
seidosso i was wandering around haight-ashbury two days ago.  there was one section, a sliver of golden gate park, right by the mc donald's that was..."interesting"00:51
seidosi should read up on the history...sounds like an attempt at community that failed.00:51
nUboon2Ageokay i've picked a place for The Ubuntu Hour: Palo Alto: Antonio’s Nut House 321 California Ave , http://www.antoniosnuthouse.com/04:12
akkGeez, do site developers never learn about <noscript> tags any more?04:14
nUboon2Ageits not gorgeous, but its got LOTS of character (and Beer, burgers, pool, tea and coffee avail next door at Starbucks).  akk, aaditya, crashsystems, crashsystems1, jledbetter, jtatum, kdub_, mcgrof, pleia2, Yasumoto.04:16
nUboon2Agei think i'll do it at 6-7pm.04:16
nUboon2Ageif that will work for other people04:17
pleia2I can't get down there that early, but have fun :)04:18
nUboon2Agewell i could make it 7-8 then pleia204:18
pleia2see what other people say, I suspect some people will be coming from work around there and earlier will work *shrug*04:19
nUboon2Agepleia2: well don't forget jledbetter will be there and i'm sure she'd love to meet you.04:19
nUboon2Agepleia2: come again please04:19
nUboon2Agepleia2: jledbetter will be visiting from Virgina04:20
pleia2when are you planning to have this ubuntu hour?04:20
nUboon2Ageoh, yeah i forgot to say the day. doh!04:20
nUboon2AgeThur Dec. 30th, 7-804:21
pleia2ah ok04:21
pleia2hmm, no boyfriend at work that day so I can probably take the car04:22
nUboon2Agethere was a photo of Mark Zuckerburg at Antonio's Nut House in Time magazine last week.04:24
nUboon2Ageapparently the Facebook crowd hangs out there04:24
akkSaw a great post about Zuckerburg (sort of) on Twitter RT'ed by Cat Allman: "Being named Coolest Person of the Year by Time is basically equivalent to being called Astrophysicist of the Year by Cat Fancy Mag"04:25
nUboon2Ageoops, i mispelled his name.  i guess its Zuckerberg.  and the article about him being Time mag's Man of the Year has a photo of him in Antonio's Nut House.04:28
nUboon2Agei enjoyed the movie "Social Network" about the origins of Facebook.04:29
seidosnUboon2Age, a lot of people liked the movie, i think i know enough about facebook's history though without seeing it.  i laughed at this article from the onion on zuckerberg today:  http://www.theonion.com/articles/mark-zuckerberg-gotta-hand-it-to-the-little-fucker,18633/  it was just so...i dunno, unapologetic.04:54
seidosanyway,  night all04:54
jledbetterWow. That place really does have character.14:44
seidosyeah, if the irc channel is any indication, i don't think noisebridge is for me17:22
akkWhat's the irc channel like?17:26
pleia2seidos: it's not, I like noisebridge but their channel is awful :(17:32
pleia2akk: very immature, frequently offensive17:32
* pleia2 stopped joining17:32
seidosi guess a visit is in order then.  perhaps in january17:32
pleia2seidos: you should come out on a wednesday night some time, that's linux night so you can be greeted by some familiar faces :)17:33
seidosi'm going to be in the union square area today, but i don't know the city well enough to navigate to mission from there17:33
seidosoh, okay, cool pleia2.  hopefully i remember that.17:34
pleia2from there you walk down powell toward market and take BART to 16th and mission17:34
seidosi also want to start going to the zen center in the city.17:34
seidosi am walking pleia2.17:34
seidosand i could look it up on google maps, but then i'd have to remember the directions ^_^.  i am taking my sweet time, i am in no rush.17:36
pleia2mission is just one street past market17:37
pleia2powell > cross market and take 5th street down to mission17:37
pleia2that'll put you at 5th and mission, noisebridge is 17th and mission17:37
sn9at least the channel is still better than the mailing lists17:45
seidosoh, your good intentions reminds me of something.17:45
seidoshow's everybody doing?17:45
seidosmailing lists worse than the channel?  that's a bummer.17:46
pleia2it's sunny out today, how lovely :)17:46
pleia2their mailing list is at least sometimes informative (I just skip the bickering threads, as usual)17:47
