
dvanstonelater fella's00:12
LKand THAT is why I want to ditch Windows >.<00:19
cafejunkieQuick question. What does GNOME use for sound that xfce (and lxde) does not? Had GNOME, installed xfce and lxde. Sound works fine in gnome not in the other two. ALSA settings OK, finds soundcard, nothing muted, pulseaudio is started and running00:43
cafejunkieI also tried eSound insted of pulseaudo, still nothing00:44
charlie-tcaYou have to turn it on in Xubuntu00:45
charlie-tcagnome does it by default00:45
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:45
mustafahi someone can help me?03:14
psycho_oreos!ask | mustafa03:16
ubottumustafa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:16
psycho_oreosand again you have not told us what sort of dvdr is it03:16
mustafaok ı am new and ı use x ubuntu my dvdr not working ı tried alot but didnt worked03:17
mustafaqsi dvdr03:17
psycho_oreosI presume it cannot read any type of discs you put in?03:19
mustafano answer from it03:20
mustafano signs03:20
mustafahow can ı know wheather it is installed or nor03:21
mustafadev cdrom is empty03:21
mustafais there a program that ı can seee the hardware of me which is installed on xubuntu03:23
psycho_oreostry doing ls -alh /dev/cdrom03:23
mustafaı dont know if dvdr is installed or not03:23
psycho_oreosI don't know the GUI frontend but lshw comes in handy03:24
mustafals: cannot access /dev/cdrom: No such file or directory03:25
psycho_oreosmost likely the device is not supported/detected03:25
mustafadescription: IDE interface03:26
mustafa             product: 82801GBM/GHM (ICH7 Family) SATA IDE Controller03:26
mustafa             vendor: Intel Corporation03:26
mustafa             physical id: 1f.203:26
mustafa             bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.203:26
mustafa             version: 0203:26
mustafa             width: 32 bits03:26
mustafa             clock: 66MHz03:26
mustafa             capabilities: ide bus_master cap_list03:26
mustafa             configuration: driver=ata_piix latency=003:26
mustafa             resources: irq:19 ioport:1f0(size=8) ioport:3f6 ioport:170(size=8) ioport:376 ioport:18b0(size=16)03:26
mustafa        *-serial UNCLAIMED03:26
mustafa             description: SMBus03:26
mustafa             product: N10/ICH 7 Family SMBus Controller03:26
mustafa             vendor: Intel Corporation03:26
mustafa             physical id: 1f.303:26
mustafa             bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.303:26
mustafa             version: 0203:26
mustafa             width: 32 bits03:26
mustafa             clock: 33MHz03:26
mustafa             configuration: latency=003:26
mustafa             resources: ioport:18c0(size=32)03:26
psycho_oreosdo not paste into the channel03:26
mustafahow can ı solve this proglem03:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:27
psycho_oreosand that was only a portion of the output03:27
mustafawhat shall ı do now03:28
psycho_oreoswhich version of xubuntu are you running now?03:28
psycho_oreoswell you haven't mentioned the model number of the dvdr device03:30
mustafaı dont kno it hw can ı find it03:30
psycho_oreosyou need to pastebin the output of lshw using sudo03:31
mustafaı can look to the bios03:31
psycho_oreosthere is no need to03:31
psycho_oreospci is not the model number03:32
psycho_oreos!caps | mustafa03:34
ubottumustafa: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:34
psycho_oreosand like I said, paste your output of lshw into pastebin, then paste me the link03:35
mustafaPaste from mustafa at Wed, 22 Dec 2010 22:36:34 +100003:36
mustafais it ok ım new03:36
psycho_oreosI need the link to the pastebin link03:37
psycho_oreosthe one that you pasted03:37
mustafaı cant make it03:38
mustafacan ı paste here03:39
psycho_oreosonly the link, not the output03:39
psycho_oreosthe link should be available in the address bar03:39
mustafait want s an account03:40
mustafacan you wait03:40
mustafafor a while03:40
psycho_oreosno pastebin should ask for an account, the account creation is optional03:42
mustafaPaste from mustafa at Thu, 23 Dec 2010 03:44:45 +010003:45
mustafajust this03:45
psycho_oreosthat isn't useful, that is not a link03:46
mustafanothing else happens03:46
psycho_oreoswhich website did you use?03:46
mustafapaste ubuntu . com03:46
freebirdi have a freash install and during boot its saying that kernal isn't found and then finishes boot any ideals ?03:47
psycho_oreoswhen you hit paste, notice how the link in the address bar changes, paste the link from the address bar into the channel03:48
mustafaı have a girl and she is upset she cant watch cartoons :D03:50
freebirdis any techies online03:51
psycho_oreosthe cdrom device isn't even detected via lshw, it might even be externally connected or might not be powered on due to acpi restrictions03:52
psycho_oreosfreebird, which version of xubuntu?03:52
mustafait is connected03:52
freebirdpsycho_oreos, 10.1003:52
mustafaacpi restrictions how can be done :D,03:53
psycho_oreosmustafa, connected how? via usb?03:53
mustafain the laptop03:53
freebirdpsycho_oreos,  ty for replying03:53
psycho_oreosfreebird, weird, kernel isn't found could mean that there was something wrong with the installation03:53
freebirdknome,  hey bro03:54
psycho_oreosmustafa, well according to lshw output the dvdr device isn't detected03:54
mustafawhat shall ı do03:54
psycho_oreosmustafa, try to use another laptop/computer or some external dvd drive03:54
mustafait works in wista03:55
psycho_oreosthere might be an option of disabling acpi via grub03:55
freebirdpsycho_oreos,  thats what i thought i redid it 3 times and it does same thing i'm mind boggled about if kernal not there it shouldn't boot03:55
mustafait works everywhere but not in xubuntu03:56
mustafado ı have to buy onother dvdr03:56
psycho_oreosfreebird, well, if grub is installed, you get grub bootloader that's standard process, but for kernel to go missing could either mean it wasn't installed properly or somehow grub got the wrong config line for kernel03:56
psycho_oreosmustafa, you could try disabling acpi to see if it helps03:56
mustafahow can ı disable it03:56
psycho_oreosyou need to edit the grub.cfg file iirc and append noacpi into kernel line03:57
freebirdok i'll google how to do that03:57
mustafacan you write this03:57
mustafain terminal03:57
freebirdpsycho_oreos,  ty03:57
