
dholbachhola jono06:26
jonohey dholbach :-)06:47
dpmgood morning all08:00
dholbachhola dpm08:02
dholbachdpm, are you playing for "el gordo" today?08:03
dpmdholbach, :) no, I do not play lottery08:04
dholbachdpm, what? everybody in Spain plays08:04
dpmI'm on my way to sabotaging that, then :)08:05
dholbachok, no surprise08:05
duanedesignhello all08:19
duanedesignquiet this morning <.<  >.>10:09
duanedesigneveryone must be hard at work :)10:09
dpmhey duanedesign, yeah, wrapping everything up before holidays :)10:22
nisshhduanedesign, im not, im just having such an awesome day :)10:31
duanedesigndpm: nice. Hope you have a nice  holiday.10:35
dpmthanks :)10:43
dpmyou too!10:43
jussihrm, can anyone tell me where to find info on getting stuff into the partner repo? and the repo where you can sell stuff? so far, I fail...10:55
duanedesignjussi: i have this in my bookmarks --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviews11:39
* duanedesign waves at czajkowski 11:39
duanedesignczajkowski: you at home yet (or where you were going)? /me seems to remember you were having traveling diffuculties11:43
czajkowskiaye got home last night11:45
czajkowski107.5 hours travelling11:45
duanedesigndoctormo: ping pt.211:47
* duanedesign needs to review the CoC screencast and see if any parts i should replace. Need to get that 'published'11:48
duanedesigndholbach: did you have some stuff that can start being made into screencasts?12:49
dholbachduanedesign, what do you think about the stuff in http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/guide/?12:51
duanedesignim getting my 'how to sign CoC' screencast uploaded now12:52
czajkowskihmm empathy wont connect on my home connection12:56
dholbachduanedesign, sweet!12:57
duanedesigndholbach: lots of good stuff in 'Getting Set Up' that would make great screencasts.13:07
dholbachI'm glad you say that :)13:07
vishduanedesign: hi.. afaik, that appreviews is only for the extras ubuntu archive, but looks like jussi is looking for the canonical partner archive.. and there seems to be no documentation for that.. last i heard was 'ask mvo' was the closest ans we get for that archive ;)13:12
jussivish: yeah, you are right.13:12
jussiI was hoping there was something on canonicals website, but finding not much atm13:13
* jussi goes to see if mvo is active...13:14
vishjussi: yea, no one knows about that, kinda mystery there ;)   i forgot who was the last person who asked that... but once you have some info a wiki with the info would be nice ;)13:15
vishoh yea, the OMGGamer guys.. they wanted to get some game in there13:16
nisshhanyone know if its possible to install Ubuntu to an external hard drive and boot from it?13:20
vishnisshh: yup, it's possible. and you have to just modify the grub too13:21
nisshhvish, oh right, i figured it was similar to a pendrive install13:21
nisshhvish, are there any docs for doing it?13:23
nisshhvish, ?13:27
vishnisshh: yea, there are.. i'v seen them but i'd have to google for it too :)13:47
nisshhvish, ive been googling for the last 30 minutes, i cant find it :)13:47
* vish joins in the google fun ;)13:48
vishnisshh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installing%20on%20external%20or%20RAID%20hard%20disks13:50
vishnisshh: thats the one with all other options , this is more specific to you i guess : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB  i havent tired it recently.. last time i did it was for a Xubuntu install nearly more than a yr ago..13:53
nisshhvish, so do a standard install the the external drive and then find and boot it with grub?13:54
vishnisshh: yea, you just need to edit the grub options too, to find the right disk..13:55
nisshhvish, right13:55
nisshhvish, the person im helping has vista on her PC, so she wont have access to a grub prompt, any ideas?13:56
vishnisshh: you can install grub on the main drive, it will add the windows option too13:57
nisshhvish, oh, ok, how do i do that though?13:58
