Mex6Fv4d06:57
anon33_in mount, ls -l responds with: "drwxrwxr-x 1 99 99"06:57
bullgardtyrone: Good. And now look at the properties of that particular partition.06:57
tyronebullgard: ^06:57
luxurymodetried every possible config in CMOS. only one that brings up bootloader is to disable all SATA ports. even set port 3 (with ubuntu install) as first boot disk priority and still wouldnt let me get into bootloader. just brings me to blinking cursor06:57
tehbaut_quiescens: problems like this are what I least expect from ubuntu... it doesn't make any sense06:58
bullgardtyrone: What does a message '^' mean with you?06:58
anon33_Jordan_U: what are you thinking?06:58
tehbaut_course, I'm not saying it /is/ an ubuntu problem, but still... would like to figure out what the problem is, exactly06:58
tyronebullgard: sorry was pointing out my pastebin comment for you. http://pastebin.com/Mex6Fv4d06:59
mrcomic@tyrone : the partition with errors is sdb5?06:59
Jordan_Uanon33_: Then your user does not have permission to write to that directory. Use "sudo chmod +w /mountpoint/" to give "other" users (like your own) permission to write there.06:59
tyronemrcomic: no it is sda107:00
nirazioHow to fix this erorr: bash: ./configure: Permission denied.07:00
r00t4rd3dsudo ./configure07:00
mrcomic@tyrone and what is exactly the problem?07:00
anon33_Jordan_U: "sudo chmod +w /dev/sdb2" was successful, but i still can't create directories on it07:00
tyronemrcomic: the problem is that I can't mount this partition07:01
bullgardtyrone: What partition are you especially interested in?07:01
Jordan_Uanon33_: /dev/sdb2 is not a mountpoint, it's a device node. If you pastebin the output of "mount" I can tell you what the mountpoint is.07:01
mrcomicwhy dont you try this in a terminal07:01
mrcomicsudo blkid /dev/sda107:01
luxurymodedamn where did bencahill go07:02
tyronebullgard: sda107:02
mrcomicand then you mount it using the uuid in the fstab file so it recognize it from the begining07:02
anon33_Jordan_U: /dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0)07:02
anon33_proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)07:02
anon33_none on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)07:02
anon33_fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)07:02
anon33_none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)07:02
anon33_none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)07:02
anon33_none on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)07:02
anon33_none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)07:02
anon33_none on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)07:02
mrcomic@tyrone why dont you try this in a terminal sudo blkid /dev/sda1 and then you mount it using the uuid in the fstab file so it recognize it from the begining07:02
Jordan_U!pastebin anon33_07:02
tyronemrcomic: I got this :/dev/sda1: UUID="2EF4957AF495454D" TYPE="ntfs"07:03
Jordan_U!pastebin | anon33_07:03
ubottuanon33_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:03
=== Look is now known as ________xD
PCChrisanybody know why my flash drive might always auto-mount with perms set to being writable only by root, and sudo chmod as well as sudo chown failing?07:03
mrcomic@tyrone ok ... ill change the pastebin how it shoult be07:03
=== linuxguy101 is now known as BankersOwnU
bullgardtyrone: sda1 has a vfat file system. Did you want sda1 to be a vfat partition?07:04
Jordan_Uanon33_: You should be able to speak in the channel again now.07:04
tyronebullgard: this partition is an old windows partion and I think that might be where some of the issue is coming in07:04
anon33_Jordan_U: i'm sorry, i was trying to paste http://pastebin.com/Lf3QE6WD07:05
anon33_but my clipboard didn't copy the url and instead copied the text from earlier...07:05
sobersabrehi. how do I remove a service defined in /etc/init without manually removing the .conf file ?07:05
tyronemrcomic: thanks, let me know when I can have a look see and use the edited version?07:05
sobersabreis there something replacing update-rc.d ?07:05
sobersabreI am on 10.04 LTS07:05
mrcomic@tyrone try that fstab and reboot07:05
mrcomicthen you tell me what happend07:05
=== nicofs_sleeping is now known as nicofs
Jaiisenhey all i have a question07:07
tyronemrcomic:sorry, bit of a noob with pastebin. which version am I editing to?07:07
gsrI've made some changes to GDM, and recompiled it.  Is there a way to tell ubuntu to recompile GDM everytime it updates it, and does a merge-changes sort of thing (like with gentoo conf files after updating a port)?07:07
mrcomic@tyrone this is the link i gothttp://pastebin.com/SkvfBUmz07:08
Jaiisenwhen i connect to my wireless network it asks me for my password which is fine but then it asks me for my key ring and it says the password is incorrect... what do i do07:08
nightcrowJordan_U: did you message me? I think i missed your last comment07:08
anon33_Jordan_U: have you gathered anything from the output?07:09
Jordan_Unightcrow: No, I didn't07:09
Jordan_Uanon33_: /media/Backup/ is the mountpoint.07:10
anon33_Oh, it's just the name of the directory07:10
Jaiisencan anyone help me?07:10
bullgardtyrone: The trouble is due to the vfat formation. Please read http://ubuntu.swerdna.org/ubufat32.html07:10
Jordan_Uanon33_: Yes.07:10
anon33_Jordan_U: I'm still getting permission denied07:10
Jordan_U!patience | Jaiisen07:10
ubottuJaiisen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:10
mandepJaiisen: i also want to ask same???07:11
Jaiisenk :)07:11
Jordan_Uanon33_: What is the output of "touch /media/Backup/test"?07:11
Jaiiseni been searching and deleting my key ring file didnt work :s07:11
anon33_Jordan_U: Permission denied07:11
anon33_"cannot touch" (teehee)07:11
Jaiisenthis is what i tried07:12
Jordan_Uanon33_: And the output of "ls -ld /media/Backup/"?07:12
anon33_Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/i1aN1yFN07:12
Jaiisenim on julinux btw :)07:14
Jaiisenbout to switch to mint :(07:14
MyrttiJaiisen: on what?07:14
MyrttiJaiisen: that's not Ubuntu07:15
Jaiisenyes it is07:15
=== BankersOwnU is now known as linuxguy101
Jaiisenlook it up07:15
Jaiisenits pretty sweet07:16
MyrttiJaiisen: I did, and it's not07:16
tyronemrcomic: so is it just the UUID=2EF4957AF495454D that you changed?07:16
Jordan_Uanon33_: Try "sudo chmod a+w /media/Backup/"07:16
mrcomic@tyrone all that line has the automount kinda stuff07:16
harovali1hi , does anyone have a clue as to how to deal with the "An error occurred while talking to the udisks service." that usb-creator" yields ?07:16
anon33_Jordan_U: that did it :)07:16
anon33_Jordan_U: what's a+w anyways?07:17
Jaiisen when i connect to my wireless network it asks me for my password which is fine but then it asks me for my key ring and it says the password is incorrect... what do i doyoutube it, it DEFINATELY is ubuntu07:17
Jaiisenlook it up it definately is ubuntu07:17
Jaiisenyoutube it07:17
Jaiisencheck on sourceforge07:17
Jaiisenalot of places07:17
IdleOneJaiisen: it is not an official derivative.07:17
Jordan_Uanon33_: the 'a' stands for all users, the '+' means add, the 'w' means write permission. So a+w means give write permission to all users.07:17
anon33_Jordan_U: thank you very much07:18
Jaiiseni'm doing lucid updates right now in terminal and its archving from ubuntu07:18
JaiisenIdleOne correct! :)07:18
Jordan_Uanon33_: You're welcome.07:18
Jaiisenyouare right07:18
Jaiisennice word also :)07:18
IdleOneJaiisen: glad you agree. Now see if they have their own support channel07:18
JaiisenI did... I'm screwed07:18
AlexSLVRCan i change Gnome shell to UNITY on ubuntu 10.04 LTS?07:19
Jaiisenyou think I should switch to red hat enterprise or just linux mint?07:19
MyrttiJaiisen: this is Ubuntu channel so we suggest you switch to Ubuntu07:19
nirazioEven after I've installed all the Mono packages,I am still asked to install Silverlight when I visit Silverlight-enabled web pages.Can anyone help me??It's urgent pls07:19
Myrttinirazio: did you install moonlight too?07:19
ydd58hi, I resized my ubuntu partition 30 minutes ago (shrinked it from 40 gb to 20 gb) and now I can't boot! I get "kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init", so I'm on live cd now, what can I do?07:20
nirazioMyrtti: Even after I agreed to do this and installed the Moonlight Firefox extension from http://go-mono.com/moonlight/,nothing changed - Silverlight applets still don't work and ask to install Silverlight (directing to http://go-mono.com/moonlight/).How do I finally install it?07:20
Jaiisenk, will i have a problem getting wine on ubuntu?07:20
buckynirazio, moonlight-plugin-mozilla07:21
buckyrestart firefox07:21
mansorhey every1 ,,, my microphone was working fine ,, but suddenly it stopped working ,, although it works perfectly on other PCs ,, can any1 help me??07:21
IdleOnemansor: check your sound prefs, make sure the correct input device is selected and not muted07:22
mansoractually ,, i can't chose an input device07:22
mansorthere is nothing there07:22
IdleOnemic is plugged in right?07:23
mansorya sure07:23
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:24
mansorso ,, any ideas?07:25
FlintWestWoodwhat program can i use to easily convert a wmv video to ogg?07:25
niraziobucky: Did that,still i am having the same problem..07:26
dc5alaFlintWestWood: try avidemux or vlc07:26
IdleOnemansor: besides unplug/replug and test it again, nope07:27
mansorjust a sec ,, i'll try to give u a snapshot of the sound prefs07:28
laptopbuttonsre-asking just in case... I can't for the life of me figure out where to disable my laptop's auxiliary volume buttons (next to the keyboard). can anyone help?07:28
Jordan_Ulaptopbuttons: Have you tried System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts?07:29
xhydekocan anyone help me with the rename command?07:29
niraziobucky: anyother way??07:29
mansori sent a link to the snapshot to u IdleOne07:29
WNzHey all07:30
ICMGo outside. Moon. Lunar Eclipse. Seriously.07:30
WNzI just tried installing Ubuntu Studio and my sources.list is messed up. What should it contain for the maverick ubuntu studio?07:31
xhydekohow can i make the rename command rename all subdirectories as well?07:31
bullgardA lunar eclipse cannot be seen on the whole world.07:31
IdleOnemansor: prefs look ok.07:31
laptopbuttonsJordan_U: so, they're mapped to this xf86 stuff?07:31
mansorso u don't have any idea?07:32
bencahill_Jordan_U, so can you think of any other way of booting to the usb without messing up the existing hdd install?07:33
=== Look is now known as Guest13222
xhydekoanyone know how to make the rename command work on all subdirectories?07:33
bencahill_xhydeko, why would you want to do that?07:33
mrcomic@icm http://www.ustream.tv/spacevidcast moon eclips indoors :307:34
dragi need help07:34
xhydekoi need to change all the file names and directories from lowercase to uppercase in order for the program i'm running to recognize them07:35
Jordan_Ulaptopbuttons: Hopefully, I don't know for sure.07:35
ydd58hi, I resized my ubuntu partition 30 minutes ago (shrinked it from 40 gb to 20 gb) and now I can't boot! I get "kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init", so I'm on live cd now, what can I do?07:35
dragi need install vmware server in backtrack 407:35
WNzI just tried installing Ubuntu Studio and my sources.list is messed up. What should it contain for the maverick ubuntu studio?07:35
dragbut i have the following touble07:35
IdleOnemansor: sorry I don't.07:35
laptopbuttonsJordan_U: disabling the xf86play etc seemed to help. thanks07:35
mansorits ok ,, thanks alot for trying :)07:35
mansori guess i will screw up my pc till it works ,, and if it didn't ,, i will re-install ubuntu :P07:36
dragUsing 2.6.x kernel build system.07:36
dragmake: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only'07:36
dragmake -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=$PWD SRCROOT=$PWD/. modul07:36
dragmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-source-'07:36
drag  WARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-source-
FloodBot1drag: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:36
bullgardHow can I accomplish that Update Manager will not update in the futue my current kernel (version)? (Because I have compiled in a special module which would go lost.)07:36
=== user_ is now known as PREDATOR
dragsomebody has an idea ???07:37
xhydekois it possible to use the rename command on all sub directories? if not then i'm guess i have to use that command literally hundreds of times07:37
Myrttidrag: put all that to pastebin and perhaps someone will have a look.07:37
dragthank Myrti07:38
bullgardxhydeko: You better specify what you are going to accomplish with all your subdirectories.  --  For example you can use the rename command in a loop.07:39
xhydekorename 'y/a-z/A-Z/' *07:39
xhydekothat's the command i used and i was only able to rename everything in the one directory, but i need it to rename all the sub directories as well07:40
ptimewhat is ubuntu07:42
ptimei have to find out for my cs homework07:42
bencahill_!ubuntu | ptime07:42
ubottuptime: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:42
=== PREDATOR is now known as Fazendeiro
ptimewhat is a linux-based operating system07:42
ptimeand why would I want to participate07:42
bencahill_!linux | ptime07:43
ubottuptime: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux07:43
bencahill_oh my!07:43
ptimemany operating systems use linux?07:43
=== Fazendeiro is now known as Farm
ptimedoes windows use linux?07:43
ptimehow about mac os x?07:43
ptimethose are familiar to me07:43
bencahill_ptime, uh, no, and no, just about everything else :)07:44
ptimewhat about unix?07:44
ptimei've heard of that07:44
ptimedoes it use linux?07:44
mr2kgoogle, does it use linux?07:44
bencahill_ptime, linux was created as an open source clone of unix/minix, iirc07:44
ptimewhat is open source?07:44
bencahill_mr2k, beats me, what else would it use?07:44
ptimeand why would someone do an open source clone of unix?07:45
mr2k./sarcasm :P07:45
bencahill_ptime, wait, you don't know what open source is, and you're studying cs?07:45
bencahill_mr2k, d'oh! well timed :)07:45
Myrttiptime: done yet?07:45
powerpunkalguien habla español07:45
ptimei am studying sc07:46
ptimecs I mean07:46
ptimeI am a cs major07:46
bencahill_as I said before, oh my!07:46
mr2khaha, awesome07:46
powerpunkim from argentina07:46
Myrttiptime: this is Ubuntu support channel, not social channel. If you have problems with your Ubuntu installation and need help, please ask your question, otherwise please take it elsewhere07:46
Myrtti!es | powerpunk07:46
ubottupowerpunk: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:46
bencahill_ptime, I know this is not liked, but you really need to get on Google and find these things out yourself. thanks :)07:46
ptimeI don't have an ubuntu installation07:47
bonjoyeeptime: does "p" in your nick mean pass..as in "passtime"07:47
ptimeI need to knw what ubuntu is07:47
ptimeand google returns unhelpful pages07:47
MaRk-I!ot | ptime07:47
ptimefilled with technobabble07:47
ubottuptime: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:47
NortySpockptime: try wikipedia07:47
rs0832ptime: ubuntu is an operating system07:47
r00t4rd3dor pay attention in class07:47
ptimewikipedia is unreliable07:47
mr2ktechnobabble, nice one! :)07:47
ptimeI pay attention in class07:47
NortySpockptime: wikipedia is adequate for your purposes, I think.07:48
bencahill_ptime, whatever, this needs to go ot, ridiculous...07:48
Myrttiptime: last warning, please take the discussion elsewhere, you don't have a support question.07:48
go|dfishptime: Final warning.07:48
ptimei need support or I might fail my exam07:48
ptimeit's in the homework07:48
ptimebut we didn't study it in class07:48
bencahill_ptime, that may be a good thing for you07:48
rs0832ptime: this is not a support channel for homework07:48
r00t4rd3dptime> I am a cs major <-- LOL07:48
MyrttiMOVING ON07:48
go|dfishr00t4rd3d: Why is that 'LOL' ?07:48
mr2kptime: Seems to me you already failed, heh07:48
bencahill_r00t4rd3d, yes :)07:48
r00t4rd3dhe is a computer science major and dont know what linux is ?07:49
Myrttimoving on, folks07:49
bencahill_r00t4rd3d, but he's heard of win and mac, so he's good right?07:49
mr2kGreat breakfast material! :D07:49
bencahill_Myrtti, ok, sorry :)07:49
Myrttiremember, feeding the trolls encourage them to troll more, so move on07:50
powerpunkhello somebody to speak widht my07:50
ezzyDoes anybody know how or if I can redirect apache error codes, with ErrorDocument, to an anchor tag like /#ERROR404? It doesn't have to be with ErrorDocument as long as it gets the job done elegantly.07:50
rs0832powerpunk: do you need help?07:50
ydd58hi, I resized my ubuntu partition 30 minutes ago (shrinked it from 40 gb to 20 gb) and now I can't boot! I get "kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init", so I'm on live cd now, what can I do?07:50
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
powerpunkno thanks07:51
rs0832powerpunk: ok07:51
powerpunkdoy novsto in linux07:51
=== taka is now known as Guest92798
powerpunkcomo me conecto remotamente a una maquina desde consola ??07:53
Myrtti!es | powerpunk07:53
ubottupowerpunk: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:53
sacarlsonezzy: yes I think you can, look in the files /etc/apache2  and grep for error or 40407:53
powerpunkquiero practica... quiero apoyo para to learn07:53
bencahill_!zh | xiong07:54
ubottuxiong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:54
ezzyscarlson, as yes of course silly me I'll see if that works.07:54
ezzyah yes*07:54
sacarlsonydd58: is this the raid system?07:55
ezzyydd58, does it give a line number at which it fails?07:55
DasEipowerpunk: it's an only english spoken channel, see !es above07:55
bencahill_sacarlson, ezzy: he's gone :)07:56
NazarynFull lunar eclipse outside right now, for those of you on EST07:56
randy_if the computer stop work,can not use xkill only can use SysRq,but I wan to restart X,don't want to reboot,what should do07:56
tehbaut_So I'm trying to crack this mystery regarding a "No space left on device" error I keep getting on a drive that shows 1.6TB remaining... any ideas what the issue might be?07:57
Davedanunder what path should I put a shell script that run a server I wrote?07:57
=== axp2_ is now known as axp2
ezzyscarlson, are you looking at error_document.conf?07:58
dc5alarandy_: still got shell access? can try kill your login manager, this should restart it07:58
sacarlsonDavedan: there are a few places you can put it like /etc/init.d  or the new sysV methods but I normaly use cron with @reboot,  just my personal preference07:58
ezzyscarlson, "#" will escape the code behind it and \# doesn't work either it just redirects to / without the anchor07:59
ezzyscarlson, if I put a full url it will go ahead and work however..07:59
bencahill_Jordan_U, do you have any other ideas regarding booting to the usb while keeping the hdd install intact?07:59
Davedansacarlson: I'll use upstart for runing it on boot and I think I'll put the whole app under /opt/myapp but I don't know where to put the script that control it07:59
sacarlsonezzy: no I'm not looking but I have changed it before some time back,  I don't remember the details08:00
sacarlsonDavedan: that sounds like a good idea and that what most are moving to08:00
ezzyscarlson, you've used # tag?08:00
sacarlsonezzy: # is normaly a comment out in those things08:01
Jordan_Ubencahill_: You can keep the /boot for the USB system on the internal without disturbing the current system.08:01
r00t4rd3dtehbaut, df -l in term pastebin result08:01
bencahill_Jordan_U, oh? do I need to make a separate partition for it?08:02
Jordan_Ubencahill_: Yes.08:02
ezzyscarlson, oh yes of course but its interesting that "ErrorDocument 400 http://servername.com/#ERROR400" will work but not "ErrorDocument #ERROR400"08:02
ezzy"ErrorDocument /#ERROR400"08:02
=== sara is now known as sara2010
Vipermadможет что нибудь ставил дрова на radeon x1600 ubuntu 9.10 !?08:03
Myrtti!ru | Vipermad08:03
ubottuVipermad: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:03
sacarlsonezzy  yes they must have a way so you can still use #  and /# might be the exception08:03
sara2010hi any one help me08:03
bencahill_Jordan_U, ah, ok :) is there a cli tool for resizing a partition? I don't have any unpartitioned space, the ubuntu installer filled it up08:03
sara2010i m using 10.1008:03
r00t4rd3dsara ask ask08:03
sara2010and i want install some fonts08:04
sara2010in openoffice08:04
sara2010how i can do08:04
bonjoyeesara2010: what fonts?08:04
sara2010i have few fonts in tif08:04
Jordan_Ubencahill_: You can use parted, or the GUI front end gparted.08:04
bencahill_sara2010, tif?08:04
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
bonjoyeesara2010: you mean ttf?08:04
sara2010text fonts  for openoffice08:05
sara2010ya ttf08:05
bencahill_Jordan_U, ah, it never clicked that gparted was based on a cl tool, silly me :)08:05
bencahill_sara2010, oh :)08:05
Myrttisara2010: copy them to your .fonts directory08:05
bonjoyeesara2010:  mkdir ~/.fonts , then copy your fonts there08:05
bonjoyeesara2010: then do, fc-cache -fv08:06
bencahill_Jordan_U, but I couldn't do that while running on the partition being resized, right :-P hmm...I've got a puppy livecd...08:06
dc5alasara2010: have you installed mscorefonts? (package name ttf-mscorefonts-installer)08:06
ezzysacarlson, heh such a simple thing =\08:06
tyronehey people, I edited my /etc/fstab file and rebooted trying to sort out a mounting issue... now my linux doesn't boot at all and I am in recovery mode. anyone know how to edit the file from the command? I dont' know since I always use gksu gedit before08:07
sara2010dc5ala,  nops o hav't install08:07
bencahill_tyrone, sudo nano /etc/fstab08:07
sacarlsonsara2010: I found this http://www.wikihow.com/Install-True-Type-Fonts-on-Ubuntu08:07
sacarlsonsara2010: but the package install above looks easier08:08
tyronebencahill, thanks. will try that and see how I go08:08
sara2010sacarlson,   let me try08:09
sara2010bonjoyee,  where is the directory ?08:09
bonjoyeesara2010: in your home...press ctrl+h  to see it08:09
tyronebencahill... have edited the file but when I try exit and save over it says I don't ahve the privileges08:10
sacarlsontyrone: I'm not sure at the point your at but I use vi to edit in standard terms but there are others also like nano08:10
tyronesacarlson thanks. I am trying nano at the moment08:10
upatnightyo all - anyone recommend a lite internet music client??08:12
bonjoyeesara2010: any luck?08:13
sara2010 mkdir ~/.fonts08:13
sara2010mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/test/.fonts': File exists08:13
sara2010bonjoyee,  nops :(08:13
tyronebencahill: I don't seem to have the permissions I need to save changes. any ideas?08:13
bonjoyeesara2010: the folder is there..jusy copy your ttf files in there08:13
bencahill_sacarlson, tyrone: I use vi also, but recommend nano for beginners because it doesn't quite have the learning curve :)08:13
bencahill_tyrone, sudo08:14
sacarlsonsara2010: I guess just cd /.fonts08:14
bencahill_tyrone, before nano /etc/fstab08:14
sacarlsonsara2010: opps cd ~/.fonts08:14
bencahill_tyrone, so sudo nano /etc/fstab08:14
tyronebencahill: I was in sudo bash already08:14
sara2010cd /.fonts08:14
sara2010bash: cd: /.fonts: No such file or directory08:14
bencahill_tyrone, how?08:14
bonjoyeesara2010: theres a ~ before the /08:15
tehbaut_So I'm trying to crack this mystery regarding a "No space left on device" error I keep getting on a drive that shows 1.6TB remaining... any ideas what the issue might be?08:15
r00t4rd3dtehbaut, df -l in term pastebin result08:15
bonjoyeesara2010: or simply do cd /home/test/.fonts08:15
bencahill_tehbaut_, using win or ubuntu?08:15
tyronebencahill: I have tried sudo nano too. :(08:16
sara2010i have fonts folder in desktop08:16
sara2010now i want copy this folder08:16
bonjoyeesara2010: just copy the ttf files in that folder to /home/test/.fonts08:16
bencahill_tyrone, interesting, tell me what it says for this:08:17
bencahill_tyrone, ls -l /etc/fstab08:18
tehbaut_bencahill: ubuntu 10.10 (but 9.04 also had the same issue)08:18
bonjoyeetyrone: what is the output of "whoami"08:18
r00t4rd3dtehbaut, df -l in term pastebin result08:18
r00t4rd3dfor the 3rd time\08:18
r00t4rd3dplus once in pm08:19
sara2010bonjoyee,  thanks alot let me try08:19
=== bencahill_ is now known as bencahill
tyronebencahill, it says -rw-r--r-- 1 root toot 1182 2010-12-21 09:18 /etc/fstab08:19
tyronebonjoyee: it says root08:19
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: sorry, missed those first two (probably due to alternate nick use)08:19
bencahilltyrone, then if you are root (sudo or gksudo), you can write to it08:19
bonjoyeetyrone: then u dont need sudo as well...08:20
tyronebencahill. noob question. should I try gksudo then? I thought that was only for the gnome interface (not sure if that is the right term)08:20
bencahilltyrone, right, you don't need sudo, you're a superuser!08:20
r00t4rd3dtehbaut_, im gonna guess your root partition is almost full08:20
bonjoyeetyrone: just do nano /etc/fstab08:21
sacarlsontyrone: you did see the # in your term before you nano edit?08:21
Viking667'llo. New machine, (sorta) unknown hardware, I've got networking going, but I don't have sound.08:21
tyronebencahill, that is what is confusing me. I typed sudo bash at the beginning of m y session like I always do to stop having to write sudo for everything08:21
bencahilltyrone, no, you're correct, that's for some things that are handled differently by gnome gui programs, iirc08:21
tyronesacarlson: yes I do08:21
Viking667seems to be using snd-hda-intel, and some of the oss emulation modules, but I don't seem to have /dev/snd/anything08:21
purveshmy problem solved, Thank You08:22
bencahilltyrone, not a good habit imo, it's not that hard to type sudo08:22
Viking667whoops, withdraw that comment.... Ijust found one08:22
sacarlsontyrone: and is the file your editing in a read/write mount mode?   check with command mount08:22
tyronebencahill: I suppose you are right08:22
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: output of df -l http://pastebin.com/A6LyEYYx08:22
tehbaut_/dev/sdc1 is the drive with the issues08:23
tyronesacarlson, what is the syntax for that? mount /etc/fstab?08:23
=== manbra is now known as meanbra
bencahilltyrone, yes, as sacarlson said, the partition may be mounted as ro08:23
r00t4rd3dwhats in /rofs ?08:23
reenignEesreveRi can't get my EVDO 3g USB Modem working using Network Manager :(08:23
sacarlsontyrone: just one word   #mount08:23
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: no idea, I'm running a livecd... maybe it has to do with that?08:24
sacarlsonbencahill:  that correct it must be mounted read only08:24
tyronesacarlson, it spewed out some stuff and at teh end it said that /etc/mtab is not writable08:24
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: I was able to copy files to the external HDD this morning, but there came a point where it stopped doing so, giving this error instead08:25
bonjoyeetyrone: if u have a livecd boot it..and edit the fstab file from there08:25
mendax03does any knw abt open source remote keylogger??08:25
tehbaut_no idea what caused it or why it started happening all of a sudden, with 1.6TB still available on the drive08:25
tyronebonjoyee, I thought that no file changes could be made from live boot?08:26
=== bombshell is now known as bombshell[a]
dc5alatyrone: you are running on a small ramdisk (in memory drive), you can even install software08:27
tyronedc5ala: thanks. will try that08:28
Viking667Right. I guess I'd better ask another question then. How do I pry my current settings into mixer0 (instead of mixer2)?08:28
Viking667I don't see any settings in /etc/udev/rules.d relating to sound files.08:28
Wolодни буржуи08:28
Insayne!ru Wol08:28
FishFaceupatnight: Did you find the player you were looking for?08:29
tyronebonjoyee. I only have cd for 9.10 but am on latest version do you think it matters?08:29
bencahilltyrone, what is it that you are editing /etc/fstab for?08:31
tyronebencahill. I had a partition that wouldn't mount08:31
bencahillare you running on a livecd? partitions all on the same hdd?08:31
bencahilltyrone, aw, you scared bonjoyee away! :)08:32
bencahill!ru | Wol08:32
ubottuWol: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:32
r00t4rd3dtehbaut_, sudo du -hc --max-depth=1 in a term , pastebin result08:33
r00t4rd3dmake sure in term your at /08:33
tyronebencahill. my bad :) No, I am only now running the liveCD as a means to edit the /etc/fstab file. I was just asking him if it mattered that the version I was trying to edit was from a later version than the CD I have08:34
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: k, one sec08:34
bencahilltyrone, no, doesn't matter, why are you running a livecd just to edit /etc/fstab?08:34
NonpythonHello, I accidentally added two menus to my panel, and now my panel has disappeared and the bottom of this window is snapping around like the panel is invisible than crashing than it reappears, invisible.08:35
tyronebencahill: that was the suggestion made when we discovered that the mount command returned writable08:35
tyronebencahill. sorry, returned not writable08:36
nirazioI know how to install true-type fonts (by copy them to /usr/share/fonts/truetype and do sudo fc-cache -f) but what about otf formats? I didn't find a suitable folder to copy them.08:36
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: like so? http://pastebin.com/4MtEUs8L08:36
r00t4rd3dnope. in term do cd /08:37
r00t4rd3dsudo du -hc --max-depth=1 in a term , pastebin result08:37
tehbaut_ah, gotcha08:37
bencahilltyrone, gotcha, I missed that, so open a terminal on the livecd, mount the drive, and edit it08:37
tyronebencahill. so any other ideas. liveCD doesn't let me edit08:37
tehbaut_it's taking some time08:37
dc5alaNonpython: only bottom panel is gone but top one is working? or you have none at all now?08:37
bencahilltyrone, even using sudo?08:38
tyronebencahill. what would the path to the file be since I am using a "live linux" to edit my real linux. the normal /etc/fstab would point to the live version and not the one that I want to edit no?08:39
bencahilltyrone, depends where it is mounted08:39
bencahilltyrone, yes /etc/fstab is the one for the livecd, which is pretty short and different than usual :)08:40
bencahilltyrone, is it already mounted08:41
=== stas is now known as Guest9634
tyronebencahil. browsed for the file and copied location from properties. I am in now. waiting for reboot to see what happens08:42
bencahilltyrone, ok :)08:42
pipeline8085hiya has anoyone else had issues with apt taking forever and not finding some packages the key ones for me are ant ruby and rails :/ i do update all the repo srcs and still nothing im on ubuntu 10.10 x64 server08:42
tyronebencahill. I am in but there is still an error which says that it has trouble mounting sda1 which I had the opportunity to skip and it went to login screen08:43
bencahilltyrone, can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l?08:44
sacarlsonpipeline8085: yes I have,  at times I need to change my repository server08:44
pipeline8085what one do you use?08:44
r00t4rd3dtehbaut_, yeah cause of your hard drive size08:45
sacarlsonpipeline8085: if my local thailand fails I normaly go to the main us based08:45
r00t4rd3dbut basically we are going to find out where all your space is being taken up08:45
pipeline8085ah the us one is whats failing for me :(08:45
sacarlsonpipeline8085: then I would reverse and go to your local08:45
pipeline8085that is my local xD08:45
sacarlsonpipeline8085: I've also used japan08:45
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: sounds good... still crunching, I'll ping you when it's done08:46
pipeline8085ah ill try them then08:46
tyronebencahill: pastebinit sudo fdisk -1 doesn't seem to work08:46
sacarlsonpipeline8085: random pick will probly work but there are also tool to detect the fastist ones08:46
ChinoGodohoooolaaaa caaamaaaachoooo08:47
pigliti dont want a AM PM setting in thunderbird but more something like 14:23 like a time setting on google i find it is a OS setting (ubuntu) but the clock on my pc is displayed like 14:24. How can i change thunderbird to 24 setting ?08:47
Myrtti!es | ChinoGodo08:47
ubottuChinoGodo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:47
bencahilltyrone, sudo fdisk -l > paste08:47
bencahilltyrone, ^ that will put it in a file called "paste" in the current dir, you can copy from there08:48
Tyrnisplop all08:48
tyronebencahill. sorry, blond moment. I am going to have to reconnect with linux pc as I am on windows laptop right now. see you in a bit08:48
ChinoGodoto krazy08:48
bencahilltyrone, sure, cya :)08:49
bencahilltyrone_, hi there :)08:49
tyrone_bencahill, I am back08:50
fly2mauisjion #ubuntu_cn08:50
fly2mauisjoin #ubuntu_cn08:50
Iledenpiglit: yeah, you'd think something like changing date/time display settings would be easy in linux, but... http://kb.mozillazine.org/Date_display_format08:50
bencahilltyrone_, :)08:50
Iledenpiglit: also see http://ccollins.wordpress.com/2009/01/06/how-to-change-date-formats-on-ubuntu/08:51
niraziohow to install .otf fonts???08:52
tyrone_bencahill, so, from the top. how must I pastebin to you?08:52
tyronebencahill: you there still?08:54
piglitThanks Ileden i will take a look at it08:54
bencahilltyrone_, open terminal, do sudo fdisk -l > filename , open filename with a graphical text editor (it's in/home), copy text and paste to paste.ubuntu.com08:54
bencahilltyrone, took me a moment to write :)08:54
tyronebencahill. no probs in the meantime I got my real nick back.08:55
mendax03Wazzup Mito125?08:55
tyronebencahill: ok. are you wanting me to pastebin the contents of /etc/fstab?08:56
Viking667Ah. Time to reboot, I guess.08:56
bencahilltyrone, if you have a registered nick, next time do /msg nickserv ghost newnick password - that will log it out remotely, and then /nick newnick08:56
bencahilltyrone, you can do that also, but definitely the output of sudo fdisk -l08:57
Mito125Can you help me with the minimal post-installation??? I don't know what packet I must install...08:57
chouchouhello, any developer / sys admin from south Korea?08:57
tyronebencahill. this is the /etc/fstab file contents http://pastebin.com/TyyAfWqE08:57
r00t4rd3dchouchou, I would back up your data to a remote server :D08:58
bencahill!ko | chouchou08:58
ubottuchouchou: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko08:58
bencahillr00t4rd3d, lol :)08:58
chouchour00t4rd3d: :)08:58
chouchoucan u pM me pls?08:58
amithow to play windows game on li nux08:59
r00t4rd3damit, wine08:59
amiti don't know to use wine08:59
amiti have installed it but i don't know08:59
bencahilltyrone, looks fine, and /dev/sda1 is fat32?08:59
tyronebencahill. http://paste.ubuntu.com/546193/08:59
amithave installed play on linux too but guys help me how to start08:59
aLemmerDid you download the actual installers?09:00
aLemmerMake sure to get WineTricks, too.09:00
aLemmerWhat game are you trying to get working?09:00
bencahilltyrone, also, I would highly recommend using uuid's rather than /dev/sdxy, but that's a side point09:00
tyronebencahill. according to my disk manager it is NTFS09:00
l33tchamit: wine ~/program/app.exe09:00
r00t4rd3damit, Applications , Games , PlayOnLinux09:00
aLemmerI have a question myself.09:00
aLemmerIs there a way to manage/install a guest OS via CLI on Ubuntu Server?09:01
bencahilltyrone, well it's in fstab as vfat, that's why it won't mount :D09:01
tyronebencahill: after this last episode I would edit this file with a lot more fear and trepidation09:01
amitl33tch:thanx m going to try09:01
aLemmerMost things I see require a GUI.09:01
Mito125Can you help me with the minimal post-installation??? I don't know what packet I must install... Drivers for gpu card, wireless card, card reader...09:01
bencahilltyrone, just change the vfat to ntfs in fstab and you'll be good :)09:01
aLemmerMito125: you should try a full install.09:01
tyronebencahill. should I change that and reboot?09:01
bencahilltyrone, yup09:02
aLemmerMito125: start by locating your devices with lspci.09:02
aLemmerMito125: then Google "ubuntu devicename."09:02
sebastiaan_anyone have some experience with graphic cards from amd?09:02
Mito125aLemmer i have install the full install, but i prefer the minimal for practice...09:02
bencahill!ask | sebastiaan_09:02
ubottusebastiaan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:02
rwwitym !anyone09:03
Mito125Device is HP dv5 1120el09:03
aLemmerAnyone? I'm wondering about a VM solution that allows me to manage and install guest operating systems all via CLI on Ubuntu Server.09:03
tyronebencahill. done. see you on the other side09:03
bencahilltyrone, 'k, cya :)09:03
aLemmerHow good is VIRSH?09:04
Jordan_UaLemmer: kvm can be used completely from the terminal.09:04
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: here's the output of du at /: http://pastebin.com/0YKq5nWa09:05
aLemmerJordan_U Will I need VIRSH to manage KVM?09:05
r00t4rd3dtehbaut_ hmmm09:06
Jordan_UaLemmer: It depends on what type of management you need to do.09:06
mendax03Wazzup jimly?09:07
aLemmerJordan_U: basically, I want to setup a lot of DSL installs for my friends to use remotely as "cloud computers."09:07
tyronebencahill. thanks it now mounts beautifully09:07
bencahilltyrone, sometimes it's the simplest things :) glad you got it working :)09:07
r00t4rd3dtehbaut_, whats in your media folder ?09:08
IledenHi! The WLAN of my (Win7/linux dualboot) laptop is acting up pretty weird. It works with following configs: WorkWLAN/Win7 WorkWLAN/linux HomeWLAN/Win7 however, HomeWLAN/linux fails - and it fails weird. It connects to network pretty randomly, and there's sort-of random packet loss when it connects (at times, it seems good, other times 50% packet loss). Any ideas what could be causing this?09:08
tyronebencahill. I still get an error on startup though and I think it is cos it is trying to automount from this other disk utility I had once. perhaps that is an issue for another time though. thanks so much for helping a noob out much appreciated ;)09:08
Jordan_UaLemmer: You can probably do that comfortably just using kvm without any extra tools.09:08
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: that's where the two drives are mounted09:09
tehbaut_the internal 500GB and the external 2TB09:09
r00t4rd3dtehbaut_, you have 568gig total and 561gig in your media folder09:09
aLemmerJordan_U: sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin ubuntu-vm-builder bridge-utils?09:09
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: right, but 500GB isn't 2TB09:10
IledenI've had similar problems with my other laptop's wlan at home after upgrade to 10.10. I thought they were about the laptop, but now I'm thinking it might be something else too, since there's similar trouble with this other computer.09:10
r00t4rd3dtehbaut_, cd media09:10
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: the external drive shows as having 1.6TB available... so it can't be taken up, thus I shouldn't be having "No space available on device" errors09:11
IledenAny guessing at what's causing this is welcome. Maybe there's something I can do at home WLAN:n config...09:11
Jordan_UaLemmer: All you need is qemu-kvm (which will bring in bridge-utils).09:11
Jordan_UaLemmer: If you want the other packages then by all means install them as well though.09:11
r00t4rd3dtehbaut_, something must not be right with your external09:12
Jordan_Utehbaut_: You're probably run out of inodes. Do you have many small files on that filesystem?09:12
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d: what would be wrong with it though? I think that's what I am after...09:12
IledenAlso, I'm interested in any ideas on what sort of data to collect about the problem in order to help troubleshooting the issue. Is there some useful data about the wlan conncetion I could try to gather for troubleshooting?09:12
tehbaut_Jordan_U: no, there are plenty of inodes: http://pastebin.com/isqUDbhR09:13
NonpythonHi. My panel crashes, then restarts and crashes again before it becomes visible. This started after I accidentially added a second menu. Can anyone help?09:14
r00t4rd3d!resetpanel | r00t4rd3d09:15
ubottur00t4rd3d, please see my private message09:15
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:15
r00t4rd3d!resetpanel | Nonpython09:15
ubottuNonpython: please see above09:15
r00t4rd3ddo that command and it will put you back to default09:16
Jordan_Utehbaut_: Anything look interesting in dmesg?09:17
NonpythonIt did not fix it.09:17
Jordan_Utehbaut_: Since this is an ntfs partition, can you add files to it from windows?09:18
sgo11hi, new to ubuntu. with ubuntu-server 10.10, why the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic does not exist? by reading the ubuntu-server serverguide, I supposed to edit this file. this serverguide doesn't ask users to create the file, instead, it uses the word 'edit'. thanks.09:18
tehbaut_I had no problems adding files from ubuntu or windows up until a certain point... after I started getting these errors in ubuntu, I didn't try again in windows09:18
Jordan_Utehbaut_: Try again in windows if it's not too much trouble.09:19
NonpythonStarting gnome-panel manually causes a assert error.09:19
r00t4rd3dchkdsk /f in windows on it might not hurt either09:19
pfuiis it possible to do a cli install from the desktop cd?09:20
Jordan_Upfui: Not in a straightforward way.09:21
sgo11hi, since ubuntu doesn't have chkconfig, how can I enable/disable services at boot time? I switched from opensuse. thanks.09:22
Jordan_U!boot | sgo1109:22
ubottusgo11: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:22
iszakI get the error configure: error: z library not found.. please install libz but I can't seem to find libz in the repo.09:25
fffuiszak, it's zlib09:26
Viking667Gah. I can hear my voice in my microphone, but Skype can't hear me...09:26
bencahilltyrone, np :)09:26
iszakr00t4rd3d, will try, thanks09:26
Viking667I've gained one of these new-fangled snd-hda-intel thingys and can't figure out what the freak I'm supposed to be setting things to.09:27
bencahillViking667, wait, what did you say?09:27
iszakfffu, r00t4rd3d what package should I install? no zlib-devel09:27
Viking667When I make a test call to the test bot, I don't hear my voice, though I hear its voice fine.09:28
macoViking667: unfortunately the hda spec is overbroad so which mixer elements you have is highly variable, but start with:  master, pcm, and front should be up09:28
r00t4rd3dzlib1g-dev i would try09:28
bonjoyeeiszak: install zlib1g09:29
Viking667uh. I just found something... I've got "front" devices as well as the "mic"09:29
iszakbonjoyee, okay will do, thanks09:29
Viking667i.e. front speakers, and speakers,   front mic and mic.09:29
macoViking667: there may be 2 mics in your system... Front Mic would mean the one on the screen, and Mic would be the jack09:29
tehbaut_Jordan_U, r00t4rd3d: I'll go back to windows and try both suggestions... if I find problems, should I reformat via windows or come back to ubuntu to do that?09:29
Jordan_Utehbaut_: It shouldn't matter one way or the other.09:30
r00t4rd3dchkdsk /f will fix it if it finds errors09:30
Viking667Whew. That's got THAT sorted.09:30
aLemmerI'm currently only seeing guides to installing Ubuntu with ubuntu-vm-builder, should I be using a different tool?09:31
Viking667maco: no... there literally IS a "front" jack, it's on the front of the computer (not in the back where the rest of the sound jacks are)09:31
macoViking667: well thats interesting09:31
macoViking667: desktop then?09:31
Viking667it's not particularly loud, actually so I might stick a second sound card in, as I often daisychain here.09:32
r00t4rd3diszak, any luck ?09:32
Viking667Goes with the territory of a new machine (new to me)09:32
IledenDoes anyone know if there's any support channel similar to this for Windows 7? :)09:33
r00t4rd3deveryone has problems with mic and skype09:33
bonjoyeeIleden: ##windows09:33
r00t4rd3dit seems09:33
Viking667oh, my ****** goodness.09:33
Viking667I seem to have 64-bit.09:34
Iledenbonjoyee: well, well. thanks!09:34
tehbaut_r00t4rd3d, Jordan_U: if you don't see me again, then def thanks for the help :)09:34
r00t4rd3dok , come back and tell us if you got it fixed09:35
iszakr00t4rd3d, yeah it worked.09:35
r00t4rd3dcool , what you trying to build from source ?09:35
r00t4rd3dif you dont mind me asking09:36
furythorI have weird problem, my folder view looks very "blockky" and it changed after latest update, and yet all other things seem to be in line with visual theme09:36
furythorhow to fix that09:36
Iledenfurythor: blockky? you don't happen to have a screenshot anywhere?09:37
Iledenfurythor: have you tried fiddling around with Appearance settings?09:37
Jordan_Utehbaut: You're welcome.09:38
furythorYeah, but all other things on screen behave as they should, folder view (when looking folders) is jinxed09:38
r00t4rd3dshow us a screenshot :D09:38
kn_hello, i was wondering if someone uses ssh -T to hide theirself who, how would i know who is logged in09:38
r00t4rd3dknow how ?09:38
bonjoyeekn_: w09:39
Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: good question09:39
r00t4rd3dkn , who09:39
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Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: now if someone was connected to you via ssh?09:39
kn_ssh -T09:39
kn_it disables pseudo-tty09:40
Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: play it safe and stop that service unless you really need it now09:40
r00t4rd3dyou shouldnt be able to hide from root should you ?09:40
Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: especially coming into a irc chat09:40
amithi m new user of ubuntu, i have installed it using entire disk and make no partitiion. now i want to partiton. ho w to do that09:41
Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: why do you ask?09:41
furythorIleden: Here is link to screenshot http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13906995/weird.png09:42
kn_Us3r_Unfriendly because i just am09:42
furythorwhat causes that ?09:42
ballooozayeah, somone could use your ip, if you want to be secure remote accessing use hamachis new 2.0 beta for linux09:42
r00t4rd3damit gparted09:42
Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: for legal purposes?09:42
kn_trying to force people stop using ssh -T09:42
Iledenfurythor: Ah, ok. That's a problem that can probably be fixed via Appearance settings.09:42
bonjoyeeamit: boot from livecd and use gparted..09:42
amitroot4rd3d: m installing it when i done installed then i wil ask how to do that,ok sir09:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit: also if creating another partition for windows your going to have to grub-install to get grub back09:42
benjrsince opening and closing a 3d game my sound has stopped working, how can i fix it? someone suggested i do "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" but that command doesnt exist09:43
ballooozahamachi is a way to connect in a vpn like way remotely09:43
Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: turn off the ssh service on your system09:43
furythorIleden: No I have already tried that but don't know where it comes from ...09:43
amiti used whole my 500gb for linux installation09:43
Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: firewall is great too09:43
furythorit is only the directory browsing effecting thing09:43
r00t4rd3damit you probably have to use it from a livecd09:43
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit: your off to a good start then09:43
Iledenfurythor: have you tried selecting another theme, then switching back to "Ambiance"?09:43
furythorIleden: Yeah, but it does not fix that problem09:44
amitUs3r_unfriendly: don't understand sir!09:44
Wynbenjr: ps -fe and kill the process using it09:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyfurythor: you can throw a -x in the ssh command to view gui's.  if you don't need the ssh service allowing ppl to connect to you then just turn it off...09:44
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mendax03Wazzup colorred?09:45
Wynbenjr: lsof | grep pcm09:45
amitroot4rd3d:ok  i have to use live cd and then use gparted to make partition09:45
Iledenfurythor: ok... hmm, I don't think I can help further.09:45
Us3r_Unfriendlykn_: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh-service stop             <-----or whatever it's called now a days09:45
IShadowedSo I have a question about installing it.09:45
IShadowedI tried to, and it epic failed.09:46
Us3r_UnfriendlyIShadowed: about installing what?09:46
Iledenfurythor: have you tried using the "customize" button, and selecting some other button sets, or such?09:46
ballooozasudo service openssh-server stop09:46
furythorUs3r_Unfriendly: what that should do ?09:46
r00t4rd3damit yeah cause you can resize a partition while your using it09:46
benjrWyn: ah thanks, that second command returned less results then the first :)09:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyi'm lost lol...installed what?09:46
IShadowedUh, Ubuntu?09:46
Wynbenjr: just looks for things using your sound mods09:47
amitok sir m inserting live cd,and for partition please help me sir! m coming in a while going to insert live cd09:47
bonjoyeefurythor: have u done too many customizations to your desktop theme?09:47
WynIShadowed: lots of people have issues and qeustions regardning installing and using diffrent things ON Ubuntu not just installing Ubuntu09:47
ballooozaparted magic  {09:47
IShadowedWyn: Oh, I'm sure/09:47
ballooozaparted magic is better than gparted09:47
Us3r_UnfriendlyIShadowed: sorry thought someone else was asking the install question09:47
bonjoyeefurythor: if u don't mind doing them again..i can help u get the default ubuntu desktop back09:47
r00t4rd3dpartition magic is not free though :(09:48
Wynamit: do you have much on there or what ? IE if its a clean install just re-install and make some partitions09:48
ballooozano parted magic09:48
Us3r_UnfriendlyIShadowed: how'd you EPIC failed?09:48
Us3r_UnfriendlyIShadowed: need to be more specific09:48
ballooozait loads into ram and has a bunch of recovery tools too09:48
* Wyn EPIC fail, for when normal failure just isn't good enough09:48
amitWyn: no its not clean install09:49
ballooozaand it is a play of of partition magic09:49
bencahillbye all, going to bed :)09:49
Us3r_Unfriendlyso true Wyn09:49
r00t4rd3dIShadowed, did you put the cd in upside down ?09:49
IShadowedGreat. So basically- when installing Ubuntu- it decided that my keyboard layout should be Tanzanian. I don't speak that. So I tried to change it- the install froze, so I rebooted. Well, this time I tried to install it, the "Install next to an existing OS" wasn't there09:49
Iledenr00t4rd3d: "parted magic" is a free probelm, that does same things as the commercial "parition magic"09:49
IShadowedr00t4rd3d: Don't insult me. Thanks.09:49
furythorbonjoyee: Nope, something did happen after I installed latest updates, not sure what...09:49
guest101Does anyone know okular copy image and paste function function within in a pdf, is there a generic tool on ubuntu that I could use to copy from the screen without making an entire screen shot each time. thanks09:49
=== bencahill is now known as bencahill_
Wynamit: ah, then boot into the live disk, open gparted (terminal sudo gparted ) and go from there09:50
Us3r_UnfriendlyIShadowed: in the gdm menu (the login screen when you turn on your machine) you have the choice of selecting a keyboard layout09:50
bonjoyeefurythor: u want to get the default ubuntu settings back?09:50
furythoryeah, pretty much09:50
IShadowedUs3r_Unfriendly: ...09:50
* IShadowed facepalms09:50
bonjoyeefurythor: do this09:50
IShadowedthat's not my problem.09:50
amitwyn: sir doing this  is safe or i have to lost some data09:50
IShadowedMy problem is that Ubuntu didn't install, and now it won't let me install parallel to my existing OS.09:51
Wynamit: safe enough09:51
IShadowedAnd running it inside windows is a bitch.09:51
bonjoyeefurythor: rm -r .gconf .gnome2 .config .local09:51
Wynamit: always have data backups though, you need to re-size a disk then create a partition in the free space09:51
r00t4rd3dIShadowed, wubi ?09:51
amitwyn: o k sir m inserting the live cd firstly m installing gparted then sir u please help me in partiton09:51
Jordan_Ufurythor: bonjoyee: I would recommend renaming rather than deleting to be safe.09:51
Us3r_UnfriendlyIShadowed: i suggest using another ubuntu cd or trying it out on a flash drive09:51
Wynamit: please don't call me Sir, I work for a living09:52
IShadowedUs3r_Unfriendly: And that would help how?09:52
bonjoyeefurythor: then logout and login again..this will give u a desktop like it was when u first logged in..09:52
guest101Does anyone know okular copy image and paste function function within in a pdf, is there a generic tool on ubuntu that I could use to copy from the screen without making an entire screen shot each time. thanks09:52
amitwyn:ur greatness09:52
IledenIShadowed: yeah, if you rebooted during the install, you'd first need to look at what the situation is on your hard drive, and you can do that with gparted or such on a live cd.09:52
Us3r_UnfriendlyIShadowed: i've seen some picky drives in my time...start at step one of fixing your question instead of being kinda of a ass09:52
Us3r_Unfriendlywere here to help...not be critisized09:53
IledenIShadowed: can you boot into the previous os?09:53
macoguest101: if you're not wanting to crop screenshots of the whole screen afterward, both gnome-screenshot and ksnapshot give the option of selecting a region of screen to use09:53
IShadowedUs3r_Unfriendly: And someone just asked me if I put the cd in upside down. I'd expect the same you just requested of me.09:53
bonjoyeeJordan_U: all these directories contain setting we have customised...no user data i believe09:53
guest101thanks maco09:53
sebastiaan_after installing the propietary drivers for my radeon hd5670 graphics card of amd and rebooting the system my monitors tells ¨not supported¨.. what to do?09:54
IShadowedIleden, yes, I'm in the previous OS.09:54
Wynamit: let me guess, your from India ?09:54
r00t4rd3dI was thinking of how you can epic fail.09:54
Us3r_UnfriendlyIShadowed: r00t4rd3d said he was going to kill me a couple of days ago...who cares...try step one of trying a new cd09:54
amitwyn:yes how do u know this?09:54
IShadowedalso, Ileden, I've tried looking at the specified paritions on my harddrive, but uh... it's confusing.09:54
