
llspEvery time I plug it in or boot up with it plugged in, my Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 USB headset freezes my Toshiba Satellite laptop running Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.1 LTS (amd64). The problem seems related to this bug (#618155) detailed here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/618155 , except that uninstalling linux-backports-modules-alsa (as advised here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/10/05/%23ubuntu-beginners.h00:18
llsptml ) doesn't solve the problem. I had actually 'preinstalled' the ALSA backports modules on my installation medium to solve the headphone jack sense problem in Ubuntu, but found that installing the Linuxant ALSA drivers for my Conexant chipset (here: http://www.linuxant.com/alsa-driver/ ) was a better fix. The headphone jack sense problem for normal headphones is solved, but my USB headset still freezes my system. Thanks, and00:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 618155 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel 2.6.32-24 usb audio device causes cpu lockup (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New]00:18
llsp I appreciate any help I can get.00:18
reaper_can anyone help me install xen00:20
nit-witreaper_, you there00:25
=== szczur is now known as zombie_szczur
reaper_getting food00:30
reaper_nit-wit, you there00:44
reaper_I am so lost00:51
MrRyanThaiHello everyone,I'm a complete Ubuntu noob and I'm trying to get a video card driver for it. I have a Dell Inspiron E1505 with an ATI x1400 video card.If anyone can help,that'd be awesome :D01:15
reaper_what have you tried so far01:16
MrRyanThaiI've haven't actually tried anything yet,just reading about it01:17
MrRyanThaiand not having any luck.Like I said,I'm a complete noob =/01:17
ubot2For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:18
head_victimMrRyanThai: have a look at the "Basic Installation Instructions" on that website link01:18
head_victimONly go on to the more detailed instructions if the other way doesn't work at all01:19
MrRyanThaialright,thank you :)01:19
MrRyanThaiappreciate it01:19
Sensenetheruhello! I am trying to install a ra3370 wireless network adapter on ubuntu 10.10. i am partway thru the install and now im stuck. can anyone help?01:20
head_victimreaper_: I'd have no experience with xen but this might help01:20
ubot2XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen01:20
reaper_ok thanks I think its working this time01:20
head_victimSensenetheru: what instructions are you following and where are you getting stuck?01:21
reaper_That the one Im going by now01:21
head_victimreaper_: hope it works out  :)01:21
reaper_thanks head_victim me too01:22
Sensenetheru@head_victim i started with the files on the cd, run tar -xvf the.tar.gz file,  cd 2010_0223_RT3370_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.0 , ran 'sudo make' and now idk what to do01:24
head_victimSensenetheru: ah ok so were building your own, I thought there should be some available for it01:24
Sensenetheruvalkyrie was helping me on the #ubuntu channel, but they left in the middle01:24
Sensenetherui would have thought so to, but there wasnt any other options apparently01:25
head_victimSensenetheru: I'd have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo01:26
head_victimI'm not an expert in the area but that might have some points01:26
Sensenetheruok, ill give it a go, ty01:28
nit-witreaper_, I looked at the xen website I wouldn't really be able to help. I thought zen the OS when I responded originally01:29
reaper_yeah I just there too but its still making so have to wait and see01:35
reaper_but I have gotin to a point that I couldnt get to earlier01:36
reaper_in terminal says remote: counting objects: and it moving up, at 130,000+01:38
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
sogeppguys, anyone here?04:57
nit-witsogepp, yeah what about it.:)04:57
bioterrorI was going to be, but I'm a little late from the train04:58
sogepphi nit-wit,04:58
bioterrorhope I dont have to stand long at the train station :D04:58
nit-witsogepp, howdy04:58
nit-witlust lurking04:58
sogeppi have a plan for my notebook, i'll allocate 50gb of my hd for linux with 2 distro04:58
sogeppi planing install slack and ubuntu04:59
nit-witsogepp, did we work on the netbook before?04:59
sogeppnope, notebook, i planing re-installing my notebook05:00
nit-witsogepp, slack is lilo I think05:00
sogeppyep, but can't I use grub when i use ubuntu, so grub will recognize all OS on my HD05:00
nit-witsogepp, not sure about lilo I haven't used it enough, I saw somebody who had gotten grub2 installed in slack though05:01
sogeppi want make 1 /home directories  for both distro, can't i implant that? and can u suggest how Gb should i allocate for each /root and /home?05:02
sogepphe he05:03
nit-witsogepp,  I don't do separate homes so I'm not the best for that. I have all my stuff on a external.05:03
sogeppI see,05:04
stlsaintsogepp: for a seperate /boot use 200mb05:04
nit-witI sound like a beginner now05:04
stlsaintsogepp: for a seperate root go with anywhere from 12-15GB05:04
stlsaintsogepp: give the rest to home05:04
sogeppowh, why do i need separate /boot?05:05
stlsaintsogepp: wait you want to share 1 /home for two distros on dual boot?05:05
sogeppcan i do that?05:05
stlsaintyes it is possible but i dont do it so i dont offer support on it (though its nothing i suggest to beginner users)05:06
sebikulsogepp, it is possible, but not even close to be safe to do so. configuration files may be different, but names may crash. that will give you a lot of trouble05:07
