
Guest51249nick /slowpoke01:52
Guest51249I have a problem whilst trying to install Xubuntu 10.1001:53
Guest51249I keep on getting errno 5 input/output errors01:53
Guest51249I really want to get this laptop working for my little sister01:53
Guest51249but if I cannot get xubuntu installed i don't know what to do01:54
Guest51249can anyone help? thanks01:54
saintlyhey all02:13
saintlyWhat do i need to do to get flash? ive already installed bothe the Gnash and the Adobe plugins, neither one is working02:14
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Guest13342hey. i am kind of new to xubuntu, like today, I was wondering how to change the panel color in 10.10 from grey to black03:57
gr8m8it's your gtk theme that does that03:58
gr8m8you can copy one from /usr/share/themes to ~/.themes and edit it03:59
Guest13342thanks man04:01
Guest13342i liked that in karmic koala they wre black04:01
* UBuxuBU continues his search for the Fountain of Code which he suspects will someday be found, deep in the digital rainforest of...Xubuntu!05:55
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nicofsdoes anyone know how i can hide all those XYZ has quit/entered the room notifications in Xchat?08:58
TheSheepmaybe ask on #xchat08:59
gr8m8right click the tab and select settings-hide loin/parts nicofs09:00
nicofsgr8m8, thanks... i didn't think of looking at the tab... i searched in settings at the top... ;-)09:01
gr8m8heh :-)09:01
nirazioHow to lock workstation in Xubuntu (XFCE, XFWM)?10:04
TheSheepnirazio: alt+ctrl+del10:12
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nirazioI want to use Google Earth so, I installed it. Installation is ok no error.But I double click the program, nothing happen. please help me.10:35
gr8m8nirazio: try starting it from a terminal to catch any errors10:37
gr8m8the executable should be in /usr/bin10:37
leoquantwhat is the outcome of : glxinfo | grep direct?10:42
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leoquant(install sudo apt-get install mesa-utils first)10:42
nirazioWhat's that??10:43
leoquantdirect rendering is needed to run googleearth10:43
nirazioAlright and i have one more doubt,10:44
nirazioI generally prefer XFCE desktop environment of Xubuntu, but I found its files right-click context menu too humble (no option to compress/decompress files for example, and I'd like some my very special actions there too).How can I customize it?10:44
gusnannirazio, http://thunar.xfce.org/plugins.html#thunar-archive-plugin10:46
nirazioHow to delete all files that are returned by locate??11:13
mark76Select all and press Del?11:15
niraziomark76: I want to delete it from terminal11:18
nirazioHow to download a specific filetype from a website using wget??For example png format...11:40
TheSheepnirazio: wget url-to-the-file-you-want-to-download11:52
TheSheepnirazio: the type is irrelevant11:53
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stephanmghi mates.12:31
MorphixNWhas anyone found a solution to the linux-header upgrade issue yet?13:14
MorphixNWwould be nice to fix it, rather then installing over again13:14
MorphixNWI have spent ages making things work so :(13:15
TheSheepMorphixNW: what issue?13:17
MorphixNWmy machine wont boot up after installing new linux-header upfates, its crashed out my graphics card and my networking13:18
MorphixNWshows the "low graphics mode" warning, but wont let me reconfig13:18
TheSheephave you tried to boot in the recovery mode?13:19
MorphixNWto no avail, also tried selecting an older kernel13:19
TheSheeprecovery mode is in text mode13:20
TheSheepwhat fails exactly?13:20
MorphixNWok, in that case i do get a terminal promot13:20
MorphixNWin text mode13:20
MorphixNWi am there now13:20
TheSheepok, then just install your drivers and you are done13:21
MorphixNWhow can I do that with no internet access?13:21
TheSheep!info apt-zip13:21
ubottuapt-zip (source: apt-zip): Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.18 (maverick), package size 20 kB, installed size 128 kB13:21
MorphixNWok and if the machine wont see my usb hard drive?13:22
MorphixNWlsusb shows the device, but its not mounted13:23
TheSheepthen mount it13:23
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount13:23
MorphixNWhow do i find the name of the hard drive? i.e /dev/hdb1?13:25
gr8m8sudo fdisk -l   will tell13:28
MorphixNWI can see sda1, sda2 and sda5, however, sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt fails13:29
MorphixNWsame on sda513:30
TheSheepsda is your hard disk drive probably13:30
TheSheepyou probably wand sdb or later13:30
MorphixNWsda1 is I think13:30
TheSheepsda1 is the first partition of disk sda13:30
MorphixNWI dont see anything for sdb13:30
MorphixNWhmm ok i see now13:30
TheSheepyou can also see what dmesg says when you are plugging the disk13:30
MorphixNWso the machine cant see my usb drive13:31
MorphixNWnew full speed usb device using uhci_hcd and address 313:31
TheSheepMorphixNW: lshw may show it13:33
MorphixNWwhen i now do "mount /dev/sdb /mnt" it says i must specify a filesystem type13:36
MorphixNWthis is just insane, all this hassle from an official update13:38
gr8m8most usb's are vfat so try mount -t vfat13:40
MorphixNWcant read superblock error13:44
MorphixNWits ntfs13:45
gr8m8sounds like the usb is borked then13:46
ablomenMorphixNW, /dev/sdb is the whole disk, you need the partition, something like /dev/sdb1 or sdb213:46
MorphixNWhows about if I can download the files required to fix it and stick them on a cd?13:48
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nasserhow can i install flash plugin via terminal?20:01
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tom99I am pretty new to xubuntu22:23
tom99but i am wondering of something22:23
tom99can you dedicate a mouse to one workstation ?22:23
tom99on the workstation function ?22:23
tom99and also screensaver ?22:24
tom99hello lighta22:31
tom99is somone here experinced with xubuntu ?22:32
tom99(im not)22:33
tom99i know the basics22:33
B-r00twhat is wrong with this people xD22:41
charlie-tcafull moon?22:42
charlie-tcaWeren't you standing by with an answer this time?22:43
charlie-tcadoesn't IRC mean instant help?22:43
charlie-tcaHappy Holidays22:43
lightalol charlie-tca, yeah it was like 2min reply max22:47
charlie-tcaheh, I thought we all had the answers on keyboard shortcuts?22:48
MorphixNWI must say, I am not best impressed with having to re-install my whole OS, following kernel update, but glad to be back online23:27
mark76Hey MorphixNW23:27
MorphixNWmark76: hey23:27
MorphixNWwatch out for the latest kernel update people23:28
MorphixNWit really made a mess of my previously working system23:28
charlie-tcadid you do those updates with update-manager or command-line?23:28
MorphixNWcommand line "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"23:28
MorphixNWonly my 10.10 system had problems, my 10.04 was/is fine :)23:30
saintlyIm trying to get Compiz fusion on my 10.10, can anyone help? i have the icon and the settings manager, but none of the effects.23:40
B-r00tsaintly: http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/23:41
B-r00tMorphixNW: try to use update-manager for updating23:44
MorphixNWdoes anyone know if its possible to cluster more than one machine? i.e harness the resources from each machine and combined that together to make one super computer as such?23:55
saintlyworkin on installin Compiz, doing a system check to see why it wasnt running, and i got this: The vesa driver is not capable of running Compiz, you need to install23:59
saintly the proper driver for your graphics card.23:59

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