
=== szczur is now known as zombie_szczur
ubot5motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU01:09
ahh_Hi, I can't seem to get audio to work on my ancient Toshiba Portege 3440CT. any ideas?03:29
ahh_aplay -l gives me this:03:29
ahh_**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****03:29
ahh_card 0: I440MX [Intel 440MX], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel 440MX]03:29
ahh_  Subdevices: 1/103:29
ahh_  Subdevice #0: subdevice #003:29
bioterrorcheck the volumes with alsamixer03:34
ahh_pcm out was disabled03:38
bioterrornp ;)03:40
ahh_there is one strange problem though which I didn't have with vanilla Ubuntu 10.10 (this is Lubuntu 10.10) The audio is output through the laptop speakers and my stereo at the same time. I'd prefer to have it play on my stereo only when I plug in the mini jack.03:44
ahh_any idea why that might be?03:44
bioterrorthat's weird03:46
bioterrormy lubuntu doesnt do that03:46
ahh_my setup is a bit different I guess. the audio jack is on the attached docking station03:49
bioterrorthat should not change anything03:49
ahh_just tried plugging in the mini jack to the actual laptop and that silenced the laptop speakers03:49
bioterrortechnically that's a bug03:50
bioterrorcan someone confirm?03:50
bioterrorI've not seen my laptops ultrabay for a ½ year :D03:50
bioterrorI cant check it03:50
ahh_thanks anyway for your help. At least I've got audio now ;)03:53
ahh_thanks again. gn03:58
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
jussiHow does one set a user to autologin on lubuntu?09:13
bioterrorare you a finn?09:24
bioterroredit lxdm.conf09:24
kosaidpohello guys11:59
kosaidpoanynoe here11:59
kosaidpoi have xls files and iwanna cut off a part of it n  put in a text file i do this  cut -d , -f 1 "promotion immobiliere.xls" > test.txt  but i cant read the that file12:00
kosaidpohungtran: hello can you help please12:01
hyperairkosaidpo: xls isn't a plain-text format. cut only works on a plain-text format. you'll have to dump it out into a .csv file first.12:01
hyperairkosaidpo: both excel and openoffice calc have that feature.12:02
hyperairafter that you can run that command, replacing xls with csv12:02
kosaidpohyperair: i have Gnumeric  in lubuntu12:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kosaidpoguys i cant find where ican export files to csv12:13
kosaidpoanyone can help12:13
phillwgilir: (12:09:58) JoeMaverickSett: lxpanel segmentation fault on lubuntu natty alpha. :|12:15
phillw(12:10:29) phillw: JoeMaverickSett: maybe report it on lubuntu?12:15
phillw(12:10:44) phillw: our developers do not use this channel :D12:15
phillw(12:10:56) JoeMaverickSett: phillw: i can't my lan isn't auto connecting. how do i do that from terminal?12:15
phillw(12:11:00) JoeMaverickSett: eth012:15
JoeMaverickSett:D thanks phillw :P12:16
phillwkosaidpo: does gnumeric not have a "Save As" button?12:18
kosaidpophillw: tied that but still like .xls12:19
phillwkosaidpo: when you "Save As" it should give the option to save as csv, but you do need to choose that, else it will just use the default .xls12:20
kosaidpoyehh i modified that name and it gives a gedit icon but when i open it it does with gnumeic well12:21
kosaidpoill try with cmmd n see if it ll wok tho12:21
kosaidpoit doesnt work :P12:23
phillwkosaidpo: I'm installing Gnumeric now, it will take a few minutes.12:23
kosaidpookies thanks phillw12:23
kosaidpophillw: uhn you find any ?12:32
kosaidpoi guess i need this thingy called druid12:33
phillwkosaidpo: It's only just installed12:33
kosaidpotext import12:33
kosaidpohere http://projects.gnome.org/gnumeric/doc/file-format-csv.shtml phillw12:33
phillwkosaidpo: remember that I am on a usb 3G device, so my download speed is not high.12:33
kosaidpophillw: ihih sure me too :D we ae in the same boat no worries mine its written on it up to  3.6 Mbps12:35
kosaidpobut if ask the constructor they ll say its in theory only  lamers12:35
phillwkosaidpo: saving as csv works perfectly for me.12:36
kosaidpoohhh please then try to cut that file or open it with gedit12:37
phillwI have a spreadsheet open in gedit12:37
kosaidpoyeh it does to me too but icant get from it wht iwant ( which is get only few row )12:37
phillwvia csv saving12:37