psycho_oreosfreebird, nw03:58
mustafasudo gedit grup.cfg iüs ok :D03:58
psycho_oreosits not grup.cfg03:59
psycho_oreosand it sits in a different location: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:59
mustafacan you write it to me04:00
mustafaı cant find04:04
mustafasudo gedit iirc04:05
mustafawhat shall ı write04:05
mustafaare you ther04:07
mustafaits closed in bios?04:09
mustafaı will re boot to close it in bios04:11
psycho_oreosits got nothing to do with bios04:11
mustafaon the net it says so04:11
mustafawhat do ı have to do04:12
psycho_oreosgive the online suggestion a try into disabling acpi via bios and if that doesn't work, disable it via linux kernel04:13
mustafaı cant disable it04:14
mustafaım new04:14
mustafapls write the terminal words for it04:15
psycho_oreossaying that you're new isn't going to get you anywhere, what I would do is to start reading the link I posted before in regards to grub204:15
psycho_oreosor if you want a fuss free way, get an external dvd drive04:16
mustafaı readed it but it is very complicated04:16
mustafaı think you wont help me any more04:17
mustafathanks for your help good night04:17
saintlyhello all05:34
cinmoonthe 248GB NTFS partition my raw disk image only has about 20GB used, but gparted is only letting me shave off 10MB. I'd like it down to 100GB.06:40
xubuntu112hi all07:34
Sysicinmoon: it's propably fragmented08:47
MorphixNWcan anyone recommend a good distribution thing, that I can dedicate usage of a computer too?11:44
MorphixNWthe ones where they use the idle time to work on new stuff11:44
well_laid_lawnsomething like folding@home ?11:46
MorphixNWnot following you bud11:48
Sysijust pick one11:49
Sysirenderfarm or something11:49
MorphixNWthere are so many, I want it to be a good cause :)11:49
Sysi"good" is dependant on you11:50
MorphixNWnot really lol11:50
Sysiit is11:50
MorphixNWbut yeah, but you know what I mean11:50
Sysixubuntu is low-spwc thing, we don't know how to led extra we don't have :P11:51
MorphixNWis there no xubuntu thing I can dedicate it too?11:51
well_laid_lawna list of boinc projects - http://boinc.berkeley.edu/projects.php12:00
YcareneI'm trying to install xubuntu on a machine, it boots to the cd and presents me with a menu, I can navigate it, but nothing happens when I press enter, enter works in other parts of the menu like language selection though.12:47
MorphixNWwhat socket type would a P4 Dual Core be?12:54
Sysipentium 4 dualcore? WTF12:57
well_laid_lawnthat's the pentium D iirc so it is socket 77512:58
MorphixNW775 is right :)13:01
MorphixNWis it possible to get a 775 board that will take DDR3?13:02
well_laid_lawnI doubt it13:02
SysiYcarene: for how long? have you tried couple times and and checked the cd13:05
YcareneYeah, the cd works fine of a different machine.13:06
YcareneI'm trying to set up a "new" machine that I've acquired.13:06
YcareneIt's probably the computer, but I wanted to see if there was a known issue first before scrapping the project.13:06
well_laid_lawnchecked it using a different live cd?13:07
YcareneI could try an arch linux cd I have laying around, one sec.13:07
well_laid_lawnwoot Archlinux :)13:08
MorphixNWwill xubuntu 10.10 run well on: AMD Barton 2500+ and 1.25GB DDR RAM?13:56
MorphixNWbetter or worse than: Intel C700 1.6Ghz and 1GB DDR2 RAM?13:56
MorphixNWis there any bench marking software out there?14:00
well_laid_lawnmy guess is it would be better14:00
charlie-tcashould run well on either one of those14:01
MorphixNWI am currently running on the later spec'd so14:02
MorphixNWbut I have the parts for the first spec'd just laying around14:02
MorphixNWbut its the AMD vs INTEL question and the difference not only in the amount of RAM but the different types of RAM also14:03
MorphixNWI want to do something really crazy lol, I have too much time and too many parts just laying idle, I need a project that is just whacky :)14:05
MorphixNWgentoo? I heard the name but thats about it14:06
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)14:06
Sysithey have great installation manual, tens of pages. Already sorry for offtopic14:07
MorphixNWofftopic a tad, but its dead in here.... still sitting waiting a question :)14:12
MorphixNWSysi: how would gentoo be a crazy project?14:21
Sysisee that installation manual14:22
knomeMorphixNW, start working with xfce :P14:44
SysiWoW :D (wouldn't run on that)14:46
MorphixNWI have been googling without much success.... I am looking for a good guide to help me install ubuntu from usb15:09
Sysimenu -> system → create starup disk15:09
MorphixNWawesome thats what I wanted to hear15:11
MorphixNWhmmm only I dont have that option in System15:11
MorphixNWsorry, yes I do its just called something slightly different15:12
MorphixNW"Startup Disk Creator"15:12
charlie-tcaThere is also http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/11/07/ubuntu-from-your-flash-drive-easier-than-ever-before/15:13
MorphixNWcharlie-tca: perfect thank you15:14
MorphixNWhey ShootEmUp15:26
ShootEmUpwhats up?15:26
MorphixNWnot much15:26
MorphixNWworking on another ubuntu machine15:26
ShootEmUpCool, whatcha going to do to it?15:27
MorphixNWI have an old HP Compaq IPAQ Desktop15:27
MorphixNWPIII 1000Mhz and 512MB SDRAM15:27
ShootEmUpyup, right on the borderline between ubuntu & xubuntu15:28
MorphixNWit had a Celeron 700 in it earlier, but I got tons of parts so I beefed it up some15:28
ShootEmUpyou could go either way with no problems15:28
MorphixNWwell I am heading for Xubuntu-Alternative-10.1015:28
ShootEmUpgood idea15:29
ShootEmUpwhat kind of internet? wireless or wired>15:29
MorphixNWso should be a breeze15:29
MorphixNWonboard NIC, Video and Sound15:30
ShootEmUpyup, only thing is video card. should work but they do have issues sometimes15:30
ShootEmUpscrach that15:30
MorphixNWif this "startup disk creator" turns out as easy as it should, well, I got lots more machine to bring back to life15:30
ShootEmUpyou installing via USB drive?15:31
MorphixNWyes, no CDROM15:31
MorphixNWproblems with that method?15:32
ShootEmUpOkay, just make sure it can, My can but you have to go to the boot selector to do it15:32
MorphixNWhmm good point15:32
MorphixNWhavent checked that yet15:32
ShootEmUpDoes it have a floppy drive?15:32
MorphixNWnope, once upon a time it had a CDROM, but it was none standard (laptop drive) so the connector is not IDE15:33