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IledenIShadowed: ok, then it's not completely messed up, at least. Was this your first install of ubuntu to this system, or do you know what partitions you have?09:55
r00t4rd3dUs3r_Unfriendly, Ive spent the past 3 days messing with compiz tyvm09:55
shafihow to disable data recovery in ubuntu?09:55
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: nice...09:55
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: most ppl hate compiz nowadays09:55
shafiI don't want some one to find out the deleted files09:55
grammhi everybody09:56
Wynamit: just a guess09:56
IShadowedIleden: I don't, uh, "know" what paritions I have. I've looked at the paritions shown in Windows Disk Management, but they're quite ambiguous09:56
grammI need some help with my ubuntu :)09:56
Us3r_Unfriendlyshafi: anyone can find deleted files...need to write over them09:56
grammis it the good place to ask?09:56
amitWyn: but for guessing u used any logic.what was that?09:56
Wyngramm: the best09:56
Us3r_Unfriendlylike a couple of times till it's corrupt enough from the new data09:56
Us3r_Unfriendlygramm: how may i help09:57
Wynamit: the way you use English, the tone and written cadence09:57
r00t4rd3dim curious of what files he is deleting and not wanting any one to see09:57
IledenIShadowed: ok. That's probably where the live cd comes in. If you boot into live cd ubuntu, you can use gparted to see what the situation with your hard drive paritions are.09:57
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IShadowedIleden: can you translate what you just said into n00b, please?09:57
grammWyn: nice. My question is: is it possible to reinstall ubuntu without using the cdrom driver and usb connexion ?09:57
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: it's probably files on you09:57
sebastiaan_can it be that my tv does not support a graphics card signal?09:57
grammBecause my cdrom is broken, and my computer doesn't support usb boot09:57
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shafiI had some private files and I deleted them, now I don't want some one to be able to recover them back, any way for this? Us3r_Unfriendly09:57
IledenIShadowed: during the ubuntu install (that failed due to stuck&reboot) the installation option "alongside previous OS" does some parititoning (to be continued)09:57
Wyngramm: no09:57
r00t4rd3dgramm, you in windows now ?09:58
Us3r_Unfriendlygramm: a force flash boot09:58
IledenIShadowed: partitioning is basically how you hard drive is diveded into different sections. in windows, these are "C:" "D:", etc.09:58
Wyngramm: you can "clean" it up , upgrade depending on what version your using, netinstall (but you need the system for that)09:58
IShadowedI know.09:58
Us3r_Unfriendlygramm: i haven't done this but i hear it can be done09:58
IShadowedI mean "live cd" wtf09:58
Jordan_Ugramm: Yes, many ways. What can you boot from?09:58
furythorRenaming did help...09:58
sebastiaan_radeon hd 567009:59
WynJordan_U: really ? clean install but no CD or USB support, asuming no 2.5 either09:59
grammI'd like to put back all the drivers/config files, because I my wireless adapter doesn't work since I've messed up the drivers a while ago09:59
IledenIShadowed: What ubuntu "alongside" install does, is it shrinks down the partition where windows lives, and creates a new partition for itself tehere09:59
bonjoyeefurythor: what happened?09:59
Wyngramm: hell, you dont need to re-install for that09:59
furythorsome setting was wrong ...09:59
furythornow it looks as it should09:59
Us3r_Unfriendlygramm: why don't you just reinstall the driver for your wifi?09:59
r00t4rd3dsebastiaan_, probably the resolution is too high for your tv09:59
grammAnd I tried putting back the ieee whatever and iw2200 something, but it's complicated (compilation errors and other conflicts) and I'd rather put back all the original files09:59
IledenIShadowed: so we need to check with a live cd to see what the situation is - something's evidently messed up because ubuntu installer doesn't anymore notice your windows partiton.09:59
bonjoyeefurythor: u did what i said? "rm -r"10:00
IShadowedIleden: define "live cd"10:00
Jordan_UWyn: You can netinstall, loop boot from an iso file (if grub2 is installed and still working), debootstrap chroot (if you have some type of linux system you can boot)...10:00
sebastiaan_can you explain a bit more? My tv is not that old actually10:00
r00t4rd3dstart with a low resolution10:00
IledenIShadowed: it's the same as the installation cd. You can boot into Ubuntu with the cd, without it doing anything to your hard drive. That's called "live cd".10:01
r00t4rd3dlike 1024x76810:01
Us3r_Unfriendlygramm: if you somehow do reinstall you should look at a "system restore" for linux10:01
WynJordan_U: that would not clean install, that would pre-suppose retaining at least grub10:01
IShadowedIleden: Joy, and where do I find gparted? Also, uh, what do I do with it, then?10:01
Jordan_UWyn: You can overwrite grub during the install, though it's a bit risky if installation fails.10:01
Wyngramm: first lspci | grep 80210:01
sebastiaan_thatś difficult to set up without a monitor10:02
IledenIShadowed: Are you chatting from the only computer available - the one you'd need to do the fixing to? Because if you have a laptop or such alongside, it would be easier if you could chat from that, so you'd be able to interact with the support channel here while you are lookign at the partition configuration...10:02
Us3r_Unfriendlygramm: but i suggest fixing the wifi driver issue first10:02
grammUs3r_Unfriendly: yeah but the System REstore will probably ask for a cd10:02
Jordan_UWyn: Once grub has done its job of booting, it's no longer required.10:02
aLemmerCan someone help me get DSL running as a guest OS in Ubuntu Server?10:02
Wyngramm: or simply lspci10:02
IShadowedactually I do have another, Ileden. Brb.10:03
Jordan_UWyn: And a netinstall doesn't even require grub to start.10:03
WynJordan_U: indeed, however I am refering to a clean install IE  everything is wiped and re-installed, partiotions, grub everything10:03
grammOk I'm going to reboot and go to ubuntu and get a ethernet connection. Will be back in a minute10:03
WynaLemmer: virtualbox10:03
IledenIShadowed: gparted should be available on the live cd... uh, I'm not sure about that actually. Can anyone confirm this, and how to start it from live cd?10:03
r00t4rd3dsebastiaan_, can you start in failsafe mode ?10:04
adtiya_wifiToday i tried to install ubuntu 10.10 maverick through usb ........but was troubled to busybox.....waht to do????????10:04
Us3r_Unfriendlygramm: look here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNPkE0loOSs&hd=110:04
Jordan_UWyn: That can be done without any external media with the "toram" kernel parameter to load the installation media completely into RAM at boot. The net installer loads everything into RAM this way by default.10:04
r00t4rd3dso you can edit your xorg.conf ?10:04
aLemmerVirtualbox works well via CLI?10:04
WynJordan_U: I have not tried that, cool, thanks for the info10:04
Jordan_UWyn: You're welcome.10:04
adtiya_wifi@ root4rd      As u said instal maverick ........Today i tried to install ubuntu 10.10 maverick through usb ........but was troubled to busybox.....waht to do????????10:05
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: what were you using before ubuntu?10:05
IledenIShadowed: Well, at least you can start gparted by opening Applications->Accessories->Terminal and entreing "sudo gparted"10:05
r00t4rd3dadtiya_wifi, i dont get what you mean10:06
r00t4rd3dUs3r_Unfriendly, gaming on win710:06
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: how did u create the live usb?10:06
adtiya_wifibonjoyee through unetbootin10:06
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: use the startup disk creator found on ubuntu..it works well10:07
adtiya_wifiroot4rd   yesterday u told me to insatall ubuntu 10.10 because of wife BCM 472710:07
adtiya_wifi@ bonjoyee              does ubuntu 10.10 supports bcm4727 wifi10:07
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: can't tell..cause i dont use either...but the liveusb surely will10:08
adtiya_wifi@bonjoyee                    which version of ubtuntu u r currently using10:09
IShadowedIleden: Alright, switched computers10:10
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: 10.04lts in a vbox, but debian squeeze is my host os10:10
adtiya_wifik bonjoyeee10:10
adtiya_wifican u rovide me the link for the Vbox for 10.0410:11
amithi i opened gparted in live cd10:11
adtiya_wifi@bonjoyee             can u provide me the link for the Vbox for 10.0410:11
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: i suggest u first try 10.10 livecd/usb..and see if your wifi works10:12
amituser3_uninfriendly:now what to do10:12
amitwyn: u there10:12
IledenIShadowed: ok, boot to the live cd ubuntu.10:12
adtiya_wifi@bonjoye     i have already installed ubuntu 10.04 from usb but could not solve the problem since last week10:13
adtiya_wifian\d tried almost everything10:13
amithi plz help me in partition10:13
adtiya_wifiyes @amit10:13
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: so try 10.10 livecd as someone suggested10:13
amiti have installed the ubuntu  using entire disk10:13
IShadowedIleden: Done and done, I have the sudo gparted opening10:13
amitnow i want to partition so i used life cd10:14
amitsorry live cd10:14
amitthen open gparted10:14
adtiya_wifi@bonjoyee I don't have live cd .i have downloaded iso from ubuntu .................10:14
amitnow plz tell me how to make partition10:14
adtiya_wifiwill it wirk10:14
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: u have the 10.04 install working?10:14
adtiya_wifi@bonjoye yes       but wifi not working10:15
PeterNLI want to create a distro based on ubuntu server lts whith some specific server software and some specific tools and script pre-installed. How do i do that?10:15
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: then goto System > Administration >  Startup Disk Creator..and create a liveusb from the iso10:15
amitadtiya_wifi: help me i have opened gparted using live cd10:15
amitadtiya_wifi:now how to  make partition10:16
grammOk I'm back10:16
grammSo can someone help me fix this wireless problem ? please :)10:17
IledenIShadowed: ok. so please tell what you see in the list of parititons. it should be something like /dev/sda1, NTFS, 80GiB or such?10:17
adtiya_wifi@bonjoyee    but i have already installed it what is the use of creating liveusb10:17
amitbonjoyee: i have installed some days ago ubuntu and uses entire disk for partition.now i want to make partition so i inserted live cd and opened gparted,now plz tell me how should i have to make partition10:18
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: i mean a live cd for 10.10!!10:18
Metallicohi guys, got a new sound card which works with ubuntu if I load it from the live CD, however it doesnt work on the ubuntu installation that was installed before the the card was installed. Is there any way to force ubuntu to redetect and reconfigure the sound hardware without resintalling?10:18
IShadowedIleden: Sure, hold on10:18
adtiya_wifi@ bonjoyee ok10:18
IledenIShadowed: the key questions are, are there more than one partitions, and is there "unallocated" space at bottom of the list10:18
bonjoyeeamit: can please post a screenshot of gparted..?10:18
Us3r_Unfriendlyis the guy in here still with the need to install ubuntu with a broken cd drive and no usb boot?10:18
amitbonjoyee:how to send screenshot10:19
adtiya_wifi@bonjoyee   DOes ubuntu 10.10 have BCM 4727 driver automatically installed10:19
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Us3r_Unfriendlyamit: www.imageshack.us10:19
Inferusadtiya_wifi its not hard to download the driver and put it on a usb stick? :-/10:19
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: as i said i dont have  BCM 4727 nor do i use 10.10..u could try for urself!10:19
rodzihello, i want to use a python package but the version which is on the repository is out of date, I've downloaded the good version on the website and i've runned the install script but it doesn't work. Can someone help me please ?10:20
Iledenamit: probably you need to click on the one partition, and choose Partition -> Resize. But thta's just a guess, don't do it if you aren't sure. BTW why do you want the second partition?10:20
adtiya_wifi@Bonjoyee  @inferus     I have been trying to install the driver since 1 week ......and now I am fed up of this10:20
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: also check the 10.04 install cd it contains something for bcm devices..have u installed that?10:21
adtiya_wifistill not working10:21
amit/dev/sda1  ext4     size454.04gib   used 17.71 gib    flags boot10:21
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: so your best bet is to try 10.10 liveusb..10:22
adtiya_wifioh my god another installation10:22
r00t4rd3dadtiya_wifi, ur wifi is working now isnt it ?10:22
adtiya_wifiNot working10:22
amit/dev/sda2   extended   size 11.72gib  used -  flags -10:23
paq7512my ntfs-config is not launching10:23
r00t4rd3ddidnt we get it working ?10:23
amitthis is showing my gparted10:23
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: also check of theres a bios update for your machine, that fixed the issue for my cousins lappy..10:23
nirazioHow to add a new user acc???10:24
IShadowedIleden: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546216/10:24
PeterNLI want to create a distro based on ubuntu server lts whith some specific server software and some specific tools and script pre-installed. How do i do that? E.g. create my own iso with an installer which installs ubuntu server and some software I have written/patched/compiled/configured by myself10:24
bonjoyeeamit: take a screenshot of your desktop..using App>Access.>take screenshot..and post that on some image host..10:24
adtiya_wifi@root4rd3d   yesterday you told me to install ubuntu 10.10 ........today i tried but my grub boot failed.......and i got stuck in grub rescue.......I am trying again ....waht to do if i Get grub rescue agin..........10:24
bonjoyeeamit: like http://imgur.com10:25
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adtiya_wifi@bonjoyee if it would have been BIOS problem then it would not have been working in win dows also I GUESS ????????10:26
amitbonjoyee:i take screenshot using prt scr  and uploded to imagehacks.us10:26
bonjoyeeamit: ok10:26
nirazioHow to add a new user acc???10:26
r00t4rd3dnot sure about grub rescue10:26
PeterNLnirazio: adduser10:27
bonjoyeeamit: wheres the link?10:27
IledenIShadowed: right. So it seems the stuck&rebooted installation managed to do the partitioning. sda4 is a container for two partitoons, sda5 and sda5. sda5 is where ubuntu would live, and sda6 is a special "swap" partition linux uses for some memory management (it'll never contain data).10:27
adtiya_wifianybody knows about grub rescue?????????????10:27
IShadowedIleden: Okay, so what do I do?10:27
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amitbonjoyee: do u get it10:28
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: if your so good at GUESSING ..u dont probably need help..I GUESS10:28
adtiya_wifi@bonjoyee    dont be so rude10:28
IledenIShadowed: But I'm not sure what sda2 is - prossibly some sort of system restore partition.... and sda3 is also weird... so because of these I can't exactly be sure what the situation is and I can't give a "perfect" suggestion.10:29
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bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: not being rude.. first u as for help..and then u dont follow what people suggest!10:29
IledenIShadowed: that is, if you sustem gets more broken because of any actions, "not my fault" :)10:29
amitbonjoyee:do u get screenshot10:30
adtiya_wifi@bonjoyeee I have tried everything availble on tnet10:30
IShadowedIleden: :p if my system goes to ploop, then I'll just erase it all and load Ubuntu. But eh. I'd rather fix it.10:30
bonjoyeeamit: yes..looking atm10:30
IledenIShadowed: that said, what I would do, is remove the sda5, sda6 and then sda4 (the container). then try running ubuntu install again, see what it says10:30
amitbonjoyee: tell me plz how to make partiton10:30
IShadowedIleden: Fair does10:30
sebastiaan_how can I change xorg.conf without x server?10:31
bonjoyeeamit: what that extented partition for?10:31
IShadowedIleden: Not letting me delete10:31
IledenIShadowed: I'm (almost) certain that removing sda4 and it's contents is at least completely safe, if you've never had linux on the system (or don't want to preserve it if you've had)10:31
IledenIShadowed: hm, is there an error message?10:31
IledenIShadowed: try deleting sda6, then sda5, then sda410:32
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amitbonjoyee: linux swap10:32
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: im not telling u go and update your bios in a haste either;)10:32
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PeterNLnetsplit :X10:32
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:32
bonjoyeeadtiya_wifi: but u should certainly try 10.10 liveusb10:32
IledenIShadowed: safe, since the "ext4" and "linux-swap" are linux filesystems which windows wouldn't have any idea about anyways :)10:33
adtiya_wifik bonjoyeee10:33
fffuis there a way to redice ubuntu unstallation size?? i'm running out of it10:33
Us3r_Unfriendlysweet!!  i just got face reconition login10:33
bonjoyeeamit: i dont see that being used as swap?10:33
PeterNLfffu: remove packages you don't use10:33
IShadowedIleden: Won't even let me try to delete sda6 nor sda4, but the error for sda5 is "Unable to delete /dev/sda5!; Please unmount any logical paritions having a number higher than 5" (and no, it's not letting me delete 6)10:33
Us3r_Unfriendly!info bleachbit | fffu10:33
ubottufffu: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1 (maverick), package size 234 kB, installed size 1564 kB10:33
amitbonjoyee:ok wait m sending other screenshot10:33
fffulol i tried but I need MORE10:33
aLemmerAnyone know if I can get a DSL install going in Ubuntu Server without any GUI on the server?10:34
IledenIShadowed: weird. it shouldn't be mounted (that means it10:34
aLemmerAs in a DSL guest OS.10:34
IledenIShadowed: weird. it shouldn't be mounted (mounted means it would be "in use")10:34
mendax03Hi sebastia, how are you today?10:34
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IledenIShadowed: try opening a terminal and type "mount" to see what's actually mounted10:34
Us3r_Unfriendlyfffu: get a external drive10:35
PeterNLaLemmer: yep, you can use VirtualBox to run a vm which works as a vnc server10:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyfffu: or delete unessary files10:35
aLemmerPeter, are there any guides to do this all via CLI? I can't find one that covers setting everything up from the ground-up.10:35
IShadowedIleden: Uh, a lot10:35
IledenIShadowed: what you want to see, if any line starts with /dev/sda510:35
bonjoyeeaLemmer: id say you install Vbox on the server and then forward X to your pc that has a gui10:35
PeterNLaLemmer: do you have a desktop machine with vbox?10:36
pfuiaptitude is real slow on my pc (package installation, not downloads), any ideas?10:36
tehbautJordan_U / r00t4rd3d: so when I cranked open windows and tried to create a new folder, I got an interesting new error: "The volume is too fragmented to complete this operation" ...so I did a quick defragment on it, and that didn't fix it. Running chkdsk now...10:36
Us3r_Unfriendlytehbaut: windows?!10:36
IShadowedIleden: No.10:36
aLemmerPeterNL: I have a desktop machine with Ubuntu Server.10:36
IledenIShadowed: does any line start with /dev/sda[anything]?10:36
PeterNLaLemmer: No X running I suppose...10:37
IShadowedIleden: No.10:37
amitbonjoyee:http://img831.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1um.png/                       see this10:37
fffuthe problem is I have no idea which unneded files on linux are and where to find them10:37
tehbautUs3r_Unfriendly: yeah, I was having a problem in ubuntu with an ntfs formatted drive :P10:37
r00t4rd3dtehbaut, i hope you can chkdsk /f10:37
Us3r_Unfriendlytehbaut: ntfsprogs10:37
IledenIShadowed: ok... so it's not mounted. but it woudn't be the first time an error message tells something wrong. :)10:37
r00t4rd3dthe /f is for fix10:37
ttis there any chinese chatroom?10:37
IShadowedIleden: oo...kay,,,10:37
amitbonjoyee: do u get it sir!10:37
IledenIShadowed: what does it say when you try to delete sda6?10:37
Us3r_Unfriendly!cn | tt10:38
ubottutt: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:38
aLemmerPeterNL: That's right, no X running.10:38
IShadowedIleden: There's not a delete option for sd610:38
IShadowedSo I can't even try10:38
ttThank you10:38
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe10:38
bonjoyeeamit: sir?10:38
Us3r_Unfriendlytt: no problem10:38
pfuii wanted arabic :S10:38
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية10:38
IledenIShadowed: oh... ok, hmm...10:38
Us3r_Unfriendlylol pfui10:38
amitbonjoyee: ya u have knowledege so i call u sir10:38
IShadowedIleden: If it's relevant, there's a key-icon next to sda4 & 6, both of which there are no delete options10:39
amitbonjoyee: help me now i have send  that link10:39
bonjoyeeamit: so u want u reduce /dev/sda1?10:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyaLemmer: what part of minnesota are you from...I saw that when you entered it said mn10:40
amitbonjoyee: ya i want to reduce it and want to make 3 0r 4 partition10:40
PeterNLaLemmer: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch07.html#id274389310:40
IledenIShadowed: what options are available for sda6?10:40
amitbonjoyee: as i have partitoned in window10:40
pfuihow long should i wait before repeating a question?10:41
bonjoyeeamit: reducing is simple...but starting ubuntu later may not be.sure u want to do this?10:41
IledenIShadowed: (weird, it should be able to be deleted, since nothing on the drive is being used...)10:41
IShadowedIleden: "Swapoff", "Manage flags", "Information"10:41
PeterNLaLemmer: dunno if vrdp is available in the OSE edition10:41
aditya_@bonjoyee my wifi has started working finaalll .....I am so happy..................I have removed ndiswrapper package as  it was blacklisting my driver......thanks for ur time10:41
amitbonjoyee: don't understood10:41
bonjoyeeaditya_: on 10.04?10:41
IledenIShadowed: Hm, maybe the live cd somehow saw the swap partition, and decided to use it. Makes sorta sense, but dunno, I woudn't think it'd do that. Try "swapoff".10:42
bonjoyeeaditya_: good for u?..great!!10:42
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amitbonjoyee: is it gives any problem in starting10:42
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aditya_the trouble was bcml-kernel-source and ndiswrapper were conflicting10:42
aditya_thanks bonjoyeee10:42
bonjoyeeaditya_: and no hard feelings;)10:42
PeterNLaLemmer: the OSE version has a VNC server, the closed source vsreion has a RDP server. make your choice :)10:43
pfuiaptitude is real slow on my pc (package installation, not downloads), any ideas?10:43
PeterNLpfui: slow connection?10:43
IShadowedIleden: Yay it let me delete! Operations are pending, though, do I have to uh, initiate them?10:43
amitbonjoyee: plz solve my problem if it is safe to do this10:43
IledenIShadowed: but it does sorta make sense, because swap doesn't contain any data, so it could be used by live cd just as well as an installation.10:43
IShadowedsee above, Ileden10:43
pfuiPeterNL: packages download fine, but installation takes forever10:43
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elitemikeAnyone know how i can make kubunut look just like backtrack?10:43
ttIs there any inputmethods to type in Siamese??10:44
IledenIShadowed: yes. "apply all operations" -button, on the right10:44
bonjoyeeamit: what i mean is after u reduce the part..i cant guarantee the system will boot..but 99% all will be ok!10:44
Us3r_Unfriendlypfui: what happens when you do:    sudo aptitude reinstall aptitude?10:44
PeterNLpfui: slow processor? It's slow on my still-working P3 server :)10:44
IShadowedIleden: Right, yeah, just found\10:44
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bonjoyeeamit: so if u have any important files..back them up!10:44
pfuiPeterNL: naah, this is a core i3 with 4gbs of ram :]10:45
IShadowedIleden: Okay, so now there are two unallocated areas. Anyways, what next?10:45
pfuiUs3r_Unfriendly: went fine, nothing special10:45
amitbonjoye: what was the chance for sucess10:45
Kingsyok, for some reason, ubuntu just completly crashed, I was minimizing a window and it totally stopped responding (the mouse was still moving however)10:45
Dupont\join #limsi10:45
Us3r_Unfriendlypfui: sudo apt-get install -reinstall aptitude10:45
PeterNLI want to create a distro based on ubuntu server lts whith some specific server software. I don't want a live cd, but I want to create my own iso with an installer which installs ubuntu server and some software I have written/patched/compiled/configured by myself10:45
Kingsywhat should I do if this happens again? is there a crash out button? (like Ctrl Alt Del ) ?10:45
amitbonjoyee: if  it boots does there be any problem in future/10:45
Valsacarthis is driving me crazy, all avi/mkv/etc randomly get out of sync (not always in the same place on a replay) and/or sound and/or video become choppy.  All files do it sooner or later, all video players I've tried, ran xine from terminal and no errors popped out, ubuntu 10.0410:45
Us3r_Unfriendlypfui: the sudo aptitude reinstall aptitude kinda was a joke10:45
IledenIShadowed: Well, two opitons. 1) resize the sda1 to maximum, to excatly recreate the initial situation, and try install opiton "alongside" again.10:46
elitemikeAnyone know how i can make kubunut look just like backtrack??10:46
bonjoyeeamit: if it boots ..then it will always boot..no problems thereafter..10:46
IledenIShadowed: 2) leave the space as unallocated, and see what ubuntu installation suggests.10:46
IledenIShadowed: it should suggest something like "use free space on the drive for ubutnu"10:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyelitemike: none of thoses are supported in here10:46
bonjoyeeamit: im not scaring u ...just make sure u backup your data..if theres some important files10:46
IShadowedIleden: I'll try 2 first, then one. Is there a need to reboot before trying to install, at the moment?10:47
amitbonjoyee; ok i will try tell me how to do coz if i didn't take risk i will never br going to learn10:47
pfuiUs3r_Unfriendly: i'm not even sure the problem's with aptitude... dpkg -i bleh.deb is slow as well10:47
IledenIShadowed: but I have no idea, maybe it'll just call that "installing alongside" as well. :)10:47
Us3r_Unfriendlyelitemike: but you could download some of the packages that it has and then downloading the wallpaper10:47
aLemmerPeterNL: Mind if I PM you?10:47
pfuisomeone suggested i check my hosts file but there was nothing wrong with that10:47
IledenIShadowed: Hmm. Good question. I don't see any reason for reboot, but hey, why not :P10:47
Us3r_Unfriendlypfui: hace you updated the system yet?10:47
PeterNLaLemmer: go ahead :)10:47
Us3r_Unfriendlypfui: *have10:47
bonjoyeeamit: click edit..and tell me what options are there..10:47
IledenIShadowed: at least close gparted :)10:47
Us3r_Unfriendlyi can't spell with this cat in my face10:48
pfuiUs3r_Unfriendly: yes10:48
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amitbonjoyee: there are three options but they are  in freezing mode means that  they are not avavilable for click10:48
lightingI'm using an old version of ubuntu (7,04) and i'm trying access youtube videos... what must have installed to see videos?10:48
Us3r_Unfriendlypfui: was it slow before?10:48
IShadowedIleden: Nah, only options were to erase or manually parition10:48
bonjoyeeamit: wait ..im starting 10.10 in Virtualbox..10:49
bonjoyeeamit: also ..dont kill me..if this does not work:)10:50
pfuiUs3r_Unfriendly: yep, it's a fresh install10:50
IledenIShadowed: well, you're pretty far into partitioning already, so you could jsut manually partition... but you can try option 2 too. (a slighly bigger chance of messing up the Win system)10:50
amitbonjoyee: on right click on /dev/sda 1 there come resize/move option10:50
pfuiUs3r_Unfriendly: assuming you meant "before the upgrade"10:50
Us3r_Unfriendlypfui: yes10:50
IledenIShadowed: I meant option 1.10:50
IShadowedIleden: Option 2 has a larger chance of messing up Win7? O-o10:51
Us3r_Unfriendlypfui: call me crazy, or could this be due to hardware issues with the kernel?10:51
bonjoyeeamit: click resize/move10:51
pfuiUs3r_Unfriendly: ok, you're crazy.10:51
IledenIShadowed: I mean my pervious option 1, resizing the Win partition to max with gparted.10:51
amitbonjoyee: i clicked10:51
IShadowedIleden: Er, I meant op. 1 too10:51
amitbonjoyee: then10:51
pfuiUs3r_Unfriendly: but apt/dpkg seems to be the only affected piece of software. everything else runs fine10:51
IledenIShadowed: and yes, it has higher risk, since it involves editing the win7 partition. I'd consider it safe myself, though.10:51
redHello, I'm using Ubuntu 10.4 server, and the php5-gd package is 2.0, I need 2.0.88 for a certain script and was wondering how should I install the new version?10:52
IledenIShadowed: just, I don't want to say anything's ever 100% safe :)10:52
IShadowedIleden: indeed10:52
bonjoyeeamit: in "new size" enter the new size u want..in MB10:53
ddhuyvetI get errors that there's no space on my system, but when I run Disk Usage Analyzer it says there's 74 GB available10:53
ddhuyvetAny help on this is appreciated10:53
Kingsycan anyone help me with my issue?10:53
IledenIShadowed: manually partitioning would involve creating the three partitions you saw before, and assigning sda5 to mount point called "/"10:53
bonjoyeeamit: how much u want for ubuntu?10:53
amitbonjoyee: i want 4 partiton10:54
IShadowedIleden: ...great10:54
IShadowedIleden: No idea how to do that10:54
Caelumwhat package has the color scheme for gnome-terminal in ubuntu? I need that color scheme10:54
bonjoyeeamit: how much for ubuntu 20 gb?10:54
amitbonjoyee:my system has only ubuntu os not any other,for ubuntu i want 30gb10:55
IledenIShadowed: well, it's not that complicated, you seem like someone who's got his/her wits together anyway. The "manually partition" opition give you a simple partition editor to do the partitioning with. but it's still easier to go resize the sda1 to max.10:55
PeterNLI want to create a distro based on ubuntu server lts whith some specific server software. I don't want a live cd, but I want to create my own iso with an installer which installs ubuntu server and some software I have written/patched/compiled/configured by myself. How do I build my own ubuntu server installer?10:55
bonjoyeeamit: so in new size ..enter 3072010:55
IShadowedIleden: Great, then how do I resize sda1 to max?10:56
Gigacoreguys am not able to perform sudo apt-get install and updates.. am getting this error - Temporary failure resolving "us.archieve.ubuntu.com" and it says few packages can't be downloaded10:56
bonjoyeeamit: then just click in the box .." free space following"10:56
Gigacoreon Ubuntu 10.0410:56
IledenIShadowed: well, open gparted, and then right click on sda1, and choose "resize" :)10:56
CaelumGigacore: you have a typo in your /etc/apt/sources.list10:57
sylowHi, I'm trying to get eAccelerator caching work on my PHP installation, but it's CGI and I need to have a DSO. Anyone knows what package or setup procedure I need for this?10:57
dodo71hello my ethernet is not responding10:57
IShadowed_Ileden: back, you were saying?10:57
nirazioI found out that dbus-daemon takes from 10% to 30% of my RAM. How can I fix this issue?10:57
=== IShadowed_ is now known as Guest28478
bonjoyeeamit: now click resize/move..and post the screenshot of new arrangement10:57
GigacoreCallum__: can you give some source URIs for 10.04?10:57
amitbonjoyee: writing not working i have to       scrool it for incresing size10:57
IledenIShadowed: open gparted, and then right click on sda1, and choose "resize"10:58
dodo71hello my ethernet is not responding10:58
CaelumGigacore: did you edit that file yourself? or was that a typo in what you were typing?10:58
GigacoreCaelum: I've done nothing, I just made a fresh installation on my VPS10:59
CaelumGigacore: check your /etc/resolv.conf10:59
bonjoyeeamit: what happened?10:59
amitbonjoyee; m increasing size to 30gb by scrooling10:59
CaelumGigacore: check that you can resolve hosts with hosts and ping10:59
Caelumerr host11:00
bonjoyeeamit: post a screenhost before applying the changes!11:00
GigacoreCaelum: my resolv.conf is empty!11:00
CaelumGigacore: ok, put your DNS server in there, like this: "nameserver"11:00
dodo71hello my ethernet is not responding11:02
Caelumdodo71: what do you mean by not responding11:02
Iledendodo71: ehm... maybe bit more details?11:02
dodo71it does not seem to be working11:02
IShadowedIleden: So... what values do I fill in, and where?11:02
dodo71at least that is what the firewall said11:02
GigacoreCaelum: will do and check it.. thanks11:03
dodo71the firestarter firewall does not start11:03
dodo71it sais the eth0 device is not ready11:03
bonjoyeeamit: ?11:03
Caelumdodo71: what does ifconfig say11:03
amitbonjoyee; m taking screenshot11:04
paq7512what else do i need for ntfs-config to work?11:04
paq7512it is not opening11:04
dodo71caelum can you get me in private chat?11:05
IledenIShadowed: maximize the "new size", and keep "free space following" and "free space beginnign" at minimum (0)11:05
dodo71i cant copy paste here it will flood11:05
rs0832dodo71, use the pastebin11:05
rs0832dodo71, paste.ubuntu.com11:05
IledenIShadowed: or just grab the black arrows in the diagram with you mouse, and drag them to extremes in left and right, same thing11:06
=== z is now known as Guest34209
IShadowedIleden: There's "Free space, preceding" and "free, space, following"11:06
amitbonjoyee: do u get it?11:07
bonjoyeeamit: thats fine..go ahead11:07
amitbonjoyee:should i click on resize button11:07
IledenIShadowed: both of thse to 011:07
bonjoyeeamit: yes11:07
amitbonjoyee: now11:08
bonjoyeeamit: then click the green "correct" mark11:08
amitbonjoyee: m clicked it is working to resize :      there makes unlocatted space also now in option11:09
IShadowedIleden: Yay! It worked. So uh, in the "allocating drive space" for installing next to an existing OS, the default for Ubuntu is 3.5GB, and Windows Vista (loader) at 9.1GB. Are bad things going to happen if I give Ubuntu more space?11:09
amitbonjoyee: it is shrinking to 30 gb11:10
bonjoyeeamit: leave that unallocated space..u can do whatever u want later with it..11:10
IledenIShadowed: no, only means Windows will have less space for itself.11:10
Caelumdodo71: so you are using wifi, you need to tell the firewall software to use wlan0 as your interface11:10
bonjoyeeamit: after shrinking...try to reboot into your ubuntu!!11:11
amitbonjoyee: resizing takes long  time?11:11
bonjoyeeamit: no11:11
dodo71my ethernet device not working11:12
Caelumdodo71: did you see what I said11:12
dodo71check ifconfig11:12
Caelumdodo71: so you are using wifi, you need to tell the firewall software to use wlan0 as your interface11:12
Iledendodo71: explain the problem in more detail11:12
dodo71eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:23:ae:2c:ce:cd             UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1           RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000            RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)           Interrupt:18   lo        Link encap:Local Loopback             inet addr:  Mask:       11:12
amitbonjoyee: shrinking says that depends on the ammount and type of operatioon that might takes a long time11:12
dodo71the firestarter does not start11:13
IShadowedIleden: Do you know what -101/104 key compatible means for keyboard layouts?11:13
amitbonjoyee: if it works can i make other partition like this11:13
amitbonjoyee: or can i make partition without live cd then11:13
dodo71firestrter: the device ethernet is not ready11:13
IledenIShadowed: no idea. I use Finnish keyboard layout myself, no such options there :)11:13
Caelumdodo71: because your device is wlan0 not eth011:14
IShadowedIleden: Ah, so you can switch back and forth?11:14
amitbonjoyee: operation complete it is asking where to save in root or filesystem11:14
dodo71how do i start the firestarter?11:14
Caelumdodo71: why do you need a firewall if you have a router11:14
dodo71what do i use for firewall?11:14
Caelumdodo71: your router is your firewall11:14
IledenIShadowed: yes, you can change the layout from ubuntu settings afterwards11:15
amitbonjoyee: it is also asking to change name11:15
AdvoWork`is there a way to get an ip of a windows machine, if i know the computer name and work group? its on the same network11:15
IledenIShadowed: system->preferences->keyboard->layouts11:15
dodo71can i not start the firestarter with wireless?11:15
IShadowedIleden: Fun11:16
dodo71can i not start the firestarter with wireless?11:16
era878how can I put super grub2 disk on a usb drive?11:16
CaelumAdvoWork`: nmblookup11:16
Caelumdodo71: you can, you will have to read the documentation for it to see how to do that11:16
amitbonjoyee; what should i do plz teel me11:16
Caelumera878: the same way you would put it on any other type of disk11:17
iflemaera878: ya use grub2 :P11:17
era878Caelum, how can i install an .iso to a usb?11:18
IShadowedIleden: Gah, i had this problem last time I loaded Ubuntu onto a computer; it won't let me advance on the "Who are you?" page, even though the passwords match etc etc11:18
Jordan_Uera878: If you don't mind overwriting everything currently on the drive you can use dd.11:18
IledenIShadowed: it won't let you advance? any error messages?11:18
daweedhi, i've got a problem... my computer won't launch grub. it can't find the disk to mount....11:18
gsbhow can i stop "apt-get dist-upgrade" from upgrading my kernel? i am using a more latest version of kernel.11:18
Caelumdodo71: you can also try "sudo ifconfig eth0 down"11:18
llutz_era878: if it is a hybrid-iso, just "dd" it to your usb-drive. but be carefull, it erases the whole drive11:18
IShadowedIleden: never mind, apparently it doesn't allow any caps 9.911:18
era878Jordan_U, where can i get dd11:19
IledenIShadowed: that's weird... my password always have some caps, and it's let me trhough on every install11:19
amitbonjoyee: it shows the name gparted_details, i want to change this name tell me what should i give name11:19
Caelumgsb: just configure grub to use your kernel as the default11:19
era878illutz_, how can i dd?11:19
Jordan_Uera878: It comes by default with Ubuntu (and any other Unix like OS), but it's terminal based.11:20
Caelumdoes anyone know what file has the ubuntu gnome-terminal color scheme11:20
llutz_era878: sudo dd if=yourfile.iso of=/dev/<your-usb-drive>11:20
era878Jordan_U: what do i type into terminal, is there a tutorial somewhere?11:20
AdvoWork`Caelum, trying: nmblookup -netbiosname=computername yet it doesnt do anything, just shows me more options?11:20
reenignEesreveRhow can i upgrade my NetworkManager to 0.8.1 in lucid?11:20
dobblegowhat is the latest version of ubuntu that has thunderbird in the repository?11:20
Jordan_Uera878: First, you need to figure out the device name of your USB drive. This is *very* important as whatever device we pass to dd will be erased, you don't want it to be your internal drive by accident.11:21
gsbCaelum: thats nice idea, i can do that as last resort, but can I stop apt-get to download 46 MB of stuff which would be of no use?11:21
CaelumAdvoWork`: nmblookup -W WORKGROUP COMPNAME11:21
llutz_era878: make sure to give correct pathes, dd won'ask and just overwrites all11:21
nirazioHow to delete all files that are returned by locate??11:21
dobblegonirazio, | xargs rm11:21
Jordan_Uera878: Is there a particular feature of Super GRUB2 Disk you want for the USB drive, or do you want all of them?11:22
Caelumgsb: not easily no, unless it's upgrading a package, in which case you can just put it on hold with "sudo aptitude hold <pkg>"11:22
era878Jordan_U, I need to boot my external HDD that has ubuntu 10.10 on multiple computers11:23
erUSULdobblego: locate --null ... | xargs -0 rm11:23
AdvoWork`Caelum, tried: nmblookup -W WORKGROUP xw8200-20JKP and it says: querying xw8200-20JKP on name_query failed to find name xw8200-20JKP  any further suggestions please?11:23
gsbCaelum: yes its upgrading the kernel, i will look into hold option. thanks :)11:23
Jordan_Uera878: You don't need Super GRUB2 Disk for that.11:23
CaelumAdvoWork`: are you on a domain?11:24
era878Jordan_U: but when I plug in my external HDD into any other computer it wont boot11:24
amitbonjoyee: my system reeboots11:24
AdvoWork`Caelum, yeah iam11:24
amitwyn: u there?11:25
CaelumAdvoWork`: then I think you need to configure your smb.conf properly and put your domain server in it11:25
Jordan_Uera878: While booted from the USB system can you run this in a terminal "mount; ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/; debconf-show grub-pc" and use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com to give a link to the output?11:26
CaelumAdvoWork`: otherwise it does a broadcast, which may or may not work, it will definitely not work if the windows machine is on another network11:26
sebastiaan_can I just add an option line in  my screen section of my xorg.nf?11:27
CaelumAdvoWork`: you may not be able to join the domain though...that's often non-trivial11:28
sebastiaan_something like: Option    "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0"11:28
IledenHi! What should I do to diagnose WLAN connectivity trouble? (other than measuring times and packetlosses with ping)11:29
niraziodobblego: Why not rm -R11:29
niraziodobblego: Why not rm -R ???11:29
dobblegonirazio, as you choose11:29
sebastiaan_I want to force my xorg.conf too use a certain resolutionn11:29
CaelumIleden: you can check signal strength with iwconfig11:29
niraziodobblego: What's the difference??11:29
dobblegonirazio, man rm11:29
amithi i want to create new partition as i have only one that was of boot  i use gparted now what should i write in label option11:30
IledenCaelum: thanks. Shouldn't be a problem with signal strength, though, but good to know.11:30
amitplz help11:30
IledenCaelum: what other info in ifconfig is useful?11:30
era878Jordan_U, I have to turn off my computer to boot from the usb, ill be back11:31
CaelumIleden: iwconfig, not ifconfig, what problems are you having11:31
IledenCaelum: oh, typo out of being too used to typing ifconfig :D11:31
amitcan we use various extension to create drives in different partition11:31
CaelumIleden: if you have packet loss then it's either poor signal or interference11:32
IShadowedIleden: Yay, it all works11:32
IShadowedthanks again11:32
IledenCaelum: weird problems. the wlan connects to network pretty randomly, sometime with ok connection, sometimes with 50% packet loss...11:32
CaelumIleden: that means interference11:32
IledenIShadowed: nice to know, thanks!11:32
amitwhat is difference between ext2 ext3 or ext 411:32
CaelumIleden: try another channel on your router, every 3 channels is a different frequency11:32
IledenCaelum: also, the connection seems to work always with win7 (I'm dualbooting)11:33
erUSULamit: time; an we can assume progress is made with time.11:33
Daekdroomamit, ext4 is the newest and safest one11:33
IledenCaelum: and wlan works at workplace on both linux and win.11:33
amiterUsul: so i have to use ext411:33
erUSULamit: you should yes; unless you have a very good reason not to.11:34
IledenCaelum: Thanks, I'll try to find channel setting from my router settings once I get back to home.11:34
amitDaekdroom:and what should i write in label11:34
CaelumIleden: if the windows driver is much better, you can always try ndiswrapper instead of the native linux driver11:34
Daekdroomamit, label is the partition's name.11:34
erUSULamit: yes ( drop the caps please )11:34
oedschhi all :)11:35
blackshirthi oedich..11:35
blackshirterUSUL: yes..exactly11:35
oedschlong tome no irc...11:35
IledenCaelum: ndiswrapper, so that uses windows drivers instead of linux?11:35
limerI'm not able to ping any other (windows) hosts from ubuntu server.  shouldn't nmbd be found via locate or in dpkg -l?11:35
CaelumIleden: yup11:35
IledenCaelum: I'll google it, thanks.11:35
oedschgot a problem with installation of 10.10.. some can help?11:36
CaelumIleden: when you are at home, do a site survey with "iwlist wlan0 scanning"11:36
amiterUSUL: is label is same as drive in windows11:36
CaelumIleden: see what channels other routers are using11:36
amitDaekdroom:is label is same like as drives in window?11:37
IledenCaelum: so does that list all the routers i'm able to hear?11:37
erUSULamit: you mean drive letter?11:37
CaelumIleden: correct11:37
sosaitedIs ntfs-3g used to mount NTFS partitions in Nautilus? in Lucid and Maverick11:37
CaelumIleden: unless they don't broadcast SSID, but most do11:37
IledenCaelum: interesting. Thanks!11:37
blackshirtsosaited: yes11:37
Daekdroomamit, it's the driver's name11:37
zwoxhi there11:37
amiterUSUL: suppose i make the partition size of 30 gb and i want to put  s/w in it so i want to take this  name software is it right?11:38
erUSULamit: Label is a name for the partition. you can later use that name in a few situations ( fstab; mount ; /dev/disk/by-label/ etc )11:38
blackshirtzwox: hi11:38
erUSULamit: yes you can name a partition software if you want11:38
sosaitedblackshirt: I am having a slow speed copying problem in 10.04 and 10.10 (Which I didn't have in 9.10). It most probably is caused by ntfs-3g right?11:38
amiterUSUL:thanx for helping so much , m new using ubuntu11:38
erUSULamit: no problem11:39
zwoxsomething really bothering me, in alternate installation, when several network interface are available, how can you specify which one you wanna use11:39
bonjoyeeamit: u here?11:39
dobblegois there any currently supported version of ubuntu that has thunderbird 2 in the repository?11:39
amiterUSUL: what is primary partition logical and extended?11:39
limerI'm not able to ping any other (windows) hosts from ubuntu server.  shouldn't nmbd be found via locate or in dpkg -l?11:39
amitya bonjoyee: thanx  it worked11:39
padoes ubuntu postfix includes sqlite support?11:39
nirazioHow to download a specific filetype from a website using wget??For example png format...11:40
blackshirtsosaited: maybe..but i don't have problem like that when i copy files from and to ntfs partitions11:40
amitbonjoyee: it works thanx alot11:40
oedschi got a installatiation problem here.. :( in fact, i cant install it.. it crashes before it even starts ... tried the alternate cd too, same crash, but the screen is blue.. with a grey bar at the bottom11:40
erUSULamit: a disk with a msdos stylepartition table can have only four primary partitions. you can use one of this four to be a extended partition which in turn can hold 64 logical partitions11:40
bonjoyeeamit: thats great..i had internet issues..hence got disconnected...my crap isp!!11:40
zwoxthis is really anoying because dhcp request failed as there is only one interface which is declared on dhcp server11:40
zwoxand vmps11:40
blackshirtnirazio: i think, pass url completely to wget11:40
monzonirazio: wget http::/ffo.bar/pic.png11:41
PeterNLhttp://, not http::/11:41
niraziomonzo: Not that i am asking..For example i want to download all wallpapers from a site using wget..How???11:42
sosaitedblackshirt: I didn't have the problem in my personal computer either. But this is someone else's old laptop with old drive. But the Disk Utility benchmark shows higher speeds (~30MB) while it copies at 4MB11:42
monzonirazio: man wget, there are loads of options, with examples in there11:42
amitthanx alot all of u guys  specially bonjoyee u make it easy for me also erUSUL and daekdroom11:42
IledenHow can I remap keys from my keyboard to match other keys?11:43
bonjoyeeamit: glad i could help!!11:43
Iledenwait, nevermind, i'll google first...11:43
sebastiaan_amd radeon hd 5670 proprietary driver installed and monitor tells "not supported".. HELP11:43
amitbonjoyee; thanx thanx thanx thanx thanx11:44
rigvedIleden: have you tried using System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts11:44
zwoxwell, seems nobody can help, so here's another one, can someone told me what to add to append line to boot alternate instaler in expert mode please ?11:45
blackshirtsosaited:  i think the problems not on your ntfs-3g11:45
monzonirazio: at least use -nc (== --no-clobber), that is the friendly way of doing a wget and keeps the disk empty11:45
zwoxtell* me, sorry11:45
AdvoWork`Caelum, how do you mean does a broadcast?11:45
blackshirtzwox: pass it on kernel line11:45
zwoxblackshirt: juste adding expert ?11:46
amithi one  question after every partition some unlocatted space 1mb or 2mb is left what was that11:46
rigvedzwox: or you can press F6 and select "Expert Mode" from the list11:46
zwoxrigved: i can't because i boot from pxe with only intird and linux loaded11:46
zwoxso i have to pass it on kernel command line11:47
Iledenrigved: that only allows assigning keys to commands, not other keys11:47
sosaitedblackshirt: Then?11:47
blackshirtzwox: yes..11:47
rigvedamit: the hard disk is divided into small fixed sized blocks. when the entire HDD space is not a multiples of that small size, it gets left out11:48
sebastiaan_graphics driver problem11:48
sebastiaan_radeon hd 567011:48
zwoxwait and see11:48
rigvedamit: the small 1or 2 MB11:48
zwoxthank you anyway11:48
amitrigved: so if i make 4 partition it makes 4 different unlocatted spaces11:48
Kingsy101ok this is p*ssing me off. twice now ubuntu has just completly stopped responding, totally paused, I can move the mouse but I cant click anything no keys work..11:49
blackshirtsosaited: is it very slow ?? maybe the old drive problem >11:49
Kingsy101what do you do in that situation??11:49
rigvedamit: if you make them all at the same time, then only one unallocated space will be created (the four will get merged)11:49
sebastiaan_monitor tells "not supported"11:50
coz_Kingsy101,  out of curiosity...which video card and driver version?11:50
burhanwhere are the termcap settings in ubuntu?11:50
amitrigved:any way to merge them11:50
Kingsy101coz_ - its a nvidia geforce 210   and I don't know the driver.. i didnt install one11:51
Kingsy101coz_ - it just seemed to *work*11:51
rigvedamit: use gparted or something and partition them into one. but they'll still be as much physically separated as they were earlier11:51
sebastiaan_installed proprietary driver and monitor tells "not supported" radeon hd 5670 graphics card, monitor is a TV11:52
sebastiaan_what to do?11:52
coz_Kingsy101,  mm  oh ok... well if you didnt use  /system/administration/additional drivers to install the nvidia driver you are using nouveau  < the default driver for it11:52
tnmanybody knows what is wrong, i get the error in virtualbox: /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device. I also tried odprobe vboxvfs and i get error:  FATAL: Module vboxvfs not found.11:52
coz_Kingsy101,   what are you doing just before this occurs?11:53
bonjoyeesebastiaan_: your pc is producing a video thats beyond the capability of your tv..11:53
erUSULburhan: "man 5 termcap"11:53
bonjoyeesebastiaan_: whats the max resolution supported by your tv?11:54
coz_Kingsy101,   if you do install the driver ...use the   nvidia-current  and then reboot the system once its installed11:54
burhanerUSUL: the file mentioned there /etc/termcap doesn't exist, hence psql doesn't work. "psql cannot read termcap database"11:54
heyguisehey guys, Im trying to make a custom usb bootable with certain programs pre installed. Can some one link me to some documentation that can help me?11:55
PeterNLI want to create a distro based on ubuntu server lts whith some specific server software. I don't want a live cd, but I want to create my own iso with an installer which installs ubuntu server and some software I have written/patched/compiled/configured by myself. How do I build my own ubuntu server installer?11:56
Caelumheyguise: just boot the live cd and install to the usb stick11:56
erUSUL!find /etc/termcap11:56
ubottuFile /etc/termcap found in emacs22-common, mindi11:56
Caelumheyguise: boot in the "try ubuntu" mode then choose "install ubuntu" from System->Administration11:56
bonjoyee!find /usr/bin/time11:57
ubottuFile /usr/bin/time found in coreutils, expect-dev, gnome-system-tools, libproc-background-perl, netpipes, time, timelimit, timemachine11:57
LSEactuaryis this safe to install? http://www.themebin.com/windows-7-themes/snow-leopard-windows-7-theme/ ive just installed MS7 and dont want it to crash or anything! lol11:57
tavastiI have problem with ubuntu 10.04 slapd: syncrepl client sends 0 length certificate when negotiating tls with master slapd.11:57
heyguiseCaelum, thats not exaclly what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to set up a usb bootable version of ubuntu with a few certain programs preinstalled for that boot.11:57
heyguiselike I want to be able to boot from usb and have for example python allready installed11:57
bazhangLSEactuary, on windows?11:57
rigvedLSEactuary: that a question for #windows11:57
PeterNLLSEactuary: that's for windows. This is #ubuntu11:57
IledenLSEactuary: um, isn't that a windows problem?11:57
Caelumheyguise: yes, I just told you how to do that11:58
erUSULburhan: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2009-06/msg00041.html11:58
LSEactuaryoh - how do i connect to windows?11:58
sebastiaan_bonjoyee: I do not know11:58
Caelumheyguise: install ubuntu to the usb stick, then install whatever you want11:58
bazhang /join ##windows11:58
heyguisethanks caelum,11:58
bonjoyeesebastiaan_: what type of tv is this?11:58
PeterNLHow do I create a custom ubuntu server install cd/dvd11:58
zwoxthe command to add is not expert but priority=low11:58
rigvedIleden: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10620911:58
Caelumheyguise: choose manual partitioning and don't make a swap partition, swap on a usb stick is counterproductive11:59
sebastiaan_pretty new (4years old flatscreen) samsung11:59
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bazhang!remaster > PeterNL11:59
ubottuPeterNL, please see my private message11:59
erUSULburhan: maybe there is a way to tell the program to use terminfo instead of termcap11:59