sogeppi see05:07
sogeppso, if i have 50gb of hd left, and want make it 2 distro, can u suggest how do i separate it ?05:08
sogeppFYI, i have win7 installed on my notebook05:08
sebikulsogepp, you can do <2 partitions (if you want to have separate mount points for some system folders) and create symbolic links from one home folder to another05:09
stlsaintsogepp: you are wanting to triple boot?05:09
sogeppyes, triple boot05:09
sebikulsogepp, that way you only store the files you want only once, and you can access it from both os05:09
sogeppsebikul : symbolic links? can you explain it ?05:10
sogeppis it wrong stlsaint?05:10
stlsaintsogepp: how many partitions do you currently have on the drive?05:11
stlsaintsebikul: symbolic links for cross folders when only one is booted at a time?05:12
sebikulsogepp, it is possible, you just have to mount the partition05:12
stlsainthrm, i may be wrong but i doubt symbolic links work with cross folders in that manner05:12
sogepp3, for win partition, and 3 (allocated) for linux :)05:13
stlsaintsogepp: i suggest you make a "data" partition that holds your music, movies, pics, files etc etc then use fstab to mount that partition in both installs05:13
stlsaintsogepp: it is impossible to have 6 partitions unless you are talking logical05:13
sogeppyep, ia have 2 primary and the rest is logical05:14
sebikulsogepp, what stlsaint said is the safest thing you can do05:14
sebikuland simplest05:14
sogeppso, i should make data partition on windows format, i guest05:15
stlsaintsogepp: how much space do you have to work with?05:16
stlsainthow much is used by windows?05:16
sogeppwell, about 250 i guess05:17
sogepp50 for the system05:17
stlsaintsogepp: what two linux distros are you wanting to add?05:18
sogeppubuntu, and slackware05:18
bioterrori think slack is for more advanced users05:18
bioterrorjust my 2 cents05:19
stlsaintbioterror: YO05:19
bioterrorcarry on05:19
bioterrorhi stl05:19
sogeppwell, i have no problem installing slackware :)05:20
sogeppon vbox :p05:20
stlsaintsogepp: alright well really i would not suggest a dual boot with seperate partitions with only the use of 50gb05:20
bioterrorofcourse youre not05:20
sogeppcan you explain, why?05:20
bioterrorstl, he could use the same swap partition05:21
stlsaintbioterror: of course, that is not my concern05:21
stlsaintsogepp: as long as you dont go wanting seperate /home partitions for both distros you will be fine with making the seperate /data partition and just mounting in fstab05:22
sogeppohoohoh, ok, roger that05:22
bioterrorbut my vision is that if someone cant figure out partitions for distros, i cant suggest to use slack05:22
sogepphmm, i see05:23
sogeppwell, just pray for me bioterror :)05:23
firewall_03sogepp: Godspeed myfriend, and backup :D05:24
bioterrorwell, i wish you a nice time with neverending distrohopping05:24
stlsaintsogepp: on a different note i do agree with bioterror in saying that slackware is not really meant for new users05:24
sogeppmuahahahah, hope so05:24
bioterrora nice way to get used to slackware is to try something like salix os05:25
sogeppyep, i knew that05:25
bioterrortheyre helpful guys05:25
bioterrorsalix is a variant of slack05:25
bioterrordevelopers are ex-zenos devs05:26
bioterroror zen linux05:26
bioterrorthat was it05:26
sogeppcan't acces the webpages salixos.org , right?05:27
bioterrorshould be05:27
stlsaintworks for me05:27
stlsaintjust wait for the redirect05:28
bioterrorstl, they even have a lxde version too05:28
sogeppgeez, have to be patient with edge connection :)05:28
bioterrorbut the package collectionis small05:28
stlsaintbioterror: the fluxbox version caught my eye ;)05:29
bioterrorstl, that wallpaper is pure eyecandy05:29
sogeppcan't access it,05:29
bioterrorim enjoying 3G and hdspa in train05:30
stlsaintbioterror: pffttt....get with the times!! 4G is out :P05:31
sogeppbut, seems there's no people who use salix near my place :)05:31
sogeppcan u gimme the article? link?05:32
stlsaintyouve never heard of 4G speeds?05:32
stlsaintoh dear smh05:32
sogepphwhwh, sorry05:32
stlsaintits just connection speeds/coverage of phones05:32
sogeppi knew bout that, it just how fast it is?05:33
bioterrorthat site worked for me05:33
sogeppgeez, what's wrong with my connection05:34
stlsaintsogepp: is there a specific reason you want slack?05:35
sogeppjust trying something new,,,05:36
bioterroreven i am loosing my mind with arch05:36
sogeppi don't think there are much difference on it05:36
stlsaintbioterror: arch is one of those things that you really really want to get with but its just entirely too much work for me05:36
sogepparch is much more hard than slack, isn't it?05:37
bioterrorive got problems with mounting usb drives on boot05:37
stlsaintsogepp: YES05:37
sogepphow about gentoo05:37
stlsaintbioterror: i HAD problems, until gparted made them all go away! lol05:37
nit-witbioterror, you know the per-session boot trick eh05:38
bioterrorgotta read moar!05:39
nit-witbioterror, I like Dostoevsky05:39
stlsaintsogepp: its the lingo of the hip people ;)05:39
stlsaintsogepp: you have tried gentoo?05:40
sogeppnot yet05:40
sogeppwew, i just saw some one who use it05:40
stlsaintyea alot of people like gentoo05:40
sogeppdamn, he told me that takes 2 weeks just for installing an application05:41
stlsaintagain i just am way to busy to actually sit down and dedicate the time needed for it05:41
sogepp*2 weeks or so :p05:41
bioterrorno it doesnnt05:41
sogeppwhat is hip people?05:41
bioterrorive used freebsd alot05:41
stlsaintwe are ;)05:41
sogeppand why did you call your self 'hip' , any reason?05:42
