
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer
abusskii want to be help with hfc banklogin00:34
abusskii want to be help with hfc banklogin00:35
ubuntuwtf is your problem00:37
abusskii want to be help with hfc banklogin00:38
abusskii want to know know to break western union account00:40
abusskii want to know know to break western union account00:41
abusskiplease some shold help me00:43
abusskiiwant a help to find which site i can used this email address to check my account,this is the email address cpfister@hickoryafc.com00:47
abusskiwant a help to find which site i can used this email address to check my account,this is the email address cpfister@hickoryafc.com00:58
abusskiwant a help to find which site i can used this email address to check my account,this is the email address cpfister@hickoryafc.com00:58
abusskiwant a help to find which site i can used this email address to check my account,this is the email address cpfister@hickoryafc.com00:59
abusskiwant a help to find which site i can used this email address to check my account,this is the email address cpfister@hickoryafc.com01:03
abusskiwant a help to find which site i can used this email address to check my account,this is the email address cpfister@hickoryafc.com01:03
FloodBotK1abusski: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:03
abusskiwant a help to find which site i can used this email address to check my account,this is the email address cpfister@hickoryafc.com01:04
abusskii want help on what i said01:06
u19809hi all, I am using kate in kubuntu 10.10 and sometimes my keyboard is really lagging behind.  What could be the reason.  Also my gui sometimes has hickups01:10
kernelpanic__hi all01:10
Macerdell sucks.. i was trying to get a fujitsu snapscan so i could scan in kubuntu and the order wouldnt go through01:18
Macerand they said a rep would call and they didnt01:18
ikoniahow is that anything to do with kubuntu ?01:19
Macernothing :) but still. there arent many cheaper scanners that work in it i suppose01:19
ikoniaMacer: ok, so if it's nothing to do with kubuntu, it's offtopic for this channel, so please don't discuss it01:20
Macerer. guess the relationship between scanners that work in kubuntu is not enough?01:20
ikoniayou're not discussing that01:21
ikoniayou're just moaning about dell01:21
Maceruhm. ok.01:21
ikoniaand being insulting about them, which is nothing to do with kubuntu01:21
Macerbut the scanner part does ... but meh.01:22
ikoniaMacer: you're not talking about scanners, your just moaning about dell and being insulting about htem01:22
ikoniafeel free to talk about scanners in kubuntu though01:22
Macermaybe i can get a good hp on amazon.. but checking the sane list for every scanner01:22
Maceri just dont want to go over $450.. but a lot of them are unsupported by sane01:23
ikoniaMacer: this has nothing to do with kubuntu01:23
Macerespecially the cheaper ones01:23
ikoniaMacer: this is a support channel01:23
Macermaybe someone else here is curious about scanners supported in kubuntu?01:23
ikoniaand you're not talking about supported scanners, your just listeing of shops and your price limitations01:24
ikoniathis is a support channel01:24
ikoniado you have a support question01:24
Maceryes. does kubuntu have an irc asshole light widget? i have seen plenty of non support conversations in here. so is it just russian roulette on what jerk is here at the time?01:25
Macerbut ok. whatever.01:25
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=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:32
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
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surianice to meet you..02:46
serenitywhich ist the right channel to ask about problems with kde 4.6 rc?03:50
well_laid_lawnyou could try in here but be patient03:52
serenityit's about the kubuntu beta backports ppa03:53
serenityi get curious errors when i try to update, seems it isn't ready to use yet03:53
BloodyRain2khi, I still have trouble with my wlan, I'm neither with wicd nor with the normal preinstalled network manager able to connect to any network they find, NM simply does nothing when I click a network and wicd says always bad password, even though I checked it multiple times and tried the 2 different wpa encryptions it offered. Any one got an idea what I can do?03:55
tobarwhat's the quick way to go offline -- not make the browser offline, but the whole computer. Unclicking "enable networking" from the panel doesn't work.03:59
well_laid_lawnin konsole try   sudo service networking stop   maybe04:00
tobarum, nope.04:01
tobarseems there should be an easy click to do it (like in gnome) but I can't find it.04:02
tobarsudo service networking stop --> stop: Unknown instance:04:04
well_laid_lawntry network instead of networking maybe04:06
tobarit is "networking", and without "stop" gives usage summary "Usage: /etc/init.d/networking {start|stop|restart|force-reload}04:07
well_laid_lawnok try to stop NetworkManager the same way - it is not something I have played with04:08
tobarsudo ifconfig eth0 [ down | up ]04:16
=== pwalterhouse is now known as Walterhouse
BloodyRain2kanyone mind giving my problem a thought? I just installed that kubuntu 10.10 a few days ago and the network connecting worked one time, and since then I'm unable to connect to any wireless network >_<04:37
harolddongwhat is the deal with the 4.6 rc update.  I ran the update and it uninstall a ton of important (konsole, kpackagekit, etc) while updating others without giving any errors.  I think I managed to track down what was causing the problem and I believe it is that the update was looking for libpolkit-qt-1-1 but only libpolkit-qt-1-0 is available in the repo.04:53
harolddongso I don't think the update was actually ready even though it was posted on kubuntu.org04:54
surunveriktorrent fails to start it returns error 'segmentation fault'05:03
surunveriany ideas?:D05:03
surunverior rather it says we are sorry. ktorrent closed unexpectedly but in the details section at bottom it says05:06
surunveriexecutable: ktorrent pid 7927 signal 11 (segmentation fault)05:06
surunveriso is there a way to reistall ktorrent or something?05:06
BloodyRain2kjust as suggestion as I'm not very familiar with linux at all, tried uninstalling it over a packagemanager and reinstalling it? maybe that could work05:07
well_laid_lawnsudo apt-get --purge remove ktorrent && sudo apt-get install ktorrent if it doesn't want to take all of kde with it05:07
well_laid_lawnsudo apt-get reinstall ktorrent if it does want to take kde with it05:08
