
superflymorning maiatoday07:05
maiatodayhi superfly07:06
drubinMorning maiatoday !07:09
superflyhi drubin07:10
drubinMaaz: today ++ [awesome]07:10
superflydrubin: what do you think of Diaspora so far?07:12
drubinpretty cool07:12
drubinconfused how the inter hub connections work but it is getting there07:13
drubinsuperfly: I think the interface is pretty clean and well done considering it was started 5months ago07:13
superflythere doesn't seem to be too much functionality at this stage07:13
drubinye there isn't. They did huge amounts of work upfront for the distrabuted stuffs I think.07:14
drubinsuperfly: when facebook launched they had very little as well. I think it was simple profile and private/wall (not both)07:14
superflyja, I'm figuring much of the work is behind-the-scenes sort of stuff07:14
drubinNo picture sharing07:14
superflyja, I'm not complaining, just commenting07:14
drubinlike when I few tumbleweed as my friend it shows the link on disap.org but he is on another hub so confused ;/07:15
drubininetpro: check ubuntu-za ML09:39
inetprodrubin: why?09:40
superflyinetpro: Kilos09:40
inetproahh :-)09:40
inetprodrubin: thanks09:46
nuvimobo/ 10:12
nuvimobi'z home safe B-)10:12
nlsthznHey all15:40
inetpronlsthzn: hi20:37
inetproit's really cold in here21:05

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