bioterrorand compiling with decent hw isnt much slower than installing a binary package05:42
stlsaintsogepp: nvrm05:42
bioterrorits hip to be square05:42
stlsaintsogepp: nvrm == nevermind05:43
sogepphip , huh?05:43
bioterrorstl is ahipster05:43
stlsaintyep yep05:43
sogeppok, i got it, i guess05:43
bioterrormacbooks, fixies, tattoos, underground music and everykind of newage filthh he has05:44
stlsaintbioterror: how do i add more desktops05:44
bioterrorstl, where?05:44
bioterrorpreferences had it05:44
firewall_03sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ?05:44
bioterrorcheck from menu05:45
stlsaintfirewall_03: not the desktop environment05:45
bioterrorcant remember tbqh the exact place05:45
stlsaintaye, kk05:45
firewall_03stlsaint:  Im a n00b05:45
stlsaintfirewall_03: :D05:45
bioterrorive slept like 3h :D05:45
stlsaintfirewall_03: nice try though ;)05:45
firewall_03A for effort05:45
bioterrorstl, u now us lubunteers05:46
bioterrorwe sleep way too less05:46
sogeppwhat's that :p05:46
bioterrorhahaha this train is stuck05:46
bioterrorwe are waiting something05:46
stlsaintbioterror: hey its under the openbox configuration menu05:47
stlsaintthat has been bugging me05:47
bioterrorgotta memorize that05:47
sogeppguys, my xubuntu often hang or restart by it self.. but fine when i use windows05:47
nit-witargh cut me self off damn parrot05:47
bioterrorstl, have u tweaked that lubuntu-rc.xml?05:48
bioterrorit can be added from there05:48
stlsaintbioterror: dude this is just pissing me off05:48
sogeppactually, it always hard when using linux on my old pc05:48
bioterrorstl, what is this time?05:48
stlsaintwhile typing my right hand will just brush my touchpad and will somehow close my  terminal05:49
stlsaintthus closing irc05:49
bioterroruse screen?05:49
stlsaintbioterror: no05:49
bioterroroh yeah05:49
bioterrorscreen irssi05:49
bioterrorscreen is awesome05:50
bioterrordont u know?05:50
stlsaintbioterror: pfftt who you telling05:50
firewall_03what is irssi?05:50
bioterrorirssi is a finnish irc client05:50
stlsainti still remember my terminator days with multiple ssh windows lol05:50
nUboon2Agestlsaint: i don't know if this would help in your situation, but sometimes i've found "Touchfreeze" can help stop some symptoms.05:51
stlsaintnUboon2Age: what is touchfreeze?05:52
nUboon2Agehttp://code.google.com/p/touchfreeze/ stlsaint05:53
nUboon2Ageis that a wubi install?05:53
nUboon2Agesogepp: ^^^05:53
sogeppnope, dual boot with win05:53
stlsaintnUboon2Age: TouchFreeze is simple utility for Windows NT/2000/XP05:54
nUboon2Agestlsaint: no its for Linux too05:54
stlsaintthe downloader is a msi...05:55
sogeppit said for windows, "Like syndaemon on x-windows."05:55
nUboon2Agehttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/touchfreeze-tray-icon-that-disables-your-touchpad-while-typing.html#more-2921 stlsaint05:56
stlsaintaye, a different linky ;)05:56
nUboon2Agesogepp: are you talking about your prob (or stlsaint's)?05:56
sogeppabout stlsaint, :p05:58
stlsaintnUboon2Age: nope, not available package :(05:58
stlsaintwell im tucking it in folks05:59
stlsaintl8er folks05:59
nUboon2Agehe went so quick i didn't get a chance to ask him if he's running Lucid or Maverick.  It doesn't seem to be avail for Maverick (yet)06:02
nUboon2Agesogepp: so back to your thing.  when does it do this hang/restart thingy06:03
sogeppwell, if i left my pc long enough, than it come :)06:06
sogeppi have the prob since i use ubuntu, i thought that my pc too old for ubuntu,06:08
sogeppand i still has the problem with xubuntu, i wonder if there something wrong with the ram, but it working fine with wind xp06:09
nUboon2Agehave you tried Lubuntu sogepp?06:30
sogeppnot yet, is it lighter than xubuntu?06:31
nUboon2Ageyes its lighter than xubuntu.  xubuntu originally was supposed to be light, but its not light anymore. sogepp06:32
sogeppreally, why's that?06:32
nUboon2Ageit just developed into something that is not that light.  being light is not really the focus of the development for xubuntu it turns out. :/06:33
nUboon2Agei've seen some benchmarks.  its not much different from Ubuntu06:34
sogeppactually, i have download lubuntu iso, but seems it failed, the md5 has different code,06:35
sogeppgeez, but they said lubuntu isn't part of canonical project, isn't06:35
nUboon2Agebtw, there's both an #lubuntu and a #xubuntu irc support channels.06:35
nUboon2Ageits not officially yet but will be soon sogepp06:35
nUboon2Agelubuntu is solid06:35
nUboon2Agephillw is a big fan if i recall correctly sogepp06:36
sogeppso canonical will add it into their list06:36
sogeppphillw ?06:36
sogeppi see that name here ,06:37
nUboon2Ageit was supposed to be added already, but its been delayed.  it will be soon i think.06:37
nUboon2Ageyes.  he's really very helpful.06:37
nUboon2Agei started on Linux with Xubuntu (Jaunty and Karmic) before switching to Ubuntu for 10.04 Lucid06:38
nUboon2Agei wish i'd found out about Lubuntu.  those versions of Xubuntu weren't very good.06:39
sogeppso who does developing the lubuntu now06:39
nUboon2Ageits an international volunteer team.06:39
nUboon2Agei heard several podcasts about it.  very impressive effort.06:40
sogepphow bout the packages, ?06:40
nUboon2Agei'm not clear on what your question is sogepp06:41
sogepprrr, wait, i'm thinking on it :)06:41
sogeppcan we use the same repositories as ubuntu, or they had their own06:42
nUboon2Agei get the impression that someone wanted Xubuntu to be light, but the actual developers don't focus that much on being light, but just on XFCE06:42