pleia2and the announce list is good17:47
sn9skipping the bickering is possible?17:47
pleia2I find the channel completely useless17:47
seidossomeone was working on some regexp yesterday in the channel17:47
pleia2sn9: yes, there are several lists I have to do it on ;)17:47
seidosi thought that was kind of interesting17:47
seidoscouldn't solve the problem though17:47
pleia2when I first moved here they only had one op in the channel who would randomly op people, who would also randomly op people, and then kick people for the lulz17:48
seidosi don't know, it's just that "shock jock"/"trollish" vibe...i just don't find it amusing, even though i think that's what they're going for.17:49
pleia2yeah, same17:49
seidosmaybe i'm out of touch now that i'm older17:49
pleia2my initial reaction was "I am not cool enough for noisebridge"17:49
sn9sounds like a bot17:50
pleia2(I still sorta feel that way to some extent, but it helps to know people there)17:50
seidoshmmm, i think my initial reaction was "i should probably shut my mouth and not say anything in this channel", but then i had to go and ruin it and type something17:51
pleia2oh I don't talk for weeks upon initial join of a channel17:51
seidosthat's a wise policy.  check the logs later?  not a bad idea.17:52
sn9for #ubuntu?17:52
pleia2I usually like getting a feel for a place before jumping in17:52
seidosgah, #ubuntu, that's probably a good idea.  though i'm not sure how useful i will be to end users.  i'm still running karmic.17:53
seidossometimes speaking is a great way to get a feel for the place.17:53
pleia2sn9: #ubuntu is a support channel, not really the same as a team or social channel like here or #noisebridge17:53
pleia2seidos: I'm shy :) speaking is *never* a great way for me to do anything!17:54
sn9i find it to be an absolutely superb way for me to make an ass of myself17:54
seidospleia2, i am dr. jekyll and mr. hyde.  it all depends on how smoothly i want societal affair to go.17:55
pleia2I only break out of wallflower when I have a purpose (like helping run an event, or booth, or am doing a talk) and even then it's very difficult and draining17:56
seidosah, if that were true, then i'd probably never say anything, which is quite challenging.17:56
seidosi have this silly notion quite often that i actually possess valuable information in my cerebral cortex that should be transmitted.17:57
pleia2yeah, that's how I used to be, then I learned that I could help with stuff and that it helped overcome the shyness, was hoping that getting more involved would fix my shyness all around17:57
akk"Someone is wrong on the internet!"17:58
seidoshow did you learn you could "help with stuff" pleia2?17:58
seidosi have no delusions that anything i do can really be construed as "helping".  self-improvement, maybe.  but helping?  ehhhh17:59
pleia2seidos: started with work, I realized I wasn't shy at work17:59
pleia2the lug in philly was always asking people to help out, so I pitched in there17:59
pleia2eventually became the coordinator for the whole thing17:59
seidospleia2, ah, i see.  we're talking about shyness and i'm talking about practical tasks ^_^.  you don't seem shy to me.  you just seem...normal.18:00
seidosperhaps your shyness is more a feeling more than a character trait.18:00
pleia2I think every time we've met I've been playing organizational person18:00
pleia2if we met at a party... we probably wouldn't have met, I'd be hiding :)18:01
seidosi used to be *very* shy.  but school, work, karaoke, dancing, bars, clubs put a stop to that.18:01
seidoswell, if we met at a party, we probably wouldn't have met because i tend to just watch people at parties these days.18:02
seidoser, went to a party, not met at a party.18:02
seidossorry, my mind is on making the meal.  i should get on that.18:02
seidosactually, i think i should probably be more shy, or at least reserved.  observe and learn, that kind of thing.  i kind of went from extremely shy, to extremely vocal, bordering on obnoxious.  it's difficult to find the right balance.18:16

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