
BernardVsam-_-: Nope, @ home it's 120Mbits down / 10Mbits up00:00
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=== levenspiel is now known as josvuk
sam-_-BernardV, still pretty nice00:00
BernardVsam-_-: It is00:00
sam-_-BernardV, it's called vdsl?00:00
hidnshadowsbernardV all I want for christmas is a little piece of that pie! I have DSL. SPeaking of which, is it possible to use a laptop with a phone jack as a DSL modem?00:00
=== josvuk is now known as levenspiel
junioursam can u tell me how to enable you tube videos in movie player00:01
sam-_-BernardV, or is it via cable?00:01
=== levenspiel is now known as josvuk
BernardVhidnshadows: Als a DSL modem, I don't think so..00:01
BernardVsam-_-: It's cable00:01
TomBosleyExpok I think I've tracked down my win 7 share problem to ms security essentials00:02
sam-_-BernardV, do you mind me asking what you are paying and if it is capped?00:02
sam-_-juniour, what do you mean?00:02
* Braber01 Needs help with SystemRescueCd ,00:02
hidnshadowstombosleyexp yeah MSE and ubuntu never played nice00:02
BernardVbut i'm thinking of upgrading/downgrading to 60/10, but that gives me 5 static IP's00:02
sam-_-juniour, which movie player?00:02
juniourya a m not able to watch you tube videos in movie player00:02
hidnshadowsjuniour that's what youtube is for00:03
KM0201juniour: youtube videos are flash.. why would you watch them in movie player?00:03
hidnshadowssam-_- he's probably using totem00:03
hidnshadowshi root00:03
obiwan_hi people, i have a 10.04 install. i'm trying to upgrade to 10.10. but apt-get dist upgrade won't work. its looks like 'everything's up to date'.00:03
roothow are u??00:03
=== root is now known as Guest12013
TomBosleyExphidnshadows, I figured this out after I could connect to my laptop running win 7 pro with avast but not my win 7 desktop with ms se00:03
cjdevlinjuniour: try using vlc00:03
sam-_-hidnshadows, y. just to be sure i thought i better ask00:03
juniourcjdevlin how to do00:04
cjdevlinjuniour: sudo apt-get install vlc00:04
juniourya i have intall vlc00:05
juniourhow to watch00:05
itaylor57utube can be seen via html5 and then bypass flash00:05
hidnshadowsjuniour why won't youtube.com work?00:05
juniouryou tubes in that00:05
=== david is now known as Guest18437
BernardVSpeaking of movies, a few days ago I installed serviio (http://www.serviio.org) a good DLNA server in my opinion00:05
cjdevlinjuniour: youtube files *.flv can be played in vlc00:05
induzany one knows how to add Hindi on OO00:05
sam-_-BernardV, if i had any dlna devices this would be cool :-)00:06
induzI mean Hindi Dictionary[engl2Hindi]00:06
magicjoedoes rhythmbox work with an ipod touch without ssh running? or do you have to connect via ssh for them to work together?00:06
Daraelobiwan_: You don't use dist-upgrade to change ubuntu versions.  If you're running Ubuntu Desktop, go to the Software Sources and set it to check for normal releases, then use the Update Manager.  On a server, run "sudo aptitude install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade"00:06
BernardVlol @ sam-_- :)00:06
Wolf95Hi, I had a question about Bash scripts specifically the command sed00:07
KM0201!ipod | magicjoe00:07
ubottumagicjoe: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:07
obiwan_Darael: what is dist-upgrade then? i kind of recall i've used dist-upgrade before to upgrade my ubuntu version00:07
Wolf95how would I go about adding/removing lines using sed00:07
itaylor57Wolf95: good luckw with sed,would be eaiser learn perl00:07
Wolf95do you know of any good basic guides?00:08
Daraelobiwan_: That would have been ages ago.  dist-upgrade has in fact been renamed to full-upgrade but it's still recognised; the old name is what it is for historical reasons.00:08
KM0201!upgrade | Wolf9500:08
ubottuWolf95: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:08
juniourcjdevlin cjdevlin its not working00:08
SchumannWhat can I do to make ubuntu more exploit/hack proof?00:08
Braber01guys I'm having trouble wiht SystemRescue CD can anyone help me ????!!!!!00:09
Guest12013i have a problem00:09
Wolf95I'm not looking to update.00:09
yagooSchumann, not turn it on?00:09
Guest12013my bt400:09
BernardVWolf95: http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html#uh-1700:09
obiwan_oh Darael thanks :). still i'm an apt-get fan. do you think i can upgrade with it?00:09
SchumannOther than not turning it on.00:09
Daraelobiwan_: It used to be that you'd change your sources.list to point at the new version and use dist-upgrade.  The update-manager thing is much safer because it deals with quirks of some packages that need to be installed out of order.00:09
KM0201!enter } Guest12013 and BT isnt' supported here00:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:09
Guest12013can u help me00:09
yagooSchumann, use a proxy00:09
KM0201!enter | Guest12013 BT isnt' supported here00:09
ubottuGuest12013 BT isnt' supported here: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:09
Daraelobiwan_: I strongly advise using the update-manager.00:09
SchumannAre there any free secure proxies out there?00:09
yagooSchumann, proxies are for servicing.. you can proxy just about anything these days..00:10
DaraelSchumann: Almost certainly not.  If there were, they'd be kept very secret.00:10
itaylor57Wolf95: what are you trying to do?00:10
rwwGuest12013: Try #backtrack-linux00:10
BernardVlol @ Darael :)00:10
DaraelSchumann: There aren't any significant exploits that can affect an Ubuntu desktop anyway, there really aren't.00:10
DaraelBernardV: Well, it's true.  If they were known, they'd be flooded with traffic!00:11
yagooSchumann, don't listen to Darael ... there are many free proxy servers and agent out there..00:11
Guest12013i have a problem with the graphical driver nvidia 6600 agp00:11
Daraelyagoo: Yes, and they're almost certainly not trustworthy.00:11
rwwDarael: Like tor, which is a free and secure proxy ;P?00:11
sam-_-Wolf95, why not use cut=00:11
BernardVDarael: It is, but I just like the answer :)00:11
sam-_-Wolf95, if you just wnat to remove lines00:11
rwwGuest12013: Then ask in the channel for your distribution. Backtrack isn't supported here, as you've been told.00:11
yagooSchumann, say u runnig apache server.. you can even use a bounch proxy for outside-to-in.. if you use firefox and want to proxy it you can use squid.. to proxy from local-to-internet00:11
obiwan_Darael: ok mate i'll try with full-upgrade. i have nothing to loose anyway and if that doesn't work ill go the update-manager way. thanks !00:11
Daraelrww: Tor is onion routing.  Just because you can use it to proxy data doesn't make it a proxy, if you see what I mean.00:11
KM0201Guest12013: if you need help w/ backgrack, it's not supported here.00:11
hidnshadowsguest12013 are you a h4x0r?00:11
KM0201hidnshadows: if eh is, eh's a bad one, he has to go to IRC to figure out how to use the tools eh downloaded00:12
SchumannAh, I'm familiar with squid.  I used to use it with pfsense.00:12
BernardVTor isn't safe, if I run an exit node I can track everything "somebody" does...00:12
rwwBernardV: Umm, yes. Just like with any other proxy...00:12
hidnshadowskm0201 is eh a pretty cool guy?00:12
yagooSchumann, you can even go down to acl's with selinux ...00:12
Guest12013im sorry00:12
BernardVrww: Indeed00:12
KM0201hidnshadows: just not very l33t.00:13
Braber01I can't seem to search the listings by topic how do i do that ¨/msg alis list -topic "System Rescue"¨ won't work00:13
BernardVThe only proxy I use is a "ssh -D [port]" to my own server00:13
SchumannYou can use selinux with Ubuntu?00:14
yagooSchumann, i tend to use (firefox) browser.cache.memory.enable and have disabled browser.cache.disk.enable=false << this is what i use on all my linuxes..00:14
juniourcan any one tall me how to set differnt wallpaper for cube desktop in compiz00:14
SchumannWait I need to make sure I know what selinux is, compared to what I think it is.00:14
SchumannSelinux is similar to apparmor right?00:14
gsp2009hello folks00:14
sam-_-BernardV, if they use ssl then u can only see were they are connecting to00:15
juniourhow to set different wallpaper for compz00:15
SchumannAhhh, I shouldn't be in here.  I'm a linux newbie.  I'm just embarassing myself.00:15
sam-_-BernardV, pretty nice i would say00:15
BernardVsam-_-: That's true.. but most data isn't ssl00:15
popsKM0201 like this?00:15
KM0201pops: sing the hallelujah chorus!00:15
yagooSchumann, you're asking more like #linux stuff.. anything ubuntu related should be asked00:16
sam-_-BernardV, y. you can't just use tor. you have to be very carefull indeed00:16
popsKM0201: im sorry, i thought what i was sending wasnt a pm00:16
DaraelThe network-manager applet vanishes every so often (sometimes ~30 mins, sometimes ~4 hours) on my Maverick box.  Running it from the terminal shows it's getting signal 15 (sigterm).  What can I do about it?  Can I find out where the sigterm is coming from, wihout rewriting nm-applet?00:16
BernardVsam-_-: Indeed, it's just a "warning" that nothing is "safe" ;)00:16
sam-_-BernardV, carefull -l00:16
popsKM0201 um, you want to hear what my network device is?00:17
gsp2009juniour: multiple desktop wallpapers you mean?00:17
sam-_-BernardV, so true unfortunately00:17
xioncan someone help me regarding with the AOC 5en Monitor not changing resolution.?00:17
KM0201pops: its ok.. it just got old after i repeated myself 3-4x... if you can hook your laptop up to your router, this will be a lot easier..   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:17
junioury r right00:17
gsp2009juniour: http://my.opera.com/ubuntunerd1/blog/how-to-get-multiple-desktop-wallpapers-in-ubuntu-8-4-8-1000:17
popsKM0201 can i hook my laptop up to my router with an ethernet cord?00:17
KM0201pops: i don't see why you couldn't00:18
root_please i nedd help00:18
Lint01how to make AttGR+key combination to type something?00:18
* BernardV is off to bed. 5 hours sleep ;) cya all...00:18
Darael!ask | root00:18
juniourgsp2009 u know how to set00:18
ubotturoot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:18
KM0201pops: do you have an ethernet cable, and a router?00:18
shcherbakroot_: ?00:18
BareGraceMiseryok, so I've been having some trouble with my ubuntu machine lately: the login screen is all weird00:19
juniourgsp2009 hi00:19
Darael!ask | root_, I do apologise, I got your nick wrong the first time00:19
ubotturoot_, I do apologise, I got your nick wrong the first time: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:19
BareGraceMiseryat the moment I can't see the users, so I can't … login?00:19
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:19
xanguaroot_: nog good idea login as root if that is your question00:19
=== Lenoob_ is now known as Lenoob
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.00:19
sam-_-BernardV, say i had a samsung tv what formats would it support via dlna?00:19
root_not a problem00:19
junioursam can u tll me how to chan pass word via teminal00:20
Daraeljuniour: "passwd"00:20
BareGraceMiseryHow do I do something to make the login thing show up?00:20
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: what can you "see"?00:20
BareGraceMiseryright now all I have is a purple messed up screen00:20
juniourdarale yes00:20
BernardVsam-_-: Don't know, but serviio transcodes also... (now I'm really gone...)00:20
Daraeljuniour: No, I'm saying that's the command you need.00:20
Lint01BareGraceMisery, try ctrl+alt+F300:21
root_can anyone tell me how to install the graphique driver by terminal00:21
Darael!tab | juniour, also:00:21
ubottujuniour, also:: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:21
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: can you go with Alt-Ctrl-F1?00:21
Daraelroot_: jockey-text is your friend.00:21
BareGraceMiseryfor a while the right side has been messed up, it's like super zoomed in with strange black messed up graphics00:21
BernardVsam-_-: I have a sony and it supports mpeg2, avc, divx (after registering)00:21
BareGraceMiseryshcherbak: but...00:22
sam-_-BernardV, ok. thx and good night00:22
BareGraceMiseryI want my GUI back :(00:22
gsp2009BareGraceMisery: sounds like a resolution problem. Did you change the resolution at all?00:22
BareGraceMiserygsp2009: nope, not that I know of00:23
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: you said zoomed, what your mouse scrool does, and can you move purple thing (hold button and move)?00:23
IsMyOwnWayGood evening to everybody... I'm new to ubuntu ;)00:23
nibbler__hi IsMyOwnWay00:23
BareGraceMiseryit was just like that once a few times ago; I can move the mouse00:23
KM0201IsMyOwnWay: we can tell.. :)00:23
sam-_-KM0201, oh don't be mean :-)00:24
BareGraceMiseryI see too pointers though; the real one and the one inside the stupid right side of the screen00:24
KM0201sam-_-: just teasin him.00:24
junioursame to u ismyownway00:24
DaraelIsMyOwnWay: If you need tech support, ask away.  If you want to talk to other Ubuntu users, try #ubuntu-offtopic or your LoCo channel - this one's just for tech support.00:24
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: ok Alt-Ctrl-F1, do you see console?00:24
|xan|does any body feel like giving some help?  I'm having problems with mounted drives, NTFS.  permissions problems00:24
BareGraceMiseryhowever, at the moment I am in a terminal mode that someone just got me into and I want to get out of ut00:24
BareGraceMiseryyeah, shcherbak, that's right00:24
sam-_-!ask | |xan|00:24
ubottu|xan|: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:24
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: ok Alt-Ctrl-F7 to gui00:24
IsMyOwnWayI got a small problem trying to compile a driver for a wifi usb adapter.00:24
juniournew technology file system00:24
BareGraceMiserythere we go00:25
BareGraceMiserythere is my box asking me for password00:25
sam-_-shcherbak, no ctrl necessary when in terminal00:25
IsMyOwnWayI think I need to add a reference for the symbols... when i try to do the "make" from the driver directory i got a message like this:00:25
IsMyOwnWayWARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-source-
BareGraceMiseryI should remember those key combinations, thanks guys00:26
IsMyOwnWayis missing00:26
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: you lost me, where are you terminal or gdm?00:26
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, why would you compile it yourself in the first place?00:26
BareGraceMiseryso Alt-Ctrl-F1 for console and Alt-Ctrl-F7 for GUI?00:26
Lint01IsMyOwnWay, to you have up-to-date kernel headers?00:26
IsMyOwnWayNo just a fresh install?00:27
BareGraceMiseryshcherbak: right now I am back where I need to be00:27
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: lol00:27
BareGraceMiseryand it seems my brother had touched it...00:27
IsMyOwnWayLint01: is a fresh install.00:27
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, tell us the name of your wifi device00:27
BareGraceMisery"Unable to mount MassEffect2" <—trying to play games! :o00:27
Lint01IsMyOwnWay, install linux-kernel-headers package00:27
BareGraceMiseryanyway, back to work00:28
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: F1 - F6 terminals, > F6 xserver (as custom not rule)00:28
BareGraceMiserythanks much00:28
|xan|does anybody know how to get Read Write permissions on NTFS mounted drives.  I'm using damn small linux and they are being mounted as Read-Only and nothing I do seems to work.  Sudo or not.00:28
BareGraceMiseryummmm k00:28
IsMyOwnWayLint01: Which is the best way to do it?00:28
bencahill_shcherbak: you mean "> F7 xserver" ?00:28
Lint01|xan|, you need ntfs-3g driver00:28
shcherbakBareGraceMisery: accebility option where trigered, you may want to disable them00:28
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, the driver for the rt2870 is included in ubuntu00:28
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bencahill_shcherbak: nvm :)00:28
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, why do you want to compile it?00:28
xionanyone know how to change monitor resolution? cause theres no such 1024x768 in it. please anyone00:29
juniourshcherbak i am not able to install ubuntu 10.10 in virtual box00:29
shcherbakbencahill_: F7 too, so > F600:29
aeon-ltd!resolution | xion00:29
ubottuxion: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:29
Lint01IsMyOwnWay, package manager obviously, be sure to update your kernel first00:29
shcherbakjuniour: i do not do virtual box, check for lvm and vmvare00:29
juniourits talling x86 cpu missing00:29
xionhmm okey00:30
bencahill_shcherbak: yeah, that's why I said "nvm", I was interpreting > as ≥00:30
sam-_-Lint01, why would he want to compile it when it's already included?00:30
shcherbakbencahill_: no problem, I also write first and read later ;)00:31
bencahill_shcherbak: ;)00:31
popsKM0201: ok I'm connected to the router now, but i forgot to write down that link00:31
IsMyOwnWaysam: I have BT4 R2, on a laptop with atheros Wifi, I'm trying to install an external USB adapter, I'm not able to let it work... so I was wondering about the drivers...00:31
KM0201pops: hang on00:31
KM0201pops: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx    but remember, ou need to do that under Ubuntu00:32
=== DJAshnar is now known as SamuraiAlba
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, it thought you said RT2870???00:32
popsi am in ubuntu :)00:32
shcherbakIsMyOwnWay: not Ubuntu think, but best list is on airckack web (some driver are outdated)00:32
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!00:32
popsoops >_<00:33
Wolf95how would I use cut?00:33
sam-_-Wolf95, what do you want to do exactly? or read the man page00:33
IsMyOwnWaysam: Yes the adapter is RT2870. But i need to enable it and disable the Atheros that is the one that come with the laptop.00:34
c0de_Red_Ok....is there any way to get iTunes to work on a Virtualbox Windows machine?? I know there's issues running itunes on VB. Does anyone have a solution? My iTunes just crashes when I launch it in WinXP00:34
Wolf95ok, I'll read man00:34
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, you can use both :-)00:34
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, try lsmod |grep -i rt287000:35
SamuraiAlbaI <3 Atheros00:35
* SamuraiAlba goes back to ARP spoofing...00:35
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
IsMyOwnWaysam: Really?? So... just plug the USB and lsmod |grep -i rt2870 ???00:35
sam-_-lsmod bla bla will tell you  if the driver is loaded00:36
KM0201c0de_Red_: itunes works fine on vbox, what issues are you referring to?00:36
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, lsmod bla bla will tell you  if the driver is loaded00:36
IsMyOwnWaysam: let me check ;)00:37
bencahill_!tab | IsMyOwnWay00:37
ubottuIsMyOwnWay: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:37
Some_PersonIs it possible to get a log report or something for a total system crash?00:37
cjlacayoubottu: whoa, didn't know about the tab completion!00:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:37
cjlacayoubottu: Thanks a bunch!00:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:38
ubottuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures00:38
bencahill_cjlacayo: lol :)00:38
c0de_Red_KM0201, well everytime I launch iTunes, it freezes. I check the task manager and the CPU is spiked at %100.  If i kill the process, Windows resumes the same. I am trying to run it on a virtual Windows XP00:38
IsMyOwnWaybencahill, thanks!00:38
NotAnonymousI accidentally launched a script too many times and now I get a warning message whenever trying to launch an app from the command00:39
cjlacayobencahill_: what? it's been a while since I've been on IRC. :-D00:39
c0de_Red_KM0201, fyi, its the latest version of itunes and also the latest version of Virtualbox00:39
NotAnonymous"Maximum number of clients reached: could not open display ":0.0", aborting"00:39
KM0201c0de_Red_: well i can't say what your prob is, but i run Itunes just fine w/ Vbox and Xp00:39
cjlacayobencahill_: I just thought you guys were fast typers.00:39
juniourcode_red_ i am not able to install ubuntu 10.1000:39
bencahill_cjlacayo: oh we're superfast :-P00:40
SamuraiAlbawe are fast typists00:40
cjlacayobencahill_: programmer-like :-)00:40
SamuraiAlbaIt's just I'm autistic and suck, socially.00:40
c0de_Red_KM0201, hmm...thats strange. I did quite instensive research on this. It seems that a lot of people use to have this issue. 1 fix that i found online was to enable Vt-x or something like that but i do not see that option00:40
bencahill_cjlacayo: ~85wpm00:41
KM0201c0de_Red_: i've used Vbox/Itunes to sync an Ipod for... probably 2yrs?  never a problem00:41
=== bencahill_ is now known as bencahill
=== jmad980 is now known as a11
Some_PersonIs it possible to get a log report or something for a total system crash?00:41
c0de_Red_KM0201, what version of iTunes and VirtualBox are you currently running? Also what ver of Ubuntu?00:41
juniourcan any one tell me how to intall ubuntu 10.01 in virtuall box00:41
jribjuniour: no such thing as ubuntu 10.0100:41
juniourjrib wt u mean00:42
switch10_c0de_Red_: just use rhythmbox or banshee00:42
cjlacayojrib: typo ;_)00:42
bencahilljuniour, jrib: I thought I missed a release :P00:42
KM0201c0de_Red_: ubuntu 10.10, vbox is current(as of last night anyway)... version of itunes, i'm not sure...  not at my pc00:42
jribjuniour: there's no version called "10.01", reading the scrollback I guess you just meant 10.1000:42
IsMyOwnWaysam-_-, lsmo... return nothing (just a blank prompt)00:43
junioursorry 10.1000:43
juniourjrib sorry 10.1000:43
c0de_Red_switch10_,   I would the only thing is that Rhythmbox and Banshee screwed up my Album Arts. Now when I play deadmau5 on my phone, it has ludacris's album covers lol strange00:43
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, then it's not loaded try modinfo rt2870sta00:43
switch10_c0de_Red_: erase all songs on the IPod and use just one application to sync with00:44
IsMyOwnWaysam-_-, it say could not find module..00:44
c0de_Red_KM0201, Im pretty sure my issue has to do with something about virtualizing my processors or some crap like that. I'll try finding a link to post00:45
switch10_c0de_Red_: that happens if you use itunes along with some other application to sync with.  Pick one and use just that one.00:45
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, which version of ubuntu are you using?00:45
IsMyOwnWaysam-_-, BT4 r200:45
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, that is backtrack?00:46
KM0201c0de_Red_: i jsut use the basic vbox, import my virtual XP, and thats that00:46
KM0201pops: did you figure out your wireless00:46
Lint01why people chhose backtrack?00:46
IsMyOwnWaysam-_-, do you mean the kernel version?00:46
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, no ubuntu version00:47
KM0201Lint01: cuz they think if they crack some morons network who only uses WEP, they aer "l33t"00:47
popsKM0201: sorry i stopped paying attention to IRC for a bit to work on it00:47
IsMyOwnWaysam-_-, how do i get the version number?00:47
popsKM0201: i tried the instructions the first time, i'm repeating them in case i did something wrong00:47
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, lsb_release -a00:47
juniourhow to add radio station in rhythmbox player00:47
Bilzquestion: i want to install ubuntu from scratch. no windows. should i make an extended partition, and in this make an ubuntu partition (ext3) and swap partition, and then can i make the ubuntu partition primary or something?00:47
IsMyOwnWayKM0201, ;)00:48
c0de_Red_switch10_, Imma give it a shot. But let me ask you this, in my ipod, under my playlist, I have a Group Folder called Deadmau5, under that, i have different playlist for every album that Deadmau5 ever released. Can I group my playlist by the Artist?00:48
juniourcan any one tell me00:48
popsKM0201: the network connections icon has a different behavior now, before it only showed the wired category, now it has a wireless category but it says my wireless is disabled00:48
KM0201IsMyOwnWay: ?00:48
cjlacayojuniour: see private message.00:48
sam-_-Bilz,  doesn't matter as long as you stay below 4 partitions00:48
KM0201pops: can you enable it? by checking it?00:48
IsMyOwnWayKM0201, cuz they think if they crack some morons network who only uses WEP, they aer "l33t" ... Nice.00:49
Bilzsam-_-, I can't seem to see any way in the extended partition to make the logical ubuntu partition primary?00:49
KM0201IsMyOwnWay: oh ..lol.. well, its true... then the funny thing is, they go to IRC asking how to use these tools that make them l33t00:49
switch10_c0de_Red_: I dont use playlists at all.00:49
IsMyOwnWaysam-_-, I got only backtrack 4.00:49
Lint01I'm getting 'no space on device' errors on EVERYTHING, what to do?00:49
juniourcjlaccyo how to see private message00:50
bencahillKM0201: LOL!00:50
cjlacayoKM0201: What tools? BackTrack?00:50
c0de_Red_switch10_, oh crap00:50
sam-_-Bilz, you need to delete the extended partition first00:50
KM0201cjlacayo: yeah.. :)00:50
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, i thought so. you are not using ubuntu00:50
cjlacayoKM0201: Have you used it in the past?00:51
Bilzsam-_-, so you mean I can't make a logical partition within the extended partition a primary partition? even though I want ubuntu to be my main OS, i just want to install it on an extended partition00:51
sam-_-IsMyOwnWay, ask in #backtrack-linux00:51
KM0201cjlacayo: absolutely... but i didn't go on IRC looking for help on it.. i read the documentation(it's quite thorough)00:51
sam-_-Bilz, that is exactly right00:51
IsMyOwnWaysam-_-, Thanks.00:51
cjlacayoKM0201: metasploit unleashed?00:51
Lint01I'm getting 'no space on device' errors on EVERYTHING, what to do? i've tried to delete files, but no space is reclaimed00:52
KM0201cjlacayo: i have an old version from 2yrs ago that i boot when needed, it does exactly what i need it to, when i need it to.00:52
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Bilzsam-_-, should i put my swap partition in an extended partition. and also if i make logical partitions- in an extended partitions can i access them from ubuntu?00:52
cjlacayoKM0201: I'm not even going to ask what 'you need it for' ;-)00:52
Some_PersonWhat should I do in the case of a total system crash?00:52
sam-_-Lint01, can happen if the hd fails00:52
popsKM0201:  how do I "enable it by checking it"00:53
trojan_spikeLint01, have u emptied the trash??00:53
bencahillLint01: you can look at the s.m.a.r.t. data for hdd failure info...00:53
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KM0201cjlacayo: usually just when i'm out and about... i've got about 40-50 networks on various sides ofthe city that i have the password to, and when i'm in the area, i pull within range of it... and do my thing.00:53
sam-_-Bilz, doesn't matter as long as you have 4 partitions or less. and yes of course you can access them from ubuntu00:54
IsMyOwnWayKM0201, You are so cool... by the way I'm really do not know the linux OS... I'm a c++ developer and i used to work only with Win... when I have free time I'm curious and I like to learn new things... anyway. have a nice evening you too ;)00:54
KM0201pops: did you try right clicking the networking applet?.. usually if its working, you can put a checkmark next to it, to enable it00:54
cjlacayoKM0201: are you in infosec?00:54
popsKM0201: enable wireless is grayed out and does nothing when clicked00:55
KM0201pops: ok, so its not working.00:55
sam-_-KM0201, i hope you change your mac address and use a proxy or sth.00:55
KM0201cjlacayo: lol, hardly00:55
juniour_sam ru there00:55
popsKM0201: im gonna unplug my ethernet and try again00:55
cjlacayoKM0201: tsk tsk00:55
sam-_-juniour_, y00:55
KM0201sam-_-: :).. i'm smart about it... and i don't do anything that would cause anyone any alarm.. jsut to do some surfing while i'm out and about.00:56
juniour_have u heard of reliance data card00:56
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sam-_-juniour_ no00:56
juniour_sam leave00:56
Lint01how to force-check filesystem?00:56
histoLint01: fsck00:57
juniour_is any one here heard of reliance data card00:57
cjlacayoLint01: isn't fsck supposed to be be done in single-user mode?00:57
Lint01fsck what?00:57
cjlacayoLint01: open terminal - type 'man fsck'00:57
KM0201juniour: no00:58
Lint01read the question dammit00:58
sam-_-good night everybody00:58
bencahillsam-_-: night :)00:59
juniour_good nght sam00:59
trojan_spike:) dont let the bed bugs bite00:59
bencahilltrojan_spike: missed him :)00:59
bastidrazorLint01: sudo touch /forcefsck   then reboot01:00
pops_KM0201: it's not working.  I might have to give up01:00
trojan_spikewhat does fsck do?01:00
reverebeergo fsck yourself01:01
KM0201pops_: did you follow the instructions for the STA driver?01:01
trojan_spikein terminal there's a warning ,, so?01:01
reverebeeri think its file system check01:01
pops_KM0201:  yes.  It made my Broadcom STA driver "active but not in use"01:01
KM0201pops_: did you restart?01:02
pops_of course01:02
KM0201is the kernel soruce installed?01:02
pops_KM0201: well i followed the instructions that seemed to correspond to that.  and i followed them again and it said "your kernel is up to date" already or somesuch01:02
KM0201pops_: are you on the live cd, or did you install?01:03
reverebeerim doing the 10.10 dist upgrade right now. what can i do to speed up the installation? would more processing be helpful? would nice be helpful here?01:03
pops_KM0201: i installed. the hardware driver changed its mind now it's "active and in use"01:03
KM0201pops_: ok...01:04
pops_KM0201:  mayb that second restart did something? or maybe i misread it the first time01:04
trojan_spikereverebeer, best thing is to leave it to it,,01:04
KM0201pops_: who knows...give it a few minutes to scan for networks, and see if it starts working01:04
cjlacayoreverebeer: When is it best practice to upgrade? from/to major release? (eg., 10.10 > 11.04)?01:04
BoOleeNFrench ??01:04
trojan_spikehuh?? 11.04?01:05
cjlacayoreverebeer: My frame of thought has always been to backup and install clean.01:05
pops_KM0201: :/ oh well01:05
cjlacayotrojan_spike: just an example; come next release.01:05
allan8904hi, i have a file "/bin/grub" to be specific. If i ls the bin directory i can see it. if i run "which grub" it tells me "/bin/grub" but when i type /bin/grub it says no such file or directory /bin/grub ....whats with that :.01:05
BoOleeNplease  where is a french server   ?01:05
chills518I just tried to install a splash screen I downloaded and when I boot up nothing changed.  I'm not sure if I did something wrong or if splash screen is not what I think it is.01:05
shcherbakcjlacayo: natty will be released in april01:05
trojan_spikekk,, i know the server 11.04 is out01:05
reverebeercjlacayo: im going 1004 to 1010, and i dont have the resources to back up right now.01:06
AdemanI don't know squat about SMTP, but AT&T seems to be blocking access to a remote smtp server, someone suggested I need to route through at&t's smtp servers, is that valid? (the sending address, mine, is not @att.net it's @anotherdomain.com)01:06
reverebeercjlacayo: just a quick fix in attempt to get super meat boy to work with wine01:06
trojan_spikereverebeer, have u got an installation cd??01:06
cjlacayoreverebeer: Oh, I see. I'm just asking to see how everyone else handles upgrades01:06
reverebeertrojan_spike: negative, but ive already done the downloading...just unpacking now01:08
KM0201pops_: are you using 32 or 64bit?01:08
trojan_spikeaww rite ok01:08
pops_KM0201: i've checked which my laptop was before but i always forget01:09
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pops_KM0201:  guess i'll google the model01:09
KM0201pops_: in a terminal type "uname -a" no quotes, and hit enter01:09
sacarlsonAdeman: you can use google.com  gmail.com to read pop mail from any server.  did you try that?01:10
itaylor57and why do they call it a terminal instead of a possible?01:10
KM0201!ubottu > GaryD01:11
ubottuGaryD, please see my private message01:11
popsKM0201:  my irc crashed, what was the command again? uname -a?01:11
KM0201pops: yes01:11
popsKM0201: it gives me a bunch of gunk, but the number 32 appears and the number 64 does not01:12
KM0201pops: well, thats really irrelevant, do you see "i686"01:12
chaospsychexcan someone tell my why i can't see a mounted partition?01:13
popsKM0201:  no01:13
aeon-ltdpops: or ix86 at all?01:13
popsKM0201: x86_6401:13
KM0201pops: o.. you're using 64bit.01:13
GaryDchaospsychex: what file manager are you using?01:13
popsKM0201: cool! that's better than 32 bit, right?01:14
KM0201pops: i don't think thats the problem, but sometimes the 64bit is not quite as evolved as 32bit when it comes to hardware...01:14
popswhy the heck was someone in here as pops_??01:14
rjs0001532bit is more supported as of now01:14
KM0201pops: well its cool when everything works...01:14
sacarlsonchaospsychex: are you sure it's mounted?  does the user that is trying to see it have the privliges to see it?01:14
Ademansacarlson: I haven't, I may do that as a last resort, but I'd like to be as direct as possible, if possible01:14
trojan_spikeis it possible to go from 32bit to 64bit through repo??01:14
popsit works in windows. its a Windows Nation01:15
KM0201pops: when you got kicked the first time and came back, it assigned you pops_, then you got kicked again, and because pops was gone by taht time, it reassigned you pops01:15
popsKM0201:  oooh01:15
KM0201pops: whether it works in windows, is really irrelevant, all that shows is the device is working..01:15
popsKM0201: that wasnt what i meant, but nevermind it01:15
KM0201pops: hmm, i dunno.. most reports seem to suggest it works, but i only find references to it on 32bit.01:17
sacarlsonAdeman: are you trying to setup you home computer as the reciever of your email on the pop port?  I'm not sure why att would block that01:17
popsKM0201: i wish i could remove 32 bits from my computer01:18
popsKM0201: or at least 2001:18
KM0201pops: well, just because you have 64bit hardware, doesn't mean you can't install a 32bit OS01:18
BoOleeNfrench server please ?01:18
Ademansacarlson: IMAP for incoming, SMTP for outgoing, IMAP works fine, SMTP isn't for whatever reason01:18
sacarlsonAdeman: if it had tons of spam on it I guess I don't blame them01:18
popsKM0201: just makes stuff harder?01:18
c0de_Redim back01:19
sacarlsonAdeman: maybe they detect you sending spam?01:19
KM0201pops: sometimes... if everything works, its great, cuz it is a *bit* faster.. but i just don't see the need for the headache w/ some of the hardware issues01:19
Ademansacarlson: I would hope not, I've never sent an outgoing email heh01:19
BoOleeNok ok01:19
popsKM0201: i didnt choose this pc the university gave it to me01:19
swi need help01:20
KM0201pops: well i'm assuming you chose the OS..01:20
Ademanalthough I do think at&t gives me a dynamic IP, so I guess my whole subnet could be blocked?01:20
KM0201pops: just out of curiosity... open synaptic package manager (system/admin/synaptic)01:20
trojan_spikesw, whats the problem bud?01:20
KM0201and in the upper right, do a search for "dkms" and see if its installed01:20
Ademan!ask | sw01:20
ubottusw: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:20
mortal1Error while getting peer-to-peer dbus connection: The name :1.101 was not provided by any .service files <-- anyone seen this trying to put music on their iphone?01:21
rjs00015this is Robert01:21
swhow can i reset ubuntu10.1001:21
swbeacause i mess it up01:21
KM0201sw: just reinstall it01:21
aeon-ltdthis is robottu01:21
trojan_spikesw, top right of screen01:21
popsKM0201: done01:21
KM0201sw: with a cd?01:21
KM0201pops: does it show that package is installed?01:21
swmy cd01:21
swis out of order01:21
trojan_spikesw, have u got ubuntu installed?01:22
swim in it now01:22
KM0201pops: does it show dkms is installed?01:22
trojan_spikeopen terminal01:22
researcher1which software can be used for voice chat of yahoo?01:22
trojan_spikesw, open terminal01:22
trojan_spiketype 'sudo reboot'01:23
KM0201pops: next look for fakeroot01:23
popsKM0201: the word fakesync is in there though, that sounds bad >_<01:23
trojan_spikesw type 'sudo reboot'01:23
KM0201pops: i just wanna know if dkms is installed, if it is,look for dkms01:23
dustinDoes anyone know how to set up printer sharing in 10.04 so a mac (osx leopard) can print to it?01:23
popsKM0201: both those things01:23
popsKM0201:  are installed and on the latest version01:23
wn1zidsw, what got broken01:23
KM0201pops: last one.. look for patch01:23
trojan_spikesw enter01:24
swi use a vaio laptop01:24
swwith ubuntu 10.1001:24
popsKM0201: it says i have the latest version of patch01:24
swand i just want to reinstall a clean setup01:24
CyLNight, is there a way to unlock some of the encrypted disks listed under /etc/crypttab using the scripts provided in /etc/init.d?01:24
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trojan_spikewn1zid, his DVD drive is faulty.. he needs to reboot01:25
swmy cd rom is not working cause drunk coffe from my sister01:25
swit is the only way?01:25
swthrouh cd?01:25
glitchdok so i have more of an annoyance than a problem, maybe someone in here can help me, i hope01:26
BoOleeNcan you help me please ?01:26
trojan_spikesw u can use a pen-drive instead01:26
jasiekgive it some tea01:26
GinTonicI upgrade debian to testing version,firefox works ,but the system can not apt-get01:26
KM0201pops: maybe ndiswrapper?01:26
GinTonicThe icon on net connection show that it disconnected .01:26
GinTonic Does someone know what's wrong with it ? thanks01:26
swyes . .01:27
Random832why doesn't gwibber support bitly?01:27
Random832for its automatic shortening01:27
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swi can't install with terminal?01:27
wn1zidsw, a thumb drive01:27
Random832how do i add a url shortener to gwibber?01:28
popsKM0201: i don't have that package01:28
KM0201pops: yeah, hang on just a sec... i'm looking into something01:28
trojan_spikesw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick01:28
C_OkieI dont want to use inferrecorder to burn the ubuntu disc becuase I want to burn it as slow a speed I can, is it ok or safe to use a program otherwise than ubuntus official website suggested?01:28
glitchdhow do i find out why 2 of the same applications are starting up with gnome? ubuntu 10.0401:28
CyLI made an entry in my /etc/fstab that mounts an encrypted partition I had setup, is there anyway to make mount automagically ask for my password whenever I want to use this partition (used noauto and luks)?01:28
swthnx anyway all of u01:28
Belial`is anyone else having a problem with apps hanging after upgrading to 2.6.35-24?01:28
swsomething else01:29
wn1zidnp sw01:29
swhow can i make ubuntu lighter?01:29
wn1zidxfce ?01:29
KB1JWQsw: Hovershoes.01:29
KB1JWQsw: Failing that, dpkg -l, remove that which you do not need.01:29
swexceot that01:30
glitchdhow do i find out why 2 of the same applications are starting up with gnome? ubuntu 10.0401:30
swexept that01:30
swif u know application that can do it01:30
trojan_spikeglitchd, preferences / startup applications01:30
glitchdtrojan_spike, checked that already, i already disabled it in there to see if that would work, it didnt01:31
trojan_spikewhats is it thats starting?01:31
KM0201pops: how did lspci show your wireless device again?.. i know it was a 4322, but what exactly did it say01:32
glitchdtrojan_spike, a program called "touchfreeze" to disable the touch pad when typing01:32
wn1zidsw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:32
popsKM0201: BCM432201:32
wn1zido wait01:32
KM0201there werent any numbers or anything after it?01:32
wn1zidno dvd, sry01:32
swnetbook edition is lighter/01:33
popsKM0201: 802.11a01:33
glitchdtrojan_spike, ?01:33
popsKM0201: a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)01:34
trojan_spikeglitchd, give me a sec01:34
KM0201pops: yeah.. you don't by chance have a CD w/ the windows driver on it do you?01:34
glitchdtrojan_spike, ok, sry, thx01:34
KM0201or can you get it from dell's site?01:34
swwhen i install new ubuntu from here (ubuntu)01:34
swformats the disk01:34
popsKM0201: i dont think so01:34
KM0201pops: whats yoru dell model again?01:35
swor i have to do it later?01:35
furythorHere is question that does not effect Ubuntu directly rather drivers and manufacturer software and how it works. Can installing manufacturer software so badly mess performance that it drops like 99% ?01:35
popsKM0201: dell latitude e650001:36
glitchdfurythor, u installed a graphics driver didnt u?01:36
GinTonicI upgrade debian to testing version,firefox works ,but the system can not apt-get01:36
GinTonicThe icon on net connection show that it disconnected .01:36
GinTonic Does someone know what's wrong with it ? thanks01:36
trojan_spikeglitchd, is it in tray,, and does it show up there at start up?01:36
glitchdtrojan_spike, yes01:37
furythorno, installed some software (on windows side) but still never thought it would do that. It is one more "nail" in windows coffin ...01:37
trojan_spikeand it deffo unticked at startup applications and in the program options?01:37
glitchdfurythor, u installed software in windows and it dropped the performance of linux 99%??01:37
glitchdtrojan_spike, yes01:38
furythorglitchd: No, one game went like below 1 fps ...01:38
furythorwhich ran before +50 most of time01:38
glitchdfurythor, and we are talking inside linux?01:38
glitchdfurythor, the game i mean01:38
glitchdfurythor, inside of windows01:38
KM0201pops: message me01:39
furythoryeah... and that makes me wonder what is going on inside windows01:39
glitchdfurythor, a whole lot of the wrong thing, thx to microcrap01:39
glitchdtrojan_spike, would u like to see a screenshot of what im talking about?01:39
furythorbecause I am starting to think "windows advantage" = "great windows disadvantage"01:39
trojan_spikeglitchd, remove it from startup-apps ,, if it still does the same u will have to uninstall it,, then reinstall,, might be a bug thats had a fix rolled out for yet01:40
glitchdfurythor, you are on the right path with that statement01:40
glitchdtrojan_spike, ok thx01:40
furythorglitchd: I am seriously starting to think of moving back to Ubuntu on my main computer and stopping to play games that don't work01:40
sk8rjessdoes 10.10 use plymouth for a boot screen?01:40
glitchdfurythor, i would.01:40
nit-witsk8rjess, look in synaptic and see if it's installed01:41
nucc1nautilus is not displaying with my current theme, what could be wrong?01:41
trojan_spikeglitchd, that hasnt had the bug fixed yet,, sorry01:41
glitchdtrojan_spike, it doesnt bother me, its just running the program twice for no reason, i can quit 1 but i dont want to have to do that each time i go into gnome01:42
sk8rjessnit-wit, thanks01:42
furythorsome fun comparison, I can install and update up to date Ubuntu Linux pretty much in one hour... windows needs like 2 or more hours for that...01:42
swhello again01:42
glitchdfurythor, indeed indeed..01:42
trojan_spikeglitchd, i think it just u have two options ticked for it to start.. i cant be sure tho01:42
swi made cd with ubuntu01:43
swand put it to vaio01:43
swbut i can't install it01:43
glitchdtrojan_spike, but i checked startup apps and its only in there once01:43
nit-witsw use a longer nick so we can tab and you will see the results in red01:44
trojan_spikeglitchd, kk01:44
glitchdtrojan_spike, any other place it could be selected as a startup app?01:45
trojan_spikeglitchd, only in the application01:45
anapiros00im with vaio01:45
nit-witanapiros00, is that you sw01:46
nit-witanapiros00, due you know how many partitions are installed on the vaio01:47
anapiros00how can i check that/01:48
trojan_spikeanapiros00, whats wrong with the ubuntu u have?? why the reinstall?01:48
carandrauganyone can help with getting subtitle editor working? I keep receiving an error that a gstreamer plugin is missing but they all are (base, nice, good, bad and ugly)01:48
anapiros00because i installed things that applied settings and mees the os01:49
Rogan_Heya - I'm setting up vsftpd on ubuntu and having a little trouble. I'd like to enable anon downloads from a specific directory. I think I'm meant to just enable anon, and enable chroot and set "anon_root=/directory"... However I get "500 OOPS: cannot change directory" when connecting...01:49
nit-witanapiros00, your asking for some help that would be better done on a forum especially due to limited knowledge01:49
Rogan_I think that makes it a permissions problem, but I think the folder is already chmod'd fine and stuff01:50
trojan_spikewhat sort of setting?? u can fix them01:50
nit-witanapiros00, all ii will take is a wrong step to screw stuff up01:50
nit-witanapiros00, pm01:51
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wn1zidanapiros00-  if you explain what is broke, maybe some one could help fix it.01:51
PudabudigadaHello, I'm having GRUB trouble01:52
trojan_spikePudabudigada, what sort,, can u get install you OS?01:53
PudabudigadaNo, I just get 'grub rescue>'01:53
PudabudigadaI'll tell you what happened01:54
tilted_mindRogan_: It is probably a home directory issue.01:54
trojan_spikeu on a live cd now Pudabudigada ?01:54
PudabudigadaI have another machine on a KVM, I'm on that01:54
tilted_mindRogan_: whatever user you have them logging in as, you should put there home directory to the anon folder.01:54
tilted_mindRogan_: that way there is no need to change directory01:55
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:55
ahaney3I have an ubuntu instance running in the amazon ec2 cloud it's been running without issue for a few months now I needed to reboot the system after a few upgrades recently and now it is not authorizing my public key and I can't log into the server at all, help?01:55
cjlacayoahaney3: Holy crap!01:56
tazmaniaWhat do I need to setup in my ubuntu server 10.04 so that I can access it from my Fedora desktop?01:56
cjlacayoahaney3: buy Canonical support ;-)01:56
ahaney3um, any non commercial solutions?01:56
PudabudigadaWhat happened: I upgraded to the latest kernel with update manager, but it crashed when booting , so I selected the previous one with GRUB the next time I booted, used synaptic to reinstall everything to do with the new kernel version01:56
tazmaniaI mean I would like to access my ubuntu server files from my fedora01:56
cjlacayoahaney3: haha :-D01:56
diecastartscan someone PM me about file sharing just have a few quick questions01:57
Pudabudigadathen it would not boot at all01:57
nit-witahaney3, how would we know your issue is with the cloud and passwords01:57
trojan_spikePudabudigada, ubuntu 10.10 need grub2 to boot01:57
Rogan_Thanks tilted_mind, you don't happen to know the command line syntax for setting home directories or another user do you?01:57
Pudabudigadaso I used a live CD, used apt-get purge on GRUB, reinstalled it, said it had failed but then succeeded01:57
con-mandoes anyone else have issues with flash lagging (youtube for example) after the recent set of updates?  This is very annoying and makes baby Jesus cry01:57
ahaney3yeah, but the cloud is just a virtual machine running ubuntu, the ssh authentication would be through ubuntu, not amazon, so it's an os issue01:58
tilted_mindRogan_: vim /etc/passwd01:58
PudabudigadaBut I just get the rescue command line on boot now.01:58
tilted_mindRogan_: then you can edit the location of the home directory.01:58
noahbentusihi all, I write some configure to need X Logical Font Description. I wanna get XLFD as "What You See Is What You Get". might I use what tools?01:58
trojan_spikecon-man, use chrome :) keep jenus happy01:58
nit-witPudabudigada, run this script and paste bin it. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/01:58
con-mantrojan_spike, ooooo will try that01:58
con-mantrojan_spike, thanks01:58
trojan_spikejesus even lol01:59
nit-witahaney3, if you say so01:59
tilted_mindRogan_: you will want to change the shell also, while you are editing etc/passwd.  I use /sbin/nologin on CentOS not sure if it is the same on Ubuntu.02:00
diecastartsany takes .. just have some questions about networking or fileshiring... i got internet share easy as pie but mounting my shared folder on second computer is not working... .. so please can someone PM me02:00
noahbentusiI write some configure to need X Logical Font Description. I wanna get XLFD as "What You See Is What You Get". might I use what tools? somebody can help?02:00
Pudabudigadanit-wit, I'm loading a live cd now to do so02:01
nit-witPudabudigada, cool02:01
diecastartsand BTW yeah Chrome is the Best i love it02:02
nit-witPudabudigada,  opened a dialogue paste it here for all to see and meet me there02:02
dw-is there an app / widget that will rotate quotes for me throughout the day at a set interval?  i want to use it for studying02:03
diecastartsk goign to be my last ask but .. anyone helpful with filesharing PM please? oh allow me to PM????02:03
jimkellerehaney: there's a post here that might provide some clues: http://www.vlent.nl/weblog/2010/09/06/locked-myself-out-root-account-ec2-ubuntu-instance/02:04
dw-diecastarts: theyre files you share them, sup?02:04
jimkellerhe's talking about mounting the drive from the existing instance on a new instance; not sure if it applies to your setup though02:04
nit-witjimkeller, good link it looks like02:05
diecastartsdw K will tell ya my thing02:05
MrRyanThaiI just installed Ubuntu on my laptop and the wireless driver didn't work. But, my brother installed Ubuntu as well and the wireless driver worked for him.Please help02:06
diecastartsi have 2 computers one is wireless and has internet .. and the second computer is hardwire with cross over cable and internet workings02:06
KM0201MrRyanThai: well, tell everyone what the wireless device is02:06
nit-witahaney3, do you see the link by jimkeller02:06
diecastartsbut i setup file sharing and see the floder on second computer but cannot mount02:06
MrRyanThaiI have a Dell Inspiron E150502:07
Praxiin a terminal, how can I get the path to my ruby environment?02:07
diecastartsbut now i see a screen in my settings that is file shareing as with netowrk and bluetooth but the network is gray and saying i don't have the right thing installed02:08
diecastartsbut smb works02:08
ratcheerPraxi: which ruby02:08
Praxiusing RVM 1.9.202:08
Praxiusing rvm, my default ruby is 1.9.2 sorry hehe02:08
phpjimanyone have an opinion on a 16gb ipad versus a 32gb ipad for a grandma that will probably play games on it and browse the net?02:08
phpjimseems like a 16gb would be good enough no?02:09
SchumannI think so?  But I don't own an Ipad.02:09
bazhang!ot | phpjim02:09
ubottuphpjim: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:09
diecastartsi heard of people useing text bast SL things and what not02:09
diecastartsmust be able to02:09
diecastartsbut i heard the batturd goes super fast with cpu load02:10
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vvasdamned ubuntu trashed it's filesystem02:12
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:12
PraxiSo any ideas how I figure out my ruby environment path?  I'm using RVM, with ruby 1.9.2 as the default02:12
vvasthe fs is constantly full, despite I check it and remove some stuff from it02:12
nit-witPudabudigada, you know how to paste bin do you need a link to one02:12
vvasand what I'm supposed to do with it now? "Linux is stable", my ass02:13
switch10_vvas: what is your issue?02:13
PudabudigadaYes please02:14
vvasswitch10_, see above02:14
jimkellerswitch: clearly the problem is that linux is unstable.... .....02:14
nit-witPudabudigada, yes02:14
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fxhpvvas: I feel like you are about to get flamed02:14
nit-witPudabudigada, hold on02:14
fxhpvvas: Are you sure the problem is linux and not your hardware?02:15
nit-witPudabudigada, http://paste.ubuntu.com/02:15
jimkellervvas: is your problem simply that your disk is full ?02:15
switch10_jimkeller: sounds like it.02:15
binkulaor maybe a configuration error?02:15
vvasjimkeller, it's abnormally full02:15
binkulaI don't even know what we're talking about02:15
vvasfree space vanished all of the sudden and I can reclaim it02:16
jimkellerwhat's the output of: df -h02:16
Wolf95I'm looking for a way to change a line in a script via a script, is there a way I could delete a line and then add a line with a set string of characters?02:16
vvasit's 002:16
switch10_vvas: then your disk is full.02:16
jimkellerso you typed "df -h" and it said "0" ?02:16
htfkid2000Hey, can anyone tell me who had the bright idea of putting a UAC type thing in Ubuntu 10.04, that will not even let me run the app anyway like windows vista would?02:16
diecastartsdw- still around?02:17
jimkellerhtfkid: having to "sudo" to make changes to the system has been a part of ubuntu forever, I think.02:17
vvasjimkeller, among the other unrelated things02:17
htfkid2000ti know02:18
jimkellervvas: usually when I've seen this happen before, it's a log file growing out of control somewhere02:18
vvasthe problem is not the disk is full, the problem is I can not free space on it02:18
Wolf95Can somebody help me?02:18
diecastartsdw-, would it be ok to pm ya02:18
MrRyanThaiCan someone help me?:o02:18
htfkid2000but the thing is is that this "Executable Bit" thing is new, when i try to run a .exe that installed fine in 9.10 and told me that i could not install it in 10.04 (wine)02:19
switch10_vvas: rm does not work?02:19
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htfkid2000because it said it had malware02:19
vvasswitch10_, it does, but no space reclaimed02:19
jimkellervvas: space isn't necessarily visible immediately02:19
jimkelleralso are you sure you're rming files big enough to make a difference?02:19
lotec_i need some help with Kismet if anyone can lend a hand please.  I dont know how to set up the config file02:19
vvasjimkeller, i've unmounted it and even checked, still 0 available02:19
htfkid2000but, when did ubuntu get all paranoid of viruses anyway? there are very few!02:20
MrRyanThaiI'm a complete noob to Ubuntu.I just installed it and it's not letting me connect to the internet.It says the wireless driver is missing.I have a Dell Inspiron E1505. My brother installed it and his wireless driver is working fine.02:20
vvashtfkid2000, after several expoits with .desktop files02:20
jimkellerhtfkid: it's not really about viruses as much as it is about mistakes02:20
jimkellervvas: you're sure the filesystem isn't mounted as read only?02:20
PudabudigadaI'm getting a rather peculiar problem now, I cannot move the 'Results.txt' file to my floppy disk to move it to this computer02:21
vvaslol of course it isn't02:21
SchumannQuestion, can adobe exploits compromise Ubuntu desktops?02:21
htfkid2000dut the thing is, this same type of thing microsoft introduced in windows vista and made microsoft lame02:21
vvasSchumann, if targeted especially02:21
jimkellerUAC wasn't a bad idea, it was just implemented poorly02:21
jimkellerin Windows 7 I actually don't mind it02:21
SchumannAre there ways to limit the risk of using Adobe flash?02:21
jimkellerI like knowing when something is trying to update my core system files/registry/etc02:22
nit-witjimkeller, if MS set up with a root password needed as your supposer to life would be easier for sure02:22
dw-diecastarts: yup02:22
dw-vvas: empty the trash? :)02:22
MrRyanThaiCan anyone please help me?02:22
dw-MrRyanThai: did you google dell inspiron e1505 ubuntu network driver ?02:23
vvasit's not joke, the disk is permanently full and I cannot even log in graphically02:23
dw-vvas: wasnt meant to be a joke, boot a live disc and clear up some space. that sucks and might break your system :p02:24
dw-vvas: disk full wrecks things ive heard g/l02:24
vvaslol I tried boot disk, it still shows that file system at 0 available02:24
dw-use a rescue disk like gparted or trinity rescue kit02:25
htfkid2000vvas, it might be a hardware issue02:25
dw-dw-: or jus boot to a prompt from any cd and mount ..02:25
tuckerthecan someone tell me how to find other chat rooms please???02:25
htfkid2000do you have SATA or IDE?02:25
vvashtfkid2000, I doubt it, other partitions function normally02:25
nit-wittuckerthe, which one02:25
tuckerthea list of some?02:26
KM0201tuckerthe: what chat client are you using?02:26
nit-wittuckerthe, which chat program are you using02:26
dw-tuckerthe #freenode will tell you /msg alis list *search*02:26
vvasOMFG there's 430MB large kdm.log file and his 250 MB brother02:26
tuckertheok thanks02:27
vvastrying to remove it now02:27
htfkid2000i am more of a thin client person02:28
dw-youre not a person youre a real man http://youtu.be/XwZhU6uv9sA :)02:28
* dw- returns tow ork02:28
htfkid2000 //02:29
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htfkid2000i have been to /dev/null and back!02:29
adam_hi all02:30
adam_I have a dual monitor set up, one widescreen and the other a regular CRT02:30
htfkid2000alot of people joining and leaving02:30
adam_I can't get my widescreen to accept 16:9 ratios, it only does 4:302:30
adam_I have an  ati video card02:30
adam_everything looks stretched on the widescreen02:31
platiusMrRyanThai;  if you can get a wired internet connection, see if System> Administration > hardware drivers  will find a broadcom driver for you.02:31
aputamkonon my desk top my tool bar is on the top area, shows app, places,sys on the left in the center date time, and on the right side it used to show what programs were running an some how i deleted them how do i get them back02:33
nit-witaputamkon, rght click panel add to panel02:34
htfkid2000@aputamkon, right click it and click add to panel02:34
aputamkonok thnme what02:34
htfkid2000find tyhe clock02:34
aputamkonit whould show what aprogram i opened up02:34
aputamkonlike when i opened up fire fox it would show up in the right corner02:35
Tetracomm" ttf-mscorefonts-installer02:35
TetracommE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:35
FloodBot3Tetracomm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:35
codewizgot a question02:36
codewizi switched to kde to test it02:36
codewiztheres this setting "default window manager"02:36
codewizwhat does it actually mean?02:36
aputamkonany ideas how to get back were it shows on the tool bar what programs are open?02:39
trojan_spikejoin #playonlinux02:40
tuckerthehow do i connect to DALnet using smuxi irc client?02:40
r00t4rd3d!resetpanel aputamkon02:40
r00t4rd3d!resetpanel | aputamkon02:41
ubottuaputamkon: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:41
trojan_spikefor wine channel,, just wine ,, or is it winehq?02:42
SamuraiAlbaOk.  I cant get my mic input to work...02:42
r00t4rd3dSamuraiAlba, you have installed alsamixer ?02:43
SamuraiAlbanot yet02:43
r00t4rd3din Synaptic Package Manager search for alsamixer and installed gnome-alsamixer02:44
aputamkonthan that fixed it02:44
SamuraiAlbaInternal mic and additional mic not working yet.  Will check Also when done02:44
r00t4rd3dthen in Applications , Sound & Video , run Gnome Alsa Mixer. Then unmute mic and turn up the slider/02:45
TheRufushey, this may be a general linux question, and if so, I'll ask in #linux, but I'm building a server with 5 2tb HDD's in RAID5 and there are 4 SATA ports on the mainboard. I have a 2-port sata PCI RAID card. I'm willing to build Software linux RAID array (this is a home server, not time critical or anything). I'm going to install Ubuntu 10.10 Server 64-bit on a single 1Tb drive then plan on02:45
TheRufusbuilding the array and transferring the FS over to the RAID5 array. Are there any potential issues I should look out for? Can I do a S/W RAID5 across 2 different SATA controllers?02:45
Viking667'llo all. How do I find out how much memory my video card has from within Ubuntu? (ATI Radeon HD3450)02:45
era878How can I make an external hdd boot ubuntu on multiple computers?02:45
trojan_spikeera878, u need a grub loader02:46
Viking667oh. Never mind, I just found out from a web search.02:47
era878trojan_spike, I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on the external hdd but it only boots from the computer that i installed it on02:47
trojan_spikeera878, http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Super-Grub-Disk-Download-8071.html02:47
Viking667era878: that's normally got something to do with the BIOS boot order of each computer02:48
era878trojan_spike, so i should recover grub on the external hdd and it will boot from any computer?02:48
trojan_spikeera878, also google 'super grub loader',, see a vid maybe on how it works,, its what ur looking.. ;)02:49
era878trojan_spike, thank you02:49
Lint01i  KNEW kde was rubbish02:49
Lint01how to redirect 'for' loop output to some file?02:50
Viking667for <condition>; do <job>; done >> some-output02:50
chdwhat's \c do?02:50
Lint01Viking667, doesn't work, everything is dumped to the swcreen02:50
Viking667... rather depends upon what <job> you're doing02:50
Viking667Lint01: what's <job> for you then?02:51
bluedelusionchd, in what context?02:51
Lint01Viking667, it's 'cat'02:51
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Lint01is there a command to append the file given as argument to another?02:51
Viking667so, for t in 1 2 3; do cat $t; done >> output    doesn't work for you?02:51
Viking667(assuming you had files called 1 2 and 3)02:52
bluedelusionLint01, try #bash02:52
SamuraiAlbaWoot!  Mic working!  Thankies!02:53
* Viking667 departs...02:53
r00t4rd3dSamuraiAlba, np :D02:54
SchumannI'm using xchat on Ubuntu and it keeps crashing on me.  Is this something that occurs regularly?02:54
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chdwhen I echo "something \tthat \nI want \ato print on a new\cline" like this nothing happens.02:55
bluedelusionSchoentoon, try irssi02:55
chaospsychexSchumann: you have to uncheck the "crash randomly" box in preferences02:56
Lint01Schumann, of course not02:56
SchumannLOL chaos.02:56
r00t4rd3dSchumann, have you messed with the conf file ?02:57
SchumannI was wondering if there was an outstanding bug.02:57
SchumannNo, I haven't done a thing.02:57
chaospsychexwhat version of xchat u running ?02:57
Belial`seemed to be having a problem with nautilus loading extremely slow while music is playing.02:58
chaospsychexyou don't have 2.8.8 ?02:58
r00t4rd3dSchumann, Help , About , what version u running ?02:58
r00t4rd3d-Schumann- VERSION xchat 0.26.1 Linux 2.6.32-26-generic [i686]02:59
SchumannIt came with gnome...02:59
SchumannI mean ubuntu.02:59
chaospsychexschumann what version of ubuntu you running?02:59
chaospsychexor are you on the livecd03:00
breadcrumbi think thats xchat-gnome or whatever03:00
breadcrumbnot real xchat03:00
breadcrumbthe crippled one03:00
Belial`xchat-gnome is weak03:00
SchumannLet me go get ... the real xchat.  LOL.03:00
Belial`sudo apt-get install xchat03:00
chaospsychexyeah what belial said03:00
trojan_spikeSchumann, is it the xchar-gnome that you have?? You might be best with the smaller xchat,, 'sudo apt-get install xchat' // sudo apt-get remove xchat-gnome03:00
breadcrumbi guess they thought that xchat was just so complicated so they removed half the options and menus03:00
r00t4rd3dSchumann, System , Administration , Synaptic Package Manager , search for xchat03:00
Schumannanyway thanks.03:00
SchumannI got it.03:00
Belial`xchat-gnome doesn't really make sense.03:01
Belial`not sure why it was even created.03:01
chaospsychexwhy would you use the synaptic package manager when there is apt-get command?03:01
glitchdi keep getting an error when trying to install a plugin in pidgin http://pastie.org/139689303:01
glitchdcan someone help me?03:01
trojan_spikeBelial`, LTS reasons i think03:01
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trismglitchd: you likely need to install libnotify-dev03:03
r00t4rd3dchaospsychex, makes my life easier03:03
glitchdtrism, instead of just libnotify? or in place of libnotify?03:03
UnholyTerrorchaospsychex, why would we send all noobs to the command line?03:03
glitchdtrism, ??03:04
shishirdwivedi20hi i need help03:04
r00t4rd3dwith ?03:04
HowardTheDuckhey.  for some reason gnome do/docky won't autostart when i login :(03:04
HowardTheDuckis this a common problem03:05
glitchdHowardTheDuck, is it in your statup apps?03:05
shishirdwivedi20i want my ubuntu os to be a default operating system  how can i do so03:05
trismglitchd: you need both, one is just the library, the -dev package has headers needed to link programs to the library03:05
HowardTheDuckglitchd:  yes sir :(03:05
r00t4rd3dshishirdwivedi20, you have to do that in windows03:05
r00t4rd3d!resetpanel | HowardTheDuck03:05
ubottuHowardTheDuck: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:05
glitchdtrism, ok ill try installing the dev and see if that solves the compiling problem then, thx03:05
xanguashishirdwivedi20: installing it¿¿03:05
r00t4rd3dwhats do/docky ?03:06
HowardTheDuckreset panel?  that's waht i want to do?03:06
shishirdwivedi20root4rd3d is there any way to do it from ubuntu03:06
shishirdwivedi20xangua no already installed03:06
industry__Gnome Do: http://do.davebsd.com/ seems to be a generalized launcher tool03:06
trojan_spiker00t4rd3d, applications,, gnome-do , and docky ( a dock) :)03:06
r00t4rd3dnvm HowardTheDuck , not sure about them apps03:07
glitchdHowardTheDuck, well to be honest, i was hoping it was gonna be an easy fix, im not that savvy with linux just yet, sry03:07
HowardTheDuckno worries03:07
HowardTheDuckit launches sometimes, not all the time03:08
HowardTheDuckit's intermittent but more lately03:08
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trojan_spikeshishirdwivedi20, preferences / startup application << drag and drop >>03:08
wick94hey guys, i wanna help out ubuntu, wt can i do?03:09
r00t4rd3dsend me a million dollars :D03:09
shishirdwivedi20trojan_spike  in startup application which file i have to  add?03:09
trojan_spikewick94, explain your problem03:10
UnholyTerrorwick94, what's wrong with it?03:10
r00t4rd3dhe is saying he wants to help03:10
wick94i ment like i want to help out the projct03:10
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r00t4rd3dIm sure you can donate somewhere03:10
industry__stay in this channel and answer questions?03:10
Diamondcitewick94: If you wish to help ubuntu in as support stick around, if you mean help as in contribution.. maybe the website might have more information.03:10
HowardTheDuckbrb may have found a fix, logging off03:10
wick94Diamondcite could plz provide me with a link?03:11
OY1Rhow can i use my internal sound card while having a USB sound card connected ?03:11
TheRufushey, this may be a general linux question, and if so, I'll ask in #linux, but I'm building a server with 5 2tb HDD's in RAID5 and there are 4 SATA ports on the mainboard. I have a 2-port sata PCI RAID card. I'm willing to build Software linux RAID array (this is a home server, not time critical or anything). I'm going to install Ubuntu 10.10 Server 64-bit on a single 1Tb drive then plan on03:11
TheRufusbuilding the array and transferring the FS over to the RAID5 array. Are there any potential issues I should look out for? Can I do a S/W RAID5 across 2 different SATA controllers?03:11
trojan_spikeshishirdwivedi20, once startup applications is opne,, just drap the software to it,, i.e ,, gnome-do from applications03:11
shishirdwivedi20 trojan_spike hey plz help me03:11
glitchdtrism, dammit. now its telling me that i need checking for PIDGIN... configure: error: Package requirements (pidgin >= 2.0.0) were not met:03:11
glitchdNo package 'pidgin' found03:11
glitchdtrism, but i have pidgin, its even open right now03:11
glitchdtrism, im not understanding this at all03:11
r00t4rd3d(pidgin >= 2.0.0)03:12
Diamondcitewick94: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved   <-- have a look around that region?03:12
r00t4rd3dwhat version of pidgin are you on  ?03:12
nick123i have a ipv6 address03:12
nick123i can't ping to the address03:12
wick94Diamondcite nope03:12
industry__TheRefus: there shouldn't be any theoretical problem with doin gthat03:12
sacarlsonTheRufus: with 4 disks you might think about a raid6 install03:12
nick123does anybody have any idea how to set my firewall to allow ipv6?03:12
industry__but I'd like to say that I've tried doing that, unfortunately the SATA card was bad I guess03:12
D3luSi0n4LIs there any specific steps to properly uninstalling Ubuntu? or can i just format the partitions in windows?03:12
glitchdr00t4rd3d, I have a newer version of pidgin03:13
ki___I loaded an SMB folder from my laptop on to ubuntu GUI. How can I access it via the command line?03:13
ki___what is the path it is mounted under?03:13
r00t4rd3dso not version 2.0.0 what its looking for .....03:13
trojan_spikeD3luSi0n4L, u can just format03:13
OY1RD3luSi0n4L, just format the drive03:13
industry__D3luSi0n4L: your name is hard to type; back up your data then reformat the partition with the windows installer tools03:13
trismglitchd: when you compile software, you need the -dev packages for program, that provide necessary header files to compile, in this case pidgin-dev03:13
D3luSi0n4Ltrojan_spike: thanks, real quick when i installed ubuntu, it put a OS selection menu when i boot, will that go away?03:13
industry__or whatever other operating system you're installing03:13
Diamondcitewick94: If you wanted to help in a way that'll leave your name in the credits somewhere.. I have no idea how you would go about that. If you wish to make Ubuntu a better place. Stick around this IRC channel and help people voluntarily like most of the users here :)03:13
D3luSi0n4Ltrojan_spike: it had thw two linux kernels and my windows 7 partition03:14
industry__windows/other OS's will overwrite the boot sector03:14
trismglitchd: the headers are kept in a separate package from the programs and libraries because most people don't need them03:14
glitchdtrism, r00t4rd3d, im tryin to get pidgins libnotify to work03:14
industry__so basically GRUB will be gone, so yes, your boot settings basically go away03:14
ki___it is mounted under places03:14
glitchdtrism, so i should get the pidgin-dev package from synaptic?03:14
trismglitchd: you shouldn't need to compile anything for that, libnotify support is included by default03:14
wick94Diamondcite aite thnx, i m actually learning programing in java03:14
sacarlsonTheRufus: but I guess I see your point with raid5 you will have 3 disk in raid and the spare will be the one you boot from.  That might save you some problems for your first one.03:14
shingenI have a 6 core and 8GB ram, and other than running games, is there a compelling reason to stay with windows 7 or should I switch to ubuntu?  I use my machine mainly for running xbmc, MAME & virtualbox03:15
trismglitchd: Tools/Plugins/Libnotify Popups03:15
glitchdtrism, i was changing the notify package to display differently03:15
trojan_spikeD3luSi0n4L, it should,, as a precaution you can go into BIO and set the settings to DEFAULT,,03:15
TheRufusindustry__: Thanks for that, sacarlson: I have 5 disks not 6 ;)03:15
dmitry_lots of linux dorks in here03:15
trojan_spikeD3luSi0n4L, wait,, do u want to keep the windows that u have??03:15
ki___shingen, with 6 core and 8GB ram u can run windows in a virtual machine and be fine I think. Or just dual boot03:16
D3luSi0n4LIm just gonna delete the partition and the swap partition03:16
industry__Rufus, I would put your system disk on the motherboard SATA though. just saying.03:16
D3luSi0n4Land add them to my windows 7 partition03:16
shadaloodudes how do I mount a hard drive03:16
shishirdwivedi20how can i register my self in this channel03:16
glitchddmitry_, wth is your problem?03:16
trojan_spikeD3luSi0n4L, do you have your windows installation disk?03:16
sacarlsonTheRufus: raid6 uses 4 drivers https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID03:16
dmitry_whats the average age in here ... 13 ? HAHA @ these nicks03:16
TheRufusindustry__: plan is to install system on a 1tb, then transfer the entire FS over to the RAIDed partition once it's created03:16
trismglitchd: yes, or: sudo apt-get install pidgin-dev;03:16
Diamondcitedmitry_: If you think everyone in here is a dork. This is not the place for you.03:16
doublehelixswhats a command that will download and install java on my computer03:17
D3luSi0n4Lno here ill brb03:17
dmitry_oh shit, i must of offended someone03:17
D3luSi0n4Li did it my way, im gonna reboot and make sure it works03:17
shadaloowhat is command line tool to see drives?03:17
dmitry_just cuz im citing the facts03:17
glitchdtrism, thx ill try again nd see if it works this time03:17
industry__lol, here we go03:17
ki___dmitry_, go troll somewhere else03:17
shingenki___: except for the latest games, which is why I'm running windows 7 as the host OS right now...   just wondering if there was an overwhelming or compelling reason to switch03:17
sacarlsonTheRufus: looks like the install does all that for you03:17
ki___shingen, to switch FROM windows to LINUX?03:17
industry__shingen: you can dual book03:18
shishirdwivedi20 how can i register my self in this channel03:18
industry__eh, boot03:18
dmitry_90% of the questions in here must be about dual booting03:18
shadaloohow can I list drives03:18
switch10_shadaloo: fdisk -l03:18
shadalooswitch10_: :x03:18
ki___shingen, I switched b/c I don't like being forced to upgrade, I dont like paying for windows, I don't like how often it crashes. I don't like letting other people use my computer and them hosing it with spyware/malware, etc03:18
shadalooare yo usure03:18
industry__shadaloo: yeah, that one03:18
ki___and shingen i switched b/c I wanted to learn more about linux.03:18
dmitry_rm -rf /03:18
dmitry_try that one03:18
shadalooswitch10_: nothing came up03:18
ki___shingen, and I am happy03:18
dmitry_should fix all your problems03:19
switch10_shadaloo: sudo03:19
ki___channel operator needs to kick dmitry_03:19
DiamondciteDidn't have a chance to trigger.03:19
dmitry_trigger what?03:19
switch10_dmitry_: dont tell people to run stuff like that03:19
dmitry_why not?03:19
dmitry_if they run it, they probably don't need to be running a nix box in the first place03:19
DiamondciteThis is a support channel. Please be constructive.03:20
shingenki___: I have two headless linux file servers and I'm running a linux box as virtual machine on the windows 7 host machine, so I'm not new to linux... just looking for compelling reasons03:20
dmitry_trail and error03:20
dmitry_trail and error03:20
shadaloohow can I copy hpfs/ntfs to my linux drive?03:20
trojan_spikesudo rm-dmitry :)03:20
industry__oh ouch03:20
UndiFineDrelief, thanks IdleOne03:20
icoblue636can anyone hear me?03:20
Lint01shingen, I've lost two days of work because of linux idiosyncrasises03:20
switch10_dmitry_: this is a support channel.  not everyone here is an expert.  dont be a dick03:20
shishirdwivedi20plz help me when i log in to chat a message pop up stating that nick name is not register where can i register my nick name ?03:21
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:21
icoblue636anyone extremely knowledgable in linux have a few minutes?03:21
Diamondciteshadaloo: Assuming it mounts, NTFS can be copied to a linux file system as in (Please note all file permissions will be reset to default after being copied to a Linux file system.03:21
shingenLint01:  ???  not sure what you mean...03:21
industry__icoblue636: go ahead and ask your question03:21
switch10_icoblue636: ask03:21
Diamondciteicoblue636: Ask first someone might answer later :)03:21
Lint01shingen, so I would stick to win7 if I could afford it03:21
shadalooDiamondcite: for some reason it's not mounting this boot03:21
icoblue636using android and unable to get help on android forums03:22
trojan_spikeshishirdwivedi20, u dont need to register,, its just an option03:22