sogeppwell, because it's little hard to find fast connection here, so i depends on local repositories address, do you get what i'm talking :p06:43
nUboon2Ageone thing you can do sogepp is to simply use Synaptic to load "lubuntu-desktop".06:44
sogeppso, i can install it from ubuntu ? or xubuntu?06:44
nUboon2Agethat will show you what the desktop looks like.  then you can choose whether you want the Lubuntu or Xubuntu (or whatever *buntu you want) when you log on06:45
nUboon2Ageyes, you can install it from *buntu06:46
sogeppok, i get it06:46
sogeppi'm looking at wiki.ubuntu.com/lubuntu06:47
sogeppseems it already part of canonical project right now06:47
sogeppworth to try06:48
sogeppbut, ubuntu really getting hard for old pc right now06:48
nUboon2Ageyeah, i was running Xubuntu on 238M of RAM.  it was okay, not great.06:49
sogeppwhat ? but i have 1gb of ram, but it's way too slow for me06:50
CensoredBiscuitsogepp, nuboon2age, processor speed could change a lot of things06:51
hobgoblinif xubuntu is slow with 1Gb ram I would suggest you've other issues06:51
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nUboon2AgeCensoredBiscuit: good point06:51
sogepphow i know my problem?06:52
sogepphow i check it?06:52
CensoredBiscuittake a look at your machines specs first06:52
CensoredBiscuitdo you prehaps have ze box?06:52
sogeppit's pentium 4 with 1gb of RAm, 160gb of HDD06:52
sogeppze box, what?06:53
CensoredBiscuitze box your machine came in xD06:53
sogepprrrr, i'm afraid not06:53
CensoredBiscuitbut you seem to know the specs06:54
CensoredBiscuiteither way its 1 am and I work tommorrow06:54
sogeppyes, i have it for few years :p06:54
sogeppowh, isee06:54
sogeppit's 1 pm here :p06:54
nUboon2Agesogepp: the distro called 'puppy' is also good for old machines06:55
sogeppyep, i already has it on my usb drive, but i don't think it suitable for my sister,06:55
nUboon2Agealso Peppermint sogepp06:56
sogeppFYI, my sister use the pc right now06:56
nUboon2Agejollicloud possibly too sogepp06:56
sogeppjollicloud? you sure?06:56
sogeppso both of them based on cloud, right?06:57
bioterrorat the office now :D06:58
hobgoblinsogepp: there are other xfce variants out there - not just xubuntu - I suspect they would be fine as would a lxde variant06:59
sogeppok, i'll see if i can try those choice later, for now i thing i'll prefer lubuntu07:13
bioterroroh, good choise :D07:13
hobgoblinbioterror: you surprise me ;)07:14
bioterrorhobgoblin, how?07:14
sogepphey, what's the different betwen #ubuntu and #ubuntu-beginners07:17
bioterrorwe have more knowledge, ofkooz ;D07:18
sogeppwew, sure bout that? :)07:18
hobgoblinsogepp: you'll get help in both - but it is less frenetic in here07:18
hobgoblinon the other hand at times you'll get no takers in here as it is a lot smaller07:19
bioterrorsogepp, well, for example: you dont see me at the #ubuntu :D07:19
sogeppguess so, and 'lighter'07:19
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: because you're never there. :D07:20
sogepp:D what makes that important bioterror? LOL07:20
sogeppso quite, suddenly07:25
bioterroroh yeah07:31
bioterrorsogepp, this channel is mainly for support, we have #ubuntu-beginners-team for offtopic chats ;)07:31
hobgoblinand here for when it is quiet ...07:32
hobgoblinnot many left who remember this as being the team channel :(07:32
sogeppso basically this channel just for off-topic topic?07:35
JoeMaverickSettsogepp: please read this channel's topic, it's a support channel, #ubuntu-beginners-team is for offtopic/the team's discussion room.07:37
sogeppoops, kay07:38
hobgoblinas I said sogepp - when there's not any support going on people will talk offtopic ;)07:40
sogeppok, i have another question,07:40
hobgoblinthen ask it ...07:41
sogeppwhat would you do if, possibly, the newest kernel didn't recognize your hardware07:41
hobgoblinboot with the older one07:44
sogeppi mean, there are no support for your hardware yet,07:45
sogeppif the newest didn't work, then does the older one right?07:45
hobgoblinnot necessarily so - then I'd scratch my head and be pleased that finally after all these years I've not built a frankenstein machine from odds and sods07:47
sogeppcome on~07:47
hobgoblinno idea sogepp - not something I've ever needed to worry about07:49
sogeppyeah, it's rare to happen nowdays07:49
bioterrorditch that computer and get another one07:49
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
sogeppwell, bioterror07:49
bioterrordo you have that kind of situation?07:50
sogepphow if that computer is the newest version and something you really want07:50
sogeppnot really,07:50
bioterrorsogepp, then use that Windows 707:50
sogeppjust in case,07:50
sogeppmaybe someday i'll find the problem07:50
bioterrorI've dealt only with hardware support problems, like KMS stuff and so on07:51
sogeppeven win7 has the limit07:51
bioterrorlike "oh, my laptop doesnt return from suspend anymore, thanks alot"07:51
bioterrorand stuff like that07:51
bioterrorI happend to use alot 2nd hand computer07:51
bioterrorI rarely buy a new one07:51
nit-withobgoblin, somebody heeds the frankenputer nick07:51
hobgoblinif frankenputer was a myth I'd snap it up :p07:52
sogeppif we use windows, there possibility that the hardware already has the driver, they prepare for it right07:52
hobgoblinusually - but that's not always been the case in the past07:52
sogeppbut if it's about linux, well, we know that the developer mostly work on volunteer07:52
BiDDoHi All08:53
BiDDoLooking for some advice about trying out ubuntu08:53
BiDDoanyone keen to give there advice08:54
bioterror!ask | BiDDo08:54