PeterNLbazhang: That's only for live cd's, isn't it? I wanta text based installer.12:00
Benkinoobyhi, i don't know if this is the appropiate channel for this, so please redirekt me in case you knwo better. i want to download/copy/save what can be heard on http://oe1.orf.at/konsole?show=ondemand&track_id=261873&load_day=/programm/konsole/tag/20101216 it's an austrian radio station.12:00
bazhangPeterNL, then get the minimal iso, build on top of that and use something like remastersys to create a bootable/installable iso12:01
PeterNLremastersys. Okay, will lok into that12:01
bazhangPeterNL, minimal iso is very small only around 20mb12:01
macobazhang: i thought it was 1112:02
richard123hi, problem with updates. have copied sources.list file from working machine also running 10.10 but still does not work, something to do with not being able to find any suitable server according to 'select best server'?12:02
PeterNLI am already working on my install in a VM, based on the server cd. The result won't fit on a cd anyway, so I'll create a dvd image instead :)12:02
bazhangmaco, perhaps with maverick it went back down, it was around 20 with lucid iirc12:02
macobazhang: wow12:02
Iledenrigved: very interesting! However, that still seems to leave me hanging, as I'd like to assing a key combo (ctrl-up) to another key (pageup)12:03
richard123can anyone help please?12:03
Iledenrigved: but I'm researching the issue12:03
Benkinoobyi was able to achive what i wanted to do. no further investigation needed.12:04
rigvedIleden: doesn;t that thread talk about combo keys?12:04
rigvedIleden: i'll check12:04
Iledenrigved: doesn't seem like it.12:05
=== charlie is now known as Guest64752
Guest64752how do I install flash12:05
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:05
richard123 hi, problem with updates. have copied sources.list file from working machine also running 10.10 but still does not work, something to do with not being able to find any suitable server according to 'select best server'?12:05
rigvedIleden: try this - Ctrl_L+Up (i don't know the exact names of the keys, but give it a go)12:06
grandrewhi! is it possible to create a RAID-1 using a partition that already has the needed data on an ordinary ext3? or do I have to copy everything, then create raid, format it and copy back?12:07
rickwaphi i need hel, i lost my ubunto grab how i recovery it_12:08
bazhangrickwap, grub2?12:08
bazhangrickwap, what version of ubuntu12:08
nirazio!info rcsoccersim12:09
ubottuPackage rcsoccersim does not exist in maverick12:09
nirazioHow to install rcsoccersim???12:09
bazhang!grub2 | rickwap have a read12:09
ubotturickwap have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:09
=== kenny is now known as Guest813
rickwapbut im im using 2 OS windows and linux12:10
rickwapwen i instal windows my pc lost dual boot12:10
rickwapi want recovery my dual boot12:11
bazhangrickwap, yep, that guide covers this eventuality12:11
Guest813hello, can enyone hellp me here ive bein haveyng situations wyth desktop effects in ubuntu 10.10 and everytime i try to change sessions it ends up on my previous session12:11
mcb_rickwap: You will have to reinstall grub or lilo.12:11
l33tchgrandrew: the question makes sense, surely it can jsut copy it, but as far as I know, it will want a full reformat when creating the RAID... though to be honest, I haven't tried...12:12
rickwapyes, so i need help hou to instal gru or lilo im new and i dont undst much bout commands on linux12:12
bazhangrickwap, then have a read of the guide I linked you12:12
rickwapim read it but its confusing12:12
Iledenrigved: no, "xmodmap -e "105+111 = Prior" only assigned 105 (Control_R) to Prior (page up)12:12
mcb_rickwap, in that case you should listen do bazhang. Read the manual!12:12
Guest813hey can u help me ive bein havyng problems wyth ubuntu 10.1012:13
rickwapok thanks all for hellp me12:13
Guest813aperantly my system doesnt detect any drivers at all12:13
bazhangGuest813, tried #compiz?12:13
Iledenrigved: um, that's, "xmodmap -e "keycode 105+111 = Prior"12:13
Guest813yes i have and it works fine the problem is scince my system doesnt detect any drivers i cant enably the effects12:14
Guest813sorry i mean enable12:14
bazhangGuest813, my question was have you tried for help in the channel #compiz (re your compiz issues)12:15
Guest813oh no i havnt sry thnks dude12:15
amit_thanx guys12:15
fffuxmodmap is a s*t12:16
icedearthI have Ubuntu but I prefer using Windows, why should I swap?12:16
ttIs there any Chinse chatroom?12:16
Jordan_U!cn | tt12:16
bazhangicedearth, you shouldnt. this is not the channel for that though12:16
ubottutt: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:16
fffuicedearth, GNU utilities are made to work worse on windows12:16
bazhangtt #ubuntu-cn12:16
bazhangicedearth, try #ubuntu-offtopic12:17
icedearthok thanks!12:17
Iledenfffu: xmodmap is a superperfect?12:18
PeterNLbazhang: afaics remastersys also creates livecd's, but I really need to make a text-based installer, like ubuntu server has.12:19
Iledenfffu: xmodmap is a simple command line tool for remapping keys, and for many uses nearly perfect?12:19
fffuIleden, can xmodmap map the AltGR key?12:20
Iledenfffu: seems it can.12:20
fffuIleden, nope12:21
Guest813hey sry but i hade problems with ubuntu 10.10 and the server told me to come here:so as iwas syng ive got the situation that ubuntu 10.10 haz problems of runnyng in low graphics mode ,detectyng no drivers,and not changyng sessions12:21
Iledenfffu: works for me.12:21
fffuIleden, don't lie, it cannot do this12:22
Iledenfffu: Uh, what, I need to upload a youtube video for you or something?12:22
Guest64752I have a new install xubuntu and I am experiencing choppy effects on most windows is there something that I can do to fix12:22
marcuyanyone knows where to download pronunciation files (not for english) for stardict?12:22
fffuIleden, paste an expression which set key in altgr register12:23
UnholyTerrorGuest813, what is the system/gfx hardware?12:23
Iledenfffu: keycode 10812:23
Iledenfffu: depends on the keyboard of course.12:24
Guest813none its not detectyng anythyng now12:24
fruitwerks_webcan someone tell me why I am banned? my regular nick is fruitwerks12:24
Guest813my desktop looks like its from the cevtime12:25
UnholyTerrorGuest813, i'm asking you, what is the system/gfx hardware?12:25
fffuIleden, LOL, it's altgr key itself, and altgr+some key combination needs to be set12:25
helpmeathow would you change the default background image of the gdm login screen? i know tons of bad instructions on the net and now i wonder how would you manage this requirement?12:25
fffuhelpmeat, via gconf for gdm user profile12:26
helpmeatubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx2.6.32-26-generic12:26
Iledenfffu: uh, yes? and you asked to remap the AltGR key?12:26
UnholyTerrorGuest813, what kind of computer is it?12:26
kristjan_can someone recommend me ppa with latest proprietary ati drivers for maverick? AFAIK Maverick does not come with latest ati drivers12:26
Guest813hitachi HTS54321 sry its just tht im new and in trainyng by a friend12:26
erUSULfruitwerks_web: /join #ubuntu-ops12:26
Guest813its an acer spire on netbook12:27
Guest813sry i mean acer aspire one12:27
helpmeatfffu: that sound good, BUT No command 'gconf' found, did you mean: dconf,qconf12:27
erUSULkristjan_: x-updates ppa?12:28
erUSUL!ppa > kristjan_12:28
ubottukristjan_, please see my private message12:28
macohelpmeat: gconf-editor is the tool to edit gconf values12:28
fffuhelpmeat, gconftool-212:28
macohelpmeat: ok either of those. gconf-editor has a gui12:28
amit_i made 2 new  partiton naming as music and software  both are primary and i used ext4 , after then i proceed for the new partiton it says no more than4 primary partition firstly change it to extended might delete primary one12:28
UnholyTerrorGuest813, is there a model number?12:28
erUSULkristjan_: dunno; check yourself. there is also x-edgers but this one is way more unstable so you really need to know what you are doing12:29
=== happyface is now known as rcarcamo
helpmeatmaco, ffu: both command work, now i'm going to find the right category (apps, desktop, schemas, system)12:29
Guest813sory the stickers messed up but ill give u what i can:4TPMT-MTFM612:29
macohelpmeat: whatever it is, likely not schemas. those are things applications install themselves to tell how the other categories work12:30
kristjan_erUSUL, I see it has fglx-installer package - how do check what driver version it installs for me?12:30
helpmeatmaco, ffu: thank you so far, soon i'm going to ask you again for details OR tell you it works12:30
helpmeatmaco: ok12:30
UnholyTerrorGuest813, see me in private12:31
=== Guest64752 is now known as newb-10x
jitshi .. we have a ubuntu server machine which has dhcp running on it.. we want to ssh into one of the systems gettings its dhcp from outside the network .. .how can we do this ?12:32
UnholyTerrorGuest813, can you see the private window?12:33
newb-10xhow can I fix the gfx to stop messing up when dragging windows12:33
ben_qHello. my Kate editor is overwriting the group of a file on saving it via sftp. how can I prevent this?12:33
amit_amit:bonjoyee: i made two new partition both using ext4 and uses only  primary partition as the logical and extended partiotion is freezed there means they are not available  for clicking.now m unable to make more partition12:34
amit_bonjoyee: it says u might delete your partition as u cannot make more than 4 in primary12:34
jdsadsahello every1 i have some issues logging through ssh on a 10.10 machine under vmware,i can log localy but not from outside.it says access denied/please help12:34
bonjoyeeamit_: that right..how many partitions u have..please post the screenshot12:35
jitshi .. we have a ubuntu server machine which has dhcp running on it.. we want to ssh into one of the systems gettings its dhcp from outside the network .. .how can we do this ?12:37
tristan3199us1how do i stream movies to a playstation3??12:37
sacarlsonjits: does you other system have Internet access?12:37
jitsyeah internet access is fine .. :-s .. its all in the same physical lan .. i can ssh into the server machine .. and from server to the target system.. but from outside server i am not able to get to target system12:38
jitssacarlson: yeah internet access is fine .. :-s .. its all in the same physical lan .. i can ssh into the server machine .. and from server to the target system.. but from outside server i am not able to get to target system12:39
sacarlsonjits: or better yet is your other system on this other dhcp is it's ip pingable from your planed clients network?12:39
jitssacarlson: i am able to ping hte target system.. but ssh is not going thru ..12:40
amit_bonjoyee: when i right clicked on  unlocateed 274gb it says that error see12:40
sacarlsonjits: is a openssh or some other server software installed on the target system?12:40
jitstarget system also has ubuntu ..12:41
newb-10xjits are the keys from the remote machine on the one it is logging into12:41
bonjoyeeamit_: how much ram u have?12:41
sacarlsonjits: is openssh installed and running on the target ubuntu system?12:41
jitssacarlson: i am able to ssh into target system from dhcp server .. and ssh into dhcp server ..12:41
Iledenrigved: This seems like it'll have the solution I'm looking for: http://askubuntu.com/questions/5095/typing-using-key-combinations12:41
jitsnewb-10x: its password based authentication .. so no problem of keys i think ..12:42
sacarlsonjits: ok good enuf then,  your in12:42
amit_bonjoyee:4gb but i think its only using 1.5 gb i think but don't know why12:42
jitssacarlson: yeah .. but when i try to ssh from a system outside dhcp i have this problem, .. :|12:42
tristan3199us1anyone know how to stream multimedia12:42
fruitwerksis it possible to run postgres 8.3 and 8.4 from the dist packages?12:43
sacarlsonjits: if you want to get direct into it seems you need  to check the iptables in your router12:43
newb-10xblackice can stream12:43
jitssacarlson: dhcp server is the router for the target machine .. can you tell me what i need to allow there ?12:43
jitssacarlson: currently i have "sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT" .. thats it12:44
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ps3MediaServer tristan3199us112:44
Iledenrigved: although, it's quite a mouthful :) but well written, I'll just wade through it.12:44
tristan3199us1thanks bazhang12:44
shishirdwivedi20hey i have a query12:44
shishirdwivedi20when i boot my computer 2  operating system is shown  but default operating system is window i want to make ubuntu my defaut how can i do that12:45
sacarlsonjits: then it will only allow outgoing and estabished connections,  if you want your sub network to bypass that you would have to add another line12:45
rigvedIleden: ya that's quite a mouthful! :)12:45
Dr_Willisshishirdwivedi20:  what version of ubuntu are you using?12:45
jitssacarlson: let me know what i need to add .. thanks :-)12:45
sacarlsonjits: I don't know the structure of your network12:46
shishirdwivedi20dr_willis 10.1012:46
sacarlsonjits: you could just open it and enable forwarding12:46
jitsscarleo:  want to allow ssh into all the dhcp'd systems from outside ..12:46
Dr_Willisshishirdwivedi20:  you can edit the grub  file /etc/default/grub and select what entry is the default i recall. you would count down the # of lines to the windows entry in the menu. or i think you cans ome how select them by name12:46
Dr_Willis!grub2 | shishirdwivedi2012:46
ubottushishirdwivedi20: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:46
jitssacarlson:  want to allow ssh into all the dhcp'd systems from outside ..12:47
sacarlsonjits: from the outside including the internet?12:47
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!12:47
newb-10xjits you might want to ask in ##networking12:47
bazhangmorfeu, ?12:47
macomorfeu: what?12:47
jitssacarlson: nah .. internet is blocked by the internet gateway .. so that side is fine .12:47
cdbsmorfeu: Please don't use that unnecesarilu12:47
morfeunao entendo12:47
sacarlsonjits: well I assume you could just delete your line you have added then12:48
morfeu/server irc.shownetlanhouse.com.br12:50
jitssacarlson: that line is needed to allow the dhcp'd machines to access internet i think ..12:51
newb-10xwould anyone know how to stop the choppy effect while dragging windows12:51
sacarlsonjits: no that's part of route12:51
chaospsychexcan i convert a dynamic disk to a simple disk?12:52
sebastiaan_anyone who can help me to generate a cusom xorg.conf?12:52
chaospsychexi tried to create a new parition in windows and something popped up about it will change the simple volume to a dynamic volume and now grub is fu**** and i cant boot into either ubuntu or windows12:53
jitssacarlson: u mean that is causing problem ?12:53
sacarlsonjits: that is part of it yes12:53
sacarlsonjits: like I said I don't know the structure of your network without seeing route12:54
Dwade09everytime i boot my computer i get prompted for a keyring password i do not know what the keyring password is for and it is very annoying how can i disable this keyring password it only pops up after every login12:54
newb-10xjits you may want to ask in ##networking12:54
sebastiaan_anyone who can help me to generate a custom xorg.conf?12:54
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:55
jitsnewb-10x: thanks ..12:55
newb-10xjits np12:55
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:55
sacarlsonjits: replace with sudo iptables  -A FORWARD ACCEPT12:56
morfeu/server irc.shownetlanhouse.com.br12:56
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
VladBHey guys, anyone up to help me? i'm having problems with a wifi pcmcia card on a ubuntu 10.04 laptop. the card isnt recognized althogh pcmcia modules are running. direction anyone?12:57
amitbonjoyee: rebooted now12:58
fruitwerksVladB - are you sure the card is supported? what brand / model is it and does lspci show it?12:59
chaospsychexcan someone help me13:01
VladBfruitwerks - it's an edimax ew-7708il... i didn't find any reference to it online, but the guy in the store claimd iy has the same chipset as a card that is supported.13:02
ikonialoculinux: please stop that13:02
=== dvs is now known as Guest93055
VladBoh and lspci doesnt show it13:03
jitshi .. i am able to ping thru my network gateway but can't ssh in .. please help !!!13:03
chaospsychexi was in windows and i didn't have much space left on that partition. so i go into disk management to create a new ntfs partition. something came up saying that i would not be able to create the new partition unless i converted the simple volume to a dynamic volume. would i like to continue,i clicked yes.  then a error pops up. and now i cant boot into windows or ubuntu13:03
=== Guest93055 is now known as davens
newb-10xikonia new install 10.10 xubuntu windows dragging very choppy any idea?13:03
sacarlsonjits: replace with sudo iptables  -A FORWARD ACCEPT,  so that didn't work13:03
chaospsychexi should of never tried to make the partition using disk management13:03
ikonianewb-10x: no13:04
newb-10xikonia thanks13:04
newb-10xlater days better ways13:04
chaospsychexcan someone help me?13:05
nirazioCan anyone explain the flow of USB detection in Ubuntu System?13:06
dnivrachaospsychex, it'd be better if you repeat your question(if you have already asked) rather than ask this question. and if nobody knows, nobody will help. no response after a few tries-nobody knows; try later.13:06
levinhello everyone13:07
jits_how do i allow ssh from outside thru my network gateway ?13:09
Picijits_: forward port 2213:09
jits_Pici:  how do i do that ?13:09
jits_Pici:  i can ping across.. so i should be able to ssh also i thought ?13:09
Picijits_: Follow whatever instructions you have for your router.13:09
Dr_Willisjits_:  not really.13:09
jits_Dr_Willis: then ?13:10
Dr_Willisit could be your router replying to the pings or not...13:10
Picijits_: See http://portforward.com for model specific help.13:10
jits_Pici: my ubuntu server is my router and dhcp server ..13:10
pradyumna0-how to remove a software completely?13:10
Dr_Willispradyumna:  use teh package manager tools (if it was installed with them) and use the purge option13:11
dnivrapradyumna, 'sudo apt-get purge <packagename>'13:11
Dr_Willispradyumna:  what are you trying to remove?13:11
DasEipradyumna: sudo apt-get remove --purge PACKAGENAME13:11
=== bencahill__ is now known as bencahill
pradyumnaguayadeque player13:11
Dr_Willispradyumna:  if you installed it using the package m anager then you can remove it using the package manager tools.13:12
amitbonjoyee: ?13:12
Dr_Willispradyumna:  note that purgeing somthing will NOT remove the users settings in their home dirs13:12
sacarlsonjits_: is your ubuntu route  setup as a MASQUERADE?13:12
jits_sacarlson: yes ..13:12
pradyumnabasically my prblem is the player is not launching13:12
sacarlsonjits_: pastebin both route and iptables -l13:12
jits_sacarlson: i tried removing it .. did not help ..13:12
sacarlsonjits_: our your router13:13
sacarlsonjits_: of your router13:13
chaospsychexif i have converted my hd to a dynamic volume and now cant boot into ubuntu. how can i fix this?13:13
jits_sacarlson: iptables -l is not defined it says :|13:13
rgb247anyone using Gedit as PHP/HTML editor?13:13
rgb247I have some questions13:14
sacarlsonjits_:  sudo iptables -l13:14
Dr_Willisjits_:  try sudo iptables --lost13:14
Dr_Willisjits_:  try sudo iptables --list13:14
jits_Dr_Willis: sacarlson http://paste.ubuntu.com/546252/13:15
sacarlsonjits_: thats not masquerade13:16
sacarlsonjits_:  lets see the script that ran to create the iptables13:18
jits_i have it in my rc.local .. "sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE"13:18
jits_sacarlson: i have it in my rc.local .. "sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE" .. no other config ..13:18
sacarlsonjits_: so that lines without the -m conntrack --ctstate  didn't work?13:19
chaospsychexcan someone help me recover my mbr13:19
fruitwerkscan someone help me out downgrading postgresql 8.4.5 to 8.413:20
=== DJAshnar is now known as SamuraiAlba
fruitwerksor at least where to find the deb?13:22
sacarlsonjits_: it would require to be sudo iptables -A FORWARD  -j ACCEPT13:22
sacarlsonjits_:  the rest looks good13:23
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | chaospsychex13:24
ubottuchaospsychex: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:24
nirazioEvince cannot view my dvi files. A search online shows that this seems quite common. Is there any way to enable dvi viewing other than further installing ubuntu texlive packages?13:24
PeterNLHow do I create a custom ubuntu server install cd/dvd, (NOT a live cd)?13:24
sacarlsonjits_: oops sudo iptables  -t nat -A POSTROUTING  -j MASQUERADE13:24
=== bencahill is now known as bencahill__
Dr_Willisfruitwerks:  you can pin differnt versions via the package manager. if the old version is still in the repos.13:24
Dr_Willis!remaster | PeterNL13:24
ubottuPeterNL: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility13:24
sacarlsonjits_: not sure you can put the -t nat after or not13:24
=== bencahill__ is now known as bencahill
dnivranirazio, you have tex installed? why not use dvipdf to convert it to PDF?13:24
sacarlsonjits_: mine looks like $IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $EXTIF -j MASQUERADE13:25
PeterNLDr_Willis: how can I make an text-based installer out of that. I am not interested in live cd's13:25
bencahillPeterNL: is the ubuntu server install a livecd? I thought it was not...13:27
PeterNLit is not13:27
bencahillPeterNL: oh... :-/13:27
histoPeterNL: I thought the link from ubottu had something about customizing alternate and server iso's13:27
PeterNLhisto: Where?13:27
sacarlsonjits_: other thing you need is : echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward13:27
dnivra!remaster | PeterNL13:27
ubottuPeterNL: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility13:27
PeterNLdnivra: that's what Dr_Willis already told me :)13:28
histoPeterNL: right under the first caution sign13:28
dnivraPeterNL, that's what histo is referring to i think.13:28
histoPeterNL: This guide is for the Desktop LiveCd; there is another page referring to customisation of the Alternative Install Cd & the Server Install Cd. Also, there is a guide on how to create a LiveCd without using an existing LiveCd.13:28
PeterNLAh, I see. I feel blind...13:28
sacarlsonjits_: heres what my simplified masqurade script looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546256/13:29
nirazioEvince cannot view my dvi files. A search online shows that this seems quite common. Is there any way to enable dvi viewing other than further installing ubuntu texlive packages?13:32
histo!hi | hitman13:33
hitmannadie me contesta13:33
histo!es > hitman13:33
ubottuhitman, please see my private message13:33
histo!es | hitman13:33
ubottuhitman: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:33
Dr_WillisPeterNL:  the default server cd is text based.. the alt-installer cd is also text based.  you should be able to customize those. depending on wha tyou want to customize13:37
PeterNLDr_Willis: I want to add lots of programs, scripts and configuration, and move that to an server-like install dvd13:39
Dr_WillisPeterNL:  theres that reconstructor web site that let you do stuff like that in their web itnerface.. but i dont think that sites 'free' any more.13:39
wolverine875I want to run unbuntu 10.10 64 bit for a core 2 duo, when I download the 64 bit version it comes up ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso .  The name am64 is throwing me the curveball.  Is this the same image used for intel core 2 duo?13:42
Piciwolverine875: Yes.13:44
wolverine875great thanks13:44
sliptteeshi all13:45
sliptteesim have sis671/771 when, Black screen on resume from sleep mode13:45
nirazioIs there a way in Ubuntu to have rake commands (Ruby) available on the command line?I solved adding the following line to bashrc, but I think there should be a better way.export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin13:47
Iledenrgb247: i use gedit for html/css sometimes13:49
Iledenrgb247: what questions?13:49
callumacraeWhats the best web browser for bash?13:53
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pucko-callumacrae: pretty much w3m or elinks, imo13:55
cjdevlincallumacrae: are you looking for a text based browser?13:55
Picicallumacrae: w3m should be there by default, its pretty good. Although I believe  that links2 supports rendering images via your framebuffer if you're on a tty.13:55
jussiis there some way to scroll up in screen?13:55
macojussi: ctrl+A, esc, pgup13:55
bandawhat can I do in here13:55
callumacraeJust basic web browsing13:56
callumacraethanks :)13:56
rigved!cn | banda13:56
ubottubanda: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:56
cjdevlincallumacrae: lynx is also a decent option13:56
scoulibalyWo hui shui yidianr13:56
D14M4NT3Buen dia.13:56
bandathank you.13:57
lo-kianyone here might be willing to help me out? or at least try13:57
aeon-ltd!ask | lo-ki13:57
ubottulo-ki: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:57
lo-kilol okay fair enough13:58
lo-kii dual booted windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition using the wubi and it worked fine most of all day yesterday now everytime i go to run ubuntu it locks-up and sometimes it will load and i can mess around on it for a little bit but it will still lock-up at some point any idea as to why it keeps freezing all the time??14:00
DannyButterman /msg NickServ identify 101972od14:00
PiciDannyButterman: Please change your password.14:00
Weazelbig woops14:02
Weazelis there a software for changing icons for folders mp3s and such ?14:02
azloni am trying to create a public share in samba. in my smb.conf can i leave out the "valid users =" line and do "public = yes" "writeable = no"14:02
UnholyTerrorWeazel, right-click->properties14:03
nirazioHow to bind mouse keys with keyboard keys???14:03
WeazelUnholyTerror: sry i didn't explain my question better, i meant for file types and not just a specific file14:04
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Weazelno one knows then ?14:05
UnholyTerrorWeazel, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/155973-changing-default-icons-video-files.html14:06
aeon-ltdlo-ki: hmm, sounds like a bug, did it always do this?14:06
DannyButtermanPici: i'm totally pissed off !!! first usually I can't ype anything until I'm logged in, and secondly I pasted on the server page then suddenly it it was the ubuntu chan instead, and third there was a space before the /msg command which screwed it up completly. Now I had to drop this nickname, f.... !!!!!14:07
Dr_WillisWeazel:  that would be a theme setting. or changeing the theme icons basically.14:08
lo-kinot really i mean when i first did it, i was using it mostly all day then suddenly when i went to turn it on it did that and i couldn't get to the desktop so i reformatted the partition to install it again and it still does it :S14:08
jeltschI use a laptop, and I want the external monitor to be the primary one if it’s connected, otherwise the internal one. How can I acheive this?14:09
WeazelDr_Willis:  thing is i'm currently using an icon theme, and i wanna change a few icon which i don't like within the theme, but i'd hate to do it all one by one manually... thought if there is an easier way to do so, like they have on windows or smt14:09
lo-kicould it possibly have something to do with the updates? when i first logon it detects all these updates to install but im a newb to the whole linux thing so not sure what can and shouldn't be updated lol14:09
aeon-ltdlo-ki: what version?14:09
apctrtell me the channel name for ns-214:09
Dr_WillisWeazel:  you can somehow add specific icons to your .icons dir and it can override the theme ones.. but some themes have issues with that and itnore them.14:10
lo-kiuhmm i use the wubi 1010 and select ubuntu netbook14:10
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WeazelDr_Willis: yea i've noticed that, i started changing some even, but then i noticed there are like 7 types of sizes for each icon, like 24x24 48x48 etc. and this is just so much work to go through just for changing lets say folders icon....14:12
Dr_WillisWeazel:  and thats why theres a move to using 'svg' icons14:13
aeon-ltdlo-ki: if you're really dedicated to using ubuntu i'd say try a dualboot instead of wubi14:13
aeon-ltd!dualboot |lo-ki14:13
ubottulo-ki: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:13
aeon-ltdlo-ki: it may fix the problem14:13
WeazelDr_Willis:  what do u mean there's a move ? like in 11.04 they'll use svn ?14:13
Weazeldidn't they actually use svn before come to think about it ?14:13
lo-kialright ill give it a shot thanks14:13
Dr_WillisWeazel:   'sgv' = vector based images for the icons. some apps are using them now in some places14:14
aeon-ltdlo-ki: good luck :)14:14
WeazelDr_Willis: when will it happen ? do we know  ? or is it just planned for the future versions ?14:14
aaaa22222does mark zuckerberg uses ubuntu14:15
aeon-ltdaaaa22222: no.14:15
histo!ot | aaaa2222214:15
ubottuaaaa22222: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:15
BertikHi, I need a quick help please. I have user on server (created with adduser command) and I need to remove this users rights to sudo. I do not want him to have any administrative rights. But at the same time I want to have this user to be able to SSH to server and browse his folder. I have researched a bit before posting here, but I can't find straight answer... Anyone please?14:15
Iledenaaaa22222: no, he probably uses Chrome OS...14:15
histoBertik: remove him from the admin group14:15
PiciBertik: Remove them from the 'admin' group14:15
aeon-ltdaaaa22222: why would he? web design is ambiguous, his server technicians and engineers might14:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:16
Bertikhisto,Pici: from /etc/group ?14:16
histoBertik: groupmod will work14:17
histoBertik: sry usermod14:17
Bertikhisto: thanks, will research this ( usermod )14:17
histoBertik: or something like sudo deluser bob admin14:18
sudiptahey guys14:19
histoBertik: that would probably be easiest14:19
Bertikhisto: so this - sudo deluser bob admin - will delete the bob user from admin group and still leave his other rights?14:20
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SebastianHello, does any1 got a command i can use to determine which grub im using?14:22
histoBertik: correct14:22
histoSebastian: dpkg -l | grep grub14:22
Sebastianhisto ty14:23
histoSebastian: grub version number will be on the right14:23
Bertikhisto: thanks, just reading man pages. Looks like it is what I was looking for..., thank you14:23
Sebastianhisto found it, thanks :)14:24
Dr_WillisWeazel:  with gnome 3 and ubuntu moving towards unity - no one can tell.  I imagine it will happen eventually.14:24
aaaa22222someone got a link with a very good linux vs windows blog ?????14:24
WeazelDr_Willis: thx14:24
histoBertik: yeah as long as you specify user with a group it will only remove them from the group.  if you did sudo deluser bob   it would remove that user.14:24
Dr_WillisSebastian:  grub --version   perhaps/14:24
AbhiJitaaaa22222, http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm14:24
histoBertik: which you'll find in the man page i'm sure14:24
reenignEesreveRI tried upgrading my network manager to 0.8.1 (latest) and no network is working on my lucid box :(14:24
jorisi can't get java to listen to port eg. 5555 do you know if it could be related to some security / firewall issue?14:25
Iledenaaaa22222: why don't you want windows and linux to just be friends?14:25
erUSULjoris: any error msg?14:25
scoulibalyjoris: did you try netstat -a to see if port already used ?14:25
Dr_WillisreenignEesreveR:  upgraded JUST the network manager? how did you do that?14:29
joriserUSUL; i get an IOException (when i try: new Socket("localhost", port))14:29
jorisscoulibaly, i'll try netstat right away =)14:29
erUSULjoris: sudo lsof -i :555514:29
BluesKajHi all14:30
* erUSUL waves14:30
p1l0tBluesKaj: hi14:30
BluesKajhey erUSUL14:31
St018Hi there Im wondering whether can i place 2 different splash wallpaper to grub loading screen?14:31
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jorisscoulibaly, erUSUL, netstad returned an enormous list of connection - i'm looking to filter it 5555 out of it (something might idd be wrong there), sudo lsof -i :5555 didn't return anything14:32
erUSULjoris: then nothing is using that port. the error is something else14:33
bencahillwhat would be the best way to resize the partition ubuntu is on, without using a ubuntu livecd?14:33
BluesKajahha , gotta reboot , kernel just updated14:33
erUSULjoris: i am not java programer so i dunno ....14:33
jorishmm, ok thanks erUSUL & scoulibaly, than i'll look more into the java side to find out what's wrong14:33
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momelodgreetings channel.  I've broken my power management on my latop after upgrade to 10.10.  basically i cannot run gnome-power-manager.  When i do, i get this error: http://pastebin.com/hYRuMB7Q14:34
sacarlsonbencahill: what are you going to resize?  root / how about adding a new partition for /home and move /home there.14:35
momelodi can no longer sleep or hibernate (unless i manually run `/etc/acpi/sleep.sh`)14:36
momelodbut the option to sleep, hibernate are missing from my logout menu14:36
momelodand, there is no battery monitoring happening either, so my laptop will drain the battery completely unless im there to power off beforehand.14:37
gsrI've made some changes to GDM, and recompiled it.  Is there a way to tell ubuntu to recompile GDM everytime it updates it, and does a merge-changes sort of thing (recompiling GDM with my patches automatically applied. like with gentoo conf files after updating a port)?14:37
TonikHi, any hints for rebuilding SATA RAID on an ASUS motherboard with Windows-only drivers?14:39
sacarlsongsr: I've never done it but maybe you could make your own custom gdm package,  just put version what it is so if it's newer it will still be selected14:39
indrahello room14:39
sacarlsongsr: or if it is really custom you can pin it14:40
jitshi .. i have a set of dhcp servers in range 10.1.0.x, and they dish out ips in 10.1.xx.yy range.. i want to ssh from one server's dhcp range to another server's dhcp range.. how do i do that ?14:40
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jitsi am able to ssh from the servers to each other's ip ranges, but not able to connect from dhcp ranges of each other ..14:40
sacarlsonjits: I made this for you to try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546276/14:41
sacarlsonjits: it seems you don't need to have masqurade setup,  your gateway will do that for you.  I did some minimal test but you would have to try it to prove it.14:42
gsrsacarlson: thanks, its a good place to start!  I've customized it so that when a certain password is entered, it starts zeroing /var, so its a few lines of code.  I know that there is some kind of library used when updating the kernel in ubuntu, so modified kernel modules are recompiled as well (like the vbox module).  There's nothing like that for apt in general?14:42
jitssacarlson: cool .. will try now :-)14:42
RawrimatigerI was just wondering how i resize a partition with Gparted14:42
RawrimatigerI need to resize windows so i can do a side by side boot with Ubuntu and Windows14:43
gambit_2how do you upgrade ubuntu on a laptop when it doesn't want tp read the arcive that the disk has14:43
jhon_d0ehi , sometimes at random my ubuntu10.10 freezes after login . I would like to see the log files when this happens when i reboot next time.. where do i look for them ? Thanks !14:43
momelodjhon_d0e, ~/.xsession-errors14:44
jhon_d0emomelod: thanks . it stays there after reboot right ?14:44
momelodthe previous copy will be named .xsession-errors.old14:45
reenignEesreveRi upgraded my network manager to 0.8.1 on lucid ... my ethernet won't get dhcp address now  ... help!!!!14:45
landley1kvm in 10.04 LTS has a bug: you have to click X to close twice.14:46
landley1The first click is ignored.14:46
gambit_2can someone answer my quesxtion14:46
landley1I just spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to report said bug through launchpad.  It insisted I connect the ubuntu machine to the network and fire up a command line utility.14:46
landley1There is now way to do it through the web.14:46
jhon_d0emomelod: not seeing anything useful there. can i get something like dmesg for mylast boot ?14:46
macolandley1: if you go to the exact package's page it shouldnt insist on that14:47
landley1So the bug goes unreported via launchpad.14:47
RawrimatigerI was just wondering how i resize a partition with GpartedI need to resize windows so i can do a side by side boot with Ubuntu and Windows14:47
BluesKajreenignEesreveR, sudo dhclient eth0, or whatever your ethernet designation set as14:47
momelodjhon_d0e, that will log any session errors you have. for x startup the logs are /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:47
dnivraRawrimatiger, i suggest you shrink the partition from windows rather than use gparted.14:48
landley1maco: why doesn't https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs say anything about that then?14:48
SergeyITreenignEesreveR, u don't have any problem but now u have it )14:48
reenignEesreveRBluesKaj, that worked. Now how can i find why it is not automatically getting an address and why do i have to tell it explicitly to get oen14:48
Rawrimatigerdnivra, and may i ask how i do that and what i use to do it with? x.x sorry ive never done side by side before ^.^14:48
macolandley1: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+filebug14:48
sacarlson reenignEesreveR: I guess you have 3 choices go back to the working version, or disable network manager and setup manualy in cli (command line ),  or maybe try a ppa version that has hopfully fixed the problem that I seem to see some people are having with it.14:48
reenignEesreveRsacarlson, im using PPA version of network manager :(14:49
landley1maco: cool.  Thanks.14:49
macolandley1: because filing without a utility that automatically includes debugging info usually results in crappy bug reports that are useless to anyone trying to fix the prblem14:49
dnivraRawrimatiger, hold on ok.14:49
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Rawrimatigerdnivra, alright ^.^14:49
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR: well bummer that didn't work14:49
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landley1maco: ok, I won't report the bug then.14:49
macolandley1: so, for the vast majority of folks who dont know how to file bug reports, its preferable that they use those tools14:49
macoeh whatever ill report it myself14:49
gambit_2would someone answer my question please14:50
macough though 10.04... at least reproduce in 11.04 first14:50
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BluesKajreenignEesr run , sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart then reboot and check your connection14:50
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bencahillgambit_2: what do you mean "doesn't want to read the archive"?14:50
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR: oh another posible solution is try wicd as a replacement for network manager14:50
cjdevlin!upgrade | gambit_214:51
ubottugambit_2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:51
WierdAARWhen i turned on my computer today, my microphone had a problem where all input is speed up and high pich. Resulting in my sounding like a smurf. Funny but very annoying. Any idea on what could cause this ?14:51
gambit_2it said that the arcive is not reconised14:51
dnivraRawrimatiger, how to shrink a partition http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/resize-a-partition-for-free-in-windows-vista/14:51
bencahillsacarlson: I'm resizing root, to make room for a /boot partition for a usb install14:51
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Rawrimatigerdnivra, thank you ^.^14:51
bencahill!details | gambit_214:51
ubottugambit_2: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:51
sacarlsonbencahill: oh ok,  then I'm not sure,  I never trusted the repartition shapers14:51
dnivraRawrimatiger, installing windows and ubuntu side by side. i think this should work along with that. http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/dual-boot-windows-7-ubuntu.html14:52
fruitwerkscan someone assist me in downgrading postgresql to 8.3 on lucid?14:52
bencahillsacarlson: wait, gparted could do that, and it has a livecd14:53
dnivraRawrimatiger, okay don't follow http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/dual-boot-windows-7-ubuntu.html. i'll get you something else.14:53
sacarlsonbencahill: I guess fully backup your root and maybe try gparted, I was told that the newer version is now able to resize partitions but I have never tried it14:53
Rawrimatigerdnivra, thank you however i have Windows XP14:53
dnivraRawrimatiger, i think it works the same.14:53
cjdevlingambit_2: what are the steps you are taking and what exactly are the error messages?14:53
bencahillsacarlson: for some reason I thought it could. no?14:53
Rawrimatigerdnivra: oh x.x heh... well i tried the disk management before in Windows XP and it didnt give me the option :o14:53
sacarlsonbencahill:  the old ones didn't the new ones do14:53
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gambit_2well i run 10.9 and want to go to netbook version but it says that arcive not reconised when i try to install and it also will not boot from disk14:54
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bencahillsacarlson: ah ok, I'll see what I can come up with :)14:54
sacarlsonbencahill: I would love to hear if it works14:54
dnivraRawrimatiger, hold on okay.14:54
Rawrimatigerdnivra, alrighty, np14:54
jimlyNo DHCPOFFERS received.what's the problem14:55
dnivrajimly, i guess there is no DHCP server running.14:55
Sri_hey hai14:55
RawrimatigerAnother question.... Is there a point in resizing when i have 41GBs free?14:55
Dr_Willisgambit_2:  what 'archive' ? you are trying to install the ubuntu-netbook package on a normal ubuntu install? or what exactly14:55
jimlyhow to check if dhcp is running14:56
Sri_hello  hello ..14:56
dnivrajimcooncat, DHCP server. it is another computer running on the LAN.14:56
gambit_2yes i want to install the netbook version of 10.10 and it wont let me14:56
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dnivraRawrimatiger, okay Win XP doesn't have a shrink option. sorry :). well you can do it with gparted then i guess. though i wouldn't advise it. still i guess it is fine.14:57
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Dr_Willisgambit_2:  so you have No ubuntu installed? or you are trying to install Just the netbook edition?  via cd? wubi? how.14:57
Rawrimatigerdnivra, why wouldnt you recommend it?14:57
gambit_2yes i have 10.9 installed on laptop14:57
dnivraRawrimatiger, gparted might mess up the partition. do you have a back up?14:58
jimlywhen i get in windows ,it can get ip auto,but in ununtu,it can't14:58
Dr_WillisRawrimatiger:  when resizeing.. always have backups.. scan the disk in windows, defrag, resize, then you may want to rescan it14:58
|Bboy|Question: When installing rvm in ubuntu.. is there an issue with being logged in as admin when this is done? Should I create a user with no admin abilities and then install?14:58
Dr_Willis|Bboy|:  ive never heard of any issues with an 'admin' capable user being logged in and causing any install issues.14:58
Rawrimatigerdnivra, o_o argh im always second guessing weather i should install ubuntu because of this. You see, i dont have a Windows XP backup.14:59
Dr_WillisRawrimatiger:  just rember - a hard drive can DIE at any time.. your XP install. could die at any time...14:59
dnivraRawrimatiger, i don't think it will cause a problem but creating a backup is recommended always.14:59
Rawrimatigerdnivra, oh oh where can i get a virtual box?14:59
Dr_WillisRawrimatiger:  use a linux live cd. and a usb hard drive. to backup an image of the HD if you want to be serious about it.14:59
dnivra!vbox | Rawrimatiger14:59
ubottuRawrimatiger: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:59
KM0201dnivra: using Gparted is perfectly safe, provided the user pays attention.15:00
KM0201Vbox is fine, but not as good as an actual dual boot system.15:00
dnivraKM0201, think a new user would :)?15:00
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing15:00
Rawrimatigerwhoops xx15:00
Dr_WillisRawrimatiger:  if using a laptop.. always be plugged in to the wall.. when resizeing.. never battery :)15:00
KM0201dnivra: well, thats completely another issue... you don't insinuate its not safe15:00
dnivraRawrimatiger, KM0201 is right ^^ virtualbox isn't the best.15:00
|Bboy|DrWillis: thansk15:01
|Bboy|DrWillis: thanks*15:01
YahudaWhen Ubuntu starts it doesn't activate microphone input automatically. Actually it looks activated but it doesn't work. I have to go to sound preferences, then input, that have to switch from Microphoe 1 to any other, then switch back to Microphone 1. Then it works. Any idea how to fix this?15:01
Rawrimatigerdnivra, how do i get the free edition of Virtual Box x.x15:01
Dr_WillisRawrimatiger:  its at the vbox download site15:01
Rawrimatigerdnivra, and i dont want to take any chances of ruining windows15:01
KM0201Rawrimatiger: what are the specs of your PC?15:01
dnivraKM0201, people make assumptions sometimes. but i messed up my windows partition when i shrunk it with gparted-i did it fine for sure following a tutorial. deleted windows after that :)15:01
KM0201dnivra: well, just because you ddi it, don't assume everone will.. .that was a pretty ridiculous statement you made that using gparted to partition a drive was not safe.15:02
dnivraRawrimatiger, it's a very low percentage but nevertheless exists. i think if you follow http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/dual-boot-windows-7-ubuntu.html it's safe.15:02
gambit_2dr willis what about my problem15:02
|Bboy|Question: When i installed ubuntu, it asked me for a username.. when i log in.. it logs me into that username.. when i try to install something i have i have used sudo... does this mean that the account created when ubuntu was installed is not the root user.. and just a user.. i am a bit confused..15:02
Dr_Willis'resizeing' always has some risk. of course these days the HD seems to be the weakest link. When in doubt - backup.15:03
cjdevlin!sudo | Bboy15:03
ubottuBboy: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:03
dnivraKM0201, just to be clear i was sure that the steps were right. gparted did mess up my partition-it was rendered unusable after shrink :)15:03
BluesKajdnivra, was your windows install either vista or W7 ?15:03
KM0201dnivra: obviously you werent.15:03
|Bboy|cjdevlin: thanks15:03
dnivraBluesKaj, vista.15:03
cjdevlin|Bboy|: np15:03
agentgasmaskWhere on the ubuntu forums can I post stuff for biginners? The "Absolute Beginner Talk" is read only...15:03
RawrimatigerBoth KM0201 and Dnirva plz x.x one had a problem the other didnt15:03
dnivraanyway Rawrimatiger no worries http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/dual-boot-windows-7-ubuntu.html is pretty good. just follow it. it has screenshots and stuff too. i think you won't have any problem.15:04
Dr_Willisgambit_2:  You mean 10.10? or 10.04 ?   you are just rrying to install the netbook interface ontop of a desktop install then? via somthing like -->  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook15:04
cjdevlin|BBoy|: ubuntu doesn't create a 'root' account for security purposes.15:04
KM0201Rawrimatiger: take normal precautions(ie, back up important data, etc..) and pay attentio while partitioning, and you'll be fine15:04
dnivraagentgasmask, if you register, you can post in the forum. if you have a problem with ubuntu, you could also try asking here too.15:04
Dr_Willisgambit_2:  be a bit more verbose in your answers. :)   does that command give any error? if its saying the .deb is bad. then it could be a server issue with a currupted file. or download issues.15:05
dnivraKM0201, precisely what i told him :). and you were right-i should stop scaring people maybe. installing ubuntu isn't rocket science :).15:05
YahudaErr, how frequently should i ask my question again? : )15:05
BluesKajyeah dnivra , I had the same prob15:05
Dr_Willisdnivra:  its more like Rocket SUrgery...15:05
KM0201dnivra: that was my point.. your statement that partitioning a drive was somehow dangerous was full of hyperbole15:05
VladBHey guys, anyone up to help me? i'm having problems with a wifi pcmcia card on a ubuntu 10.04 laptop. the card isnt recognized althogh pcmcia modules are running. the card should be supported, but it doesn`t show up on lspci. any ideas?15:06
dnivraBluesKaj, you did? any idea why?15:06
gambit_2it says that the arcive is not reconised15:06
dnivraDr_Willis, it isn't that difficult is it?15:06
gambit_2sorry for my spelling15:06
Dr_Willisgambit_2:   you may want to pastebin the exact error message for the channel to see. along with the output of -> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook15:06
dnivraKM0201, point conceded :).15:06
cjdevlin!wireless | VladB15:06
ubottuVladB: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:06
KM0201VladB: whats your card?15:07
botcatyeah this resource is really usefull15:07
gambit_2what does that mean in non tech way15:07
VladBKM0201- it's an edimax card... i havent found the exact name, but the guy in the store said it should be supported :P15:08
UnholyTerrorYahuda, don't know... sorry.15:08
sacarlsonanyone ever try xmount to convert a dd raw dump of a disk or partition to a vdi virtualbox disk image?15:08
BluesKajdnivra, ppl will disagree with this notion that one should refrag windows immediately prior to partition resizing, dunno if it works tho. I found out too late , there's an app called BCD that if install ahead of time will preserve the mbr or whatever windows calls it now15:08
docmalphashi is there a way to run 2 separate screens15:08
YahudaNo, do not sorry. I'll be sorry then. :(15:08
reenignEesreveRsacarlson, dhclient worked for me as it got the ip address but it didn't set the routing table entries. It means my network-manager is completely screwed up?15:09
bencahillsacarlson: I found an old gparted cd, and it has resize in it :) /boot is currently only 19M, so I guess I wouldn't need a very big partition for it15:09
bencahillJordan_U: I found an old gparted cd, and it has resize in it :) /boot is currently only 19M, so I guess I wouldn't need a very big partition for it15:09
UnholyTerrordocmalphas, sure... what do you want exactly?15:09
bencahillJordan_U: ...how large do you think I should make it?15:09
agentgasmaskdnivra: I'm logged in to my user on the forum and the Absolute Beginner Talk sub-forum is still read only... Is that what you ment would become writable? Also, I wanted to write a semi-howto, so I think that is better on a forum.15:09
dnivraBluesKaj, preserver windows boot loader? i prefer grub :). and you meant "defrag" not "refrag". right :)?15:09
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR: you might have to disable network-manager before you dhclient15:09
gambit_2when i boot it supose to boot disk but boots ubuntu already installed like disk is not there15:10
docmalphasI want to run 2 screens at the same time like in windows. when i run i just get a clone screen15:10
BluesKajdnivra, right defrag , sorry for the typo15:10
dnivraagentgasmask, i guess you can't edit the absolute beginner talk section. i think you can just post it in the forum and people would find it. also put it in your blog or something-google would find it then :)15:10
UnholyTerrorwhat gfx card? kind of computer?15:10
sacarlsonbencahill: my /boot partition is like 50 meg  so maybe 100meg should give you more than enuf15:10
BluesKajdnivra, BCD only affects the chainloder on windows not grub15:11
dnivraBluesKaj, refrag would make it a nightmare :)15:11
BluesKajdnivra, :)15:11
bencahillsacarlson: is there any reason it would grow?15:11
bencahillsacarlson: I'm only running a picture frame, and will never update it or whatnot15:11
gambit_2dr willis: are you there i gave more info15:11
dnivraBluesKaj, oh! okay; i'll have to read a bit about it :). thanks!15:11
fruitwerksare the build settings online anywhere for all packages? - like the ./configure settings?15:11
bencahill!tab | gambit_215:11
ubottugambit_2: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:11
agentgasmaskdnivra: Ok. Thanks for the help! :) cheers!15:12
dnivraagentgasmask, sure. np :).15:12
macofruitwerks: the source package for each application would have anything thats added on to configure in its debian/rules15:12
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR: did you do this: sudo service network-manager stop  before the dhclient ethX?15:12
BluesKajdnivra, but always install windows before linux ,. if indeed you intend to dualboot15:13
issamHello !15:13
bencahillgambit_2: well without it, you may miss characters, like replacing an underscore with a space in Dr_Willis 's name :)15:13
dnivraBluesKaj, i guess you meant that grub would chainload the windows boot manager?15:13
ph0n7r1chow do you create a vitual interface in ubuntu15:13
docmalphasunholyterror, its a radeon graphics card not shure of the model so i guess it doesnt help is there no setting to prevent the clone and allow me to move windows around15:13
sacarlsonbencahill: only when you install a new kernel it will about double in size but you can delete it after you find the new one works15:13
dnivraBluesKaj, yeah that is always what i recommend-i don't use windows except XP on a virtual box if highly essential.15:13
leprechauit doesn't really matter what order you install linux/windows .... you'll just need to boot the ubbie cd in rescue mode and do another grub-install if you install windows after you do linux15:14
bencahillsacarlson: ok, thanks, I'm off to try it!15:14
leprechauso you get grub bootloader not the windows bootloader15:14
UnholyTerrordocmalphas, is this a desktop or laptop?15:14
dnivraleprechau, BluesKaj, well windows boot loader can boot ubuntu too. i remember reading a tutorial on how to do that.15:14
BluesKajdnivra, yup grub will pick up the windows partition and then BCD would be there15:14
leprechaudnivra, sure it can ... but it's not near as flexible as grub15:14
induznary which can i use offline15:15
