
ubuntuuk-planet[Martin Meredith] Why Google Apps might not be right for your Enterprise - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SourceGuru/~3/DowG63spCBs/00:19
AlanBellevening all00:43
* popey tickles AlanBell 00:47
* AlanBell giggles00:51
AlanBellthat font bug was bigger news than I thought it would be00:52
AlanBellbug 65530500:52
lubotu3Launchpad bug 655305 in ubuntu-font-family-website "font.ubuntu.com needs the font hosted for web embedding" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65530500:52
PendulumAlanBell: how was the party?00:58
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
exobuzzhow did the meetup go ?01:29
exobuzzor everyone is still out clubbing and drunk etc ? :)01:29
exobuzzor early to bed (more like heh)01:29
popeyexobuzz: I am ... a bit... tiddly01:32
jpdsexobuzz: We left the venue around 10:3001:33
exobuzzpopey, good night ?01:33
exobuzzoh. your off to bed now. sorry :)01:33
jpdsA good idea.01:36
=== zarathustra is now known as Zarathustraz
ZarathustrazHi, could anyone recommend me to Python learning resources? I do not know any other programming languages and intend to learn basics.05:52
shaunoin lieu of anyone who actually knows what they're talking about being awake, I've found http://code.google.com/edu/languages/google-python-class/  to be worth the time06:04
shaunoother than that, 6am on morning after the ubuntu-uk christmas do may not be the best time to ask, so you might want to stick around a while :)06:04
Zarathustrazokay cheers for response06:05
Zarathustrazfound  "think python: how to think like a computer scientist" seems good06:06
danfishgood morning!08:16
danfishand an extra loud GOOD MORNING for all those who drank to excess at the xmas party last night :)08:16
* AlanBell moans softly in protest at danfish08:18
* danfish injects paracetamol and alkaseltzer into the channel08:20
andylockranhey guys08:46
andylockranMySQL - any ideas how to time a query from the sql commandline?08:46
bigcalmandylockran: it should tell you how long a query took to run by default08:47
andylockranbigcalm: know how to alter the precision of that?08:48
andylockranat the moment it's only to two decimal places08:48
andylockran5 rows in set (0.88 sec)08:48
andylockranfor example08:48
bigcalmandylockran: not something I've looked into08:48
diploSeems only way is to use some perl/php or similair and microtime it ?08:53
diplostart and finish and work out the difference08:53
diploCan't find a way in mysql itself08:53
andylockranset profiling=108:53
diploBut doesn't increase the milisecs does it ?08:53
andylockran show profiles;08:56
bigcalmpopey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ5u2DsZHQs09:07
Phineasi have returned09:13
Phineason my laptop that is09:14
FerbI am back09:16
Phineashorray he's back09:16
Ferbwho me?09:16
Phineasyeah you, you re my brother09:17
Ferboh yeah thats right09:17
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Working Together To Get Unity Ready For Natty - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/12/22/working-together-to-get-unity-ready-for-natty/09:19
Phineasjust to let you know Ferb is my brother09:21
Ferbive gotta go and work on the mega rolercoster bue09:25
Phineasbye Ferb09:25
Phineasthere goes my brother09:26
* Phineas detects this channel is dead09:36
Phineasyep this channel is dead alright09:38
Phineasuntil now09:40
dwatkinshi Phineas - do you use dropbox?09:40
dwatkinsjust curious, as I see it has a linux client09:40
Phineasdwatkins,  no i don't sorry09:41
dwatkinsno worries, I'll have to actually go find some reviews of it online ;-)09:41
dwatkinshttp://www.makeuseof.com/tag/15-free-guides-teach-stuff/ mentioned it, and they're usually pretty savvy09:41
dwatkinsalso, I need to make a USB pendrive with useful stuff on it09:42
=== root is now known as Guest60001
Guest60001hello guys its me majdekalel09:42
dwatkinshi Guest6000109:42
dwatkinsmajdekalel, that is...09:42
Guest60001i removed ubuntu and now i'm installing Backtrack409:43
Guest60001its amazing09:43
daubersdwatkins: Dropbox is quite useful09:43
dwatkinsthanks daubers09:43
daubersdwatkins: Quite a few phone clients for it too09:43