ubot2BiDDo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:54
BiDDois anyone out there08:56
bioterrorBiDDo, ask your question please08:58
bioterrorI'm going to help two ladies in here work and then I'll come back08:59
bioterrorand I hope you've told us what's in your mind08:59
BiDDoits sort of a convoluted question08:59
bioterrorirc takes sometimes a little time08:59
bioterrorbut tell us08:59
bioterrorwe are here to help08:59
bioterroreven tho we dont get paid :D08:59
BiDDoi will do a big long question for you and wait08:59
bioterrorgood ;)09:00
BiDDook so basically I have become fascinated with the whole ubuntu linux thing and would really like to trial it out without going the whole hog...09:00
BiDDoWhat would you all recommend I do?  I am of the understanding that my games have to be played on a windows OS and thus will need to have a dual boot system.  I have never done this before but understand the gist i think.  So at current I have a spare 320gb HDD that isnt used will i be able to use this an ubuntu boot and leave my current install on my other drive as is???09:03
BiDDoSecondly am I going to run into any issues using ubuntu to dl and stream to my ps3???09:04
BiDDoAnd third I understand that there are a number of different versions of said linux which is beast for noobs and is there any recources you could suggest to review the whole idea???09:06
BiDDoOh and forth,  32bit or 64bit???09:09
JoeMaverickSett!dualboot | BiDDo09:18
ubot2BiDDo: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:18
BiDDo32 or 64 bit??09:18
JoeMaverickSettBiDDo: does your RAM exceeds more than 4GB? or is your computer a 64bit computer? if so 64bit.09:18
BiDDoI have a 64bit cpu and more ram just that the ubuntu dl suggests 32 bit09:20
JoeMaverickSettBiDDo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit09:20
hobgoblinBiDDo: take no notice of the ubuntu d/l suggestion09:20
hobgoblinthere were lots of issues at one point, now not so much - just go for the 64bit09:21
JoeMaverickSetthobgoblin: :D09:21
hobgoblinBiDDo: if you go looking in the recurrung dicussions part of the forum you will see a lot of threads about this suggestion :)09:22
bioterrorahh hobgoblin, you were here ;)09:22
bioterrorBiDDo, best way to start is with vanilla ubuntu09:22
hobgoblinBiDDo: at one point there was a seperate forum for 64bit issues - it's been closed now09:22
hobgoblinbioterror: I was in and out09:23
BiDDook i understand09:23
BiDDodev issues i gues??09:23
bioterrorBiDDo, but if you were like me and my dear pal hobgoblin, you would install just ubuntu and play with PS3, except tetrinet on ubuntu against us09:23
yulerI cannot multi-boot to XP from system with GRUB2, but can boot to it from a CD with  GRUB.  Read multi websites on subject, but not familiar with GRUB/2 language and about to step through it.  If anyone is familiar with GRUB/2 language and can help, please see http://pastebin.com/n99LGDBg09:23
BiDDosorry i missed that09:23
BiDDodoes ubuntu have a media server app that will allow me to stream to my ps3 like wmp allows me to do?09:25
bioterrorBiDDo, ofcourse09:25
bioterrorBiDDo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ps3MediaServer09:26
BiDDosorry I am not familiar with it at all have always been to scared but am trying to venture out of the darkness of MICROSOFT >(09:27
BiDDoAlso probably a simple issue...  Dual booting is only technichally dual is the two OS' are on the one HDD right.  Or can I install Ubuntu on my spare drive but have it boot like normal after choosing09:29
hobgoblindual boot will work however you set it up - I had many different OS's on partitions and drives at one point09:30
bioterrorwhat ever you want09:30
bioterrormy worklaptop has a dual boot on one hdd09:30
bioterroryou just need to have that grub2 on a correct drive which boots first09:30
bioterroras GRUB is in MBR and windows's own chainloader starts after it09:31
BiDDook so that link about dual booting still applies?? I am reading it now and its telling me to re size my hdd to make space for ubuntu but I shouldnt have to do that right as I have a whole emptyand formated drive free?09:50
Silver_Fox_Hello BiDDo09:55
Deut316Hi. Playing around a bit much and have lost all sound. Any help?09:55
BiDDoI am noob and require advice09:55
Silver_Fox_Deut316,  What were you "playing" with?09:55
Silver_Fox_BiDDo,  What do you require advice about09:56
BiDDowhat the best way to get into ubuntu is?09:56
Deut316:). Was trying to get mic to work for google chat/ skype... took off alsa mixer and some other things and now have no sound09:56
Deut316the sound bar moves but I have no sound09:57
yofelBiDDo: if you have an empty drive use that for installation, the guide assumes you don't have one09:57
Silver_Fox_Do you mean understanding how the os works or just general use - BiDDo09:58
BiDDoyofel that is my confussion i think09:58
Deut316How can I find out if I still have the right sound driver installed09:58
yofelBiDDo: maybe you'll have to select manual partitioning during installation, not sure how the installer behaves in that case09:59
BiDDoSilver fox: I would like to know a little more about the difference/pros/cons of the OS and also the best way to install and experiment with my current setup.09:59
Deut316Can anyone tell me what file to install ubuntu sound drivers?10:02
BiDDohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting this may help you out im not even in the os yet but10:04
yofelDeut316: the drivers are usually part of the kernel, I would usually recommend checking it's not muted with alsamixer... or maybe check the pulseaudio log (not sure where that is)10:04