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shadalooI left it on since I booted from windows03:22
Diamondciteshadaloo: I don't think ubuntu automounts NTFS, you usually have to pick it from the "Places" menu..03:22
icoblue636rooted droidx with adbshell03:22
shadalooDiamondcite: for some reason it's not listed this time :(03:22
shishirdwivedi20trojan_spike ok03:22
shadaloobut it listed in fdisk03:22
shadalooit has boot *03:23
Diamondciteshadaloo: In this case NTFS might be marked as unclean. In which case you can try a forced mount (please read a guide for this regarding ntfs-3g mounting.) or reboot and let windows do a chkdisk on itself.03:23
icoblue636renamed files to disable them, they're still there under ls, but when i try to rename them back, i get error: no such file or directory03:23
icoblue636any ideas?03:23
shadalooDiamondcite: thx mate03:23
Diamondciteicoblue636: renamed them how?03:24
industry__icoblue636: so when you ls -l, what do you see?03:24
shingenicoblue636: did you use special characters? You can ls -b to see special chars03:24
* Diamondcite fades.03:24
nick123hi i have a ipv6 address but i can't ping it. it says sendmsg not permitted03:24
geboydoes anybody here knows how to edit network manager via terminal?03:24
icoblue636for example, i run ls -l. i see all the files on the phone's app directory: tons of .apk files, and the ones i renamed to, for example, CityID.bak03:25
nick123how can i allow ipv6 in ufw?03:25
=== shishirdwivedi20 is now known as shishir
nick123i have tried to allow it to the ipv6 address but i still can't ping it or access my ipv6 via ssh03:25
Jamal-bash: useradd: command not found03:25
=== shishir is now known as geek
Jamal-bash: adduser: command not found -bash: useradd: command not found ,,,, what i should try ?03:25
icoblue636now, CityID.bak shows up under ls -l, but when i " ls *.bak ", i get "no such file or directory". I'm stumped03:25
industry__icoblue636: and then when you go to mv them back to their old names, it says no such file/directory?03:25
=== geek is now known as Guest31152
nick123ipv6 ping: sendmsg not permitted. how to allow firewall ufw to allow my ipv6 to ssh?03:26
icoblue636industry_: yes03:26
adrian_kxjust do iptables -F :)03:26
shadalooso the best way to do this03:26
industry__icoblue636: can you do anything with these files at all? i.e. touch CityID.bak?03:26
shadaloois boot back to windows03:26
shadaloosafely remove03:26
shadaloothen boot linux03:26
Jamal-bash: adduser: command not found -bash: useradd: command not found ,,,, what i should try ?03:26
FloodBot3shadaloo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:26
shadaloothen reconnect external hd03:27
thewarlockwhats up03:27
industry__how about with the old filenames? does that work?03:27
icoblue636and it only shows under directory ls, but not under ls *.bak03:27
adrian_kxnick123 do iptables-save and then iptables -F03:27
adrian_kxsee if it works03:27
icoblue636nope, old filenames dont work, either03:27
thewarlockcan you see what im writin03:27
adrian_kxthen when u figure out ur firewall do iptables-restore03:27
geboydoes anybody here knows how to edit network manager via terminal? i need to remotely change the network configuration on my sis pc, its in different city as me03:27
industry__try this: ls *.bak*03:27
HowardTheDuckwell that didn't work :(03:27
icoblue636industry_: wait one03:28
HowardTheDuckapparently it's an issue with compiz.  gnome-do tries to load before compiz ad it messes it up somehow03:28
nick123ip6tables-save to what location?03:28
icoblue636that's it03:28
icoblue636all of them showed03:28
nick123i see03:28
adrian_kxu dont need location for that03:28
industry__then there must be a trailing space or something with them03:28
icoblue636can you add an extra space after the ".bak"03:28
nick123how about ip6tables -F03:28
icoblue636i didnt think that was possible. i never thought to look for them03:28
adrian_kxit flushies ur tables03:28
icoblue636give me a few minutes to kick it around03:29
adrian_kxu will be clean no firewall03:29
industry__it's possible. odd for that to happen I guess but you can have spaces in file names03:29
nick123i still get ping:sendmsg: operation not permitted03:29
icoblue636well, and i wrote the script i used to rename them in notepad. not all that surprising, i guess03:29
industry__do you have tab completion? if you do it will make it easier to rename the files to something sane03:29
thewarlocki get that too03:29
nick123in my ufw firewall i allowed my ipv6 to ssh03:29
icoblue636if i'd known it was possible, i'd have watched for it03:29
adrian_kxthen its not the firewall that is the problem03:29
icoblue636idk what tab completion is03:29
industry__ahhhh, notepad. I think I know what's up. it added a CR character to the names03:30
industry__Windows uses CR + LF whenever it does line breaks03:30
industry__compare to UNIX, which uses LF only.03:30
nick123my -P INPUT FORWARD and OUTPUT is set to DROP by default03:30
icoblue636how do i remove it03:30
nick123is there any config file for ip6tables that i can configure it to ACCEPT?03:30
icoblue636ex CityID.bak03:30
industry__so basically what happened is that CR, which is an invisible character basically was added to all your files03:30
adrian_kxiptables -L03:31
nick123i tried ip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT, OUTPUT ACCEPT, FORWARD ACCEPT03:31
adrian_kxto see the list of ur tables03:31
icoblue636that's probably why it gave me all the inexplicable errors03:31
industry__so ah, hm, give me a minute to whip up something you can run to fix that03:31
nick123but how can i add in the list?03:31
icoblue636youre a lifesaver03:31
adrian_kxufw list?03:32
erasmogjrim trying to get ubuntu running on my new laptop having some trouble with finding drivers can anyone help03:32
thewarlockwhats a good exploit for port 8003:32
TetracommOh no, if someone replied I didn't see it, sorrt.03:33
erasmogjri have a toshiba satellite a665 my main issue is i cant connect to the internet03:33
thewarlockdo you have a backtrack03:33
shingenthewarlock: first thing you need to find out is what httpd is running and then research possible exploits against that version03:33
thewarlockok thanks03:33
thewarlockwhat do i do with the exploit03:34
shingenthewarlock: write code to exploit it :P03:34
trojan_spikeerasmogjr, there might not be drivers for it,, best to search forum,, using ur laptop make / model etc as a reference03:34
nick123how can i enable ping6? i still get sendmsg operation permitted03:34
trojan_spikeerasmogjr, no drivers available or made for it yet03:35
erasmogjrso ubuntu is not possible option :-(03:35
erasmogjrdoes that mean linux in general03:35
Pudabudigadaerasmogir: Are you using wifi or a cable?03:36
industry__icoblue636: okay, no warranties on this, but I believe I have something for you03:36
erasmogjrtried both wifi is preferred03:36
icoblue636hit me03:37
* shingen smacks icoblue636 with a big fish.03:37
PudabudigadaHave you looked in System>Administration>additional drivers?03:37
industry__first of all run this command without the trailing"|sh" to make sure it prints the right commands03:37
trojan_spikeerasmogjr, http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stumbleupon.com%2Fto%2Fs%2F4J7Dyt&h=b16f103:37
icoblue636no pm on irc?03:38
icoblue636i want to make sure i dont miss this03:38
industry__ls -1 *.bak* | awk -F ".bak" '{print "mv " "\"" $0 "\"", "\"" $1 ".bak\"" }' | sh03:38
industry__first of all you need to copy that exactly. that thing after the ls is a one, not an ell03:39
erasmogjrso windows it is huh :-/03:39
erasmogjrthanks for your help anyway03:39
cozziemotoerasmogjr,  check in ##linux channel...maybe someone has an alternative03:39
erasmogjrthanks will do03:40
icoblue636industry: ls -L or -103:40
industry__second, those are pipes. actually, you might want to copy this into like, an editor.03:40
industry__"ell ess minus one"03:40
geirhaindustry__: There's alot of filenames that'll make that break. A simple for-loop would be better.03:40
icoblue636sorry, too busy copying to read03:40
cozziemotoerasmogjr,  also   if not ubuntu there are other distributions avialable03:40
industry__geirha: there are weird chars in the filenames and my bash-fu is weak03:41
trojan_spikecozziemoto, it seems to be a driver issue ,, new machine03:41
cozziemototrojan_spike,  mmm  for erasmogjr   you mean ...yes?03:41
icoblue636i copied it out into java editor. what do i expect it to do?03:41
siri1Hi..Where can we find the installed packages in ubuntu10.10 for copying and for installing in other pc??03:42
geirhaindustry__: for f in ./*.bak?*; do mv "$f" "${f%.bak?*}.bak"; done03:42
industry__you should expect it to rename all the .bak files to .bak files, but no odd chars in the filenames03:42
Tetracommdpkg keeps giving me a ttf-mscorefonts-installer error and I can't install my programs...03:42
cozziemototrojan_spike,  another distribution may have a driver for that  perhpas  gentoo / sabayon03:42
gsrI love you all!03:42
icoblue636industry: what if filenames contain _03:42
industry__geirha: ah, the % construct I am unfamiliar with03:42
icoblue636i have some03:42
industry__icoblue636: it works with any filenames03:42
geirhaindustry__: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/100  explains it03:43
industry__that don't contain quotes03:43
trojan_spikecozziemoto, i wouldnt think so,, alot of work is done to keep ubuntu up to date .. But he could try the forum just to see what is there if anything03:43
icoblue636but the _ is a special character, will it remove it?03:43
geirhaicoblue636: _ is not a special character to the shell03:44
industry__icoblue636: if you're talking about space, it will not remove spaces inside the filenames03:45
industry__icoblue636: it actually takes any file that matches *.bak*, removes any part after .bak, and adds the extension .bak to that.03:46
industry__which has the effect of stripping trailing whitespace from your .bak*'s03:46
icoblue636so it will change CityID.bak_xxxx to CityID.bak.bak?03:46
industry__icoblue636: CityID.bak359082345908 -> CityID.bak03:47
icoblue636i like it. geirha, looks like it will work?03:47
icoblue636industry, i just want to make sure i'm not digging myself a deeper hole03:47
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icoblue636i have very little idea which command is which there03:48
industry__it's fair, I wouldn't expect you to just blindly run a command.03:48
industry__to explain it a little better, the first part lists all files that have *.bak* in it. the second part is an awk program that writes an mv command to rename the files03:48
industry__and the third part pipes the command into the shell where it is executed03:49
redwingsHey friends. I've been having a lot of greif with ndiswrapper lately. I have the latest versions of common, utils, and ndisgtk installed. When I open ndisgtk, the window comes up just gray with nothing in it. On the console, ndiswrapper -l as well as lsusb hang until I kill the terminal. If I don't get this fixed I'll have to crawl back to Windows. Any ideas?03:49
icoblue636whatis awk?03:49
geirhaicoblue636: I'd go with this:  for f in ./*.bak?*; do echo mv "$f" "${f%.bak?*}.bak"; done03:49
geirhasince parsing the output of ls is error-prone03:49
industry__http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AWK -- it's a string processing language03:50
icoblue636i see. and with urs no ls so no parsing03:50
geirhaicoblue636: Note that I put an echo in there, so it won't actually rename, just output the commands it would run. If it looks right, remove the echo and run it again.03:50
redwingsHey friends. I've been having a lot of greif with ndiswrapper lately. I have the latest versions of common, utils, and ndisgtk installed. When I open ndisgtk, the window comes up just gray with nothing in it. On the console, ndiswrapper -l as well as lsusb hang until I kill the terminal. If I don't get this fixed I'll have to crawl back to Windows. Any ideas?03:50
icoblue636i'm used to for from VBA. for works with do?03:50
industry__so what geirha's does is essentially the same thing but it uses bash string manipulation03:51
icoblue636and f is what?03:51
geirhaicoblue636: You can see the syntax for for in bash by running: help for03:51
industry__the reason I used awk is because I don't know much about bash string manipulation03:51
icoblue636ok. bash the phone. got it.03:51
icoblue636problem geirha, do i use the last quote in your statement?03:53
geirhaicoblue636: Yes, all the quotes are essential.03:53
icoblue636and the trailing ;     ?03:53
hd1this EEE 1005HA's sound doesn't seem to be working... anyone know why?03:53
icoblue636or was that actually meant as a semicolon?03:53
alex87does webdav sync files, or must you be connected all the time?03:54
hd1it is identified in lspci as "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)"03:54
industry__geirha: i get it now -- thanks. learned something new today.03:55
geirhaicoblue636: Yes, you need a ; or newline before the closing "done"03:55
icoblue636ok, so i type done, also. everything after    " with this: "03:55
Jamalhow i extract .tgz files "tar -xvf" wont work it says its not tar file...03:55
icoblue636lmao. you guys are killing me03:56
icoblue636now they're named *. bakak03:56
geirhaicoblue636: Huh?03:57
icoblue636when i ran    for f in ./*.bak?*; do echo mv "$f" "${f%.bak?*}.bak"; done03:57
r00t4rd3dJamal, why are you using the command line to unzip files is the real question03:57
icoblue636i got:03:57
kernixhi ppl03:58
amiti want to use window7 in virtual box.tell me how much ram i should use for it, i have total of 4 gb of ram03:58
Diamondcite2GB is plenty.03:58
icoblue636when i ls they still show as .bak though03:58
geirhaicoblue636: Ah, the filename probably has carriage returns03:58
industry__yeah, it does03:58
geirhaicoblue636: for f in ./*.bak?*; do echo mv "$f" "${f%.bak?*}.bak"; done | cat -e03:58
chaospsychexcould the virtualbox sdk be used to create a game system emulator?03:59
chaospsychexsay playstation 2?03:59
Diamondciteamit: System requirements for Windows 7 days 1GB of ram for 32bit03:59
geirhaicoblue636: That should show carriage returns as ^M  and newlines as $04:00
tsrkIf I have the private and public key of a server, can I use that to authenticate to it?04:00
icoblue636i got *.bak$04:00
=== bombshell is now known as bombshell[a]
amitDiamondcite: so how much ram i should use for window 7 1.5 gb04:00
Diamondciteamit: It really depends on how much you intend to do inside it.04:00
amitDiamondcite: i have total of 4gib04:01
icoblue636*.bak^M  >   *.bak$04:01
r00t4rd3dyou can change after04:01
r00t4rd3d2 people told you 2gig04:01
Diamondciteamit: Most early windows 7 netbooks had 1GB of ram included.04:01
GilosI have a problem where my touchpad keeps re-enabling itself even though I've tried both settings of disabled / disable with other mouse connected.  Anyone have recommendations on how I can get the setting to stick?04:01
geirhaicoblue636: Looks right then. Remove the "| cat -e"  and the "echo"  and it'll do the rename.04:01
PudabudigadaIs there a hardware button?04:01
amitr00t4r3d: one question is virtual box os(wind7) detect my pen drive or cd/dvd when i insert it in my usb port of dvd rom04:02
databitshow would I go about extracting a bunch of different zip files into one folder using archive manager ?04:02
joeoshawaanyone know about ethernet cards and dhcp04:02
r00t4rd3dcd/dvd yeah , usb stick meh , should might not04:03
icoblue636*.bak now lists all of my renamed files04:03
icoblue636i can't thank you both enough04:03
mschulzeJoeoshawa:what do you need to know?04:03
r00t4rd3damit what wait04:03
joeoshawaone of my ethernet cards is giving me this error <info> (eth1): device state change: 7 -> 9 (reason 5)04:03
Diamondciteamit: VirtualBox (Personal use edition) supports USB drives, But you have you select the device AFTER the VM is started.04:04
amitr00t4rd3d:is there any way to use pen drives in virtual bbox04:04
databitshow would I go about extracting a bunch of different zip files into one folder using archive manager ?04:04
icoblue636i'm going to have to brush up on my bash04:04
industry__databits: exactly that way. open them up, extract them to the same folder.04:04
mschulzeJoeoshawa: what Ethernet card do you have?04:04
amitDiamondcite: how to use pen drive? any tips04:04
rigveddatabits: you need to select the folder to be extracted to for each zip file04:04
icoblue636geirha,industry: thanks again for all your help04:04
joeoshawai am trying to run a thin client and i spent hours tracking down an error that turned out to be me not configuring my second ethernet card04:04
joeoshawaone sec04:04
Diamondciteamit: Moment.. starting it..04:04
industry__icoblue636: yep, good luck04:04
icoblue636thx. i'll need it04:05
MTec007has anyone here installed ubuntu on their cr-48? or does anyone here have a cr-48?04:05
geirhaicoblue636: If I'd known you just wanted to remove a trailing carriage return, the solution would be simpler ^^04:05
icoblue636i didnt even know notepad could add that04:05
Diamondciteamit: Do you a menu called "Devices" ?04:05
amitDiamoncite: when i insert pen drive in usb port the virtual box doesnot detect it04:05
ICMWhy did I get highlighted?04:05
rigvedMTec007: do you need a guide on how to install?04:05
icoblue636so how would i write a script if i wanted it to run properly?04:05
industry__that's the default behavior of notepad and all of Windows text files.04:05
MTec007no, i found it.. just wondering how well..how smooth it runs04:05
joeoshawahow can i check in command line04:05
databitsrigved: is there a way to highlight and extract all the files to a single folder like you can with winrar ? or do you have to go threw and do it seperately with each zip archive ?04:05
geirhaicoblue636: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/05204:06
Diamondciteamit: VB will not let windows see a pen drive the moment you insert it, Since ONLY either the HOST or GUEST can see it, both cannot see the same pendrive.04:06
MTec007if the wifi/bluetooth?/3G modem are supported in ubuntu04:06
Diamondciteamit: Try Devices -> USB Devices -> {pick your device here for the drive...}04:06
amitDiamondcite: thanx04:07
industry__there's a program called dos2unix which can convert windows-formatted line endings to the dos equivalent. it is probably not on your phone though.04:07
Diamondciteamit: Please note, doing so will DISCONNECT that drive from Ubuntu's sight.04:07
industry__eh, sorry. from the windows format to the unix format04:07
amitDiamondcite: but under device option pen drive option is missing04:07
joeoshawanvm yea benchmark04:07
r00t4rd3dMTec007, you got a cr-48 ?04:08
rigveddatabits: for each zip file, you need to separately set the same folder to be extracted. even in WinRAR, you will need to separately set the folder for each zip archive04:08
Diamondciteamit: No USB Devices? Are you using the one from Software Manager? (VirtualBox-OSE)04:08
mschulzeJoeoshawa: not sure, Google the command04:08
geirhaicoblue636: Most editors will allow you to choose what line-endings to use. notepad just isn't one of those.04:08
MTec007r00t4rd3d: yeah :)04:08
joeoshawanvm yea benchmark04:08
r00t4rd3dfor free ?04:08
icoblue636ok. sounds like scripting this to happen automatically just isnt going to happen04:08
r00t4rd3dwhen you get it ?04:08
Diamondciteamit: Please get the one from virtualbox.org get the PE (Personal Use Closed source) edition. As that is the one with USB support.04:08
icoblue636geirha: which one can i use then?04:09
MTec0072nd day shipping too :)04:09
MTec007r00t4rd3d: yes sir.. not even a shipping charge. i got it yesterday.. UPS..04:09
databitsrigved in winrar you can highlight all the files, right click, and select extract here and they will all extract to the same folder.  If I try and do this within linux it is extracting to all seperate folders.04:09
geirhaicoblue636: Well, any linux editor would do. Why are you writing bash scripts in notepad anyway?04:09
r00t4rd3dMTec007, damn i signed up but nothing yet04:09
icoblue636i have the script, and it obviously works, i just want to make sure it outputs correctly04:09
amitDiamondcite:thanx m downloading04:09
rigvedMTec007: dont know but OMG! Ubuntu! says that it's pretty smooth!04:09
joeoshawanvm yea benchmark/82557/8/9/0/1 ethernet pro 100 (rev10)04:09
MTec007r00t4rd3d: they didnt notify me.. it just showed up04:09
icoblue636didn't know how else to write it. in case you couldn't tell, i'm a n00b04:09
Diamondciteamit: You MIGHT have to setup the VM disk again, But the vmdk files are compatible.04:09
r00t4rd3dMTec007, how long ago did you sign up ?04:10
icoblue636at least to linux and adb04:10
industry__icoblue636: I assume you run windows on your desktop machine?04:10
joeoshawai must say benchmark is a very usefull tool04:10
r00t4rd3dI did like 2 weeks ago04:10
MTec007r00t4rd3d: dec 7th04:10
amitDiamonndcite: shoould i download VirtualBox 3.2.12 for Linux hosts   from virtualbox.org04:10
icoblue636always wanted to start linux, but cant find the time to learn enough to make it worthwhile04:10
r00t4rd3dI hope i get one04:10
industry__if you had a unix then the best advice would be to compose (and test) your scripts in the linux/other nix environment and then move it to your phone04:11
geirhaicoblue636: ubuntu ships with gedit. If you want a cli editor, there's nano (easy), and vim (my favorite, powerful, but takes time to learn)04:11
mschulzeJoeoshawa: have you tried setting a static ip instead of using dhcp?04:11
Diamondciteamit: yes, please be sure to pick the right one for your Linux.. either 32 or 64bit..04:11
joeoshawai can swap my 2wire dsl modem/router from one to the other and it works04:11
industry__icoblue636: this is a pretty compelling reason.04:11
joeoshawait is set as static04:11
chdshit am I supposed to use g++ to compile cpp files? not gcc?04:11
macochd: language04:11
rigveddatabits: no. i just now selected individual files in the same archive and they were all extracted to the same folder, which i selected04:11
joeoshawaset to
icoblue636geirha,industry: how can i reach you guys again. i want to start unix and bash, but i'm going to have questions04:12
industry__chd: it shouldn't matter which one, gcc is a frontent04:12
Diamondciteicoblue636: Extracting all files to their own folders is supposed to be a feature since this way, extracted files do not overlap accidentally.04:12
mschulzeAnd its still giving you the state change error?04:12
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
MTec007r00t4rd3d: im not ready to wipe chromeos off yet, but its so limiting.. i need more system access.. and to be able to install programs04:12
amitDiamondcite:should i  download Ubuntu 10.10 ("Maverick Meerkat") i386 | AMD6404:12
jbsoumhey, anyone know how tochange the lock screen on maverick?04:12
joeoshawamaybe i missed a setting and its set to two addresses??04:12
rigveddatabits: are you using archive manager which came by default in ubuntu?04:12
amitDiamondcite: plz check04:12
Diamondciteamit: that sounds about right, I DO NOT KNOW which linux you are using!04:13
mschulzeYou've tried it on a different Ubuntu machine and it works?04:13
databitsOk well basicly I'm running a window's xp virtual machine on top of ubuntu 10.10.  I have a image file that is zip up of a program on my usb drive, that I want to be able to access from the virtual machine.  How would I go about accessing the usb drive in the virtual machine ? I'm using virtualbox for my virtual machine.04:13
amitDiamondcite: ubuntu 10.1004:13
Diamondciteamit: Not enough details, i don't know if you are 64bit or 32bit.04:13
joeoshawano i have two cards in the same computer04:13
Diamondciteamit; In that case get 10.10 i38604:13
mschulzeWhy two?04:13
icoblue636geirha/industry: how can i get ahold of you guys again?04:14
joeoshawai am trying to thin client an dell t50004:14
geirhaicoblue636: Well, bash has its own channel, and so does probably whatever unix or unix-like os you want to try.04:14
joeoshawayes it is an old tank04:14
icoblue636well, also an IRC n00b. took me over 10 mins to figure out how to get in here04:14
icoblue636i'm a point-and-click guy04:14
amitDiamondcite: so i have to dowanload i386 |AMD6404:14
industry__or #linux, or whichever distribution's your using all have channels with useful people04:14
hanasakiwhat can be used with linux mac windows like webex group sharing with vpip and free?04:14
r00t4rd3dMTec007, does it come with any kinda restore disk or anything ? System recovery ?04:15
Diamondciteamit: One of those.. (i386) not AMD6404:15
joeoshawabtw if anyone gets the chance to get a dell t500 get it you can set it on fire and it still works04:15
industry__plus you've got forums/google.04:15
hanasakijoeoshawa:  lol04:15
icoblue636how would one get into this IRC server without coming here from androidforums?04:15
mschulzeH/o. Let me look into thin clients for a second04:15
r00t4rd3dicoblue636, xchat04:15
MTec007r00t4rd3d: no cds.. no recovery that i can find.. there isnt even a file manager on this thing either04:15
hanasakiwhat are the current opensource vpn solutions?04:15
joeoshawai am serious i stuck it next to the electric heat there is a large burn mark in the case and the panel is warped and the computer still works04:16
amitDiamondcite: how should i use it in full screen04:16
joeoshawai had it running sadwiched there behind the couch for three months04:16
joeoshawarunning ubuntu 9.104:16
shingen joeoshawa: I'm sure you just got lucky... one time incident doesn't mean it'll be true for all cases04:17
MTec007r00t4rd3d: it does have a switch for developer mode, but im afriad if i flip it i wont get back to normal mode easily04:17
Diamondciteamit: Please look around the menus. There should be an option to full screen in one of those AFTER VM is started.04:17
geirha!irc | icoblue63604:17
ubottuicoblue636: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines04:17
Diamondciteamit: Also. please remember to install guest additions once inside windows to improve your VM experience.04:17
joeoshawait has only one case fan and no cpu fan04:17
amitDiamondcite: thanx04:17
amitDiamondcite: m downloading from virtualbox.org04:18
Diamondcitejoeoshawa: Industrial systems tend to be more durable than consumer units.. since businesses never care for their systems =P04:18
mschulzeJoeoshawa: why are you using two cards in one machine?04:18
lolcatCan I add peers in transmission?04:18
geirhalolcat: no04:19
joeoshawaso i can run the thin client through the pci card and the internet through on board04:19
* chaospsychex in awestruck at the program dubbed "Virtual Box"04:19
joeoshawaof course it was massive expensive when it was new04:19
chaospsychex*is awestruck04:20
mschulzeOk, I'm not familiar enough with thin clients to help with that. Sorry04:20
shingenjoeoshawa: what thin client are you planning on using? and why would you ever need two network interfaces?  you won't be pushing 100mbit through either interface...04:21
joeoshawai am running a dual core 2.7 running ubuntu 10.10 64 bit that i want to ltsp server for the t50004:21
icoblue636geirha, if i'm piecing this bash together properly,04:21
icoblue636for f in ./*.bak; do mv "$f" "$f.apk"; done04:21
joeoshawai thought it would be easier when both are online04:21
icoblue636should take my now correctly named *.bak files and rename them to *.apk, right?04:21
geirhaicoblue636: That would rename *.bak to *.bak.apk04:22
joeoshawawouldn't it bottleneck04:22
industry__icoblue636: you have to strip the .bak off first04:22
shingenjoeoshawa: I think you're pretty much on your own for ltsp... as for binding it to a particular IP interface, I'm sure it could be done...04:22
Alan502Hi :) I installed the sun-java-jdk package, although I had previously installed the openjdk package, How do I "choose" which jdk to use?04:22
industry__so use ${f%*.bak}.apk04:22
geirhaicoblue636: See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/03004:22
r00t4rd3dMTec007, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UimfEI85WZo04:22
industry__eh, I hope04:22
r00t4rd3dubuntu on cr-48 :D04:22
icoblue636for f in ./*.bak; do mv "$f" "${f%*.bak}.apk"; done04:22
joeoshawai have all that worked out i just need the network card to stop giving me the error04:22
joeoshawawhat does the error mean04:23
icoblue636%*XXX removes XXX   ?04:23
joeoshawawhy would one get that error04:23
r00t4rd3dMTec007, http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/developer-information-for-chrome-os-devices/cr-48-chrome-notebook-developer-information/how-to-boot-ubuntu-on-a-cr-4804:23
geirhaindustry__: without the *04:24
mschulzeIs be willing to bet the two cards are conflicting04:24
icoblue636geirha: f is filename, correct?04:24
raviepic3people, i am new to evolution mail client, how do i sync it with my sent items and calendar in gmail ?04:24
industry__it means "remove the shortest string matching this delimiter". and yes, drop the * between the {}04:24
shingenjoeoshawa: what error?04:24
raviepic3i am using 10 version of ubuntu04:24
joeoshawai am on the machine now04:24
geirhaicoblue636: f is the variable that gets set to a filename each iteration of the loop04:24
industry__well that wasn't right, "remove the shortest string from the end of this string matching this delimiter"04:24
icoblue636the delimiter being the %04:25
industry__to remove it from the front you would use #04:25
industry__no, the delimiter being after the %04:25
joeoshawa(eth1): device state change: 7 -> 9 (reason 5)04:25
joeoshawathat error04:25
* chaospsychex asks, Who needs an Enema?..........A HOLY ENEMA?!04:25
joeoshawaholy enema??? is that using holy water?04:26
icoblue636%.bak removes string "bak" %.elf removes string "elf"04:26
* chaospsychex sees dozens of hands raise into the air!!04:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:26
bazhang!coc > chaospsychex04:26
ubottuchaospsychex, please see my private message04:26
industry__it would remove .bak04:26
industry__now just bak04:26
industry__not just*04:27
Lint01i wish i knew this earlier04:27
chaospsychexsorry,figured i would inject some humor into your midsts04:27
bazhangchaospsychex, wrong channel for it04:27
shingenjoeoshawa: might want to check gnome networkmanager to see if it's disabling eth104:27
icoblue636so there is no PHYSICAL delimiter, the delimiter would be the imaginary space between the "%" and the "."04:27
joeoshawait disables it after the error04:28
joeoshawait will activate if i network restart04:29
geirhaicoblue636: %.bak  removes the string ".bak" from the end...04:29
Deut316How do I apply the following instruction? "Add the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf with your own text editor:04:29
Deut316blacklist nouveau"04:29
joeoshawaand everything is good till i dhcp3-server restart04:29
joeoshawathen dhcp3 goes bleah and bye bye eth104:30
icoblue636so this should give me what i'm looking for:04:30
icoblue636for f in ./*.bak; do mv "$f" "${f%.bak}.apk"; done04:30
joeoshawathen dhcp defaults to eth0 which is where my internet is04:31
joeoshawawhat a mess04:31
kyle_monkHello everyone! Anyone have a second to help me, I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 desktop04:31
raviepic3people, i am new to evolution mail client, how do i sync it with my sent items and calendar in gmail ? i am using ubuntu 10.1004:31
raviepic3anybody here use evolution at all ?04:32
joeoshawawow ravie you can do that???04:32
raviepic3all use thunderbird is it ?04:32
shingenjoeoshawa: are you using dhcp to set your IP addresses on a server?04:32
paq7512what is the task manager app-like program?04:32
raviepic3joeoshawa, lol you kidding me right ?04:32
shingenjoeoshawa: why aren't you setting static IPs?04:32
joeoshawadhcp to give the thin client a ip04:32
Alan502Hi :) I installed the sun-java-jdk package, although I had previously installed the openjdk package, How do I "choose" which jdk to use?04:32
joeoshawathin client has no hdd04:33
joeoshawano os04:33
joeoshawathat is why it is a thin client04:33
geirhaicoblue636: yep04:33
shingenjoeoshawa: okay, that makes sense... but when your restart dhcpd, you lose your IP on eth1 on your server?04:33
icoblue636fabulous. i'm impressed i actually pulled that out. lol04:33
joeoshawai lose my eth104:33
icoblue636thanks again, geirha04:33
joeoshawait kills the card04:33
shingenjoeoshawa: so eth1 on your server is a static IP, right?04:34
CensoredBiscuit!mint CensoredBiscuit04:34
shingenjoeoshawa: and what's the IP on eth0?04:34
kyle_monkNeed help installing ubuntu 10.10, I am trying to install from a usb drive and I am getting error code +0x73/0x78. any ideas?04:34
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joeoshawathe computer sees it as dhcp for eth0 but it is actually a static given by the router04:35
shingenjoeoshawa: sure, dhcp reserved address or its remembering a mac to ip address assignment...04:36
shingenjoeoshawa: I'd look for any particular issues with your NIC as a possible problem04:36
joeoshawamac  to ip i shut dhcp off on the router04:37
raviepic3people, i am new to evolution mail client, how do i sync it with my sent items and calendar in gmail ? i am using ubuntu 10.1004:37
r00t4rd3dkyle do you have a ati radeon x1300 pci 256mb ?04:37
shareIn applications menu, after every shortcut there is a space, right? How can I make it shorter?04:37
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raviepic3omg somebody help me with this man ^04:37
joeoshawacan i check for hardware conflicts04:37
raviepic3or atleast tell me whether its feasible or not04:37
kyle_monkr00t4rd3d, i believe i do have an ati radeon card card i believe, dont know if its that specific one but pretty sure thats what kind i have04:38
TrentonAdamsHi Guys.  I've setup my /etc/acpi/local/lid.sh.post, but for some reason the calls to it are EXTREMELY delayed.  Is there some sort of polling configuration that I need to adjust to make it happen more quickly?04:40
vinc7cool.. anyone there?04:40
joeoshawayeah it appears to be an address conflict04:41
shareHow can I change Ubuntu menu width?04:41
shareI want to make the space after shortcuts smaller04:42
joeoshawahow can i turn ipv6 off for eth104:43
icoblue636geirha/industry: again, lifesavers. The phone is now booted back with all the missing programs installed.04:43
joeoshawai think that is where the problem is04:43
sharejoeoshawa: do you use ipv6?04:44
gringochapinHi all. Trying to move a partition that is on a large drive onto a small drive. If i do sudo dd if=/dev/bighd of=/dev/smallhd will that work? I assume not, but thought I'd ask. Any other ideas on how I can do this?04:44
joeoshawanot personally no04:44
bzaks1424if lsof and fuser return nothing on a filesystem - what could still be locking the filesystem (its a lvm mount)04:44
lo-kii giveee uppp ive reinstalled ubuntu numerous times everytime its finally installed and im on the desktop it locks up!04:44
bzaks1424I'm also pretty sure I'm in runlevel 304:44
sharejoeoshawa: why dont you just disable ipv6?04:44
joeoshawait assigns an ipv6 address to each card but i think it is assigning the same one for both04:45
TrentonAdamsgringochapin: are you using lvm?04:45
gringochapinIt's ext3 if that matters, so it can be resized.04:45
shingenjoeoshawa: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu.html04:45
lo-kiwhyyyy does it always freeze??04:45
sharejoeoshawa: sudo nano /etc/default/grub | GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="ipv6.disable=1 quiet splash" | sudo update-grub04:45
shingenjoeoshawa: you can always check in /etc/network/interfaces04:45
gringochapinTrentonAdams: This is the part where I show my ignorance and say, I'm not sure, but I don't believe so.04:46
TrentonAdamsgringochapin: okay, probably not.04:46
TrentonAdamsAnyhow, what's the size of the small drive?04:46
TrentonAdamsgringochapin: ^^04:46
sharejoeoshawa: check shingen link ;)04:46
Lint01I'm using grep '[A-Я]', but lowercase letters matched too, how come?04:47
joeoshawai checked the logs it is disabling the card04:47
joeoshawaand checking the link now04:47
gringochapin5GB... the "large" drive is 15GB.  There's less than 1 GB on the 15GB drive.04:47
gringochapinless than 1 GB of data, that is.04:48
lo-kidoes anyone know why ubuntu would lock up all the time?04:48
Lint01lo-ki, memory leaks?04:48
TrentonAdamsgringochapin: okay.  Well, to play it safe, go e2fsck -f /dev/yourdrive04:48
TrentonAdamsgringochapin: unmount of course04:48
lo-kimemory leaks?04:49
TrentonAdamsgringochapin: then go resize2fs -M -p /dev/yourdrive04:49
sharelo-ki: how much RAM you have?04:49
shingenlo-ki: overheating, bad memory, insufficient memory, you name it...  have you checked /var/syslog to see what errors you're getting before it freezes completely?04:49
nit-witlo-ki, what are the coditions when locking up and your chipe speed and ram amount04:49
TrentonAdamsgringochapin: Then you can dd the first 1.5G say, just to be safe, over to the new drive.04:49
hujulawhat's  the default snapshot shortcut of  ubuntu?04:50
lotecanyone give me some help with GPSD and Kismet?04:50
greezmunkeyhujula: try your printscreen key04:50
TrentonAdamsgringochapin: Then go "resize2fs -p /dev/yournewdrive" to get it to resize to the max size of that drive04:50
lo-kiuhm no i have not i have 4gb but if that was the case wouldnt my windows 7 lock up too ?? im dual bootin04:50
shingenlo-ki: so it could be driver related issues, might want to search for your hardware and your particular version of ubuntu to see if there are any known compatibility issues04:51
juanito_Frustrated: I'm unable to change permissions on any files or folders. This is on NTFS volumes...?04:51
lo-kiand condition if you mean whats currently happening then nothing ill be waiting for updates to install or open the web browser and bam froze cant do nothing04:51
juanito_Hi, by the way :)04:51
gringochapinTrentonAdams: Oh, cool. I didn't realize you could dd only some of the data. Makes sense of course. Just didn't think of that. Thanks! Time to go read the man page to get the syntax.04:51
gringochapinTrentonAdams: Thank you very much!04:52
=== Branden is now known as Shy
lo-kialright question though sometimes i get to use ubuntu for about 15min and then it freezes then i restart it constantly freezes upon boot lol how would i even install a driver04:52
joeoshawafound it04:53
shingenjoeoshawa: ???04:53
lo-kiis there a compiled chart of uncompatible devices and such with ubuntu by chance?04:53
joeoshawahad it configured elsewhere to
AbhiJit!hardware | lo-ki04:54
ubottulo-ki: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:54
joeoshawaso i just swaped the ip out in config and that problem is solved04:54
greezmunkeylo-ki: google ubuntu hardware compatibility04:54
=== Kuroyaju is now known as Zalgryth
lo-kik thanks04:54
joeoshawaMultiple interfaces match the same subnet: eth1 eth004:54
joeoshawanow i get that04:54
AbhiJit!google | greezmunkey04:55
ubottugreezmunkey: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:55
sharejoeoshawa: check this cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules04:55
joeoshawaok brb04:55
Loshkilo-ki: have you run memtest? I'd do that first....04:55
shingenjoeoshawa: hmmm, i've run multihomed boxes w/o a problem...04:55
joeoshawai am a noob never done this04:56
lo-kino i havent i found this04:56
gonzalo_what up !!04:56
lo-kiand my laptop isn\t listed so could i assume that it just wont work04:56
r00t4rd3dI applied for a job , got hired , suppose to start tomorrow , now I dont want it.04:56
r00t4rd3derr opps , wrong window04:56
greezmunkeyAbhiJit: I just googled that, and it gave a test I didn't see anyone here mention.04:56
jbsoumis there a way to customize the lock screen in ubuntu?04:56
jbsoumits just a black screen >.>04:56
AbhiJitgreezmunkey, give him the link04:56
shingenr00t4rd3d: dont show up, ur not obligated04:56
greezmunkeylo-ki: Do you have a live cd by any chance? If not make one and run your system on it to see if it locks up or not...04:57
sharejbsoum: system preferences screensaver04:57
greezmunkeyAbhiJit: that was it.04:57
sharechoose the theme04:57
lo-kiyes i have a livecd and it did lock up as well04:57
lo-kii hit try ubuntu or w.e04:57
jbsoumshare: yeah i can turn it off, but i want the blackness to go away but keep the lock screen04:57
lo-kiand my gf went to use the browser and it locked-up trying to open it04:58
sharejbsoum: i dunno if that's possible04:58
joeoshawawhat is the pastebin again?04:58
greezmunkeylo-ki: there you are, then start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/switching/preparing-hardware.html04:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:58
jbsoumthats incredibly beat04:58
greezmunkeylo-ki: the doc is a bit outdated, but the troubleshooting steps are still valid, it links to other pages...04:59
juanito_Oh... you can't change permissions when a partition is mounted05:00
TrentonAdamsgreezmunkey: no problem05:00
shareIs it possible to remove "lock screen" button from Applet session?05:00
joeoshawaomg i am using all five desktops and now i need more05:00
TrentonAdamsgreezmunkey: Yeah, dd some extra data, past what you think the file system size is05:00
Alex__3423424hey im kinda of a newb05:00
greezmunkeyTrentonAdams: ???05:01
TrentonAdamsI say 1.5G if 1G is your fs size05:01
AbhiJitAlex__3423424, hi05:01
Alex__3423424can i install ubuntu on my laptop?05:01
greezmunkeyAbhiJit: hehe, from the ubuntu wiki: If you find that a device is either unsupported or not mentioned on the Hardware Support pages, use a search engine website (such as google.com) to search for Linux-compatible drivers for your device.05:01
shareAlex__3423424: try to boot with livecd05:01
AbhiJit!manual | Alex__342342405:01
ubottuAlex__3423424: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:01
TrentonAdamsgreezmunkey: you can also use tune2fs I think it is, to get actual fs data.  I think you can get the starting/finishing block size.  Also, you're going to need to resize the partition table probably.05:01
AbhiJitgreezmunkey, :)05:01
joeoshawashare that is the file you asked me to check05:01
TrentonAdamsgreezmunkey: Oh, sorry05:02
shareAlex__3423424: burn ubuntu to a cd at low speed05:02
TrentonAdamsThe other guy is gone05:02
lo-kialright uhm problem i have windows 7 and by the time its installed its already installed all my drivers lol so how am i supposed to gather a list05:02
greezmunkeyTrentonAdams: np05:02
shingenjoeoshawa: where is the rest of that /etc/network/interfaces?  you have no ips set or use dhcp set05:02
TrentonAdamsgreezmunkey: auto complete, lol05:02
Alex__3423424how do i get rid of windows xp?05:02
Loshkigreezmunkey: nice one. Sometimes google really *is* the answer...05:02
amithow to know how much cpu is use in % through command05:03
greezmunkeyAbhiJit: Doesn't ubunut create an install log? If lo-ki knew where to find it, he may be able to deduce what drivers his system is using...05:03
AbhiJitamit, top05:03
rs0832Alex__3423424, you have to reformat the xp partition to remove it if you want it completely gone05:03
AbhiJitgreezmunkey, dunno05:03
Alex__3423424how do i go about doing that?05:04
rs0832Alex__3423424, do you have a ubuntu cd?05:04
greezmunkeyLoshki: yeah, google is pretty "fu" proof nowadays...05:04
TrentonAdamsanyone here that knows why acpi events are fired over to my shell file so slowly?  Or should I say, with such latency?  I'm using /etc/acpi/local/lid.sh.post05:04
amitAbhijit: ho to efficiently use whole of my Cpu05:05
=== geoff_ is now known as gozz
joeoshawamy interfaces file and my ifconfig -a05:05
Alex__3423424rs0832: i can download it from online and burn it05:05
AbhiJitamit, no idea05:05
juanito_Alex__3423424 -- You can even get an Ubuntu CD free from Ubuntu.org. Just give them your address and they'll send one to you.05:05
Alex__3423424Nah im good, i can burn the cd05:05
Alex__3423424I just wanna get rid of windows05:05
macojuanito_: ubuntu.com05:05
amitAbhijit: ok thanx05:05
Alex__3423424and get rid of everything else on the comp05:06
TrentonAdamsAlex__3423424: Yay for Alex05:06
macojuanito_: ubuntu.org is a meditation/religious society05:06
gozzCan anyone help with an OOo calc bug?05:06
joeoshawaalex that's what i did just warning you if you like to tinker make two ubuntu installs05:06
juanito_oh snap05:06
AbhiJitmaco, :D05:06
joeoshawathat way if you fubar one boot the other05:06
rs0832Alex__3423424, ok then05:06
lo-kigreezmunkey, uhm i googled and it says /var/log/installer i guess i could try that05:07
greezmunkeylo-ki: may the fu be with ya05:07
Alex__3423424joe: i dont wanna tinker, i just have this old comp thats on xp and its got loads of crap. i just wana scrap it and put on a nice OS like ubuntu05:07
jon8i just installed ubuntu using the latest version and using virtual box.. when it starts up it just brings me to the command prompt and not a desktop gui interface05:07
jon8what did i do wrong during the installation, or how to i get the desktop to start up?05:08
lo-kilol now im a newb am i gonna be able to understand this log?05:08
sprungHi. I messed something up and now when I try to open my Home Folder or my Documents Folder (or nearly any folder) from my menubar, VLC opens05:08
greezmunkeylo-ki: just stare at it, it'll make sense.05:08
lo-kiim in windows 7 right now i need to reboot into ubuntu05:08
lo-kilol alright05:08
rs0832Alex__3423424, what kind of a computer is it? i mean ram, processor?05:09
sdwrageHey all05:09
sprungHow do I stop VLC from opening when I try to open my Home Folder from the menubar?05:09
joeoshawawell this thing i am doing now is so i can help my daughter with her schoolwork05:09
sdwrageI am attempting to setup a shared folder in ubuntu so my windows instance can see it over the network... cannot see the folder for the life of me05:10
Alex__3423424rs0832: its a lenovo t43. pentium processor with 1gig or ram05:10
sdwrageit says its shared and even have all the checkboxes under share settings checked05:10
sprungHi. I messed something up and now when I try to open my Home Folder or my Documents Folder (or nearly any folder) from my menubar, VLC opens. How do I stop VLC from opening (and trying to "play") my Home Folder from the menubar?05:10
xanguasprung: right clic> properties> open with> nautilus05:10
sdwrage(note... I am using VBox with Win7 as Host and Ubuntu as Guest)05:10
jon8no help for my question?! :(05:10
joeoshawaalex not a bad machine05:10
sprungxangua, i can't right click on it it is in the menubar05:11
joeoshawagreat server05:11
Lint01sdwrage, are you using bridged network adapter?05:11
xanguasprung: just run nautilus then05:11
joeoshawaso did anyone check my pastebin05:12
sprungxangua, that's not fixing the problem, i'll ask some more05:12
xangua(23:11:46) xangua: sprung: just run nautilus then > and then do what i said earlier..............05:12
sprungxangua, that's a workaround, not solving the problem05:12
cooper|laptophi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 64bit desktop on an sata 6g drive. the livecd installer shows the ubuntu logo and then takes me to the initramfs shell and says that no drive is detected with the livecd data on it.05:12
sdwrageLint01, yep05:13
sprungxangua, i am fully aware i can open nautilus to get to my home folder. That's not solving the problem. I don't wish to debate with you the merits of not fixing the problem05:13
sdwrageLint01, I can ping it via windows05:13
joeoshawawhy would vlc open when opening your home folder05:13
sdwragebut cannot see it in network center05:13
sprungjoeoshawa, from the Menubar under Place05:13
sprungjoeoshawa, from the Menubar under Places05:13
share05:02:39 < Alex__3423424> how do i get rid of windows xp?05:13
alpha255cooper|laptop, does the gparted tool show the drive?05:13
sharejust install Ubuntu over it05:13
sprungit only happens in the menubar it's extremely aggravating05:14
xanguasprung: do nothing then....05:14
sprungxangua, will you please stop "helping" me05:14
sdwrageLint01, I can ping the ip address which is my VirtualBox's IP... yet I cannot map a drive to it05:15
cooper|laptopalpha255: how can i check ?05:15
sprungHi. I messed something up and now when I try to open my Home Folder or my Documents Folder (or nearly any folder) from my menubar, VLC opens. How do I stop VLC from opening (and trying to "play") my Home Folder from the menubar?05:15
bazhangsprung, lets keep it civil05:15
joeoshawasprung when i open my home folder from places it opens nautilus05:15
alpha255run the tool05:15
Lint01sdwrage, why?05:15
sdwrageLint01, that is why I need help here :P I am not sure why05:15
sprungbazhang, I desire greatly to keep it civil. I have asked xangua to stop presenting repeatedly that i workaround it by opening nautilus. That is not a solution.05:15
joeoshawai did however have my top menu bar refuse to appear for a while05:15
Lint01do you have ports opened?05:15
joeoshawaomg was that anoying05:16
cooper|laptopalpha255: yes, but how?05:16
sdwrageLint01, for what?05:16
lo-kiim back05:16
Lint01for samba traffic, cannot remember precise numbers05:16
sdwrageLint01, I can access the web server from my host machine just fine05:16
sdwrageoh... hrm05:16
lo-kiso i got in browsed to the folder and there was like 7 files and i could only open 1 lol05:16
sprungjoeoshawa, yes, I realize that is how it is supposed to work. Rather than opening Nautilus, it opens VLC instead and tries to "play" my home folder. This of course is not what I want.05:16
sdwrageLint01, what IP would I have to forward those to?05:17
greezmunkeysprung: apparantly this (bug) has been around for a while. Consider this from a post concerning an 8.04 install: This is a known bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/260492) and is not a VLC problem.On my system it opened Rhythmbox.05:17
sprungok i'll have a look05:17
joeoshawaoh wow05:17
greezmunkeysprung: here's the source for that: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-950520.html05:17
Lint01sdwrage, you don't need tio forward them, just keep them open05:17
amithow to use remote desktop?05:17
sdwrageLint01, would I be forwarding to Host (Windows 7) or Guest (Ubuntu) ?05:17
alpha255try gparted in a terminal windows05:17
alpha255cooper|laptop, in terminal window type   gparted05:18
Lint01btw which exact error do you get mapping drive from windows?05:18
lo-kiis there a certain way to open log files?05:18
greezmunkeysprung: here is a potential fix: See bug report or from a terminal,start nautilus. Navigate Up one level so you see your Home Folder.Right click on the folder and go to properties.Select "open with" tag and either add "File browser" or select "Open Folder " instead of VLC.05:18
cooper|laptopalpha255: how..? there is nothing installed :p05:18
alpha255cooper|laptop, your in the gui dektop on the live cd right?05:19
sprunggreezmunkey, ok thank you05:19
cooper|laptopalpha255: no, as i said, it just takes me to the initramfs shell and says that no drive is detected with the livecd data on it.05:20
alpha255what version of the live cd?05:20
lo-kiand im thinking possibly it has compatibilty issues with the wifi..cuz soon as i tried to connect to wireless internet it locked-up05:20
alpha255and are you sure the cpu is 64bit?05:20
rigved!info gnome-system-log | lo-ki05:20
ubottulo-ki: gnome-system-log (source: gnome-utils): system log viewer for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.31.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 239 kB, installed size 2060 kB05:20
alpha255cooper|laptop,    what version of the live cd?05:20
sprunggreezmunkey, Selecting Open Folder fixed it05:21
sprunggreezmunkey has solved my problem thanks man05:21
cooper|laptopalpha255: it's the amd64 desktop installer for maverick on the website05:21
greezmunkeylo-ki: that's a good start, disable wireless for a while and see if the box runs consistantly.05:21
cooper|laptopwhether i choose try without installing or install, it takes me to that shell.05:21
jon8i just installed ubuntu using the latest version and using virtual box.. when it starts up it just brings me to the command prompt and not a desktop gui interface05:21
jon8what did i do wrong during the installation, or how to i get the desktop to start up?05:21
greezmunkeysprung: woohoo!05:21
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alpha255how new is the laptop?05:22
rigvedjon8: you must have installed the server cd and not the desktop cd05:22
alpha255and what brand?05:22
lo-kiwill do uhm sorry not very good with linux all new to me gnome-system-log is this a built in utility?05:22
D3luSi0n4LHey all I need a little bit of urgent help05:22
cooper|laptopalpha255: it's not a laptop05:22
PrimedeathGuys, I have an installation of Ubuntu on an external USB HDD... I have recently begun work at a store and would like to allow booting of ISO's in GRUB or chainload into Syslinux so I can boot into an ISO.. Is it possible? If so, what do I do?05:22
sdwrageLint01, I assume you were stating to open port in firewall?05:22
sdwrageI turned it off completely just to test it05:23
sprungD3luSi0n4L, please just ask the question05:23
alpha255cooper|laptop, what type of hardware ?05:23
D3luSi0n4LI formatted my ubuntu & swap partition and moved them to my primary windows 7, now when i turn on my computer I get a dos screen that says grub error:05:23
rigvedlo-ki: just install gnome-utils from the software center (in case it's not installed). then you can use it to view log files05:23
greezmunkeylo-ki: browse around /var/log - all very good stuff. Use this command in a terminal: sudo tail -f /var/log/messages, and then re-enable wireless - you may get a hit on the failure.05:23
D3luSi0n4Land it'll me write commands but i cant boot into windows or anything i dont know any commands05:23
lo-kido i need the internet for that to work?05:23
Lint01sdwrage, ...05:23
alpha255cooper|laptop, is it a newly build custom machine?05:23
jon8rigved ok, let me look05:23
cooper|laptopalpha255: it's an asus p7p55d-e lx motherboard and an intel i705:24
glitchdhow would i put scripts into my right click menu/nautilus right click menu?05:24
lo-kithe software center i mean05:24
alpha255cooper|laptop, pretty new then05:24
cooper|laptopthe motherboard has 2 sata 6gb/s ports and i have the cd drive in one and the hard disk in the other05:24
rigvedlo-ki: yes05:24
sdwrageLint01, I would have to port forward from my router...05:24
D3luSi0n4Lanyone please? I have no idea what to do05:24
cooper|laptopand the bios detects the drives and boots from the livecd05:24
rigvedlo-ki: i just now read that you have a internet problem. so you cannot do this05:24
cooper|laptopbut the livecd can't mount the drive that cd is in apparently05:24
Lint01sdwrage, which adapter you bridged Vbox with?05:24
sdwrageLint01, my Wifi Adapter I am guessing05:25
sdwragehold on05:25
glitchdD3luSi0n4L, i think u need to reinstall grub, dont quote me tho05:25
sdwrageLint01, it is saying it is bridged to my Wifi connection05:25
D3luSi0n4Lumm ok? i dont want ubuntu or anything05:25
lo-kithe terminal command you gave me though can still work right?05:25
D3luSi0n4LI just want win 7 on that lappy05:26
greezmunkeylo-ki: me?05:26
qian- -/05:26
D3luSi0n4Lanyone else have ideas? I need this laptop for work05:26
era878does anybody know how to make my external hdd boot from both my desktop and my laptop?05:26
lo-kiyea sorry lol05:26
greezmunkeylo-ki: that command runs locally05:26
Lint01sdwrage, when you browsing to "\\192.168.x.y\", are you getting any errors?05:26
lo-kik just checking lol05:26
D3luSi0n4LI thought grub was only for ubuntu?05:26
sdwragelemme check05:26
qianno  ,there is a way05:27
chdI screwed the pooch and hit the windows key + n and now all the colors are inverted....how do I undo it?05:27
lo-kiso any alternate way to get that utility lol05:27
sdwrageLint01, browse to it from where exactly?05:27
glitchdD3luSi0n4L, grub is a bootloader, it comes with basically any disto of linux, i believe05:27
lo-kilike perhaps a website save it to the storage drive then run it from ubuntu05:27
xanguachd: try with M05:27
glitchdD3luSi0n4L, but that is honestly what it sounds like is the problem to me05:27
sdwrageLint01, hold on05:27
Lint01sdwrage, from Run box, for example, or address bar05:27
dnivraI'm trying to create a bootable USB drive of ubuntu using startup disk creator. I'm using natty alpha 1 and USB drive is an iPod shuffle. is there any reason why i keep getting "Failed to install the bootloader"?05:27
joeoshawawell i am learning lots about networking05:27
sdwrageLint01, window pops open with nothing in it05:28
chdlol I feel dumb, thanks xangua05:28
xangua!natty | dnivra05:28
ubottudnivra: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:28
xanguai would use unetbootin instead dnivra05:28
sdwragewhich means i am connecting but it isn't seeing my sharename ?05:28
xanguanever failed to me05:28
lo-kigreezmunkey, here? http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/gnome-system-log05:28
D3luSi0n4Lglitchd: ok how do i get rid of it?05:28
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joeoshawathe network for ltsp has to be different and separate from the internet connection05:28
Lint01sdwrage, and if you put your ubuntu share name after last \?05:28
dnivraxangua, unetbootin eh? alright I'll give that a shot too. thanks!05:28
alpha255cooper|laptop, looks like it should work ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1567023&highlight=ASUS+P7P55D05:28
barcastarhi, am a new comer of ubuntu. anyone can help me varify md5,pls?05:28
greezmunkeylo-ki: what do you need that for?05:29
glitchdD3luSi0n4L, hmmm...lemme check gimme a sec05:29
industry__barcastar: you use the md5sum command05:29
era878How do i make my external hdd boot from both laptop and my desktop?05:29
cooper|laptopalpha255: i just realized that the sata 6g has a separate option from the sata ii controller in the bios settings.. lemme look and see if this changes anything05:29
lo-kithought i need gnome system log viewer thingy to view the system logs05:29
D3luSi0n4Lglitcho ok tyvm05:29
greezmunkeylo-ki: look in System>Administration...is there something called "log viewer"?05:29
sdwrageLint01, WIndows cannot access \\\vmwork05:29
alpha255cooper|laptop, yes, the bios would be next to look at05:29
joeoshawasubnet is your ip right like 192.168.0.x as opposed to 201.314.0.y05:29
industry__barcastar: and compare that to the one provided on the website, basically05:29
lo-kilol i unno i have to reboot to see05:30
rigved!md5 | barcastar05:30
ubottubarcastar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:30
lo-kilets say there is what would i do then05:30
greezmunkeylo-ki: yeah, reboot then immediately disable wifi so you can drive your system.05:30
barcastari typed md5sum ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso. terminal said not found05:30
cooper|laptopalpha255: it was set to IDE. I didn't see it before.. for some reason they decided to put it in the advanced settings/onboard devices/jmicron controller :p05:31
lo-kiwhat do you mean by drive?05:31
cooper|laptopalpha255: thanks for your help; it's working now05:31
dnivrabarcastar, what was not found?05:31
alpha255barcastar, try ./ubunt...05:31
alpha255cooper|laptop, NICE :)05:31
sdwrageLint01, WIndows cannot access \\\vmwork is what I am getting05:31
greezmunkeylo-ki: "drive" "run" "use" ... you see.05:31
bonjoyeebarcastar: there no . after the iso!05:31
Lint01sdwrage, interesting05:31
Slipyx_how do i get a binary in /usr/local/bin to use a lib in /usr/local/lib ?05:31
* alexlea is testing a theme...ignore me05:31
lo-kilol allright yes k05:31
amithi m installing windows7 in virtual box but from  97% expanding windows file it doesnot exceed05:32
nit-witD3luSi0n4L, do you hava W7 recovery disc05:32
greezmunkeylo-ki: I drive my computer, it doesn't control me.05:32
sprungjoeoshawa, no, a subnet is completely different than an IP. a subnet tells you what way your local network is split up. This would be a valuable thing for you to learn but unfortunately it is a bit too complex to explain in an irc channel.  I would reference this as a starter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subnetwork05:32
lo-kiback to what you said a second ago say there was this log viewer in system-admin..what would i do05:32
barcastarthe file is not found05:32
AbhiJitamit, ##windows05:32
lo-kilol yea haha i gotcha05:32
amitAbhijit: not understand05:32
xanguabarcastar: is the iso on your home directory¿¿05:32
PrimedeathAnyone know much about GRUB2 and GRUB4DOS and chaining?05:32
barcastar. is only the end of my sentence,05:32
sprungjoeoshawa, there's really no simple way to explain the internet protocol in a few lines05:33
bonjoyeebarcastar:  try md5sum ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso05:33
xangua!md5 > barcastar05:33
dnivrabarcastar, well the file is not found :). do an ls to determine the exact file name.05:33
ubottubarcastar, please see my private message05:33
barcastarunder download05:33
amitAbhijit: m installing in in n virtual box in ubuntu 10.1005:33
AbhiJitamit, join channel ##windows and ask there05:33
jchow can I set the mail on the desktop05:33
sdwrageLint01, so it is saying exists but cant find vmwork... which is my shared folder05:33
bonjoyeebarcastar: make sure you cd to the folder where the file is located05:33
sprungjoeoshawa, and yes, it's a complex subject and a hurdle for even techies like me to learn.05:33
barcastarubottu. this is first time use irc. can not see private msg05:33
xanguabarcastar: the you first need to go to the download directory: ~/Downloads i believe05:33
amitbonjoyee: hi05:33
ubentoboxHey, newb question here, but what is the command called to create a physical link similar to linkd on windows server?05:34
industry__Some_Person: it tells your network card to capture all packets, not just those destined for your computer05:34
bonjoyeehi amit05:34
dnivrabarcastar, uBOTtu is a bot.05:34
lo-kiah nvm im tired lol gonna try rebooting running that terminal command and then enable wifi where does it save that log to?05:34
alpha255in ubuntu 10.10 and trying to mount a windows 7 share anyone else get a error with the password05:35
greezmunkeylo-ki: ok, if you want to see if the wifi is the source of the problem, boot into ubuntu, and disable wireless. Then just run it for a while to see if it's stable. After a while enable the wifi, and see if it locks up. Before you enable the wifi though, take a look at /var/log/messages to see if you can find anything that indicates a problem.05:35
rigved!md5 | barcastar05:35
ubottubarcastar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:35
alpha255it shows up in the network in gnome05:35
barcastara bot... gosh05:35
alpha255the login trys to work05:35
rigvedbarcastar: can you see this link ^^05:35
Lint01alpha255, it doesn't accept your password?05:35
ubentoboxCan anyone tell me what is the command called to create a physical link similar to linkd on windows server?05:35
lo-kisounds good05:35
barcastartrying to open05:35
rigvedbarcastar: use the how-to05:35
bonjoyeeamit: please try ##windows..this channel is for ubuntu support05:35
lo-kiso i assume it would save it to that path you just gave me05:35
alpha255Lint01, yes05:36
alpha255almost got it working05:36
alpha255win7 64 bit05:36
alpha255if that helps05:36
Lint01alpha255, from Nautilus or Places menu?05:36
lo-kithanks alot for your help hopefully ill catch you on here tomorrow let you know if i got it working or not lol later05:36
greezmunkeylo-ki: g'luck05:36
alpha255Lint01, both05:37
lo-kithanks :)05:37
Lint01sdwrage, I'd checked Samba settings on ubuntu machine05:37
sdwrageLint01, okay05:37
Lint01alpha255, add "client ntlmv2 auth = 1" to ~/.smb/smb.conf05:37
alpha255thanks! :)05:37
sprunggreezmunkey, got any ideas for disabling my trackpad and touchpad? i disabled them in BIOS and ubuntu still uses them, and i cant turn it off05:37
sprungvery annoying when typing05:37
sprungi use a Dell Latitude E651005:38
amitbonjoyee: how to use my cpu efficiently05:38
dnivraxangua, unetbootin is stuck at 66%-installing the boot loader :(.05:38
rigvedubentobox: ln -s /path/to/real/file /path/to/non-existant/file05:38
barcastarsecond link: i dont have windows here, so can not verify in win705:38
dnivraxangua, oh! it's done :).05:38
barcastarnow i see official md5,05:38
era878is it possible to install ubuntu on an external hdd and boot from differnet computers?05:39
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greezmunkeysprung: I have one too, nice laptop. The trackpoint thing may not be doable, you'll have to look around for that. I usually just keep my fingers out of the way ;)05:39
sprungera878, yes, but that's kind of silly05:40
era878sprung, why05:40
sprungera878, it depends on your motherboard05:40
alpha255Lint01, do I need to logout and back in for that to take effect05:40
sprungera878, you're getting a significant drop in preformance05:40
sprungUSB is sloooow05:40
bonjoyeeamit: what is "efficiently" according to you?05:40
Lint01alpha255, usually don't05:40
sprungand i know you're doing it usb, that's a safe assumption05:40
era878sprung, but is it possible?05:40
sprungyes, you can run ubuntu on a tumbdrive05:40
sprungor a external hd05:41
alpha255i put the in my /home/alpha255 directory right?05:41
sprungif your motherboard supports that type of boot05:41
barcastarmy ubuntu is now under the folder "download"which is default folder of firefox. should i move the iso to /home?05:41
era878sprung, but i can only boot the external hdd from the computer that i installed it from05:41
bonjoyeebarcastar: why?05:41
sprungera878, as a sysadmin i would use that to access a hard drive that i do not wish to boot from that is being used as the system drive back in my pc tech days05:41
dnivraxangua, any reason why unetbootin would fail? i restart and my computer says "not a bootable disk"05:42
barcastari dont now why, i simply enter md5sum + filename, it is said that file not found05:42
sprungbut that's just a techie using a tool to fix a problem, i wouldn't recommend you run an os off of USB due to majorly degraded preformance05:42
alpha255Lint01,  i put the in my /home/alpha255 directory right?05:42
era878sprung, why is that?05:42
sprungera878, as I have said twice now, it's slooooow05:42
bonjoyeebarcastar: did u do cd Downloads?05:43
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xanguadnivra: maybe because you are using alpha software05:43
barcastaryes, i downloaded a cd image, not burnt yet05:43
sprungera878, USB has a slow bus rate. so slow you're going to be like "wtf i thought linux was supposed to be fast and cool this sucks"05:43
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alpha255Lint01,  k05:43
era878okay, but i really just wanted to know why ubuntu only boots from the computer that I installed it from. Is it a motherboard incompatibility as you have pointed out?05:44
sprungera878, i've run a version of windows on a USB boot and it was far slower lol05:44
bonjoyeebarcastar: try md5sum ~/Downloads/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso05:44
red3kicbarcastar:  "cd ~/Downloads ; md5sum ubuntu<tab>"05:44
sprungera878, some motherboards will let you boot from USB, some will not.05:44
decowill inkscape ever get fixed ?05:44
joeoshawaomg this is insanely compicated05:44
greezmunkeyera878: another point is that if you want a "portable" system to be used on a variety of computers you will run into all kinds of issues with hardware and the like. You may as well just use a live cd if that's what you want to do.05:45
Lint01deco, screw inkscape, sk1 is the future05:45
decoLint01: sk1 ? never heard of it hmmm05:45
decolooking at the site now05:45
sprungera878, i cannot magically say that your motherboard does or does not support that because i do not know what your motherboard is, and this is becoming a non-linux question that i would refer to ##hardware05:46
joeoshawaso basically i need a network within a network for ltsp to work05:46
barcastarthis is the result: md5sum: /home/don/downloads/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso: 没有那个文件或目录05:46
decoLint01: oh wow looks awesome05:46
sprungera878, you'd be better off with a livecd or how about just installing linux for real05:46
sprungyou could also use a virtual machine using the free Oracle Virtualbox on top of windows if you want to play with it05:47
sprungit will be slower but not as slow as booting from USB05:47
heidihey dudes05:47
heidineed help05:47
heidiipv6 not pingable05:47
sprungor if you want to use ubuntu 'inside' of windows you could check out the wubi project05:47
sprungwhich i don't recommend05:47
bonjoyeebarcastar: what character set is that?05:48
era878sprung, so my laptop can boot from  usb but when i plug in the external hdd it says operating system not detected. why?05:48
sprungi recommend you use oracle virtualbox on top of windows, running a livecd or how about just installing linux on your hard drive :)05:48
joeoshawayour hdd has to have a bootable partition05:48
a7i3nI used wubi for awhile, worked fine for me.05:49
barcastari try to start a private conversation05:49
a7i3nBut having Ubuntu as my main OS is better... :)05:49
sprunga7i3n, yes, but you probably have a bit more linux/ pc troubleshooting experience in general05:49
EpicCyndaquilAnyone know how I can run a .jar with the OpenJRE via terminal?05:49
barcastarmsgs roll up too fast..05:49
greezmunkeyheidi: Try ping6 instead05:49
joeoshawaalso check i think there is a problem booting ntfs through usb05:49
a7i3nyou are right sprung.05:50
jef91Is it possible to get gnome to display a menu like this? http://i.imgur.com/PyD7o.png05:50
a7i3nMy first Linux was on a power pc05:50
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, here's my progress :) ...05:50
joeoshawaof course i would rather eat dirt and worms then use windows so i may be wrong05:50
a7i3nprior to that it was minix05:50
joeoshawafirst os was msdos05:51
joeoshawaomg dos was awsome05:51
bencahillbonjoyee, I'm using grub on the hdd to load plop (which has usb drivers), which will load grub on the usb stick, loading ubuntu on the usb05:51
a7i3nso was mine... on a IBM pc...05:51
joeoshawathen windows happened and it all went to hell05:51
a7i3nI feel old...05:51
bencahillbonjoyee, I just need to get grub on the usb stick, can I do that from inside the hdd ubuntu install?05:51
greezmunkeyand I thought that abacus was cool...05:51
alpha255Lint01,  i'm going to unistall windows live assistant and try to connect again05:52
a7i3nWindows was a disaster... I was really good at atch files...05:52
joeoshawayou feel old you remember the at pc or the xt pc05:52
bencahillbonjoyee, ...and how would I configure it?05:52
a7i3nbatch that is...05:52
barcastareven though i input cd dowload_directory, terminal also says the file or folder not found...05:52
xanguajef91: that's nautilus elementary, google for: nautilus elementary ppa05:52
joeoshawai haven't seen one in years but i had one05:53
a7i3nMy first job was in one of the first clone shops in San francisco building the things...05:53
joeoshawaomg they were tanks05:53
jef91xangua Nautilus Elementary does NOT work with the menu protocol05:53
joeoshawayou could drop em off buildings and turn em on lol05:53
greezmunkeymfm hdd05:53
jef91See the menu://applications/05:53
sprungmy first (technical) job was blowing cockroaches out of dirty cash registers with an air compressor for a number of fast food franchises05:53
a7i3n1982, same year tron came out... went to the movie to celebrate my firsat computer job...05:54
barcastaris there any chinese except me?05:54
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:54
xanguajef91: a mockup¿05:54
bencahill!cn | barcastar05:54
ubottubarcastar: please see above05:54
decoLint01: does sk1 look well in ubuntu ? being a  Qt appa and all05:54
a7i3ncool chinese05:54
barcastari c05:54
jef91xangua What are you asking?05:54
jef91That screen shot above I showed is of PCManFM05:54
xanguajef91: guessing05:55
Lint01deco, qt apps look ugly everywhere05:55
decoLint01: yeah :/ , meh i'll stick to inkscape i don't like qt apps :(05:55
decotoo bad they haven't fixed inkscape05:55
decofreebsd already fixed theirs05:55
decocouple of weeks ago05:55
joeoshawaso could someone give me a quick lesson on how to give a network card a new subnet05:56
xanguaLint01 deco just install qt4-qtconfig  and set on it to use the gtk theme05:56
bencahilljoeoshawa, one nic can only have one ip, what are you trying to do?05:56
xanguasystem>preferences>qt4-config or something like that once installed05:56
decoxangua: oh thanks05:57
decoxangua: and they look pretty good after that ?05:57
a7i3nyikes sprung... I hate cash registers....05:57
xanguathey look lithe the gtk theme you are using deco05:57
decoxangua: awesome thanks!05:57
joeoshawai am trying to run ltsp over a network cable to my machine which will be the server so i can run both with both online05:57
joeoshawai have ltsp and dhcp set up but it is complaining that eth0 and eth1 have the same subnet05:58
sprunga7i3n, don't eat at kentucky fried chicken. ever. i've seen about 40 of their kitchens. and thats all the non-linux chat i will say about that05:59
bencahilljoeoshawa, are you just wanting both computers to be online, or do you want a thin client?05:59
a7i3nheh thanks for the warning sprung05:59
joeoshawaso i am assuming i need a new subnet for eth1 however if there is an easier way05:59
joeoshawathin client and the server usable and online05:59
dnivrahas anyone tried installing ubuntu by booting iso via grub?05:59
anapiros00i'm on ubuntu 10.1006:00
decoLint01: is it really better than inkscape ?06:00
anapiros00on sony vaio and i have problem with ethernet06:00
bencahilljoeoshawa, the server has two nics, right?06:00
Lint01deco, 'better' is subjective thing06:01
joeoshawai am a heavy traffic user i bog my connection as it is06:01
decoLint01:  yes but i'm asking because you said it was the future06:01
decoimplying it was better06:02
decoso do tell why it's better than inkscape06:02
bencahilljoeoshawa, you need a dhcp-server, and then just configure it to run on ethx, where that is the nic going to the thinclient06:02
joeoshawaand my computer for that matter but oh well06:02
=== KindOne is now known as MeanOne
joeoshawai have that set up06:02
Lint01deco, in my opinion it's more convnient06:02
joeoshawathe problem is i am getting this error06:02
bencahilljoeoshawa, server has static ip, and gives thinclient dynamic, this is called dhcp06:02
bencahilljoeoshawa, oh, what error?06:03
greezmunkeyanapiros00: What's wrong?06:03
joeoshawabelieve me i know i have been at it all day06:04
a7i3ngotta go all... (tips hat to sprung)06:04
dnivrahas anyone tried installing ubuntu by booting the iso via grub2?06:04
bencahilljoeoshawa, can you post the output of ifconfig?06:04
nit-witdnivra, what are you trying to do and why06:06
dnivranit-wit, well i can boot natty alpha's iso via grub-can't create a bootable disk. just can't install because it tries to unmount all partitions but the iso itself is on one partition.06:07
johnathanmorning guys and gals06:07
bencahilljoeoshawa, well, as the error said, they have the same subnet! (192.168.0.x)06:07
MaahesAnyone know which of these video drivers I'm unlikely to encounter on consumer hardware: http://pastebin.com/YDxN60KM I'm on a USB stick and I'd like to remove the unnecessary ones.06:08
nit-witdnivra, can you boot a thumb and do you have one06:08
joeoshawaso all i have to do is change the address my router is giving out and bingo?06:08
bencahilljoeoshawa, either your isp is not giving you a public ip, or your "server" is plugged into another dhcp device06:08
johnathandoes anyone know how to setup a ftp server using ubuntu?06:08