Guest60001backtrack is very close to ubuntu ?09:44
dwatkinsyeah, that could be really handy in terms of storing things I might randomly need access to, daubers09:44
Guest60001is there any relation ?09:44
dwatkinsWhat distro is backtrack based on, Guest60001?09:44
diploubuntu last time i tried it dwatkins09:45
Guest60001i dont know !09:45
Guest60001i think its ubuntu !09:45
dwatkinsWhat does its documentation, homepage, wikipedia entry etc. say, Guest60001?09:46
Guest60001i'm installing it right now !09:46
Guest60001when i open the doc i will tell you !09:46
Guest60001but its very close to ubuntu09:46
Phineasf@@@@ it didn't work09:46
dwatkinsWhat didn't Phineas?09:47
Phineasfiring up a pc thats about 10 years old (fail)09:48
Phineasit just doesn't wanna know09:49
Phineasboot up and turn off on a loop, thats what i get09:49
dwatkinsnot entirely surprising, but if you reduce it down to the essential components, perhaps a single fault will present itself09:50
dwatkinsi.e. take out any PCI cards not required for booting and disconnect everything but the boot disk09:50
Phineasfingers crossed this will work09:53
Phineasbios beep, thats a good sign09:54
Phineaswindows 3.1 boot screen09:54
dwatkinsWhat did you change, Phineas?09:55
Phineastrying to boot againforced shut down automatically, now09:55
Phineasforced shut down automatically, now thers a bios beep 9not usal beep) and it restarts09:56
Phineasi didnt change anything just tried it aGAIN09:57
Phineasbeep code 2-1-309:58
Phineasacording to google this means09:59
PhineasMaster interrupt mask register failure09:59
Phineaswhat does this mean10:00
MartijnVdSthat your interrupt controler is confused :)10:00
Phineasthis could be why it all of a sudden reboots during startup (splash screen then reboot)10:01
Phineascontroler IC has failed10:02
Phineashow do i solve this10:02
MartijnVdSget a soldering iron, replace IC10:02
Phineaswhats IC?10:03
MartijnVdSintegrated circuit ("chip")10:03
daubersAssuming it's not a resistor or something on the board that's gone and the IC is confused because it's not getting a clear signal10:03
MartijnVdSit's either a bit of the CPU (easy to replace) or part of the mainboard10:03
MartijnVdSdaubers: or one of those exploding caps10:03
Phineashow do i know what is is10:03
daubersMartijnVdS: Heh, they where fun10:04
MartijnVdSPhineas: very hard to determine unless you have a background with electronics/electronic engineering10:04
Phineasno i havnt10:04
MartijnVdSdaubers: you have a strange definition of "fun" :)10:05
PhineasMartijnVdS,  you just reminded me of a pc i have to fix (something went bang = beep code)10:05
kvarleypopey: I'm addicted to Minecraft10:05
daubersMartijnVdS: Anything that explodes is fun by defintion!10:05
PhineasMartijnVdS,  you just reminded me of a pc i have to fix (something went bang = beep code)10:06
Phineasanyway back to the issue10:06
dwatkinsCapacitors are easy enough to replace if it's one or two, but don't try replacing all 50 on an iMac motherboard.10:06
Phineasthere are loads of capacitors and stuff like that how do i know what the issue is10:08
MartijnVdSit's hard to know for sure these days10:08
dwatkinsPhineas: check if any of them are bulged at the top, there's a good page on wikipedia which describes the electrolyte problem10:08
daubersPhineas: First step is to open the machine up, carefully clean out all the dust and rubbish and see if there are any damaged components on the board (black areas on the board are a giveaway, but not necessaily visible). Sometimes you just have to sit with a multimeter and test each one in turn10:09
Silver_Fox_Hello hoover . How are you?10:13
selinuxiumMornign all! :)    o/10:13
Silver_Fox_Hello selinuxium . How are you?10:13
selinuxiumSilver_Fox_, not bad at all thank you :)10:14
selinuxiumSilver_Fox_, your good self?10:14
Phineasdaubers,  found sevrial capasitors which have vented via the top and one is very slightly leaking10:14
directhex_yay! plague!10:15
daubersPhineas: Yup, You could attempt to replace them. Depending on whether the machine is worth it or not10:16
daubersPhineas: You'd need to find equivalent capacitors to replace them10:16