dnivraleprechau, has windows ever been flexible :)?15:15
induzany English to hindi dictionary15:15
dnivraBluesKaj, that is news; i need to find out how to do that.15:15
docmalphasim trying to start up ubuntu got an error 17 what is this15:15
induzon Ubuntu platform15:15
fruitwerkshow would I download a src package for postgresql-8.3?15:15
Daytona60146Windows is flexible.  You get to choose from 40 different versions that are just as useless as the next.15:15
BluesKajgrub has it's faults but I still prefer it15:15
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induzenglish to Hindi dict15:16
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UnholyTerrordocmalphas, so you have two screens now, but stuck in clone mode?15:16
docmalphasunholyterror, yes15:16
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sacarlsonreenignEesreveR: if you want to go total manual and bypass your dhcp server you could run a script something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546284/15:16
dnivrafruitwerks, "apt-get source <packagename>" should work. that downloads the source of current version installable in ubuntu. to get the development version, you should go to their website.15:16
induzwhere can I find English to hindi dictionary15:16
UnholyTerrorHave you tried System->Preferences->Monitors?15:16
docmalphasunholyterror, know what error 17 is on startup15:17
induzenglsih to hindi dictionary15:17
UnholyTerrordocmalphas, no - is it a GRUB error during boot?15:17
Piciinduz: Please stop that.15:17
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induzI am trying to go to //hindi room15:17
parolangHey everyone.  For some reason, my internet connection will sometimes stop working, but I won't be able to reconnect until I reboot the system.  Does anyone know why this is, what I should do to troubleshoot this?15:18
UnholyTerrorok, check in #grub for that.15:18
Piciinduz: #ubuntu-in15:18
induz#ubuntu -in15:18
dnivrainduz, /join #ubuntu-in15:18
Piciinduz: /join #ubuntu-in15:18
gambit_2dr_willis: are you still there15:18
Dr_Willisgambit_2:  im in and out all day.. about ready to head out for the day15:18
UnholyTerrorok, does it still boot?15:19
gambit_2what about my problem15:19
Dr_Willisgambit_2:  did you patebin the error message?15:19
induzPICI and dnivra Thanks15:19
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=== Glavata is now known as Glavata_
docmalphasunholyterror, no not at all15:19
dnivrainduz, np :)15:19
Weazelhmm, i copied some mouse cursors into the .icons folder, and i see them when i go to Themes>Customize>Pointer , but when i pick one, it doesn't change, what am i doing wrong ?15:19
gambit_2what is patbin?15:20
Dr_Willisgambit_2:  if its a bad file from the server. you may want to change the servers you are downloading from.15:20
dnivra!pastebin | gambit_215:20
ubottugambit_2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:20
UnholyTerrorok, well then that problem needs to be fixed first.15:20
BluesKajreenignEesreveR, or you could remove network manager and let /etc/network/interfaces handle it, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:20
UnholyTerrordocmalphas, ok, well then that problem needs to be fixed first.15:20
gambit_2ok thanks15:20
docmalphasi figured thanks unholyterror15:20
quesoWhat should I use to configure compiz settings? For example, to change the default behavior/appearance of alt-tab window-switching?15:21
Dr_Willis!ccsm | queso15:21
ubottuqueso: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:21
quesoDr_Willis: Thanks15:21
YahudaI want to click Skype icon on my Docky which will execute this terminal command: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so /usr/bin/skype How can i do that?15:22
WeazelNevermind, found the problem, had to change the mouse theme in ccsm aswell15:22
Dr_WillisYahuda:  make a script that launches that - then make the icon launch the script.15:22
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Dr_WillisYahuda:  would be one way15:22
YahudaDr_Willis: Thank you but how should I edit Skype.desktop15:23
raheeli have a usb pen drive.15:23
macoYahuda: you can copy the /usr/share/applications/Skype.desktop to wherever docky puts its desktop files and edit the Exec= line15:23
raheelin ubuntu i have used testdisk and it detects it correctly but is not able to find any partitions15:23
Dr_WillisYahuda:  you dont have to..  you could make a script.. or you could make skupe.destop run the script15:23
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YahudaMaco: I edited Exec thing but it didn'T work.15:24
raheelam very disturbed15:24
raheelcan any one help. need to recover my usb drive15:24
Dr_Willisthe LD_PRELOAD  - is bash specific isent it? ive rarely needed to use ld_preload15:24
YahudaDr_Willis: I actually want all Skype icons work with that command.15:24
raheelhave googled a lot15:24
YahudaIt helps with camera.15:24
Dr_WillisYahuda:  i would make a script called 'start_skype' then make the  skype.desktop launch that.15:25
YahudaDr_Willis: Ah, great, thank you.15:25
Dr_Willisraheel:  what filesystem is on the  usbdrive? how big is it?15:25
bartekHi there. How can I downgrade an apt package to a previous version? Or better yet, upgrade to a newer version from a later Ubuntu version? Currently on 10.0415:25
raheelthanks for responding willis15:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:25
Dr_Willisbartek:  you dont want to mixx 10.10 packages on a 10.04 machine. there may be ppa's for the packages for 10.04 however.15:26
bartekDr_Willis: Where would I find these?15:26
Dr_Willis!ppa | bartek15:26
ubottubartek: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.15:26
raheelmy pendrive is 512MB and file system was fat before then i have also tried to format it to other file systems but to no avail15:26
bartekDr_Willis: Thank you sir15:26
bencahillsacarlson: it wouldn't matter if it's the first partition, right?15:26
raheelcurrently i cannot even detect the correct file system15:26
Dr_Willisraheel:  so you are not trying to reciover data for it - just try to get it 'working' ?15:26
raheeli have used test disk15:26
raheelwell i want to get it working if it is possible.15:27
bencahillraheel: to see the file system types, use sudo fdisk -l15:27
raheelmost of the time i get superblock error15:27
raheelwith sudo fdisk it does not show15:27
bencahillraheel: ?15:28
bencahillraheel: sudo fdisk -l15:28
sacarlsonbencahill: what /boot  no I don't think so15:28
bhearsumis it possible to set per-pointing device sensitivity in Ubuntu? I've got a trackpad, trackpoint, and external mouse -- all of which i want to have different sensitivities15:28
Dr_Willisraheel:  those things can go bad after a time. You could use 'dd' to zero out the device then repartition it.15:28
Dr_Willisraheel:  but it sounds like it might be dieing of old age.15:29
raheelexcellent i am going to try it right now15:29
bencahillsacarlson: ok, just checking, b/c the gparted on that cd resized the partition just fine, but can't move it, so I have free space (80 something MBs) after it...one more, I suppose it should be a primary, and ext4?15:29
Dr_Willisraheel:  i wouldent trust the thing with anything imporntant15:29
raheelbut that old age thing may be u r right too15:29
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bencahill!ask | zefir_15:29
ubottuzefir_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:29
raheelhow to write zeroos with dd15:29
bhearsumdd if=/dev/zero15:30
raheelhow to write zeroos with dd willis15:30
bencahill!patience | raheel15:30
ubotturaheel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:30
Dr_Willis raheel   sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdXXXXXX    BE SURE TO get the right /dev/sdXXX entry15:30
raheelsorry for that15:30
sacarlsonbencahill: ya primary in this case should be ok as long as you don't already have 2 primary already15:30
bencahillsacarlson: no, why would it matter, you can have 4 right? or can grub only be on one of the first 2?15:31
sacarlsonbencahill: I seen someone have a problem when he needed just one more but they were already all primary and I guess you can only have 4 of those or is it 3?15:31
Dr_Willisbencahill:  grub normally installs to the MBR of the hard drive. not a partition.15:31
Dr_Willis4 primary partitions max.15:31
Dr_Willis1 of shich can be a 'extended' that holds logicals...15:31
Viccohello i have a problem with the game EMILIA PINBALL. i changed the games resolution and now i get a error prompt 'Couldn't set video mode: No video mode large enough for 1280x1024' is there a way to remove those settings i made ? ive already tried to reinstall the entire game did not work ... Got any idea? Where is the information of the game saved at? i checked several folders couldnt find any config files. and uninstalling and reinstal15:32
raheelafter running the dd command sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb i get input/output error 1 record written15:32
bencahillDr_Willis: right, just got confused :)15:32
spencerHey guys, I'm wondering what it would take for me to set up my own IRC server/channel using a desktop computer running ubuntu server edition15:32
Dr_Willisraheel:  try using fdisk, or gparted on the device now.15:32
quesoIf I want to wipe/shred the data on an entire harddrive, how do I do that?15:32
rs0832spencer, you need an ircd15:33
spencerqueso look up a program called DBAN15:33
Dr_Willisqueso:  theres secure deletion/shreding tools in the pacakge manager listings.15:33
quesospencer, Dr_Willis: thanks15:33
bencahillDr_Willis: not quite, an extended partition is not a primary partition, and their naming starts at 5 (/dev/sda5, e.g.), and you can have multiple extended partitions, with their own logical partitions15:33
raheelsudo fdisk /dev/sdb says unable to read /dev/sdb15:33
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Dr_Willisraheel:  sounds like the thing may be totally dead.15:34
ubuntuHAHA I'm using the Internet!15:34
spencerqueso DBAN is a boot disk that when booted from, it securely nukes the hard drive. You need a livecd of another OS though afterwards15:34
raheelwhen i use testdisk program15:34
sacarlsonbencahill: Dr_Willis: yes so I would only have a max of 3 so that the 4th you be sure you make a extended so that you can always add more15:34
Dr_Willisgotta run - bye all15:34
raheelit detects the disk size and also the type Kingston traveller15:34
Viccohello i have a problem with the game EMILIA PINBALL. i changed the games resolution and now i get a error prompt 'Couldn't set video mode: No video mode large enough for 1280x1024' is there a way to remove those settings i made ? ive already tried to reinstall the entire game did not work ... Got any idea? Where is the information of the game saved at? i checked several folders couldnt find any config files. and uninstalling and reinstal15:34
spencerrs0832 what's an ircd? I'm really a lower-level user15:34
quesospencer: Why would I need a live cd after using dban?15:35
raheelwhen i scan it then it says read error on all the sectors.15:35
rs0832spencer, an irc daemon or irc server15:35
bencahillsacarlson: right :)15:35
rs0832spencer, they are pretty small programs15:35
quesospencer: Is there something that could be ran from within linux itself to accomplish the same thing?15:35
spencerqueso it completely formats the drive, even the filetables15:35
raheelmay be i should just give up. what is the verdict then15:35
spencerqueso nope, you pop the disk in, and restart, booting from CD15:35
quesospencer: okay, thank you15:36
spencerqueso it's worked wonders for me, though it is a little slow. Gets the job done thoroughly however15:36
spencerrs0832 so I just need a program? and then how do I get others to connect to it using their IRC clients?15:37
rs0832spencer, same way you join freenode15:37
spencerqueso you did want everything shredded, right? the entire drive?15:37
raheelok this forum was my last resort. should i stop trying?15:38
rs0832spencer, if you want to use freenode's ircd, it is here - http://dev.freenode.net/ircd-seven15:38
spencerrs0832 okay so just grab freenode's, then register a channel, right? that'll be based on what, my machine or theirs?15:38
rs0832raheel, sorry i missed your problem, do you mind telling me?15:38
rs0832spencer, you dont need to register a channel15:39
Cryp71cAnyone using Chrome 9 beta on ubuntu who has had issues / success with window.open() javascript (either on a page or by typing it in manually on the Console of the Developer's Tools) ?15:39
rs0832spencer, you install the irc server just like you install ubuntu server15:39
rs0832spencer, on your machine15:39
spencerrs0832 okay thanks, I was a bit confused on this. I usually only use IRCs, not make them15:40
raheelrs0832 well actually i have a usb i have used testdisk it detects the device successfull. but no partition table is visible or recovered. also fdisk -l does not show this disk but it is avail in /dev/sdb15:40
Picispencer: If you're just looking to create a new channel on freenode, then you should join #freenode and ask how.  If you want your own entire IRC network for yourself/friends, then you'll need to run an ircd on your server. ircd-seven is probably not the one you want to use.15:40
spencerraheel do you need data off this drive, or do you just want the drive to be usable?15:41
slideDoes anyone know what SATA PCI Cards will work? im looking at a  "Syba SD-SATA-4P Serial ATA150 4x Ports RAID Controller Card with SIL3114 Chipset"15:41
quesospencer: Yes, the entire drive15:41
rs0832spencer, :) as for creating channels, if you /join a channel that doesnt exist on a server, it is created and exists for as long as someone (a bot or a person) is still on that channel15:41
spencerpici got any personal favorites that are easy?15:41
raheelwell i need the drive to be usable. but if i can get the data only thatis ok too15:41
sacarlsonraheel: I guess as a last resort you can try dd on it to see the first 512 bytes15:41
spencerraheel you can plug it into a windows machine, and hit format, but that'll erase any data. It makes it usable however15:42
rs0832raheel, what did you format the usb stick with?15:42
Picispencer: No, I don't really know much about setting up ircds, but I know that the one that freenode uses is rather specialized and not really designed or documented for a new user.15:42
rs0832raheel, or usb hd?15:42
spencerpici okay thanks, I gotta go, switching classes15:42
raheelwell actually i connected it to my ubuntu machine and the next day it was not readable. i had formatted it as ext4 as i believe it is a better file sys.15:43
raheelit is a 512 mb usb drive15:43
raheeli want to use dd to see the 512 bytes as you suggested. what is nexr15:43
raheelWhat is next?15:44
AnxiousNut_how do i extract a .cwl.gz archive from the command line?15:44
raheelkindly just tell me what last command i may enter to try to recover it before i say good bye to it.15:44
PiciAnxiousNut_: gunzip file.cwl.gz15:44
SwotHello, someone who can help me with installation of graphic  drivers? (sorry for my english)15:45
AnxiousNut_how do i extract a .cwl.gz archive from the command line?15:46
rs0832raheel, do you mean me?15:46
PiciAnxiousNut_: I just answered you.15:46
raheelyes rs083215:46
AnxiousNut_Pici, sorry got disconnected15:46
PiciAnxiousNut_: gunzip file.cwl.gz15:46
raheeli was responding to you15:46
rs0832raheel, ok15:46
sacarlsonraheel: this might be correct please check it : dd if=/dev/sdb of=./test.img bs=512 count=115:46
AnxiousNut_okay thanks15:46
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raheelsacarlson ok am going to try it right now15:47
youngbloodcurrent version is 10.04. Can some one point me to the current doc for getting my verizon pay-as-you go usb760 modem working. There seem to be many solutions.15:47
rs0832sacarlson, dont you have to specify 'm' for the bs=512? or are you copying the first 512 bytes15:48
raheelwell thanks alot but i got an input output error 0 records in 0 records out15:48
rs0832raheel, does the drive mount?15:48
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sacarlsonrs0832: I guess if it was megabytes but in this case a sector is 512bytes15:49
rs0832sacarlson, ok 512 bytes it is then15:49
SwotI want to backup xorg.conf before installation of restricted driver to graphic, but it write me the directory not exist15:50
bencahillsacarlson, could I use the original grub, and let it add the new /boot to it?15:50
raheelrs0832 well when i give the mount command it sleeps then says you must specify file system type15:50
Swotand the xorg.conf not exist15:50
rs0832raheel, and rebooting without the drive and then connecting it doesnt help?15:51
raheeli tried with -t vfat it says cant read superblock15:52
slideCan I use a SATA controller with RAID support with OUT the RAID? i just want more sata ports15:53
raheelwhen i reboot no change i tried it on another ubuntu system too and got the same result.15:53
raheelrs0832 sudo tail -f /var/log/messages shows high speed usb device  and storage device detected15:53
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raheelrs0832 there is some super block error. a lot of peaple have faced this problem but it cannot be solved.15:54
rs0832raheel, what did you put on the drive?15:54
raheelrs0832 :) well really all i wanted was usb detectable on linux systems with ext4 file system thats it.15:55
pc600On Ubuntu 10.04 LTS I have a network card (atheros at8151) which support is introduced in 2.6.34  I updated to 2.6.35 by apt-get, but is there naything special I need to do to make it work?15:55
anon33_is there a way to use mount without having to create a permanent directory in /media?15:56
bencahillraheel, it sounds like a hardware problem to me, personally...15:56
rs0832raheel, ok.. a superblock is metadata of a filesystem (here ext4)15:56
ph0n7r1cany know how to have a virtual interface with a mac address15:56
bencahillbonjoyee, hi ya there :)15:56
Picianon33_: You can create the mountpoint (nearly) anywhere, it doesn't need to be in /media15:56
bencahillsacarlson, oh, I didn't even see you go :)15:56
rs0832raheel, so if you dont have data on the drive you can try a reformat.. if you havent tried it already15:57
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sacarlsonbencahill: I didn't just had a ip change that takes time to reconect15:57
bencahillsacarlson, gotcha :)15:57
anon33_Pici: is there a way to make the directory temporary so that it isn't permanent?15:58
raheelrs0832 reformat!!! ok. doing. message is failed while writing reserved sector15:58
Picianon33_: No, not really.15:58
kpoormanI'm sharing my mac's keyboard and mouse to my ubuntu desktop, how can I switch the keybindings so that cmd-c is copy instead of ctrl-c ?15:58
raheelbencahill i think you are right. may be the hardware just does not want to work@!@$#15:58
rs0832raheel, are you using gparted?15:58
bencahillsacarlson, oh, you probably didn't get  my earlier question then :), here 'tis:15:59
bencahillsacarlson, could I use the original grub, and let it add the new /boot to it?15:59
raheelrs0832 i use it in gparted it does not even detect the /dev/sdb even though it is present in the /dev/sdb directory15:59
rs0832raheel, try to make two different partitions16:00
rs0832raheel, on the drive16:00
anon33_Pici: well, there's a way that nautilus does it. when i launch nautilus, it notices the drives i have installed and creates the mountpoints in /media properly16:00
anon33_Pici: and then when i remove those drives, those mountpoints go away. i'd like to do the same thing without having to launch nautilus16:00
raheelrs0832 but that is only possible if gparted detects the drive16:00
rs0832raheel, gparted doesnt detect? then how did you reformat16:01
sacarlsonbencahill: i'm not sure I think something will have to change in grub,  but I guess a grub-install upgrade-grub will fix it?16:01
sacarlsonbencahill no I think that the only change is in /etc/fstab16:01
raheelrs0832 i mentioned that after the reformating the result was "failed while writing reserved sector"16:02
bencahillsacarlson, grub-install to install the grub on the new partition to the mbr?16:02
bencahillsacarlson, i did update-grub, but it didn't see the new thing16:02
sacarlsonbencahill:  oh root changes too so grub will have to reloaded16:02
anon33_Pici: what do you think?16:03
rs0832raheel, oh so it gparted cannot detect it after the attempted format?16:03
bencahillsacarlson, oh right, before that, I copied /boot* to new partition (sda3)16:03
raheelrs0832 yes16:03
System_Default_0How can I change my private IP address?16:03
bencahillsacarlson, I'm confused, how does the /boot partition know to load / on the usb?16:03
sacarlsonbencahill: so if root has moved but it still has the same uuid I guess it's still just an /etc/fstab change16:04
rs0832raheel, something that *may* be useful - http://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/16:04
KM0201System_Default_0: u do that through your router.16:04
raheelrs0832 sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb says no partitions use -I to force. i used and then this error comes16:04
KM0201System_Default_0: assuming you're talking about a network IP16:04
bencahillsacarlson, editing fstab...16:04
sacarlsonbencahill:  grub only need to know where root is then from root it finds /etc/fstab that point to /boot16:05
raheelrs0832 any ways i wonder if you can help me in another mysterious problem with my mouse.16:05
System_Default_0Ok, thanks.16:05
raheelmy mouse intermittently freezes16:05
rs0832raheel, o.016:05
bencahillsacarlson, oh great, grub can't see the usb drive, I thought putting /boot on the hdd would fix that :-/16:05
KM0201System_Default_0: or are you talking about the IP from your provider?.. if thats the case, you can try releasing/reassigning, but you'll likely have to call them and ask16:05
rs0832raheel, mine too haha16:05
bencahillsacarlson, we have a problem here :)16:06
sacarlsonraheel: you don't format a disk you format a partition,  I'm not sure that will work16:06
raheelha ha16:06
maxohey I'm having a strange problem where the window title doesn't update, eg. when browsing from one page to another in firefox. Is this a known problem, and is there a fix?16:06
System_Default_0no, i dont wanna change the public IP16:06
rs0832raheel, of late it stopped so i never tried to fixed it :)16:06
raheelsacarlson yeah you are right. it did not work16:06
raheelrs0832 i wish mine would too :(16:06
sacarlsonbencahill: and what problem is that?16:06
rs0832raheel, are you using 10.10?16:07
bencahillsacarlson, this is what i read you as: grub2 > finds /etc/fstab on device UUID > boots from /boot as referenced in that16:07
raheelrs0832 no 10.0416:08
hartziewtf why isnt it possible to change easy the startday of the week?16:08
rs0832raheel, mine seemed to have stopped after installing 10.1016:08
thinkfireAnyone know how I can give access to my Xbox 360s WMC? I use WMC on a computer and a 360.  My computer has access and is able to play the files and whatnot, I give it permissions.  Whoever, I am not sure what username to give permissions to for the xbox, it can see the shared drives, just not anything inside them16:08
bencahillsacarlson, if that is correct, then the problem is that neither grub nor the bios can see the usb device, so that's no better than booting straight to the usb, right?16:08
raheelrs0832 after dmesg i get bad data from KBC-timeout16:08
induzI get this msg when i update ; E: Type 'multiverse' is not known on line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list16:09
induzE: The list of sources could not be read.16:09
sacarlsonbencahill: you have /boot mounted from you usb drive?  I'm not sure what drivers are needed in grub to get that far16:09
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Guest7532i deleted System→Preferences menu16:09
raheel"explorer mouse at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization throwing 3 bytes away"16:09
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raheelrs0832 after dmesg i get bad data from KBC-timeout16:10
Guest7532how do i repair it?16:10
rs0832raheel, o.o hmm16:10
ubnoobI'm experimenting with the font on x-chat, how do you change the color?16:10
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raheelpsmouse.c resync failed issuing reconnect  request16:10
induzJRE 1.5 how can i install on ubuntu16:10
raheelrs0832 these r the messages i get. i googled but to no avail16:10
induzhow can i install 1.5 JRE16:11
sacarlsonbencahill: grub has just a few minimal drivers,  it can read sata and ide and sometimes pxe,  you should put /boot on your ide or sata disk16:11
bencahillsacarlson: if I could get grub to work with the usb drive, I wouldn't be using a /boot partition!16:11
thinkfirenobody in here has had any luck sharing files from ubuntu to the 360?16:11
rs0832raheel, usb or ps2 mouse ?16:11
raheelrs0832 ps216:11
raheelrs0832 ps2 A4tech16:11
bencahillsacarlson: yes I know, I've tried them under the guidance of Jordan_U, and my device will not work!16:11
sacarlsonbencahill: oh but they make bootable usb flash so grub2 must have that driver16:12
bencahillsacarlson: why is it better to have boot on hdd?16:12
Piciinduz: That thread is from 2005.16:12
Pici!java | induz16:12
ubottuinduz: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:12
bencahillsacarlson: yes, but apparently it doesn't support my stick16:12
sacarlsonbencahill: well hdd is faster for one thing,  but I think it should still work16:12
sacarlsonbencahill: did you use the uuid of the usb flash disk partition?16:13
rs0832raheel, best i can think of is trying a new mouse16:13
induznow I do: sudo apt-get update   I get this error : Type 'multiverse' is not known on line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list16:13
Piciinduz: Please pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list16:14
xanguainduz: delete the repositories you added in that old guide16:14
raheelrs0832 yeah i was also thinking the same. but what troubled me is i think this is not a problem with the hardware. there is something else wrong16:14
raheelrs0832 anyways i will get a new usb mouse tomorow16:14
raheelrs0832 and ofcourse a new usb pen drive too.16:15
raheelrs0832 :)16:15
sneezewortIs us.archive.ubuntu.com down?16:15
rs0832raheel, yes could be a problem with software too.. :)16:15
rs0832raheel, good luck with both those things16:15
Picisneezewort: No.16:15
Pici!it | trinity_16:15
ubottutrinity_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:15
bullgardsneezewort: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ is not down here.16:16
rs0832raheel, let me know about the mouse if you can(you should find me on the channel around this time)16:16
vallhallahello all16:16
thinkfireIs there a log somewhere that would show what usernames were denied access to certain files?  I am trying to figure out what username my Xbox 360 is trying to access the shared drive with so I can give it permissions.16:16
rs0832raheel, wait16:16
hck47hey guys i need some help .. im using backtrack 4, wts the best hotmail msnger to download ??16:16
xangua!backtrack | hck4716:17
ubottuhck47: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:17
rs0832raheel, in the mean time this might help (its old but it might) - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/33529716:17
BluesKajbullgard, nope, I just loaded it16:17
raheelrs0832 ok  i have an A4tech PS2 optical mouse with scroll wheel model OP-620D16:18
bullgardBluesKaj: Don't tell me that. Please tell it sneezewort.16:18
DreadPirateanyone had issues with kvirc causing ubuntu/xwindows to restart?16:18
raheelrs0832 will check that link too16:18
pc600Is there an RPM for for 10.04 LTS anywhere?16:18
DreadPiratethis is on a 10.4->10.10 recent update16:18
KM0201pc600: ubuntu does not use RPM16:19
thinkfireIs there a log somewhere that would show what usernames were denied access to certain files?  I am trying to figure out what username my Xbox 360 is trying to access the shared drive with so I can give it permissions.16:19
induz# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Release i386 (20091028.5)]/ karmic main restricted16:19
induzdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted #Added by software-properties16:19
induz# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to16:19
induz# newer versions of the distribution.16:19
induzdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted16:19
FloodBot1induz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:19
induzdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties16:19
pc600KM0201 - .deb package, or whever they are called :)16:19
sneezewortThanks guys. I just logged into my remote server and it is a problem on my end.16:19
KM0201DreadPirate: i had issues w/ kvirc sucking.. but not shutting down.. ;)16:19
rs0832raheel, oh also,m16:19
KM0201pc600: wel,l there's a big difference.. what do you need a .deb package of again?16:19
xangua!paste | induz16:19
ubottuinduz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:19
PrimedeathWould Ubuntu Netbook Remix be the best thing to install on this guys Acer One laptop?16:19
DreadPirateKM - I haven't had any issues with it  until I did the dist-update16:20
xanguaPrimedeath: if you like it16:20
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rs0832raheel, see this under 'corrupt superblock- fsck fails to run' - http://adminschoice.com/repairing-unix-file-system-fsck16:20
quesoWhat tool can I use to wipe my hard drive from *within* the loaded OS?  For some reason DBAN isn't working.16:20
PrimedeathWell, it is running the stock one on it at the moment.16:20
rs0832queso, none16:20
KM0201queso: if the drive is mounted.. it cannot be wiped clean16:20
PrimedeathIt looked like crap.16:20
raheelrs0832 ok am checking it out16:20
quesors0832, KM0201: hmm. can you recommend another tool?16:20
UBuxuBUwhat is the command to install the ubuntu desktop on a minimal ubuntu install16:21
KM0201queso: parted magic live cd16:21
rs0832queso, you cannot wipe a program's data from a hd and use it at the same time :)16:21
KM0201queso: if you have an ubuntu live cd handy, that will work also, you can use Gparted on it.16:21
PrimedeathWhat OS recommendations for netbooks would you suggest?16:21
induzhere is the paste16:21
xanguaUBuxuBU: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:21
PiciPrimedeath: If you're expecting any other suggestion than Ubuntu, then you probably should ask in ##linux16:22
quesoKM0201: okay, thank you16:22
xanguaPrimedeath: ubuntu¿16:22
induzcan u see now16:22
PrimedeathTrue that.16:22
KM0201i love people who think they will paste something like that, in a channel this busy.. .boggles the mind.16:22
rs0832queso, you can install wipe or secure delete (both in repos) on a live cd  and use it from there16:22
HaarIs there anyway to install a ubuntu partition without using a disc16:22
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rs0832Haar, install a ubuntu partition?16:23
HaarMy drive doesnt like burning ubuntu correctly16:23
KM0201Haar: can you boot a USB?16:23
quesors0832: gparted has a wiping feature?16:23
thinkfireIs there a log somewhere that would show what usernames were denied access to certain files?  I am trying to figure out what username my Xbox 360 is trying to access the shared drive with so I can give it permissions.16:23
KM0201queso: it can format a drive, if thats what you're asking16:23
rs0832queso, i dont think so16:23
induzwhat is wrong??16:23
Picithinkfire: How are you sharing?16:23
HaarYeah I can boot a USB, but i dont have that program on windows...16:23
rs0832queso, but wipe and secure delete have it16:24
KM0201Haar: well, download it?.. its like 6mb16:24
Haargood point16:24
Piciinduz: line 50 is in error. Also you have repositories for breezy there, those have not been supported for a looong time.16:24
rs0832queso, actually they are meant for it  ;)16:24
KM0201!unetbootin | Haar16:24
ubottuHaar: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:24
thinkfireI have WMC on a PC and Xbox, the PC sees and uses the files just fine, Ive already given it permissions.  The xbox sees the shared drive via the WMC on it, but cannot access it16:24
HaarI know how16:24
KM0201Haar: lol ok16:24
Haarits just they always seem to be corrupt16:24
induzwhat should i do now16:24
quesors0832: wipe and secure delete? I don't understand; to which program are you referring?16:24
Haarwhich is bad luck o nmy part16:25
induz i get this error: E: Type 'multiverse' is not known on line 50 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list16:25
KM0201i wanna do a network install on a PC that can't boot USB or CD... haven't figured it out yet16:25
Piciinduz: Delete line 5016:25
induzI am new to ubuntu..i am sorry16:25
tiago__alguem ai fala portuques16:25
rs0832queso, those are the names of two programs.. you can use whichever you like :)16:25
Picithinkfire: WMC? Thats Windows Media Center, right? What does that have to do with Ubuntu?16:25
IdleOne!br | tiago__16:25
ubottutiago__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:25
thinkfirePici, I have WMC on a PC and Xbox, the PC sees and uses the files just fine via WMC, Ive already given it permissions.  The xbox sees the shared drive via the WMC on it, but cannot access it16:26
quesors0832: oh, "wipe" and "secure delete" mean the same thing16:26
mysticodeAfter apt-get upgrade and a reboot I have noticed that ps and top no longer display the username but instead just the UID.  Logging in works fine, pwck didn't report any problems and ls still correctly displays the username for the owner of files.  Any ideas?16:26
UBuxuBUxangua> thanks16:26
quesors0832: Ooh, heh, they're names of actual programs,  Got ya16:26
induzHow can I count Lines16:26
thinkfireWell I am hoping there is a log somewhere on ubuntu that would tell me what usernames it is denying file access to, so I can grant them permissions via ubuntu16:26
induzHow do i know which is line 50???16:26
thinkfirePici, Yes Windows Media Center16:26
xangualike i already told you delete that line and also delete the breezy repositorios you added16:26
rs0832queso, :) you can find them in the repositories under those names16:26
xangualike i already told you delete that line and also delete the breezy repositorios you added induz16:26
Piciinduz: Its the line that just says 'multiverse universe' on it, enar the bottom of the file.16:27
KM0201induz: look at that pastebin you gave us.. put a # sign in front of line 5016:27
quesors0832: But how do I use them in a live CD?16:27
Picithinkfire: Why are you asking in the Ubuntu support channel then?16:27
raheelgoing now will see you all tomorow. thanks rs0832,sacarlson for your time. bye16:27
rs0832queso: just install them using apt-get or aptitude16:27
KM0201induz: but why are you using a breezy repository on Karmic?...16:27
thinkfireThe files are being denied access via ubuntu...16:27
rs0832raheel, bye:)16:27
induzhow can I see i am Using breezy??16:27
quesors0832: Oh, after enabling networking after booting from the CD?16:28
youngbloodI just talk to a tech support person at verizon and they say that the USB760 Mobil Broadband is not supported on Linux. Does anyone have this working on ubuntu?16:28
Picithinkfire: You said 'The xbox sees the shared drive via the WMC on it, but cannot access it'16:28
thinkfireSo I thought there might be a log on ubuntu that tells me what usernames are being denied access so I can grant it permissions16:28
arvind_khadriinduz, really??breezy??16:28
KM0201induz: well, your repository listing shows your using karmic.. but the very last repository in your pastebin(lines 51/52) are breezy repositories.. if you don''t need them, i would delete them16:28
thinkfireIt cannot access it because ubuntu is denying it access16:28
rs0832queso, yes :) or download them to your drive and install them from there16:28
Picithinkfire: But WMC doesn't run on Ubuntu.  I'm confused as to how Ubuntu comes into the mix here.16:28
induzI want to install JRE 1.516:28
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quesors0832: Sorry, I don't understand. Download them to what drive? How can I download and install on a CD?16:29
KM0201induz: well you certainly don't need to add a breezy repo.. .what version of Ubuntu are you using16:29
thinkfireWMC is on the Xbox 360, it needs permissions to view the shared files16:29
induzon this link some one suggested that so i did that16:29
induz http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10242616:29
Piciinduz: I gave you the instructions about an hour ago.  You need *read* and *follow* the directions.16:29
Piciinduz: Not that link That link is 6 years old.16:29
Pici!java > induz16:29
ubottuinduz, please see my private message16:29
KM0201induz: that repository is likely closed after 5yrs, and a release that has been EOL'd for at least 3.5yrs... you don't need that repo to install java16:30
thinkfirePici, WMC is trying to access the shared ubuntu drive and ubuntu is not letting it, so I need to figure out what username it is trying to access it with so I can give it permissions, is there some type of log?16:30
rs0832queso, you can boot the live cd and install the program while on the live cd.. just like on a normal install.. it will install to the ramdisk (same place where the live cd is loaded)16:30
Picithinkfire: Check /var/log/auth.log or there may be a logfile in /var/log/samba/16:31
spencerOkay back, that was a rather quick final. Does anyone know of any channels/IRC servers devoted to making your own IRC server? or does anyone here have any experience16:31
rs0832spencer, http://irchelp.org/irchelp/ircd/16:31
spencerqueso, still having problems shredding your disk?16:31
spencerthanks rs083216:31
rs0832spencer, see the section 'Setting up an ircd' there are links to lists of them16:31
induzI get this now16:32
induz sudo update-java-alternatives -l16:32
induzjava-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun16:32
quesospencer: Yes, DBAN didn't work for some reason, it gets stuck (I think trying to detect the hard drive)16:32
induzthat means i am running Java -616:32
quesors0832: I have a burned copy of Maverick . . can I use that, or do I have to burn another CD?16:32
spencerqueso what does it say, and do you have firmware drivers for your HDD/the drive you're trying to format?16:32
rs0832queso, yes thats fine16:33
rs0832queso, once you boot the cd, enable your internet connection, and then apt-get the program16:33
induzI get this now16:33
induz  sudo update-java-alternatives -l16:33
induz java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun16:33
Piciinduz: Whats wrong with that?16:34
quesospencer: It gets stuck after looking for USB devices, something PCI . . but it doesn't do anything, it just sits there. I don't know about the firmware drivers?16:34
quesors0832: I will try that, thank you16:34
rs0832induz, what are you trying to do? install java or update?16:34
rs0832queso, good luck :)16:34
IdleOnehe has java installed16:34
induzUpdate if its in my  Koala16:35
Piciinduz: Why do you need to update it?16:35
quesors0832: Thanks :)16:35
induzI want to run Hindi dictionary for which i have to run JRE16:35
rs0832queso, :)16:35
spencerqueso okay, and you're doing it another way now so I don't need to help you any more. Unless you still want to shred, burn, then shred the ashes of any private files16:35
thinkfirePici,  No luck there, any other ideas?16:35
induzwhen I download from this link i get OXT file16:36
induzwhat should i do with that OXT file16:36
induzI am not getting the right answer16:37
Picithinkfire: You should have entries in /var/log/samba/log.smbd16:37
dnivrahello C_Okie16:37
induzI dont have a printer so its very hard to foollow16:37
quesospencer: Thanks for your help, but I think the wipe package should sufficiently accomplish what I'm hoping to do. Probably DBAN didn't work because it's a laptop and might have a strange hardware setup, I'm not sure.16:38
thinkfirePici, Only thing in there is a few lines about a CUPS server16:38
smallfoot-why isnt tor in ubuntu?16:38
spencerqueso alright good luck16:38
C_OkieIf my ubuntu live disks often gives me a "I/O error: Error reading bot disk" prompt when putting in the ubuntu cd with both live and installer, I need to reburn it correct?16:38
rs0832induz, if its a plugin/extension, you probably have to add it from inside an open office program or install it to a plugins folder or something16:38
spencersmallfoot need help setting up tor? PM me, it's a little bit harder than it looks16:38
induzbut what plug-in16:38
quesospencer: thanks again for your help, if I need to do this again I will try DBAN first, because it seems like the perfect tool for the job. :)16:38
induz its an extension16:38
thinkfirePici, [2010/12/21 11:01:13,  0] printing/print_cups.c:103(cups_connect)16:38
thinkfire  Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused16:38
thinkfireCouple lines of those, thats it16:38
spenceralright queso, hope your next OS works well. Also for any minor problems, threats of magnets work extremely well :)16:39
quesospencer: heh. ;) actually, I'm just moving from one laptop to another -- same OS (ubuntu 10.10).  Just cleaning off the old one before passing it along.  Thanks again.16:40
apctrexec nam out.nam permission denied, wht is the reason for thsi error if i  provide the cmpl8 permissions16:40
induzhow can I open an .OXT file16:40
spencerno problem queso, and as before good luck16:40
rs0832induz, did you try the guide here? http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/en/resources/user/howto_install16:40
sidhGreetings, as I don't have any answer from #nvidia , maybe i could ask you some advices to the following problem16:41
smallfoot-put Tor in repo, you privacy-hating motherfuckers16:41
xanguainduz: with openoffice addon manager16:41
smallfoot-why isnt Tor in the repo??16:41
spencersmallfoot it's in it's own repo16:41
sidhI would need your advice, on my dev machine, I have an integrated GPU GeForce 8200 (MCP78S), and 2 GeForce 8400 GS, with propietary drivers, both 8400 works well, but the 8200 doesn't16:41
Braber01how do I get the mono doecumention?16:41
induz openoffice addon manager????16:41
C_Okieis  an errr with "I/O error: Error reading bot disk" putting in the ubuntu cd the iso file irtselves issue and I need to install fro ma different version?16:41
sidhI don't have (EE) in my xorg.conf (sorry , I forget to mention I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS16:41
spenceroh well, he probably wasn't worth the effort. Chanserv, thank you for being such an awesome bot16:41
rs0832spencer, actually it was IdleOne :) not Chanserv..16:42
spenceroh whoops. Thanks, IdleOne!16:42
bencahill__sacarlson, yes of course :)16:43
spencerI just can't help but thank moderators, I've been one on tinychat, and it's frustrating even on tinychat which isn't even a real IRC16:43
IdleOneinduz: it is of most importance that you follow the directions given to you by the helpers in the channel. Please go to http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/en/resources/user/howto_install and that will tell you how to use the .OXT file16:43
induzTo run that extension, I have to install JRE16:44
IdleOneyou have java installed16:44
rs0832induz, but i think you already have java16:44
GrowLinuxhey hey16:45
Anna-Sarawhat's up16:45
GrowLinuxthis the unregged channel?16:45
IdleOneGrowLinux: no.16:45
GrowLinuxsome reason cant join regular #fedora16:45
GrowLinuxk cool16:45
thinkfireNobody has had luck giving file permissions to share with Xbox 360 WMC?16:45
researcher1how do i install gyachi?16:45
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dnivraHey GrowLinux . i think it is because you need to register your nick to join #fedora? could be.16:46
KM0201researcher1: it's not been updated in forever16:46
dnivra!info gyachi16:46
ubottuPackage gyachi does not exist in maverick16:46
rs0832thinkfire, i dont know about xbox 360, but hope this helps - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Media16:46
C_Okiebenhamill have you heard about a ""I/O error: Error reading bot disk" error coming up when you put the disk in before the try and install menu comes up?16:46
rs0832C_Okie, i had that16:46
induzhow can i paste a screenshot here??16:46
KM0201researcher1: if you want to install it, i have a repository you can add to get it though16:46
researcher1dnivra: how do i use voice chat service of yahoo?16:47
dnivra!screenshot | induz16:47
ubottuinduz: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.16:47
researcher1KM0201: kindly help in voice chatting with yahoo messenger16:47
thinkfirers0832, yes I saw that, but I am not looking to stream.  I just need to give the right permissions to the files I am sharing from ubuntu, however, I cannot figure out what username the Xbox 360 WMC is using to try to access the files.16:47
KM0201researcher1: that i have no idea on... i just know how to install gyachi16:47
researcher1KM0201: ok.that will b ok 4 me16:47
IdleOneresearcher1: to install gyachi see https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa16:47
KM0201yup, thats it16:48
rs0832thinkfire, ok sorry about that :) good luck anyway16:48
thinkfirers0832, ty16:48
C_OkieWatca do to fix it. Change boot settings for your IDE, reburn the disk with slower speed? Check checksum16:48
=== `[_ is now known as [`_
KM0201actually, no its not16:48
induzhere is upload16:48
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rs0832C_Okie, checksum and then reburn at lower speed16:48
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justinashello, after yesterday's update i can't run apt-get. output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546307/ . how can i fix this?16:49
KM0201yeah it is.16:49
quesors0832: okay, so how do I list the hard drive partitions so I can use wipe?  what command should I use with it, specifically?16:49
induzI downloaded the OXT file...then I went to extension manager on OO and I am trying add Extension16:49
DrRobotnikgparted might show em16:49
KM0201researcher1: here's specific instructions if you don't know how to add the repository, etc..  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159254016:49
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induzcan U see my screenshot16:49
Pici!nickspam > [0_0]16:49
ubottu[0_0], please see my private message16:49
researcher1KM0201: thanks16:49
=== [0_0] is now known as [0_0_0]
C_Okie10.10 is essentially the same as .04 with little changes16:50
C_Okieand no LTS16:50
induz here is the another One16:51
KM0201C_Okie: not really... i think its considerably better16:51
dnivraC_Okie, many packages upgraded to newer vesions, many bugs fixed and much more. it's a whole new version.16:51
induzhere are  both the links:16:51
spencerc_0kie doesn't it also have different repos packages?16:52
KM0201C_Okie: when a distro releases every 6mo, you can't expect leaps and bounds improvements... most are very gradual, then every so often, you'll see a major change.16:52
induzhttp://imagebin.org/128933      http://imagebin.org/12893216:52
rs0832queso, oh sorry didnt see your post .. hold on ill check16:52
pc600Is it possible to compile a module (network card driver) in a later kernel source tree (and only that module)?  Or is this more or less not going to work?16:52
IdleOneinduz: perhaps #openoffice.org would be a better place to ask about .oxt and howto use them.16:52
quesors0832: I did this:  sudo wipe -f /dev/sda*    Hope that's right :)16:52
kamcio2603Hey,i have ubuntu netbook and asus eeepc 1015PD how can i use tools for eeepc?16:52
C_Okiebut 10.04 was a staple for a while it seemed16:52
rs0832queso, seems to be... did it give any output?16:53
ad11hi al16:53
dnivraC_Okie, 10.10 is the latest stable release. 10.04 is stable too-the LTS version. all versions of ubuntu released so far are stable.16:53
rs0832queso, in the terminal?16:53
* [0_0_0] Is Away: Making Food16:53
dnivraor rather deemed so i guess?16:53
quesors0832: Yes, it says:   Wiping /dev/sda, pass 0  (18)   [  34432 /  7326302]    (looks like it's going to take a while ;)16:56
quesors0832: But maybe all I need to do is /dev/sda?  Not /dev/sda* ?16:57
JesseGersensonwine 64-bit/32-bit shared install - wrote a bash script to automate the compiling - but am not sure how to turn this into a deb file16:58
JesseGersensonscript is here: http://www.jesseo.com/chess/64-bit-wine-ubuntu.sh16:59
rs0832queso, i shouldnt think so... but check the drive afterwards to be sure :)16:59
Guest15230Hi. I need to install software on offline machine. How can I do so? Synaptic script is not an option since the package is not in cache.16:59
researcher1how d i work over this "Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/loell/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found16:59
researcher1Some index files failed to download"16:59
dnivraGuest15230, you need to have the packages else offline install is not possible.17:00
induzThanks guys for all your Help17:00
quesors0832: I'll just let it do all of them . . can't hurt, just might take longer. Thanks again :)17:00
induzI have to go OO forum17:00
jocrawfohello everyone, I just installed a fresh copy of 10.10 on my machine however it is not seeing my Logitech Bluetooth USB Dongle.  10.04 saw this device just fine.  I checked dmesg and it is listed there and also listed under lsusb.  However when I open the bluetooth preferences it says no device found.  Is there a way to make Gnome see the device?17:00
rs0832queso, yes17:00
thinkfireThere is no ushare support channel.  Any suggestions?17:00
Guest15230dnivra: It's not in cache on offline machine...I am not that stupid.17:00
rs0832Guest15230, you can try this17:01
dnivraGuest15230, do you have the packages in any machine? if so just copy it to /var/cache/apt/archives of that machine with no internet access.17:01
jocrawfoahh looks like a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/68560817:01
Guest15230dnivra: Dependencies?17:01
dnivraGuest15230, then you should be able to install without issues.17:02
rs0832Guest15230, sudo apt-get install -d <packagename> | sudo apt-get build-dep -d <packagename>17:02
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SwotHello, i have installed driver on my nvidia geforce 250 gts. and my resolution can be max 640x480.. how i can repair it? I have maverick ubuntu17:02
Guest15230rs0832: That may do the trick. Thank You.17:02
rs0832Guest15230, and then get the deb's from /var/cache/apt17:03
BluesKajSwot, which driver ?17:04
rs0832queso, when it is done, re wipe with -f -c -r17:04
SwotBluesKaj,  here i got it http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-25635-display.html17:04
Guest15230rs0832: Thank You again.17:05
rs0832Guest15230, sure :)17:05
=== Kronos is now known as Guest75065
rs0832queso, that will wipe again, faster17:07
BluesKajSwot, that is an old driver , you should install the recommended driver for you card in settings / hardware17:07
jocrawfowtf why would support for a device be lost from 10.04 -> 10.10 in bluez are they not doing any regression testing?17:07
Goliathdo i need to put alsa in the daemons array?17:07
mazighThis is the first time I use an IRC channel. What are you guys discussing about?17:07
Goliathand what do i gain by it?17:07
jocrawfoREGRESSION: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/68560817:07
IdleOnemazigh: this is the Ubuntu support channel.17:08
SwotBluesKaj, how i can remove this?17:08
jocrawfomazigh, well since you are in #ubuntu i guess we are discussing Ubuntu :)17:08
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mazighOk, thank you guys.17:08
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BluesKaj!#ubuntu | max17:08
ubottumax: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:08
quesors0832: okay, I'll do that, thanks17:08
thinkfireDoes anyone use uShare?  I have installed and configured it, however, I cannot connect to the web interface of it17:08
jcrawfordsee IdleOne you got me to change my nick too many peeps thought i was impersonating you lol17:09
BluesKajoops , sorry max...wrong nick17:09
jcrawfordeven though my nick was 2 years older by ns reg lol17:09
SwotHow i can filter joining and leaving the channel?17:09
mazighAre there programmers who contribute to ubuntu around here?17:09
jcrawfordSwot, ask in the support channel for whichever irc client you are using :)(17:10
SwotI have Xchat :P17:10
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
zichoi try to unload ndiswrapper module using "sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper", but when i press enter it is just loading, nothing happens. i am clueless, what could be wrong?17:10
IdleOneSwot: right click on the channel name.17:10
i_is_brokeSwot, over on the right, right click the name of the room17:10
Swoti_is_broke, Thanks!17:11
sam-_-mazigh, i guess but the real channel for ubuntu development is ubuntu-devel17:11
i_is_brokeSwot, np, but IdleOne beat me to the punch.lol17:11
Guest15230rs0832: By any chance you knew how to redirect (for example) output of 'find ./ -amin -6' to use it with cp? I am trying to copy the downloaded package & dep.17:13
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rs0832Guest15230, sorry i didnt get you17:14
sam-_-guest use these `put command in here`17:14
SwotBluesKaj, now im reinstalling the driver17:14
SwotOmg.. restart computer -_- :D17:14
sam-_-cp `find bla bla`17:14
Guest15230sam-_-: Will try that out thanx.17:15
rs0832Guest15230, ah ok :)..  sam-_-, thanks17:15
sebastiaanhello, I use my LCD  tv as monitor  for my PC. If I install the proprietary driver for the ATI Radeon HD 5670 graphics card, my monitor displays (after rebooting) ¨not supported¨ what can I do about this?17:15
Guest15230sam-_-: Won't work17:16
Guest15230sam-_-: Or maybe I didn something wrong. Most probably.17:16
rs0832Guest15230, you are trying to copy all the debs ?17:17
sam-_-Guest15230, also find has an exec parameter. use this17:17
Guest15230rs0832: No only the once downloaded in last 6 min (find -amin -6) but I need to redirect the output of find to cp.17:18
Goliathdo i need to put alsa in the daemon array?17:18
aethelricksebastiaan, make sure that your graphics settings do not exceed the capabilities of your TV. e.g. You may be running at a resolution that is "too big" for your screen to display. First thing is to find out your TVs capabilities.17:18
SwotI reinstall the drivers.. but nothing changed :/17:18
aethelricksebastiaan, next thing is to check the settings in ubuntu and compare17:19
sebastiaanaethelrick: I know that the resolution of my tv is 1366x76817:19
System_Default_0Where can I find a PSP emulator for Ubuntu 9.10?17:19
i_is_brokeSwot, what driver?17:19
