
=== frakturfreak_ is now known as frakturfreak
vilahi all !07:29
pooliehi vila!08:02
vilapoolie: hey !08:02
vilapoolie: what can you tell me about our epydoc support ? I tried playing a bit with it yesterday but even with a gross hack for the lazy imports I wasn't really happy with th result (still some ~600 markup errors)08:03
pooliehm, there's a 'make apidocs' that should work08:04
pooliei can't recall if it uses epydoc or something else08:04
poolielast time i ran it, it seemed to work08:04
vilayeah, api-docs, I used that08:06
vilaI don't think I will go further with it though, better invest into sphinx08:07
vilabut epydoc as involved internally and the trick mwhudson used for the previous versions is now obsolete (my hack reuse it though but applied at a different place)08:08
vilanot sure it's worth publishing anyway08:08
vilaI should file a bug instead :)08:08
vilamgz: did you receive the mails about the failing daily builds ? https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/daily/+build/2107611/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.bzr_2.3.0%7Ebeta4%2Bbzr5579%7Eppa3877%2B3874%7Enatty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz mentions AttributeError: 'InstrumentedTestResult' object has no attribute 'report_error',08:50
mgzbut that's generally a knock-on error from the tests in bt.test_selftest not being written very robustly08:51
mgzthe real problem will be something else.08:51
vilamgz: I'm pretty sure this is a genuine bug in the bzr implementation that is triggered only for some weird combo of python/testtools versions08:51
* vila nods08:51
vilamgz: by the way, do you feel strongly about a more robust isolation for doctests ? I'm unclear about your concerns there08:52
mgzthere are some other failures in that log that I've had before and filed bugs on.08:52
mgzbasically, python2.7 isn't clean yet08:53
vilapython itself or testtools workarounds ? Or bzr on python2.7 itself ?08:53
mgzbzr on python 2.709:00
mgzI see the failures from bug 654731 and bug 614595 in that log, and I think I rememeber breaking those test_selftest tests, but may not have filed anything for them09:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 654731 in Bazaar "Using tuned_gzip.GzipFile.readline corrupts data on Python 2.7" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65473109:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 614595 in Bazaar "unpack_highres_date doctest fails on Python 2.7" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61459509:02
mgzgetting a 2.7 babune instance again would be good if that's a natty expectation09:03
mgz(sorry went off to get drink, hence delay)09:03
vilamgz: I'm monitoring a natty slave for stability (far too often I need to boot from a rescue CD to unlock a broken upgrade)09:04
vilaonce it's stable enough, I'll add it to babune09:04
vilaand I will propably remove the jaunty one at the same time since it has EOD for a couple of months now09:05
mgzif the daily builds failures are an issue I can work through the remaining 2.7 failures I get locally.09:05
vilamgz: it *is* an issue, how important is subjective but getting rid of it would be highly appreciated :)09:06
vilaright, so the bugs you filed are probably why I felt a deja-vu effect09:07
vilathe bad thing is that I thought they were fiXed not fiLed :) Damn Alzheimer09:07
mgzI squished most of them before you moved your instance back to 2.609:07
vilayou mean you have fixes for them but no submission ?09:08
mgzthose two linked up there are interestingly opposite ends of why-I-didn't-fix, the doctest issue is too trivial to care about, and the gzip one is scary.09:09
vilajelmer: hi and FYI ^09:11
vilawow, re-reading 654731... yeah scary... but so huge it makes me wonder if we really it it in production code09:12
mgzyeah, I think we don't.09:13
vilaa couple of test won't hurt to make it clearer then09:13
mgzbut that makes me not want to touch it at all.09:13
vilahmm, nice summary09:13
vilamgz: right, I understand the feeling, but on the other hand it's kind of a FUD issue :)09:14
mgzlaunchpad really needs a way of saying "any status" without that daft field.status%3Alist= every-single-status thing.09:14
vilawhich is a bit silly09:14
vilamgz: there are related features in the pipe if I understand correctly what jml said on his blog09:14
vilacan't we close bug #635583 for bzr ?09:16
ubot5Bug 635583 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/635583 is private09:16
vilacan't we close bug #625583 for bzr ?09:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 625583 in Bazaar "Strange details item reprs on skipped tests in babune" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62558309:16
mgzon his blog? or some other one? I don't recall seeing it on his.09:16
vilalet me check09:16
mgzvila: if you've upgraded to testtools 0.9.7 or later, yes.09:16
mgzbut not having a 2.7 slave means I've not actually noticed if it's fixed or not yet.09:17
vilaI should start filing bugs for babune (make slaves configuration easier to consult)09:17
vilaand do another audit to ensure I can re-start publishing the code09:18
vilabut may be it's a stupied idea to try auditing my own  setup...09:20
