[08:20] good morning everyone [08:26] good morning! [08:55] hrm, how does one install the glabl menu on 10.10? [08:55] global, that is [09:10] via ppa s ? [11:48] hey doctormo [11:48] how's it going? [14:26] good day all [14:35] hideyho neighbour coz_ [14:36] darkmatter, hey guy ..good morning :) [14:36] is now. wasn't when I first got up and almost broke my face. lol ;P [14:37] :) yikes! what did you do ? [14:37] thankfully I still have decent reflexes xD [14:37] doctormo: hey, http://art.ubuntu-owl.org/ open ID login seems broken.. is it a known issue? [14:38] "/srv/www/art.ubuntu-owl.org/htdocs/cchost_lib/ccextras/cc-openid-helpers.inc"(35): Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated [2010-12-22 14:36 pm][MYIP ADDY][/login/openid] [14:38] coz_: overslept. change in weather/sleeping "wrong" or whatever left my back (and thus legs) nonfunctional. fell off/out [14:38] doctormo: thats the error i get^ [14:38] darkmatter, oooo been there guy :) [14:42] doctormo: login itself seems broken.. is that something we need to poke pleia2 about? [15:31] early lunch be back in a bit [16:56] coz_: how was the lunch and when will be late lunch? [16:57] thorwil, :) lunch was fine... and late lunche aroung 1pm :) [17:01] actually I meand " late lunch around 1pm" damn fingers [17:02] ok be back in about an hour or so [17:26] is anyone able to login to the fonttest ? [17:26] http://fonttest.design.canonical.com/ ? [17:29] vish, it's working [17:29] bah! [17:30] daker: could you get me a screenshot of font " ₹ " regular in size 10 and 11 ? [17:30] using the default ambiance theme? [17:30] ok wait [17:32] daker: are you able to login to http://art.ubuntu-owl.org/ using openid as well? [17:32] * vish frowns at FF4 [17:32] i'll test [17:33] vish, i am using chromuim [17:33] yea.. might be something messed up with the daily build.. [17:34] vish, i am not able to login [17:34] "/srv/www/art.ubuntu-owl.org/htdocs/cchost_lib/ccextras/cc-openid-helpers.inc"(35): Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated [2010-12-22 17:33 pm][][/login/openid] [17:34] doctormo: ^ [17:34] daker: thanks.. so it's not me alone.. :) [17:36] daker: nevermind the screenshots.. i was able to login using FF3.7 [17:36] daker: thanks for testing.. :) [17:36] yw [17:38] thorwil: nope.. people just dont read specs ;) [17:38] the new SC design proposed is a total overhaul! [17:40] vish: we need specs that read themselves to people! mwuhahhaha! [17:42] \o/ [17:55] * vish thought i'd add the tasks page to the topic and then meh.. :s [18:27] doctormo: around? [18:28] vish: hi vish [18:29] doctormo: hi, so did you happen to catch the scrollback yesterday? the one with iain? [18:29] no [18:29] doctormo: they want to use the http://art.ubuntu-owl.org/ for illustrations [18:30] sounds good [18:30] doctormo: and wanted to know is tagging was possible [18:30] have any of you used owl yet? [18:30] yes.. [18:30] doctormo: but i could not login today and say positively.. but i told that i did remember it was possible [18:30] or we could add the feature if we wanted.. [18:30] http://art.ubuntu-owl.org/people/doctormo [18:31] The way tagging works is thusly [18:31] "/srv/www/art.ubuntu-owl.org/htdocs/cchost_lib/ccextras/cc-openid-helpers.inc"(35): Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated [2010-12-22 17:33 pm][][/login/openid] [18:31] thats, the error we are getting with open ID [18:31] We create a type of upload, say "Wallpapers" and we specify as admins what tags should automatically be added to entries added in that way. [18:32] So we can keep track of things in a certain category [18:32] And users don't need to remember to add them [18:32] But, users can add any of their own tags on upload. [18:32] yea.. and mods can edit the tags too right? [18:32] mods/admins.. [18:36] vish: yes, I'm fixing that error, one second [18:36] cool.. :) [18:39] as coz_ pointed out 'illustrations' is not the right term, when what we really are looking for is non-photographic work (or heavily edited photos and collages, perhaps [18:41] best single term proposed so far is "compositions" [18:43] Any reason to limit the degree away from photographs in definition? [18:44] doctormo: plain photography is already covered with that huge flickr pool [18:44] thorwil: This isn't about existing pools, it's about a definition of what will be acceptable in this new pool [18:45] and paintings, drawings, 3d renderings ... is a long list [18:45] i dint catch that discussion yesterday.. but http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/illustration [18:46] so single-shot photos are the one thing to exclude [18:46] vish: ok looks like openid won't be working. I've taken out the errors, but now it does nothing and that's about as far as my php goes. [18:46] you can still log in though [18:47] * vish tries