joeoshawadnivra you cannot repartition a drive your using06:09
dnivranit-wit, i have my iPod and i've been trying to create a startup disk using the regular startup disk creator and unetbootin. regular fails to install the bootloader and unetbootin succeeds but the computer says the disk isn't bootable.06:09
greezmunkeyjohnathan: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html06:09
MaahesAlso is there a tool to modify the timing on notification displays? Whenever I have a bunch of notifications sent in a row, it ends up taking 2-3 minutes to display notifications I'm already aware of.06:09
bencahilljoeoshawa, either change the subnet of the router, or the server, your pick, whichever is easiest :) I would change the server to 10.something06:09
johnathanthx and l take it they also tell what software to use?06:09
dnivrajoeoshawa, well i am not partitioning at all. i have a partition-format and use it that's all.06:10
bencahill!who | johnathan06:10
ubottujohnathan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:10
rs0832johnathan, you can use pure ftpd06:10
greezmunkeyjohnathan: yup06:10
nit-witdnivra, are we sure this s a bootable ISO , have t you tred running it in a virtual06:10
bencahillhey rs0832, where did bonjoyee go? he just pinged out!06:10
joeoshawabencahill: i am using a bell 2wire router dsl modem combo and when ubuntu asks for an address i have it set to give the same address every time06:11
dnivranit-wit, well i was able to boot the iso via grub. i'll check it out in virtualbox.06:11
joeoshawaso i can change the address format easily through my browser06:11
johnathancool thx guys06:11
bencahilljoeoshawa, no, you need it to be on a different subnet06:11
rs0832bencahill, i have no idea.. he seems to have been inactive for sometime though06:12
bencahilljoeoshawa, read about them here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subnetwork06:12
sprungjoeoshawa, :)06:12
sprungbencahill, i referenced the same earlier06:12
joeoshawai did read it but i am not sure i fully understand06:12
bencahillrs0832, sprung, ah :)06:13
joeoshawai am thinking subnet is the first part of the ip06:13
joeoshawathe 192.168 etc06:13
sprungjoeoshawa, of course you don't understand, subnetting is something i quizzed people on in interviews to be entry level systems admins06:13
bencahilljoeoshawa, look at your subnet mask, that defines the subnet06:13
joeoshawathat cannot change from one computer to the other06:13
dnivranit-wit, why does it say "Detected i686 CPU". I have an x86_64 cpu! i am running 10.10 64bit now.06:13
greezmunkeyjoeoshawa: that depends on the mask...06:13
sprungjoeoshawa, this is not an easy concept but comparative to everything else it's not hard06:13
sprungjoeoshawa, it is however unrealistic to think you can understand subnetting in a few minutes from reading a wiki page06:14
bencahilljoeoshawa, or the mask tells what part of the ip address can change, so to speak...do you understand public and private ips?06:14
bencahillsprung, dangit, it's hard to explain!06:14
sprungbencahill, it's impossible to explain on irc06:14
joeoshawawell i believe my router has some presets and right now its custom so let me see what i can do06:14
sprungbencahill, it is unrealistic to attempt06:15
bencahillsprung, yes, true :)06:15
greezmunkeyjoeoshawa: tcpip has been around since about 197506:15
sprungbencahill, particularly in such an active channel06:15
bencahilljoeoshawa, I wouldn't mess with the router, as if you mess it up, there's not much you can do :-/06:15
nit-witdnivra, where06:15
dnivranit-wit, oh! when i ran it in virtual box.06:15
dnivranit-wit, sorry i didn't say virtual box :)06:16
nit-witdnivra, not sure really06:16
joeoshawa10.0.0.0 / would this do06:17
dnivranit-wit, it's fine. i'll try something even more weird as experiment.06:17
sprungjoeoshawa, unfortunately you're not going to be able to understand this in a few minutes or a few hours. If you want to know about this, you should study TCP/IP. while it is certainly not something you can just learn in a few hours, it's a fundamental building block of being a sysadmin06:17
bencahilljoeoshawa, yes06:17
joeoshawai have already changed it before06:17
dnivrais /dev/sdb1 equivalent to (hd1, 1) ?06:17
nit-witdnivra, I have natty on a SDHC class 10 min card and it is okay as of yesterdays updates, I loaded a thumb with one of the 2 you used about 5 days ago to install to the card06:18
nit-witdnivra, if the MD%SUM is okay , did you download the latest unetbootin06:19
dnivranit-wit, i'm surprised and disappointed why i couldn't install it. i can boot the iso via grub successfully but can't install. and i can't install the boot loader into the USB for some reason.06:19
joeoshawaso i just change it to that preset input the ip i want  for my computer making sure to keep the 10.0.0 the same and change the last number and then do a network restart from the server yes?06:19
dnivranit-wit, i couldn't find the md5sum for natty. tried searching in google a lot. my computer's up with the latest updates i think. unetbootin 471-1ubuntu-1.06:20
bencahilljoeoshawa, I haven't configured a dhcp server in a while, just try it and see if it works06:20
dnivra!info unetbootin06:20
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 471-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 274 kB, installed size 808 kB06:20
nit-witdnivra, there is a lopback meyod to dumpit to a partiton i don't know it though other then oe I saved for a upgrade with a alternative06:21
dnivranit-wit, i used that method to boot the iso but somehow it says it needs to unmount /dev/sda; whole of it.06:22
dnivranit-wit, do you know if /dev/sdb1 is same as (hd1, 1)?06:22
nit-witdnivra, sounds right but don't quote me06:23
dnivranit-wit, alright; i'll wait and see if someone else knows. i've a very very weird and stupid idea. let's see if that'll work.06:23
nit-witdnivra, is it todays daily 12-2106:24
rs0832dnivra, sda = hd0  and so on...06:24
dnivranit-wit, sorry? didn't get you.06:24
dnivrars0832, alright then. hope it works.06:24
rs0832dnivra, :)06:24
nit-witdnivra, the ISO todays daily cd 12-21-201006:25
dnivranit-wit, what did you mean by 'daily 12-21'? i donwloaded the alpha via torrent. i have no idea what i downloaded.06:25
dnivranit-wit, i just searched for natty alpha 1 in google, went to the cdimage site and downloaded the torrent. is there an alternative method?06:25
dnivranit-wit, i downloaded the iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-1/.06:26
Flanneldnivra, nit-wit: Natty issues/support in #ubuntu+1, thanks.06:27
dnivraFlannel, sure.06:27
nit-witFlannel, no problem see you on that channel dnirva06:27
joeoshawathat cured the subnet problem06:30
joeoshawawhat i don't understand is that address cannot be in use because i changed the subnet so how can this still be a problem06:31
nit-witdnivra, the first choice on that page is the MD5SUM's06:31
dyingprismMy wireless connection strength keeps dropping to 0% and back to 100% every few seconds.  I've had ubuntu 10.10 installed for quite a few days before this started happening for the past hour.  I do not feel it's the router even though that was my first thing to check.  Any ideas?  Anyone know how to turn off scanning for other networks?06:31
=== MeanOne is now known as KindOne
greezmunkeydyingprism: reboot your router first, then see if it keeps hapening after.06:32
greezmunkeydyingprism: Wireless router/AP that is.06:33
multi_ioif I install Ubuntu on an encrypted drive using the alternate installer cd, will it ask me for the passphrase every time the machine wakes up from suspend-to-disk?06:33
dyingprismI tried rebooting router and computer, changing channels on router, and my other wireless machines connect steadily just fine at the moment06:33
joeoshawano only if you try to access your home folder from another install06:34
joeoshawasuch as a live cd06:34
adam_whenever I'm using my home wifi and I disconnect power, wifi disconnects and tries to reconnect several times06:34
AbhiJit!who | joeoshawa06:34
ubottujoeoshawa: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:34
xxmayhem714xxCan anyone help, i need to mount multiple ntfs drives on logon06:35
multi_iojoeoshawa: ok, that's the ecryptfs installation ("encrypt home folder"). Do you also know what happens with a LUKS-based encryption of the whole filesystem tree?06:35
greezmunkeydyingprism: in a terminal, what does "sudo iwlist" show you?06:35
adam_has anybody heard of anything similar to this?06:35
dyingprismMy connection is staying steady obviously but huge pulsing lag, this really seems like the routers fault since I haven't made any changes on this computer06:36
dyingprismUnless some kind of hardware failure06:36
joeoshawanot really never used it06:36
joeoshawamulti_io: not really never used it06:36
greezmunkeydyingprism: Sounds like interferance to me, check iwlist06:36
joeoshawaprobably similar it must have documentation06:36
adv0catewhat is the newest version of ubuntu called?06:36
red3kic!ubuntu+1 | adv0cate06:37
ubottuadv0cate: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+106:37
xxmayhem714xxCan anyone help, i need to mount multiple ntfs drives on logon06:37
rwwadv0cate: Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat is the current released version. Ubuntu Natty Narwhal (which will probably be 11.04) is the current development version.06:37
adam_dudes, anyhelp with my wifi?06:38
multi_iojoeoshawa: do you notice performance reductions with the ecryptfs setup?06:38
joeoshawanope not at all06:38
glitchdanyone know how to add scripts to the right click menu?06:38
joeoshawabut it is a pain when you have two installs and you want something from the other06:38
r00t4rd3dadam_, Make , Model , Chipset of wireless adapter ?06:38
bencahilladam_, running ubuntu desktop?06:39
AbhiJitglitchd, wait06:39
glitchdAbhiJit, yea?06:39
adam_only happens at home though06:39
adam_and only if im using ubuntu06:40
r00t4rd3dwhat happens ?06:40
glitchdAbhiJit, can i help u?06:40
AbhiJitglitchd, http://www.ubuntux.org/howto-add-items-to-the-right-click-menu-in-nautilus06:40
adv0caterww: i still have karmic kola, could i upgrade w/out erasing my current addons , desktop and setup?06:40
glitchdAbhiJit, awesome thx06:40
dyingprismgreezmunkey: shows uses for iwlist06:40
dyingprismgreezmunkey: bitrate, channel, frequency etc06:40
glitchdAbhiJit, hope that helps me06:41
xxmayhem714xxCan anyone help, i need to mount multiple ntfs drives on logon06:41
joeoshawabencahill: so do you have any ideas?06:41
c0de_RedHello fellow peeps!06:41
AbhiJitglitchd, http://thasulinux.wordpress.com/2010/10/21/adding-shortcuts-to-the-right-click-menu-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat/06:41
glitchdAbhiJit, im in 10.0406:42
r00t4rd3dxxmayhem714xx, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:42
c0de_RedDoes anyone know which Instant Messaging program provides video chat on Ubuntu?06:42
AbhiJitglitchd, doesnt matter. go thru it06:42
bencahilljoeoshawa, oh sorry, was over at ##linux for a few minutes, let me read the scrollback...06:42
glitchdAbhiJit, ok, going now06:42
r00t4rd3dxxmayhem714xx, see if that helps at all.06:42
=== dnivra_ is now known as dnivra
AbhiJitc0de_Red, empathy06:42
glitchdAbhiJit, *ok, gonna try it now06:42
joeoshawabencahill: no problem06:42
johnDoesn't skype let you video chat?06:43
joeoshawajohn: yes and rather well actually06:43
joeoshawaskype audio is much better then amsn06:43
adam_root4rt3d: wifi disconnects is what happens06:43
johnWell then there you go, c0de_Red.06:43
c0de_RedHavent tried out skype. Imma give it a shot later on06:44
c0de_Redbtw, How come in empathy the "Video Call" menu is greyed out?06:44
joeoshawai am going to put money on it to phone family06:44
c0de_Redis it because the other user doesnt support video call?06:45
AbhiJitc0de_Red, ur frnd needs web cam then it goes on06:45
joeoshawagot to be using a messanger client the video works on06:45
AbhiJitc0de_Red, right06:45
johnbecause empathy just connects to sites like jabber, that specific one might not support vid chat?06:45
joeoshawaempathy cannot video over msn or audio only text06:46
joeoshawaamsn does but not well06:46
glitchdAbhiJit, not what i was looking for06:46
almoxarifepidgin does video?06:46
joeoshawawell msn doesn't video or audio well either tho06:46
johni dont think so06:46
glitchdAbhiJit, im simply trying to add a submenu for scripts06:46
AbhiJitglitchd, dunno then06:47
glitchdAbhiJit, ok thx anyways06:47
greezmunkeyThe ekiga client supports video as well06:47
bencahilljoeoshawa, can you paste your /etc/dhcpd.conf (or whatever the conf file is)?06:47
joeoshawatried to get that working actually06:47
joeoshawabencahill: sure one sec06:47
rs0832glitchd, do you want to add templates the the Rightclick> New> menu?06:47
rs0832glitchd, or just the rightclick menu06:48
rs0832glitchd, like rightclick> compress06:48
glitchdrs0832, im trying to add scripts to the right click menu06:48
xxmayhem714xxr00t4rd3d, Thanks but found the Ntfs configuration tool app06:48
johnanyone know if games with hackshield/nprotect work with Wine?06:48
c0de_RedI was trying to video chat with a friend who was on AIM and the "Video Call" was greyed out. I wonder why06:49
joeoshawabencahill: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546504/06:49
c0de_RedI used Cheese Webcam booth to test out my webcam on my laptop and it seems to work fine06:49
rs0832glitchd, maybe this will help then - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NautilusScriptsHowto06:50
joeoshawai got in way over my head here lol omg06:50
glitchdrs0832, checking it now, thx06:50
bencahilljoeoshawa, and /etc/network/interfaces ?06:50
rs0832glitchd, and this is the same with an example - http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/29/right-click-to-launch-custom-scripts-with-nautilus-ubuntu-6061-610/06:51
multi_iojoeoshawa: is it still possible to remotely log into the machine as a user whose home is encrypted? (provided that user is currently logged in locally)06:51
joeoshawabencahill: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546506/06:52
glitchdrs0832, thxthx06:52
bencahilljoeoshawa, 'k I thought you said you were changing it to a 10.0 subnet?06:53
rs0832glitchd :)06:53
joeoshawabencahill: i did that was eth006:53
bencahillglitchd, nick = glitch daemon?06:53
joeoshawaeth0 is now 10.006:53
bencahilljoeoshawa, oh my word eth0 is your internet06:53
ubentoboxI just created a new user but that account is unable to ssh into the home directory, is there a terminal command I can run for ssh to display what accounts can?06:54
bencahilljoeoshawa, what did you actually do (commands)?06:54
glitchdbencahill, huh?06:54
dewwubentobox: type "finger useraccount" and see what the home directory is06:54
joeoshawai just changed the router over through the menu in the browser then did a network restart06:54
bencahillglitchd, that's what I always think of when I see something followed with a d, like sshd, httpd, or dhcpd :-P06:55
joeoshawathen i tried to restart dhcpd and got that error06:55
glitchdbencahill, lol06:55
glitchdbencahill, whatevers clever i suppose=)06:55
bencahillglitchd, :)06:55
glitchddarn tootin06:56
glitchdbencahill, darn tootin06:56
bencahilljoeoshawa, go ahead and paste ifconfig again for me :)06:56
joeoshawanow i know why when i told my bro what i wanted to do he laughed and went back upstairs06:56
bencahilljoeoshawa, aw, don't worry about it, I get that with my dad all the time :)06:57
dewwubentobox: make sure that the /home/username directory exists, if not, sudo mkdir /home/username, and then sudo chown username:username /home/username06:57
ubentoboxdeww: the user account is pointed to the home/username06:57
ubentoboxand the directory exists06:57
c0de_RedHey guys, I have a problem trying to access my webcam through tinychat.com. When I try to broadcast from my webcam, my current page freezes up, and it shows that there is no webcam found. I know my webcam works because I can use it on Cheese Webcam booth. Here is the error i get when i try to turn my webcam on via the website : http://img5.imageshack.us/i/screenshotej.png/06:58
systemg33kwhat's the command line to edit /etc/apt/sources.list ?06:58
rs0832bencahill, i do that to my family :)06:58
joeoshawayeah my bro was in IT and did networking and security for companies06:59
rs0832systemg33k, di you want to edit it or just add sources to it06:59
systemg33kadd sources06:59
bencahillrs0832, :(  :D06:59
ubentoboxdeww: oh and I did the chown to the account/directory07:00
c0de_RedAny idea as to why I cannot use my webcam  on the website tinychat.com? Is there a plugin i need for firefox in order to utilize my webcam?07:00
rs0832systemg33k, apt-add-repository07:00
dewwubentobox: what error do you get when you that user's ssh user@host ?07:00
ubentoboxsec checking07:00
dewwubentobox: did you give it a valid shell also?07:01
bencahilljoeoshawa, what is, and why is it the gateway?07:01
systemg33kso i type in apt-add-deb http://whatever07:01
joeoshawathat is the old router addy07:01
joeoshawashould be different now07:01
ubentoboxdeww: access denied07:01
bencahilljoeoshawa, ?07:01
rs0832systemg33k, apt-add-repository 'deb http://...........'07:01
bencahillhow is eth1 hooked to the thin-client?07:02
bencahilljoeoshawa, how is eth1 hooked to the thin-client?07:02
rs0832systemg33k, with the quotes, if i remember right07:02
joeoshawajust a network cable right now07:02
bencahilljoeoshawa, well then the server needs to be the gateway, not a non-existent router!07:03
joeoshawai thought it was07:03
dewwubentobox: what groups is this user in? is there a working user?07:03
ubentoboxsec let me check07:03
systemg33krs0832, worked ty07:04
rs0832systemg33k, sure no problem :)07:04
dewwubentobox: change the password for the user again and make sure account is unlocked. passwd -u user07:05
joeoshawaso just change that under dhcpd.conf to
bencahilljoeoshawa, yeah07:05
ubentoboxdeww: sorry im blanking here what command displays groups available?07:07
jbsoumhey, how do i change the menu entries in grub2/burg?07:07
dewwubentobox: try sudo passwd -u username, and then change the password for the user, sudo passwd username07:07
ubentoboxdeww: ok trying now07:07
rs0832jbsoum, you have to modify the grub config07:07
joeoshawasame error07:07
dewwubentobox: then if that doesn't help either: id username or groups username07:07
jbsoumrs0832: even for for burg i edit the grub.cfg?07:08
jbsoumhow do i do that?07:08
FFiinnddHow can i mark a word I just typed in Openoffice using the keyboard?07:09
rs0832jbsoum, hmm.. i am not sure.. i ll check.. hold on07:09
dnivrajbsoum, what error do you get when you try to?07:09
bencahilljoeoshawa, post /etc/default/dhcp3-server07:10
dnivrajbsoum, by default there are no write permissions to the file grub.cfg. you need to specifically grant that.07:10
jbsoumdnivra: its not that i get an error, i just dont know how to go about it07:10
ubentoboxahh ok i think its got to do with groups07:10
rs0832jbsoum, what kind of a modification do you want to make?07:10
dnivrajbsoum, oh sorry; confused your nick with another :).07:11
bencahilljbsoum, sudo chmod +w /boot/grub/grub.cfg07:11
ubentoboxdeww: it looks like it has something to do with the groups, but i am not sure which ssh uses07:11
adv0catehow do i open a text document inside the terminal?07:11
jbsoumwell im using burg, which is wonderful, but i wont to change the names of the ops to something more human07:11
rs0832jbsoum, ah ok07:11
=== sin__tax is now known as sin_tax
jbsoumlinke instead of linux 2.6.blahhh07:12
rs0832jbsoum, then this might help - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Burg07:12
suigenerishow can I find out when a picture was taken, not when it was transfered to computer?07:12
joeoshawadamn if anyone want's to do this smoke dope first07:12
joeoshawapardon my punctuation07:13
antshey all;07:13
rsvhowto take diff of first 10 lines in 2 files only07:13
antsI cannot register a nickname with IRC can I?07:13
rsvyou can07:13
arvind_khadriants, yes you can /msg chanserv password email07:14
UBuxuBU  /msg nickserv register07:14
dewwubentobox: not sure if this is correct, but try adding the user to the ssh groupd. sudo usermod -a -G ssh username07:14
arvind_khadriants, UBuxuBU is right, sorry07:14
bencahilljoeoshawa, oh your /etc/network/interfaces is borked, auto eth1 should be on the line above iface eth1 inet static, followed by the ip/mask07:14
joeoshawaoh ok07:15
joeoshawaone sec07:15
LantiziaCan anyone think of a better file manager that has columns for things like resolution and codecs and such (i.e extra metadata)07:15
jbsoumrs0832, ive seen that before, theres nothing in there that helps07:15
jbsoumits mostly about contructing themes07:15
rs0832joeoshawa, if you are trying to understand ip's and subnets, try this - http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk365/technologies_tech_note09186a00800a67f5.shtml07:16
UBuxuBU  /openoffice07:16
rs0832jbsoum, ok ill check again :)07:16
jbsoumim under the impression that editing menu entries is similar to grub2, but i dont even know how to do that07:16
UBuxuBUopenoffice has an app thar works like excel07:16
jbsoumtthanks a bunch07:16
jbsoumim so glad i found this chan lol07:16
ubentoboxdeww: I tried that but looks like it just created a group that wasnt present.  my main account can access but the other one cannot.  I wonder if the group privs are setup different07:16
dewwubentobox: what shell does this username have?07:17
ubentoboxdeww: I might have to ask my buddy, he set it up and works for an ISP but I wanted to try and get this done tonight, I'll just have to wait07:17
bencahillrs0832, great link, I should go through it myself, as I mainly know networking through experience, not learning07:17
=== coaboa is now known as coaboa||away
rs0832bencahill, :) yes.. cisco routers are quite common too07:18
joeoshawalike that?07:18
UBuxuBUwb ants07:18
ubentoboxdeww: thanks for the effort though, but its late and I have to get up soon.  Thanks again07:18
rs0832jbsoum, do you have a /boot/grub/grub.cfg file ?07:18
joeoshawai will bookmark that one07:18
joeoshawafor sure07:18
ilyekkakaiHelp! my volume control panel icon vanished and I don't know how to get it back.. how do I get the little speak icon back on the gnome panel?07:19
jbsoumrs0832, yeah and i also have one for burg07:19
ilyekkakaispeaker icon*07:19
bencahilljoeoshawa, nono, http://paste.ubuntu.com/546516/07:19
rs0832jbsoum, ok.. can you paste both?07:19
UBuxuBUilyekkakai, u can right click on the panel and add a new one07:19
jbsoumhere or in private?07:20
ilyekkakaiUBuxuBU, I tried that, but it no longer shows up in the available panel applets.... it is missing07:20
rs0832jbsoum, paste.ubuntu.com07:20
bencahillrs0832, yes, I have noticed that :-P07:20
rs0832bencahill, :)07:20
UBuxuBUilyekkakai, rt click the panel and a menu and there is a nicer red one in there...its not the same one07:20
UBuxuBUilyekkakai, or i can tell u how to reset the panel07:21
jbsoumrs0832, http://paste.ubuntu.com/546517/07:22
jbsoumthats the burg file07:22
ilyekkakaiUBuxuBU, I have nothing that looks like a volume control - red or otherwise in the panel applets... How do I reset the panel?07:22
UBuxuBUrm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel07:22
joeoshawanope same error07:23
joeoshawai am beginning to think this is hopeless07:23
jbsoumand thats the grub07:23
eatmeimkosherheit shifty07:23
eatmeimkoshersory mischan07:24
rs0832jbsoum, ok.. do you want me to edit it for you? or would you like me to tell you how to?07:24
nirazioHow to add music to an image with mencoder???07:24
joeoshawaomg ssh is a wonderful thing07:24
jbsoumi can do it if you tell me what to do, but whatever is easier for you07:24
sl33k_what is ctrl-alt-f1 used for? How to return to desktop after logging in tty1?07:25
jbsoumi know explaining things can be a pain07:25
systemg33khow do i remove my old kernel menu option from "grub" is it (boot menu)07:25
UBuxuBUgconftool – -recursive-unset /apps/panel     you can also try that command ily07:25
joeoshawasystemg33k: why would you want to do that what if you needed to revert07:26
sl33k_what is ctrl-alt-f1 used for? How to return to desktop after logging in tty1 without restarting ubuntu?07:26
bencahilljoeoshawa, I'm not sure, it's hard for me to tell without being there :-/07:26
llutz_sl33k_: alt-ctrl-f707:26
systemg33kjoeoshawa, you are right.07:26
systemg33kok then nm07:26
abhinav_singhhow to make a cron script run on alternate mondays?07:27
sl33k_llutz_: which is this screen?07:27
rs0832jbsoum, ok.. so i think editing the burg config should be enough07:28
joeoshawabencahill: dunno what to say07:28
llutz_sl33k_: by default, X runs on tty7, so return to it using c-a-f707:28
r000t_laptopHi, I'm asking udev to execute 'gnome-screensaver-command --lock' but it's not working07:28
r000t_laptopI think it might be running as root, so how to I localize the command to my user?07:28
joeoshawai appreciate the help and i hate to let my daughter down07:28
r000t_laptopI need the reverse of su07:28
jbsoumrs0832, yeah ive heard they are independant07:28
jbsoumbut i wasn't sure07:28
joeoshawait should work shouldn't it???07:29
UBuxuBUrun sudo07:29
joeoshawadamn dhcp07:29
jbsoumrs0832, the only things i want to see in the menu are ubuntu and windows 707:30
rs0832jbsoum, so now you can edit the grub config in the /etc and then grub-update..07:30
joeoshawaewww winblowa07:30
jbsoumwait, so edit grub?07:30
r000t_laptopHow do I do the opposite of sudo?07:30
jbsoumunfurtunately i need windows for excel lol07:30
jbsoumdamn pivot tables07:31
llutz_r000t_laptop: reverse of su?   su username/sudo -u username07:31
joeoshawar000t_laptop: exit07:31
r000t_laptopllutz_ so any command ran like that by udev will happen as me?07:31
GinTonichello everyone07:31
rs0832jbsoum, :) no we will edit burn.cfg... i was just saying that it should work if you edit grub.. but cannot say for sure07:31
sitonhi GinTonic07:31
rs0832jbsoum, so we will stay safe and edit burg07:31
llutz_r000t_laptop: read according man-pages what it does07:32
jbsoumrs0832, ok, well then just tell me what to do07:32
joeoshawar000t_laptop: do you want to revert back to user or become another user07:32
r000t_laptopI want to become another user for the purposes of making my screen lock when my Yubikey is removed07:32
joeoshawayea then use llutz_ command07:32
rs0832jbsoum, ok first backup the burg and grub cfg's so we can restore them using a live cd if needed07:32
GinTonicwhen i do 'apt-get update' it informs me if cann't connect to sources. can someone tell me why this happened ???thank you07:33
GinTonichi SITON07:33
sitonI can't find the way to execute beryl? Help,please~07:33
r000t_laptopNow it's giving this strange crap about --lock not being a good command... do I need to wrap that in quotes?07:33
joeoshawalike sudo -u fred07:33
jbsoumrs0832, , just make copies of them right?07:33
dnivra!beryl | SithRee07:33
ubottuSithRee: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz07:33
dnivra!beryl | siton07:33
ubottusiton: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz07:33
rs0832jbsoum, right07:33
dnivrasorry SithRee :)07:34
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:34
sitonoh thanks07:34
GinTonicwhen i do 'apt-get update' it informs me if cann't connect to sources. can someone tell me why this happened ???thank you07:34
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz07:34
jbsoumrs0832, ok done07:34
bonjoyeeGinTonic: try sudo apt-get update07:35
GinTonicit failed07:35
rs0832jbsoum, where is your burg cfg located?07:35
llutz_GinTonic: network works so far? dns is ok?07:35
GinTonicBONJOYEE ?07:35
bonjoyeeGinTonic: can u ping the ubuntu mirror? from where u get the update?07:36
GinTonicyes ,all of them work well07:36
bonjoyeeGinTonic: else try another mirror07:36
GinTonici can ping www.google.com ,etc07:36
rs0832jbsoum, ok so you have to edit that file07:36
sitonGinTonic:maybe the sources you got can't match your ubuntu version?07:37
GinTonicany other mirrors get  the same result07:37
GinTonicsorry ,i'm using debian,and i upgrade it to testing version07:37
jbsoumrs0832, whats the terminal cmd? sudo gedit /boot/burg/burg.cfg?07:37
r000t_laptopWhy is the command at http://pastebin.com/K458g6ta not working right?07:38
sitonthen i don't know,ether07:38
jbsoumrs0832, ok im in07:38
rs0832jbsoum, use gksudo gedit /boot/burg/burg,cfg07:38
bonjoyeeGinTonic: http://debgen.simplylinux.ch/07:38
bonjoyeetry that...and if you have further issues with debian ask on #debian07:39
rs0832jbsoum, i ve heard using sudo for gui programs sometimes causes permission errors. so use gksudo instead07:39
jbsoumrs0832, ok done07:39
rs0832jbsoum, now find the line - ### BEGIN /etc/burg.d/10_linux ###07:40
GinTonicthank yous !07:40
bonjoyeeGinTonic: that link will help you generate a proper sources.list file for debian07:40
GinTonicok ,good07:40
jbsoumrs0832, ok found it07:40
llutz_GinTonic: this is #ubuntu, so next time you'd better ask at #debian07:41
GinToniclet me try for it07:41
rs0832jbsoum, below that you should see the line menuentry 'Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.35-23-generic' .....07:41
jbsoumrs0832, change that to whatever I want?07:42
rs0832jbsoum, the part inside the quotes (' ') is the name that you see07:42
rs0832jbsoum, is it the name you see in the menu?07:42
GinTonicsorry ,buddies ,i have asked  the question in #debian ,and i didn't set up the question !07:42
llutz_GinTonic: thats no reason to ask here.07:43
jbsoumrs0832, yes, and I changed it. so for the memtest, is there a way to get rid of those?07:43
rs0832jbsoum, yes.. but i suggest you leave them07:43
llutz_GinTonic: if anyone would have given you a ubuntu-sources-list, you likely going to brick your installation. there are reasons, why support is distro-depending07:44
r000t_laptopWhy is the command at http://pastebin.com/K458g6ta not working right?07:44
rs0832jbsoum, you have to do the same thing to the next entry07:44
jbsoumrs0832, another thing, for some reason im listing two versions of linux, whats up with that07:44
rs0832jbsoum, you have two kernels07:45
bonjoyeer000t_laptop: try http://pastebin.com/XPHPPgLV07:46
rs0832jbsoum, nothing to worry about07:46
jbsoumrs0832, not that i'm aware of. i shouldnt, anyway07:46
rs0832jbsoum, did you update ubuntu?07:46
pushamanDoes anyone know how to connect to the Internet immediately on start-up? I need to access my computer remotely over winter break. I can turn it on remotely. But it doesn't  connect to the Internet until you are logged into a gnome session. So ssh would not be much help.07:46
=== root is now known as Guest88448
bonjoyeepushaman: what kind of internet connection?07:47
jbsoumrs0832, recently i did a reinstall. i used ubuntu tweak to clean out the old kernels, but i mustve forgotten to update. will they disappear after i update burg again?07:47
r000t_laptopbonjoyee: Nothing. In fact I think moving -c broke the command07:47
rs0832jbsoum, no they wont..07:47
pushamanbonjoyee: it is what my campus provides, so a simple Ethernet with a unique ip address07:47
sunitI am trying to install j2ee-1_4_03-linux.bin in ubuntu 9.1007:48
Guest88448hello can everybody help me with linux07:48
rs0832jbsoum, ok do you want to remove the entry?07:48
jbsoumrs0832, yes, i know for a fact they go nowhere07:48
sunitI am getting error : error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:48
iszakAnyone know when ubuntu will upgrade to a newer (< 8 years old) version of webalizer? 11.04 perhaps?07:48
Guest88448i'm installed windows and in sda partition linux and now i can't install grub07:48
sunitplease help me07:48
Guest88448linux not invisible07:48
bonjoyeepushaman: dynamic ip..also are u using network-manager?07:48
sl33k_which key is the 'super' key?07:48
rs0832sunit, try installing libc607:48
rs0832jbsoum, ok.. close the burg.cfg07:49
pushamansl33k_: userdefined usually the one with windows logo on it07:49
llutz_sl33k_: the windows-key in most xases07:49
rs0832jbsoum, and in a terminal, run sudo update-burg07:49
TheMusicGuyI am having an odd problem with the Gnome Sensors Applet. It seems like it is reporting my CPU temperature as much lower than what my BIOS says.07:49
rs0832jbsoum, then check if the burg.cfg still has two entries...07:50
Guest88448can any one help ??? with linux grub ?07:50
TheMusicGuyI'm not sure if this is an error or if my CPU really does run cooler while Ubuntu is running than when the BIOS menu is running.07:50
Guest88448OR NO07:51
bonjoyeer000t_laptop: http://pastebin.com/irgNFjUt07:51
rs0832Guest88448, can you tell us a bit more detail?07:51
suigenerisGuest88448 ask?07:51
rs0832jbsoum, you still with me?07:51
jbsoumrs0832, yep, entries are gone now07:51
rs0832jbsoum, ok thats good07:51
AbhiJit!ask | Guest8844807:51
ubottuGuest88448: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:51
Guest88448i have windows and linux. Now reinstalled windows, and linux don't starting07:51
jbsoumrs0832, the names are back to the orginals though07:51
rs0832jbsoum, now paste the new burg.cfg07:51
suigeneris!grub2 | Guest8844807:51
ubottuGuest88448: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:51
amitbonjoyee: how to set a moving desktop background(gif image)07:52
AbhiJit!fixgrub | Guest8844807:52
ubottuGuest88448: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:52
r000t_laptopbonjoyee: I'm trying a whole new method to lock the screen, I'll try yours if this one does not work07:52
bonjoyeer000t_laptop: i have just made some syntactical corrections to it..07:52
jbsoumrs0832, ok new burg.cfg is done07:53
jbsoumis that it?07:53
rs0832jbsoum, no i mean paste it on paste.ubuntu.com07:53
rs0832jbsoum, :) i will edit it and give you so you can understand better07:53
bonjoyeeamit: did u try setting one?07:54
rs0832jbsoum, that way we can avoid any errors too07:54
amitbonjoyee:yes but only still image comes07:54
jbsoumrs0832, http://paste.ubuntu.com/546521/07:54
rs0832jbsoum, ok got it... give me a minute to edit07:55
RolandDI am trying to have wget only retrieve files that has numbers in their name like this wget -r -l1 -A "[0-9]*.jpg" but it also gets files with an underscore for example. How would I fix this? Thanks.07:55
bonjoyeeamit: not sure gnome supports animated gifs as bg...maybe some here will know better07:55
amitany one know how to set a gif image as backgroung image?07:56
rs0832jbsoum, great.. save and reboot.. if you have any problems, boot into a live cd and come back to this channel :)07:57
jbsoumrs0832, thanks a lot! you want me to come back and tell you if everythings working ok?07:57
shazbotmcnastyhey #ubuntu, I'm trying to install 10.10 on my new toshiba laptop (not actually new, just new to me) and I have been getting this message for the last 30-40 minutes on the installer "Dec 2207:56:09 ubuntu kernel: 1367.749888] [drm:redeon_dvi_detect] *ERROR* HDMI Type A-1: probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID"07:58
* shazbotmcnasty *takes a breath* 07:58
rs0832jbsoum, if you want to.. if you dont feel like it, ill understand it worked if you dont come back .. your choice :)07:58
TheMusicGuyOk, new question: I'm having some problems with the volume controls in Ubuntu. They seem to be working in an inconsistent way and they don't give me the full range of my sound card's volume.07:58
shazbotmcnastyacer_: test worked :)07:58
jbsoumcool, ill be back either way, see ya on the flipside :P07:58
rs0832jbsoum, see you , good luck :)07:59
shazbotmcnastyalso that number in my previous comment "1367.749888" changes every few minutes07:59
stealthcok I got a question... does anybody know gtk+ 2.0?07:59
shazbotmcnastystealthc: what about it08:00
TheMusicGuyI usually have to resort to using `alsamixer` from the command line to get the volume to the appropriate level, However, that's awkward and it seems to conflict with the volume panel applet.08:00
shazbotmcnastymmmm, you might actually know more than I do though08:00
shazbotmcnastyTheMusicGuy: does the volume panel applet work?08:00
stealthcI'm trying to make a horizontal slider in UI, using the hscale element08:00
shazbotmcnastyoh yeah, I don't know how to do that08:00
TheMusicGuyshazbotmcnasty, sort of08:01
acer_#Ubuntu, I'm trying make server from Ubuntu Desktop, but not work, can you give me e-book to make server in Ubuntu desktop 10.1008:01
shazbotmcnastyTheMusicGuy: please elaborate08:01
stealthcI'm trying to figure out how to get it to do something on state change resulting in idle of xx time frame08:01
TheMusicGuyit changes the volume sometimes, but not always. when it does, it doesn't change the volume very much, or it changes it WAY too much...its very inconsistent.08:01
rs0832acer_, you want ubuntu server or will any server do?08:01
shazbotmcnastyacer_: what kind of server?08:02
jbsoumrs0832, worked liek a charm!08:02
stealthcok rephrase question maybe get the right people to try an answer08:03
rs0832jbsoum, great.. im glad :)08:03
TheMusicGuyshazbotmcnasty, also, when I play with the volume using the applet and I look at the volume levels in alsamixer, I see a lot of inconsistency. If I alter the volume levels in alsamixer then change the volume again with the applet, the alsamixer levels all change drasticly.08:03
jbsoumthanks for ur help!!08:03
stealthclooking for ppl that know GTK 2.0+ object model and means of programming hscale with event monitoring in C++08:03
rs0832jbsoum, sure thing ;)08:03
jbsoumwho knows, maybe one day ill know enough to help ppl :P08:03
TheMusicGuythere just doesn't seem to be any order to it.08:04
rs0832jbsoum, :) yep08:04
shazbotmcnastymaybe you need to diable a device08:04
rs0832jbsoum, you can always practice here on #ubuntu ;)08:04
stealthcthat is really weird, I've had no problems like that with alsa mixer....08:04
stealthcone problem though has been volume that is too weak08:04
stealthcwhat chipset are you using?08:04
TheMusicGuyNot entirely sure. Its a brand new mobo with onboard sound and I haven't come to fully understand it yet.,08:05
jbsoumwhy the hell not? ill just make this one of my regular hang out channels08:05
stealthcwhat's the model number of your mobo?08:05
stealthcgimmie a make and model I can pull it up....08:06
stealthcprobably intel08:06
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: lspci | grep -i audio08:06
TheMusicGuystealthc, Asus M4A88T-M08:06
rs0832jbsoum, sure08:06
TheMusicGuystealthc, latest bios AFAIK08:06
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)08:07
TheMusicGuy01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4200]08:07
stealthcyup intel hda08:07
stealthcI think it might be a similar problem to the old glitch that would make the computer start with weak sound08:08
stealthctry that08:08
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: does it support flexible 5.1 audio?08:09
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, well, that's one of the available profiles from the applet.08:09
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: try adding to this file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf08:10
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch-intel (at the end of that file)08:10
rs0832stealthc, about the gtk+ 2.0 programming thing, you can try the gtk+ irc channel (#gtk+)08:10
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: then reboot.. an check if its any better08:11
stealthcoh that would be alright I didn't think to check I went looking for general programming chat and they were all dead :(08:11
stealthcjoin #gtk+08:11
amitin firestarter under device option there are two option etho0 and vboxne.from where vboxne comes08:11
stealthcahh that works, thanks08:11
bonjoyeeamit: from virtualbox08:11
rs0832stealthc, :)08:11
majdekalel_hi guys i need help plz08:12
bonjoyeeamit: have u installed virtualbox?08:12
sunitrs0832, how shall I install libc6 ? sudo apt-get install libc6 ?08:12
majdekalel_i'm using ettercap and when i click scan hosts it starts scanning and ettercap terminated !!!08:13
bonjoyeeamit: it creates a virtual ethernet interface called vboxnet0, on your host OS08:13
rs0832sunit, yes you can try08:13
majdekalel_guy some one plz help me ?08:13
amitbonjoyee: i created but i delet the virtual box os08:14
majdekalel_guys ???08:14
bonjoyeeamit: but u still have virtualbox installed right?08:14
majdekalel_i need help plzzz08:14
rs0832majdekalel_, does it quit with an error? or does it just quit?08:14
majdekalel_no its just quit08:14
amitbonjoyee: ya virtualbox is installed right08:14
majdekalel_without any errors08:15
amitbonjoyee: but i deleted taht os08:15
majdekalel_i dont see any error msg08:15
majdekalel_its just quit !!08:15
ghostcubemajdekalel_: you startet in in terminal too?08:15
majdekalel_no GTK08:15
ghostcubestart ethercap from terminal and watch for errors08:15
majdekalel_ok wait i will try and see errors08:16
sunitrs0832 : thanks08:16
=== Prodego is now known as administrivia
jr1where does sound in ubuntu 10.10 go .    it is not going to  dev dsp any more ??08:16
rs0832sunit, did it solve your original problem?08:16
amitbonjoyee: http://img638.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1az.png/                                            http://img143.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2gw.png/08:17
TheMusicGuyNot sure if that changed anything. However, I just realized that this issue doesn't seem to be affecting the frontal headphone port (which is connected via the HDA connetor on the mobo)08:18
soup_who can let me know a p2p like limewire or ares08:18
majdekalel_hi when i type sudo ettercap-gtk it says this command is not found ??08:18
TheMusicGuy(ie. if I use the headphone port then the volume controls seem to act in a more rational way)08:18
shazbotmcnastyhey #ubuntu, I'm trying to install 10.10 on my new toshiba laptop (not actually new, just new to me) and I have been getting this message for the last 30-40 minutes on the installer "Dec 2207:56:09 ubuntu kernel: 1367.749888] [drm:redeon_dvi_detect] *ERROR* HDMI Type A-1: probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID"08:18
majdekalel_while i can use it from applications menu08:18
shazbotmcnastyit's a xmas present for my girlfriend08:18
shazbotmcnastyand I must get it feexed08:19
jr1where does sound in ubuntu 10.10 go .    it is not going to  /dev/dsp any more ??08:19
rs0832majdekalel_,try just ettercap08:19
majdekalel_oh wait its ettercap --gtk08:19
amitbonjoyee: ya u r right i removed virtual box now in firestarter that option vanishes08:20
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy:  check /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz ...and try the model that best suits your sound card...then stick that model in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf08:20
majdekalel_o i can see error now08:21
majdekalel_(<unknown>:2462): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_layout_real_invalidate: assertion `layout->wrap_loop_count == 0' failed08:21
majdekalel_(<unknown>:2462): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_layout_real_invalidate: assertion `layout->wrap_loop_count == 0' failed08:21
majdekalel_Ooops ! This shouldn't happen...08:21
majdekalel_Segmentation Fault...08:21
FloodBot2majdekalel_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:21
nirazioHow to put tightvnc server on ubuntu linux 10.04 and will i be able to view from a windows pc??08:21
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, I have another theory. Is it possible that the software actually *is* doing what it's supposed to do, and that my speakers just aren't connected the way the soundchip "expects" them to be?08:21
majdekalel_hi rs8832 what is that error ?08:21
majdekalel_is it just GTK error ?08:22
Kingsycan someone tell me how to change the grub boot order? I heard it was in /boot/grub/menu.lst   but that file doesnt exist08:22
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, or is that irrelevant?08:22
ghostcubejr1: no more dsp in 10.10 cause they kicked oss support08:22
ghostcubebut still not working like it should08:22
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, seems like ubuntu has a problem with the monitor08:22
gobbeKingsy: /boot/grub/grub.cfg08:22
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: open alsamixer...and check whats under "channels"..that will decide how to connect the speakers08:22
alca7razi just installed netbook remix to a friends netbook, but it seems that without constant user input it runs really slow, like almost frozen. this also happens on boot and will keep it from booting08:22
shazbotmcnastyrs0832: yeah08:23
rs0832majdekalel_, seems to be08:23
majdekalel_so what to do ?08:23
nirazioHow to put tightvnc server on ubuntu linux 10.04 and will i be able to view from a windows pc??08:23
rs0832majdekalel_, what ubuntu are you using?08:23
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, um...channels?08:23
DangerCode#join #ubuntu-cn08:24
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: also try speaker-test -c6 -Dplug:suround51 -t wav08:24
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, are you using ubuntu desktop?08:24
shazbotmcnastyrs0832: yes08:24
Kingsygobbe: cheers.. just gonna test it out08:24
majdekalel_so what can i do now ?08:25
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: sorry..."channel mode"08:25
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, there are a lot of channels here: Master F, Headphone, PCM, Front, Front Mi, Center, LFE, Side, Line, Mic, S/PDIF, S/PDIF D, Independ (boolean toogle)08:25
majdekalel_guys plz help me up !08:25
rs0832majdekalel_, try reinstalling gtk 2+08:26
majdekalel_ok i will try08:26
rs0832majdekalel_, and ettercap08:26
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: at the bottom...in alsamixer...the ones highlighted in blue....check "channel mode"08:26
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, there's nothing on there that says "channel mode." I already listed all available options.08:27
=== axp2_ is now known as axp2
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: then u have to change /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf08:28
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: and change "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch-intel" to something else..or delete that line altogether....08:29
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, do you have another ubuntu disc?08:29
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: i got my sound right with "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch" in that file08:30
majdekalel_i cant see gtk 2+ with packages !!08:30
majdekalel_there is not such name !08:30
majdekalel_not * no08:30
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, I already added that line08:30
TheMusicGuy(and rebooted)08:30
majdekalel_hi rs083208:31
rs0832majdekalel_, gtk+2 not gtk 2+08:31
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: if thats not working ....delete it..08:31
TheMusicGuyI minute ago I tried flipping the toggle switch in alsamixer labeled "Independ" and it seemed to disable one of the outputs. (The one my other speakers happened to be connected to at the time.)08:32
majdekalel_i did and its the same problem !08:32
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, there has been a bug filed for this... some users have suggested solutions on this page - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/53985108:33
TheMusicGuybut switching it back didn't turn it back on.08:33
rs0832majdekalel_, ok.. hold on08:33
sunitrs0832 , I am installing libc6, I shall contact you some time later08:33
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, is there a command to restart alsa without having to reboot my system?08:33
rs0832sunit, ok08:33
rs0832majdekalel_, try libgtk2.0-008:34
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, is ubuntu installed ?08:35
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: if u want to restore your sound settings..delete that line i told u to add...then  reboot08:35
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: for me "sudo service alsa-utils restart" does the job08:35
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: but thats on debian...i dont have ubuntu right now08:36
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, not a recognized service08:36
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: check the link i sent u...it has a lot of sound card models..08:37
majdekalel_oh god i removed libgtk2.008:38
shazbotmcnastyinstallin crunchbang08:38
majdekalel_and now i havea lot of errors08:38
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: sometimes u have to tell alsa your exact card model...the default does not always work right08:38
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, you mean /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz08:38
majdekalel_everything is deleted08:38
shawncm217I just applied updates to my ubuntu box and my nic quit working. i've tried restarting the machine, restarting services and ifup/ifdown. No luck. The lights on the jack won't even blink. Please help!08:38
majdekalel_how can i rollback !!!08:38
shazbotmcnastylol rollback08:38
suigenerishow can I find out when a picture was taken, not when it was transfered to computer?08:38
rs0832majdekalel_, what did you do exactly?08:39
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: have you tried booting into the previous kernel?08:39
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: with the default settings..i never got 5.1 channels08:39
majdekalel_apt-get remove libgtk2.0.0-208:39
shazbotmcnastydon't do that08:39
r00t4rd3dlol to late ?08:39
majdekalel_i did !!08:39
shazbotmcnastyI"m pretty sure it will remove a ton of more stuff08:39
majdekalel_what can i do now ??08:39
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, my speakers are only stereo + woofer08:39
TheMusicGuy(and headphones)08:39
shazbotmcnastymajdekalel_: you should probably just re install08:39
rs0832majdekalel_, do you still have a gui?08:39
shawncm217user_unfriendly: no i have not. not sure how to do that.08:39
rs0832majdekalel_, synaptic?08:40
shazbotmcnastyyou can keep your data if you need to - put it on a cd or something08:40
r00t4rd3dfix broken packages might work08:40
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: when i added options "snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch" to "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" i could get 5.1 channels08:40
rs0832majdekalel_, reinstall libgtk2 from synaptic08:40
majdekalel_no no i dont have it08:40
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: reboot your system and after the bios screen hold down the shift key untill your booted into grub08:40
rs0832majdekalel_, terminal?08:40
majdekalel_yes i have08:40
User_Unfriendlyshazbotmcnasty: select the previous kernel version08:40
punkmexichow do i turn on alt tab to switch window sin ubunt08:40
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: even i use 2.1 speakers...08:40
rs0832majdekalel_, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-008:41
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217:select the previous kernel version08:41
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, how can you tell its 5.1 output with 2.1 speakers?08:41
User_Unfriendlysorry shazbotmcnasty08:41
majdekalel_ok its installing08:41
sam_010203how to i upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 using terminal? and what problems might i have????08:41
shazbotmcnastyUser_Unfriendly: ?08:41
majdekalel_but what about gambas and office and a lot of other applications ??08:41
majdekalel_does everything will back as it was ?08:41
r00t4rd3dyou can try fixing the broken stuff in synaptic08:42
User_Unfriendlysam_010203: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:42
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: if i plug extra speakers..in mic in..and line-in....my system can output 5.108:42
rs0832majdekalel_, just wait till it reinstalls :)08:42
sam_010203User_Unfriendly,  thanks   lol nice nick by the way.08:42
User_Unfriendlyshazbotmcnasty: I accidently typed in someone elses answer to you08:42
r00t4rd3dmajdekalel_, in synaptic package manager , goto Edit , Fix Broken Packages , then Apply08:42
majdekalel_ok i will no problem i have fast internet connection08:42
punkmexichow do i turn on alt tab to switch window in ubunt08:42
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: thats what we call flexible 5.108:42
tom_How do i change to norwegian language with xubuntu _08:42
User_Unfriendlythanks sam_01020308:43
tom_on the keyboard08:43
majdekalel_ok ok08:43
rs0832sam_010203, you can see here - http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-to-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-desktop-and-server.html08:43
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: the mic and line-in work as outputs in 5.108:43
rs0832sam_010203, it worked fine for me08:43
sam_010203User_Unfriendly,   this way upgrading takes ages right/08:43
majdekalel_ok its done08:43
shazbotmcnastyUser_Unfriendly: WELL THEN08:43
User_Unfriendlysam_010203: yes...maybe decades08:43
majdekalel_but i cant see synaptic08:43
rs0832majdekalel_, restart08:43
r00t4rd3dand pray08:44
majdekalel_ok wait this is uk room ?08:44
sam_010203User_Unfriendly,   that didnt work.  i did a big upgrade   i wanna change from 10.04 to 10.10   not sure why that didnt work..08:44
majdekalel_ok it is08:44
majdekalel_see you later08:44
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, I have a feeling that my system was configured correctly and the soundcard was outputting as it was supposed to, but I just was too dumb to realize I had connected my speakers/headphones the wrong way.08:44
r00t4rd3dthis is the world room08:44
tom_does  anyone  know  how i can   change   to    norwegian   keyboard input with  xubuntu08:44
rs0832majdekalel_, ok08:44
sunitrs0832, I am getting same error when trying to install j2ee after installation of libc608:45
TheMusicGuybonjoyee, like I said, the headphone port seems to work just fine08:45
bonjoyeeTheMusicGuy: ok..then delete the line that i told u to add and reboot..u get ur system back08:45
shawncm217user_unfriendly: I am at 2.6.35-24. I tried 35-23 and 35-22. No difference.08:45
TheMusicGuyyes, I was about to do that08:45
rs0832sunit, can you tell me the error?08:45
slim_charlesDoes anyone know if i can make wine to use the actual C:  drive from my other hard disk as its own virtual Drive?08:45
r00t4rd3dslim i dont think so08:46
tom_why do  i  need to hit space like 5 times to get space  in irc_08:46
r00t4rd3dyou dont it just looks like that08:46
slim_charlesur spacebar button is not big enough i think08:46
sunitrs0832,  error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:47
tom_your wrong08:47
shazbotmcnastytom_: you're*08:47
rs0832sunit, in a terminal try sudo ldconfig08:47
sunitrs0832, ok08:47
r00t4rd3dversion me :D08:47
rs0832sunit, also install (sudo apt-get install libstdc++6) then it should work08:48
sunitrs0832, nothing happens08:48
indrajeetyoutube videos are not playing properly08:49
r00t4rd3dsue google08:50
r00t4rd3djk error message ?08:50
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, you can try adding the nomodeset option while booting for your problem08:50
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: what exactly is the problem from the update?08:50
rs0832sunit, did you install the libstdc++6 ?08:50
shazbotmcnastyrs0832: how would I do that?08:50
simahelp my plz08:51
shazbotmcnastyit's a live install08:51
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, http://maketecheasier.com/solving-ubuntu-karmic-black-screen-issue/2009/12/2908:51
User_Unfriendlysima: help your what?08:51
realwow i REAL ly need to change my name.08:51
shazbotmcnasty!ask | sima08:51
simagive me a channel of debian08:51
ubottusima: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:51
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, it is not the same problem, but it tells you how to add the option08:51
simain freenode08:51
shazbotmcnastyoh that was totally the wrong one08:51
shazbotmcnastysima: u trollin08:51
indrajeetyoutube videos are not playing properly08:51
shazbotmcnastyLOL U TRAWLIN08:51
simaI find08:51
indrajeethelp me !!!!!!!!!108:52
simaand Russian chanel of Debian?08:52
User_Unfriendlyindrajeet: you running a 64 bit ver of ubuntu?08:52
rs0832sunit, are you there?08:52
r00t4rd3dindrajeet, whats it doing or saying08:52
simahelp me,find russian chanel of debian08:53
Flannelsima: Ask in #debian, thanks.08:53
indrajeetno just blank screen08:53
User_Unfriendlyindrajeet: most ppl have a problem with the 64 ver of the package:  flashplugin-installer08:53
simaI am on Ubuntu )08:53
User_Unfriendly!ru | sima08:53
ubottusima: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:53
simaand on my server Debian08:53
r00t4rd3dsime here #debian-ru08:54
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simaOn ubuntu-ru quit08:54
sima:D on deban-ru five users :D08:55
User_UnfriendlyI wish I could use commands from inside wee chat output to my terminal08:55
r00t4rd3dthere is only 10 russians with internet08:55
shawncm217user_unfriendly: After applying updates I cannot get the onboard NIC to connect at all. The lights by the network jack do not light up. The "tray" icon says Wired Netwok disconnected. It has not attempted or has not been able to get an IP address. ifdown returns interface eth0 not configured.08:55
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: you running wireless?08:56
=== nicofs_sleeping is now known as nicofs
shawncm217User_Unfriendly: No. Wired.08:56
cosmini want to install this "xautoclick-0.30.tar.bz2" how can i do it?08:58
User_Unfriendlyhmm...sounds like something to do with configuring a file in /etc/ and in the network section08:58
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: this happened from a update?08:59
cosminit "supouse" to type in the terminal this ./configure08:59
cosminis an autoclicker08:59
JragonAnyone got a task type thing i can do with php, I'm very very board.08:59
cosminwho has no installer08:59
systemg33kI'm looking to put Ubuntu on another computer. Can I download Wubi seperatly?08:59
CERNUNN0Scosmin: need to extract the files like so tar xvpfz xautoclick-0.30.tar.bz2 -C /08:59
r00t4rd3dcosmin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=598164409:00
rs0832cosmin,  you have to extract the archive and compile it09:00
FeDuP_AlreadyAnyone got some idea about NS-3 ?09:01
rs0832systemg33k, http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer09:01
systemg33kdoes Wubi do Ubuntu Notebook?09:01
shawncm217User_Unfriendly: That's my guess. I got home. The Update Manager was prompting me to update. I hit Check to make sure I got all the latest. It went out to the internet and checked fine. I installed, restarted as requested and the network connection no longer worked.09:01
JragonI'm running ubuntu at the moment. And I have installed php, mysql, and apache manuly. And i need to stop apache and mysql but i have no idea how. My www folder is in /var/www/ I need to stop it because i have installed Xampp instade. Thanks09:01
JragonUbuntu 10.1009:02
User_Unfriendlywhy does everyone want to use wubi?09:02
r00t4rd3dJragon, in term sudo apachectrl stop09:02
JragonI have no idea.09:02
systemg33kwell my notebook wont boot off a usb09:02
systemg33kIf I use Wubi is it going to download the iso again? Or can I use the Iso I currently have?09:02
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: you might have to see if a driver module for your network stoped working.  what info can you find when you type in:   sudo lshw?09:03
JragonRoot4rd3d, ummmm that doesnt work. D=09:03
r00t4rd3dwhats it say ?09:03
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: sudo lshw    no question mard09:03
Jragonapachectrl stop09:03
User_Unfriendlylol i can't type today...*mark09:03
JragonNo command 'apachectrl' found, did you mean:09:03
Jragon Command 'apachectl' from package 'apache2.2-common' (main)09:03
Jragonapachectrl: command not found09:03
r00t4rd3dapt-get install apache2.2-common09:04
JragonHey there. How is ye today?09:04
Joe__problem with ubunu lol09:04
Joe__im good, yourself?09:04
User_Unfriendlyhi Joe__09:04
Charith_You can use your current ISO. Put it in the same folder as the wubi installer and it will detect it.09:04
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: i think i know you09:04
Joe__never been in here before09:04
r00t4rd3dJragon, you typed the wrong command09:04
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: I knew a joe along time ago09:04
JragonRoot4rd3d, Erm.... Why would I install apache agien?09:04
r00t4rd3dsudo apachectrl stop09:05
JragonRoot4rd3d, Erm.... Why would I install apache agien?09:05
Joe__lol everyone has known a joe at one point09:05
User_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: is that a daemon?09:05
JragonRoot4rd3d, Sorry  about the dobuol post09:05
JragonRoot4rd3d, what is the command then?09:05
r00t4rd3dJragon, right in your error it told you the problem , you spelled it wrong09:05
Joe__Can I get help with a Q09:06
User_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: sudo /ect/init.d/apachectrl stop09:06
systemg33kDoes Wubi do Ubuntu Notebook?09:06
shawncm217User_Unfiendly: Many things. I see the network card listed.09:06
r00t4rd3dUser_Unfriendly, why do that ?09:06
=== fly is now known as fly2mauis
JragonR00t4r3d, I copied your command though,09:06
r00t4rd3dtype apachectl in term09:06
rs0832Joe__, sure. ask your question09:06
gravestoneWhy do I have to go in the "desktop background options" change to a different wallpaper and then change back to the previous one in order for it to change?09:06
r00t4rd3doh srry Jragon i mispelled :D09:06
User_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: samething...some daemons can be only stopped from the init.d directory09:06
Joe__Well I am on a laptop with wifi, ubuntu starts fine, but I cannot get the net to work..09:07
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: sounds like a wireless issue09:07
gravestoneThe "set as desktop background" option seems to be broken09:07
shawncm217User_Unfriendly: It's a "RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller"09:07
cosminPM ME PLEASE09:07
FloodBot2cosmin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
Joe__works fine under windows09:07
r00t4rd3dJoe__, this is not windows :D09:08
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: is there a driver listed along in there with the controller?09:08
JragonR00t4r3d, ok that seemed to work, I tried mysqlctl stop, but that didn't work D=09:08
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: how's your terminal skills?09:08
Joe__I looked at the help froums and saw many questions on this issue.. but none seem to work for me09:08
Joe__and thought you mean't wireless issue as in my net is messed up lol09:08
cosmini want to show you09:08
cosminwhat the terminal says09:08
Joe__ehh what ya mean09:08
shawncm217User_Unfriendly: driver=r8169 driver09:09
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: sudo apt-get install bum ndisgtk09:09
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: so that is the driver that isn't working09:09
Joe__lol umm no.. but I do remember "dir" and  c:\09:09
FloodBot2Joe__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:09
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: that's command prompt not unix09:09
Joe__ah ya09:10
Joe__been so many years09:10
User_Unfriendlydir is = to ls09:10
shawncm217User_Unfriendly: Is there a way to rollback?09:10
Joe__yea then I have no terminal skills lol09:10
r00t4rd3dJoe__, open a terminal and type this in lspci09:10
Joe__what is a terminal09:10
User_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: ?09:10
JragonR00t4rd3d, any idea?09:10
User_Unfriendlythe terminal is your inside to a unix shell09:11
cosmincan i copy/paste here what the terminal shows me?09:11
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: are you ready to be re-borned?09:11
r00t4rd3dcosmin, pastebin09:11
Joe__yes lol09:11
YankDownUnderinside to a unix shell? Hmmm...09:11
r00t4rd3d!pastebin cosmin09:11
r00t4rd3d!pastebin | cosmin09:11
ubottucosmin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:11
User_UnfriendlyYankDownUnder: not actually but a figure of speach09:12
User_UnfriendlyYankDownUnder: haven't you ever watched american tv?09:12
YankDownUnderUm, right.09:12
Joe__do I need a terminal program or somethin09:12
lost-insideHello there , Don't know if this's the right channel to ask , I'm trying to configure dhcp3 server in Ubuntu to send proxy setting automatically to clients i did use some tutorials , but no luck , when i gave the clients the  proxy configuration URL manually it works , in the dhcp config i put this option url code 252 = text; ##(defines a new option)option url ""; ##(applies new option) , but still no luck ,09:12
YankDownUnderUser_Unfriendly, I shy away from watching television - I work in the industry, ergo, I despise it.09:12
r00t4rd3dJoe , Applications , Accessories , Terminal09:12
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: you'd use the terminal to install a wrapper for your card and then disable the original driver that's failing you09:13
User_Unfriendlyergo is a good word09:13
User_Unfriendlyanyone else thought of matrix reloaded?09:13
r00t4rd3dcosim you must run sudo make09:13
r00t4rd3dsee the permission denied when you ran just the make command ?09:14
Joe__dont see it root, im on windows 7, just accessories, but no terminal09:14
YankDownUnderAwesome movie that. Yet another Sydney-made cool movie09:14
Joe__no applications09:14
* User_Unfriendly mouth drops09:14
Joe__am I pose to be doing this through ubuntu09:14
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: yes09:14
cosminhttp://imagebin.org/129056 what have i do wrong?09:14
Joe__LOL well duh, then I cant get on net to be here and talk to you guys :P09:14
r00t4rd3dwired connection ?09:15
rs0832cosmin, type sudo make09:15
User_Unfriendlyyou know what Joe__ watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZLEZRgWIOc09:15
Joe__I haven't tried that yet.. is there an irc prog. in ubuntu to get back here09:15
cosmincosmin@Cosmin:~/Desktop/xautoclick-0.30$ sudo make make: Nothing to be done for `all'.09:15
Joe__kk ill watch this first lol09:16
User_UnfriendlyJoe__: irssi, empathy, pidgin, weechat, xchat are great irc clients in linux09:16
r00t4rd3donly 1 make cosmin09:16
YankDownUndercosmin, try "make install"09:16
r00t4rd3dsudo make09:16
nothings1ecialcosmin: Try just <xautoclick>09:16
User_Unfriendlybut in irssi and wee-chat you'll be using the terminal09:16
cosmini typed only 1 make09:16
cosmincosmin@Cosmin:~/Desktop/xautoclick-0.30$ sudo make make: Nothing to be done for `all'. (make install)09:17
rs0832cosmin, ok looks like you did it right. type xautoclick in a terminal and press tab twice09:17
Joe__okay thanks for the youtube link, ill check that out for now, but I gota run its 4:15 am here haven't09:17
Joe__and thanks root09:17
riothousehey guys i09:17
Joe__slet yet09:17
CERNUNN0Scosmin: you typed "sudo make filename"09:17
Joe__night :)09:17
r00t4rd3dlater !09:17
User_UnfriendlyYankDownUnder: you aussie?09:17
riothouseim running hardy 8.04 and i cant get it to boot into recovery mode09:17
r00t4rd3dI feel sorry for joe09:17
YankDownUnderUser_Unfriendly, Kinda - 12 years here mate09:18
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: hold shift while booting after bios screen09:18
User_UnfriendlyYankDownUnder: eventually I'm going to Melbourne09:18
YankDownUnderUser_Unfriendly, Cold down there - we refer to Melbourne/Victoria as "Mexico" here in NSW09:19
User_UnfriendlyYankDownUnder: seriously it's been like 9 degrees F where I'm at09:19
CERNUNN0Scosmin: have you tried09:19
User_Unfriendlyso says it in Ubuntu clock and weather tray icon lol09:19
cosminwell?? http://imagebin.org/12905709:19
YankDownUnderUser_Unfriendly, Ah - well, that's doggone cold...I'll stick with anything above 17c09:20
CERNUNN0Scosmin: have you tried http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-source-files-in-ubuntu.html09:20
User_UnfriendlyI love linux...just thought I'd throw that out there09:20
User_UnfriendlyI got face reconition working on my friends ubuntu using his webcam09:21
shawncm217User_Unfriendly: Is there a way to rollback that driver?09:21
YankDownUnderLinux is more fun than than fishing! :)09:21
User_Unfriendlysometimes funner than my girlfriend09:21
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User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: looking09:22
YankDownUnderUser_Unfriendly, Hehehehehehe....yesh...(or wives/partners/etc etc etc)09:22
rs0832cosmin, http://xautoclick.sourceforge.net/documentation.html09:22
CERNUNN0Scosmin: Here's the docs for xautoclick http://xautoclick.sourceforge.net/documentation.html09:22
shazbotmcnastyholy crap09:22
shazbotmcnastythis is annoying now09:22
CERNUNN0Srs0832: snap09:22
rs0832cosmin, it is gautoclick/gautoclick209:22
rs0832CERNUNN0S, sorry?09:23
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: it's best to know what the "update" updated09:23
systemg33kAnyone own a Zboard(USB Keyboard) here and got it working in Ubuntu?09:23
CERNUNN0Srs0832: o_O nothing09:23
systemg33kTrying to get media controls to work.09:23
rs0832CERNUNN0S, oh :)09:23
rs0832CERNUNN0S, i saw it now :)09:23
cosminit was xautoclick09:23
CERNUNN0Srs0832: :D09:23
riothouseok back09:23
cosmini`ve installed another09:24
riothouseholding shift after boot doesn09:24
cosminsudo apt-get kautoclick09:24
suigenerishow can I find out when a picture was taken, not when it was transfered to computer?09:24
cosminand it works09:24
riothouseim running legacy grub .9709:24
rs0832cosmin, o.o ok09:24
riothousenot grub209:24
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: in /var/log/apt/     there's a bunch of history logs in there09:24
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CERNUNN0Scosmin: glad you got it working :D09:24
llutz_suigeneris: check picture for iptc/exif-data09:24
shazbotmcnastyrs0832: the screen that asks you if you want to try it or install it, is no longer the same09:24
riothouseis there any way to reset the admin passwd from terminal if i dont have admin rights?09:25
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, oh?09:25
shazbotmcnastywell it seems very different09:25
llutz_riothouse: no09:25
shazbotmcnastyit is completely gui in maverick, with a mouse and all09:25
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217:       cat /var/log/apt/history.log09:25
riothouseok, trying to get to recovery mode on this computer but it wont boot menu with a recovery option09:26
riothouseits running hardy 8Enter text here....0409:26
riothousehardy 8.0409:26
User_UnfriendlyI love explaining terminal commands to ppl like my grandma.  She's like "What is a man tree cat?"09:26
riothousei was thinking i could change the menu.lst txt file in grub but that wont work either09:26
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, ok, and?09:26
llutz_riothouse: try booting from live-cd09:26
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, is that good for you or bad?09:27
rs0832User_Unfriendly, :D09:27
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riothousei dont have a live cd, and this computer only has usb, its a mini09:27
SamuraiAlbaUser Unfriendly?  My grammie?!?!09:27
User_UnfriendlySamuraiAlba: yes09:27
riothousei guess i could put it on a usb09:27
SamuraiAlbariothouse, use UNETBOOTIN09:27
User_UnfriendlySamuraiAlba: try it sometime on your grandmie09:27
shazbotmcnastyrs0832: the website that told me how to add the 'nomodeset' thingy won't wurk09:27
SamuraiAlbananu nanu, shazbotmcnasty09:28
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, what exactly is the problem?09:28
riothousesamuraialba thanks09:28
shawncm217User_Unfriendly: I've found the list of packages updated today. I don't see anything network specific.09:28
SamuraiAlbariothouse, yq09:28
shazbotmcnastyhey #ubuntu, I'm trying to install 10.10 on my new toshiba laptop (not actually new, just new to me) and I have been getting this message for the last 30-40 minutes on the installer "Dec 2207:56:09 ubuntu kernel: 1367.749888] [drm:redeon_dvi_detect] *ERROR* HDMI Type A-1: probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID"09:28
SamuraiAlbaNow... how to get my Broadcom working in Ubuntu...09:28
shazbotmcnastyoriginal problem09:28
serardHello, sun-java6-jdk is no more present in the apt-get ??09:28
User_UnfriendlySamuraiAlba: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZLEZRgWIOc09:29
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, ok, did you get my first message about it?09:29
SamuraiAlbashazbotmcnasty,  I suggest ditching ToSHITba... I have a c655d-s5057 and had to do some palo to get it to play nice with ACPI09:29
shazbotmcnastywell thanks bro09:29
shazbotmcnastyI just got this thing for my girlfriend for xmas09:29
riothousesamurai will unetbootin allow me to boot from the image off the HD?09:29
riothousealso keep in mind i dont have admin priveledges to install any software09:30
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: i wonder if it's the configuration or is it driver related or both09:30
shazbotmcnastyrs0832: nope09:30
Chris`DI just was wondering as to why Ubuntu only shows 1 DVD file whereas others like Debian and so on show 5 at the least?09:30
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: do you have a live cd?09:30
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, there has been a bug filed for this... some users have suggested solutions on this page - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/53985109:30
riothouseuser no09:30
r00t4rd3di hope i get a cr-48 today in the mail09:30
SamuraiAlbaSorry shazbotmcnasty, sorry...  I called Toshiba to get my DVD drive fixed on a 2 month old laptop, they wouldnt send me a new drive to do it, wanted me to pay shipping insured both ways, and told me 2 to 6 weeks.  It's my only pc...09:30
shazbotmcnastyoh yeah09:31
shazbotmcnasty... i got that one09:31
Chris`DIs it that Ubuntu allows you to select your packages during the install? or it just installs at bare minimum?09:31
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: you should get your hands on a ubuntu live cd...very awesome tool09:31
riothouselaptop came pre installed with no live cd, nothing09:31
riothousei know09:31
SamuraiAlbariothouse, unetbootin will let you install the livecd to a usb and boot from it.09:31
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: download the iso and I'll tell you how to reset the passwords on it09:31
riothousei guess i could put an image on a usb and try booting off that like a live cd09:31
riothouseok thanks09:31
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: or you could plainly reinstall09:31
help_mehelp me please with grub get this error09:32
help_meubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/b09370b8-acec-4e74-b52e-5618f30fb26f/ /dev/sda209:32
help_me/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea..09:32
help_me/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged..09:32
help_me/usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: if you really want blocklists, use --force.09:32
FloodBot2help_me: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:32
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo
User_Unfriendlyugh i'm drowning09:32
riothouseuser i09:32
riothouseill msg when its done downloading09:32