Phineasi don't know what type of capasitors they are10:16
daubersand then solder them on. But a lot of motherboards are multilayer, so it can be an absolute pig to get right10:17
Phineasi'll give it a try10:17
daubersThere's normally a band on capacitors either giving their capacity (in uF) or a part number10:18
Phineasin the mean time i'm going to try an slightly older matchine and see if it boots (have checked stuff on circit boards, look ok)10:19
Phineastime for the count down till boot up10:19
Phineascount me down10:19
Phineasboot up time ,15 year old pc no signs of bad stuff on circit board10:21
* Phineas hits the power button10:22
daubersPhineas: http://www.badcaps.net/forum/ might help with the caps10:22
PhineasHOLY S@@@10:22
Phineaswhen i pressed the power button something went bang10:23
ApacheukI have the opportunity of a 32" HD (full 1080p) TV, it has a VGA PC input, my question is would this work well as a monitor? I fairly certain my graphics card would be able to handle it10:23
MartijnVdSIt should work10:24
MartijnVdSIf it has HDMI or DVI in that would be even better10:24
MartijnVdSbut plain old VGA should work10:24
Phineasdamn it the pc tripped the switch10:24
Phineaswhat went bang?10:24
Apacheukdon't think it has DVI10:24
MartijnVdSApacheuk: an hdtv with no hd inputs?! :)10:25
MartijnVdSApacheuk: it should have HDMI at least10:25
Apacheukit has 3 HDMI inputs10:25
ormiretHDMI and DVI are kind of the same - the right cabel can go from one to the other10:25
MartijnVdSApacheuk: most new graphics cards and mainboards have HDMI out10:25
Apacheukthe way its been described to me it sounds like a standard VGA input10:25
Phineaswhat went bang when i pressed the power button?10:25
ormiretPhineas: whatever the smoke is now coming from?10:26
Apacheuklet me check.... need to crawl under the desk10:26
Apacheukgraphics card just has 2 DVI outputs10:27
Phineasi see no smoke, only a tiny (very tiny) amount of smoke10:27
MartijnVdSApacheuk: You can buy DVI to HDMI converters/cables10:27
Apacheukyeah... card is a GForce8800 GT10:28
Phineassomething small went bang as everything looks intact10:28
MartijnVdSApacheuk: the converters don't depend on the graphics card :)10:28
Apacheukyeah, I figured that... was just mentioning the card as a side10:28
Phineaswhets small in a pc and goes bang?10:30
ApacheukOK, well thats settled then.... looks like I have a nearly *new* monitor for Christmas :)10:31
ApacheukPhineas: thats sounds like a Christmas cracker joke :)10:32
Phineasi cant see what went bang, all looks ok, but it wont boot10:32
MartijnVdSPhineas: probably a capacitor10:32
PhineasMartijnVdS,  do they go bang?10:32
dwatkinsPhineas: perhaps the powersupply tripped10:32
ormiretPhineas: if it's not booting at all tehn it's probably something in the power supply. Be careful poking at it, they can hold quite a bit of charge even after unplugged.10:33
Phineasit cant be the power suply as the motherboard has a power led which is on10:34
ormiretThat only proves one rail actually has power on it.10:34
Phineasso what could it be10:35
ormiretJust about anything, this isn't really something you can figure out easilly over IRC.10:36
Phineasheres a photo of a circit board from the pc10:36
ormiretGeneral debugging procedure for a dead machine: remove all non-essencial components, if it still doesn't boot swap out essential components for known good ones till it does.10:37
dwatkinsPhineas: I'd be tempted to recycle the PC and get a new one10:38
Phineasok that image was of the internet10:38
dwatkinsyeah, I assume yours is as bad, Phineas10:38
Phineasdwatkins,  the 10 year old pc looks like that10:39
Phineasthis pc has one exploaded cap in it10:39
dwatkinsyeah, Phineas, I guess you need to ask yourself if it's worth replacing the components10:40
Phineasi don't know what type of cap the one that expoaded10:41
Silver_Fox_I am fine thank you selinuxium .  :)10:44
* directhex_ is cutting ties10:53
dwatkinsBurning bridges, directhex_?10:55
directhex_dwatkins: wiping my office computers10:55
dwatkinssorry, just being silly10:55
directhex_the osx installer is obliterating my triple-boot imac10:55