rs0832Guest15230, ah.. use the exec like sam-_- said17:19
aethelricksebastiaan, also check refresh rate17:19
sam-_-Guest15230, also xargs is an option. you can see examples in the man page of find17:20
morphlesso i have quite slow internet connection, but i need to make dist upgrade, since i have a lot of packages installed my dist upgrade downloads size is >4Gb so that would take me like 10 hrs to download and than probably about 2 hrs to install, so i was thinking maybe there is a way to get list of all needed package and dowlnoad at least big chun of them on other comp (also running ubuntu) so that i could bring them home and update everything, any ideas?17:20
EvilRoeyi_is_broke:  hahahaha, great nick17:20
Swoti_is_broke, On graphic.. i have Geforce 250 gts17:20
sebastiaanaethelrick: and the xorg.conf tells nothing about the resolution in the screen section17:20
mr-richdo any of the free virtual machines run Winblows 7?17:20
i_is_brokeSwot, try rebooting17:20
i_is_brokeEvilRoey, ty:D17:20
Swoti tried17:20
Swoti_is_broke, * i tried17:21
EvilRoeyi_is_broke:   :)17:21
zichoi try to unload ndiswrapper module using "sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper", but when i press enter it is just loading, nothing happens. i am clueless, what could be wrong?17:21
i_is_brokeSwot, how did you install the driver, i used the additional driver under system,admin.17:21
EvilRoeymr-rich:  windows 7 is an important part of business operations today, powering nearly everything from business phones to desktops to data centers.  Why are you pouring the hate on it?17:22
sebastiaanaethelrick: ok17:22
EvilRoeymr-rich:  just playing devil's advocate; I hate Windows, personally.17:22
jribmorphles: just do it before you go to sleep :)  I don't know how you could do it with update-manager.  apt-get has --print-uri so maybe you could *start* an upgrade the old debian way but have apt-get only print the uri's, save that, wget them somewhere, then drop then in /var/cache/apt/archives/, and finally do an upgrade the normal way (using update-manager).  Does that make sense?17:22
Guest15230sam-_-: Thanks sam.17:22
Swoti_is_broke,  Me not :/ I download old driver from some page17:22
BluesKajSwot,  alt+F2 , gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , remove the lines with repositories : deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nvidia-vdpau/ppa/ubuntu maverick main. there will be 2 of them , then save the file and in the terminal sudo apt-get update, Then in hardware find the recommended driver and install17:22
morphles i know one can export list of all installed packages17:22
sebastiaanaethelrick: tv is HD ready17:22
morphles but maybe there si a way to export list of all updatable packages17:23
aethelricksebastiaan, it's been literally years since I've had to resort to manually editing xorg.conf but I use NVidia graphics cards.17:23
i_is_broketry the way i said, and see if it works.17:23
jorickhow do i setup xubuntu to use a specific dns server? it seems /etc/resolv gets overwritten whenever i connect ...17:23
aethelricksebastiaan, are you using HDMI or DVI or VGA to connect to TV?17:23
dpac_Hi guys, I have an application which I want to lock to a specific version. Whenever I do apt-get upgrade it gets updated to newer version. Is there anyway I can stop it from upgrading every time I update my sytem?17:23
sebastiaanaethelrick: hmm17:23
jribjorick: kludgy way is to use chattr to make the file immutable.  Don't know the proper way17:24
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:24
SwotBluesKaj, ok17:24
mr-richEvilJStoker: :) M$ is a monopoly ... I'll be loading up Ubuntu in a couple of weeks on a hopefully screaming box and I want to dump my old XP box and run win 7 on a VM ...17:24
sebastiaanaethelrick: I use a cable which can also be used in a normal pc monitor17:24
rohpatoshow to activate acceleration 3d on an intel 4500 - ubuntu 10.10?17:24
jorickjrib, ok ill go with that than :) i dont mind kludges ;)17:25
sebastiaanaethelrick: I´m not sure which one that is17:25
jribmorphles: your best bet is my way, but if you're not sure about what you are doing, just leave it overnight17:25
jribjorick: does xubuntu use network-manager?17:25
aethelricksebastiaan, OK... I assume that's either DVI or VGA in that case. DVI has one flat pin and a bunch of round ones, VGA pins are all round.17:25
morphlesim prety sure of what im doing :), well i gues ill try to check some manuals of dpkg and apt and stuff :)17:25
* strugart is away: I'm busy17:26
jribmorphles: the way I described should work17:26
jorickjrib, thing is, the file mentions "generated by network manager", but i don't see it anywhere on the system17:26
jrib!away > strugart17:26
ubottustrugart, please see my private message17:26
sebastiaanI think VGA17:26
jribjorick: don't see what anywhere?  Network manager?17:26
sebastiaanaethelrick: I think it is VGA17:26
morphlesnot an option for me since my com is near bed and ill be without sleep  if i leave it overnight :)17:26
aethelricksebastiaan, ok17:26
aethelricksebastiaan, which graphics card do you have?17:27
evan_join #hobo17:27
sebastiaanaethelrick: lspci | grep VGA17:27
prince_jammysjorick: network-manager is a service. you may disable it and configure the network yourself17:27
sebastiaanaethelrick: gives  VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Redwood [Radeon HD 5670]17:27
jorickprince_jammys, can i just get it to leave dns alone?17:27
prince_jammysjorick: i don't know. i doubt it17:28
ubuntuhello can someone help me I want to know where the root directory of apache17:28
prince_jammysubuntu: usually at /var/www17:28
prince_jammysif you mean the web root17:28
llutz /var/www or whereever you misconfigured it ubuntu17:28
dpac_ubuntu: cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default17:29
jribmorphles: what i suggested should work, in theory anyway17:29
dpac_Is there any way we can lock package versions using command line?17:29
jrib!pinning | dpac_17:29
ubottudpac_: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:29
CarlFKmorphles: I have never used it, not sure what it really does, but synaptic has a "generate download script" which sounds like what you want17:30
thinkfireHow do I know whether I am using eth0 or br0 for configuration purposes17:30
aethelricksebastiaan, as far as I'm aware (I just googled the card) it's not supported on linux yet17:30
morphlesCarlFK: ill check on that17:30
yankeesomeone know how check if the ir remote control was recognized from ubuntu? w17:30
thinkfireeth0 is the typical, no?17:30
sebastiaanaethelrick: hmm17:30
aethelricksebastiaan, here's where I'm reading.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141996217:30
dpac_jrib: Thanks :)17:30
sebastiaanaethelrick: that's bad news17:31
balleyneDesktop effects are disabled after upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10, and it fails when I try to re-enable them in Apperances after a Search for Driver dialogue appears. I don't have any fancy graphics cards, just an on-board Intel card that's been working with Compiz since 2007. Suggestions?17:31
aethelricksebastiaan, some on that thread say they got it to work with the catalyst driver... but it looks hit and miss at best17:32
sebastiaanaethelrick: I did install the catalyst driver and have the same problems as in the thread on the forum17:32
sebastiaanaethelrick: however, my graphics card is not the one they discuss in the thread :)17:34
sebastiaanaethelrick: itś ithout the XFX17:35
Guest15230Is there a way to direct 'sudo apt-get install -d xxx' to a specyfic directory?17:36
joeoshawai am trying to set up thin client and dhcp will not work can anyone help17:36
srinivashi i17:37
prince_jammysGuest15230: (cd blah && sudo apt-get install -d xxx)17:37
silentHello, can anyone help me with a text processing issu im facing ? find relevant info under this link: http://pastebin.centos.org/3657117:37
Guest15230prince_jammys: Thanks.17:37
srinivasvirtual box has crashed17:37
srinivascan anyone how to reinstall ie17:37
srinivasit says that the it is because of kernel17:38
silentsrinivas:  i suggest you check ur logs to see what crashed it to begin with, or else you may face the same issue again17:38
neizsrinivas: when it crashes it will give you a command to run in a terminal to fix it (with the new kernel)17:38
srinivasbut i could not run it17:39
srinivasin terminal17:39
neizsrinivas: why not?17:39
joeoshawai am getting a no subnet declaration error for dhcp3 yet i have writen it in both config files and its not reading either one17:39
srinivasok i will try again17:39
neizsrinivas: make sure to 'sudo' it17:39
=== chuck_ is now known as TheChuckster
silentneiz:  may i ask for your advice in soemthing ?17:40
gambit_2i keep on getting an error message that says could not create arcive.....when i try to install 10. 10 netbook over my ubuntu desktop on laptop17:41
Guest15230prince_jammys: Won't work.17:41
joeoshawais ubuntu just not capable of using dhcp?17:41
joeoshawarunning sorry17:41
srinivas Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules                                            *  done.17:41
srinivas * Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules                               *  done.17:41
srinivas * Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS17:41
srinivasError! Your kernel headers for kernel 2.6.35-24-generic cannot be found at17:41
srinivas/lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/build or /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/source.17:41
srinivas * Failed, trying without DKMS17:41
FloodBot1srinivas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:41
prince_jammysGuest15230: does your user have permission to write to that dir?17:41
nirazioCan anyone explain the flow of USB detection in ubuntu?17:41
=== test is now known as MotherMother
Guest15230Yes, I do.17:42
prince_jammysGuest15230: explain how it doesn't work17:42
srinivasthe before msg was displayed17:42
srinivaswhen i run it17:42
llutzprince_jammys: Guest15230 apt-get -d will always download to /var/cache/apt/archives17:42
Guest15230prince_jammys: The download process ends with no error, yet the directory pointed in first part of command is empty.17:42
MotherMotherHey guys, can someone help me with skinning? I have downloaded skins from deviantart and they aren't .tar.gz (or whatever) files, one is zip and the rest is .gz or just .tar Any help?17:43
gambit_2can anyone help me17:43
prince_jammysllutz: ah. maybe i mistake with aptitude.17:43
prince_jammysi do recall using apt* to download to the PWD17:43
joeoshawathey are all archives archive manager should extract them17:43
llutzprince_jammys: unlikely, aptitude does the same17:44
MotherMotherextract them to where?17:44
Aditya_I am not able to install PIDGIN17:44
joeoshawaone sec17:44
silentcan anyone help me with a text processing issu im facing ? find relevant info under this link: http://pastebin.centos.org/3657117:44
sam-_-!patience @ srinivas17:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:45
Aditya_I am not able to insI am not able to install PIDGINtall PIDGIN17:45
Aditya_I am not able to install PIDGIN on ubuntu 10.0417:46
balleyneafter upgrading to ubuntu 10.10, my Gwibber broadcast accounts are gone, and it keeps asking for permission to a keychain it shouldn't be accessing when I try to add any of them again (a keychain I've created manually for work-related secrets)17:46
prince_jammysllutz: i was thinking apt-get source, that's it.17:46
llutzGuest15230: prince_jammys you might setup "Dir::Cache::archives" to a different dir, but you may run into trouble later17:46
joeoshawaMotherMother: To install them, simply go to your Ubuntu Panel > System > Preferences > Appearance and either drag a theme using drag-and-drop intro the dialog box17:46
SwotHello, where i can view the version of my nvidia driver?17:46
prince_jammysllutz: nah, i wouldn't do that. ''apt-get source xterm'' does download to $PWD17:47
llutzprince_jammys: source gets sources, not debs17:47
prince_jammysyou don't say17:47
llutzprince_jammys: so its a different thing from apt-get install -d17:47
SwotI cant change resolution higher than 640x48017:47
afromanhello. how many partitions can one make?17:47
oonhzhi... how can I test the speed of my ISP? and does anyone know out of AT&T and Clearwire which one is best?17:47
llutzprince_jammys: and "install -d" was the question17:47
joeoshawathat is from a web site if it doesn't work let me know and i will look again17:47
prince_jammysllutz: ah!17:48
mr-richOk, let me rephrase the question: What is the bes VM to run Winblows 7?17:48
MotherMotherjoeoshawa: "filename" is not a valid theme17:48
MotherMotherThey are metacity themes btw17:48
joeoshawamaybe will not work with gnome17:48
SwotI cant change resolution higher than 640x480.. Why? I have Geforce 250 gts17:48
MotherMothernope, they were all in the gnome section...17:48
sam-_-nirazio, kernel detects usb dev. loads module then udev tries to make sense of it. that's it imho17:48
joeoshawais there an install that came with them17:49
joeoshawain the zip file17:49
genii-aroundSwot: cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version    will tell you driver version17:49
MotherMotherjoeoshawa: they're archives [filename].gz or .bz2, and in there is an unknown file17:49
srinivasanyone for help17:49
MotherMotherthe rest have folders in them17:49
paq7512can someone help me change my gpu fan speed, running 10.1017:49
sam-_-srinivas, post again17:49
afromanhow many partitions can one make?17:50
joeoshawacreate a theme directory in downloads extract them then drag and drop17:50
sam-_-afroman, primary up to 4, logical enough17:50
SwotI cant change resolution higher than 640x480.. Why? I have Geforce 250 gts and 64bit linux..17:50
Aditya_I am not able to install PIDGIN in ubuntu 10.0417:50
joeoshawamy fault i thought you extracted them first17:50
srinivas* Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules                                            *  done.17:51
srinivas * Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules                               *  done.17:51
srinivas * Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS17:51
srinivasError! Your kernel headers for kernel 2.6.35-24-generic cannot be found at17:51
srinivas/lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/build or /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/source.17:51
FloodBot1srinivas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:51
srinivas * Failed, trying without DKMS17:51
linguiniDoes apt-get have a list or search command?17:51
Guest15230llutz: Yes, I tought one can change it in command line without editing files. Thanks thou.17:51
macolinguini: apt-cache search17:51
joeoshawaso nobody can help with dhcp317:51
Aditya_I am not able to install PIDGIN in ubuntu 10.0417:51
linguinimaco, ah, thanks.  apt-cache...17:51
Swot* FloodBot1 nastavil mód -q #ubuntu srinivas!*@*17:52
xorwhyHow do I switch input for the z and x keys?17:52
xorwhyI know there is a keymap file somewhere, and a command I can run to enable a specified keymap17:52
SwotI cant change resolution higher than 640x480.. Why? I have Geforce 250 gts and 64bit linux..17:52
afromansam-_-: I want to make 4 primary and 1 logical for swap. but I can't. I can only create 4 all together17:52
MotherMotherpff... joeoshawa: these things are compressed three times, problem solved >.>17:52
MotherMotherthanks for the help17:52
xorwhyAll I need to do is find this keymap file, switch the input for the z and x keys, and then enable it.17:52
joeoshawacool cool np17:52
xorwhyPlease help17:52
joeoshawaglad i could help17:53
i_is_brokemr-rich, have used several, and i would say qemu-kvm is the easiest to install.17:53
paq7512<Swot>did you install the v.260 driver?17:53
srinivastell me how to install .exe files17:53
srinivasusing wine17:53
sam-_-afroman, you can only create 4 prim. if you don't create any logical17:53
BluesKajSwot, what about the recommended driver in hardware?17:53
sam-_-afroman, one prim. part. is sort of a container for the logical ones17:53
joeoshawaswot you need to go to system administration additional drivers17:53
Swotpaq7512, blueskaj, joeoshawa, i installed the driver from recommended driver17:54
i_is_brokeBluesKaj, i asked him about that earlier.17:54
joeoshawainstall the nvidia proprietary drivers17:54
SwotI installed now.17:54
joeoshawathen its your xorg.conf17:54
joeoshawaedit it and add the resolution you want17:54
sam-_-srinivas, you need to install the kernel headers17:54
joeoshawai will show you mine for example17:54
i_is_brokeuse the nvidia conf under admin and adjust it.17:54
paq7512can you guys show me show to keep my gpu fan speed at 60%17:54
Super /join #shebanglabs17:54
axisysany idea how to fix this ?17:55
axisysALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/08febc85-9ce2-40ac-a354-e006f709a586 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!17:55
axisysthats the root device..17:55
BluesKajSwot, you have to remove the ppa driver you installed earlier from the site you posted17:55
chaospsychexcan someone tell me why i can access a partition once i have mounted it?17:55
SwotBluesKaj, i removed it17:55
sam-_-srinivas, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`17:55
rs0832chaospsychex, o.017:55
afromansam-_-: I have 1 prim with vista recovery, 1 prim with ntfs back up, those 2 I can't touch or change. now I want to make a clean install of 10.10 & win 7, that means 2 prim and logical for swap. how can I fix this?17:56
i_is_brokeaxisys what was you doing prior to this event?17:56
joeoshawasudo gedit /etc/xorg.conf i believe17:56
Aditya_I am not able to install PIDGIN17:56
Swoti_is_broke, how i can use the nvidia conf under admin?17:56
axisysi_is_broke: i just rebooted the box after the linux image upgrade that just came in17:56
joeoshawai had the same problem i have a monitor that goes 1680x1050 but no resolution like that17:56
i_is_brokeSwot, BluesKaj just told you you have to delete the one you installed earlier.17:57
afromansam-_-:  can I install 10.10 and swap on 2 logical under 1 prim and win 7 on 1 prim?17:57
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joeoshawacareful editing xorg tho you could bork your x1117:57
Swoti_is_broke, And i just answered ;) I removed it :)17:57
nmvictorhow do i share my broadband internet connection in ubuntu?17:57
sam-_-afroman, i think you can convert to logical in vista17:57
i_is_brokeaxisys, have you tried booting to recovery and fixing packages?17:57
i_is_brokeSwot, have you rebooted?17:57
xorwhyHow do I switch input for z and x?17:57
Swoti_is_broke, yes17:58
afromansam-_-: U mean install windows on logical? is it possible?17:58
i_is_brokeSwot, none of the video drivers will work with out rebooting.17:58
sam-_-afroman, yes. that should work. but win7 may need 2 prim17:58
joeoshawacan you pastebin your xorg.conf just do a find file17:58
sam-_-afroman, of course.17:58
axisysi_is_broke: how do I get to the grub? my timeout is `0'17:58
Swoti_is_broke, I rebooted ;)17:59
sam-_-afroman, boot up vista. use the partitioning tool17:59
sam-_-afroman, right click on the drive and see if you can convert to logical17:59
afromanwhat about ubuntu on logical, is it possible?17:59
i_is_brokeaxisys, when you boot, try hitting the escape key really fast.17:59
SwotThis is my xorg17:59
i_is_broke10 to 1 he has the old driver in instead of the priop.18:00
R1cochetcan anyone reccommend a working usb wifi adaptor for 10.1018:00
joeoshawaswot did you go in nvidia control panel and set the res18:01
i_is_brokejoeoshawa, no he didnt i asked.18:01
i_is_brokeand tried to tell him18:01
afromansam-_-: what about ubuntu on logical, is it possible?18:01
Swotjoeoshawa, i go in, but i cant set it18:01
Aditya_I am not able to install PIDGIN18:01
F3RR1SI want to write a script that will run on the contents of my folder... the script will run mencoder by mencoder original.avi -o new.mp4 -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video -of mpeg18:01
sam-_-afroman, yes.18:01
gilosanyone know how I can get my touch pad to stay off when I have a mouse attached to my laptop?  I installed "GPointing Device Setting" and checked the box but it seems like the touch pad keeps enabling itself.18:01
joeoshawaone sec i will show you with mine18:01
Aditya_I am not able to install PIDGIN    ?????????18:01
Guest15230One person advised me to do 'sudo apt-get install -d xxx18:02
GoliathIs openNTPD safer than ntpd?18:02
Swotjoeoshawa, max resolution in Xserver Display Configuration is 640x48018:02
joeoshawanvidia x server settings18:02
F3RR1Sreally hoping someone can help me write a script that can be run on the contents (multiple files)18:02
Guest15230One person advised me to do 'sudo apt-get install -d xxx' and 'sudo apt-get build-deb xxx' and copy it to /var/cache/apt/archives in order to install software on netless machine. It didn't work. Am I doing something wrong?18:02
joeoshawax server display settings18:03
joeoshawasorry configuration18:03
joeoshawawhat is the max res for your monitor18:03
Swotrefresh rate 7518:04
Swotor 72 i dont know now18:04
Guest15230It says it couldn't find package by regex.18:04
joeoshawathen it should be there18:04
Swotit isnt here18:04
llutzGuest15230: " apt-get build-deb xxx" will pull the -dev packages need to build the package you specified. i doubt thats what you want/need18:04
nmvictordo i have to acquire a router to be able to share my broadband connection within my homenetwork?18:04
joeoshawain x server display configuration?18:04
afromansam-_-: do I actually need swap?18:05
sam-_-afroman, if you run diskmgmt.msc in windows you should be able to convert18:05
Guest15230llutz: Sorry my mistake it was build-dep.18:05
sam-_-afroman, it will tell you18:05
Swotjoeoshawa, yes, it isnt here18:05
bastidrazor!swap | afroman: read up on it.18:05
ubottuafroman: read up on it.: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:05
sam-_-afroman, how much ram have you got?18:05
Guest15230llutz: or was it. let me check.18:05
craigbass1976I'm writing a php script that needs to write to a thumb drive.  Is there some consistent way to know where a thumb drive will be mounted?18:05
Swothigher resolution than 640xblabla18:05
coder2wireless driver broadcom cannot getting installed18:05
llutzGuest15230: build-dep  is right, it does what i said18:05
afromansam-_-: 4 gb ram18:05
bastidrazornmvictor: if you have two NIC cards it is possible to share to one other computer.18:06
sam-_-afroman, i have 2gb and never needed a swap but it depends on what you are doing with your laptop18:06
sam-_-afroman, then you probably won't need swap18:06
Guest15230So I have the downloaded packages in apt's archives still i get the regex error. What can cause this?18:06
sam-_-afroman, btw. you can create a swapfile afterwards if you need it18:06
bastidrazorafroman: swap is needed if you plan on suspending/hibernating18:06
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:06
afromansam-_-: not much, the usual. internet surfing, watching movies, download...18:06
sam-_-afroman, then you won't need a partition.18:07
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sam-_-afroman, but the performance may be worse.18:07
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i_is_brokeSwot, ok try this, un-activate your nvidia from additional drivers, reboot, activate your driver then reboot. and then see if you can adjust it.18:07
sam-_-afroman,  i do the same things with flashplayer and all that stuff. 2g no swap. never had problems18:07
afromanbastidrazor: sam-_-: although I sometimes do put the pc in suspend18:08
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Swoti_is_broke, I tried this, but i try this again, wait about 1-2 minutes18:08
LenoobHello i have this error on make http://pastebin.com/XQphmKyz what is it ?18:08
sam-_-afroman,  doesn't matter18:08
bastidrazorafroman: you will need swap if you suspend18:08
sam-_-afroman,  or are you talking about hibernation?18:08
joeoshawayou have no device section18:08
sam-_-bastidrazor, no you don't18:08
C_OkieI used a program called MD5 to check the checksum and it read it to be alright. Althugh I called md5 from a live install and it said that it was wrong. If the checksums wrong and  I still get an I/O errr when boting up, how is this pssible?18:08
afromansam-_-: I never know the difference :P18:08
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Guest15230llutz: Or maybe I am just stupid. Should I try to install it using apt or dpkg?18:09
tate1711have a question - trying to set up ubuntu 10.10 with a static ip address of, gateway is .2.2 at that address, have it set up in interfaces file as iface eth0 inet static, address as stated, netmask and gateway as stated, I restarted networking and it won't assign that address to that pc, what am I missing?18:09
llutzGuest15230: install a bunch of .deb-files? use dpkg18:09
sam-_-afroman, in suspend the comp. will still use power. not in hibernation.18:09
afromansam-_-: and by the way I should have mentioned that I don't have windows installed, I'm planing 2 thou18:09
KGF2009Anyone have tips for dual-booting WIndows XP professional and Ubuntu 10.*?18:09
bastidrazorsam-_-: suspend will suspend to ram.. hibernate will write to disk and shutdown18:09
Guest15230llutz: thanks.18:09
F3RR1Sdoesn't ubuntu use the entire /swap partition for swap?18:10
bastidrazorsam-_-: both use swap18:10
i_is_brokeKGF2009, easier to install windows first.18:10
sam-_-bastidrazor, that's the reason why you don't need swap for suspend18:10
joeoshawamy screen section is much different then yours you could try and copy it and alter it but you will risk messing up x and having to do everything from command line18:10
F3RR1Sor as much as is needed upto the total size of /swap?18:10
LenoobHello i have this error on make http://pastebin.com/XQphmKyz what is it ?18:10
joeoshawado you want me to paste bin it18:10
sam-_-bastidrazor, trust me :-)18:10
KGF2009i_is_broke, should I re-install windows if it's already taking up the whole drive or just resize the partition? Which is quicker?18:11
bastidrazorsam-_-: now that i reread my statement.. you're right.18:11
joeoshawaback up windows and resize18:11
i_is_brokeKGF2009, resize, just back everything up first.18:11
sam-_-bastidrazor, i know :-)18:11
nmvictorbastidrazor: i am reading a tutorial where ICS can be done without two NIC, but i am not quite understanding... is this feasible really, the tutorial is at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing , have a look at 'Wireless Ad-Hoc connection sharing scenario" section, i have my two laptops share with a wireless network, one(the one am using) has a broadbad IC, is it possible to provide the IC to the other laptop?18:11
afromanbastidrazor: sam-_-: either way, we come to the same question, can I install ubuntu 10.10 on logical?18:11
KGF2009i_is_broke, thanks.18:11
joeoshawaswot you there18:12
F3RR1SKGF2009, yes.... I have run multiple linux flavors with xp.... never had a problem... install windows, create new partition during installation and then install grub,18:12
bastidrazornmvictor: yes youc an use wireless and the wired NIC to share internet.18:12
sam-_-afroman, as i told you before. yes you can install ubuntu 10.10 on a logical18:12
mawstI need some ideas, I have a drive in my fstab that's not mounting at boot (I get a message that it can't find the drive at boot). I'm using the uuid in fstab... Is there something to maybe make it wait longer for the drive to show... or?18:13
i_is_brokeafroman, you will get some complaints about booting a logical drive but yes it will work, i use it that way right now.18:13
histomawst: what kind of drive is it? and are you sur eyou have the right uuid18:13
mawstHere's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/WHZBKtYY18:14
nmvictorbastidrazor: sorry, you missed something, its not a wired NIC, its just a mobile broadband internet connection18:14
jbsoumhey, i was wondering if someone could helpw ith something18:14
afromansam-_-: ok then. I'm going 2 do it this way. 2 logical, 1 for ubuntu and 1 for swap, then 1 prim for win 718:14
mawstI'm pretty sure, histo. I used the blkid -o value -s UUID to get the UUID.18:14
mawstIt's a 1tb ntfs drive18:14
histomawst: just sudo blkid to get the value18:14
Aditya_I am not able to install PIDGIN18:14
afromani_is_broke: complaints from what?18:14
sam-_-afroman, you can try. but win 7 may use 2 prim.18:15
F3RR1Sjbsoum, what is up?18:15
histomawst: and does /media/terabit directory exist?18:15
joeoshawai am trying to thin client an old computer for my daughter if anyone has any experience with dhcp3 please help18:15
afromansam-_-: why 2 prim?18:15
mawstIT does18:15
i_is_brokeafroman, i just said, about it not liking booting from a logical drive but it wont mater.18:15
mawstI have the right uuid too18:15
sam-_-afroman, one little one for recovery. but i'm not sure18:15
sam-_-afroman, also you may be able to delete the small one18:15
sam-_-afroman, but again  not sure18:16
C_Okiewhy would my hash be fine and still get a  "I/O error", "error reading bood CD"18:16
afromansam-_-: I'll give it a try and I'll let U know18:16
histomawst: mawst what if you issue a sudo mount -a after the system is up does it mount the drive?18:16
mawsthisto, no.18:16
sam-_-afroman, do a backup before :-)18:16
histomawst: then the problem is with your line in fstab18:16
histomawst: probably the ntfs-3g18:17
mawsthisto, whenI mount -a I get Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': No such file or directory18:17
C_Okieif my disc worked at one point it seems weird it does not now18:17
afromansam-_-: but can I change the back up partition into logical without formating the partition?18:17
histomawst: try ntfs instead of ntfs-3g18:17
sam-_-afroman, yes. should be possible.18:17
sam-_-afroman, try in windows vista with diskmgmt.msc18:18
jbsoumf3rr1s: can you help me with a dual boot setup?18:18
afromansam-_-: I don't have windows installed18:18
mawstOk, tried switching to NTFS, here's the error I get histo, http://pastebin.com/Ek36K4Y718:18
F3RR1Sjbsoum, which os's are you installing?18:18
afromanthe only os installed is ubuntu18:18
BernardVUbuntu (linux) rocks! Got everything running on my Advantech TREk-743 embedded device. The geode LX video, internal GPS, touchscreen etc.. Ran into some x-y problems, like only 4 rs232 devices defined by default, but reading did the job!18:18
mawstSame error with mount -a or mount /dev/sdb1 /media/terabit18:18
jbsoumi have win7 and ubuntu 10.10 installed18:19
histomawst: nvm ntfs-3g is correct18:19
cysiolandHELP! After updating NVIDIA drivers I can't launch X server18:19
histomawst: try sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/terabit18:19
mawstSame error.18:19
mawstI'm starting to wonder if the partition is bad18:19
F3RR1Sjbsoum, check my pm18:19
afromanjbsoum: how did U do it?18:20
cysiolandHELP! After updating NVIDIA drivers I can't launch X server18:20
mawstI can mount it in nautilus, this is weird18:20
sam-_-!patience |cysioland18:20
ubottucysioland: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:20
ignitedcodingAnyone have much luck setting up a mail server on unbuntu? Or with this article: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer ? I feel in over my head here. Postfix install was a bit confusing, and the 'easy' dovecot install is not working.18:20
histomawst: what's the output of sudo fdisk -l18:20
ubottucysioland, please see my private message18:20
jbsoumwell ok, chaospsychex recommended a line for me, so ill see if it worked, restarting brb18:20
histomawst: also unmount the parititon from nautilus before trying to mount it in console18:20
mawstoh I guess nautilus won'tmount it anymore either.18:20
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BernardVignitedcoding: There are some good how to's on www.howtoforge.com18:20
histomawst: i'd install testdisk18:21
cysiolandawww, maaaan18:21
luxgeekAnyone know what the18:21
luxgeekSorry...wrong chat.18:21
cysiolandnobody can't help me18:21
Swoti_is_broke, Hm.. now im on windos18:21
mawsthisto: http://pastebin.com/WtUauMN618:21
Swoti_is_broke, Ubuntu has not graphic18:21
sam-_-cysioland you never rly. asked us anything18:22
ignitedcodingGetting this error: http://pastebin.com/xUDYkqBB18:22
ignitedcodingBernardV: I'll check it out18:22
Swoti_is_broke, i can only login in text mode :/18:22
histomawst: what is the error you get when you try sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/terabit18:22
cysiolandI asked18:22
afromanjbsoum: how did U do the install of win 7 and ubuntu?18:22
histo!dualboot | afroman18:22
ubottuafroman: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:22
cysiolandAfter updating NVIDIA drivers I can't launch X server. How to fix that?18:22
sam-_-cysioland, afaik you just stated sth.18:22
sam-_-cysioland, ok. maybe i missed it18:23
mawsthisto, http://pastebin.com/Ek36K4Y718:23
Swotcysioland, Me too :/18:23
axisysi_is_broke: any idea what command to run now that I am in rescue mode ? i need to modify the fstab and change the UUID with actual raid device /dev/md1 which is root18:23
jbsoumok, i restarted, and windows 7 bootloader still comes first18:23
sam-_-cysioland, did you try to but  in "rescue" mode?18:23
afromanjbsoum: I mean the partitions of the disk?18:23
BernardVignitedcoding: http://bit.ly/aM1ANB <-- that one for example18:23
histomawst: uhm. I'd run testdisk on /dev/sdb118:23
histomawst: see if you can repair the partition18:24
cysiolandHow? ESC in GRUB?18:24
mawstI'm really close to formatting this drive into ext4 and being donewithit18:24
sam-_-cysioland, isn't there an entry that says recovery mode?18:24
jbsoumfirst partition is windows, 2nd is linux18:24
jbsoumif i recall correctly18:24
cysiolandGRUB automatically loads ubuntu18:25
jbsoumlet me sudo -fdisk18:25
mawstWell, thanks for your help histo. I think something is wrong witht he parition table. I'll have to check itout in a windows machine.18:25
afromanjbsoum: U have only 2 partitions? both primary?18:25
sam-_-cysioland, yes but you have 10 sec. to select a different option18:25
cysiolandHow to do that? GRUB don't shows on screen18:26
C_Okiecan someone please assist me18:26
bastidrazorcysioland: hold shift after POST18:27
sam-_-cysioland, When Ubuntu boots, you normally briefly see a screen that says “GRUB loading. please wait… Press Esc to enter the menu…”18:27
C_OkieI am getting different hashes fr m5 fr different programs...18:27
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jbsoumok sda1 is windows ntfs18:27
jbsoumsda2 is linux18:27
cysiolandI entered recovery mode18:27
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histoC_Okie: what do you mean?18:27
jbsoumsda3 is a shared partition for both os's18:27
cysiolandAnd I have recovery menu on screen. What I must select?18:28
histo!who | cysioland18:28
ubottucysioland: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:28
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:28
sam-_-cysioland, yes or something that says reconfigure X18:29
cysiolandsam-_-: I have selected failsafeX18:29
sam-_-cysioland, ok18:30
jbsoumwindows was installed first, then ubuntu, then when i tried to reboot, ubuntu wouldnt show up, so i had to use easybcd in windows to give me a grub menu, so the way things work now, windows 7 takes me to grub2, and grub2 takes me to linux, i just want to get rid of the windows 7 bootloader so i can boot windows and ubuntu from grub218:30
SamruaiAlbaAnyone have any idea how to get the Broadcom BCM94318MPG wireless card working under Natty?18:31
chaospsychexhow many primary partitions can be on a single hd?18:31
sam-_-!natty > SamruaiAlba18:31
ubottuSamruaiAlba, please see my private message18:32
cysiolandsam-_-: What select: Boot in low quality, graphics reconfiguration, recognising error reason, terminal login or x restart?18:32
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.18:32
sam-_-cysioland, try graphics reconfiguration18:33
afromanjbsoum: good luck. I know this room is the best and they will help U. in the meantime, I have to give my installation a trial 2.18:33
afromanthx everyone for ur help18:33
cysiolandsam-_-: Typical config, new for current device or backup18:33
joeoshawaafroman i wouldn't say that18:33
=== cromag_ is now known as Cromag
afromanjoeoshawa: say what? thx?18:34
C_OkieHow can I be assured a md5 checksum program like hashtab got the hash right?18:34
joeoshawai know they will help18:34
Guest15230Anyone knews how to make wifi work under fujitsu 1818? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Old/FujitsuAmiloLi1818 this tutorial only makes system hang. I am using 10.10.18:34
joeoshawait is rare for me18:34
C_OkieIt shows as the iso I downloaded has the wrong checksum18:34
sam-_-cysioland, try new. but i'm not sure since i don't know what went wrong exactly18:34
bencahill__hey sam-_-, you got any ideas about usb booting? my usb device isn't supported by the bios or grub, is there any way I can still boot to it?18:34
joeoshawai come in help a bunch of people nobody helps me18:34
joeoshawaoh well18:34
cysiolandsam-_-: It's rebooting, I will see, if that helps18:35
sam-_-bencahill__, someone stole your name?18:35
MacstheyjustsuckWhat's a good .mp3 -> .ogg converter?18:35
jbsoumthanks afroman18:35
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
bencahill__sam-_-, no, one second...18:35
Beolexbig chat is big18:35
Nach0zohey Beolex18:35
=== bencahill__ is now known as bencahill
sam-_-bencahill__, oh two computers. i get it18:35
Beolexaww i miss having beolex18:35
luxurymodeNeed some major help. Running a Dell XPS/Dimension 630i. It came with "SATA 2 RAID 0 With Dual 500GB Hard Drives." I have installed a new, third non-raided drive and installed Ubuntu on it. So now I have Windows on the original hard drive and Ubuntu Linux on the new HD. When I get to the boot menu where I can select an OS, if I select windows I get an error: "No such drive, no such disk." Also, strangely in the first place, in18:35
luxurymodeorder to even get to the bootloader menu I have had to disable ALL ports under the RAID config. Unless I do this, I will just get to a never-ending blinking cursor. I have tried every conceivable CMOS config and nothing else works. Tried setting port 3 (the new HD w/ Ubuntu) to first hard disk boot priority. Tried disabling all other ports and enabling the Ubuntu HD port and vice versa. I have some pictures of boot up: first on18:35
luxurymodee is strange error i get after messing with CMOS to finally get ubuntu install to work. http://imgur.com/5sqJa then boot menu: http://imgur.com/TWtLq then error: http://imgur.com/TJ1mS. Also, please note that I can actually access all files from the raided Windows drive through Ubuntu.18:35
FloodBot1luxurymode: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
Beolexsomeone on QN took Beolex and they are a bot18:36
bencahillsam-_-, right, I just ghost the other one when I need to change :)18:36
=== asd is now known as Guest95540
shishirdwivedi20hey i have downloaded adobe reader but when i click to any pdf link my chrome browser ask me to download that file but i want that my browser open that pdf file in new tab without asking me to download it. how can i rectify this problem18:36
cysiolandsam-_-: It fails, still tty118:36
afromanjoeoshawa: I'm sorry to hear that. maybe ur problems are advanced. I dunno, what I know for sure is that I'm a newbie so most of my problems are quite small.18:36
bencahillsam-_-, but they auto-try, so my desktop is always on, like that ^18:36
cysiolandsam-_-: Should i reb?oot it again in recovery18:37
bencahill!register | Beolex18:37
ubottuBeolex: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:37
sam-_-cysioland you may want to ask someone with knowledge of nvidia drivers.18:37
afromanbastidrazor: sam-_-: thx 4 the help18:37
C_Okiecan I trust the integrity of what a checksum program says?18:37
sam-_-cysioland, i don't have an nvidia hence i don't know. sry18:37
cysiolandsam-_-: I will keep trying with some options in recovery mode18:37
sam-_-cysioland, y. do that or uninstall the nvidia drivers18:37
shymagaiC_Okie: yes.18:38
jay123can i know how to register with free node18:38
cysiolandsam-_-: How to do that and how to grab original ones from Ubuntu?18:38
C_Okie ok becuase it states my hash is jumbles18:38
jay123i tried all the commands it is not showing any hlp also18:38
shymagaiC_Okies: jumbles?18:38
* chaospsychex rams head through wall18:38
sam-_-bencahill, with grub bios support of usb shouldn't be necessary.18:38
jay123i tried this "/msg nickserv register <password> <email> " but says unknown command18:39
* chaospsychex picks himself up,backs up,repeats....18:39
C_Okiewill the iso file of ubuntu when you downloaded it have the same hash as the cd to then right?18:39
sam-_-bencahill, try poking around on the grub command line. loading usb mod and such. listing devices.18:39
BluesKajSwot, if you are at a tty then do this , sudo service gdm stop, then, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current , then, sudo nvidia-xconfig, then, sudo service gdm start ..then startx18:39
shymagaiC_Okie: same as what?18:40
cysiolandsam-_-: It boots in low-quality x mode18:40
sam-_-bencahill but imho it's not a good idea to run your sys all the time from usb18:40
froldI might ask the wrong place, but then please tell me where to ask? I have a .mts video file. Is there a program that let you get/see the creation date of the file.... I have a "#changed day" and last "last changed date" but I cant see the original creationdate..18:40
sam-_-bencahill normally usb devices are very slow if you write multiple files18:40
C_OkieThe iso will have the same hash using the program as the CD's hash when I burn it and do md5sum to findthe hash in ubuntu18:40
shishirdwivedi20hey i have downloaded adobe reader but when i click to any pdf link my chrome browser ask me to download that file but i want that my browser open that pdf file in new tab without asking me to download it. how can i rectify this problem18:41
sam-_-bencahill buy a ssd if you don't want spinning parts :-)18:41
shishirdwivedi20plz help18:41
sam-_-cysioland, is this a question? or is this good?18:41
SwotBluesKaj, OKey ;)18:42
paq7512how can i save my gpu fan settings under nvidia-settings after reboot?18:42
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, first off all. why do you need adobe reader? why not evince?18:42
manbra<shishirdwivedi20> -plz help  > http://imgur.com/HLU8u.jpg18:42
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, do you need drm support?18:42
sam-_-manbra, good movie18:43
=== jay123 is now known as rockworldmi
shishirdwivedi20sam  i am beginner i knew only adobe and i saw in ubuntu software centre thats why i downloaded it18:43
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, my suggestion is to use evince18:43
shishirdwivedi20sam ok that will solve my problem?18:44
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, probably not :-)18:44
null-deimosHello! Could anyone give me some tips on using kvm with libvirt / virt-install / virsh with a manually set up network?18:44
ubnoobHello everyone, i want to install a new theme but i get this error: "required GTK + theme engine 'ubuntulooks' is not installed- any sugestions?18:44
shishirdwivedi20sam then what i have to do to solve problem18:44
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, you use firefox, right?18:44
ubnoobi tried "apt-get install ubuntulooks" but it dosn't work18:45
shishirdwivedi20sam chrome but i have firefox also18:45
cysiolandsam-_-: X Server is starting if I generate default config18:45
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, in chrome i don't know18:45
shishirdwivedi20sam then tell me in firefox18:46
stefan_can i minimize any external window in terminal18:46
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, in firefox go to preferences -> applications. change the settings for pdf there18:46
nirazioDoes anybody know Ubuntu software for managing Ubuntu audio themes ?18:46
FreEgHi, ive got a veryI boring problem, running Ubuntu with VMWare, ive now lost the guest fit function in VMWare-Tools.18:46
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, i use this in chrome: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/nnbmlagghjjcbdhgmkedmbmedengocbn18:47
engemecSomebody from Teresina-PI-Brazil?18:47
stefan_can i minimize any external window in terminal18:47
Pici!br | engemec18:47
ubottuengemec: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:47
stefan_can i minimize any external window in terminal18:47
axisysunder(initramfs) ls /dev/md* does not show md0 (swap) or md1(root) device18:47
shishirdwivedi20sam let me check18:47
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, it opens pdfs in google docs18:47
shishirdwivedi20sam ok18:47
stefan_can i minimize any external window in terminal18:47
jooiieenirazio: ubuntu has a service built in. system > preferences > sound18:47
sam-_-!patience |stefan18:48
ubottustefan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:48
OY1Ri have a usb soundcard that i use for amateure radio with fldigi, it works fine but as soon as i plug it in all other programs dont have any sound BUT if i hold the mouse over an audio file it plays thru the internal soundcard, how can i use the usb card with fldigi and everything else with the internal card ? im running ubuntu 101018:48
shishirdwivedi20sam its working thanxs18:49
sam-_-shishirdwivedi20, np18:49
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:49
uoiuoiuohello, my ipoch not work under xubuntu last version don't reconize the device. the software fuse  when i try to plug the ipod with the usbmon0 in te folder /dev. can helpme please?18:49
SwotBluesKaj, the command nvidia-xconfig doesn't work18:50
sam-_-uoiuoiuo, ipoch?18:50
uoiuoiuoipod touch18:50
TheProI was wondering, i have windows, which currently doesn't work any good for me, and i wanna install ubuntu, but after a few days remove it18:50
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
TheProis it possible to do?18:50
cythrawllubuntu is lying to me:   useradd tomcat "tomcat already exists"18:50
TheProcythrawll: are you using sudo?18:51
sam-_-ThePro, you want to remove what after a few days?18:51
c0mrade_-What does \x90 stand for in shellcoding?18:51
cythrawllThePro, yes18:52
BluesKajSwot, you may already have an xorg.conf file18:52
sam-_-ThePro, so you want to try ubuntu?18:52
SwotBluesKaj, I dont know :)18:52
sam-_-ThePro, then maybe wubi is for you18:52
TheProsam-_-: how does it work?18:52
uoiuoiuohello why my ipod touch not is reconized by my system xubuntu?18:52
c0mrade_-Is ubuntu like BackTrack?18:53
SwotI try next18:53
c0mrade_-I have Ubuntu 9.418:53
sam-_-ThePro, how does wubi work?18:53
aeon-ltdc0mrade_-: a little but no18:53
sam-_-!wubi > ThePro18:53
ubottuThePro, please see my private message18:53
sam-_-c0mrade_-, backtrack is base on ubuntu18:54
cjdevlinc0mrade_-: ubuntu is like bt4 in that they are both debian based18:54
sam-_-c0mrade_-, backtrack is based on ubuntu18:54
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe18:54
Pici!backtrack | c0mrade_-18:54
ubottuc0mrade_-: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:54
TheProah i see, but won't my partitions go all buggy?18:54
Quantum_IonHow do you change the Quit message in XChat ?18:54
JuzzyWhat can you do if X doesnt detect a tv properly? I have a 62" DLP and it thinks its 95" and all of the edges is off the screen. I've installed the latest nvidia drivers, even upgraded the tv's firmware, still the same tho. I have very few options in the gui tools18:55
TheProif for example i remove ubuntu??18:55
aeon-ltdQuantum_Ion: there should be a preference for that18:55
c0mrade_-I am banned from backtrack-linux and metasploit channels and a bunch of others. Welcome people. The greate troublemaker here. ;)18:55
uoiuoiuoquantum ion put in te prompter /quit18:55
GaryDThePro: you can also either burn ubuntu on a cd or use a program called unetbootin to install ubuntu onto a flash drive. start your computer from either the cd or the flash drive to test ubuntu.18:56
=== JesusFreak316_ is now known as JesusFreak316
TheProGaryD: i'm currently doing that :)18:56
elifHi I'm using preseed to autoinstall, but it stops asking me to choose the mirror, the mirror part of preseed.cfg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546361/ what is missing or what I have to do to stop asking me to choose the mirror... thks18:56
uoiuoiuohello i can't sinconize my ipod touch18:56
jooiieeI just installed Ubuntu 1010 and just got it all configured but when i launch some programs (happened to skype and q4wine so far) the computer crashes. screen goes black for 1 second and then i am at the login screen. does anybody have a theory? i did not know what to search for in the forum.18:57
c0mrade_-I actually want to dissassemble a program using OllyDbg and insert my own functions and easter eggs.18:57
TheProAlso, i'm having issues when installing nvidia drivers on my liveusb, will those issues show up if i have ubuntu installed?18:57
engemecI'm having some problems with my little Ubuntu server 10.04.18:57
Quantum_Ionaeon-ltd, Okay, I found it in Preferences->General18:57
Quantum_Ionaeon-ltd, Thanks18:57
aeon-ltdQuantum_Ion: you're welcome (though i didn't do much) :)18:57
GaryDThePro: what version of windows is on the computer?....the live usb does not save your preferences when you reboot. you should have no problem installing the nvidia drivers in a full install.18:58
ignitedcodingHelp! autoremove is not working:  http://pastebin.com/RVZF1QXe18:58
c0mrade_-I am currently running ubuntu on my virtual machine.18:58
c0mrade_-It's configuring apt now.18:58
c0mrade_-No idea what it is.18:58
TheProWhich BSOD's a lot, so i'm really scared of using WUBI and basicly breaking everything18:58
c0mrade_-But it's takin' a long time to install.18:58
sam-_-Juzzy, 62"s jesus18:59
bluethundris there a fast, efficient way to screen shot using the command line in ubuntu?18:59
jbsoumi dont like wubi for permanent installs18:59
jbsoumthere should be a hotkey for screenshots18:59
c0mrade_-screenshot -fast -efficient I think.18:59
GaryDThePro: i am not sure about the issues you would have with grub after the removal of the ubuntu system and partition.18:59
engemecUbuntu Server 10.04, dhc3 (ok), bind9 (ok), squid and iptables. Only one computer from my network surfer on hotmail.com, other can't charge full website.18:59
sam-_-ignitedcoding, sudo apt-get -f install19:00
sam-_-ignitedcoding, try running this first19:00
c0mrade_-I want to ask about Whoppix 2.719:00
TheProGaryD: oh..19:00
c0mrade_-I tried to download a copy but can't find one.19:00
Picic0mrade_-: Then you should ask in their channel.19:00
GaryDThePro: why do you want to install ubuntu just to remove it?19:00
sam-_-!offtopic> c0mrade_-19:00
ubottuc0mrade_-, please see my private message19:00
ignitedcodingsam-_-:  http://pastebin.com/SdJMupjg <-- failure. I do have a server image of right before I tried this mess19:01
ignitedcodingI think I'm just going to restore and retry19:01
TheProGaryD: not really just to remove it, it's that if it ends up using a lot of space, cause i'm only thinking of giving it around uhh.. 10gb19:01
jbsoumso anyone in here know anything about win 7 ubuntu dualboots?19:01
c0mrade_-off topic.19:01
ignitedcodingjbsoum: yeah what's up?19:01
TheProthat's really scaring me :P19:01
mr2kI'm running ubuntu in virtualbox, I have enabled 3D acceleration with 128mb VRAM but when I boot the machine Ubuntu tells me that 3D acceleration is NOT enabled. Any clue?19:01
elifHi I'm using preseed to autoinstall lucid, but it stops the automatic process asking me to choose one mirror.  I pasted the mirror selecting part of preseed.cfg to http://paste.ubuntu.com/546361/, anyone could help me with that ?19:02
jbsoumright now i have a chainboot setup where win 7 bootloader has to go into grub to boot linux, i just wanna get rid of the win 7 bootloader and do everything from grub19:02
ignitedcodingmr2k: proper drivers installed?19:02
c0mrade_-What's the difference between Unix OS and Linux OS?19:02
ignitedcodingmr2k: (for unbuntu)19:02
elifc0mrade_-, no diff19:02
ThePromr2k: You need the drivers, do you have vbox tools installed?19:03
zeinkhello I have a problem accessing my external harddrive19:03
sam-_-ignitedcoding, you may use dpkg --force-all on each package that is broken19:03
Pici!guidelines > c0mrade_-19:03
ubottuc0mrade_-, please see my private message19:03
SwotBluesKaj, hmmmm i try startx command19:03
ignitedcodingC0mrade_-:  money19:03
zeinkcan someone help me19:03
cjdevlin!dualboot | jbsoum19:03
ubottujbsoum: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:03
SwotBluesKaj, and it wrote no screen found19:03
yaaarhey guys, is there something for linux (and ubuntu specifically) that's roughly equivalent to freebsd jails?19:03
mr2kThePro: Well, I've installed the guest addition drivers19:04
baggar11yaaar: chroot?19:04
mr2kThePro: Does that count?19:04
macoyaaar: as a command line type thing, regular ol' chroot's the best you can do, but ubuntu does include apparmor for sandboxing applications as well19:04
GaryDThePro: oh...check this page. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#Ubuntu%20Desktop%20Edition19:04
ThePromr2k: i guess it does.. dunno19:04
Bondv6yaaar, I guess virtozzo container os so19:05
zeinkI was able to access my external hard drive which is connected through USB until yesterday19:05
ignitedcodingsam-_-:  command: "dpkg --force-all dovecot-common"  response:"dpkg: need an action option". Nevermind, I'm just going to 86 this shit and start again19:05
zeinknow when I connect it to the computer nothing happens19:05
cjdevlin!virtualizers | yaaar19:05
maco!language | ignitedcoding19:05
elifIs there a better way to understand how to write the preseed.cfg than looking at /var/lib/cbedconf/templates.dat and searching for a part of the Question it stops you, and then reading the Question Name, then writing it to the preseed.cfg ?19:05
ubottuyaaar: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications19:05
TheProthen i'll uninstall a few games on the main thing.19:05
ubottuignitedcoding: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:05
TheProthx guyz :)19:05
jbsoumignitedcoding: ive seen that, and I had to use easybcd to get grub to show up through the windows bootloader, but cant i just boot windows from grub and take out the win 7 bootloader19:05
GaryDThePro: i would give ubuntu at least 20GB if you intend on adding additional software to it after installation.19:05