phillwthe file name, when you save it should have .csv at the end of it12:38
kosaidpoyehh in its extention12:38
kosaidpoi kno12:38
kosaidpobut i cant open it with gedit12:39
kosaidpophillw: ill go pay first okies thanks for your time : D12:41
* kosaidpo goin to pray brb12:41
phillwkosaidpo: I have no idea why it is not working for you. try asking on #ubuntu-beginners. Else if you email me the file I will have a look at it for you.12:41
YorvykOK, who killed Natty! Anybody else having problems with the panel go berserk and flickering on and of13:48
* szczur almost got scared :)14:11
MossyfunkK so I got my windows 7 gaming machine connected to our wireless router, hoiwever my lubuntu box only has a wired LAN. I have the 2 computers connected via the onboard ethernet ports. My question is, how3 can I share my windows internet connection with my lubuntu box? I don't need to share files or anything just use the net14:13
YorvykDoesn’t Win7 have an Internet sharing option?14:16
szczurMossyfunk, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Using-ICS-Internet-Connection-Sharing14:17
Mossyfunkahhh screw it i'll just use a router =P14:20
szczurMossyfunk, or version with screenshots > http://www.windowsreference.com/windows-vista/step-by-step-internet-connection-sharing-ics-setup-in-vista/14:20
szczurit should be the same in W714:21
Mossyfunkthanks man i'm having a look now14:23
JoeMaverickSettmy lxpanel is flickering, so i killed it, and when i start it, it says segmentation fault.14:28
bioterrormaybe I'm not going to upgrade14:29
bioterrorJoeMaverickSett, dpkg-reconfigure lxpanel14:29
YorvykI wouldn’t for the mo14:29
bioterrorlogout and login14:29
bioterrorif that's not solving the problem14:30
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: i think it's more of my 11year old pc than the fault of lubuntu14:30
bioterrormaybe rm -rf .config/lxpanel14:30
JoeMaverickSetthold on, stuck at black log out screen :D14:31
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: no go.14:33
YorvykI’ve tried those no difference14:34
bioterrorI should go to some shopping center14:34
bioterroryorvuk has same problem14:34
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: what's that gotta do with having the same problem? and going to shopping center? O_o?14:34
bioterrorwell, I cant wonder this problem with you14:35
JoeMaverickSettYorvyk: you also having the annoying flickering lxpanel?14:35
bioterroreven tho I would like to14:35
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: no problem, i'll just nuke it. XD14:35
kosaidpoim bk14:57
phillwkosaidpo: if it is not personal data, just email it me & I'll edit it for you.15:07
kosaidpophillw: hihi infact its kinda15:08
kosaidpoi wanna use these emails15:08
kosaidpophillw: thanks a lot :D15:08
kosaidpophillw: dont bothe uself i kno u way good guy when it comes to helpin :D15:09
phillwkosaidpo: I do have to abide by the data registrar rules in the UK. That means I would be prosecuted if I shared your data with anyone. I'm a trustworthy guy. Once you had the file back and you were happy with it, I would delete it from my system.15:11
kosaidpophillw: well thanks ill shae with you this small one okies : ] can i have you email please ?15:12
phillwkosaidpo: https://launchpad.net/~phillw either one will get to me.15:14
phillwhiyas stlsaint :)15:16
kosaidpophillw: i ll send it here and both file my csv one n xls okies15:17
kosaidpophillw@phillw.net to this15:17
stlsaintphillw: hey man15:18
phillwkosaidpo: I have to work soon, so it will be a few hours before I can send back. Please also tell me what it is you want me to alter!!!!15:19
stlsaintphillw: is there a package for lubuntu like this one for ubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/touchfreeze15:19
kosaidpoahh well iwanna cut the email pat phillw the email row obv hihi thats is all abt15:19
kosaidpoand thankssssssssssssss phillw15:19
phillwstlsaint: as it is universe, it should work with Lubuntu.15:20
phillwstlsaint: else I can our MOTU's to investigate.15:21
phillw*dan get our*15:22
JoeMaverickSettcan get our15:22
phillw*can get our*15:22
JoeMaverickSettsup stlsaint?15:22
stlsaintphillw: the package "touchfreeze" is not in repos for lubuntu15:22
