
bazhangsprung an issue in the past? the name seems familiar05:16
rwwattitude, iirc05:16
IdleOneYou know the chastising going on in -ot is really not in the spirit of Ubuntu.05:18
IdleOnethe amount being asked for is outrages I agree05:18
rwwthen catalyze ;P05:19
IdleOnethe channel ops should be but they seem to busy trying to kick this kids ass to do it05:20
bazhangIdleOne, well the commentary by robinetd earlier was not acted upon, this is mild in comparison05:20
rwwIdleOne: The only thing I can do that you can't is forcibly shut people up. Do you think that needs doing?05:21
IdleOnehmm. well that is a whole other issue. right now I think you all need to back off the kid. You don't like it fine, you made your point. don't donate.05:22
rwwbazhang: speaking of which, thanks for the @mark. I heard about it and didn't have it logged.05:22
ubottuIn #ubuntu, barcastar said: ubottu. this is first time use irc. can not see private msg05:33
Myrttihow can a 14-year old NOT live like a cheaptard for years?07:46
tonyyarussoRich parents?07:47
Myrttitonyyarusso: if he needs a public donation box for getting a laptop, then I doubt he has rich parents07:48
tonyyarussoMyrtti: Just answering the question!07:49
MyrttiI'm just baffled by the whole idea07:49
Tm_Twhen I was a ... nevermind07:52
MyrttiTm_T: indeed07:52
tonyyarussoTranslation:  "when I was a ... I forgot.  Did we have snack yet?"07:56
Flanneljuice boxes for everyone!07:56
tonyyarussoActually, that reminds me, I was going to go buy some juice boxes.07:58
tonyyarussoThey made them all TINY now though.  This seriously angers me.07:58
Flanneltonyyarusso: Youve just gotten larger.  What sort of juice?07:58
tonyyarussoFlannel: Fruit?07:59
tonyyarussoFlannel: But no, they seriously did change the size.  They used to be 8 ounces, and now they're I think 6.75.07:59
FlannelApple juice?  Get the little cans.  Other juices... get honest-aide (I have no idea if that's made it out of CA yet).  Still adult sized!07:59
tonyyarussolittle cans?08:01
Flanneltonyyarusso: I like the little cans, yeah.  You can get full sized cans too if you'd prefer, they make them08:01
tonyyarussoWhat are you talking about?08:01
Flannelaluminum shaped into cylinders, with endcaps designed to hold liquid refreshments in a portable manner.  A more recent modification was the addition of pull tabs, so you don't need to carry your own can opener to punch the tops anymore.  More recently, are the so-called "pop tops", where the pull tab doesn't get pulled.08:03
FlannelThis results in a decrease of waste, and fewer sharp things to cut yourself on.08:04
tonyyarussooh, as in pop cans.  Since when does juice come in those.08:04
tonyyarussoCalifornia is a strange place.08:04
FlannelThose are the little ones, but they come full sized (12oz) too08:04
tonyyarussoI was going to say...5.5oz?  That's hardly worth the effort to open it.08:05
tonyyarussoHowever, there is actually a reason for wanting boxes and not cans.  Cans explode.08:05
* tonyyarusso wants these to keep in the car as part of the emergency rations08:06
Flannelexplode... when?  freezing?08:06
FlannelWell, juice boxes would explode too, just not as catastrophically, I imagine.08:07
tonyyarussoJuice boxes have more than enough spare material in them to handle freezing the contents.  They'll just puff up harmlessly.08:07
tonyyarussoI never thought it would be financially sound to do grocery shopping on Amazon, but this is making a good run for it:  http://www.amazon.com/Knudsen-Razzleberry-Juice-8-Ounce-Aseptic/dp/B000VK2VRY/ref=sr_1_1?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1293004873&sr=1-108:08
Flanneltonyyarusso: You could do plastic bottles as well.  Although those don't keep as nicely as boxes.  But if its just water...08:10
tonyyarussoFlannel: yeah, I have some plastic water bottles rolling around in there right now.  I'd like to add something with calories, hence juice.  There are some plastic options there too, but I'm guessing they're more expensive because the packaging is more.08:11
tonyyarussoLess eco-sound too.08:11
Flanneltonyyarusso: boxes keep better than plastic over time too.  The aluminum lining and such.08:13