dwatkinsooh, I want to triple-boot my Macbook10:55
dwatkinsI got a windows game recently, and would like to also run a linux on it if possible10:56
bigcalmAlanBell: have you been eating popey's mincepies?10:57
popeythey were AlanBells :)10:58
bigcalmMorning :)10:58
bigcalmpopey: see the vid I pasted?10:59
bigcalmpopey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ5u2DsZHQs10:59
Silver_Fox_popey,  I liked your snowman10:59
popeyhis nose fell out11:02
popeyooo and an eye11:02
popeylooking a bit sad now11:03
Silver_Fox_Maybe he should get patched up ?11:03
dwatkinsdirecthex_: I think I'd best do a complete backup first11:15
directhex_dwatkins: the only caveat with tri-booting a mac is you're limited to 4 partitions total with dodgy mac GPT/MBR duality, and one is already taken by EFI data... so you get ONE linux partition only.11:18
directhex_no /boot partition, no swap partition11:19
dwatkinsdirecthex_: swap can live in a file, so I imagine that's ok11:19
dwatkinsalso, who needs swap with 4GB of RAM? ;-)11:19
directhex_dwatkins: yes swap can live in a file, well remembered11:20
directhex_and you need swap of at least the same size as ram if you want to suspend-to-disk11:20
dwatkinsah yes, although I wonder if that works on a triple-boot Mac...11:21
directhex_also, use refit not bootcamp as your boot loader11:23
directhex_chain-load grub from refit to boot linux11:23
KrisWillisOoo my VLC icon is wearing a santa hat11:39
niallKrisWillis, cool innit? :)11:40
niallThat.. err, easter egg, has been in VLC for years and years11:40
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
daubersczajkowski: o/11:49
daubersczajkowski: All calmed down now you made it home?11:50
czajkowskifry up being arranged now11:51
daubersartery clogging goodness11:51
diplobah you are making me hungry!!!!!11:53
czajkowskifried eggs11:54
czajkowskibrown bread11:54
czajkowskioh some rashers as well11:54
selinuxiumczajkowski, Grrr... I haven't even had brekky yet!11:55
* selinuxium decides that food is now the only option... Tools down.11:56
popeyanyone got a DS lite they want to sell?12:00
popeyfriend of mine has one that has gone pop12:00
czajkowskiselinuxium: you're going to begrudge me a fry up !12:00
_Hmmmm -8 and my lips are bleeding12:01
dutchieczajkowski: now you've made me want a fry up :(12:52
* bigcalm grins and burps12:52
davmor2czajkowski: Yes you got to Ireland didn't you we don't need to be nice anymore :P12:53
czajkowskidavmor2: you'll miss my poking!12:54
daubersHmm interesting bug12:56
* bigcalm pokes minecraft and its lack of text12:56
czajkowskihmm empathy wont connect on my home connection12:56
davmor2czajkowski: what bit of empathy won't12:58
czajkowskidavmor2: wont connect to my jabber client12:58
MattJJabber \o/12:58
popeyah MattJ12:58
MattJMe \o/12:59
popeyneed to badger you about prosody at some point12:59
MattJBadgers \o/12:59
MattJSnow \o/12:59
czajkowskipopey: how was last night ?12:59
popeyi configured it as per the site and it doesn't work :(12:59
SuperMattpeople hilighting matt \o/12:59
MattJpopey: define "doesn't work"?12:59
popeybut I dont have time to go through it right now12:59
daubersEveryones favourite bug description12:59
daubers"Doesn't work"12:59
popeyit didnt like my domain13:00
MattJIt should be on the list of things not to say13:00
popeyi have since wiped the machine and reinstalled13:00
popeyso need to start again13:00
popeythe documentation did seem lacking13:01
popeysomeone here told me to maintain some global config file which wasnt mentioned in the doc I read13:01
MattJThe main problem I have with the Prosody docs is people not reading what's there, or expecting else there to be something that isn't there13:02
MattJThere is only one config file13:02
MattJOh, the Debian package splits it :(13:02
MattJI don't like that, but I don't have any hard reason to get it changed13:02
popeyI'll take another look later13:03
MattJPing me, I should be around13:03
popeybut I _did_ read the docs13:03
MattJor say Jabber and I'll magically appear13:03
daubersMattJ: Yeah, the debian packages moves the domains stuff out13:03
popeyyeah, thats the issue I had, it didn't accept that it was the jabber server for my domain13:03