surunveriit says invalid operation reinstall05:09
surunveriyea im not very familair with linux either but tbh it's a disappointment :D05:09
surunverihmm it says something about broken packages05:12
well_laid_lawnsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f   should fix that05:13
surunverihmm didnt :D05:14
well_laid_lawnsurunveri: which kde are you using05:14
surunverikubuntu 10.0405:14
surunveriidk the kde that came with it05:15
well_laid_lawnkde version05:15
well_laid_lawnyou don't use a ppa for the newer kde?05:15
GabrielYYZsurunveri: you're set on using ktorrent? or would you consider another torrent client?05:15
surunveriit just stopped working pretty much on it's own05:16
surunveriso there's like unfinished downloads05:16
surunveribut no im no set using it otherwise :D05:16
GabrielYYZif you can't get that to work, give qbittorrent a try05:17
surunveriahh this stuff kind of makes me wish i could just change back to xp somehow05:19
well_laid_lawnyou need to fix your packaging too05:19
well_laid_lawnyou've done something not right05:19
surunveriduring the 6months i've used kubuntu i've had more trouble than i ever had with xp with programs not working and everything not working05:19
surunverii dont think i've done anything wrong because05:19
surunverithis problem appeared on it's own05:19
surunveriunless it was an automatic update that caused it i dont think i've made any modifications05:20
GabrielYYZtry adding the kubuntu ppa "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa"05:21
GabrielYYZand then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f"05:21
GabrielYYZ*without quotes*05:22
surunveri0,0,0 and 137 not upgraded it says05:22
surunveriand some packages that are no longer needed05:23
surunveriwhich of one is libktorrent btw05:23
GabrielYYZthat's after adding the repository, updating sources and install -f?05:24
surunveribut yeah05:24
well_laid_lawnyou were getting version mismatches from that error you pasted05:24
GabrielYYZi don't remember, but i think ktorrent didn't work for me when i tried installing it05:24
GabrielYYZit was that or i didn't like it, but i can't remember right now05:24
surunveriok well idk05:25
GabrielYYZktorrent needs libktorrent-l10n and libktorrent2 when i try to install it05:25
surunveriwhat exactly is going on then?05:26
surunverithere was a system update and it caused a version mismatch is that what u r saying?05:26
GabrielYYZthe pastebin you posted up there, was it the output of a system update?05:27
surunverino it was for trying to install ktorrent05:27
GabrielYYZah never mind, had a 2nd look05:27
surunverioriginally it was what i got from trying what lawn said05:27
surunveribut then i just tried install ktorrent and itw as the same result05:27
surunveriso i thought i'll just paste that05:27
well_laid_lawnhave you run   sudo apt-get update   just now?05:28
surunveriyeah because among the stuff youy said i should run it was05:28
GabrielYYZdo "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and let us see the output on pastebin05:29
GabrielYYZ(or just tell us if "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu maverick main" is in your sources list05:30
surunveriapparently it isnt05:31
GabrielYYZwait, no, i think it's not maverick main that you need :S me thinks it's backports05:31
surunveribut anyway05:32
surunveriin the future if there is a system update05:32
surunverishould i just avoid doing it to avoid problems like this?05:32
ubuntutesting kubunto on a new am3, it goes fast05:32
=== ubuntu is now known as bochito
well_laid_lawnit wasn't the update or lots of ppl would have this issue05:33
bochitohello from spain05:33
surunverior maybe it was05:33
dasKreechbochito: hi05:33
GabrielYYZwhat i think is that we should solve this now, so that you can update without broken packages later05:33
harolddongif you're talking about the 4.6 rc update it seems to be all messed up because of libpolkit-qt-1-1 for me05:34
bochitocheers all and merry xmas from Tenerife/Spain05:34
GabrielYYZfeliz navidad bochito05:34
bochitoamazing how linux has developed05:34
bochitogracias Gabriel05:34
GabrielYYZsurunveri, give me a second, i'm googling to see if i can get info on those backports thing05:35
bochitoit loooks that kubuntu goes faster than gnome/ubuntu, am I right ?05:35
GabrielYYZi'm kinda confused with this repository stuff, i think ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa should work fine to get the newer packages05:37
GabrielYYZbochito: it does for me, yeah05:37
surunverime too :D05:37
surunveri am confused05:37
bochitoit looks kubuntu requires less machine resources than the gnomic version05:37
surunveriit's also 7:40am and tomorrow is christmas eve.... :D05:38
GabrielYYZyou added the "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa" surunveri?05:38
bochitoSuru: why are you touching things ? :P05:38
surunveritouching things?05:38
bochitoyou know, golne rule: if it works, dont touch it :P05:39
GabrielYYZok, the output (when you said "[01:22] <surunveri> 0,0,0 and 137 not upgraded it says" post it on pastebin please05:39
surunverii didnt05:39
surunverii did click apply on certan system updates though :P05:39
surunveribut i was under the impression they might not be terribly flawed which was probably wrong and i should've thought that if it works..05:40
surunveridont break it :D05:40
bochitothere you see Suru ... you may be touching the *dont touch* button :P05:40
surunveriThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: linux-headers-2.6.32-26 libktorrent1 linux-headers-2.6.32-26-generic05:41
surunveriUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.05:41
surunveri0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 137 not upgraded.05:41
surunveriit wa sjust 3 liens so i pasted here05:41
FloodBotK2surunveri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
bochitoIm running the latest kubuntu from the pen drive, what an amazing luxury!05:41
bochitois there any kubuntu oriented to scientific stuff ?05:42
GabrielYYZsurunveri: i'm hesitant to ask you to do an "apt-get upgrade" :S05:43
surunveriwhy are u hesitant?:D05:43
GabrielYYZif only batman was here... lol05:43
surunveriis that something i should do every now and then?05:43
GabrielYYZusually kpackagekit asks you to update, but since you didn't have kubuntu's ppa, you didn't have the latest stuff05:44
surunveriyea and i was suipposed to know that how?05:44
GabrielYYZthat's why it says "137 not upgraded"05:44
bochitoSuru: you need a punishment for what you did: read 10 times the latest Linux Bible :P05:45