sam-_-ignitedcoding, add -r for remove or -P for purge19:05
ignitedcoding!telling-other-people-stuff-passive-aggresively | maco19:06
BluesKajSwot, reboot19:06
TheProGaryD: i am, so uhh, going to uninstall all the unecessary stuff.19:06
sam-_-ignitedcoding, or read man dpkg19:06
ignitedcodingoops... bot doesn't have that one19:06
yaaarcjdevlin: i don't want other operating systems...just separation of the users (and more to the point, websites) on the system19:06
macoignitedcoding: hi, i'm an op, and your language isn't appropriate here. that better?19:06
zeinkcan someone please help me on my issue19:06
elifThe question that stops me seems to be "debian-installer/choose-mirror/title" of type text19:06
ignitedcodingmaco:  a simple please watch you language is fine.19:06
sam-_-ignitedcoding, why do you think he was aggressive?19:06
TheProGaryD: Well then, bye19:06
TheProgoing to windows to try to clear up some space19:06
TheProcya guys later19:06
ignitedcodingI don't really care what you do on irc.  sam-_- : passive-aggressive19:06
sam-_-ignitedcoding, that's what he said, didn't he?19:07
GaryDThePro: you could use the ubuntu mini cd. it will allow you to install a command line system and add the stuff you want afterwards.19:07
elifbut then I don't know which values to answer this question.19:07
=== ________________ is now known as {}
yaaarBondv6: cool...i just now happened on the OpenVZ site, which i guess is the basis for the virtuozzo stuff. looking into that, thanks19:07
macosam-_-: i'm a she19:07
cjdevlinyaaar: jails are basically freebsd vms w/ specific functions, right?19:07
sam-_-maco, so sry19:07
donkau madonn19:07
ignitedcodingmaco: question... how old is the average ubuntu user?19:07
macodonka: italiano?19:07
ignitedcodingmaco: in this chatroom?19:08
elifI tryed several, since the hostname that it display in the list (the only one already inserted in "mirror/http/hostname"), put one, first, 1, everything possible to me.19:08
macoignitedcoding: no idea. we don't poll19:08
KM0201ignitedcoding: lol...19:08
ignitedcodingmaco: why a language policy then? A simple curse here and there when I'm frustrated isn't ok?19:08
Bondv6cjdevlin, it's basicly a "jail id" attribute in the process struct, basicly, which tell the kernel to limit it's resources19:08
KM0201ignitedcoding: because it distracts the channel.19:08
macoignitedcoding: because we have a code of conduct and guidelines requiring respectfulness at all times. and besides, the *average* age wouldnt matter then, it'd be the minimum. and ive seen 6 year olds on irc19:09
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
sam-_-ignitedcoding, it's one of the things that's different about ubuntu :-)19:09
macoignitedcoding: if youd like to discuss policy, you can do so in #ubuntu-ops. it's offtopic here19:09
* ignitedcoding would love to see these guys at an auto shop listening to mechanics19:09
yaaarcjdevlin: well, sort of. they all run the same kernel, and most of the filesystem is linked in (so you don't need a whole OS worth of disc for each jail) so it's a bit less resource hungry than full-on vms.19:09
ignitedcodingi'm dropping it19:09
* KM0201 works in a prison and has heard every bit of foul language known to man, but i still don't like to hear it at home19:09
ignitedcodingsam-_-: ##php has the same policy19:10
sam-_-KM0201, so true19:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!19:10
macomattybats: what?19:10
Picimattybats: yes?19:10
sam-_-KM0201, but the working in prison part is wrong right?19:10
KM0201sam-_-: no... quite true.19:10
sam-_-KM0201, too cool :-)19:10
Picimattybats: Is there a reason you used that trigger?19:10
sam-_-KM0201, what is your job?19:11
mattybatsi was just seeing what the bot would say19:11
macosam-_-, KM0201.... #ubuntu-offtopic?19:11
ignitedcodingoh my god19:11
KM0201maco: i just pm'd him, my intent wasn't to start a discussion19:11
macomattybats: you can pm the bot if you want to play with it19:11
sam-_-!maco sry. got carried away ;)19:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:12
yaaarcjdevlin: looks like openvz is about the closest thing. i just came across this description of the different virtualization "flavors" which describes the differences way better than i could: http://wiki.openvz.org/Introduction_to_virtualization19:12
kozmineli have a question about yahoo and an instant messaging program on ubuntu19:12
kozminelwho can help me?19:12
ignitedcodingmaco: I sent you a pm ( I think.... i'm not exactly an IRC master)19:13
KM0201kozminel: it's it pidgin?19:13
nickravehello, does anyone know how to set up Leopard to run on NFS, so I can network with Ubuntu?19:13
cjdevlinyaar: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man2/jail.2freebsd.html  is this what you are talking about?19:13
kozmineli want to send files19:13
kozminelto a friend19:13
kozminelwho use windows19:13
kozmineland i used another19:13
=== help is now known as Voluu
kozmineli don't know the name19:14
kozminelbut its not pidgin19:14
c0mrade_-How can I use Kismet in Ubuntu?19:14
kozmineli want to send more files once19:14
kozminelnot one of a time19:14
sam-_-c0mrade_-, yes19:14
kozminelwhat program shoud i use?19:14
stynnnnnnn@find suse19:14
KM0201kozminel: well.. it depends.. file transfer works pretty well w/ pidgin and yahoo users.. but id on't know about sending multiple files at once19:15
mr2kIs there any ways of giving a host-machine more VRAM than 128MB?19:15
c0mrade_-Can I download it instantly from the console window?19:15
c0mrade_-Any commands.19:15
cjdevlinyaaar: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man2/jail.2freebsd.html   -  is this what you are looking for?19:15
kozminelthis was the probem .. multiple file transfer19:15
KM0201c0mrade_-: download what?19:15
histomr2k: you mean the guest machine? and no there isn't19:16
c0mrade_-Download Kismet.19:16
c0mrade_-A network analyser.19:16
mr2khisto: Yes, sorry, the guest machine. Oh well.19:16
KM0201kozminel: ho many files aer we talking?19:16
c0mrade_-And the aircrack-ng suit.19:16
yaaarcjdevlin: that's pretty interesting....but i'm not sure i would know the first thing to do with a C library...19:16
sam-_-c0mrade_-, sudo apt-get install kismet19:16
c0mrade_-Okay sam I'll try that.19:16
Bondv6yaaar, cjdevlin: that is the one, but I don't think ubuntu has support for it (it's from the freebsd-manpages package)19:17
KM0201kozminel: if it were me.. i'd probably use simplehttp.. but that will considerably slow down your connection while he downloads them.19:17
c0mrade_-sam-_- it's giving me. E: Invalind Operation kismet.19:17
kozminelany plugin for pidgin to use multiple file transfer?19:17
c0mrade_-When I typed.19:17
c0mrade_-sudo apt-get kismet.19:18
KM0201kozminel: i don't think so.. but there could be i guess19:18
sam-_-c0mrade_-, you forgot install then19:18
c0mrade_-Yes I did.19:18
histomr2k: mabye with VBoxManage19:18
kozminelwhat are the instant messaging program in ubuntu top 519:18
cjdevlinyaaar: it *seems* like the tools you need are available on linux?19:18
kozmineli forgot the name of the one i used19:18
c0mrade_-sam-_- well it gave me the following.19:18
c0mrade_-E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)19:18
c0mrade_-E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:18
KM0201kozminel: what about making them an archive, and transferring the archive?19:18
GaryDhas anyone installed prozilla? if so how is it working?19:18
KM0201!best | kozminel19:18
ubottukozminel: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:18
cjdevlinyaaar: on ubuntu* : http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=jail&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names19:18
kozminelwell i didnt think at that19:19
C_OkieIf I had an iso file I burned to a disk and it burned correctly, does this mean that the MD5 hash i got for the iso, when I use a program like hashtab, will be the same as the hash for the burned cd when I call md5  command from the terminal in ubuntu forthe live cd ?19:19
sam-_-c0mrade_-, close synaptic or any other package manager19:19
kozmineli wasn't making a poll19:19
chaospsychexanyone know why a partition isn't showing up when i mount it19:19
KM0201kozminel: you asked what the top 5 messengers was.. thats a poll19:19
SwotWhat is better ? 64bit ubuntu vs 32 bit?19:20
kozminel:) i forgoted the name of the one i used19:20
SwotI have 4GB ram..19:20
kozminelso that is what i wanted to find out19:20
KM0201kozminel: then google will help you find it.19:20
kozminelsorry for my english19:20
KM0201kozminel: pidgin, empathy and kopete are the most common linux IM programs19:20
c0mrade_-sam-_- well first of all I am using a virtual maching witht he appropriate virtual tools and I installed Ubuntu 9.4 when I did a window poped up to download the latest updates so I pressed 'OK' now 157 files are downloading one after the other. lol 2 hours left.19:21
Bondv6cjdevlin, a chroot-jail works different by using chroot() system call19:21
KM0201kozminel: but i would just zip them and send them that way19:21
kozminelkopete i used19:21
c0mrade_-Then I opened a terminal and wanted to download Kismet along with them.19:21
c0mrade_-And I did what you said.19:21
kozmineli will do that19:21
kozminelin pidgin i get an error19:21
kozmineltransfer faild19:21
c0mrade_-sudo apt-get install kismet and got the error I mentioned earlier.19:21
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kozminelor something like that19:21
sam-_-c0mrade_-, you will have to wait for the update to finish19:22
KM0201kozminel: then you two are doing something wrong.. i transfer between yahoo members all the time19:22
C_Okieshould the hash on the burned cd and the iso you burned be the same?19:22
chaospsychexanyone know why a partition isn't showing up when i mount it19:23
kozminelanother think..my computer has 1.7 mghz procesor and 1 gb of RAM dd1 , how can i impove my aplications speed over ubuntu19:24
KM0201kozminel: that can get very involved, you're bette off googling on how to tweak ubuntu19:24
Emmanuel_ChanelHello! Do you know some good VoIP software working well with pulseaudio?19:24
nirazioHow to set which application is launched by xdg-open?19:24
KM0201Emmanuel_Chanel: skype?19:24
KM0201!voip | Emmanuel_Chanel19:24
ubottuEmmanuel_Chanel: VoIP is Voice over IP. The default VoIP client for Ubuntu is !Ekiga. There is also an xmpp voice component in !Empathy. Kubuntu Clients include Kphone and Twinkle. Proprietary Clients include !Skype and Gizmo5. VoIP server applications include Asterisk and Yate ( both in repositories ), FreePBX, and SipX.19:24
caotic_hi, I have a ubuntu 8.10, in which I need to install some packages, but all the repositories fail, any idea what can I do to use install the needed software ?19:25
Emmanuel_ChanelCan Skype connect other networks than skype.com ?19:25
kozminelill brb in 30 min19:25
kozminelif i have other question19:25
ignitedcodingsam-_-: I just restored19:25
Emmanuel_ChanelI have Ekiga. But it doesn't connect to pulseaudio directly but via ALSA.19:25
ignitedcodingthe beauty of a cloud server19:25
KM0201caotic_: ubuntu 8.10 is past its end of life, all the repositories are closed, you'll need to upgrade to 9.04(which is also past eol) then to 9.10(which will be eol in a few months)19:25
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KM0201chaospsychex: is it actually mounting and you can browse it, and just not showing up on the desktop?... or what?19:26
Emmanuel_ChanelI have a trouble that my voice is cut every second on Ekiga.19:26
KM0201Emmanuel_Chanel: i didn't have much luck w/ ekiga either.19:26
Emmanuel_ChanelI had on Skype, too. But now I don't find such a problem...19:26
KM0201Emmanuel_Chanel: skype works great for me..19:27
caotic_KM0201: I already know that19:27
KM0201caotic_: well, i mean.. what do you want us to do?... waive a wand and open the repos for you?19:27
tekoniveloi don't understand how my Firefox 3.6 is now called Namoroka after i installed Firefox 4.0...19:28
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caotic_KM0201: nope, i am asking if someone knwos about 8.10 repos, and if there are alternative mirrors19:28
KrupptKM0201: what are the console commands to upgrade 9.04 to 9.1019:28
KM0201tekhneek: nambroka is the beta name for 4.019:28
Picitekonivelo: Namaroka is the codename for the in-development version of Firefox.19:28
KM0201!upgrade  | Kruppt19:28
ubottuKruppt: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:28
alpine101is it faster to copy over a network using nautilus or cp -R * in bash19:28
sam-_-!jaunty> c0mrade_-19:28
chaospsychexwhat is the purpose of this channel?19:28
ubottuc0mrade_-, please see my private message19:28
KM0201caotic_: i highly doubt it..19:28
tekoniveloi'd quite like to have Firefox 3.6 and Firefox 4.0... but if only one can be called Firefox, then i'd like to have either one of them as Firefox19:28
tekoniveloPici: yea19:29
sam-_-chaospsychex, i'm beginning to ask this myself19:29
KM0201tekonivelo: easy fix.. start using Chrome?19:29
tekoniveloPici: but now i have no Firefox at all :\19:29
tekoniveloKM0201: lol19:29
KrupptKM0201: thanks19:29
Picitekonivelo: Namaroka is firefox. Its just a name.19:29
OY1Rhow can i use the onboard soundcard whilst a usb soundcard is plugged in running ubuntu 10.10.19:29
tekoniveloPici: yes, but it's a also a logo and an HTTP Agent String19:29
KM0201jeez, sorry chaos was upset, i was trying to figure out his answer..lol19:30
alpine101maybe download chrome tekonivelo -- chrome works well19:30
tekoniveloi'm using about 5 programs daily which have a blue/blueish globe, so alt-tabbing is mind-numbing19:30
thinkfireAnyone have any experience using uShare to get Xbox 360 shares to work?19:30
* KM0201 <3's Chrome19:30
tekoniveloalpine101: Fx works well too, but i don't understand how Ubuntu handles the Fx-branding19:31
c0mrade_-What a nice channel.19:31
c0mrade_-I talk to someone.19:31
alpine101i don't know what fx branding is tekonivelo19:31
sudobearhi all! is this the channel for technical difficulties?19:31
c0mrade_-And someone else answers.19:31
FloodBot1c0mrade_-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
ignitedcodingsudobear: among other things19:31
KM0201c0mrade_-: people tend to just jump in w/ answers here... w/ so many people, you can't possibly track all the conversations going on.19:31
tekoniveloalpine101: Firefox branding is what makes a Firefox browser (Namoroka, Minefield etc.) a Firefox -product19:31
StavaHow do I mount a .bin/.cue image?19:32
sudobeargreat. I'm having trouble running users-admin19:32
ignitedcodingsudobear: ok... what kind of trouble?19:32
sudobeargksudo users-admin returns -- Liboobs-WARNING **: There was an unknown error communicating asynchronously with the backends: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.19:32
tekoniveloalpine101: it seems somehow Ubuntu cannot figure out which of my browsers (Fx 3.6/Fx 4) should be Firefox19:32
zeinkhello can someone else please help me with my issue19:32
Picitekonivelo: Because all builds need to be certified by Mozilla for them to be allowed to be named 'Firefox'.19:33
zeinkI am trying to mount my external hard drive but the computer can not find it19:33
Krupptubottu: thanks19:33
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:33
ovrflw0xi have prblem w/ switchable graphics ... i installed fglrx.. but Xorg is telling me to turn switchable graphics off -- i don't have such feature in my BIOS so now what to do?19:33
sudobearif i run Users and Groups from the gui, admin functions are disabled19:33
badguygood evening everyone, how to delite windows from my computer with my new supa xubuntu19:33
KM0201sudobear: you have to unlock it... did you click the little padlock and enter your sudo password?19:33
badguyim really leet right now btw19:33
mr2kStava: http://mediakey.dk/~cc/how-to-mount-bin-cue-image-files-in-linux/19:34
ignitedcodingsudobear: what happens if you try "alt+f2" then typing "gksudo users-admin"19:34
ovrflw0xdo i need to install vga_switcheroo or something?19:34
sudobearKM0201: I'm on 10.04 -- no unlock icon19:34
Some_PersonI just reinstalled lucid and my mouse isn't working19:34
ignitedcodingSome_Person: plug it in19:34
KM0201sudobear: well what happens when you try to change something, doesn't it prompt you for the sudo password?19:34
sudobearno prompt19:35
Some_Personignitedcoding: It's built in to my laptop and I also have a USB external mouse. Both are not working19:35
sudobearKM0201: the buttons just don't do anything19:35
KM0201sudobear: is it safe to assume your user has sudo priv?19:35
ovrflw0xhow can i make discrete card on busid PCI:1:0:0 as Default? in xorg.conf?19:35
ignitedcodingSome_Person: I would think driver issue19:35
sudobearKM0201: hehe, yes19:35
thinkfireI keep getting an error that eth0 is down for ushare, I see other options lp1, br0, how do I know which one I am using, I thought eth0 was the typical for a network card?19:35
nirazioI have set my default browser to chrome using update-alternatives,but when i open a website using xdg-open in terminal the website is getting opened in firefox..Why???19:36
KM0201sudobear: did you go doing something crazy w/ sudo su?19:36
histothinkfire: ifconfig will show you19:36
spencernirazio try uninstalling firefox19:36
sudobearKM0201: it works when i start it with gksudo users-admin19:36
KM0201!patience | ovrflw0x19:36
ubottuovrflw0x: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:36
VCoolionirazio: you did set x-www-browser?19:36
thinkfirehisto,  no command, what package is it?19:36
spencerovrflw0x what was your problem?19:36
tunistgreetings! anyone know why an intel quadcore would bring the 10.10 ubuntu installer to a halt at the point the install displays the core numbers? i have use 32 and 64bit versions.. from a usb key19:36
ovrflw0xspencer: i have 2 graphics cards in notebook19:37
puchhello, when try to install ipod porgrams apears this mesage The disable|enable API is not stable and might change in the future.19:37
puchdpkg: error processing nvidia-kernel-common (--configure):19:37
puch subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status  1 Setting up libzvbi-common (0.2.33-1) Setting up libzvbi0 (0.2.33-1) . i need help. thanks19:37
FloodBot1puch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
histothinkfire: ifconfig is in ubuntu-base19:37
ovrflw0xspencer: X is asking me to make either of it as "default"19:37
Some_PersonCan anyone get my mouse working?19:37
histothinkfire: it's part of the minimal system what distro are you running?19:37
KM0201sudobear: soright click your menu/edit menu.. go to down admin, highlight user and groups, click properties, and put "gksudo" in front fo the command to start it... problem solved19:37
KM0201sudobear: but i have no idea what your issue is19:37
sudobearKM0201: no sudo su craziness19:37
ovrflw0xspencer: how can i make my discrete card as Default?19:37
thinkfireubuntu....uhh...I am newb19:37
spencerSome_person is it a mouse or touchpad, and have you tried checking the repos for drivers?19:37
histothinkfire: open a terminal and type in ifconfig19:37
number_numberhaving issues with perl locales, "Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale".. i've read several "fixes" but I thought I'd check if anyone here knows?19:38
spencerovrflw0x what options does it give you?19:38
Some_Personspencer: both a mouse and a touchpad. Neither are working, and I've never needed drivers for it before19:38
ovrflw0xspencer: what BIOS? none!19:38
thinkfireoh woops, that worked, I had typed ipconfig out of habit19:38
spencersome_person, have you ever had them working with this distro?19:38
Some_Personspencer: I've run karmic, lucid, and maverick before on here, and although maverick had major crashing problems, the mouse always worked19:38
sudobearKM0201: gksudo users-admin will work, but it takes a while to start, and I get this warning: Liboobs-WARNING **: There was an unknown error communicating asynchronously with the backends: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.19:38
thinkfireso I have virbr0, l0, and eth019:39
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histothinkfire: yeah linux it's ifconfig and iwconfig for wireless19:39
spencerovrflw0x what is prompting you to choose X as default19:39
histothinkfire: what are you trying to do exactly?19:39
ovrflw0xspencer: "startx"19:39
nirazioVCoolio: Yes i have already set that19:39
FloodBot1DutchCow94: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
thinkfirewhat is the virbr0 for?19:39
thinkfirehisto, I am trying to configure ushare, but its telling me that eth0 is down when I start it19:40
spencerHow often do we get spammed like that?19:40
ovrflw0xspencer: X is asking me to choose default screen19:40
thinkfirehisto, Interface eth0 is down.19:40
thinkfireRecheck uShare's configuration and try again !19:40
number_numberhas anyone else had these perl locale issues, 'cannot set'?19:40
ovrflw0xspencer: wtf should i do man19:40
histothinkfire: well which interface are you using for network?  ifconfig should show one with an ip19:40
VCoolionirazio: maybe you did something wrong in the command syntax; try galternatives, much easier19:40
spencerovrflw0x, sorry but general troubleshooting is as far as I go. Can you boot up into the OS correctly, even as far as login screen?19:41
thinkfirehisto, galternatives?19:41
thinkfireinstead of ushare?19:41
ovrflw0xspencer: No!19:41
histothinkfire: there are plenty of alternatives but most likely you just need to tell the config what interface to use19:41
ovrflw0xspencer: it says "switchable" graphics found! choose one as default19:41
thinkfirevirbr0 has ip
frxstremis it possible to create a peer-to-peer wifi hotspot in Ubuntu and pass all connections from it through a SOCKS proxy?19:41
histothinkfire: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ushare19:41
spencerovrflw0x please calm down, I'm trying to help. Do you require both graphics cards, or can you disable one in BIOS?19:41
Some_PersonCan anyone get my mouse working?19:41
histothinkfire: and select virbr0 as the adapter19:42
ovrflw0xspencer: no BIOS has no such option19:42
thinkfireeth0 has ip which I assume is the right interface since thats the IP that my router is assigning to it based on MAC19:42
mr2kSome_Person:  Tried a reboot? :P19:42
Some_Personmr2k: That was the first thing I tried19:42
doriangreyhello i was following a tutorial but i am stuck on the step where it say "open the run box and type"  what does mean open the run box? thanks19:42
mr2kSome_Person: Desktop or laptop?19:42
Dciteovrflw0x: Does your notebook have on of those discreet graphic cards with an intel chip also?19:42
Some_PersonI actually thought the system had crashed while booting, but it obviously didn't19:42
spencerovrflw0x can you boot into BIOS right now? I might be able to guide you through disabling it, because it does in fact have that option19:42
erUSULdoriangrey: alt + f219:42
Some_Personmr2k: laptop, but it's always worked out of the box before (even the live CD works)19:43
ovrflw0xspencer: one is discrete other is integrated19:43
ovrflw0xspencer: this is ENVY 14 HP notebook it has no such option!!!19:43
nazgulHi. I cant start the gnome-keyring-daemon: http://pastebin.com/CAz6f1QD . It is in the GNOME startup program list. How can I fix this? see also http://paste.ubuntu.com/546071/19:43
thinkfirehisto, it worked19:43
spencerdcite ovrflw0x it could be an option to disable one, your thoughts dcite?19:43
nirazioVCoolio: I have already checked using galternatives..google-chrome is set there19:43
histothinkfire: cool19:43
thinkfirehisto, is virbr0 some virtual adapter?19:43
mr2kSome_Person: There usually is a combination of fn + <a button> which turns the touchpad on and off, you haven't pressed these without noticing?19:43
ovrflw0xspencer: dcite?19:44
Some_Personmr2k: external USB mouse also isn't working19:44
histothinkfire: don't know.  Depends on what cards you ahve etc...19:44
doriangreyerUSUL,  thanks ;)19:44
Some_Personmr2k: and this laptop doesn't have such a keycombo19:44
Dcitespencer ovrflw0x : I wonder if this is one of those new notebooks with on-demand switching of graphics.19:44
ovrflw0xDcite: yes19:44
histothinkfire: lspci  would show you some info on your hardware19:44
thinkfireoh wait, it said that interface is down too19:44
histoDcite: could be sounds like it to me19:44
mr2kSome_Person: Ah! what happens when you run lspci?19:44
spencerdcite ovrflw0x if that's the case, would disabling one help?19:44
histoovrflw0x: what kind of notebook is it?19:44
mr2kSome_Person: lsusb19:44
ovrflw0xhisto: envy 14 hp19:44
VCoolionirazio: then I don't know, alternatives is the tool for xdg-open; if it doesn't listen, try gnome-open and set chrome in preferred applications19:44
histospencer: he can't it's new hardware19:44
mr2kSome_Person: Is the external mouse listed there?19:44
histoovrflw0x: let me check on something hold up a min19:45
ovrflw0xhisto:  ok!19:45
spencerhisto it more than likely can in advanced BIOS settings, unless it's leaps and bounds from mine19:45
Some_Personmr2k: the USB mouse is listed in lsusb19:45
alec1how do you set font size on a box without desktop enviornment?19:45
ovrflw0xspencer: had it been in bios i would have known it by now19:45
spencerSome_Person and there's no damage to the USB mouse? nothing blocking the laser?19:46
Some_Personspencer: It worked before I rebooted after the installation19:46
thinkfirehisto,  lspci doesnt help with that, shows the onboard network card, gigabit, but does not tell what interface it is19:46
ovrflw0xspencer: i installed "Fglrx" properietary driver when this thing happened "rebooted"19:46
Some_Personspencer: Also, that wouldn't explain why the touchpad also isn't working19:46
histothinkfire: lshw maybe dunno. But either way it's wroking now19:46
spencerovrflw0x there's an advanced menu to disable onboard components, again unless it's leaps and bounds from mine19:46
mr2kSome_Person: Does it work if you run any of the other choices in grub?19:46
histoovrflw0x: So it was working?19:47
puch ello, when i try to intall some software realationated with sound video card apears tis message:  The disable|enable API is not stable and might change in the future19:47
puchhello, when i try to intall some software realationated with sound video card apears tis message:  The disable|enable API is not stable and might change in the future.19:47
puchdpkg: error processing nvidia-kernel-common (--configure):19:47
puch subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 119:47
puchSetting up libzvbi-common (0.2.33-1) ...19:47
puchSetting up libzvbi0 (0.2.33-1) ...19:47
thinkfireIts not, I missed it, says virbr0 is down19:47
ovrflw0xhisto: yes i had to close the lid and open it to see the screen then i installed19:47
FloodBot1puch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
Some_Personmr2k: Why would it? This would seem to be an X configuration problem or something19:47
spencerSome_Person does anything happen when you unplug the USB mouse and only try to use the touchpad?19:47
ovrflw0xhisto: fglrx and it loads only in init 319:47
Some_Personspencer: No change. Both usually work simultaneously anyway19:47
ovrflw0xhisto: it was defaulting to intel19:48
histoovrflw0x: Yeah I think you can only use hte discreete video right now. Unless they've updated something in the kenrel19:48
mr2kSome_Person: I have no idea, I'm just trying to narrow down the problem.19:48
spencerSome_Person so nothing changes after you reboot. How new is the current distro?19:48
ovrflw0xhisto: how to use the discrete video?19:48
Some_Personspencer: I'm running lucid19:48
histoovrflw0x: the intel card19:48
ovrflw0xhisto: here vgaswitchero for switching19:48
ovrflw0xhisto: i don't like the intel card19:49
ovrflw0xhisto:  i want to use the discrete card19:49
histoovrflw0x: The intel is the discreet card19:49
ovrflw0xATI HD 5650 is the discrete19:49
spencerSome_Person how recently installed, and if it's fresh then was the liveCD an official one or a home-burned one?19:49
histoovrflw0x: I don't know if someone has a way of switching in linux working yet19:49
Flinx_Running Lucid, should I put new $PATH variables in my .bashrc or my .profile?19:49
ovrflw0xhisto:  as i said there "vga_switcheroo" for that19:49
Some_Personspencer: fresh install. I used unetbootin on an SD card19:49
doriangreyhelloo stacking again on this step "Now open orca prefrences with insert + space, go to the speech tab"19:49
doriangreyi press ins+space bar but happen nothing19:50
histoovrflw0x: I don't know anything about vga_switcheroo19:50
spencerSome_Person does it not have a CD drive then? I'm used to having my shiny fresh lucid boot disk, sent by someone in sweden lol19:50
histoovrflw0x: maybe post on the forums. Perhaps someone has the same hardware19:50
Some_Personspencer: It does, but I had issues burning the CD initially19:50
histoovrflw0x: but integrated graphics should work out of the box19:50
huskers_okay, recently built a new computer w/ v10.10 64 - wanted to take advantage of 12GB RAM.  that said i also changed from nvidia to ATI; thus far i have had a few  hiccups (lock ups; frozen apps)..am wondering if this is related to the video or the 64bit version.  anyone have any insight?19:50
ovrflw0xhisto: yes until i installed fglrx driver19:51
Some_Personspencer: I don't really see why this matters. unetbootin shouldn't cause any problems19:51
krambiorixhi guys19:51
histoovrflw0x: to switch you need to restart X I believe19:51
ovrflw0xhisto: yes19:51
spencerSome_Person I used a home-burnt disc once and had a few problems, nothing as crippling as yours, but it -might- be a possible COD19:51
histoovrflw0x: /sys/kernel/debeug/vgaswitcheroo/switch  in a shell19:51
spencerSome_Person do the arrow keys work?19:51
histoovrflw0x: so echo DDIS > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch19:52
Some_Personspencer: Yes. I'm talking to you through irssi in the lucid install19:52
ovrflw0xhisto: i know all that19:52
doriangrey<doriangrey> helloo stacking again on this step "Now open orca prefrences with insert + space, go to the speech tab"  i press ins+space bar but happen nothing19:52
krambiorixi'm running ubuntu 10.04 and i installed acroread using Ubuntu Software center.... Now when i want to open a PDF in firefox it opens up acroread but acroread crashes....19:52
ovrflw0xhisto:  how can i debugfs switcheroo?19:52
krambiorixCan someone tell me what 's wrong?19:52
spencerSome_Person okay, have you noticed any other problems? Also, does rebooting with the mouse unplugged do anything?19:52
histoovrflw0x: file a bug with launchpad possibly. Or ask in the forums.19:52
Some_Personspencer: Hard to notice any other problems when I'm using the machine with no mouse. And no, rebooting with it unplugged doesn't change anything19:53
spencerkrambiorix is it a netbook/really old computer? also, doe sit show any error messages?19:53
krambiorixspence, laptop 1 years old, no errors19:54
ldfsilvafolks, I'm trying to mount a ufs2 partition in read-write mode in ubuntu 10.10 , does anyone got success doing that before ?19:54
spencerkrambiorix does it help to unin/reinstall the program?19:54
spencerhi puch, how can we help you?19:54
krambiorixspencer, i just did....19:54
krambiorixdidn't help19:55
puch to change te controler nvidia or configure it what can do?19:55
ovrflw0xhisto: how can i remove the installed properietary "FGLRX" driver?19:55
ovrflw0xfrom command line19:55
ldfsilvaI tried to bring up ufs module ( modprobe ufs ), did not work.. just can mount in read-only mode19:55
khamerAnyone have RabbitVCS or equivalent displaying file revisions inside of nautilus?19:55
ovrflw0xapt-get remove fglrx?19:55
nit-witkrambiorix, what is the actual problem19:55
spencerovrflw0x, sudo apt-get remove fglrx19:56
spenceror maybe it would apt-remove? I'm not very CLI-intensive19:57
Doctehapt-get remove something19:57
spencerokay, wasn't entirely sure19:57
Some_PersonDoes anyone know how I can get my mouse working?19:57
aximiliis this an english chan ?19:57
Doctehbetter off using aptitude if you're not sure on exact pkg name19:57
aximiliem, seems like it is :)19:58
nit-witaximili, pretty much i think19:58
DoctehSome_Person: you should specify what sort of not working, like at all or scrollwheel?19:58
puchthe nvidia controller doesn't work and isa its verfy inestable to the rpograms to control ipod what can do?19:58
spenceraximili yes19:58
Some_PersonDocteh: at all19:58
krambiorixnit-wit, i'm running ubuntu 10.04 and i installed acroread using Ubuntu Software center.... Now when i want to open a PDF in firefox it opens up acroread but acroread crashes....19:58
spenceraximili Que? Cual es la fecha? <- Kidding, how can we help you?19:58
aximilii don't need any help thanks19:59
nit-witkrambiorix, can you purge it and reinstall19:59
DoctehSome_Person: usb?19:59
aximilii just run x chat for the first time19:59
Some_PersonDocteh: USB external mouse and PS/2 built-in touchpad19:59
spenceraximili okay, if you need any help just ask, and good luck with X19:59
Some_PersonDocteh: Neither is working19:59
aximilithanks, bye guys !19:59
nit-witkrambiorix, does the stock pdf reader work19:59
Doctehso two mice not working lol19:59
krambiorixnit-wit, stock?20:00
Some_PersonDocteh: The mice themselves work fine. Something must be wrong with ubuntu, maybe the X server config?20:00
spenceranyone needing any general troubleshooting? If not, I'm switching to /offtopic20:00
agentgasmaskHi guys. I'm looking for a benchmarking program for SSD. I've got a acer aspire one with SSD and want to see what the read/write speed is.20:00
nit-witkrambiorix, the E document reader in graphics20:00
nirazioHow can use ubuntu in full screen mode via virtual box or any other software ?20:00
Doctehtry cat /dev/psaux in a command window and move your mouse, any garbage show up? then do ctrl+c20:01
spenceragentgasmask gparted has those capabilities20:01
madduckHello. We have a file server at home (SMB, SSH obviously), and my mum runs Ubuntu. What is a good backup software for her to use on-demand, which integrates with GNOME and reminds her when her backups are outdated, and which allows for easy recovery?20:01
Some_PersonYou used to be able to reconfigure X with 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', but that doesn't do anything these days? What's the equivilent command nowadays?20:01
krambiorixnit-wit, i don't have that20:01
ldfsilvasomeone for a help ?? ufs partition in write mode on ubuntu20:01
spencernirazio if it's openbox, then [host key] plus F works for fullscreening20:01
agentgasmaskspencer: thanks, I'll check that out.20:01
nit-witkrambiorix, what version of Ubuntu they all come with it installed20:01
tekhneekI'm trying to mount a remote directory in SSHFS to copy files locally to a remote server -- I have www-data as the owner and permissions are 777 across the board yet I still get errors saying permission denied. What the hell do I have to do to allow myself to copy files into an SSHFS folder via PHP script?20:01
spenceragentgasmask no problem20:01
tekhneek$ cp /image-library-network/hotfolder/P00013_lg.jpg /image-library-network/imageset/P00013.jpg20:01
tekhneekcp: accessing `/image-library-network/imageset/P00013.jpg': Permission denied20:02
DoctehSome_Person: check if there is an etc xorg.conf20:02
krambiorixnit-wit, 10.0420:02
Some_PersonDocteh: Nope, doesn't exist20:02
Doctehits all automagic then, look at the logs and see whats up20:03
Some_PersonDocteh: What logs should I look at?20:03
ovrflw0xgrub does not show my windows partition after a "Fresh" install! what to do20:03
DoctehXorg* in /var/log i think20:04
rcmhey guys20:04
onlyplayragzanyone know where i can get basic php support?20:04
nit-witkrambiorix, right click the pdf and then look under open with do you see document viewer20:04
ldfsilvagoing to compile the kernel.. let's see if it works20:05
RocketSnailanyone know where I can find a pvc sprinkler valve20:05
ICMonlyplayragz, try #PHP20:05
spencerrocketsnail truly incorrect channel, try the local hardware store?20:05
onlyplayragzi did that thanks20:05
krambiorixnit-wit, document viewer?20:05
rcmI just installed lxde with sudo apt-get install lxde, but when I access the server via vnc, the only windows managers that appear are fluxbox (that I installed before) and openbox, there shouldnt be lxde? btw my server has ubuntu server 10.1020:05
RocketSnailoh there isn't a pvc channel is there :p or a plumbing?20:05
ICMStrange, it's overflowing, onlyplayragz20:06
PiciRocketSnail: Try #help or maybe #ubuntu-offtopic20:06
RocketSnailI doubt it?20:06
tekhneekAnyone have any ideas?20:06
Doctehit'd be ##plumbing20:06
spencerrocketsnail your local hardware store would be happy to help20:06
RocketSnailokay thanks guys!20:06
Doctehunofficial channel for plumbing lol20:06
niraziospencer: How to find the host key??20:06
agentgasmaskspencer: Any tips on starting a test like that in gparted? I cant seem to find the option.20:06
spenceragentgasmask lemme fire it up20:07
Some_PersonDocteh: I see no mention of a mouse in Xorg.0.log20:07
virtual110ciao a tutti20:07
agentgasmaskspencer: Thanks20:07
krambiorixnit-wit, i see in /opt that i have 2 different versions of acrobat20:07
spenceragentgasmask my bad, it's disk utility that does that20:08
nit-witkrambiorix, just right click the pdf under open with what do you see20:08
RootsIf anyone here knows a good method for producing a list of target files/locations when running make install, I could use your advice here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=4199199#post419919920:08
virtual110ho installato amule ho scaricato file musicali li legge ma non li vedo nela catella sono offuscati cosa devo fare?20:08
agentgasmaskspencer: can you be a little more specific?20:08
krambiorixnit-wit, adobe reader  and acrobat20:08
krambiorixacrobat -> acroread20:09
kozmineli have an error while installin ubuntu tweak20:09
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kozminelwho can help me?20:09
spenceragentgasmask system>administration>disk utility20:09
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sgerbinohey buntoids :]20:09
spencervirtual110 no hablamos espanol20:09
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nit-witkrambiorix, when you right click and move the mouse to open with all you see is adobe stuff20:10
agentgasmaskspencer: oh, ok. I thought you said "a disk utility". I didn't relize that the program it self was called "Disk Utility". :)20:10
XiaolinDraconisDisk Utility is the crap they replace gparted with20:10
spenceragentgasmask it's okay, you just select the drive and hit the conveniently-named "benchmark"20:10
Alarmhello. i have installed mplayer and mplayer-skin-blue,  unfortunately there is no shortcut icon in my menu, neither do i see a front end when starting mplayer from console20:10
Alarmany suggestions how to see the interface of mplayer ?20:11
spencerAlarm try totem?20:11
Alarmwhy should i when i want play mplayer ?20:11
kozminelwhile installing ubuntu tweak20:11
kozmineli get this error20:11
kozminelTraceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 768, in simulate     return self._simulate_helper(trans, status_path)   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 841, in _simulate_helper     self._cache)   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apt/debfile.py", line 57, in __init__     self.open(filename)   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apt/debf20:11
spencerkozminel can you try typing it all in one line, or use pastebin20:11
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krambiorixnit-wit yes20:12
tunisthi, can anyone explain why the ubuntu installer crashes when installing on an intel quadcore..? there's a screenshot of where it gets up to here: http://www.growforall.co.uk/images/IMG_0360.JPG ... both 32bit and 64bit versions of 10.10 get stuck this way20:12
cptbloodis there hw acceleration support for flash videos, if so, how?20:12
kozminelany idea for my problem?20:13
spencerkozminel can I PM?20:13
kozmineli-m using an online irc program20:13
kozmineli don't know if you can20:14
nit-witkrambiorix, when you right click the pdf then click properties then open with what are the choices20:14
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krambiorixnitwit, acroread, Adobe Reader 9, Document Viewer20:15
nit-witkrambiorix, this is what my right click pdf open wth looks like. http://imagebin.org/12897320:15
XiaolinDraconisplease tell me theres an easier way20:16
XiaolinDraconisgrub cant have gotten this difficult20:16
nit-witkrambiorix, you have added adobe products from the web site correct besides acroread correct20:16
Milp_mainquick, someone help me, i need a script that converts 200k files nested in 16k directories with all sorts of special characters from mixed upper-lowercase to lowercase only20:17
krambiorixnit-wit, yeah could be20:17
Milp_maini tried all sorts of googled solutions and none seemed to work20:17
Milp_mainoh, before i forget: please :)20:17
krambiorixso i have to uninstall acrobat 9 then?20:17
PiciMilp_main: filenames?20:17
cptbloodis vaapi the ati version of vdpau?20:17
PiciMilp_main: I mean you want the filenames converted to lowercase, or the file contents?20:18
Milp_mainnames only please20:18
nit-witkrambiorix, the document viewer in the open with click on it, then try clicking on the pdf then. your a MS user aren't you20:18
Milp_mainand it has to work recusrively and for folders too20:18
krambiorixnit-wit, no i'm not20:18
krambiorixnit-wit, i'm using ubuntu since it came out20:19
nit-witkrambiorix, just trying to figure out your skill level since this is such a easy thng20:19
XiaolinDraconisplease tell me i can do this grub2 stuff easier20:19
sam-_-tunist, you may try various kernel options http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt20:19
linear4Milp_main: try using rename?20:19
XiaolinDraconisi have two identically named ubuntu's in my list20:19
XiaolinDraconisand no easy way to change it20:20
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, 2 kernel lines correct20:20
krambiorixnit-wit, yes ok, but which one to use?20:20
XiaolinDraconisi installed lucid twice20:20
linear4Milp_main: rename 'y/a-z/A-Z/' *20:20
PiciMilp_main: How about: find /path/to/files/ -type f | xargs rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/'20:20
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, the second is important for repairs20:20
XiaolinDraconisno no i removed all those lines somehow20:21
linear4oh to lowercase.. what Pici said20:21
XiaolinDraconisubuntu tweak i think20:21
ikoniaPlease try to avoid ubuntu tweak20:21
tunistthanks sam, i'll play with those and see if i can find any more info20:21
XiaolinDraconisikonia whats wrong with tweak20:22
sam-_-tunist, i would start with debug and acpi=off20:22
Milp_mainlinear4 that is not recursive, is it? :/ Pici: what do you mean by /path/to/files/ ? its a giant directory tree as a whole that i need to 'translate' ;)20:22
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, righ you removed whole kernel sets the have a main kernel and a recover/repair, not the same recovery as a MS system though20:22
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: it can cause damage by scripting things which are already available in ubuntu20:22
PiciMilp_main: wherever the 'root' of your directory tree that you want to modify is.20:22
XiaolinDraconisnit-wit: i dont know what your saying20:22
nit-witkrambiorix, using Ubuntu since it came out which one 10.1020:23
linear4Milp_main: no that would be one directory. uh. not the best solution.. very strange one, but I would get a file with all the dirs using ls -RA and awk print whatever and then do a for loop with head and tail to do each directory at once. strange but it's what comes to my mind.20:23
XiaolinDraconisikonia: only seem available if you know scipting20:23
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, I know it's quite obvios20:23
Milp_mainPici oh ok i will try that20:23
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: no, everything you can do in ubuntu tweak you can do without it20:23
Milp_mainlinear4 uh i barely understood any of that lol :D20:23
krambiorixbut i use it cause i was fed up with ms win... I'm a user, not a hard core fan20:23
linear4Milp_main: Just do what Pici said it'll work much easier lol.20:23
Milp_mainlol alright20:24
XiaolinDraconisikonia: only for scripters20:24
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: no, for anyone20:24
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, the irc is not a good place to l;earn20:24
tunistsam - which file do i need to edit to use these flags?20:24
XiaolinDraconissorry but i dont understand -dfsdfg +asdfjhsdfgh/// >wtf20:24
DciteXiaolinDraconis: I don't think that's in the document.20:24
XiaolinDraconisnit-wit: seems great to me i learned a lot so far20:24
sam-_-tunist, no need to edit a file. it's boot option20:24
XiaolinDraconisno but it is in os-probe file20:25
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, you might try #ubuntu-beginners as well20:25
sam-_-tunist, you need to add them manually20:25
anodesniHi, how can I change the webcam used in empathy?20:25
c0mradeI am chatting from ubuntu using pidgin.20:25
c0mradeReally nice design here.20:25
DciteXiaolinDraconis: I still don't see that line.. the page already says which command and what to change..20:26
cptbloodwhich gfx cards are vaapi compatible? cant find a chart20:26
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, you think you have but your not understanding some basic stuff,nor able to describe it in a technical manner, at whose expense have you learned3d I have to ask20:26
armageddon900does anybody know of any good security chanels on irc20:26
XiaolinDraconislol yes Dcite i was being a little sarcastic20:26
volasalve qualcuno parla italiano20:26
XiaolinDraconissome of that stuff is in a foreign language... at least to me it is20:26
Pici!it | vola20:26
ubottuvola: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:26
GaryDdoes anyone know how to completely uninstall assistive technology? i do not use it at all.20:27
DciteXiaolinDraconis: If you don't get a certain step, just ask in teh channel I'm sure soeone wil explain20:27
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, if we had a picture of the terminal after running sudo update-grub it would help20:27
c0mrade_-Can chat from the virtual maching and from my windows box.20:27
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, or a paste bin of the out put20:28
grendal_primewhos good with cron?20:28
XiaolinDraconisand this is why i love ubuntu20:28
Some_PersonPlease somebody help me get my mouse working. I don't want to use Linux in the commandline20:28
XiaolinDraconisthank you guys20:28
* Some_Person currently has irssi in tty1, elinks in tty2, and a command line for doing things in tty320:28
XiaolinDraconiswell linux period since Puppy users were also this friendly20:28
grendal_primeif i create a cron job that runs every min is there a way to have it check to see if there is already an instance running before it starts again?20:28
St0181hello there can some1 help me with irc20:28
XiaolinDraconisok im gonna follow those steps to detail as much as possible20:29
PraxiI'm trying to learn about symbolic links, reading the wikipedia article, and trying to relate it to things I know in windows.  Whats the difference between a windows shortcut and a symbolic link?20:29
XiaolinDraconisill report back when i run into trouble20:29
ikoniaSt0181: irc help can be found in the channel #freenode20:29
erUSULgrendal_prime: use a pidfile? should be the easier form i think20:29
anodesniHi, how can I change the webcam used in empathy?20:30
ikoniaanodesni: do you have multiple web cams on your system ?20:30
anodesniikonia, yes20:30
ikoniaanodesni: interesting, what device file are you currently using for your web cam20:30
anodesniikonia, one build in in my laptop,20:30
GaryDnever mind...i found it20:31
anodesniikonia, I want to use an external one,20:31
erUSULanodesni: change it in gstreamer-properties ? i guess empathy uses gstreamer20:31
anodesnierUSUL, tnx20:31
ikoniaanodesni: in the empathy config, what device does it say it's using (/dev/video for example)20:31
anodesnilets try20:31
Some_PersonDoes X have absolutely no way at all to configure it nowadays?20:32
ikoniaSome_Person: yes many ways20:32
PiciSome_Person: Create an xorg.conf file and it will honor it.20:32
XiaolinDraconisok i think before i even get started i need to update-grub and reboot to see what changes it makes since i have edited somethings with gurb already20:32
erUSULSome_Person: the same ways as allways ... xorg.conf is aboyed if it is present20:32
brianfreudwhen I pipe text, how would I go about adding in a foo such that  (something) | foo | (something2) passes only the last line of something to something2?20:32
apoelwhere can i find commands to work on ubuntu server edition?20:32
Some_PersonDoes the live CD use an xorg.conf?20:33
ikoniaSome_Person: no20:33
Milp_mainit seemed to hve worked, thanks pici!20:33
erUSUL!cli | apoel20:33
ubottuapoel: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro20:33
ikoniaapoel: just ask what you need20:33
* Some_Person is trying to figure out why a fresh lucid install has a non-working mouse20:33
erUSULMilp_main: you were lucky there was no filenames with spaces ;P20:33
FloodBot1willi_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:33
histoSome_Person: depends no your hardware.  What are you running?20:33
* ikonia thinks Some_Person should stop using /me or eomte commands20:33
histowilli_: stop20:33
* histo agrees20:34
sam-_-tunist, if you press f6 it will give you a list of options also you can then edit them manually20:34
Some_Personhisto: Gateway M-6866. The built-in Synaptic touchpad and my external Logitech USB laser mouse are both not working20:34
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Milp_mainerUSUL WAIT WHAT? oh god then it might not have worked after all20:34
phurlhi all20:35
baudsmokehello everyone20:35
histoSome_Person: try just using one mouse20:35
phurlanyone have the problem that supertux is blinking all  the time?20:35
spencerhi phurl and baudsmoke20:35
histoSome_Person: and starting X20:35
Some_Personhisto: Already tried that. No change20:35
phurli am getting a headache!20:35
histoSome_Person: does lsusb show the logitech?20:35
Some_Personhisto: yes20:35
erUSULMilp_main: this should be fine « find /path/to/files/ -type f -execdir rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' + » or if you insist i using xargs ... « find /path/to/files/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' »20:36
erUSULMilp_main: this should be fine « find /path/to/files/ -type f -execdir rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' '{}' + » or if you insist i using xargs ... « find /path/to/files/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' »20:36
* brianfreud wonders if someone has a functional bulk flac tester for ubuntu... I'm trying this and it won't work: find '/media/Music' -name "*.flac" -type f -print0 | tail -n 1 | xargs -0 flac -t | tail -n 1 2>output.log20:36
erUSULMilp_main: sorry typo20:36
=== St0181 is now known as St018
XiaolinDraconisbefore i go20:37
ignitedcoding!! I installed chrome on ubuntu. Now whenever I click a link in IRC, Email, or IM it opens in chrome. How do I fix this?20:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
brianfreudsorry, typo:  find '/media/Music' -name "*.flac" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 flac -t | tail -n 1 2>output.log20:37
histoSome_Person: no idea there. Maybe a post on the forums or check out some of the docs20:37
histo!mouse > Some_Person20:37
ubottuSome_Person, please see my private message20:37
relachshi there20:37
erUSULbrianfreud: what is the tail between find and xargs doing?20:37
ignitedcodingsorry ubottu : wasn't talking to you20:37
histoignitedcoding: change the default browser20:37
brianfreuderUSUL: Was a typo :P20:37
ikoniaSome_Person: build an xorg config and hard code the mouse settings20:37
XiaolinDraconisi just ran update-grub and it says found background image plasma.tga .... but that is not the theme im using20:37
histoignitedcoding: system > preferences > preferred apps20:37
Some_Personhisto: But my mouse doesn't have "extra buttons" and I'm not using a serial mouse20:38
brianfreudBest possible world, I'd find a linux equiv to audiotester20:38
Some_Personikonia: I feel like doing that in the command line would be hell :-(20:38
relachsI'm wondering if you could tell me if it is possible to decrypt an email pgp message without my Passphrase?! I only have a private key :/20:38
ignitedcodinghisto: thank you.20:38
ogelamiif im in linux and have mistakenly deleted my windows bootsector how do i get it back?20:38
ignitedcodingoh so much better20:38
erUSULrelachs: nope; you need the passphrase to unlock the private key20:39
ikoniaSome_Person: yes the livecd, or use another machine and copy the file onto your machine20:39
ogelamii want my computer to standardly boot as windows720:39
XiaolinDraconisogelami: you put the disk in and open recovery20:39
XiaolinDraconissomething about fixmbr20:39
ogelamii formatted the partition20:39
tunist@sam: i did see the F6 option at one point .. possibly using a different install image.. the one i have now is not responding to F620:39
relachserUSUL: so it's not possible :/20:39
Some_Personikonia: Ok, I'll reboot and then ask for instructions. Thank you20:39
erUSULrelachs: no afaics20:39
sam-_-tunist, version of ubuntu?20:39
ogelamii dont want linux and im using a live cd, i still have the win7 os20:39
XiaolinDraconisgoogle it or search forums gives a good description20:39
nit-witogelami, I just looged on again whats going on20:39
tunist10.10 - both 32 and 6420:40
shadalooogelami trust me dude you want linux20:40
XiaolinDraconisso true20:40
nit-witogelami, PM20:40
ogelamishadaloo, its for my brother hes 6 and i and he dont know shit about driver fixing20:40
XiaolinDraconisyeah im a bad helper20:40
shadalooshaolin forever20:40
histo!ohmy | ogelami20:40
ubottuogelami: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:40
ogelamiso id say fuck linux its way to hardcore20:40
shadalooogelami trust me he will learn the fastest20:41
tunistsam: the install screen is black with a glowing white ubuntu logo20:41
ogelamiand he cant play games and stuff20:41
spencerogelami language please20:41
nit-witXiaolinDraconis, it is all good20:41
ogelamisorry spencer20:41
tunistsam: not the red/pink one20:41
XiaolinDraconisthanks nit20:41
IdleOne!language | ogelami20:41
ubottuogelami: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:41