MattJdaubers: Yeah. Nominally I'm the maintainer, but I didn't do that and don't like it much13:04
popeyanwway.. ater13:04
MattJSee you13:04
* MattJ goes to dig some snow13:04
czajkowskidavmor2: any idea13:04
selinuxiumczajkowski, No my dear, I would not not even consider such an act... :)13:04
czajkowskiselinuxium: :)13:05
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
davmor2czajkowski: sorry any idea as to what?  Why your jabber won't connect?13:39
davmor2czajkowski: Sorry not a clue I don't use jabber other than when services use it, popey is possibly a better bet for that13:40
czajkowskidavmor2: cheers13:40
* czajkowski pokes popey any idea ? jabber will not connect in home over here 13:41
davmor2czajkowski: Where is the server?13:44
MattJczajkowski: where to? What's the error?13:45
czajkowskidavmor2: MattJ one is my gmail and one is @siriusit.co.uk neither will connect under empathy or pidgin13:48
diploWas going to suggest pidgin, I have had nothing but issues with connectivity with empathy in last 2 releases13:49
diploCould never find the issue to resolve it.13:49
diploOr raise a bug as i didn't know the cause13:49
davmor2czajkowski: can you access your gmail account and can you use gtalk from the browser, also can you use gtalk on your mobile?13:50
MattJczajkowski: sounds like a network/firewall issue then13:50
czajkowskidavmor2: aye I can13:50
czajkowskiMattJ: hmmm13:51
czajkowskishall poke later13:51
=== denny- is now known as denny
nperryHow about some coolwhip14:26
Ferbhi Ferb here15:44
Silver_Fox_Hello Ferb15:47
FerbI am Phineas s brother15:48
Davieyerk... popey is offline!16:16
directhexDaviey, not anymore. Xmas is saved!16:17
popeyincluding pantomime!16:21
bigcalmIn my twitter stream, popey's re-tweet of UUPC appears before UUPC16:29
bigcalmThe world is mad!16:29
davmor2bigcalm: only the twitter world, real world is way more insane16:30
gr33npeacehello all17:17
gr33npeaceanyone had problems connecting to Skype?  I'm getting a "p2p connection" error... very strange17:17
gr33npeaceonly started this afternoon, and there haven't been any updates to my box17:18
popey16:27:33 < jcastro> according to the internet Skype was down worldwide for 10-15 minutes17:18
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S03E23  Departure of a Grand Old Man - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2010/12/22/s03e23-departure-of-a-grand-old-man/17:19
gr33npeacepopey, thanks... still borked for me!!  :)  In Brasil... could be the problem?17:19
popeyno idea17:19
gordthat will be why skype crashed for no reason for me17:24
davmor2gord: no that's just you :P17:24
gr33npeacegord, did come back up ok?17:25
gordgr33npeace, havn't tried to start it back up yet17:26
gr33npeacegord, ok thanks... looks like their forums have fallen over as well... not boding well!17:28
popeyhope it does completely17:33
gordyeah skype isn't connecting for me, ho-hum, wanted to play some online games with friends tonight as well :(17:34
mattipopey: ;]17:34
* MattJ confesses, he unplugged Skype17:38
dutchieso people would use Jabber (\o/) instead?17:39
MattJOf course \o/17:39
andylockranczajkowski: jabber uses 5222 - attempt to telnet to talk.google.com on 522217:45
andylockranif the fw has blocked it17:45
andylockranthen either disable fw or ssh proxy :p ssh -D 2345 work.server.com17:46
andylockranthen set proxy to localhost:2345 socksv5 :)17:46
directhexomg omg omg omg steam sale day 3 starts any second now17:58
ali1234wow, this ubuntu software centre thing really sucks17:59
ali1234it took a really long time to install the software, then popped an error message, then claimed the software was installed17:59
ali1234so now i have no idea if the software installed properly or not, or even if the package database is even in a working state18:00
ali1234nice job, whoever coded this...18:00
dutchiefiled a bug?18:00
ali1234which package should i file a bug against?18:01
dutchiesoftware-center would be a good start18:01
ali1234where are the logs for software centre?18:01
andylockranali1234: what package were you installing18:01
directhexi still use aptitude for everything18:01