GabrielYYZsurunveri: you weren't and that's the problem :S i added that ppa out of curiosity lol05:45
surunveriit would take me probably several hours to somehow get a better OS but i keep being under the delusion that this one is going to cause me less problems05:45
surunverithan what changing os in itself is05:46
bochitoSuru: run the thing from a USB drive and you wont have any such problems, you upgrade the whole system whenever you like with cero problems05:46
surunveriyeah but05:47
surunverithe bios doesnt support usb boot05:47
surunveriin anycase05:47
surunverithe only reason i have linux is that05:47
surunverii used to have xp05:47
surunverithen my harddrive jsut died05:47
FloodBotK2surunveri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
bochitoI see05:48
surunverii bought a junk hd, couldnt get xp from anywhere, went to library, loaned some antique linux book with a cd05:48
surunveridownloaded images for kubuntu, ubuntu and Zindows YP05:48
bochitowhat a mess Suru :P05:49
surunveriwell the ubuntu disc by coincidence, didnt work05:49
surunverizindows yp did but the it was a bad copy and the software itself didnt work05:49
surunveriand so i was left with kubuntu05:49
bochitoask Santa for a new box :P05:49
surunveriand started thinking, i dont really do mcuh with my computer05:49
surunveriso i could jsut stick to this, it cant be too much trouble05:49
surunveribut seriously it has wasted much more time by now than what changing OS would've05:49
surunverimain problem is that wine doesnt work very well and since almsot all software is primarily aimed at windows, it's sometimes no available for linux05:50
surunveriafter that comes all these weird ideas like having to do everything through terminal or command line05:50
surunveriand generally just not working, like audio05:50
GabrielYYZsurunveri: can you go in krunner > system > kinfo and check your kdesc version please?05:50
surunverisure sorry for bitching05:51
surunveriyou're just helping anyway05:51
bochitoSuru: may be you've got a too old box05:51
GabrielYYZoh no, don't worry, i'd bitch too if i was in your position :P05:51
surunveriyea i have a too old box.. but  it's software problems in anycase :D05:51
surunveriso what's krunenr then?05:51
GabrielYYZsystem > kinfo and check the kde sc version05:52
GabrielYYZapplications > system > kinfo*05:52
surunverihmm there isnt a kinfo there05:52
bochitomaybe if you run an older version of slax or similar, it would run ok on an older box05:52
GabrielYYZno info center? :S05:53
surunveriunless it's not really kinfo* but instead system monitor or someting like that? :D05:53
GabrielYYZno, it should be kinfo or info center05:53
surunverii cant find either in that menu05:53
GabrielYYZor something about system information05:53
GabrielYYZbut not system monitor05:54
surunverisystem logs viewer?05:54
GabrielYYZhmm no, that wouldn't work, it doesn't say your version of kde sc there05:54
bochitoSuru and Gabriel: where are you ?05:55
GabrielYYZwow i'm lost :S that might be kde 4.2 or earlier05:55
GabrielYYZbochito: i'm in Dominican Republic05:55
bochitooh, I see, Spanish speaking05:55
GabrielYYZyep, i prefer english though xD05:56
bochitoyes, I see05:56
surunveriim from finland05:56
surunveriland of drunken  idiots05:56
bochitoland of Linus05:56
surunverihave a nice holiday, somewhere else05:56
bochitowhere in Finland, Suru ?05:57
bochitohere we got a swed (Stefan)05:57
bochitofrom Helsinki Suru ?05:58
GabrielYYZah surunveri try "kde4-config --version" from the terminal05:58
surunverinot from helsinki05:58
surunveriQt: 4.6.305:59
surunveriKDE Development Platform: 4.4.5 (KDE 4.4.5)05:59
surunverikde4-config: 1.005:59
GabrielYYZand you're running lucid 10.04 right?06:00
surunverikubuntu 10.04 it's probably lucid ?:D06:00
bochitogentlemen, good night06:01
bochitothank you all06:01
bochitomerry xmas to all06:01
surunverimerry xmas..06:01
surunveriwhich reminds me i took a melatonin pill 15 minutes ago so i should be goin to bed in 15minutes or so06:02
surunveriit's pretty sad having tot ake that 8am in the morning :--D06:02
GabrielYYZmerry xmas and night night06:02
surunverii already tried sleeping though but couldnt and thought i'd try fix this ktorrent06:02
surunveriit stopped working yesterday that is06:02
surunverii forgot to meantion, it might be important06:03
surunveriin the original error message of ktorrent not working06:04
surunveriit said drkonirc is not writable06:04
surunveriand path to it06:04
surunveriso i changed permissions so that it is writable06:04
surunveriafter that hte same error windowappeared but the message changed slightly06:04
GabrielYYZi don't think that's important06:05
surunveribut i had not made any modifications to it being writable prior to it not working :D06:05
GabrielYYZwell, i'd say back up your date, do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and, if that goes well, do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:06
GabrielYYZthat will get your system up to date and install kde sc 4.5.406:07
surunveriso back up your date?06:08
GabrielYYZbut, if you're ok with how your system is right now (except the ktorrent thing) i'd say don't do it06:08
surunveriwhat do you mean by that06:08
GabrielYYZtypo lol06:08
surunveriyea well i dont have anything to back it up to right now :D06:08
surunveriso the solution is.. get another torrent program?06:09
surunveri(and click cancel on further system updates) :D06:09
GabrielYYZwell, you can do that and hope for the best, however you should get a kubuntu 10.10 iso just in case06:09
GabrielYYZwell, that's not the ideal way to do it, you will be limited later... but if it's not a problem to you, i'd say "go ahead"06:09
surunveriwhat i should do seriously speaking is to get a legal non-pirated copy of win xp :D06:10
GabrielYYZi doubt other torrent client works though, they will require packages you don't have on your system (like with ktorrent)06:10
surunveriso where did teh packages go?06:10
surunverithey must have been there yesterday :D06:11
surunveriso.. it just doesnt work anymore?06:12
GabrielYYZthis is me guessing: the applications you're installing are the latest ones, but your system is not up to date, so any install fails06:12
surunveriyeah but06:12
surunverii had ktorrent before06:12
surunveriit worked and then it stopped working06:12
surunveriso i didnt install that in between06:12
GabrielYYZyou said you installed some updates, no?06:12
surunveriautoamtic system updates... =/06:13
surunveriwell i had the choice not to06:13