Deut316Yofel: I may have deleted the kernel drivers:(10:06
BiDDoI always run when I see kernel lol10:07
yofelunless you removed the kernel package or manually deleted stuff in /lib/modules, that's unlikely10:07
Deut316I can't find the alsa mixer. Does it go by another name?10:09
Deut316presently I'm using pulseaudia sound... any difference?10:11
Deut316there is also gnome alsamixer?10:11
yofelpulseaudio is a sound mixer, alsa still handles sound output10:11
yofel... on hardware10:11
Deut316How do I check the asla settings as I don't seem to have the installed program10:12
Deut316It's crazy... I see the sound bar moving on various 'mixers' but no sound. there doesn't seem to be a stand alone alsamixer in synaptic10:15
JoeMaverickSettDeut316: have you also checked in Sound Preferences that you've chosen the correct hardware?10:16
BiDDoSo is the general conscesus t just DL ubuntu 64bit then go through the install and select my spare drive as the install location10:16
Deut316Joe: yup. even in sound preference the sound bar is moving10:19
BiDDoIf I burn a DVD instead of a CD thats fine right?10:20
JoeMaverickSettDeut316: how about the output tab > then the hardare stuff? is it using the right hardware? sometimes that might be the problem, in my experience.10:21
Deut316Joe: Well changed to Analog driver and it works. Previously it did work on digital stereo driver. never the less... I have sound back10:24
JoeMaverickSettDeut316: for skype, you might want to try going to Options and test the sound/mic and webcam10:26
Deut316will do... skypes down at the moment... I'll check on google chat instead10:26
JoeMaverickSettDeut316: ah, give it a try later. i can't really point you though as it's down. :)10:27
Deut316What happened now in google chat (and skype) is that mic works and then settings adjust themselves so they don't pick up sound. How do I fix my sound settings so they don't readjust themself?10:28
JoeMaverickSettDeut316: ah, it's Options > Sound Devices for skype.10:29
Deut316Thanks. will check later10:30
JoeMaverickSettDeut316: try the mic input in sound preferences also. good luck10:30
BiDDoI can DL the install iso and burn to a dvd right10:30
JoeMaverickSettBiDDo: yes, i believe so. but tbhq i've only tried CDs. :)10:31
BiDDoguess if it doesnt work I find cds10:32
JoeMaverickSettBiDDo: always check the md5sum of the downloaded iso, burn the iso at a slower speed.10:33
JoeMaverickSett!md5sum | BiDDo10:33
ubot2BiDDo: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:33
Deut316Joe, when I work with pulseaudio input settings they continually reset themselves. How can I set the settings that they don't change within pulseaudio?10:33
BiDDothanks bot10:34
JoeMaverickSettDeut316: eh, sorry, i don't know. :| i just make sure it doesn't happen by manually resetting it if it doesn't seem right to me.10:35
JoeMaverickSettDeut316: and to hilight nick names type Joe then press <tab key> ;)10:36
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: ah, there you go. :)10:36
Deut316I keep setting it, and in a matter of seconds it resets itself. I can't adjust the settings ever time I  use skype or some other program.... I don't know what is causing to reset?10:36
Deut316thanks for your help Joe10:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yax51ok, so I just downloaded a program, and the installation file is in a .bin format12:39
yax51any help on how to run it?12:39
hobgoblinyou might need to make it executable - right click the thing and check in the permissions tab12:40
hobgoblinyax51: in a terminal - change to the directory it is in and ./filename12:40
yax51aaah gotcha thanks!12:41
yax51permission denied12:42
yax51ok nevermind12:43
hobgoblinsudo ./filename12:43
hobgoblinwhat is it anyway?12:43
yax51savage 212:43
hobgoblingame I guess then ;)12:43
kristian-aalborghi ppl14:51
kristian-aalborgdidya see that Assange has written two things that are in repos... strobe and SurfRaw?14:51
kosaidpohello guys14:58
hobgoblinhi kosaidpo14:58
kosaidpoanynoe know how to turn a xls file to csv one with genumeic14:58
hobgoblinkristian-aalborg: not quite sure why you bothered14:59
hobgoblinto say that :)14:59
kristian-aalborgI was just quite surprised14:59
kristian-aalborgsurfraw seems like a cool program, although it might be a bit hard to use15:00
kristian-aalborghobgoblin: was I the last person to notice? ;)15:04
hobgoblinno idea kristian-aalborg :)15:04
hobgoblinkosaidpo: you can save as a csv in gnumeric15:05
kristian-aalborgI find stuff like that interesting, it's not like I have some sort of agenda if that's what you think15:05
kosaidpoyeh i did but still not workin cus in the end iwanna cut some ow using the cmmand cut but its not workin15:05
kosaidpohobgoblin: you see15:05
hobgoblinkristian-aalborg: no - that's not what I think :)15:06
geirhakosaidpo: How is it not working?15:07
kristian-aalborggood... if I had, I'd go elsewhere, no worries :)15:07
hobgoblinkosaidpo: cut and paste works ok here15:07
kosaidpogeirha: i save it as csv then cut it with that CUT cmmd and igo to see the file where redirect all the thing i cant open it with gedit15:08
geirhakosaidpo: Did you redirect to the same file you were reading from?15:08
kosaidponoo new file15:08
geirhaOk, and gedit can't open the file? What error does it give?15:09
kosaidpogeirha: this [ gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.15:10
kosaidpoPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.15:10
kosaidpoSelect a character encoding from the menu and try again.]15:10
geirhakosaidpo: The file command might figure out its encoding.  ''file thefile''15:12