* vish googles again.. ;)13:58
nisshhvish, i could get her to dual boot vista and ubuntu?13:58
nisshhand then she will have grub installed and can do it from there13:59
vishnisshh: one simpler thing would also be to edit the BIOS options..13:59
vishnisshh: there you can set the BIOS to detect the external drive first and if plugged in, it will boot Ubuntu14:00
nisshhvish, yeah, this person did that, but she got an "unrecognised drive" error when booting14:00
vishnisshh: if not it will boot vista.14:00
nisshhi know, i thought that would work too14:00
nisshhvish, it may have been that she didnt have grub installed on the external though14:00
vishnisshh: but the installer installs the grub too.. did you ask to install again.?  probably folks in #ubuntu would know more about this problem? might be more common14:01
nisshhvish, i dont think so, i think you have to choose to during partitioning or something14:02
nisshhvish, thanks for the help anyway, ill get her to try some things14:02
vishnisshh: nah, unless they choose something wrong, it should install grub..14:02
vishnisshh: np..14:02
nisshhyeah, thats what im thinking, but i think she did something funky with it14:03
* duanedesign wonders if popey is around.14:04
vishnisshh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot/ExternalHardDisk?highlight=%28\bCategoryBootAndPartition\b%29  the closest i could find..14:05
nisshhthanks vish14:06
* nisshh hugs vish14:06
dholbachhey jono15:58
jcastroI am ready!15:59
dholbachjono, mumble? skype?15:59
* dholbach hugs jcastro, (absent) kim0, dpm, jono15:59
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro skype in 2m15:59
jonojust finishing off a coffee15:59
dpmok, logging in15:59
* dholbach moves to a more quiet place... without family around15:59
jcastro _   _                           _   _       _ _     _                 _16:00
jcastro| | | | __ _ _ __  _ __  _   _  | | | | ___ | (_) __| | __ _ _   _ ___| |16:00
jcastro| |_| |/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| | | | | |_| |/ _ \| | |/ _` |/ _` | | | / __| |16:00
jcastro|  _  | (_| | |_) | |_) | |_| | |  _  | (_) | | | (_| | (_| | |_| \__ \_|16:00
jcastro|_| |_|\__,_| .__/| .__/ \__, | |_| |_|\___/|_|_|\__,_|\__,_|\__, |___(_)16:00
jcastro            |_|   |_|    |___/                               |___/16:00
* jcastro runs from the IRC police16:00
nisshhfinally have an Ubuntu user who lives in the same state as me!16:01
dholbachjussi, OVER THERE! A PINK ELEPHANT!16:01
nisshhthats two Ubuntu users!16:01
nhandlerThat is better16:01
dpmdholbach_, jcastro, can you guys see me on skype? It seems I'm logged it, but the login thingy keeps spinning16:02
dholbach_dpm, same here16:03
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro alright, let's roll16:03
jcastrome too16:03
dholbachjono, ^16:03
* jono waits for Skype to log in16:03
dholbachserious skype screwage16:04
jcastroah there it goes16:04
dholbachseems it doesn't work for anyone of us16:04
jcastrotook like 45 seconds16:04
jonolet's try mumble16:04
dholbachlogged in!16:05
dholbach(mumble :-P)16:05
dpmno luck here yet :(16:05
jcastroone sec, I need to move my mic/speakers16:05
dpmI'll restart it16:05
dpmlogin thing still spinning...16:07
dholbachdpm, for mumble?16:07
jonodpm, we are n mumble16:07
jcastrodpm: we're trying mumble now16:07
jcastrojono: I can't hear you16:07
dholbachjcastro, can you hear us?16:07
jussidpm: got a sec?16:08
dpmjussi, sure, but after our team call ^16:09
jussidpm: see PM :)16:10
jussi(answer at will)16:10
jcastro<--- LUNCH TIME FOR ME.16:27
jcastrohigh five everyone16:27
jcastroaccording to the internet Skype was down worldwide for 10-15 minutes16:27
jcastrosee what we caused?16:27
jonojcastro, I blame Holbach16:27
dpmor in case of doubt, blame the manager16:32
jonodpm, always :)16:33
* dpm hugs jono to make sure not to get fired16:34
dholbachok my friends - I'm going to call it a day17:04