dr4c4nput the distro on a usb key and boot :D15:34
ShootEmUpWhat OS is on it right now?15:34
dr4c4nah.. someone else pointed that out above me, my bad15:34
MorphixNWcurrently no OS15:35
ShootEmUpyeah some BIOSs can't boot from USB15:35
MorphixNWI got a four screen setup, but currently only one working :)15:35
ShootEmUpdepends really15:35
MorphixNWI want them all to do something15:35
ShootEmUp4 screens!?! what are you going to do with 4 screens15:36
dr4c4nMorphixNW: collaborative or individual something(s)15:36
MorphixNWyes it can boot from usb device15:36
ShootEmUpsweet, your good to go15:36
MorphixNWdr4c4n: not decided yet15:36
MorphixNWI have the hardware for either15:36
dr4c4nsweet, did u get that pos touchscreen working?15:36
dr4c4nhow many toys u got ;) lol.. just kidding15:37
MorphixNWwould really love that working as it would cut down the amount of mice/kbs15:37
dr4c4nI think it's great you are setting them all up15:37
MorphixNWI got way too much stuff mate15:37
ShootEmUpme to15:37
MorphixNWI cant bin working parts so :)15:37
dr4c4nshall I post my mail drop?? parts are welcome ;)15:38
MorphixNWI will turn one into a SmoothWall15:38
MorphixNWdedicated firewall15:38
dr4c4nsweet thx 4 the link15:38
MorphixNWand I think possibly a FreeNAS box too15:38
MorphixNWand maybe even a FreePBX15:39
dr4c4nwoot.. connected and well boxed15:39
MorphixNWmaybe I could run a free opensource VOIP service :P15:39
MorphixNWpeople ask me why I do all this and have so much stuff, my answer is always "WHY NOT?" :P15:39
MorphixNWwhat you guys think of a ubuntu voip service of some kind? is that even possible?15:40
ShootEmUphe could host a TS3 server15:41
MorphixNWwould there be a call/need for such a thing15:41
MorphixNWsip maybe yeah15:41
MorphixNWwould be nice to host something useful and used by others, could even turn into a project of its own15:41
dr4c4nsounds kewl15:41
ShootEmUpsound awesome15:42
MorphixNWI have the drive to do this stuff, but my knowledge of ubuntu is all new and not very deep yet lol15:42
MorphixNWI have the time and resources15:42
ShootEmUpthats what these IRCs are for15:43
ShootEmUpTo help peoples knowlage15:43
MorphixNWso where would one start with a ubuntu SIP server?15:43
MorphixNWI have a couple of Compaq Proliant Dual CPU Servers15:44
dr4c4nlol @ ShootEmUp15:45
dr4c4nnice link. btw it's funny how some results are different from different areas for different ppl now15:46
MorphixNWvery true15:46
ShootEmUpthought It would help15:46
dr4c4nI gotta get back to werk ttyl, good luck setting up all ur bits n' bobs MorphixNW15:46
MorphixNWok thank you dr4c4n15:47
ShootEmUpopensips.org seems like a good site15:47
ShootEmUpyou should look into it15:48
MorphixNWis it strange too know that "sudo apt-get install asterisk" works?15:48
ShootEmUpwhats it do?15:48
MorphixNWasterisk pbx15:48
ShootEmUpubottu knows nothing15:49
well_laid_lawn!info asterisk15:49
ubottuasterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (maverick), package size 3488 kB, installed size 9820 kB15:49
MorphixNWyuk what a messes link sorry15:49
ShootEmUpthanks well_laid_lawn15:49
well_laid_lawnheh np :)15:50
MorphixNWwhat you reckon ShootEmUp?15:50
MorphixNWah what the heck, ill let it do the install :)15:51
MorphixNWhow bad can it be lol15:51
MorphixNWits in the repos15:51
ShootEmUpcan't hurt15:51
MorphixNWtoo much ;)15:51
ShootEmUpIDK, this is not my area of expertese15:52
MorphixNWnor mine15:52
MorphixNWnew ground is always good15:52
MorphixNWotherwise we would all be using Bindows lol15:52
ShootEmUpain't that the truth15:53
MorphixNWanyone know when 11.04 will be release?15:53
ShootEmUpapirl 201115:53
MorphixNWsounds good15:53
MorphixNWis it possible to upgrade without a reinstall?15:53
MorphixNWdangerous or?15:54
ShootEmUpwarrning!! it can break your ubuntu15:54
ShootEmUpcause errors15:54
Sysiit *should* not15:54
ShootEmUpnot destroy any thing, but screw up your system15:54
Sysibut yes, it can15:55
ShootEmUpwhat he said15:55
MorphixNWgood backup util?15:56
ShootEmUp"The Ubuntu 11.04 is the 14th release of  Ubuntu. Natty Narwhal shall be released on 28 th April, the coming year 2011."15:56
ShootEmUpfound it finaly15:56
MorphixNWanyone know of a decent backup utility?15:57
Sysicp -a15:57
ShootEmUpQtDSync for GUI people15:57
ShootEmUpbackup to internet? or to differant hard disk?15:58
SysiQt sounds kde-program15:58
MorphixNWthanks guys15:58
ShootEmUpIDK if its in the repos15:58
ShootEmUpIts not, so try something else first15:59
ShootEmUp!info gtkrsync16:00
ubottugtkrsync (source: gtkrsync): GUI front-end to display rsync status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2643 kB, installed size 12540 kB16:00
ShootEmUprsync is the best backup tool16:02
ShootEmUpbut is command line16:02
Sysiit doesn't mean hard16:02
MorphixNWanyone got a board with lots RAM slots? DDR16:03
MorphixNWi got a whole stack of 128MB DDR strips16:04
charlie-tcaI already have too many16:05
MorphixNWlol me too16:06
ShootEmUpI tell you what you should do with your spare computer parts, build a File/Printer server for your house16:06
ShootEmUpfile and printer share across your house16:07
MorphixNWI got one of those16:07
MorphixNWnext is a firewall16:07
MorphixNWmaybe a freenas16:07
MorphixNWI have a Compaq Proliant PL800 (true server) that is not in use, I think that will be the freenas as I have a Compaq Drive Array as well16:08
MorphixNWhmmm this machine isnt likking the idea of a usb boot16:11
oCatacooMorphix what is up?16:11
oCatacooMorphix why would the machine likk16:12
ShootEmUpNot booting?16:13
MorphixNWignoring it16:13
ShootEmUpyou set it up right?16:13
oCatacoowhat is the machine spec16:14
ShootEmUpyou know how to get into your BIOS settings?16:14
MorphixNWclearly not lol16:14
MorphixNWI can bring up the boot menu16:14
MorphixNWand choose usb16:14
MorphixNWbut nothing after that16:14
oCatacoowhat machine spec16:15
MorphixNWPIII 1Ghz, 512MB16:15
ShootEmUpI guess you should try UNetBootIn16:15
ShootEmUpdo you have a windows computer?16:16
ShootEmUp!info unetbootin16:16
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 471-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 274 kB, installed size 808 kB16:16
ShootEmUpohh didn't it was for linux to16:17
charlie-tcaum, yes, we don't recommend anything be done through windows, if we can help it.16:17