help_meok but can help me ?09:32
User_Unfriendly...from the flood09:32
riothousesorry keyboard is tiny, i have fat fingers09:32
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: find me on youtube just in case i'm not "online"09:32
help_mehelp me please with grub09:32
SamuraiAlbaI got Ubuntu 10.10 working, but I had to do a custom kernel...09:33
shazbotmcnastythere is no grub prompt in 10.1009:33
help_mesda2 write what bootable sda6 linux09:33
shazbotmcnastywhen booting a disk09:33
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: and to who ever else who likes youtube:  www.youtube.com/america001409:33
shazbotmcnastyi don't know how to use the modeset work around when I can't get to grub09:33
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: what's grubin' you down?09:33
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, you dont need the modeset for grub09:34
help_me<User_Unfriendly> grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu5)09:34
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: what's wrong with your grub exactly?09:34
help_me<User_Unfriendly> installed windows, and now linux don't show09:34
help_mein startup09:34
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: get your hands on a live cd09:35
help_mei inserted09:35
help_melive cd09:35
help_menow write from here09:35
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: boot into it09:35
User_Unfriendlynow mount your drive onto the live cd09:35
shawncm217User_Unfriendly: I'm going to have to call it quits for tonight. Thanks for your help. At least we've eliminated a few possibilities.09:35
User_Unfriendlyshawncm217: i'll eventually figure it out09:35
help_mewhere linux ?09:35
User_Unfriendlyjust need time09:35
Chris`DI just was wondering as to why Ubuntu only shows 1 DVD file whereas others like Debian and so on show 5 at the least?09:36
Chris`DIs it that Ubuntu allows you to select your packages during the install? or it just installs at bare minimum?09:36
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: now are you sure you mounted the right partition...   check      sudo fdisk -l09:36
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SamuraiAlbaok.  I wanna kick a puppy09:37
SamuraiAlbaNew battery for laptop?09:37
SamuraiAlbaThis particular lappy is a CELERON09:37
Tyrnisplop all09:37
Guest77021jest tu jakiś Polak??09:37
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me:     sudo mount /dev/sda8 /media/09:38
KM0201Samual-Laptop: cost of doing business on a laptop, they go bad09:38
SamuraiAlbaI dont speak Polish...09:38
User_UnfriendlyGuest77021: are you a ladie?09:38
SamuraiAlbaRussian?  Yes.09:38
Freebohi everybody09:38
help_me<User_Unfriendly> mounted09:39
Freebocan anyone help me with my ethernet card?09:39
rs0832shazbotmcnasty, sorry but the best i can suggest is trying an older version09:39
FreeboI do not see my ethernet interface (eth0) even typing ifconfig -a09:39
rs0832User_Unfriendly, i dont think he is a lady09:40
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: i'm sorry the live cd might have additional files mounted in that directory09:40
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: sudo umount /media/09:40
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: unmount it just to be on the safe side09:40
help_meunmount ok09:40
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: sudo mount /dev/sda8 ~/Videos09:41
Guest77021Please help: I have in my notebook 2 graphics card ati hd3200 and hd4570... how turn on the 2nd card??09:41
User_Unfriendlyjust to be on the safe side...you'll want a empty directory for this09:42
dc5alaFreebo: do you know which network card do you have?09:42
rs0832bye all09:42
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KM0201Guest77021: haven't you been asking that for two days?09:42
Freebodc5ala: no I do not09:42
help_meUser_Unfriendly> mounted09:42
Freebodc5ala: if I type lshw -C network, it says that my network card is DISABLED09:43
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: sudo grub-install ~/Videos09:43
Freebodc5ala: I'm sorry that's not the right interface, forget the last message09:43
KM0201User_Unfriendly: why on earth would you do that?09:44
User_UnfriendlyKM0201: read everything09:44
User_UnfriendlyKM0201: it's one folder of the top of my mind that's empty in a live cd09:44
dc5alaFreebo: but you see any vendor/chipset info? or try lspci maybe too09:44
User_UnfriendlyKM0201: i know it's not quite right but the drive is mounted to that directory and reenabling grub09:45
Freebodc5ala: no I do not see it in lspci either09:45
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: how's it going so far?09:46
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: after that reboot and see if grub shows up09:46
help_mesda8 /home disk09:46
TheMusicGuyOk, still can't seem to get the sound volume panel app to change my volume correctly. I've been trying lots of different combinations of physical connections and audio profiles and none of them have sensible results.09:47
cjaeSo whats up with the nvidia dfp overscan issues?09:47
help_me<User_Unfriendly> i  think what grub don't start09:47
help_mebecause get error09:47
Freebodc5ala: When I boot ubuntu, sometimes it works and sometimes doesn't. it is really annoying09:47
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: it might be better to:       sudo grub-install /dev/sda09:47
llutz_User_Unfriendly: sudo grub-install /dev/sda             from inside a chroot to rewrite grub into MBR.09:47
User_Unfriendlyllutz_: that'd work too09:48
help_mebut i tryed09:48
cosminit is a problem if i don't update ubuntu with update manager, because the last time i did it after restart the speed of the system "get low" (slows down)09:48
help_meand get black monitor09:48
cjaeSo whats up with the nvidia dfp overscan issues?  Seems to be a lot of them, I have a gts 450 tvout via hdmi and cant seem to get a decent resolution on my 1080p dfp09:48
dc5alaFreebo: is this an onboard one? or what bus type it's using? when it works sometimes maybe there is a conflict with other cards09:48
llutz_User_Unfriendly: that's the way to fix it. not randomly installing grub into some partitions09:48
help_mewith sudo grub-install /dev/sda09:48
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me:     chroot ~/Videos09:49
Freebodc5ala: I think it is an onboard one09:49
cjaeSeems like the screen has huge areas that are useable and full screen video doesnt even fit the screen :009:49
help_mebut dev/sda8 is /home/Vasilij directories but don't have /boot/grub dir ???09:50
cosminit is a problem if i don't update ubuntu with update manager, because the last time i did it after restart the speed of the system "get low" (slows down)09:50
llutz_help_me: sudo umount ~/Videos09:50
TheMusicGuyAccording to alsamixer, whenever the volume level in the panel app is at "unamplified," the actual volume levels are mostly at maximum, while the "master f" channel level is at ~%8009:50
help_me<User_Unfriendly> maybe sda6 ?09:50
llutz_help_me: what device is your installation on?09:50
help_mein sda6 /boot/grub directory09:50
User_Unfriendlyllutz_: it should be sda809:50
riothousedang this computer doesnt have the startup disk creator, how can i make an image?09:50
llutz_help_me: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt09:50
help_meinstallation linux in sda609:50
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: dd command09:50
riothousedd command?09:51
help_me<llutz mounted09:51
help_mein mt09:51
llutz_help_me: sudo chroot /mnt09:51
llutz_help_me: sudo grub-install /dev/sda09:52
ibm450hi all09:52
User_Unfriendlyllutz_: doesn't the live cd have grub-install?09:52
dc5alaFreebo: hard to tell if can't get any info about it =/ which kernel are you running?09:52
llutz_User_Unfriendly: idk09:52
User_Unfriendlythere wouldn't be a need for chroot09:52
ibm450pidgen error, how to get rid of facebook plugin / folder please09:53
riothousetype grub-install -v09:53
riothouseto get your grub version09:53
riothousein terminal09:53
llutz_help_me: "exit"09:53
help_megrub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu309:53
llutz_help_me: sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys09:54
Freebodc5ala: yes I agree it's hard to tell.... I don't understand it either. (Kernel 2.6.32-26)09:54
riothouseat least its not legacy like this computer i have09:54
llutz_help_me: sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev09:54
tonysanhello, If I install ubuntu on a SCSI disk, then install the drive to another computer, will it boot?09:54
riothousegrub .97 lol=09:54
llutz_help_me: sudo mount -t proc /mnt/proc09:54
Freebodc5ala: what I can try is to reboot again and hope it will work :(09:54
TheMusicGuyWhen I lower the volume in the volume panel app, all the channels in alsamixer stay the same, except "master f," which usually decreases, until I get down near zero, and then several other sound channels go down together all at once very drastically. Turning the volume up to %100 is no different than when its at "unamplified"09:54
llutz_help_me: sudo chroot /mnt09:54
llutz_help_me: sudo grub-install /dev/sda09:54
help_memount: can't find /sys/mnt/sys in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:55
TheMusicGuyso effectively the speakers stay ridiculously loud until the volume is near-zero, at which point they are still somewhat loud, though quieter.09:55
ibm450hi all09:55
User_Unfriendlywrong partiton09:55
llutz_help_me: there are spaces in those lines...09:55
ibm450pidgin install error, regarding stupid facebook png?????09:55
rs0832User_Unfriendly, maybe he should chroot from the live cd and do it09:55
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: show llutz_ the pastebin of fdisk09:55
bonjoyeetonysan: if u install grub to that disk as well. then it should boot09:56
dc5alaFreebo: you could try booting from newer live cd with newer kernel and see if it has same effect09:56
dewey_could someone help me with a upstart & environment problem09:56
User_Unfriendlyrs0832: true if the cd doesn't provide grub-install09:56
dewey_the upstart script is starting an ruby daemon, the ruby file is telling me it can't require a dependency09:56
User_Unfriendlyor the right version09:56
riothouseUser: the dd command what would i type to make an image on a usb?09:56
ibm450pidgin install error, regarding stupid facebook png?????09:56
riothousedd if=/dev/fd0 of=/home/sam/floppy.image09:56
help_me<llutz http://pastebin.com/qqF5QPZy09:56
bonjoyeetonysan: on that computer u have to select this scsi disk as the boot device09:57
llutz_help_me: and sda8 contains your /home/$user?09:57
rs0832User_Unfriendly, i ve used it succesfully09:57
User_Unfriendlyrs0832: yes it'll work09:57
rs0832User_Unfriendly, just a suggestion :)09:57
User_Unfriendlyrs0832: no problem09:57
Freebodc5ala: ok I'll try to upgrade the kernel for now, hoping it will solve the problem09:57
User_Unfriendlyrs0832: i do like me some chroot09:57
Freebodc5ala: is there a way to see if there have been a conflict with other modules?09:58
User_Unfriendlynot for this case though09:58
help_mesda8 yes home dir09:58
help_me<llutz_> sda8 home sda6 /root09:58
llutz_User_Unfriendly: if help_me has no /boot dir on sda8 but his home-dir, and he has /boot at sda6. what are oyu trying to tell me?09:58
ibm450hi all09:58
ibm450hi all09:58
ibm450hi all09:58
FloodBot2ibm450: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:58
dc5alaFreebo: only if you have old legacy cards, or if you have some interrupts reserved for that, check bios09:58
tonysanbonjoyee: If the target compputer is SMP, will that be a problem?09:59
help_me<llutz_> how do install now this boot :(09:59
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: ls -a /mnt/09:59
dc5alaFreebo: you could look at cat /proc/interrupts09:59
FrozenKnightHmm, how do I remove Software Center without removing ubuntu desktop09:59
tonysanIt is physically a multi-CPU machine09:59
llutz_help_me: sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys09:59
ibm450hello any1 here09:59
llutz_help_me: sudo mount -t proc /mnt/proc09:59
llutz_help_me: sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev09:59
llutz_help_me: sudo chroot /mnt09:59
FloodBot2llutz_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:59
llutz_help_me: sudo grub-install /dev/sda09:59
ikoniaibm450: 1400+ people here09:59
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: what's in there?09:59
bonjoyeetonysan: whats smp? i dont get it:-/09:59
ibm450wow a response10:00
ibm450having pidgin issues10:00
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, here's my progress :) ...10:00
tonysanJust a Multi-CPU Machines10:00
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: is that sda6 or sda8?10:00
tonysanbonjoyee: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetric_multiprocessing10:00
dc5alaFreebo: but trying newer Kernel is probably the easier way to go if you have some uncommon network card10:00
bencahillbonjoyee, I'm using grub on the hdd to load plop (which has usb drivers), which will load grub on the usb stick, loading ubuntu on the usb10:00
help_mein this help_me: sudo mount -t proc /mnt/proc i get this error10:00
rs0832ibm450, we can help you better if you tell us what kind of issues :)10:00
FrozenKnightIs there a way to remove software-center without removing ubuntu-desktop? :)10:01
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: sudo chroot /mnt/10:01
bencahillbonjoyee, I just need to get grub on the usb stick, can I do that from inside the hdd ubuntu install?10:01
riothouseUser_Unfriendly: after i get the .iso downloaded, what is the dd command to make an image on the USB?10:01
bonjoyeetonysan: the cpu's have nothing to do with the booting as long as the arch is correct like x86 or whatever...10:01
KM0201FrozenKnight: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package(most of the time).... but i've never tried to remove software center10:01
Freebodc5ala: thanks I try the new kernel first and then I'll check for the interrupts10:01
bonjoyeetonysan: its grub and your bios that has to support booting from your scsi device10:02
tonysanbonjoyee: ok, that's x86 right. My server is down, grub error 17, So I need to take a bootable disk to rescue it10:02
FrozenKnightKM0201: so it might be OK to remove it and it won't remove gnome/other components? :)10:02
tonysanso I'll have 2 grubs on 2 different disks10:02
bonjoyeetonysan: did u try a livecd?10:02
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: i think it'd be easier from the live cd to:    usb-creator-gtk10:02
KM0201FrozenKnight: *might*...10:02
help_meInstallation finished. No error reported.10:03
help_mewhat now ?10:03
KM0201FrozenKnight: what all does it want to uninstall?10:03
tonysanbonjoyee: the worst part of that machine is, its IDE channel seems very faulty10:03
FrozenKnightKM0201: thanks for the "highlight" :D10:03
llutz_help_me: sudo update-grub10:03
User_Unfriendlyriothouse: i think it'd be easier from the live cd to:    sudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk10:03
riothousethis computer doesnt have a cdrom, its a laptop mini, only usb access10:03
ibm450E: /var/cache/apt/archives/pidgin-data_1%3a2.7.9~mtn20101220+6a25d063-1~frasten0_all.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/22/facebook.png', which is also in package pidgin-facebookchat 1.67.1-110:03
tonysanI can't boot with desktop, server, even rescue remix disk10:03
bonjoyeetonysan: does it support booting from usb? if yes try liveusb10:03
help_me<llutz_> finished ?10:03
tonysanThe only thing it can boot is 8MB minimal disk10:03
help_menow restart ?10:03
FrozenKnightKM0201: the software-center being removed wants to eliminate only ubuntu-desktop.10:04
llutz_help_me: "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg"   does it show windows?10:04
FrozenKnightKM0201: hang on... aptitude should tell me the size of the packages..10:04
llutz_help_me: and your installation too of course10:04
tonysanbonjoyee: I am pretty desperate cause it is a 10-year-old machine10:04
KM0201FrozenKnight: right...; believe it or not, a lot of packages remove "ubuntu-desktop"... it's usually just a meta package, and doesn't remove the entire desktop10:04
help_mewindows show10:04
bonjoyeebencahill: thats possible..u have to chroot into your usb install10:04
FrozenKnightThanks KM0201  :)10:04
riothouseack, i have not admin rights to download the usb creator -gtk10:04
tonysanThere is no USB boot in BIOS level10:05
riothousethis thing sucks10:05
KM0201FrozenKnight: i think i have a ubuntu 10.10 virtual install backed u0p somewhere, i'll try it...lol10:05
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: why windows vista and 7?10:05
llutz_help_me: so rebooting should be fine10:05
help_mevista is recovery disk10:05
User_Unfriendlyhelp_me: okay10:05
help_meok thank you lets try restart10:05
reenignEesreveRI have two different usb based EVDO modems plugged into my machine. I wanna find out where they are mapped into my /dev/... how can i do that?10:05
bencahillbonjoyee, how would I configure it, just edit grub.cfg?10:05
tonysanSo I decided to just install a clean ubuntu on a SCSI disk, then use it as my rescue "media"10:05
help_methank you very much10:05
tonysanIf that works...10:05
bonjoyeetonysan: hmmm...then ur only luck is a disk with ubuntu pre installed on it ..i guess10:05
KM0201FrozenKnight: you want me to try it first, to see what you screw up?10:06
tonysanbonjoyee: The data we're trying to rescue is a RAID 5 Volume10:06
FrozenKnightHeh KM0201 nah... :D it will probably do nothing anyway :)10:06
FrozenKnightThanks however :)10:06
KM0201FrozenKnight: probably not.10:06
riothouseok so if it cant download any apts and have no admin rights and cant boot into recovery this computer is screwed10:06
riothouseno cdrom either10:07
bonjoyeetonysan:  sorry then...can't help with that..10:07
tonysanbonjoyee: If thing gone worse, I might have to tear down the RAID volume, get another workstation to deal with10:07
KM0201riothouse: sounds like a reinstall is in order10:07
tonysanbonjoyee: Just hope it will boot :D10:07
riothouseyeah, only thing is i need the drivers for this mini10:07
riothouseand no cdrom drive on it10:07
riothouseand not boot disk10:07
KM0201riothouse: what do you mean?\10:07
bonjoyeebencahill: do u want to install grub to the mbr of the usb?10:07
tonysanbonjoyee: thanks!10:07
riothousethis is a laptop mini10:07
riothouseit has no cdrom drive10:07
riothouseonly usb access10:08
riothouseand i don10:08
Tjiptocan anyone help me?10:08
sunitrs0832, sorry I was not here10:08
KM0201riothouse: no, i mean what do you mean you need the drivers10:08
rs0832sunit, no problem.. how's it going?10:08
FrozenKnightKM0201:  you were right, 2MB of software removed10:08
KM0201FrozenKnight: i thought so...  but like i said *might*...lol10:08
bencahillbonjoyee, yes, see this: http://forum.plop.at/index.php/topic,560.0.html10:08
riothouseit needs wifi access after I install an image10:08
riothousei dont have the factory cd10:08
Tjiptocan anyone help me?10:09
KjellChrTjipto, try asking a question10:09
rs0832Tjipto, hi.. if you have a problem, ask10:09
Tjiptoi use ubuntu server 10.1010:09
KM0201FrozenKnight: software-center is just anotehr GUI front for apt-get... i'd imagine you can probably technically uninstall synaptic if you really want to.. and just use CLI to install stuff.10:09
sunitwhen I trued to install libsdc++6 , It's already there10:09
riothouseanyone know the dd command to write a bootable image to a usb disk?10:09
Tjiptomy vlan cannot communicate10:09
bonjoyeebencahill: does your usb install have /boot/grub?10:09
tnm_if I would like to automunt folder at startup in xubuntu,  where do i put command sudo mount....10:10
Tjiptobut when i use ubuntu desktop, my vlan can communicate10:10
llutz_riothouse: dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sdX    sdX is your usb-device, be carefull10:10
bencahillbonjoyee, yeah, but it's just copied from the main install, along with everything else, not configured properly10:10
Tjiptowhats the problem? i use the same command10:10
rs0832sunit, o.o and you still get the same error?10:10
FrozenKnightKM0201: it's a little more too :/10:10
FrozenKnightit shows other software that is not in the list shown in synaptic10:10
FrozenKnightthat's about the only motive I wanted to uninstall it10:11
sunityes, same error , rs083210:11
llutz_riothouse: that iso has to be an hybrid-iso to make it booting from usb-devices10:11
tnm_if I would like to automunt folder at startup in xubuntu,  where do i put command sudo mount....10:11
FrozenKnightKM0201: there are software from partners that you can buy.10:11
bencahillllutz_, you don't need sdxy for that?10:11
bonjoyeebencahill: boot into your hdd install...10:11
rs0832sunit, what are you trying to install?10:11
KM0201FrozenKnight: why would somene do that?10:11
bencahillbonjoyee, 'k, doing...10:11
KjellChrtnm_, look at /etc/fstab10:11
llutz_bencahill: you don't write it into a partition, you use the device10:11
dc5alariothouse: you also could try downloading that usb-creator thingy, extract it and run from there instead installing10:11
FrozenKnightKM0201: enter the software center and try brukkon.10:11
KjellChrTjipto, I wouldn't really know, but it does sound like some driver fu10:12
FrozenKnightI don't say, it might be a nice game... but when I search for something I'd rather it didn't show up.10:12
Tjiptowhat driver?10:12
bencahillllutz_, ok, just wondering :)10:12
KM0201FrozenKnight: hmm never noticed that.. i bet there's an option to not show software you have to purrchase though10:12
sunitrs0832: I am trying to install J2EE sdk for linux in ubuntu 9.1010:12
FrozenKnightFor example aptitude and synaptic don't show it.10:12
KjellChrTjipto, network of some kind is my guess10:12
riothousewould it run without install?10:12
llutz_bencahill: /dev/sdXY   is partition Y on device X. but the iso has to be written into the raw device10:13
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, booted10:13
riothouselike a windows .exe?10:13
KM0201FrozenKnight: yeah10:13
FrozenKnightKM0201: from all the settings I've seen it might be... but it's still an addon.10:13
bencahillllutz_, right, I didn't know iso had to be written to device10:13
Tjiptothere is no error in the installation10:13
Tjiptoall driver loaded10:14
bonjoyeebencahill : then mount your usb like : sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt....change the name sdb1 accordingly10:14
llutz_bencahill: a pc-bios wouldnt search for something bootable on a partition when using USB-boot10:14
rs0832sunit, from where are you installing? or are you compiling?10:14
Us3r_Unfriendlyi figured out why it didn't work10:14
sunitI am installing from command line10:15
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, I mounted it on /mount/2gb/ like I usually do, and yes, it's sdb110:15
Us3r_Unfriendlysorry was a long time ago when i had to reinstall grub10:15
bencahillllutz_, oh right, that makes sense :)10:15
bonjoyeebencahill: after that chroot /mnt10:15
rs0832sunit, can you tell me the command?10:15
Us3r_Unfriendlysudo grub-install --root-directory= /dev/sda10:16
bonjoyeebencahill : sudo grub-install /dev/sdb10:16
rs0832sunit, that you are using (to install j2ee)10:16
AutonomiserDoes anyone know which PPA for the latest and best version of Pitivi with effects?10:16
bonjoyeebencahill: thats assuming you mounted the usb to /mnt10:17
sunitrs0832, I have given ./j2eesdk-1_4_03-linux.bin10:17
bencahillbonjoyee, error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub ( is /dev mounted?).10:17
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: i believe there's a git/make file out there for that10:17
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: or stick with kdenlive or openshot10:17
bencahillbonjoyee, it doesn't matter where it's mounted, right?10:18
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: openshot has to be the easiest video editor out there10:18
bonjoyeebencahill : did u chroot to where you mounted the usb10:18
FrozenKnightHow do I create a filter in synaptic? :D10:18
Jordan_Ubencahill: Follow this guide: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide10:18
bencahillbonjoyee, yes, sudo chroot /mount/2gb/10:18
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Thanks10:18
FrozenKnightlike, I'd like to be shown games that don't have "ball" in their name10:19
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: synaptic is like apt-cache search vs. sudo aptitude serch      more precise with aptitude i believe10:19
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: no problem10:19
rs0832sunit, did you download it recently?10:19
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: But for some reason I don't like using KDE GUI's but if it get the job done it gets the job done right?10:19
bonjoyeebencahill: yeah follow the link... Jordan_U gave..i missed a few steps10:19
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: have you tried openshot?10:20
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: thanks, I have never used that search extensively, I should better find some tutorials somewhere.10:20
sunitrso832: but the problem remians from the day of downloads10:20
Us3r_Unfriendly!info openshot | FrozenKnight10:20
ubottuFrozenKnight: openshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-1 (maverick), package size 11789 kB, installed size 30260 kB10:20
rs0832sunit, can you run it and paste the output? (paste.ubuntu.com)10:21
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: sudo apt-get install openshot10:21
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: it's like pitivi but easier with rendering10:21
=== a is now known as Guest27568
bencahillbonjoyee, can I do all those mounts within the hdd-install without messing it up?10:22
Us3r_Unfriendlysorry FrozenKnight10:22
FrozenKnightThanks Us3r_Unfriendly10:22
Us3r_Unfriendlyi meant10:22
FrozenKnightI got it :D10:22
bonjoyeebencahill: yes..just get the device/partition names right10:22
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser:  it's like pitivi but easier with rendering10:22
Us3r_Unfriendlysorry wrong person again10:22
juhovhi. I would like to mount an ext4 partition so that I as a normal user could write to it, too. is there an fstab-option for this? thanks.10:22
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Sorry for the newbee question but where do I go to get the git/make file?10:22
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: git clone url10:23
Us3r_Unfriendlycd to the directory...might have a readme in there for installing10:23
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Oh okay I should try that then10:23
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: thanks, saw it has something to do with regular expressions, I should be OK now :)10:23
llutz_juhov: use chown/chmod not fstab/mount-options10:23
=== Guest27568 is now known as lulz
bonjoyeebencahill:its just that you are booting from a hdd instead of a livecd..and making changes to an alien install10:23
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: your free to try it too10:23
juhovllutz_: ok. is it possible to make this permanent so that when I umount it and then mount it again, the permissions would stay?10:24
Us3r_Unfriendlyhold on Autonomiser ...i'm looking for it10:24
llutz_juhov: changes with chown/chmod are permanent10:24
juhovllutz_: ok, thanks alot!10:24
llutz_!permissions | juhov10:24
ubottujuhov: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:24
bencahillbonjoyee, lol, alien install :)10:24
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Sorry I just don't get how git works yet.10:24
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: it might actually help me... I was looking for a program like that the other day.10:24
FrozenKnightAutonomiser: it's like wget I think...10:25
FrozenKnightit downloads data.10:25
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/video-effects-in-pitivi/10:25
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: I am installing OpenShot as we type to have a look see10:25
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: sounds good10:25
bonjoyeebencahill: in that "commands list" on that page... u should only have to change commands 2&910:25
sunitrs0832, see the url http://dpaste.de/srzu/10:26
rs0832sunit, ok10:26
AutonomiserOoo thanks Us3r_Unfriendly!10:26
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: Autonomiser:  I made this video with recordmydesktop and openshot10:26
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, here goes! :)10:26
thetravI'm trying to put ubuntu on a netbook here following http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download : I'm using my macbook pro to create the ubuntu USB drive, but the netbook itself doesn't currently have a bootable OS installed10:26
Us3r_Unfriendlylooks okay10:27
thetravthe mac instructions seem to be for booting it on a mac10:27
thetravdo I only follow part of the instructions?10:27
thetravcan I just replace the "restart your mac and hold alt" bit?10:27
thetravor should I follow the windows instructions or something?10:27
=== KILLSEMEN|WRAP is now known as KILLSEMEN
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: My main thing that I do with video is mastering or remastering the audio part10:28
riothouseblah, had to purchase a live usb drive, air mail10:28
IledenAny idea how to troubleshoot or diagnose a weird WLAN problem? I'm having around 20% packet loss on two laptops (T and E) in my home WLAN. T's problem appeared after upgrade to 10.10. T's WLAN is ok when booting with older kernel. E is new so running 10.10. E has been at workplace WLAN, where is ok. E also dualboots Win7, with it WLAN is ok also at home. There is also a 3rd laptop, A, which runs 10.04 and wlan works. The problem comes and goes, sometimes can't even10:28
riothouseat least i'll have it eventually10:28
riothousenight folks10:28
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: I think all those video editors will work then10:28
Us3r_Unfriendlysudo halt riothouse10:29
jimcooncatHow do I get the little networking icon to show on my panel? I have it on my fresh-install laptop, but not on my desktop which i used an old /home partition.10:29
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: So I just need a video editing program that gives me the same plug-ins as I get in Ardour10:29
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: haven't used ardour before...what are the plugins?10:29
bonjoyeejimcooncat: did u have that icon on the desktop before?10:30
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: The last time I tried the dev audio and video plug-in version of Pitivi it was pretty bad with lots of broken stuff10:30
bencahillbonjoyee, it said (for grub-install) Installation finished. No error reported. :)10:31
rs0832sunit, i think you should install a more recent version.. maybe the version of libstdc that is required is older10:31
Jordan_Uthetrav: Yes, that is all you should need to replace. But to be honest those instructions seem dubious to me.10:31
bonjoyeebencahill:looks good..now try booting;)10:31
bencahillbonjoyee, oh dammit, I did it to /dev/sda :()()10:32
bonjoyeebencahill; really?10:32
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: did you look into openshot10:32
Us3r_Unfriendlyi'd start there10:32
bencahillbonjoyee, yes :(10:32
jimcooncatbonjoyee, I didn't mean on the desktop (gui), I meant my old desktop box. I'm missing the networking icon in gnome-panel (or notification area)10:32
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Oh just all the LADSPA audio plug-ings10:32
Us3r_Unfriendlyopenshot should be paying me10:32
bencahillbonjoyee, I guess do the whole thing again with the correct grub-install10:32
bonjoyeebencahill: dont reboot.. the hdd install10:32
bencahillbonjoyee, ...and then do grub-install for /dev/sda out of chroot?10:33
bencahillbonjoyee, oh, I'm not rebooting!10:33
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Yes I just installed it from the Ubuntu Software Centre and I am checking it out now.10:33
Us3r_Unfriendlyllutz_: lol here we go again10:33
bonjoyeebencahill: in a new terminal..grub-install for /dev/sda10:33
bonjoyeebencahill: sudo grub-install /dev/sda10:33
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: might be what your looking for10:33
bencahillbonjoyee, right, and then do the same thing again, but correctly this time :)10:33
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, one minute...10:34
Us3r_Unfriendlybencahill: are you installing grub on a flashdrive?10:34
bonjoyeebencahill: yeah10:34
rs0832sunit, try installing this one - https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_SMI-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewFilteredProducts-SingleVariationTypeFilter10:34
RuthgardI have alot of ubuntu servers in my office, I have read about radius as a possible means to use the same credentials across several machines, can this be done with ubuntu? Any hints on where to read up on doing that would be aprichiated. The users connect over ssh.10:34
bencahillUs3r_Unfriendly, yup10:34
MayankHello, I have installed apache tomcat on ubuntu 10.04, i want to run it on port 80, i know i need to edit the server.xml file, but can any one let me know if there will be any issue or any particular way by which i need to use the "privileged" 80 port?10:34
=== KILLSEMEN is now known as Shaded
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Okay so I have seen OpenShot before and the plug-ins in it don't cut it for me10:35
Us3r_Unfriendlybencahill: mount the usb and then sudo fdisk -l    to see where it's at10:35
bencahillUs3r_Unfriendly, I know, I just made a dumb mistake10:35
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: And it does not appear to use LADSPA plug-ins10:35
r00t4rd3deric dont you sleep ?10:35
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, hdd done, doing usb now...10:36
Us3r_Unfriendlybencahill: sudo grub-install  --root-directory= where drive is mounted to like sdf10:36
Us3r_Unfriendlynot sdf110:36
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: who's eric10:37
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: online names man...online names10:37
rs0832sunit, let me know if it doesnt work, ill help you10:37
r00t4rd3dwell its in your profile lol10:37
AutonomiserReally nice vid Us3r_Unfriendly10:37
Us3r_Unfriendlythnx guys10:37
Us3r_Unfriendlyeric is too eric10:38
Us3r_Unfriendlybut online i'm natorious for giving bad advice10:38
r00t4rd3drm- f !10:38
antsBelieve it or not, this is my first time using IRC, ever.10:38
sunitrs0832, many many thanks to you10:38
antsI fell like I'm in the 80's10:38
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, same report for usb :)10:38
Us3r_Unfriendlyants: your with the cool kids now10:39
* bonjoyee fingers crossed10:39
rs0832sunit, good luck :)10:39
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: So what do you have to install to get the windows to fold up and down like that?10:39
antsMy toes tingle lol10:39
bencahillbonjoyee, ok, all is done10:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyants: are you using irssi or wee-chat....sudo super 80's10:39
r00t4rd3dlol you did it to someone else Us3r_Unfriendly10:39
jimcooncatstatic IP's still don't work in 10.10 with network manager installed?10:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: ?10:39
sunitrs0832 , in that link I am getting Software Download  Product Not Found  The Download Center link you selected did not work properly and may contain an invalid part number.  Visit the Sun Download Center to see a full list of products that are currently available.  If you require further assistance, report the product name and referring URL to Customer Service.  Thank you.10:40
r00t4rd3d<Autonomiser> Us3r_Unfriendly: So what do you have to install to get the windows to fold up and down like that?10:40
MayankHow to use port 80 ("privileged port") for tomcat6?10:40
antsNah I'm anewb so I got xchat-gnome10:40
antsis it still supported?10:40
r00t4rd3dxchat gnome sucks10:40
bencahillbonjoyee, booting...10:40
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: it's compiz experimental plugins available through "git"...not fun installin10:40
r00t4rd3duse normal xchat10:40
rs0832sunit, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/downloads/index.html10:40
sunitrs0832, ok10:41
rs0832sunit, use the red download link in the second column10:41
antsI'm a neat freak and I couldn't find a way to get rid of the xchat logo out of the notification areas10:41
bencahillbonjoyee, it looks like it's working!10:41
antsso I went with xchat gnome10:41
r00t4rd3dants right click hide10:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyants: sudo apt-get remove xchat10:41
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: That OMG Ubuntu post you so kindly linked for me for Pitivi was posted back in June and I am concerned that it isn't the most recent dev line10:41
looongerhey, I know there's a repo with firefox nightly updates but is there a repo with firefox 4 beta 8?10:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyants: sudo apt-get install irssi10:42
antsyeah the whole thing disappeared lol10:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyno tray icon10:42
bencahillbonjoyee, ooh, or not :(10:42
sam-_-r00t4rd3d, why do you think xchat-gnome is worse than xchat?10:42
antsI'll give it a go Us3r10:42
bencahillbonjoyee, Gave up waiting for root device.10:42
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Okay cool I would like to check that out myself (compiz)10:42
r00t4rd3di dont know its just not the same10:42
sunitrs0832, ok10:42
bencahillbonjoyee, ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/longuuidhere does not exist. Dropping to a shell!10:43
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: So how does one go about searching the a git/make file?10:43
bonjoyeebencahill: check the uuid..did u make the change i suggested the other day?10:43
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: actually my dutch friend made a video like a month ago on a script that does it for you...aparently it gives you all the experimental plugins...10:43
bencahillbonjoyee, what change?10:43
Diverdudehello. If i start screen and ssh and detach....can i then shut down my computer(client computer) entirely and resume the screen session at a later point?10:43
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: i only install a few by hand10:43
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Very cool10:43
Us3r_Unfriendlyor git10:43
Draken-Hi all, wondering if anyone can remind me how to change how kernel updates behave... I want old kernels to be removed on update? I tried dpkg --configure linux-kernel but that didn't work.10:44
cdbs!ot | Autonomiser, Us3r_Unfriendly10:44
ubottuAutonomiser, Us3r_Unfriendly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:44
antslol whoa I cannot go more retro than irssi10:44
antsit looks sweet10:44
Diverdudehello. If i start screen and ssh and detach....can i then shut down my computer(client computer) entirely and resume the screen session at a later point?10:44
alexxioi cant connect via wireless from ubuntu just full upgraded10:45
bonjoyeebencahill: about the uuid..its wrong in your usb install...on the kernel line...that could be it10:45
Us3r_Unfriendlynice cdbs10:45
antshow do I add a server like irc.gnome.org in xchat-gnome?10:45
bonjoyeebencahill: check the grub.cfg on your usb install10:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyants: /connect irc.freenode.net10:45
bencahillbonjoyee, can I check it in here? (busybox)10:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyants: /join #ubuntu10:45
sam-_-Diverdude, not exactly sure what you mean but ssh has to reauthenticate10:46
Us3r_Unfriendly /nick ants10:46
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Any links so I don't have to bug you with sooo many potentially annoying questions?10:46
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alexxiothe network settings just don't have the connect button and i cant do it via iwconfig (because the command returns) neither with wireless-radar or anyone else.. the driver is compatibile and loaded...i can see networks but i cant connect10:46
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AutonomiserOops sorry cdbs10:46
Draken-Diverdude: Screen only acts as a terminal windowing system, turning off your machine will close the process10:47
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: http://www.youtube.com/user/UbuntuHelpGuy#p/u/9/v91DSF6fOnA10:47
sunitrs0832, I am downloading10:48
bonjoyeebencahill: dont think so...boot into the hdd..and change from there10:48
AutonomiserThanks Us3r_Unfriendly but our off topicness have upset a channel opp10:48
sunitI shall contact you later10:48
bencahillbonjoyee, 'k, booting...10:48
rs0832sunit, ok10:48
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: I haven't tried it so try at your own risk...these are experimental so it's not a pretty picture everytime (crashes in system but rare)10:48
bencahillbonjoyee, it also said another cause could be "Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)" , if it makes any difference...10:48
DiverdudeDraken-, I have some heavy calculations i want to run on my server so i might wanna go home and come back next day. Will screen be good for that?10:48
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: Yes i expected as much10:48
musically_utIs there a way of installing Ubuntu from one partition onto another?10:49
Draken-Diverdude: On a server that remains powered on yes you can disconnect a screen session and it should work. Just don't turn off the machine.10:49
musically_utWithout invoking the LiveCD/USB?10:49
Us3r_Unfriendlyit's not really off topic seeing that your going to install onto ubuntu with git...i just don't think he read everything we wrote10:49
AutonomiserOh okay10:49
AutonomiserYes it Ubuntu all the way with me my friend10:50
AutonomiserI just can't use anything else10:50
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: i've actually seen that alot lately where someone jumps the gun on someone, especially when that someone was giving advice on ubuntu10:50
AutonomiserI even gave up using SolidWorks for it10:50
AutonomiserOh okay10:50
DiverdudeDraken-, yeah ok of course the server will remain powered on. only the client will be shut down10:50
alexxiook solved installing another driver :P thanks10:50
Us3r_Unfriendlyi might switch my distro if someone ! at me again lol10:51
bencahillbonjoyee, it is correct in usb grub, because I was in it's environment (chroot), so it got it right (when I did grub-mkconfig)10:51
Draken-Diverdude: Yeah didn't see originally that you were talking about connecting to a server. Once you disconnect from the server screen will stay running and can be reattached later when you reconnect.10:51
AutonomiserFeisty channel opps!10:52
bonjoyeebencahill: sure its the uuid of the usb? in both instances?10:52
Us3r_UnfriendlyAutonomiser: we can talk in #ubuntu-gum-drops-and-rainbows room...I hear it's nice ops there10:52
bonjoyeebencahill : set UUID= and on kernel line: root=UUID?10:52
bencahillbonjoyee, yes, it's auto-generated, and the same on the search line and on the linux line10:52
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FrozenKnightThis is annoying... I don't understand the "patters" in aptitude's search/tree limit mechanism10:53
bencahillbonjoyee, search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set longuuidhere10:53
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: what's the problem in aptitude?10:53
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: aptitude has no problem, the problem is me... I just can't figure out how to search for anything else than a precise term.10:54
bencahillbonjoyee, linux /boot/vmlinuz-blabla root=UUID=longuuid here ro quiet splash vga=79210:54
AutonomiserI just got the gag10:54
FrozenKnighterm... I mean... all packages not containing "something"10:54
bencahills/longuuid here/longuuidhere10:54
FrozenKnightAutonomiser: :P10:54
antsso it turns out there's not much to irc10:54
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: apt-cache search video10:54
AutonomiserUs3r_Unfriendly: I even went to that channel10:54
AutonomiserI am a bit slow10:54
Us3r_Unfriendlylol it was a joke10:54
s3r3n1t7!lol | Autonomiser10:55
ubottuAutonomiser: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.10:55
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: yeah, that's OK :) but how do I search not video :)10:55
FrozenKnight"not video"10:55
antsreminds me so much of being a the days of high school and teenchat haha10:55
UBuxuBUi got some updates and thet bewout my wubi mbr10:55
bonjoyeebencahill: and those are the uuids of the usb /?10:55
bencahillbonjoyee, yes10:55
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: how was the search output though?10:55
Us3r_Unfriendlycompared to aptitude?10:55
FrozenKnightWait... 2 sec :D10:55
bencahillbonjoyee, i can check to make sure, one sec...10:55
UBuxuBUthe last batch of updates wrecked my wubi10:55
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: extensive (o.o)10:56
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly:  cool.10:56
bencahillbonjoyee, yep, they're correct. hmm...10:56
Autonomisers3r3n1t7: Wow the OMG I posted would have been in reference to the "OMG Ubuntu" web site!10:56
bonjoyeebencahill: ok..then i am out of ideas..i believe!10:56
Us3r_Unfriendlys3r3n1t7: cdbs i don't see you guys helping...10:56
Us3r_Unfriendlyhold back a bit10:56
AutonomiserGee screw this I am out of here10:57
Us3r_Unfriendlyand keep it cool.  just trying to help this guy10:57
Draken-Hasn't "omg","lol" etc been used in IRC for generations or have things changed since the good old 90's?10:57
bencahillbonjoyee, any ideas regarding the modules message stated above?10:57
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: OK :) So here would be the thing I'm trying to achieve... I'm trying to show all the games, but hide those that come from kde :)10:57
bonjoyeebencahillL i thought we nearly got it going!!10:57
s3r3n1t7Us3r_Unfriendly, I do help people regularly, thank you.10:57
bencahillbonjoyee, so close!10:57
UBuxuBUwb ants10:58
cdbsUs3r_Unfriendly: I am a channel op, and I am doing some Ubuntu Development ATM, so, as you can see, I am really busy, and though I do help sometimes, I don't do that for long, Sorry for that10:58
antsxchat-gnome does suck10:58
antsit crashed HARD10:58
cdbs!language | ants10:58
ubottuants: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:58
bonjoyeebencahill: now google is your best friend..i guess!10:59
bencahillbonjoyee, yes, and that plop forum :)10:59
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bencahillbonjoyee, anyway, thx for the help, I really need to get to bed! (5:00 local time) :P10:59
bonjoyeebencahill:thats the time people get out of bed..in part of the world!!;)11:00
bencahillbonjoyee, yeah, I know, anyway, g'night!11:00
bonjoyeebencahill: gn..11:01
DiverdudeWhat is the terminal command for updating all my packages? When i log into my server it says: 79 packages can be updated. 48 updates are security updates.11:01
Us3r_Unfriendlys3r3n1t7: Diverdude might need your help11:01
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: !! Idea... apt-cache search games | grep "^kde"11:01
=== bencahill is now known as bencahill|zzzzzz
sam-_-Diverdude, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:01
Us3r_UnfriendlyFrozenKnight: does that work better?11:01
s3r3n1t7Us3r_Unfriendly, i do not need you to tell me who to help and who not to help. I have my own work to do as well, thank you.11:01
cdbsUs3r_Unfriendly: Everyone has his/her free and busy times. Its rude to poke people and order them to help people11:02
Diverdudesam-_-, arrg...so i have to press y for all packages to agree?11:02
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: bummer :/ I need to see how grep uses regular expressions.11:02
sam-_-Diverdude, just once11:02
Diverdudesam-_-, ok nice11:02
FrozenKnightUs3r_Unfriendly: it showed me the groups of kdegames :D11:02
Us3r_UnfriendlyDiverdude: sudo apt-get upgrade11:03
Milosshhello. May I write a long question here? like really long?11:05
rs0832Milossh, maybe its better you use a pastebin :)11:05
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: yes11:05
Us3r_Unfriendlyto rs083211:05
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: pastebin11:06
AceKingIs there a way to update an Iphone in Ubuntu?11:06
s3r3n1t7Milossh, try to get the core of the question in a single sentence, and then you can pastebin any additionial information.11:06
Milosshs3r3n1t7: can't be done11:07
Milosshbelieve me11:07
MilosshI'll pastebin11:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyi'll try to help11:07
sam-_-Milossh, i'm intrigued11:07
Milp_mainSorry guys but i have to ask once again, the last solution did not work: How do i batch rename a ton of files and folders recursively from upper to lowercase please? The files are super nested within 1000s of folders and contain all sorts of symbols, spaces, numbers and characters11:08
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: what does it concern though?11:08
ray_n cyber-nux11:08
s3r3n1t7Milp_main, do you have any script experience? If so, you may want totake a look at http://www.linuxweblog.com/node/306 .11:09
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilp_main: i believe metalx1000 on youtube made a video on your question11:09
sacarlsonMilp_main: try look at: http://www.infinicode.org/code/pyrenamer/11:09
Milp_mainwow thanks for all the answers, hold on let me check them11:10
Milp_mainill try pyrenamer first, that looks like a sturdy solution :)11:11
=== ray_ is now known as kotellette
Milp_mainall the scripts and perl-somethings that ive found before either didnt work at all or ignored files with spaces in them or something else :(11:11
MilosshUs3r_Unfriendly, sam-_-, s3r3n1t7 ^^11:11
MilosshI can give you guys the output from netstat if you need it11:12
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: so you lose you connection only on ubuntu's side or even of 7 too?11:12
MilosshUs3r_Unfriendly: I don't know, I didn't ever had both turned on11:13
Milosshwin7 is there, just in case my system goes down11:13
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: comcast?11:13
MilosshI've logged into it for like 5 times11:13
MilosshUs3r_Unfriendly: nope, I'm from serbia11:14
sacarlsonMilossh: it apears you isp has a problem with the dns server solution would be to use bind911:14
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: i've had this happen because of a modem firmware update11:14
Milosshsacarlson: that does not make sense, because, when I restart computer, and log into ubuntu, it's still not working11:15
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sacarlsonMilossh: another solution would be to change your dhcp to use opendns.com as there dns servers and also use 2 for redundancy11:15
Milosshif I log into win7, everything starts working11:15
rs0832Milp_main, if you want, you can try http://clipboarded.blogspot.com/2007/09/batch-rename.html11:15
bonjoyeeMilossh: may be the router has Qos enabled..limits the no of connections?11:15
rs0832Milp_main, and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133355711:15
Milosshbut guys, it's not router11:15
Milp_mainsacarlson how do i make it work recursively? it only does one folder :(11:15
Milp_mainrs0832 thank you ill have a look shortly11:15
sacarlsonMilossh: I know you think since win7 works but you don't relize that win7 has a hard coded dns on failure11:16
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: could this be due to something faulty in iptables11:16
Milosshit's definitely something wrong with ubuntu, as everything starts working without restarting router if I log into win711:16
MilosshUs3r_Unfriendly: I didn't touch ip tables11:16
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sacarlsonMilossh: you can test it with dig11:16
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: firestart, gufw, ufw or some other front-end to iptables?11:16
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Milosshsacarlson: how?11:17
sacarlsonMilossh: dig @opendns.com yahoo.com11:17
MilosshUs3r_Unfriendly: I'm not a linux expert, I use just limited set of tools11:17
Milossh :)11:17
sacarlsonMilossh: oh that won't work11:18
Milosshjust `dig` outputs something11:18
sacarlsonMilossh: dig @  yahoo.com11:19
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: sudo iptables -L        gives you an output of the firewall and more output on various sections of chains...I'd start there first...unfortionally i don't know if there's a easy way to this issue11:19
sacarlsonMilossh: compare that with just dig yahoo.com when you have problems as stated above11:19
Milosshthat shows something sacarlson11:19
St0n3-C0ldoes ubuntu power off harddisk when inactive or just spin down harddisk if I select 'Spin down harddisks when possible' in Power Manager...?11:20
MilosshUs3r_Unfriendly: no rules11:20
sacarlsonMilossh: the number is the dns server from http://opendns.com11:20
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: no firewall then11:21
antsand 30minutes later I figured out how to disable the notification icon11:21
antswhat a n00b11:21
Us3r_Unfriendlynot a firewall issue...but what about the firewall on the router?11:21
sacarlsonMilossh: if that works they have another number to use as a redundant number that you should program into your router instead of using the provided isp single number11:21
Us3r_UnfriendlyMilossh: what happens if you connect straight modem?11:21
Milosshsacarlson: thanks!11:22
MilosshUs3r_Unfriendly: how?11:22
electronicmajihey everyone11:22
electronicmajiubuntu sucks11:22
electronicmajiswitch to gentoo11:22
FloodBot2electronicmaji: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:22
sacarlsonMilossh: the secound redundant number is 11:22
* xjrn switched from gentoo11:22
Us3r_Unfriendlygentoo is cool11:22
Us3r_Unfriendlybut all linux distros are almost the same to me11:23
hipitihopprobably the wrong channel, recent allegation of openbsd backdoors etc, apart from openssh implications, anyone know of others for linux distros. I have no idea what other openbsd parts there are.11:23
Us3r_Unfriendlywith their individual differences11:23
Milosshsacarlson: I totally don't understand you now :)11:23
sacarlsonMilossh: what is it you don't understand?11:23
s3r3n1t7Milossh, those are dns server IP's. You enter them as primary, secondary DNS server.11:23
sacarlsonMilossh: when you have a failure can you ping those two numbers I gave you?11:23
Milosshsacarlson: yeah, I can try11:24
xjrngentoo devs are the most blatant examples of the dunning kruger  effect taking hold long after the original masters have moved on11:24
Milosshbut the thing is, since I installed Maverick, this started happening. :/11:24
s3r3n1t7xjrn, this is an Ubuntu support channel. Would you mind staying on topic?11:25
Milosshon jaunty, and I had it for a long time, this never happened11:25
sacarlsonMilossh: you can also override what your dhcp server provides you in ubuntu by modifing /etc/resolv.conf  file with those two numbers added11:25
Milosshsacarlson: should I do that on my notebook too?11:25
sacarlsonMilossh: it happens randomly on most IPS due to the fact that routers don't use the redundant servers just the first one it detects that is working11:26
Milosshsacarlson: I think I hardcoded those into my router via telnet11:26
sacarlsonMilossh: if you program you dhcp server then it will fix all you units11:26
Milosshbut I'm not sure if such thing is possible actually11:26
Katze Hello11:27
Milosshsacarlson: few years ago, our isp dns servers had problems, so I changed them to opendns11:27
pshr!hi | Katze11:27
Milosshafter a while, I turned them back to the original ones11:27
Myrttipshr: it doesn't work.11:27
KatzeI am using telnet11:27
Milosshvia telnet, as my router does not have an option in its web panel11:27
sacarlsonMilossh: ok you can look up what your isp provides and add them to the list of redundant servers if you need more11:28
pshrMyrtti: Just trying :)11:28
KatzeI have a quick question.11:28
pshrKatze:  ?11:28
Milosshsacarlson: ok, thanks for all the help. Us3r_Unfriendly, you too!11:28
KatzeWhat is the dev file for a microphone?11:28
Milosshand everyone else11:28
sacarlsonKatze: /dev/dsp11:29
KatzeWhPRIVMSG #ubuntu :Thanks.11:29
Us3r_Unfriendlyno problem...serbia looks really nice11:29
nick4I want to help a friend detect whether 3D drivers are installed. How? glxgears?11:29
sacarlsonnick4: that sounds correct to me11:30
bonjoyeenick4: glxinfo | grep direct11:30
nick4ahh thank you both!11:30
Guest1664What's a good all-in-one emulator, preferably with XBMC?  Something that can do Mame, SNES, Gameboy, etc.?11:35
Scorpmirneed vpn login11:36
nick4Will I be able to run classic Quake3 with OpenArena? Otherwise, what is the package name for ioquake3 in the ubuntu repos?11:36
Milp_mainWoah, some error in my server-hosters traffic counter recorded 200gb of traffic through some "Partial content" error (Confixx, parallels power panel) does anyone know of similar problems?11:37
r00t4rd3dhaha cube atlantis is awesome11:39
UBuxuBUif i try to install ubuntu and ubuntu thinks i have no hard drive, what does that mean?11:40
High_PriestUBuxuBU, which type of hdd you have? and which ubuntu you are trying to install?11:41
UBuxuBUi tried 10.1011:41
High_Priestit usually means that support for that specific hdd controller/mobo is not in the kernel11:41
UBuxuBUand i have an 80 gig sata11:41
High_Prieststrange.. sata drives should be detected without problems11:41
High_Priestis it a new motherboard?11:42
UBuxuBUi know sata should work11:42
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: can you start a terminal and do sudo fdisk -l ?11:42
UBuxuBUits about 5 years old11:42
Guest1664Does Ubuntu support i7-gtx460 machines?11:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyempathy isn't too bad on irc11:42
UBuxuBUwhat would fdisk do for me11:43
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: that should list all hard disks that are detected11:43
UBuxuBUwell i can u the answer is none11:43
Us3r_UnfriendlyrOOt4rd3d: I knew I'd get a response from you11:43
UBuxuBUgpartded says none11:43
High_PriestUBuxuBU, and dmesg | grep sd11:44
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: how about lshw11:44
Us3r_UnfriendlyUBuxuBU: what's your question?11:44
deepoceanI have trouble with my mic (Realtek ALC 888) I have tried pretty much everything in the manuals. Who can help me ?11:44
UBuxuBUif fdisk shows a hd and gparted doesnt then what11:44
Us3r_UnfriendlyUBuxuBU: time to format it using the command line11:45
Us3r_Unfriendlythat'll work11:45
triggeryou hardisk not  recognized  u need to reformat  the disk and make it active11:45
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: I thought you said fdisk -l didn't detect a hard disk?11:45
bonjoyeedeepocean: what problems? front mic?11:45
deepoceanbonjoyee, hello. Yes sound works well but Mic is not working11:45
UBuxuBUi said gpatred cant see it11:45
Us3r_UnfriendlyUBuxuBU: format issue 100%11:46
UBuxuBUand it will not install ubuntu11:46
deepoceanbonjoyee, I have a MEdion laptop with Realtek ALC 888 chipset so I tried to edit  deepocean11:46
triggeruse  another  or use gparted it self11:46
UBuxuBUok Us3r_Unfriendly11:46
deepoceanbonjoyee, I have a MEdion laptop with Realtek ALC 888 chipset so I tried to edit  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf11:46
bonjoyeedeepocean: ok..so?11:46
UBuxuBUso i gotta format it at the gd command line11:46
triggerand !11:46
deepoceanbonjoyee, I put in there options snd-hda-intel model=medion-md2 and also just "medion"11:47
deepoceanbonjoyee, nothing helps I still keep getting no sound through my mic11:47
UBuxuBUwhat command will format it at command line11:47
bonjoyeedeepocean:  does it support 5.1 channel output?11:47
triggerformat in windows11:48
bonjoyeedeepocean: i have the exact same chip..on a desktop...and is does11:48
Us3r_UnfriendlyUBuxuBU: boot into a live cd and sudo  mkfs.ext4 /"to-where-ever-you-mount-your-drive-to"11:48
UBuxuBUit wont run windows11:48
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: my ruff guess is it's just an operator error in gparted.  it should see everything fdisk -l does.  are you sure about gparted?11:48
EvilPhoenixhow do i increase the daily mail send quota on postfix?11:48
deepoceanbonjoyee, I dont know11:48
Us3r_Unfriendlyyour back r00t4rd3d11:48
=== r00t4rd3d_ is now known as r00t4rd3d
deepoceanbonjoyee, to be clear: in windows everything works. I do get mic and sound. Never bother with surround etc..11:49
UBuxuBUyes i am sure gparted thinks i got 6.2 gigs and i got 8011:49
bonjoyeedeepocean: try options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch11:49
r00t4rd3dhad to log out and back in11:49
UBuxuBUgpartged cant see 47 gigs of windows either11:49
bonjoyeedeepocean: then reboot and tell what happens11:49
r00t4rd3dI did that git thing to get experimental stuff for compiz11:49
Us3r_UnfriendlyUBuxuBU: this'll will erase and format the drive just so you know11:49
deepoceanbonjoyee, brb11:50
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d how'd it turn out?11:50
UBuxuBUi think a mobo controller is borked11:50
nicocoolHi ! I'm trying to install 10.10amd64 from a usb stick on a newtop laptop bought without OS. It starts to boot, but it stays forever on the "syslinux ..." screen. Any idea besides trying a CD install ?11:50
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: oh now it does see something,  just the wrong number.  did you see the box in the uper right corner of gparted?  try select another disk.11:51
bonyhow to reduce the file size of a ogv file?11:51
bonyi have a 1GB file the resolution of the video is 720p. It dosn't matter if i loose some quality of the video11:51
Us3r_Unfriendlybony: gzip it11:51
UBuxuBUall it sees is bios11:51
AnonOpsi get this *untrusted repository* warning when im installing stuff from the actual ubuntu repos11:51
bonyUs3r_Unfriendly, I want it to be in ogv11:51
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: but it was visible in fdisk -l?11:52
Us3r_Unfriendlyoops misunderstood11:52
UBuxuBUi havent run fdisk11:52
gobbenicocool: is your laptop amd64?11:52
UBuxuBUjust started talking about it11:52
bonyUs3r_Unfriendly, I want to reduce the quality a bit so that i can save lot of space. I want to upload this video to the web11:52
Us3r_Unfriendlybony: you could cut it into parts11:52
UBuxuBUfdisk wont do jack11:52
UBuxuBUthat much i know11:53
IamredCan I have a ubuntu claok?11:53
bonyUs3r_Unfriendly, ok11:53
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: cube and fish nice11:53
nicocoolgobbe: well it's brand new and uses "intel core i3-350M"11:53
UBuxuBUif ubuntu cant see windows something is terribly wrong11:53
gobbenicocool: try 32bit11:53
r00t4rd3dthey swim around too11:53
nicocoolgobbe: http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=43529 here it says "64 bits"11:54
deepoceanbonjoyee, I dont think it works11:54
IamredCan I have a ubuntu cloak?11:54
UBuxuBUyes lamred11:54
gobbenicocool: do you have more than 4 GB memory?11:54
nicocoolgobbe: nopte11:54
High_Priestbony, you can do this with mencoder. section "optimize video" in this page http://wiki.showmedo.com/index.php/Video_editing_Ubuntu11:54
IamredUBuxuBU, how?11:54
gobbenicocool: then 64bit doesn't give you anything11:54
gobbenicocool: try 32bit11:54
trigger_u already have windows and u try to install ubt on other partition11:55
UBuxuBUwhat color lamred11:55
Us3r_Unfriendlyyeah empathy isn't 100% with irc in my book...the notifier isn't the greatest lol11:55
deepoceanbonjoyee, I tried to record on sound recorder but I dont hear anything11:55
nicocoolgobbe: ok I'll give it a try... nothing nothing you're sure ?11:55
bonjoyeedeepocean: open alsamixer..and check the settings11:55
gobbenicocool: well. first idea is that it is not supported with 64bit, atleast looks like using 64bit in 32bit machine11:56
deepoceanbonjoyee, I have set everything to maximum11:56
gobbenicocool: and anyway, using 64bit doesn't give anything more if you don't have more memory than 4 GB11:56
deepoceanbonjoyee, anything special?11:56
bonjoyeedeepocean: also open gstreamer-properties and check the default recording device..set all to pulseaudio11:56
nicocoolgobbe: ok thanks. recently installed 64bits on my main pc, because it did only "see" 3 go on my 4 go before. and I seem to notice a little performance increase. placebo effect maybe :)11:57
RuthgardI have alot of ubuntu servers in my office, I have read about radius as a possible means to use the same credentials across several machines, can this be done with ubuntu? Any hints on where to read up on doing that would be aprichiated. The users connect over ssh.11:57
goodtimeyes Ruthgard11:58
bonjoyeedeepocean: else add options snd-hda-intel model=default, reboot. i that does not work..delete that line..look elsewhere!11:58
goodtimei dont know how but i have a friend in newyork who does that11:59
Ruthgardgoodtime is there some documentation on how to go about this?11:59
goodtimeill see11:59
Ruthgardgoogle didnt help much :(11:59
deepoceanbonjoyee, ok brb11:59
Myrttifua101: hi.11:59
cdbsfua101: stop it12:00
fua101i need soem help12:00
Myrttifua101: do you have an Ubuntu related question?12:00
cdbs!ask | fua10112:00
ubottufua101: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:00
fua101whats abuntu12:00
IamredUBUNTU. *12:00
IamredIf you don't know what it is then you shouldn't be here/12:01
goodtimetry that Ruthgard12:01
IamredWho likes cats?12:02
MyrttiIamred: that's offtopic for this channel12:02
UBuxuBUif gparted cant see my hd how can terminal see it12:02
MyrttiIamred: this is the Ubuntu support IRC channel, if you don't have a question or a problem or you're not helping someone, then please keep it somewhere else12:02
UBuxuBUu ok lamred12:02
AbhiJitIamred, and be sure to talk only about ubuntucat in there #ubuntu-offtopic12:03
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: gparted is just the gui frunt end for fdisk12:03
IamredI'm going to make a list of all IRC users that like cats.12:03
UBuxuBUi know that sac12:03
UBuxuBUsacarlson, the gui gets its info from terminal12:04
Iamredsettings = {   core = {     # setting = "new_value"; # "old_value";     real_name = "cpc6-chms1-0-0-cust178.basl.cable.virginmedia.com/"; # "Iamred";     user_name = "522db9b3"; # "Iamred";     nick = "Iamred";   };   "fe-text" = { actlist_sort = "refnum"; }; };12:05
r00t4rd3dUBuxuBU, can you set my cloak to dull.pencil plz12:06
goodtimelo Llama12:07
nicocoolgobbe: same problem with the 32bits version :(12:07
UBuxuBUr00t4rd3d, sure12:07
vincent_are you guys now all seriously at work?12:07
gobbenicocool: what is actually last line you get?12:07
IamredUBuxuBU, can my cloak be Iamred, please?12:07
nicocoolgobbe: blinking cursor12:08
gobbenicocool: above that :D12:08
UBuxuBUno prob lamred12:08
nicocoolgobbe : "SYSLINUX 4.01 debian-20100714 EDD Copyright (c) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al12:08
r00t4rd3dUBuxuBU, you are a freenode op right ?12:08
IamredUBuxuBU, when will my cloak be up?12:09
Myrttir00t4rd3d, Iamred: please take that discussion elsewhere12:09
IamredI'll PM him.12:09
adammw111Hi. Is it possible to delay the startup of a service to when it is actually required rather than at boot?12:09
Iamredmode #channel +f [1t#b]:99912:10
MyrttiIamred, r00t4rd3d: btw, staff can be recognised as such from their cloak12:10
=== gidimanunaki is now known as Guest27578
sacarlsonadammw111: I guess that's what sysV is working on12:10
berkesadammw111, I think that very much depends on the service at hand.12:10
stuckonmychairhelp me please12:10
stuckonmychaircant boot ubuntu12:11
c0nv1ctstuckonmychair, why not?12:11
stuckonmychairerror: file not found12:11
deepoceanhe guys can someone help me with my sound problem?12:11
nicocoolgobbe: i guess i'll go buy a blank CD and give it a try the oldfashionned way12:11
stuckonmychairand ...error: no suitable mode found.12:11
c0nv1ctstuckonmychair, what says that when?12:11
datacrusherhello everyone! my audio controllers from my notebook just stoped working. Volume control via taskbar also is gone, how do i repair / troubleshoot it?12:11
berkesadammw111, e.g. LAMP must be booted regardless.12:11
adammw111well, specifically I would like to delay "webcamstudio", "timidity"  and any other non-essential service12:12
stuckonmychairc0nv1ct..am a noobie to the12:12
zealiodI'm using sfdisk /dev/sda -d t look at my partition table and can see an error "sector 31455270" does not have an msdos signature - is this critical? Can it be fixed?12:12
stuckonmychairubuntu world...12:12
stuckonmychairso dont know how to deal with all this...12:12
k0ralanyone knows how to read a socket file with the shell ?12:13
vincent_I have a riddle12:13
berkesadammw111, I simply don't start most services. And when I CD into a certain directory (e.g. A webdevelopment project) a script starts the LAMP stack. But that is all hackish scripting.12:14
stuckonmychairand am not happy...windows works fine though...12:14
stuckonmychairwhat do i do?12:14
vincent_what do you do when you find out at your weddingnight that the breasts of your wife are not as beautiful as her cleavage promised you?12:14
sacarlsonk0ral: maybe with dd?  man dd12:14
wyclifgood morning12:14
r00t4rd3dhey jean12:14
Iamredwyclif, do you like cats?12:14
k0ralsacarlson: trying12:14
berkesstuckonmychair, you've got to give more info. pls paste error messages or else in a pastie.12:14
stuckonmychairok...here goes...12:15
guillaume_hi all, does anyone know how to write into a file the string "#!/bin/sh" with echo command ? echo seems to bug when i tell it to write "#!"12:15
Iamred#|  ___| | | |/ ___| |/ /_ _| \ | |/ ___|    / \  | \ | | \ | |/ _ \ \ / / #| |_  | | | | |   | ' / | ||  \| | |  _    / _ \ |  \| |  \| | | | \ V /  #|  _| | |_| | |___| . \ | || |\  | |_| |  / ___ \| |\  | |\  | |_| || |   #|_|    \___/ \____|_|\_\___|_| \_|\____| /_/   \_\_| \_|_| \_|\___/ |_|   #12:15
adammw111berkes, this is more of a home laptop, not a server. i don't have a lamp stack or other servers, just weird services like "webcamstudio", "vboxdrv", "timidity" which while important wouldn't prevent me from Googling something and etc.12:15
r00t4rd3dbye bye !12:15
=== Guest27578 is now known as gidim
Iamredoski, do you like cats?12:15
stuckonmychairerror: file not found12:15
stuckonmychairerror: file not found12:15
=== axp2_ is now known as axp2
stuckonmychairerror: no suitable mode found12:16
c0nv1ctguillaume_, echo '#!/bin/sh'12:16
berkesadammw111, I am talking about my laptop too :). But I don't have webcamstudio, vboxdrv or timidity deamons running at all.12:16
c0nv1ctguillaume_, using single quotes makes it escape special characters12:17
berkesstuckonmychair, please note that the [enter] key is not a replacement for a fullstop. Nor for a space :)12:17
wyclifAnyone know why a routine update of linux-headers would prevent booting?12:17
guillaume_c0nv1ct, rhaaa it was so easy... thanks !12:17
berkesstuckonmychair, where do you see these errors? Just after the BIOS, or after Ubuntu loaded already?12:18
stuckonmychairyes...just after that12:18
stuckonmychairust after bios12:18
sacarlsonwyclif: prevent booting do you mean no graphics in X?  maybe you were using propriatary drivers?12:18
deepoceanGuys I have a Realtek ALC 888 I have tried everything to get my mic working with no luck. Who can help me?12:18
stuckonmychairit shows thses three lines and...restarts...12:19
berkesstuckonmychair, Did you meddle with grub or startup? Did you (re)install Windows /after/ ubuntu?12:19
stuckonmychairNopes...nothing of that sort.12:20
stuckonmychairin fact..i was working on latex the other night...wasn't having any troubles12:20
wyclifsacarlson preventing booting: "error: cannot read the Linux header. error: you need to load the kernel first"12:20
berkesstuckonmychair, things like this don't "just happen" something must have gone amiss. We should try to figure out what. Your error messages are giving me no lead.12:20
stuckonmychairwould installing new programs be a problem?12:21
goodtimetry it12:21
berkesstuckonmychair, could it be a broken Harddisk? Do you have some HD inspection tool in your BIOS?12:21
sacarlsonwyclif: well if something is looking for headers sounds like it's trying to compile something?12:21
stuckonmychairyea..i did all the hard disk tests..12:22
berkesstuckonmychair, new programs can cause trouble, yes. Some programs are designed to change the login (like Ubuntu Tweak) so installing them, and playing with them could cause trouble, yes.12:22
sam-_-deepocean, if you really tried "everything" your mic is broken :-)12:22
stuckonmychairthere are some kinda applications12:22
deepoceansam-_-, In windows it works12:22
wyclif!sacarlson Usually when dpkg runs I usually see updates to linux headers and it's usually no problem. But the latest update of those totally causes a boot fail12:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:22
sam-_-deepocean, sound works though?12:23
stuckonmychairi've been checking out the forums...looks like some kinda graphics issue would also cause this sort of error messages...12:23
deepoceansam-_-, Yes sounds works perfect12:23
sam-_-deepocean, mic runs via same sound card?12:23
deepoceansam-_-, only mic12:23
stuckonmychairbut of course, me being a noobie to all this understoon no shit.12:23
sacarlsonwyclif: well hold the shift key at boot and try boot the older kernel I guess.12:24
deepoceansam-_-, in sudo gstreamer-properties I select PulseAudio server voor mic.12:24
sam-_-deepocean, so could you describe real quick what you tried?12:24
berkesstuckonmychair, no, if it happens before boot, probably not. There is no graphics server running by then.12:24
deepoceansam-_-, but for Device it says I can choose from UNKNOWN and UNKNOWN12:24
wyclifsacarlson: I may be forced to do that, right now I'm gonna try to reboot from a CD12:24
stuckonmychairok, a quick question12:24
deepoceansam-_-, sure12:24
deepoceansam-_-, I tried alsa mixer to set everything on max12:25
stuckonmychairif i reinstall ubuntu...would i lose the files....?12:25
sam-_-deepocean, why do you use sudo with gstreamer-properties?12:25
berkesstuckonmychair, have you tried to log in with failsafe?12:25
sacarlsonwyclif: I assume you still have the old kernel,  if that is still installed just change default back to that12:25
stuckonmychairi don't know how to do that12:25
deepoceansam-_-, then I tried to edit sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf12:25
stuckonmychairor...have i not understood yur question... :P12:26
berkesstuckonmychair, and no. If you don't (re)format the drives during installation, ubuntu will be "repaired" rather then overwritten entirely12:26
deepoceansam-_-, and tried different things from default to Medion medion-md2 (I have Medion laptop with ALC 888 chipset)12:26
stuckonmychairwow...wonderful....thats good12:26
wyclifsacarlson: yes, it's booting now, I'll try to roll back to the pre-update state, still wondering why that would happen when it hasn't before12:26
wyclifsacarlson: thanks12:26
sunitrs0832, I have installed J2ee. Thanks12:26
berkesstuckonmychair, Maybe someone else in this chan knows how to change GRUB so that it shows all the startup options, instead of autoloading the default.12:27
