
SpamapSHrm.. the runlevel man page says that the environment variable 'RUNLEVEL' will be set .. "during boot" .. but it seems that its not always set on every event.00:15
mbieblSpamapS: it is only set for sysv init scripts afaik00:21
mbieblor for jobs triggered on the runlevel event00:23
SpamapSmbiebl: right, I suppose its a readily accessible global variable, so its not that important. ;)00:24
SpamapSI do wonder if there's a way in pre-start to determine what event caused me to start. I need to only start on started portmap when runlevel != [016]00:26
JanCI think it's set after telinit is run for the first time00:26
JanCwhich happens in rc-sysinit00:29
SpamapSso its probably set in the scripts..00:30
SpamapSbut not on the events00:30
SpamapS/etc/init/tty1.conf:start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]00:32
SpamapSHmm.. ok so if that works..00:32
SpamapSmaybe have to export RUNLEVEL00:36
SpamapSso yeah, I'm confused. if I add 'export RUNLEVEL' to portmap.conf .. and set it explicitly in the pre-start, main script, or post-start .. its still not matching 'start on started portmap RUNLEVEL=x'01:25
SpamapSeven when I just do export FOO and use that.. no dice. I guess I'm not understanding how export works. :-/01:26
dewey_could someone help me with an ruby + upstart problem11:44
dewey_my exec doesn't work, the rb file it executes can't find a required file11:44
dewey_I've changed the PATH with the current gems folder11:45
dewey_guys I'm using start program = "su - user -c 'path'"12:27
dewey_but I'm getting a Error: Could not execute su12:27
Keybukis su in your $PATH ?12:30
dewey_changed it to /bin/su and now it's working12:33
Keybukinteresting, have you set $PATH in your kernel command-line or job environment?12:38
Keybukor is there a different su earlier in your $PATH ?12:38
Keybuke.g. a /usr/local/su12:38
dewey_Keybuk: I'm a newb, this is my PATH12:52
dewey_.. /home/sysadmin/local/bin:/home/sysadmin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin:/home/sysadmin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0@global/bin:/home/sysadmin/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin:/home/sysadmin/.rvm/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games12:52
dewey_maybe it's because of RVM? I haven't changed anything but the settings for rvm in my .bashrc12:52
Keybukyeah, it's entirely possible you have an extra su in your path there then13:05
Keybukso just use exec /bin/su13:05
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SpamapSI heard a rumor that there is a mailing list at upstart.at .. but I couldn't find a link to it there.. help?18:04
Keybukthough I haven't really formally suggested anyone move off upstart-devel@lists.ubuntu.com yet18:09
=== Will|override is now known as Will|
Keybuktrying to decide22:36

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