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geserbdrung: was the only reason you changed the lp: #xxx in debian/changelog to LP to look equal to the other entries? (u-d-t commit 874)12:21
bdrunggeser: yes12:21
bdrunggeser: should i setup a daily build of ubuntu-dev-tools?12:27
bdrungtumbleweed: ^12:28
tumbleweedbdrung: yeah why not (now that we have a test suiet, that'd be great)12:40
bdrungtumbleweed: the question is where who should own the PPA?12:40
bdrungtumbleweed: ubuntu-dev?12:41
tumbleweedthat doesn't sound ideal. I have no problem with you owning it, otherwise a dedicated team?12:41
bdrungtumbleweed: didicated team? proposals?12:42
tumbleweedudt-dailies / udt-developers12:43
finddo u know what can i join ubuntu term?12:44
ari-tczewfind: join what?12:46
dpmfind, which language do you want to translate into?12:55
dpmyou can find the team for your language here:12:55
tumbleweeddpm: whois suggests china. find: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact/Teams (#ubuntu-cn-translators?)12:56
findOK,i go to see it,thank u very much12:56
dpmfind, np, you can go to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-zh-cn and you'll find how to contact them there12:57
bdrungtumbleweed: {debupstream}~~bzr{revno} as debian version?13:00
tumbleweed~~ seems overkill but fine.13:00
findi am find it already,thank u very much13:01
bdrungtumbleweed: it should be lower than {debupstream}~maverick and {debupstream}~ppa13:02
bdrungok, changing to one ~13:02
tumbleweedI tend to use ~daily+bzr{revno}13:03
bdrungtumbleweed: let's see if it works: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~udt-developers/+recipe/daily13:03
bdrungtumbleweed: that's even better13:04
happyaronShould I file sync request when Debian has a new version of a package?13:09
Laneyit will be autosynced if the package is a) not modified in Ubuntu and b) has been uploaded to unstable13:10
Laneyotherwise yes sync if it can and should be synced13:10
coolbhavihappyaron, yes but make sure you follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess13:11
happyaronthank you, :)13:11
sagaciso if one wanted to get a new package into ubuntu, the most sensible way (in the majority of cases) is to go through Debian, right?13:46
sagaciand ubuntu packaging is mostly maintaining stuff rather than introducing new packages, in a nutshell13:47
Laneyyes that is fair to say13:49
sagacithanks, trying to get my head around some of it13:50
happyaronAFAIK, debian ftp-master says they won't accept new package from NEW before squeeze is out.13:51
Laneynot true13:51
happyaronthey randomly accept some packages, but no guarantee.13:52
Laneythere are never guarantees, but i have asked for several packages to be accepted and they always have13:53
bdrungtumbleweed: shouldn't ubuntutools/test/test_help.py be in ubuntutools/test_help.py?14:40
bdrungtumbleweed: why should we add 'a1' to the version number if the target is UNRELEASED?14:42
bdrungtumbleweed: http://paste.debian.net/103007/14:43
tumbleweedbdrung: you could say that about all te test suites. a1 is like ~1 in python terms. Aah nice. BTW if you run it with python2.7 it'll tell you when it's skipping things.14:48
bdrungtumbleweed: you still don't explain why you add 'a1'? why should the version modified?14:50
tumbleweedoff-topic for that branch, I just saw that code and thought, if we are determining the version from the changelog, we should differentiate prereleases. Doesn't really matter at all, though.14:52
bdrungtumbleweed: i am against this change. the daily will have an other version anyway14:54
tumbleweedbdrung: reverted14:56
bdrungtumbleweed: get-build-deps runs sudo14:58
tumbleweedas do a few others14:58
bdrungtumbleweed: that let's the test fail and shouldn't be for --help14:59
tumbleweedyes. I've blacklisted most of the others, I'll sort it out now.15:00
surfzoidHi folk15:06
surfzoidis "grub-reboot" have an GUI/FE ?15:06
surfzoidbecause i just finish to wrote one :-) http://surfzoid.free.fr/freevbsoft/RebootInFE/15:07
aboudreaulthi, is Karmic still supported for security updates?15:14
bdrungaboudreault: yes15:18
aboudreaultit's 2 years the non-lts support?15:18
ebroder18 months15:19
aboudreaultI see15:19
bdrungtumbleweed: 404main: sys.exit(0) only if sys.argv[1] in ('help', '-h', '--help')15:53
bdrungmerge-changelog:sys.exit(0) -> sys.exit(exit)15:53
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losternWhat are the environment variables that are used to search include and lib dirs?16:16
losternNever mind, I should have looked in the gcc man page first.16:19