again.. [18:49] vish: you'll have to register as you don't yet have a user... I think. [18:49] doctormo: hmm, seems so.. my open id account had admin privs too.. [18:50] doctormo: cant we fix that? [18:50] i mean is there anyone we can ask? [18:50] thorwil: Interestingly the firefox svg renderer is now much better than imagemagik, so having png thumbnails is worse than just popping the svg in there. [18:51] doctormo: if we are having trouble, and we cant find anyone to have a look at it.. we can ask richardlee (from design team) who looks after their design site to have a look at it.. [18:51] vish: I don't think there is much we can do, cchost has a lot of great ideas and the data integrity of the backend is good. But the code is aweful and the code is php which is a devil. [18:51] hmm.. [18:51] * doctormo dislikes php and so is biased. [18:52] oh i think daker likes php! [18:52] he is not around now.. [18:53] vish: for now I've given you a fixed password [18:54] * thorwil dislikes php and thinks that's because of a "programming languages should be designed, not cobbled together" bias [18:54] doctormo: i'm in \o/ [18:57] good [18:57] thorwil: I didn't know you were a wizard of the Turing art [18:58] heh [19:00] doctormo: not that i currently could manage to do anything useful with them, but smalltalk, lisp and haskell appeal to my sense of beauty. where php is far on the other side [19:01] thorwil: Done any perl code poetry? [19:02] nope. just yesterday i had a look at perl basics and was put off by its modality [19:03] hrmm, when trying to view ..files/user/# i get these errors.. "cchost.js (5): SyntaxError: unterminated regular expression literal" [19:04] ha, daker is here..! [19:05] vish, ? [19:05] daker: you like php right? [19:05] it depends ツ [19:06] daker: well, we were having problems in the artowl and it's open id.. so looking for someone who can look into it.. ;) [19:07] vish, i'll be back in less than 1 hour then we can see ツ [19:07] ;) [19:12] there are too many headers and kinda confusing right now.. thorwil / doctormo any suggestions to cleanup those headers? [19:13] /home is a deadspace.. [19:16] vish: perhaps one start page that could contain news, status, picks. can be called "Home" [19:16] and then just "Assets" and maybe "People" [19:16] vish: The cchost was moved from php4 to php5 by force, pliea2 did an upgrade to lucid on her server and we're stuck with php5 now. [19:17] doctormo: so, no possibility of fixing that openID ? then we should remove the option atleast.. [19:18] vish: It's beyond my ability at the moment. [19:18] But someone else might. [19:18] It's all on launchpad [19:18] cool.. [19:19] https://code.launchpad.net/~owlers/ubuntu-learning-materials/art-website [19:19] It's got a sync too, so when code is pushed in the website should get updated [19:20] try a call for help on ubuntu-artwork or maybe better ubuntu-web list? [19:21] yea.. daker said he'd be back in an hour.. or if not we can ask iain to get richard to look at it.. if all else fails, then we could use the list.. [19:22] doctormo / thorwil: we could give richard an admin access and he'd proabably help getting it setup for the submissions too [19:30] vish: Sure, can you give access from your admin account? [19:32] doctormo: yea, i guess.. but wanted to ask first. i'd have to talk to iain tomorrow again.. [19:44] vish, back! [19:44] what's the problem ? [19:45] daker: so the artowl code is here > https://code.launchpad.net/~owlers/ubuntu-learning-materials/art-website [19:45] daker: we cant use OpenID to login right now.. [19:45] aie [19:45] daker: the error you kept getting.. [19:46] daker: so vish: ok looks like openid won't be working. I've taken out the errors, but now it does nothing and that's about as far as my php goes. [19:46] daker: right now, we either need to fix that error or not offer open id for login.. [19:46] ok [19:46] fixing is always better ;) [19:46] i'll see what i can do [19:47] daker: thanks. [19:49] doctormo, vish what does owl mean ? [19:49] daker: it was the name for the learning site [19:49] daker: the Ubuntu learning material [19:50] i think it has the owl logo as well.. [19:50] daker: https://code.launchpad.net/~owlers/ubuntu-learning-materials/art-website as deployed on http://art.ubuntu-owl.com [19:51] doctormo, ok [20:00] doctormo, can you check the apache logs and paste it somewhere ? [20:06] !logs [20:06] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [20:45] daker: apache logs? will they contain useful php stuff? [20:46] doctormo, if there was an error if should appear in the apache logs [20:46] s/if/it [20:47] I will have to ask to make sure it's ok to transmit them. [20:50] doctormo, i don't want all the logs, just try to login using the openid then transmit the correspondent lined from the logs [20:51] s/lined/lines