kosaidpogeirha: i didnt get you15:13
stlsaintsup folks15:13
geirhakosaidpo: Would be easiest if you just saved the csv file with utf-8 encoding in the first place ... or whatever encoding you use by default.15:13
kosaidpogeirha: i guess it does  but idk whats eally the issue is15:14
kosaidpolet me try this but from where ican change the encode in gnumeric ?? geirha15:14
geirhakosaidpo: I don't know, I've never used gnumeric, but I'd expect it to be able to.15:15
geirhaYou're not familiar with the file command, is that what you meant by "i didnt get you"? If you aren't astranged to reading man-pages, look at its man-page:  ''man file''15:16
kosaidpogeirha: im not realy that good but i kno things and i tried genumeric via console but nething helps15:18
kosaidpogeirha: thanks ill go pray now brb please15:19
fatharrahmanHi udienz16:00
fatharrahmanHi yofel16:00
fatharrahmanHi UndiFineD16:00
fatharrahmanwhy is the ch so crowded today ? what's going on?16:02
UndiFineDvacation time16:02
stlsaintalso this is not the offtopic channel16:21
stlsaintthis is used primarily for support16:22
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
murk00I am looking for a little help installing Unbuntu18:12
murk00Having some problems that I cant get passed18:13
wulfricneed help with .chm files Thanks18:21
genupulaswulfric: what ?18:22
aveilleuxwulfric, *.chm files are Windows Help files. What do you need to open them for?18:22
wulfricgenupulas: need chm reader with annotation functionality18:22
wulfricmany ebooks come in chm18:22
wulfrictried chm2pdf but it messses up format big time18:23
aveilleuxwulfric, Firefox can open chm files but not annotate them18:23
genupulaswulfric:  hmm chmviewer18:23
aveilleuxwulfric, Have you tried xchm?18:23
wulfrici tried ff extension18:23
wulfricxchm cannot annotate18:24
genupulaswulfric: just elaborate what u want18:24
wulfrici want highlight function atleast post-its would be nice too18:24
wulfricas in pdfs18:25
aveilleuxwulfric, Have you tried Okular?18:25
wulfricin opensuse okular reads chm18:25
wulfricnot in ubuntu18:25
wulfricsays no backend???18:25
genupulasokular for KDE18:25
aveilleuxwulfric, You have to install libchm18:25
genupulasthen try chmviewer18:25
aveilleuxwulfric, It's not installed by default18:25
wulfrici have libchm and okular-extra -backends18:25
wulfricchmviewer and xchm do not annotate only okular does and not in ubuntu18:26
wulfrici found a launchpad bug which says ubuntu/kubuntu okular compiled w/o libchm backend because libchm in universe and okular in main18:28
wulfricso they cannot link against it18:28
wulfricSo, my question is - Where is the universe Okular backends package wich adds libchm(and incidentally epub) support Thanx18:30
wulfricshould i be asking this elsewhere?18:32
wulfricok nevermind will try #okular maybe18:33
wulfricthanks anyway18:33
BRhello all19:21
bioterrorlla olleh19:22
hajourhai BR19:24
BRhey hajour19:25
BRI think xen it one of the hardest programs I have tried to install yet19:25
hajouroof wrong chat i must in offtopic sorry19:25
nit-witgrizzlyattack, install the ubuntu-restricted-extras19:40
grizzlyattackI am.19:41
nit-witgrizzlyattack, cool ths is a slower channel as well hard to follow on the#ubuntu channel19:41
grizzlyattackSee, I don't understand. This wasn't an issue with older builds. I've been gone too long.19:42
nit-witgrizzlyattack, so the mp3's are what are on many cd's anyway that is why it seems strange to me19:43
nit-witgrizzlyattack, songs correct19:43
grizzlyattackBrasero tells me that the file is not suitable19:44
geirhaCorrupt mp3 file?19:44
nit-witgrizzlyattack, I use gnome baker brasero has had some stumbling blocks, are you updated and upgraded other wise19:44
grizzlyattackYeah, I'm as current as I can be I think19:45
grizzlyattackthe mp3's will play fine, just aren't burning19:45
grizzlyattackthis is my mistake for going to Vista and then coming back, I should have kept up on all of this.19:46
nit-witgrizzlyattack, did you enable universal and backport repos in software sources19:46
grizzlyattackI followed some online instructions so I have no idea what I've done to this thing.19:47
aveilleuxgrizzlyattack, What programs have you tried to burn them with?19:47
aveilleuxgrizzlyattack, I just got here, I apologize if you already answered that question19:48
geirhaaptitude search '~i gstreamer.*plugins'  # Do you have the good, the bad and the ugly?19:48
grizzlyattackBrasero, and k3b, but k3b wouldn't let me fully install.19:48
grizzlyattacknit-wit, that finished installing btw19:49
nit-witgrizzlyattack, cool19:49
grizzlyattackmy biggest thing is, all the instructions for me problem are between 2-4 years old.19:49
grizzlyattackand are no longer working19:49
nit-witgrizzlyattack, install gnomebaker and try it if the restricted extras should have loaded the right stuff I think. You could try brasero again first probably19:50
grizzlyattacknow that I did that, Brasero is actually letting me add in the mp3's19:51
grizzlyattackbefore it would kick them back out19:52
nit-witgrizzlyattack, hopefully your set every installation the retricted extras have beeen needed I been using Ubuntu since Dapper needed them then as well19:52
grizzlyattackwhy is it wanting me to create an image file?19:53
aveilleuxgrizzlyattack, Have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AudioCDCreation ? It's a few years out of date, but Serpentine is still in the repos.19:53
grizzlyattackhadn't tried that yet19:53
nit-witgrizzlyattack, is it a album19:54
grizzlyattackI just tried 1 mp319:54
grizzlyattackfor a test burn19:54