rs0832sunit, glad it worked :)12:27
sam-_-deepocean, why do you use sudo with gstreamer-properties?12:27
stuckonmychairso you mean, if i reinstall ubuntu now, i would not lose any of the files that i normally access through ubuntu?12:27
berkesstuckonmychair, one of these options is a resqueu failsafe modus.12:27
deepoceansam-_-,  does it matter ?12:27
sam-_-deepocean, how do you test your mic?12:27
=== Lenoob`ZzZ is now known as Lenoob
deepoceanwith skype12:27
deepoceansam-_-, with skype and Sound recorder12:27
sam-_-deepocean, yes it matters12:27
berkesstuckonmychair, that is right. Again, provided you choose the correct options during install/repair :)12:27
wyclifLenoob: Hi Lenoob12:27
stuckonmychairhehe...yea...i get it...12:28
sacarlsonwyclif: you could also turn the text view on to see at what point it happens.  there's a gui called startup-manager that makes it easy to make changes in grub to change defaults and turn text on12:28
deepoceansam-_-, ok will do without sudo12:28
stuckonmychairso,...mind telling me how i can go about with the failsafe mode?12:28
deepoceansam-_-, ok no luck12:28
wyclifsacarlson: I generally prefer grub to lilo12:28
sam-_-deepocean, that was quick12:29
berkesstuckonmychair, see scarlson answers about grub just above here too.12:29
sacarlsonwyclif: startup-manager is just the gui for grub212:29
sam-_-deepocean, give me a sec12:30
wyclifsacarlson: I also have my /boot/grub/menu.lst backed up just in case anything gets overwritten12:30
wyclifsacarlson: usually I just edit grub on the command line12:31
sunitrs0832, bye12:31
rs0832sunit, bye:)12:31
stuckonmychairthanks a bunch berkes. you are the lord. ;)12:32
wyclifCoffee, you had me at "hello."12:32
sacarlsonwyclif: I don't thing grub2 uses /boot/grub/menu.lst any more12:33
Dr_WillisGrub1 = menu.lst12:33
Dr_Willisgrub2 = totally differnt.12:33
Dr_Willisfor grub2 -->  change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" in /etc/default/grub12:33
wyclifsacarlson: yes that's true, guess I need to back up again! =)12:33
Dr_Willisto see the text messages. change it to 'text' to disable gdm12:33
Dr_Willisand then run 'sudo update-grub') and then you'll have your scrolling text :12:34
wyclifDr_Willis: thanks12:34
wyclifBentFranklin: Hi there, I'm actually in the City of Brotherly Love (Philly) right now12:39
bibic682just installed 10.04, keeping my fingers crossed12:40
nicocoolgobbe: found a workaround !12:41
wyclifis very glad he upgraded from 10.04 to 10.1012:41
bibic682whats the difference between 10.4 and 10.1012:42
tarzeaubibic682: half a year new packages12:43
AbhiJitbibic682, 10.04 is lts12:43
AbhiJitbibic682, then there r new features in 10.1012:44
=== a is now known as Guest30894
=== Guest30894 is now known as noobish
animaxHallo zusammen12:45
wyclifI'm amused by these web tutorials where the first thing they want to show you is how to install grub2-splashimages12:45
=== noobish is now known as wegonfindu
bibic682why is 10.10 not in update manager yet?12:46
OlegI guess this is an any shell question, ctrl+a brings me to the front of the command, what brings me to the end?12:46
Olegctrl+e, nevermind, found it12:47
zvacetbibic682 : do you mean 11.04 or 10.1012:47
looongeris there a distro that has more packages (whether from official or unofficial sources) than Ubuntu?12:47
ikonialooonger: that's nothing to do with ubuntu, so offtopic12:47
AbhiJitbibic682, what is ur current version?12:47
wycliflooonger: I think SuSE does...it's BIG. Even back in the day you had to have a DVD for it all12:48
aj264anyone here?12:48
High_Priestaj264, no12:48
AbhiJitaj264, hi12:48
zvacetbibic682: I'm not at ubuntu right now,but under synaptic check that you put upgrades to normal release not lts12:48
wyclifaj264: Present and accounted for12:48
=== tyeserel is now known as Tyeserel
aj264uh..anyone can help me with a problem which i think is probably related to dnsmasq12:49
AbhiJitbibic682, select normal release in software sources and update list12:50
bibic682ok will look12:50
wyclifaj264: That is above my pay grade, but maybe some of the more sysadmin type users here will chime in12:51
ayush_ Which is the best app launcher + window manager for ubuntu desktop?12:51
looongerI've recently installed Ubuntu after quite a lot of time and now it seems like a huge distro12:51
aj264its just a basic problem though..with an adhoc network i used to get automatic ip assignment12:51
AbhiJitayush_, app launcher = gnome do12:51
aj264whenever i connected another device to my ubuntu laptop12:52
sacarlsonaj264: maybe your needing a dhcpd?12:52
wyclifayush: Define "best": fastest, lightest, most powerful? There are many to choose from...12:52
ayush_AbhiJit, no i mean which is the best aming docky, awn, cairo, etc?12:52
aj264uh. i am not running a server, just looking to share internet connection to my android12:53
IledenAny idea how to troubleshoot or diagnose a weird WLAN problem? I'm having around 20% packet loss on two laptops (T and E) in my home WLAN. T's problem appeared after upgrade to 10.10. T's WLAN is ok when booting with older kernel. E is new so running 10.10. E has been at workplace WLAN, where is ok. E also dualboots Win7, with it WLAN is ok also at home. There is also a 3rd laptop, A, which runs 10.04 and wlan works. The problem comes and goes, sometimes can't even12:53
ikonia!ics | aj26412:53
ubottuaj264: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:53
AbhiJitayush_, try cairo / awn12:53
aj264i used to do this without any problem12:53
ikoniaIleden: have you logged a bug ?12:53
wyclifaj264: Have you tried Firestarter?12:54
ikoniaIleden: you've been asking for days, what have you done beyond repeat the same question on IRC over and over12:54
bibic682I checked off everything and now I have a lot of updates to install and 10.10 available12:54
ayush_wyclif, one which provides easy switching between multiple instances of the same app. like two separate windows of firefox12:54
aj264and my android got ip assigned to it automatically when i connected it to the adhoc network created by the ubuntu..and it shared the internet on my lan automatically with the adhoc network, now there is just the prob of ip assignment12:54
bibic682should I install 10.10 after all updates?12:54
aj264i haven't tried firestarter..no12:55
AbhiJitbibic682, if you wish to12:55
sam-_-deepocean, ok sry. it took so long. problem still persists?12:55
AbhiJitbibic682, 1st update then upgrade12:55
wyclifayush_: I'm kinda partial to LXDE...it's very lightweight and fast12:55
bibic682I'm updating it now12:56
Guest64773At boot FATAL could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep no such file or directory then hangs12:56
zvacetbibic682: yes,first make your lucid up-to-date and then upgrade if you wish12:56
wyclifzvacet: Or update to Maverick12:56
aj264the only thing that bugs me is that it used to work and now it doesn't..whenever i create an adhoc network with ip assignment as 'shared to other computers' dnsmasq process is created, and i figured since its the only mini dhcp client around, it would be the one doing the work?12:56
bibic682thanks, I think I will do that12:57
aj264not dhcp client, but server sorrt12:57
zvacetwyclif: form lucit >maverick is upgrade isn't it12:57
wyclifaj264: looking...not sure I'm gonna be able to field that one12:57
wyclifzvacet: yeah12:58
zvacetwyclif:  ;)12:58
Iledenikonia: that's nice. :( Well, I've tried to research the issue, but haven't found anything at all. Also, amongst family life I really don't have 24h to spend on debugging WLAN, which is why I'm hoping that someone here might have help for me. Your tone was rather moralizing, which I don't much like. I always try to contribute back by helping others on this channel. I didn't realize there was a unwritten social limit to how much I can ask about an issue that I'm pre12:58
aj264never mind..i think the links provided can help, thanks anyways guys12:59
ikoniaIleden: there is no time limit, I'm asking what else you've one, and if you had logged a bug against the kenrnel that was causing the problem12:59
Iledenikonia: as for logging I bug, I'd love to, but I don't think I have the competence to report it with an accuracy that would be acutally helpful for developers.13:00
Guest64773At boot FATAL could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep no such file or directory then hangs13:00
ikoniaIleden: if you read the info the bug report asks for you, you'll be fine13:01
Weazelhey guys, i'm connected to my Exchange 2010 at work using Evolution through IMAP+, but my calendar doesn't seem to work, can any1 help please ?13:02
Iledenikonia: in fact, that's part of the reason I'm asking for help on _diagnozing_ the issue - in order to gather, and thus provide, more infromation about the problem. I'd rather not file a bug report which doesn't contain the relevant reports of some diagnostic commands that I don't know yet.13:05
Iledenikonia: I'll look into filing the bug report.13:06
ikoniaIleden: its your lan, it worked fine, you upgraded one box to 10.10, now it's getting packet loss, that's a good enough starting point13:07
Guest64773At boot FATAL could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep no such file or directory then hangs13:07
Guest64773can anyone help13:08
Iledenikonia: true. though had not the new E laptop failed with WLAN too, I would have just put it into a minor incident.13:08
Weazelhey guys, i'm connected to my Exchange 2010 at work using Evolution through IMAP+, but my calendar doesn't seem to work, any1?13:08
Iledenikonia: i mean considered it a minor incident. Probly just bought a new cheap PCMCIA card for laptop T.13:09
Guest64773At boot error message "FATAL could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep no such file or directory" then hangs.. Please Private message me if you can help13:09
ikoniaGuest64773: please don't ask users to private message you support, please just resolve the issue in the channe13:10
Guest64773@Ikonia so can you help13:11
Guest64773At boot error message "FATAL could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep no such file or directory" then hangs..13:12
Guest64773I cannot go pass boot process so cannot login..13:13
Iledenikonia: sorry I got a bit upset there. It's, just, I didn't expect to be debugging WLAN few days to christmas, and I've had a huge streak of hardware failure recently both at home and at work. Bit on edge. :(13:14
rigvedGuest64773: just curious, what did you change (install/remove) just before you started getting this error?13:15
KiyikoI was wondering if somone who is pretty fucking awesome with css, would pm me, perhaps help me with an odd advanced thing I am trying to do >:/13:16
a_i plugged out my cpu fan and now i need to plug it in13:16
ikoniaKiyiko: control the language please13:16
Guest64773At boot error message "FATAL could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep no such file or directory" then hangs.. Please can anyone help13:16
sacarlsonGuest64773: I see a bug report on it at: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg2595646.html  so maybe try move back to the older kernel that was working13:16
ikoniaKiyiko: css discussion is in #css channel, not #ubuntu13:16
rigvedGuest64773: just curious, what did you change (install/remove) just before you started getting this error?13:16
a_i only know that it was plugged into two cords : red and yellow13:17
a_the fan's cords are red and black13:17
a_how to i plug it in again?13:17
a_shade: hi13:17
Guest64773rigved i upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.1013:17
=== a_ is now known as nicknamehere
nicknamehereplease, help me ;/13:19
ikonianicknamehere: you need to ask a question13:19
BlackDexHello there..13:20
nicknameherei asked13:20
nicknamehere<a_> how to i plug it in again?13:20
BlackDexi get some errors during an upgrade13:20
s3r3n1t7ikonia, he just changed his nick from a_ to nicknamehere13:20
rigvedGuest64773: like sacarlson said, can you boot into a different kernel version?13:20
ikonias3r3n1t7: thank you13:20
BlackDexHere is the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/546539/13:20
Guest64773sacarlson i have about 6 kernels on grub but either of them works13:20
nicknameheres3r3n1t7: thanks13:20
ikonianicknamehere: that is not an ubuntu issue, we don't support your hardware here13:20
Guest64773rigved i have  tried that but still not working13:21
nicknameherebut you know a lot about computers and i thought that you can halp me :)13:21
rigvedGuest64773: have you tried the recovery mode (though not sure that this will work either)...13:21
sacarlsonGuest64773: in this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10247225 they seem to say that kernel 2.6.27 rc2 is working in maveric13:21
s3r3n1t7nicknamehere, this channel is about ubuntu and unfortunately that does not include hardware issues.13:22
Mariusz_respectfully, anyone installed Ubuntu on Toshiba netbook?13:22
ristokIs there precompiled deb of kernel which has initrd set ?13:22
Guest64773I have tried recovery mode but no fix.. even when i failsafe login13:22
Guest64773rigved my mouse and networking wouldn't work13:22
rigvedristok: that is available in the software center13:23
nicknamehereso, where do i ask about that problem? :)13:23
ristokrigved, software center ?13:23
rigvedGuest64773: yes but can you login in recovery mode?13:23
rigvedristok: Applications > Software Center13:23
sacarlsonristok: maybe you will find it in synaptic try search for linux13:24
ristokI did try apt-cache.13:24
Guest64773rigved yes i can13:24
rigvedristok: sorry, you can only download the kernel image. you will need to generate the initrd separately13:25
Guest64773sacarlson, ok i will try kernel 2.6.27 rc213:26
Guest64773hope this doesn't make things worse13:26
reenignEesreveRMy network manager is trtying to access files from /usr/local/var/... instead of /var/..., how to fix it?13:26
aj264hi i found this..can anyone take a look? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=990774913:26
Guest64773This is the exact message i am stuck on Ubuntu 10.10 startup --! *Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep :no such file or directory Mount: Unknown filesystem type 'bnfmt_misc' *Checking Battery state ....                         [OK] ..!  Please can anyone help13:29
Guest64773sacarlson: rigved: This is the exact message i am stuck on Ubuntu 10.10 startup --! *Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep :no such file or directory Mount: Unknown filesystem type 'bnfmt_misc' *Checking Battery state ....                         [OK] ..!  Please can anyone help13:30
Guest64773thanks sacarlson: rigved: Thanks for your help so far. Jus want to let you guys see exactly what i see before i make any more changes..13:31
rigvedGuest64773: your kernel wasn't installed properly. specifically, your kernel modules were either not compiled or they have not been set in the modules.13:32
Guest64773rigved: please how do i fix this?13:33
hidnshadowsMorning guys13:34
rigvedGuest64773: this is not exactly a solution. i suggest that you make a backup of your /home folder and /var/cache/apt/archive folder. then you must reinstall ubuntu 10.10. make sure you create a seperate /home partition13:34
zhang_hi,i want to learn to write some code like bottle or django,can you iintroduce some book for me ?thanks13:35
Picizhang_: #django would be the best place to ask.13:36
Guest64773rigved: WOW. Please is there anyother way i can fix this without reinstalling.. because i do not want to lose any files and configuration13:37
Guest64773This is the exact message i am stuck on Ubuntu 10.10 startup --! *Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep :no such file or directory Mount: Unknown filesystem type 'binfmt_misc' *Checking Battery state ....                         [OK] ..!  Please can anyone help13:37
hidnshadowsguest64773 if you could use a liveCD and restore that file, but that's basically all I can help you with. GOod luck13:38
Dr_WillisGuest64773:  you can use a live cd t access your files and configs. abd back them up. in case you do need to reinstall.13:39
Dr_WillisGuest64773:  it almost sounds like some kernel files got removed. You could boot live cd, chroot into the installed system. and reinstall the kernel packages.13:39
rigvedGuest64773: the other way is this - http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-module.html13:39
Guest64773hidnshadows: Thanks.. I have  a livecd, how can i restore that file13:40
rigvedGuest64773: or what Dr_Willis said13:40
Guest64773Dr_Willis: thanks what do you mean by abd backup?13:41
oedschhey guy.. i downloaded the iso ubuntu 10.10 and the alternate iso, tried it with both cd and usb to install, it crashes always before its even starts to install.. checks fpr hardware and freeze.. with usb version i got the error: unable to find a medium containing a live file system, any one an idea?13:42
Dr_WillisGuest64773:  backup stuff to a differnt location.13:42
Dr_WillisGuest64773:  usb hard drives are handy.13:42
Dr_Willisoedsch:  you did check the md5sum of the iso you downloaded?13:43
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:43
Dr_Willisoedsch:  it could be a bad download.13:43
oedschyes i checked, check was fine13:43
Guest64773Thanks for all your help hidnshadows: Dr_Willis: sacarlson: rigved: Will try rigved idea and if that could not fix it then will just backup and reinstall..13:44
oedschi tried it many times.. every time same effect.. if i use the life cd, it works.. but if i click install, it freezes13:45
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Weazelthunderbird calendar sync problems here. can any1 help ?13:45
craiggleshey guys, im wanting to get bettter with linux in general and was recommened LFS, you think this is a good idea?13:47
sam-_-oedsch, what do mean by freeze?13:47
sam-_-craiggles, depends on what you want to learn13:47
oedsch@sam: the icon stops rotating.. i waited.. and i went sleeping for half an hour.. nothing happened13:48
Picicraiggles: This channel is only for Ubuntu support.  For general Linux discussion please use ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic13:48
sam-_-craiggles, lfs is very time consuming13:48
oedsch@sam after i press install..13:48
iroquoiswhat would be the command i'd use type in the terminal to get ubuntu to shut down? seems my shutdown icon is awol13:48
Pici!zh | reicko13:48
ubottureicko: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:48
* craiggles resorts to #linux13:48
LInkBoth the panels disappeared today. Then found these commands somewhere and it worked: gconftool-2 --shutdown    rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel     pkill gnome-panel13:48
sam-_-oedsch, what happens with the alternate install?13:48
LInkBut I don't know what those commands did.13:49
tonysanIs it possible to install ubuntu rescue remix to a disk drive?13:49
riktkinghi i need some help with apache, can only get one page to show13:49
oedsch@sam: i am asked for some info: keyboar, location and so on.. after network configuration it checks for hardware.. then i see a blue screen with a grey bar at the bottom, but nothing happens ...13:49
johnnybgoode83Hi i need help as I cant get my WD My Book to mount in ubuntu13:50
AbhiJit!lamp | riktking13:50
ubotturiktking: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:50
sam-_-LInk, basically deleted the config and restarted the panel13:50
dnivrahello. i have an apple iPod of format FAT32. i ran fsck on it and got the following error http://pastebin.com/bifTksSE. how can i fix the size?13:50
AbhiJitriktking, or try in #httpd or #ubuntu-server13:50
Piciriktking: What happens otherwise?13:50
PiciAbhiJit: This question is fine for here.13:50
dnivrai mean the error shown.13:51
oedsch@sam: with the usb version i get the message: unable to find medium containing a live file system.. i googled ...13:51
riktkingPici, i only get the main page on a remote connection! when im on the local server i can get the wordpress etc, but on a connection from anywher else i get just index.html13:52
kiziribis there anyone who can help me about vpn connections13:52
oedsch@sam: i found some interesting solutions but nothing of them helped..13:52
iroquoiswhat command in the terminal could i use to get my computer to shut down?13:52
Piciriktking: Do you mind posting the relevant conf files from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ to a pastebin?13:53
Piciiroquois: sudo shutdown now13:53
johnnybgoode83i ran fdisk -l and it appears to be mounted on /dev/sdb but it is not shown under computer13:53
iroquoisty very much piki13:53
replicasexUm, I have a .bin file for the Humble Indie bundle, not really sure how I'm supposed to use it to install the game :\13:53
iroquoisfor some reason my shutdown icon is gone?13:54
riktkingbear with me Pici13:54
dnivrairoquois, you can still add it to the gnome panel. if you are using gnome that is :).13:54
johnnybgoode83can anyone help me with my external hard drive not showing up as i am stumped13:55
AbhiJityarssr is in contineous loop of updating from so many days. help13:55
Raydiationwhere i can i download mozarella firefox?13:55
AbhiJitRaydiation, mozilla.com?13:56
PiciRaydiation: Firefox is in the repositories, you can install it from the Software Center13:56
Raydiationi cant find mozarella firefox though13:56
d1rXCan anyone help with sound issues? :/ got only stereo on 4.1 system13:57
AbhiJitmozarella ??13:57
rigvedRaydiation: Mozilla Firefox13:57
Raydiationyou mean its not italien?13:57
sam-_-replicasex, make it executable then run it13:57
riktkingpici http://pastebin.com/MmDUjAGz13:57
sandhyaHi, all my network interfaces are down. I ran sudo lshw -C network and it shows that both my ethernet as well as my wifi adapter is DISABLED.13:57
rigvedRaydiation: this is the english name13:57
Raydiationrigved: ty13:58
sandhyamy laptops hardware setting for wifi is enabled, fyi13:58
sam-_-sandhya, what does ifconfig -a say?13:59
sandhyasam-_-: I only see "lo"14:00
tonysanIs it possible to install ubuntu rescue remix to a disk drive?14:00
sam-_-sandhya, can you post the lshw thing. i'm having difficulties to imagine14:00
AbhiJitis there yarssr chanel?14:01
histotonysan: you netbook remix?14:02
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histosandhya: what kind of cards are they?14:02
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tonysanhisto: no, rescue remix.14:02
LInksam thank you14:02
sandhyasam-_-: This is on another laptop... A standard lshw entry looks like "* - network" and the entry on the faulty laptop states "* - network DISABLED"14:03
histotonysan: don't know what that is. Possibly ask the makers of rescue remix14:03
johnnybgoode83is there anyone can help me see my WD My Book hard drive.  i am desperate14:03
AbhiJitis there yarssr chanel?14:03
histojohnnybgoode83: is it usb?14:03
sandhyahisto: Realtek and Intel... they were both working fine a few days ago.14:03
johnnybgoode83yes it is14:03
tonysanhisto: Or how do I install ubuntu under the command line14:03
rs0832dnivra, i dont know that much about the filesystems but this may give you some idea for a solution - http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/file/partFAT32-c.html14:03
histosandhya: yeah they should work out of the box.14:03
sacarlsonGuest64773: I found a solution to your problem in this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7312473&postcount=5  but the real problem is in the kernel package bug14:03
histotonysan: you're asking about a distro that I don't know of. This channel is for ubuntu.14:03
sandhyahisto: do you know how I can enable these cards manually?14:04
sam-_-sandhya, tell us the exact name14:04
histojohnnybgoode83: plug it in and it should pop up. If not open a terminal and see if lsusb lists it.14:04
histosandhya: /etc/network/interfaces14:04
tonysanhisto: That is Ubuntu Rescue Remix...14:04
sandhyasam-_-: exact name of what? It isn't one card. it's both and they were working fine.14:04
tonysanNot something else14:04
sam-_-sandhya, you didn't accidentally disable them in the bios14:04
rs0832dnivra, btw, how big is it?14:04
d1rXwhat should be the "default-sample-channels" for 4.1 system?14:04
sam-_-sandhya, you didn't accidentally disable them in the bios?14:05
histotonysan: tonysan I know but it's not a ubuntu distro. Someone else made it.14:05
johnnybgoode83i plugged it in but it does not show up and it is listed when i run lsusb14:05
sandhyasam-_-: nope - this is actually my dad's laptop and he doesn't know anything besides the power button and firefox.14:05
histojohnnybgoode83: okay are you running gnome?14:05
Moobylhi, is something wrong with latest flash plugin for 64bits system ? (10.10 release)14:05
sandhyasam-_-: if they were disabled in the bios, would they still register in lshw?14:05
sandhyahisto: what do I do there?14:05
Piciriktking: Hmm.  I'm not seeing anything there that jumps out at me.  You may want to ask in #httpd as previously suggested for more in-depth support.14:06
spencermoobyl flash is usually a step behind on ubuntu/linux14:06
histojohnnybgoode83: alright check the output of sudo fdisk -l to get the device number.14:06
sam-_-sandhya, good question. i don't know14:06
histosandhya: are you running gnome?14:06
sandhyaalso when I go into system settings in KDE and network settings, I get a "Could not parse XML file" message.14:06
sandhyahisto: KDE on karmic to be precise14:07
johnnybgoode83is it the disk identifier i am looking for14:07
histosandhya: you could try asking in #kubuntu they will know their network manager. I can only get you going the old way manually.14:07
sandhyahisto: I'm happy to go manual14:07
s3r3n1t7sandhya, if you disable something in the BIOS it's a pretty good bet it won't show up anywhere software related.14:07
phillyjanyone knowif it is possible to set up another HDD to load ubuntu and let my original drive run the OEM windows XP?14:07
Moobylspencer: It was working fine , but since some weeks it has gone14:07
sandhyas3r3n1t7: so it's unlikely to be the BIOS14:07
sandhyaThere are shortcuts on the keyboard as well to disable wifi14:07
sandhyabut I've tested them out14:07
histosandhya: well you could do something like auto eth0  on one line and on the second iface eth0 inet dhcp14:07
Moobylthe plugin isn't registered in about:plugins for firefox14:07
histosandhya: on the second14:08
sandhyawhat's annoying is that eth0 is also  down14:08
sandhyahisto: sec14:08
spencerMoobyl and you've tried to update it?14:08
riktkingpici thanks, im in there now14:08
histojohnnybgoode83: well check under the places menu is your drive listed there?14:08
s3r3n1t7sandhya, I haven't followed the entire discussion (I'm also at work, so I'm only sporadically looking here, unless it's a popup from a nick highlight)14:08
johnnybgoode83Disk /dev/sdb: 3000.6 GB, 3000558944256 bytes14:08
johnnybgoode83255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 45599 cylinders14:08
johnnybgoode83Units = cylinders of 16065 * 4096 = 65802240 bytes14:08
johnnybgoode83Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes14:08
johnnybgoode83I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes14:08
FloodBot2johnnybgoode83: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:08
johnnybgoode83Disk identifier: 0x0002dcc814:08
johnnybgoode83   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System14:08
histojohnnybgoode83: yeah don't paste long lines of stuff in channel.14:09
sam-_-sandhya, lsmod |grep -i r8169    to tell if the driver loaded, is it?14:09
spencersandhya really stupid question, but I just gotta ask. Is networking allowed when you right-click the panel?14:09
histojohnnybgoode83: is it under the places menu?14:09
johnnybgoode83sorry im new to this.  it is not uder places14:09
histojohnnybgoode83: okay can you post the output of sudo fdisk -l to paste.ubuntu.com14:09
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sandhyas3r3n1t7: thanks for your sporadicity :)14:10
sandhyasam-_-: I have two entries when I try that14:10
Guest64773sacarlson: Thanks alot.. will check it out14:10
sandhyar8169 34108 014:11
spenceranyone need general troubleshooting?14:11
histojohnnybgoode83: also add in there the output of mount14:11
sandhyamii 4381 1 r816914:11
sandhyaspencer: I'm not sure I follow14:11
johnnybgoode83paul@paul-Satellite-L300:~$ sudo fdisk -l  Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x0001199e     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1               1        1958    1572614:11
histojohnnybgoode83: don't pasett it here paste it on the website paste.ubuntu.com14:11
sacarlsonGuest64773: from the looks of it's complexity it would be easier to just install an older copy and upgrade and keep the older kernel that works for you14:11
histojohnnybgoode83: then just provide me the link the website generates14:12
spencersandhya there's an option to disable networking on the top panel, like where wifi strength is shown, by right-clicking. I'm just making sure that you've checked that already14:12
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d1rXspencer: need help with sound :/14:13
sandhyaspencer: this is KDE, sorry. So I'm not sure if that setting is there.14:13
=== Will| is now known as Will|override
spencerd1rx have you tried going to system>preferences>sound?14:13
s3r3n1t7sandhya, no problem. The command sam-_- gave you will tell you if the driver module is loaded, which it is because it returned you some information.14:13
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histojohnnybgoode83: okay lets sudo mkdir /media/mybook14:13
spencersandhya oh, sorry.14:13
d1rXspencer: yes, only 1 audio stereo availble14:13
histojohnnybgoode83: and sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/mybook14:13
spencerd1rx mind if I PM?14:14
d1rXspencer: no14:14
d1rXspencer: go ahead14:14
Guest64773sacarlson: ok.. you mean an older copy of ubuntu like ubunt 9.10?14:14
ddd-222help: I have a laptop with a broken monitor ( un-usably dim ). I  have the bios set to boot with an external monitor. and X displays to both monitors. But freqently i shutdown X/gdm and just run in console mode. When I do that, the console only shows up on the internal LCD display. It will not display on the external monitor. I should probably say I an using Ubuntu Server with  FVWM. Is there a command line way to say display the console on the 14:14
sandhyahisto: manual = WIN!14:15
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
histojohnnybgoode83: that should mount it to the /media/mybook location.   Can you also paste the output of the command mount on paste.ubuntu.com.14:15
johnnybgoode83my window closed on me.  i didnt get what you posted before14:15
emrecan somebody help me with ubuntu server network configuration14:15
xTitancan someone tell me what's a good irc script to download?14:16
emreI have defined two nics (hostonly and bridget)14:16
histojohnnybgoode83: sudo mkdir /media/mybook && sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/mybook14:16
histojohnnybgoode83: you can just copy and paste that line in terminal14:16
sam-_-sandhya, so how did you solve it?14:16
spencerWhat exactly is an ad-hoc network for, and can you explore the host device?14:16
golahHello all! Need a little help with Lucid and a network scanner.  Had a network Brother MFC-6490CW working under Karmic and upgraded to Lucid.  Now it's not being found by scanimage -L.  The Brother driver brscanconfig3 finds it and I can ping it...just cannot scan!14:16
histospencer: it's just a connectoin between two devices14:16
spencerhisto so you send and receive files then, right?14:17
sandhyasam-_-: I haven't solved it as such, I suppose. I've just enabled eth0 as per histo's command to add it manually.14:17
histospencer: you can.14:17
histospencer: it's not a managed network. Like when you connect to your wifi router.14:17
histojohnnybgoode83: try the command without the -t ntfs-3g14:18
johnnybgoode83it says mount: you must specify the filesystem type14:19
emreI have a vmware image ubuntu server 10.10  eth0: (static)  eth1: (dhcp)  I can ping everything in lan wihtout issue. I cannot ping outside lan.  My resolv.conf file shows correct dns server  If I disable eth0 than I can ping outside of lan14:19
sipherhi everyone ,where can i find menu.lst or grub.lst in ubuntu?14:19
sam-_-sandhya, what command?14:19
rs0832sipher, /boot/grub14:19
histojohnnybgoode83: hrm.. alright let me look something up. The issue is that the drive is formated with a 4096 block size I believe14:19
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rs0832sipher, and its menu.lst or grub.cfg ;)14:19
histojohnnybgoode83: have you used the drive on other machines?14:20
rs0832sipher, and its menu.lst or grub.cfg ;)14:20
johnnybgoode83it mounts ok on xp14:20
rs0832sipher, sorry about the repost :)14:20
histosipher: /etc/default/grub14:20
sipherrs0832, thanks i find it,it is grub.cfg14:20
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rs0832sipher, :)14:20
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sam-_-histo, what command did you tell sandhya?14:21
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sipherhisto, thanks14:21
histosam-_-: had him edit the /etc/network/interfaces file14:22
histosipher: after changes sudo update-grub14:22
sam-_-histo, ah ok. thx14:22
histojohnnybgoode83: still googling hold up14:22
johnnybgoode83no problem14:22
sipherhisto, i know .thanks14:22
golahHello all! Need a little help with Lucid and a network scanner. Had a network Brother MFC-6490CW working under Karmic and upgraded to Lucid. Now it's not being found by scanimage -L. The Brother driver brscanconfig3 finds it and I can ping it...just cannot scan!14:23
histojohnnybgoode83: what version of ubuntu are you using btw?14:24
johnnybgoode83im using maverick14:25
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histojohnnybgoode83: yeah looks like there issues addressing a 3TB drive with ntfs in linux. I'll keep looking for a solution though.14:28
wyclifluoping: Hello14:28
johnnybgoode83it was working yesterday and i had transferred files to it from a failing hard drive with no problems14:29
qubozikhisto: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table14:29
qubozikthat should help you out14:29
qubozikget you started14:29
histoqubozik: it's not me with the problem.14:30
qubozikah sorry14:30
histoqubozik: johnnybgoode83 has a 3TB mybook that he can't mount in linux.  It's NTFS formated.14:30
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Picialif: Please ask your question in the channel.14:30
spencerhisto could it be that it's too big, I know older machines won't recognize large devices14:30
histospencer: well it is and it isn't. It has a fall back but ntfs-3g is puking.14:31
spencerhisto okay, just giving my two cents14:31
ddd-222can anyone help with switching a laptop to the external monitor in console mode (without X) ?14:32
JemtHello. I'm remastering Ubuntu and trying to pass preseeds to Ubiquity, but with no luck. Can someone help?14:32
skorvi dont know how is it out there but in portugal to be a computer tech you have to master windows in all its flavors... linux is viewed like sonething useless really14:32
JemtI am booting ISOLinux with automatic-ubiquity. The preseed I'm testing:  d-i passwd/make-user boolean false14:33
BluesKajhisto, outboard drive or NAS ?14:33
JemtBut the installer still wants me to create a user during install14:33
histoBluesKaj: he's got a western digital mybook usb 3TB14:33
spencerskorv because 90% of the world uses windoze.14:33
histoI don't get it ntfs-3g should be able to do this.14:33
skorvi came to ubuntu to experiment... fell in love completely... 2 weeks after that i had my own ubuntu server (that is still up... 2 years now) but i have ubunto-desktop on it still14:35
skorvok i know i'm damn to linux hell for that thing alone...14:35
BluesKajhisto, I think it needs to be set up as a server , perhaps network storage /NAS or some such14:37
skorvi love its possibilities... but even my employers treat me like an "outsider"... but i have solid knowhow about every windoes flavor out there14:37
histoBluesKaj: what?14:37
skorvbrb... lunch time!14:37
histo!ot > skorv14:37
ubottuskorv, please see my private message14:37
BluesKajhisto,  in order for the drive to be recognized14:38
Jemt!ot > Jemt14:38
ubottuJemt, please see my private message14:38
histojohnnybgoode83: I don't think it's possible at the moment. But I would post a message on the ubuntu forums asking about mounting a 3tb ntfs drive. From what I understand the drive uses gpt to address the large size.14:38
histoBluesKaj: yeah he's looking for it to work between windows and linux.14:39
alifhi, can u help me???14:39
alifi have problem with my ubuntu14:39
coz_alif,  well we need to know the issue14:39
rs0832alif, what problem?14:40
BluesKajhisto, yes understood , check out the NAS possibilities14:40
johnnybgoode83thanks for trying.  im just stumped because it mounted fine yesterday14:40
SartrejaplatzAmis de la déchéance, bonjour.14:40
coz_alif,  type out the problem you are having in as much detail as possible14:40
histoBluesKaj: I really don't understand what nas would have to do with the formating of the drive though.14:40
histojohnnybgoode83: it did?14:40
johnnybgoode83yeah i was able to transfer files to it14:40
rhoxhi i try to install ubuntu 10.10 on my macbook but after entering my Username, login credentials and computername the next button keeps beeing disabled. Do you have any suggestions?14:41
alifi want run my program as root but,....14:41
Pici!fr | Sartrejaplatz14:42
ubottuSartrejaplatz: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:42
PhoenixSTFrhox: try to install again, sometimes its buggy...14:42
xeerhow can I register a protocol transport in linux/ubuntu?14:42
histojohnnybgoode83: what's the output of cat /etc/issue14:42
alifevery i try to it.....i t never work14:42
KM0201rhox: usually it will say in red letters what the problem is14:42
AbhiJityarssr is in contineous loop of updating from so many days. help14:42
histojohnnybgoode83: and uname -a14:42
Pici!details | alif14:42
ubottualif: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:42
histojohnnybgoode83: that stuff you can paste in here it's only one line each14:42
Pici!enter | alif14:42
ubottualif: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:42
johnnybgoode83Ubuntu 10.10 \n \l14:42
rhoxKM0201: the problem is that every is checked14:42
BluesKajhisto, try gparted, maybe it will see the drive14:43
johnnybgoode83Linux paul-Satellite-L300 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux14:43
rhoxand nothings red...14:43
KM0201rhox: then most likely the installer froze.. i'd restart it.. usually once it actually starts installing, all is fine.14:43
histoBluesKaj: well fdisk can see the drive fine.  He just can't mount.14:43
System_Default_0Is Pitivi a good video editor?14:43
pleroherohello, is there any way/command to unplug a usb device? (not modprobe)14:43
rhoxKM0201: ok thanks14:43
l33tchalif: sudo application                      then when it asks, enter your current password...14:43
BluesKaj!gparted  | histo14:44
ubottuhisto: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:44
histoBluesKaj: I know what gparted is14:44
histoBluesKaj: i'm trying to help johnnybgoode8314:44
System_Default_0plerohero: If you mean through the GUI, right click on the device and select unmount.14:44
satishmy monitor can handle 1024*768 resolution but when i change resolution from 800*600 to 1024*786 the display is shifted14:44
SartrejaplatzNo, I want to speack French :(14:44
histojohnnybgoode83: do you have a windows box you can check the disk on?14:44
pleroheroi mean command, physically unplug14:44
BluesKaj!gparted | johnnybgoode8314:45
ubottujohnnybgoode83: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:45
pleroherolike devcon for windows14:45
coz_satish,  you mean shifted to left or right?14:45
johnnybgoode83gparted wont even open.  i enter my password and it looks like it will open then it closes14:45
histoBluesKaj: also he doesn't need to partition it.14:45
alifI have a problem with my ubuntu, I'm running Ubuntu version 10.10 When I try to do use program aircrack, I get the following output: run it as roo,14:45
coz_satish,  which vdeo card do you have there ...if not sure ,,open a terminal and copy paste this command         lspci | grep -i vga14:45
histojohnnybgoode83: yeah don't worry about gparted. I would use a windows box and make sure there are no errors on the drive.14:46
BluesKajjohnnybgoode83, well if the drive is too large , maybe he should partition it14:46
histojohnnybgoode83: it could just have glitched unmounting.14:46
histoBluesKaj: it's not too large.14:46
satishno it changes its...... coordinates ; i can see only lower right portion14:46
System_Default_0plerohero: Via Terminal. sudo umount [parameter] [device]14:46
pleroheroit's a keyboard not disk14:46
johnnybgoode83i had booted into xp and it mounted fine there was no issues there14:47
PhoenixSTFrhox: did you try to do it again?14:47
histojohnnybgoode83: well once in xp chkdsk e:   or whatever you drive letter is.14:47
System_Default_0plerohero: Hmm. :-/ Just unplug it.14:47
BluesKajok histo , johnnybgoode83 , don't try anything suggested here ...see if I care ..good luck14:47
satish00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)14:48
System_Default_0plerohero: Is it an USB input?14:48
histojohnnybgoode83: also the manufacturers do wierd things with those usb enclosures and larger drives. Like converting the 4096 sector size to 512 so XP 32bit will read the drive .14:48
johnnybgoode83i will need to shut down as i have a dual boot system set up14:48
alifl33tch : okey i was tried it, but i cann't write my password , so what i can do??14:48
`marianne`ismo, please don't message me with "hi, sexyyy"14:49
yulerWould anyone be willing to help me get XP multi-booting with Ubuntu 10.10?  I created a thread in ubuntuforums.com a while back, but could not resolve it.14:49
System_Default_0plerohero: Well, there is no way or command to unmount it. Just unplug it.14:49
histojohnnybgoode83: no problem. You can get the drive letter from my computer like e: f: or whatever it is...  just opena  command prompt and chkdsk e:14:49
Piciismo: Stop that.14:49
m3asmiproblem with alsa !!  lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon14:49
Pici!guidelines > ismo14:49
ubottuismo, please see my private message14:49
johnnybgoode83ok i will be back once iv done that14:49
histo!dualboot | yuler14:49
ubottuyuler: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:49
histojohnnybgoode83: k14:49
yulerthx - checking14:49
pleroherothis is what i get every time i reatach it : "sunplus : fixing up Sunplus Wireless Desktop report descriptor"14:50
m3asmisudo alsa froce-reload  return lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon14:50
SergeyITalif, u cant see typed pssword - this is linux14:50
`marianne`thanks Pici :)14:50
coz_satish,  ok  if the image of the desktop has shifted left or right you may have to use the controls on the monitor itself  to adjust the image14:50
pleroheroand after that it works14:50
induzany one knows about English to Hindi dictionary for karmic ubuntu14:51
satishbut it also causes mouse pointer to shift14:51
histosatish: how far shifted?14:51
System_Default_0That doesn't matter. It is just recognizing it. So don't worry about that.14:51
histosatish: did you try using the monitors buttons to adjust the image?14:52
sitonhi all14:52
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=== [censored] is now known as m4xx
System_Default_0induz: check out Ubuntu software center.14:53
bonjoyee!hi | siton14:53
rs0832induz, does youtranslate suit your needs?14:53
Piciismo: This is the Ubuntu support channel, do you have a question?14:54
satishit adjusts but since my mouse position14:55
anthraxwut this error mean guys???14:55
anthraxCannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services14:55
satishi hv to click somewhere below to click on a button14:55
Pici!register | anthrax14:55
ubottuanthrax: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:55
anthraxbut still it shows this eroe14:56
System_Default_0surfzoid: Hi.14:56
Xeroagoodafternooon everyone14:56
AbhiJitanthrax, you need registered nicks14:56
surfzoidi wrote an GUI for the Mandriva rebootin program, now i finished to add support for "grub-reboot", is there people interested to test it ?14:56
System_Default_0surfzoid: How may I help you?14:56
surfzoidthe source are here http://surfzoid.free.fr/freevbsoft/RebootInFE/14:56
System_Default_0surfzoid: Ok.14:57
alif<SergeyIT>  : yes, do u have any  solution???14:57
System_Default_0Xeroa: Hi. Need some help?14:57
Bilzhello. i installed ubuntu 10.04 yesterday on my desktop. i installed all the updates, and now i turned on my desktop and there is no monitor!?14:57
Xeroais anyone willing to answer me 2 questions?, one concerning wireless networking on 10.04, and the other one running mac OS X as guest system with , for example, virtualbox?14:57
Xeroaye i can need some help :-)14:57
Picialif: When typing in your root password it does not show '*'s, this is normal.14:58
Xeroai'll award the helper with a thousand internetz14:58
surfzoidSystem_Default_0 is an bot or an really guy ?14:58
sam-_-!ask | Xeroa14:58
ubottuXeroa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:58
rs0832anthrax, you have to register in the freenode window14:58
Xeroawhat do you mean bilz?14:58
yulerOddly enough, I've combed through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo and it's links multiple times, but haven't been able to solve why XP will boot with "Hiren's Boot CD" GRUB2 XP menu entry, but not on the system GRUB2 menu.14:59
Xeroathnx ubottu14:59
KM0201Xeroa: wireless, depends on the device how easy it is to set up... 2.  There's probably ways to hack it, but it's not going to get discussed here14:59
System_Default_0Xeroa: Abou the wireless. Are you sure you have installed the respective drivers? Check out: System > Administration > Drivers.14:59
rs0832Xeroa, ubottu is a bot :)14:59
cthuljewSo, I can't seem to find a solution to this on Google. I just installed 10.10, and now whenever I plug in or unplug my power cord my system gives a loud beep. This never happened in 10.04. I've gone through every sound setting I can think of.14:59
Xeroathis is getting confuzing wich one is bot and wich one isn't but well14:59
sam-_-Bilz, so someone stole your monitor?14:59
rs0832dnivra, youre back14:59
sitonBilz:had u turned off the x and your ubuntu started under framebuffer model?14:59
* xTitan is ><AwaY>< ><Reason: >< SincE 11:00:02 pm>< AwayPager is on >< AwayLog is on >15:00
KM0201Xeroa: ubottu is the only bot here15:00
Pici!away > xTitan15:00
ubottuxTitan, please see my private message15:00
Xeroa@bout wireless: well after a certain kernel update, my wireless does not seel my access point at desktop startup15:00
Xeroanormal cabled networking is no problem15:00
KM0201Xeroa: again, what is your wireless device...15:00
induzI am looking for offline dictionary...not translation15:00
Xeroaa broadcom15:01
System_Default_0[Private help available at #00xc0]15:01
Xeroasec, coming with specs in a sec15:01
PiciSystem_Default_0: Please don't advertise other channels here.15:01
System_Default_0Xeroa: Check out the network manager.15:01
alifpici : no, not simbol "*", but i cann't write my password, i can use my keyboard when i try it, only "enter" work15:01
Xeroawell think i know what tpe problem is now15:02
Xeroacan"t seem to find network manager installed15:02
Xeroathat's odd15:02
catbird12guys can you help me?15:02
Xeroawell, gonna fix that and then i report back on that issue15:02
Xeroabut that was just a minor one15:02
catbird12just installed ubuntu15:02
System_Default_0Xeroa: Well, you can install it from the Ubuntu Software Center.15:03
catbird12video quality suck15:03
surfzoidSystem_Default_0: congratulations, yu seem to help as an plain job, :-), thanks15:03
Xeroathe real quetion i have is...any good way of running mac OS X as guest OS in virtualbox?15:03
KM0201!enter | catbird1215:03
ubottucatbird12: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:03
sam-_-!ask> catbird1215:03
ubottucatbird12, please see my private message15:03
Dr_Williscatbird12:  you installed the video drivers for your chipset? what is your chipset..15:03
Xeroaor any other virtualisation software15:03
induzsoftware manager shows nothing15:03
Dr_Williscatbird12:  system -> admin -> addational drivers15:03
KM0201Xeroa: probably not legally15:03
Dr_WillisXeroa:  ive heard vbox can do it.. never got it to work.. ne4ver really wanted to :) just rried once  to see if it was easy.. (it was not)15:04
Xeroaand if u have a legal copy of Mac osX?15:04
System_Default_0Xeroa: Of course. I recommend you the Oracle Virtualbox.15:04
Xeroa@Dr_willis, i know15:04
KM0201Xeroa: then it shouldn't be to big an issue15:04
Xeroaiit says they support it15:04
Xeroabut i can't seem to get it work15:04
catbird12how to write a private message? ;o15:04
System_Default_0!drivers | catbird1215:04
PiciXeroa: Then you should ask in their channel: #xbox15:04
sam-_-Xeroa, Steve doesn't approve15:04
toehio2how much battery would I save by turning off gnome (GUI) and only using the command line?15:05
Xeroahe should approve if i consider buying it!15:05
Xeroai mean need it for development in Xcode15:05
coz_toehio2,  mm  good question...probably some15:05
sam-_-toehio2, almost none15:05
Xeroaas there is no plugin for eg. eclipse15:05
System_Default_0catbird12: Open another tab.15:05
Xeroalike android SDK15:05
Xeroai need to run a mac OS  virtual15:05
Xeroaor buy a mac15:05
PiciXeroa: Please stop pressing enter between every two words.15:05
toehio2sam-_-: do you have any references?15:05
Xeroaand frankly i'm a poor bastard15:05
sam-_-toehio2, but depends on a lot of things like desktop effects.15:05
=== anthrax is now known as anthrax03
bencahill|zzzzzz!pm | catbird1215:06
ubottucatbird12: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:06
toehio2sam-_-: no desktop effects, just running gnome with a bunch of terminals open.15:06
=== bencahill|zzzzzz is now known as bencahill
sam-_-toehio2, no actually i don't :-)15:06
System_Default_0!flood | Xeroa15:06
ubottuXeroa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:06
PiciXeroa: Additionally, this doesn't have anything to do with Ubuntu.  As I said before, if you need help with getting specific things to run in Virtualbox, you should be asking in their channel #vbox15:06
sam-_-toehio2, and if you had an amoled screen then the more black there was the better15:06
sam-_-toehio2, just try it. you will probably come to the same conclusion like me15:07
satishplz help me15:07
MorsHi guys15:07
MorsI'm looking for a way to create an installation cd out of my own installation15:07
MorsAny help?15:08
Sniffyanyone know how to use KRename?15:08
bonjoyee!remastersys | Mors15:08
toehio2sam-_-: thank you15:08
System_Default_0Mors: Hi. System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator.15:08
catbird12ok, so. my video quality so very bad. i mean when i press full screen - there are pixels and noise. i'v installed drivers (sys>admin>additional drivers). tried default player and mplayer, still no changes. THX15:08
cdbsMors: you want to create a disk that has stuff like it is on your system?15:08
bonjoyeeMors: try remastersys15:09
MorsSystem_Default_0, wants an iso image15:09
ozonecohail and salutations!15:09
cdbs!remaster | Mors15:09
ubottuMors: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility15:09
bencahillsatish, would a screenshot or picture illustrate the problem better?15:09
sam-_-catbird12, and by videoquality you mean your webcam?15:09
System_Default_0catbird12: Videocard performance, RAM memory.15:09
cjdevlin!details | catbird1215:09
ubottucatbird12: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:09
sam-_-cjdevlin, nice one :-)15:10
MorsChecking remastersys, thanks :-)15:10
induzEnglish to Hindi dictionary15:10
System_Default_0Mors: It needs an ISO image to create a Startup disk.15:10
induzI had a dictionary but it doesnt work on WINE15:10
System_Default_0induz: Virtualbox, try to using it.15:10
catbird12Problem with playing AVI video. very bad quality. not a webcam. videocard - Geforce GT230, 4gb ram15:10
rigvedhow do i add an RSS feed in evolution?15:11
MorsSystem_Default_0, yeah, couldn't get that... do I need to create one? o_015:11
cjdevlinsam-_-: this whole factoid thing makes me feel fancy :)15:11
Bilzalright my ubuntu is seemingly working now with the monitor. however i cant seem to change the resolution - its not in the system menu. any ideas why?15:11
bencahillcjdevlin, it gives you power :)15:11
yulerThis shows the bootable GRUB2 XP entry from a BootCD: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10084770&postcount=9 .  It also shows my non-working XP GRUB2 entry on my system15:11
cdbsBilz: open System->Preferences->Monitor15:11
foo-nixI installed ubuntu-server on a 4GB usb-stick which was mounted in a thincliet, I thinclient booted the installer over the web using bootp. Now, after booting from the stick, everything works untill grub. After grub the system hangs on loading init-bottom and local-bottom.15:11
System_Default_0Mors: [Don't know anything about creating ISO images. Sorry. :-(]15:11
cthuljewAnyone able to help me with my 10.10 sound problem?15:11
foo-nixso I decided to check out the init.d dir on the stick15:11
foo-nixand it turns out to be a *file* :  http://pastie.org/139801315:12
sam-_-cjdevlin, i didn't know details yet. i will use it often in the future...15:12
Bilzthanks cdbs , didnt see that15:12
foo-nixhow can this happen?15:12
induzI had virtualbox and wanted to have Seven on it but I had 64 version not the 32 version of windows....maybe I will try Xp on it15:12
MorsSystem_Default_0, no, I meant does it need a base iso image (like the "pure" live cd image) or just an empty one?15:12
induzYes rs 883215:12
=== studyurnm3 is now known as misnix
sam-_-!details | cthuljew15:13
ubottucthuljew: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:13
cjdevlinMors: if you are trying to create many systems just like yours, you are probably looking for clonezilla15:13
System_Default_0Mors: Needs "pure" live cd image.15:13
rs0832induz, dict-freedict-eng-hin in the repos (synaptic)15:13
catbird12so guys can some one help me??? seems like im going back to win7 -_-15:13
bencahillsam-_-, :) that was the 1625th request for it15:13
cthuljewRunning 10.10 on a Lenovo ThinkPad T61. Whenever I unplug or plug in my power cord, I get a lound system beep. This never happened with 10.04.15:13
cthuljewPlayed with every sound setting I can think of and unchecked every box that made sense. Still happens.15:14
sam-_-bencahill what are you referring to?15:14
Morscjdevlin, Actually I'm moving my ubuntu installation from an old PATA drive to a SATA that already has Win715:14
System_Default_0catbird12: Don't make that mistake first. Second, Did you try making a fresh install?15:14
MorsSo I need an installation usb that'll install all my packages and stuff :-)15:14
bencahillsam-_-, the details factoid, you can see it here: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu&search=details15:15
System_Default_0Mors: Yes.15:15
bonjoyeecthuljew: may be related to the power saving settings on alsa15:15
cjdevlincatbird12: you have yet to provide any information that can help us help you. this is turning into a jerry maguire quote fest. help us help you. what version of ubuntu are you using? what file types are you trying to play?15:15
sam-_-bencahill ah15:15
System_Default_0!details | catbird1215:15
ubottucatbird12: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:15
cthuljewbonjoyee: You sir are a genius!15:15
bonjoyeecthuljew: ?15:16
cthuljewAn hour of hair pulling solved by two seconds in alsamixer.15:16
bencahillbonjoyee, confused genius :)15:16
amadiganCrazy question: are there any USB cables currently sold that could share an internet connection from a Windows XP machine to an Ubuntu machine?15:16
alifThank all15:16
ozonecois this a good irc server to be on? silly question i know..but its been a loooong time15:16
bencahillamadigan, no15:16
bonjoyeebencahill: am i missing something?15:16
cthuljewbonjoyee: Thank you, thank you. I can now go back to watching horrible, horrible Star Trek: Voyager.15:16
histo!ot | ozoneco15:16
ubottuozoneco: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:16
bencahillamadigan, why not use cat5?15:17
nibbler__amadigan, that is impossible, as there is a huge difference between usb host and client. PCs can usually only be host, and host and host wont connect15:17
histoamadigan: why not just use a network cable?15:17
amadiganThe ubuntu machine has no network port15:17
bonjoyeecthuljew: what did i do?15:17
amadiganThere are plenty of host to host usb cables15:17
System_Default_0amadigan: False.15:17
cthuljewbonjoyee: You suggested alsa. I looked in alsamixer. My system beep wasn't muted.15:17
sam-_-amadigan, is it a laptop?15:17
nibbler__amadigan, well, you can buy usb-network adapters and then network15:17
cjdevlinMors: clonezilla is probably going to be your best bet: http://clonezilla.org15:17
bencahillbonjoyee, cthuljew called you a genius, and you're confused, therefore, confused genius! :-P I'm having too much fun here :)15:17
histoamadigan: and there is such a cable15:17
System_Default_0amadigan: You can access internet through virtual machine.15:18
amadiganRemember when Vista came out and every tech store in the U.S. started selling "transfer cables"?15:18
bencahillamadigan, you mean usb male-to-male? definitely don't do that, as they'd both be pushing current/voltage into the other side15:18
bonjoyeebencahill: had a full night sleep...u left the room..just a few hours before!!15:18
histoamadigan: yeah there are usb bridged cables.  That's what you would need15:18
bencahillamadigan, stick a nic in it15:18
amadiganIt's a netbook15:18
histoamadigan: it's a special cable. http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/24815:19
bencahillbonjoyee, no, one hour :-/ oh well, I'll live :)15:19
cthuljewAnyway, thank you world for having helpful people in general. Later.15:19
nibbler__amadigan, buy one usb-wifi and connect via this (netbook should ahve it integreated)15:19
amadiganCan't run a wifi network here15:19
sam-_-amadigan, with no ethernet? fail?15:19
BluesKajamadigan, why not just buy an ethernet card for the pc without the port then run a ct5/6 cable to your router/modem '15:19
catbird12i dont understand. seems like im alone with this problem?? i bet you have solution.  im not good in english, so.. im trying to tell you ---------------- i have a problem with playing AVI video. when i make it full screen there are noise and pixels!  Im running ubuntu 10.10.    and again - i cant explain it better15:19
bullgardI am receiving an Internet audio stream. What command will tell me many characteristics or parameters of this audio stream?15:19
bonjoyeebencahill:hmmm...i was worried i asked a different bencahill!!:)15:20
System_Default_0catbird12: Private conversation.15:20
amadiganThis is at work, no router/modem, would prefer to not put in anything that would look suspicious, tons of cables on my desk already....15:20
sam-_-catbird12, what video player? totem?15:20
bencahillbonjoyee, nope, registered nick :)15:20
histoamadigan: did you get the link I sent?15:20
cjdevlincatbird12: have you tried other avi files? are they all giving you the same problem? to throw a generic solution at you, vlc is a pretty good media player. i have had the most luck with it:    sudo apt-get install vlc15:21
amadiganopening now15:21
bencahillamadigan, yes, look at histo's link15:21
histoamadigan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_over_USB#Treat_USB_as_an_Ethernet_network15:21
sam-_-histo, so this thing works in linux?15:22
histosam-_-: yeah with usbnet15:22
sam-_-histo, nice15:22
histosam-_-: check the wikipedia entry15:22
bencahillamadigan, does the netbook have wireless? if so, you could buy a router as opposed to a cable...just sayin'15:22
amadiganI was running a wifi network for a few days before they noticed.15:23
amadiganNo wifi here15:23
KM0201amadigan: something tells me this isn't worth getting fired over.15:24
amadiganThe first link looks perfect, but it doesn't seem to name a device15:24
billymmm. i made an extended partition when i installed ubuntu (ubuntu is primary). within the extended partition i made a swap partition. the extended partition seems to hve shrunk to the size of the swap partition !? anyway i can resize? gparted has it all faded out, i presume I need to umount?15:24
amadiganConnecting the machine to the network itself is not violation15:24
amadiganIt's just that it can't be wifi15:24
jwfoxjrI was thinking about running a web server with nfs mounted data store.  Is there anything wrong with that scenario?15:24
sam-_-KM0201, if they tell you not to and you still do i wouldn't bet on it15:24
histoamadigan: the other option is using a com/serial cable. I used to use that all the time back inm the day.15:25
KM0201sam-_-: kinda what i was thinking... maybe he doesn't like working there15:25
bencahillamadigan, you could get a usb ethernet adapter, like here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=usb+ethernet&x=0&y=015:25
sam-_-billy, umount swap? try sudo swapoff15:25
bencahillamadigan, but you would need another nic in the win computer15:25
amadiganright, i was hoping to avoid that if possible15:26
billysam-_-, worked a charm (swapoff -a)15:26
anthrax03how to register for vhost..15:27
satishout of sudden it worked15:27
jlebrech1when i putty i don't seem to get the right encoding when ssh into my ubuntu vps. i don't think the locale is set. when i type locale i just see "LANG=" and no locale setting. how would i change this?15:27
KM0201amadigan: if there's an ethernet cable available for you to plug into, why don't you just plug it into the ethernet jack on the computer?.. or am i missing something.. i thought you were trying to set up wireless, to bypass the company network15:27
Picianthrax03: Please ask in #freenode15:27
anthrax03okie pici15:28
satishhow to enable totem-xine15:28
bencahillamadigan, I suppose you'd need something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Belkin-Easy-Transfer-Cable-Windows/dp/B002PAR0AQ15:28
amadiganbencahill: I just wonder if I can convince windows to treat that as a NIC15:28
aaafhello everybody, i have a problem with cups and a pdf15:29
aaafeverytime i want to print it the printer says no (on one page)15:29
aaafi tested it on different pcs (both ubuntu 10.10) and different printers15:29
System_Default_0aaaf: Dis you updated?15:29
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induzrs8832; How can i do that???15:29
aaafSysttem_Default_0, updated to what?15:29
bencahill!tab | induz15:30
ubottuinduz: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:30
System_Default_0aaaf: Problem solved. Ubuntu 10.10 is still young, and it has a lot of bugs.15:30
satishhow to enable totem-xine i hv installed it but it keeps searching for gstreamer plugins15:30
aaafSystem_Default_0, so you suggest to downgrade or try to print with windows?15:30
aaafthe page in trouble is nothing special, ist just a 3mebs vector graphic15:31
System_Default_0aaaf: I prefeer, print with Windows. Easier, than downgrade.15:31
KM0201satish: enable it for what?15:31
satishplaying movies15:31
aaafI'll give it a try15:31
satishit doesnt use xine15:31
KM0201satish: like DVDs? or files15:31
simajoin #ubuntu-ru15:31
bencahillsima /join #ubuntu-ru15:31
satishi want it to use xine backend15:32
simaI know.15:32
histoaaaf: did you try a different pdf? I have no problems printing them here.15:32
aaafhisto, yes and also all other pages in the same pdf print without any trouble15:32
KM0201satish: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?15:32
aaafit's just one page which doesn't work at all15:32
aaafone printer has a silent failure (does nothing) the other crashes and restarts15:32
aaaf(at least it looks so from the cups perspective)15:33
aaafprinter disapperars and reapperars15:33
aaafthe printers are connected via usb if that matters15:33
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histoaaaf: so other pdf's work?  i'm confused15:34
bullgardI am receiving an Internet audio stream. What command will tell me many characteristics or parameters of this audio stream?15:34
aaafhisto, yes other pdfs work15:34
histoaaaf: then maybe the problem is with that pdf15:35
aaafhisto, and if i say ,,print page 1-7'' it works15:35
aaafhisto, but not page 8 :-(15:35
aaafbut xpdf diesplays the pdf :-(15:35
histobullgard: what are you playing it with?15:35
bullgardhisto: I can tell you. But the answer to my question is independent of the answer to your question.15:37
BluesKajaaaf, have you tried acroread as a pdf app ?15:37
aaafBlueKaj, no but evince has no trouble dispalying, too15:38
bullgardhisto: The receiving program is Firefox.15:38
histobullgard: well I would look at the specific app you are streaming with and see if it can tell you information about the stream. I'm not sure what you are looking for?15:38
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satishdoes empathy support DCC in ircs15:39
vanducwitquicked, hello15:40
vanducwitquicked, hi15:40
satishdoes empathy support DCC in ircs?15:41
IdleOnesatish: it should15:42
sam-_-bullgard, so it uses flash?15:42
rs0832satish, all irc clients should support dcc15:42
satishwell quassel doesnt!15:42
rs0832IdleOne, sorry about the overpost.. didnt see yours :)15:43
ePirathello, how can i unlink a port in ubuntu?15:43
sam-_-ePirat,  unlink?15:43
induzrs8832; How can i do that???15:44
ePiratsam-_-: yes... i dont know how to explain it... apache used port 80, now i stopped apache and i want to start nginx but it cant bind the port 8015:44
rs0832induz, sorry, do what?15:45
sam-_-ePirat, what does nginx say exactly?15:45
aaafI've uploaded the trouble causing page to if anybody wants to take a look15:45
rs0832ePirat, probably because some other program is using the port15:45
ePiratsam-_-: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)15:46
ePiratrs0832: yes, apache, but i stoped it15:46
huyhoangcsvanduc, chim15:46
vanducvanduc, cho15:46
induzI got the dictionary but I want English to hindi working dictionary15:46
huyhoangcsvanduc, cu15:46
vanduchuyhoangcs, asdfasdf15:46
IdleOners0832: never apologize for helping :)15:46
huyhoangcsvanduc, duc duc15:46
rs0832ePirat, hmm.. probably something is still running if nginx still says so15:46
induzapplication---Office--dictionarty...but I dont get Eng to hindi15:47
rs0832IdleOne, :) thanks15:47
ePiratrs0832: it isnt...15:47
sam-_-ePirat, why does it want to bind to
rs0832induz, there is a package for that15:47
rs0832induz, dict-freedict-hin-eng15:47
ePiratsam-_-: dont know, but seems to be right15:47
bullgardhisto:  I'm receiving the Internet audiostream http://player.streamtheworld.com/_players/entercom/player/?id=KDFCXMAS using Firefox 3.6.13. What command-line command will tell me many characteristics of the received audio stream? You will notice »player.streamtheworld.com", won't you?15:48
root_      hi everybody15:48
sam-_-ePirat, and why is that?15:48
bullgardsam-_-: No.15:48
rs0832induz, that and the one i gave you before.. are you having a problem wiht it?15:48
Alex_tTest whether i can say something15:49
ePiratsam-_-: sorry, i dont understood this... my english is  bad15:49
sam-_-ePirat, mine too :-) why do you think it is correct to bind to
ePiratsam-_-: because i looked at some nginx support forums and they had all this ip there15:51
rs0832induz, you can try aspell with the aspell-hi dictionary15:51
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sam-_-ePirat, ok15:51
Picisam-_-: That will allow every interface to connect to it, thats how most publicly addressable services are setup.  bind it to if you only want to be able to connect from the server itself.15:51
rigvedsam-_-: is not used by any other applications, afaik15:52
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BernardVBinding to is like binding to all ip's, so and your lan, wan etc...15:53
sam-_-Pici rigved BernardV ok thx15:53
blackswan1what package do i need to install to be able to run java applets in firefox?15:54
histoblackswan1: you can enable the partner repo then install the sun-java6-plugin15:54
histo!partner | blackswan115:54
ubottublackswan1: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:54
rs0832Blackguard, also remove the icedtea plugin if it is installed15:55
rs0832Blackguard, sorry:) wrong tab15:55
rs0832Blackswan1, also remove the icedtea plugin if it is installed15:55
CleaverHey guys. I have a mic attached to my computer, but i cant find it under input devices, hence I cannot record sounds and people cannot hear me on skype. How do I add my mic so I can talk to people?15:59
FriarI'm just starting to play with python...I made a very short script that is giving me an error.15:59
elifIs the ubiquity the installer for ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) ???15:59
Friarbasically it is print "hello world"15:59
Friarand the error I get is Warning: unknown mime-type for "Hello world!" -- using "application/octet-stream"15:59
elifps -aux, in a busybox installation, shows no ubiquity running...15:59
BernardVFriar: #python16:00
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Friarthanks BernardV16:00
ePirati checked already with lsof -i:80 if there is any application using this port, but it isnt16:00
rs0832ePirat, restarting nginx doesnt help?16:01
ePiratrs0832: I cant start it...16:01
FriarBernardV, for some reason I can't get there...I'm trying "/join #python"16:01
Friar\join #python16:01
Friarthat doesn't work...16:01
rs0832ePirat, oh yea sorry :) thats embarassing.. i wasnt thinking16:01
Skyrael017Anyone know a quick way to delete files from a .pdf?16:01
Skyrael017err.... pages from a ".pdf"?16:02
BernardVFriar: It's working here.. do you have a GUI irc client? If so, try clicking on #python16:02
Skyrael017looking it up now, thx16:02
FriarBernardV....that is funny. not working.16:02
rs0832ePirat, try starting it using a different port16:02
FriarI'm using Xchat....16:02
rs0832Friar, type /join #python16:03
elifI opened initrd for 10.04 - 64bit x86, I never saw any ubiquity there, neither python (which it depends on)... what installer is actually running ?16:03
Friarrs0832, I'm not getting anything when i do that. nothing happens.16:03
sam-_-Cleaver, gnome-volume-control16:04
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Cleaversam-_-: huh?16:04
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
rs0832Friar, where are you typing it?16:04
induzyes I am having a problem with the repos u gave me earlier RS883216:04
sam-_-Cleaver, type this command into console16:04
Friarrs0832, the same place I am typing all these messages.16:05
bencahillFriar, after doing that, is #python in the channel list on the left?16:05
rs0832Friar, did you register your nick? to join #python you have to register it with freenode16:05
Friargotta register.16:05
rs0832induz, what kind of problem?16:05
Friarthanks guys.16:05
sam-_-Cleaver, go to hardware: which profile is selected?16:05
Cleaversam-_-: yes?16:05
bencahillrs0832, ah, that's probably it :)16:05
rs0832bencahill, :)16:05
Cleaveranalog stereo duplex16:05
=== Friar is now known as Neezer
elifanybody who knows about the Ubuntu installation ?16:06
sam-_-Cleaver, on to input then16:06
induzwhat should be the Host name in Dictionary server16:06
sam-_-Cleaver, there you can try out different connectors16:06
rs0832induz, which one are you using? (dictionary)16:06
induzEnglish to hindi dictioray16:07
rs0832induz, hmm.. ok hold on ill check16:08
induzshould i change it to or leave it as it is ; dict.org16:08
rs0832induz, in the mean time, check out aspell16:08
induzIspell i tried and gave up16:08
rs0832induz, it should be installed .. just install aspell-hi from the repos16:08
induzI have installed aspell16:09
induzbut Its not the dictionary16:09
rs0832induz, yes the dictionary is aspell-hi16:10
induzhow can i use it??16:10
ielectric_Any idea how to set MAC at boot?16:11
ielectric_following doesnt work http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/16:11
rs0832induz, try using dict.org for the host name16:11
induz.02.2 version aspell-hi is already installed16:11
induzI am using the default host name ; dict.org16:13
rs0832induz, yes16:13
induzHow can i send u screen image??16:13
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.16:13
induzIt doesnt give me Hindi words16:14
sam-_-ielectric_, ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:23:34:23:23:23:23        place it in /etc/rc.local16:15
Skyrael017Pardon me but apparently I suck - I am trying to open pdfedit now so I can edit a file16:16
sam-_-ielectric_, might not work if you use networkmanager or wicd. i'm  not sure16:17
Skyrael017I just unpacked it but am having trouble making it. Can anyone tell me the command to get this running? make -f Makefile apparently doesn't work for me16:17
induz I was disconnected16:17
sirscottis it possible to get ubuntu in a virtual box setup to use dual monitors?  virtual box is setup for 2 monitors, yet the ubuntu guest only sees one of them16:17
rs0832induz, ah ok16:17
sam-_-sudo apt-get install pdfedit  Skyrael01716:17
Skyrael017thanks mac16:17
ielectric_sam-_-, that sets it after dhclient16:17
induzThanks rs8832 so far but still I amnot able to use Hindi dict16:17
ielectric_sam-_-, I need mac configured before all net stuff happens16:18
sam-_-ielectric_, oh :-)16:18
yeasonI have a voice chat server and am trying to stream music into a channel, I'm wondering if there is a package that would handle playback and allow listeners to request songs and have them automatically queued?16:18
induzI cannot find it anywhere in the preferences. Nor do I get the meaning in Hindi language when I type in some word. I only get the meaning in English and some chinese language which I am unable to disable.16:18
sam-_-ielectric_, then place it in rcS.d/S01XXX16:18
rs0832induz, hmm....16:19
m4xxi would like to create a launcher on the desktop that points to a directory in a users home folder, i would like to include this in /etc/skel, if i enter ~/directory or $HOME/directory it fails to launch, is there a way to do this?16:19
rs0832induz, which preferences?16:19
ielectric_sam-_-, ok, I'll try that thanks16:19
rs0832induz, are you trying it in open office?16:20
wolfricwhats this recent update of "generic linux kernel"?16:20
rs0832wolfric, it is the update of the linux kernel16:20
wolfricbut why generic? not linux kernel version update?16:20
jlewis2000phello all is there any way to set up multiple ws in nbr? also can the effects be enabled?16:20
sam-_-m4xx, what do mean by launcher? a link?16:21
rs0832wolfric, it s just named that way :)16:21
rs0832wolfric, generic meaning not a customized one16:21
induzNo I am trying it on Dictionary16:21
wolfricok cheers16:21
rs0832induz, o.016:21
elifI'm confused https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk says is the installer of ubuntu, But, the ISO in http://mirrors.melbourne.co.uk/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso, has no ubiquity in it.16:22
rs0832wolfric, cheers to you too ;)16:22
sam-_-jlewis2000p, what is ws and what is nbr?16:22
rs0832induz, what do you want it to do?16:22
elifthats awsome :)16:22
j3rryhey I downloaded a small software from net using svn co [url] and I compiled it and installed, but now I don't know how to run it. What kind of file should I look for to execute it? i believe its a command line tool16:22