cdbsNow, someone on #ubuntu poked me saying why I don't help people...10:59
Tm_Tcdbs: you dared to notify their error11:10
cdbsTm_T: there's nothing to dare in that11:11
cdbsHe was poking many people to help others11:11
cdbsits rude to do that11:11
cdbsespecially when one's busy11:11
Tm_Tit is rude, yes, I was just stating the possible logic behind it11:11
elkyyou're going to get a lot of criticism, cdbs. you should have known that coming in11:18
cdbselky: its irritating, I am working on fixing FTBFS in Ubuntu packages, and I have people poking me to help others, and when I told them of why I am not (helping), then poking me via PM and stuff11:20
Myrttivia PM?11:21
Myrttithat's really rude11:21
cdbsof course11:23
Myrttibut as we all know, they'd want us to donate our kidneys too if it would somehow help people in #ubuntu11:25
Tm_Tyou didn't get the donation request last week?11:30
* Tm_T hides11:30
elkyDon't tempt her or she'll "accidentally" donate yours.11:35
Tm_Twouldn't be the first time someone donating my organs, although it's in vain11:43
Tm_Ttoo old to be used11:43
MyrttiI have a feeling we're getting a troll influx again12:01
topyliJordan_U: i do have an android phone and i'm aware of the irssi goodness available. but i don't like laggy mobile ssh for irc, local clients with a reliable bouncer are less annoying :)13:03
topylii have now queried robinetd, promising no further warnings13:08
topylino reply, he's away13:08
ikoniahass robinetd been a problem ?13:10
topylihe's been dodging the line for a year or two. trolling, sexual suggestions, cursing, most lately rejoicing lilo's death (last night). i have banned him before, tolerating since unbanning. he shows no sign of acknowledging rules or advice13:12
topylii simply told him now i'm out of patience with him13:13
ikoniaI was curious as he believes you have a personal issue with him13:17
Piciugh, I'm going to have to read the scrollback13:17
Picitopyli: In which channels was this?13:21
topyliikonia: i certainly do have a personal issue with him as well. previously he even managed to convince me about 'you just banned be because you don't like me'13:21
topyliPici: -ot13:21
ikoniatopyli: wasn't calling you out, was curious to what had caused this to flair up again13:21
topyliPici: you won't find many clear, blazing violations, just constant disruption and annoyance13:22
topyliikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546587/ is what i didn't very much like last night13:25
ikonianot really called for as a response13:41
topylii can let him roam if you think that's a better idea and this is my personal problem13:51
Tm_TI distantly recall that name14:23
* Tm_T checks14:23
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:24
Tm_Thmh, nothing obvious in my logs14:30
PiciTm_T: who?14:30
Tm_Twell, apparently I dont have PM logs of him atleast14:31
PiciTm_T: Yes a regular in -offtopic14:31
Tm_Tye, I was wondering if I had personal encounters with him14:32
topylino matter how you grep, you'll never find anything particularly terrible from him that would get him into trouble14:33
Tm_Tit doesn't need to be particularly terrible to possibly end up discussing about it with me14:34
topylithings just fall to pieces *around* him when he starts insinuating, annoying people, and encouraging kids into silliness14:34
PiciWell, silliness is okay, but the rest is not.14:35
topylia few trolls left on -ot, but i have to go19:12
topylioh, just got a few extra minutes, would miss the next train anyway19:13
famicube64i got banned19:56
famicube64so eager19:58
Amaranthfamicube64: You were banned for spamming about fuduntu and then evading bans19:59
famicube64i deny this19:59
Amaranthfamicube64: If you want to advertise your distro Ubuntu channels are not the place to do it19:59
AmaranthOh, and some light trolling in there too20:00
famicube64once again, it is not my distro20:00
Amaranthfamicube64: Denying it won't help, it's logged20:00
famicube64i am simply advertising20:00
famicube64and that was my cat, he was walking on the keyboard20:00
famicube64silly thing20:01
Amaranthfamicube64: No, your cat could not have typed that20:01