Praxiogelami: I got my kids box working using playonlinux20:41
sam-_-tunist maybe you have to press  escape first20:41
ikoniaogelami: linux is not really a gaming platform at this time.20:41
Praxihad some easy installers for most games, about the only one I couldn't get working that they wanted was toon town20:41
nit-witthe #ubuntu-beginner channel is pretty clear right now for dialogue20:41
tunistsam: ah, escape goes to a command line with 'boot'20:42
ogelamihe is six, my mom dont know how to operate a linux and i dont live here.20:42
paradoxicIs there a way to avoid being prompted for mysql root password details when using apt-get to install mysql server?20:42
tunistso tap the codes in there?20:42
ogelamiits simple, let him do what ever he want20:42
ikoniaogelami: if you want games, Linux may not be the best option for you.20:42
Praxiya true that ogelami , I have to help the kids a lot with their linux pc.  works great for them for web surfing though :)20:43
XiaolinDraconisikonia: do you think you might know this issue20:43
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: issue to what ?20:43
XiaolinDraconisi have burg installed changed a theme20:43
XiaolinDraconisjust now i ran update grub20:43
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: I have no idea what burg is20:44
XiaolinDraconisits a grub2 theme manager20:44
XiaolinDraconiswell it does more than just that20:44
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: is it in the ubuntu repos /20:44
naiadI have two monitors and I am trying to have 1 in portrait and 1 in landscape while still having gl for compiz.  I'm using the nvidia closed drivers does anyone know if this is possible?  I've read a couple places that it wont be until the drivers change and I'm just trying to confirm20:44
ikonia!infor burg20:44
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: how did you install it ?20:44
XiaolinDraconisadded a repo20:44
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: from where20:45
sam-_-tunist use my name if u ask me. you might get lost otherwise20:45
XiaolinDraconislemme double check20:45
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PraxiTrying to install Snorby on ubuntu server 10.04 x64. Using this guide https://github.com/Snorby/snorby/wiki/Ubuntu-1.9.2-without-RVM-by-Eric-Peters .  when I run rake snorby:setup I get this error http://github.com/mephux/ezprint.git (at rails3) is not checked out. Please run `bundle install` .... Running bundle install appears successful but I still get the same error.  I probably have lots...20:45
Praxi...of competing versions of ruby/rails/rvm and I don't know how to clean them off.20:45
tunistsam: ok sure ;)20:45
Praxiogelami if you still have a windows partition, and just want to make it work, use your windows cd and goto a recovery console, its fdisk /mbr to rebuild boot record20:46
ogelamiPraxi, i dont have the win7 cd no more20:46
ikoniaogelami: the guys in ##windows will be able to help you20:47
Praxithats not good hehe, couple of guys in here mentioned how to do with with the linux cd20:47
lunksHow can I SSH into a host, map a remote port to a local port, and not get console access, just the port forwarding?20:47
s3rrisum hi i need some help installing ubuntu.20:47
ikonias3rris: explain your issue20:47
ogelamiokay thanks ikonia20:47
Praxianyone have any ideas on how to completely remove Rails/Ruby/RVM?20:48
s3rrisI have a 2GB flashdrive and i'm currently running on OSX 10.4. I just need to know if that'll be good enough for installing ubuntu on a partioned HD.20:48
ikonias3rris: you want to use the usb disk as an installer, or as the target disk for the install20:48
sam-_-tunist, one sec i will investigate20:48
Some_PersonNevermind, I actually got the mouse to work: seems I still had some old Linux kernels left on here from my old maverick install, and was booting one of those20:48
s3rrisummm i want to install Ubuntu using a USB stick :|20:49
ikonias3rris: ok, then that 2GB stick should be enough20:49
Some_PersonWhat kernel version *should* lucid have?20:49
pankajhow to connect to internet in ubuntu20:49
* VanDamas http://www.bbsex.org/index.php You must see that!20:50
s3rrisalso can i drag and drop all of my shit from OSX to Ubuntu?20:50
PiciSome_Person: 2.6.32-21.32 at install or 2.6.32-27.49 with all updates.20:50
s3rrisi have no idea if this is possible.20:50
ikonias3rris: control your language20:50
Picis3rris: Please mind your language here.20:50
s3rrisoh. sorry :P20:50
ikonias3rris: ubuntu can read HFS partitions but not write to them20:50
kozminelwhile i recive a file using pidgin i get a message "file transfer from .... failed" .... canceled the file transfer of... " but my friend doesn't canceled the file. i am on linux and he is on windows, using yahoo messenger20:51
s3rrisso... i have to partion in OSX first? 0_020:51
lunksHow can I SSH into a host, map a remote port to a local port, and not get console access, just the port forwarding?20:51
ikoniakozminel: yahoo messanger support is scetchy at best20:51
Some_PersonPici: I have neither of those. I have 2.6.32-24, 2.6.35-19, 2.6.35-20, 2.6.35-21, and 2.6.35-22. I should remove *.25-*, right?20:51
lunksPraxi, sudo apt-get remove rails ruby && rm -rf ~/.rvm20:51
kozminelis what?20:51
ikoniaSome_Person: sounds like your install is in a real mess, I'd look at a clean install so you are on known solid ground20:51
PiciSome_Person: Are you using maverick or lucid?20:52
Some_PersonPici: Lucid20:52
Some_Personmaverick was fail on here20:52
pankajwhats the command for java installation .. plz tell me20:52
postdictionanybody here know how to change MAC address in the 10.10?20:52
kozminelikonia what?20:52
Some_PersonI thought I had formatted the drive when I installed, but I didn't20:52
ikonia!java >> postdiction20:52
ikoniakozminel: yahoo messanger support is poor and changes a lot as yahoo change their closed source protocol20:52
postdictionI used macchanger but, network-manager just changes it back to the hardware address20:53
TonisiusWhat places would set the hostname of a system?  /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts, where else could it be set?  The login prompt still shows "(none)" as the hostname20:53
Tonisiusserver has been rebooted several times20:53
ikoniaTonisius: what does uname -a whos20:53
kozminelwhat protocol should i use?20:53
PiciSome_Person: Yes.  The -35 versions are from Maverick.20:53
kozminelany idea?20:53
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:53
TonisiusLinuz (none) ......20:53
TonisiusLinux (none)....20:53
Tonisiusikonia: yeah...20:54
ikoniaTonisius: yeah what20:54
scala1024Sun -> is meanwhile Oracle ;-)20:54
Tonisiusikonia: how do I set the Hostname of the system, so it persists.20:55
TonisiusI pasted the information that you requested20:55
yaaaranybody use openvz on 10.04? is there a repo someplace for it? i see that apparently the only reason it wasn't included in universe was that the kernel maintainers said the packaging process would take too long and that it was too close to the freeze date... https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2010-March/009306.html20:55
ikoniaTonisius: /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts should be enough20:55
ikoniaTonisius: unless your hostname is being set by dhcp20:55
Tonisiusikonia: static configured interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces20:56
ikoniaTonisius: so /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts should be enough20:56
guntbert!hostname > Tonisius20:56
ubottuTonisius, please see my private message20:56
jbsoumi cant seem to figure out how to run my dual boot without the windows 7 bootloader20:56
tblandgihi ppl20:57
tblandgitry my channel on freenode #GiraffyNet20:57
Tonisiusguntbert: they match, the is set to localhost, the ip is set to "lolcat."  and "lolcat" and the /etc/hostname is set to "lolcat."20:57
majnoon_wtg ikonia20:58
postdictionwhat did he do?20:58
vipulhow can i open application through terminal20:58
majnoon_ban a driveby spammer20:59
postdictionoh gj ikonia20:59
guntbertTonisius: did you log out/in after changing them?21:00
vipulCan any one tell me if i have open skypy through terminal what will be the commands to open it21:00
ikoniavipul: "skype"21:01
ikoniavipul: that's the command21:01
vipulikonia,  thanks21:02
jbsoumive looked everywhere but i cant seem to find a way to do it21:02
Some_PersonPici: Ok, I've removed all the .35 versions, and if nothing else goes wrong, I'll leave it like this. Else, I'll wipe and reinstall21:03
StrangeCharmhow can i replace evolution with tunderbird in the communication menu?21:03
PiciSome_Person: Good luck!21:03
YankeesFanis it worth to upgrade to tri core over dual core?21:03
Some_PersonIt is nice having all my old settings still here21:03
guntbertYankeesFan: how is that an ubuntu support question?21:03
erUSULYankeesFan: depends on what you do with your computer21:03
YankeesFanok does ubuntu work with triple core amds?21:04
YankeesFani never heard of triple core until today =(21:04
nirazioHow to hide the present working directory in terminal and show time instead??21:04
doriangreyHello anyone is using festival on ubuntu 10.10 maverik? i am not able to make it working...21:04
ikonianirazio: look at the PS1 variable21:04
jbsoumanyone know how to boot windows 7 from grub without the windows 7 bootloader?21:05
YankeesFanmy netbook dual core cpu is great but it dosent handal virtualbox well which is what i need for college21:05
ikoniajbsoum: you can't, grub has to boot the windows boot loader21:05
erUSULnirazio: you have to tweak your PS1 var ( ~/.bashrc )21:05
vipulbut i am trying to open skype via ssh  but it's not opening21:08
jbsoum(ikonia): i understand that, but there should be a way to boot windows automatically when i select windows from grub. also, there should be a way to see grub first, without having to make an addtiont to the windows bootloader for grub21:08
ikoniavipul: it's not going to, it requires local sound card/hardware21:08
thansenso what's the difference between an LTS deskto and server release?  I mean, they all come from the same repos so why would the time be any different?21:08
vipulikonia,  ? sory i dont understand ?21:09
ikoniavipul: you can't use skype over ssh21:09
lollociao a tutti21:09
ikoniajbsoum: grub should auto detect windows for you and add the line, it sometimes fails to do this21:09
guntbert!it | lollo21:09
ubottulollo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:09
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:09
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vipulwell i am using putty and connected to my ubuntu 10.04 and i am giving this command skype , but it's not opening21:10
ikoniavipul: what part of "you can't do that" am I not making clear to you ?21:10
StrangeCharmvipul, what are you expecting to happen when you issue the command 'skype'21:10
noonianvipul, skype is a gui program, you probably not going to be able to use it over putty21:10
vipulit shud open on ubuntu21:11
ikoniavipul: no it won't21:11
ikoniavipul: it requires local hardware, and it requires an X11 server, that your not running on your windows machine21:11
ikoniavipul: it won't work21:11
LWSDesignsBacon Backgammon21:11
ikoniaLWSDesigns: ?21:11
IledenAny idea how to troubleshoot or diagnose a weird WLAN problem? I'm having around 20% packet loss on two laptops (T and E). T's problem appeared after upgrade to 10.10, and it still works when running older kernel. E is new, and running 10.10 too, but it dualboots Win7, where WLAN works flawless. There is also a 3rd laptop, A, which runs 10.04 and wlan works. Wired network is ok. The problem comes and goes, sometimes can't even connect to the WLAN. Changing channel 21:11
kozminelwhere i could find "Software Sources..." in ubuntu 10.10?21:11
thansenso what's the difference between an LTS deskto and server release?  I mean, they all come from the same repos so why would the time be any different?21:12
Daraelvipul: If you want it to run on your Ubuntu box you can issue "DISPLAY=:0 skype", but if you want to run it on your Ubuntu machine with the interface on your Windows box, you can't do that.21:12
ikoniaLWSDesigns: something funny ?21:12
globusheyy i wants to use tsocks to run wine Poker in ubuntu,i think is a problem on the wine when i run:tsocks wine PokerStars.exe,console says:fixme:winsock:NtStatusToWSAError Status code 7bc473ae converted to DOS error code 7bc473ae21:12
kozminelwhere i could find "Software Sources..." in ubuntu 10.10?21:12
LWSDesignsthe boy got a hold of the laptop21:12
coz_thansen,   /etc/apt/sources.list21:12
globussomeone help me?21:12
xanguakozminel: in software center preferences21:12
vipulthanks Darael21:12
ikoniavipul: it won't work21:12
LWSDesignsI have no idea where he came up with that...21:12
StrangeCharmvipul, what are you expecting to be the response when you run that command?21:13
thansencoz_: I use gentoo so I can open that, can you just give me a heads up as to what info it has in there (besides the actual repos)21:13
Daraelikonia: Really?  I've normally been able to open programs using SSH by setting $DISPLAY... just not to forward them locally (for the reasons you suggested)21:13
coz_thansen,  its just the repo addresses in that file21:13
ikoniathansen: few subtle differences (kernel for example)21:13
globusheyy i wants to use tsocks to run wine Poker in ubuntu,i think is a problem on the wine when i run:tsocks wine PokerStars.exe,console says:fixme:winsock:NtStatusToWSAError Status code 7bc473ae converted to DOS error code 7bc473ae21:14
ikoniaDarael: skype requires local hardware, eg: sound card21:14
thansenis it just that mulitverse/universe/whatever aren't maintained as long or something21:14
breadcrumbglobus, you might want to try #winehq21:14
ikoniathansen: main resource is the support term, 5 years on server, 3 on desktop21:14
kozminelUbuntu 9.10  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu karmic main21:14
Daraelikonia: Exactly.  So if you open it on the remote display, it should be fine, if unusable because you're not at the remote machine.21:14
vipulStrangeCharm,  i thought there must be some way to login my remote machine via ssh and login to my skype21:14
kozminelis this good for 10.10 ?21:14
ikoniaDarael: how is the sound from the remote/local sound card going to get to your local machine21:15
Daraelvipul: In that case, ikonia is right.  You can't do that.21:15
xanguakozminel: no, go to pidgin.im21:15
thansenikonia: but they don't take the others offline after that right..meaning they're still available until main is gone as well21:15
ohzieHey I'm using lucid and it looks like Nautilus isn't automounting usb devices? Mostly a vanilla install. Any suggestions on what could cause that?21:15
ohzieor what service handles automounting?21:15
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StrangeCharmvipul, one step at a time. what do you think you should see happen right after sending that command?21:15
Daraelikonia: No, that's what I mean.  Opening it with X11 forwarding would be pointless, but you could open it on the remote display from SSH (though why you'd want to is another matter)21:15
ikoniathansen: the others are taken offline when they hit EOL21:15
itaylor57kozminel: Try Applications -> Unbuntu software center update21:15
rj_I have a question about btrfs. I'm putting /boot on a small thumb drive, but want the rest of the filesystem in a btrfs raid. I've been able to put root into a btrfs system, but not into a raid, since you can't change from non-raid to raid. Is there a way to do this?21:16
ikoniaDarael: right so "you can't do that" rather than here is a pointless solution that offers no value but makes you do a lot of work and gives you no value, is the answer21:16
kozmineli want to send file to an yahoo account21:16
MyrttiDarael: X11 forwarding would be usable if the main goal is to use only the chat, not voice calling ;-)21:16
vipulStrangeCharm, ? i have given you the answer21:16
kozmineland ad an APT line21:16
Daraelikonia: True.  I wasn't quite aware of what the request was, should have read the log or something.21:16
DaraelMyrtti: Good point!21:17
ikoniahe still doesn't have a local X server on his windows machine21:17
ikoniaso it STILL won't work21:17
StrangeCharmvipul, no, you haven't. do you expect the skype gui to appear on the machine running putty? do you expect it to appear on the machine you're sshing to? do you expect to operate a text version of skype in the command line?21:17
johntramphi,  I am trying to do this, `ssh tmux attach` but am being told not a terminal21:17
thansenikonia: ok, I'll dig around a bit more...thanks for the info21:18
vipulStrangeCharm,  no i don't mean that21:18
IledenAny idea how to troubleshoot or diagnose a weird WLAN problem? I'm having around 20% packet loss on two laptops (T and E). T's problem appeared after upgrade to 10.10. T's WLAN still works when booting with older kernel. E is new so running 10.10. E also dualboots Win7, where WLAN works flawless. There is also a 3rd laptop, A, which runs 10.04 and wlan works. The problem comes and goes, sometimes can't even connect to the WLAN. Signal strength is good. Changing cha21:18
Daraeljohntramp: commands run from ssh like that get run in a noninteractive shell.  Do the ssh first, then run the command, and it should work.21:18
StrangeCharmvipul, none of those things are the thing that you expect to happen? what is the thing that you expect to happen?21:18
johntrampDarael: is it not possible for it to open a terminal session and exec a command?21:18
ohzievipul: Your options for using linux X-applications locally on your windows machine are Cygwin(I've never done this but I know other people have) and NoMx. NoMx is amazing and wonderful.21:19
Daraeljohntramp: Not if the command needs an interactive terminal to work.21:19
johntrampDarael: ok, thanks21:19
Daraeljohntramp: By the attach part I assume the one you're trying to run does.21:19
ohzieHmm. :(21:19
johntrampDarael: i dont understand,  it works fine if i ssh then tmux attach21:20
Praxidoes dpkg -l show me stuff available in the repositories also?21:20
Daraeljohntramp: Exactly.  tmux requires an interactive shell.  There's probably an option to ssh that will let you do what you're after, but I'm not sure what it is.21:20
PraxiIn my quest to get rid of all my ruby/rails stuff I did a dpkg -l | grep ruby and came up with this, and an error when I tried to apt-get remove rubygems1.8 http://pastie.org/139615921:21
ikoniaPraxi: no, you need to use the package manager (synaptic for example) to search21:21
Praxiikonia: this is on server, synaptic is a gui isn't it?21:22
yaaarhey guys, i'm looking into openvz on 10.04, and finding that things are a bit tricky. reading this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/vzorchestra/+bug/545850 and the last suggestion is to add the debian sid repo and install the kernel from there. I suppose I don't have a huge problem with that...but won't enabling that repo cause problems elsewhere? i assume that it contains tons of packages that...21:22
yaaar...overlap with the ubuntu ones...how does apt choose where to get those?21:22
ikoniaPraxi: that's not an error21:22
ikoniaPraxi: apt-cache search on the command line21:22
ikoniaPraxi: I suggest reading the server welcome on https://help.ubuntu.com to learn the basics of running a server before going any futher21:22
paq7512how can i save these settings after restart? my gpu fan settings - http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/1584/screenshotwp.png21:22
PraxiThanks ikonia will that show me if I have things installed?21:22
xanguayaaar: dont do it21:23
ikoniaPraxi: no, it will search the repos21:23
ikoniaxangua: don't what ?21:23
Daraeljohntramp: You want ssh -t, looking at the man page.21:23
xanguaikonia: mix repositories21:24
phillyjanyone know why a port is blocked even though I set the rule in my router?21:24
phillyjDo I have to use iptables?21:24
johntrampDarael: excellent,  thank you21:24
ikoniaphillyj: default iptables rules are al open21:24
lacrymologyhow can I have an old stile linux prompt with just the top dir?21:25
itaylor57Darael: I just found that via the man page myself, you are fast21:25
=== bombshell is now known as bombshell[a]
phillyjikonia: maybe a restart can fix it?21:25
Daraelitaylor57: I've had practice at skimming manpages :P21:25
scala1024lacrymology, PS1?21:26
ikoniaphillyj: don't see why21:26
yaaarxangua: well if the Ubuntu kernel developers hadn't turned down a ready kernel for inclusion the day *before* the freeze date because it was "too late...all the kernels were already uploaded today" (when it was still "today"!!) i wouldn't be trying such ridiculous workarounds. but since they did....any good advice on how i should obtain the appropriate kernel? preferably without compiling it...21:26
yaaar...and fighting with apt overwriting it?21:26
ikoniayaaar: stop ranting about it,21:27
lacrymologyscala1024: what_21:27
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?21:27
phillyjikonia: how can I find out the list of ports and see if they're open?21:28
scala1024lacrymology, PS1 sets the prompt.21:28
ikoniaphillyj: iptables -L21:28
yaaarikonia: ok, that's fine, i'll leave it alone at that. still would like to have some kind of solution. got any advice on what to do about the missing kernel? all the userspace stuff is apparently there21:28
xanguayaaar: i use this PPA, use it Under Your Own Risk  https://launchpad.net/~guido-iodice/+archive/best-intel21:28
yaaarxangua: thanks, checking that out now21:28
xanguaoo appropriate¿¿ i read altest21:29
Praxiikonia: I read the server guide from your link about packages, from the reading, it looks like the only way I have to show me installed packages is dpkg -l am I mistaken with that?21:29
=== r00t4rd3d_ is now known as r00t4rd3d
yaaarxangua: er...that says it's packages for graphics cards? are you saying that kernel also happens to have openvz support?21:30
Praxiand it was useful reading too, thanks for making me go back and RTM hehe21:30
sam-_-Darael, from whom does it get the signal?21:30
ikoniaPraxi: dpkg will show you the packages you have yes21:30
xanguayaaar: din't read the openvz part, i thpught you just wanted the latest kernel21:30
Daraelsam-_-: I haven't a clue.  It doesn't say; is there any way I can find out?21:30
itaylor57sam-_-: would dmesg haveit?21:31
sam-_-Darael obviously but i can't think of a simple way right now21:31
Praxiikonia: so in the pastie I have http://pastie.org/1396159 I SEE rubygems1.8 from that dpkg.  When I do a apt-get remove rubygems1.8 it tells me its not installed.  What am I misunderstanding?21:31
yaaarxangua: no, i really couldn't care less about the kernel version....i just want a working openvz system on lucid, preferably without compiling the kernel for every update21:31
ikonia!info rubygems21:32
ubotturubygems (source: libgems-ruby): package management framework for Ruby libraries/applications. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.7-2ubuntu1~maco1 (maverick), package size 2 kB, installed size 104 kB21:32
ikoniaPraxi: sudo apt-get remove rubgems21:32
i_is_brokeikonia, wouldnt purge work as well as remove?21:32
osmosishow do I view the new changelog before installing an update?21:32
ikoniai_is_broke: it will21:33
Praxidoing that tells me rubygems isn't installed, but it still shows up in my dpkg21:33
ikoniaPraxi: ahhhh, do you see any letters by the side of it (to the right)21:33
ikoniaPraxi: it's gone, let me find a link that explains the letters for you21:33
tunistsam: are you still here? did you find any info? thanks21:34
i_is_broke!es | potalo21:34
ubottupotalo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:34
sam-_-tunist, oh if forgot about you ;)21:34
PraxiI've been googling dpkg but I just get the basics like dpkg -l and stuff hehe21:34
PraxiThanks for your time ikonia its much appreciated21:34
kozminelyahoo file transfer to pidgin failed. and vice versa21:34
tunistsam: no probs.. i went to make tea :)21:34
kozminelneed help21:34
ikoniaPraxi: I'm sure I have a good URL around here, I use it to refresh my own memory too21:34
sam-_-tunist, well if you pop in the cd. you have to select your language. then you should be able to press f621:35
sam-_-tunist, i checked with 10.10.21:35
kozminelyahoo file transfer to pidgin failed. and vice versa,helppppppppppppppp21:35
sam-_-tunist, do you have more specifics as to way f6 doesn't work?21:36
Darael!patience | kozminel21:36
ubottukozminel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:36
tunistsam: i am booting from a usb image made by the script from www.pendrivelinux.com.. because the dvd drive seems to be broken on the pc21:36
ikoniakozminel: did I not explain that the support of yahoo protocol is a problem earlier ?21:36
ikoniakozminel: ok, so why are you surprised it's not working21:36
ohzieHey I'm using lucid and it looks like Nautilus isn't automounting usb devices? Mostly a vanilla install. Any suggestions on what could cause that?21:36
kozminelbut does anyone have an idea how to fix it?21:36
tunistsam: F6 just triggers a beep and screen refresh21:36
ikoniakozminel: what would you like people in here to do to fix a closed source prptocol ?21:36
tunistsam: there is no label that suggests pressing F621:36
frxstremis it possible to set Gmail as Ubuntu's default mail client with support for mailto: parameters (such as "?subject=something")?21:37
kozminelto give me an API code ?:)21:37
kozminelthis is what i want21:37
ikoniafrxstrem: gmail isn't a mail client, it's webmail21:37
ikoniakozminel: it's closed source,21:37
itaylor57frxstrem: you can connect to Gmail from evolution21:37
nullwiremy webcam works on cheese webcam booth, but not when anything else trys to find it21:38
frxstremikonia: well, it's just an online mail client21:38
nullwirewhat can i do?21:38
frxstremitaylor57: well, I don't like it21:38
ikoniafrxstrem: no, it's a webmail service, it's not a client, its web page21:38
Myrttifrxstrem: I'm sure that there are extensions to your browser to make the mailto links to go to gmail, I know Chrome has one21:38
frxstremMyrtti: I am not only talking about browsers, but system wide, like the "Preferred application" settings does21:39
nullwirehow come nothing can find my webcam except cheese webcam booth?21:39
Daraelfrxstrem: You could set the mail client under preferred applications to "custom" and use a command that opens <your browser here> at an appropriate link.  Good luck crafting one, though.21:39
kozminelfunny thing, if i use kopete i can send/recive files from an yahoo user. with pidgin i can't21:39
user_Has anyone been able to get truecrypt working over a windows share? I'm having a real issue with it.21:39
Myrttikozminel: then you've solved your problem yourself21:40
Myrttikozminel: use kopete21:40
KM0201kozminel: i send/receive from yahoo w/o issue.21:40
kozminelha ha ha21:40
kozminelwhat an answer21:40
nullwirehow come nothing can find my webcam except cheese webcam booth?21:41
kozminelthanks for nothing21:41
sam-_-tunist, i don't know then. the bootloader is called isolinux. i don't know how to use it. maybe someone else does21:41
itaylor57KM0201: O/21:41
sam-_-tunist, oh i just found out21:42
sam-_-tunist, you need to edit this file isolinux.cfg21:42
Daraelfrxstrem: Looks like the desktop-webmail package will do what you want.  As long as you're in Lucid or Maverick, at least.21:42
KM0201itaylor57: lol... o/21:42
sam-_-tunist, so i lied to you before about not editing files :-)21:42
bencahillsam-_-, sry was afk :) I tried the usb modules in grub as per Jordan_U's instructions, and they do not work with my usb stick. I'm not surprised, since only those without bioses capable of booting to usb need them, and therefore they probably get very little attention.21:42
W3ird_N3rdI'm still running Ubuntu 9.10. When I right-click to properties of my disk, it says "filesystem type: ext3/4". Why doesn't it detect it properly? It's ext2? How do I know if it's really mounted/written as ext2?21:43
phillyj_i was having port forward troubles in WUBI ubuntu even though the port is open on the router so I rebooted but loaded up windows so as I check the port on windows, I see that I have a problem in windows with the port Could a problem in Windows affect WUBI?21:43
ikoniaW3ird_N3rd: mount will show21:43
phretorhow do I set up an APT repository the proper way?21:43
sam-_-bencahill is your computer old?21:43
W3ird_N3rdikonia, thx, mount shows ext2 so it's good21:43
W3ird_N3rdI have to be sure in this case21:43
=== just is now known as justik
tunistsam: i want my money back.. ;p  -- so i can edit that file and change the boot line options? is that what you mean?21:43
frxstremDarael: it is indeed what I'm looking for, thanks! :D21:43
ikoniaphillyj_: it's most likley your router if it doesn't work in windows and ubuntu21:43
bencahillsam-_-, yes, it's an old (00-02) laptop that wouldn't be used for anything else (128mb ram, the works)21:44
sam-_-tunist, yes21:44
tunist@sam: ok thanks a lot.. i'll look now21:44
=== phillyj_ is now known as phillyj
bencahillsam-_-, all I want is for the digital picture frame I'm making to be quiet :) so if I could get ubuntu to stop reading from the hard drive so it can spin down (hdparm -S), that would be fine also21:44
DaraelW3ird_N3rd: If you run mount with no options, it'll show you all the mounts active, which will include the type it's mounted as.21:44
sam-_-bencahill get an ssd then :-)21:45
DaraelW3ird_N3rd: Oh, whoops, ikonia was much faster.21:45
W3ird_N3rdyeah, had already found it :)21:45
W3ird_N3rdthx anyway :)21:45
sam-_-bencahill you can tune ubuntu though to use the disk less.21:45
bencahillsam-_-, well I might as well buy a digital picture frame, I don't have any ssd's lying around :)21:45
W3ird_N3rdbtw, perhaps you know if Ubuntu 9.10 still had ext4 corruption?21:46
bencahillsam-_-, how? :) :)21:46
sam-_-bencahill not sure if you will be happy with that though21:46
W3ird_N3rdBecause I'm noticing corruption21:46
bencahillsam-_-, oh :(21:46
sam-_-bencahill disable all the unnecessary applications and set a few options21:46
sam-_-bencahill probably best if you google it21:46
bencahillsam-_-, well it's a cli (obviously), and I've only installed what I need, which is fbi,wireless drivers, and wpa_supplicant, along with a few other, like samba to share the pics folder21:48
sam-_-tunist, btw you need to write the options in the line that starts with append21:48
bencahillsam-_-, I did set the disk for writeback (before) and it didn't really help at all, so I would guess that it's reading...21:48
nmvictorhi to all 1520 human beings ...21:49
IledenAny idea how to troubleshoot or diagnose a weird WLAN problem? I'm having around 20% packet loss on two laptops (T and E). T's problem appeared after upgrade to 10.10. T's WLAN still works when booting with older kernel. E is new so running 10.10. E also dualboots Win7, where WLAN works flawless. There is also a 3rd laptop, A, which runs 10.04 and wlan works. The problem comes and goes, sometimes can't even connect to the WLAN. Signal strength is good. Changing cha21:49
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from?21:49
Daraelnmvictor: Not every nick in here /is/ a human being, actually :P.  Theres' a couple of bots.21:49
bencahillnmvictor, hi there :) do you have a question regarding ubuntu?21:49
tunist@sam: the isolinux.cfg file only has one line in it21:51
sam-_-tunist, which one?21:51
Jemttunist: Remastering Ubuntu ?21:52
sam-_-tunist, maybe i told you bs again. i never used pendrivelinux21:52
tunist@sam: # D-I config version 2.0include menu.cfgdefault vesamenu.c32prompt 0timeout 50ui gfxboot21:52
Jemttunist: That's not supposed to be on one line21:53
SchumannI have a very lazy question regarding Ubuntu.21:53
tunist@sam: oh ok, so there is a bug in pendrivelinux i guess21:53
OY1Rask away21:53
Jemttunist: 'cat isolinux.cfg' - no line breaks ?21:53
IledenSchumann: then we may have a lazy answer for it :)21:53
sam-_-tunist, no i don't think so. why?21:53
tunist@sam: just because that file is not formatted correctly21:53
=== blackknight is now known as Guest61692
tunist@sam: i assumed the line was written by the script from PDL21:54
itaylor57Darael: I have found a bug in unbutu related to your problem21:54
sam-_-tunist, no it includes the files listed in there21:54
SchumannUsing grub, and I'm bootloading two OS.  I want to remove Windows completely.  Can I just delete the partition and not worry about whether it boots up correctly?  Or do I have to edit the grub cfg.21:54
Guest61692i have a prob with my cam i can't start it21:54
sam-_-tunist, so you will need to look through them21:54
jcrawfordis there any way to get this ticket assigned to someone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/68560821:54
phillyjdoes any changes I make in windows affect wubi?21:54
phillyjI changed the internet settings to enable "Access data sources across domains"21:54
nmvictorbencahill_: yea, sure! I have noticed the ubuntu does internet connection sharing by default since the package dnsmask-base is installed by default. This isnt working well with me, I have a mobile broadband connection for my laptop, but in the office where we work on different shared projects, our PCs are shared across via a wireless network. Well, some fisshy coleagues happen to know of my broadband connection and have been taking advantage of ubuntus 21:55
Guest61692and i don't know how to changer the screen size21:55
W3ird_N3rdOn 2TB I lost 260KB, let's see if using ext2 it'll be good. I'm not sure if I'm hoping it will or not. If it's good, that means my ext4 loses data. if it's not good, I have to return my hard drive21:55
sam-_-tunist, start with config then menu.cfgdefault21:55
ZykoticK9Schumann, if you are using grub2 then after you remove windows partition, just run "sudo update-grub2" and it will magically remove Windows from the boot menu.21:55
SchumannHow do I tell Zykotick?21:55
ZykoticK9tab > Schumann21:55
ZykoticK9!tab > Schumann21:56
ubottuSchumann, please see my private message21:56
Guest61692is there any one can help21:56
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:56
nmvictorsimply, how do i provide some security or even disable the automatic internet connection sharing but keeping it possible?21:56
ZykoticK9Schumann, what version of ubuntu are you using?  was it clean installed or updated?21:56
SchumannClean installed Ubuntu 10.04.21:56
ZykoticK9Schumann, then grub221:57
StavaI'm trying to change the encoding of a lot of files from iso-8859-1 to utf-8. I'm using iconv for this and it works pretty well. However, some of the files are already utf-8 encoded and some might have some other unexpected encoding. How can I work around this? Can I detect encoding of files?21:57
Daraelitaylor57: If it's bug 692835 then I reported it today!21:57
nmvictor I have noticed the ubuntu does internet connection sharing by default since the package dnsmask-base is installed by default. This isnt working well with me, I have a mobile broadband connection for my laptop, but in the office where we work on different shared projects, our PCs are shared across via a wireless network. Well, some fisshy coleagues happen to know of my broadband connection and have been taking advantage of ubuntus capability to do autom21:57
phillyjGuest61692: you have a problem with your camera and can't change the screen size? Which screen are you talking about?21:57
itaylor57Darael: yep sorry21:59
Guest61692a lenovo 15.6 inch21:59
Guest61692lap top21:59
nmvictorf*@#$*cking channel!21:59
IdleOne!language | nmvictor21:59
ubottunmvictor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:59
Daraelitaylor57: Oh, well.  Thanks anyway.21:59
sam-_-tunist, did you find  menu.cfgdefault ?21:59
phillyjGuest61692: tell me the problem again; you can't change your resolution?21:59
dashxHi guys. I've recently switched from arch linux to Ubuntu (opted for more stable releases). I have a question about daemon management. In arch you would set up daemons to load in your rc.conf. How are daemons managed in Ubuntu?22:00
bencahillnmvictor, I didn't know about that :(22:00
nmvictorIdleOne: quick to notice that, their was something else i posted , it was worth taking note of, and extending thy help!22:00
bencahill!patience | nmvictor22:00
ubottunmvictor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:00
nmvictorbencahill: its ok!22:00
nasserhi guys. I need to transfer music to my iPod shuffe but I don't know how to do it.22:00
bencahillnmvictor, :)22:00
aeon-ltddashx: as services22:00
Daraeldashx: Some are upstart jobs in the last few releases, most are still init scripts.22:00
aeon-ltd!services | dashx22:00
kartoffeldoes anyone know where i can find the standard configuration of my touchpad?22:00
spenceranyone need general troubleshooting help?22:01
=== lox__ is now known as lox_
Guest61692actualy i cdon't know how22:01
nasserIt's the 3r generation one, the one which has no buttons22:01
spenceraeon-ltd language please22:01
bluenemohi guys. i try to check out pidgin + jabber + voice call, but my partner and i cant hear each other :( do you guys know of any good howtos? i cant find much helpfull on goolge..22:01
IdleOnenmvictor: the lack of response to your issue does not give you the right to ignore our channel policies.22:01
tunist@sam: i just found that i was viewing that file in windows and the line breaks were not being registered.. looking in linux there are line breaks22:01
nmvictorspencer: me, look at my post somewhere above!22:01
tunist@sam: i'm going to look for menu.cfgdefault now22:01
aeon-ltddashx: yeah it doesn't work, but yeah upstart pretty much does it all (imo i like arch's rc.conf over any other distros managment22:01
nasserhelp me please. i don't want to install windows just to transfer music to my iPod shuffle 3rd generation22:01
OY1Ri'd like to know how to use my internal sound card while having a USB sound card connected !22:01
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from, wihout rewriting nm-applet?22:01
sam-_-tunist, i thought so22:01
Daraelnasser: gtkpod22:02
IledenAny idea how to troubleshoot or diagnose a weird WLAN problem? I'm having around 20% packet loss on two laptops (T and E). T's problem appeared after upgrade to 10.10. T's WLAN still works when booting with older kernel. E is new so running 10.10. E also dualboots Win7, where WLAN works flawless. There is also a 3rd laptop, A, which runs 10.04 and wlan works. The problem comes and goes, sometimes can't even connect to the WLAN. Signal strength is good. Changing cha22:02
sam-_-tunist, or just menu.cfg probably22:02
dashxaeon> what do you mean by upstart? Are we talking System > Preferences > Startup Applications ?22:02
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
nmvictorIdleOne: its ok boss, will never happen again! and i like your name, kind of tells alot22:02
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
nmvictorIdleOne: nick*22:02
spencerdarael it's just disappearing from the panel, right?22:02
kartoffeldoes anyone know where i can find the standard configuration of my touchpad?22:02
Daraelspencer: That's correct.  Running it from the terminal tells me it's getting signal 15, don't know why.22:02
aeon-ltddashx: no, 2/3 releases ago ubuntu ditched init in favor of upstart as a manager22:03
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:03
spencerkartoffel have you tried system>?prefs>mouse?22:03
spencerdarael it does that sometimes, I've never figured out why22:03
kartoffelno, i will have a look22:03
dashxSo 10.10 comes with upstart ?22:03
aeon-ltddashx: yeah22:03
r00t4rd3dnmvictor, your connection is not shared by default.22:04
[lan3y]Nice work with the installation manager on 11.04 Building updates in to the install was a really good idea :)22:04
spencernmvictor got kicked22:04
Daraelspencer: That's all very well, but when it's happening quite often and I need IPv6 so wicd is not an option, it becomes a pain!22:04
aeon-ltddashx: again (ot and imo) i like things breaking in arch (well not huge problems) but you get to know your system better everytime it happens :)22:04
nmvictorIdleOne: sorry, i dint mean to hurt you, will behave this time, please let me in?Please...22:04
spencer11.04 hasn't been even been released yet, has it?22:05
dashxAeon-ltd: Yeah Aeon I really like arch but I was getting tired of fixing everything, although I got to really understand arch linux. Im having issues figuring out how I want to have deluged run automatically.22:05
phillyjGuest61692: have you tired the system preferences?22:05
Daraelspencer: Correct.  Look at the numbers (they're release dates).22:05
dashxAnd the arch wikis were amazing.22:05
breadcrumbspencer, 11.04 stands for 2011/4th month so no22:05
r00t4rd3dnmvictor, to verify , goto System , Preferences , Network Connection. Choose your adapter , choose edit , IPv4 Settings. In the METHOD box make sure Shared to other computers is not selected.22:05
breadcrumblook for it in april 2011 :)22:05
spencer[lan3y] how do you have 11.04?22:06
[lan3y]spencer: alpha 122:06
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.22:06
Daraelspencer: If you're affected by the same nm-applet problem, please do mark the bug as affecting you (bug 692835 on Launchpad)22:06
=== me_ is now known as Guest11952
spencer[lan3y] oh, I was like what?22:06
tunist@sam: i have menu.cfg open - are you suggesting to look through all the files that are contained in there? what am i looking for?22:06
[lan3y]can't help but think its moving closer to a mac os x clone though :/22:06
spencerdarael it only happens occasionally, and restarting usually helps22:07
sam-_-tunist, post a ls of the directory22:07
Daraelspencer: Ah.  Not for me.  Probably a different issue, then.  Thanks anyway.22:07
spencer[lan3y] aren't they dropping GNOME or X or something?22:07
blackknight_does any one know how to changer screensizein lap tops22:07
histospencer: ask in #ubuntu+122:07
spencerdarael good luck22:07
histoblackknight_: underpreferences22:07
ZykoticK9spencer, lol - both actually (ot for this channel though)22:07
spencerhisto zykoticK9 alright thanks22:08
tunist@sam: include stdmenu.cfg22:08
tunistinclude txt.cfg22:08
tunistinclude gtk.cfg include adtxt.cfg22:08
tunistinclude adgtk.cfg22:08
FloodBot3tunist: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:08
olskolirchow do i clear web browsing history from my karmic please?22:08
spencerolskolirc what browser?22:08
Daraelspencer: Thanks.22:09
timposeyI have installed the prayer webmail server and cannot figure out how to call the program from the web browser22:09
bencahillblackknight_, what do you mean screensize?22:09
bencahillolskolirc, firefox?22:09
nmvictorr00t4rd3d: thanks man, you are so kind, thanks to some cruel one i dealt with before,made me appreciate you kindness, Thanks alot22:09
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from, wihout rewriting nm-applet?22:09
dashxUpstart looks way more complicated than rc.conf... ;[22:09
olskolircfirefox but im not talking about that im talking about cleaning the cache on my machine is it sudo apt what?22:09
kartoffeli installed ubuntu and my touchpad works. but where is the configuration file, because i want to change a few things?22:09
spencerolskolirc look up a program called bleachbit22:09
aeon-ltddashx: there are some graphical frontends22:09
dashxaeon-ltd: want to point me to one?22:10
spencerkartoffel: try system>preferences>touchpad or whatever22:10
nmvictorkartoffel: System>Preference>Mouse Touchpad tab22:10
ZykoticK9aeon-ltd, ya me too.  I'm unaware of any upstart GUI applications.22:10
sam-_-tunist, ok that was useless. you have to look into all of them i'm afraid bc i don't know syslinux :-(22:10
blackknight_how to joing to python room22:11
olskolircthanks spencer22:11
kartoffelall i can do there is to activate the touchpad...22:11
larardHi, running 8.04 on a server I got informed that /var/log/exim4/paniclog contains string too large in smtp_notquit_exit. This seems to indicate I have been attacked for CVE-2010-434422:11
larardHow can I tell if the attack was sucessful?22:11
tunist@sam: ok.. what is it that may be in there that might help?22:11
spencerlarard it;s your server that was attacked right? What do you think the intent was?22:11
intraderI have used 'Ubuntu Software Center' to insall 'GVim'. The software center display says that I should find gvim in 'Applications>Accessoried>Gvim Test Editor, but it GVim does not appear there!22:11
Milp_mainHEy uuh  need that script command thing to recursively rename files from upper case to lower case again please22:12
Nutubhello, i have problem with wine software, someone can tell me any help channel for my problem?22:12
larardspencer: no idea. a file + mail server on a residential DSL connection.22:12
nmvictorNutub: try #wine22:12
ZykoticK9Nutub, i think it's #winehq (but could be wrong)22:12
Daraelblackknight_: type "/join #python" and press enter.  No quotes.22:12
spencerlarard got any enemies? also, DSL might have failed like it usually does22:12
nmvictorNutub: not sure though, but sometimes #APP takes you to APP chanel22:13
itaylor57intrader: log out and back in22:13
Nutubnmvictor: i tried #wine but said its invite only channel22:13
ectospasmlarard: run a rootkit detector22:13
sam-_-tunist, sth. like this http://pastebin.com/vzCnfwDR   look for kernel and append22:13
larardno, the attack is also clearly in the exim log. "2010-12-16 06:52:13 H=gerwazy.lo3.wroc.pl (yahoo.com) [] temporari22:13
larardly rejected MAIL webmaster@yahoo.com: failed to expand ACL string "ec /bin/sh -i <&7 >&0 2>&0'}} ${run{/bin/sh -c 'exec /bin/sh......"22:13
ZykoticK9!register > Nutub22:13
ubottuNutub, please see my private message22:13
nmvictorNutub: have you logged into freedom?22:13
=== s1aden is now known as sladen
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from, wihout rewriting nm-applet?22:14
kartoffelhow can i configure my tochpad without using the frontend system>preferences>mouse?22:14
grendal_primei got this dir..some customer keeps filling it up, what is the best way to systimatically movie files  I mean i can make a cron job but im going to wind up with a ton  of them running22:14
larardectospasm: ran rkhunter. Seemed happy. Checked a couple of files it complained about again last backup, fine as well....22:14
spencerlarard well if it was just a crash attack, then it probably worked. If it happens again, then take it offline for a few weeks22:14
celthunderkartoffel, xorg.conf?22:14
gilos!ircclient > Gilos22:14
Nutububottu: i'm already registered22:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:14
grendal_primebasically i need to monitor a partition and when it reaches like 10% capacity i need to copy the files off of it.22:14
KM0201Nutub: then you're not signed in22:14
IledenAny idea how to troubleshoot or diagnose a weird WLAN problem? I'm having around 20% packet loss on two laptops (T and E). T's problem appeared after upgrade to 10.10. T's WLAN still works when booting with older kernel. E is new so running 10.10. E also dualboots Win7, where WLAN works flawless. There is also a 3rd laptop, A, which runs 10.04 and wlan works. The problem comes and goes, sometimes can't even connect to the WLAN. Signal strength is good. Changing cha22:14
Daraelkartoffel: Depends on your touchpad.  If it's a synaptics one, there's a few packages, I think you want gsynaptics.  Others, you may not be able to.22:15
intraderitaylor57, how can I do this without having to restart all windows. I have a few chrome and firefox windows that I want to keep.22:15
blackknight_"join /#python"22:15
Daraelblackknight_: I said no quotes!22:15
spencerblackknight it's /join #python22:15
NutubKM0201, yes i am22:15
kartoffelcelthunder: xorg.conf is nothing inside...22:15
celthunderkartoffel, so make one22:15
nmvictorkartoffel: ltmgtfy.com?q=configure+mouse+using+a+file+in+ubuntu , that might help. Google is everything!22:15
kartoffeldarael: but anywhere must be the standard configuraten22:15
nmvictorkartoffel: http://ltmgtfy.com?q=configure+mouse+using+a+file+in+ubuntu , that might help. Google is everything!22:16
spencerWelcome back KM020122:16
KM0201spencer: went a little wild w/ the /exit command22:16
Lizzard88I am having issues with GRUB'22:16
nmvictorkartoffel: http://ltmgtfy.com/?q=configure+mouse+using+a+file+in+ubuntu , that might help. Google is everything!22:16
celthunderIleden, drivers/network manager used? chipsets?22:16
gilosis there a bot command for a list of IRC clients?22:16
justin__Hey is there anyone in here willing to help me with a sound problem?22:16
Nutubfor some reason i couldnt enter in #wine but now i do22:16
tsrkI need to clear the hard disk that my / partition is mounted on. How can I do this without physical access to the server?22:16
celthunderjustin__, probably22:16
spencergilos are you looking for a specific capability?22:16
Daraelkartoffel: Sys->Prefs->mouse is the standard place.  If you don't want to use that, then you don't want the standard place so you have to be prepared to install packages.22:16
spencerjustin__ just ask22:16
Lizzard88Q: If grub seems to be disfunctional, what is the best way to getting around to fixing it?22:16
larardspencer: the attack can lead to root privileges, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2010-December/001215.html What I want to know is is there an easy way to know if it did?!22:17
celthundergilos, xchat irssi chatzilla cgi:irc phpirc22:17
ZykoticK9!irc | gilos22:17
ubottugilos: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:17
XiaolinDraconis is there an easy way to rename and re-order kernel entries22:17
XiaolinDraconis im on ubuntu lucid-lynx with grub2 and burg22:17
Daraelblackknight_: That's "/join #python", not "join#~python"22:17
spencerblackknight_ literally type this as you see it: /join #python22:17
justin__celthunder, I have a Dell Inspiron Zino HD with a Conexant CX20561 sound codec and I get no sound at all. The levels are up and alsamixer is not muted.22:17
nmvictorLizzard88: how disfunctional, be a bit verbose with your problem22:17
gilosspencer: fully features with gui, remembers channels, and you can easily hide join/part messages.  I'm using smuxi right now, but not my favorite.22:17
blackknight_i did but i'm still here22:17
blackknight_nothin happened22:17
spencergilos and I take it xirc wasn't to your liking?22:17
Iledencelthunder: how do I find out those?22:18
spencerblackknight look at the left-hand pane22:18
celthunderIleden, lspci22:18
XiaolinDraconis is there an easy way to rename and re-order kernel entries22:18
XiaolinDraconis im on ubuntu lucid-lynx with grub2 and burg22:18
tunist@sam: i see it:   kernel /casper/vmlinuz22:18
tunist  append  file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper only-ubiquity initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash --22:18
bencahillblackknight_, you didn't join #python22:18
itaylor57KM0201: you use xchat right?22:18
sam-_-tunist, yes that is it22:18
KM0201itaylor57: affirmative22:18
celthunderXiaolinDraconis, menu.lst22:18
gilosspencer: i've tried pidgin and smuxi, I will check out xirc.22:18
kartoffeldarcel: but my touchpad is doing much more than i can configurate in this frontend...22:18
Lizzard88nmvictor: I dont have the exact error messages, but I get some sort of fatal error when trying to boot ubuntu onto my machine22:18
s3rrishi i need help getting ubuntu on a flashdrive. how do i convert it to .img using Mac OSX? the guide on ubuntu.com isn't working.22:18
spencergilos sorry, it's xchat22:18
XiaolinDraconiscelthunder: not anymore with grub222:18
XiaolinDraconisat least not what i read22:19
nmvictorLizzard88: did you just install ubuntu or when did this begin?22:19
KM0201s3rris: are you downloading the netbook version?..22:19
spencers3rris are you trying to install it or use it temporarily?22:19
valrosProbably using sed, how would I remove all text from a file that lies between two strings(//!Start and //!End)? regardless of line endings22:19
s3rrisDesktop version and I plan on installing it.22:19
timposeyanyone here ever used the Prayer webmail server on ubuntu 10.0422:19
spencers3rris just burn it to a disc?22:19
KM0201s3rris: so you're wanting to use the thumb drive, as an installer, right?22:19
Lizzard88Also, I get "Error 15" when running the command "setup" under grub22:19
Iledencelthunder: T:RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11g  E:Atheros Communications Inc. AR227 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)22:19
s3rrisyeah, and I dont have any disks.22:19
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, you asked for "..an easy way.." and i think the answer to that is No - there isn't an "easy" way ;)  Good luck man.22:19
bencahill!who | s3rris22:19
ubottus3rris: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:19
s3rrisnor do i want to go to the store, it's really cold.22:20
sam-_-tunist,  just append your options after --22:20
spencers3rris you can request an official one, or use unetbootin[?]22:20
sam-_-tunist,  leave a space though22:20
DaraelXiaolinDraconis: The stuff that you did by editing menu.lst in grub you do with various files in /etc/grub.d followed by an update-grub when you're done editing them.22:20
XiaolinDraconisZykotic: yeah im starting to get that22:20
KM0201s3rris: you need to download the normal ISO... not the IMG.. then use a tool to extract it on the thumb drive (unetbootin is a common one)22:20
ZykoticK9!tab > XiaolinDraconis22:20
ubottuXiaolinDraconis, please see my private message22:20
s3rrisKM201: I have the iso here.22:20
bencahills3rris, the universal usb installer is great if you have windoze22:20
KM0201s3rris: you told me you downloaded the IMG22:20
intraderitaylor57, thanks for the help - i need to be away for a couple of hours. I will manually save the chrome windows and restart22:20
gilosspencer: installing xchat now... ooh, just saw a cool feature... the text bubble with your reply to me why I was toggled out of the app.22:20
s3rrisbencahill: I'm on OSX 10.4 :/22:20
spencergilos it can beep too if you set extra alerts22:21
s3rrisKM0201: no, i need to convert the ISO to IMG according to this guide.22:21
bencahills3rris, yeah, what I thought :)22:21
XiaolinDraconisZykoticK9, guess that helps22:21
XiaolinDraconisthank you22:21
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, be sure to see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=808295422:21
itaylor57intrader: np gvim is really cool22:21
spencers3rris look up a program called unetbootin and use that to load it22:21
