
Morganvdanyone hear06:11
Morganvdanyone here06:14
inetproMorganvd: I'm not sure, why?06:16
inetprogood morning Morganvd06:16
Morganvdwanted to know if anyone knows how something was done06:16
Morganvdmorning inetpro 06:17
inetproMorganvd: don't ask to ask, just ask06:17
Morganvdk sorry06:17
Morganvdanyone know what pannels they used06:18
Morganvdto make the mock ups06:18
inetproMorganvd: it's Gnome 3 by the looks of it06:19
Morganvdits not the first time i have seen the pannels06:19
Morganvdit was just a easier way to show what i was looking for06:19
inetprolooks nice06:20
nlsthzninetpro: Morning... 06:20
inetpronlsthzn: heh, how is you this morning06:20
superflyMorganvd: most mockups are done competely in Photoshop06:20
nlsthznMorganvd: morning06:20
nlsthznsuperfly: morning06:20
nlsthznlol, 06:20
inetpromorning superfly06:20
superflymorning nlsthzn06:20
nlsthzninetpro: Good... just had a nice winters walk...06:20
MorganvdMorning all06:20
inetpronlsthzn: winters walk in summer?06:21
* nlsthzn leanrs from Morganvd example :p06:21
Morganvdi understand that superfly but i have seen some screen shots of other things with the pannels like that06:21
nlsthzninetpro: winter in the northern hemi... but feels like spring/early summer now...06:21
inetpronlsthzn: is it cold?06:22
* inetpro having breakfast06:22
Morganvdhaha when you search google it always come back with gnome shell 06:25
Morganvdand i realy hate it06:25
Morganvdi would rather go to KDE than use gnome shell06:25
Morganvdneed a reboot06:26
superflyI would rather go KDE than anything else :-P06:26
nlsthznMaaz: tell inetpro 16degC but going to a high of 27 today (nights are chilly!)06:26
Maaznlsthzn: Righto, I'll tell inetpro on freenode06:26
Morganvdi know that superfly 06:26
nlsthznsuperfly: I am back on KDE... seems it has grown on me...06:26
Morganvdim tried the netbook adition06:27
Morganvdbut i was battling to do random stuff06:27
Morganvdthanks i need a spell checker06:27
Morganvdi have 5 kids that are on holiday i need rest06:27
Maazinetpro: By the way, nlsthzn on freenode told me "tell inetpro 16degC but going to a high of 27 today (nights are chilly!)" 23 minutes and 11 seconds ago06:49
=== plustwo is now known as deegee
inetprodeegee: wb06:51
deegeegood morning06:51
inetproMorganvd: just forget about gnome and use KDE, it's just so much better :-)06:52
inetprogood morning deegee06:53
deegeeinetpro: hello06:53
fwolffhi everybody. I'm trying to fix someone's broken Ubuntu 10.10 system, and need help restoring grub08:05
fwolffI booted from a 10.04 usb stick, ran grub-install, and no errors were reported08:05
fwolffI rebooted, and there is no grub showing at all, and nothing happening08:06
fwolffI booted again from the usb stick, and tried to use the grub-install from the installed 10.04 partition, but then grub-mkimage complains about "invalid ELF header"08:06
fwolffso it seems that grub changed the way it compiles its binaries or something, but I'm out of ideas08:06
fwolffanyone who can help?08:07
superflyfwolff: did they upgrade their system from previous versions of Ubuntu?08:11
somaunnhello guys08:11
fwolffno, it was a clean install of 10.1008:11
superflyhi somaunn08:11
fwolffnetbook edition, if that matters08:11
somaunni want to know it's good or not to run ubuntu on old presario 1200 with 32Mb of RAM08:12
somaunnit's actually running Win 200008:12
superflysomaunn: you might need to use one of the cut-down versions like Lubuntu08:12
superflyfwolff: there was a change in 10.04 I think to grub208:12
superflyit would be better trying to do a fix using 10.10 if you can08:13
somaunnsuperfly, is that light ubuntu faster and better than Xubuntu08:13
superflysomaunn: I'm not sure08:13
somaunnbecause i actually have xubuntu iso08:15
superflyyou can try it, but xubuntu uses GTK, which can be quite heavy08:16
somaunnsuperfly, thanks for help will download and try it08:17
somaunnbye, guys08:17
somaunnhello guys14:56
fwolffsuperfly: 10.10 did the trick14:58
superflyfwolff: ah, figured it might15:03
superflyhi somaunn15:03
somaunnhi superfly 15:12
somaunni'm actually working on project 15:12
somaunni want to make a web calendar or online calendar15:13
superflysomaunn: just for fun?15:13
somaunnno for work15:13
somaunnwant all my colleagues and partners to be able to browse it15:14
superflysomaunn: phpcalendar is one of many open source solutions out there...?15:20
* inetpro attempting an upgrade of the latest kde on lucid via kubuntu-ppa/ppa18:44
* inetpro don't see a difference but am now on KDE 4.4.5 up from 4.4.219:50

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