ZykoticK9jlewis2000p, i'd install the regular desktop (ubuntu-desktop package) if you want multiple workspaces and compiz effects16:22
jlewis2000pwork spaces and netbook remix16:22
rs0832j3rry, you normally run it from the terminal16:22
satyami forgot the password for mysql... how do I completely remove and reinstall the package16:22
erUSULj3rry: it probably ended up in /usr/local/bin/16:22
induzApplication--office--Dictionary.... But i dont see hindi meaning. i am able to get English to English meanings16:23
jlewis2000p@zy duhh man i did not think of that.. ty off to wipe the egg off my face16:23
rs0832j3rry, compiling a program doesnt add it to your menus or any shortcuts16:23
rs0832induz, ok ill check16:23
BernardVsatyam: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/resetting-permissions.html16:24
j3rryits a tool actually, not a regular program like kOffice, my friend made it16:24
satyamwhen i do  mysql -u user -h host -p.....it asks for the passwd but i forgot the password what do i do next16:24
Skopje75hi...i need to upgrade Libgc on Hardy...any good guide for it?16:24
simon__I'm new to Ubuntu. I installed 10.10 but I need to install other GFX drivers than ubuntu is suggesting me, because they do not work. My GFX is a 8600M -  Can someone help me on where to get working drivers for my laptop?16:24
rs0832j3rry, then he will know the name:)...16:24
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:25
aeon-ltdsimon__: see above16:25
j3rrywhat file should I run in terminal to in most cases run a program? *.sh file or is it different?16:25
BernardVsatyam: Read the instructions in the link I just posted16:25
simon__aeon-ltd, thanks16:25
j3rrytheres no manual for that program unfortunalely, thats why I have troubles16:25
satyamthanks BernardV16:25
erUSULj3rry: commands do not usually have extension. is just ls or grep16:25
rs0832induz, ah i think the file is different :)16:26
ZykoticK9j3rry, if you foo.sh is marked executable then either put it in your PATH or use "./foo.sh" to run it.  If it's not executable the use "sh foo.sh"16:26
rs0832j3rry, can you post the compiler output?16:26
rs0832j3rry, on paste.ubuntu.com16:26
j3rryone sec16:26
induzrs8832; http://goldendict.org/dictionaries.php16:27
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induzhow can i use any one from there??16:27
rs0832induz, hold on16:28
blackswan1is there a way to make a recording of desktop activity as a video - like the video equivalent of a screen shot?16:29
IdleOne!screencast | blackswan116:30
ubottublackswan1: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.16:30
rs0832induz, from the link you sent me, you have to install goldendict (it is available in the repos)16:30
dischargeblackswan1: ffmpeg works fine for me16:31
dischargeblackswan1: cant get to record sound proper sound though16:31
adminewbMy lucid installation has managed to get its X display settings mangled it seems, no timing clues at to cause. When I log out of the first GNOME desktop session (which appears normal other than system starts with Ubuntu boot logo showing at far too low res), it gets into an infinite loop failing to activate proper display settings for the next login screen. Can't use Ctrl-Alt-Fx to go to a character mode terminal. To escape the loop I have to16:31
induzOk after instalation...what should i do ?  have u used it??16:32
rs0832induz, you have to get the dictionary16:33
induzI went to Synaptic Manager and installed it...now where to find it16:34
rs0832induz, the name is goldendict16:35
satyami am still not going anywhere..16:35
satyamwhen i give a command saying mysql it says: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'satyam'@'localhost' (using password: NO)16:36
induzI got it16:36
induzbut Its Russian16:36
ZykoticK9With an Nvidia Twinview setup is it possible to turn on/off a monitor via a terminal command (rather then using nvidia-settings)?16:36
m4xxsatyam, you probably need to supply a username and password16:36
satyamyeah but i forgot the password16:37
satyamhow do i reset it16:37
induzits hindi to English16:37
m4xxin that case google is your friend16:37
induzHow to do i get working for Eng to hindi16:37
satyamor reinstall it all over again16:37
adminewbMy lucid installation has managed to get its X display settings mangled it seems, no timing clues as to cause. Damage doesn't manifest until I log out of the first GNOME desktop session -- which appears normal other than system starts with Ubuntu boot logo showing at far too low res. Then, it's stuck in an infinite loop repeatedly failing to activate proper display settings for the next login screen. Can't use Ctrl-Alt-Fx to go to a character16:37
j3rrythe log is quite long, the program comes from this site: http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Mwreorder#Installation16:37
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:37
m4xxsearch for something like "mysql reset root password"16:37
KM0201ZykoticK9: i was wondering that the other day... i've had dual screens w nvidia forever, and have never tied16:37
greezmunkeysatyam: oops, your best chances are to check in #mysql. I did the same thing, and the folks there helped me a lot.16:38
j3rryhow can I run that program :)16:38
rk7j #firefox16:38
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rs0832induz, i think i got it16:39
niranjanhi.. anybody guide how to navigate directory using C language16:39
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Piciniranjan: Please ask in ##C, this is not within the scope of #ubuntu16:39
Skopje75guys...this line16:39
induzrs8832..i see it on application--office--Goldendict16:40
Skopje75If you’re upgrading from Linux libc5 or some other C library, you need to replace the ‘/usr/include’ with a fresh directory before installing it. The new ‘/usr/include’ should contain the Linux headers, but nothing else...16:40
induzBut i think its  Hindi to English16:40
Skopje75do i need to delete that folder?16:40
Mortesins93can anybody tell me how can I find out what modules I have loaded on my Xubuntu 9.10? I need to know what driver makes my wireless trust keyboard work16:40
nirazioIs there any way to turn off window grouping with dockbarx? I use the Prism app to create standalone windows for gmail, my corporate webmail, and a few other sites. Because they all use Prism, instead of displaying as separate shortcuts with the custom icons I assigned to each when creating them, they all display together under a single Prism button, using the Prism icon.16:40
ZykoticK9j3rry, perhaps /usr/local/bin/mwreorder ?16:41
area51pilotwhats a good traceroute utility to run from term?16:41
genii-aroundarea51pilot: The ubuntu default is tracepath16:41
Piciarea51pilot: mtr is very handy too.16:41
induzwow--- Its working Now RS883216:42
mustafai have one small problem16:42
induzare u there16:42
aeon-ltdMortesins93: modprobe -c --showconfig (to read your config file)16:43
induzso finally Golden Dictionary works16:43
rs0832induz, yes16:43
j3rryZykoticK9 thanks m8, works fine :)16:43
rkwhen I start firefox cpu goes 100%, any page, anybody knows a way to know what is going on?16:43
rs0832induz, thats good :)16:43
induzaspell is just spell checker16:43
rs0832induz, yes but actually you can use it as a dictionary16:43
induzI took me almost the whole week to find this on16:43
rs0832induz, but it is only gui16:43
Mortesins93aeon-ltd: I'll try that16:43
spencerhey guys, how hot is the room right now?16:44
Dciterk: Even for something like google.com ?16:44
induzaspell??? how can i use it as  dictionary16:44
mustafamy 3g internet speed is tooooo slow16:44
mustafahow i can increase it16:44
kick_kHi lennart16:44
area51pilotmustafa: whats your signal strength16:44
rs0832induz, i think you will like the goldendict better... aspell dictionary is only text based (cli)16:44
LunaVoraxHi everyone !16:44
induzwould u let me know how to use aspell on OO16:44
LunaVoraxWhere can I found a good tutorial to repair my Ubuntu Server installation ?16:45
mustafasome one help me plz16:45
induzhow can i use aspell on OO??16:45
erUSULLunaVorax: "repair" can mean a lot of things. what needs repairing?16:45
spenceranyone need any general troubleshooting?16:45
bencahillkick_k, there is no lennart here, can we help you? :)16:45
erUSUL!details | LunaVorax16:45
ubottuLunaVorax: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:45
bencahillspencer, I could use one more mind on my usb boot problem :)16:46
LunaVoraxerUSUL, my computer turns on and when it comes to boot linux it instantly reboot over and over again16:46
spencerbencahill what ails your machine, my friend?16:46
rs0832induz, on oo, aspell is just a spell checker16:46
kick_kis there any need of Antivirus on ubuntu?16:46
ZykoticK9!virus | kick_k16:46
kick_kif yes which one is good to have16:46
ubottukick_k: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:46
spencerkick_k only if you aren't cautious16:46
Dcitemustafa: You ignored someone else that asked for your signal strenght.16:46
rs0832induz, as a text based (in terminal) program you can use it as a dictionary16:47
LunaVoraxI think I have to reinstall the grub but this computer cannot support booting into gnome/kde16:47
erUSULLunaVorax: have you tried recovery mode? an old kernel ( if aviable ) ?16:47
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LunaVoraxI can't see the grub erUSUL16:47
Dcitemustafa: The speed of your 3G connection depends on where you are and how the network is setup.16:47
LunaVoraxAnd the super gurb disk is of no help16:47
kick_ki heard there are also malware for linux16:47
rs0832kick_k, linux doesnt require an antivirus16:47
bencahillkick_k, http://librenix.com/?inode=2116:47
induzI type a English word in OO and now i want to check its meaning in Hindi , How can i do that??16:47
mustafaim using network manger applet 0.8.116:47
erUSULLunaVorax: so the reboot is before grub appears? ( pressing shift during boot should make the grub menu appear )16:47
casperfoors0832: how is aspell going to do anything but spell check?16:48
spencerkick_k malicious code is available for anything. It's only that it's almost impossible to pick linux viruses up in the wild16:48
jewardSo, I installed i386 on my machine and it only sees 2G out of 4G RAM.  Is i386 not 64 bit?16:48
bonjoyeeinduz: google transliteration?16:48
mustafais auto16:48
histo!translate > induz16:48
ubottuinduz, please see my private message16:48
bencahillspencer, I'm building a digital picture frame from an old laptop (128mb ram)...installed ubuntu cli and put fbi on there, works great! The only thing is that the hdd makes a lot of noise for a picture frame, I would use hdparm -S to spin it down, and that works, but it spins up very often16:48
histojeward: correct16:48
ZykoticK9jeward, i386 is NOT 64bit - it's 32bit16:48
rkDcite, well, when i use chrome or any other browser, the cpu temperature is about 60º C, as soon as i start firefox it goes to 70º and if I start watching pages it goes to 100ºC way too much /usrbin/X goes to 100% cpu usage16:48
greezmunkeyjeward: you need to have the PAE kernel16:48
rs0832casperfoo, no idea but i heard (actually i read) that it does... you have to use the terminal though16:48
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mustafaDicte: i m using network manger applet 0.8.116:49
histojeward: why run 32bit if you have a 64bit cpu though?16:49
jewardhisto: So I have to reinstall?  Do I use the amd64 distribution?  I have Alienware m11x.16:49
spencerbencahill is it physical damage/wear&tear?16:49
Dciterk: Degrees celcius or CPU usage %? PLease be specific ^_^16:49
bonjoyeeinduz: or google translate..i think:-/16:49
grendal_primehey, im looking at a server here that is 8.10 I need to install php5-cli on it but it is aparently eol ?16:49
jewardhisto: It was not intentional.16:49
aLeSDhi all16:49
erUSUL!eol | grendal_prime16:49
ubottugrendal_prime: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:49
aLeSDsomeone could help me with this16:49
bencahillspencer, no, just that for a picture frame, I want it to be silent.16:49
casperfoors0832: I don't think so, it has word lists (whihc is calls dictionaries) but not definitions in the sense of a dictionary normally would16:50
aLeSD: Package gstreamer-video-0.10 was not found in the pkg-config search path.16:50
aLeSDPerhaps you should add the directory containing `gstreamer-video-0.10.pc'16:50
aLeSDto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable16:50
Dcitemustafa: Netowrk manager has very little to do with it. My 3G can go from as low as 0.32mbit to 5mbit depending on where I am.16:50
FloodBot2aLeSD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
grendal_primeya i know what it means.   basically the repos no longer exist...is there anyway i can do this without doing a full blown upgrade on the box?16:50
histojeward: yeah you'd have to reinstall if you want 64bit if you just want more memory support you can run the pae kernel16:50
kwtmubotu, can you verify you can hear me?16:50
induzI dont get your PM??16:50
bonjoyeeinduz: google trasnslate ....transliteration is for typing in another language16:50
jewardhisto: Best to reinstall you think?16:50
kwtmubottu: can you verify you can hear me/16:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:50
anon33_i'm having trouble locating xorg.conf - it's supposed to be in /etc/X11 but it isn't. can anyone help me out?16:50
rs0832casperfoo, well i ve never used it so i may be wrong... i m just saying afaik :)16:50
rkDcite, both :) cpu usage of /usr/bin/X goes to 100% and cpu temperature reaches almost 100º Celsius16:50
LunaVoraxerUSUL the grub never appeared before or after the problem, but when I boot the SGD which load the grub.cfg from the HDD it instantly reboot. Therefore I suppose the problem happens after the GRUB boots.16:50
histojeward: I run 64bit on my 64bit capable pc's.  But that's my preference. I'd like to get the most out of my hardware.16:51
spencerBencahill not sure... you may want to look at getting flash memory. The only thing I could think of is to kill all non-essential processes16:51
rs0832kwtm, ubottu is not a person :)16:51
induzOh I can Type in Hindi or English16:51
grendal_primeanon33_,  ya they dont do that by defualt anymore16:51
Dciterk: Did you customize the apperance? Have you tried disabling your extensions to see if that helps?16:51
jewardhisto: Do I download the amd64 ISO?16:51
induzThat also took me a while to figure out16:51
anon33_grendal_prime: where is xorg.conf then located?16:51
bencahillspencer, I'm attempting to transfer the hdd install to usb, I've made the two partitions on usb (ext2 and swap), transferred all the relevant stuff, but the bios can't boot to usb, nor does it have usb support, and grub's usb drivers don't work for it16:51
ZykoticK9anon33_, it's not there by default.  If you want to create one you can see my instructions at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file16:51
induzrs8832 do u know HIndi??16:51
grendal_primekinda blows in my opinion. you can build one and it will use it if its there...but it doenst create one by default anymore16:51
rs0832induz, of course ;)16:51
erUSULLunaVorax: can you boot a livecd in the same machine? to rule out a hardware problem-16:51
kwtmrs0832: Yes, that's why I directed my question toward it.  I didn't have high hopes of any human responding to me any time soon.  But thanks for verifying that I am not silenced. :)16:51
anon33_ZykoticK9: i install ubuntu on a Macbook Pro, and the directions say it should be there (wht preset values, etc.)16:51
spencerbencahill would it be possible to use an open-source BIOS?16:51
dajhornanon33_: If you need a xorg.conf file, then run `sudo X -configure` and follow the on screen instructions.16:52
grendal_primethere isnt one anon33_16:52
ZykoticK9anon33_, not on recent versions of ubuntu it's not16:52
adminewbMy lucid installation managed to get its X display settings mangled it seems, no timing clues as to cause. Damage doesn't manifest until logout from the first GNOME desktop session -- until then it appears normal except system starts with Ubuntu boot logo showing at too low res. Then, it's stuck in an infinite loop repeatedly failing (cycling @ ~3sec) to activate proper display settings for the login screen. Can't Ctrl-Alt-Fx for a character 16:52
mustafadcite: the tel antiner is on near my house16:52
grendal_primenot in 10.04 anyway.16:52
rkDcite, well, i started a new empty profile. It doest reach 100% cpu usage, but it cpu temperature goes to 75ºC which i think is way too much even without extensions16:52
bencahillspencer, ...so I got the plop boot manager, and put grub on the usb as well, and now everything works, but I get this error: http://forum.plop.at/index.php/topic,560.msg3194.html#msg319416:52
casperfoojeward: you want the amd64 ISO for 64 bit16:52
bencahillspencer, I hadn't thought about it, didn't know of that option :-/16:52
Cleaversam-_-: i cant seem to get it working16:52
MrHacksNautilis is proving to be an achillies heel for 10.10! My netbook is sooooo bogged down all because I tried creating a new folder16:52
mustafadcite : when i use windows it come 4Mb16:52
rs0832kwtm, sorry but i missed your problem in the channel traffic, ill check up16:52
induzDo u use comp for Hindi typing??16:52
jewardcasperfoo: Thanks!16:52
Dcitemustafa: Some people just have bad networks, Unless you are saying someone beside you is getting MUCH better speed than you.16:52
mustafabut when i use linux it give me 5Kb16:52
rs0832induz, oh not really16:52
spencerbencahill it may not be viable, but it's worth looking into16:52
sliptteeshi all16:53
bencahillspencer, I did update the bios to latest version using manufacturer's tool, but still no usb16:53
induzI am planning to write some poetry[book] in hindi16:53
sam-_-Cleaver, then i'm afraid i can't help16:53
rs0832induz, i mostly speak only English.. French hindi konkani if i need to only :)16:53
bencahillspencer, what open bioses are there?16:53
sliptteeswhy Xorg usage 80% CPU everytime?16:53
Eventus2Join #cyanogenmod16:53
induzThats why i wanted a type setting in Hindi and a dictionary16:53
LunaVoraxerUSUL, yes I can however not the original ubuntu cd because the machine is too weak to handle gnome or kde16:53
sam-_-!sound | Cleaver16:53
ubottuCleaver: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:53
spencerbencahill there are a few, like openBIOS16:53
* bencahill searches16:53
rs0832induz, better use the pm to talk so we are not off topic :)16:53
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MrHacksThis problem I'm having has me chatting on my droid16:54
anon33_ZykoticK9: what do you recommend? just creating a new one?16:54
spencerbencahill www.openbios.org16:54
ZykoticK9anon33_, it's not there by default.  If you want to create one you can see my instructions at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file16:54
Dciterk: Please use something like top to watch cpu usage, firefox uses high cpu to start16:54
dajhornslipttees: The x11 stack that was bundled with Maverick can waste the CPU in some configurations.  Try upgrading to the x-swat PPA.16:54
Dcitemustafa: How odd.. I'm not sure what can be slowing down your 3G then.. never had that issue personally.16:54
sliptteesdajhorn: i'm use lucid16:54
induzHow can i PM u??16:54
anon33_ZykoticK9: all i'm looking to do is implement the simple line: Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1"16:54
MrHacksNautilis is crippling the system16:54
erUSULLunaVorax: :/ then it looks like the kernel does not like your hardware for some reason ... but without eerror messages or any other info is hard to know why ...16:54
anon33_ZykoticK9: from there instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Maverick16:54
rs0832kwtm, can you please tell me your problem? i cant find it :)16:55
spencerJust wondering, how does one tag an ubottu message to someone?16:55
mustafaDcite : there are any one can help me16:55
sam-_-spencer, there is very few hardware that openbios actually works on. bencahill16:55
ZykoticK9anon33_, i don't use Macs at all.  But if you want an xorg.conf my link should work...16:55
sliptteesdajhorn: i'm use lucid and i915 video driver16:55
sliptteesdajhorn: system updated !16:55
erUSUL!botsnack | spencer16:55
ubottuspencer: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!16:55
dajhornslipttees: Does the X process spin all the time, or when you have desktop effects enabled?16:55
spencersam-_- I wasn't aware of that, It's not like I change my firmware every other week :)16:55
sliptteesdajhorn: disabled16:56
rs0832induz, did you get the pm i sent you?16:56
anon33_ZykoticK9: let's hope so16:56
milambergrendal_prime: build from source?16:56
erUSULspencer: if you want to send it as private msgs use > instead of |16:56
Mortesins93can anybody tell me what driver I need to install to make my Trust wireless keyboard work?16:56
dajhornslipttees: Sorry,  I have no ideas for a Lucid system.16:56
spencererUSUL I know a few of those, but what do you use to space? <tab> doesn't work16:56
Mortesins93because it only works on xubuntu 9.1016:56
erUSULspencer: space what?16:56
sliptteesdajhorn: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)16:56
MrHacksFINNALLY! It's done screwing arround. Force close nautilis16:57
rkDcite, the weird thing is, is not firefox hogging the cpu, its /usr/bin/X (the X server) it goes to 100% cpu usage like crazy when I start firefox16:57
ubottuerUSUL: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!16:57
Mortesins93I tried looking at the modules but I don't have a clue what they are or what they mean16:57
Dcitemustafa: I'm not sure what can be causing your slow down.. sorry please try someone else.16:57
erUSULspencer: you can not autocomplete factoids. you have to know them ;P16:57
adminewbMy lucid installation managed to get its X display settings mangled it seems, no timing clues as to cause. Damage doesn't manifest until logout from the first GNOME desktop session -- until then it appears normal except system starts with Ubuntu boot logo showing at too low res. Then, it's stuck in an infinite loop repeatedly failing (cycling @ ~3sec) to activate proper display settings for the login screen. Can't Ctrl-Alt-Fx for a character 16:57
anon33_ZykoticK9: thanks for your help16:57
sliptteesdajhorn: Dell Latitude E641016:57
Dciterk: Any persona's or themeing extensions installed?16:57
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rs0832kwtm, ?16:57
spencererusul there's a space between the first part and the pipeline, I wasn't sure if that was necessary16:58
MrHacksTwo chrome extensions have now crashed. Nautilis, why do you hat my netbook?16:58
ZykoticK9anon33_, glad to help.  best of luck.16:58
bencahillsam-_-, spencer, yeah, I doubt this laptop would work with it...16:58
sam-_-bencahill spencer here is a list: http://www.coreboot.org/Supported_Motherboards16:59
MrHacksAlso, why does an wnck-app need 250mb of ram?16:59
kwtmrs0832: No problem. I merely meant that, for over 90% of the times past, when I ask a question, no one answers.  Then when I say "May I ask a question?" then some self-righteous person says, "Don't ask to ask, just ask" and then I point out that I've already asked 5 minutes ago.  So now when I enter the forum, I don't even bother getting a human to verify that I'm audible.16:59
bencahillsam-_-, spencer, yeah I looked in there, and nothing like mine is in there...16:59
rkDcite yep, i have extensions installed one persona theme (the only theme extension I have) but i just installed today. This problem has been happening since lucid16:59
kwtmRight now I'm formulating my question and will have one soon.  It's complex to explain.16:59
spencerbencahill I'm not sure, then. The only other option would be getting newer HDD or using flash memory16:59
rs0832kwtm, sure16:59
sliptteesplease i need help with lucid system, xorg usage 80% CPU = 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)16:59
spencer!patience | kwtm16:59
ubottukwtm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:59
MrHacksIt's bad enough chrome and firefox suck up memory, now there is a gnome indicator doing it too!17:00
bencahillspencer, well do you have any ideas regarding the solution I was talking about above, using a usb drive?17:00
sam-_-slipttees, did you try to log out and in again?17:00
aeon-ltdMrHacks: my advice - if you want to conserve ram for other apps; don't use gnome17:00
Dciterk: The only thing I can suggest is to try other system themes or change how firefox handles it;s own interface. Maybe something is out of date with it..17:00
sliptteessam-_-: yeah17:00
LunaVoraxIf I manage to boot the lubuntu live cd, will openning the terminal allow me to repair the grub of my broken installation ?17:00
prowerhello :> i'm trying to use the netbook edition of ubuntu on an acer aspire one (the original 8.9" model)...recording audio from it (i.e. in things like skype or amsn video conferencing) the audio recorded from the built-in microphone is extremely choppy and distorted :< is there  any way i might be able to fix it?17:01
milamber!grub | LunaVorax17:01
ubottuLunaVorax: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:01
bonjoyeeLunaVorax: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide17:01
sam-_-slipttees, so right after login x uses 80%cpu?17:01
Dciteprower: Try to mute one of the channels with pavucontrol17:01
sliptteesnope, use 5min and usage up 80%, system very slow17:01
spencerbencahill not really, an option could be using a HDD mount on another machine17:02
bencahillspencer, could I do that over wireless?17:02
sliptteessam-_-: dell latitude E6410, 2.6.32-27-generic17:02
prowerDcite: Okay...so just mute the microphone then? Done :>17:02
Dciteprower: Mute just one of the microphone channels and try again?17:02
bencahillspencer, ...I had thought about that, but didn't think it would work with wireless...17:02
spencerbencahill maybe, it depends on your setup17:03
itaylor57slipttees: are you running compiz?17:03
MrHacksaeon-ltd I use chrome. I switched to chrome b/c unity sucks17:03
Dciteprower: That's what worked for me Aspire One A110L17:03
sliptteesitaylor57: nope, disabled17:03
bencahillspencer, so basically something on hdd boots, which then loads main os from network?17:03
sam-_-prower, is it choppy when you try to record parecord --file-format -r asdf   then ctl+c then paplay asdf17:03
MrHacksSorry to say it, but unity had the same issues with memory17:03
bencahillspencer, can grub do that?17:03
spencerbencahill it might, I'm not very knowledgable on alternative boots or really anything of the sort17:04
adminewbIncidental question: now I discover that Ctrl-Alt-Fx may long have been malfunctioning. Just goes black screen now, though it's not managed to sabotage Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return to desktop session. What to do?17:05
rjgoldsboroughHey all. Can anyone suggest a nice video card that is compatible with 10.04+. I have a GIGABYTE GV-R555D3-1GI that wouldn't work (not sure why). It has fried and I need a replacement that will work with the newer versions17:05
aLeSDis it better to install jack or jack 2 ?17:05
sliptteessam-_-: itaylor57 i'll try new kernel by ppa 2.6.37-1017:05
prowerDcite: Ahh, okay so mute one channel and leave the other one...yep, that's done, I'll try sound recorder or something like that17:05
sam-_-slipttees, it's probably some program. not x itself that makes it go wild17:05
prowersam-_-: i'm not sure, i can check though :>17:05
adminewbrjgoldsborough, don't you think there's rather a huge load of baggage in notions of "nice" video cards?17:05
sliptteeshumm... sam-_- maybe kernel module bug?17:06
itaylor57slipttees: good luck17:06
spenceradminewb ctrl alt f1 goes to CLI. perhaps the one that you hit made it lock or shut down, but not kill power17:06
sliptteesi915 driver17:06
ramanKHow can I change the applet indicator mail reader to thunderbird ?17:06
sliptteesthx bro itaylor5717:06
sam-_-slipttees, possible but unlikely17:06
prowersam-_-, yes, trying that quickly it seems to be pretty choppy still17:06
* Fargeee http://imagetwist.com/e1ubou2tvag6/156897_168406319867731_100000950924332_325446_5758311_n_1_.jpg.html17:07
sliptteessam-_-: to install here, needed use "nomodeset xforcevesa"17:07
sliptteesor blank screen17:07
alabalaany1 here can help me with a problem that concerns intsalling ubuntu ?17:07
sliptteesupdate everthig e try without line in grub17:07
spenceralabala just ask17:07
sliptteeswork :-)17:07
ramanKsorry , could you please help me to change the mail reader in the applet indicator ?17:07
milamberrjgoldsborough: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards17:07
rjgoldsboroughadminewb: ok. anything that will let me install and run ubuntu17:07
sliptteeswon't like charm17:07
alabalaok .. i just tried to install ubuntu booting from the cd i downloaded from site17:07
alabalai get a black screen and nothing more17:08
rjgoldsboroughahh thanks milamber, was looking for something like that17:08
sliptteesi see17:08
spenceralabala how long have you waited for it to do anything?17:08
alabalalong enough17:08
milamberrjgoldsborough: np17:08
alabala1st i thought was my lcd ... i added a 2nd diplay17:08
adminewbspencer thanks for response; I know what is meant to happen with Ctrl-Alt-F1 - F6, it just isn't happening: get black screen rather than character mode terminal. Ctrl-Alt-F7 works though.17:08
sam-_-slipttees, since your hardware is pretty new you might want to do-release-upgrade17:08
spenceralabala a few things, 1 can you type the name of whoever you're responding to in front of your response. Are you sure your BIOS is set to boot from a CD?17:09
ZykoticK9adminewb, have you tried to change your Plymouth resolution on a system using proprietary drivers?17:09
milamber!details | alabala17:09
ubottualabala: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:09
sacarlsonwhat is the <ctl> leter to get you out of X server screen to the other none graphic screen?17:09
milambersacarlson: ctrl + alt + f117:09
ZykoticK9sacarlson, to quit Xorg you can use alt+sysrq+k17:10
adminewbrjgoldsborough, I recommend visiting tomshardware.com to see what they say about how various display adapters would suit you. Best of luck getting working drivers for linux.17:10
sacarlsonmilamber: is there a way to also get back in with another <ctl>  thanks by the way17:10
milambersacarlson: ctrl + alt + f717:10
alabalaspencer: it`s all ok ... at start i see the unbuntu logo .. i see some dots ... a colored backgroud .. dots movin` ... then on my lcd i get the message no signal .. and stays like that17:10
coreGrlthere is a way to crypt a folder from nautilus?17:10
spencerhi coregrl, how can we help you?17:10
ZykoticK9sacarlson, might by c+a+f817:10
sacarlsonZykoticK9: no just to temp leave and come back but I'll keep that too17:11
ggreenesshe connection times out when trying to connect computer 1 or 3 to computer 2. computer 2 can ssh to 1 and 3 just fine and computers 1 and 3 can connect as well17:11
adminewbZykoticK9 don't understand what's Plymouth resolution? I'm using standard open drivers afaik.17:11
spenceralabala, so on your only screen you see that the computer isn't sending any input. Is the computer still on? does the HDD rev up or down?17:11
rjgoldsboroughadminewb: thanks. it worked in 9.10 and lower. But I couldn't get to the install screen with 10.04+17:12
milamberggreene: are you sure ssh-server is running on computer 2?17:12
alabalaspencer: the dvd rom sounds like ... it`s spinning .. but after a while stops spinning17:12
ggreenemilamber i believe it is what do i need to type to verify17:13
spencer alabala does the screen flicker and then shut off, like there's an error message? also, how much time do you give it?17:13
ZykoticK9adminewb, ok - was just checking (i ran into an issue a long time ago playing with Plymouth resolution on nvidia that broke all the virtual terminals, black screen like yours) but if you are using open drivers - then it is a different issue for sure.  Best of luck.17:13
grendal_primemilamber, grrr i really dont want to do that17:13
milamberggreene: is computer 2 yours?17:13
ggreeneyes all 3 are17:13
alabalaspencer:  no errors on screen, no flickering ... just like there`s no video imout .. i w8ted around 5 mins17:13
milambergrendal_prime: i would really recommend updating the distro. eol means no more security updates.17:14
alabalaspencer: meanwhile there`s no signal on display the dvd still spins17:14
ggreenemilamber, yes all three are mine17:14
Ronniehow to remove a keyboard layout? (i tried in the keyboard settings, as root to delete it, and in gconf-editor - but after login, the keyboard layout is back) Where is the global setting stored?17:14
milamberggreene: do you have physical access to computer2 now?17:14
ggreenemilamber, yes17:14
ggreenemilamber, yes i'm on it17:14
milamberggreene: ps -aux will show all processes running17:15
grendal_primeya its locked into a vm enviro so im not worreied about that.17:15
safinaskarI cannot install VMWare 7.1.3 on my Kubuntu Natty. When I install it process sudenly crashes and VMWare uninstall itself back. Help!17:15
ZykoticK9milamber, ggreene the command is "ps aux" the "ps -aux" will show an error at the top17:15
spenceralabala hmm... I'm thinking17:16
erUSULsafinaskar: natty is not even in beta state; what did you expect to happen?17:16
dfaurecould someone retitle bug 441653 and/or fix it? ;)17:16
milamberZykoticK9: mb17:16
spenceralabala mind if I PM?17:16
alabalatake ur time17:16
erUSUL!natty | safinaskar17:16
ubottusafinaskar: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.17:16
alabalago ahead17:16
BernardVsafinaskar: Maybe you should try KVM https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM17:16
sam-_-coreGrl, right click on folder choose compress. choose zip and use other options to supply password17:16
ZykoticK9milamber, for YEARS i used -aux, until someone pointed out my error ;)17:17
safinaskarBernardV, no, i want to play existing vmware machine17:17
grendal_primething is...ya i im going to just migrate the code on the box to a new build. soon but not right before a 4 day weekend17:17
milamberZykoticK9: seems logical.17:18
BernardVZykoticK9: I did the same ;) For what I know in the past it was correct to use -aux17:18
ggreenemilamber, i see about 5 lines with ssh in it17:18
grendal_primeand i wanted to build some scripts to monitor a spicific thing on this box and react accordingly,  i know how to build them quickly in php.17:18
coreGrlsam-_-, yes I know but I want to crypt the folder diretly17:18
milamberok. the simplest way to tell is: nmap localhost17:18
BernardVsafinaskar: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/How_To_Migrate_From_Vmware_To_KVM :P17:18
billyhow can I check that my drivers for graphics are installed properly?17:19
milamberggreene: ssh is on port 22 and it should be open17:19
aLeSDhi all17:19
safinaskarBernardV, thanks17:19
aLeSDi compiled a source ... coukld I create a package from it ?17:19
KM0201billy: well, what graphics device do you have?17:19
ZykoticK9safinaskar, i ran into problems with vmware 7.1 on ubuntu 10.10 - found some sketchy patch on the internet (don't have link) that fixed it - http://paste.ubuntu.com/546654/17:19
greezmunkeybilly: check through /var/log/xorg.0.log17:19
ggreenemilamber, it is17:20
slakdo i have to tar first or gzip first and why does it do a fsck every time i type ifconfig??17:20
milamberggreene: try: ssh localhost17:20
billyKM0201, its an ATi graphics card, (radeon 3600 series or something). i had problems initially with it and i dont really know if its currently stable (enough)17:20
billygreezmunkey, quite a few logs in ther17:21
histoslak: it shouldnt' be doing an fsck ivertime you type ifconfig17:21
slakwell no shit sherlock17:21
sam-_-coreGrl, i assumed so...17:21
juniourhey can any one tell me how to use recordit now17:21
slakbut why is it doing that17:21
KM0201billy: i think w/ ATI.. you need to see if FGLRX is insalled, but i have no idea how to do that.17:21
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:21
coreGrlit seems there was a projet http://code.google.com/p/crypt-manager/wiki/GnomeIntegration17:21
histoslak: can you paste.ubuntu.com the output17:21
bayoLu all17:21
slakyou people are the experts17:21
histo!language | slak17:21
ubottuslak: please see above17:21
billyKM0201, i uninstalled fglrx because of problems17:21
histo!volunteers | slak17:22
ubottuslak: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:22
slakhey i only speak english ok motherfucker so whatever else language your talking about.. it aint happening17:22
slakso chill nigger17:22
histookay i'm done17:22
BernardVwtf.. sorry..17:22
aeon-ltdi was just about to call the ops :)17:22
juniourhey can any one solve my problem17:22
aeon-ltd!details | juniour17:22
ubottujuniour: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:22
histosome serious trolling going on in here at the moment.17:23
juniouri have problem with recorditnow17:23
=== RonaldH is now known as Ronald
System_Default_0Does Pitivi has video effects and transitions?17:24
ggreenemilamber, it won't take my password17:24
IdleOnejuniour: you need to give more details, what sort of problem?17:24
histojuniour: can't really help you if we don't know what the problem is17:24
sliptteessam-_-: no luck =/17:24
slipttees2.6.37-10 kernel17:24
sacarlsoncoreGrl: I use something like this in gedit to encrypt files,  I also see encrypt in my nautilus but never used it17:25
juniourrecordit now is a software for capturing desktop activities17:25
histojuniour: yes what is the problem with it?17:25
sam-_-slipttees, told you i didn't think it was the kernel. open system-monitor and look which process could be trolling17:25
juniouri am not able to capture desktop17:25
ggreenemilamber, i don't believe i have set a password for root yet is there a default?17:26
IdleOnejuniour: are you getting any errors?17:26
milamber!root | ggreene17:26
ubottuggreene: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:26
juniourhisto i am not able to capture desktop17:26
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
juniouridleone no error17:26
histojuniour: are you using kde?17:26
bonjoyeeggreene: if its ubuntu..theres no root!17:26
sliptteessam-_-: Xorg17:26
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
histojuniour: perhaps use gkt-recordmydesktop thenn.17:27
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
milamberggreene: whatever the default user/pass you created is will grant you access17:27
juniourhito k17:27
sleipnirapt-get moo17:28
BareGraceMiseryI'm back again17:28
sleipnirHi Bare17:28
sacarlsonjuniour: histo: I've used that recordmydesktop  it worked for me also had audio capture at the same time17:28
ggreenemilamber, i am entering it and it still isn't letting me in17:28
BareGraceMiseryso I left my ubuntu machine on overnight, and now I have a black screen and don't know what to do about it17:28
BareGraceMiseryit's odd17:28
milamberggreene: there's not much i can do for you in that case. maybe check for caps/num lock?17:29
sleipnirBare, restart x server17:29
BareGraceMiserythis hasn't happened before, but my brother seems to think it's a bad idea to leave ubuntu on for a long time17:29
aeon-ltdBareGraceMisery: have you tried turning it on and off again ?17:29
copertonirq per ubunto dove lo trovo17:29
bencahillBareGraceMisery, desktop install?17:29
aeon-ltdBareGraceMisery: fans on?17:29
milamberggreene: brb17:29
BareGraceMiseryaeon-ltd: that's exactly what I don't want to do17:29
adminewbBareGraceMisery, hmm by contrast with Windoze which can be unattended indefinitely?17:29
sleipnir/etc/init.d/gdm restart17:30
sam-_-_adminewb, right...17:30
BareGraceMiseryadminewb: lol windoze17:30
ggreenemilamber, caps and num are where they are supposed to be17:30
bencahill!it | coperton17:30
ubottucoperton: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:30
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: it might be sleeping (suspend);)17:30
BareGraceMiseryumm k17:30
sacarlsonBareGraceMisery: I've had my ubuntu 10.04 on for over 5 months and only rebooted 2 times17:30
copertongrazie mille ora ci vado17:30
BareGraceMiseryI rarely reboot my mac17:31
BareGraceMiserybut more often than twice in 5 months17:31
BareGraceMiseryyeah I know, I don't think it's supposed to be this way17:31
sleipnirit's a laptop?17:31
BareGraceMiserysleipnir: my mac is17:31
BareGraceMiserymy ubuntu machine isn't17:32
BareGraceMiseryit's an hp tower17:32
bencahill!language | alabala_17:32
ubottualabala_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:32
BareGraceMiseryit's also dual-boot with windows 717:32
bencahillBareGraceMisery, have you just installed ubuntu?17:32
PrajwalI deleted my facebook account :)17:32
sleipnirscreen saver enabled?17:33
histoBareGraceMisery: move the mouse and press a key on the keyboard to wake the machine up.17:33
BareGraceMiserybencahill: nope, I did so this summer17:33
BareGraceMiseryhisto: I tried that already17:33
histoBareGraceMisery: power button?17:33
BareGraceMiseryhisto: I don't want to17:33
BareGraceMiseryI want my session back17:33
bencahillBareGraceMisery, why not?17:33
sleipnirCrtl + alt + F3, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart17:33
BareGraceMiseryI was doing work17:33
sleipnirrestart x server17:34
bencahillBareGraceMisery, yeah try what sleipnir said17:34
BareGraceMiserysleipnir: none of the ctrl + alt combinations are doing anything17:34
BareGraceMiseryI thought it was the monitor17:34
BareGraceMiserybut my brother says no17:34
bencahillBareGraceMisery, ah :-/17:34
sleipniryou can acces to the machine by ssh?17:35
BareGraceMiseryhold on a sec, I am going to jiggle the connection17:35
BareGraceMiserysleipnir: I'd love to be able to do that17:35
bencahillBareGraceMisery, got another monitor to test out? I've had monitors die overnight, wake up and they're gone17:35
BareGraceMiserybut I don't know its name17:35
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: if theres no fan/hdd/lan its either suspended to S3 or crashed!17:35
BareGraceMiserybonjoyee: what?17:35
sacarlsonBareGraceMisery: I have a bad hardware system that I sometimes just hold the power botton till it turns off and I power up again and works perfect for another week17:36
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: and by crashed ..i dont mean damaged,,but shutdown abnormally17:36
bencahillBareGraceMisery, does the computer have lights and fans?17:36
sleipnirBare... can you access to the HP machine usin ssh?17:36
adminewbWhat if Ctrl-Alt-F3 is broken? Just discovered I'm using "radeon" kernel module display driver. Can't tell for sure, but it seems open / nonproprietary?17:36
bencahillBareGraceMisery, you should be able to scan ips for it from the mac, if it is actually on/graphics not working/monitor not working17:37
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: do u see any signs of life..like the fan/hdd spinning or the lan led blinking?17:37
Carbon177I have a whole bench full of not working computers.  lol ;)17:37
BareGraceMiserybencahill: hmm, sounds like a blan17:37
sleipnirssh BareGraceMisery@HPmachine17:37
bencahillBareGraceMisery, a blan?17:38
BareGraceMiseryI think it's not that at all, sleipnir17:38
bfrithere is a feature in ubuntu jaunty for wireless broadband setting that allows me to use my usb modem.  no other distribution has this setting.  how do i transfer it over to another distribution?17:38
BareGraceMiseryI think I might just have called it ubuntu17:38
ggreenemilamber, ok i got it it looks like a slash screen when it goes through17:38
sleipnirOk, bye everybody17:38
bencahillBareGraceMisery, first see if it has fan/hdd/lan like bonjoyee said17:39
OerH!themes | OerH17:39
ubottuOerH, please see my private message17:39
pabsthow can i get sudo to preserve the calling user's PATH? i tried env PATH=$PATH, i tried commenting out Defaults env_reset in sudoers, and neither worked ;_;17:39
ARasputinHello, I was looking for some help with my Ubuntu from a veteran or someone who knows how to connect a PS3 controller through USB and NOT bluetooth.17:39
BareGraceMiserybencahill: what do you mean?17:39
BareGraceMiserywhat's hdd?17:39
kijutsuIs NTFS and JFS support under ubuntu a lot slower than native access, say.. EXT2/3 or ReiserFS?17:39
bencahillBareGraceMisery, hard disk drive (??)17:39
sacarlsonany more challenging questions here for me tonight?  I like complete questions with lots of data pastebin prefered.17:39
BareGraceMiseryof course it has a hard disk drive17:40
sacarlsonpabst: try sudo -i17:40
erUSULkijutsu: JFS is as native as EXT2/3 or ReiserFS ( or XFS )17:40
BareGraceMiserywell the cd drive works17:40
bencahillBareGraceMisery, nono, can you hear the hdd spinning, and can you hear fans spinning, and17:40
BareGraceMiseryI don't think the fan is on,17:40
erUSULkijutsu: ntfs on the other hand is implemented via fuse so it is slower17:40
BareGraceMiserythe light in front is on17:40
pabstnope. echo $PATH shows ubuntu's default SECURE_PATH17:40
bencahillbonjoyee, what did I get myself into? :)17:40
kijutsuerUSUL: I was looking at a versus type thing.  I have an NTFS and Mac OS Journaled drive thats slow as @)#*.  And I was wondering if that was the reason.17:40
BareGraceMiseryand the light on the mouse connected to it is on17:40
bfrithere is a feature in ubuntu jaunty for wireless broadband setting that allows me to use my usb modem.  no other distribution has this setting.  how do i transfer it over to another distribution?17:41
pabstscarlson: nope. echo $PATH shows ubuntu's default SECURE_PATH17:41
Carbon177sacarlson:  you say tonight?  what time is it there.17:41
ivan_another spanish?17:41
BareGraceMiserywell I definitely hear something when I put my ear to the tower17:41
erUSULkijutsu: MacOSX filesystem is hfs+ not jfs...17:41
bencahillBareGraceMisery, ok, sounds like it's on, although I'm not sure how suspend on ubuntu works....17:41
greezmunkeyBareGraceMisery: ok, so all of that and still no life. Is you monitor on?17:41
adminewbsleipnir, What if Ctrl-Alt-F3 is broken? Just discovered I'm using "radeon" kernel module display driver. Can't tell for sure, but it seems open / nonproprietary?17:41
IdleOne!es | ivan_17:41
ubottuivan_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:41
kijutsuerUSUL: ...odd.. .cause it seems to be using JFS drivers to access it from what I can gather.17:41
bencahillBareGraceMisery, can you check your monitor with another computer?17:41
sacarlsonCarbon177: late 12:41am  my time,  that's not a good question I want pastebin17:41
erUSULkijutsu: see what « cat /proc/mounts » looks like17:42
kijutsuerUSUL: In either case, my dumb question of the day is this.  Would it be faster to wipe those drives and reformat to a normal linux partition and restoring the data.17:42
safinaskarZykoticK9, thanks, but this patch need vmware installed and I cannot install vmware17:42
erUSULkijutsu: yes; access would be faster17:42
ARasputinAnyone here know how to connect a sixaxis PS3 controller to my Ubuntu without the use of Bluetooth?17:42
ZykoticK9safinaskar, that patch allowed me to install vmware...17:42
ARasputinI've tried researching it on google and whatnot, but everything points to bluetooth17:43
kijutsuerUSUL: I ran across a program called SubSonic, and it takes well over a day to index 800+ gigs of music.  And that seems odd to me as I nkow a guy who indexes his 500 gigs within an hour.17:43
BareGraceMiseryso yeah, I know my mac should be able to see other machines in the are17:43
Carbon177sacarlson: nice   it's 12:42 pm here.   I place my next question in the form of a pastebin17:43
kijutsuerUSUL: and I'm trying to trace down possible problems.17:43
BareGraceMiseryanyone know…?17:43
bencahillBareGraceMisery, connected to the same network?17:43
BareGraceMiseryyeah , exactly bencahill17:43
BareGraceMiseryok my ssh timed out17:43
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: if possible, try pinging the computer..if wake on lan is supported ..it should wake up the beast!17:43
BareGraceMiseryso either it is not what I called  it, or17:44
bencahillBareGraceMisery, then yes, find an app that scans for ip addresses17:44
bencahillBareGraceMisery, so you cannot ping ubuntu?17:44
ggreeneno connectivity via ssh. 3 computers computer #2 will connect out but not in. computers 1 and 3 will connect out and in but not to computer 2. ssh is on port 22 and it is open on computer 2.17:44
erUSULkijutsu: as i said ntfs is implenmeted in userspace via fuse so it is slower. hfs+ is in kernel but it is not wiell mantained ( few use it or are interested in it )17:44
safinaskarZykoticK9, this patch applies to /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/${mod}.tar, but vmware is not installed, so I have not /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/${mod}.tar in my system, so I cannot apply patch17:44
bencahillBareGraceMisery, is that what you called it? (ubuntu)17:44
kijutsuerUSUL: so that is most likely my culprit..?  dumping all that data onto a normal linux parttion could speed up the process?17:44
greezmunkeybencahill: BareGraceMisery ping the broadcast address of your network, i.e. That will hit everything on the lan.17:45
BareGraceMiseryhold on I think dropbox knows what its name is17:45
milamberggreene: sorry, so you got in through the local machine?17:45
BareGraceMiseryactually, come to think of it, I think it was PC_ubuntu17:45
bencahillgreezmunkey, oh right, forgot about that (silly me) :)17:45
ggreenemilamber,  yes it looks like a splash screen17:45
bencahillBareGraceMisery, ok, can you ping that?17:45
BareGraceMiserysorry guys, I'm such a n00b17:46
erUSULkijutsu: well; you can make a benchmark with a subset... say 50 GiB or 100 GiB of files. benchmark the fs's in that particular workload17:46
leonardopiresim using virt-manager for manage the kvm server from my desktop17:46
leonardopiresis there other manager than this?17:46
milamberggreene: are you doing x forwarding? it should just be a text login?17:46
erUSULkijutsu: could be many other things... different diks ( one slower than the other ). Excesive fragmentation of fs? maybe you are using usb 2 to access the disks ?17:47
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: we all are!...atleast at things we don't know!17:47
ggreenemilamber,  i entered the ssh localhost into terminal and got a text response that looks simular to a splash screen and then it returned to command line17:47
MaT-dgI need help with enabling sound on my x-fi card on maverick17:47
pabstscarlson: Defaults:pabst !env_reset17:47
kijutsuerUSUL: oddly yes.  The USB is actually faster than the internal disk.  (NTFS on USB, HFS+ on internal SATA controller)17:47
ggreenemilamber,  Linux gdesktop 2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 1 23:52:12 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux17:47
ggreeneUbuntu 10.04.1 LTS17:47
ggreeneWelcome to Ubuntu!17:47
ggreene * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/17:47
ggreeneThe programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;17:47
FloodBot2ggreene: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:47
bencahill!details | MaT-dg17:47
ubottuMaT-dg: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:47
BareGraceMiserythis is case-sensitive?17:48
bfrithere is a feature in ubuntu jaunty for wireless broadband setting that allows me to use my usb modem.  no other distribution has this setting.  how do i transfer it over to another distribution?17:48
bluefox83something is wrong with my gnome installation, it wont autostart my startup applications, and when i go to log in "gnome" is not in my session options. when i try to install gnome, i get an error: "Depends: swfdec-mozilla but it is not going to be installed"  how do i fix that?17:48
bencahillBareGraceMisery, I don't believe it is case-sensitive17:48
sacarlsonbfri: the source must be availible can't be too hard to port if it's linux17:49
milamberggreene: that is what you are supposed to get. the context is: ssh ipaddressofmachine2 -l useronmachine217:49
bencahillBareGraceMisery, just try pinging the broadcast address, as greezmunkey suggested17:49
milamberggreene: to log in from another comp17:49
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
* bluefox83 facepalms17:49
bluefox83does anyone know how to fix that problem?17:50
BareGraceMiserybencahill: well "ping PC_Ubuntu" is telling me "unknown host"17:50
sacarlsonbfri: it must be network-manger17:50
bonjoyeebencahill: hostname in caps? is that possible?17:50
BareGraceMiseryI'm sure I got the name right this time17:50
ZykoticK9bluefox83, if you want to install gnome use the package gnome-desktop-environment.  The "gnome" backage is from Debian and is quasi-broken on Ubuntu.  If you want the full Ubuntu version of gnome use "ubuntu-desktop"17:50
bencahillBareGraceMisery, what is your ip address and subnet mask?17:50
BareGraceMiserywhat a lame name… I should rename it17:50
bluefox83ZykoticK9: i'm pretty sure those are already installed...17:50
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bfrisacarlson: so what does that mean i need to do?17:50
bonjoyeebencahill: ubuntu did not allow me the last time i tried!17:51
bencahillbonjoyee, I don't think it matters, i.e. it's not case-sensitive17:51
MaT-dgI have an x-fi soundcard but ubuntu 10.10 doesn't recognise it, although I read that the driver should be included in alsa 1.0.2117:51
sacarlsonbfri: look for network-manager I think the source that is even newer is available,  google it17:51
bluefox83ZykoticK9: i'm installing gnome-desktop-environment just to try and see if it fixes the problem...17:51
bonjoyeebencahill: youre right..ping is not cs!17:51
bluefox83ZykoticK9: thanks for the suggestion17:51
sacarlsonbfri: you do know how to compile don't you?17:52
bencahillbonjoyee, heh, so I do know something! :)17:52
BareGraceMiserybencahill: I thought you could get that by /whois ?17:52
erUSULMaT-dg: try « sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-$(lsb_release -sc)-generic » and reboot17:52
bfriwith a little help yes17:52
ggreenemilamber,  when i enter that from computer 3 trying to get into computer 2 it says the connection timed out17:52
bencahillBareGraceMisery, not familiar with a mac and how it works, but I would try ifconfig17:52
bfrisacarlson: with a little help yes17:52
bonjoyeebencahill: pulling a leg?;)17:52
sacarlsonbfri: there is tons of help,  you can get it direct from the developers if you have a problem17:53
=== Hiz is now known as Guest70568
bencahillbonjoyee, actually not http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=mac+terminal+ifconfig&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-817:53
milamberggreene: check your router and make sure computer 2 has all the permissions it needs17:53
bencahillbonjoyee, :)17:53
BareGraceMiserybencahill: tried ifconfig, what is it telling me?17:53
kwtmHi! How do I make Ubuntu not preserve so many backup kernels when there is a kernel update? Right now I have 2.6.32-19 to 2.6.32-25, each about 80MB; how do I keep only the most recent three (say) kernels?  My root partition is full and I'm trying to make some more space.17:54
bonjoyeebencahill: no...i meant u saying to me : bonjoyee, heh, so I do know something! :)17:54
user_thi, i have some small networking application that i want to run on top of very small and simple os, the application is 64bits, any of you familier with simple 64bits os that give very very simple infestracture to run just 1 application inside the kernel address space17:54
kwtmAlso, is it safe to just manually delete one if I want to continue to preserve 6 backup kernels?17:54
darthdeusis it possible to set up redirect from one permalink to another directly in the DNS record? eg. from /foo/bar to /foo/baz17:54
bencahillBareGraceMisery, what do inet and netmask say?17:54
sacarlsonkwtm: I think you can purge them in synaptic or apt-get17:54
erUSULkwtm: make sure you have the package "linux-image" installed; then remove thee kernels you do not use17:54
ggreenemilamber,  I have a ubuntu router what settings in iptables am i needing to be sure are present17:55
gladiatorhi. can someone please tell me what this means: http://pastie.org/1398449 i can open facebook just fine17:55
satyam help17:55
MaT-dgerUSUL: thx, going to try17:55
satyamerror: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)'17:55
kwtmsacarlson: Oh, are there specific packages that I can then remove/autoremove?  Thanks for the info.17:55
bencahillbonjoyee, no, I must have missed it :-/17:55
satyami m not going anywhere17:55
greezmunkeysatyam: did you check in #mysql as I advised?17:55
kwtmdarthdeus: when you say DNS record ... do you mean /foo/bar is a URL?  Or a file pathname?17:55
sacarlsonkwtm: not auto but yes you search for all you linux-  that are installed and in synaptic select purge to delete the entire package17:56
satyami tried but i m unable to connect to the channel how do i do it17:56
kwtmerUSUL: when you say remove, do you mean with apt-get as sacarlson suggested, or just sudo rm -rf?17:56
BareGraceMiserybencahill: inet netmask 0xff00000017:56
BareGraceMiseryand I pm'ed you cuz there is too much going on in here17:56
erUSULkwtm: with apt or synaptic17:57
sacarlsonsatyam: is mysql running?  check ps -A |grep mysql17:57
IdleOne!register | satyam you need to register.17:57
ubottusatyam you need to register.: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:57
darthdeuskwtm, it's in the URL. I'm migrating app from one system to another which uses different permalinks, and I can't setup redirect directly in the application or web server17:57
darthdeuskwtm, I don't need any pattern matching, I just need to make one specific url to redirect to another one on the same domain17:58
_pg_can someone help me ssh? im getting operation timed out and the server has port 22 open17:58
sacarlson_pg_: from lan or internet?17:58
joeoshawaanyone know about ltsp?17:59
joeoshawaor dhcp17:59
milamberggreene: i'm not too familiar w/ iptables . . . i thought that was a linux based firewall. can you nmap computer2 from computer1 or 3?17:59
kwtmdarthdeus: I think what you are saying is, when the web server looks for /foo/bar, you want it to go to /foo/baz instead.  So if (say) the web server is running on a Linux OS, you'd set up a link (symbolic or hard) and then the web server wouldn't know the difference, no?17:59
=== seb__ is now known as seb_93
_pg_sacarlson: internet17:59
bonjoyee_pg_: firewall?17:59
joeoshawawould dnsmasq interfere with dhcp3?18:00
kwtm_pg_: Do you get anything when you use the "-v" option?  I know a bit about ssh (got my home network set up that way)18:00
_pg_bonjoyee: isnt ssh to cinrcumvent my (remote) firewall?18:00
ggreenemilamber,  iptables is a firewall but you manually configure the file with code to allow or deny actions.18:00
_pg_kwtm: no18:00
darthdeuskwtm, yes but I can't access the web server, I only have control over the DNS record ... the application is provided hosted solution which I can't access18:00
ggreenemilamber,  so just nmap "ipaddress of computer 2?"18:00
sacarlson_pg_: do you have your router setup to forward all port 22 trafic to the server on that network?18:01
milamberggreene: yes.18:01
bonjoyee_pg_: how?18:01
_pg_port map 22 local ip to the machine i want18:01
MaT-dgerUSUL: did what you said.. but no succes18:01
BareGraceMiserybaaw I guess I should just restart it...18:01
erUSULMaT-dg: :/18:01
bluefox83ZykoticK9: installing gnome-desktop-environment did nothing to add gnome to my "session" menu at the login screen :(18:01
bluefox83all i get is "ubuntu desktop edition"18:01
bonjoyee_pg_: if theres a  firewall between your pc and router(iptables)..it'll block port 2218:02
sacarlson_pg_: ok and netstat -pant  ?  do we see port 22 listen?18:02
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  that is the gnome desktop here.18:02
ZykoticK9bluefox83, "ubuntu desktop edition" should be gnome!18:02
_pg_the server has port 22 open. im connecting from work.18:02
bluefox83Dr_Willis: well, i'm trying to follow a tutorial on how to make my "startup applications" actually start up18:02
_pg_sacarlson: i dont know what that means18:02
bluefox83it wont start up several of the things i listed, even though i can manually start them18:03
erUSUL_pg_: maybe you need to configure the router to forward port 22 to your server?18:03
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  I dont know why you need a tutorial. I start them via the sessions manager tools. or the Autostart directory18:03
sacarlson_pg_: ok so your work has a filter on port 22?18:03
kwtmdarthdeus: There is a way ... let me try to recall...18:03
ggreenemilamber,  says hot is down18:03
bluefox83Dr_Willis: they are located in both of those, and it still does not work D:18:03
_pg_sacarlson: apparently. but i thought ssh was meant to bypass routers. isnt that the point?18:03
ggreenemilamber,  says host is down18:03
bonjoyee_pg_: if its a timeout..it has to do something with the firewall/port forwarding18:03
sacarlson_pg_: no it can't bypass filters on port 2218:03
bfrisacarlson: what do i need to compile?18:04
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  make one script that starts  them all perhaps, perhaps via running 'xterm -e "command to run"' so you can see any messages.18:04
milamberggreene: iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT   ~~~~> run that on computer218:04
_pg_isnt ssh used to bypass firewalls?18:04
sacarlson_pg_: if you know a port that works you can change it to that but my guess at work it only allows connections out and established links18:04
bluefox83Dr_Willis: shouldn't i have something in system>preferences called Sessions?18:04
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
topmistrzno siemasz18:04
bonjoyee_pg_: of course not!18:04
_pg_ok, port 22 is open on
bluefox83because i don't >.>18:05
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  it called 'startup applications' here18:05
erUSUL_pg_: no; ssh is a Secure SHell18:05
kwtm_pg_: Ssh allows you to have a secure connection if the firewall lets you, on (for example) port 22.  Once you have that connection, any other connection (say port 80) can be connected through the firewall even if it's blocked, because you can forward it through port 22 instead.18:05
sacarlson_pg_: so you could setup a vpn to your home to bypass the filter18:05
bonjoyee_pg_: it has to listen on the wan interface18:05
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  im usiong ubuntu 10.10 here.  Not sure what you are using.18:05
bluefox83Dr_Willis: well my startup applications list is useless because it wont actually start anything in the dang list D:18:05
bluefox83Dr_Willis: 10.1018:05
wildfire100hi, i downloaded pkr from their website, it downloaded fine in the  wine windwows program loader, but after i look in my downloads folder and its not there, where do i find it?18:06
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  you installed the normal ubuntu desktop edition?18:06
_pg_ok, port 22 is open on so does that mean thats not the problem?18:06
ggreenemilamber,  i entered it on computer 2 when i nmap computer 2 fro # it still says its down18:06
bluefox83ZykoticK9: installing gnome-desktop-environment did nothing to add gnome to my "session" menu at the login screen :(yep18:06
bluefox83that was odd18:06
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
kwtm_pg_: But you have to have the ssh connection first.  So if you have port 22 blocked by the firewall, you would have to find another port (say Port 20022) instead.  If you have NO ports that the firewall allows, then you can't use ssh at all.18:06
bear_1125How could I save my logs into a text file using mIRC? Thanks18:06
botdogguys how to connect my Samsung vibrant to Ubuntu?18:06
sacarlsonbfri: you wanted network-manager on another distro.  so that's what you could compile,  but they may already have it compiled if you checked on that destro18:06
bonjoyee_pg_: is for local connections...to get connected from internet..ssh has to listen on a wan interface18:06
bluefox83yes, i installed the 64 edition of ubuntu desktop18:06
Dr_Willisbear_1125:  read the mirc docs. it has logging features.18:07
_pg_kwtm: port 22 is open locally18:07
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  then you shouldnt have to be installing anything.  The sessions thing works here for the 2 or 3 items i have it running.. what are you trying to autostart?18:07
sacarlson_pg_: you can also change the listen port on ssh to port 80 if your work has that open18:07
bluefox83Dr_Willis: fusion-icon and emerald18:07
kwtm_pg_: Which two computers are you trying to connect?  One home computer to another directly, or via a router?  Or from a computer outside the home via the internet?18:07
_pg_sacarlson: my work has 22 open. scanning tells me that right?18:07
sacarlson_pg_: localy is not the same as wan18:07
_pg_sacarlson: ah18:08
milamberggreene: you have to restart iptables: service iptables restart18:08
wildfire100anyone help?18:08
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  just doing a 'emerald --replace' should set emerald as the default from then on.18:08
_pg_kwtm: laptop at work ssh into server at home18:08
bluefox83Dr_Willis: well it doesn't18:08
Dr_Willisbluefox83: even after logging in/out18:08
kwtm_pg_: Ah, you are trying to connect to your home computer through your work, is that right?  Okay.18:08
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  you got deeper issues then.18:08
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  you do realize that emerald is basically a dead project?18:08
bluefox83Dr_Willis: i figured, i'm trying to find out what those might be18:08
bluefox83Dr_Willis: what's replacing it?18:08
_pg_kwtm: yes18:09
kwtm_pg_: Okay, is your home server connected to the Internet via a router?  If so, then you would need to make sure the router is not firewalling port 22 (most do by default) and then your home server is not firewalling.18:09
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  nothing.. its basically dead.18:09
bluefox83Dr_Willis: well i'm not sticking to metacity, it's hideous18:09
kwtm_pg_: Do you know your IP address?  I can try getting to your IP to see if port 22 is open (with your permission, of course).18:10
Dr_Willisbluefox83:   you do realize that emerald is a window-decorator, not a window manager like metacity, or compiz right?18:10
_pg_kwtm: port 22 is open at home and im using dyndns18:10
bluefox83Dr_Willis: yeah i'm pairing it with compiz18:10
_pg_kwtm: i already know port 22 is open18:10
mneptok_pg_: does your home ISP block port 22? many do.18:10
kwtm_pg_: Please go to http://WhatIsMyIP.com and tell me your IP address (four numbers).  Don't give your DynDNS address yet. (Once you give it out, you can't take it back.)18:11
enephis anyone familiar with FireFly/mt-daapd?18:11
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  i normally just start apps like 'fusion-icon' then use the gnome sessions tool to save the current session. thats about all ive ever needed to do.18:11
mneptokeneph: i am somewhat.18:11
_pg_kwtm: that will give you my work ip18:11
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  test it with a newly made user. it could be some file permissions not saveing the settings.18:11
_pg_mneptok: how can I check?18:11
bluefox83Dr_Willis: sadly that does not work for me :(18:11
joeoshawacan anyone tell me if dnsmasq could interfere with dhcp318:11
bluefox83Dr_Willis: i checked file permissions, no dice18:11
kwtm_pg_: Okay, I trust you when you say port 22 is open.  Oh, you are at work right now!  I see.  Okay, pm me your DynDNS URL.18:11
mneptok_pg_: ssh -vvvvv user@host18:11
mneptok_pg_: where does the connection die?18:11
erUSULjoeoshawa: both can act as dhcp servers so it may18:11
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  test with a newly made user is about all i can suggest.18:12
kwtmmneptok: Good idea.18:12
sacarlson_pg_: that's the local machine,  you need to go through a firewall when from wan (internet)18:12
joeoshawaso can i uninstall dnsmasq and not mess up my system18:12
enephmneptok: I've got my music server hooked up to my stereo, I'd like to be able to play songs from my itunes playlist on my laptop but have it stream to the music server and play on the stereo, any idea how to do this?18:12
bonjoyee_pg_: any chance you ip back home changed?..and do you have an auto ip update client installed back home18:12
milamberggreene: you restart iptables?18:12
joeoshawai am trying to run a thin client off my main ubuntu machine18:12
ggreenemilamber, how long should it take for nmap to complete?18:12
kwtmsacarlson: Well, right now it's hard to tell _pg_'s level of expertise.  On the one hand, it could be that he's unaware of the router setup; but then he's on DynDNS which takes some level of expertise, so he could be referring to the home router when he says "port 22 is open at home"...18:12
_pg_bonjoyee: no client yet but ip hasnt changed. I can still vnc into it18:12
sacarlson_pg_: it also passes through a nat if my guess is correct,  even if it was open you would still need a vpn to find a path18:12
milamberggreene: less than a secone18:13
kwtmbonjoyee: _pg_uses DynDNS.  Maybe it's configured wrong?18:13
_pg_kwtm: running port scan from home says port 22 is open18:13
joeoshawaand i had a professional help me and it should work18:13
joeoshawabut it doesn't18:13
mneptokeneph: mtdaapd is the same protocol as iTunes sharing. it will allow you to play music on remote machines on the machine you are using.18:13
kwtm_pg_: Why are you running port scan from home?  You should be running port scan from work (or elsewhere).18:13
sacarlsonkwtm: I'm sure he is from the ip he gave is just localhost address18:13
_pg_kwtm: i will try that18:13
ggreenemilamber, i did but still nothing my router is computer 3 so i tried the command on it and it says a host is up but is taking 2 min to scan18:13
joeoshawaso i think dhcp will not start because of dnsmasq18:14
mneptokeneph: what you want is for a remote machine to play music selected on the machine you are using. you want MPD, not DAAP.18:14
bluefox83Dr_Willis: no dice, same problem18:14
kwtm_pg_: Running port scan from home means you can connect to your home server from home --not very useful, is it?18:14
enephmneptok: presumably there is some way to set the 'output source' in iTunes that I haven't yet found?18:14
_pg_kwtm: open and accepting connections18:14
kwtm_pg_: What exactly do you do at work when you try to connect to your home server from work?  What addres?18:14
enephmneptok: aah, ok I'll look into that. is that compatible with iTunes?18:14
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  another way to test stuff out. stop gdm 'sudo service gdm stop' login at console  try 'startx' then check the alt-ctrl-f1 (or whatever #) consoles for error messages/informational messages18:14
bonjoyee_pg_: if u can vnc...then please login back home..and check if 22 is open?18:14
_pg_kwtm: ssh user@XXX.dyndns.org18:14
mneptokeneph: no idea if iTunes has MPC (client) functionality to connect to MPD (daemon) servers18:15
_pg_bonjoyee: it is. locally and remotely18:15
enephmneptok: k thx18:15
erUSULapple using a standar protocol?18:15
silimchannel ubuntu russian?18:15
kwtm_pg_: Okay.  You can tell me what the exact DNS address is (in prvt msg) or you can try mneptok's suggestion: do "ssh -vvvv user@XXX.dyndns.org" and then tell us where the connection dies.  Maybe paste it in pastebin.18:15
bonjoyee_pg_: am i bothering u too much with my suggestions/questions?18:15
ggreenemilamber, it finished scanning says 1 is up but is still timing out18:16
_pg_it dies at operation time out18:16
_pg_bonjoyee: no not at all, ust replying to many ppls18:16
erUSUL!ru | silim18:16
ubottusilim: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:16
kwtm_pg_: We need more details from that.  We know the operation times out, but *what* operation?  What was it doing before?  Has it handshaken yet?  Authenticated?  Etc.  Pastebin the output.18:16
ggreenemilamber, it did say all 1000 ports scanned on computer 2 are filtered18:16
milamberggreene: it seems like a router/config problem now. you have to determine what your router is allowing. you also have to see if your isp is blocking anything on individual computers. the conversation with _pg_ is also relevant to you.18:16
kwtmsilim: Hey, I know you said "spasiba".  Wow, amazing that I still remember. :)18:17
_pg_kwtm: connecting to..... and then timeout. thats the debug output I get with -v18:17
milen8204which program is better for C Anjuta or Eclipse ?18:18
erUSUL!best | milen820418:18
ubottumilen8204: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:18
kwtm_pg_: Oh, I see!  You don't want to paste because it will give away the address.  Okay, I'll bet you Port 22 is NOT open.  Even if you say it's open from home.  It's not open from the Internet (WAN).18:18
kwtm_pg_: Is your computer connected directly to your cable modem?  Is there any other computer also connected to your cable modem?  (at home)18:18
kwtm_pg_: Or does it go through a router?18:18
bonjoyee_pg_: try this : dig XXX.dyndns.org and then try ssh <ipaddress that is returned by dig >18:18
erUSULmilen8204: anjuta is written itself in C so it will be lighter...18:19
_pg_using dyndns open port tool from work i get : 22 is open and accepting connections. This indicates the port is not being blocked by either a firewall or your ISP and is currently operational.18:19
kwtm_pg_: Ah, so you were using DynDNS to check the port.  Okay.  So you are indeed checking from outside the home....18:19
_pg_kwtm: yezzir18:20
kwtm_pg_: Another possibility: you are connecting through the router (many cable modems have routers built in) and the router is not forwarding the connection to your home server.18:20
_pg_kwtm: it is. I set it up to forward 22 TCP traffic to .201.18:20
sacarlson_pg_: at work your on lan the router allows that conenction,  it filters trafic or redirects it to a central server from wan18:20
_pg_kwtm: .201 is my server18:20
milen8204Thanks all18:20
bluefox83did Dr_willis leave?18:20
_pg_sacarlson: come again?18:20
bluefox83nevermind, i see that he did >.>18:20
sacarlson_pg_: are you at work now?18:20
_pg_sacarlson: yes18:21
ggreenemilamber, i got it i disabled my firestarter on computer 2 and now it allows it to connect.18:21
kwtm_pg_: Looks like you've got it covered.  But do you have a router built in to your cable modem?  (Ie. you have two routers, without realizing it.)18:21
sacarlsonok check your address it will be 192.X.X.X   or 10.X.XX18:21
bluefox83shizmonkeys :( i can't see any problems other than it's just not starting things up like it's supposed to be!18:21
sacarlson_pg_: do you know how to check your local ip address?18:21
_pg_kwtm: no. modem, and router. other services on other ports work fine. bittorrent, vnc etc18:21
_pg_sacarlson: yes. at work or at home?18:21
sacarlson_pg_: you said you are now at work18:22
milamberggreene: glad to hear it. what is firestarter?18:22
_pg_sacarlson: yes sorry im talking to many ppls18:22
kwtmbonjoyee: Hey, is there a program _pg_ can set up at home to listen to Port 22 (replacing sshd) which can just output whatever it hears, to see if computers on the WAN are getting through?18:22
_pg_is local ip18:22
sacarlson_pg_: yes that's a local addres it will be nat18:22
_pg_thats my local ip at work18:23
juniourcan any one tell me how to play you tube videos in movie player18:23
_pg_kwtm: new debug-ssh connect needpriv 018:23