ShootEmUpif you are using the alternate install CD to make the USB, you might have problems because of that16:18
MorphixNWhow so?16:18
ShootEmUpLive CDs work better16:18
Sysialternate disks work differently16:18
oCatacoosticks are more versitile16:18
ShootEmUpatleast with UNetbootin16:19
Sysithey do the installation in a bit different way16:19
MorphixNWgreat so now I have to download another big file16:20
oCatacooMorphix what are you downloading it on a phone?16:21
MorphixNWnot all all no. broadband16:22
oCatacoolow disc space?16:22
MorphixNWnope, just that I have only just downloaded the alternate install16:24
MorphixNWmore of pain rather than a problem16:24
oCatacoowell that happens16:24
MorphixNWok download is done16:24
ShootEmUpsorry, should hve told you it might not work.16:24
MorphixNWdont stress :)16:25
ShootEmUpI didn't think of it16:25
MorphixNWnow back to the "startup disk creator"16:25
ShootEmUpshould work now16:25
MorphixNWlearnt how not too do it if nothing else hahahaha16:25
jewardIs there an easy way to list th proprietary drivers installed?16:26
oCatacoonet installs are fairly simplified these days16:26
MorphixNWdoes anyone know if ubuntu would care if I told devede to work on a file that is on another machines hdd? so long as it could see it and has permissions etc16:27
ShootEmUpmaybe, depends if its a ext* drive16:27
MorphixNWwould be the same on both machines16:27
MorphixNWext2 probably16:27
ShootEmUpok, you shouldn't have a problem16:28
oCatacoowahwah ext216:28
charlie-tcajeward: since they are now mostly in the kernel, no16:28
MorphixNWI want one machine to do one task and drop the completed file onto another machine, that machine then works on it and drops the completed file onto a third machine, the third would then complete the job16:28
MorphixNWso that one machine doesnt have to do all three jobs16:29
ShootEmUpyou could probably write a script for that16:29
ShootEmUpbut thats out of my field16:30
oCatacooMorhix would 1 be a serv and the 2nd a client16:30
MorphixNWwould be nice to make it work like a production line that is somewhat automated, but its not my field either16:30
ShootEmUpyou could make a script that waits for a file to be made, then preforms actions, then sends it to the next computer16:32
MorphixNWShootEmUp: you in #xubuntu-offtopic?16:32
MorphixNWanyone had an success with a USB to VGA adapter on ubuntu?16:40
charlie-tcathey have such a thing?16:41
=== aaron__ is now known as Morphix
ShootEmUpI've herd of USB monitors, but not USB toVGA adaptors16:42
Morphixarhhhh i got disconnected, but why does my username still up?16:43
Sysiping timelimit16:43
TheSheepMorphix: that's called a ghost, freenode.net has a section on that in the faq16:43
ShootEmUpask charlie-tca to kick your old name16:44
TheSheepMorphix: basically the server doesn't know yet that you disconnected16:44
Morphixoh ok16:44
TheSheepand now he left XD16:45
MorphixNWman this format operation is taking its sweet merry time16:46
ShootEmUpthey do16:49
ShootEmUpwhat you using to do it with? gparted?16:49
ShootEmUpwhat % is it at?16:53
MorphixNWdoesnt say16:54
ShootEmUpoh ok16:54
MorphixNWjust operation 0 of 1 completed16:54
charlie-tcaMy 400GB drives take a very long time to run that, too16:55
MorphixNWwow hope I never have to format my 1TB then16:56
MorphixNWits just completed so :)16:56
* charlie-tca defines very long in more than minutes, too16:56
ShootEmUpthat took awile16:56
ShootEmUpyou gonna install now?16:58
MorphixNWwell now the startup disk creator doesnt like the drive16:58
MorphixNWgonna grab another one16:59
oCatacooMorphixNW what tool are / did you use to form at16:59
ShootEmUphe used gparted17:00
nirazioIn GNOME, I know you can do this by right-clicking the panel, clicking properties, then going to the Background tab and selecting "Solid Color" and then full transparency.  But in Xubuntu, there's no option for this. How would I achieve the same effect on Xubuntu?17:00
oCatacooShoot Em is that compatable with all drives17:01
charlie-tcanirazio: changing the theme file itself. There is no option for that17:02
ShootEmUpIts not good with RAIDs or Dynamic drives17:02
TheSheepcharlie-tca: does it even work?17:02
TheSheepcharlie-tca: last time I checked, the plugins had its own background17:02
charlie-tcaAs far as I know, by re-writing the gtk theme, yes17:03
ShootEmUpoCatacoo, if you don't know what they are odds are you are not using them17:03
TheSheepcharlie-tca: theme or theme engine?17:03
charlie-tcatheme itself17:03
oCatacooodd are off17:03
charlie-tcafor the panel, not the plugins17:03
TheSheepcharlie-tca: if theme, then you don't need to rewrite it, you just add the lines to .gtkrc-2.017:03
charlie-tcamaybe, I don't know17:03
TheSheeplet me try17:04
charlie-tcaYou could also do it with window Manager Tweaks, compositor, couldn't you?17:05
MorphixNWhow do I install gnome task manager? someone told me a few days ago, but I forget the name17:05
TheSheepcharlie-tca: no, that will make the whole panel transparent, with icons and all17:05
oCatacooShoot Em I got a 64mb drive that weighs close to 60# wonder if gnome partition editor can help17:06
ShootEmUp64MB, or 64GB17:06
MorphixNWhmm it seems that this thing has made a mess of my external drives17:07
ShootEmUp!info gnome-task-manager17:08
ubottuPackage gnome-task-manager does not exist in maverick17:08
oCatacooShoot Em 64Mb17:09
ShootEmUpgparted should work just fine17:09
charlie-tcaMorphixNW: sudo apt-get install gnome-system-monitor17:09
ShootEmUp!info gnome-system-monitor17:10
ubottugnome-system-monitor (source: gnome-system-monitor): Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 434 kB, installed size 5544 kB17:10
oCatacooI will try later when I am boared17:10
MorphixNWthank Charlie-tca17:10
oCatacoogotta jet17:12
oCatacooC Ya17:13
MorphixNWfor some reason my system is now failing to mount drives17:13
MorphixNWsaying volumes are locked17:13
ShootEmUpare they mounted?17:13
MorphixNWyes I can see the icon17:13
ShootEmUpunmount them17:13
MorphixNWhmm not mounted even though I can see the icon17:14
MorphixNWI have mount option17:14
ShootEmUpin gparted, right click on the drive you want to edit. then select unmount17:14
ShootEmUpMorphixNW, did it work?17:18
MorphixNWhang on.... gparted not loading lol17:18
ShootEmUpohh ok17:18
