
=== mtaylor|afk is now known as mtaylor
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FloSoftHi, what do you use for bug-state "works for me" - this state does not exist here, but would be nice to have sometimes09:35
wgrantFloSoft: If you're saying that it works for you, then you're saying that it's not a bug. So the bug report should be Invalid.09:36
FloSoftokay but "invalid" could be - no thats no bug, its a $putanothertypehere - "works for me" is more specific i think09:37
FloSoftbut okay :) i used invalid for such things already09:37
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shadeslayerhi, im having some issues with the private ppa at ~kubuntu-ninjas12:38
shadeslayerapt-get update can locate the hupnp package there but not the newer grantlee and attica packages12:39
shadeslayerand latest attica is 2.0-0ubuntu2~maverick1~ppa112:40
geserdid it built successfully? (can't really look at it as it's a private ppa)12:44
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shadeslayergeser: yep12:47
shadeslayerwell wgrant is looking into it in #kubuntu-devel right now12:47
geserah ok12:47
shadeslayerjelmer: pokey13:34
* jelmer waits13:34
jelmerfalse alarm?13:34
shadeslayeryeah :D13:35
yofeljelmer: something else, can you switch lp:kdepim from ~neon/kdepim/trunk to ~neon/kdepim/master, the svn branch is useless now13:38
jelmersure, one moment13:38
jelmeryofel: done13:39
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=== joey is now known as Rinchen
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jasonoHello, sorry about that.21:14
jasonoCan someone please help me?21:14
micahg!ask | jasono21:16
ubot5jasono: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:16
jasono:P sorry21:16
jasonoCan someone please help me upload packages to a PPA?21:17
micahgjasono: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading21:17
jasonoYes, I know.21:17
jasonoBut it is not helpful.21:17
jasonoI am confused.21:17
micahgjasono: you can get general packaging help in #ubuntu-packaging, but please be more specific about the trouble you are having21:19
jasonoI just want to upload a tar.gz package to a team PPA on Launchpad.21:19
micahgjasono: you have to create a package first: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide21:20
jasonoDo you know how to do? Can you please guid me?21:21
jasonoThe reading doesn't help.21:21
micahgjasono: I suggest you join #ubuntu-packaging and see if someone has time to walk you through it21:21
jasonojoin/ #ubuntu-packaging21:22
jasonoThank you.21:22
micahgjasono: you're welcome21:23
bdrunghow long does it usually take until a newly created code import is approved?22:21
maxbbdrung: it's rather varied22:25
maxba lot quicker if you poke me on IRC :-)22:25
* bdrung pokes maxb pointing to https://code.launchpad.net/~jd-team/jdownloader/trunk and https://code.launchpad.net/~jd-team/jdownloader/appwork-utils :)22:26
maxbso, the first one looks like it needs /trunk on the end of the svn url22:27
bdrungmaxb: yes, i forgot that22:28
maxbIs "appwork" technically part of "jdownloader" ?22:28
bdrungmaxb: ./ressourcen/libs/appworkutilities.jar22:30
maxbit seems to have vanishingly little web presence of its own, so I'll not suggest creating a separate Launchpad project as I usually would22:30
bdrungmaxb: the source is separate, but it is bundles in jdownloaders binaries22:30
bdrungmaxb: ok22:30
maxbimports are in progress22:31
bdrungthanks maxb22:41
maxbbdrung: Your import has failed - bzr-svn can't handle a subtree which denies read access, which this repository apparently has23:36
bdrungmaxb: so this is an upstream issue. i'll get in touch with the jdownloader devs23:38
maxbIt's a fairly nonsense permissions configuration, since any tagging/branching of the trunk would result in an accessible copy of the protected subtree (unless the authz rules are updated for each and every branch and tag)23:39
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