famicube64it could have20:01
famicube64cats have been known to download porn on to sex offender's computers, you know20:01
famicube64and organise it alphabetically20:01
ikoniaAmaranth: I'm sorry to but in, but while this pathetic attempt of time wasting goes on I suggest we progress no futher20:01
famicube64i saw it on the news20:01
ikoniafamicube64: please leave the channel and come back when you can talk honestly20:02
Amaranthikonia: Yeah, I'm pretty much done20:02
famicube64i am being completely honest20:02
famicube64ban me if you must20:02
ikoniayou are banned, job done20:02
ikoniaplease leave the channel20:02
famicube64ban me20:02
famicube64from this channel20:02
ikoniayou could just leave20:02
famicube64i could, but i won't20:02
ikonia!ops | famicube64 wants to be banned20:03
ubottufamicube64 wants to be banned: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!20:03
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (famicube64 wants to be banned)20:03
Amaranthfamicube64: If you get banned from here there is pretty much no way you're ever going to be unbanned from the other channels, I'd reconsider.20:03
famicube64still waiting20:03
AmaranthThanks nhandler20:04
AmaranthOh hey I can comment from from the bot, neat20:05
nhandlerYep Amaranth20:09
famicube64good game, kind sirs20:14
ubottuIn ubottu, zz_dhruvasagar said: zz_dhruvasagar is currently away, try again later20:27
ubottuIn ubottu, zz_dhruvasagar said: zz_dhruvasagar is currently away, try again later20:32
charlie-tcaeven better20:33
jriboh, I should have read this channel first20:33
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
ikoniazz_dhruvasagar: do you need something ?21:01
Piciikonia: hes banforwarded here.21:02
Piciguess why21:02
ikonianick changes ?21:02
Piciding ding ding21:02
ikoniawhat do I win21:02
ikoniazz_dhruvasagar: can you please respond21:03
rwwyou win an improperly-configured bnc instance and a mIRC license key21:03
Piciikonia: You get to deal with RyanPianesi in #ubuntu. Well, if he continues after my suggestion.21:03
ikoniabased on his input in #wordpress it will be a delight to deal with him21:04
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
ikoniazz_dhruvasagar: can you please respond21:08
rwwI like how even if we didn't ban away nicks, they'd still get banned for nickspam :|21:10
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
ikoniathis is getting annoying21:13
MyrttiI've got a solution21:15
Myrttiand it's called remove21:15
Myrttiany objections?21:15
rwwI like banforwards to ##fix_your_connection, but I'm snarky.21:15
Myrttispeak now, or be forever silent21:15
Myrttiin 1021:16
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
ikoniachanged the forward to a ban21:18
ikoniaplease remove again21:18
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
ikoniahe's joined on pupose now as I change the forward to a ban21:23
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
ikoniamore than meets the eye21:24
ikoniaremoved the ban21:24
marienzI'm still assuming he's really not here and runs some rather broken scripting21:26
ikoniahe was ban forwarded here21:28
ikoniawhen I removed the forward21:29
ikoniahe still joined here, rather than #ubuntu21:29
ikoniascript would have to be super broken21:29
rwwI've seen scripts that broken.21:30
rwwonly once or twice in a couple of years, but still.21:30
jribyes, very rare21:30
ikoniaworlds shortest kline21:32
marienzthat was intentional21:33
ikoniaI'm sure21:33
nhandlerI'll ban him temporarily (since he is away) and keeps joining21:33
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
marienzI can set a longer kline if the nickchanging keeps happening, which seems likely21:33
jussimarienz: so he is klined for now?21:37
jussinhandler: might want to now remove the ban if so...21:37
marienzI'm still waiting for him to nick-change again21:38
jribwell he's in #vim nick-changing, but not in this channel21:40
jussidoes the ban here stopus frm seeing that? marienz?21:42
marienzI share some channels with him21:43
ikoniaumakant in #ubuntu, asus tech23:36

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