surunveriapply them06:13
surunveribut since im not following how secure kubuntu is06:13
surunveriim just updating them06:13
surunveriunlike with windows i did my best not to update anything :D06:14
GabrielYYZi think i know why, but, honestly, i'm confused06:14
surunverihmm why so?06:14
GabrielYYZwell, for one, i knew about PPAs from when i used ubuntu 10.04 and when i installed kubuntu i saw few packages were getting updates and i searched for a fix06:15
GabrielYYZand found the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa, added it and everything worked fine06:15
GabrielYYZbut i'm not sure how to go about updating lucid lynx right now without breaking stuff06:16
surunveriso it's troublesome06:16
surunveriand not working.. :D06:16
FloodBotK2surunveri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:16
surunveriwhich also just wasted 75 minutes of your time and mine06:16
surunveriand still there isnt a solution06:16
GabrielYYZif you lived near me, i'd give you my win xp cd, i don't really use it06:16
surunverithat'd be nice. :D06:17
GabrielYYZnah, it isn't a waste for me, it's a learning experience06:17
GabrielYYZit'd be cool if someone more experienced could chime in though06:17
GabrielYYZanyways, i'm gonna go to bed, it's late for me and today's a busy day06:20
surunverime too..06:20
surunverithx for help and good night06:20
GabrielYYZsorry i couldn't help more :S06:20
GabrielYYZthanks, good night to you too06:21
BloodyRain2kanyone wanna help me with my wlan problem? I recently installed kubuntu 10.10 because I wrecked my 10.04 because of the same problem: not being able to connect to detected wireless networks. After installing it it worked once and stopped working after that. I already tried Wicd but that didn't work either, only says always bad password.06:36
kadobananyone know how to get ibus to work with gtk apps?06:53
BloodyRain2k*sigh* no luck getting help, well gonna head to bed, if anyone should come back here and read up and have an idea, drop it to me in a query please, night guys07:10
rethusho ho ho hello @ all07:20
rethushow can i easyly make a upgrade from 10.04 LTS to the newest distribution-Version?07:21
rethusonly choose in kpackagemanager set "Updates >> Schow new distribution releases" switch to "Normal Releases"07:22
rethusor have i to add some repositories?07:22
rethustry instead of ask :D have found it out on my own07:23
harolddonghas anybody successfully upgraded t0 4.6 rc?07:23
rethuswhich is the default version of kde in Maverick?07:24
Tm_Trethus: 4.5.x07:25
rethusk, tahnaks... hope in 4.5 kaddress is on feature-state like kde3.507:25
Tm_Trethus: kaddressbook is on 4.4 there07:26
rethusi was such disapointet as they remove all this usable features... I've read even linus Torvalds change from kde to gnome, cause the early kde4 versions sucks07:27
Tm_TKDEPIM has been on a bit different version cycle lately07:27
rethushope they come back up to old fitnesslevel very soon07:27
Tm_Trethus: also the old "kde4 ranting" wont do any good so better leave it out here07:27
rethusi don't wan't to blame kde... but if noone ever say anything, everyone think its ok.07:30
Tm_Trethus: the discussion was done years ago07:30
rethusi realy like kde, but i'm aware of his "suboptimal" moves :)07:30
rethusi'm glad to see, that kde comes back up ... slowly, but it comes back, and thats realy nice for me07:31
Tm_Tanyway, enough of this offtopic discussion let's continue in #kubuntu-offtopic07:31
rethusanyway, thanks for information and have a nice day...07:33
rethusdid you have such much snow too?07:33
rethushave snow shoveling nearly 1 hour07:34
Tm_Tonly 40 cm here, with -30 °C temp (really, #kubuntu-offtopic is more suitable for this)07:35
rethuseven if here is not much traffic ;)07:36
Tm_Teven then (:07:37
rethusk, ontoppic: i've try to upgrade to maveric via kpackage-manager07:40
rethusi got the error: kubuntu-desktop could not marked to update07:41
Tm_Trethus: you should use do-release-upgrade07:41
rethusthis could cause by: Upgrade to pre-release Version07:41
Tm_Tor how it was, hmm07:42
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:42
rethusok. cause i've used a pre-release (i've upgrade kde to kde4.5 )07:43
rethusthis the errorlog for upgrading (apt.log)07:46
rethusmay i do a downgrade of kde before?07:46
Tm_Trethus: shouldn't be required, see the links ubottu gave above07:47
rethusi've done such way, and send you the output of sudo do-release-upgrade07:50
Tm_Thmmm, then I don't know07:53
Tm_Trethus: you might like to see if forums have answers07:53
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Guest13052Hi, I've got a question about 4.6rc1 - is this the right place to ask it?08:17
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pingupinguany one installed kde 4.6 RC1?09:37
pingupinguon 10.1009:37
pingupingunom nom nom09:38
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pingupingu4.6RC1 10.10 kubuntuer's beware of bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/69405309:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 694053 in Kubuntu PPA "Packaging (dependency) problems with 4.6.0 RC1 on AMD64 in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta" [Undecided,New]09:51
pingupinguso hold off until packages are fixed09:51
jlaamanentoo late :)09:54
jlaamanenalready b0rked mine09:54
pingupingudamn i borked mine too :( and no kde desktop sux bad09:55
pingupinguwell atleast the bug report is seeing some activity on launchpad09:55
pingupingui am almost hitting F5 every few seconds to see if its resolved09:56
ggeorgyi try to copy video on my phone and not work09:57
freinhardcan someone give me one advantage of pulseaudio to regular users, that one expieriences in everyday usage?09:57
well_laid_lawnfreinhard: it is for ppl with multiple sound devices09:58
pingupingufreinhard, if it works, just use it, else install alsa09:58
freinhardpingupingu: that's why i was asking: because it didn't work with linphone and ekiga, removed in the end09:59
pingupingu:) quite happy with alsa09:59
freinhardsame same09:59
freinhardwell_laid_lawn: the thing is, i got multiple audio interfaces and alsa wokrs10:01
freinhardwell_laid_lawn: onboard sound for music etc and a usb-headset for telephony10:02
well_laid_lawncool :) I see no use in pulse myself10:02
ubuntuits nice to use ubuntu10:02
ubuntuso cool with kde :)10:02
pingupinguwell its usually, mucking around with pulse and if i cant get it to work in same amount of time, tis time to install alsa10:03
ubuntuhow i can get wine in kubuntu guys ?10:04