mgzpersonal glue code is always a bit odd.09:21
mgzmy testing stuff is all carefully licenced and available over http, but I've never bothered telling anyone about it.09:22
vilaMy main problem is with security issues, I tried to ensure that user and passwords weren't versioned in the babune project but hudson doesn't make it clear whether I succeeded or not09:22
vilathe slaves use some ssh keys, but those are clearly versioned somewhere else (and properly gpg-encoded before that anyway)09:22
vilaso that leaves only the babune accounts potentially (this is where I have doubts) exposed, or so I wish :)09:24
vilabut well, this is kind of relying on security through obscurity so I may just pusblish and monitor who is connecting when09:24
vilaI've made the hudson instance run under a specific account anyway to even getting access there won't buy an attacker anything interesting...09:25
vilas/to even/so even/09:25
vilashudder, natty broken again after an update :-/09:27
vilaha, may be not, one more reboot needed09:28
vilacould be vbox related...09:29
vilathe main issue these days is that 3D is not supported so Unity is out of the game, I shouldn't really care not keep insisting about using GUI on the slaves, but, well, it has been easier so far09:30
vilaright, runs ok after reboot and guest additions update09:30
mgzah yeah, I remember. the failing tests you asked about earlier were ones I broke, it's basically covered bug bug 63767409:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 637674 in Bazaar "RemotedTestCase.addCleanup exists but fails under Python 2.7" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63767409:44
mgzwas being clever making the thread leak stuff work with test case instances not derived from the bzrlib TestCase, but that breaks things09:45
mgzand those three bugs look like they cover all the failures in that log.09:46
vilawow, I would need to dig to understand here, I can't do that right now :-/09:46
vilaBut I could probably review if needed09:47
vilamgz: http://code.mumak.net/2010/11/and-then-what.html is what I had in mind09:49
vilathere was a more precise one about the bug queries but may be it was from some lp dev, not sure09:49
mgzspeaking of reviewing and understanding, I need to respond on the lp:~vila/bzr/321320-isolate-doc-tests mp as I feel we crossed wires a little.09:51
vilamgz: yeah, that was my question above09:51
mgzthanks for the link, I did see that post.09:51
vilaI can't find this other post I'm mentioning but from memory there will be ways to define queries, save and share them09:52
mgzlaunchpad is generally pretty good at urls that don't suck, bug search interface in general is a bit of a low point though.09:53
vilasome will be pre-defined and easily accessed from bug pages but you'll get full control for subscription for example (the two subjects are related so maybe I'm mixing things up)09:53
mgzI'm often doing a four or five page fetch thing trying to just look for some existing bug that may or may not already be fixed on trunk09:54
vilayeah, that's very bad09:55
vilasearching is sub-optimal, you often give me more precise answers than what I get when searching myself a bit outside of the ones I know09:56
vilapfew, mail backlog was heavier than usual, back to the drawing board now09:59
jelmervila: sorry, missed that earlier10:17
jelmervila: g'morning!10:17
vilajelmer: np, g'morning :D10:17
vilajelmer: I'm experimenting weird mail issues (some of my mail are lost), did you get the one I wrote in the 'Ready in bzr/proposed: testtools 0.9.8, fixtures 0.3.5' thread ? (To which you just replied, the thread not my email)11:33
jelmervila: checking11:39
jelmervila: nope, I don't see it11:44
viladarn, who knows since when I've been talking do /dev/null without even realizing...11:50
vilaOMG, found the root cause :(11:54
jelmervila: Talking to /dev/null is better than being ignored by the rest of the world ;-)11:55
vilahehe, I was vaguely suspecting the later (but not strongly enough to investigate ;) but I wasn't talking to /dev/null either, I have a bunch of mail reports in a mailbox now so I know which ones were not sent11:56
vilaoh my... yet another one where I was surprised to see no answers..11:57
vilaargh ! The 2.2.2 announce did not make it ! Nobody reacted :(11:58
vilabah, no wonder gary never replied to my emails...12:00
vilathe fact that I do a lot through lp didn't help...12:01
maxbAre there any guidelines for landing approved reviews to non-PQM-managed bzr projects owned by ~bzr?12:17
* maxb has an approved MP for bzr-fastimport... do I just merge and push, with an [r=person] commit message?12:18
jelmermaxb: The only guidelines are to use a merge to land the changes, and properly describe what changes you're landing.12:19
jelmermaxb: We don't have a tradition of mentioning reviewers, but it does seem like a reasonable thing to do.12:19
maxbHmm, well, it's just a single trivial revision, so if I don't mention the reviewer, I might as well just push :-)12:20
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* maxb sobs a bit at discovering how iffy bzr-fastimport's marks handling is12:48