dutchiei typed "aptiget" the other day18:02
andylockranali1234: have you gone to Applications>Internet>Skype to see if it's there?18:02
ali1234no, because this machine does not have that, it is running UNR18:02
andylockranwhat about alt+f2 then type skype?18:02
ali1234besides, it wasn't skype that caused the error18:02
ali1234it was libasound218:02
ali1234which apparently failed during "installArchives()"18:03
andylockranrun apt-get install -f18:03
ali1234oh yeah, skype doesn't show in synaptic etc by default, because it is in the partner repo18:04
andylockranthat'll check if anything is broken gets fixed18:04
ali1234it only shows up in software centre18:04
ali1234hence why i used it18:04
ali1234that and because that's what the skype installation page tells you to do (on the wiki)18:04
andylockranright - I'm to bed18:04
MattJGah, email is down!18:14
MartijnVdSall email in the world?!18:14
MattJAll the email in the world!18:14
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Well, thats about all we have time for - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2010/12/22/well-thats-about-all-we-have-time-for/18:19
jacobwis anyone else fed up of Christmas yet?18:26
gordthat tends to happen to me around october18:29
MartijnVdSgord: Christmas stuff doesn't start until mid-december here, because mid-november - early-december we have "Sinterklaas"18:29
jacobwtell us more18:30
MartijnVdSjacobw: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinterklaas18:30
jacobwinteresting :)18:34
MartijnVdSgym time  :)18:34
jacobwchinese food time for me18:35
neptunewhat is the system call for a context switch?18:38
davmor2czajkowski: prod18:46
czajkowskidavmor2: news years resolution for you, you can only poke onces a week18:48
AlanBellnice new podcast featuring 4 separate chicken noises18:49
czajkowskidavmor2: well...18:56
davmor2czajkowski: That only has been once this week19:03
davmor2czajkowski: normally it's only once a day to annoy^^say hello :D19:04
czajkowskinew rule19:05
czajkowskionce a week19:05
ali1234is skype still down?19:06
jacobwdoes histogram mean something different in american english?19:33
daubersjacobw: The graph?19:34
gr33npeaceali1234, think it's still down.. I can't access it19:34
jacobwcos i'm stuck on the exercise about histograms in K&R C, and the example solution on the net all appear to be bar charts19:35
jacobwsolutions even19:35
danfishany suggestions for a program to illustrate a 'framework' I'm trying to develop19:38
danfishinkscape seems overkill19:38
MattJdanfish: it's over-simplistic for some things, but I've always liked Labyrinth19:38
danfishMattJ: tx19:39
* danfish installs labyrinth19:39
* daubers has been given a copy of omnigraffle pro by the office to play with19:41
daubersunfortunatley not Linuxy though :(19:41
danfishMattJ: that looks spot on - thanks muchly19:42
MattJExcellent :)19:42
danfishdaubers: that does look rather nice.19:46
daubersdanfish: Just installing it19:46
czajkowskidanfish: any luck with your strange request about getting notifcation if people read stuff19:47
danfishczajkowski: no, not really, but it was a weird request I agree. I was just getting fustrated with people making dumb excuses for not reading important stuff19:50
danfishI'm moving stuff to alfresco in the new year, so a level of control/audit should be available19:50
cr215hello everyone...   i notice that in evolution you can view a contacts birthday in the calender but can someone tell me where to enter the contacts birthday in the first place?19:51
danfishglad you got home BTW :) I calculate your average speed to be approx 7mph btw19:51
czajkowskidanfish: heh19:51
czajkowskiit was unusal as in if it was a common thing everyone would use it19:51
danfishczajkowski: I see what you mean. Maybe it's an area for exploration?19:53
cr215so how is everyone this week?19:53
czajkowskidanfish: well you'd have thought by now college folks would have it nailed :)19:54
czajkowskiI agree it's annoying but one would hope professionals would read material you send them and not need to baby sit them19:54
danfishczajkowski: true, but 1) professionalism is being eroded I feel and 2) the rise of the lawyers - grrrrr :(19:55