MorphixNWok its working now17:22
MorphixNWI cant unmount, its not mounted17:22
ShootEmUpI gotta go now17:23
MorphixNWok chow17:23
ShootEmUpttyl everyone17:23
robertzaccourin xfce i have mic static problems, don't have this issue in gnome. any ideas?17:33
robertzaccourin xfce i have mic static problems, don't have this issue in gnome. any ideas?17:36
charlie-tca!patience | robertzaccour17:40
ubotturobertzaccour: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:40
robertzaccourcharlie-tca, i saw that jk_ entered after i asked the first time. maybe he could help? just a thought. no need to go all infobot columed on me haha17:41
charlie-tcano need to ask for each person entering either17:41
robertzaccourcharlie-tca, i can see i'm interrupting very congested chat conversation. right...17:42
MorphixNWonly thing I could suggest is that the two use different drivers17:43
robertzaccourMorphixNW, thanks. i thought that might be it. i'm gonna try a couple more things, might revert back to gnome i dunno17:44
MorphixNWcould try simply changing the sound system maybe?17:45
robertzaccourMorphixNW, yeah, about to try pulseaudio17:47
MorphixNWhmmm that is resource hungry17:47
MorphixNWoss or alsa maybe17:49
MorphixNWI am gonna go eat ttyl17:50
robertzaccourMorphixNW, pulseaudio only had master in the volume selection, guess that wouldn't be it17:51
robertzaccouroh well17:51
robertzaccourok later MorphixNW have fun be good :)17:51
MorphixNWI am having real trouble with "Startup Disk Creator"18:10
MorphixNWI trying to use "startup disk creator" however, I keep getting error when selecting the drive to use "org.freedesktop.UDisks,Error.Inhibited: Deamon is inhibited"18:26
MorphixNWapparently that means that the disk needs to be aurthurised, how on earth do I do that?18:27
MorphixNWYeah that is what the error means, why cant it just say that tho?18:49
MorphixNWalso it would be good for guides to warn about encrypted systems, that drives need to be connected before the passphase is entered18:50
MorphixNWI had no idea that this was the case, but only by chance did I think to try it18:50
charlie-tcaand how would it know to decrypt that drive if it is not there when authorizing it/18:51
charlie-tca? ;-)18:51
MorphixNWwell it knew it was protected. it could of stated that than a load of bumf that means nothing18:52
MorphixNWif it can tell me that msg "org.freedesktop.UDisks,Error.Inhibited: Deamon is inhibited"" I would expect a better output to be shown to the user18:52
MorphixNWI think these are probably the reason why more less knowledgable users wont ever convert18:54
MorphixNWbecause you need to be an expert to even think about sorting even the most basic of problems18:54
MorphixNWhate to say it, but it is more clearly now why MS have cornered the global18:55
MorphixNWthe interface is light years ahead of the rest18:55
MorphixNWexcluding maybe OS X >18:55
well_laid_lawnyou could ask for the money you spent on xubuntu to be refunded if you want...18:57
MorphixNWI love it I really do, but its a pain in the behind18:57
MorphixNWI cant imagine how a regular user like my mum would cope18:58
MorphixNWI think there are some "in your face" things that need to be looked at IMHO18:58
MorphixNWI know it works if you know how, but what about when you dont?18:59
MorphixNWneeds to be more intuitive18:59
MorphixNWand defo needs to throw out better error messages18:59
MorphixNWI mean I spent 2hrs+ trying to create a startup disk, when it needed to tell me was "I cant access the drive you muppet" and I would of fixed it in seconds19:00
charlie-tcaAre you saying Microsoft now tells you when the missing encrypted drive is not plugged in?19:01
Psilocybin_ElfMost newbie users introduced to Xubuntu say it's easier to use than Windows.19:01
MorphixNWthe external drive is not encrypted, but my system is19:01
charlie-tcaMost new users are not unplugging their drives, either19:02
MorphixNWso yeah I expect it to say something like "I cannot access that drive" "access denied" anything other then something silly like ""org.freedesktop.UDisks,Error.Inhibited: Deamon is inhibited"19:02
MorphixNWso most users never unplug and external drive do they not?19:02
MorphixNWsilly thing to say19:02
charlie-tca"new users"19:02
MorphixNWnew users are will push things forward19:03
MorphixNWmaking it more attractive to them is what its all about19:03
Psilocybin_Elf^^ I have had a similar problem with my external hard drive recently displaying the same message19:03
MorphixNWnot making it a boffs only clu19:03
charlie-tcawell, I am going for a walk. rant in offtopic is better19:03
Psilocybin_ElfThis has only been happing since i moved house and set up my desktop box again19:03
Psilocybin_Elfi assumed it some hard drive fault??!19:04
MorphixNWthere you go19:04
MorphixNWso wouldnt it be nice for the system to tell us something we can actually work with?19:04
MorphixNWwithout being a boff for the passed 5yrs or more just to be able to setup an external hard drive19:04
Psilocybin_Elfthou my hard drive has worked fine on this 8.10 box for several years, it's only when i moved house it's decided to eject itself when it wants to19:05
MorphixNWI feel I have a very strong point to make, which is very ontopic19:05
MorphixNWI didnt see many people suggesting anything even close to encryption when I was asking for help, so even the boffs couldnt sort it, because it didnt give anything close to a sensisble error19:06
MorphixNWso garbage errors and spitting out junk...... well thats one thing that needs to be addressed in order to move forwards into a more user friendly enviroment....rant over19:07
=== nirazio is now known as Guest98096
xubuntu803i have one of the usb phone connectors you buy at walmrt for 40 bucks does it work with xubuntu19:39
xubuntu803uh hello19:41
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:41
xubuntu803does the magicjack usb phone work with xubuntu19:41
TheSheepyou might want to check the compatibility list19:41
xubuntu803ok and were would i find that at19:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:41
TheSheephere it is19:42
TheSheepit's very incomplete, your device may still work even if it's not mentioned19:42
TheSheepbtw, if it works with ubuntu, it will work with xubuntu19:42
xubuntu803ok the other question i have is how do i get my windows mobile phone to sync with xubuntu via bluetooth19:43