dholbachsee you all tomorrow17:04
hggdhjcastro: I *think* eeeBotu is now sane. Please ping me if it goes berserk again17:25
jcastrohggdh: heh ok, thanks18:00
doctormoI'm starting to wonder if the cal command was broken in Lucid, it's doing odd things now.18:03
doctormoand I have no idea where a bug report might be put.18:03
hggdhdoctormo: bsdmainutils18:09
doctormothanks hggdh18:09
doctormoI don't suppose anyone is using Jaunty and can do a quick test for me?18:11
doctormoOh dear I'm going through some of the existing bugs reported and they're all still there, cal and ncal should probably be removed as they're broken in very scary ways.18:15
czajkowskijono: sorry missed call yesterday was travelling and completely forgot to let you know.18:17
jcastroczajkowski: it's ok we vouched for you18:17
jcastro"she is in travel hell."18:18
jcastro"she is in a tardis"18:18
czajkowskijcastro: thank you18:18
* czajkowski hugs jcastro 18:18
jcastro"I believe she is in another space-time continuum"18:18
jonoczajkowski, no worries!18:19
czajkowski*grin* it definately felt like it18:19
czajkowski107.5hrs door to door.18:19
czajkowskisome of my mates are still stuck in UK18:19
czajkowskihouse mate is stuck in cuba18:19
jcastro"sorry I was late to the call, I was taking the ring to Mordor."18:21
czajkowskiI'd have been warmer there.18:22
czajkowskispent the entire day today catching up on sleep18:22
czajkowskifeel alot more human18:22
czajkowskiI did get re approval mails out when stuck at the airport :)18:22
* czajkowski stabs planet ubuntu 18:25
jcastroI see jono's buddy sebsebseb is back19:05
czajkowskithat name rings a bell19:07
jcastrohe's the guy that spends 90% of the time flaming Ubuntu except when we have IRC events and chats, then he hogs all the questions19:08
jcastrothen if you don't answer his question right away he starts throwing a temper tantrum19:09
jcastroI generally blamepopey for all of this19:09
vishjcastro: what event are we having now? .. the funny part is, he doesnt use Ubuntu even ;p19:10
jcastrovish: I'm watching jono on ustream19:10
nisshhjcastro, i stopped watching jono's ustream, too many silly questions being asked19:15
nisshhhavent any of these people heard of google?19:16
doctormoor ask ubuntu19:20
nisshhdoctormo, oh that, yes :)19:20
jcastrowell, I'm glad he's doing it so we don't have to19:20
nisshhjcastro, oh man, thats a low blow :)19:20
nisshhsome of them were even asked last time19:21
jcastrowhat I don't get is where people come up with some of these questions19:21
nisshhhow sad is that?19:21
jcastroit's like "I heard from somewhere that Unity is made of unicorns, is that true?"19:21
nisshhjcastro, its the news blogs/social media rumors19:22
nisshhblame them19:22
jcastroyeah but some of them are just so out there ...19:22
nisshhthey give newbies a mindset about stuff19:22
nisshhjcastro, give an example?19:22
jcastronisshh: a bunch of these19:23
czajkowskiI find some of the questions are not really ubuntu realted and not really community questions, but I still think it gives an outlet to some people to get an answer they normally wouldnt get elsewhere19:23
jcastro^^^ true dat19:23
nisshhczajkowski, +119:24
czajkowskiand jono is good at it and able to field the questions well19:24
jcastroah, a humble bundle question, finally, something good!19:24
vishheh, i tuned in one episode and someone asked how jono was hung! :/  jono did give back a good reply/whacking but didnt look back since then ;p19:24
nisshhwell, he has had the practice :)19:24
czajkowskivish: trolls everywhere more on irc19:24
vish kinda stupid to ask such redundant questions.. even for a troll. ;)19:25
czajkowskimeans diddly squat to a troll vish19:26
nisshhvish, 80% of the questions being asked there are redundant, its rediculous19:28
vishhehe, i had been to the recording of the Late Show and before the show they mention a bunch of rules how be react during recording and in the end the guy says : "but there is always this one guy"19:29