RoAkSoAxdude!! /win 316:20
hakermania1199 people in room :)16:55
bdrunghakermania1: and 299 in #ubuntu-dev16:58
hakermania1bdrung: Haha, coincidence :)17:00
udienzDang.. my bad.. i've uploaded dsc reather than debdiff :)17:01
coolbhaviudienz, saw that this morning :)17:02
bdrungtumbleweed: please let me know once one of your two branches is ready for merge17:02
udienzcoolbhavi, hehehe, i'm so sleepy this day.. and also my connections is very bad17:03
coolbhaviudienz, :)17:04
* udienz uploading now17:05
udienzbug 69245717:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692457 in bash (Ubuntu) "Please merge bash 4.1-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69245717:05
ebroderapw: --verbose17:07
bdrungudienz: you could drop ".dcs" from the debdiff name next time17:07
udienzbdrung, ok, my bad.. :) i was very confused this day, last "dsc" files uploaded 5 times transfered to lp with 3kbps :(17:10
udienzall errors17:10
hakermania1udienz: You take several errors: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/ttf-indonesian Why you let it like this and you don't correct them?17:12
udienzhakermania1, license problem.17:12
udienzupstream author doesn't reply my emails17:13
hakermania1udienz: :/17:13
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udienzhakermania1, how about your package?17:15
hakermania1udienz: Waiting for 3rd review :)) No errors at all :)17:15
bdrungudienz: you should subscribe ubuntu-sponsors again.17:23
udienzbdrung, Done17:24
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tumbleweedbdrung: thanks, btw you changed indentation of line 117 of 404main during the tab -> space conversion. I guess I'd better look for more of those17:31
bdrungtumbleweed: thanks for detecting17:34
tumbleweedcode after an exit() is suspicious :P17:34
bdrungtumbleweed: fix pushed17:35
bdrungtumbleweed: can you get your config-681693 branch ready for merge?17:37
tumbleweedbdrung: looking at it. test-help should be mergeable, waiting for your ACK17:41
bdrungtumbleweed: merge-changelog:sys.exit(0) -> sys.exit(exit)17:42
tumbleweedadd-patch needs manpage, setup.py + copyright entries, and a BLACKLIST entry17:42
bdrungtumbleweed: tell that mvo17:43
bdrungtumbleweed: can setup.py create symlinks?17:44
tumbleweedwell, it's python, it can do anything. Don't know of any distribute mechanism for doing them though.17:45
ari-tczewcould someone look on bug 540514 ? I really don't understand what's the problem17:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540514 in xenomai (Ubuntu) "Malformed control file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54051417:46
bdrungari-tczew: you can ask for build log or the malformed control file17:47
coolbhavibdrung, +1 and isnt the original maintainer field in source stanza?17:48
ari-tczewbdrung: why? Version: 2.4.8-2ubuntu117:49
tumbleweedbdrung: I pushed a fix. config-681693 looks ok to me. There's also import-bfd-681693 (the beginning of one branch per script)17:58
bdrungtumbleweed: pushed?18:00
tumbleweedbdrung: test-help r88618:00
bdrungk, got it now18:01
bdrungtumbleweed: merged (not yet pushed)18:09
tumbleweedthanks. I'll be picking away at more scripts18:10
bdrungtumbleweed: pushed18:20
tumbleweedbdrung: aah, thanks. I forgot about the related BD changes18:21
bdrungtumbleweed: re config branch: my three points are still open: 1) what speaks against using Logging.warning instead of printf?18:23
tumbleweedbdrung: oh, didn't push r914, pushed.18:24
bdrungtumbleweed: you use logger instead of ubuntutools.logger18:27
bdrungtumbleweed: can we please use only one?18:29
tumbleweednow I understand the confusion last night, I thought you meant logging :P18:29
bdrungtumbleweed: i failed in configuring logging to look like  ubuntutools.logger18:29
tumbleweedyeah no need to build of logging if it's more complex than reinventing it18:31
bdrungtumbleweed: so you can throw logging out again and use ubuntutools.logger19:16
bdrung(which doesn't require to be initialised)19:16
tumbleweedbdrung: yeah I'm busy with it19:17
bdrungtumbleweed: btw, our daily build is up and running: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~udt-developers/+archive/daily19:17
tumbleweedbdrung: ok, there we are (r916). BTW I looked at add-patch, it's not ready to be install (breaks with quilt, haven't tried anything else). I'll prod mvo when he turns up19:25
ari-tczewcould anyone look on changes in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libhdhomerun/20100828-0ubuntu119:29
