
bigbirdkroo krooo kroo07:09
bigbirdtanya sini la07:10
twosbigbird> pada pc budak2 ni, sy install wondershaper07:10
twosskang ni saya add benda tu di dalam startup application...07:10
twos"sudo wondershaper eth0 200 100"07:11
twosmasalahnya setiap kali login dia tanya passwd07:11
twosada cara lain tak yg dia boleh run automatik, tanpa tanya password?07:11
bigbirdset permission yg bersesuaian dgn nya07:12
bigbirdpassword apa dia mintak?07:13
bigbirdmasa sudo tu ke?07:13
twospassword user lah... mcm biasa la bila pakai arahan sudo07:13
twossy ada tanya di # dia kata mcm ni07:13
twostwos: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:13
bigbirdwhich wondershaper07:14
twosmcm kita nak letak startup service la bigbird 07:16
bigbirdkau edit /etc/rc.local07:17
bigbirdpastu letak command tu tanpa sudo07:17
bigbirdupdate-rc.d wondershaper defaults07:18
bigbirdaku tak tahu apa service kau nak letak kat startup, tp ni la caranya kat debian based07:19
twosthanks bigbird 07:21
twossy terlupa "rc.local"07:21
twosthank you207:21
twosjap nak gi setting07:22
bigbirdbuat salah satu07:22
twosbigbird> kalau tak silap arahan tu di atas arahan "exit" tu kan07:28
twoscantek bigbird 07:29
twosthanks alot07:29
=== twos is now known as unitedpotsmokers
ecogreenneed help with installation.... caps lock, scoll lock flashing07:59
ecogreenany ideas what's the problem08:00
=== KatieKitty-Offli is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli
=== KatieKitty-Offli is now known as KatieKitty
bigbirdtidur 14:45
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli
=== KatieKitty-Offli is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli
=== KatieKitty-Offli is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli

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