vishs/how be/how to*19:29
nisshhvish, hehe, there is always "this one guy" :)19:30
vishyea.. it's just like that, there is just one guy to ruin it all.. since until that moment the show was nice and all, and he kept on persisting..19:30
nisshhvish, youve lost me now, im not watching the ustream, so i dont know whats happening :)19:31
czajkowskinisshh: vish yer missing the point, these people do have questions, and jono is answering them, that will help in the long run.19:31
vishczajkowski ,  nisshh: nah, not mentioning about today's show.. just recalling the last show i watched.. :)19:32
nisshhczajkowski, true, it will, but 80% of those same questions will be asked next time, when a simple google search is needed19:32
nisshhvish, ah ok19:32
czajkowskinisshh: people want to hear someone tell them, it's liek going to a shop and buying a book, someone people like the interaction rather then buying the same book online19:32
nisshhczajkowski, yeah19:34
doctormoI did bat a question at the humble bundle guys about getting all the games into the software center.19:34
doctormoI can't believe we don't even have the first games which were open sourced in there.19:34
jcastroI find jono's ability to pronounce czajkowski properly impressive19:35
jcastroI butcher it regularly19:35
czajkowskijcastro: years of practice :)19:35
czajkowskiI first met jono back in 200719:35
vishfor some odd reason it reminds me of "swarovski"19:36
czajkowskiChi Kov Ski :)19:36
doctormoJust think: tea mint holiday19:37
doctormoor is it chi as in Ché19:38
czajkowskijcastro: got the link to the ARM machine that ogra showed at uds19:39
popeytoshiba ac100 czajkowski19:51
popeyspeaking of pronunciations.. http://www.businessinsider.com/motorolas-android-tablet-name-xoom-2010-1219:51
czajkowskipopey: danke19:51
popey"We have to say, "Xoom" doesn't really grab us. We have no idea how to pronounce it.19:51
popeyRead more: http://www.businessinsider.com/motorolas-android-tablet-name-xoom-2010-12?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2Falleyinsider%2Fsilicon_alley_insider+%28Silicon+Alley+Insider%29&utm_content=Google+Reader#ixzz18s7x8UFz"19:52
popeythats annoying19:52
popeyhow can the guy not know how to pronounce 'xoom'19:52
czajkowskiright movie in bed time19:53
czajkowskinn folks19:53
jussiIs anyone here on diaspora?20:43
nisshhjussi, yeah :)20:43
jussinisshh: jussi01 ;)20:43
* nisshh searches and adds20:43
jussinisshh: you can put me into the "those people who I would normally block" aspect :P20:44
nisshhjussi, no, your in the "why? just why?" aspect :)20:44
nisshhjussi, added20:45
jussinisshh: also, could you confirm notifications never go away ? I assume its a bug...20:45
nisshhjussi, yeah, i posted feedback to them about that20:45
nisshhthey replied really fast20:46
nisshhapparently its just really clunky still20:46
jussianyone else here with diaspora is more than welcome to add me20:46
nisshhbut if you click the notification icon next to search20:46
nisshhand then click each grey notification20:46
nisshhthey are marked as 'read'20:46
nisshhso i submitted an 'idea' to them about making it nicer to mark notifications as 'read' :)20:47
nisshhlike a button or something20:47
nisshhjussi, just curious, what aspects do you have?20:48
jussifamily, ubuntu and work... so far20:48
nisshhah ok20:48
nisshhi just have LoCo and IRC on there :)20:49
nisshhjussi, also, apparently a 'pm this user' feature is also in the works, which is good20:52
jussiahh, nice20:55
nisshhjussi, in the 'ideas' pool for diaspora, 90% of the ideas are "make this more like facebook" :)20:56
nisshhi just went *facepalm* :)20:57
czajkowskiso just use facebook20:57
nisshhczajkowski, thats exactly what i thought :)20:57
nisshhsilly people can just go back to facebook20:57
jussiwell I disagree - wht lots of people want is facebook, but with the privacy stuff.20:58