ari-tczewfor me it looks like horrible bad sponsorship19:29
ari-tczewd/copyright changed, lack of mention in d/changelog19:30
tumbleweedari-tczew: looks like it went from an ubuntu-only package to a debian sync, and back to the ubuntu one19:33
ebroderProbably means the sync was wrong19:33
* ari-tczew guess that procedures and policies are only for community, not stricte Canonical developers.19:34
ari-tczewtumbleweed, ebroder: what's next with that package? merge is available.19:35
tumbleweedari-tczew: if the fork is intended to be permanent, it should be sync black-listed.19:36
ari-tczewI see very good flow of information...19:37
ebroderari-tczew: It looks like superm1 is the primary maintainer for that package. Which makes sense since he does a lot of Mythbuntu stuff. Maybe you should try to get in touch with him since he seems to have fairly clear intentions around the package19:40
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bdrungtumbleweed: merged and pushed20:36
tumbleweedbdrung: two more scripts in separet branches, I'll do a couple more now.20:38
bdrungtumbleweed: these tools needs to be converted to PEP8: requestsync, ubuntu-build, ubuntutools/lp/udtexceptions.py, ubuntutools/requestsync/*.py - do you want to do it?20:41
bdrungtumbleweed: pushed again20:41
tumbleweedack-sync looks good. OK I'll convert those.20:46
bdrungtumbleweed: you can do it directly in trunk20:47
bdrungtumbleweed: BACKPORTPACKAGE_LPINSTANCE in import-bfd branch20:50
tumbleweedthe cost of getting distracted20:56
tumbleweedboth pushed20:57
bdrungtumbleweed: merged import-bfd20:59
bdrungtumbleweed: the indentation of optParser should be improved (lp-set-dup)21:03
tumbleweedbdrung: the alternative is to split long strings (line length)21:03
bdrungtumbleweed: what do you prefer?21:04
tumbleweedbdrung: I change style as appropriate (also see the heavily-indented bits of the config-parsing code.21:06
bdrungtumbleweed: the lines are too long even with the short indentation.21:11
bdrungtumbleweed: the scripts need PEP8 conversion21:12
tumbleweedbdrung: can you clarify both of those? Which lines, which scripts?21:15
bdrungtumbleweed: the script you where you converted tabs to spaces21:15
bdrungtumbleweed: see Maximum Line Length example21:16
tumbleweedbdrung: yes, my editor is configured to highlight long lines. I just did a pure tab-to-space conversion.21:16
tumbleweedI decided to tidy them up in a second pass21:17
bdrungtumbleweed: k, that's a good idea (too see the tidy process)21:18
hakermaniaif any reviewer has time please take a look at wallch at REVU thx in advance! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch21:56
superm1ari-tczew, afaik everything should be documented in bzr for changes22:00
bdrungtumbleweed: pushed22:05
bdrungtumbleweed: "debian_srcpkg = ubuntutools.requestsync.mail.getDebianSrcPkg" -> wrong indented22:06
tumbleweedbdrung: least bad option22:08
tumbleweedpylint can drive you mad btw, it always complains about *something* :)22:09
bdrungtumbleweed: i know. i fix only some of the complains22:13
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bcurtiswxwould someone be able to explain this error to me? src/Makefile.am: object `empathy-accounts-dialog.$(OBJEXT)' created both with libtool and without22:39
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bdrungtumbleweed: merged lp-set-dup-68169323:00
RAOFbcurtiswx: I've not seen that error before, but it *looks* like you've got a rule which generates empathy-accounts-dialog.(o? so?), which libtool will also be generating, and it's complaining.23:08
bdrungtumbleweed: should i move libapt-pkg-perl, libwww-perl, python-magic, python-soappy from recommends to depends?23:09
RAOFI'd guess therefore that something is defining a rule for empathy-accounts-dialog.so, since that's what libtool should be generating.23:09
bcurtiswxRAOF, hmm, weird, because one of my patches requests a function from it and doesn't see it, so i added it to recognize it23:10
RAOFbcurtiswx: Care to pastebin the Makefile.am?23:11
bcurtiswxRAOF, yeah I can.  Gimme a sec23:11
bdrungtumbleweed: we should write the dependencies for every script directly into the scripts23:14
bcurtiswxRAOF, seems ive found some other things.  I will get back to ya later :)23:26
RAOFbcurtiswx: Heh.  No problem.23:26
tumbleweedbdrung: I think recommends is probably correct for them. Of course it's helpful if scripts can print what they are missing rather than die horribly, but that's a biggish job.23:46

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