
wrstcyberanger: another exciting night in here?03:28
cyberangeryeah, a riot03:29
wrstha ha where has everyone gone?03:29
wrsti don't know i'm installing natty at the moment03:30
* cyberanger waits for it03:31
wrstwatis for???03:31
cyberangerit, the moment of trouble03:32
cyberangerwhich has been summoned by metioning an alpha release03:32
wrstha ha well my moment of trouble came when i erased the wrong partition last week :)03:34
cyberangeryes, well, you invoked it again03:34
cyberangeras did I just a moment ago, only I was referring to sid03:35
wrstahh how is that going for you ?03:37
cyberangerHouston, we have a problem03:37
wrstwell i am running 10.10, Arch, and natty, so ... :)03:38
cyberangerHouston: Don't you guys ever call just to say hello03:38
wrstcyberanger: i'm going to restart... hopefully brb!03:39
cyberangeractually, so far no smoke, no fire, no explosions03:39
wrsthmm well i have a funky looking lunity03:42
wrstuhh unity03:42
wrstnow all the sudden its back to right... hmmm03:43
cyberangerlunity, you mean lunicy03:48
wrstwell i hope i don't cyberanger  :)03:49
cyberangerugh, spelling fail03:49
cyberangeroh well, you got the joke03:49
tleeonlyanyone on here06:03
elijah-mbphi there06:12
elijah-mbpsome of us seem to be!06:12
elijah-mbp'course, people have a bad habit of not marking /away.. depending on what they use for a client.06:12
cyberangerand some of us step outside for 15 minutes, chat on other channels, and don't stay online long enough for an answer (just shy of 2 minutes, ugh)06:19
cyberangerjust casue IRC stands for INSTANT Relay Chat doesn't mean one can't wait a litte bit06:20
chris4585I don't see the point in /away06:26
cyberangerwell, some clients show it in channel, some don't06:26
elijah-mbpi'm pretty unstructured and not very talented at setting my status on any IM or chat sort of medium06:26
chris4585regardless I don't use anything like that for any kind of client06:26
elijah-mbpi'm lucky if the screensaver kicks on and it marks me away.06:27
cyberangermy case I'm just here too often06:31
cyberangerbut a guy can spend 15 minutes eating, or something06:31
wrstkernel panic... haven't had that in a while13:22
cyberangerwhoops, did I do that, sorry wrst, my hacks have been known to scare an innocent kernel14:35
wrstthis was natry after updating cyberanger15:15
wrsthmm cyberanger i mean it was a natty update :)16:02
wrstnatty natry whatever its all alpha16:21
wrstand i consider Arch my stable distro right now :)16:21
wrstwb chris458518:59
chris4585thanks wrst19:09
wrsthow are things going chris4585 ?19:12
chris4585wrst, alright, just woke up and fixed a bowl of chef boyardee19:14
wrstha ha sounds like hte life chris4585  :)19:18
chris4585it is19:18
chris4585only if it could be 20 degrees lower I'd be happy19:18
wrstwell we are waiting on snow maybe for Christmas i think19:20
chris4585ah, that would be nice19:22
wrstyeah i think just a couple of inches but should be nice if it happens19:25
chibihogoshinocyberanger: did you ever think about compressing the /usr dir to get more space with your project ?20:03
chibihogoshinoi was reading this and it seams interesting .. http://www.itech7.com/compression/Speed-up-your-Linux-box-by-compressing-usr20:04

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