czajkowskinisshh: never call people silly for wanting stuff done a certain way.  Otherwise lotta open source folks could be put in that category. Good to have choice20:58
czajkowskijussi: you disagree.......... never surely not20:58
nisshhczajkowski, heh, very true :)20:58
jussiczajkowski: watch it...20:58
nisshhman my body clock is screwed, its 5am and it feels like 4pm :)21:00
jussihaha... go to take a nap then... :D21:00
nisshhjussi, yeah, im just doing a few little things then im down for 12 hours :)21:01
nisshhbeen awake for two days now :)21:01
jussinisshh: go....21:02
nisshhjussi, hehe :)21:02
czajkowskiwhy dont folks believe me when I say wolverhampton is nice21:05
czajkowskibah no jfo again21:05
jcastroI know, I miss him too21:12
jcastrojono: "3D support: fixed Unity/Compiz crashes on natty"21:18
czajkowskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8XjIkdUQns&feature=channel funky21:18
jcastrolooks like Virtualbox 4.0 can run Unity21:18
jcastrojust came out today21:18
jcastroI cannot confirm though21:18
jonojcastro, it's fixed?21:19
jcastrosomeone is claiming it runs great21:19
jcastrobut this just came out like right now21:19
czajkowskiHave to say I love community folks at times. Just replying to all the offers I got of places to stay for xmas or be collected from airports or other areas I could get to so they could drive me to ferry. most of the people I'd never met before.21:22
jcastroI never get a chance, no one comes to Detroit21:24
czajkowskioh next time I go to canada I'll go via Detroit so I can avoid O'Hare !21:25
czajkowskievil airport21:25
nhandlerjcastro: Come by Chicago ;)21:27
pleia2jcastro: you can have some of mine, I live next to the biggest convention center in san francisco, my home sometimes is a bit of a flop house :)21:27
czajkowskipleia2: does that mean my invite is in the water eh !:)21:28
pleia2czajkowski: you are always welcome! assuming you can deal with the cat situation :)21:28
nisshhoh yeah, pleia2 the Crazy Cat Lady :)21:29
pleia2I only have 2!21:29
jcastrothat's how it starts!21:29
nisshhmore than one makes you the Crazy Cat Lady :)21:29
nisshhjcastro, exactly :)21:30
nhandlernisshh: That makes my gf a crazy cat lady ;)21:30
nisshhnhandler, hehe, dont let her hear you say that :)21:31
* AlanBell wonders what three chickens means21:31
nhandlerAlanBell: It means you are all set for a good dinner ;)21:32
PendulumAlanBell: it means you had a lot of extra kubuntu CDs lying around21:35
=== JFo is now known as JFo-vacation
czajkowskiJFo-vacation: whoo22:25
JFo-vacationwoo woo!22:26
czajkowskiJFo-vacation: your presence was missed22:27
JFo-vacationso I see22:35
JFo-vacationthe crickets were lonely :)22:35
czajkowskiwell there was noise a while ago22:35
czajkowskithen I got amused on twitter and listening to @uupc22:35
czajkowskiwell more the banter between sil tony and Pendulum22:39
JFo-vacationI've been working on my pig sty of a house22:40
czajkowskipopey: great show22:40
czajkowskilikeing the xmas story22:40
* daker is listening to Jesse Cook - Dance of Spring22:41
czajkowskiJFo-vacation: so what you up to?22:50
JFo-vacationtaking a break for now from trying to clean my house up22:51
JFo-vacationplace is a mess22:51
czajkowskione of them jobs people put off but needs to be done22:52
JFo-vacationand I put it off too long22:52
JFo-vacationI buy tons of stuff and never throw out the boxes22:52
JFo-vacationso I have stuff piled up22:52
czajkowskiyou a horder :p22:53
JanC\o/ we get a 2 table booth at FOSDEM22:53
JFo-vacationno, just a failure on my part to throw away packaging22:53
JFo-vacationso the boxes and wrapping piles up for a bit before I throw it out22:53
czajkowskiJanC: excellent22:57
czajkowskiwe were a bit squashed last year if I can help again let me know22:57
czajkowskiJFo-vacation: all set for xmas?22:58
JFo-vacationnot really22:58
czajkowskitl l23:00
czajkowskitomorrow is shopping day!23:01

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