phillwstlsaint: it is in Universe. As Universe is a listed repo for Lubuntu, I can only think there is a gremlin somewhere.15:24
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: hey man how you doing15:24
phillwgilir: / hyperair can you have look as to why http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/touchfreeze is in Universe but not available in Lubuntu please. Thanks15:25
phillwstlsaint: you have to love those MOTU's :D15:25
hyperairphillw: define "not available in lubuntu"15:33
phillwstlsaint: you know those dreaded MOTU's... one wants to have a chat with you.15:34
phillwhyperair: it is stlsaint, one of the UBT guys who is also a lubuntueer now who is having the problem.15:35
hyperairphillw: is it available on your lubuntu lucid machine?15:35
phillwhyperair: I'm still running ubuntu 9.10 (not updated) as my usb 3G device will not work with later kernels.... I've no idea where stlsaint has hidden.15:37
hyperairphillw: well, ask to see his /etc/apt/sources.list15:37
hyperairif it's in lucid universe, then as long as he has universe sources, it'll be available15:38
phillwhyperair: thanks, boss. I'll let him know15:38
phillwhyperair: speak of the devil, here he is :)15:39
hyperairstlsaint: what's the issue with touchfreeze?15:40
hyperairhmm it seems to not be there in maverick15:40
stlsaintoh yea15:40
stlsainthyperair: im on maverick15:40
hyperairyeah, so there you go15:41
hyperairthe package must have been removed for some reason or other15:41
stlsaintyep yep15:41
keaksterI want my external hard drives to show up on my desktop like they did in Ubuntu, is this possible/how? thanks!16:07
phillwkeakster: it is not possible at the moment. But it is on the wish-list of functionallity. Lubuntu has to run too such a tight resource usage we cannot add everything on, else we would be Ubuntu.16:13
keaksterthanks for an answer, I still like Lubuntu better!16:14
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
gilirphillw, the reason why touchfreeze is not in Ubuntu and Debian anymore :  http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg798322.html17:17
phillwgilir: thanks, I will let stlsaint know.17:17
phillwgilir: if were not fact he was a UBT mentor and new lubunteer I would not have pinged you and hyper17:19
phillwbut as MOTU's you two guys are the best to ask :)17:21
gilirphillw, no problem, I'll not answer if it's annoy me :p17:21
=== LinoSP is now known as LinoSP|away
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Mossyfunk
Mossyfunkbloody gparted keeps crashing everytime i try and start the installer19:21
=== LinoSP|away is now known as LinoSP
bioterrortake the miniiso19:21
bioterroror alternative19:21
YorvykMossyfunk, what hardware. I’ve only had that problem with some Intel based stuff.19:26
Mossyfunkits an old acer aspire19:50
Mossyfunkit worked before19:50
Mossyfunkwhats an alternative to unetbootin?19:50
Guest46333hello guys fom freenode : D20:38
Guest46333cant get my kosaidpo name :P20:38
=== Guest46333 is now known as _kosaidpo
Yorvyk_kosaidpo, Piddle20:44
_kosaidpoYorvyk: Piddle ??20:44
YorvykTest & Piddle, both English rivers :)20:45
_kosaidpoYorvyk: Ohh thanks for that wod idk im not native english i only kno around 100 or less in english :P20:46
Yorvyk_kosaidpo, from what I’ve seen I’m sure you know more than 100 English words )20:48
_kosaidpoYorvyk: :D maybe your right 200 or 300 :D20:49
_kosaidpoguys btw is lubuntu gettin lighter in next realeases or the opposite ?20:51
* UndiFineD puts _kosaidpo on a diet20:53
UndiFineDpancakes every day _kosaidpo20:53
_kosaidpoUndiFineD: no need fo diet im already slim and i eat a lot with no weight gainin :D20:54
Yorvyk_kosaidpo, Neither from the few benchmarks I’ve done.20:55
_kosaidpoYorvyk: for ex this word bechmarks even i read it a lot  i feel so lazy to go to the dic but i guess its link bugs to fix in the next release or sumthin  (see i told you ) :P20:57
Yorvyk_kosaidpo, Benchmarks, in computing, are test of how fast things run.20:59
_kosaidpoYorvyk: okies thanks for the exp i really do read everytime but never bother to kno21:00
=== LinoSP is now known as LinoSP|away
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`

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