sacarlson_pg_: so to get in from wan it would require a router to forward all port 22 trafic to that address18:23
bonjoyeekwtm: _pg_ can vnc into his home..so tell him to check /var/log/auth!18:23
kwtm_pg_: Interesting that other services work fine, but I believe all of those are initiated from home, not from the WAN (internet), right?  Ie. you make an outgoing connection, and that works; but we don't know yet whether incoming connections...18:23
_pg_kwtm: vnc from internet works fine on 590018:23
kwtm_pg_: Oh, you are able to VNC into your home?  From work?  Sorry, missed that part.18:23
Hail_Spacecakewhat config file do I need to edit to allow any user to add new wired connections in networkmanager?18:24
juniourits telling could not open location18:24
Pulgahow can I set ajaxterm to open in a logged ssh session?18:24
_pg_sacarlson: home router forwards port 22 to the server.18:24
sacarlson_pg_: Kwtm: he has access out and established connection only from his work local lan location18:24
ggreenemilamber, firestarter is another form of firewall. i have computer 2 connecter to computer 3 (computer 3 is my router with iptables on it) and i had computer 2 running with firestarter on it.18:24
bonjoyee_pg_: vnc, bittorent work on ports higher than 1056...which are not checked by default by most routers!18:24
Failicanwhat is firestarter?18:24
_pg_bonjoyee: what do you mean "not checked?18:25
erUSULFailican: a gui firewall18:25
sacarlson_pg_: ya you can setup you home router to do that if you know how to do it but maybe you don't know the admin of your work network18:25
kwtmbonjoyee: If ports higher than 1024 are the issue, can _pg_ tell sshd to listen on port 2222 and try to get in?  (For all we know, it might be Comcast blocking ports <1024)18:25
_pg_sacarlson: i dont understand18:25
juniourcan any one tell me how to play you tube videos in movie player18:25
XiaolinDraconisxwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -nf -b -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID18:26
_pg_comcast is home server isp18:26
_pg_but dyndns.org port check says 22 is open18:26
FailicanI have a little problem, when I open any program or window they maximize on auto, how do I change that?18:26
bluefox83kwtm: yeah, it's not hard to do...change a config file :)18:26
kwtm_pg_: Some routers automatically block any incoming connections to ports 1024 or less, because those are all the important ports.  User programs use ports greater than 1024, usually.18:26
sacarlson_pg_: there is a solution just setup a vpn connection from work to home,  assuming you do know how to setup your router to accept port forwarding18:26
juniourcan any one tell me how to play you tube videos in movie player18:26
=== waffel is now known as waffel_
_pg_kwtm: sacarlson port 22 at home is OPEN and WORKING from port check over internet from work.18:27
juniourcan any one tell me how to play you tube videos in movie player18:27
juniourcan any one tell me how to play you tube videos in movie player18:27
bluefox83my old isp used to block port 22 so i changed it to listen on 2020 :)18:27
bonjoyee_pg_: dyndns could be seeing port 22 open on your router..not necessarily on your server?18:27
sacarlson_pg_: but I think it's above your pay grade18:27
_pg_bonjoyee: port 22 is open on the server ( and from external ip check from internet18:27
_pg_22 is open and accepting connections. This indicates the port is not being blocked by either a firewall or your ISP and is currently operational.-dyndns.org18:28
XiaolinDraconisjuniour, its easy18:28
kwtm_pg_: I guess the question we are asking now is: if the internet service port check shows that it is "open", what exactly is responding to the incoming connection?  Is it your home server that's actually saying "yes, I'm accepting connections"?  Or is it the router that's saying that?18:28
erUSUL_pg_: is localhost ... you have to make sure the sshd server is listening in your lan18:28
kwtm_pg_: If the router accepts the connections but somehow it's not going to your server, that might cause the problem.18:28
bluefox83_pg_: you might try changing your sshd.conf file to listen on another port and forwarding port 22 incoming traffic to something like 2020 ro 222218:29
sacarlson_pg_: yes but you want to login from home to work,  not from work from home,  or you want both18:29
kwtm_pg_: If it's not the problem, then we'd check to make sure you can ssh into your home server from home.18:29
_pg_how do I make sure home server is listening for port 22 other than forwarding port 22 to servers local ip?18:29
bluefox83_pg_ check the conf file18:29
kwtm_pg_: If that's not the problem either, then somehow SSHd is deciding not to respond based on whether the connection is from work or home ... which is funny.18:29
_pg_bluefox83: where is that?18:30
bluefox83erm...give me a second..i forget18:30
Kyle___pg_: netstat -tl will tell you which tcp ports your server is listening on.18:30
bombshellIn Nautilus, how do I get the address bar to show when I need it too?18:30
erUSULbombshell: crtl + l18:30
_pg_Kyle__: from local or remote?18:30
_pg_Kyle__: oh hey there ;)18:30
Kyle___pg_: local.  It tells you on the local machine.18:31
Kyle__Heh, yup, I'm in here as well18:31
bluefox83_pg_ just sudo vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config18:31
Chris_EThat is a lot of banss.18:31
bluefox83that should open it, and you can edit the file :)18:31
Chris_Ehey guys how do i do a dns lookup?18:31
sacarlson_pg_: _pg_ I think we know both your servers on both sides are listening from what you have told us,  it's just a firewall local lan problem at work18:31
bonjoyee_pg_: if u can somehow get to your server...give us the output of " sudo iptables -L" , "netstat -ltunp"18:31
erUSULbluefox83: yeah; make him/her use vim... :S18:31
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kwtmsacarlson: You think _pg_'s work is censoring outgoing connections to port 22?18:31
sam-_-_Chris_E, dig or host18:32
SmartConstructorhello can some one help me to solve cd/dvd mount issue on maverick meerkat ?18:32
bluefox83erUSUL: what? vim is easy :)18:32
_pg_ok, when i get home, what do i look for in /etc/sslconfig18:32
sacarlsonkwtm: no the sensor or filter incoming18:32
erUSULbluefox83: and not installed by default ...18:32
bonjoyee_pg_: and im saying that based on u saying u can vnc home18:32
kwtmbluefox83: Ahh, one of those vim zealots. :)  Actually, I use vim exclusively now, but it took a long time to get used to.18:32
sacarlsonkwtm: he could still setup a connection with vpn but as I said it's above his pay grade18:32
_pg_kwtm: will port scan on check that?18:32
_pg_from work18:32
BareGraceMiseryhey guys,18:32
LeaChimHi, In previous versions, I've been using lirc for my remote control. In the latest one it's now additionally being treated as a keyboard, and sending unwanted key presses. How do I disable this new behaviour?18:33
sam-_-_bluefox83, vim is non intuitive = not easy18:33
bluefox83hey, cut me some slack, when i first started using linux the people that were "helping" me only used vim...i learned how to use it and now it's just all i use18:33
sam-_-_bluefox83, ipad = easy18:33
BareGraceMiseryjust so as you know, I just shut it down (by force) and when I restarted the graphics are normal, so yay!18:33
bluefox83sam-_-_: ipad = garbage18:33
sacarlson_pg_: no but you could setup wireshare to listin on the server at work and monitor as trafic tried to come in,  how do you even get an IP adress at work to login to?18:33
sam-_-_bluefox83, maybe but still easy18:34
kwtmbluefox83: Yeah, I feel for you. :)  I still encourage people to use vim, but doing it a bit more gently than the people on #vim do so, just so people aren't turned off vim (like I was in the beginning)18:34
BareGraceMisery(in case no-one remembers I mentioned the other day that I had been having a login screen graphics problem)18:34
oedschhi, smee again.18:34
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: sorry i missed the show..did the pc not turn on after hitting the power button?18:34
H3r0does ubuntu support xen?18:34
kwtmsacarlson: Wait, how do you know _pg_'s work is not censoring connections to port 22?  I've had that problem before; I had to switch to connecting to port 80.18:34
BareGraceMiserybonjoyee: yeah that's what I did, I gave up on trying to return to my running session18:34
RootsIs there a way to easily find out what package installed a specific file on the system? I'm looking through apt-get and apt-cache man pages and haven't found anything18:35
_pg_sacarlson: bonjoyee bluefox83 kwtm ok, I am going to try this from another location and see if that works. if it does ill let it go. this is my second job im not here enough to care18:35
Chris_Emirc just shut down18:35
itaylor57sam-_-_: theres always emacs18:35
SmartConstructorany one ?18:35
H3r0does ubuntu support Xen?18:35
oedschsry to bother again guys, but still havin the install problem: unable to find medium containing a live file system. integrity checked. tried with cd, alternate cd and usb.. no luck.. anyone an idea?18:35
Chris_EH3r0, yes18:35
kwtm_pg_: Best of luck.  Sorry we couldn't help you...18:35
sam-_-_itaylor57, bloatware...18:35
_pg_kwtm: np at all. I am ectremely grateful for the help. you guys are the best18:35
IdleOne!language | Chris_E18:35
H3r0Chris_E - do you try it on ubuntu?18:35
ubottuChris_E: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:35
sam-_-_!xen | H3r018:35
ubottuH3r0: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen18:35
sacarlsonkwtm: that's posible they could also fileter outgoing on port 22 but I know for sure they filter in trafic on that port18:35
Chris_Ewell then18:36
bluefox83_pg_: my problem used to be that my university blocked 22 by default, and chatting was painfully slow so i started ssh tunneling to my home box and using irssi :)18:36
H3r0sam-_-_ - 10x18:36
bluefox83after changing the ssh listen port to 2020 >.>18:36
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: so did u just choke it..by keeping the power button pressed?18:36
Chris_Eidgas bout lang.18:36
sacarlsonkwtm: but if 80 port is open he could still setup vpn to his home on port 80 and do any trafic he want there18:36
sam-_-_H3r0, ?18:36
IdleOneChris_E: and I don't care for your acronyms.18:36
H3r0sam-_-_ - 10x=ten+x=thanks18:36
Chris_Ethats good for you.18:37
IdleOne!guidelines > Chris_E18:37
sam-_-_H3r0, np18:37
ubottuChris_E, please see my private message18:37
sacarlsonkwtm: he needs to setup a vpn tunnel18:37
kwtmsacarlson: Correct.  I'm wondering if _pg_ should just get his router to forward port 80 (on router) to port 22 (on home server), which should be easy to do if he can VPN in.  Oh, well, he's going to try from a different location (hopefully not Port22-censored)...18:37
Chris_ESpamBlocker: Message from ubottu blocked.18:37
BareGraceMiserybonjoyee: yeah, which makes me sad because I used to think that was a Windoze problem. No operating system is perfect, I guess. Or maybe my hardware is choking because it's old...18:37
kwtmsacarlson: You've said that before, but I still don't understand: isn't ssh the world's premier VPN tunnel?  If I were in _pg_'s place, and I could set up a VPN tunnel, I'd want to see why it works and ssh doesn't, and then replace the tunnel with SSH.18:38
sacarlsonkwtm: well I would just foward port 80 to port 80 but have sshd listen on port 8018:38
BareGraceMiserywell, it's not that old… also bonjoyee, your nick sounds so bouncy and joyful!18:38
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: before doing that..did u not try just pressing the power button once?18:38
kwtmsacarlson: Or any other combination of ports.   Agreed.  Personally I don't open any port less than 10000 on my router.18:39
sacarlsonkwtm: no ssh is a shell18:39
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sacarlsondwtm or what is call a shell server18:39
bonjoyeeBareGraceMisery: well thanks...but my names joy, so it had to be!!:)18:39
BareGraceMiserybonjoyee: yeah, it usually doesn't respond to that. You have to hold it down.18:39
sacarlsondwtm: openvpn is an encrypted tunnel for netwroking18:39
industrialphreakanyone have experience with ffmpeg?18:40
industrialphreaki used the ffmpeg -i *.avi *.flv command and it droped my audio18:40
bonjoyeeindustrialphreak: #ffmpeg18:41
_pg_kwtm: is the ten thousand or one thousand?18:41
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Failicanhey guys, where do i change so that when i open new windows / program they dont maximzie on auto?18:41
greezmunkeyindustrialphreak: someone else here mentioned the same issue earlier today, no resolution was asked for though.18:41
kwtm_pg_: I use 10,000 (1e4).  I mean, ports can go up to 65535, so I take advantage of all the numbers.  I have several servers at home.18:41
kwtm_pg_: The second server's ssh port is forwarded from 20022; the fourth server is 40022, etc.18:42
industrialphreakits funny i have used it on earlyer distro.18:42
industrialphreakwith no problem like this before.18:42
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sam-_-_industrialphreak, does ffplay play the file with audio?18:42
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sacarlsonkwtm: no mater what port number he used it would still require the connection start from work,  that's what the openvpn is for so it astablishes the connection then he can ssh in18:43
greezmunkeyindustrialphreak: do you have the restricted-extras package installed?18:43
sacarlsonkwtm: that's the way I got around our firewalls at Raytheon18:44
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bonjoyeegreezmunkey: ffmpeg should pull in all things it needs..18:44
_pg_sacarlson: so open vpn beats work firewall?18:44
greezmunkeyindustrialphreak: I can't say for sure that you need it, but the codec(s) in the restricted-extras package may ne required. You would have to ask someone else here for a sanity check on that.18:44
sacarlson_pg_: if you can get out you can connect18:45
bombshellthanks erUSUL18:45
industrialphreaki did the mediabuntu repository thing18:45
sam-_-_!who| industrialphreak18:45
ubottuindustrialphreak: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:45
industrialphreakand updated18:45
wasutton3-Laptopcan ubuntu server 10.10 mount a btrfs partition?18:45
greezmunkeybonjoyee: that makes a lot of sense. It would be worth a look to see if that's really the case though.18:45
sam-_-_wasutton3-Laptop, sure18:45
erUSULwasutton3-Laptop: do not see why not;18:45
BernardV_pg_: Only when they don't block the vpn ports. But start an ssh server on port 443 (if it's not used on your server) most likely the work firewall will allow access.18:46
bonjoyeegreezmunkey: no offense meant:)18:46
wasutton3-Laptopsam-_-_ erUSUL, ok, because i cannot seem to get it to mount at all18:46
greezmunkeybonjoyee: none taken :)18:46
erUSULwasutton3-Laptop: error message?18:46
sacarlson_pg_: I also have people on wifi that I can remote ssh into as I have vpn on there systems always try to vpn into my server when they go online18:46
oedschsry to bother again guys, but still havin the install problem: unable to find medium containing a live file system. integrity checked. tried with cd, alternate cd and usb.. no luck.. anyone an idea?18:46
sam-_-_wasutton3-Laptop, command?18:47
famicube64how about that fuduntu, eh?18:47
wasutton3-LaptoperUSUL: BTRFS: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (1000), mount: wrong fs type... etc18:47
erUSULwasutton3-Laptop: well ; afaik they where no backwards compatible changes in btrfs format; so if the filesystem was mounted/created in a very modern kernel could be that the 10.10 kernel can not mount it18:48
erUSULwasutton3-Laptop: make suere you create the fs with a *.35 kernel18:49
k-rad-does frequency scaling support "TurboTech"-nology by intel ?  supposed to jump to 2.93ghz when maxed out18:49
wasutton3-LaptoperUSUL: it was created using the server install cd that i used to install the operating system18:49
k-rad-its an intel thing18:49
u-maxWhat is this Fuduntu ive heard about?18:49
* famicube64 try fuduntu, the greatest distro since windows 7!18:49
m4xxwasutton3-Laptop looks like perhaps you missed an = ? like uid=1000 or gid=1000?18:49
erUSULwasutton3-Laptop: then i dunno what is going on ...18:49
erUSULwasutton3-Laptop: /join #btrfs18:50
wasutton3-Laptopm4xx: all of this was created by the os on install18:50
LunaVoraxHow can I reset my .bashrc file ?18:50
nirazioCan I set a delay on startup sounds?18:50
famicube64why bother with all these ubuntu headaches when you could just use fuduntu18:50
m4xxthis is at boot?18:51
sam-_-_wasutton3-Laptop, why would you want to use btrfs anyway. it's worse than ext4 right now.18:51
sacarlsonfamicube64: what about pubuntu?18:51
famicube64fuduntu, yes18:52
industrialphreakor M$buntu18:52
famicube64it's like ubuntu but it's not18:52
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u-maxFuduntu is better. it fits comfortably in between fedora and ubuntu.18:52
wasutton3-Laptopsam-_-_: I am using it because i can span a volume across several hard drives without needing to raid18:52
industrialphreaksame with M$buntu, its just like ubuntu but M$ came and violently raped the GPL18:52
drewby So I am attemping to remote into one of my PCs, and I can connect, but it has gone into idle, so all I am presented with is black, and the login is not appearing?  Is there some way I can force it out of the lock screen?18:53
sam-_-_wasutton3-Laptop, and is this feature "stable" already?18:53
AbhiJitomg its real distro!18:53
u-maxindustrealphreak, if you want to be an arse about it, then you don't have to use it.18:53
sam-_-_wasutton3-Laptop, i wouldn't trust btrfs18:53
famicube64fuduntu: http://www.fuduntu.org/18:53
famicube64use it and be free!18:53
u-maxbut you can feel free to use fuduntu if you want.18:53
wasutton3-Laptopsam-_-_: it works just fine on my other server18:53
industrialphreakhow is it on resources18:53
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industrialphreakthink it could run decently on my p1 13318:54
u-maxpretty good, it's speedy too18:54
u-maxit wouldm18:54
famicube64it's ultra light, since it's made designed for less powerful machines18:54
bonjoyeeguys...channel hijacked?18:54
famicube64lol, made designed18:54
famicube64my bad18:54
industrialphreakgonna have to take a look at it, allways looking for a more nimble distro18:54
industrialphreakbeen using this #!18:54
u-maxit won't let you yown!18:54
u-max*down, sorry18:55
industrialphreakso far i love it, but feeling i could get a little more resources out of this p4 3ghz machine18:55
k-rad-what repo does fuduntu use ?  is there a fuduntu channel ?18:55
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sam-_-_fuduntu  /var/log moved to RAM disk. that's a fail for me. i wouldn't do that18:55
famicube64it's uses both the main fedora repo and it's own18:55
oedschanyone? ... het the massage "unable to find a medium containing a live file system" with both ubuntu 10.10 and alternate cd iso ...18:55
famicube64and fuduntu runs most excellently on my poor little athlon xp18:55
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industrialphreakoedsch--! get a new image?18:56
u-maxfuduntu absolutely flies on my acer aspire one!18:56
itaylor57!ot | famicube6418:56
ubottufamicube64: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:56
bonjoyeeoedsch: you would not get that message with a alternate cd for sure!18:56
k-rad-does it have a support channel ?18:56
sam-_-_famicube64, so would ubuntu18:56
sam-_-_famicube64, since it's pretty much the same18:56
oedschwith alternate cd it just hangs up, i get the message by installing it with usb stick..18:56
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famicube64are you trying to say fedora is pretty much the same as ubuntu?18:56
oedschi already checked the isos... all fine18:57
IdleOnefamicube64: Could you please move this off topic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic18:57
famicube64not yet, k-rad, but it's still a fairly new distro18:57
famicube64will do, IdleOne18:57
sam-_-_famicube64, no ubuntu = fubuntu +/-some packages18:57
IdleOneThank you18:57
famicube64will do, IdleOne18:58
jonohey folks - my live "Ask The Ubuntu Community Manager" video Q+A is now on at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon18:58
ianuariuscan empathy be used behind a proxy?18:58
FloodBot2famicube64: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
ianuariuscan empathy be used behind a proxy?18:58
bugwormHello, my indicator applet brought some weird error message the other day, since then, i do not see all the indications anymore. I DO see the battery, bluetooth, sound and message icons, but i do NOT see the wireless/network icon or the skype icon18:58
bugwormany idea how to fix this ? i thried to reinstall the indicator applet...18:58
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bonjoyee!panels | bugworm18:59
ubottubugworm: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:59
sam-_-_ianuarius, what kind of proxy?18:59
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famicube64fuduntu is the best distro in the world19:00
bugworm@bonjoyee ... ???19:00
bugworm@ubottu ... does not do any difference.. the weird thing is, that for another user it works fine...19:00
ianuariussam-_-_: my college proxy......squid running on port 8019:00
bonjoyeebugworm: are u using gnome?19:01
Schuenemannhey, my notebook battery went down while doing a update in UNR. Now system freezes in GDM. What should I do?19:01
bugwormyes, i am using the newest ubuntu longterm19:01
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sam-_-_ianuarius,  since it's an http proxy i don't think so19:02
bonjoyeebugworm: what type of ubuntu? gnome?19:03
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ianuariussam-_-_: do u know of any other irc client capable of running behind an http proxy?19:04
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bugwormbonjoyee: gnome  2.30.2 ubuntu 10.419:05
u-maxupdate to 10.1019:05
Schuenemannhey, my notebook battery went down while doing a update in UNR. Now system freezes in GDM. What should I do?19:05
Dciteianuarius: If you are behind an HTTP proxy, how are you online right now?19:06
bugwormu-max: no, i want to stay on lts for some while...19:06
bonjoyeebugworm: try this.. rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel then logout and login again...19:06
bugwormu-max: and a faulty indicator display is no real indication to update...19:06
bugwormbonjoyee : ill be back ;-)19:07
alexeyэй чеши по русски19:07
alexeyдас тиш фантастиш19:07
itaylor57!ru | alexey19:08
ubottualexey: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:08
Dcite!ru | alexey19:08
ianuariusDcite: using kvirc (using sasl auth) behind tor(using it as a socks proxy) which in turn is behind the http proxy of my college.....not very pleasant19:08
Dciteianuarius: Unless you are tunnelng somehow.. I don't know of any http proxy compatibel clients =/19:08
Schuenemannoh come one... the computer is unusable19:09
sam-_-_ianuarius, have you tried setting the proxy here: gnome-network-properties it might work. worth a try imho19:09
karen_mI've got a lot of items in my Nautilus->downloads folder.   Is there a way to add a box near the top that 'quick filters'.   So I type in "php" and it finds  *php* and filters the rest?19:10
orboshello there19:10
bugwormbonjoyee: you are my hero for today !!! thanks alot... everythings back... can you in short words tell me what i did ? removed some config files ?19:11
Schuenemannkaren_m,  doesn't one show up when you hit ctrl f?19:11
orbosdoes anyone know of the bundled GD lib problem in php5 ?19:11
bonjoyeebugworm: restored the gnome-panel to defaults!19:11
ianuariussam-_-_: done that.....in fact it is "required" to make network related apps work.......empathy doesnt read system proxy settings....do u know of ny other client workable behind proxy19:11
karen_mso it does!  hah19:12
karen_mthank you19:12
bugwormbonjoyee: by deleting all config files ? *G* rm --> remove? -r recursive ? *G*19:12
famicube64well, that wasn't very nice19:12
famicube64:srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns:19:12
famicube64:srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns: :srsbsns:19:12
FloodBot2famicube64: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:12
u-maxit wasn't19:12
wasutton3-Laptopcan i use lvm to span a single mount point across 2 or more hard drives?19:12
u-maxwhat the what?19:12
Schuenemannmy notebook battery went down while doing a update in UNR. Now system freezes in GDM. What should I do?19:12
bonjoyeebugworm: yes,,,but only under /hom/username/.gconf/apps/panel19:13
bonjoyeebugworm: home*19:13
bugwormbonjoyee: ok... i see... thank you very much, you made a difference today ;-) as always, ubuntu and its users ROCK !!!19:13
ARasputinSo I am currently attempting to use my playstation 3 SIXAXIS controller in Ubuntu 10.10 but I am having no luck, everything I find through google leads to outdated stuff or long-dead blogs. I was wondering if anyone here has successfully hooked up their PS3 controller to linux and used it for games or emulators, and if so, whether they'd be able to help me out.19:13
ARasputinsorry about the WoT but I've been at this four 2 hours ):19:13
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ARasputinfor *19:14
DciteOutdated can't be that bad.19:15
Schuenemanndammit I can't believe I'll have to reinstall everything19:15
DciteLong as the innerds hasn't been ripped out, most of those should work.. if they load?19:15
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DciteSchuenemann: How doesit freeze in GDM?19:15
DciteSchuenemann: freezes on load?19:15
vikashey wht i do when i install ubuntu ?19:16
SchuenemannDcite,  yes, right after the users' names appear19:16
DciteSchuenemann: Or does it freeze soon as GDM appears?19:16
neriukas Could you tell me anyone what i neet install if i want that should work? error image: http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/6637/fedoraxfce4error.png19:16
vikasi have 10.10 ubuntu19:16
SchuenemannDcite,  it loads, shows available users, then freeze19:16
ARasputinDcite: Outdated probably isn't, I found one detailing rather nicely for a qjoypad or something, but it doesn't work when I try to compile it :C19:16
neriukas Could you tell me anyone what i neet install if i want that should work? error image: http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/6637/fedoraxfce4error.png19:16
DciteSchuenemann: Was the update in progress when i tbroke?19:16
bonjoyeeneriukas: gnome-media perhaps?19:17
SchuenemannDcite,  probably yes, I left it downloading and when I came back, it was turned off. Didn't turn on again until I used the battery charger19:17
sam-_-_ianuarius, you could use ssh to tunnel through the proxy19:17
sam-_-_ianuarius, do you have access to an ssh server that has access to the "real" internet19:18
SchuenemannDcite,  AC adapter I mean19:18
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R1cochetcan anyone recommend a good wireless adapter that works right out of the box on kernel 2.6.35 or newer?19:19
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T-rock007What are the sytem requirements to run compiz with gtk-recordmydesktop19:22
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wolfpack1Is there any application in ubuntu to know how much battery left in ubuntu?????????/19:22
T-rock007Thx alot guys you were so much help19:23
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wolfpack1Is there any application in ubuntu which can show how much laptop battery left ?????19:24
LunaVoraxHow can I reset my .bashrc file ?19:24
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baggar11wolfpack1: conky has hooks for battery info, as well as the cairo dock, as far as I know. The stock toolbar should give you info too.19:24
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bonjoyeewolfpack1: gnome-power-manager? or gnome-power applet?19:24
whitmanI'm wanting to move my /home/ to another drive.  I get how to do it, edit /etc/fstab but once I've copied the files and set the new drive to be mounted at /home, how do I delete the files which were at /home on the old drive?19:24
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wolfpack1thanks bon and bagg ..I will look into it19:25
Rafeirohi :)19:25
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Rafeiroi just installed samba, but i still cant access from another win7 machine to this computer, what do i have to do?19:25
Tito0096I am trying to install 10.10 on a system with an ATI AGP 512mb 4650, and as you know it wont boot. I don't have a spare GPU to install the correct drivers than swap, any input on this?19:26
lightaRafeiro, does your win7 are shared ?19:26
Tito0096I haven't used ubuntu since the 6.X days19:26
Tito0096so i am completly a noob again19:27
Rafeirowell, im trying to access a ubuntu machine from a win7 laptop19:27
bonjoyeeRafeiro: have u shared anything on ubuntu?19:27
Rafeiroi can access other shares just fine with it except this one on ubuntu :)19:27
Rafeiroi did, and installed the service automaticly19:27
lightabut did you share a folder ?19:27
bonjoyeeRafeiro: output of "groups" please19:27
giovanniciao a tutti19:28
giovannia chi posso chiedere aiuto?19:28
Rafeirokiko@orion:~$ groups19:28
Rafeirokiko adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare19:28
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:28
Rafeirowhen i try to access it from the other win7 machine is like there's no feedback from it, it responds to ping but goes nowhere else19:28
LushyDoes anyone know anything about calibrating a Wacom touchscreen for TX2000/2500 notebooks on maverick?19:28
bonjoyeeRafeiro: so u have a folder on ubuntu thats shared?19:28
cptbloodis there hw acceleration support for flash videos, if so, how?19:29
Rafeiroyes i do19:29
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adminewbwhitman, supposing you still have the physical disk with the old /home attached, you can manually mount it elsewhere; does the media appear under your Places menu in "Removable Media"?19:29
bonjoyeeRafeiro: did u do this "sudo smbpasswd -a kiko"?19:29
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
whitmanadminewb, current /home is on the drive and partition as /19:30
Rafeirogonna try, 1 sec19:30
Schuenemannmy notebook battery went down while doing a update in UNR. Now system freezes in GDM. What should I do?19:30
whitman*same drive19:30
Rafeirook, done, should i try again ?19:30
warzhi all. is there a way to make the "ls"command not ignore underscores when doing file listings sorted by filename? right now it ignores the underscore and sorts it based on the first actual letter in the filename.19:30
bonjoyeeRafeiro: assuming kiko is your username19:30
Rafeiroyes :)19:30
adminewbwhitman, am I to understand you put your home filesystem in the root "/" disk partition?19:30
bonjoyeeRafeiro: ok...now try again,,19:30
wolfpack1@bonjoyeee     But gnome power manger does not indicates the amount of battery left .Is there any app like availabl in windows19:31
whitmanadminewb, yes, that's how the installer set it up by default19:31
adminewbwhitman, so on same drive but separate partition19:31
whitmanadminewb, no, same drive, same partition19:31
bonjoyeewolfpack1: dont u have a icon in the notification area? that shows remaining battery?19:31
adminewbwhitman, that sounds like a suboptimal setup to leave as default partitioning19:31
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whitmanadminewb, I didn't choose it that way :)19:32
Rafeirobonjoyee, same thing :(19:32
sam-_-_whitman, gnome-power-preferences19:32
bonjoyeewolfpack1: try this...open gnome-power-manager..and select "always" for show icon19:32
adminewbso anyway, is your old /home you19:33
bonjoyeeRafeiro: is this a desktop version of ubuntu?19:33
adminewbwhitman, anyway, is the old /home you wanted cleaned up submerged under the new /home setup?19:33
sam-_-_bonjoyee, it's preferences not manager :-)19:33
bonjoyeeRafeiro: also when u shared the folder in ubuntu did u get any errors?19:34
Rafeironop, all went fine19:34
ayush_why does it ask for my keyring password 4 times after startup?19:34
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Rafeiroinstalled the service and all that19:34
bonjoyeesam-_-_: sorry..:)19:34
fru311Can anyone help me understand why this crontab job isn't running? "22 14 * * * ls /tmp"19:34
whitmanadminewb, I've done nothing yet so currently I have /home on the same drive and partition as / but I want to move /home onto a different drive then delete the old /home on the / drive19:34
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LushyDoes anyone know anything about calibrating a Wacom touchscreen for TX2000/2500 notebooks on maverick?19:35
bonjoyeesam-_-_: i guess the its the name of the startup program..19:35
adminewbwhitman, ok understood better now19:35
ssureshotquestion on ppa.launchapd.net ... are these fine to use for production use?19:35
sam-_-_fru311, are you sure it doesn't run? how would you ever know about it?19:35
adminewbwhitman, have you already created your new /home separate partition?19:35
fru311sam: this runs "*/01 * * * * ls /tmp"19:35
fru311sam: so I know it executes, just something is wrong with the timing19:36
whitmanadminewb, I have a drive formatted and ready for files but currently it's just mounted under /media/newhome and is empty19:36
AelingilDoes anyone know if Gparted will partition a Windows Volume and keep the information on the volume?19:36
Aelingilwithout having to format the harddrive19:36
fru311sam: I assume 21 14, would mean to executes @ 2:2119:36
chaospsychexwhat is a program i can dl that will run python bytecode19:36
bonjoyeeRafeiro: please paste the output of "sudo netstat -ltunp" on pastebin19:36
adminewbwhitman in that case I'd suggest (feel free to disregard) that you move the files rather than copy / delete19:36
bonjoyee!paste| Rafeiro19:37
ubottuRafeiro: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:37
ssureshotAelingil: it will but I have had issues with the drive not booting afterwards lol.. use at own risk19:37
whitmanadminewb, I'm assuming that would break if I'm logged in and using the computer at the same time19:37
sam-_-_fru311, i think so too19:37
Aelingilssureshot: thats not good, i was going to use it on my file server.19:37
adminewbwhitman, can you do such an operation in root / single user mode?19:37
huskers_i followed this link to install ffmpeg/x264 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 - how would i go about uninstalling?19:38
fru311sam: I've been over the docs several times, but I can't see what is wrong with that line19:38
piglordI'm trying to limit a login to only be able to execute specific commands.  How would one go about this?19:38
whitmanadminewb, possibly, I'll have to look into it, the only other thing I can think of is to boot with a livecd but this computer doesn't have a cd/dvd drive anymore19:38
ssureshotAelingil: if it the system partition that you are resizing then you may have issues .. if it is just a data partition then it should work19:38
sam-_-_fru311,  have you tried "22 14 * * * root ls /tmp"19:38
bonjoyeeRafeiro: also paste the output of "smbtree" and " sudo ufw status"19:38
adminewbwhitman, you might try the provision in grub for loop mounting an ISO image of your LiveCD to boot from19:38
milen8204Skype is available :D19:39
Rafeirosmbtree asks the password but nothing happens lol19:39
Aelingilssureshot: it is a Dell 12g partition that has the OS on it, i need to make the partition larger so it stops crashing on me.. i'm hoping i dont have to do a full install / setup19:39
whitmanadminewb, I'll look into it, in no hurry19:39
adminewbwhitman, but personally I'd just start up in maint mode, using the root shell19:39
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fru311sam: No, I haven't, but this command (*/01 * * * * ls /tmp)runs every minute, with no issues, the output is emailed to me19:39
bonjoyeeRafeiro: use the pasword which u set while doing "sudo smbpasswd"19:40
delinquentmeanyone have an idea of how to restore a USB thumbdrive to its original state .. the way it was BEFORE making it into a bootable ubuntu USB stick19:40
Rafeirobonjoyee, smbtree asks for password but nothing else happens (with my root and smb passwd) and the other command says cant be found19:40
Lushydelinquentme: format it to fat32?19:40
ssureshotAelingil: honestly it's hit or miss. you will be resizing the system partition. Resizing partitions is never recommended on production servers.. if yo do decide to do this I would test in prior to on a test box and also have a backup plan should things not go acordingly19:41
cr215happy holidays everybody19:41
sam-_-_cr215, u 219:41
Tito0096am trying to install 10.10 on a system with an ATI AGP 512mb 4650, and as you know it wont boot. I don't have a spare GPU to install the correct drivers than swap, any input on this? I am SOL with out a working OS atm. ..19:41
adminewbwhitman, if you do prefer the copy/delete instead while running multiuser, mounting the new /home will cover up the old one, making cleanup impossible afaik19:41
Aelingilssureshot: yeah, i'm planning on using it on this computer first, see how it goes before moving to the other one... beans.19:41
LushyAnyone still not able to help me with my wacom problem?19:42
cr215anyone know how to correctly add a contacts b-day to the calender in evo?19:42
bonjoyeeRafeiro: try logging out and back in ..also share another folder..and see it works19:42
Rafeirooh ok19:42
Rafeiroi'll be right back then19:42
sam-_-_cr215, although i'm a muslim19:42
delinquentmeLushy, its created a read only file system on the usb stick ..19:42
cr215thank you sam19:42
Lushydelinquentme: did you use a SD card?19:43
sam-_-_cr215, just kidding but maybe not everybody has holidays...19:43
Lushyit's best to just say happy holidays.19:43
delinquentmeLushy, nah .. just a scanDisk usb19:43
Lushysome people are really touchy.19:43
Lushydelinquentme: Have you tried formatting it at all?19:43
sam-_-_Lushy, you might be on to something19:44
cr215i 4get that this is international, and in america christmas is basically celbrated on a secular level as well as religous fpor christians, and i could have meant new years19:44
cr215althought i ount bs you i was being unintentionally insensitive19:44
delinquentmeLushy, yeah i formatted the open existing space on it .. and that was just fine .. but the U3 system the ubuntu boot created is still there19:44
mado062Hi, What do I have to do so my ubuntu 10.04 gives me a warning sound when my laptop's battery is low?19:44
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cr215o yea not everybody even uses the gregorian calender wither19:45
adminewbdoes someone here have some exposure to the kernel module vga16fb?19:45
bibic68210.10 ok so far19:45
Lushydelinquentme: Go in GParted on your hard-drive installed Ubuntu - if you don't have it then download it - then select your USB device and create a new partition table, then create a new partition that is FAT32.19:46
ssureshotAelingil: right on.. just make sure you have backups of data and such.. hell I'd even dd or ghost.. the drive to a new drive so I had an exact copy.. but like I said make sure tou have a plan to resort to should things to haywire19:46
LushyDoes anyone know anything about calibrating a Wacom touchscreen for TX2000/2500 notebooks on maverick?19:46
cr215wow its a brave new world...   i really didnt think of it before because it never came up but in this age if your talking on the internet it is really foolish to assime people have similar customs as yourself19:46
miniuserssureshot, why not just remove the HDD and plug-in a new one?19:46
sam-_-_Tito0096, there is an agp version of 4650?19:47
cr215but good looking out, sam-_-_19:47
Aelingilssureshot: i think at the moment i'm just going to clear out as much as i can, and keep babing the HD until next year. thanks for your input.19:47
sam-_-_Tito0096, so what's the error?19:48
ssureshotminiuser: I think you missed the beginning of that conversation :)19:48
sam-_-_Tito0096, did you try nomodeset?19:48
bonjoyeeTito0096: try installing in safe graphics mode!!19:48
cr215btw how do you dd contacts birthdays into your calender in evolution?19:48
LushyDoes anyone know anything about calibrating a Wacom touchscreen for TX2000/2500 notebooks on maverick?19:49
bonjoyeeTito0096: or press F6 on the menu screen..and remove "splash" and add vga=791 to the kernel line19:49
number_numbercould anyone tell me how to disable the pulseaudio server without uninstalling?19:49
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delinquentmeLushy, check opened it in gparted.. and it says 3.75 gig of unallocated space19:49
Tito0096i booted with nomodest19:49
sam-_-_Tito0096, try this radeon.agpmode=x where x is -1 = Enable PCI mode on the GPU, disable all AGP. 1, 2, 4, 8 = Enable AGP speed.19:50
delinquentmeLushy, it still has that weird additional cd formatting on it .. that makes the machine think its both a USB and a external Cd drive19:50
jocrawfohello everyone, i was here the other day asking how to make Gnome apps look nicer in KDE and someone told me in appearance i could select Gnome App Settings, but I had to install a package first and cannot recall what the package name was.  Does anyone here have any idea?19:50
StavaWhich graphics card manufacturer have the best linux drivers? nvidia? :o19:50
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famicube64damn shills19:50
valrosWhen running a python script in the terminal through nautilus it breaks..changes the cursor to all scroll and spits out into the directory some screencaps of active windows named os and shutil(imported modules), wtf?19:50
sam-_-_Tito0096, and radeon.modeset=019:50
Tito0096sam-_-_ can you walk me through that part?19:51
Lushydelinquentme: Then allocate some - right click on it and format to FAT32. and i think that's down to the hardware or hardware recognition of Ubuntu,19:51
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famicube64i'm sorry for advertising the almighty fuduntu and spamming the irc and getting banned for it, please forgive me19:52
number_numberor could anyone tell me how to prevent pulseaudio from opening ports to the internet, every time I kill it, it starts up again, its running as a daemon, making my system vulnerable?19:52
adminewbMust be going about this backward: I want to find what package installs certain kernel modules, and searching synaptic doesn't find those. I suppose there's a simple shell means? man apt-get?19:52
famicube64* Amaranth sets mode: -b *!famicube*@*.centurytel.net19:52
famicube64* Amaranth sets mode: -b *!famicube*@*.centurytel.net19:53
Amaranthfamicube64: Can I help you?19:53
famicube64i need a hug19:53
Amaranthfamicube64: This is offtopic for this channel. Please join #ubuntu-ops if you want to discuss your ban.19:54
famicube64i refuse19:54
famicube64once more19:54
Amaranthfamicube64: That's fine, just don't talk about it here then19:54
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=== famicube64 is now known as ALLHAILFUDUNTU
thewarlockis there any way I can open a port from my pc19:55
greezmunkeyand that's that...19:55
adminewbMust be going about this backward: I want to find what package installs certain kernel modules, and searching synaptic doesn't find those. I suppose there's a simple shell means? man apt-get?19:55
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
adminewbMust be going about this backward: I want to find what package installs certain kernel modules, and searching synaptic doesn't find those. I suppose there's a simple shell means? man apt-get? man dpkg -c?19:55
bibic682anyone know of some upgrade drivers for the 925 radeon ati pci card19:55
LushyDoes anyone know anything about calibrating a Wacom touchscreen for TX2000/2500 notebooks on maverick?19:56
thewarlockhow can I open closed ports19:56
psusithewarlock: you start a service that listens on them19:56
era878does anybody know where System>Preference>Removable Drives and Media is in ubuntu 10.1019:57
thewarlockwould fast track work for that19:57
adminewbera878 I'd be curious too, since this is a lucid installation and I don't see that menu item either19:58
bonjoyeeera878: Edit>preferences>media on nautilus window? is that what u want?19:58
thewarlockwould fast track work for that19:58
era878bonjoyee, i need the removable drives part, not the media part19:59
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
bonjoyeeera878: did u even look at it?20:00
era878bonjoyee, yes20:00
era878bonjoyee, i need the following options: Mount removable drives when hot-plugged Mount removable media when inserted Browse removable media when inserted20:00
ChogyDanhey folks, what is it called when your desktop is larger than the screen?  and you can scroll around?20:00
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twoshello guys, i really need help for installing logitech quickcam pro 5000 on ubuntu maverick20:01
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bibic682any down-loadable 9250 drivers?20:01
deepoceanI have a problem getting my mic to work. I have tried several things. I have a Realtek ALC888 can someone experienced please assist?20:01
bonjoyeeera878: its there on that windows.. the small check down there?20:02
twosi really need a working tutorial for installing logitech quickcam drivers20:02
botdogfuck you20:02
ulrikfthmm, quick niche-question: in the old days, I used to use artwiz-fonts to make my terminals sexy, what is the hot new stuff these days? preferably with æøå-support?20:02
sionMy computer has started being weird recently and I think it might be because of a faulty ram card. Does anyone know how I can test this theory?20:03
jocrawfohey guys it appears i had to install kde-config-gtk however it cannot be found is this a 10.10 specific package20:03
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Lushysion: you should have a memory testing program in your bios settings.20:03
ulrikftsion: get a live-cd/usb-stick with a new linux on it, use the memory test option20:03
bonjoyeesion: use the memtest option on the grub menu scree..20:03
adminewbsion, in your bootable systems menu there should be something called memtest, try that20:04
era878does anybody know where to find these options: Mount removable drives when hot-plugged Mount removable media when inserted Browse removable media when inserted20:04
Schuenemannmy notebook battery went down while doing a update in UNR. Now system freezes in GDM. What should I do?20:04
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PlainFlavoredSchuenemann: recover your data with a live disc and reinstall20:05
PlainFlavorednuke it from space20:05
SchuenemannPlainFlavored,  that's the only way?20:05
wolfpack1@bonjoyee but power prefrence is not indicating the amount if battery left20:05
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
PlainFlavoredSchuenemann: i haven't the foggiest, it's just what i would do20:06
LushyDoes anyone know anything about calibrating a Wacom touchscreen for TX2000/2500 notebooks on maverick?20:06
SchuenemannPlainFlavored,  there should be a way to skip GDM and fix things in APT20:06
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stilia-johnymia erwtisi...20:07
stilia-johnyexw balei ston grub na kanei boot ena iso..20:07
stilia-johnyto iso auto ine ubuntu alla 8elw na to kanw kai me iso windows kai fedora.. kamia idea20:08
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes20:08
stilia-johnyti ine auto?20:08
wolfpack1is there any application that can show the amount of laptop battery left like Windows have??????????20:09
ikoniawolfpack1: the battery applet in ubuntu should do that20:09
ballooozawolfpack1:  it is in the panel20:09
ballooozawolfpack1: that battery icon in the north-east of your screen20:09
jocrawfohey guys it appears i had to install kde-config-gtk however it cannot be found is this a 10.10 specific package20:09
wolfpack1balloza:  my panel does not have any icon20:10
allu2hey what is the irc channel for natty alpha?20:10
bibic682any downloadable ati 9250 drivers better than default?20:10
Piciallu2: #ubuntu+120:10
ikoniaallu2: #ubuntu+120:10
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jocrawfois there any way to make gtk windows look good under 10.04 lucid?  It appears that the kde-config-gtk package is maverick only20:11
adminewbMust be going about this backward: I want to find what package installs certain kernel modules, and searching synaptic doesn't find those. I suppose there's a simple shell means? man apt-get? man dpkg -c?20:11
=== dhruvasagar is now known as zz_dhruvasagar
ballooozawolfpack1: hmm, there is a settings window for the power managment, and that has a tick box to show the icon allways and never and only when battery is discharging, take a look at that20:12
deepoceanI have a problem getting my mic to work. I have tried several things. I have a Realtek ALC888 can someone experienced please assist?20:12
wolfpack1@balloz but it does not indicates the amount of battery left20:12
milamberadminewb: did you try the package search? packages.ubuntu.com  ?20:13
wolfpack1I did tried tha20:13
sl33k__.rar file not opening with archive manager? which package i try?20:13
milamber!details | sl33k__20:13
ubottusl33k__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:13
alex88hi, i've installed ubuntu on single partitoin, how can i make another one for /boot to put there some iso to boot and make things working? i just need idea in how to proceed..20:14
sl33k__ubuntu 10.0420:14
fru311Remember...if you Cron expression looks right and should run, your clock may be off......20:14
ballooozawolfpack1: so all you see is that it is dischargind, describe more please20:14
fru311found out the hard way20:14
sl33k__archive type not supported - this error?20:14
popsKM0201: hey there.  busy?20:14
milambersl33k__: what exactly is the error message?20:14
sl33k__milamber: archive type not supported - this error20:15
allu2question if i had bug in 10.10 and now i have 11.04 alpha should i say about the bug here too? :P20:15
milambersl33k__: do you have rar and unrar installed?20:15
neizsl33k__: sudo apt-get install unrar20:15
sl33k__milamber: no20:15
ballooozaalex88: you can resize the ubuntu partition with the ubuntu live cd and then boot back into ubuntu, and make the new partition, get its uuid, copy over everything in boot with cp -p -r and then add it to your /etc/fstab20:16
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
milambersl33k__: what neiz said20:16
wolfpack1@balloza    I can see 'Spark" type of icon when ALWAYS SHOW option is used.It is not displaying how much battery is left20:16
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alex88balloooza, ok i'll do that..thank you..btw, can't i do all on livecd, then chroot and update grub?20:16
tembraeany fix for the 10.10 authentication issue? besides clicking close?20:17
sl33k__thanks milamber, neiz20:17
ballooozawolfpack1: hmm, I have had the same issue before, is it an hp laptop?20:17
noecc_How are permissions set on /dev/fd/3? (ubuntu 8.04)20:17
wolfpack1no toshiba20:17
ballooozaalex88: I should restate that, since it could ruin your ubuntu if done wrong...20:17
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=== sam-_-_ is now known as sam-_-
wolfpack1@balloza how do you chk the battery20:18
ballooozawolfpack1: try looking on google with the model of your laptop20:18
jaaasbbhow can i install Java SE on ubuntu 10.10?20:18
milamberwolfpack1: sudo acpi -b20:19
ballooozawolfpack1: and when you want to address a message to someone, just type the name no @, and then my couputer blinks20:19
LwsHi everyody!20:19
r00t4rd3ddeepocean, have you install gnome-alsamixer ?20:19
tembraehey all is there a fix for the 10.10 authentication bug?20:19
wolfpack1milamber   what is the use of this command20:19
allu2just tought to mension, i had similar bug in 10.10 with me menus facebook applet, http://ajp.dy.fi/share/facebug now i run 11.04 but that same bug was in 10.10 (description: while writing on "post to face.." bar the text doesn't dissapere unless manually removed)20:20
milamberwolfpack1: it will tell you the status of your battery20:20
ChogyDantembrae: do you have a link to the bug report?20:20
jaaasbbhow can i install JAVA SE runtime environment on 10.10?20:20
deepoceanr00t4rd3d, I dont have that yet. Do I need it?20:20
kurratahi, i am using ubuntu live cd and  did dd from smaller hard drive to bigger. Now i have gparted launched and it doesn't allow me to delete extended partition(swap) so i could incrase my /home partition. Any idea why?20:20
wolfpack1milamber   command not found when I tried it20:20
ChogyDanjaaasbb: do you mean Sun Java?20:21
milamberwolfpack1: sudo apt-get install acpi20:21
jaaasbbChogyDan: yup20:21
ballooozakurrata: so you upgraded your hard drive20:21
E8newallmAnyone know how I can save all pages on a website?20:21
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
ChogyDanjaaasbb: I think it is in the partners repo, !partners20:21
tembraehogyDan http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1015594320:21
kurrataballoooza: yea20:21
phillyjI can't load up WUBI anymore20:21
phillyjI get up to the OS options and select Ubuntu but then I get some error msg(flashes very quick) and the computer restarts20:21
phillyjHow do I trouble shoot this?20:21
jaaasbbChogyDan: this http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/s/sun-java6/ ?20:22
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ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:22
ballooozakurrata: I will just assume yes, in that case ubuntu live cd most likely took advantage of the swap20:22
ChogyDanjaaasbb: see what ubottu said after rww's comment20:22
kurrataballoooza: can i kick it out somehow?20:23
ballooozakurrata: you should be able to, let me google it, one sec, I used to know how20:23
jaaasbbChogyDan: ok. done20:23
tembraeChogyDan http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1015594320:23
NCS_Onewhere can I get help about ocropus?20:24
ballooozakurrata: sudo swapoff -a20:24
jaaasbbChogyDan: http://pastebin.com/Hwr9GP7F20:24
wolfpack1ballooooza   I was trying to install BATMON(monitors battery) from softwarebut while installing got error20:24
ChogyDantembrae: for the time being, it looks like you need to follow dark.generics advice20:24
wolfpack1balloooza   I was trying to install BATMON(monitors battery) from softwarebut while installing got error20:24
ChogyDanjaaasbb: make sure to sudo apt-get update20:25
ballooozawolfpack1: got it the first time20:25
tembraeChogyDan ok thnx20:25
phillyjanyone tell me how to figure out why WUBI won't boot up? Or do I have to reinstall it?20:25
adminewbmilamber thanks for reminder20:25
kurrataballoooza: thanks it helped. dam ubuntu should have asked if he can mount my swap ;D20:26
jaaasbbChogyDan: ok. sorry20:26
ChogyDantembrae: and you can subscribe to the bug report to get uptodate info if you like20:26
milamber adminewb: ??20:26
ChogyDanjaaasbb: np20:26
wolfpack1balloooza  I have typed ur nick wrong for the first time....thats why pinged u again :)20:26
=== zz_dhruvasagar is now known as dhruvasagar
sam-_-!partner | jaaasbb20:26
ubottujaaasbb: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:26
adminewbabout http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/20:26
tembraeChogyDan its a different bug i think?20:26
jfroebea few years ago Linux Journal published an article about a fast memcopy. Basically it cut down on the # of times the chunk of memory was copied.  does anyone remember what the name of the routine was?20:26
ballooozawolfpack1: try installing powertop20:26
* balloooza aggrees20:27
CactI'm running 11.04 on my Asus EEE 1005ha netbook and my wireless stopped being able to find my home network connection. I know it's a bit vague, but would anyone be able to provide some assistance?20:27
ballooozawolfpack1: and then run it to see your battery and what is using it more, but mostly see time remaining, this is to verify that there is a good data connection between your battery and your ubuntu20:27
milamberadminewb: ahh, np20:27
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Pici!away > zz_dhruvasagar20:27
ubottuzz_dhruvasagar, please see my private message20:27
wolfpack1balloooza k...thanks20:28
ballooozaanyone still here, or did I split off or something20:31
milamberballoooza: ping20:31
sam-_-keep quite all20:31
jrib!11.04 | Cact20:31
ubottuCact: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.20:31
sam-_-oh dang20:31
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vladikoffthis might be a strange question, but did anyone manage to read the PS3 HDD in ubuntu?20:31
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jrib!away > zz_dhruvasagar20:32
ubottuzz_dhruvasagar, please see my private message20:32
milamber!ps3 | vladikoff20:32
LushyIs there a way I can reset my conpiz settings to deafult?20:32
ubottuvladikoff: Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )20:32
SolarBeamTM22Could someone help me with setting up GTK+ ?20:32
cmajor_Hi there...20:32
sam-_-vladikoff, do you know the filesystem ?20:32
jribSolarBeamTM22: be more specific20:32
milamberSolarBeamTM22: what exactly is the issue?20:32
CactHm, so should I just do a fresh install of 10.10?20:33
cmajor_can anyone help me deal with lost partitions?20:33
erUSULLushy: with care --> « rm -r ~/.config/compiz/  ~/.compiz/  »20:33
Valpskottneed help with HDMI audio... I have none in Ubuntu, but I do have Audio over HDMI in Win XP20:33
sam-_-Cact, just your home not or others as well?20:33
sam-_-Cact not=net20:34
SolarBeamTM22jrib: Alright, sorry. 18th hour of conciousness; My issue is I am not sure what to do, it gives me errors for atk, pango, cairo and gdk-pixbuf-2.0 saying I need them... I try to get pango and it says I need something else, then that something says I need another thing... it's very daunting.20:34
CactI can pick up on another network, but it's the first time I've seen it.20:34
LushyerUSUL: I can't really afford to mess-up my ubuntu install due to my hard drive being 25% broke.20:34
joeoshawafor those who helped me thank you i figured out what was wrong with dhcp320:34
CactNormally I just get the open network in my house and that's all.20:34
oedschhi there, i tried to create a live usb out of a live cd (ubuntu 10.10) but when i try to start the tool, ubuntu freezes, anyone an idea?20:34
milamberSolarBeamTM22: are you trying to build from source or are you trying to get what you need from the repos?20:35
sam-_-Cact, tried to reset the router/access point?20:35
OY1Rhow can i use my internal soundcard while having a USB soundcard connected ?? (Ubuntu 10.10)20:35
SolarBeamTM22milamber: Source, i'm new to linux / ubuntu so I have no idea if I am going about this the proper way20:35
joeoshawadnsmasq was installed and interfearing with dhcp server20:35
sam-_-Cact, does your homenet still work from other computers/os's?20:36
joeoshawaltsp will be ready momentarily20:36
jribSolarBeamTM22: what are you trying to accomplish?20:36
qubozikOY1R: try -> System _> Preferences -> Sound and i believe you can select an input device and a output device20:36
CactI believe so.20:36
CactGive me a minute to confirm.20:36
SolarBeamTM22when I try ./configure --prefix/opt/gtk i get this: configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.25.10    atk >= 1.29.2    pango >= 1.20    cairo >= 1.6    gdk-pixbuf-2.0 >= 2.21.0) were not met20:36
OY1Rqubozik, that does not work.20:36
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vladikoffsam-_-, i think they call it IFS, (by IBM), trying to confirm...20:37
qubozikOY1R: :( not sure how to help you then20:37
cmajor_hi everyone and sorry to bother... any help about lost partitions?20:37
LeaChimHi, In previous versions, I've been using lirc for my remote control. In the latest one it's now additionally being treated as a keyboard, and sending unwanted key presses. How do I disable this new behaviour?20:37
sam-_-SolarBeamTM22, in ubuntu most software is precompiled20:37
jribSolarBeamTM22:what is your end-goal?20:37
qubozikOY1R: What app are you suing to record?20:37
sam-_-SolarBeamTM22, what do you want to install?20:37
milamberSolarBeamTM22: let's start from the basics. 1) what version of ubuntu? and 2) do you have the build-essential (s) installed?20:37
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vladikoffsam-_-, or EXT320:37
wolfpack1balloooza hey i have installed powertop but could not locate from where to run powertop application?20:37
SolarBeamTM22sam-_-: jrib : My end-goal is to be able to use the Gens emulator for Sega Genesis20:38
jseamus1what is the package name for the program "Places > Search for files"?20:38
sam-_-vladikoff, ifs never heard of it. ext3 would be easy20:38
ballooozawolfpack1: it is a console app, run sudo powertop20:38
erUSULcmajor_: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step ?20:38
SolarBeamTM22milamber: 10.10 ; I have no idea20:38
OY1Rqubozik, the only prog i need that receives audio is fldigi20:38
erUSULcmajor_: no problem20:39
SolarBeamTM22milamber: Ah, no I don't have th essentials but my problem being is I try to get them, and they lead me to more essentials... essentials within essentials if you will20:39
vladikoffsam-_-, should i use gparted?20:39
erUSUL!undelete | cmajor_20:39
ubottucmajor_: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel20:39
gribouilleI need to reinstall grub on /dev/sda. what command do I have to enter ?20:39
OY1Rqubozik, as soon as i plug the usb card in all audio is routed to it,20:39
sam-_-vladikoff, do you want to repartition it?20:39
Cactsam-_-:  ah... the network just appeared. Thank you for your help, though :)20:40
vladikoffsam-_-, i just want read-only access20:40
jribSolarBeamTM22: well you certainly don't need to build gtk... Is it just called "gens"?20:40
milamberSolarBeamTM22: i would start with getting the essentials and unless there is a need for a package > than what is in the repos i would just go that route (esp for a beginner)20:40
qubozikOY1R: Yeah I get you. That's what happens to me, but I can use the sound control panel to select which device to use as sound output. Other than that I'm not sure how you would do it unless you use an alsa utility on the command line20:40
sam-_-vladikoff, u may use gparted to find out about the filesystem type20:40
sam-_-vladikoff, but it won't mount it for you afaik20:41
vladikoffsam-_-, says 37gb unallocated20:41
oedschhi there, i tried to create a live usb out of a live cd (ubuntu 10.10), like i told to, with the goal to install ubuntu on hard disk.. every other way crashed and freezed.. someone any idea?20:41
jribSolarBeamTM22: dgen is in the repositories, you could try that and see if that works well enough for you20:41
gribouilleI need to reinstall grub on /dev/sda. what command do I have to enter ?20:41
jrib!grub | gribouille20:41
ubottugribouille: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:41
smwHow do you switch which output device you use for audio? aplay -l lists the device.20:41
sam-_-vladikoff, how big is it?20:41
jrib!grub2 > gribouille20:41
ubottugribouille, please see my private message20:41
sam-_-vladikoff, how big is it in total?20:41
zambahow do i write a windows bootable iso on an usb in linux?20:41
vladikoffsam-_-, 37-40gb20:42
vladikoffsam-_-, the size is right, but 'unallocated' is wrong i guess20:42
SolarBeamTM22jrib: Yes, "Gens" exactly. I have downloaded the tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files I needed (pango, gtk+, glib, gettext) and so far I have been able to compile gettext but the others are being resistant20:42
NCS_Onecan ocropus work with pdf files?20:42
OY1Rqubozik, ok , the usb soundcard is used for audio in and out, whilt the builtin card only needs to play  (videos/music), it worked in 8.04 but no luck on 101020:42
smwzamba, define "windows bootable"20:42
sam-_-SolarBeamTM22 do you have a 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu?20:42
zambasmw: i have a windows iso.. and i want to boot this off a usb20:43
SolarBeamTM22sam-_-: x8620:43
zambasmw: and i'm currently running ubuntu20:43
jribSolarBeamTM22: stop compiling things.  All of that is in the repositories.  dgen is in the repositories (another sega genesis emulator).  Why don't you try that one?  If you really needs gens, that's fine, build just gens.  You don't need to build gettext and gtk and so on.  Doing so is just going to break your system20:43
jrib!compile > SolarBeamTM2220:43
ubottuSolarBeamTM22, please see my private message20:43
sam-_-SolarBeamTM22, x86_64?20:43
zambasmw: the built-in "startup disk creator" only creates ubuntu bootable usbs20:43
nirazioHow to solve this error?? W: GPG error: http://linux.dropbox.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG FC918B335044912E Dropbox Automatic Signing Key <linux@dropbox.com>20:43
nirazioSOmeone help me pls..20:43
nirazioW: GPG error: http://linux.dropbox.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG FC918B335044912E Dropbox Automatic Signing Key <linux@dropbox.com>20:43
smwzamba, I do not think it is possible to make an iso into a bootable usb disk.20:44
jseamus1what is the package name for the program "Search for files" in "Places"?20:44
zambasmw: oh, it is20:44
sam-_-nirazio you need a valid key from the repos20:44
SolarBeamTM22jrib: Nah I don't need gens specifically, was just the first i found with high recommendations. Thank you for the suggestion20:44
creichenHi!  Are there still ISOs available of Ubuntu 6.04 for IA32(x86)?20:44
nirazioWhat should i do for that??20:44
smwzamba, ok, guess I can't help you.20:44
SolarBeamTM22sam-_-: It's ubuntu 10.10 x86 (32 bit)20:45
jribnirazio: read: http://www.dropbox.com/downloading?os=lnx20:45
NCS_Onezamba: I use UNetbootin but dont know if it works for win20:45
erUSULcmajor_: even if it is ntfs there are good tips i there for data recovery20:45
* jaaasbb says thanks!20:46
Maikl27_hi. I have got a problem with screen reecording. I'm using gtk-recordmydesktop on ubuntu 10.0420:46
sam-_-nirazio, sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 5044912E20:46
niraziosam-_-:  Thankyou :)20:46
NCS_Onecan ocropus work with pdf files?20:46
SolarBeamTM22Thanks for the help guys, sorry if I made it a bit difficult. Methinks sleep is in order, have a good one.20:47
SensivaWhat "File System Queue" list is for in banshee?20:47
Pici!es | serocul20:47
ubottuserocul: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:47
gribouillehow can I know the list of operating systems I will get at boot time ?20:47
StavaAre the ATI gfx drivers for linux any good? Or should I try to get a laptop with nvidia card instead?20:47
milamberStava: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards20:48
niraziosam-_-:  Also i am getting this error "W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"20:48
Stavamilamber, thanks20:48
milamberStava: np20:48
NCS_Onehow can I convert pdf into text file?20:49
sion_My computer has been freezing up and acting a bit weird for a while and I suspect that I might have a faulty Ram card, does anyone know how I can test this theory?20:49
sam-_-nirazio, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-extras-keyring20:49
NCS_Oneor a scanned document20:49
adminewbmilamber, I still have some trouble with packages.ubuntu.com: there doesn't appear any simple way to search contents, as in component file names :-/20:49
jseamus1what is the package name for the program "Places > Search for files"?20:49
m4xxisn't there a memtest option in grub?20:49
adminewbyes m4xx why?20:49
niraziosam-_-:  Will installing that solve my problem??20:50
m4xxwouldn't that help sion_ ?20:50
creichenAh.  Never mind.  It turns out that 6.04 for the desktop is no longer supported, and that's why the ISOs are gone.20:50
sam-_-nirazio, i think so20:50
milamberadminewb: i installed the search tool for firefox - it seems to work pretty well for me as long as you just use one word.20:50
Stavamilamber, If my gfx card is not listed here, where else can I look for notes on compatibility?20:50
jribnirazio: when you add these repositories, the pages where you learn about them usually tell you how to add the key20:50
milamber!6.04 | creichen20:50
pkkmsuspend does not work on my system after I updated.20:50
sam-_-vladikoff, use fdisk -l  maybe it will tell you more20:50
sion_Sorr I don't understand, what was your suggestion?20:51
vladikoffsam-_-, thanks!20:51
NCS_Onesion_: use the memtest on grub, at startup20:51
milamberStava: google for video 4 linux 2 - they have a lot of good info20:51
adminewbmilamber, so how to access content file names then?20:51
Stavamilamber, alright20:51
niraziojrib: This one "W: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release "20:51
sam-_-vladikoff, it could also use a partition table that even fdisk won't understand. in that case you need to google20:52
milamber!dapper | creichen20:52
ubottucreichen: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions20:52
xxmayhem714xxHelp with wifi, Ubuntu desktop20:52
adminewbsion_ your grub boot menu should have a memtest option, use that20:52
seroculi need helppppppp20:52
creichenmilamber: Thank you!20:52
seroculsomeome look me20:53
sion_I don't get a grub at the start it just automatically boots up20:53
jribnirazio: install ubuntu-extras-keyring20:53
sion_Does that mean that there's something wrong with my install of ubuntu?20:53
=== charlie is now known as Guest67806
adminewbsion_, so you have only 1 bootable kernel and no dual boot alternates to ubuntu, etc... in that case i think you have to hold down a certain key to bring up boot menu20:53
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carandraughi! My skipe stopped working out of the blue on 10.04. Is anyone aware of any change on their protocol that caused this?20:54
jrib!wifi > xxmayhem714xx20:54
ubottuxxmayhem714xx, please see my private message20:54
sion_ok I'll start googling for answers20:54
gribouilleI reinstalled grub, but it boots directly on one system, instead of displaying a menu. what is wrong ?20:54
sion_Thanks for your advice    : )20:54
adminewbsion_ no nothing wrong, it just doesn't default to showing the menu20:54
r00t4rd3dxxmayhem714xx, Wireless adapter Model , Make , Chipset ?20:54
sam-_-carandraug, what does stop working mean?20:55
SensivaWhat "File System Queue" list is for in banshee? http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/3205/bansheev.png20:55
adminewbyou're welcome sion_20:55
Jordan_Ugribouille: If you only have one OS, Ubuntu, that's normal. If you have another OS then run "sudo update-grub".20:55
carandraugsam-_-, it keeps trying to connect forever never suceding. I can close the application no problem. It simply no longer connects.20:55
sam-_-carandraug, skype is down atm20:56
sam-_-carandraug, nothing you can do20:56
jribsion_: "shift" is the key you hold down to display the grub menu20:56
adminewbgribouille you need to do the same google as sion_ is, to find out what key to hold to get grub to show your menu20:56
adminewbok then, shift key20:56
sam-_-carandraug, although http://heartbeat.skype.com/ seems to think differently20:57
carandraugsam-_-, ok. Thank you very much. That's what I thought it could happen and needed to know. Thanks20:57
gribouilleJordan_U, doesn't grub-install search fo the other operating systems ?20:57
sam-_-carandraug, all i can say is. mine doesn't work either20:57
sion_Cool I'll try that20:57
sion_Thanks jrib20:57
Jordan_Ugribouille: No.20:57
gribouilleJordan_U, ok, thanks. let my try20:57
Jordan_Ugribouille: You're welcome.20:58
creichenWithout intending to troll:  are there any Linux distributions that are almost as good as Ubuntu for casual end users?  (I've tried all supported Ubuntu versions plus various tweaks, to no avail.  6.04 used to work, though.)20:58
carandraugsam-_-, i can't connect to that heartbeat site either20:58
guntbert!ot | creichen20:58
ubottucreichen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:58
sam-_-creichen, what's to problem with the new ubuntus?20:58
creichensam-_-: The ipw2100 doesn't work properly, and Xorg isn't entirely reliable either (Radeon), even without dri.20:59
sam-_-carandraug, i could and it said "Sign in and registration. Some customers or areas may currently experience problems."20:59
ilmerovingiohi, i have a question, is it possible to extract the crypto key of a LUKS device and then crack it with grid computing?20:59
nemesis_anyone has any idea on how to remove the skype icon from the notification area?20:59
creichenguntbert:  sorry about that, I'll keep it outside.20:59
xzqthanks for some feedback http://pastebin.com/qF73CHWM21:00
carandraugsam-_-, ok. Thanks. I'll just wait. maybe tomorrow will work21:00
guntbertilmerovingio: how is that an ubuntu support question?21:00
milamberxzq: sudo apt-get -f install21:00
sam-_-creichen, the other big distribution is fedora21:00
sam-_-creichen, afaik linus torvalds uses it21:01
ilmerovingioit's not an ubuntu support question21:01
ilmerovingiojust a question ;)21:01
xzqmilamber: did thaat nothing happened21:02
sam-_-ilmerovingio, yes but depending on the key it will still take a very very long time21:02
creichensam-_-: Thank you.21:02
RyanPianesiHey all. Does anyone want to do some blogging, and get paid 5 dollars for each post?21:02
ilmerovingiosam-_-: thanks for the reply. I'm just curious about extract the key21:02
nucc1does anyone know why nautilus looks so ugly on my system?21:02
PiciRyanPianesi: I'd like for people to stay on topic in the Ubuntu support channel.21:03
guntbertilmerovingio: this channel is strictly for ubuntu support only ... (thats why I was asking you)21:03
ilmerovingioi know that is very difficult but i whould like to know if it's possible or not ;)21:03
ilmerovingio(sorry for my bad english)21:03
gribouillehi again21:03
=== ubuntu is now known as guilhermec
sam-_-ilmerovingio, cryptsetup luksDump <device>21:04
gribouillegrub displays error messages when it starts. where are they logged ?21:04
ilmerovingioguntbert: ok thanks however21:04
sergej_supersam-_-, you mean to know that linus uses fedora as his os?21:04
sam-_-Pici sry i will be quiet now :-)21:04
nemesis_anyone has any idea on how to remove the skype icon from the notification area?21:04
sam-_-sergej_super, yes. i read that somewhere sometime ago. but it's also ot. join ubuntu-offtopic21:05
KM0201_pops: u called?21:06
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
popsKM0201: yeah.  whenever you're free i'd like to get real ubuntu21:07
xxmayhem714xxr00t4rd3d, Broadcom bcm430621:07
KM0201pops: ok...21:07
gribouilleI have both grub and grub2 installed on maverick. is it normal ?21:07
ikoniagribouille: no21:07
ikoniagribouille: only one will be installed on the mbr21:08
gribouilleikonia, do I have to remove grub ?21:08
xzqthanks for some feedback http://pastebin.com/qF73CHWM21:08
gribouilleikonia, I mean the packages21:08
popsKM0201: oh i met with the company today21:08
ikoniaforkup: if it's working, I wouldn't bother,21:08
xxmayhem714xxHelp with wifi, Ubuntu desktop21:08
popsKM0201:  and they said i could run ubuntu in a virtual machine21:08
KM0201pops: PM me.. cuz this will wade off topic..21:08
r00t4rd3dxxmayhem714xx, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx scroll down halfway to Installing b43 Drivers.21:08
VV Can I install ubuntu to a hard drive that has the install iso on it?21:09
ikoniaVV: yes21:09
r00t4rd3dxxmayhem714xx, do you have wireed net access now ?21:09
VVikonia: without issue? Or do I have to do something special?21:09