freinhardubuntu: install it?10:04
pingupinguapt-get install wine10:04
freinhardi struggled 2hours with different SIP phones which just didn't want to use any microphone10:04
ubuntuthanks i`ll try it now10:04
freinhardbesides skype did manage to use the builtin mic through pulse10:05
freinhardso i guess all the hassle is because of non proper support of pulse within the applications?10:05
freinhardand: kmix is pretty useless with pulseaudio10:06
pingupingufreinhard, 4.6 should be good with pulse for kmix10:08
jlaamanenah, got 4.6 RC1 to work10:12
pingupinguahem how?10:12
jlaamanenfirst I removed libpolkit-qt-1-010:13
pingupinguto bad i need i686 packages10:13
jlaamanenyou can find those as well10:14
freinhardrc1 is already in a ppa?10:14
pingupinguyeah freinhard10:14
jlaamanenafter that, just install kubuntu-desktop and you should be fine10:16
pingupingujlaamanen, is there a -dev version to that ?10:17
jlaamanenpingupingu: notice that these are natty's packages10:19
jlaamanenpingupingu: I think there should be -dev version as well10:19
jlaamanenblah, ssh-agent still not working properly10:20
pingupingukool, but any ideas on how i can reinstall all the stuff that was uninstalled before borking kde 4.6 rc1?10:21
pingupingualso jlaamanen if you have launchpad account please post workaround for the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/69405310:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 694053 in Kubuntu PPA "Packaging (dependency) problems with 4.6.0 RC1 on AMD64 in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta" [Undecided,New]10:22
pingupingualso needed to get the libgpg-error package10:33
pingupinguwow finally managed to install all the content that was uninstalled10:37
jlaamanenanyone has idea, why ssh-agent isn't started automatically?10:46
pilulapHi all. I just installed a kubuntu on my computer but grphic effects are very slow, I suppose the graphic drivers to be missing. How should I install them ?11:06
rorkpilulap: you can install them trough "Hardware drivers" which you can find in kickoff (probably under System)11:07
rorkpilulap: if you're using 10.10 and have an old nvidia graphics card graphics might break though.11:09
pilulaprork: I have 10.10 but an ATI card.11:10
pilulapRadeon HD 545011:11
pilulapI'm looking in system settings but I don't find anything thay may match my needs ...11:11
rorkpilulap: it's not under System Settings, it's a separate program, you can also type the name in the kickoff searchbar.11:13
pilulaprork: Well There nothing like that in the kickoff menu ...11:14
pilulaprork: Ok never mind I found it :)11:15
rorkpilulap: nice, can you share where you found it?11:16
pilulapI used the search tool in kickoff with 'driver' keyword11:16
rethuswhich kde version is default for maverick?11:16
pilulaprork: But it is in kickoff->application->system->additional driver11:18
pilulaprork: Or something like that (I'm translating from french)11:18
rorkpilulap: true, they renamed it11:19
rethuswhich kde version is default for maverick?11:20
rethuscan someone try kde4-config --version and post here ?11:22
ohmyi'm using kubuntu 10.10 and happy with it12:21
ohmyone problem i have is full screen opengl applications, when i run glxgeers -fullscreen i can see kde bar12:21
ohmyits not really true fullscreen, anyone have the same issue ?12:22
hellojoneshi Ich habe gerade etwas kompiliert innerhalb von /usr/src/xbmc jetzt nimmt das natürlich alles viel platz weg. ist es möglich alle anderen dateien außer der makefile zu löschen und danach trotzdem noch make uninstall laufen zu lassen?12:43
rork!de | hellojones12:51
ubottuhellojones: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:51
hellojoneshi, I just compiled a program within /usr/src/xbmc which takes a lot of disk space. Is it possible to delete all files inside this folder except the makefile and still do a sudo make uninstall, if necessary?12:52
ztiquetqeIve got infinite kdm login loop13:00
ztiquetqeany help ?13:00
freinhardhellojones: use /usr/local/whatever as prefix, then you can just delete that single folder13:03
freinhardhellojones: should work™, no guarantee ;)13:04
freinharddid anyone install 4.6 from beta backports on maverick?13:04
hellojonesfreinhard I would like to keep the installed binary but just delete the sources13:05
freinhardhellojones: sure, but, as you wrote, you'd still like to be able to do a make uninstall. if you did, as i wrote, you'd replace the make uninstall by rm /usr/local/xbmc/13:17
hellojonesI  see13:17
bastianhi ive one question ive installed a netbook version of kubuntu 10.04 then ive upgradet it to 10.10 and now i cant change from netbook to desktop... can anyone help me pleace13:20
speedvinbastian: is plasma-destkop installed?13:21
bastianso how can i install plasma desktop?13:21
speedvinbastian: then install it ;)13:21
bastianhow can i install itß13:24
speedvinbastian: open konsole and write sudo apt-get install plasma-desktop ;)13:25
bastianthanks a lot :)13:26
speedvinbastian: no problem ;)13:28
speedvinbastian: it's working now?13:28
bastianits in progress to install13:29
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shane4ubuntuok, the other day I was using bluetooth fine, now it won't even pick up my adapter???14:37
shane4ubuntuany thoughts?  Ideas?14:38
shane4ubuntuugg, nevermind, got it14:42
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pilulapHi all. I tried to install google earth on my new kubuntu and I finally succeed. Unfortunately now, I'm not able to start it I have the message "exec: 19: ./googleearth-bin: not found15:25
pilulapin the terminal15:25
pilulapBut it is in /opt/google-earth/googleearth-bin15:26
speedvinthen try exec /opt/google-eartg/googleearth-bin15:26
pilulapspeedvin: I tried but it said bash: /opt/google-earth/googleearth-bin: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type15:28
pilulapIt mean No such file or directory :)15:28
speedvinpilulap: then your directory is wrong ;)15:29
pilulapspeedvin: It is not and I have execution rights ... (tested with ls -l)15:30
iconmefistopilulap: how did you install it? was it a deb file?15:42
pilulapiconmefisto: no I didn't find the deb package so I used the installer from google website15:42
pilulapBut could someone explain me this : http://pastebin.com/tPsUb0RS15:42
iconmefistopilulap: http://www.google.com/earth/download/ge/agree.html there's a deb package there15:43
pilulapThi binary is present and have execution permission, bash can complete the command BUT there is this silly message :(15:43