jelmermaxb: you mean the fact that it hardcodes marks where any kind of revision identifier is possible?12:53
* jelmer gets bombarded with mail from vila13:05
vilajelmer: sorry about that, there were 74 mails that didn't went through...13:06
jelmernp :-)13:06
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knighthawkI'm a bit confused about how to use bazaar as a central repos. I think its working trees vs non working trees that is tripping me up or perhaps commit vs push13:34
vilaknighthawk: or even branch vs checkout :)13:43
vilaknighthawk: so, start by reading http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MatthewFuller/SpotDocs/PiecesInBrief so we give the same meaning to tree, branch and repo13:43
knighthawkvila - thanks. I may have been trying to make bzr fit into my svn knowledge and so far its not working ;-)13:45
vilaknighthawk: no problem, I'll help if I can13:45
vilaonce we are on the same page for the words to use, things will be eaiser13:46
vilaeasier than not making tyops at least...13:46
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knighthawkthanks vila - okay reading the into now.13:52
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* jelmer lunches13:58
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dleeIs it a bug, or known, that tags get lost on either bzr join or bzr upgrade from 0.92 to 2a?  (One or the other, not both; I assume join.)16:03
viladlee: this rings no bell, worth filing as a bug16:04
viladlee: I would tend to suspect join too16:05
dleeI'll need to find time to create a script to reproduce this... I have three bugs I need to do that for by now.  The others have to do with errors that block bzr join.16:05
dleeI suspect bzr upgrade might create a root ID that is the same across multiple upgraded projects... wild guess, but what I see is that trying to join more than one tree into a common one fails on second and any subsequent trees.16:06
viladlee: you know about the test-script command right ?16:06
dleeMy apologies for the sparse info; these keep hitting me amid my job when I can't stop long enough to do a good repro. :P16:07
viladlee: hmm, new in 2.3bn I think16:07
dleeUsing 2.2.0 release here.16:08
dleeI upgrade sort of infrequently because I am responsible for upgrades for my whole office, and I like keeping versions in sync when possible.16:08
vilasure, which OS ?16:09
dleeMostly Windows.  Also tried Cygwin port for the join blocker issues today.16:09
dleeOh the Cygwin one is 2.1.2; I use that rarely and am the only one who uses it at all here.16:09
viladlee: hmm, I have no idea about who is maintaining the cygwin port16:10
dleevila: Holidays approach, and I try to tackle off-the-road projects during that time, when not playing card games or eating turkey etc. :)  So maybe I'll have a better chance at this soon.16:10
vilagrr, and we lag a bit for the windows installers :-/16:10
viladlee: so anyway, once you get a change to upgrade to 2.3, there is a test-script command that is targeted at bug reports, making it easier to write reproducing recipes16:12
dleeI'm good at shell scripts but I'll keep that in mind, gotta go now, someone is trying to work with me here. :)  Thanks for the info though.16:13
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fullermdTrivial test does show join dropping tags on the floor   :(16:46
vilathe source ones not the target ones I hope ?16:46
fullermdWell, source.  I didn't try target, but that would be REALLY egregious.  And probably take intention.16:47
vilaby the way, I landed your smooth upgrades proposal, there is more work needed there so file bugs if you encounter problems or rough edges16:47
fullermdI did see that a couple days ago; thanks.  Now post-2.3 maybe I can move our last projects off 1.9 formats   :)16:48
vilaha ok, so you won't start using it before 2.3 is out right ?16:49
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fullermdWell, I run .dev on my workstation.  But just releases everywhere else.16:50
vilaok, anyway if you do some tests, I'll be all ears16:50
fullermdYeah, I'll probably fiddle with it.  But probably not in any situations I didn't before, so I doubt I'd turn up anything new.16:51
fullermdI'll toss together a repro script and bug for that join thing in a bit.16:51
fullermdWell, not as cool as not having to 'cuz there's no bug in the first place   :p16:54
vilaI know :-/16:57
vilathis one is probably there since day one16:58
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tgall_fooon natty, doing a fresh bzr branch, has anyone seen an error of this form ? bzr: ERROR: d3b70ec01f6fbb6c152129e151757a28.rix is not an index of type <class 'bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeGraphIndex'>.18:02
lifelesstgall_foo: WAG - zero length file?18:03
jelmertgall_foo: are you using XFS?18:04
tgall_foojelmer: nope ...   am on an arm box tho18:04
tgall_foojelmer: ext3 FWIW18:04
tgall_foolifeless, I don't believe there are any zero length files involved ...     the repo in question is lp:~tom-gall/linaro/live-helper.config.natty.linaro-graphical-engineering18:06
tgall_foobranches fine on my maverick box18:07
lifelesstgall_foo: you're getting that over the network ?18:07
lifelessno inde d3b..18:09