nirazioHow to disable the knock sound in ubuntu during startup??21:09
ikoniaVV: without issue21:09
VVikonia: thanks21:10
Wot_Wotnirazio, System > Preferences > Sound Preferences > Sound Theme > 'No Sound'21:10
xxmayhem714xxr00t4rd3d, i have internet access and b43 driver installed.... my question is about Fixed channel -121:11
r00t4rd3dxxmayhem714xx, on that page it gives you the directions for install whether you connected to the net or not. B43 Internet or B43 No Internet.21:11
LancelotI'm trying to choose a VM tool out of the list from this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=973756. Can someone help me?21:11
VVI could just dd the iso to the hard drive - right?21:11
ikoniaVV: why would you do that ?21:11
DiverdudeHello. I have a Broadcom corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01) wireless chip in my laptop and it is not working in ubuntu 10.10 Desktop. How can i make it work=?21:12
manbraThe correct drivers21:12
ikonia!wireless | Diverdude21:12
ubottuDiverdude: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:12
VVikonia: I have  an iso on my computer. The only way to get it to the one I want to install it on is to put it on a hard drive and boot it up. I could then install back to the same HDD21:12
ikoniaVV: why dd it ?21:12
VVI want to make sure that dd will make the disk bootable21:12
ikoniaVV: dd has nothing to do with making it bootable21:13
VVikonia: how else to get the iso from my computer to the relevent HDD?21:13
xxmayhem714xxr00t4rd3d, i have installed the patch fixes but then with kernel 2.6.35-22 but then i have no wifi access21:13
ikoniaVV: just copy it21:13
nirazioIs it possible to get default sources.list for lucid somewhere???21:14
erUSULDiverdude: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer21:14
xxmayhem714xxDiverdude, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:14
VVikonia: then how does it boot?21:14
erUSULDiverdude: reboot21:14
r00t4rd3dxxmayhem714xx, is there a reason you need to use that kernel ?21:14
ikoniaVV: you need a boot loader21:14
genii-aroundnirazio: There's usually a copy in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list21:15
VVikonia: the iso doesn't have one?21:15
xzqthanks for some feedback http://pastebin.com/qF73CHWM21:15
ikoniaVV: yes, but the iso doesn't have an mbr21:15
AegNuddelOk, they do have lugins that do the stuff I was hoping to do21:15
VVikonia: ah. strange21:15
mikeconcepts_It was necessary to add the Indicator Applet back to the panel after an update21:15
DiverdudeerUSUL, i dont have network...can i download the package somewhere and install it from USB stick=?21:15
xxmayhem714xxi dont care which kernel i use, but after installing patch and using other kernels i still have the problem Fixed channel mon0 -121:15
AegNuddelBut How does one install mythtv plugins?21:15
ikoniaVV: not really21:15
erUSULDiverdude: not really; that package is like the one for flash... it downloads the firmware while installing.21:16
VVikonia: I'm used to just "burning" the iso, popping in the disk, and booting. I'm not used to having to get critical parts like the mbr on my own21:16
DiverdudeerUSUL, so i can only install it if i am connected to the internet?21:16
sudiptacan anyone tell me in which file(s) the scheduling algorithm code are written in linux kernel source code?21:17
niraziogenii-around: Thank you21:17
erUSULDiverdude: you have to get the deb for b43-fwcutter and get the firmware files separately21:17
erUSULDiverdude: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#device_firmware_installation21:17
genii-aroundnirazio: You're welcome21:17
DiverdudeerUSUL, maybe i can just download this:http://packages.debian.org/sid/all/firmware-b43-installer/download21:17
ikoniasudipta: try in ##kernel21:17
xzqthanks for some feedback http://pastebin.com/qF73CHWM21:18
xxmayhem714xxDiverdude, check this guide you can install offline https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:18
erUSULDiverdude: no that wont work. as i said when you install that deb it will try to connec to internet to get the fw files and it will fail21:19
r00t4rd3dDiverdude, you need to follow the STA No Internet guide21:19
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
niraziohow to disable annoying "knock" sound in login screen21:20
Diverduder00t4rd3d, the one xxmayhem714xx  linked to?21:20
Spaztic_OneSo, having some issues... I've inserted a disk and can't run any of the programs from it as the executable bits aren't set... Is there some way to do this for a CDROM?21:21
r00t4rd3dhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx  <-- Follow the STA No Internet Access21:21
ikoniaSpaztic_One: are these windows applications ?21:21
Spaztic_Oneikonia: They are, yes.21:21
DciteSpaztic_One: Using a command line "sh ./program_file" runs it21:22
r00t4rd3dDiver I have all the packages zipped up if you would like me to email them to you.21:22
ikoniaSpaztic_One: first, if it's a CD, it is read only, so you can't change anything, however there are documents on the wine site explaining how to resolve this21:22
DciteSpaztic_One: Err nvm me21:22
Nero_911Good Afternoon.  I have a Intel 82845g integrated graphics card that won't switch from 800x600.  Any thoughts21:24
grendal_primedamn.. is there a way to just force a cron job to run?21:24
grendal_primei mean..there has to be..21:24
grendal_primeive done it with tools that use cron..like webmin..or something like that21:25
Dcitegrendal_prime: Just run it like an app?21:25
guntbert!webmin | grendal_prime21:25
ubottugrendal_prime: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.21:25
erUSULgrendal_prime: gnome-schedule21:25
erUSUL!info gnome-schedule21:25
grendal_primeits on ta server21:25
ubottugnome-schedule (source: gnome-schedule): GNOME scheduler for automatic tasks. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.1-3 (maverick), package size 1094 kB, installed size 2684 kB21:26
kernixhi all21:26
grendal_primethe webmin thing cracks me up.21:26
grendal_primecaldera supports ubuntu/debian just fine.21:26
Dcitegrendal_prime: SSH into the server,  cd into cron job location, ./cron_name_here21:27
r00t4rd3dDiverdude, http://www.mediafire.com/?cdg6c304mpa0er0 all the packages you need. Read the readme21:27
=== Bondv6_ is now known as Bondv6
noisewaterphdI don't use webmin myself, but what alternatives are there that are supported by debian/ubuntu?21:28
sam-_-Nero_911, sure it supports more than that. it's pretty old, right?21:28
guntbertnoisewaterphd: 0  :-))21:28
noisewaterphdthat's too bad21:29
sam-_-Nero_911, oh pentium 4 that's not so bad.21:29
sam-_-Nero_911, what does xrandr say?21:29
Nero_911Yes life is tough21:29
noisewaterphdI can see why people like webmin, could be a very handy tool21:29
Nero_911hang on, I'll get it for you21:30
=== shakil is now known as St0n3-C0l
Nero_911randr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default21:30
Nero_911Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 76821:30
Nero_911default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm21:30
Nero_911   1024x768        0.0*21:30
FloodBot2Nero_911: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:30
Wot_WotI use Webmin on an Ubuntu 9.10 server, very good.21:30
sam-_-Nero_911, so there you go. 1024x768 is selected not 800x60021:31
jrib!ebox | noisewaterphd21:31
ubottunoisewaterphd: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox21:31
joeoshawathis makes no sence i ran sudo ltsp-build-client —-arch i386 this is supposed to allow you to install 32 bit clients on a 64 bit system silly me i though it accesses the 32 bit libraries apparently not cause all 64 bit dependancies are downloaded  and ofcourse the system faults and lists everything needed for an install and says not met21:31
Nero_911randr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default21:32
FloodBot2Nero_911: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:32
Diverduder00t4rd3d, wauw if that works you are blessed :D21:32
r00t4rd3ddid you see the link i posted for you ?21:32
sam-_-!who > Nero_91121:33
ubottuNero_911, please see my private message21:33
Nero_911will do21:33
marcusklaasHow can you count the number of people in this chat?21:34
Nero_911!ubottu :  got it21:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:34
Nero_911!got it21:34
sam-_-Nero_911, could you please post /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:34
noisewaterphdjrib: cool, ebox certainly looks a lot cleaner than webmin, so as long as the functionality is all there to back it up then I say that is pretty sweet21:34
jribnoisewaterphd: never used it :)21:34
noisewaterphdI might install it just to play around a bit21:34
joeoshawahow can i fix ltsp i don't want to mess with dhcp i spent 2 days getting it right21:36
Nero_911!sam 121:36
FloodBot2Nero_911: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:36
Nero_911randr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default21:36
grendal_primeDcite, ya...that was not working for some reason21:39
grendal_primei figured out what it was actually21:39
grendal_primedidnt have anythign to do with cron21:39
grendal_primethanks for verifying though21:39
sam-_-Nero_911, post it to paste.ubuntu.com21:40
Nero_911I'll try it again.21:40
=== Dad is now known as Guest80229
abliHi! I am upgrading a server that I don't have physical access to, and after the upgrade, I am supposed to reboot it. The problem is that it doesn't want to reboot, ie. after giving the 'reboot' command, the "The system is going down for reboot NOW!" line is printed, but nothing happens. The machine keeps on running and doesn't go down for a reboot. Any idea what might be causing this?21:41
abli(I'm trying to upgrade from intrepid to jaunty)21:41
dnivraabli, just a thought tried forcing: 'reboot -f' ?21:42
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rajtHi where can i get new animations efects for the desktop?21:42
dnivra!compiz | rajt21:43
ubotturajt: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz21:43
dnivra!ccsm | rajt21:43
ubotturajt: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:43
ablidnivra, hmm. trying that. It certainly appears to have done _something_ Hopefully the machine will boot now...21:43
dnivraabli, great! hope for the best.21:43
rajti got it just nee the effects21:43
secretary-linuxabli: this would be a good time to consider whether you have a backup plan in case you succeed in getting the system to shutdown, but it won't start back up...21:43
Nero_911what do i do after putting it into paste.ubuntu.com ?21:44
dnivraNero_911, paste the link here21:44
Nero_911ok, thanks21:44
dnivrarajt, System -> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager21:44
sam-_-Nero_911, you already did i once21:44
ablisecretary-linux, yeah. I have: wait till tomorrow, then go visit the server hosting :)21:44
sam-_-Nero_911, you already did it once21:44
PerSeLI need help my problem described here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165102121:45
PerSeLI cannot use my laptop till it get fixed21:45
rickehHello is it possible to kill a process when a specific amount of time has passed?21:46
sam-_-Nero_911, (EE) VESA: Kernel modesetting driver in use, refusing to load21:46
rickehlike say kill process 34323 after 3 minutes21:46
Nero_911yep ?21:46
sam-_-Nero_911, i would try disabling modeset21:46
Nero_911on boot up ?21:46
sam-_-Nero_911, ubuntu version?21:46
erUSUL!info timeout | rickeh21:46
ubotturickeh: Package timeout does not exist in maverick21:46
Nero_91110.10 fresh install21:47
joeoshawai need someone with ltsp experience21:47
rickeherUSUL: sorry what do you mean?21:47
abehello all- I just installed lynx 10.04 on my computer. I don't see the icon on top that normals shows the network connection.  Can someone help me find it and add it to my panel21:47
sam-_-gksu gedit /etc/default/grub  then edit GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=21:47
ValkyrieI've got a HUGE issue.21:48
sam-_-Nero_911, gksu gedit /etc/default/grub  then edit GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=21:48
ValkyrieMy Ubuntu computer won't turn on anymore.21:48
secretary-linuxValkyrie: is it plugged in?21:48
dnivrarickeh, maybe you could use the command 'sleep' and make it sleep for three minutes and then kill the process?21:48
sam-_-Nero_911, include nomodeset21:48
Valkyriesecretary-linux, I looked at the back fo the tower, the plug thing is in the little black area.21:48
ValkyrieThat means yes, right?21:48
erUSULrickeh: i thought timeout ( a command to do what you want) existed in ubuntu-. was wrong21:49
dnivraabe, try adding 'notification area' to the gnome-panel. if that doesn't work, try adding 'indicator applet'21:49
rickehdnivra: thanks let me try that out for a second21:49
era878whats a terminal command to run a .swf?21:49
Valkyrieera878, mplaye?21:49
dnivrarickeh, no problem :).21:49
erUSUL!find timeout21:49
ubottuFound: timeoutd21:49
PerSeLhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1651021 anyone can help me with problem?21:50
ValkyrieWait, no. mplayer wouldn't work.21:50
erUSUL!search timeout21:50
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:50
Valkyrierun it via your internet browser, era87821:50
LinuxCommI'm having a trouble booting Xubuntu.21:50
sam-_-era878, try opening it with a browser with flash installed21:50
ValkyrieI use chrome, so chromium mycockinyourhand.swf21:50
Valkyrie(filename is EXAMPLE)21:50
era878valkyrie, i want to run a .swf using firefox but i need the command for terminal21:50
abe@dnivra it is not the panel i am having problem with, it is the internet connection icon21:50
Valkyrieera878, I don't know what the command to run Ubuntu's firefox is. I use chrome/ArchLinux.21:51
wasutton3-Laptophow do i find a package version from the command line?21:51
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:51
Valkyrieera878, Check /usr/bin/ for the command.21:51
dnivraabe, yes the network manager icon right? i believe one of those should add that.21:51
guntbertValkyrie: don't choose inappropriate filename examples please21:51
sam-_-dpkg -l <packagename> wasutton3-Laptop21:51
jocrawfohey guys i am trying to get the Oxy-White pointer icon in the theme i am using, when i go to appearance and click customize on the theme it does not seem to change my pointer icon when i change selection there.  Anyone know how i can get my pointer icon to be themed?21:51
jwatt_who is fabiomarconi?21:52
abe@dnivra it did not add it21:53
dnivraPerSeL, seems to me like a kernel issue. check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296809&highlight=kernel+panic for help.21:53
cptbloodis there hw acceleration support for flash videos, if so, how?21:53
joeoshawathanks r00trd3d hopefully that fixes my panel dissapearance problem21:53
sam-_-r00t4rd3d, the panel thing keeps popping up. it really needs to be more stable21:54
dnivraabe, is a terminal, could you run 'service network-manager status' and find out if network manager is running?21:54
samlhey, i ahve 64bit 10.10 with dual monitor.. when I resize a window across 2nd monitor... it freezes21:54
toyman61What application is able to capture streaming video and sound on Ubuntu 10.04 ?21:54
samli had to unplug21:54
joeoshawai don21:55
Nero_911ok how do i include the nomodeset.   I am in the grub.cfg at the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="  splash vga=786"   what next ?21:55
joeoshawai don't have that icon either21:55
joeoshawadon't matter to me tho21:55
sam-_-cptblood, afaik either it work or it doesn't21:55
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abe@dnivra it is running21:55
vastquick question about UNR. actually two:21:55
cptbloodsam-_- thank you captain obvious21:55
sam-_-Nero_911,  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="  splash vga=786 nomodeset"21:56
abe@dnivra running with process 64121:56
dnivraabe, can you run 'ps -e  | grep nm-applet' and see if the applet is running?21:56
sam-_-cptblood, np :-)21:56
vastA: is it normal for the GUI to be a little choppy at first/will it get better?21:56
cptbloodi know adobe has issued an update for windows granting hw accel, but i was wondering if it's true for ubuntu too21:56
vastand B: do any of you know why certain applications can't be stuck to the launcher?21:56
noonianvast, you might need to download proprietary graphics drivers21:56
Nero_911K, do I need to run "update-grub" after21:56
abe@dnivra, nothing returned as if it is running or closed21:57
sam-_-Nero_911, yes sudo update-grub21:57
Nero_911thanks, see you after reboot21:57
noonianabe, that means its not running21:57
dnivraabe, okay i guess nm-applet isn't running. in the same terminal, type the command 'nm-applet&'21:57
vastnoonian, alright, sounds good. should the system driver app be enough to get those, or will i have to go poking around?21:57
sam-_-Nero_911, cu21:58
abe@dnivra i have859421:58
noonianvast, if there are proprietary drivers available for your graphics card they should be listed in hardware drivers under system->administration21:58
Nero_911thanks again, sam.  rebooting21:58
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dnivraabe, now is the icon back?21:58
LinuxCommWhat does it mean when I tried to boot Xubuntu, it said that it cannot mount on /dev/loop.21:58
abe@dnivra I think the applet itself is not running, I just ran it. I am going to try to add it to my panel21:59
noonianvast, depending on how powerful your machine is you might want to turn down the graphics settings too if it is really slow21:59
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:59
dnivraabe, it didn't appear there in the panel?21:59
dnivraabe, and 'nm-applet&' is to run the applet :)22:00
Valkyriebuzain, bad idea to tell them that. I get so used to usign tab to complete stuff, that I even try to tab-complete words I cannot spell (Or the spelling evades me for that moment)22:00
LunaVoraxHi again22:00
sam-_-cptblood, btw. it might be obvious too but there are different kinds of hardware accel. rendering accel and h.264 decoding accel are two that come to mind22:00
Guest7256I purchased a Ralink RT3370 wireless network adapter, and am trying to install on Ubuntu 10.10. I cannot, for the life of me, figure how to install the necessary drivers. the enclosed directions are for windows. can you please assist me with a walk-thru for installing this network adapter, starting with 'insert the cd'? I am a novice Ubuntu user, and not familiar with the steps other Linux and Ubuntu users take for granted. a22:00
Guest7256ny help would be greatly appreciated!22:00
abe@dnivra thank you for your patience with me.  I am adding , cross ur fingers :)22:00
LunaVoraxHow can I put my two cpus on "powersave" mode automatically at startup ?22:00
ValkyrieGuest7256, Search google. Look for drivers for your specific wireless adapter22:00
buzainValkyrie, i do the same :)22:00
dnivraabe, hope for the best with crossed fingers. hope you get it.22:01
ValkyrieGuest7256, no offence, I just don't think we have a list of all drivers on hand. And it'll make your life easier, instead of waiting for us to go google, come back with relevent results22:01
cptbloodsam-_-: rendering flash with hw acceleration differs from h264 tho22:01
ValkyrieThen point you to a website you were already going to go to anyway.22:01
vastnoonian, thanks. its not so much universally slow as choppy in certain places, like when opening the new app/file browser, etc.22:01
sam-_-cptblood, true22:01
Guest7256@ valkyrie I have, and am not having much luck. I have found the driver packages, but have no idea how to load them22:01
abe@dnivra failed to run because of child process :(22:02
ValkyrieAre they in a .tar.gz?22:02
dnivraabe, what failed to run?22:02
vastnoonian, so i figure i can deal with it. do you have any idea why some apps won't stick to the launcher?22:02
ValkyrieGuest7256, I can't tell you 'exactly' where to put them. Considering I use Archlinux -- But, I can help you unpack them and attempt to locate your 'other' modules.22:03
abe@dnivra failed to excuete child process (no such file or directory)22:03
sam-_-Guest7256, is there a native driver?22:03
Satisfiedhey guys, doing an install and this part of says "allocate drive space" where it offers "files (1.7gb)" or "ubuntu"   ... whats the difference?22:03
Guest7256@valkyrie that would be appriciated22:03
dnivra!wife | Guest725622:03
noonianvast, hmm not really. which one wont stick?22:03
dnivra!wifi | Guest725622:04
ubottuGuest7256: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:04
abe@adnivra when i run 'nm-applet&' it gets displayed in the panel and then when i shutdown the terminal it disappears22:04
sam-_-Guest7256, or are you using the windowsdriver via ndiswrapper?22:04
ValkyrieGuest7256, Do me a favor. Do this in command line: lsmod22:04
Nero_911!sa you still around ?22:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:04
Failure2respondhaveing trouble loading ubuntu 10.10 onto an Eee pc 900a22:04
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vastnoonian: Geany and Xchat, for now. it looks like anything i download new won't stick.22:04
sam-_-Nero_911, y22:04
Nero_911posting new Xorg log22:05
ValkyrieThen, select one of the modules. and type 'locate nameofdriverhere'22:05
Valkyriewithout the quotations, Guest7256.22:05
dnivraabe, in terminal, type 'nm-' and press tab. see if it auto completes.22:05
nasserhow can i remove completely xubuntu-desktop?22:05
ValkyrieWait, wouldn't the drivers in the Ubuntu kernel be compiled in?22:05
noonianabe, you can put nm-applet as a startup application under system->preferences->startup applications22:05
ValkyrieSo he'd have to re-compile his kernel, no?22:05
LunaVoraxHow can I put my two cpus on "powersave" mode automatically at startup ?22:05
abe@adnivra it completes, I believe that startup application should work. Let me try. Thanks22:05
noonianvast, hmm thats strange. xchat sticks to the panel for me22:05
ValkyrieLunaVorax, What WM?22:05
noonianabe, if you do that you dont need the & on the command btw22:06
dnivraabe, when you cannot run 'nm-applet' because the file isn't found, think adding a startup application would work?22:06
Nero_911!sam, I have two modes now.22:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:06
vastnoonian: well, when i left click on it in the launcher, there is no 'keep in launcher' option for it. perhaps there is another way to do it?22:06
nasserHow can I remove completely xubuntu-desktop?22:07
sam-_-Nero_911, which ones?22:07
dnivraNero_911, there is no need for '!' before the nick. just type 'sam' and press <tab> to autocomplete the nick.22:07
rinku_kokiriHow do i change the Size of the RESIZE AREA of the titlebar?22:07
rinku_kokiriit's wayy to big22:07
ValkyrieGuest7256, Once that's done. You know where the drivers are located. It should be something like /src/kernelxx/driver/net/wireless22:07
rinku_kokiriwhen i try to move a window, it attempts to resize it.22:07
Nero_911will do22:07
rinku_kokirihow do I change this "feature"22:07
govielSatisfied: are you doing a fresh  installation on the whole drive?22:08
abe@adnivra I think adding in the startup should work because it is in the system.  When I put 'nm' and pressed tabbed it did display the applet option22:08
Satisfiedno, along side a windows partition22:08
abe@adnivra i will logout and login to see if it worked22:08
dnivraabe, can you try running it without the '&' ?22:08
rinku_kokiriwhy is it that EVERY OTHER resize area of the window is ONE PIXEL but the titlebar?22:08
noonianvast, I am clicking and dragging xchat from the menu with my mouse up to the panel22:08
Nero_911samitheberber, 800x600 and 640x48022:08
abe@adnivra it works without '&'22:09
nooniandnivra, he said it just closes when the terminal closes, so i think startup app will work22:09
dnivranoonian, oh! well '&' was supposed to be to solve that :)22:09
nooniandnivra, yeah, backgrounded processes still run in that bash i believe so when you close the terminal it still stops it22:10
rinku_kokiriHow do i change the size of the area of a window that allows me to change its size?22:10
dnivranoonian, nm-applet is started by default at startup. that's why there isn't a need to add it. wish i'd read his comment clearly.22:10
abe@adnivra not working :(, i think i added it wrong22:11
rinku_kokirii.e. when i attempt to MOVE  a window IT GETS RESIZED because someone made the titlebar resize area WAYY TO BIG22:11
nasserhow can i install Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack?22:11
itaylor57dnivra: nohup will leave the command running even after the terminal is closed22:11
dnivraabe, press alt + f2 and type 'nm-applet' in the box.22:11
dnivraitaylor57, cool! i didn't know that. thanks!22:12
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
rinku_kokiriDoes NOBODY know how to edit the size of the "resize area" for windows?22:12
rinku_kokirithis is getting really annoying22:12
abe@adnivra now it is working, where should i add that command?22:12
ExterminansHi, got a problem with samba. Both PCs are connected via gigabit, but when writing files to the samba server the first 100MB per connection are written with >100MB/s, after that performance drops way below 1MB/s. Reading files works at full speed.22:12
govielSatisfied: the first option will use the free space on the hard drive that's why it says use 1.7gb of the HDD, the other option will delete everything, u can do it manually22:12
noonianrinku_kokiri, sorry, i just dont really understand what you are asking.22:13
govielSatisfied: http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2010/11/04/how-to-dual-boot-ubuntu-10-10-and-windows-7/22:13
BernardVExterminans: try cifs instead of smbfs22:13
rinku_kokiriattempt to move a window by clicking on the titlebar... result: the window is resized22:13
zmityahi gents22:13
rinku_kokirinoonian, ^^22:13
dnivraabe, no need to do anything. i think it'll be started up by default. if it doesn't work, just run 'nm-applet' the same way: press alt + F2 and type in 'nm-applet'. that should be enough. or you can add to startup applications as noonian said earlier.22:13
zmityaI have a pretty fress install of kubuntu 10.1022:13
sam-_-Nero_911, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:14
zmityauntil yesterday, everything worked well, but after the upgrade yesterday night, my X don't want to start22:14
zmityait says "Failed to load kernel module"22:14
zmityaI tried everything :(22:14
dnivraabe, is it still running?22:14
Nero_911will do22:14
zmityais there any known issue with the nvidia driver ? (I have GTX 460)22:15
Nero_911sam-_-, will do22:15
ExterminansBernardV: Sounds good, do you know where i can find a tut how to enable it?22:15
abe@adnivra nope, i loged out and logged in. Not running. I even typed the complete link /usr/bin/nm-applet22:15
R1cochetzmitya, i have a 450 and it works fine22:15
BernardVExterminans: I think it's enabled by default22:15
zmityaR1cochet, do you have the latest kernel ?22:15
BernardVExterminans: mount -t cifs ...22:15
lockersnatcherr, !HCL22:15
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:15
ExterminansBernardV: The client is windows 7, so i cant use mount22:16
dnivraabe, when you press alt + f2 and type in 'nm-applet' does it start?22:16
noonianrinku_kokiri, hmm that sounds strange. It is resizing not min/maxing?22:16
R1cochetthey actually had linux support for the 460 before the 45022:16
rinku_kokirino it's just a gui annoyance... the area that allows me to resize the window on the titlebar is TOO BIG22:16
marcusklaastalking bout nvidia cards?22:16
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rinku_kokiriI would like to make it smaller22:16
zmityaR1cochet, cat you please gibe me a "dpkg -l | grep nvidia" output ?22:16
abe@adnivra it does start. I think it is probably working now.  It just appeared22:16
BernardVExterminans: Ah ok.. let me think.. never tested here, only reading from linux.. but I also have a w7 pc and ubuntu..22:16
abe@adnivra i wanna logout and relogin to verify22:17
govielSatisfied: you can read this shorter one, http://www.downloadatoz.com/driver/articles/how-to-install-ubuntu-10-10-on-windows-7-pc.html22:17
dnivraabe, guess it isn't started for some reason. try adding to startup applications as noonian .22:17
R1cochetii  nvidia-173-modaliases                 173.14.28-0ubuntu1                                Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver22:17
R1cochetii  nvidia-96-modaliases                  96.43.18-0ubuntu1                                 Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver22:17
R1cochetii  nvidia-common                         0.2.24                                            Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers22:17
R1cochetii  nvidia-current-modaliases             260.19.06-0ubuntu122:17
BernardVExterminans: brb, will test some22:17
FloodBot2R1cochet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:17
R1cochetzmitya, http://paste.ubuntu.com/546736/22:18
zmityaR1cochet, thx, I'm checking it22:18
zyuiiohow to disable selinux22:18
dnivraabe, if it still doesn't work, add it to startup applications. i have no idea why it isn't starting by itself.22:18
zyuiioon ubuntu22:18
R1cochetdoes anyone have a wireless usb adapter?22:18
zmityaR1cochet, one more question please: "lsmod | grep nv" please22:18
Satisfiedthanks grivel22:19
abe@adnivra I did it to panel, however it is behaving as a command.  When I launch/press the icon it displays the network connection22:19
rinku_kokiriSo you can understand here's my attempt to explain...  the area on the left, right and bottom of the window one pixel to click to resize.. However, about the ENTIRE TITLE BAR is this "resize area" and Moving the window causes me to squint, and lose all sanity as the window is resized over again.22:19
lockersnatchR1cochet: yes, why22:19
zyuiiohello is there anyone here ?22:19
zyuiiohow to disable selinux ?22:19
IledenAnyone here with experience about bluetooth GPRS? Everything seems ok, and when I run "pon BluetoothDialup" my phone initiates a modem connection, then immediately drops it. I've used the phone before with the exact same chatscript, and the phone works with Win7 so it's not impossible...22:19
R1cochetzmitya,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/546738/22:19
rinku_kokiriI wish to make this "resize area" smaller22:19
abe@adnivra I think i should be fine with the current setup.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!!!:) Happy Holidays22:20
abePEACE TO ALL22:20
rinku_kokiriis there a setting/file somewhere that will allow me to do this?22:20
dnivraabe, but it doesn't start when you logout and login again does it?22:20
dnivraabe, okay then. np :). you too enjoy!22:20
R1cochetzmitya, you know i dont think i actually have it installed yet. just reinstalled OS last night22:20
abe@adnivra it works some what :) thank you again22:20
Nero_911sam-_-, reconfiguring did help, tried with the -phigh switch also22:20
R1cochetbut i did have it running on 10.10  two days ago22:20
dnivraIleden, maybe you could check the logs in /var/log/messages to see what is wrong?22:20
zmityaR1cochet, yes, because your nvidia module is not loaded22:20
R1cochetand it worked on fedora 14 as well22:21
zmityaR1cochet, I assume that glxgears shows ~400 FPS only, but is should be ~1400022:21
R1cochetalso i think i might be using the neaveau driver atm22:21
sam-_-Nero_911, what modes do you have now?22:21
Dwade09does anyone know if this would work in ubuntu? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812196236&cm_re=usb_vga_cable-_-12-196-236-_-Product22:21
R1cochetnot sure i have screensaver set to blank screen22:21
Nero_911sam-_-, the same, 800x600 and 480x640.  When we started we only had 1024x76822:22
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zmityaR1cochet, just run glxgears by hand22:22
R1cochetcan anyone recommend a good wireless adapter usb/pci card that will work on kernel 2.6.35?22:22
R1cochetzmitya, one sec22:22
rinku_kokirimaybe i'm using the wrong term...   how do i change the RESIZE MARGIN?22:22
Iledendnivra: Ok, looking at it now... "PAP authentication succeeded", but then "LCP terminated by peer" followed by "Connection terminated" and "Modem hangup".22:23
lockersnatchR1cochet: Belkin wireless USB works great and is natively supported...just plug and play22:23
R1cochetzmitya, i dont have glx gears installed22:23
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zmityaR1cochet, just apt-get install glxgears :)22:23
R1cochetlockersnatch, thank you much. i must ask tho, how is the reception?22:23
nit-witsebastia, do you have a problem22:24
ralliasHow do I have my taskbars on both screens on ubuntu?22:24
R1cochetzmitya, no package22:24
noonianrinku_kokiri, im not sure there is an easy way to change that. You could try changing themes and seeing if that helps, or see if a different window manager has smaller margins. also there is an option to have a key that will let you move a window by clicking anywhere on it if the key is held down22:24
dnivraIleden, looks to me like the PPP connection setup process is not happening correctly.22:24
zmityaR1cochet, anyway, let me try find out the issue with google22:24
lockersnatchwhat you would expect from a cheap usb antenna...it can easily be modded tho for a directional approach22:24
rinku_kokirinoonian, may have found it with gconf-editor22:24
zmityaR1cochet, ok, sorry, don't want to have you install unnecessary things...22:24
rinku_kokiriwill let u kno22:24
zmityaR1cochet, thanks for your help22:24
R1cochetdont matter to me22:24
noonianrinku_kokiri, great then, good luck!22:25
R1cocheti usually add the screensaver packages22:25
zmityaR1cochet, then apt-cache search glxgears22:25
lockersnatchR1cochet: I have it on my desktop server in the back of the house and i get reception for file/print sharing all over the house...through several walls...22:25
zmityaR1cochet, this should tell you where to find glxgears22:25
Iledendnivra: any ideas how to proceed. (I'm googling the error message as we speak but not yet found anything to help...)22:25
MathuinIs this a general chat channel or a help-me-diagnose-this-problem channel ?22:25
dnivraIleden, i am doing the same :).22:25
R1cochetlockersnatch, thank you, just what i needed to know. i have to go through 4 walls and about 50 feet22:26
noonianMathuin, genereal support chat22:26
dnivraMathuin, this is the support channel of ubuntu. the off-topic channel is #ubuntu-offtopic.22:26
Mathuinnoonian: Thanks!22:26
lockersnatchR1cochet: keep the receipt in case you find it is inadequate though22:26
R1cocheti have an old linksys pci but it just wont pick up the signal22:26
Mathuindnivra: excellent, I will ask my question then. :-)22:26
R1cochetlockersnatch, always :)22:26
sam-_-Nero_911, post an lsmod22:26
R1cochetlockersnatch, can you tell me which model?22:26
dnivraMathuin, fire away! somebody knows-they'll help out for sure. and if they don't, they'll just remain silent :)22:26
lockersnatchR1cochet: you can also mod a dish structure to the device for a directional (and improved distance) approach22:26
MathuinI am a Minecraft addict.  I prefer to play fullscreen, but after no more than an hour my video goes dark, my fans spin up, and if I don't ssh into the box within 30 seconds, the only way out is the power switch.22:27
rinku_kokirinoonian, it appears there's a resize wiidgit called "getting a grip" for ubuntu, it's available via PPA at the moment22:27
lockersnatchR1cochet: let me find model...22:27
R1cochetlockersnatch, i have an alfa wus036 but the rtl drivers are crap and so i can maintain a stable connect22:27
MathuinI have ssh'ed into my desktop and run Minecraft that way, but nothing comes up on stdout or stderr.  I've tried Sun and OpenJVM java, NVidia drivers 'current' and the older version offered by "Additional Drivers", nothing makes a difference.  Help?22:28
noonianrinku_kokiri, huh, thanks for the info :)22:28
PerSeLhello i've installed ubuntu 10.10 2 days ago and it's already crashed22:28
tarzeauPerSeL: it's rock solid here22:28
lockersnatchR1cochet: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683331401122:28
Iledendnivra: hmm, seems I don't have a package called "bluez-pin" which I maybe should have... but not available at the repositories either, is this a false lead?22:29
PerSeLyou mean usual?22:29
Nero_911sam-_-, will do22:29
lockersnatchR1cochet: dang, they came down on the price...i got it @ walmart for like $35...what a crock22:29
dnivraIleden, well that is okay. not all packages/applications are a part of the repo. you should just download it else where.22:29
wildfire100PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME22:30
R1cochetzmitya, i did a cache search and it came up w/ mesa-utils. installed that but still dont show gears in screen saver. sorry22:30
Iledendnivra: but Ubuntu documentation talks about it...22:30
R1cochetlockersnatch, will that handle wep?22:30
wildfire100PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME22:30
wildfire100PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME22:30
FloodBot2wildfire100: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:30
dnivraIleden, just remember that things can go wrong if that package does something that's not nice.22:30
zmityaR1cochet, that is not a screen saver22:30
PerSeLhow can i fix it my computer isn't loading22:30
ExterminansHi, got a problem with samba. Both PCs are connected via gigabit, but when writing files to the samba server the first 100MB per connection are written with >100MB/s, after that performance drops way below 1MB/s. Reading files works at full speed, client is windows 722:30
zmityajust a measuring tool22:31
Mathuin*waits for the collective genius to tell him what's wrong with playing Minecraft fullscreen* :-)22:31
lockersnatchR1cochet: yes22:31
R1cochetthats what i thought but thats what cache reported22:31
Iledendnivra: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup says to do "sudo apt-get install bluez-utils bluez-pin ppp " but bluez-pin is not available.22:31
zmityaR1cochet, just type glxgears in console22:31
lockersnatchR1cochet: it also supports packet injection if you are so inclined to do so :)22:31
dnivraIleden, http://gpe.linuxtogo.org/projects/bluez-pin.shtml. you should get it there.22:31
LoRezwildfire100: try not to spam your request.22:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:31
noonianwildfire100, no one can help you if you don't ask a question22:31
Nero_911sam-_-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/54674622:31
R1cochetlockersnatch, thank you but i actually just tried that card earlier. it doesnt pick up the signal i need22:31
R1cochetzmitya, its running but i dont see fps22:32
R1cochetnevermind lol22:32
lockersnatchR1cochet: oh well, good luck to ya...might i suggest reading up on directional antennas as they have much improved range over omni directional22:32
R1cochetapprox 700fps22:32
zmityaR1cochet, ok22:32
Iledendnivra: hm, it seems to say that it's not needed if ubuntu-desktop is installed, though.22:32
zmityaR1cochet, so you don't have the propietary driver installed too22:32
wildfire100sorry noonian  basicly im using wine, to download pkr, downloaded fine, but when i checked my downloads folder, and its not there, where would it be??22:33
dnivraIleden, yeah i was a bit confused since PIN negotiation is automatic :). give it a shot without it.22:33
R1cochetbut i have had it installed on 10.10 about 2 days ago22:33
R1cochetdid a reinstall last night22:33
julio_hi, i'm having an issue with a bind9 upadte that won't install... how can i know what's causing this?22:33
Nero_911Also, switched from this monitor to another and picked up 1280x1024.  reconnected orginal monitor and the resolution stayed.  I don't think ubuntu can id the monitor22:33
zmityaR1cochet, ok, I wish the best when you do it :)22:33
zmityathanks for the patience22:33
Android001wildfire100, try searching. Terminal> locate <file>22:33
R1cochetzmitya, they have always worked fine for me22:33
Nero_911sam-_-  Also, switched from this monitor to another and picked up 1280x1024.  reconnected orginal monitor and the resolution stayed.  I don't think ubuntu can id the monitor22:33
R1cochetgl to you22:33
Iledendnivra: yep, and besides the other laptop that had this working didn't have the package either,as i recall.22:33
zmityaR1cochet, same here, this is the first time in the last 10 years ;)22:34
wildfire100android001, done that, nothing came up,22:34
wildfire100http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/7840/screenshotnu.png - basicly my problem22:34
noonianwildfire100, if you downloaded it using wine it will be in your ~/.wine/drive_c/ folder somewhere. its basically a fo-windows system22:34
dnivraIleden, yeah i remember it is there by default when i've connected to other phones. i don't use bluetooth to connect to internet, connect phone via cable.22:34
Mathuinwildfire100: select pkrinstall.exe, right-click, "open containing folder" ?22:34
R1cochetlockersnatch, when i plugged it in i didnt have an extension cable. does the card come w/ one?22:35
PerSeLi installed ubuntu 2 days ago and it's crashed. i cannot format my comp! how can i fix the problem and prevent it to happen in the future22:35
R1cocheti think i might be able to get a better signal if it isnt plugged right in to desktop22:35
wildfire100Mathuin,  dosnt allow me,22:35
nit-witPerSeL, did you install from a booted cd or inside windows?22:36
sam-_-Nero_911, you may need to edit your /etc/xorg.conf22:36
lockersnatchR1cochet: no, you will need to purchase a USB extension cable (can get one for cheap @ newegg)22:36
sam-_-Nero_911, to sth. like thishttp://pastebin.com/yfCkvD1h22:36
PerSeLbooted cd22:36
sam-_-Nero_911, to sth. like this http://pastebin.com/yfCkvD1h22:36
R1cochetyes sir. i love newegg22:36
Nero_911yeah, i agree, but there isn't one.22:36
Mathuinwildfire100: From a Unix shell, "find .wine -name pkrinstall.exe -print" ?22:36
Nero_911sam-_-, <Nero_911> yeah, i agree, but there isn't one.22:36
Mathuinwildfire100: try that command from your home directory.22:36
R1cochetnice thing is i live near a microcenter and they price match newegg :)22:36
nit-witPerSeL, you know how to tab correct22:36
lockersnatchR1cochet: yea, they are a pretty sweat deal most of the time22:36
sam-_-Nero_911,  then create one :-)22:37
Iledendnivra: this is really weird, everyhting worked just fine with my prev. laptop, and I was even using the same USB BT adapter.22:37
nit-witPerSeL, tab in IRC22:37
noonianwildfire100, did that work? how did you download with wine btw?22:37
wildfire100Mathuin,  dont worry, thanks figured it out22:37
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ravenkinHello, I was wondering if anyone know if you had to install any kind of graphics software to run the games in the humble bundle.  All of them keep having seg faults.  Attempted to load World Of Goo and it errored saying no glxinfo.22:37
lockersnatchR1cochet: for all that you are investing in this, you may just want to buy an old router and use it as a repeater22:37
PerSeLnit-wit: tab?22:38
dnivraIleden, with hardware, many things can be weird :)22:38
dnivra!tab | PerSeL22:38
ubottuPerSeL: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:38
Nero_911sam-_-,  just a blank file or should i try and find some defaults somewhere ?22:38
sam-_-Nero_911, after that sudo restart gdm. it may break your graphics server. you can always come back with the command sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:38
Mathuinwildfire100: glad you figured it out.22:38
dnivrais that what you meant nit-wit ?22:38
MathuinHopefully someone knows the answer to my Minecraft fullscreen question. :-)22:38
R1cochetlockersnatch,  i have no idea how to do that22:38
sam-_-Nero_911, take this one http://pastebin.com/yfCkvD1h22:38
PerSeLnit-wit: ok22:39
lockersnatchR1cochet: then for the sake of simplicity ur prob on the right track :)22:39
nit-witPerSeL, thats the ticket so tell us whats happening22:39
lockersnatchR1cochet: there is almost always more than one way to skin a cat :)22:39
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Nero_911sam-_-, will do22:39
noonianMathuin, i would try to reproduce your problem but I dont want to play minecraft for an hour :P22:39
nit-witdnivra, yes22:39
R1cochetlockersnatch, thank you for your help22:39
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lockersnatchR1cochet: glad i could man, happy networking :D22:40
R1cocheti might still grab that adapter and use an extension cable see if that will work22:40
PerSeLnit-wit: i installed ubuntu from boot cd22:40
ubuntuhay alguien q use lubuntu?22:42
psionicsinHey guys! I'm new to Linux, and am trying to run Ubuntu as a live CD/DVD first to get a feel for it, but it keeps failing to mount or something and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.22:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:42
sam-_-Nero_911, use this new version i just made http://pastebin.com/cdhNz3Ck22:42
ubuntualguien usa lubuntu?22:43
noonianpsionicsin, is it just going to your normal operating system when you boot up?22:43
sam-_-Nero_911, it's better22:43
OerH!es | ubuntu22:43
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:43
Nero_911sam-_-, ok22:43
psionicsinnoonian, no the DVD spins and text is displayed on the screen saying that it can't mount or can't find a mounting place. I then restart my pc.22:44
psionicsinI have an Intel 1-i7-950, 24GB of RAM, and 8 x 1TB HDD's. It should be able to run this I believe.22:44
IledenAnyone here with experience about bluetooth GPRS? Everything seems ok, and when I run "pon BluetoothDialup" my phone initiates a modem connection, then immediately drops it. /var/log/messages reports "LCP terminated by peer" right after ppp0<-->rfcomm0 and pap authentication. I've used the phone successfully before with the exact same chatscript, and the phone also works with Win7 so it's not impossible...22:45
lockersnatchpsionicsin: holy moly what is that, like a $15K system??22:45
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psionicsinLockersnatch. Nope. Under $250022:46
sam-_-psionicsin, either the dvd is broken or the drive22:46
psionicsinHand built.22:46
Nero_911sam-_-, do I remove the nomoline22:46
noonianpsionicsin, wow hehe. Maybe the disc is messed up, ive never had an error like that22:46
lockersnatchpsionicsin: wow, pretty impressive22:46
sam-_-Nero_911, which line=22:46
nit-witPerSeL, what are you doing22:46
sam-_-Nero_911, which line?22:46
psionicsinI tried 3 copies all burned from different burners and got the same result. And they're brand new burners too.22:46
zakwilsonI rent a machine like that by the hour from Amazon AWS on rare occasions when I need to crunch a lot of data. Runs Ubuntu nicely.22:47
psionicsinThey can't all be jacked22:47
PerSeLnit-wit i have finished typing22:47
lockersnatchpsionicsin: do you get any sort of error msg?22:47
Nero_911sam-_-, sorry, the grub line we stuck in earlier ?22:47
noonianpsionicsin, maybe try a usb boot?22:47
sam-_-Nero_911, just leave it22:47
psionicsinI've tried running ubuntu and AV Linux as a Live DVD and the message I get is "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"22:48
lockersnatchpsionicsin: did you already check the bios to make sure it was set to boot from cd/dvd?22:48
Mathuinnoonian: it's rough. :-)22:48
harovalipsionicsin: what iso image are you burning into the disks ?22:48
psionicsinHarovali. The x64 version of 10.1022:48
psionicsinlockersnatch. yes22:48
harovalipsionicsin: why not try a 32 bit version ?22:48
psionicsinharovali. because I have 24GB of ram that I want to utilize.22:49
BernardVExterminans: Sorry now testing, got a phone call22:49
harovalipsionicsin: yo can go after it later , try 32 bit firsthand22:49
lockersnatchpsionicsin: this might sound like another stupid Q, but are you sure you burned the iso correctly (i ask b/c just yesterday a fella had the same issue and it was b/c he improperly burned the iso (put the iso file on the disc w/o xtracting)22:49
ExterminansBernardV: Ok22:49
Nero_911sam-_-, system just hangs on boot.  show ubuntu and five red dots22:50
psionicsinLockersnatch. I used InfraRecorder. Selected burn image to disc. It burned the image to the DVD. I then popped it back in, and all of the files are on there perfectly. A GUI even popped up asking me what I wanted to do with Ubuntu.22:51
Iledendnivra: Nah, this just doesn't work. I'll try again some other time. thanks for the help anyway! :)22:51
sam-_- Nero_911 then reboot into rescue mode and reset x22:51
dnivraIleden, try ask here some time later too. sure! sorry i couldn't fix it :).22:51
lockersnatchpsionicsin: ahh, i hear ya, wasnt trying to insult your intelligence, but i always try to check the simplest things first22:51
psionicsinLockersnatch: I then selected Demo and/or Install Ubuntu. It asked me to reboot my system and boot from CD/DVD. I did just that and it says that it failed to find a medium containing a live file system. I don't get it.22:52
sam-_-psionicsin, it's a sata drive, right?22:52
psionicsinYes. 10k Raptor22:52
lockersnatchpsionicsin: have you even tried the 32 bit version?  also, you might try the LTS edition22:52
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sam-_-psionicsin, no the cd/dvd22:53
psionicsinOh, yes22:53
psionicsinLockersnatch. While  COULD try it, if it worked it'd do me no good as I have to install the x64 version.22:53
sam-_-psionicsin, maybe you can tell your bios to set ide compatibility for this sata port?22:53
psionicsinIt's already set22:53
sam-_-psionicsin, then without?22:54
lockersnatchpsionicsin: have you tried installing it to disk then booting normally?22:54
sam-_-lockersnatch, i think he has a more basic problem22:55
lockersnatchsam-_-: maybe so, just throwing out ideas :)22:55
psionicsinLockersnatch. No. I didn't want to install to anything until I played with it first from a Live CD/DVD. The DVD doesn't even give me an option to install during bootup. Just says can't mount.22:55
psionicsinBe back. Gonna try again.22:55
lockersnatchsam-_-: i would think though if he was able to get the main boot menu, then he should be properly configured22:55
noonianpsionicsin, yeah it really looks like it cant find the correct cd drive22:55
noonianpsionicsin, or if it can there is something preventing it from booting from cd22:56
psionicsinnoonian. i only have one, but I'm gonna try again.22:56
lockersnatchsam-_-: well there ya go, doesnt give him access :)22:56
SindrakeI have a Question22:56
SindrakeAnd hello22:56
Nero_911sam-_-,  theres no grub screen when I boot, alas, no way to select rescue mode.  Do I need to boot from CD ??22:56
sam-_-lockersnatch, grrr...22:56
sam-_-Nero_911, no press esc22:57
lockersnatchsam-_-: am i frustrating you?22:58
sam-_-lockersnatch, haha. you wish?22:58
lockersnatchsam-_-: nah, trying to figure out where the grrr was directed :)22:58
sam-_-lockersnatch, don't take it seriously...22:59
lockersnatchsam-_-: its all good22:59
sam-_-lockersnatch, y22:59
* lockersnatch is back to the books23:00
bezaohow can i compile a program enabling to enable debuggin and use gdb23:00
Macinizejoin #Teleport23:00
huskershow can i compile one application linked to another?23:01
huskersfor instance i need to compile kdenlive linked against x26423:01
baggar11huskers: usuallly in the configure script23:02
sam-_-just install the x264 headers and you should be fine huskers23:02
huskerscan you elaborate, still very new and trying to understand.23:02
baggar11huskers: do you have the source to kdenlive?23:03
sam-_-huskers, sudo apt-get install libx264-dev23:03
baggar11huskers: ./configure --include-x26423:03
huskersno, and i think that may be what i have done incorrectly.23:03
baggar11huskers: listen to sam-_-23:03
huskersi compiled the installation of ffmpeg and x264...but used synaptic to install kdenlive23:03
sam-_-baggar11, do you understand?23:04
jasonoGood day. Can someone please assist me?23:04
sda1986hi all, i have a question, I have 2 computer A and B I have a program (gimp) on A and I want use Gimp from A in B, so I can use cpu power of A but using the program in B. But only the program. I know RDP and VNC but they gave me the entire desktop....23:04
baggar11huskers: usually much cleaner and easier to deal with apt-get23:04
bastidrazorNero_911: hold shift after POST to get a menu from grub during boot23:04
baggar11huskers: compiling isn't for n00bs :)23:04
sam-_-bastidrazor, oh shift. y. thank you23:04
baggar11sam-_-: sort of23:04
zmityaR1cochet: ok, not I'm writing from the ubuntu, the driver I downloaded from nvidia works better which was provided by ubuntu for some reason23:04
dwarderhow do i enter addres in nautilus23:05
zmityaR1cochet: 125446 frames in 5.0 seconds = 25088.961 FPS23:05
Nero_911sam-_-,  ok, thanks23:05
adi_hi iwhant some commands for linux23:05
huskersbaggar11: i understand that, but have to learn somehow...i have successfully compiled a few other items...23:05
anon__Nope, eh, wheres the options button in the linux version of firefox?23:05
adi_hi iwhant some commands for linux23:05
dwarderlike /home/dwarder/music23:05
dwarderi meant path23:05
dwarderin nautilus23:05
dwarderis it possible to enter23:05
jribdwarder: try alt-l or ctrl-l23:05
sam-_-zmitya, glxgears is not a benchmark23:06
baggar11huskers: the usual format for compiling is configure ; make ; make install23:06
baggar11huskers: in the configure script, there are options for including other packages in the install23:06
zmityasam-_-: I know, but fast feedback :)23:06
dwarderjrib: nothing happens23:06
baggar11huskers: try ./configure --help to learn about them23:06
anon__And then when THAT doesn't work you try the readme and install emacs/vi/etc to write a config file.23:06
sam-_-zmitya, but it's only very rough. like to see if hardware accel is working or not23:07
jribdwarder: in your menu: Go -> Location...23:07
huskersbaggar11:  thats the process i used before...the problem is the link i was following added some commands i wasn't sure of.23:07
zmityasam-_-: so what do you recommend ?23:07
bezaohow can i compile a program enabling to enable debuggin and use gdb23:07
dwarderjrib: thank you23:07
sam-_-zmitya, haha good question i don't know23:07
anon__wheres the options button in the linux version of firefox?23:07
zmityasam-_-: :)23:07
jribanon__: what do you want to accomplish?23:07
anon__Change my homepage23:08
bastidrazorsam-_-: grub2 changed a few things23:08
sam-_-zmitya, i use windows for gaming23:08
huskersthis link, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 - i think may be my issue23:08
jribanon__: edit -> preferences23:08
anon__Thank you. (I feel stupid.)23:08
zmityasam-_-: I don't play :) but I got this card from my wife :)23:08
sam-_-bastidrazor, ah ok. i didn't follow the development23:09
hihihi100how can i erase unwanted titles from a mp4 file? I mean, when I play a file, the player will show the 5 guys that created it, how do I get rid of that?23:09
sam-_-zmitya, and you want to use google earth?23:09
huskersi followed this process to install ffmpeg and x264; however i used synaptic to install kdenlive...now it seems my kdenlive isn't tied to my x264...that makes sense23:09
Nero_911sam-_-, Hey Sam thanks alot , but I'll have to give up for the moment.  Will try again tomorrow. See ya then23:09
zmityasam-_-: not bad :) I can turn on the desktop effects, however it is annoying sometimes :P :)23:09
sam-_-zmitya, or is there any other non game 3d application?23:09
jribhihihi100: try easytag23:10
psionicsinStill didn't work. Got a message saying "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"23:10
zmityasam-_-: well, we sometimes play Q3 :)23:10
hihihi100jrib, is it in software center? synaptic?23:10
sam-_-zmitya, ah yes of course. i forgot. i don't use compiz that's why23:10
naiadcan anyone recommend a replacement system tray / gnome menu to work along side docky to turn off the traditional gnome panel?23:10
jribhihihi100: yes23:10
rickehI want to use VNC over internet is that safe to do they can't read my password?23:10
jribnaiad: none :)23:11
sam-_-naiad, unity?23:11
zmityasam-_-: me neither, until now :) I like only the window wobbling :)23:11
sam-_-zmitya, sucks my battery dry ;)23:11
zmityasam-_-: and now I can show the desktop cube to the neighbor :)23:11
sam-_-zmitya, that's of course nice23:11
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zmityasam-_-: anyway, I was just curious, thats why I turned on the proper driver, thats all23:12
sam-_-zmitya, isn't it like 1am in hungary?23:12
erUSUL!vnc | rickeh23:12
ubotturickeh: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:12
psionicsinStill didn't work. Got a message saying "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"23:12
zmityasam-_-: and it worked until yesterday, after the new kernel upgrade it stopped working for some reason, now I've installed it from nvidia.com...23:13
zmityasam-_-: no, its 00:13 :) GMT+1 in winter :)23:13
sam-_-zmitya, also it provides better powermanagement23:13
sam-_-zmitya, oh so we are in the same timezone23:13
Flootenkerphello, can someone here link me to the 32 bit wubi installer?23:13
End3r|lappyby chance, do any of you know much about openvpn?23:13
zmityasam-_-: do you mean the proprietaru driver ?23:14
sam-_-zmitya, yes23:14
zmityasam-_-: wow :) I did not know that23:14
dean[home]Is the netbook remix only optimised in the UI for netbooks? Are there any performance optimisations elsewhere?23:14
sam-_-zmitya, at least i think so. i don't have a nvidia23:14
=== Lenoob is now known as Ragondain
Flootenkerphello, can someone here link me to the 32 bit wubi installer?23:15
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX23:15
psionicsinAnyone able to help me with an install problem?23:15
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe23:16
bastidrazorFlootenkerp: http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe23:16
sam-_-zmitya, germany23:17
jribpsionicsin: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)23:17
Flootenkerpthis isn't 32 bit though23:17
Jezekmy installation is hanging on "preparing to install"23:17
Jezeki mean after i hit forward on that screen it hangs23:17
jribFlootenkerp: is there  a reason you don't just use the regular ubuntu cd23:18
Flootenkerpno cd-r's23:18
FlootenkerpAnd I want to dual boot with 723:18
Jezekor is it normal for it to wait 3+ minutes23:18
psionicsinCannot run Ubuntu as a live DVD, nor can I install it for that matter as I keep receiving the message "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system". Need help getting this working.23:19
BernardVJezek: Try a new install and advanced paritioning, had the same problem on my embedded system23:19
Jezekit is a new install, what do you mean?23:19
hihihi100the tools works23:19
Jezeki put in the live cd23:19
BernardVI mean in the installer23:19
JezekBernardV: still not following23:19
Flootenkerpdoes anbyone know where I can get the 32 bit wubi installer?23:20
JezekBernardV: i can't even get that far to select what partition to install to23:20
BernardVJezek: It hangs on "Install Ubuntu" ?23:20
sam-_-Flootenkerp, are you trying to install 32-bit ubuntu on 64-bit windows?23:21
Flootenkerpno, windows is 32 bit23:21
JezekBernardV: i think the screen is "preparing to install"23:21
Jezekit's the first screen23:21
jbsoumhey quick side question, does anyone know how to change the hostname portion of my sername when people whois me?23:22
BernardVJezek: You haven't had the language selection etc?23:22
ikoniajbsoum: you need a freenode cloak, join #freenode and ask for help23:22
Jezeki selected language23:22
FlootenkerpShould I use 10.04 or 10.1023:22
jbsoumso its different for every server?23:22
JezekBernardV: then i select if i want updates / mp3 / etc23:23
Jezekthen i hit next and it freezes23:23
Scott_PuopoloFlootenkerp: follow this link...there is an entry for getting 32 bit version...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide23:23
Flootenkerpso should I use 10.10 or .04?23:23
Scott_PuopoloFlootenkerp: np23:23
bezaohow can i compile a program enabling to enable debuggin and use gdb23:23
Jezekim at the custom boot setting screen now23:24
Scott_PuopoloFlootenkerp: 10.04 is LTS version...more stable23:24
Flootenkerpalright, thanks again23:24
BernardVJezek: I'm not an install expert.. I don't think I can help you, sorry.23:24
Scott_PuopoloFlootenkerp: IIRC 10.10 was having issues with wubi (might be resolved but not sure)23:25
Jezekhe left23:25
psionicsinWhen I restart my computer, it tries to boot from the DVD and a message pops up saying "BusyBox v1.15.3 (ubuntu 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5) built-in shell ash. (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system".23:25
Scott_Puopolooh yea23:25
SaryJezek,  you see the F6 options ..23:25
baggar11psionicsin: sounds like the dvd is corrupt23:25
Scott_Puopolopsionicsin: can you get another cd to boot in this drive?23:26
psionicsinbaggar11: I've now tried 5 different DVDs from 5 different burners.23:26
psionicsinScott_Puopolo: Yep.23:26
JezekSary: i've tried doing noapic and nolapic23:26
SaryJezek, enter it , and then check ' nomodeset ' option23:26
Jezekoh ok23:26
JezekSary: just that option and no others?23:26
sam-_-psionicsin, i don't think the cd are corrupt. it would spit out a read error23:27
Jezeklol what a waste of dvd's23:27
imisdalHey, how do i get the name of my wireless network adapter?23:27
Jordan_Upsionicsin: If you "cat /proc/partitions" from the busybox shell can you see your hard drive listed?23:27
sam-_-psionicsin, it seems linux can't access/find your dvd drive23:27
SaryJezek, okay .. now after selecting that option .. go back to the LiveCD menu .. what options you see there23:27
sam-_-Jezek, not like they cost anything these days :-)23:28
psionicsinSam how can linux not find my dvd drive, yet boot form the dvd to tlel me that?23:28
JezekSary: one second23:28
joeoshawai had a corrupt cd install a file system appear fine and find out there are errors23:28
Jordan_Upsionicsin: Because the bootloader uses the BIOS to read from the CDROM drive to load the kernel / initramfs, then the kernel / initramfs need to access the hardware directly.23:28
joeoshawasounds like they are not being burned as iso's tho23:29
Jezekyou mean the bootoptions?23:29
baggar11psionicsin: maybe try usb boot23:29
JezekSary: you want me to list the boot options?23:29
shcherbakyou mean pci? lspci. similar with usb23:29
SaryJezek, no , do you see the Boot options line ..23:29
JezekSary: yes23:30
shcherbakimisdal: ^^^23:30
psionicsinbaggar11: I'll do that, but I'm trying to understand exactly why it is that it "supposedly" can't find my drive. I'm like that. I need to know what's causing it not to read correctly before moving on.23:30
Jezekmaybe you should burn some more dvd's23:30
SaryJezek,  delete "- -" from the inputline , hit the Esc key23:30
joeoshawato build ltsp do i need to activate the 32 bit repo's23:31
JezekSary: you are leaving the graphic boot menu23:31
Jezekis that what i want23:31
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SaryJezek, you shouldn't be leaving that23:32
sam-_-psionicsin, the booting is not done by linux but by the bootloader that's why23:32
joeoshawai tried building the 32 bit on 64 bit system using the right command but it downloads all 64 bit files and errors with dependancies not met23:32
JezekSary: ok i dont think you have to hit esc to save the boot options23:32
wyclifWhere is the best irssi tutorial on the web?23:32
Dwade09does anyone know if this would work in linux to triple monitor with a built in vga http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812196236&cm_re=usb_vga_cable-_-12-196-236-_-Product23:32
JezekSary: should i try install now?23:33
SaryJezek, Esc to go back to the LiveCD menu ..23:33
JezekSary: no23:33
bezaohow can i compile a program enabling to enable debuggin and use gdb23:33
wyclifThe actual irssi site doesn't seem that helpful, advice appreciated.23:33
psionicsinsam-_- is there a way to find out the correct way to do this for my system before I move on to a ubd drive?23:33
joeoshawaDwade09: you need three monitor outs23:33
JezekSary: if i hit esc it brings up menu that you are leaving gui menu or whatever23:33
joeoshawaor split the signal23:33
psionicsinsam-_- I would like to exhaust all current CD/DVD drive options before jumping ship.23:33
joeoshawabut splitting is kinda pointless23:33
Dwade09joeoshawa,  three, one would be only for movies and music the built in for the laptop would be only for web browsing and the one running on that would be only for irc and chatting systems.23:34
sam-_-it drops you to a busybox shell, right psionicsin?23:34
Jezekpsi: it's just an installation.. why don't you just try usb.23:34
Sensenetheruim trying to install a ra3370 network adapter, and am having trouble with the install. if someone can help, pls pm me.23:34
sdwrageHey all... I cannot share my files through SMB for some reason23:34
bastidrazorwyclif: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi23:34
psionicsinsam-_-  yes23:34
Tm0Hey i am new to this sorta, i have a Ubuntu server running, and i need to reenter a proccess i disowned. How do i do it. Or is there a better way i can disown a proccess so i can reenter it?23:35
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bastidrazorTm0: normally, fg will work23:36
sdwrageAnyone know why this would happen?23:36
joeoshawayes but you need three outs like i used the onboard vga and the vga and dvi from my geforce 8400 gs23:36
Tm0bastidrazor, FG to renter to or better disown?23:36
bastidrazorTm0: to reenter23:36
joeoshawaran pretty good but i almost fried the gs23:36
Tm0bastidrazor, i will give FG a try thanks23:37
Dwade09joeoshawa,  i only need two outs the laptop monitor is built in and i got a built in vga.23:37
SaryJezek, But after installaing and rebooting , when you see the Grub menu .. hit "e" and delete QUIET, SPLASH , type nomodeset , and you should be good to go.23:37
joeoshawaok so who makes the cards23:37
joeoshawathe chipset23:37
JezekSary: if i get that far23:37
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BernardVI'm now on lxde, but I can't find how to change my dual monitor setup from mirror to extend. Does anybody know how to do this?23:37
Dwade09joeoshawa,  mien is intel my built in video card is23:37
Tm0bastidrazor, this is so if i do a proccess.sh &disown i can renter it? It didn't work. Unless i have my syntax wrong23:37
JezekSary: i think it froze again23:37
Jordan_Upsionicsin: If you "cat /proc/partitions" from the busybox shell can you see your hard drive listed?23:38
AbhishHas anyone figured out a fix for the ALPS/Synaptics touchpad in the HP Mini 311-1000?23:38
SaryJezek, you should :)23:38
=== mhh91 is now known as HellRaiser
JezekSary: i hit forward from the "preparing to install ubuntu" screen. and all i see is the little loading icon.23:38
joeoshawado you have system profiler and benchmark installed23:39
Dwade09i dunno joeoshawa23:39
joeoshawaDwade09: see above23:39
sam-_-psionicsin, i would poke around in dmesg| grep -i dvd  or cd and maybe do a ls /dev23:39
psionicsinJordan_U I've never used Linux and, as a result, have no clue what you are talking about.23:39
joeoshawashould be under applications/system tools23:39
Dwade09i dont have the items yet joeoshawa i was thinking about getting it23:39
sam-_-psionicsin, busybox is quite limited unfortunately so it's a pain to work with it23:40
SaryJezek, might need to restart and start the installation again with those steps "options"23:40
joeoshawawell you will need proprietary drivers23:40
joeoshawado you know what on board you have23:40
sam-_-psionicsin, never bothered to rly. understand it23:40
Dwade09joeoshawa,  no i dont,23:40
psionicsinsam-_- ...I have no idea what these commands are that you all are spitting out.23:40
JezekSary: now i should delete QUIET and SPLASH?23:40
Dwade09joeoshawa,  it is an asus k60ij23:40
sam-_-psionicsin, but you can look in /dev/sdX  /dev/hdX if your cdrom is there23:40
Jordan_Upsionicsin: After you get the error that no live system could be found you should be brought to a prompt. At this prompt if you type "cat /proc/partitions" (without the quotes) is there any output?23:41
Random832sam-_-: it'd be /dev/srX not sdX23:41
Random832scsi numbers cdroms separately23:41
psionicsinJordan_U I'd have the restart to answer that23:41
joeoshawahrrmm i used nvidia hold on23:41
joeoshawawhat laptop23:41
joeoshawamaybe someone has done it bore23:42
sam-_-psionicsin, <Random832> sam-_-: it'd be /dev/srX not sdX23:42
joeoshawaone sec23:42
nit-witJezek, have you run the cd as a live enviroment to make sure it runs okay?23:42
sam-_-Random832, thx23:42
sdwrageHey all, I am attempting to use shares-admin but the share through option only has NFS and not SMB23:42
Dwade09joeoshawa,  after church i was going to make a post on ubuntu if anyone has ran it before and or is now with any luck .23:42
sam-_-psionicsin, you may want to read the man pages then: http://linuxmanpages.com/man8/dmesg.8.php23:42
Dwade09thank you joeoshawa.23:42
psionicsinSam-_- I'd have to restart again I think in order to test that23:42
SaryJezek, when you boot after the installation process , hit 'e' , then navigate to "QUIET and SPLASH" Delete them and type 'nomodeset'23:42
Sensenetheruim trying to install RA3370 wireless network adapter driver in ubuntu 10.10, and am having trouble. can anyone help? pls PM23:43
nickoWhat is the meaning of "Failed to initiate AP scan" in /var/log/syslog? wireless doesn't work23:43
Livin4JesusI need some help... When I run "sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl", a error comes up saying "E: Unable to locate package xserver-xgl". :/ Anyone know how to solve this?23:43
aj00200Livin4Jesus: ask about nvidia in general23:43
JezekSary: i can't finish the installation lol23:43
SaryJezek, Restart the installation again ..23:44
Livin4JesusWell, I'm trying to get my nVidia graphics card to work, so I can use the Desktop Effects, but when I try to do it, it says "Desktop Effects could not be enabled", so that's why I'm trying to install XGL. :/23:45
joeoshawaDwade09: that is only half the model number you know the rest23:45
Livin4JesusI'm trying to follow this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=580748&highlight=install+compiz  , but like I said above, it's not working. :/23:46
Dwade09joeoshawa,  that is the full model number there is no half.23:46
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently23:46
SaryLivin4Jesus, Did you activated the Driver .23:46
Scott_PuopoloLivin4Jesus: what graphics card do you have?23:46
Scott_PuopoloLivin4Jesus: and what version of Ubuntu are you using?23:46
Dwade09joeoshawa,  its an asus k60ij series23:46
SaryYeah , good Questions .. Scott_Puopolo :)23:46
Livin4JesusScott_Puoplo: VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11DDR [GeForce2 MX200] (rev b2), and I'm using Ubuntu 10.10.23:47
joeoshawaIntel GMA 4500M Dynamic Video Memory Technology 5.023:47
craiggleshey guys, just in my terminal and i accidently pressed some keys and now i've inverted my terminal, any ideas what key combination i used?23:47
joeoshawayour video card23:47
joeoshawai think23:47
sam-_-good night ubuntu23:47
Dwade09yes joeoshawa23:47
joeoshawaseries means there are different types hopefully all with the same video23:48
Scott_PuopoloLivin4Jesus: ah yes...well it seems 10.10 has changed the xorg enough that older nvidia card / chips don't work well or at all23:48
Sarynight sam-_- :)23:48
Livin4JesusScott_Puopolo: So... I can't do anything about it? '~'23:48
Scott_PuopoloLivin4Jesus: well it seems that nvidia has released a new package to correct the xorg regression...i'll try to find the link for you23:49
Scott_PuopoloLivin4Jesus: i'm also trying to fix one of my machines which has this problem also23:49
Livin4JesusSeems Ubuntu has a problem with nVidia... :P23:50
Jordan_Ucraiggles: "reset" should reset the terminal no matter what you did.23:50
joeoshawaok the all seem to have that video now to see if you can install a card23:51
joeoshawawhat video outs do you have23:51
Dwade09joeoshawa,  i have only vga out.23:51
JezekSary: it froze again23:51
Scott_PuopoloLivin4Jesus: check out this website and see if it applies to your situation....http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-96.43.19-driver.html23:51
Dwade09joeoshawa,  i got to get ready and im going afk, wont be here23:52
Scott_PuopoloLivin4Jesus: this is for 32bit23:52
joeoshawavideo upgrade23:52
joeoshawai will leave a message23:52
SaryJezek, have you followed the first step before installing . also what Graphic card you have.23:53
DonJuanCan someone point me to a channel concerning opensource apps?23:53
Dwade09np joeoshawa.23:53
JezekSary: yes i added nomodeset or whatever that option was called.23:53
JezekSary: built in intel. the install worked before though so this baffles me.23:54
dw-can anyone recommend a good image viewer that allows quick cropping of photos?  tired of loading GIMP, selecting, copy paste, save23:54
aj00200dw-: FSpot23:54
dw-aj00200: cool ill check it out23:55
aj00200dw-: no problem23:55
SaryJezek, nomodeset , and delete " - - " from the Boot options line23:55
JezekSary: i did this..23:55
JezekSary: or it's "--" but I'm assuming thats what you meant23:55
ShapeShifter499how do I install ubuntu over debian WITHOUT needing to backup or loose the /home directory23:56
SaryJezek, Mmm23:56
orangeflyi'm sure this is a simple fix....when i try to browse network shares, i get"Failed to retrieve share list from server"....23:56
anon33_so i'm trying to install 'awesome' via apt-get but it says it has a bunch of dependencies, even running sudo apt-get -f install awesome reiterates the error23:56
anon33_any help?23:56
dnivraShapeShifter499, you mean overwrite debian?23:56
ShapeShifter499dnivra ya but minus the repartitioning and need to backup the home directory23:57
SaryJezek," -- " after quite splash , yes.23:57
zeknoxwhat is the litest gui version of ubuntu?23:57
dnivraShapeShifter499, well ubuntu installation does not overwrite /home. so you can just install the normal way.23:57
=== Sir_Konrad is now known as Guest3381
JezekSary: yeah i removed that then hit enter23:57
aeon-ltdzeknox: lubuntu i suppose23:57
aeon-ltdzeknox: there are lighter window managers that aren't in any ubuntu distros though23:58
zeknoxaeon-ltd: how about between xubuntu or kubuntu?23:58
ShapeShifter499dnivra: so it will let me install, and it will delete everything EXCEPT the home directory?    are ya sure?23:58
SaryJezek, Good , did the screen froze after that , and did you login to the Desktop.23:58
JezekSary: i did install ubuntu23:58
anon33_so i'm trying to install 'awesome' via apt-get but it says it has a bunch of dependencies, even running sudo apt-get -f install awesome reiterates the error. any help?23:59
JezekSary: then i selected english then i hit forward and it froze23:59
dnivraShapeShifter499, i have done it :). /home wasn't affected. it was discussed in the mailling list and it was confirmed in this very channel as well. yes it will replace everything.23:59
VCooliozeknox: (k)ubuntu are heavy, xubuntu is middle/light, lubuntu is light; there's now also bodhi linux which is ubuntu with e17 beta/snapshot, also light23:59
dnivraShapeShifter499, unless you format. what is the partition type?23:59
SaryJezek, You will be installing Ubuntu after selecting the language :)23:59
orangeflycan anyone help me get access to windows shares....???....got the wife a netbook for christmas and i want to get it set up....full 10.10....i get "Failed to retrieve share list from server"23:59

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