
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre
thorwilgood morning!09:00
kwwiimoin thorwil09:01
coz_hey all13:12
darkmattermoin coz_13:23
coz_darkmatter,  hey guy ..morning to you :)13:23
darkmatterso how is coz_ this cold and brrrrr-y morning?13:41
coz_darkmatter,  yes it is brrr... its  28 degrees this morning... i am well ...just woke up about 1/2 hour ago and only had some hot cocoa..for breakfast.... how are you?  you didnt almost break your face again ?13:42
darkmatterlol. no. no face breakage today :P woke up around 3:30 (I'm messed up like that. circadian rhythm? never heard of it). no breakfast today. stomach is still reeling from supper. I am however about to begin my daily caffeine dialysis ;)13:44
coz_darkmatter,  according to organic  food eaters... a good  organic coffee enema  does wonders  :)13:45
darkmatterhehe. I prefer hole a to hole b, but thanks anyway13:45
coz_darkmatter,   on this screenshot    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/darkmatter.jpg    which icons are those?  yours?13:48
darkmattercoz_: nope. those would  be http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228 (I'll be starting my own after I get more gtk work done on the theme-ie thingie I'm starting)13:51
coz_darkmatter,  ah ok... I like the panel icons  .. not sure about the rest13:52
coz_darkmatter,  i suppose I could edit things  if I get enthusiastic :)13:53
darkmattercoz_: I normally strip out the mono bits (panels and toolbars) and replace the rest, just haven't gotten around to it on uby yet (like I had done on suse etc. I like to mix and match stuff for kicks :P)13:54
coz_darkmatter,  ok yeah ... I guess I can do that13:54
coz_darkmatter,  I hate gtk theme editing :)13:54
darkmattercoz_: last install was those + sonar + flurry (osx... for the apps). kinda looked decent for frankenicons http://darkmatter333.deviantart.com/#/d2vte4113:55
kwwiiheading out for a long holiday weekend...have fun!15:37
doctormoAnyone seen daker today?18:42
thorwildoctormo: hi! well, his nick, quitting about 50 minutes ago18:58
doctormothorwil: drat,18:59
doctormoOn the bus now, so was going to do some work18:59
doctormothorwil: How are you?19:01
thorwildoctormo: fine. looking forward to a day with extended family. and you?19:02
doctormothorwil: looking forward to getting to the Republic of Vermont soon19:03
doctormothese trips are always so tiring, there aren't any trains you see.19:03
thorwilseveral hour greyhound bus trip?19:04
thorwilhi daker! doctormo was looking for you19:12
dakerhi thorwil19:12
doctormodaker: hey, you wanted logs?19:19
dakerdoctormo, if it's possible19:19
dakerdoctormo, i have installed cchost yesterday + your files, and i am still looking at it19:20
doctormodaker: thanks, i'll get you those now19:29
doctormoOK as I thought, I don't have permissions to the log files.19:31
dakerWoo ツ19:31
dakerdoctormo, don't worry19:32
doctormodaker: Do you have a launchpad account?19:32
doctormodaker: OK you've been added to the ubuntu owl team19:36
doctormothis should give you commit access, be careful with it as it syncs to the live website once a day.19:36
dakerdoctormo, ok19:37
dakerdoctormo, i'll will not commit until it's working19:37
dakeroh fail!19:38
doctormodaker: You're of course enciouraged to commit often, just don't push until it's working ;-)19:38
doctormodaker: Are you aware of the changes I made to the cchost code? mainly to do with svg handling.20:47
thorwildaker: my log indicates you missed: <doctormo> daker: Are you aware of the changes I made to the cchost code? mainly to do with svg handling.21:09
thorwilgood night! :)21:09

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