lifelessno *index* d3b18:09
lifelesstgall_foo: whats the exact command giving the error ?18:09
lifelessbzr dump-btree http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tom-gall/linaro/live-helper.config.natty.linaro-graphical-engineering/.bzr/repository/pack-names18:10
tgall_foolifeless,   bzr branch lp:~tom-gall/linaro/live-helper.config.natty.linaro-graphical-engineering18:11
lifelessshows no expected index d3b...18:11
lifelesstgall_foo: ok, and what directory are you doing that in?18:11
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tgall_fooit's just a dir in my home ...  ~/bzr/live-helper.configs18:11
lifelesscan you run 'bzr info' in that dir18:12
lifelesspaste the location: section18:12
tgall_foo  shared repository: .18:13
lifelessso its the local repository18:14
lifelessls -lrt .bzr/repository/indices18:14
tgall_fooit's a fairly long list so I'll avoid flooding the channel ...18:15
lifeless-rw-r--r-- 1 tgall tgall  222 Nov 24 15:57 d3b70ec01f6fbb6c152129e151757a28.rix18:16
lifelessis the culprit, but indeed, its not zero-length18:16
lifelessbzr dump-btree .bzr/repository/indices/d3b70ec01f6fbb6c152129e151757a28.rix18:17
tgall_foobzr: ERROR: d3b70ec01f6fbb6c152129e151757a28.rix is not an index of type <class 'bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeGraphIndex'>.18:17
lifelesshead .bzr/repository/indices/d3b70ec01f6fbb6c152129e151757a28.rix18:18
tgall_foo    122664 |             28418:18
tgall_fooprocmail                          | procmail                        | quilt (Build-Depend)                         | Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>                  |t18:18
lifelessthats very much not what a bzr index looks like :)18:19
lifelesssomething has gone very wrong on your file system18:19
tgall_foothat is a very scary prospect... thanks lifeless18:19
lifelesspossibly thats prior content and the file wasn't flushed to disk before a reboot/kernel crash18:19
lifelesspossibly thats new content scribbled over the original file (note that the file dates from nov 24th, so if you've been branching in this repo in the ~month, and it was working... then it was originally written correctly)18:20
lifelesshave a look at d3b70ec01f6fbb6c152129e151757a28.iix while you are there18:20
lifelessits the same length18:21
tgall_foowell at this point everything that was here has been pushed up to lp ... so there really isn't any loss blowing it away18:21
tgall_foovery similar for the iix file :  |          545026 |            120018:22
tgall_foopython-central                    | python-central                  | debconf (Build-Depend)                       | Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>18:22
lifelessI humbly suggest an fsck18:22
tgall_fooI think you're right on that18:22
maxbjelmer: Do you happen to know if the list of projects using python-fastimport at https://launchpad.net/python-fastimport is reasonably complete? I wish to argue that some bits of python-fastimport are prematurely factored out implementation details of bzr-fastimport - checking whether they are in fact used elsewhere would be useful18:24
jelmermaxb: Dulwich and bzr-fastimport are the main other users that I'm aware of at the moment.18:25
jelmermaxb: Which bits specifically are you referring to?18:39
mgedminjust discovered an actual use case for bzr gcommit!18:40
jelmerhi Marius18:40
jelmermgedmin: per-file commits?18:40
mgedminhi, jelmer18:40
mgedminshame it stops me cold with "working tree out of date, please run bzr update"18:41
mgedminand then has no 'reload' button, so I have to (1) write down the files names I've checked on a piece of paper, (2) close gcommit window, (3) restart gcommit18:41
mgedminokay, I'm a bit exaggerating here18:41
mgedmininstead of (1) I did a commit in a different terminal window18:41
mgedmingcommit helped me keep track of which files I wanted to commit18:42
mgedminso thanks for that18:42
* mgedmin guesses it is probably not appropriate to go and ask for a per-hunk commit selection pretty please with sugar on top?18:42
jelmermgedmin: it would be appropriate and I agree it'd be nice to do, but it's also nontrivial18:49
jelmerso not very likely at this point18:49
* mgedmin would take that on as a challenge, if /me had more time ...18:50
lifelessjelmer: why nontrivial?19:09
lifelessjelmer: we have merge -i after all ...19:09
maxbjelmer: reftracker and idmapfile - I've filed a bug19:25
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sqwishySo, when a pull happens, it transfers the entire history, right?20:04
sqwishyEvery time you pull?20:05
lifelessonly the bits you don't have20:07
jelmerlifeless: hunk selection in diffs, using a GTK widget is nontrivial imho20:15
jelmerlifeless: I'd love to be proven wrong :-)20:15
sqwishySo how does a pull differ from and update? Assuming you already have a pull or a checkout a revision or two old.20:22
fullermdPull is for updating one branch to match another.  Update is for updating a working tree to match its branch.20:42
maxbthe lines do blur a bit with checkouts21:04
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spivMorning folks.23:48

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