davmor2czajkowski: Told you it would of been quicker to swim19:58
danfishwhere'd davmor2 go?20:08
AzelphurSkype down for everyone else?20:08
AzelphurI get signed in and it just shows the grey connecting icon in notification area.20:09
Laneylooks like it20:10
gr33npeaceAzelphur, it's been down for me all afternoon mate20:17
Azelphurfail \o/20:17
gr33npeaceAzelphur, I don't even get signed it... I just get the error:  "p2p connect failed"20:17
gr33npeaceAzelphur, looks worldwide20:18
gr33npeaceAzelphur, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/12/22/skype/20:18
daubersdanfish: Think I prefer dia from omnigraffle tbh..20:19
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] Táim sa bhaile - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/12/22/taim-sa-bhaile/20:19
danfishdaubers: I just need something that slightly more advanced than pen and paper to sketch out some ideas with mqtt/mosquitto and django20:25
daubersdanfish: I see :) I used to swear by dia20:31
mgdmI've sworn at Dia20:32
daubersIt has some weird quirks20:32
gr33npeaceAzelphur, latest from skype: http://twitter.com/#!/Skype20:39
popeybe nice if skype burned in a hole20:39
popeyright, shops!20:39
Azelphurpopey: indeed it would20:40
gr33npeacepopey, why the skype bashing?  I'm no massive advocate, but interested where the firey hatred comes from! :)20:41
Azelphurgr33npeace: lack of Linux support?20:43
gr33npeaceAzelphur, (normally) works ok here...  :)20:43
Azelphurcrashes and freezes continually here20:43
Azelphuralso windows is on v5, Linux is on v220:43
gr33npeaceyeah... but have you seen how it looks on windows?  with facebook feeds and all sorts... happier with the simple linux v!20:44
gr33npeacethat's a point, have you made any voice calls over jabber/gtalk ?20:45
MartijnVdSgr33npeace: I HAVE20:45
MartijnVdSI have20:45
MartijnVdSand it works great20:45
gr33npeaceah cool... good decent sound/mic quality?20:45
gr33npeacedid you call from the browser, or from empathy/pidgin?20:46
MartijnVdSquality was as good as could be expected from built-in laptop mic and cam20:46
* TheOpenSourcerer has just done the Sainsbury's Mega shop... Fridges full. Garage acting as a larder.20:46
gr33npeacecool, will give that a shot from now on!!  Cheers MartijnVdS !20:47
Guest32243Hi is this the correct channel for help with ubuntu server20:49
MartijnVdSask away20:49
Guest32243I am running Ubuntu Server Oracle VBox20:49
Guest32243and it is refusing the connect to the network i have already done the normal stuff it is not playing any ideas20:50
MartijnVdSvbox = virtualbox?20:50
suprengrTheOpenSourcerer: I also did a Sainsbury dance today... eency wency fridge full, anything not fitting is left in car - it's colder than fidge! oh ... beer rack now full20:50
MartijnVdSGuest32243: do other guests get network?20:51
suprengr...& o/ to all.... internet conxn now recovered.20:51
Guest32243i am trying to ping the 192 range on my router from ubuntu from the vbox and it is commign back with unknown host20:51
MartijnVdSGuest32243: I've never used virtualbox, but you might want to look at setting up networking/bridging properly20:51
Guest32243i am trying to ping the 192 range on my router from ubuntu from the vbox and it is commign back with unknown host20:52
Guest32243will ubuntu run on a virtual platform20:52
Guest32243has any one tried it20:53
MartijnVdSGuest32243: I've run Ubuntu on kvm, and you really need to set up networking properly20:53
MartijnVdSGuest32243: either by bridging, or by setting up routing between subnets properly20:53
MartijnVdSit won't work otherwise20:53
Guest32243ok i tried to bridge but that didnt work20:54
Guest32243still no joy20:54
MartijnVdSGuest32243: how did you try it?20:54
MartijnVdSyou need to bridge the virtual interface with your "real" ethernet interface, and then set all "local" settings on the bridge interface20:55
Guest32243ya thats what i did20:55
MartijnVdSthen the virtual machine will look like it's part of the local lan (like a regular machine)20:55
Guest32243ya thats what i did20:55
MartijnVdShow did you do it? some HOWTO you followed?20:56
Guest32243any other ideas20:56
