
dean_there's synth plugin #1 - like #20 somethin lol00:11
dean_it says I have hexter downloaded in the terminal but it doesn't show it there00:12
dean_nevermind got it working :D00:13
dean_I assume you can use a midi keyboard with ZynAddSubFX?00:33
Pablo1Use patchage or qjackctl to make connections in the alsa (=alsa midi) tab00:41
Pablo1I mean: in qjackctl, alsa tab. In patchage, green connections00:42
meadhikarii do not create music nor I am a designer but i really liked the screenshot of ubuntustudio am I thinking right of replacing Ubuntu 10.10 by ubuntustudio08:58
=== thomas____ is now known as thomasevd
thomasevdhaving problems with usb logitech headset any solutions? thnx20:03
holsteinhey thomasevd21:33
holsteinplug it in21:33
holsteinrun lsusb in a terminal21:33
holsteinsee if you see the device listed21:34
holsteinif you do, run21:34
holsteinaplay -l21:34
holsteinsee if you see it there21:34
thomasevdthanks will try21:34
holsteinand let us know... and we'll go from there21:34
thomasevdok it shows up as card 4:21:36
thomasevdBus 002 Device 005: ID 046d:0a0b Logitech, Inc. ClearChat Pro USB21:37
holsteinthats good news21:37
holsteinwhat about21:38
holsteinaplay -l21:38
holsteinthere too?21:38
thomasevdcard 4: Headset [Logitech USB Headset], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]21:39
holsteinthat usually means its 'use-able'21:39
holsteinwhat are you trying to do with it?21:39
thomasevdanything really21:39
holsteinif i were doing something normal21:39
holsteinlike skype or something21:40
thomasevdI use mobile pre usb for sound out21:40
holsteini would probably just try and choose it in the gnome sound manager21:40
holsteinin pulse21:40
holsteinif i were using JACK21:40
thomasevdbut for editing, twinkle etc its useful to have phones ..21:40
holsteini would just select it like you did the mobile pre in JACK21:40
holsteinIF you want to use multiple cards in JACK21:40
holsteinyou'll have to ask over in #opensourcemusicians21:41
holsteini know a couple guys there do that21:41
holsteini would probably just choose it in JACK21:41
thomasevdok when i select it in soundmanager nothing happens ..21:41
holsteinand try something with it21:41
holsteinthomasevd: when you select it in soundmanager21:41
holsteinwhat app are you trying to use?21:42
holsteinmaybe audacity?21:42
holsteinor something easy...21:42
thomasevdok so sound preferences select ClearChat21:43
thomasevdtrying to play something in mplayer and no sound ...21:43
thomasevdworks when i select back to M-Audio21:43
thomasevdheadset works fine with anything on my windows netbook ...21:46
holsteinso we know the hardware works..21:46
thomasevdhm in sound preferences ..21:47
thomasevdclearchat does not show a speaker icon, while m-aduio etc. does21:48
thomasevddon't know if that has any meaning ..21:48
holsteinso you got 4 cards then?21:49
holsteininternal, the maudio, this head set, and?21:49
thomasevdone sec21:49
holstein^^ read that21:51
holsteindont do it yet though21:51
thomasevdlisted as internal auio21:51
holsteinlet me keep looking...21:51
thomasevdyeah i saw that ...21:52
thomasevdfunny thing is before i was ubuntustudio, i had a straight debian installation21:52
thomasevdand it worked fine ...21:52
holsteini dont really know what to do21:55
holsteinunless we get into kernels21:55
thomasevdhm me neither21:55
holsteinthis really isnt an ubuntustudio thing though21:55
holsteinso you could 'cast a wider net'21:55
thomasevdhm I understand21:55
holstein#opensourcmusicians too21:56
thomasevdI will keep an eye on the forum thread ...21:56
holsteinlots of smart guys over there21:56
thomasevdok thanks for all your help21:56
holsteingood luck21:56
thomasevdgroan! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146927622:40
thomasevdsettings  where set at 0 for some reason on alsa mixer ....22:41
ScottLif he was talking about what i think, it's set at 0 to prevent people from blowing speakers23:42

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