KM0201s3rris: not really, but ok... http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=59829122:21
gilosspencer: but what I'm talking about is the new bubble notification thing they added tot he OS.. forgot what they call that.22:21
KM0201spencer: unetbootin doesn't have a mac version22:21
Lizzard88nmvictor: I got that message on day, so I ran the live cd and installed a separate partition of the same ver of ubuntu. When dual booting, it worked fine. But when I wipe out that newly installed ver of ubuntu, i get the same problem.22:22
XiaolinDraconisZykoticK9, yeah i have that tab open already plus ranch hands22:22
spencergilos oh not just the icon blinking? COOL!22:22
tunist@sam: ok thanks, i haven't found an option that looks like it may help yet.. i haven't read the whole list though22:22
XiaolinDraconisZykoticK9, do you know about that custom menu entry?22:22
sam-_-tunist, try debug or acpi=off22:22
rethustill my upgrade from xubuntu 10.04 to newest version, i have no sound. hwinfo --sound output this: http://pastebin.com/tte7remA22:22
spenceralright BRB, grabbin a sammich. If you need any general troubleshooting, feel free to PM me22:22
tunist@sam: ok, will do22:22
rethuscan anybody help me22:23
s3rrisKM0201: so i can just use DiskUtility? I dont need to use Terminal?22:23
KM0201s3rris: i'm not a mac guy, but according to that...22:23
justin__Man I really with I could get the sound working, my friend said he might switch to Ubuntu if I did.22:23
gilosspencer: I don't know if it was 10.04 or 10.10, but I remember them talking about the bubble notifier a while back and how people were excited about it.22:23
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, i've only ever done the codename tweak, never full on custom.22:23
s3rrisI'll give it a shot.22:23
bencahilljustin__, ouch :)22:23
KM0201s3rris: i take it you don't have access to a windows machine?22:23
Milp_mainHow do i batch rename a ton of files and folders recursively from upper to lowercase please?22:23
XiaolinDraconisZykoticK9, i read it a little and was wondering if using that would still show my fancy theme22:23
s3rrisKM0201: no, it died on me :(22:23
bencahilljustin__, picky friend :)22:23
Lizzard88nmvictor: My thoughts are that grub was wiped from the desired partition of ubuntu22:24
nmvictorLizzard88: now thats verbose enough, well your grub is sought of corrupted, i can help if you coperate22:24
Iledencelthunder: Ahem, there was a typo. T uses: "RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11g"  E uses "Atheros Communications Inc. AR2427 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)"22:24
rethustill my upgrade from xubuntu 10.04 to newest version, i have no sound. hwinfo --sound output this: http://pastebin.com/tte7remA22:24
justin__bencahill, Well the darn sound doesn't work lol and he records music.22:24
bencahilljustin__, :)22:24
KM0201s3rris:  http://www.webupd8.org/2009/04/4-ways-to-create-bootable-live-usb.html22:24
Some_PersonLooks like I may need to wipe and reinstall after all: the system crashes when I try to install anything via gui (synaptic, update manager, etc.)22:24
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, i've never played with gurb so i have no idea.  good luck.22:25
celthunderIleden, ok those should both work fine22:25
justin__bencahill, This has been the only case I've had where Ubuntu doesn't get sound out of the box and this is 10.1022:25
celthunderIleden, do they work ifne if you disable any network managers and connect from console?22:25
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, s/gurb/burg ?22:25
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celthunderIleden, did you try changing dns servers?22:25
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, what is the theme thing you are using called?22:25
XiaolinDraconisZykoticK9, burg is a theme manager22:25
XiaolinDraconisfor grub222:26
s3rrisKM0201: but i don't have a .img file, only the .iso. will i be able to install ubuntu by putting the .iso on the flashdrive?22:26
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, that's the one - thanks.  ya i've never tried it.22:26
XiaolinDraconisZykoticK9, it got me some purdy awesome themes22:26
nmvictorLizzard88: you can reinstall it back to the desired partition if thats the case22:26
Iledencelthunder: I don't know how to disable network manager and connect from console, so haven't tried. I don't see how DNS server could be issue, since I'm doing ping by IP, and there's sometimes even trouble connecting to the WLAN.22:27
rethustill my upgrade from xubuntu 10.04 to newest version, i have no sound. hwinfo --sound output this: http://pastebin.com/tte7remA22:27
justin__Does anyone else have a Dell inspiron Zino Hd with working sound?22:27
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, guess i'm just old school that way - i get plain ol' grub at every boot and think it's just fine ;)22:27
itaylor57Milp_main: wait a sec22:27
valrosIs there a wildcard with grep and sed that includes a new line? maybe [.\n]* ?22:27
XiaolinDraconisZykoticK9, i like the bells and whistles have ocd issue with customizing every aspect22:27
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, well best of luck.22:28
XiaolinDraconisthanks again22:28
XiaolinDraconiswish the plymouth manager would work22:28
XiaolinDraconisanyone here customized the boot loading screen?22:28
JemtXiaolinDraconis: Just ask the actual question22:30
XiaolinDraconisthat was the actual question22:30
nmvictorLizzard88: use the grub-install command, man grub(-install) , goodluck, gotta hit the suck!22:30
rethustill my upgrade from xubuntu 10.04 to newest version, i have no sound. hwinfo --sound output this: http://pastebin.com/tte7remA22:30
JemtYes, someone have customized it22:30
XiaolinDraconisif someone here has and cares to tell me how they achieved22:30
jimcooncat_quick link to help on static ip? using gui no opportunity to sudo22:31
JemtAgain, just ask the actual question22:31
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from, wihout rewriting nm-applet?22:31
s3rrisanyone here have experience with Mac OSX?22:31
XiaolinDraconisso what question do you want me to ask i have 5k of em22:31
XiaolinDraconisall of them about ubuntu22:31
spencerhi bilz, what can we do ya for?22:31
JemtXiaolinDraconis: You probably want to look into remastering, which covers customizing ISOLinux/GFXBoot22:31
JemtXiaolinDraconis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization22:32
XiaolinDraconisi have remastersys22:32
Bilztrying to run ubuntu 10.04 from usb stick on my computer. it doesnt seem to get past the first loading screen (purple screen, says ubuntu with 5 dots which go purple then white)22:32
Bilzthe usb is fine, it works on my laptop22:32
JemtXiaolinDraconis: Read the docs, they cover ISOLinux/Gfxboot22:32
spencerbilz, give it some time?22:32
Bilzspencer, i gave it about 20 minutes22:32
Bilzspencer, and its not a slow computer22:32
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, not sure if it's of interest but I _finally_ got high res Plymouth (with my Nvidia proprietary driver) using the script webupd8 published a while ago for 10.04 & 10.10 - http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/script-to-fix-ubuntu-plymouth-for.html22:32
spencerbilz ooh. Have you tried re-doing the stick?22:33
Bilzcurrently downloading ubuntu 10.10 to see if that works, but id really prefer to stick with 10.04 since its been around longer and im no ubuntu to pro so support is welcome :)22:33
Bilzspencer, yes. ive done it using usb-creator in ubuntu and the unet thingy in xp, both gave some problem22:33
jimcooncat_I need to set this to a static ip, I'm not able to with maverick's gui22:33
XiaolinDraconisZykoticK9, only if i can find out how to get my gfx card installed on my new small form factor pc22:33
spencerbilz have you tried unetbootin?22:34
Bilzspencer, yes, thats the program i said. unet thingy :)22:34
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, well if you are using open drivers then you probably have full resolution plymouth anyway ;)22:34
XiaolinDraconisi do but i want to change the plymouth theme22:34
Gilosspencer thanks for the Xchat recommendation.. much more to my liking.22:34
tunist@sam: i inserted debug and acpi=off.. both after the -- and before ... (on different attempts to boot).. neither had any obvious effect.. ACPI is still listed in the initiation text - ACPI: Core revision 2010042822:35
XiaolinDraconisput something fancy on it22:35
spencerbilz Oh right I forgot, the IUPAC just said a few weeks ago that "thingy" was a technical term now :) (just giving you a hard time) hmm... have you tried a liveCD?22:35
Daraeljimcooncat_: It's normally possible.  Right-click the network manager applet, edit the connection, ipv4 settings tab, change the dropdown to manual, off you go.22:35
itaylor57Milp_main: ind . -type f -exec \22:35
itaylor57 perl -e 'rename($_, lc) || warn "$_: $!\n" for @ARGV' {} \;22:35
valrosWhat would be a wildcard in grep that includes line endings?22:35
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, i don't know the current procedure.  I haven't bothered changing my plymouth theme since it first came out on ubuntu.22:36
XiaolinDraconisi dunno bout thingy but thingumuhjigger sure is22:36
=== bombshell[a] is now known as bombshell
spencerright on, xiaolindraconis22:36
Bilzspencer, no i have not22:36
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, I only see it for a few seconds22:36
XiaolinDraconisits ocd22:37
XiaolinDraconisi have to customize as much as possible22:37
itaylor57Milp_main: find . -type f -exec \ perl -e 'rename($_, lc) || warn "$_: $!\n" for @ARGV' {} \;22:37
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, dco - like ocd but in correct alphabetical order22:37
spencerBilz try that22:37
ZykoticK9XiaolinDraconis, cdo22:37
Bilzspencer, okay22:37
jimcooncat_Darael, the Apply button remains greyed out, perhaps because it's not running under sudo?22:37
XiaolinDraconiscdo 12322:38
itaylor57Milp_main: put sudo before that command22:39
jimcooncat_Darael, but it's enabled if I leave out the gateway address22:39
Daraeljimcooncat_: I've not seen that happen before.  Not sure how to deal with it.  However.  It would perhaps be better to ask the channel what to do about that than to try to force it from the command line.  Especially if it's a wireless connection.22:39
Daraeljimcooncat_: That's even stranger.  Perhaps your gateway address is of the wrong format?22:39
sam-_-tunist, oh that's disappointing. maybe that's not the file that gets used by isolinux22:40
spenceris there any way to explore the host of an "ad-hoc" wifi connection?22:40
mark2010after upgrading to 2.6.35-24, grub2 kernel panics - unable to sync VFS. update-grub appeared to work, i can boot, any advise?22:40
jimcooncat_Darael, you're a genius. Had an extra dot in it!22:40
Milp_mainthanks itaylor5722:40
Jezeki cant mount my hard drive22:40
Daraeljimcooncat_: I'm no genius.  Glad I inspired you to see what was wrong, though!22:40
spencerjezek can you give us more detail?22:41
itaylor57Milp_main: np hope it helps, perl is a wonderful thing22:41
Jezekwhat should i do22:41
Jezekit just stalls22:41
Jezeki click on the drive22:41
Jezeknothing happens22:41
spencerjezek it could be a physical problem, been playing cricket or baseball with your HDD?22:41
s3rrisDoes anyone know how to make a .dmg a .img?22:41
sam-_-tunist, if this option does nothing boot_delay=9999 then it's not working22:41
DaraelJezek: What filesystem is on the drive?  And I'm assuming that it's not the same hard drive you've been booting from.22:41
KM0201s3rris: sorry, i had to step away, yes.. if you use one of those tools to extract the ISO onto a thumb drive and make it bootable,  it should work22:41
XiaolinDraconisJemt, im at the part i believe you intended me to read22:42
Daraelspencer: As funny as that is, I have to be a pain here and say "not helpful (probably)"22:42
tunistsam: ok, i'll try that one22:42
Jezekits a ubuntu hard drive, so whatever they are normally formatted as22:42
jimcooncat_how to restart eth0?22:42
s3rrisKM0201: I think i figured out how to make it .img, well .dmg, I need to know how to convert .dmg to .img..22:42
Jezeki have two ubuntu partitions because this didn't have enough space22:42
spencerdarael well, it could be a physical problem. Jezek, does it make any sounds? Can you hear the drive rev up?22:42
Jezekso i made the other one.. was working for a while then now it doesnt work at all22:42
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Jezekit's on the same hard drive22:42
XiaolinDraconisJemt, well maybe not22:43
spencerjezek how are you here right now? another computer? also, about how long did the partitions last?22:43
Jezekanother partition22:43
Jezeki'm trying to mount the partition i guess i should hav esaid22:43
Jezekuhh it was working for a few weeks22:44
Jezekbut now when i boot up it says some errors and i cant access the files from another partition either22:44
spencerjezek please tag your responses, and did you do anything major on them, did you tweak the OS at all?22:44
Jezeki'm not sure what tagging my responses is22:44
Darael!who | Jezek22:44
ubottuJezek: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:44
DaraelJezek: That ^^^22:45
spencerdarael do you guys get sent a big book of ubottu commands?22:45
spencerjezek one line, like how I type my responses22:45
BernardVDarael: Did you manage to get the realtek to do what you want it to do?22:45
JemtXiaolinDraconis: You still haven't told us what you want to customize22:45
Jezeki was tagging my previous responses22:46
XiaolinDraconisJemt, yes i have but here goes again.. the plymouth boot screen22:46
Jezekspencer, i can find out the errors too if i have to. but it said something like /root/dev/ missing.. /sbin/init/ missing22:46
Jezeki thought i would still be able to access the files though22:47
DaraelBernardV: Yes! Well, not the dropouts, they're still there.  But the other thing is sorted.  Turned out something had overwritten /etc/dbus-1/wpa_supplicant.conf with a blank file so wpasupplicant was blocking nm.22:47
wolfrichow do i disable default setting of automatically connect to this wifi network when i connect to one? There was an answer on a forum that said applications-system tools-configuration editor. I don't seem to have it.22:47
DaraelBernardV: Well remembered and thanks for checking up!22:47
wolfrici realise you can do it manually for each network though22:47
JemtXiaolinDraconis: That's not covered by the docs22:47
Jemt..  i linked to22:47
JemtXiaolinDraconis: Did you ask Google ?22:47
XiaolinDraconisJemt, yes and google pointed me to plymouth-manager22:48
BernardVDarael: np.. always currious;) Maybe I ru into something similar in future, always nice to know what the problem was :)22:48
Jezekshould i use fsck to repair it?22:48
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BernardVWell if someone wants to install ubuntu on an embedded geode, I now know enough :)22:49
bencahillBernardV, lol I'm just trying to get it to work on usb!22:50
TomBosleyExpI'm trying to connect to shares on a windows 7 home premium machine from ubuntu 11.04 (updated and running samba); it prompts for username and password, but just comes back up with the login box22:50
JezekPermission denied while trying to open /dev/sda722:50
BernardVbencahill: Booting from USB?22:50
tunistsam: i used boot_delay=9999 in the isolinux file and also the file of the same name in syslinux22:51
tunistsam: no change on boot at all22:51
Jezekis there any way of accessing the files22:51
bencahillBernardV, yeah, but neither the bios nor grub support the usb stick/pcmcia usb adapter22:51
DaraelJezek: You need to be root to use fsck.  Use sudo.22:51
sam-_-tunist, i just tried boot_delay myself. it doesn't work for me either ;-(22:51
bencahillBernardV, I'm working on Plop now :)22:51
BernardVbencahill: and no other USB (just asking)22:51
OY1Rhow can i use my internal sound card while having a USB sound card connected ! (selecting sound device in  System>pref's>sound does NOT work.)22:52
JezekDarael, says device or resource busy22:52
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tunistsam: ah ok.. i have yet to use debug or acpi=off in the syslinux file22:52
hidnshadowssup guys22:52
tunistsam: i'm not sure what the difference is between syslinux and isolinux22:52
DaraelJezek: In that case, something is using it.  Try issuing "mount" to see if it's been mounted and not reported to the GUI, or something like that.22:52
hidnshadowstunist isn't ISOlinux the liveCD?22:53
TomBosleyExpI've got LmCompatibilityLevel on the win7 box set to 1, password sharing turned off, public folders on, file and print sharing on, 40/56 bit encryption on, and use user accounts on22:53
hidnshadowsjezek have you checked the /media folder?22:53
bencahillBernardV, no, although I may be able to try another one this weekend22:53
JezekDarael, can't find /dev/sda722:53
bencahillBernardV, well plenty actually, but not 2GB+ :)22:53
e01i had problems with recordmydesktop, it won`t record and sound from the soundcard, how can i make it working?22:53
Jezekor where22:53
tunistsam: i don't know, but both version of the files contain menu references and boot options that point to both 'install from hard drive' and 'run from cd'22:54
BernardVbencahill: Yeah I ment the usb port22:54
ubottujezek: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:54
sam-_-tunist, i don't know either. sry22:54
tunistsam: if that's the difference you are pointing to/thinking of22:54
bencahillBernardV, doesn't work with the in-built 1.1 ports either, so I don't think it's that22:54
hidnshadowsjezek, just open a nautilus window, then go to filesystem, then hit media22:54
tunistsam: ok, thanks for assisting.. i know a bit more about how the boot works anyhow... maybe i can figure it out from here22:55
BernardVbencahill: Hmm.. and you have the option to select boot from USB in your bios?22:55
Jezekhidnshadows, there are two drives that i can't access22:55
Jezekyou do not have permissions22:55
Lint01is it possible to create temporary files automatica;;y?22:55
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from, wihout rewriting nm-applet?22:55
tsrkI need to clear the hard disk that my / partition is mounted on. How can I do this without physical access to the server?22:55
sam-_-tunist, ok i will msg. if i get to know sth22:55
BernardVhidnshadows: ISOlinux a bootloader, just like syslinux.. but syslinux runs on a FAT filesystem22:56
hidnshadowsjezek hang on, in the meantime make a new custom launcher on the panel and I'll look up that code22:56
tunistsam: ok, thanks a lot22:56
hidnshadowsbernardv okay, just curious22:56
Jezekhidnshadows, what?22:56
BernardVhidnshadows: But yes, the LiveCD uses ISOLinux :)22:56
hidnshadowsjezek go to terminal, type this in : gksudo "gnome-open %u"22:56
Daraeltsrk: Without hosing your / partition?  Unmount any other partitions and format them?  If you need to completely wipe it, you have no way of doing this effectively without physical access.22:56
Jezekno such file or directory22:57
hidnshadowsdarael does tsrk need to wipe a disk?22:57
Jezekhidnshadows, no such file or directory22:57
tsrkDarael: I want to hose my / partition along with the rest of the disk... I don't want any data to remain though22:57
hidnshadowsjezek, then try sudo gnome-open22:57
Daraelhidnshadows: 22:55:52 < tsrk> I need to clear the hard disk that my / partition is mounted on. How can I do this without physical access to the server?22:57
tsrkhidnshadows: Yes22:57
Daraeltsrk: You need physical access.22:58
induzhow can I restore' my synaptic Package manager "???22:58
hidnshadowstsrk oh it's a server. I was going to say, if it was a local hard drive, there's a boot disc called DBAN. that'll completely shred the drive22:58
Jezekhidnshadows, command not found22:58
hidnshadowsjezek hmm... one sec22:58
tsrkDarael: ok, what would be the best I can do without physical access?22:58
tsrkhidnshadows: The problem is that it's the disk that / is mounted on22:59
hidnshadowsjezek try sudo nautilus --browser22:59
induzplease help me as my Synaptic Manager is showing : E: Type 'multiverse' is not known on line 50 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list22:59
Daraeltsrk: Without physical access the best you can do is to run shred over any file you want to be sure is gone.  That doesn't include programs.  Data files only.22:59
TomBosleyExpno one has any idea why I can't connect to a windows 7 home share using nautilus?22:59
Jezekhidnshadows, why did i do that23:00
tsrkDarael: what would happen if I just shredded the disk, ignoring the fact that / is mounted?23:00
tsrkDarael: wouldn't all the programs be cached in memory long enough to finish the process?23:00
BernardVtsrk: You could create another partition, install a base linux system that can boot, change your mountpoint with fdisk or something, then reboot and hope it boots. Then wipe the old /... that could work I think.23:00
Daraeltsrk: It would almost certainly fail partway through as the program you were using got overwritten with random data.23:00
induzhow can i update or correct my   /etc/apt/sources.list23:01
Daraeltsrk: BernardV's is the most likely method.23:01
induzmy /etc/apt/sources.list  is corrupt23:01
induzplease help me23:01
hidnshadowsinduz want me to pastebin you mine?23:01
induz/etc/apt/sources.list  i giving me errors23:01
tsrkBernardV: I like that idea... what's the best way to install a base system onto a partition like that?23:01
Daraelinduz: Open the Software Centre, go to prefs and change the sources.  Alternatively, run "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" from a terminal or from alt+f2.23:01
bencahillBernardV, oh no, this laptop is from the 2000-2002 era :) no boot from usb in bios, almost no bios at all :D23:01
hidnshadowsbencahill weird, 2001 toshiba can boot form USB23:02
Jezekis there any other way to just recover the files?23:02
Darael!patience | induz, I realise you have an answer now but for future reference23:02
ubottuinduz, I realise you have an answer now but for future reference: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:02
BernardVtsrk: Not sure, never done that. I would try to create a parition in a VM localy, then dd the parition to a file, upload it and dd to the parition on the server.. but not sure it would work23:03
BernardVbencahill: Ah ok.. then CD it is I think...23:03
hidnshadowsinduz, do you want me to PM you the code from mine, and you can try to create a new one?23:03
DaraelBernardV, tsrk:  That fails for the same reason shred fails.  I tried it once.23:03
Jezeki have files i need to access asap on the hard drive23:03
Darael!who | Jezek23:03
ubottuJezek: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:03
tsrkDarael: that would be going to a different partition, not overwriting /23:04
Jezekim not speaking to anyone23:04
induzDarael and ubottu: i am trying to get  my /etc/apt/sources.list restored23:04
tsrkBernardV: that seems like a good idea, I'll try that23:04
Daraeltsrk: My apologies, I must have misread.23:04
JezekDarael, my statements weren't directed at anyone23:04
BernardVThen you could try to update your kernel to a KVM kernel, install a VM system on a real parition and use that one23:04
Jezekexcept that one23:04
hidnshadowstsrk what is your situation, do you need to nuke an entire hard disk? or is the pronlem that an external device has it mounted?23:04
Daraelinduz: ubottu is a bot!  I know you are.  The instruction I gave earlier will help you to edit it.  The fiftieth line is the one causing you problems.  Try commenting it out.23:05
Darael!patience | Jezek, in that case23:05
ubottuJezek, in that case: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:05
tsrkhidnshadows: I need to "nuke" 2 hard disks inside a server that I don't have local access to23:05
induzhow can I open that file??23:05
bencahillhidnshadows, lucky! :)23:05
Jezeki only asked it once23:05
BernardVtsrk: Do you have serial console access?23:06
tsrkBernardV: actually, the issue with doing that is I doubt it's going to work first try, and if it gets stuck without ssh I'm screwed23:06
tsrkBernardV: unfortunately no23:06
hidnshadowstsrk oh, DBAN would require access. Besides, physical access is really the only way to know that you aren't doing it maliciously (not implying anything)23:06
BernardVtsrk: That's to bad... that would make things a lot easier :)23:06
induzI changed the SErver[prefered] on software Center23:06
DaraelJezek: I'm sure you know what's meant.  You're filling the channel with messages along the lines of "I really need this fixed".  We can see that.  I'm actually looking for something to help you, but a little patience will go a long way.23:07
tsrkhidnshadows: I just migrated all my virtual servers to a colo at a new DC, and I don't trust my old DC to wipe the disk. When I first got this server, it had the last customer's data on. I had very sensitive data on here that can't be leaked.23:07
tsrkhidnshadows: So it's not malicious, but I really need to get it done.23:07
hidnshadowstsrk go to the place with the server isn't possible? ROAD TRIP!!23:07
tsrkhidnshadows: Haha, I doubt th ey'd let me in23:08
induzhow can i reach to #50 line??23:08
tsrkhidnshadows: This place took like a week to repsond to my billing ticket23:08
BernardVtsrk: Just ask if they can install a new base system, I don't think they will keep the old data23:08
JezekDarael, before i was asking how to mount if it it wasn't mounting. now i was asking if there is just another copy files from the partition somehow. two seperate questions.23:08
hidnshadowstsrk there's an OS called DBAN thant securely nukes any local drives, but I don't think it'd work with a server23:08
GilosI installed the latest 10.10 netbook software, is there a way to make the ubuntu symbol act as the main menu icon more like a normal system?  other than that, I like the icon bar that comes with netbook.23:08
Jezek*another way23:08
hidnshadowsjezek do you or don23:09
tsrkBernardV: I asked before getting the server set up if they always wipe disks, and they said yes. Then, they set it up for me, and I could see the last customer's data.23:09
BernardVtsrk: Ouch..23:09
hidnshadowsjezek can you or can't you mount the drive23:09
tsrkBernardV: Yeah... there's half the reason I'm switching23:09
Jezekhidnshadows, i cannot23:09
juniourcan any one tall me how to chek mail via teminal23:10
BernardVtsrk: But your VM host doesn't have a ssh login for customers to use the XEN/KVM/?? console?23:10
hidnshadowstsrk if they;re that bad, file a report with places like the BBB. After that, try asking #backtrack if they need a new target :)23:10
=== Glavata_ is now known as Glavata
tsrkBernardV: it's a physical server23:10
BernardVI have a VM host and a server, VM host has XEN console access, server has serial.. so ...23:10
BernardVah ok23:10
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from, wihout rewriting nm-applet?23:10
Jordan_Utsrk: You can probably dd zeros to the entire drive while still booted from it.23:11
C_Okieubuntus not as busy right now cool23:11
hidnshadowsdarael, the program's running the background even if the applet has disappeared. How wide is the screen, is there spacious room for the icons?23:11
tsrkJordan_U: I was wondering if that'd work, but BernardV said that most likely it'll die half way through from trying to read something23:11
juniourcan any one tell me to check mai via terminal23:11
C_Okiewhen is it the worst around here for asking a question as far as # of people asking23:11
BernardVtsrk: That was Darael , but I think the same ;)23:12
sam-_-juniour, mai=mail?23:12
tsrkBernardV: sorry, yeah23:12
Jordan_Utsrk: In my experience no. Just make sure that anything that might run during that time is already running (in RAM).23:12
Daraelhidnshadows: I know it is, but network-manager disconnects if the applet quits.  Screen is currently 1366x768 - I've got plenty of space for my panel icons.23:12
Jordan_Utsrk: That said, no guarantee.23:12
tsrkJordan_U: oh you've tried it? that'd be great if it'd work23:12
hidnshadowsc_0kie probably around Christmas-time, we can't be on IRC while with our families23:12
BernardVtsrk: Just try it in virtualbox or something.. easiest way to test23:13
junioursam u know to do this23:13
tsrkBernardV: yeah i'll do that23:13
junioursam r u there?23:13
C_Okiehidnshadows:  and  I wouldn't want you guys to be either :) have some time off and celebrebreate! I mean time wise though as far as military time of the day23:13
bencahill!tab | juniour23:13
ubottujuniour: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:13
sam-_-juniour, try mutt23:13
sam-_-juniour, sudo apt-get install mutt23:13
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
hidnshadowsc_0kie there isn't really a time, there's a bunch of people across the oceans and around the world, Night time's usually pretty quiet though23:14
juniour sam23:14
sam-_-juniour, y?23:15
BernardVtsrk: But updating to a KVM kernel and installing a VM on a real parition and then changing the mountpoints would be easier then dd'ing I think.23:15
Jordan_Utsrk: And it may sound stupid but dding zeros is probably less likely to cause a crash than anything else (in C code that reads it in it's more likely to look like a null pointer/empty string/ something else that's safer than a random pointer or unterminated string).23:15
C_Okiehidnshadows:  ok gotcha thanks becuase earlier it was crazy!23:15
BernardVtsrk: If dd'ing zero's doesn't work I mean23:15
bencahillC_Okie, yeah night time is pretty guiet, except for the occasional troll (last night) :D23:15
hidnshadowsWhoah bencahill I never knew that about the IRCs, thanks man!23:15
Daraelbencahill: Whose night time? :P23:15
BernardVThat's true Jordan_U23:15
C_Okieoooh fun stuff with bots and trolls23:16
bencahillhidnshadows, ?23:16
tsrkBernardV: That way would work better if I could get it right first try, but if it gets stuck before running SSH I'm screwed23:16
hidnshadowsbencahill about the tab autocompletion23:16
bencahillDarael, CST23:16
tsrkJordan_U: the ideal situation would be for dd and SSH to both keep running through the whole process so I can get confirmation that it finished23:16
bencahillhidnshadows, ah :) I felt pretty dumb when I found out about it too :)23:16
Daraelbencahill: Ah.  I'm in GMT myself, you see, so I do wonder which time people mean sometimes.23:17
hidnshadowstsrk try contacting the company and ask if they'll run DBAN or at least wipe it?23:17
bencahillDarael, ah :)23:17
induzhow can I update my Ubuntu23:17
bencahilljuniour, /quit23:17
bencahilljuniour, :)23:18
hidnshadowsinduz back your stuff up and install the next one23:18
Daraelinduz: System->administration->update manager, or to upgrade, see hidnshadows's response.23:18
hidnshadowsIs there a way to burn software to a disc and let others use it like the LiveCD works for software center?23:18
BernardVtsrk: That's true, but delete most files you know for sure you don't need, then write a lot of 0'files, delete them, write 1' files delete them etc... then you try ;) If it's not working most "for your eyes only" data will be lost23:18
hidnshadowsdarael I wasn't sure if induz was talking about going to maverick or patching stuff23:19
Jordan_Utsrk: Keep us updated on how it goes :)23:19
tsrkhidnshadows: as I was saying earlier this company says they wipe disks but they don't really23:19
Daraelhidnshadows: Hence the dual response.  Between us, it's covered.23:19
induzI am getting Partial Update  why??23:19
hidnshadowstsrk okay, if the 1's and 0's don't work, then maybe you could request that they run that software afterwards23:20
BernardVtsrk: Where is the data you don't want others to see?23:20
Daraelinduz: Presumably because there's something preventing the update happening as a full one.  Go through the partial then run it again and it usually resolves.23:20
tsrkBernardV: sorry, not quite sure what you mean. are you saying I should fill the free space with junk files? that'd probably work actually23:20
BernardVtsrk: Yeah that's what i mean23:20
induzI am going to Partial way darell23:20
juniourhey i hav install mutt but on scree comming pacakage configuration23:20
BernardVtsrk: And do it a few times, with not only 0's23:20
Darael!tab | induz23:20
ubottuinduz: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:20
tsrkBernardV: it was VM disks... I made the mistake of rm'ing them instead of shredding them23:20
BernardVtsrk: Random would do23:20
Loneclockwhich channel do you go to to talk about internet speed issues?23:20
BernardVtsrk: Ah ok23:21
juniourpostfix configuration23:21
hidnshadowsinduz are you behind a 3rd-party firewall when you update? my HS firewall won't let me get stuff from medibuntu23:21
tsrkBernardV: what will happen if the disks gets too full? anything bad, or will the writes just start failing?23:21
Bilzjust partitioning hard drive to install ubuntu 10.04. any reasons why i shouldnt use ext4 instead of ext3?23:21
juniourhow to select mail server configuration23:21
DaraelLoneclock: Depends on what you think the problem is.  If you reckon it's Ubuntu, here.  If you reckon it's your network setup, try #networking and ##networking.  If you reckon it's your ISP, talk to them.23:21
induzIts doing Distro Update which i dont want  caz i had problem earlier with my USB wireless adapter23:21
c0de_Redubottu, I noticed for some, the tab sometimes produces a colon : or a comma , . Anyway to change that?23:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:21
bencahill!ext4 | Bilz23:22
BernardVtsrk: I was just typing.. "Be aware that 0 free space can hang a system...not always the case"23:22
induznow i dont know ...may be i have to re-install ubuntu koala again23:22
hidnshadowshi kyle__ hows it going. got a problem?23:22
induzI am not behing firewall other than my router23:22
Kyle__Trying to get ubuntu on a silver imac.23:23
=== juniour is now known as shubham
Daraeltsrk: There's some space reserved for root, so even if it gets unusably full you could boot in single-user mode (or, indeed, telinit 1) and you'd be able to sort it.23:23
hidnshadowskyle__ do you have a boot disc?23:23
induzI just wanted to install mySpell-hun for hindi23:23
Kyle__Install goes fine, refit installed, but no linux boot.23:23
=== shubham is now known as juniour
DaraelBernardV: You might find that info useful as well, actually.23:23
Kyle__hidnshadows: yup.23:23
tsrkBernardV: hmm ok... well, the disk wasn't nearly 100% full from the VM disks, so as long as I write at least that much data will I be OK? Or will the new data go on a different physical part of the disk?23:23
hidnshadowskyle__ hold down the left "option" key23:23
BernardVDarael: indeed:) But does it start ssh? If not he still has a problem23:24
juniouri am new to this thats y am cheking the command23:24
tsrkDarael: oh yeah, I was reading something about being able to unmount / in runlevel 1, would that work instead?23:24
tsrkDarael: is that what telinit does?23:24
c0de_Redis anyone familiar with the issue of iTunes freezing up when trying to run it on a VirtualBox? I've been trying for days learn how to fix this issue but no luck23:24
Kyle__hidnshadows: Did.  And it says no OS, etc etc.23:24
Daraeltsrk: It's one of the things it does.23:24
tsrkDarael: will that kill my running SSH?23:24
hidnshadowskyle stupid mac and their [insert word here] proprietary BIOS and CMOS or whatever23:25
juniourwht is the use of tab key23:25
Daraeltsrk: You'd want to make sure the program you wanted to use to shred was loaded into the ramdisk, along with any ssh-related files, first.23:25
bazhang!tab | juniour23:25
ubottujuniour: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:25
DaraelBernardV: Probably not, but one can change the runlevel definitions in advance so that it does.23:25
Kyle__hidnshadows: As prone as I am to agree, I'm really hoping to find a way to get this to boot nicely.23:25
the_real_daveAnyone know if it's possible to setup a PXE Server without using fancy DHCP? Just using DHCP from a router?23:25
juniourwt is autocompletion23:25
BernardVDarael: Thanks.. never needed that yet, but good info23:25
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.523:25
tsrkDarael: Do I need to create a ramdisk, or is there one created when it goes to runlevel 1?23:25
bencahilljuniour, try it23:26
hidnshadowskyle__ yeah, too bad you can't just nuke the sucker and it will install fine23:26
Daraeltsrk: I'm sorry, it's not my field,23:26
bazhangjuniour, jun <tab> autocompletes your nick23:26
shcherbakjuniour: try /ho<TAB>23:26
Daraeltsrk: ... I don't know.23:26
induzsame Koala not Lucid after Update as i never said Upgrade23:26
tsrkDarael: ok, thanks though... I'll mess around in a VM and see what I can figure out23:26
Daraeltsrk: Good luck.23:26
hidnshadowsyeah tsrk good luck23:26
bazhanginduz, paste.ubuntu.com with your sources.list and the output of lsb_release -a23:27
juniour thank to23:27
=== lost is now known as Guest49487
juniour all23:27
tsrkthanks hidnshadows23:27
BernardVtsrk: YEah good luck and if you find a good sollution, I'm all ears ;)23:27
juniour to help23:27
juniour me23:27
FloodBot3juniour: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:27
tsrkI'll let you all know how this goes23:27
Bilzright, ive loaded up on my livecd, but for some reason there are some partitions i cant delete through gparted. such as the extended partition containing a swap partition. also, my hard drive seems to be split funny, so that the i have first 100gb unallocated, then partition of 100gb (which i want) and then another 200gb or so free, then swap partition, then another 100gb or so. how do i rectify these problems?!23:27
shcherbakjuniour: TAB in general move cursor (and sometime add rest of path/command/nick etc.)23:27
tsrkBernardV: I really don't think there's going to be a "good" solution... whatever I do is going to be a cluge of some kind23:27
Bilzokay, managed to get rid of the swa23:28
BernardVtsrk: Still curious :P23:28
induzBazang?? what??23:28
Bilznow need to allocate the paritions in a proper order!23:28
tsrkBernardV: yeah, I'll let you know23:28
Jezekhow do i cancel an ionstall that is in process23:28
Jezekim in ubuntu software center and the progress bar froze23:28
induzhow can i go to source list??23:28
Kyle__Any refit gurus here?  Anyone know if there's editing to do to get into linux?23:28
BernardVJezek: Pull the plug :)23:28
hidnshadowsso hey guys, I heard soemthing about increasing the swap partition will make it run faster/handle more programs. Anything on this?23:28
JezekBernardV, i have to restart?23:29
Bilzhidnshadows, think she just need double the memory for the swap23:29
Daraelhidnshadows: Depends how much RAM you have and how much is being used.23:29
Bilzthink you*23:29
KM0201hidnshadows: how much ram does your system have, and how large is your swap now?.. most newer systems probably rarely touch swap23:29
BernardVJezek: No, I don't think so..23:29
bazhanginduz, cat etc/apt/sources.list -----> copy to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url; also the output of lsb_release -a23:29
BernardVJezek: How long ago it froze?23:29
shcherbakinduz: cat /etc/apt/sources.list23:29
JezekBernardV, few minutes23:29
bazhanginduz, cat /etc/apt/sources.list23:29
hidnshadowsdarael km0201 it's a netbook, supposedly it has 2GiB RAM but I only ever see 1 listed23:29
shcherbakbazhang: right,23:30
BernardVJezek: Just wait a few more, I had some install which stalled for about 10 minutes, never knew what it was...23:30
Jezeklol ok23:30
BernardVJezek: Otherwise you could start a terminal and check the running processes and kill the installer23:30
shcherbakJezek: you can just kill software center, then run in terminal: sudo apt-get install -f && sudo apt-get autoremove23:31
juniourbernardv to kill process via terminal23:31
Daraelhidnshadows: Might make a difference, depends how much of your hard drive you're prepared to give up for swap - but the problem may be your netbook processor.  You'll want to see what is being overused - htop does that very nicely, gnome-performance-monitor (or w/e) doesn't because it eats too much itself.23:31
juniourhow can i do it23:31
BernardVyes juniour ?23:31
Daraelshcherbak: It may be necessary to remove the dpkg lock file as well if juniour does that.  Just a heads-up.23:32
KM0201s3rris: any luck?23:32
shcherbakjuniour: type: top to get PID, and kill PID23:32
BernardVjuniour: "ps aux" look at the PID, then "kill [PID]" and if it doesn't kill "kill -9 [PID]"23:32
shcherbakDarael: he will tell us about it23:32
induzwhere can i paste my source file??23:32
induzits a text file23:32
Daraelshcherbak: Well, the error message for that can be a little cryptic so I thought I'd give advance warning.23:33
BernardVinduz: pastebin.com23:33
shcherbakDarael: You may be right.23:33
JezekPerson who said run apt-get autoremove, "could not lock /var/lib/dpkg/block..."23:34
juniourthanks scherbak and bernardv23:34
BernardVJezek: run it as "root"23:34
techqbertdoes mv have a flag where each file that was successfully moved gets deleted before moving on to the next file?23:34
induzabove is my file please look at it23:34
BernardVJezek: sudo apt-get autoremove23:34
bazhanginduz, you have some breezy sources in there23:35
JezekBernardV, same error23:35
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from, wihout rewriting nm-applet?23:35
shcherbakJezek: check this file /var/chache/apt/lock23:35
BernardVJezek: Or you are running another apt instance (synatic, apt, aptitude...) that locks the file23:35
bazhanginduz, also, pastebin the output of lsb_release -a23:35
DaraelJezek: First run "ps -e | grep dpkg".  If there's no output, run "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" and if there is, wait for your running installs and/or updates to complete.23:35
shcherbakJezek: and remove it, and repead: sudo apt-get install -f23:36
xanguainduz: like we have told you since the last 6 hours at least, simply delete the last 3 lines23:36
JezekDarael, there was an output. but the install has been at 50% forever23:36
bazhanginduz, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and place a # in front of the breezy sources; then save the file and sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade23:36
cannonfodderhey you guys...whats a good video editing software for ubuntu?   basically, i need to copy the audio from a video into a separate file, edit it with audacity, then overide the original audio of the video with the one i edited in audacity23:37
Jezekshcherbak, no file there23:37
cretsiahany1 familiar with this avi 2 smv converter http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~yurac/interests/smv-encode/ ?? does any1 know where i can try to alter the display size?23:37
BernardVcannonfodder: ffmpeg (console)23:38
shcherbakJezek: /var/lib/dpkg/lock , sorry wrong paste23:38
induzsudo apt-get upgrade ???? its for what23:38
Jezekshcherbak, there is no dkpg folder23:38
VCooliocannonfodder: avidemux, pitivi; also for a list http://tinyurl.com/pjcls23:39
juniourit for upgrading ur system23:39
Jezekoh sorry mistyped23:39
induzThanks Bazhang....but I dont want to upgrade to any other version of ubunt23:39
bazhanginduz, first the output of lsb_release -a in a pastebin please23:39
Jezekshcherbak, delete this file?23:39
BernardVinduz: for upgrading all the packages that have a newer version23:39
bazhanginduz, and then edit the sources.list23:39
DaraelJezek: Advisable to kill the running dpkg process first.23:39
induz lsb_release -a23:39
induzNo LSB modules are available.23:39
induzDistributor ID:Ubuntu23:39
induzDescription:Ubuntu 9.1023:39
FloodBot3induz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
BernardVinduz: apt-get update updates the sources23:39
JezekDarael, how so23:39
bazhanginduz, until you get rid of those breezy sources, you wont get it fixed23:39
induzI inserted # in front of Breezy sources and saved the source file23:40
bazhanginduz, repaste it for us to see23:40
induzI have also shown my lsb-release above23:40
BernardVinduz: then run "apt-get update"23:40
DaraelJezek: If you remove the lockfile, run another dpkg, then the one that's already running might at some point resume and wind up leaving your system inconsistent.  Issue "sudo killall dpkg" to be safe.23:40
induzit says : No LSB modules are available.23:41
saintlyIm trying to get Compiz fusion on my 10.10, can anyone help? i have the icon and the settings manager, but none of the effects.23:41
saintlyxubuntu that is23:41
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:41
=== joshua is now known as ridin
induznow its updating23:41
shcherbakJezek: can you post me output of sudo apt-get install -f ??23:41
bazhanginduz, please show us the new sources.list23:42
induzwhat is LSB Module??23:42
bazhanginduz, dont spam the channel with it, use a pastebin23:42
c0de_Redsaintly, under Visual effects, have you tried switching it to Extra?23:42
induzhere : http://pastebin.com/G0NuCGxJ23:43
induzI am not spaming the chaneel23:43
Jezekshcherbak, http://pastebin.com/1h5e1AsV23:44
induzcan U read it now23:44
KM0201induz: why don't you just rremove those breezy repos?... what do you have them for?23:44
bazhanginduz, you are either updating now, or have another package manager open23:44
strouthosHi. the touchpad of my laptop has always worked fine, but after using the laptop with an external keyboard and mouse for some time, the trackpad suddenly doesn't work anymore. Could anyone help me out?23:45
induzI can Update now23:45
bazhanginduz, wait til its finished then proceed23:45
KM0201oh ok23:45
induzthose Breezy lines are for Hindi  Dictionary but It doesnt work23:45
Bilzstrouthos, i had this problem23:45
BernardVbazhang: I think you mean Jezek .. just for induz's sake ;)23:45
KM0201induz: oh ok... well, hope your upgrade goes smooth now23:45
induznow it Updates 100%23:45
BernardVah ok.. nvm23:45
Bilzstrouthos, well, sort of. i turn off my touchpad when i was using my mouse once, and went back to use it and it wouldnt work23:46
KM0201induz: what are you trying to do, upgrade karmic?23:46
strouthosBilz: How did you fix it?23:46
bazhanginduz, the plf sources are looooong gone23:46
juniourman irssi23:46
Bilzstrouthos, its a common problem, and there are a few fixes (non of which i recall). however, just google it and see what you find23:46
induzno, I dont want to Upgrade as karmic has problem23:46
Jezek_turns out acidentelly rebooting my computer fixed it23:46
shcherbakJezek_: you sure that no synaptic, update manager is rinning?23:46
bazhanginduz, you're on Karmic now23:46
=== Jezek_ is now known as Jezek
Bilzstrouthos, at what point i got it to work but it was jerky. im afraid i cant remember exactly what i did to fix it, but im an ubuntu noob and i googled and managed a fix23:46
KM0201induz: so what are you using?.. .all yoru repos say karmic23:46
Jezekshcherbak, it says its installed now23:47
induzwow...Karmic is working now23:47
Jezekshcherbak, can't seem to find it anywhere though23:47
cryptic1im definately a linux noob. I am trying to hook up a usb turntable and am on several sites. Most say that dmesg says it should show up ok23:47
strouthosBilz: Ḯ've been googling it for some time myself.....23:47
induz Earlier it had some problem with my USM DEll wireless adpater23:47
induznow its working!!!!! great23:47
cryptic1I am not finding anything and have no idea how to interpretate the dmesg results23:47
shcherbakJezek: anyway, run commands you where given, they will clean system23:47
bazhanginduz, fixed?23:48
induzI was in Koala earlier23:48
KM0201induz: wel, now you can upgrade to 10.04..lol, since karmic will be EOL in about 4mo..lol23:48
induzyes its working now23:48
juniourthere is any antivirus for ubuntu23:48
Jezekshcherbak, i think i tried most of them23:48
shcherbakJezek: sudo apt-get install -f && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get update23:48
KM0201induz: end of life23:48
xangua!eol > induz23:48
ubottuinduz, please see my private message23:48
BernardVinduz: End of Life23:48
Darael!av | juniour23:48
ubottujuniour: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus23:48
popsCan someone help me with accessing wireless networks in ubuntu?23:48
bazhanginduz, end of support cycle23:48
cryptic1it is supposed to run through audacity, but it doesnt seem to detect the usb device?23:48
shcherbakJezek: they did not work with lock23:48
Jezekseems like this command is doin something23:49
KM0201pops: do you know what wireless device you have?23:49
induzok... I am new in this ubuntu23:49
induzThanks guys for virtual help23:49
MarcosBoa noite23:49
=== Marcos is now known as Guest76786
Guest76786alguém barsiç23:49
KM0201induz: well, good luck w/ it...23:49
popswhat's the pm command?23:49
Guest76786algum brasileiro23:49
induzI dont want to Upgrade to a latest realease as sometimes there are driver problem23:49
popsanyone know?23:49
_jesse_pops: /msg username23:50
KM0201pops: i asked you what your wireless device was23:50
aeon-ltdpops:  /query name23:50
BernardVpops: /msg [nick] [message]23:50
induzI want to install HunSpell23:50
KM0201induz: what is hunspell?23:51
Daraelinduz: sudo apt-get install hunspell23:51
induzwow!!! I am at Karmic now23:51
KM0201oh spellchecker23:51
JemtI'm remastering Ubuntu. Can someone tell me how to add translations for a new menu entry in isolinux/txt.cfg ?23:51
popsyour name was red when you asked me i thought it was a pm23:51
Bilzstrouthos, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1508556 try this?23:51
hidnshadowsDoes anyone here have any experience with tor/vidalia?23:51
induzwhy My keyboard is slow suddenly??23:52
jef91Anyone know if nautilus can handle menu protocol somehow like pcmanfm does?23:52
Darael1anyone | hidnshadows23:52
Bilzstrouthos, it looks like a page i found when i was searching23:52
Darael!anyone | hidnshadows23:52
JemtChanging existing translations is not a problem. I just can't seem to figure out how to add one23:52
ubottuhidnshadows: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:52
C_Okieso in the MBR, the addreses 01BE thorugh 01FD ( the table of primary partiions) is pointers to the adress and meta data on the parition itself?23:52
KM0201!tab | pops no... thats so you can see what i'm saying23:52
ubottupops no... thats so you can see what i'm saying: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:52
induzI have spellChecker... I want the dictionary23:52
KM0201pops: regardless, what is your wireless device?.. lspci should show it, assuming its internal23:52
sosaitedDoes anyone know dd command parameters here?23:52
BernardVhidnshadows: Yeah, don't run a tor exit node :P relay ok, but exit....you don't want to know what kind of sites are accessed23:53
popswhat is lspci?  I have to warn you I'm not a very adept computer user :/23:53
ridinpops, lspci shows you the connected hardware in the computer, interally23:53
Darael!anyone 1 sosaited23:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:54
sosaitedI want to know if to provide "records" value to "seek" parameter or the bytes?23:54
BernardVpops: lspci = list PCI devices23:54
tomlikestorock_I'm trying to upgrade a server from 6.06 to 10.04 via the command line. I've changed my /etc/apt/lists/sources.list file to point from dapper to lucid, but when I sudo apt-get update, I get this: E: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid_main_binary-i386_Packages (1)23:54
hidnshadowsI keep getting a conflict with one of my programs, on install there's a debconf setting. This setting, no matter what it is, gives me an error when I reboot. also bernardv, I'm not new to tor. I don't use it for illegal stuff, but rather getting around the school firewall23:54
KM0201pops: open a terminal, type "lspci" no quotes(and thats a lowercase L)..a nd hit enter.. it will spit out your PC's devices, find yoru wireless device in the list and tell us what ti is(don't give us the whole freaking list)23:54
induzis this the command for installing an application : sudo apt-get install23:54
ridininduz, yes23:54
juniouryes induz23:54
tomlikestorock_is there a step I missed?23:55
popswell im using windows, otherwise i can't access the internet23:55
popsdo what you said23:55
popsshould i go into ubuntu23:55
popsand come back as soon as i can?23:55
KM0201!who | pops23:55
ubottupops: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:55
KM0201pops: yes... you should...23:55
Daraelhidnshadows: Depending on your school's AUP, that may actually qualify as "illegal stuff".  I have a feeling we're not supposed to support firewall evasion even if it seems to be legal in here, but ICBW.23:55
ridintomlikestorock_, i'm not a very good user though, but according to the wiki you can't upgrade to one very old release to something a bit modern :d23:55
tomlikestorock_ridin; ack. what should I aim for first, then?23:56
hidnshadowsdarael and I use it elsewhere, just so that people can't snoop, especially on open networks.23:56
ridintomlikestorock_, i'm i can't help much, but you can try downloading and installing lucid23:56
BernardVhidnshadows: I don't judge tor. I think it's beatifull, but I ran an exit node for a few months and one day I thought.. "What the heck, I will log the url's..." What I have seen I don't want to share, but it was enough to stop being an exit23:56
sam-_-hidnshadows, how's the speed? last time i used it was 5 years ago. it was horrible23:57
Daraelhidnshadows: Fair, and I'm not judging tor.  Or you.  Just a heads-up, you may not want to say the other use.23:57
BernardVsam-_-: It still is, that's why I thought it would be nice to run an exit on my 1Gbit uplink23:57
hidnshadowsbernardv yeah, I know what you mean, and it sickens me. sam-_- it depends on where the tube exits. For example the common australian does very poorly23:58
sam-_-BernardV brought to you by Google?23:58
rwwhidnshadows: When I've installed tor, I haven't gotten debconf prompts. What's it asking you for? Are you using packages from Ubuntu's repositories (if so, which version of Ubuntu?), or torproject.org?23:58
BernardVsam-_-: Nope23:58
BernardVsam-_-: in DCG amsterdam23:59
hidnshadowsrww I'm using torproject's repos, and it's like "do you want vidalia to restart tor when run" or something23:59
juniourbarnardv i am  able to watch you tube videos in movie player23:59
junioursorr y not23:59
juniourhow to enable23:59
sam-_-BernardV, but you don't have 1gbit @ home, do you?23:59
rwwhidnshadows: Ah. I don't install Vidalia. It's caused problems for me with starting tor at boot, and it doesn't add much imho :\23:59

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