geirhagrizzlyattack: Try burning from Rhythmbox19:55
nit-witgrizzlyattack, are you opening brasero first you have a choce of data or images there19:55
grizzlyattackI open Brasero and pick Audio19:55
nit-witgrizzlyattack, the image makes sense then it is burning it in a manner a cheap cd player can read19:56
grizzlyattackIn Rhythmbox, It doesn't give me option to burn19:56
geirhaHm. No strike that. I seemed to remember you could burn from rhytmbox, but you can only rip. Sorry. :(19:56
grizzlyattackThis problem should be a simple fix, I would think19:57
nit-witgrizzlyattack, did the test mp3 burn19:57
grizzlyattackI dont even think it burned19:58
grizzlyattackIt had me save a .cue19:58
grizzlyattackyeah, every time I try and burn it has me save a .cue instead of actually burning19:59
nit-witgrizzlyattack, basicall mp3 burning code is proprietary,in open source it's available it s just not click and go like MS20:00
nit-witgrizzlyattack, even though the guy who owns the code who sits on 3 billion dolars says meh do what you wany I don't care know20:02
grizzlyattackIt's just frustrating. There is a billion instructions out there and none are working for me.20:02
nit-witgrizzlyattack, how are you going to play the cd's20:02
grizzlyattacka car cd player20:03
nit-witgrizzlyattack, let me see IF I can get a better link newer for you20:03
grizzlyattackI don't understand why these old links even come up in google search. You'd think something newer would push them down.20:04
grizzlyattackI'm gonna give gnomebaker a try though20:05
grizzlyattackgnomebaker keeps saying burn failed20:07
geirhaOh, that sounds like an issue with the driver for the cdr20:08
geirhaOr maybe the CD-R disc wasn't empty?20:09
grizzlyattackIt's empty20:09
grizzlyattackIt doesn't pop up when I put it in the drive though.20:09
suprengr...or maybe burning @ too high a speed?20:09
grizzlyattackI tried at 4X20:09
grizzlyattackjust whatever the default settings are20:10
grizzlyattacknormally when you insert media, a desktop icon should come up, correct?20:10
grizzlyattackyeah, I'm getting no icon20:11
BRdeoes for me20:11
BRthen your driver isnt veing mounted20:11
grizzlyattackI'm gonna restart and see what happens and then I will come back if it still isn't working.20:11
grizzlyattackHey nit-wit, gnomebaker worked like a charm. It burned, the mp3 is showing up on the disk. Now I just need to test it in a cd player.20:16
nit-witgrizzlyattack, I always use gnomebaker it is just more reliable for me20:18
grizzlyattackI wouldn't work in my home stereo but it's playing on the computer. I'll test the cd in my car later.20:19
nit-witgrizzlyattack, when ever  have tried to burn a image disc for someone, I haven't gotten feedback as to it's final use, so I'm always realy just using my mp3 palyer pesonnaly never a cd player20:21
grizzlyattackI only need to make cd's for the two hour car ride20:23
grizzlyattackI think my problem is solved though, fingers are crossed.20:24
frankymooo10anyone can help me with installing ralink rt2870 driver?21:46
frankymooo10I managed to compile it but  nothing happens after modprobe-ing it.21:47
BRwhich one of these should I pick: PCI Backend Mode 1. Virtual PCI (XEN_PCIDEV_BACKEND_VPCI) (NEW) 2. Passthrough (XEN_PCIDEV_BACKEND_PASS) (NEW) 3. Slot (XEN_PCIDEV_BACKEND_SLOT) (NEW)21:51
kristian-aalborghi all22:21
bioterrorkristian-aalborg, tjena;D22:21
kristian-aalborganyone using grub2 and slitaz *and* a framebuffer? I can't get it to work?22:21
kristian-aalborgbioterror: waiter?22:21
bioterrorslitaz has nothing to do with ubuntu22:22
kristian-aalborgI know... but grub2 has22:23
BRdoes anyone know anything about installing xen 4.022:34
bioterrorhow about server channel22:34
bioterrorbut since yelling at irc is so easy22:35
bioterror!xen | br22:35
ubot2br: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen22:35
BRyeah Im on that url now22:36
BRand it has no help for where i am at22:36
BRI have three options to pick from virtual PCI, Passthrough, or Slot22:39
pleia2BR: my suggestion would be to use a distro that actually supports xen hypervisors so you don't need to compile your own kernel, Debian still supports it22:41
pleia2with Ubuntu you'll need to recompile your kernel for every security upgrade, and that can be tedious22:42
BRI just guessed its running so have to wait and see22:42
bioterrorpleia2, I chose debian22:43
bioterrorpleia2, FreeBSD was also in my list when I got this virtual server22:44
pleia2debian is what I use for xen too22:44
pleia2but on hardware with virtualization I use kvm22:44
kristian-aalborgcan someone spot the error(s) in this... it's my RESULTS.txt from the boot info script23:15
kristian-aalborgno hdX in my /dev dir - could this be to blame?23:28
cenobyte40khey I installed windows 7 in a seperate partition and it eraced the MBR can someone help me get the dual boot working again? I tried running a 10.10 disk at startup in order to get a recovery option but the GUI isnt working correctly and all I could see was a install option23:32
cenobyte40khey I installed windows 7 in a seperate partition and it eraced the MBR can someone help me get the dual boot working again? I tried running a 10.10 disk at startup in order to get a recovery option but the GUI isnt working correctly and all I could see was a install option23:36
aveilleuxcenobyte40k: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows23:36
cenobyte40kthanks alot23:51
andrew_46IAmNotThatGuy: hello :)23:52
* andrew_46 trys to remember not to chat in the channel :)23:54

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