pilulapiconmefisto: ok I'll use it thanks.15:43
pilulapBut that didn't explain that aberation !!15:43
iconmefistopilulap: did you try starting it with googleearth instead of googleearth-bin ?15:46
pilulapiconmefisto: Yes but googleearth is just a bash script that export some env vars and then cd in the correct dir and then execute ./googleearth-bin15:49
pilulapBut the result is the same15:49
iconmefistopilulap: there's also a google software repo for debian/ubuntu http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/apt.html15:52
pilulapiconmefisto: yes but now I'm more interested in why it didn't work than in making it working with a correct package :)15:53
pilulapiconmefisto: Ok I'll use the deb package and discuss the problem in linuxhelp Thanks.15:55
ohmyi'm still facing a problem after hours of google search without any solution, when i run any OpenGL based application it wont run in a true full screen mode, in fact even with glxgears -fullscreen i'm still able to see kde bar16:31
dasKreechshane4ubuntu: sorted out?16:32
ohmyanyone have an idea how to fix this ? (kubuntu 10.10)16:32
shane4ubuntudasKreech: yep, it wasn't plugged in all the way. :-X16:33
ohmyplease if any have an idea :(16:33
dasKreechshane4ubuntu: lol :)16:33
dasKreechohmy: Try #kwin ?16:33
ohmydasKreech: ty16:33
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ohmynot responding, hopefully i'm not the only guy who had this problem :!(16:46
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ohmyHere what look a full screen opengl application :( http://img638.imageshack.us/i/captureowy.png/16:54
Angelhey dudes i like Kubuntu its fuckin awesome17:00
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Angelusdo u guys like it too?17:00
dasKreechohmy: do you have your panel set to stay over windows?17:02
dasKreechAngelus: Yep prtty much17:02
BloodyRain2kanyone wanna help me with my wlan problem? I recently installed kubuntu 10.10 because I wrecked my 10.04 because of the same problem: not being able to connect to detected wireless networks. After installing it it worked once and stopped working after that. I already tried Wicd but that didn't work either, only says always bad password.17:03
BluesKaj!language | Angelus17:04
ubottuAngelus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:04
Angeluscool lets be friends!17:04
ohmydasKreech: i didnt set it to be, let me check plz17:04
BluesKajhehe, merry christmas17:04
Peace--BloodyRain2k: in the most of cases you got a wrong bad driver...17:04
Angelusho ho ho merry christmass!17:05
Peace--BluesKaj: heya man merry christmas too you17:05
Angelusim spending it with my best friend Kubuntu17:05
BluesKajMerry Christmas Peace-- !17:05
ohmydasKreech: how to check this ?17:05
dasKreechohmy: click the button at the end of the panel then click more settings17:06
BluesKajsunny and a bit cool here , but google earth isn't co-operating with the new kde 4.5 I'm afraid17:06
BluesKajmaybe I should download an older version17:07
Peace--BloodyRain2k: so... you wann be helped or what?17:08
BloodyRain2ksorry, was afk for a sec *reads up*17:10
ohmydasKreech: Options are 1- Always visible, 2 windows can go 3 windows are placed below17:10
Peace--BloodyRain2k: iwconfig please17:11
Peace--!paste | BloodyRain2k17:11
ubottuBloodyRain2k: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:11
BloodyRain2kstill the same like here http://paste.ubuntu.com/544928/ just that its now wlan1 2 & 017:13
Peace--BloodyRain2k: usb or internal device?17:14
BloodyRain2kwlan1 is my internal, one is pcmcia and one is usb17:14
Peace--BloodyRain2k: you wanna se the internal?17:15
BloodyRain2kthat would be best since the other 2 are just for airodump17:15
Peace--ok give me the lspci  | grep -i network17:15
Peace--BloodyRain2k: are you here?17:17
Peace--i have so much time...17:17
BloodyRain2kyeah sec >_<''17:17
dasKreechohmy: Right do you have Windows can cover clicked?17:18
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darthanubiskde updates for Christmas!!!17:26
BloodyRain2kPeace--: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547292/17:29
Peace--BloodyRain2k: ok the sick atheros17:33
BloodyRain2kand I thought linux likes Atheros oô17:33
Peace--BloodyRain2k: now17:34
Peace--are you sure atheros is wlan0 ?17:34
Peace--if yes17:34
Peace--sudo iwlist wlan0 scan17:34
BloodyRain2kinternal and pcmcia are atheros i think, usb is some rtlk86 thing17:35
Peace--you must understand which is ... wlan0 wlan1 or wlan2 or or or17:35
Peace--and use tha tcommand line17:36
BloodyRain2kwith what can i look up the mac of a wlan?17:37
BloodyRain2kcause I know my internals mac address, partly17:37
sithlord48BloodyRain2k:  In a konsle use lshw , look for ur wifi card17:38
Peace--BloodyRain2k: rfkill list17:40
Peace--BloodyRain2k: i have not all the day man...17:41
Peace--try to go faster...17:41
BloodyRain2ksorry the lshw list was long, yeah wlan1 is the internal and iwlist scan gave me a many aps in range, rfkill list shows all listed as blocked no / no, soft and hard17:42
Peace--BloodyRain2k: lsmod | grep ath17:43
BloodyRainPeace--: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547302/17:45
Peace--BloodyRain: you have ath5k driver for your atheros 500117:46
Peace--so that driver could be the problem17:46
Peace--i have an 500617:46
Peace--and i have used madwifi when the driver ath5k didn't work well on my device17:46
Peace--so ..17:47
Peace--you could blacklist the driver ath5k17:47
Peace--compile madwifi17:47
Peace--load the driver ath_pci17:47
Peace--and try that ...17:47
Peace--if it don't work ...17:47
Peace--remove from the blacklist ath5k and put instead ath_pci17:47
Peace--wanna try that?17:48
BloodyRainok, i know mostly how to compile stuff in linux, but not how to blacklist drifers and load them17:48
Peace--BloodyRain: this was my stuff ... http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/06/kubuntu-904-atheros-communications-inc-ar242x-80211abg-wireless-pci-express-adapter-rev-01/17:48
Peace--BloodyRain: forget the first solution17:48
Peace--BloodyRain: i mean the reset of voltage17:48
Peace--BloodyRain: and read how to compile the driver and load it17:49
Peace--BloodyRain: if you don't know about loading driver blacklist17:49
Peace--you could read this article17:49
Peace--it's pretty easy17:49
Peace--BloodyRain: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/kubuntu-904-driver/17:49
Peace--now i have to go17:49
Peace--bye bye17:49
BloodyRainok thanks, gonna try that17:49
Peace--BloodyRain: ps that is my blog17:50