xubuntu803sheep ya there19:44
TheSheepno idea, maybe someone else19:45
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup19:45
xubuntu803i can get it to pair via bluetooth but i cant get it to sync like i do in windows with activesync19:46
xubuntu803anyone have any ideas on how to sync xubuntu with windows mobile via bluetooth19:48
TheSheepwhat does it sync exactly?19:48
xubuntu803transfering and installing apps music pics etc19:50
xubuntu803basicly the same as bluetoothing two computers together19:51
xubuntu803hello dvan19:51
dvanstonehello 80319:51
xubuntu803everyone please excuse me i need to reboot momentairily19:52
TheSheepwell, the default app lets you send files19:52
xubuntu803i wish i knew how to install ubuntu or a flavor of it onto my phone and get away from that windows mobile crap19:53
dvanstoneanyone know if I am using lvm can I change from grub to grub219:53
dvanstoneguess that may be out of the scope but simply if I am using f14 would I be able to load other os at boot as option19:56
dvanstonelost ya was looking tru the commands for this app20:03
dvanstonehowdy mark20:04
mark76What's up?20:06
TheSheepdvanstone: sure, you can have as many operating systems in the boot menu as you want20:09
dvanstoneTheSheep I gots an issue then I got disk that I can see the parts but not boot the parts20:11
TheSheepdvanstone: is that an old computer?20:11
dvanstonefairly new20:11
TheSheepok, then it's not that20:12
dvanstonewhat happened is I was selecting from bios the other disk and forgot to unplug it at new install so it re/wrote the boot on that disc or something like20:13
TheSheepah, ok, you should be able to recover that with the rescue mode on the livecd20:14
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:14
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:14
TheSheepdvanstone: see that 'restore grub' howto20:15
dvanstonedo I need the original install disc or would I just disble/unplug the one disc that boots20:16
dvanstonebecause the disc that doesnt boot I can mount all the parts from the one that is running20:21
dvanstonejust won't boot into the OSes "3" *buntu that can be mounted and the one that boots is running legacy grub the while the other I assume is grub220:23
dvanstone!cookie | TheSheep20:25
ubottuTheSheep: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:25
TheSheepdvanstone: you can mount it and chroot into it20:26
TheSheepdvanstone: you just have to mount the proc and dev inside the other filesystem20:26
TheSheepthat howto doesn't explain it? let me see20:27
ShootEmUphello everyone20:28
dvanstoneShootEm -Hey20:28
dvanstonein/out in/out you sure20:29
mark76I've had to switch to XChat20:29
ShootEmUpyeah, Xchat is the bomb20:29
mark76I wish it had graphic emoticons20:30
dvanstonewell if the gchat was workin on lynx id be on it20:30
mark76:( just doesn't work for me20:30
dvanstonewell ;)20:30
TheSheepdvanstone: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub#Preparing Your Working Environment20:30
TheSheepdvanstone: it talks about how to mount the partitions and chroot into them20:31
ShootEmUpwhats the problem?20:31
dvanstonetrying to fix an install20:32
ShootEmUpcan't boot into it?20:32
dvanstoneyes can but wont load20:33
ShootEmUpahh, any error mesages?20:33
dvanstonehmmm I will be back gotta reload to see it20:34
ShootEmUpso no problems to solve?20:41
Sysii'm too embarrased to tell about them20:41
ShootEmUplet me rephrase that, any UBUNTU problems?20:42
=== dailystruggles is now known as d-stone
d-stoneokay this may be more productive20:43
ShootEmUpdo tell20:43
dVanwell on a live disc here I will let it reboot and read that error in d-stone20:44
d-stonegive it a sec20:45
d-stonegives error no sucj device20:46
d-stonethen prompt grub rescue>20:46
ShootEmUpnot reconizing your hard disk20:46
ShootEmUpor the partition grub is on was destroyed20:47
d-stonewhat suggestions do you have20:47
ShootEmUpdo you have any other OS on this computer?20:48
ShootEmUpthe computer with the error20:48
d-stoneyes on that drive several *buntu builds and the other disc loads fine and has f13/f1420:49
ShootEmUpso 1 hard disk won't boot20:50
d-stonebut can be mounted from other20:50
ShootEmUpany other OS on the HD that won't boot20:50
d-stonejust this discs oses20:50
ShootEmUpOkay, looks like you need to reinstall Grub or Ubuntu20:51
ShootEmUpyour choice, reinstalling grub is faster, but ubuntu is easyer20:52
d-stonereinstall grub can this be done from the xubuntu cd20:52
ShootEmUpLive CD or Alternate install CD?20:52
d-stoneregular not unleaded please20:53
ShootEmUpIt might help you get grub back20:54
d-stonejust got that link a minute ago from sheep20:54
d-stoneI will read20:54
d-stonethats ok20:54
ShootEmUphttp://www.supergrubdisk.org/ you might want to try the Rescatux CD20:55
ShootEmUpFixes Grub220:55
d-stone!cookie | ShootEmUp20:55
ubottuShootEmUp: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:55
ShootEmUpI love cookies20:55
d-stoneIll be back in a few20:57
ShootEmUp!info grub221:04
ubottugrub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 47 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 powerpc sparc mipsel)21:04
xubuntu286Gotta love the good times. As opposed to the bad times, they are ace.21:05
xubuntu286Gotta love the low prices. As opposed to the high prices, they are miraculous21:06
ShootEmUpIf your just gonna say random stuff, get off this channal21:07
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:08
charlie-tcaShootEmUp: be nice, please. We value politeness highly21:08
xubuntu286Alrighty then21:08
charlie-tcaWe do ask that such things be stopped, but you can do that without being rude21:09
ShootEmUpI overreact sometimes21:09
ShootEmUpI'm sorry21:09
charlie-tcaWe will help you with that.21:09
ShootEmUpjust wanting to help someone21:10
charlie-tcaxubuntu286: please don't do that anymore. such things are fine in #xubuntu-offtopic, but this channel is for support21:10
charlie-tcaShootEmUp: sometimes we just have to wait for people to need help :-)21:10
xubuntu286I do apologize. Thank you much21:10
charlie-tcaYou are doing great!21:10
charlie-tcathanks, xubuntu28621:11
ShootEmUp!cookie | charlie-tca21:11
ubottucharlie-tca: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:11
lightahi guys, eh who can point me a good programs to look ext3 on windows ?21:12