Guest32243no the normal what you bridge a network and set up the ip to auto20:56
Guest32243under the bridged network interface20:57
MartijnVdSyes, and you bridged the virtual network interface (created by vbox) and eth0 together?20:57
MartijnVdSon the _host_20:57
MartijnVdS(and then just run dhclient or whatever on the guest)20:57
Guest32243eth0 my network card on my machine yes20:58
MartijnVdShave you tried sniffing around with a packet sniffer (wireshark, for example)20:58
MartijnVdSTHat's what I'd do next20:58
MartijnVdSon the host, check which interface packets from the guest are arriving at20:58
MartijnVdS(if at all)20:58
MartijnVdSthen brige eth0 and that interfac20:58
MartijnVdSprobably tap0 or tun0 or something20:58
Guest32243ok i will install wireshark and see what i get20:59
MartijnVdSgood luck :)20:59
Guest32243bye for now i will be on after work tomz night20:59
MartijnVdSmaybe some other people (who _have_ tried vbox) will be awake then :)21:00
alex24howdy guys21:00
bittinHi somone knows about great android websites, podcasts and forums etc?22:03
ali1234so the skype downtime thing is on bbc news website, but not slashdot23:07
AlanBellbecause nothing of value was lost23:09
ali1234no, it's because slashdot is run by robots now23:09
AlanBellI hardly ever bother to start skype any more, nobody seems to use it23:11
YorvykIt appears to be only used by podcasters these days23:12
ali1234i didn't realise you guys were so badly out of touch23:12
ali1234skype is heavily used by small businesses23:13
* dutchie was about to point out that everyone i know is on skype23:13
dutchiebig use by students phoning home/each other23:13
ali1234i mean i know you all live in linux land where video calling doesn't even work23:13
dutchiein my experience23:13
ali1234but still, it's like you have never even seen how a modern business actually operates23:13
AlanBellI have about a hundred contacts, maybe 30 or so are online most of the time, none of them use it to talk to me23:14
AlanBellI used to use it when I was a Notes developer23:14
YorvykI haven’t seen a business that uses it very much.23:15
Laneyvideo calling does work23:15
AlanBellwe do use it a few times a year to do video calls to my brother-in-law in the states23:16
popeywe use it at work heavily as an IM system23:21
popeyit's kinda frowned upon if you dont have a skype account23:21
popeyeven though we have microsoft communicator23:21
popeysome people are firewalled off, so we use skype to get to talk to people ms communicator can't get to23:22
AlanBellthe nice thing about it is that it always works through proxies and firewalls somehow23:22
ali1234that's why it is so popular - it requires zero configuration unlike SIP and all those others23:22
AlanBellI used to use it when setting up Lotus Sametime with someone at a remote site, we would install skype then use that to talk through the firewall port settings to get Sametime working23:23
ali1234even if you know how to run your own SIP - nobody who wants to call you knows how to configure their end, therefore it failed23:23
AlanBellyeah SIP is only really used from PBX to desktop then standard phone network to get to where you want to call23:24
ali1234which means you can't use it for free calls, which is the only reason to use voip in a small business23:25
AlanBellnot quite the only reason23:25
AlanBellcalls are cheap anyway23:26
ali1234i reckon someone figured out how to ddos the skype supernodes....23:26
AlanBellyeah, they are not really saying what the problem was at all23:28
popeysounds likely23:28
AlanBelltaken offline by a problem affecting some versions of skype . . .23:30
AlanBellsounds like someone might have used the skype clients to ddos the nodes23:30
ali1234or they attacked a specific protocol version23:31
ali1234or perhaps they poisoned the supernode list somehow (putting up fake supernodes)23:32
ali1234i'm sure we'll find out tomorrow... but not from slashdot23:32
AlanBelland not from skype23:32
ali1234they may not even know yet23:34
ali1234given how distributed the system is, could be difficult to know why nodes are dying23:34

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