Peace--if you got problem you could post some commet even if in these day i will be eating like a pig...17:50
iconmefistoohmy: I just saw your screenshot. do you have ati graphics card?17:56
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jmarcosolá a todos19:12
jmarcosalguém  poderia me ajudar com o Choqok?19:12
jmarcosou aconselhar outro programas pra usar o twitter?19:13
karim_hello every one19:18
karim_how to join french room19:19
karim_salut tout le monde19:20
JeroenDeDauwMy "alt+f2 thing" crashed. How can I start it again? (I don't know what it's called)19:33
speedvinJeroenDeDauw: krunner19:39
JeroenDeDauwspeedvin: Thanks :)19:40
JeroenDeDauwNow I can haz recursiveness o_O19:40
speedvinJeroenDeDauw: no problem19:40
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topbayderhi, does anyone know how to get a driver to show up in the additional drivers menu?20:21
topbayderi am having trouble with my broadcom 4313 and have the sta driver for the card form synaptic but it doesn't show up in the additional drivers list.. :/20:22
whilosomething happened today and would like to know what it is20:35
whilomy system got a lot snappier it is a difference like getting a new machine20:36
whilothe ui feels a lot more snappier, i can actually build with make -j2, watch a hd movie, rsync my backup and even still browse the web with only minor hangs (which is due to my disk being slow and virtuoso still being buggy)20:36
whiloi have seen that there was a kernel update on 22 for 10.10's 2.6.35-42 and today i installed the new 4.6rc, it really makes me happy, what has changed?20:37
whilohave you actually pulled the mentioned vt grouping patches to the kernel? or was there some fixing in kde for bugs related to blocked hard disk access (which compared to my system is quite slow)20:38
Swizeccan anyone help with kubuntu boot problems21:34
SwizecI just ran an upgrade and now I can't get into the graphical interface :/21:35
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surunverihi can someone help me with getting ktorrent or similiar work21:49
surunverithere's some package problems or such21:49
BajK_oh maaan why is this kubuntu installer partition manager sooo slow22:31
valoriewell, it is switching around bits on your hard drive22:32
valoriegive the nanobots time!22:32
BajK_it did not do anything by now22:32
BajK_and now it crashed again22:32
BajK_man I just want to create a /boot, a swap, a / and a /home partition22:33
BajK_applying changes goes in an blink but having to set all the partitioons is a mess22:34
BajK_okay, the crash was not the installers fault22:34
BajK_the usb stick is broken now.22:34
BajK_it says "the partition xyz defined for /boot has an offset of 2048 to the position which may leed to poor performance"22:35
BajK_same goes for / and /home22:36
valoriedo you have an SSD?22:36
BajK_valorie: nope22:37
valoriesorry, I'm off to wrap22:38
BajK_stupid thing -.- but well what should I expect from an INSTALLATION program which is the first experience a user gets which isnt even translated completetly22:38
macoonly a small number of translations can fit onto the cd :-/22:38
BajK_that doesn't excuse that some parts are translated and some are not22:39
macodid you switch usb sticks? or are you still trying to use the broken one?22:39
BajK_especially complicated error messages are not.22:39
BajK_maco: I switched22:39
macoprobably didnt have a person who knew how to translate it then22:39
BajK_the broken one isnt even recognized anymore22:39
BajK_i cannot just set the mount point because the installer than says "there is an offset of 2048 which may leed to poor performacne" and whenever deleting and re-creating the / partition it crashes22:40
macothe 2048 thing would be about the numbers you put into the "partition start" and "partition end" spots in the edit partition thing i think22:40
whiloBajK_: are you sure your drive is o.k.? where did the first crash actually came from?22:40
BajK_hm, I don't want to claim warranty since this notebook is brandnew22:41
BajK_seems the installer has a different opinion on file system sizes than the partition manager of kde has22:41
BajK_in the partition manager the partition .. CRASH AGAIN22:42
BajK_was 100 MB, here it 10422:42
BajK_yeah and the most important tool which is the partition manager isnt even on the kubuntu live cd -.-22:42
rysiek|plheeeere's rysiek!22:44
rysiek|plyofel: you here?22:44
BajK_and why the hell doesnt this installer offer you to connect to WiFi int he first place? it claims you have not connected but it does not offer you to choose one or enter a password22:44
whiloBajK_: what version of the installer do you use?22:44
yofelrysiek|pl: yes22:44
BajK_whilo: the one shipped with Kubuntu 10.1022:44
rysiek|plyofel: care to debug the bugger a bit more, or should I just leave you be, because you're fed up with this shite? ;)22:45
whiloBajK_: i have installed with it on several machines (both with and without windows on side of it) and had no problem so far, so there must be something really wrong22:45
yofelrysiek|pl: what's wrong now? The beta ppa was updated so you should get a different breakage now ^^22:45
BajK_and man, you can resize EVERY window in KDE, if it makes sense or it just fills up with empty space doesnt matter. but you cannot resize the partition list. MAN22:45
BajK_whilo: i also never encountered problems with it22:45
BajK_beside the fact it is slow as hell22:46
BajK_I would use the alternate install if it worked..22:46
rysiek|plyofel: noticed ;)22:46
BajK_it cannot set a partition bootable.22:46
rysiek|plyofel: well, the KPackageKit gui tries (still) to remove 33 packages (including kubuntu-desktop, digikam, amarok, kdeworkspace)22:46
whiloBajK_: the installer one?22:46
BajK_whilo: ?22:46
yofelrysiek|pl: k, it shouldn't remove kubuntu-desktop22:46
whilopartition manager or kpartitionmanager?22:46
rysiek|plyofel: and aptitude dist-update still gives me a few screenfulls of errors22:47
BajK_whilo: haha, if you had followed the conversation, you would hav enoticed, that the installer one sucks. ;)22:47
BajK_whilo: kpackagekit does not find any packages22:47
BajK_concerning partition22:47
yofelhm... as I said, try a few different aptitude dependency resolutions, maybe one of them will hint to what's conflicting22:47
rysiek|plyofel: right, will test22:47
rysiek|plyofel: I just did aptitude upgrade (few plasmoids broke, prolly because some scriptengines didn't get upgraded)22:48
rysiek|plyofel: will be fighting with resolutions then22:48
BajK_.o0 ( I still know the reason why all people wanting a computer of mine request on me installing windows again… )22:48