charlie-tcaI must have stuck around long enough, the stuff rubs off on me21:12
ShootEmUplighta, ext2read21:12
charlie-tcaI don't know how you will see ext3 on windows. Ask in ##windows maybe21:12
ShootEmUplighta, privte chat21:13
lightathere a chan windows ?21:14
lightafor real ?21:14
charlie-tcafor real. But see ShootEmUp 's last words, too.21:15
lightaok i'll try it =)21:20
wizardslovakhello people21:25
wizardslovaki always have problems with partitioning21:25
wizardslovaki got new pc21:25
ShootEmUpMy name peggy, you have problem21:25
wizardslovakand i want to install xubuntu on it21:26
wizardslovak160 gb and 1tb hard drives21:26
wizardslovakid like to install it on 16021:26
wizardslovaki know boot , swap and / are important21:26
wizardslovakanything else?21:26
ShootEmUpyou can get bye with just / and swap if you want21:26
Sysi/boot actually isn't21:27
Sysiyou can have entire / on that disc, and TB just for data21:27
Sysiseparate /home partiton is maybe nice21:27
ShootEmUpOkay, I assume it has windows Vista/7 on already, correct?21:27
wizardslovakno windows21:28
ShootEmUpnothing right?21:28
wizardslovaki want to separate os from data21:28
lightado you want it afterward ?21:28
wizardslovaki jsut build pc , 30 mins ago21:28
lightashould be better to install windows then linux ?21:28
wizardslovaki dont want windows at all21:28
lightain case you wanted it21:28
wizardslovakpoint of this pc is date server and web server21:29
wizardslovakwith xubuntu21:29
lightathen iptables is important21:29
Sysiyou can have like 10GB for / and rest just something for data21:29
ShootEmUpok, you want, 100MB /boot, 30GB /, 2GB swap, & the rest /home21:29
wizardslovakfr now it will be just LAN data server21:29
wizardslovakand mountpoint for 1tb hard drive?21:30
charlie-tcagive boot a little more now. It uses more with grub2 than with grub121:30
ShootEmUpdon't mount it yet21:30
wizardslovakok so 100mb /boot primary?21:30
ShootEmUp200MB /boot sound good?21:30
charlie-tcaat least 200mb now. The kernel fills it up fast now21:31
charlie-tcasince they no longer delete the old kernels, if you forget to, to will run out of space quickly21:31
ShootEmUpext2 for /boot I think21:31
ShootEmUphow much RAM does it have?21:32
lightaaren't something to delete old kerner automatically when you get a new one ?21:32
lightalike quota space ?21:32
ShootEmUpwhoa, you might just need 1GB swap, unless you want to hibernate21:33
wizardslovaki read somewhere that u need 2x ram for swap21:33
ShootEmUpnot really if you have alot of RAM21:33
wizardslovakok so21:34
wizardslovak1gb good enough21:34
ShootEmUpunless you want hibernate21:34
wizardslovakpartition for swap is primary or logical?21:34
wizardslovakwell pc will run 24/721:34
ShootEmUp1GB swap is fine21:34
wizardslovaklogical or primary?21:35
ShootEmUpeither will do21:35
wizardslovakok done21:35
wizardslovaknow rest for /?21:35
ShootEmUpmight as well do logical21:35
ShootEmUpthat will work21:35
ShootEmUpyou might want seperate /home21:36
wizardslovakok so what should i do with all the left space21:37
ShootEmUpgive it to home21:37
wizardslovaknow i dont get it21:37
wizardslovakso should i separate it ? or leave it?21:38
ShootEmUpokay, 200MB /boot, 30GB /, 1GB swap, the rest goes to /home21:38
wizardslovak30gb for / , enough?21:38
ShootEmUpor you can have no /home, and give all the leftover space to /21:39
wizardslovakwell i wont install many apps21:39
wizardslovakso i dont really need lots of space21:39
wizardslovaknow that 1tb hard drive21:40
ShootEmUpwhat is it formated to?21:40
wizardslovakill do that /home221:40
wizardslovakbrand new drive21:40
ShootEmUpokay, ext2,ext3,ext4 will work21:41
ShootEmUptake your choice, I recomend ext421:41
wizardslovaki am noob21:41
wizardslovakwith this21:41
wizardslovakso id prefer your advice21:41
ShootEmUpno problems21:42
ShootEmUpI love helping people21:42
wizardslovaksame here21:42
wizardslovakso partitiong is done21:42
wizardslovaknow install21:42
ShootEmUpyup, do you have all the mount points set?21:42
wizardslovakyes sir21:42
ShootEmUpthen install21:43
wizardslovakoki installing21:43
wizardslovakthen just settup ssh21:43
ShootEmUpcan't help you there21:43
wizardslovaki know that one21:43
ShootEmUpdon't know much about ssh21:44
wizardslovakneed to set up remote desktop viewer21:44
wizardslovakssh i still remember21:45
wizardslovakhow long you have been using xubuntu?21:45
ShootEmUpabout 6 months21:45
d-stoneShottEm I think I will backup and reinstall21:45
wizardslovaki got ubuntu on laptop21:46
ShootEmUpd-stone, good idea21:46
wizardslovakit was on ethernet since begining21:46
wizardslovaknow i need it to be wireless21:46
wizardslovakbut i cant find settings for it21:46
ShootEmUpchances are your wireless is not supported by linux21:46
wizardslovaki am sure they are21:47
ShootEmUphowever, you could be able to ndiswrapper21:47
wizardslovaki had kubuntu some time ago and it worked without problems21:47
ShootEmUpUbuntu right?21:47
wizardslovakkubuntu with kde421:47
ShootEmUpNo the new install21:47
ShootEmUpwhats on it now21:48
wizardslovako n laptop is xubuntu21:48
ShootEmUpokay, do you have it on and with you21:48
wizardslovaktyping from it21:48
ShootEmUpokay, look for the network icon21:49
wizardslovakgot it21:49
ShootEmUpleft click, and it should show you avilable wireless networks21:49
wizardslovakoh wait21:50
wizardslovakactually i thought u ment icon in "aplications"21:50
wizardslovakotherwiese i dont see no network icon tho21:50
lightaadd notification zone21:50
lightaon your panel21:51
lightathen you'll see what he mean21:51
lightaI think21:51
ShootEmUpyup he should21:51
wizardslovaklog out , clock , xchat , firefox21:51
wizardslovakthats it21:51
lightaye but21:51
lightaright clik on panel21:51
lightaadd element21:51
lightanotification zone21:51
ShootEmUpdo that21:52
wizardslovak"there is already a nitification area running on this screen"21:52
lightaoh and no network icon ?21:53
ShootEmUpwhat icons are in it?21:53
lightahmm if you'r on ethenet should look like a black box with a link21:53
wizardslovaknone like that21:54
wizardslovaki am 64 bit thos21:54
lightawait i'l do a screenshot21:54
lightaidk if panel chnge then21:54
lightaoh btw are you on xfce ?21:54
wizardslovaki got one on top one on bottom21:54
lightawell i'll try snapshot anyway for you21:55
lightagive me 2min21:55
wizardslovaktake your time21:55
ShootEmUptry system-admin-network connections21:56
ShootEmUpin your menu21:56
wizardslovakthere is no admin in system21:57
* charlie-tca thinks Xubuntu 10.04 does not really like that network-manager applet in the panel21:57
ShootEmUplook in every menu for something called network connections22:00
ShootEmUpI just want to make sure22:00
wizardslovaki did22:01
ShootEmUpIs network manager installed?22:02
ShootEmUp!info network-manager22:02
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1+git.20100810t184654.ab580f4-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 400 kB, installed size 1352 kB22:02
ShootEmUpI tell you what, open a termanal, and type nm-applet22:03
wizardslovak"couldnt initialize the d-bus manager"22:05
ShootEmUpwhoa, that could be a problem22:05
ShootEmUptry reinstalling network-manager22:05
ShootEmUpgo to synaptic, search network-manager, left click on box, select reinstall22:06
ShootEmUpclick apply, try running nm-applet, if it don't work, restart22:07
ShootEmUplet shootemup know what your up to...22:09
d-stoneyeah it has should I run install from the live desktop or at first prompt22:11
ShootEmUp!info synaptic22:11
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.63.1ubuntu14 (maverick), package size 829 kB, installed size 2616 kB22:11
ShootEmUpd-stone, either will do22:11
d-stonecan grub2 work on lvm?22:12
ShootEmUpI'm not sure, let me check22:12
ShootEmUpyes, grub2 has lvm support22:13
d-stoneyeah I think a partition has been jeejawed on a 500 g disk it shows 213 and 133 hows that for math22:15
d-stonewell quit to use gparted maybe I can see whats gone wrong there22:16
ShootEmUpOkay, I think I read somewere that to setup a LVM with ubuntu, you have to use the alternate install CD22:16
ShootEmUpthis should help22:18
ShootEmUpyou need to install LVM support first22:19
ShootEmUp!info lvm222:19
ubottulvm2 (source: lvm2): The Linux Logical Volume Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.02.54-1ubuntu6 (maverick), package size 398 kB, installed size 1084 kB22:19
ShootEmUpsudo apt-get install lvm222:20
charlie-tcaor use the alternate cd and do a guided lvm install22:20
ShootEmUpthat works to22:20
ShootEmUpI gotta go now, but I'll be back tomorrow!22:21
ShootEmUpttyl everyone22:21
d-stonewell format drive and install lvm in build afterward ttfn22:21
wizardslovakin terminal i cant use nano22:21
d-stoneor maybe bsd first22:21
charlie-tcacan't use nano?22:22
wizardslovak"error opening terminal : unknown"22:24
charlie-tcaran updates?22:24
charlie-tcatry running "export $TERM=xterm" first22:25
wizardslovakgive me sec22:25
wizardslovakrunning /sudo apt-get upgrade22:25
charlie-tcaLet that finish first. that is the updates22:25
charlie-tcaThat should fix it for you22:25
wizardslovakoki doki22:26
wizardslovakstill wirelesss doesnt work22:26
lightadid you saw screenshot ?22:26
charlie-tcaI don't know how to fix wireless.22:26
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:26
wizardslovakcharlie-tca, i know where to find it22:26
wizardslovakbut there is no option in this laptop22:26
lightathat what we was talking earlier22:27
lightahere http://i52.tinypic.com/v2vfyx.png22:27
wizardslovaki dont have icon like that22:28
d-stonecan gparted wipe an entire disc22:32
charlie-tcanot unless you tell it to22:33
charlie-tcagparted is graphical, so you can see the partition in the chart22:33
lightawizardslovak, do you have the network-manager package ?22:35
wizardslovakcant find it22:39
charlie-tcain a terminal - apt-cache policy network-manager22:42
wizardslovak  Installed: 0.8-0ubuntu322:43
wizardslovak  Candidate: 0.8-0ubuntu322:43
wizardslovak  Version table:22:43
wizardslovak *** 0.8-0ubuntu3 022:43
wizardslovak        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages22:43
wizardslovak        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status22:43
charlie-tcathen, yes, you have it and it is installed22:43
lightais it started ?22:43
lightaservice network-manager start22:44
wizardslovakstart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.99" (uid=1000 pid=3536 comm="start) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))22:48
lightasudo service network-manager restart ?22:53
d-stonewell to work to work22:54
wizardslovaknetwork-manager start/running, process 363022:57
Marothi evryone22:58
Maroti ve got a problem22:58
Marotthe installation from live cd fails22:59
wizardslovakwhats the error?23:01
Marotonly installation program crashed23:01
Maroti could upload 2 files23:02
charlie-tcaMarot: what version of xubuntu? Which image did you use?23:03
Maroti 38623:04
^Phantom^I'm seeing if this xubuntu liveCD will boot on my laptop23:04
^Phantom^So far it seems to be doing better than the ubuntu one did23:04
^Phantom^if it works, I'll copy over the data I want to keep my external HDD and install the OS ^_^23:05
^Phantom^192MB ram, heh23:06
^Phantom^For now, until I get the new ram for it23:06
charlie-tcaMarot: according to that partitioning log, it partitioned the disk fine23:07
Marotand this is syslog: http://pastebin.com/vNQuBPNp23:08
Marotim happy that it partitioned allright23:08
charlie-tcaTry burning a different cd or downloading the image again. it got lost23:10
Marotok thnaks for help!23:10
charlie-tcaYou are welcome23:10
charlie-tca^Phantom^: you will find it runs really bad. You may have to use the alternate cd to install from, too.23:11
^Phantom^heh, yeah, I've been told23:12
charlie-tcabut, Xubuntu should run on it. I would use epiphany or midori instead of firefox for a browser, myself23:12
^Phantom^Oh, the bios and xubuntu's memtest report it as 191MB23:15
^Phantom^Why, then, does Windows report it as 192MB?23:15
dvanstone^Phantom^ may want to ask in #windows23:16
charlie-tcabecause windows cheats when it does it23:16
dvanstonebrb restart23:16
dvanstonehello again23:22
dvanstoneanyone here23:22
lightayes ?23:25
dvanstoneo kool23:25
dvanstoneafter install how can I shrink the part on the disk23:26
lightawhat mean shrink ? sorry23:26
dvanstonereduce the size of the disk space alotted for xubuntu23:27
lightawith fdisk23:27
dvanstonehmmm that is a way but i will just reboot w/ gparted23:29
dvanstonewish me luck23:29
lightagl then =)23:29

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