BajK_man, Kubuntu is so great once it is configured (except for its slowness compared to other KDE distributions like chakra) but configuring/installing it is a mess22:49
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BajK_oookay, gotta press "install now"22:50
yofelBajK_: kpackagekit gives me partitionmanager if I search for partition, the installer recommends a wired connection because nobody had time to implement a wireless interface but I agree that it's slow (I blame python)22:50
BajK_I looked for partition but the list was empty22:50
BajK_ah okay, installation runnng22:50
BajK_yofel: then it should say that. I connected to Wifi and then it sayd "[tick] Connected to internet" but well... many people have wifi only so - if the wifi adapter is recognized - it should offer to connect via that22:51
BajK_hm.. I love Kubuntu and KDE but Ubuntu's installer and log in screen is so much more elegant22:51
BajK_hm, I hope in some Kubuntu version, 14.10 or so, there will be a Kubuntu KDM theme, a Kubuntu KDE Splash screen and a Kubuntu Grub Theme (all things that are available on kde-look.org by now already and I love them)22:52
BajK_no good working installer, BUT an installer that recognizes the platform it is running on..it offers me "bajk-aspire-3820" as computer name.. great.22:53
BajK_at least I got Kubuntu's plymouth theme to accept the --ask-question parameter since it was not implemented out of box.22:53
yofelwhat does that do?22:54
BajK_yofel: but it seems installing just fine and is fetching language files and stuff from wifi :)22:55
BajK_yofel: you mean that plymouth stuff?22:55
BajK_well, the plymouth screen is capable of performing different actions which you can trigger with own scripts. So it can display miscellaneous texts, like "Doing this and that..." or ask for a password, which it does when your drive is encrypted22:56
BajK_there is also a ask question routine which is to trigger the same thing as the password thing but display the input in plain-text, not with dots22:56
rysiek|plyofel: everything I do in aptitude ends in libkdeui5 not satisfied. if I try to upgrade *that*, I get 189 removals22:56
BajK_and this routine was not implemented at all in the kubuntu screen22:56
BajK_since I need it for a project, I implemented it22:56
BajK_(but I have no idea where to "propose" this for being added to a kubuntu release)22:56
BajK_but although often it makes me angry, NO BUG in Kubuntu/KDE will EVER bring me back to windows22:58
BajK_it is just too good and comfortable once configured to my needs :)22:58
speedvinDoes someone got working gimp 2.6.11 in natty?22:58
yofelspeedvin: do you have all updates installed? there were gtk issues23:00
speedvinyofel: yes...23:00
BajK_is it just me or does kde 4.6 have a new default wallpaper and splash screen?23:01
yofelworks for me, but ask in #ubuntu+123:01
speedvinBajK_: for every one ;)23:01
yofelBajK_: it does23:01
BajK_hm oh man, instead of trying to fix long annoying bugs, they like to re-work the artwork all over again^^ seems the author likes half-life. the new one totally reminds me of it23:02
BajK_still, I don't like KDE's default appearance^^23:02
yofelme neither, but unlike gnome I don't need to patch the source to make it look like I want23:03
BajK_sooo, restarting :)23:03
BajK_yofel: that's correct23:03
amusapikis 9.  better or is 10.04?23:03
yofel10.04 is LTS, so I would recommend that over 9, support for 9 will end in april too23:04
BajK_so, the first thin I do when I freshly install Kubuntu (which happens rarely since I always preserve my home dir) is changing the mouse pointer theme, change the kdm theme, change from air to ambiance, put the window buttons to the left, and that's it :)23:04
amusapiki just installed 9. something and its asking me if i wanty to upgrade 10.0423:04
BajK_and this k get new stuff just rocks23:04
BajK_okay, gotta fix the background lighting things23:04
BajK_ah well and adding a lot of shortcuts and gestures23:05
amusapikalso i have ubuntu on my other cpu also when i upgrade amarok doesnt seem to work and ideas?23:05
BajK_hm, although I didn't like them at first, now I get used to using acvitites. Now having "Work" with the company's logo in the background, "home", and such23:06
amusapikyofel u there?23:06
yofelrysiek|pl: hm, libkdeui5 is part of kdelibs, so a lot depends on that, since you have a lot installed it might be that not everything was rebuilt for 4.6 that depends on kdelibs23:06
yofelamusapik: erm, obviously yes23:06
amusapikso 10.04 is a good stable version?23:06
yofelamusapik: it's supposed to be, but I can't guarantee it for every piece of hardware out there23:07
amusapikso eighter way ill need to upgrade by april u say?23:07
yofelamusapik: yes23:07
amusapikkk ty23:07
amusapikwhat u running?23:07
yofel11.04, you shouldn't use that unless you can handle broken systems though23:08
yofelrysiek|pl: what happens if you run 'aptitude install kubuntu-desktop kdelibs5' ?23:10
BajK_kubuntu's splash looks sooo great and sharp and brilliant compared to windows'^^23:13
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
BajK_How do I specify in which wallet a program has to store its passwords?23:26
BajK_I want the WLAN password be saved unprotected so it instantly connects upon login23:27
BajK_so I created a password-less WLAN wallet and the default one23:27
BajK_but network manager always saves to the default one23:27
rysiek|plyofel: nothing happens, already installed - but in older versions23:28
BajK_hm, my notebook has an builtin bluetooth adapter but kde says "no bluetooth adapters found. please connect one"23:44
tc1100hello, I'm fairly new to linux and I'm trying to access my shared folders from my windows 7 computer with samba23:46
tc1100I have no idea why it keeps asking for a password and username when I go to the folder in dolphin23:46
tc1100also users I made on the windows computer dont work23:47
tc1100perhaps someone could tell me exactly what I would need for my smb.conf?23:47
surunverihi can someone help me with getting ktorrent or similiar work23:48
surunverithere's some package problems or such23:48
ubottuKubuntu Maverick Meerkat (10.10) torrents can be obtained at (CD) http://ie.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/maverick/ or (DVD) http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/10.10/releases/23:49
tc1100I know I'm probably no help but have you opened the ports  on your router for ktorrent23:50

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